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Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory

May 6, 2008 - الثلاثاء 02 جمادى الأولى 1429 by admin  
Filed under Previous Lectures

Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory

[Download] – Part 1 – Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory | by Imam Anwar al Awlaki
[Download] – Part 2 – Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory | by Imam Anwar al Awlaki

Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory


11 Responses to “Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory”
  1. umm shamsudeenNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualakum wa rahmatullah
    SubhannAllah, i love this talk sooooooo much, i remember when i first heard it i fell in love with it straight away and i kept telling everyone to listen to it. jzk sheikh for giving this talk and reminding jus that the victory is near. May Allah make our intention sincere and allow us to be of those who will bring the victory inshAllah.

  2. SaraNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
    SobHanAllah, this was beautiful.

    Jazak Allah Khair

  3. rashid of luton englandNo Gravatar says:

    a shining example to all teachers of ALLAH’S religion we need him hafith of ULLAH

  4. InshallahShaheed MuslimahNo Gravatar says:


    Victory comes within a moment but preparation for victory requires a plan & the best of planners is Allah.

    Allahu Akbar!

  5. Ibn MukhtarNo Gravatar says:

    Another great lecture – May Allah swt continue your quest to speak the haqq and help us benefit from the deen through you

  6. IlmseekerNo Gravatar says:

    The Recession that the US is suffering right now could be an example of how Allah subhanahu wa t’ala gives victory or paves the way of victory for the believers.

  7. ayanna alicia lynn berryNo Gravatar says:

    I love my brother Anwar because he deals with the truth Allah says we should be one ummah one ummah that’s it no division. So let us muslims stay together and love one another for the sake of Allah, and you will see more victory. Let’s strive hard together in these crucial times. Salaam alaikum.

  8. Mahdi AbdulilaahiNo Gravatar says:

    As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatulilaahi Wa Barakatu………Yah Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki insha’alaah may comments reach – your speeches are very potent and informative – a listner can visualize your words – please inform about braids as it relates to muslim males – In my community as an African American male – we worn braids and we still utilize still today – Some ahadiths that I read seem to frown on braids and others seem to support braids – can you help me please with clarification….. my Nafs seems need to be taught a lesson. Insha’Alaah………….As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatulilaahi Wa Barakatu

  9. Mahdi AbdulilaahiNo Gravatar says:

    As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatulilaahi Wa Barakatu………Yah Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki insha’alaah may my comments reach you – your speeches are very potent and informative – a listner can visualize your words – please inform me about braids as it relates to muslim males – In my community as an African American male – we worn braids and we still utilize still today – Some ahadiths that I read seem to frown on braids and others seem to support braids – can you help me please with clarification…..Ibn Abbas(RA) – Abu Hurayrah (RA) – Umar Ibn Khittab (RA) – Rasuul Allah (SAWS) Insha’Alaah………….As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatulilaahi Wa Barakatu

  10. ibnmujahid1No Gravatar says:

    ya shaikh i cry and pray to Allah (swt) to always protect you and increase you in his Deen, and revive more akhi fillah in this world ameen

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