20 January 2012
Mega Echelon Option
At 02:12 PM 1/20/2012 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 01:52:01AM +1300, Peter Gutmann
>> Kim Schmitz ([Kim Dotcom] or whatever he's calling himself this
week) is a survivor.
>> He'll be back, even if Megaupload isn't.
>If the charges stick he'll be out of circulation for a while.
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 09:21:11 -0500
To: Eugen Leitl <eugen[at]leitl.org>, Peter Gutmann
<pgut001[at]cs.auckland.ac.nz>, cypherpunks[at]al-qaeda.net
From: John Young <jya[at]pipeline.com>
Subject: Re: Megaupload.com seized
Harking back to the Echelon era, it is worth noting that those five countries
- US, UK, AU, CA, NZ - are in the forefront of mega-managing the security
of the Internet, no doubt refining and expanding the technological tools
and sneaky extra-legal practices to work their combined will on global
Gaining access to MegaUpload's emails, business records and financial affairs
likely required several multi-jurisdictional actions not only by the Echelon
partners but also by allies such as those in NATO.
As often discussed here, the use of military capabilities developed for national
security for civilian criminal affairs matters is amply indicated in the
MegaUpload indictment.
Indicting MegUpload in the US, in particular in the Eastern District of Virginia,
the pre-eminent national security court, also indicates a bias toward national
security undergirding arguments for economic security threat. That too was
often debated here in the crypto wars of the 1990s.
Recent defense funding authorization of holding alleged terrorists indefinitely,
keeping Gitmo alive, SOPA, PIPA, MegaUpload, Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks,
huge funding increases for openly hiring hackers and paying those undecover
to rat on cohorts, also reminds of the extra-legalities and betrayals of
the early public crypto era.
From those crypto lessons -- aspirations to use technology to beat government,
then gradual co-optation by legal threats, bribes, scholarships, contracts,
stigma, isolation, betrayals, call that the After Echelon Option -- it should
be expected that the same means and methods will be used in cyber wars, offense
and defense mutually aggrandizing one another.
Backdoors and trojans in widely trusted comsec, crypto and browsing tools;
deep packet sniffing and co-optation of sysadmins; false flag attacks, virii,
bots and Stuxnets to boost protection funding; super-enhanced capture of
EM emanations from every electronic and digital means; unfettered black bag
jobs and KVM loggers; enlisting thousands of covert cyber agents as "freedom
fighters;" recruitment of educational institutions as cover for spying; promotion
of books, articles, news reports and lectures for indoctrination about external
threats to divert attention from the internal; these and more are the legacy
of Echelon and its new, social media counterparts adeptly mega-managed through
legal, extra-legal, illegal and secret access to private data of citizenry
worldwide. Once the Echelon enemy was a few other nations, then global
terrorists, now it is everyone who questions authoritatives.
Note that there have been a slew of seeming public interest comsec initiatives
-- websites, mail lists, bloggers, conferences, research, public relations,
anonymouses, just about any that have gotten unusual attention -- in recent
years to address cyber threats combined with threats to privacy, veritably
in lock step with cyber war open and secret funding. Observing the particpants
in these activities there are quite a few recognizable warriors from the
crypto-comsec-privacy wars.
Fine minds and good hearts still proposing technological solutions to the
issues, warning of legal if not military opposition, oiled with a bit of
venal self-advancement in the Jason Granier and "Mudge" mode. Op-eding and
ginning up more technical-legalistic fixes to comsec and privacy, reminding
of past errors and promises gone awry, sniping at one another, admitting
NDA withholdings, apologizing for aiding government and commerce, shading
arguments as exquisitely as highest-paid lobbyists and academics, parading
an impressive list of coms, edus and orgs after the nyms.
Optimistically, using the wind down of the Cold War as a precedent, when
crypto wizards came of out of classified realms due to decline of nat sec
jobs, the wind down of GWOT could lead to comsec wizards coming out of similarly
classified realms to aid civilians against those comsec wizards remaining
in the world of secrecy worldwide.
It would be a swell outcome of classified research to heed its inherent dual
use once again on the dual use Internet: between those who want to control
it with an iron hand of government and commerce and those who want to free
it from that hand. That will depend upon who gets paid to betray the public
and those who defend the public.
It is not easy to tell who is who since both copy one another's language,
behavior and promises -- most of the charges against MegaUpload, and allegations
against Anonymous, could be applied to official spies and globalist "justice"
cartels both backed by big-iron-fisted militaries. Call that duality the
Mega Echelon Option.