20 May 2003. D. writes:
This document mentions a "TOP SECRET COMMUNICATIONS COMPLEX, AT 120 CHAPEL ROAD, BRUNSWICK, GA. 31525"The Brunswick area is indeed where the feds go to get cozy with military communications capabilities.
There is a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center called "FLETC GLYNCO" at 120 Chapel Crossing Road, Glynco, GA 31524. The 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron is housed nearby in 51,000 square feet of buildings on a 15 acre section of Glynco Jetport Airport (1693 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525-6806).
The 224th pulled its web site shortly after 11-9-2001.
Archive.org still carries some pieces of http://224jcss.ang.af.mil/
224 JCSS: (912) 261-5610 (800) 743-9231 (DSN) 358-5610
16 May 2002
Source: Electronic Case Files, US District Court, Northern District of Texas,
via PACER.
This case was dismissed and closed on March 31, 2002, "plaintiff's verified petition for restoration of civil rights is hereby dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisidiction. Insofar as plaintiff's petition for expungement of criminal records, to the extent the petition seeks expungement of federal criminal charges it is denied as moot. In all other respects, the petition is dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. (Signed by Judge Sam A. Lindsay)."
Misspelling and syntax in the original.
[13 pages.]
ORIGINAL FILED AUG 27 2001 THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 1100 COMMERCE STREET, RM 14A-20 DALLAS, TEXAS 75242 CIVIL CASE NO. 3-01CV1688-L MR. ANDREW LEE PHILLIPS, WHITECLOUD, CHEYENNE INDIAN NATION, REG. NO. 10111-021, UNIT NO. 1H-1437, FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTER, P.O. BOX 1600, BUTNER, N.C. 27509-1600, PLAINTIFF, VS. THE EXECTUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, MR. GEORGE W. BUSH, 1600 PENNA. AVE., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001, THE CENTERAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, (COUNTERINTELLIGENCE), 1600 PENNA. AVE., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20501, THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, THE OFFICE OF THE U.S. ATTORNEY, MS. MICHELE T. FUSSEYAMORE, SPECIAL ASSIGNED ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION, P.O. BOX 1000, BUTNER, N.C. 27509-1000,defense INVE ' STIGATIVE SERVICES, THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDED, THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS, CIVILIAN, MR. ROY GREEN, U.S.M.C. RETIRED, COL. RON CORBETT GLYNN COUNTY SHER IFF'S DEPARTMENT, FROM A TOP SECRET COMMUNICATIONS COMPLEX, AT 120 CHAPEL ROAD, BRUNSWICK, GA. 31525, see DIRECTOR-DEPUTY DIRECTOR, 1812 NEWCASTLE ST., BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA 31525, DEFENDANTS. DISCOVERY MOTION TO INTERCEPT ILLEGAL USE OF ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE AND PERMANENT EMERGENCY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. A. PARTIES 1. The Plaintiff, Mr. Andrew L. Phillips, Whitecloud, is a Non- U.S. Citizen, a Native American Indian, an individual entity, or Quasi-Corporation, whom currently resides in North Carolina. 2. The defendants, The United States Of America, 28 U.S.C.A. 2672, maybe served by delivering a copy of the Summons, and of the complaint to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia, and Defendants, served by sending a copy of the complaint by register- ed or Certified Mail, to the Attorney General of the United States, in Washington, D.C. and also by sending a copy of the complaint by registered or Certified Mail to the individual Officer, or Agents, of the United States of America, 120 Chapel Rd., Brunswick, Ga. 31525, The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, U.S. Treasury Dept. Base, under the Director-Deputy Director, FedRulCivProc. Rule 4 (i) (1) (2), Rule 19 (a) (b). B. JURISDICTION 3. This court maintains jurisdiction over this injunction, and Venues, under 28 U.S.C.A. 1332 (a) (1), 1346 (b) (1), 1348, and 28 U.S.C.A. 2672, as the Plaintiff is a Native American Indian of the Cheyenne IndiAn Nation, a Non-U.S. Citizen and the Defendants are citizens of different States, under criteria for the Mandamus Venue Act, with Multi-District litigation, 28 U.S.C.A. 2671, 2675(a), and 42 U.S.C.A. 1983,85,86, Americans with Dis-abilities Act 1990, Bivens Claim criteria. C. FACTS 4. The Movant states that he, at the age of thirteen, as a Non- immediate Intelligence family member, he unaware his Uncle, Mr. H.E. Ratcliffe, was employed by the Centeral Intelligence Agency, became the first Human-Test Subjects for use of the Classified Top Secret Technol- ogy in the field of Magnetic Fussion Research, (Nuclear), for the Re- search and development of the Model 84 Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Device. 5. The Movant became target at this time, for the inter-mittant illegal, un-warranted, and unlawfull electronic communications aquisition of which all Technical and scientific, Engineering aspects, is main- tained under the Classified Information Procedures Act, by legal definition, a wire, under 18 U.S.C.A. 2510 (1), and a Pen Register Device, cited under 18 U.S.C.A. 3121(a), violating all Civil Rights. 6. The Movant, in 1967, at the age of Fifteen, was granted an Radiotelephone Third Class Radio Broadcasters liscense, with Broad- caster Endorsement, from the Federal Communications Commission in Savannah, Georgia, he training at a local Radio Broadcast Station Brunswick, Ga., "The Ghost of Johnny Reb", 1490 A.M., W.M.O.G., he the first Broadcaster to make a communications using two musical composit- ions, or a Counterpoint, a lawful communication, of which the Defendants infringed upon the Movants Patent-Copyright ownership on this process, the Department of Defense developeing the un-patented Process into Mind-Control/Psychological warfare. Ga. Constitution Art.1 Sect.1 Para.l. 7. The Movant states he served with the United States Marine Corps, on active Duty from Sept. 1969-August 1973, he honorably Dis- charged, however serving two additional enlistments in the Class III Reserves, honorably discharged. 8. The Movant states that while in the Marines in 1971, he took Orders for the WestPacific, the Republic of Viet Nam, of which he ser- ved one day in Da Nang, he being transfered to the Rear Echelon and placed into G-1 Military Intelligence, as an Adjutant to the Command- ing General, First Marine Aircraft Wing, this as well an overseas Liais- on for the National Security Council, Exectutive Office of the President, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the War Department, Pentagon, he given a Final Secret Security Clearance at this time. 9. The Movant states that he was totally unaware of the use of this device, the Model 84 ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM DEVICE, in it's intermittent use at that time and he was as well unaware that his cous- in Mr. Tait Ratcliffe, whom resided in Tokyo, Japan, was as well an Agent of the Centeral Intelligence Agency, he being the influent party for the Movant being placed into Intelligence upon his arrival at the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, Japan. 10. The Movant served aboard this Air Station, with five persons from Brunswick, Georgia, one Naval enlisted man, two highschool class- mates, Mr. Howard Bowie, and Mr. Nathan Barnett, and one Marine Corps Officer, Lt. Gilbert, an Aviator, and Pilot, he as wella family assoc- iate of the Movant's Intelligence family in Brunswick, Ga., his family Treasury Department Lawyers, with the firm Gilbert, Harrel, Gilbert Sommerford, and Martin, Phillips, Smith, P.O. Box 109, Brunswick,Georgia 31521-0109. 11. The Movant states that it was these Lawyer's whom conspired with the Intelligence family of the Movant, his former spouse, Mrs. Gloria Phillips, her personal association with a friend, Mr. joel howard, F.B.I., in Dallas, Texas, Federal Defendants, and another Cousin of the Movant Charles D. Tait, Jr. M.D., a Psychiatrist, and his son, Mr. Carl Tait, National Security Agency, with local Agents, Dr. George W. Sciple, M.D., National Security Agency, and his wife Marjorie, C.I.A. Counter- Intelligence, whom carried out a contract murder for hire plot against the Movant, of which commenced in Feb. 1984, witnessed by a Treasury Department Agent married to the youngest brother of his Intelligence family, then Mrs. Harriet Ratcliffe, whom voted against the Murder con- tract, voicing her opinion to give the Movant another chance. 12. The Movant, in 1976, had been employed by Brown & Root,Inc., Nuclear Power Division he first employed as an Architectural Engineer, then Civil Engineer, on the Commanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Glenn Rose, Texas, where during the course of his employment, he was given a working set of Blueprints for the Unit 1&2, safeguard bldg. where during the course of his employment from 1976-81, he worked in virtually every discipline of Engineering, Quality Control Engineer, offered by Brown & Root, Inc. 13. The Movant, in the fall of 1983, while in the company of his then assistant, Mr. Marvin Ribron of Brunswick, Ga., in his residence, discovered the Blueprints for Safeguards Buildings 1 & 2, over which the Movant had served as an area Engineer and issued the drawings, made the comment to his assistant, jokingly implied, "I wonder if these would be, worth anything in Russia", and his communications were subject to unlawful interception and use by the Defendants at this time, whom entrapped the Movant, using his background in the Military and previous issuance of a Security Clearance in 1971, as the foundation of this conspiracy, and contract murder for hire plot contrived at this time by the Defendants, as captioned. 14. The Movants Spouse, at this time, had her background as a Data An- alyst-Programmer, and Data Entry Operator, Keypunch operator, whom was given a job with an Electrical Contractor, Ace Electric Supply, next door to the H.V.A.C.-Electrical contractor whom the Movant and his assistant Mr. Marvin Ribron were employed, owned by Mr. Emory Young of Brunswick, Ga., conspired with the Employee's at Certified Electric, and Ace Electric, to cause the Movant's untimely demise, in conspiracy with the Defendants, he as well labled a Human Test Subject, re-assign- ed to the National Security Council, without compensation, valid Sec- urity Clearance, as a Presidential Advisor, Level 1, and unlawfully subjected to 24 hour a day, seven day a week electronically intercept- ed communications, by the Defendants. 15. The Movant states that in 1965, he was the first human test subject to be equipped with the now, Magnetic Fussion Device, the Model 84 Electromagnetic Spectrum Device in its Research and Development stage, as are all Non-Counterintelligence C.I.A. Employee's, and it's widespread use in the private sector, and government, outside the Dept. of Defense, as Counterintelligence C.I.A., N.S.A., D.I.S., F.B.I. Counter- intelligence, and U.S. Treasury Dept. lawyers, do not have this device however are the users of the device in aquisition of intelligence, it then unlawfull for use in the continental boundaries of the United States, requiring a warrant, as well then the C.I.A. barred from con- ducting any internal intelligence investigations outside of their Agency, to Spy on unwarry citizens of the United States, by use of this device and classified Technologies of the Models 76, 77, 88 electromagnetic crypto- ographic systems, and criteria cited 5 U.S.C.A. 9101 (a)-(d)., 5 U.S.C.A. 7531 1-9, 5 U.S.C.A. 552a-553b, 44 U.S.C.A. 2204, 18 U.S.C.A. 2701, 2702, 2703, 32 C.F.R. Part 299, 633.11, 633.13, (7-1-00). 16. The Movant states that pursuant to criteria as cited for 18 U.S.C.A. 2510 (1-18), (1), (11), he is on an isolated frequency from all other user's and receivers of aural communications from the Defend- ants, whom hear the Defendants in their masses, and orders as dis- seminated to them, a rapid communications system used to target the Movant, by it's widespread use amongst the civilian population, of illegally recruited citizens used as a State Militia or Posse Commitat- us, to carry out their insanity through classified channels of the Defense Communications Agency. 17. The Movant states this singular channel of communications is disseminated through the encrypted channels of the Defense Communications Agency, and National Communications Interface, the lower end of the National Defense Network, Civil-Defense links through every Radio - Television Broadcast Station, domestic and Foriegn, with Cable News Network, One C.N.N. Towers, P.O. Box 103566, Atlanta, Ga., is an National Defense Courthouse Annex, it's employee's are all C.I.A., they Of- ficer's, jurors, electronic court reporters, for these courts systems, and International Intelligence Agency interface, C.N.N. International, in which the wife of the Movant, Mrs. Kyra Phillips, is employed by C.N.N. in Atlanta, Ga., she C.I.A. Non-Counterintelligence. 18. The Movant states that classified channels, (encrypted) com- munications are disseminated from Fort Leslie McNair, Washington,D.C., to Fort George Meade, Md., to Cable News Network, and every radio-tele- vison Station, whom lawfully monitor his Communications, are lawful Investigators under his authority, cited 18 U.S.C.A. 2510 (7), 5 U.S.C.A. 9,101 (a)-(d), on leave from the bench, Office of the Inspector General, and Judicial duties assiqned to Non-Counterintelligence C.I.A., under warrant, to lawfully investigate criminal activities of the Defendants, under the Movants authority. 19. The Movant states that he is a professional expert witness, as are all parties designated as investigator's, employees of the C.I.A., and as a presiding judge, see F.R.E. 605,and FedRulCivProc. Rule 17 (c). D. COUNT 1 CONSTITUTIONAL TORTS 20. These criminal acts by the Tort Feasors, the Defendants, and criteria cited 18 U.S.C.A. 371, 241, are conspiring to deny and deprive the Movant, of any civil rights protection, with all of his civil rights violated, they in gross violations of their sworn oaths of office in denial to carry out protection of the Movants Civil Rights, and the Courts failure to compel Mandamus upon these Agencies to adhere to the sworn oaths of their office, to protect the Movant by imposing criminal sanctions against the Defendants in their criminal mis-use of this technology, as well against humanity, and pirated or stolen property, see Ga. Constitution Art.1 Sect. 1, Para. 1. for their own profit and gain. E. COUNT 2 - UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES & UNFAIR COMPETITION 21. It was in February, 1984, the Defendants engaged in thePiracy and theft of the Movants property, unlawfully aquired and illegally ob- tained by the Defendants, Plaigiarizm in Civil Law by use of this classified technology, the Model 84 Electro-magnetic Spectrum Device, designed for Foriegn Intelligence Aquisition, gathering, and excuse of their wrongful accusations levied against the Movant, 5 U.S.C.A. 9101 (a)-(d), and 5 U.S.C.A. 7531 (1-9) and the Movant a crime victim, and non-government,employee, a civilian, an individual entity, or Quasi- Corporation, protected aginst theft of his property, Trade Secrets, and all unpublished, un-patentented, copyrighted, trademarks, protected under title 17, 35 of the United States Code Service, and Scientific, Engineering, artistic creativity, of which he maintained exclusive prop- erty rights to Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and right to Royaalties as cited for the Georgia Constitution, Art. 1, Sect.1,, Para.1, or any process, spawned through the concept of mental labor. COUNT 3 - PATENT & COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT 22. The Movant, is a Native Americam Indian, and a non- U.S. citizen, an individual entity, or Quasi Corporation, a civilian and non-government employee, a crime victim, 18 U.S.C.A. 1512, 1513,112,1116, and F.R.E. Rule 605, a professional expert witness, in which all awards, Scholastic achievements, Nobel Prizes, are documented, verified and wit- nessed, electronically stored and maintained on the Department of Defense Computer files. 23. The Movant complied in all respects, with the Copyright Act cited 17 U.S.C.A. 101 et. seq., and with all other laws governing Copy- rights, the Movant maintains all patents, Copyrights, Trademarks,Trade Secrets, under the 14th Amendment and Ga. Constitution Art.1, Sect. Para.1, he the sole proprieter of all rights and title, of which the Defendants still maintain custody thereof,, still in gross violation of Sherman-Clayton Act infringements, 17 U.S.C.A. 106. 24. it was after 1998,the year the Movant was granted the Patent rights to the Defense Communications Agency and all classified Patents, in association with the Model 84 Electro-magnetic Spectrum Device, and monumental improvements to the Department of Defense computer services, cryptographic systems and satellite network, in their criminal uses of this technology targeted against the Movant, and un-patented pro- cesses, utilized by the Department of Defense, accreditted to the Mov- ant, the first human test subject, and resident of the State of Georgia, and his possessiqn of a book, Encyclopedia Brittanica Science Supple- ment, 1967, containing Sciertific literature involving the light spectrum, computers used for psych-analysis, N.A.S.A. and space Psychology, Doppler Radar Einstein's theory of Realativity, E=MC2 , the Movant, under Art.1 Sect.1, Para.1. of the Ga. Constitution, the creator, and now patent holder for this classified technology, see "Andrew"' Corporation, N.A.S. D.A.Q. Stock Exchange, the Defendants control, denying the Movant any monetary benefit or gain, he still unlawfully the target of their cri- minal activities, with life and death consequence to the Movant and his immediate family. G. COUNT 4 - AMERICANS WITH DIS-ABILITIES Act 1990 25. The Movant is 100% disabled, as defined by the criteria for Americans with Dis-abilities Act criteria, and the Social Security Ad- ministration, he currently seeking 100% dis-ability pension from the Veterans Administration, for Service Connection, for these criminal acts and mis-uses of this classified Technology, leaving the Movant per- manently scarred, with an extensive medical-psychological profile, loss of all Professional Liscensing, permanent and life long injury, presently still the target of the Defendants, whom have sworn they will not cease their criminal activity, until they have completed this contract murder for hire conspiracy, or intervention by a FederalDistrict Court, which is the relief the Movant seeks in this request to this Court. 26. The engineering Techology of this Device, and long time exposure, is classified under 18 U.S.C.A. App. III, however Research Data obtained in O.E.T. Bulletin 56, Bio-Hazzards of Ionizing Electro-magnetic Radio- Frequency Radiation, is sponsored by the Office of Technology, The Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., , with prohiibited activities cited under 10 U.S.C.A. 131, 4 U.S.C.A. 1520a, 18 U.S.C.A. 2340 A-B,it is a Nuclear Device, or weapon of mass destruction, capable of causing severe Mental Anguish, pain and excruciating agony, partial or permanent impaired or dis-abling quality, and sudden death, all of which was witnessed, documented and stored, on the Department of Defense computer files, 44 U.S.C.A. 2204, 5 U.S.C.A. 9101 (a)-(d), 18 U.SC.A. Z510 (7), 5 U.S.C.A. 552a-553b, 18 U.S.C.A. 2701, 2702, 2703. by law- ful investigators acting under the Movants authority. 27. The Defendants have continually discriminated, and violated the criteria for Americans with Dis-abilities Act 1990 criteria, he denied his freedom, irrepairable bodily damage, and injury, Peonage and Slavery, the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, with this classified technology, and continued daily injury and exposure, and life and death consequence, 42 U.S.C.A. 12112. H. DAMAGES The movant has suffered the following injuries, as a direct and proximate result of the Defendants conduct: a. The Movant has been permanently denied his renewal for a commercial Pilot's Liscense. b. The Movant has been denied his Radio-Broadcaster's Liscense. c. The Movant has been permanently denied any employment, com- mesurant with his educational background and expertise,or employ- ment in the Architectural Engineering fields, as he is a high risk, based upon the Defendants criminal mis-uses of this tech- nology, he compelled to operate within the guidelines he is allow- ed, by the Defendants, to operate in, through no desire of the Movant. d. The Movant has suffered long term Psychological Duress and injury by uses of Psychological, Electronic, Bio-chemical War- fare, Mind-Control Experimentation, with this technology, and mis-diagnosis of Paranoid Schizoprenia, Delusional Dis-order, based upon his accusations against the Defendants, although the accumulative and Prima-Facia Evidence was documented under Warrant and electronically stored in the Department of Defense Computer files, and available to a Summons or Subpeona. I. COUNT 5 - REQUEST FOR PERMANENT INJUNCTION 29. The, Defendants are currently aboard the U.S. Treasury Department Base, 120 Chapel Rd., Brunswick, Georgia 31525, whom with this Technology, maintain the ability for instant, mass communications dis- emination, and broadcasts to any Model 84 equipped Electro-magnetic subject, in any geographic region, at any time to any person from any walk-of-life, to criminally slander and defame the Movants character, by their untruthful accusations against the Movant, of being a Adultterer firs the Movant under Modus Operandi of the C.I.A.-N.S.A., first sentenced to death in the high courts of the C.I.A.-N.S.A. for five counts of hetro-sexual Adultery, F.R.E. Rule 610, and Biblical verses of 28 Deut- eronomy verse 15 to end, of which the Movant was innocent, in 1984, that the Defendants upon the appointment of the Movant to this author- ity in 1998, simultaneously again under double jepordy constraints, wrongfully target the Movant again to death for being a homo-sexual, in-part done by several of the original conspirator's, still alive, and aboard this base, with instant death capability to the Movant, anain to his immediate family, with two attempts made on the nephews of the Movants, one attempt on the life of his brother, fourteen attempt to date made on the Movant, and daily terroristic death threats leveled against his siblings, whom reside in Texas, with their mother and step-father, his brother a C.I.A. Counterintelligence Agent, Co-Conspirator. 30. The Movant states that he is seeking relief immediately, by Order of this court, to cease their illegal and unlawfull surveillance on the Movant, his immediate family, with immediate removal of the Device, in use on the Movant, his immediate family, whom are professional witness- es, of which the Defendants are able to do, barring the Movant's use of electronic counter-measures to block the Device, and total suppress- ion of all illegaly obtained electronic data, since the first use of this Device, in 1965, and expunction of records. 31. The Movant asks this Court to set his application for per- manent Injunctive Relief, it is in the Public's interest based upon the now widespread use of this technology in the civilian-Private Sector, and populations of the United States, for a full trial on the issues in tnis application, and after a trial, to issue a permanent injunction, against the Defendants. J. PRAYER 32. It is for these reasons, the Movant asks that the Court remove: a. all Model 84 Electro-magnetic Spectrum Devices. b. Forever suppress any and all illegally intercepted commun- ications, and electronically stored data, (Expunction) of records. c. Enter judgement in favor of the Movant. d. Awardcourt costs, attorney fee's, and e. Grant any further relief the Court deems appropriate. Sincere11y, 8-26-01 [Signature] Date Mr. Andrew Lee Phillips, Whitecloud Pro-Se for the Movant Mr. Andrew L. Phillips, Whitecloud, Reg. No. 10111-021, Unit H1-1437, Federal Medical Center, P.O. Box 1600, Butner, N.C. 27509-1600 AFFIDAVIT I HEREBY CERTIFY, that all information contained in this Motion, is sworn, under penalty of Perjury, to be sworn, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this 26th day of August 2001, at 17:30 hrs. [Signature] Mr. Andrew Lee Phillips, Whitecloud Pro-Se for the Movant Official Title: Mr. Sir Hon.'s. Dr's. Andrew Lee Phillips, Whitecloud, Phd.-M.D. N.S.C. U.S.A. Civil, M.A.-M.S., J.A.G. U.S.N.-U.S.M.C., C.I.A-N.S.A. U.S. Supreme Court, Court of international Terrorist Removal, Presiding, Retired, Re-asg , i'gned to Non-Counterintelligence C.I.A., O.I.G., Fed- RulCivProc. Rule 17 (c), 18 U.S.C. 2510 (7).