11 June 2013
Wargaming Disclosures
The ease with which digital material can be disclosed corresponds to the
greater ease of tracing its creation, duplication, anonymization, sanitation,
transmittal, receipt, use and distribution -- indefintely.
This has been an ancient tradition of analogue material -- smoke, drums,
odor, accent, skin color, language, movement, semaphore, voice, paper, radio
-- updated for the digital era which is claimed to be promiscuously
superior, most of the time but not always, to ancient practices of alternating
truth and deceit.
Today, for example, highly classified digital material is covertly tagged
for this purpose, and tests are run to determine validity of protective measures.
Counterintelligence programs insert tagged material -- genuine and spurious
-- continually to test effectiveness of identifying source, transmittal route,
receipt, use and distribution.
Use of witting and unwitting players in this disclosure wargame is mandatory
to provide reliable provenance and credibility to tagged disclosures.
Deployment of easy to difficult clues to taggants -- active, passive,
switchable -- lures security experts into believing the system has been witted
or outwitted, verifications and decoys have been spotted, recognized or
neutralized: AV and comsec wizards maximize monetizing this conceit, then
reputation established, are hired to cloak these orchestrated discoveries
with reliable provenance and credibility.
This assures every means of digital disclosure can be quietly tracked from
start to finish, through observation, recording and analysis of sysadmins
(ever susceptible to panoptic-empowering compromise), vainglorious coders,
end to end encrytion, anonymizers, drop boxes, air-gaps, camouflage, insiders
and outsiders, rogues and heros, informants and academics, in short, every
known and most -- only most, never perfect, assure funding -- unknown forms
of cloaking and simulating disclosures.
A favorite technique is observe behavior and communications of those who
claim to be impervious to these systems, by privilege, by skill, by technical
wizardy, by being an insider player of the wargame. The louder the bragging
of counterspying the more likely used for ensnaring the gullible. Rife, complicit
disclosure means -- via disreputable leaking and reputable media dressing
-- are others.
That said, what can be done?
Join the wargame, expect betrayal by the wargames makers, expect duplicity
and no mercy, consider safety of alliances, friendly, sucking-up co-optation
of insiders, everyday cheating and lying, fratricide, suicide tracking, forgery,
blowback, corrupting and overloading and swarming the system, copying
and countering counterintelligence initiatives, doubling and reversing and
cracking and mirroring the panopticon, give no mercy except as ruse.
Deploy the triple, innumerable, cross -- ever deeping violation of the rules
of war and wargames -- far beyond double cross, of rigged triumph, hegemony
and supremacy of one's kind of oneness. Avoid crowds and armies and faiths
and most of all secret keepers -- digital and human
-- protests, collectives, interest groups, freedom
fighters/terrorists, disclosure sites and advocates, promissaries of safety.
security, comsec, privacy, national security.
Do not flaunt and advertise your game, beware those recruiting for theirs
-- and they are nearly inescapable online, especially on SM and the anti's
of popularity and celebrity. Remain olfactorily, invisibly, inaudiably,
unbehaviorly transparent, avoid traps of "transparency" and "openness." Never
reveal yourself to wargames players, leech and lurk, do not fall for
encouragement by leaders to vaingloriously destroy yourself for their game
For the moment, presume mass communications is a trap as with mass entertainment
and politics. Later, armored with worldly contempt and paranoia, bereft of
intercourse, consumed by self-disgust, presume the highest level of protection
of secretkeeping, social withdrawal and isolation leads to prefect conquest
of certainty: godlike, abyssmally ignorant psychopathic urge to slaughter
imagined enemies in your narcissitic image.