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Importance of Dhikr : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

Importance of Dhikr

June 4, 2008 - الأربعاء 30 جمادى الأولى 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Previous Lectures

Imam Anwar al Awlaki explains the importance of Dhikr.


10 Responses to “Importance of Dhikr”
  1. Abdullah (Slave of Allah)No Gravatar says:


    May Allah azza-wa-jal Guide the brothers who setup this website.

    Thanks for Picking this video may Allah azza-wa-jal reward us all for the good that we do.


  2. Umm AnsarNo Gravatar says:

    Subhaana llah! Ma Sha Allah May Allah reward you for your unique way in presenting your lectures, for digging all their hidden wisdoms and treasures. We are waiting for your new lectures . Please give more lectures on hearts softeners.

  3. Safia AliNo Gravatar says:

    Masha Allah! it is really good indeed of you to have started a site of this nature. I hv heard all your 16 cd tapes of Hereafter n wished to hv a copy of the same n Subhan Allah! he has shown me the way to yr website thru’ my islamic sisters of the n am downloading the 8 parts of the same a/w other related topics. Jazakkallahu khairun! May Allah bless you, yr fly n yr team in this wonderful mission in this world n most importantly in the the aakhirat also!

  4. Muhammad M.Q.No Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Imam Anwar,

    JazakAllah for this great lecture. InshaAllah you will get a portion of the reward everyone gets for doing Dhikr after this.

  5. warsoNo Gravatar says:

    MashaAllah may Allah reward you with this effort , and for bringing the knowledge in front of our eyes because some people became lazy for reading the hadith book and the prefer listening or watching.

  6. DaawoodNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah SubHanahu wa Ta’Ala guide us all and use us in the effort of deen. Jazakallah khair.

  7. muwahidaNo Gravatar says:

    assalaamu alaikum warahmatullhai wabarakatuh,

    Allah yajzeek kull khair, shaykh.

    This is a great reminder. BarakAllahu feek. Yes, it is easy to forget, but it actually doesn’t take much effort. It’s great for stress, worry, depression, etc. Not only do we get ajr, but it’s for protection against the shayateen.

  8. Bashir Bn YunusNo Gravatar says:

    may Allah admit us into jannah

  9. Nuran N HNo Gravatar says:

    Alhamduillah! jazakAllah for the reminder of the blessing the dhikr give us. InshAllah we continue to keep doing it .

  10. ismail satiaNo Gravatar says:

    remember Allah sitting standing and lying.

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