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6 February 2013

CIA Now Accepts Email FOIA Requests

From: "Tom" <woodeewood[at]>
To: intelforum[at]
Subject: CIA enters 21st Century on FOIA submissions

Apparently starting last Friday, Feb. 1, 2013, the CIA has begun accepting Freedom of Information Act requests via email.

Accessing the CIA's form for FOIA requests takes a bit of patience. The forms are located way inside the CIA website (, inside the Library, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, and then third entry down (marked by dots) under the title

"What is electronic reading room?"

There is then a link to take you to the procedure format: FOIA requests can now be made online

The designer of this wounderous new procedure has also included one of those marvey captcha things - a puzzle that might drive you a bit nuts since it is verbal rather than a group of fancified letters you are supposed to view and type . . .

Good luck - but just think that this might actually save some time.... The big snafu that remains is that the CIA will only respond to FOIA requests using snailmail... Maybe they have an obligation to help the postal service stay in business.

Tom McNiff

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