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A Question about the Method of Establishing Khilafa : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

A Question about the Method of Establishing Khilafa

August 29, 2008 - الجمعة 27 شعبان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog


Salam Alakum. What I understand from your lectures is that you believe the

method to re-establish Khilafah is through Jihad. Can you respond to this?

“Another view that is being addressed to the Ummah is the concept of fighting

the rulers and that through military struggle Islam will return to the world

stage. Again this is based upon a particular Hadith. It has been narrated from

many sources including Imam Muslim that the Prophet (saw) said, .Do not

challenge the people of authority unless you see explicit Kufr of which you have

clear proof from Allah(from Islam).. Ibn Kathir in his Tafseer states that if

the Khaleefah reverts to the rule of disbelief, he would be fought until he

returned to the implementation of Islam and the Shari’ah.

Ibn Hajr in his Fateh al-Bari also states that if he becomes a Kafir, or

changes the Shari.ah he should be fought and removed. This view is also

mentioned in Nayl al-Awtar and supported by Imam Shawkani. That is, if the ruler

rules by other than the Shari’ah he is fought until he either repents or is

removed. However that is the only situation that it applies to i.e. the ruling

of a Khaleefah who resorts to the Kufr ruling and disobedience to Allah. It does

not relate to the Khaleefah becoming tyrannical and also does not relate to his

personality becoming corrupt. In which case obedience to him is binding and the

Muslims should still pray behind him and fight Jihad behind him.

However, these Ahadith are not connected to the current situation. They are all

connected to revolt and rising against the Khaleefah and are titled under the

subject of .Khurooj min al Khaleefah. i.e. rising against the authority of a

Khaleefah or an Imam.

The current situation is not that of the Khulafaa’ who used to rule by Islam

and then turned away from Islam. The current problem is also not merely related

to removing a ruler by killing him. Rather, entire systems of Kufr have been

implemented over Muslims for over 76 years, none of the rulers have ever ruled

by the Shari.ah and none of them are Khulafaa’ within a Khilafah. The systems

that they are applying are either monarchies or Capitalistic with some sort of

democratic framework. Hence, the reality isn.t that of removing a bad Khaleefah

within an Islamic State. The reality is of uprooting an entire Kufr system,

including it.s ruler, to again establish Dar ul-Islam. The current rulers are

not comparable in any way to Khulafaa’ who have introduced one Kufr law into the

Khilafah. Hence these Ahadith, which have always been understood in the context

of Dar ul-Islam i.e. where Islam is implemented and the Muslims possess the

security, do not apply upon the current situation. The reality which they

address is that of removing a Khaleefah who rules with Kufr within the Islamic

State, not that of uprooting an entire Kufr system merely by fighting and

killing the ruler of that system.

The only situation that is comparable from the evidences is the establishment

of the Islamic State for the very first time by the Prophet(saw) and the

struggle which he (saw) went through in order to establish this State and change

Dar ul-Kufr to Dar ul-Islam. This is the struggle which he (saw) referred to in

the Hadith of Hamza and as is illustrated in the Books of Sunnah and Seerah. As

that is the only instance in which a complete system of Kufr existed and was

changed to a complete system of Islam. So the matter is regarding the changing

of a system, not merely a ruler. The Ahadith of fighting, apply to changing a

ruler i.e. a Khaleefah who has gone astray not a system, only the struggle of

the Prophet (saw) in Makkah applies to the changing of a system. So military

struggle is not the method of re-establishing the Khilafah.”

- Also, can you give me your views on Hizb ut-Tahrir. JazakAllah Khair. Salam



Most Islamic groups that were founded after the fall of the khilafa recognize the importance of re-establishing al khilafa again. There was a time during the decades of the eighties and nineties when the Salafi’s, Ikhwaan, Jamaat Islami, HT, Jihad groups and even some of the sufi’s talked about khilafah. Since then and because of the fact that the West has made it clear that it doesn’t like that idea and would not tolerate it, some groups have backed off completely from any talk of khilafah while others toned it down. Only a few remained steadfast in their call to establish the Islamic system again.

The proposed methods that Islamic groups presented for re-establishing al Khilafah are:

1. Through tarbiyyah and then somehow when our condition changes the khilafa will be re-established again. While others say we will do tarbiyyah until the ummah is ready and then we will fight the enemies of Allah.

2. By reaching to power through participating in the democratic system.

3. The HT method of raising the awareness of the ummah of the importance of khilafa, educating the Muslims on politics, and searching for nusrah.

4. Fighting in path of Allah in order to establish the religion of Allah.

The proponents of the first method have never given the ummah any benchmark to when we have done sufficient tarbiyyah to move on to the stage of implementation and therefore will remain in a perpetual state of tarbiyyah while negating the duty of Jihad.

They also miss the point that tarbiyyah is within one generation and not multigenerational. Meaning the change that Rasulullah brought which started with dawa and ended with jihad was within the lifetime of one generation. It all happened within 23 years. Every other successful change in the ummah occurred within one generation. History is a testimony to this.

The promoters of change by participation in democratic elections started out by stating that democracy is kufr and we do not believe in it but we are using it as a vehicle to reach to power and after we reach to power we will implement Islam. This is what I heard from every single leading member of Ikhwaan in the late eighties and early nineties. I clearly remember the public discussions that were held on this issue because the Salafi’s back then were very much against Ikhwaan on this point. I also remember clearly the private discussion I had with some of the shuyukh of ikhwaan who would reiterate the same point again and again: Democracy is un-Islamic and we are participating in elections but our intentions are to change the system from within.

There are three problems with this method:

First: It is a deception and a lie to use democracy and claim to be adherents to the democratic system but not believe in it. Now deception is acceptable against the enemy if the Muslims are in a state of war with the them. The problem is that the particular groups that are involved in the democratic process do not believe that they are in a state of war with the disbelievers but believe that there is a covenant between the Muslims and the disbelievers. So if we are in a covenant with the disbelievers then it is not allowed to use deception against them and it is not allowed to lie to them. That’s the first problem.

The next problem is that when you repeat a lie long enough you end up believing it. For those who knew these groups from the eighties it is strange for them to see how much they have changed over time. Now they are saying and I have heard this more than once from their prominent members that now we genuinely do believe in the democratic system. We believe in the ballot not bullet. And if the ballot decides that a secular or disbelieving party wins we will accept that.

As Muslims we should not subject Islam to the whims of the people, if they chose it we implement it, if they don’t we accept the choice of the masses. Our position is that we will implement the rule of Allah on earth by the tip of the sword whether the masses like it or not. We will not subject sharia rule to popularity contests. Rasulullah says: I was sent with the sword until Allah alone is worshiped. That path, the path of Rasulullah, is the path we should follow.

The final problem is that the Muslims’ method is not a method of infiltration. Muslims do not try to infiltrate the system and work from within. It is just not our way. It is the way of the Jews and the munafiqeen but not the way of the Muslims. We are honest and straightforward with friend and foe. We make our intentions open and we declare our dawah publicly, “For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” We do not want to infiltrate the system whether in America or in a Muslim country. The Jews are the ones who have infiltrated every government they lived under whether it was al-Andalus and the Ottoman khilafah or the Western governments of today. They have a hidden agenda, we don’t. The Jews and their brethren, the hypocrites, tried to infiltrate the government of Rasulullah and were exposed by Quran:

“And a faction of the People of the Scripture say [to each other], “Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will return [i.e., abandon their religion]”

So they would become believers and come in to the community only to leave it at the end of the day. Allah also talks about the hypocrites who would sit among the believers and convey what they hear to the Jews.

Therefore for those who say that we should be involved with the system and change it from within are not following the path of the Muslims and if their character is that of a Muslim they would fail because infiltration just doesn’t work with Muslim behavior. But if they do succeed in infiltrating the system then that is proof that their character has become that of the Jews or the hypocrites and not that of the Muslims.

A point related to this is that those who come from Islamic backgrounds and have spent a long time working within the political systems of today end up becoming politicians, with all the negative meanings of the word: deceptive, changing colors, materialistic and Machiavellian in their methods. They may have been bred in the Islamic movements’ strong tarbiyyiah programs but after a while in the political arena they become the wolves they were trying to change. I have seen this with my own eyes happen to people that I know and as one leader of the Islamic movement in Yemen said: “We send them as sheep into a world of wolves only for them to come back to us as an eaten up skeleton.” If you want a live example of what working from within the system produces look no further than Sudan and Turkey. The ruling parties in both countries started out as Islamists only to end up just like everyone else in their rotten and corrupt environments.

Regarding the method of HT which you specifically referred to in your question, I first came in contact with HT members from Jordan in the early nineties and found them to be argumentative but well-mannered and polite. My first understanding of the Hizb was from them and they were core members of the group. HT has played an important role in raising the awareness of the ummah to the matter of khilafa. They also played a role in countering the false idea that politics and political awareness have nothing to do with Islam. However the method of HT to re-establish khilfah is simply not going to work. To wait for nusrah until it arrives is to wait for a miracle. Tribes or military generals that are supposed to give nusrah and establish the religion of Allah are not going to be won over simply by discussions. They will only be won over when they see a group of believers living by what they say and sacrifice all that they own for the sake of Allah. This is what will inspire others to join. The two success stories of powerful people giving nusrah to the religion are some of the former officers of the Iraqi baath regime who joined the insurgency and the former president of Chechnya, Dudayev, who was a high ranking officer in the Soviet army. Both these successful examples of nusra were not won over through debates, demonstrations and pamphlets but by them seeing a living example of men struggling in the path of Allah.

This leads me to the forth method of re-establishing khilafa and that is through Jihad fi sabilillah. The argument that you presented against this is that the only similar situation to our situation now is that of Rasulullah establishing an Islamic state first and then fighting Jihad. You are neglecting a serious difference and that is when Rasulullah established Madina there was no Islamic land that was invaded. Isn’t this a serious and major difference? Today the Muslim world is under occupation and the statements of our scholars are clear that it becomes fardh ayn on every able Muslim to fight to free the Muslim land. When something is fardh ayn it is fardh ayn. You cannot theorize or hypothesize otherwise. The ruling is clear and the implications of it are clear. So even if you do not believe Jihad to be the way to establish khilafah you must agree that Jihad is fardh ayn and that is not where HT stands. Also the jihad which is fardh ayn and is Jihad al dafa (defensive Jihad) does not require the one who wants to participate to seek the permission of the Imam, parents, husband, slave owner, or lender.

Also why should we argue on this point when we see the evidence of it in the real world. The two most successful examples, even though far from perfect, of Islamic rule in this past decade were the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Islamic courts in Somalia. In both countries only these Muslim fighters brought peace, security and rule of law in both countries. Both movements reached to power not through elections or debates but through war. They did not fall because they were failures but they fell because the ummah failed them. However, even though a battle here and there were lost but the war is not over. If you follow the current events and look at them with an attentive eye you would realize that it is the enemy who is bleeding to death not the Muslim fighters. Pretty soon the scales will tip.

Because confusion usually surrounds what is meant by Jihad whether it is the Jihad al Nafs or Jihad of the sword I do not exclusively mean one or the other and I do not exclude one or the other. What I mean by Jihad here is not just picking up a gun and fighting. Jihad is broader than that. What is meant by Jihad in this context is a total effort by the ummah to fight and defeat its enemy. Rasulullah says: Fight the disbelievers with your self, your wealth and your tongues. It is what Clausewitz would refer to as “total war” but with the Islamic rules of engagement. It is a battle in the battlefield and a battle for the hearts and minds of the people.


162 Responses to “A Question about the Method of Establishing Khilafa”
  1. AbuHannaHNo Gravatar says:

    jzk sheilk an excellent answer……….

  2. abunafeesNo Gravatar says:

    JazakAllahKhair, it is really an eye opener.

  3. Kashif AminNo Gravatar says:

    AllahuAkbar! I longed for the Imam to give us his opinion on this vital issue for the Ummah, and he has done so in his customary clear and concise manor. JazakAllah khair.

  4. TalhaNo Gravatar says:

    This is Al awlaki! u don’t just expect him 2 please u at the cost of this religon! love him or hate him but WALAHI u can’t ignore him! i luvvvvvvv his 2 death!
    Talha Sumali

  5. Abu Mu'aadNo Gravatar says:

    Dear and respected sheikh, BarakAllaahu feek for providing this clear answer and may Allah preserve you.

  6. Abu AleeNo Gravatar says:

    Jazak’Allahu khairen Sheikh.

  7. aboo suhaybNo Gravatar says:

    barakaAllah feek wa ahsanAllahu ‘ilayka

  8. Yousef al-KhattabNo Gravatar says:

    Jazak Allah Khair Shaikh Anwar from your brothers @ RevolutionMuslim.Com

  9. Abu HafsaNo Gravatar says:


    Imam Anwar… some Muslims who follow the HT method have said this:

    “Its not what method works more effective, rather its following the way of RasoolAllah(saw). HT do not follow the method they do due to the perceivable results it may bring but rather because it is ibadah and they are required to follow this course or else risk the anger of Allah(swt). So to use the examples of the taliban or the islamic courts does not deserve attention as these are not sources of usool and this is an usooli/fiqhi issue.”

    So some think that this is the way of RasoolAllah and its a commandment and not following it is “risking Allah’s anger”

    Just quickly.. how would you respond to this…?

    JazakAllah khair

  10. abuNo Gravatar says:

    HT brothers no were they stand now

  11. Ibn Na'eemNo Gravatar says:

    AllahuAkbar! This post right here has truly answered a lot of questions I’ve had on the topic. My heart is at peace now!

    JazakAllahkhair sheikh! May Allah preserve you and your efforts.

  12. UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Salam. Before people just blindly follow what the sheikh has stated, find out the daleels related to this issue. Not to mention that his understanding of HT’s method is questionable.

  13. FaisalNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatahu

    Inshallah who ever is reading this is in the best of health and the strongest of iman by the grace of Allah swt

    Jazakallah khair Sheikh for an excellent understanding and a very descriptive blog about this vital issue.

    I mean totally no offence at all and respect you dearly but I would have to agree with brother Abu Hafsa, because you say were you see people gaining the upper hand are correct, I would disagree, because they said that about saudi once, its going up and up islamicly but even though they changed bits to make Muslims happy they did not change as a whole, unfortunately we Muslims do not compromise on half an half, it is all or nothing. Like the Islamic courts in Somalia, yes they stood for an Islamic cause but with them came un-Islamic practises because they were the only Islamic thing, all the rest of the structure of the system was non Islamic.
    Or like in the UK were there are Muslims who are mp’s and are bending over backwards to please the non-Muslims but also keep the Muslims at bay and happy. This can also be seen as Muslims progressing but still there’s the matter of compromise.
    And yes I totally agree with you on the fighting, whoever can fight should to repel the aggressors of this war, because yes it is fard ayn on the people who can fight.

    Through out the decades Muslims have been fighting and will always fight against injustice but fighting with small battalions or groups or individually will not lead to complete change (as I see in my opinion which may be wrong).
    Yes I know you mentioned that support did come when fighting occurred in Iraq but the bottom line is that’s all it was, they made a good repellent but that was it. Sorry I’m only mentioning that because you seem to be saying about where you’ve seen results or progression.
    And if we are to judge by results subhanAllah these HT brothers support has grown phenomenally. Where ever I go they are there, and they held one of the largest conferences back in 2007 (100, 000 people jam packed in a stadium that can hold only 100, 000 people), I was amazed when I found out about that.

    Sheikh I know you had bad experience with some people or groups who are argumentative and etc, I think we should look past how people act and see what they have to say.

    Anyway Sheikh please don’t take offence I’m only saying my opinion. You are still my favourite sheikh, one which I long to meet in this life or if ever me and you make it to Jannah inshallah because Alhumdulilah thanks be to Allah He swt has given you the ability to change and make people understand and alhumdulilah you have used that opportunity to the best of your ability.

    Anyway Khair I do not know the unseen and do not know the answers so I ask Allah to guide me and guide us all and reward you and everyone who makes an effort for the sake of Allah.

    P.s. Abu “HT brothers no were they stand now”
    were not here to degrade or create divisions or hatred towards any people or organisations but to help and aid people.

    Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatahu

  14. Abu HafsaNo Gravatar says:

    Akhi Faisal.. i do not agree with HT’s method… i hold the belief that we can not establish Khilafah without Jihad fee sabilillah

  15. inshallahshaheedNo Gravatar says:


    Assalam Alaikum.

    Here are a few points to consider in Sha’ Allah:

    1. Jihaad is fard ‘ayn; which means, end of story. If we have a large percentage of the Ummah actually practicing it, then the victory will come quicker, inshaa’Allaah.

    2. The Mujaahideen are winning today in many lands. Imaam Anwar briefly mentioned that the Kuffaar are the ones bleeding today as opposed to the Mujaahideen and he is speaking from the perspective of the military reports and the widely-available knowledge regarding the status of the wars.

    3. Understanding Jihaad goes back to understanding its constants; and if one abandons the constants of Jihaad – such as saying, “We cannot win… Allah cannot help us defeat this Empire” – then this is Nifaaq. Refer to Imaam Anwar’s “Constants on the Path of Jihaad” which you can download at

    4. You seem to be speaking from a historical perspective of Jihaad in the contemporary history rather than the current events. It seems you are focusing more on the Afghan-Soviet, Bosnian-Serb era.

    Times have changed my brother; the Mujaahideen have already admitted their mistakes in those wars of the past (i.e., such as letting the politicians take over after the war) and their ranks are purified and are constantly purifying. So the issue here is: do you really know what’s going on today in the Jihaad or are you simply treating the Jihaad of today like it will have the results of the Jihaad of yesterday?

    5. Numbers are not what grants victory; if Allah wills, He can grant victory to a group of 12,000 (as in the hadeeth). HT and many of these other groups that don’t fight have many members; but where have they established at least one acre of Shari’ah upon Allah’s earth? Look at the Mujaahideen in Afghanistan for instance: they have established Shari’ah in nearly 50% of Afghanistan, even though the ruthless American Empire and her allies are fighting them there (yet, Allah is not allowing these Kuffaar to penetrate). So this is a form of victory which none of these other groups have achieved in their long, long, long history.

    6. One of the points Imaam Anwar was trying to make was that those who do not follow the religion correctly, it cannot be expected of them to establish an entire Khilaafah whilst they are disobeying Allah (such as in Jihaad, practice of the Sunnah etc.).

    It was said that once an Army was losing ground on the battlefield, so they sent a note to the Khaleefah about this matter. The Khaleefah wrote back to them stating: ‘Make sure the fighters are practicing Islaam in its fullest.’ And so they checked the fighters and their practice of the Deen, and they noticed that it was excellent except for the fact that hardly any of them were practicing the Sunnah of Miswak. So once they started practicing that as a whole, Allah granted them victories.

    So it is important for any movement that wants to help Allah’s religion that they stay as close as possible to the Sunnah and that they do not violate or neglect the Islaamic duties. And this is what the Mujaahidoon of today strive to do.

  16. maleehaNo Gravatar says:

    JazakAllah Khair brother Anwar for your insightful answer,and brother Faisal I share your perspective too. I feel relieved that a growing number of muslims actually believe that the establishment of the Khilafah is a vital and long overdue issue, so we certainly should not be trying to score points off one another! I agree that Jihad is fard ayn, and wish myself and my kids to be at its forefront inshAllah, however, is it not linked to capability, of the individual and the ummah?, and until that capability exists, demonstrating, leafleting and commanding the good and forbiding the munkar at an ideological level at least prepares the ummah to support the Khilafah once its established, when the onslaught, propaganda and sanctions will be threatened by the kuffar. The sincerity of the mujahiddeen is exemplary for us, I think we need to harness such capability onto a state that has a clear idea of ruling, economy and society, so that we have complete implementation of shariah asap. Such excellence already exists among us in the areas of political analysis, military strategy and prowess and clarity of the need of implementing the sharaa in totality amongst the ummah right now. Frankly the mujahiddeen, HT, the sincere uleema, learned sheiks and the sincere muslims who yearn to fullfill their promise to Allah swt must not pick faults with one another and rejoice when anothers method is questioned, but should support one another wholeheartedly. This is a time in which the reward of the victory could be ours inshAllah. Work together as brothers, brothers!

  17. Abdul MajidNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam Sheikh and jazakAllah khair for your thoughts on this topic… I’ve actually wanted to know what you thought since I listened to your seerah CDs.

    Just one thing I’d like to clarify. You said: “So even if you do not believe Jihad to be the way to establish Khilafah you must agree that Jihad is fardh ayn and that is not where HT stands.”

    Every member of HT I’ve discussed with always maintain that defensive Jihad is definitely fardh ayn. The only difference I’ve seen is that they say it is only fardh ayn on those who are capable of achieving the objective of removing the occupation (i.e. the Muslim armies). Civilians who are not capable should account and motivate the armies to act. If a Muslim is directly occupied himself, then he should fight whether he is capable or not. E.g. members of HT were directly involved in the fighting in Iraq (not in their capacity as HT but as Muslims under occupation).

    Just wanted to clarify this. Everything else is crystal clear. JazakAllah khair.

  18. Abdul MajidNo Gravatar says:

    Just to add to my previous comment. The following is a section taken from the book: Jihad and the Foreign Policy of the Islamic State, written by a member of HT and published by Khilafah Publications. Please read my previous comment first. JazakAllah khair.

    “Jihad originally is fardh kifayah (a collective obligation upon the Islamic
    Ummah whereupon if some of them fulfilled the obligation then the
    obligation is lifted) but when the enemy attacks, it becomes fardh ayni (an individual obligation) upon all the Muslims who have the capability.

    The meaning that Jihad is fardh kifayah originally is that the Muslims
    begin and initiate fighting the enemy even if the enemy did not attack the
    Muslims. If no one from the Muslims begins or initiates the fighting in
    any period of time, all the Muslims then would have committed a sin by
    leaving Jihad. Therefore, Jihad in origin is not a defensive war. It is in fact a war to raise high the Word of Allah (swt) and it is obligatory for the Islamic Ummah to be engaged in it.

    Jihad was continued by the Khulafa’a after the death of the Messenger
    of Allah (saw), as a method of spreading Islam and by Jihad many lands were conquered. By Jihad, kingdoms and states were uprooted and Islam ruled and governed those very same people. Islam was spread and was
    embraced by hundreds of millions of peoples after they had been ruled
    by it. The method used in achieving the Islamic State’s foreign policy
    objectives was Jihad waged by the Khilafah. It has never changed and it
    never will, because it is based upon the Shar’iah rules that Allah (swt) had revealed and is not subject to change.”

  19. PolytykNo Gravatar says:

    JazakAllah Shaykh, this is exactly what we (as an Ummah) needed right about now.

  20. joshimNo Gravatar says:

    assalamu alaikum imam awlaki

    i pray Allah keeps you in the the best of health and iman. and HE swt rewards you for remaining steadfast and on the truth in todays climate of fear and oppression. very few have been able to leave prison and still have their iman intact. indeed, you are amonsgt those pious muslims.

    i would like to comment on the imam’s analysis of HT and their methodology to bring about change. with all due respect, i disagree with the views expressed by the sheikh on the feasability of establishing the khilafah according to the HT method.

    just in the last century, we have seen many revolutions that have taken place thruout the world. almost all of them can be attributed to the building of public opinion and awareness amongst the masses by the groups campaigning for change. by the sheikhs own acknowledgment, HT have done well in spreading the message of khilafah both in the muslim world and the western world. the brothers in HT have also shed blood in carrying this message (and this is well documented) and yet they have not deviated from their methodology in anyway e.g. resorting to violence. this is solely because of their adherence to the methodology of the prophet saw in establishing the state. and as a result of this millions have joined this call around the world (maybe not by affiliation, but certainly by supporting it).

    i firmly belive that we need man power and not military might to establish the state. the day we can gather 100,000s of people to march into the presidential palaces in the muslim world, that will be the day when we can establsih the state (with the help of some of the influenctial people as well). i genuinly believe the tablighis can do this if they had the same zeal like the brothers in HT for the khilafah. all they need to do is for the ameer of tablighi jamat in nizamuddin (india) to instruct all their followers to march into the palaces of pakistan and remove the despotic rulers and then establish the state. however, they will then have to hand the power to those who know how to run the state both internally and externally i.e. HT.
    unfortunately, they dont see that as part of their dawah (if only they did).

    the muslim armies are waiting to see the masses on the street with this call, so that they can also be given the confidence to be able to translate that emotion into the other leading members of the armed force. the support of the influential people in the muslim world e.g. ulema, other groups, polititians etc. is also crucial in this effort.

    this, i believe is what is going to bring about change. and we have recent example of this. the orange revolution that took place in ukrain is one of many example how the masses were used to build the momentum, and then eventually topple the govt.

    i believe this method is far more practical and realistic than the method of jihad to remove the rulers. the jihadis are not one jamat who are co-ordinating their offensive in trying to establish the state. most of them are involved in defensive jihad anyway, busy trying to repel the occupiers. there are many questions left unanswered with their approach e.g. how are they going to bring about a change in the system by assasinating the rulers, how much work have they done researching the diffenet aspects of islam for eventual implementation of islam etc.

    anyways, this is how i understand the present staus quo without going into the methodology prescribed by the shariah. there maybe legitimate diferences.

    allah knows best


    joshim, whitechaple, london

  21. Abdul-KareemNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum sheikh,

    I am a little concerned with some of your arguments put forward in this article.

    You wrote: “However the method of HT to re-establish khilfah is simply not going to work. To wait for nusrah until it arrives is to wait for a miracle. Tribes or military generals that are supposed to give nusrah and establish the religion of Allah are not going to be won over simply by discussions.”

    HT has derived the seeking of nusra from the seerah of rasoolAllah (saw). This is a sharia daleel. For you to say “is simply not going to work” means you have overridden a sharia daleel from reality which is not allowed. If you dispute the Islamic daleel of seeking nusra then counter it with an equal or stronger Islamic evidence.

    Also this method to establish the Khilafah by preparing the society and finally seeking the nusra worked for the Prophet (saw) so it will work for our ummah inshAllah.

    In todays reality many of our leaders came to power through military coup. Only recently there was a coup in Mauritania. Why is it beyond the realms of possibility for a coup to happen by a general doing it for the sake of Islam rather than the sake of the foreign powers or his own personal interests? Islam can change any individual.

    You wrote: “To wait for nusrah until it arrives is to wait for a miracle.”

    Again I am surprised by this statement. Firstly, HT SEEKS nusra, it doesnt simply wait for it to happen. This is what rasoolAllah (saw) did when he approached the different tribes. Secondly, surely it is part of our iman to believe nasr min Allah, that the victory ultimately comes from Allah (swt) no matter how much effort we undertake.

    You wrote: “Tribes or military generals that are supposed to give nusrah and establish the religion of Allah are not going to be won over simply by discussions.”

    RasoolAllah (saw) won over the aws and khazraj who became the ansar (nusra) “simply by discussions.”

    In fact HT has attempted a few coups in the Muslim world and has won over army officers “simply by discussions.”

    As a nasheeha I suggest reading Sheikh Ahmed Mahmoud’s book on “Dawa to Islam” which explains in detail the sharia evidences concerning all aspects of the method to establish the Khilafah.


  22. Kashif AminNo Gravatar says:

    Just a word of caution to those commenting here. It is important to remember that the Imam is entitled to his opinion and those who know him will know that it is an informed opinion. At the same time we should not be attacking our brothers at HT. They perform a vital task in nurturing the correct ideological thinking in Muslims across the globe and are ultimately striving for the same vital cause: the re-establishing of Khilafah. Let us work together to help those who do this work and make dua that the Khilafah is established soon (regardless of whether HT do it or the Mujahideen).

  23. AbuNo Gravatar says:

    Heres is a detailed article refuting the method of HT:

    Hizb Tahrir in their newspaper al-khilaafah No. 18, Friday, 2nd of January 1410H there is an article called :Hizbut-Tahree wal-Imaam Khomeini’ and in this edition they proudly admit that they went to Iran and invited Khomeini to be the khalifah of the ummah…..he rejected their call.

    The leader of Hizb Tahrir in Lebanon is a Rafidee as many of their members, and they have frequent contacts with Hizb Shaytan leader nasrullah, see article

    The hizb have an aqeedah that is a mixture of maatureedee/ash’aree and in some aspects such as the attributes of Allah displaying the aqeedah of Mu’tazila, which is a group outside the fold of Ahl Sunnah wal Jam’ah.

    Abdur Rahman al Dimashqiyya wrote something interesting about them:

    HT also exclude any type of Jihad even if enemy attacks without the Islamic State… their justification of not fighting the rulers amounts to a pseuodo-recognition.

    Even if you look to the way their argue their points….

    King Abdullah, Bashr Asad, Gen. Musharraf and Hosni Mubarak would have more of a sense of a legitimacy in comparison to… Mullah Umar, Dokka Umarov and Abu Umar al-Baghdadi.

    They always try and imply that the leaders of the jihad are agents of America.

  24. UthmanNo Gravatar says:

    Akhi Kashif makes a vital point. We all work for same objective. That is more important. Let us discuss the methodological difference in good faith and with Islamic etqiuitte.

    I would like to offer the following points in response to Imam Anwar’s critique of our (HT) methodology. May Allah reward him with much good and bless him in his da’wah.

    1. Nusrah not won by discussions.

    This critique is based on an aqli daleel (one which is quite open to argument) whereas the matter under discussion (method of re-establishing khilafah) is a ijtihadi issue based on naqli evidence.

    Indeed, the Prophet’s nusrah was won by discussion (i.e. non-material da’wah). The fact that we have Islamic lands invaded today does not add or subtract from *this* point, that is, that the nusrah can be won by da’wah.

    2. People of nusrah need to see a group of believers ‘walk the walk’.

    Again a rational point, but one I would not argue with. However sacrificing is not only done through actual fighting. Calling to account the oppressive rulers constantly and consisently, exposing them to the people, calling for Khilafah, inspite of the consequential imprisonment, torture, and at times killing is sacrifice. In fact it is the same sacrifice of the Messenger (saw) in Makkah.

    This point is all the more relevant when the respected Imam goes on to say that by ‘Jihad fi Sabilillah’ he does only mean actual fighting.

    3. Jihad al-Dafa’ is wajib.

    We agree. I don’t why he says that ‘this is not where HT stands’. This is precisely where we stand.

    4. Example of Taliban and IC in Somalia.

    I think these are bad examples, because neither of these groups were originally established to work for khilafah. The Taliban was formed post-soviet repulsion to unite the fighting factions in Afghanistan. Aided and funded by the ISI and the US. They fought the other factions in Afghanistan to unite the country and then, seeing the opportunity, sought to implement Islamic rule. Now, unless using aid from the enemy is part of the method to establish khilafah, this is not a method to establish khilafah and never was. The Islamic rule only come from the opportunity which later presented itself. With no planning beforehand the endeavor was bound to fail.

    Second, the hizb sent a delegation to the Taliban and offered to give bay’ah and put all our resources behind them if they declared khilafah. They refused explicity saying that they did not intend khilafah, rather only an emirate.

    Third, blaming the Ummah for the failure is not right. We all know the Ummah generally is declined and in need of revival. Those for stand for the revival must win the support and backing. We cannot do own thing, fail and then blame the failure on the Ummah. Question is what did we do to get the Ummah on side?

    5. Jihad not only including fighting.

    This distinction made at the end is important. But if we leave out the actual fighting, we are left with the battle for hearts and minds, which is nothing but the ‘discussions’ the Imam critiqued HT methodology on. Question is, how is the battle on the battlefield and the battle for hearts and mind co-ordinated? Are they two separate battles where the leaders of each don’t really know the others, nor collobarate with them? That would not than be a method, but two different methods assumed to be one. If it is to be a proper method, the effort must be co-ordinated centrally. This is clearly not the case as I see it. I’d be happy to be corrected on this point however.

    For the above reasons I think it is the method proposed here that will not work.

    However, nothing would make us happier than to see it work, or any other method work, and the khilafah to be re-established. We would be right behind anyone who succeed, regardless of method.

    And Allah Knows Best.


  25. moinul (london)No Gravatar says:

    I agree with br. kashif amins comment above, though i take some issue on stating ‘“However the method of HT to re-establish khilfah is simply not going to work. To wait for nusrah until it arrives is to wait for a miracle.” Though i know it is an accepted literary style to view ones own method to be correct, and think ‘ht’s method not working’ is not meant to reject a difference in opinion but rather the Sheikhs opinion. Thats my excuses for the brother.

    As the jihad based on capability is based on daleel, which anyone is welcome to read one of their books: (dawa to Islam)to see their opinions is based on daleel and their disagreement with others is based on the understanding of the daleel.

    On a positive not, its good to see the sheikh has (in my opinion) pointed out that the ones who call for tarbiyya and gradualism and sharing power with kuffar (democracy) as ‘the method’ is self defeating, which the arguments are in line with HT’s disagreements with these methods in the book ‘concepts of hizb ut tahrir’. I think some of us who are aware of Br. Anwar’s opinions are not ‘hearbroken’ that the sheikh disagrees with us as we still value his works (even if we disagree on issues regarding method), reputation and knowledge. Also the brother has repeatly ststaed the importance of many groups that benefit in other ways. The Hizb however have had many knowledgable people disagree with the them, as even amonsgt Jihadi’s there are differences in method.

    Let us go into Ramadan with brotherhood and mercy to one another.

  26. AqsaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu

    Jihad was forbidden in Makkah era and only after the establishment of state in madina ,ruling on forbiddence of Jihad was abrogated.But for the re-establishment of Khilafah ,if we take from the seerah of makkah era ,the part “jihad is forbidden” then its an abrogated ruling which can never be applied as abrogated rulings are simply abrogated.

    2:216. Jihâd (holy fighting in Allâh’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know.


  27. abdullahNo Gravatar says:


    the last post by kashif amin is an excellen post, but i believe the zealous youth that look up to the shaykh will take this as another means to snear at HT, i think the shaykh shld mention the struggle of HT, farhard usmanov was boiled in water in uzbek and others given 2yrs for distributing a leaflet, i take it the shaykh disagrees with HT but credit needs to be given where it is due, inshallah

  28. Abu MusaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    With all due respect HT fail to recognise several things:

    1. That the Rulers cannot be Taghut and Muslims at the same time. The Qur’an never refers to the living Taghut as being from the believers.

    2. Like Shaykh Anwar pointed out the Prophet(saw) did not have “Islamic Lands” in Makkah that coild be invaded. There was no Islamic Land until Madina became the Islamic State and Islam spread. Therefore if you look to the history we find that the Colonialist and their Agents occupied lands of the Khilafah (Muslim Lands) and used a divide and rule policy… and placed puppet Agent-Rulers. The Muslim Lands are still occupied whether by Colonialists or their Agent Rulers. The ball is in HTs court to prove that the local Agent of the Kuffar should be treated differently than the foreign Kuffar.

    3. How can Nussrah be sought from the Army backing the Taghut Ruler. When Allah(swt) says:

    “Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight you against the friends of Shaytaan; Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan.” [an-Nisa 4:76]

    These Armies fight in the cause of Taghut. They are hence the Awliyah of Shaytan and it is ordered that they are fought.

    4. That the Hadeeth of Ubadah Ibn Samit(ra) and others permit the rising up against the ruler who commits Kufr Buwah. Yet HT restrict this to a Khaleefa only without the necessary restriction upon the cause. These Ahadith refer to the ‘ruler’ in the general sense and do not even use the word Khaleefa. Ruling by Islam is also a default Fard on Muslims by clear-cut texts, so if someone is a Muslim in authority he does not have non-shari’ah options. He either implements Islam or face the consequences. To say it only applies to the Khaleefa merely gives Rulers who may claim to be Muslim a green light to do Kufr Buwah without being fought. Hence it only works as a get-out-clause for not facing the sword. Ruling by Islam is Fard on MUSLIMS, not on the one merely taking the title of ‘Khaleefa’.

    5. The Greater Pledge of al-Aqabah i.e. The Pledge of WAR. Effectively gave the Muslims permission to use force to establish the first Islamic State. Thats why the Ansar came out with spears and wearing their leopard skins. So a Military Coup was under way in Madinah.

    6. The establishment of the Khilafah has become Fard Ayn according to HT. Then how come someone else (some Army General) has to seize power? It cannot be Fard Ayn if you get someone else to do it!? Surely every action that leads to Fard Ayn, is Fard Ayn itself… including seizing power by force. Otherwise its like me making Wudu then Imam Anwar praying the Salah based on my Wudu.

    7. Jihad is the way to establish the Shari’ah. Allah(swt) says:

    “Fight them until their is no more Fitnah and the Deen is totally for Allah” [a;-Anfal 8:39]

    So Allah(swt) in the completed revelation is telling us that the fitnah must be removed and the Deen will totally be for Allah(swt) when we FIGHT for it. And the wording is such that the limit of the fighting is ‘until’ the Deen is totally for Allah(swt).

    Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “if part of the deen is for Allah
    and another is for other than him, fighting is obligatory until the deen is totally for Allah alone.” [al-Fataawa 28/354]

    It is even clearer towards the end of Surah al-Anfal as to what will be the cause of the Fitnah as elaborated by Imam Qurtubi():

    “And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah – chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allâh’s Religion of Islâmic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism)” [al-Anfal 8:73]

    Being patient and holding back our hands from fighting was only because Allah(swt) had not yet revealed the order. Today this is a non-issue as the orders have been revealed and revelation is complete.

    Jihad is to make the Word of Allah(swt) the highest. Yet is that not very thing establishing Deen is?

  29. Abu MuslimNo Gravatar says:

    Jazakallahkahir you have put my heart at peace with this response, imam anwar al awlaki wallahi i love you for the sake of Allah and may Allah swt preserve you, thank you for speaking the truth about the hizbies, and there unrealistic ways of trying to establish a khalifa, let alone there errors in aqeedah, May Allah swt guide us and keep us steadfast on our deen

  30. abu_dharaarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualikum br/sis.

    Sheikh Anwar Al awlaki’s words are not debatable. I just find nothing but truth in his words.” no dialouge no peace…Jihad with ….Alone”…Remember, what Sheikh Abdullah Azam said, ” Tawheed is not instilled in your heart by listening to some tapes or reading some books of tarbiya, it is instilled in your heart when bullets are being sprintted around you and you scream “la ilaha ilallah”" So, Ikhwaanis need to put their words into practical manifestation and when we see the reslts , we will give them credit. So far , all we see is ht blending in kuffur system and calling for khilafa. Did our prophet (saw) blend into quraish system to establish Islamic system?? Ikhwaani br need to wake up and smell the coffee.
    Jazakallah Khair
    NOTE:- I am a peacefull muslim and do not support or propogate voilence in any shape or form. I believe justice should be implemented to acheive peace: )

    Peace to non-muslims
    Peace and blessings to my br/sister :)

    Asalamualikum wr wb

  31. abu_dharaarNo Gravatar says:

    Sheikh Anwar Asalamualiku,

    I just have a request, insha Allah. I am not sure if you are following the news about Kashmir but to give a breif desciption what is happening can be summarized in few simple words- KASHMIR IS BURNING. Please, give some word of advice to br/sis living in Kashmir.

    Jazakallah Khair

  32. Kashif AminNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaamu Alaykum,
    Once again I appeal to all the commenters to have sabr with each other. I think it is great Alhumdulillah that so many of us believe Khilafah to be of monumental importance for this Ummah. Regarding difference of opinion: let us all recall that the most prominent of Sahaaba (May Allah swt be pleased with them) had vastly different opinions. AbuBakr and Umar (RA) almost always disagreed on matters. Yet the both worked for a common goal. This should be our example. Our common goal is Khilafah. Therefore we should all strive with whatever abilities we have been blessed with to achieve this goal. No disrepect to any of the brothers above, but after many years of meeting HT brothers I have never found them to be anything but sincere in their work for Khilafah. Of course, that is my personal experience. In any case, let us not let our greatest enemy AsShaytaan, divide us at this critical point. Ameen.

  33. Saleh Abd AllaahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamualikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakakatuhu Brother Skaikh Awlaki,

    Hope you are in best health and eeman. Ameeen

    Brother Awlaki, here is the view of one HT bro from UK:

    “Assalamu alaikum sheikh

    InshaAllah you and your family are well and your salaah is accepted.
    In reply to the issue of HT which you presented I would like to provide the following points inshaAllah.

    First is the point that you raised saying that the people of nusrah can only be won over through being shown examples and not through debates or discussions. Assuming that is correct, I do not see this as an argument against HT as we too try to live by Islam and we too have martyrs executed and tortured to death throughout the Muslim world not to mention those who fill the prisons in Asia and the Middle East. This is the struggle of all who call for Islam but our weapon as HT is our words and our discussions and this is the path we chose to tread to try and soften the hearts by the will of Allah and win over at least one man who might be able to establish a home for this homeless ummah.

    The method in its detail as mentioned by sheikh an Nabhani (may Allah have mercy on him) does not envolve simply getting that man or group of men who are able to establish the state. HT in the 50s had that opportunity in Iraq (the current Shia Dawah party leaders are mostly former HT back in the 50s and 60s) but the sheikh refused to take it saying that the people of Iraq were not ready for such responsibility. The nusrah will only be accepted when the region this nusrah can influence does indeed have that call for Islamic rule within their hearts – again a reflection of the environment the prophet (saaws) searched for to establish his dawla (state) and found it in Medinah.

    As for your differentiation between the prophet’s environment and ours by stating that today Muslim lands are occupied whilst at the time of the prophet it was not, I would argue that although in the litteral sense the word “occupation” does create a difference, but in the practical sense the situation of the ummah in terms of oppression, injustice and tyranny – be it the result of occupation or not, it is the very same environment as that of the prophet’s time (saaws).

    As for the issue of whether jihad is fard or not, I would agree with you that it is fard to protect your home, land, honour and family. However I would also argue that there is a difference between my reaction when someone breaks into my home or when someone invades half of the Muslim lands while the other half is living under oppression from puppet rulers. Where my home is invaded I would indeed protect my self and fight the oppressor as I have no other choice and it is indeed an obligation.

    But in the second scenario my response is that whether I fight off the Americans out of Iraq or not, as long as I do not have the tools of a state, a regular army and an economic policy by my side I cannot keep the Americans out. If we liberate Palestine today what will stop Morrocco being occupied tomorrow? If we liberate Chechenia today what will stop Yemen to be occupied tomorrow? But if we have a state we can depend on then liberation is fat’h and the machinery of the state will insure by Allah’s will that we will be protected from oppressors and those who aid them.

    As for the Taliban and the courts, although they indeed established a state (yet as you rightfully state are far from perfect – infact I believe the Taliban at the time were after a Saudi model of “Emirate”) their fault lies in the fact that they had no plan and what they established was a weak state that fell apart at its first confrontation with the West. Indeed the prophet (saaws) went to over 40 tribes in search of nusrah and some who accepted to give it to him were too weak that he told them to wait…

    Indeed the prophet (saaws) went to over 40 tribes in search of nusrah and some who accepted to give it to him were too weak that he told them to wait and continued his search elsewhere. He (saaws) did not establish the state in the first place he found acceptance in.

    Jazakallahu kula khair for your article and inshaAllah Allah will guide the ummah to what is best for her.

    assalamu alaikum”

    He is looking forward to seeing your reply beloved Shaikh.

    Shaikh, I invite you to be a part of our group as an admin insha Allaah ta’ala.

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    Wassalamualikum wr wb,

    Saleh Abd Allaah

  34. Abdul HakeemNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam wa alaikum

    1. To my knowledge HT considers its methodology based on Ijtihad and accepts the methodology of fighting to establish the Khilafah as an Ijtihad although they disagree with it but they consider it as based on daleel.

    2. Regarding the earlier point made by someone that they asked Khomeni to implement Islam as they do with all rulers, this is part of Amr bil ma’ruf. I advise the brother to read the actual letter they wrote to Khomeni and the subsequent refutation of the entire Iranian constitution that HT issued after the revolution.

    3. Regarding the issue of Shi’a, anyone who is knowledgeable about HT’s literature will know that the adopted books of HT have presented a detailed refutation of their invalid ideas such as the infallibility of the Imams, please refer to the adopted HT book ‘Shaskiya Islamiyya Volume 2′, the chapter entitled ‘The Khilafah state is a human state not a theocratic state’ and the book ‘The ruling system in Islam’ in a chapter with the same heading for an excellent usuli refutation of their thoughts.

    It is well known that whatever background a person i.e. whether he is from a Sunni or Shi’a background they can only became a member of HT if they adopt the thoughts, opinions and rules contained in the adopted books of HT. If they don’t subscribe to these they cannot be members, therefore even if a member of HT was from a Shi’a background for him to become a member he has to abandon their wrong thoughts and actually actively propogate the adopted refutations of those thoughts.

    4. Regarding the issue of the ayat of Jihad abrogating the methodology of the Prophet (saw) in establishing Dar al-Islam. This argument doesnt stand as:

    We have to seperate between the Masa’il (issues), the issue of Jihad is to do with defending and propogating Islam to the world. The issue of establishing Dar al-Islam is a different mas’ala (issue). Anyone familiar with the subject of Naskh (abrogation) in Usul al-Fiqh would know that for one hukm to abrogate another it must be related to the same subject not other subjects. The scholars of the past have already documented the ahkam that were abrogated and they did not include the ahkam regarding the methodology to establish Dar al-Islam. For example the verse; “Therefore proclaim openly that which you are commanded.” [TMQ 15:94]. Has it been abrogated? Sid the scholars of the past include it in the ahkam that have been abrogated? No, it is a Shar’ee rule that must be implemented and is related to the methodology to establish Khilafah.
    Have the evidences in the Sunnah containing the ahkam of seeking nussrah been abrogated? Which contain clear Qara’in (indications) that the Prophet (saw) did them as a fard and therefore in emulation of him we are also obliged to do the same – such as the fact that the Prophet (saw) was rebuked and even physically harmed in pursuit of the nussrah such as from the people of Ta’if, yet he continued to persist in that until Allah (swt) granted it to him at the hands of the Ansar in Madina.
    Therefore that argument is invalid. HT doesn’t only consider the Makkan stage as some claim, it takes the deen as a whole and takes the ahkam as a whole regardless whether they were revealed in Makkah or in Madina.

    5. Regarding the issue of Jihad being Fard Ain.
    From the HT adopted Book Shakhsiyah Islamiyah Volume 2 page 156 fourth edition printed 1995 ce and 1416: “Jihad is fard Kifayah to inititiate (the fighting) and Fard Ayni when the enemy attacks, upon the ones who are being attacked (ala man haajimuhum) and fard kifayah upon the rest (of the Ummah). This fard is not silenced until the enemy has been repelled and the Islamic land has been purified from its rijs impurity”.

    The following is HT’s position as I understand it from its official literature:

    If an Islamic country was exposed to attack from the enemy, then the fight against the enemy becomes fard ‘ain (personal obligation) upon the people of that land (country). If the repelling of the enemy could not happen with the inhabitants of this land, than it becomes fard ‘ain upon the Muslims who are the nearest (geographically) to this land, then those who follow them (geographically) and so on until the repelling of the enemy is achieved, even if this obligation included all of the Muslims.

    If the enemy occupied the country and dominated over the Muslims within it and imposed its authority upon them and they became unable to fight against it, to remove the authority from them, then they are treated as if the are captives (prisoners of war). The fard ‘ain, in this case, would be upon the Muslims who came next to them (geographically) and so on, until the occupation is removed and the country returns to Bilad al Islam (the land of Islam).

    To say that Jihad becomes fard ‘ain on Muslims means that it is upon those who are capable amongst them, i.e. the armies and those who are like them (i.e. have military power). This is because the ‘capability’ (Istita’ah) is (indirectly) understood in every hukm shar’i. Therefore it is incorrect to change the definition and thus say that Jihad is fard ‘ain upon the armies instead of upon the Muslims, this is because the mentioning of ‘Muslims’ is more general, and it is clear in it that it is a duty (fard) upon those who are qualified and have the capability and ability to fighting in the manner which the shara’ has explained.

    This can be seen in history when Palestine was occupied by the Crusaders for 100 years, the scholars said Jihad against them was Fard Ain, however did they all practically oblige everyone to move there and go to fight? In fact if this was the case all the scholars themselves would have moved there and fought against the crusaders which clearly didn’t happen. Therefore it is clear that they understood the hukm in the same way and this is the classical position.

    The unity of the Muslim countries is a fard, and the fight against the enemy who attacks is also a fard. The fact that the Muslims countries are not united and their armies are divided does not mean that it is a duty to first unify their armies then thereafter fight against their enemy, based upon the consideration that one army is not sufficient to remove the occupation. Rather Muslims are obliged to work to achieve all the duties, so they establish a state that unites their countries and unites their armies, and also they fight their enemy if they are attacked and do not hesitate from doing so under the pretext of waiting until they unify their armies.

    Any ruler from amongst the Muslim countries, who declare the fight against the kafir enemy and orders his army to move for battle, then the duty upon the army, is to move to fight the kafir enemy as long as the fight is against the kuffar. The Ummah is obliged to support that unless the ruler moves the army to fight against the Muslims or drives the army to fall (a planned defeat) in a planned trap to enable the enemy to kill a large number of Muslims. In these two cases, that is to fight against the Muslims and the conspiracy with the enemy to kill the Muslims, it is not allowed to fight (together) with the rulers, and in this case the Ummah and the army have to prevent the rulers and make the fight against the kuffar and not against the Muslims.

    The discussion with the Ummah should be to explain the hukm shari’ in fighting the enemy if they occupied any of the Muslim countries or in case they declared war against them, and to show that the rulers have cancelled Jihad. Also that it is a duty upon the armies to move so as to fight against the enemy and so on so as to move the rulers who suspend the Jihad, and to move also to establish the Khilafah State and appoint a Khaleefah who rules with that which Allah (swt) has revealed and makes Jihad fe Sabeelillah. Calling the Ummah and her armies to execute this fard is one of the actions of the Hizb, which they perform, which should be according to the method explained in the stages of the progression of the Hizb.

    6. One of the most comprehensive books written on the subject of Jihad is by a member of HT, it was thesis from the University of Damascus, Syria entitled ‘Al-Jihad wa’l Qital fi as-Siyasa ash-Shar’iyya’, published in Beirut, Lebanon by Dar al-Bayariq in 3 Volumes by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Khair Haykal. The scanned Arabic book can be downloaded from:

    It also contains the discussion in depth regarding the methodology to re-establish the Khilafah and the evaluation of various proposed methodologies.


  35. Abdul HakeemNo Gravatar says:


    I forgot to answer the question posed earlier regarding seeking Nussrah from the Taghut regimes. Please study HT’s official literature regarding this, HT calls the rulers of the Muslim world today Munafiq’s, see their recent letter to the rulers:

    However as the Prophet (saw) strove to seek Nussrah by firstly putting a condition that the tribe embraces Islam and secondly protect him and establish the deen. HT too emulates this same method, so it is conditional for any person of power in order to give the nussrah to do it based on the condition that they first embrace Islam if they are not already Muslim. Even though the rulers may be Munafiq’s many of the people in the armies and influential Muslims in society are Muslim and thus winning a sufficient number of them and then for them to establish the Khilafah is definitely possibly.

    Even Sheikh Anwar mentions in his Seerah series that not all of the Aus and Khazraj embraced Islam, in fact the second pledge of Aqaba was secret – he goes through the narration when Abu Sufyan found out about it and confronted them and how the Muslims amongst them remained silent.

    In the same way HT wins people from the armies, tribes, influential people, etc in the Muslim world and cultures them in secret if needed to be Islamic personalities and then when they have the sufficient capability to take the power – they move for that so that the ruler can be removed and the Khilafah can be established. It is true that HT has attempted many coups in the Muslim world, the victory is in the hands of Allah (swt) – we have to keep trying according to an Islamic methodology.


  36. IbraheimNo Gravatar says:

    Salam Alaykum,

    There are many good points for both sides of the fence on this subject. I have never heard of HT until this post. I looked them up online and found out as much as I can about them.

    As far as change is concerned consider the story of the Mahdi. It states that he will have a force of around 300 and because this force is pure (fighting for the sake of Allah) Allah will grant them victory.

    So if a force of just 300 with the right intentions can get victory what is the Ummah capable of today? Is there not 300 among us today with the correct intentions?

    There are so many signs happening today that indicate the Mahdi may not be too far away but we should still strive to do our best.

    May Allah grant us all brotherhood and give us a pure Ummah with a pure Khalifah!

  37. abu xaydNo Gravatar says:

    Rasulullah says: I was sent with the sword until Allah alone is worshiped. dear brothers and sisters in islam! be shame on youself? among the few mujaahid is doing the duty of farl ayn.and we all are sitting at home and saying so and you all are sleeping at your home on your beds, staying with your families is because of them.they are the one’s and you can’t gain the victory without shedding blood? brother awlaki you are among few of scholar who are in haqq ,so go on as ibn tamiya and ahmed bin hanbal. you were inprison because you was in haqq. and if we follow the majority we will be in hell. so those who are in haqq today will be minority.

  38. abu xaydNo Gravatar says:

    salaam to all. please be inform if new moon sight to any of muslim country. Jazaakallah ahiren

  39. JaleelNo Gravatar says:

    Barakallahuu feek Imam, I am a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir and regard you as one of my teachers. On this matter, however I think you may have not received the complete information about our methodology. I pray you can meet us in Yemen sometime and we can discuss this most vital issue based upon daleel shari and with pure intentions.
    Soon, my ustadh, the world will change by Allah’s command, and then we shall take our rightful place as the leader of the world.

  40. abu zubairNo Gravatar says:

    salamualaykum shiekh, mashallah very simple but powerful answer. may AllAH mke things easy for u and ur family and preserve u.Ameen. Wallahi after your talk “the dust will neva settle” and this article, i hav realised that all wat pple hav to do is go bak to the main sources, they are the, Quran, Sunnah and the seerah of the rasululah S.A.W. BUT IN THE OTHERHAND I THINK PPLE NO TO DO THIS BUT ITS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE 1) MISLEAD BY SELL OUT SCHOLLERS 2)THEY ARE AFFRAID TO SPEAK AND NOT WILLING TO SACRAFICE ANYTHNG FOR ALLAH AFTER ALL THE INCOMPREHENDBLE COUNTLESS BLESSINGS ALLH HAS BESTOWED UPON US. SUBHANNALAH

  41. KhalidNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaam Wa Alaikum brothers
    May Allah’s blessing be with each and every one. May Allah grant us Taqwa and steadfastness.
    I have Alhamdolillah listened to almost all of Imam Al-Awlaki’s lectures and am very grateful to Allah Subhano wa TaAllah that these lectures have changed my life. I firmly believe that Imam Anwar is a man without fear other than the fear of Allah Subhano wa TaAllah. I also believe that he conveys his message without fear and according to his great research on Quran and Hadith. May Allah Subhano wa TaAllah protect him from Shaitaan, the rejected. Ameen.

    I don’t know who HT is, or what they are exactly doing other than what I have read in this Blog. I do know one thing, if you respect an Imam, you think he is a person of Taqwa, you have listened to him, and be grateful to what he has done to change your life; I think you should follow him as well. There should be no buts, however, although etc. etc. Opinions should only be given if you have more knowledge than that person, or better yet, have more Taqwa. But remember to be very respectful and try not to shame him. Don’t say “I respect you oh Imam, you are very truthful, BUT I would have to disagree with you on this point. These were the paths of the hypocrites.

    How can we appoint a Khalifah? Very simple, pick a man who has the most Taqwa; why is it taking 70 years to find one? What is wrong with this Ummah, you ask? A lot of different opinions with no clue what we are saying, without any knowledge of what is right or wrong, no knowledge of Quran and Hadith, and especially not following the words of the respected Imam’s. This is what is wrong with us.

    I don’t know how many live here in the US, but Imam is not respected in our Masajid, he is only there to lead prayers, Shoora is full of people who sometimes don’t pray, Shoora is full of doctors, IT engineers who have no knowledge about Quran and Sunnah, and whoever has contributed the most of the money to build a Masjid, and most of the times the money for the Masjid is from people who want to convert their Haraam money into Halaal (so they think). We are people who have gone astray. We are following the path of Bani Israel who always questioned the Nabi and always had a lot to show and say but their hearts were weak. Every time they were told to do something out of their normal lives, it was questioned, made fun of and considered extremism.

    So what has changed?? We are still pointing fingers at our Imams, disrespecting them, always having our own opinions without knowledge, belief or any guidance. When someone tries to guide us, we think we are more knowledgeable than that person. How can you people appoint a Khalifah, when you have differences in opinions than your Imam???? How can you people offer Jihad Fisabeehlilah when you ask questions and have doubts. Bani Israel did the same thing with Musa Aleh Salaam and Allah Subhano wa TaAllah destroyed them. Fear Allah Subhano wa TaAllah, Please.

    May Allah forgive me if I have said anything to offend anyone, it was not my intentions.

    JazakAllah Kahir

  42. Ibn AbdulNo Gravatar says:

    Salam Imam (brother) Anwar. I hope you are well. May Allah (swt) protect you and this ummah.

    I have read your response and the subsequent comments. Brothers and sisters seem to be having 2 discussions. One on Khilafah, the other on Jihad. You say Jihad will bring back Khilafah, and the HT method is not going to work because the Muslim lands are occupied now, but there was not Muslim land during the time of the Prophet (saw) hence the Prophet’s way (saw) does not applie here.

    Then brother can you please explain how you view this hadith “Hudhaifah (raa) has said that the Prophet (saws) said

    “The Prophethood will remain among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it when He wishes to, then it will be a Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly Guided) on the method of the Prophethood, it will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if he wishes, then it will be a tyrannical rule, and it will remain so for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes, THEN IT WILL BE KHILAFAH ON THE METHOD OF PROPHETHOOD, then he kept silent.”

    All the others have happend apart from “then it will be khilafah on the method of Prophethood”.

    Thank you, masalama

  43. Nozmul HussainNo Gravatar says:

    I have always respected the sheikhs knowledge and strength, and his unwillingness to bow under the pressure of the enemies of islam. BUT, the proof of an argument or view are on the daleel (evidence), members and scholars from most groups whether it be HT, ikhwan or jihadi groups have been tortured, imprisoned and martyred. In the muslim/arab world speeking the truth and calling for khilafah, speaking agianst the tyrant rulers is usually enough to land you in prison, torture and in many well documented cases execution by the rulers, ALL without having picked up a gun.

  44. Nozmul HussainNo Gravatar says:

    The brothers who are actively fighting to protect their lands from the aggressors, my dua and love is with them. People like the sheikh have suffered for holding on to his views, even though i may not agree with him on this matter i respect him greatly, but to those who are the armchair jihadis of whome there are many, do not attack iman/taqwa of those who do not agree with your method as atleast they are ACTIVELY working inline with their own manhaj.

  45. Abu MuslimNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah swt reward our sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki, Who speaks the haqq, a great blog which talks about the khalifah issue, i think it was time that it needed to be addressed,as many groups go about it the wrong way,may Allah swt guide us to the sunnah, and there is no doubt if ppl actually look into HT they will see what baatil(Falsehood) they are upon, from there errors in aqeedah to there uniting upon baatil(falsehood) i.e. with the rafidah, the prophet pbuh said “my ummah will never unite upon falsehood” so if one is sincere in searching for the sunnah they will find it and will stay away from HT, we ask Allah swt to makes uf rom the ppl on the sunnah, Asalam Alakum Rahmutlah Wa Barakatu

  46. mjNo Gravatar says:

    does anyone know the quran reciter in anwars lectures the one with the nice voice?

  47. UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam Alaikum. I would like to respond to brother Khalid, who in an earlier post, stated “I do know one thing, if you respect an Imam, you think he is a person of Taqwa, you have listened to him, and be grateful to what he has done to change your life; I think you should follow him as well. There should be no buts, however, although etc. etc.” It should be understood that you cannot blindly follow somebody’s opinion just because he seems to have knowledge. You can only do taqleed on the Mujtahid. You also said “But remember to be very respectful and try not to shame him. Don’t say “I respect you oh Imam, you are very truthful, BUT I would have to disagree with you on this point.” These were the paths of the hypocrites.” Essentially what your saying is that we are not allowed to disagree with somebody’s point just because he has knowledge? This way of thinking results in the decline in our level of thinking. This idea is not from Islam. In fact, the Sahaba (ra) differed on topics.. The foundation of Islam is built on rational thinking, not blind faith. My last point is that nobody is infallible but the Prophets, so it is possible that even ‘Ulema make mistakes. We don’t blindly follow sheukh, we follow the evidences they use. I would also like to comment on the statements made my many commenting here referring to Hizb ut-Tahrir as being deviants, having errors in their aqeedah etc… Before you make assumptions based on propaganda against Hizb ut-Tahrir, you should investigate the matter with sincerity. If you hear claims made against Hizb ut-Tahrir, refer to their adopted literature to read first hand what they have to say about the issue. Wa Salaam Alaikum.

  48. Saleh Abd AllaahNo Gravatar says:

    Being a Shabab of HT, I do condemn Shias and their Saksiya and I firmly hold the belief that we can not establish Khilafah without Jihad fee sabilillah. Hence, with due respect to my fellow beloved hizbis, I differ with the methodology of HT. This is to remind you brothers that am not here to create divisions and let’s come to the common grounds that we badly need to unite and establish Khilafah Minhaj an-Nabuwa and with reference to Sura Anfal 8:73 and Sura Nur 24:55. However, our beloved Shaikh Imam Anwar Awlaki stressed some points that we all hizbis should take into account. Here are the lectures that we all should ponder upon:

    The Stages of Islam To Victory

    Allah is preparing us for victory! {Guraaba Version)

    Allah is preparing us for victory! [THIS LECTURE IS A MUST LISTEN FOR EVERY MUSLIM TODAY!](Complete lecture)

    Thawaabit ‘ala darb al Jihad:
    -Jihad will continue until the Day of Judgment
    -Jihad does not depend on an individual or individuals
    -Jihad is not dependent on a particular land
    -Jihad is not dependent on a battle
    -Victory is not limited to military victory
    -The definition of defeat

    Download this book:

    Lectures of Sheikh Anwar Awlaki on HIJRA:

    Also visit and find all his astonishing lectures insha Allaah!

    Lastly but not the least:

    1) The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “A Taa’ifah (Group) from my Ummah will remain upon the Truth – Mansoorah (Victorious, by the support of Allah); they will not be harmed by those who abandon them, nor by those who oppose them, until the command of Allah comes.” In another narration: “…until the Hour (of Judgement) comes.”

    [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee…See: Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah, 4/597-604, Al-Albaanee]

    2) Hudhaifah (raa) has said that the Prophet (saws) said “…then it will be a tyrannical (OPPRESSIVE) rule, and it will remain so for as long as Allah wills, then ALLAH will lift it if HE wishes, then it will be a KHILAFAH on the method of the Prophethood (Minhaz an-Nabuwaa), then he kept silent.”

    [As-Silsilah As-Sahihah, vol. 1, no. 5] and (Musnad Imam Ahmed 4/273)

    3) ‘Allah will RAISE for this community at the end of every HUNDRED years one who will revive His Deen.’

    [Abu Dawood (3/4278), Authenticated by al-Albanee in as-Saheehah (2/150)]


    Wassalamualikum wr wb

    Saleh Abd Allah

  49. Abu DaudNo Gravatar says:

    “does anyone know the quran reciter in anwars lectures the one with the nice voice?”

    I’m not really sure which one you mean as they all seem to have beautiful voices to me, but I would suggest you check out:

    1- Ahmad Al Ajmy
    listen/download here:

    2- Saad Al Ghamidi
    listen/download here:

    3- Mishay Al Efasy
    listen/download here:

    I think, perhaps,the one you are looking for is one of these three.

    Insha Allah, I hope this helps.

  50. Abu DaudNo Gravatar says:

    You may also want to try Abu Bakr Al Shatry…I think he is used sometimes as well in some of the lectures:

  51. Abu MahjahNo Gravatar says:

    Assallamu wa’Alaykum wa’Rahmuthullah.

    I ask Allah (SWT) from His Most Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes to keep Our Imam Anwar steadfast upon the path. Ameen Ya Rabb.

    I just want to mention some point and Insha’Allah the Shaykh maybe add some points to this.

    1. We could all agree that what Imam said was not from his whims and desires, from his lectures we could agree that the intention and sincerity from the Imam and also his level of knowledge is at a high caliber.

    What the Shaykh has mentioned is something not knew, if you really are a student of knowledge and seek out the scholars of truth, you may seem to find the same message being proclaimed.These might not be on TV, or have lectures on CD but they are known amongst the scholars to be scholars.

    The reason this discussion seemed to cause many confusion, because there seems to be a major problem in the West , the following are:

    1. People do not know the correct Aqeedah, this is major problem amongst the masses in the West i.e. Al Wal’aa wal’Bar’aa and Kum Bimah anzal Allah etc. But qualify this statement: not as learning principles, but having that affect in our heart. If we were understand our Lord, and the bounties, and pure trust and believe in Jannah, we would sacrifice everything knowing what He (SWT) has prepared for the believers. If you would just contemplate from Soorah Nur verse 55 they are many great lessons.

    I would advice the brothers and sisters to read that verse, and contemplate its meanings.

    2. Related to Aqeedah, we also lack of understanding of the Sunnah of the Allah (SWT), we do not know our history correctly. If you read the books of history, we would notice how Allah (SWT) given victory and succession to those people before us. And you would see a pattern.

    3. Taifah & Fiqitul Naajah: We lack knowledge of the characteristics of the Saved Sect. we neither try to learn who they are, if you can not find them and become like them. There are few speakers that has touched on this topic, Ali – Tamimi has the ‘Ghorabah’ series and Imam Anwar on ‘Victory’. If we were to understand this point, we could find the group you have these characteristics and find them in this world where ever they are.

    4. I think we need to start examine all the hadeeth related to the end of times, we would see how Allah (SWT) will plan victory for the Ummah, and just look at the current situation and see the everything is coming together. I think we are very close to those times that the Prophet (SAW) was talking about the Amry from Ghurasaan, Ash-Shaams etc.

    I would like to end what Imam Anwar said “…we are going through a gold rush…and the Ah’jal is great…’ so brothers decide what you going to do. We could talk about this issue all day, but that is all it will be talk, you could dream all night, but is just a dream. But Allah (SWT) says in Soorah Nur “…Allah (SWT) has promised those who believe and do righteous actions…” i.e. having believe in Allah and perform Jihad Fisi billah, because that is the great righteous actions.

    And weather you agree you or disagree “..they do not fear the blame or the blamers..”

    Subhanka behamdik, Ash Hadu La illah ah illant, Asfrillukah wa tubu’illak.

    Your brother is Islam:

  52. Kashif AminNo Gravatar says:

    to mj:
    The Qari you are referring to (I think) is Sheikh Sad al Ghamdi. His qirat is beautiful MashAllah.

  53. chameleon47No Gravatar says:

    salaam wr wb…. why is the following event not highlighted ?

  54. Abu MusaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Abdul Hakeem.
    It is good that you at least acknowledged the Rulers as Taghut.
    Now the Deen is Complete… Allah(swt) has said: “Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight you against the friends of Shaytaan; Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan.” [an-Nisa 4:76]

    So since they are Taghut they must be fought together with those who fight in their cause. Do these Armies fight in the cause of Allah(swt) or the cause of Taghut? You will find that they fight in the cause of the Taghut Rulers whose thrones they cement.

    So the the Taghut and those who fight in its cause are fought. And then there is only one way to remove their Fitnah and establish the Deen totally for Allah(swt).

    “Fight them until their is no more Fitnah and the Deen is totally for Allah” [al-Anfal 8:39] Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal(rh) said, “Fitnah sets in when there is no Imam (i.e. Caliph) to manage the Muslims’ affairs.”

    So if no Khilafah brings us Fitnah, then fighting is prescribed to remove the fitnah and establish the Deen of Allah(swt) again in its totality.

    This shows the vital importance of taking the COMPLETE DEEN into consideration and not just looking to a very limited period in time where the Prophet(saw) was order to hold back his hands from fighting.

    The Prophet Muhammad(saw) said: “Whoever sees a Ruler as an oppressor, the one who violates the sanctity of Allah, the one who dishonours Allah, the one who governs other than what Allah has revealed and did not arise against him. Allah will raise them together on the day of judgment.” [Tabarani and Ahmad]

  55. Abdul HakeemNo Gravatar says:


    Some people use the hadith related to the Taifah al-Mansoora (The victorious group) and use it in order to prove that this related to groups today who are engaged in physical qitaal (fighting).

    However we have to remember, the scholars of the past held various views regarding this.

    The great scholar Ibn al-Mubaarak (d.151H) – rahimahullaah – said:
    “According to me, they are Ashaabul-Hadeeth (the Scholars of Hadeeth).” [Sharafu Ashaabul-Hadeeth (p.26) of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee. ]
    Al-Bukhari (d.256H) – rahimahullaah – said: “It means: Ahlul-Hadeeth (the People of Hadeeth).” [Sharafu Ashaabul-Hadeeth (p.27).]

    Imaam Ahmad (d.241H) – rahimahullaah – said: “If this Taa’ifatul-Mansoorah (Victorious and Aided Group) is not Ashaabul-Hadeeth, then I do not know who they are.” [Related by al-Haakim in Ma'rifatu 'Uloomul-Hadeeth (p.3), and al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr declared its isnaad to be Saheeh in Fathul-Baaree (13/293).

    Al-Qaadee 'Iyaad (d.544H) - rahimahullaah - said: "What Ahmad intended was Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah: those who hold the 'aqeedah of Ahlul-Hadeeth." [Sharh Saheeh Muslim (13/67) of an-Nawawee]

    Many scholars said that the victorious group is the scholars of hadeeth.

    Al-Nawawi said: “It is possible that this group is scattered among all types of believers. Some may be brave fighters, or fuqahaa’, or scholars of hadeeth, or ascetics, or people who enjoin good and forbid evil, and other types of good people.”
    Al-Nawawi also said: “It could be a group of different types of believers, including those who are brave and skilled in warfare, faqeehs, scholars of hadeeth, Qur’aanic commentators (mufassireen), those who enjoin good and forbid evil, ascetics and devoted worshippers.”

    Ibn Hajar, may Allaah have mercy on him, explained the matter as follows: “They do not have to all be in one city; they could be gathered in one country or dispersed across the world. They may be gathered in one city or in a part of it. It is possible that one group may exist, then disappear, then be replaced by another group, and so on, until the Day of Judgment, when all will disappear except for one group in one city, who will disappear when the breeze decreed by Allaah comes.”


  56. ATNo Gravatar says:


  57. Muhammad Q.No Gravatar says:

    assalamu alaykum,
    absolutely amazing answer, I couldn’t agree more.

  58. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Ummah, Assalam-o-Alaikum wa Rehmat Ullah, May Allah reward Sheikh for his excellent answer and understanding of Deen. I would like to comment to HT brothers that Nifaq cannot be checked untill you physically try to go to battle field. For clear underdtanding of Jihad, you can hear Constants of Jihad and Mashari al Ashwaq by Sheikh Anwar Awlaki.When Sheikh says that its a more broader term it means that all the efforts that help for Qitaal fe sabeelillah are called Jihad, it can be letures delivered by Shayyukh, fund raising, helping families of Shuhada etc, key point is that all the efforts must support fighting against Enemy. To the concepts of HT that Farz ayn is only those who can fight, its a contradiction in itself, farz ayn is farz ayn, it does not give a waiver to any one, if some one just involve himself in any activity that helps to fight against the enemey it is Jihad and Qitaal is no wonder is some thing that only special people go for. May Allah purchase our lives for His sake.
    Imam I love you for the sake of Allah. I wish to be with you in Jannah inshaAllah. TAKBEER TAKBEER TAKBEER.

  59. mjNo Gravatar says:

    thank you for every1 who responded to my question asalam alaikum.

  60. amirNo Gravatar says:

    brother can you please give u some information when a leader is a kaafir because some people have this story that is the leader believes in his heart then he is not a kaafir

  61. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam wa alaikum

    Dear Sheikh just to inform you, according to my knowledge the Shaheed General Dudayev who you referred to was actually a Daris (student) of Hizb ut-Tahrir when he was martyred.

  62. ummarNo Gravatar says:

    to amir

    go to

    you should find it there six reasons why the today leaders are kuffar. and what is their verdict by replacing shariah.

  63. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Answer to your question brother Amir,
    In Islam we go by actions not by belief in hearts. If you hear the series of ” Life of Madina” by Sheikh Awlaki you would find your answer, but i would qoute here for you, After Ghazwa Bader Rasool Allah held Abbas(his uncle) as captive and asked him for Ransom,at that time Abbas said that Ya Rasool Allah dont you know that I am Muslim, so why you asking ransom from me, to this Rasool Allah replied that, we caught you with the Kuffar, if you claim to be muslim then it is a matter with you and Allah, we go by your actions not by what is in your heart. Therefore it is enough proof to see who is Kafir and who is Muslim, see their actions and see with whom they are standing with, as also mentioned in Surah Mujadlah ayat 22, “You will not find any people who beieve in Allah and the last day , making friendship with those who oppose Allah and his messenger” and todays rulers openly claim to be friends with Kuffar and not only declare but work for them as their eyes and hands.
    For more reference you can also see Maida 44,51,54, Annissa 60, Al-Imran 28-100-118.

  64. KaaliaNo Gravatar says:

    Could brother Anwar please elaborate on what he means that our lands have been invaded — countries like Saudi, Pakistan, UAE, Egypt, etc these countries have governments and structures setup that are governing the people and upholding peace for the populous and society — can we really fight against this and allow anarchy to ensue, as is evident in Iraq right now? If Jihaad is fardh ayn then who do we fight, where and how? Also it means that Khilafa is not the “objective” here, rather the objective is to simply fulfil the command to defend our lands… once we have defended them and expelled the invaders (who are they though?? and in which lands?-apart from the obvious in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc-) how THEN do we establish the Khilafa system and who do we appoint as the Khaleef and how does this all tie up with the Ahadith regarding the End of the World?

  65. IsmailNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu 3alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatahu.

    First time poster, long time listener. Mashallah, what an informative answer. Two goats wouldnt butt heads over what you said.

    Allahu Akbar.

    Assalamu 3alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatahu

  66. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    MashaAllah brother Ismail, i second your comments…
    for Mr. Kaalia, please read Quran and listen lectures by Sheikh like, Lives of the Prophets, Life of Madina and Makka… and various other series you can find at
    No doubt Allah gives Hidaya to whom He wills, May Allah opens up your eyes and heart to see the bleeding Ummah all over the world.

  67. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    I think people need to re-read the answer by Abdul-Hakeem regarding the issue of Fard Ayn, the argument is based on evidences. HT’s understanding is based on Ijtihad, people may differ with this Ijtihad but they have to acknowledge it as a legitimate Ijtihad – if people it should be argued based on evidences instead of simply repeating that Jihad is Fard Ayn.

    The concept of capability is based upon the Islamic evidences, This is established by the Kitab and Sunnah. Allah (swt) states in the Quran:

    “Allah does not place burdens upon people that they can not bear.” [TMQ]

    The Messenger (saw) said in a Hadeeth that has been narrated from Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, (add Arabic) “What I have ordered you to undertake do of it what you are able and what I have prohibited to you then avoid it”.

    In History the parallels that can be drawn are from the occupation of al Andalus (Spain). The Ulema gave the Fatwa that the people who reside there were unable to fight effectively and that it was therefore necessary for them to make Hijra and Fard on the rest of the people to prepare a capable force for the fighting and removal (izalat) of their enemy.

    I will also repeat the example which Abdul-Hakeem gave:

    This can be seen in history when Palestine was occupied by the Crusaders for 100 years, the scholars said Jihad against them was Fard Ain, however did they all practically oblige everyone to move there and go to fight? In fact if this was the case all the scholars themselves would have moved there and fought against the crusaders which clearly didn’t happen. Therefore it is clear that they understood the hukm in the same way and this is the classical position.

  68. AkhiNo Gravatar says:

    As Salam u Alayum, ya akhi i’ve noticed that uve asked the sheikh a question. He has answered with an answer that obviously doesn’t please you, beacuse you are probably HT along with a few other brothers commenting backing HT. HT are ahlul bidah, who scream for shariah, but do not practice shariah upon themselves. Follow the sunnah if you love the sahriah sooo much. Grow ur beards and stop looking like the kufaar. Follow the sunnah. and accept that HT are upon Baaatil!!! just like our sheikhs have said. including sheikhuna awlaki.

  69. AkhiNo Gravatar says:

    and Abdullah, stop trying to hide bidah with ijtihad. who made this ijtihad. from where did this come from. follow the quran and sunnah. The sheikh and our brother inshAllah shaheed in a previous comment further up gave you qal Allah wa qal Ar rasool. and ur chattin’ about ijtihad?!! fix up. stop following ur desires. HT are wrong, leave them and there falsehood. when they see the muslimeen succesful upon the sunnah then u will see HT, remixing the minhaj. these people have no ulema. none what so ever. !!!!!

  70. AkhiNo Gravatar says:

    classical, i always hear hamza yusuf and sufis hiding behind the banner of classical. munafiqeen are also classical, rafidah shia have “classical scholars.” be clear dont try and genralise. just because the term classical sounds tasty, u want blind evryone with that term, whooo??? whhoooo??? who are these “classical” ulema. who?? not one name u have given us abdullah. not one. no one to refrence, and to see whether he is a person of baatil. and bidah. fear Allah. the deen is clear. Allah has completed our relegion. we dont need no opinion of imaginery “classical” sheiks, who u so happened not to mention. fix up. follow the sunnah. listen to what the sheikh has given u. and stop fatwa shopping. no one on the sunnah supports HT. they are losers. ahlul bidah.

  71. ABU YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    As-Salam-Ylakum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuh!
    In response to my confused brothers and sisters. The enemy has, and possibly always will be stronger in man power, and weaponry, however Allah (swt) says, and it’s meaning QURAN 4:104 “And don’t be weak in the pursuit of the enemy; If you are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but you have a hope from Allah that for which they hope not; and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.”
    Allah (swt) also warns us in regards to this matter of fear, and defeatism.
    QURAN.3:175 “It is only Satan who instills (into you) fear of his allies; so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are indeed (truly) believers!”
    And so Allah (swt) asks us.
    QURAN.39:36 “Is not Allah sufficient for his Servant? Yet they try to frighten you with those (whom they worship) besides Him! And whom Allah leaves to stray, for them there can be no guide.”
    QURAN.3:160 “If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? in Allah, then, Let the believers put their trust.”
    QURAN.3:173 “Those unto whom men said: Lo! the people have gathered against you, therefore fear them. (The threat of danger) but it only increased them in faith and they cried: Allah is sufficient for us! and He is the best disposer of affairs.”
    Therefore we can easily conclude that what the Ummah is experiencing at present is simply a test to distinguish the people of truth from the liars, the true believers from the hypocrites.(May Allah make us of Ahlul-Hack [PEOPLE OF TRUTH] Ameen!)
    We must also be vigilant in our dealings with the disbelievers as they will never fail to do their best to try to corrupt us!
    QURAN.3:149-150.”O you who believe! If you obey the unbelievers, they will drive you back on your heels, and you will turn back (from Faith) as losers.”
    “Nay, Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.”
    May Allah guide, and protect us as the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) Ameen!
    And may Allah reward you Shaykh Awlaki and protect you, and cause you never to back-track upon the path of truth, may He (Azza-wajal) increase you in guidance and knowledge and cause you to die in a state of Eeman.(Qul Ameen)

  72. HasanNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum
    To…..Bro Abdullah,
    you missing the definition of fard ayn.

    example, you’re five guys and saw a babay drawing. if one of you respond and able to save that babay, the rest are saved from the sin, if the guy who respond can’t save him, it’s still fard ayn upon the rest of you. If none of you respond to that babay you’re all sinnars and are held responisble for not saving that babay.

    regardless of how many ulama or people that doesn’t participate it’s still individual obligation on you untill the enemy is repelled.

    and i hope you’re not sugesting that we tell people in flistine, shishaan,afghanistan,somalia and iraq to do hijjra.

  73. dreNo Gravatar says:

    Sh. Anwar has proven himself, once again, as religiously reckless. Fear Allah akhi and worry about the Yemenis and let the scholars of the West handle things. If you start a fire, we are the one’s who have to deal with it.

  74. mjNo Gravatar says:

    i tried all of those reciters and none of them are the one im looking for anymore suggestions?

  75. akhiNo Gravatar says:

    Dre???? subhanAllah. Dre????? u even named urself after a Kafir. even if its a screen name, at least pick a muslim one. it just goes to show ur ignorance. scholars of the west??? who are they, people are loosely using the name scholars like its nothing. dre??? im still shocked that u have the audacity to criticise an islamic person of knowledge using a kafir(non beleiver incase u didn’t know what it meant) name.

  76. JameelNo Gravatar says:


    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

    I pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall showers His infinite blessings upon Imam Anwar and his family during this blessed month insha’Allah.

  77. JameelNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu Alaykum,

    I think when the bro/sis says “let the scholars of the West handle things” is referring to some western scholars also known as ‘Scholars for Dollars’.

    And I am glad that brother Abu Yahya reminded us that in time of hardship the rightly guided will be separated from the hypocrites.

    Allah (SWT) is cleansing the Ummah insha’Allah.

  78. yusufNo Gravatar says:

    salamu alaikmu,

    amazing how the “argumentative” HT boys come out fighting!

    I believe that the issue with the HT Methd lies at its root and is based on the usool and the foundations of the aqeeda of the founders of the movement.

    If we are to follow the scholars of what is considered ahlus sunnah wal jammat, ie the quran and sunnah on the UNDESTANDING OF the companions,the tabieen and the rightly guided plus then the usual list of madhab; the understanding always being placed on the earliest and mosty reiable source.

    You can always find someone who said something. This is what we see with some of the proponents of peaceful protest.

    Also, abdul hakeem chose several imams comments and lined them with his own viewpoint which he was attempting to put across. This is a fruit of the HT tree that i constantly come across, and is dangerous. Even to the pointof completely taking scholars comments out of context only to use them as some kindof evidence.

    We should obviously seek out the true and guided scholars and they have taqwa and fight in the way of alah and do notfear the blame of the blamers.

    May alah forgive us and find for us away ameen.

  79. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    Bismillah Rahmaan Raheem.

    Salam Alaykum WRB & Ramadan Mubarak to all.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt it that this Ummah will have a Khalifa ONLY when the Black Flags march out of Khurasan(which I believe is in Afghanistan)? And which the Prophet(pbuh), has ordered us to join this army because it will march to Jerusalem.

    Dont forget brothers & sisters, that as of now, it is Muslims fighting Muslims and killing each other.

    Whether it is fighting government soldiers – like the massacre of fellow Muslims at the Lal Masjid(Red mosque) in Islamabad or the Sunni fighters in the refugee camp in Lebanon in 2007.

    Or the innocent civilians that are being killed at the hands of both sides. While the West is taking Pleasure at our division & hatred for each other and the bloodshed of Muslims.

    I humbly admit my limited knowledge & wisdom, that I dont know what is the right way to move forward – whether it is to fight or wait a bit more till Allah prepares this Ummah to rise up with the help of the Black Flags, and they overthrow these tyrants & oppressors.

    But I do beg Allah the Exalted to have mercy on this Ummah and bring all of us back to the Quran & Sunnah and grant us victory over the Kaafirs. They are our real enemies.

    May Allah guide us all. Ameen.

    Also, I do remind all posters here that we are STILL Muslims of the Ahlus Sunnah, despite our differences of opinion on how we should proceed. The Sahabas(RA) had differences of opinion.

    That does not mean we can talk derogatory of each other or accuse or hate one another.

    Dont forget, we all will be called to account for everything we say or type and what we have in our hearts for our fellow Muslims.

    May Allah the Merciful forgive me if I have written anything that displeases Him.

  80. ABU YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    Muqarrib78, In case you were unaware, those soldiers who help to cement the thrones of these modern day Pharaohs, and uphold the kufr legislation with which they rule are in fact themselves kuffar (generally).
    Allah (swt) says. and it’s meaning;
    Quran. 4:76. “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of taghoot (idols,or false deities). So fight against the helpers of the devil.Verily the devil’s strategy is ever weak.”
    From this verse we can see that whom soever fights so that Allah’s (swt) name is exalted and His (swt) Shariah is established and reigns supreme, then they are from the people of truth and Eeman, and the true Muwwahideen (people of pure monotheism).
    However if you fight against Allah (swt) and His Shariah then most certainly you have disbelieved, and that would make you of the friends of shaytan. And if you fight,persecute or spy on His (swt) faithful servants (on the bases that they are upholding the truth, and as a show of loyalty to the disbelievers) then certainly you have disbelieved and have become of those who are the helpers of shaytan.
    Unsh-Allah I could give you more references but I will advise you to look into the definition of the word “TAGHOOT” and maybe that will help clear up some of your misunderstandings bi-inthni-llahi tala.
    Ya Ummah of Muhammad (saw) do not be fooled by the sharp tongues of the hypocrites there are only two camps Hizbullah (the party of Allah) and Hizbushaytan (the party of satan) and there is nothing in between.
    (Check tafsir Ibn Kathir on Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah’s 11-13)
    I ask Allah Azza-Wajjal to guide us all closer to the truth, in our knowledge, in our hearts, and in our actions. Ameen!

  81. ABU YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    Sorry Dre, Im affraid the “Scholars” of the west (with the exception of a handful) are to busy casting their votes into the ballet box, and rallying behind political party’s in preparation for the next general elections.
    So since their not around to give us some of their fifty pound fatwah’s your just going to have to put up with Shaykh Awlaki (May Allah preserve him).
    I quote the Shaykh, in my own words; when he mentioned that we don’t custom make our deen to suit our surroundings, but rather we look for an environment which permits us to practice our deen in it’s entirety. And this is from the basic principles of our faith, ISLAM (total submission to Allah (swt) alone [la shaareeka la]).
    Therefore if we can’t stand the heat we should get out of the kitchen.

  82. Ciise Diin Mohamoud MohamedNo Gravatar says:

    Asallaamu alaykum again Alla the brothers and sister in every where. I read the article or the discussion of Re-establishing the Islamic Estate, One think I also think about is what the prophet (SAW) said about the events before the day of judgement, the vigtorious group or Dhaifatul Mansuura, the prophet (SAW) said, “The vigtorious group are those who are upon the way me and the sahabah” I think is clear, it is good famular to find out who is right or wrong, I looked at the situation in Somalia the Islamic movement, I hope Insha Allaah there in the right path because for them it clear, at least my oppinion I hope for them to be the Vigtorious group and what the Sahaaba are upon, my good friend i had when i was in Madarasah ( Islamic school) were the major back bone of the fight, I hope Allaah Subhaanahu watacalaa, to give the vigtory in their strangle toward the Awliya U-shaydaan.

    Asallaamu ALaykum WW.

  83. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    Bismillah Rahmaan Raheem.

    Salam Alaykum Brother Abu Yahya,

    The point I was trying to make is, if infact Allah has decreed the Khalifa will ONLY be established with the help of the Black Flags – then the Jihad of fighting and all effort should be concentrated in Afghanistan, to defeat the NATO soldiers there and establish the Khalifa there FIRST.

    And InshaAllah, the rest of the Muslims countries with its tyrants will fall after that.

    This, I feel RECONCILES the opinion of Sheikh Anwar and those that are calling for immediate Jihad and those that say that the Ummah is not ready to rise up.

    We are all on the same side and we all want the same thing InshaAllah. But there HAS to be Unity among the groups that want a Khalifa & Sharia, First & Foremost. How can & why would Allah grant us victory when we cant even get along with each other right now? And we would only hate each other, each group declaring the other to be Kaafir or Misguided and be at each other throats. You know how these things can get out of hand due to Shaytaans handiwork.

    There HAS to be Unity of Objective and UNITY of how we are to achieve that objective.

    While you know very well that if some Mujaheddin try to overthrow the rulers of Arabia, Egypt or Pakistan, they will use their ENTIRE military force to prevent that – and we will have the same repeat of the massacre that happened in Islamabad & Lebanon, last year.

    The vicious cycle of us fighting and killing each other will continue – with innocent Muslim civilians caught in between. While the West laughs at our division & infighting and remains in Power.

    And DONT expect this Ummah to rise up and overthrow their rulers. Allah has decreed the characteristic of this Ummah to be always dormant and subjugated. I dont think their has ever been an instance of people rising up and overthrowing their ruler, no matter how bad a dictator or tyrant he was. So DONT expect a French or American Revolution style of Mass uprising – It has never happened with this Umaah and probably never will.

  84. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    Allah also requires us to use our COMMON SENSE and Strategic planning to engage in Jihad – and NOT just march out into the battlefield hoping for Allah to send down His angels to give us victory. The Objective of the Jihad has to also be REALISTIC & ACHIEVABLE. If unrealistic Jihad is what we want, then how about 100 of us get together and conquer Israel or India. We are on the Haqq and Allah will support us right? – It doesnt work that way.

    And SubhaanAllah, we see the result of the Jihad taking place in Afghanistan. Our Mujaheddin brothers are taking the battle to the Kuffar. They are making them hurt. They are making the Kuffaar women widows and their children fatherless. They are giving them a taste of their own medicine of what this Ummah has had to suffer at the hands of the Kuffaar.

    So this is where we should concentrate our effort and InshaAllah, Allah WILL grant us victory from there. It is Realistic, Achievable and Prophesied by our beloved Nabi(salAllahu Alyhe wa Sallam).

    And I urge all groups to sit together and come to a common platform for the sake of Allah, His Messenger(pbuh) and this Ummah. Going alone with your own viewpoint is not the way to achieve a lasting victory.

    Just my humble opinion and Allah knows best.

  85. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    To Muqarrib78,
    Dear You seriously need to listen
    “Constants on the Path of Jihad”
    Brother Abu Yahya in the above threads have given you an excellent response. Dont make up your mind on the basis of your own observations and assumptions and dont be emotional for the ones who disagree with us. I think you are not aware of “taifa mansoora” they dont care for some one who join them or who leave them, they dont take the blame of the blamers, this is a group specially aided by Allah Subhan wa tala, and will be not be defeated rather would multiply itself.If we have to go with what you said “The Objective of the Jihad has to also be REALISTIC & ACHIEVABL” believe me the Jihad would never have started in Afghanistan. I have heard people saying many times ” common man can you really fight Americans” moreover can you support your argument with reference to Quran and Sunnah? Please please brother listen to the series of lectures mentioned above, most of the times we talk too much becuase of ignorance, believe me i am not saying that i m too learned but i know one thing that there was a time when i also spent time with HT but Alhamdulillah when Allah guided me he introduced me to Sheikh Anwar Awalki. Sheikh is a gift to Ummah in todays hard times, dont miss him, listen to his all the series. May Allah help the Mujahideen and their supporters every where in the world.

  86. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Brother “Akhi” excellent work…… keep it up, dont leave HT guys alone, i have never seen a single HT member with a beard according to Sunnha, rather i have seen them more like 50 cents and MNM i dont know to whom they want to impress or follow? I pray to Allah to see you some day in the battle field. Takbeer….

  87. AkhiNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Al Khurasani, BarakAllahu feek, inshAllah we will see each other on the feilds if not then in Jennah, bi idh nillah,!! Allahu Akbar!!!

  88. BilalNo Gravatar says:

    Assalama alaikum .
    I am ready to fight and so are various other individuals in the path of Allah and only for the sake of Allah but we dont know how to go about it. Now taht is the issue taht matters those who are advocating for jihad and thsoe who aren’t Allah will judge them for what they do and dont do but to let your brotehrs and sisters die and be oppressed and loose their rights to worship Allah and submit to his will that is a shame on us all including me we wasting time here arguing about something that surah Taubah clearly has spelt it out for us.
    Inshallah Allah guide us all and give us the best of status that of the martyr.
    Now the million dollar question how do we go about it?

  89. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brother Bilal, MashaAllah….If you have the true quest Allah will creat means for you to join the ranks of Mujahideen, I dont know your location but i strongly recommend you to make Hijrah to the lands of Jihad and this is what Rasool Allah has commanded us.

  90. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Ya Akhi, InshaAllah, remember me and brothers of Khurasan in your prayers.
    May Allah purchase our lives and lets be among those on whom He Subhan wa tala smiles on the day of Qayyama(amin)

  91. Ibn Na'eemNo Gravatar says:

    AsSalaam Alaikum,

    O Muslims, have a look at the link above and see for yourself how we are being massacred. Waiting aroung for nusrah won’t do much to help our brothers and sisters as you can clearly see in the video. There is only one solution.

  92. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Assalat-o-Wasslam alal Imam ul Mujahidden wa Sayyed ul Mursalieen, Muhammad ur Rasool Allah.
    To you Muqarrib78
    Quran ruling for those who think Muslim fight against Muslim….Surah Al-Hujraat Aya 9.And if two parties or groups among the believers fall to fighting, then make peace between them both, but if one of them rebels against the other, then fight you (all) against the one that which rebels till it complies with the Command of Allâh; then if it complies, then make reconciliation between them justly, and be equitable. Verily! Allâh loves those who are equitable.
    Now you decide who is rebilious and who is on the right path, who is standing in the ranks of Taghoot , Kuffar and who is Hizbullah the Party of Allah. Islam recognizes you by your actions and your actions are what your beliefs are. Lip service or beliving in heart is simply not good enough to be a Muslim.

  93. Musl1mNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum,

    This article is available in pdf, please download it here. Please do share it with others.


  94. MUJAHIDNo Gravatar says:




  95. Abu MusaNo Gravatar says:

    For those who are confused about why Jihad and all the lands are not allegedly occupied etc.

    Firstly all the Muslim Lands are occupied and have been invaded. They were initially invaded by Colonialists and their Agents.

    The Muslims had no Islamic State or a semblance of one. The Lands were carved up divided and ruled (Sykes-Picot and San Remo Agreements).

    Then the colonialists played a trick of in-direct rule. They backed of and left Apostate Agent-Rulers in their place.

    Now anyone who understands Islam knows that when an invader comes and rules your land – they must be fought and Jihad is Fard Ayn.

    But Jihad is not over because the Kuffar put and Agent in their place who has the same skin-colour as you or from the same tribe as you. That does not make the invasion over.

    Same if I were to take over you house. You could protest and fight me. But just because I hand the house over to your cousin who will look after the house on my behalf – does not mean you have your house back. Even if this cousin were to let you use the some of the house but kept in control of it and ownership of it.

    So this in this sense the Tawagheet Rulers are just as much invaders as the Colonialist Kuffar. So Jihad is Fard Ayn until the Land is both regained and Khilafah restored on all of it.

  96. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Any land and every inch that is ruled by Muslims for even one day is a Fard to take back, and obviously it wont be a cake in the plate to accept, we will have to fight with Kuffar. Dear HT members,please open up your hearts for Jihad, look at the massacre of Muslim women and children, look at their conditions how they are being raped and derived of every basic human right, do u you really believe that we have to wait for the Nusrah untill they reach to every single muslim, tell me one thing, if some one have taken up your land or your wife or sister, even then will you wait for the ” NUSRAH” to come or will you fight them? have you thought that sanctity of your wife or sister is more than the sanctity of Muslim Ummah? if you guys are really sincere with your love of religion then open up your heart and listen to Sheikh Abdullah Azzam , how would be answer Allah Subhan wa Tala for the following Command?
    4-75. And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, ill­treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.”
    9-87. They are content to be with those (the women) who sit behind (at home). Their hearts are sealed up (from all kinds of goodness and right guidance), so they understand not.
    4-95. Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allâh with their wealth and their lives. Allâh has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allâh has promised good (Paradise), but Allâh has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward;
    I wonder what stops HT to fight, as Sheikh Anwar mentioned in one of his series that there are people they try to convert every opportunity to fight Jihad and there are other who try to take every argument not to fight Jihad, what can be the reason except that you love your life is dearer to you than Jihad , Allah and His Rasool. Can’t you see how our Prophet Sallalaho Alaihey Wassallam wished tobe killed in the cause of Allah and how much He suffered for this religion and we wish that we keep on distributing leaflets out side the mosques and angles will come down from skies to give us Nusrah.
    5-54. O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islâm), Allâh will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allâh, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allâh which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allâh is All­Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All­Knower.

  97. dreNo Gravatar says:


    Asalamu alaykum,

    My mother gave me that name and I kept it after I reverted to islaam. If it is haram, please provide dalil? Also, could you please provide your qualifications that enable you to talk ? How much Qu’ran have you memorized? What scholars have you studied with?

  98. ABU YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    Salam-Ylakum Wa-Rahmatullah!
    I advise you all to watch the new AS-SAHAB release @:
    Witness for yourself the treachery which is taking place in the Ummah at present, and the blatant treachery of the self proclaimed “Wali-Ul-Amr” al-saud and their Sahirs (Magicians).
    May Alllah (swt) open our eyes to our current state, and to the appropriate response. Ameen!

  99. Slave of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaam u alaikum werehmatullahe wabrakatuhu Sheikh Anwar,
    May Allah swt reward you abundantly for you efforts. May Allah accept if from you and grant you Jannat al Firdaus. Sheikh, I have learned a lot from you and Alhumdulillah a lot of my concepts have been cleared. But there is one confusion that still bothers me. I wonder if you have read “Shaykh Salman al-Oudah’s Ramadan Letter to Osama Bin Laden”. I respect Sheikh Salman Al Oudah and have been an avid reader of his work and I was glad to know that you have been his student for a while. I hope you don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want to create fitnah by inviting condemnation of any one. I just want to follow inshaAllah only the Haqq in this myriad of confusion. I will be very thankful if you could help us with this. JazakAllah khiran kathira. May Allah guide us all to the straight path and grant us ikhlas and istakamah. May we all live our lives as Mo’min and Mo’mina and meet Allah swt in a state of Eeman insahAllah.

    Your sister in Islam!

  100. Slave of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    As salaam alaikum Imam Anwar:

    I have some questions for you and also the brothers here, insha’Allah.

    How does one define jihad fisabilillah? Imam Anwar, I love you for the sake of Allah (swt) and masha’allah, you have really benefited me, as I’ve told you before, but wallahi I don’t understand how one can say or insinuate that certain acts are totally justifiable and halaal Islamically.

    I mean, how can one say that killing and slaughtering kaafir civilians (non-combatants), including women and children, is jihad for the sake of Allah (swt)? How can one say that Madrid, Bali and London, killing tourists in Islamic lands, etc., etc., are GREAT operations, legitimate Islamically?

    How is it wrong Islamically to intentionally target ONLY combatants? (I’m not talking about things that happen by mistake)

    What is wrong with targeting and fighting the filthy crusaders, and their puppet murtadeen in such places as Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, Kashmir, Palestine, etc.? Or the tawagheet governments in various Muslim countries? Do these beliefs mean that one is not a true Muslim, or is a so-called moderate or modernist Muslim?

    I mean is it true that if Muslims do not feel that these operations are right, halaal, or don’t support them (intentionally slaughtering non-combatant kuffar, such as what I mentioned) that they are munafiqeen, or fasiqeen, or sinners in some way?

    Please answer my questions dear shaykh, and please forgive me if I said anything wrong, or inappropriate.

    May Allah forgive me and all Muslims… Ameen

  101. Slave of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaikum:

    Apparently, there is another person using “Slave of Allah” as his/her posting name. I just wanted to clarify that I am the one that had raised questions about the apparent total support and defending of the killing of non-combatant (civilian) kuffar, and the fact that is it really fair for Muslims that consider that these acts and operations to be wrong Islamically and haraam, in fact “munafiqeen,” evil, or less Muslim, etc., etc.

    Obviously, shaykh Anwar has said and implied that these are totally correct, excellent, and legitimate operations, etc. For example, I was asking, what is so totally wrong and unIslamic to target only the dirty, wicked, filthy combatants (the key word being “combatants”) that are fighting you, for example, the zionist Crusader scum, and their tawagheet puppet murtadeen…

    Also to the other “Slave of Allah,” IMHO, allahu alam, but I don’t think many of the posters on this thread (or blog) would have too much sympathy or respect for shaykh Salman Al Odah, as I have seen that many pro-al-Qaeda, and shaykh bin Laden supporters have basically made takfeer on this brother, saying he’s totally misguided and ignorant at best, and at worse, is in essence nothing more than a pro-murtadeen (pro “Saudi”) sell-out, no good, wicked “palace” scholar, pro-tawghoot “fasiq” etc. However, that being said, maybe shaykh Anwar would indeed have a different opinion on him.

    If I said anything wrong or offensive, please forgive me.

    As salaamu alaikum

  102. ABU YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    Salam-Ylakum Wa-Rahmatullah.I would like to advise my sister “Slave of Allah”, and may Allah (swt) guide us all closer to the truth. Ameen!
    Firstly sister I advise you that any event or incident in question, to first look to what dalil or justifications were given by those who carried out these acts.(From their sources, that is what they themselves have declared openly and first hand).
    And if need be cross reference the dalil with a trust worthy person of knowledge. And not the “Ulema-a-sultan” (kings scholars), nor those who are in a clear position where their likely to be oppressed, for that would surely effect their fatawah.
    Secondly, combatants and non-combatants is not defined by western philosophers or intellectuals, nor by jahil organizations or self proclaimed scholars whose only concern is how to appease their masters in the west. Rather the Quran and sunnah alone guides us to the meaning and definition of such titles.
    These Ahadith are taken from Sahih Muslim. I hope they somehow help a little!:
    Book 019, Number 4320:
    It is narrated by Ibn ‘Umar that a woman was found killed in one of these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) forbade the killing of women and children.
    Book 019, Number 4319:
    It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah that a woman was found killed in one of the battles fought by the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). He disapproved of the killing of women and children.
    Book 019, Number 4321:
    It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.
    Book 019, Number 4322:
    It is narrated by Sa’b b. Jaththama that he said (to the Holy Prophet): Messenger of Allah, we kill the children of the polytheists during the night raids. He said: They are from them.
    Book 019, Number 4323:
    Sa’b b. Jaththama has narrated that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) asked: What about the children of polytheists killed by the cavalry during the night raid? He said: They are from them.
    Also research into the siege of the Prophet (saw) on the town of Taif.

  103. Abu AbdaenNo Gravatar says:

    Salam Alaykum, Dear Imaam, May Allaah reward you with good. Although I’m yet to go through the various comments but having read your article, I will like you to comment on the methods employed by Shaykh Uthman ibn Fudi and Imaam Ibn AbdulWahaab in establishing their dawah and how successful they were? It seems to corroborate the view of tarbiyyah before jihad. May Allaah guide us.

  104. MustafaNo Gravatar says:

    In democracy system are the people held responsible by the action of their government?

  105. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Sister: Slave of Allah:
    Please see the fatawa by sheikh Ayman Azawahari

    Surah Baqara Aya 194
    194. The sacred month is for the sacred month, and for the prohibited things, there is the Law of Equality (Qisâs). Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him. And fear Allâh, and know that Allâh is with Al-Muttaqûn (the pious – see V.2:2) .
    moreover you need to study the Seerah of Prophet Sallalaho Alaihey Wassalam, that how Jews were attacked when they disrespected one Muslim Lady and the whole tribe was attacked driven out of Madina, Banu Quraidha; how every one of the tribe was punished, Incident of Abdullah bin Jahsh who raided the Caravan in the Sacred month and Allah accepted them and rewarded them with the booty and ajar of Mujahideen and approved their act. (Surah Baqara 217 revealed in their favor) 217. They ask you concerning fighting in the Sacred Months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar). Say, “Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allâh is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islâmic Monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever.”
    You should also know the definition of Democracy as they are the supporters of what they are doing to Muslims every where. I wish you can see the treatment of Muslims men women and children in Guantanamo, ABu Gharieb, in the jails of Puppet regimes all over the world, you might have a different thought. Can you only see the cries of Kuffars in Bali Bombings who were drinking and making Zina there? cant you see Iraqi and afghani, palestinian, waziristani women and kids?
    stop being kind hearted towards Kuffar, look what is the sign of Momineen , they are stern and harsh towards disbelievers and soft like resham among themselves.
    Open up your eyes and give the equal and deserving treatment to Kuffar, we are just responding back to them what they are doing to us and it is allowed by sharia. If you hear the life of Prophet in Madina by Sheikh Awlaki, you can find your answers.
    Wallahu Alam.

  106. Ramadan MubarakNo Gravatar says:

    i think for now that muslims need to focus their efforts on the dawah. I know a lot of american muslim converts that make born muslims look like kafirs (sarcastic remark here) my point is that for the most part, the muslim convert (revert) tends to be more passionate about islam. it’s a real beautiful thing.

    i notice that alot of masjids focus on appearance rather than substance. the masjids in my area for example (in the US) want to raise millions to build super masjids that look like cathedrals.

    they put their money in the building, but never pay the teachers and rely on volunteers. I know a masjid in a very very wealthy neighboorhood that is looking for great sunday school teachers but is not willing to pay for them. not saying that money is everything by anymeans….but most of the volunteers they have there at the moment have no business teaching islam imo.

  107. AhmadNo Gravatar says:

    The argument that someone mentioned earlier about seeking nusrah from the Taghut regimes is non-sensical. The Prophet (saw) sought to win the non-Muslim tribes to Islam and for them to give him Nusrah, obviously before their conversion to Islam the Ansar of Madina were upholders of Taghut.

    Seeking the Nusrah is a shariah rule established by the authentic evidences, please check this excellent article on the subject:

    Also points people raised about trivial issues like the beard seem very childish, it is well known that the issue of the beard is an area of legitimate ikhtilaf amongst the scholars, is the great scholar Imam an-Nawawi who wrote the famoud Sahrhu Sahih Muslim a fasiq (sinner) because he said that having a beard is recommended and not wajib (obligatory)? I advise brothers and sisters to only speak about issues they have knowledge about.

  108. WatcherNo Gravatar says:

    AsSalamuAlaykum Anwar,

    I had heard that had been released by the authorities of Yemen. This must have been an interesting trial.

    Yet while you were gone there were indeed issues raised about your stances on divisive issues, and this post gets to the heart of some of them.

    Namely, Jihad.

    Your casual mention in certain lectures of the ’smiling bomber’, Amrozi, as some kind of ideal. The lectures which touch on ‘martyrdom operations’. The discussion in this very post about Jihad operations in various states raises issues as to which organizations, which groups, which leaders you seem to support or view as legitimate.

    Now, just today near your area we have this incident with 16 deaths.

    You speak of honesty and compare those working in non-Muslim lands to Jews and hypocrites.

    You say “We are honest and straightforward with friend and foe. We make our intentions open and we declare our dawah publicly,”

    So can we hear clearly from you what your view is regarding attacks like that which occurred in yemen today? The beheadings of non-combatants in Iraq? The bombings which result in suicide in Palestine?

    Lets hear it, and like you said, lets be honest and not mince words.

  109. MujahidNo Gravatar says:

    ‘watcher’ stop watching CNN news…beheadings, innocent civilians, what a joke!!! and start ‘watching’ authentic news i.e. 250,000 children dead in Iraaq.
    Im sure my akh will be in touch with you after Ramadhan.


  110. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Jihadfeesabililah is supported by the the real ummah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of ALLAH be upon Him).

    Jihadfeesabililah is the way in establishing back the Khililfah, Justice, and Peace in this World.

    Jihadfeesabililah is a right for every believer.

    Jihadfeesabililah is to protect and defend our way of life, Islam, our brothers and sisters suffering at the hands of the kuffar.

    Jihadfeesabililah to establish Islam and the Sunnah of our Noble Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).

    Jihadfeesabililah a must. Inshallah will see you believers at the frontlines.

    Victory from Allah is for those who perform Jihadfeesabililah, the Mujahideen.

  111. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Tell me why the whole tribe of Banu Quredha was punished after Ghazwa Khandiq? were they all combantant? those who were killed in Badar ” the young Muslims of Makka” who came out with Kuffar, were they combatants? its with whom you are standing with, the one you make your friend , you are one of those. Moreover , the way these Kuffar attack you, attack them the same way, this is as per sharia. There will be no peace in your people untill there is peace in Palestine, Kashmire, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Chechniya… you bomb our people without distinction then why crying over few beheadings or Fidai? Mr.Watcher, before you condemn these things you have to condemn whatever is happening with Muslims and not only condemn, Jihad is Fardh Ain on you too.

  112. WatcherNo Gravatar says:

    At Banu Qureza they people THEMSELVES were asked what judgement they deserve according to their own law for breaking the treaty. The Banu Qureza chose the arbitrator Saad Bin Muaz, he gave his verdict to rule according to Jewish Law. Maybe if they had chosen the Prophet (S) as their arbiter they would have seen none of this!

    Banu Querza knew their fate, they arbitrated over their punishment, and it was not the BATTLE but the result of a FINISHED battle.

    Do you believe that what happened on 9/11, in Spain, in London matches this? Do you believe that is what happened in Yemen?

    If you think you can arbitrarily kill like this then you are as far gone as it gets. There is a difference between that one incident and the “rules of Islamic engagement” that Anwar mentioned in this post.

    I have no idea what you mean about the “the young Muslims of Makka” with the Kuffar.

    Killing them the way they kill us? What? Since when is this Islam, which told us not to copy the unbelievers?

    “O Muslims! Go in the name of Allah and fight only for the sake of Allah! But beware, do not be dishonest in what you get and do not cheat or break promises or covenants with your enemy. Do not kill children, women, the old, or the clergy; and maintain law and order and treat people nicely, for God likes people who treat other people nicely. ”

  113. MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

    We condemn all acts of violence torwards all innocent lives.
    We are the most just – To live by Islaam is the only justice.
    The question is what is innocent lives? We must understand that we cant fall into the trap of propaganga again and again, which results into pragmatism.
    Our Ummah whose blood flows more than those of animals! Are they not innocent???
    9-11……….regardless of was it right or wrong.
    The death toll was not even a single percentage of that of our beloved Ummah.
    The advice to you ‘watcher’ is that we need to know what Al Wala wal Bara
    consists of and how and where we apply it.

  114. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    To Brother Mujahid & Al-Khurasani,

    The Kuffar are killing innocent Muslims and may Allah SWT curse & destroy them. But as far as I know Allah has NOT given us the permission to kill innocent civilians. We cannot lower ourselves to their level.

    For example after Uhud, the Kuffar mutilated the bodies of our Martyrs, but Allah forbade us to do the same.

    We are Muslims and we fight in the way Allah and His Messenger(pbuh) showed us.

    Sheikh Anwar, it seems there is much debate & disagreement here on the rules of engagement and who we can fight & kill.

    Whether it is complete slash & hack, gun down anyone in sight, blow everyone up – whether innocent civilians(no matter how evil they may be), or Muslims who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time – like what just happened in the Yemen bombing.

    I would request you to please clarify this for all of us based on Sharia’.

    Salaam Alaykum to all.

  115. WatcherNo Gravatar says:

    Waalaikumsalaam wa rahmatullah Muhammad,

    You say you condemn the killing of innocent lives, but then you redefine innocent to be nobody.

    9/11, you say regardless of was it “right or wrong”? How can it be regardless?

    When we can’t say properly, it was WRONG, then what religion are we preaching? A religion which doesn’t know what is right and wrong?

    Then you tell me that its not even a single percentage of Muslim deaths. Yes, that is true, but what does have to do with it?

    If its a small percentage, can I gamble? Can I drink Alochol? Haraam is haraam and halaal is halaal.

    If I start using the millions of Muslim deaths as an excuse to do haraam, then I am disrespecting their memory and wishes by abandoning Allah.

  116. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu ‘alaykum:

    Is there NO kaafir that you brothers would say it’s haraam to kill?????

    Answer this question please. If a Muslim in a kaafir country (say one that’s govt. has troops occupying a Muslim country) goes and slashes the throat of a kaafir baby or little kid, will you say this is what Allah (swt) wants?????? Are Muslims baby killers???? (well according to many of you yes!!!)

    We as Muslims are better then the despicable, dirty kuffar!!!!! Just because the crusader/zionist kuffar scum acts like evil, beastly animals, why are you brothers saying that Muslims SHOULD also stoop down to their level, to do these animalistic, evil, disgusting, barbaric (UNISLAMIC THINGS!!!!) things they themselves are doing???

    And just because many, many good pious brothers (lay people) and ‘ulema/shooyukh (I’m NOT talking about the pro-tawghooti ‘ulema, or the Madkhalia clowns) say that only COMBATANTS should be killed, fought, and targeted, you seem to come close to accusing them of being “munafiqeen,” “fake” Muslims, “sell-out” Muslims, not “real” Muslims, etc., or not even Muslims at all…..Is not not correct?

    Where is it anywhere in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of Rasool Allah (saw), that says that Muslims who don’t want to slaughter and kill noncombatant kuffar (and think that it’s haraam and WRONG Islamically) and ONLY want to slaughter and kill combatant kuffar, that these are “munafiqeen,” “murtadeen,” or “sell outs,” etc.?

    May Allah (swt) guide us all Ameen!

  117. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu:

    Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:

    49. [Remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was disease said, “Their religion has deluded those [Muslims].” But whoever relies upon Allah – then indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.

    50. And if you could but see when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieved… They are striking their faces and their backs and [saying], “Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire.

    51. That is for what your hands have put forth [of evil] and because Allah is not ever unjust to His servants.”

    52. [Theirs is] like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and of those before them. They disbelieved in the signs of Allah, so Allah seized them for their sins. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and severe in penalty.

    53. That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

    54. [Theirs is] like the custom of the people of Pharaoh and of those before them. They denied the signs of their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh. And all [of them] were wrongdoers.

    55. Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe –

    56. The ones with whom you made a treaty but then they break their pledge every time, and they do not fear Allah.

    57. So if you, gain dominance over them in war, disperse by [means of] them those behind them that perhaps they will be reminded.

    58. If you [have reason to] fear from a people betrayal, throw [their treaty] back to them, [putting you] on equal terms. Indeed, Allah does not like traitors.

    59. And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure [to Allah].

    60. And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.

    61. And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.

    62. But if they intend to deceive you – then sufficient for you is Allah. It is He who supported you with His help and with the believers

    63. And brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together; but Allah brought them together. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise.

    64. O Prophet, sufficient for you is Allah and for whoever follows you of the believers.

    65. O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.

    [Al-Baqarah, Ayat 49-65]

    Dear brothers and sisters, please, let us go back to Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, Muhammad, Peace be Upon him to establish back khilafah and the laws of Allah Azza Wa Jall upon this earth!

    Let us go back to Jihadfeesabililah, inshallah to win this battle in Khurasan, or present day Afghanistan, the battalefield against the dirty kuffars of DAJJAL-US-ILLEGAL STATE OF ISRAEL-NATO-FORCES, as well as winning the battle of the hearts and minds.


  118. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    ***Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 49-65]***

  119. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    As my brother “Muhammad” above have already answered “Watcher”, I would like to add few things to his knowledge, Regarding Banu Qureza who says that it was according to the rules of Jews??? r u crazy?in the presence of Rasool Allah Sallalho Alaihey wassallam, the Jews Rule will apply? dont u know that Rasool Allah Sallalho Alaihey wassallam said to Saad that “your ruling is the ruling of Allah”…….if you would have heard the series of “constants of Jihad” your concepts would have been quite different. A very important point to note; we Muslims are in defensive Jihad not offesive Jihad and we will continue to retaliate untill they are out of our lands, its them who invaded us not Muslims brothers went to their lands, and even the actions taken in their lands was a reaction not an offense. If these pigs and monkeys get out of our contries then we will come at par with them, but as long as they are killing our people, they are humilating, invading, defaming, raping, plundering, they will face the same from us.their blood is blood and are muslims made up of Plastic? their children are children and ours are toys?? cant you feel the pain? wehre is your love for Ummah? If you do not take the fatwa of Ayman Azawahri and Sheikh Osama then where do you stand? then your war is over, you should work for Americans and accumulate wealth, be very progressive in technology and then if your imaan is left you can fight them, if there is any Alwala wal Bara left…….. I advise you to see the messacre of Indonesia, Palestine, Kahsmir, Waziristan, Chechnia, Bosnia, Iraq Afghanistan and every where in the world, for them there are no rules and for us all rules apply? in war it does not go that way, remember when Rasool Allah Sallalho Alaihey wassallam ordered to cut the trees,( however in general the ruling is that you cannot cut the trees) and Jews were crying why to cut trees but message was that you cant take advantage of our rules and Allah reveled in Quran that the trees were cut by my permission. Remember when Abdullah bin Jehsh killed the Kuffars in the Monthof Harm and took their caravan as booty of war and Allah revealed Ayat 217 of surah baqara in their favor.(again Allah says that killing in the month of haram is a great sin but still accepted their actions and approved them). You can study the tafaseer of Kathir and Qurtabi and find what is the back ground of Annissa-97 and Baqara 217. InshaAllah you will find Hidaya as Allah says that Quran is Hidaya for Muataqeen.
    For Allah’s sake stop sharing the Kuffars point of view, this is what they want from us that we should have all the rules and we should condemn what Mujahideen are doing. Dear Brother think about it, dont stand in their ranks by sharing their point of view. Regarding the Young people of Quresh Makka, you can listen to the Life of Prophet in Madina by Sheikh and those who have heard this series can second for my argument.

  120. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:

    So Muslims (if you even consider them this) are hypocrites/munafiqeen if they DON’T support bombings of subways, trains, buses, buildings, etc., etc., etc., filled with non-combatant kuffar, including women, babies, and children??????? Do you even consider them Muslims at all????

    Are they in your eyes murtadeen/apostates???? Are you all making takfeer on them????? Please answer this insha’Allah….

    To constantly insinuate that certain posters are thinking or acting like the dirty, despicable, filthy kuffar (a’oudhubillah!!!) just because we don’t approve of your so-called “great,” and “fantastic” operations like Madrid, London, Bali, etc., slaughtering of kaafir NONCOMBATANT tourists in various Muslim lands, and the many attempted “operations” like the shoe bomber who tried to blow up a plane filled with NONCOMBATANT kuffar, or the “operation” last year by brothers trying to drive their car into an airport in Scotland, etc,, etc., etc., etc., this is WRONG…..

    Why are you brothers constantly reminding us of the evil, dirty crusaders, and zionist Yahoodi, and tawagheet/murtadeen filth and scum and what they are doing/have done to our brothers sisters in Bosnia (Srebrenica, etc.), Sheeshan, Falesteeen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kashmeer, etc., etc., etc. Yes, we (at least I do, and I’m sure all of us!) know all about this!!!! We hate the dirty, evil kuffar for the sake of Allah (swt) and we also hate the tawghoot murtadeen “leaders” for the sake of Allah (swt) because they take the crusaders/kuffar as allies and protectors, helping the dirty crusaders to kill and oppress, etc., the Muslimeen. May Allah (swt) curse the evil kuffar zionist/crusader scum and the tyrannical tawagheet puppet murtadeen, and give victory to the mujahadeen….. Ameeeeeen!!!!

    STILL, we are Muslims, alhamdulillah!!!!! And we are not supposed to stoop down to the the filth, the heinous barbarity and EVIL of what these dirty kuffar terrorists, the enemies of Allah (swt), the aliyah of shaytan, are doing to us!!!!! And what they themselves have done to each other!!! These filthy kuffar terrorists have killed millions and millions of each other just in two “world” wars alone…. The kaafir Nasara Nazis/followers of Hitler, killed (“allegedly”) 6 million kaafir Yahoodi “noncombatants” alone, in a war between the kuffar, of the major kaafir nations that killed millions and millions of other noncombatant kuffar (most of them other Nasara)…

    Allah (swt) and the RasoolAllah (saw) told us whom to kill and slaughter…. the ones who ARE fighting you!!! (not their “cousins,” their “daughters,” their fellow “tribes people” or people who happen to share their “ethnicity,” etc.) AGAIN, the ones WHO ARE FIGHTING YOU!!!!…… And not to INTENTIONALLY kill NONCOMBATANT kaafir women, children, the elderly, monks, etc. (unless if they are fighting you, which obviously would then make them COMBATANTS!)

    What’s so wrong with this??????? And also, how can you brothers compare the mashaAllah, great, excellent operation, the bombing of the American crusader ship off the coast of Yemen several years ago, killing crusader kaafir combatants, with the intentional 7/7 bombing of London, the random bombing and killing of NONCOMBATANT kuffar (I believe your heroes also killed some Muslims in that operation, and also of course kaafir women and children)??????

    How can you compare the Taliban mujahadeen blowing up crusader tanks, helicopters, their humvees, their convoys, their soldiers, the crusader checkpoints/bases, etc., etc., etc., to the intentional 7/7 random bombing and killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS (including women and children) in London??????

    How can you compare the Chechen mujahadeen, killing and slaughtering the Russian crusader filth in Chechnya, killing their soldiers, bombing their tanks, their helicopters, their airplanes, the Russian Crusader military barracks/forts/checkpoints, etc., to the intentional 7/7 random bombing and killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS (including women and children) in London??????

    How can you compare the mujahadeen in Iraq, who are killing and slaughtering the invading, filthy crusader (and the rest of the “coalition of the willing terrorists”) COMBATANTS, blowing up, bombing the crusader tanks, humvees, helicopters, individual crusader soldiers, their caravans, their outposts, the crusaders’ murtadeen stooges/mercenaries (the so-called “Sunni awakening” traitors), the filthy Shi’a Rafida death squads/militias, etc., etc., etc., to the intentional 7/7 random bombing and killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS (including women and children) in London??????

    And the same can be said of all the brave mujahadeen ALL throughout the world, fighting and killing the filthy kaafir crusaders, zionists, mushrikeen, etc. COMBATANTS, fisibilillah!!!!

    Seriously, really, how can you compare ALL OF THESE GREAT operations (not just the ones I mentioned) against kuffar COMBATANTS, to the intentional 7/7 random bombing and killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS (including women and children) in London, AND all of the other “operations” of intentionally killing noncombatant kuffar, that you brothers are always glorifying and celebrating??????

  121. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaykum:

    Brothers, please answer this question (I had asked this before), insha’Allah: If a Muslim in a kaafir country (say one that’s govt. has troops occupying a Muslim country) goes and slashes the throat of a kaafir baby or little kid, will you say this is what Allah (swt) wants; that this is Islamically halaal? A simple Yes or No will do. JazakAllahu Khair

  122. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:

    As salaamu alaykum:

    Brothers, please also answer these questions, insha’Allah, as they are very serious, and I’m very curious as to what you think: Do you consider us Muslims “munafiqeen” (hypocrites) if we DON’T support bombings of subways, trains, buses, buildings, etc., etc., etc., filled with non-combatant kuffar, including women, babies, and children? Do you consider us “murtadeen” (apostates)? Do you brothers make “takfeer” on us? A simple Yes or No will do. JazakAllahu Khair

  123. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    We are not Ulama to make takfeer on you, what your opinion is, it could be due to lack of knowledge, therefore we seek guidance from those who have the knowledge. Dont miss this point that, to whom you are appreciating as Mujahideen they are the same people who atually carried on operations of 911 and bali and madrid, and those who hit american warships. they all have given baya on Ameerul Momineen and this Jihad is global. Take fatwa of Ayman Azawahiri, Abdullah Azzam on this. If you think you are more capable and greater Mufti and Alim than these two guys then thats a different story. Get in the field and then see how things are going on… one cant make a judgement by sitting in his couch and browsing the net.One thing that I can see is by these operations zionist feel the pain and they are the one bleeding and want to condemn and actualy want Muslims to say that these are terrorist acts, and when you say this you are standing in their ranks and they are successful in their propeganda.

  124. Mutawakkel ala AllahNo Gravatar says:

    Bismillah wa Alhamdulillah
    Assalamu alaykom
    First let me point out here that it was not the Muslims who had done 911 or 7/7 and other acts against civilians, it was the powers of darkness that did this, they have inflicted harm on their own people to spread fear and to suck their people’s resources and support for their wars against Islam. So we don’t apologize as Muslims, it was not us. Watch and judge for yourself:

    As for Hizbut Tahrir, they want the drunkard officers of the Arab armies to stage a regime change for them and then invite them to rule. Keep on dreaming. The problem here is that many good meaning Muslims believe them and do act upon this and get caught and then their leaders in the HT will disown them as they have repeatedly done in the past.

    The Solution:
    The Prophet of Allah, salla Allah alayhi wa sallam, had prophesized our current situation as being many but have no effect, like the foam of the sea, why? Because we love this life and hate death fi sabil Allah. Look at ourselves, are we ready to leave our jobs and our businesses and do Tawakkul ala Allah and migrate outside these kufur systems and establish Shariah on ourselves?

    If you read how the State of Murabitoon was established in North Africa, changing a situation there that was worse than what we are living by, when neighbours used to swing their wives for pleasure to a state that ruled most of Middle and North Africa and that crosse Jabal Tariq straight to defead the Spanyards in the famous Azzallaqah battle. And how that Murabitoon State was started by one man and a small group of believers who migrated to the bank of a river and grew out from their, you will understand how we can bring the Khilafah back, in shaa Allah.

    We are just not the Rijaal who Muslims used to be. I pray to Allah to help us change ourselves so that He changes our situation.

  125. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:

    “We are not Ulama to make takfeer on you, what your opinion is, it could be due to lack of knowledge, therefore we seek guidance from those who have the knowledge.”

    Well brother, I don’t believe you have to be an ‘alim to make takfeer on someone. What do you think of brothers (laypeople) that make takfeer at least on some of the so-called “Muslim” rulers in Muslim countries? Do you agree that they are tawagheet? You don’t have to answer, but please don’t act as if one can’t make takfeer on fellow Muslims just because they are not ‘ulema. After all, you pretty much claim that I’m an ignorant jahil for not believing in your ideology… (which is your prerogative)
    “Dont miss this point that, to whom you are appreciating as Mujahideen they are the same people who atually carried on operations of 911 and bali and madrid, and those who hit american warships. they all have given baya on Ameerul Momineen and this Jihad is global.”

    True, “some” of the mujahadeen are indeed some of the brothers that have connections, or possibly may share the “ideology” with some of the groups that have carried out operations intentionally killing noncombatant kuffar. HOWEVER, not all mujahadeen do agree with this ideology. Anyway, are mujahadeen perfect? Do we have to praise everything they do? Anyway, subhanAllah, it’s messed up how you brothers consider other brothers as munafiqeen, or “sell outs,” maybe not “real” brothers, etc., JUST because they don’t approve of the intentional slaughtering of NONCOMBATANT women, children and babies. Regarding bayah…. Not all the mujahadeen give bayah to your Amir al Mu’mineen (I believe you are referring to bin Laden or Zawahiri?) For instance, in Chechnya, the mujahadeen would give bayah to the Amir al-Mu’mineen of the Caucasus Islamic Emirate. In Afghanistan, they would give bayah to the Amir al-Mu’mineen, Mullah Omar, and so forth.
    “Take fatwa of Ayman Azawahiri, Abdullah Azzam on this. If you think you are more capable and greater Mufti and Alim than these two guys then thats a different story.”

    First of all Dr. Zawahiri is not an ‘alim. However, if you choose to follow him, that’s on you, but just because people don’t choose to follow him or agree with every single word he says, does not make anyone less Muslim or munafiqeen, or murtadeen (a’oudhubillah!), not that you say this explicitly, but I believe insinuate (as do most brothers that are always saying how great and halaal it is to slaughter kaafir noncombatants, including women and children). Also where did Shaykh Azzam (rh) EVER say that the Muslimeen can INTENIONALLY slaughter ANY non-combatants, PERIOD, including women and children? And certainly, I don’t at all, for one second think I am a mufti or alim; indeed, I am only trying my best to follow Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta’la, His Kitaab, the Qur’an and the Sunnah of RasoolAllah, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam. Can you show me one ayah of the Qur’an that says Muslims can intentionally kill noncombatant kuffar?
    “Get in the field and then see how things are going on… one cant make a judgement by sitting in his couch and browsing the net.One thing that I can see is by these operations zionist feel the pain and they are the one bleeding and want to condemn and actualy want Muslims to say that these are terrorist acts, and when you say this you are standing in their ranks and they are successful in their propeganda.”

    May Allah (swt) make it easy for all of us to be in the field, and not just on our couches, insh’Allah. However brother, we are all making judgments, or giving our opinions as far as what we think is right or wrong Islamically, what is ethical, what is halaal Islamically, what we believe to be part of shari’ah, etc. What is wrong with this? We are all insha’Allah, having discussion for sake of Allah (swt). Also brother you are coming close, in a sense, making “takfeer” on me by saying that I’m standing in the ranks with the zionist kuffar. SubhanAllah!! You brothers feel that Muslims who don’t think that the Muslimeen should go around killing, butchering, and slaughtering kaafir BABIES, CHILDREN, and women, are actually, standing in the ranks of the zionist kuffar? All I can say is subhanAllah!!!

    And you think that the killing of noncombatant kuffar in London (or any of these operations of killing kaafir noncombatants, including women and children, that you brothers are always praising) makes the zionists hurt??? No it makes the kuffar send and want to send more dirty, filthy crusader troops to our Muslims countries and lands; it gives the neocon, zionist/pro-zionist “Islamiphobes” — enemies of Islam, much, much, much “propaganda” in order to incite the other kuffar, that ALL Muslims should be killed, NONE can be trusted, BECAUSE all they want to do is kill and slaughter ALL kuffar, including women, babies, and children, PERIOD, nay, kill all kaafir noncombatants on the face of the earth (!!) as many of you brothers seem to advocate. Again, the zionist propagandists, who basically control all of western media, especially in America, will use all of these “operations” as propaganda in order to incite the kuffar to send in more, and more, and more, and more crusader troops to protect the zionist entity, to invade more, and more Muslims lands, to give more power to their tyrant puppet tawagheet in Muslims lands, and to kill and slaughter and massacre, oppress more, and more Muslimeen! Wallahi, how you brothers can’t see this, I don’t know……..

    May Allah (swt) Guide us all! Ameen

  126. Muslims not baby or child killersNo Gravatar says:


    Please answer this insha’Allah… What do you think is better, hypothetically?

    A. For a Muslim to blow up and destroy an invading crusader tank, killing the filthy kaafir crusader soldiers inside…

    B. For a Muslim to intentionally kill and slaughter kaafir NONCOMBATANT (civilian) women and children….

    How many/most of you brothers seem to see both of these as the SAME and EQUAL, and both to be Islamically halaal, and totally correct according to Shari’ah, subhanAllah, really, really shocks me…

    May Allah guide us all….. Ameen

  127. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brother, its just a matter of understanding, i sincerely believe that you are trying your best to understand the situation and sincere in your loyalty to Muslim Brother and subhan Allah it’s the Sunnah of Allah Azza wa Jal that he guided those who seek righteousness.
    Dear, there is no concept of civilians in Islam, its either Combatant and non-combatant. For your information, you know every Israeli is a soldier and to do trainings is a must for all civilians so how would you justify it against them ? When they believe in Democracy, they give a right to their own people to kill our babies and innocent people, and this is what they are doing since last 200 years, even if you hear Sheikh Laden, he always talks about Palestine, Any single place in the world you see Muslims are oppressed and Zionist Israelis, Americans, Indians, Russians are in the back ground. When believing in democracy and allowing killing innocent Muslims is ok with them, then Allah Subhan wa tala has allowed us to transgress against them as they transgress against you ( Surah Baqara 194). This is exactly what Ayman, Azzam, and Bin Laden say,if there is no peace in our lands there will be no peace in your land.(by the way Ameerul momineen is only Mullah Omer and no one else) However,Mujahideen do not intentionally kill babies or women, they just came in the way as a collateral damage, just like our 99.9% Muslim in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnia, Somalia, Indonesia, are justified being massacred under the hood of collateral damage. I just want to tell you that if u read the fatawa by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, you will find what you are going through right now these Ulama have already been through and they issued their fatwas after experiencing and scrutinizing the behaviors of Kuffar and the same is told to us by Quran. Once you are in the field you will see, as Allah guide those who fight Jihad fee sabilillah. Do I have to listen to those Momineen who have sacrificed every thing for the sake of Allah (e.g. Khattab, Azzam, Laden, Zawahiri, Mullah Omer, Al-labibi, Mehsood) or to someone who is sitting home having sympathies with Kuffars and cant see the bleeding Muslims? Just to mention this too, we do not worship personalities, we follow them as long as they follow Quran and Sunnah, we hear them all and judge every thing on Shariah.


    4-75. And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, ill¬treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.”
    Please don’t say that if we attack them they will invade our lands, is it the way Sahaba thought? Don’t be scared when they attack your countries as they have already did so when there was no 9-11 or 7-7. They already have transgressed all bounds therefore we are not bound by any, as Al-fitana is Akbaru minal Qital. In Allah alone we put our trust. Love your heroes….
    3-160. If Allâh helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allâh (Alone) let believers put their trust.
    Please this argument is closed. I won’t respond back, “To you be your religion, and to me my religion”

  128. MutassimNo Gravatar says:

    Asslamu alaikum,
    really admired from reply of brother “brother al khorasani” about 9/11, truely there is no concept of civilians in islam as it is combatants and non combatants, and those who accept evil must be given their due.

    this is a question probably out of topic but i m a bit confused about whether mujahideen did 9/11 or not?
    what confuses me is the strike of pentagon, whether it was a jet or a missile,
    if it was CIA involvement in it then picture of mujahideens become a question, plz clear it

  129. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:

    The sacred month is for the sacred month, and for the prohibited things, there is the Law of Equality (Qisas). Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is with Al-Muttaqun

    [Al-Baqarah, Ayat 194]

    That is so. And whoever has retaliated with the like of that which he was made to suffer, and then has again been wronged, Allah will surely help him. Verily! Allah indeed is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

    [Al-Hajj, Ayat 60]

    [The Noble Quran English translation by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Ph.D. and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan.]

    Brother Al Khurasani Jazakallahu khairan for a well given response, may Allah Azza Wa Jall increase you in Ilm and strengthens your Imaan more and more. Please let me say to the kuffar and the hypocrites that these so call civilians are the ones who pay taxes to Bush and Blair, so they can equip their armies and give aid to Israel, and they are the ones who serve in their armies and security services. They are the ones who elected them, and even those who did not vote for them consider them legitimate rulers who have the right to give them orders and must be obeyed, and who also have the right to order strikes against us, killing our sons and daughters, and to wage war in their name, and to kill Muslims on their behalf. Moreover, they consider disobeying their orders a crime punishable by law. The Mujahideen have warned time and again, and we warn once again, that anyone who participated in the aggression against Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Palestine or any land of believe– we will repay him in kind. Just as they have made rivers of blood flow in our countries, we will blow up volcanoes of rage, with Allah’s help, in their countries. The lands and interests of the countries that participated in the aggression against Palestine, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are targets for the Mujahideen, and whoever wants to be safe stay away from them. The one who warns bears no guilt, inshallah.

    “[Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.” [Al-Baqarah, Ayat 194]

    “That [is so]. And whoever responds [to injustice] with the equivalent of that with which he was harmed and then is tyrannized – Allah will surely aid him. Indeed, Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving.” [Al-Hajj, Ayat 60]

    [Translation of the Meaning of the Quran by Saheeh International]


  130. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaikum ya sheikh

    may Allah azza wa jall protect the mujahideen and the truethful sheiyuth

    and may He destroy the manafiqeen,alhu bidaah and the kufaar of shia.

    as sheikh Ussama ibnu laden hafithahu Allah said daam,daam wall hadm hadm.

  131. shuhana2003No Gravatar says:

    To those who are feeling an obligation for the kuffar women and children, by repeatedly enjoyning the kuffar media, please go through the book

    from the following link:

    May Allah guide us all. Ameen.

  132. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    MashaAllah, May Allah reward you all (Mutassim,Jihadfeesabililah,shuhana2003,abu nabil)May Allah keep you firm in your faith and lets be among the Shuhada on the day of Judgement.(amin)I thank Allah Azza wa Jal for giving us scholars like brother Anwar Awalki, MashaAllah the Product of Sheikh’s lecture is “At-taifa Mansoora”
    Victory or Eternity

  133. Mutawakkel ala AllahNo Gravatar says:

    Again, again, again
    911 was an inside job, can’t you figure that one out for yourselves? You want mujahideen to blow up people while you are sitting at your homes watching tv and clapping hands? Is that it? You just want to feel ok by it, and not to worry about who has done what and for which purpose? Subhan Allah.
    Who supports the kuffar in their aggression against Muslim populations? Don’t the leaders of all countries around the world support them giving her air, land and sea space, logistics and in some cases troops? The answer is yes. So are we to kill people in whatever country we live in then? After all, you say the people living in a country that supports the aggression are responsible for their leaders’ actions. I hope you see the problem in your reasoning.
    There are people living in the US who do not support the system willingly as there are poeple living in Egypt, Saudi, Kuwait, Pakistan, India, Jordan, etc for example who do not support their regime that helped the US bomb Muslims. Are all those people targets for mujahideen?

  134. Brother Al-KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    To- Mutawakkel ala Allah

    I do not have to say any thing on your comments, message is clear and those who have to understand they have understood.Every thing is crystal clear.Peace.
    Surah Annisa.143.(They are)swaying between this and that , belonging neither to these nor to those and to whom Allah send astray, you will not find for him a way.
    Rasool Allah Said,(Ref Kunzul Amal, Page 220)A time will come when my Ummah will be divided into two groups,one who will be steady and firm in the cause of Allah against the tyrants and the rest who will do every thing for others but Allah.
    Narrated Umer Farooq Razi Allah Anho, Rasool ALLAH Sallalaho alaihey wassalam said. In the times near Qayama my Ummat will face cruelity from tyrant rulers in (religion) and Only three types of Ummati will survive (from hell fire). First a person who understand the religion of Allah righteously and then did Jihad with heart tongue and hands and this exceeds in reward from others. the second person who understood the religion of Allah righteously and then witness it (openely), the third who understood the religion righteously but kept silent, if found some goodness , he liked it….and if he found someone doing evil he kept hatered in his heart (against it)but did not discloses it , hence this person because of not disclosing his likeness and dislikeness will be regarded eligilble as sucessful.

  135. Shabab Al DeenNo Gravatar says:

    I copyed it from one bros post…coz it is my question too…plz ans it.
    Salam Imam (brother) Anwar. I hope you are well. May Allah (swt) protect you and this ummah.

    I have read your response and the subsequent comments. Brothers and sisters seem to be having 2 discussions. One on Khilafah, the other on Jihad. You say Jihad will bring back Khilafah, and the HT method is not going to work because the Muslim lands are occupied now, but there was not Muslim land during the time of the Prophet (saw) hence the Prophet’s way (saw) does not applie here.

    Then brother can you please explain how you view this hadith “Hudhaifah (raa) has said that the Prophet (saws) said

    “The Prophethood will remain among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it when He wishes to, then it will be a Khilafah Rashidah (Rightly Guided) on the method of the Prophethood, it will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will lift it if He wishes, then it will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if he wishes, then it will be a tyrannical rule, and it will remain so for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes, THEN IT WILL BE KHILAFAH ON THE METHOD OF PROPHETHOOD, then he kept silent.”

    All the others have happend apart from “then it will be khilafah on the method of Prophethood”.

    Thank you, masalama

  136. NicholeNo Gravatar says:

    Asaalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu,

    Subhan’Allah, if we as an Ummah spent half as much time in jihad as we do arguing with one another our situation would be quite different.

  137. Stephen McGheeNo Gravatar says:

    How can you compare the mujaheddin in Iraq, who are killing and slaughtering the invading, filthy crusader (and the rest of the “coalition of the willing terrorists”) combatants, blowing up, bombing the crusader tanks, humvees, helicopters, individual crusader soldiers, their caravans, their outposts, the crusaders’ murtadeen stooges/mercenaries (the so-called “Sunni awakening” traitors), the filthy Shi’a Rafida death squads/militias, to the intentional 7/7 random bombing and killing of kaafir NONCOMBATANTS (including women and children) in London .

  138. info@abz2000.comNo Gravatar says:

    salaam brothers and sisters,
    if we don’t understand and make known the situation to our close ones the resistance will not begin in our minds, and people don’t just flip a coin and decide to take sides, we must have the awakening before the rising and sometimes they both go hand in hand. the rand muslim report is a perfect example of the treacherous lengths these NWO fanatics are willing to go to to discredit islam, but some of our comments on the issue of democracy seems to point to the fact that our understanding of it is clouded – and it is indeed a cloudy issue, i personally believe that it is not “democracy”, -which is the people- who is our enemy but the current dicatatorship of the NWO secret society, it is the people who are protesteing and opposing these dictators while being bombarded with the constant propaganda and deception of the dajjal system, we must bear in mind that the Prophet (pbuh) did not specifically designate the affairs of leadership of the nation to anyone else even though he (pbuh) had the time to, and the comments of ‘Umar (ra) on the subject also sheds some light on it, but if we evaluate the situation with the current wikipedia term “democracy” we would find that it was more of a democracy than anything we see today, i would take a leaf out of RAND’s book and present the people with the incidents in palestine where the NWO controlled u.s government was constantly b**ching and whining to the people about democracy in the middle east in order to get the necessary support for their criminal agressions – where Hamas was DEMOCRATICALLY elected by the people, and how the u.s and Zionist governments oppressed them for their choice and tried to get their (unelected) puppet dictator Mahmoud Abbas to take over after calling a state of emergency, and there are many other examples. we must bear in mind that the people have been brainwashed into believing that they are voting their leaders into power, when they are initially hand picked by these secret societies of which they are usually members, and then presented before the people to make a choice – a clear example is the 2004 u.s presidential elections where both Bush and Kerry were skull and bones members, bush senior was a skull and bones member and also the ex director of the CIA which is famous for it’s international election rigging, we must remember that people have been fooled and then brainwashed into feeling good about this word where they have a “choice”. what makes our nation different from their fake democracies is that we do elect our leaders – NOT – through these engineered deceptions, but we have fundamental laws which we don’t swerve from, call us fundamentalists if you like, but we will follow Allah’s guidance in the Quran where he forbids us from having sexual relationships with our mothers, sisters, daughters, sons. all this is subject to change in the current atheist version of democracy, and if their government changes the law – then it’s ok to do these unpeakable acts, and if you think they won’t or can’t, consider the laws on homosexuality and the like, and it doesn’t seem so far fetched.
    so we follow Allah’s unchanging law, but we do make desisions on how we conduct affairs on what is not in the area on lawful and prohibited according to the moral guidlines set out for us in the Quran and blessed Hadith, and some of us have more right to interpret these situations than others according to our knoweledge, and i have noticed that they have also heaped suspicion on this by their constant reference to the word “fatwa”, but i’m sure anyone would agree that it is not the British people that make the laws of the land but the MPs and ministers, and where there is disagreement, the media are used as a powerful tool to neutralise dissent by broadening and then reigning in a debate, and with the new “presidential powers” being enacted in the u.s the people’s opinion is a thing of the past, and since the staged attacks of 911, terrorism laws are being repeatedly used to stifle public unrest, we must make ourselves aware that when the nwo tell people they are free, they are not, that is, they are free to do anything that the government allows them to do and subject oto imprisonment if they do anything they don’t allow them to do, and these darwinist governments are showing their criminal intents more and more, just doing a little research on the opium trend in afghanistan over the past 40 years should give you a basic idea, it is by understanding and making clear our position on these situations and dillemas that the love of and desire for the khilafa will be established in our minds, and that of our childrens, and only then will the resistance be effective, and only then will we have the strength to carry on with this resistance which has been prophecied in every Abrahamic scripture since the time of Moses (pbuh), and which has been attacked and vilified, and constant measures have been ceaslessly taken to stifle it – even before it has begun.
    only an opinion,

  139. bin SultanNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam o ALaikum…
    jzk sheikh..rightly you have answered..Jihad fisabeelillah is the only way for re-establishing Khilafah..every other method has been tried for centuries with no good for Ummah..May Allah swt be pleased with you..increase your knowledge in Islam..and let you be the means of hidaayah for millions..
    remember me in your dua..
    wassalam o alaikum

  140. JustMuslimNo Gravatar says:

    It is a shame that brothers who had nothing more to say about the HT manhaj, attacked their beards. We MUST unite, we cannot let these differences hold us back from Jannah. A disagreement in methodology is not the same as critisizing the brothers. Perhaps, before these brothers condemn each other, they should look into their own homes, and see how they may rid the fitnah that is present in our very own homes.

    It is not my intention to upset anyone or any group, but I do want to point out that we cannot attck each other… Not when we all want the same thing.


  141. SalimNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brothers,

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

    JustMuslim I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. You are assuming that we all want the same thing. The proof is in the pudding. Every group apparently wants the sharia and yes there maybe differences in the manhaj. But, their real intention must be judged on the results of their tahleel ul maudu. As I see it any group that is working for the sharia in their own way as long as it doesn’t contradict the sharia is valid, not necessarily optimum. But those methods that invovle kufr participation of any kind or cossying up to kafir leaders, those with muslim names and those without, obviously are apart of the problem not the solution.

    Brothers we must unite as this is fard on all of us. Having our intellectuals argue on a website is very comforting for the kuffar as it is indicative that we still remain disunited. Dear brothers the way is clear, any Muslim group that does not want to side with the believers in re-establishing the sharia and the khilafa is not one of us. Any group that is in anyway helping the kufr directly or indirectly is one of them. The battle lines are clear and simple. If we the intellectuals do not have one voice how can we expect the ummah to understand what it needs to do. We are just confusing the ummah and therefore do not see Allah’s (azza wa jall) idiology as ever becoming a credible alternative solution to their every day problems and a gateway to jenna.

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah…

  142. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Brothers, There is no personal attack on HT members here, what we mentioned earlier about them, it was a first hand experience with them. We cannot unite on the basis of compromising the religion, let me quote one real life time example, A HT member told me that if we kill a Kafir who tried to disrepect our beloved Rasool Allah, (Sallallaho Alaihey wassallam) it will casue more destruction in the lands of Muslims and they can attack and kill thousands of Innocent muslims, therefore we should wait untill we establish khailafa and then take revenge of this disrespect. Does it make sense to any one? if some one disrespect your family you fight with him right away wihtout even thinking of the consequences and when it comes to Rasool Allah then we wait?
    We do not have to be in agreement with some group just for the sake of unity, Our Criterion is Quran and Sunnah and if we see some thing against it we cannot kept quite or support it and there must be a resistance and difference of opinion to it. Its the religion of Allah Subhan wa tala and it is not dependant on you and me. It will be victorious and when Allah wants He will creat means for it.

  143. tawheedNo Gravatar says:

    “And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they amass” (3:157)

    “Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead, Nay they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty….” (3:169-70)

    Narrated Abu Said Khudri RadhiAllahu anhu, somebody asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (saw)! Who is the best among the people?” Allah’s Messenger (saw) replied, “A believer who performs Jihad with his life and wealth.” (Bukhari)

    Narrated Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu anhu, A man came to Allah’s Messenger (saw) and said “Instruct me as to such a deed which equals Jihad.” He (saw) replied, “I do not find such a deed.” Then he added, “Can you, while the Muslim fighter is in the battlefield, enter your Masjid to perform prayers without cease and fast and never break your fast?” The man said, “But who can do that?” Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu anhu added, “The Mujahid is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse while it wanders about tied on a long rope”. (Bukhari)

    Ubaada bin As-saamit Radhiallahu-anhu narrates, that the Prophet (saw) said:

    “The Shaheed is granted seven gifts from Allah (swt):

    1. He is forgiven at the first drop of his blood.

    2. He sees his status in Jannah.

    3. He is dressed in the clothes of Iman.

    4. He is safe from the punishment of the grave.

    5. He will be safe from the great fear of the day of Judgement.

    6. A crown of honour will be placed on his head.

    7. He will intercede on behalf of 70 members of his family.

    (Ahmed & Tabrani)

    “Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives above those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward.” (4:95)

    By Allah, can you sit back after hearing these ayahs and ahadeeth? Are you not eager in getting the highest rank in jannah? Why is it that we are arguing or discussing these issues when our brothers are bleeding, our women are widowed, our children are orphaned, our masjids are destroyed, and our lands being stolen at this very moment?

    If these verses and ahadeeth above have not moved you then check your self because you have a diseased heart. Brothers and sisters just worry about your duty before Allah, standing before him on that horrible day of judgment. It might be that Allah will forgive us through this deed and save us from his painful torment.

  144. Muslim BrotherNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam o Alykum

    My Question to brother Anwar is -

    Can All Major Muslim Groups in Pakistan (Tablighee Jamah, Jamate Islami, Tanzeen e Islami, HT ) become ALLIES and implement SHARIAH

  145. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Muslim Brother: Assalamo-o-Alaykum;
    Tablighee Jamat is a Jamat that only belives in doing good deeds for hasanat and strongly believe that when 51% Muslims will have good deeds , Allah will bring Islamic Govt in Pakistan( and it is their own view not backed by any hadith or Quranic ayat). they do not practice Jihad and if there are some who are connected with tablighi Jamat and also performing Jihad, that is not because of the teachings of tablighi jamat rather it is their own understanding from some other scholar or Quran and Hadith. Tablighi Jamat, defines jihad as ” Allah ka rasta( path of Allah) and when they go village to village and door to door calling people to come back to Islam, they call it Jihad. This is a good deed but you cannot call it Jihad, as according to four Imam of Fiq, the definition of Jihad is to fight in cause of Allah for the establishment of Khailafa ( or any activity that halps the Mujahideen in the field).
    Now lets come to jamt-e Islami, they believe in democracy which is totally against Islam. needless to give more arguments. tanzeem-e Islami is a better organization working for awareness and waiting for a strength to develop and then will challenge the system but will not take up weapons, they believe in peaceful demonstrations, which obviously wont work.moreover they are too much in love with Pakistan. Their methodology is not very different than HT. However HT stance are sometimes very strange, I happen to talk to one of the sopkes person of HT and he told me that, once kuffar have invaded you and have overcome you, there is no Jihad. they say we must establish Khialfa before starting Jihad, and they think it will come up as a miracle to them.(for those who do not know HT, HT also believe that soft music is halal and its good to hear) Unfortunately Tanzeemi Islami-HT both living in Makkah perriod, and they totally ignore that, Makki struggle was within one generation and it does not go beyond that. Secondly, we have been given complete religion and we have complete Quran-Sunnah-Hadith-Sunnah-Seerat-e-Sahaba….
    Kuffar has invaded ourland, Jihad is fard-e-ain, therefore we cannot call ourself to be living in Makki time and feel exempted, would u ever tell a new Muslim to hold fasting and prayers for 13-15 years as it was in Makki period.? ofcourse not.
    therefore there is a difference in ideologies and methods to establish Khilafa, and it can only be established with the Power of sword. I do not see a single example in the history where muslim demonstrated peacefully for Khilafa and then they were welcomed with Red carpet and flowers and Khalifa was nominated.
    You cannot make tawaf of kaba while sitting in the lap of shaitan.
    tablighi Jamat- living in Makki time and only believe in miracles to happen and do not fight fe sabilillah.
    JI- believe in Democracy which is shirk
    tanzeemi Islami- believe in peaceful demonstarations- as Ghandi did(mentioned by Dr Israr in his recent talks)
    HT- does not believe to establish Khilafa with Jihad.
    May Allah give them Hidya.
    the only way they can be one, if they join Jihad and fight to establish Khilafa.
    216. Jihâd (holy fighting in Allâh’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know.

    no one should be allied to one another on the cost of Aqeedah.
    I have worked with all of these groups, and they do not have a shari argument for their methodolgy.
    Please brothers and sisters, read the following Ahadith and inshaAllah you will get your direction.
    Rasool Allah Said,(Ref Kunzul Amal, Page 220)A time will come when my Ummah will be divided into two groups,one who will be steady and firm in the cause of Allah against the tyrants and the rest who will do every thing for others but Allah.

    Narrated Umer Farooq Razi Allah Anho, Rasool ALLAH Sallalaho alaihey wassalam said. In the times near Qayama my Ummat will face cruelty from tyrant rulers in (religion) and Only three types of Ummati will survive (from hell fire).

    First a person who understand the religion of Allah righteously and then did Jihad with heart tongue and hands and this exceeds in reward from others.

    the second person who understood the religion of Allah righteously and then witness it (openly),

    the third who understood the religion righteously but kept silent, if found some goodness , he liked it….and if he found someone doing evil he kept hatered in his heart (against it)but did not discloses it , hence this person because of not disclosing his likeness and dislikeness will be regarded eligible as successful.

    If there are any brothers and sisters who have their affiliations to these groups, please do not battle any arguments. If you agree fine, if you do not then kindly read the article written by Sheikh Awlaki again, and listen to the audio series of Sheikh.
    It not for the mominn to come up with his own desires when Hukm is clear in Quran and Sunnah.
    May Allah keep us with the Haq till the end.(amin)

    Walaykum Assalam.

  146. Muslim BrotherNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam o Alykum

    I have a question for brothers who talk about JIHAD.

    How can I perform JIHAD in Pakistan ?

    Who is going to provide me military training . Pakistan Army ?

    Am i going to fight against my own muslim brothers in the Army.

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Sahabah (ra) had a trained Army who were fighting against Kufar, and he was the commander in chief

    Where is the real Muslims Army now we can join?

    Where is the commander in chief whom we can follow?

  147. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    you said, how can you fight your own brothers in Army, dont you know that Sahaba fought with their fathers, brothers cousins,(all the blood relatives)??? regarding this that they are your Muslim brothers, dont you remember what Allah told Nooh alihey salam, he is not your son, even though he was real blood son of Nooh. Therefore in Islam the relationship is La ilaha illalla. your Pak army is brother to USA, is standing shoulder to shoulder with them, call them front line state of usa. so they have given their verdict, they have chosen kuffar as their friends and they are one of them, not us. Dear brother, read Quran, Hadith, listen to scholars. I felt that you have not gone through tarbiyya. Please spend dedicated time to learn Islam, as you did to gain your worldly knowledge.
    Walakum Assalam.

  148. Abu AafreenNo Gravatar says:

    Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, dear beloved Sheikh al-Awlaki, below you will find the Sheik’s reply in quotes (”) and my comments in parentheses ( () ).

    “Regarding the method of HT which you specifically referred to in your question, I first came in contact with HT members from Jordan in the early nineties and found them to be argumentative but well-mannered and polite. My first understanding of the Hizb was from them and they were core members of the group. HT has played an important role in raising the awareness of the ummah to the matter of khilafa.” ((Though its a very nice depiction of what HT is doing, but it could be thought of as incomplete. Maybe Imam Al-awlaki is aware of the work, and its just the brevity of his words, but let me still clarify. Its not just the ‘matter of khilafah’ which HT is raising the ummah’s awareness in, rather HT is the first and only group to my knowledge who is reviving the concept of Islam being a complete, viable and practical way of life, specially covering the domains of politics, society, judiciary, ruling, economics, foreign policy and education. This has given the youth like me the confidence back, which very few of us enjoyed in Islam beyond mere rituals. Morever, all this is done with concise daleel while keeping all practical aspects in mind as well. So it should be seen as the work which the group of Muhammad (saw), the Sahabah (ra) were doing together with him (saw) in Makkah in the initial years of the revelation.))

    “They also played a role in countering the false idea that politics and political awareness have nothing to do with Islam. However the method of HT to re-establish khilfah is simply not going to work.”
    ((Whether the method works or not, is mere speculation, as no method so far has worked for the Muslims, with the exception to the method employed by Rasoolallah (saw), which is none but the same that HT is following. I would have liked to hear an answer from Imam which is well grounded in the daleel of Quran and sunnah and not merely speculative.))

    “To wait for nusrah until it arrives is to wait for a miracle.”
    ((This sentence is quite misleading and therefore should have been left out. There is no waiting, rather HT is pursuing this goal very actively, risking the lives of its best shabab and working the very same way as Rasoolallah (saw) together with Abubakar and Ali (ra) was doing.))

    “Tribes or military generals that are supposed to give nusrah and establish the religion of Allah are not going to be won over simply by discussions. They will only be won over when they see a group of believers living by what they say and sacrifice all that they own for the sake of Allah. This is what will inspire others to join.” ((I agree with the Imam that if it is discussions only, it won’t work. But this is surely not the method. Rather its more comprehensive than that and needs to be put in proper context. One prong, if I may say so, of HT is working on creating public opinion for Islam as a solution provider and challenging and refuting all other solutions. Given the fact that the vast majority among the Ummah is already rejecting the Western notions of freedom, democracy, secularism, interest-based economics, liberal societies, it is evident that there is a void which needs to be filled in. Politicians and Army generals alike are aware of this fact, and the best evidence is the very very turbulent times politics is going through in Muslims lands, very recent examples being that of Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. The Western powers have to alternate between Military rule, and different political parties, including the more Islamic ones, in order to keep people’s hope with the ailing system alive. It is that after creating such scenarios that the youth of HT go and talk to the people in Nasr, and they do so from a position of strenght, because of the visibility of the party among the masses with leaflets, demonstrations and bayanat, among the media with pictures and news, among the politicians with one to one discussions, among intellectuals with debates and so on. And all this is not just done in one city, in one country, or the whle of the Muslim world, its going on in all major cities of the Muslim world and even most major cities of the Western world. It has forced most famous think tanks of the world to issue reports on HT and it becoming a topic of floors of parliament the world over. So there is every reason to believe that any sincere general would find all those elements he would look for while giving his support for the sake of Islam. as for taking inspiration from the sacrifices of a group, I would suggest that in case of HT, all its members, from top till bottom are equally exposed to the risk, with those working in Nasr being even more sought after. This is a differentiating factor from others, where you have those who undertake the ‘verbal’ part and those who get invovled in the real ‘action’.))

    “The two success stories of powerful people giving nusrah to the religion are some of the former officers of the Iraqi baath regime who joined the insurgency and the former president of Chechnya, Dudayev, who was a high ranking officer in the Soviet army. Both these successful examples of nusra were not won over through debates, demonstrations and pamphlets but by them seeing a living example of men struggling in the path of Allah.” ((Again, in HT’s case, they don’t only see men struggling in the path of Allah, but a whole group, with all the templates ready to run a modern state.))

    “This leads me to the forth method of re-establishing khilafa and that is through Jihad fi sabilillah. The argument that you presented against this is that the only similar situation to our situation now is that of Rasulullah establishing an Islamic state first and then fighting Jihad. You are neglecting a serious difference and that is when Rasulullah established Madina there was no Islamic land that was invaded. Isn’t this a serious and major difference?” ((Of course it is a serious difference, but that should only mean that there are two taks now, one is to get rid of the occupiers (with or without Khilafah would be the pressing questions) and the other task, which still remains, to establish the institution of Khilafah itself. Why should this change reality (occupation of Muslims lands) suddenly change the method of re-establishing the Islamic way of life? Seconldy, not all lands of Muslims are occupied. In Rasoolallah (saw) time, in a way, all land was occupied land, and still he didnt resort to arms.))

    “Today the Muslim world is under occupation and the statements of our scholars are clear that it becomes fardh ayn on every able Muslim to fight to free the Muslim land. When something is fardh ayn it is fardh ayn. You cannot theorize or hypothesize otherwise. The ruling is clear and the implications of it are clear. So even if you do not believe Jihad to be the way to establish khilafah you must agree that Jihad is fardh ayn and that is not where HT stands. Also the jihad which is fardh ayn and is Jihad al dafa (defensive Jihad) does not require the one who wants to participate to seek the permission of the Imam, parents, husband, slave owner, or lender.” ((Beautiful! As the Imam correclty points out, there is no need for a Fard-Ayn to be sanctioned or granted permission by any Imam, or Amir just like the Salah or the Saum (fasting), why should HT do so? HT doesn’t hypothesize on this, rather it just is convinced that this is not the method to establish the sate, so it doesn’t employ it as such. Otherwise, members of HT struggle in the occupied lands against the occupation exaclty the same was as they fast and pray, without any special notification from the party.))

    “Also why should we argue on this point when we see the evidence of it in the real world. The two most successful examples, even though far from perfect, of Islamic rule in this past decade were the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Islamic courts in Somalia. In both countries only these Muslim fighters brought peace, security and rule of law in both countries. Both movements reached to power not through elections or debates but through war. They did not fall because they were failures but they fell because the ummah failed them”. ((Even if we forget how ISI was behind the Taliban and even if we forget that Afghanistan didn’t have any indigenous industry to produce arms (complete external dependence), how can we neglect the fact which Imam himself admits, that they were failed by the ummah. Why? Why is it that tough the ummah is full of sincere people, and even the armies have lots of sincere figthers, some of whom even went there to fight and got martyred, their government fell apart within days not months? Isn’t this evidence and advice in itself that its not about just toppling the regime, rather its about 1. Having local support i.e. public opinion for Islam, 2. Having a viable piece of land, i.e. one where once the state is announced, it can be defended against internal as well as external aggressors? 3. Those working to bring about such change have to think across borders in advance, i.e. global presence, so that its not a stagnant or regressive state, rather one which would unite the Muslims lands from its very inception.))

    “However, even though a battle here and there were lost but the war is not over. If you follow the current events and look at them with an attentive eye you would realize that it is the enemy who is bleeding to death not the Muslim fighters. Pretty soon the scales will tip.Because confusion usually surrounds what is meant by Jihad whether it is the Jihad al Nafs or Jihad of the sword I do not exclusively mean one or the other and I do not exclude one or the other. What I mean by Jihad here is not just picking up a gun and fighting. Jihad is broader than that. What is meant by Jihad in this context is a total effort by the ummah to fight and defeat its enemy. Rasulullah says: Fight the disbelievers with your self, your wealth and your tongues. It is what Clausewitz would refer to as “total war” but with the Islamic rules of engagement. It is a battle in the battlefield and a battle for the hearts and minds of the people.” ((Alhamdolillah, as Imam recognizes that, it clarifies why some of our shabab even in occupied lands prefer not to pick up arms, and rather use their tongues and pens to give bayanaat and distribute leaflets which would motivate the Arab and other Muslim armies to change the direction fo their guns from their own people towards the occupiers.))
    ((In conclusion, I really feel sad that though HT is one of the most well documented group, its members very eloquent in their message and its presence is global, its method is either misunderstood or confused even by very learned people. I think this clearly calls for HT doubling its efforts in getting the message across, inshAllah.))

  149. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    Some weeks ago I commented in favour of the hizb ut tahrir method, of awareness and dawah to establish the khilafah. However after much dua for guidance towards anything I was missing in this deen, Alhamdolilah, Allah swt guided me through various incidents, towards the knowledge of our dearest Shaykh Anwar and many brothers and sisters who’ve commented. By researching articles and tracing back hadith, ayahs and usbaab an nazool, as best I could, I’m alhamdolilah convinced that the nusrah cannot be expected to be achieved, in isolation of jihad, and most importantly, that the work of the mujahideen to secure land and implement shariah on it, is the sunnah of Muhammed saws, a cogent Islamic opinion and a viable one inshAllah. The mujahideen are not wasting time trying to fight the endless western propaganda, their objectives are clearer and their iman is firmest. The hizb members I know are quite sincere and do want Islam, but, to abandon a pinnacle and deeply significant aspect of Islam is a ‘vital issue’ in itself. Occupation and oppression is also past three days and two nights, I’ve not found one incident where the sahaba or tabieen etc, overlooked such munkaraat as we see today and didn’t ‘remove’ it, as stated in the hadith we all know. May Allah swt guide all muslims to the love and respect that is due to the mujahideen, forgive us, and save us from wahn. aameen.

  150. Servant of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    As-salaamu-alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu…

    I am new to this blog… i want information about the correct jihad(how it should be carried out) i mean.. many so claimed jihadi groups end up killing many innocent people and in islam its a major sin to kill anyone w/o just cause. So are they deviated ? And how can one benefit his/her brothers and sisters which are being oppressed at the hands of kuffar like in cuba,Palestine,Iraq,Afghanistan… donation wont help because it hardly reaches them… If anyone got any advice please share..

  151. aliNo Gravatar says:

    salaam to the shykh and all the bro’s. inshallah allah swt will grant us victory if we are worthy, all the brothers all over the world are doing good work. pray for them all. HT are rising very quickly here in the UK, funny thing is even the people who hate them have bought into the idea of khilafah! may they carry on the good work.

  152. walidNo Gravatar says:

    brother anwar I thank you for all your support and of the religion of allah subhanatala. May allah bless you and reward you for your efforts. I wanted to ask you I have previously listened to lectures of Sheikh Towfique Chowdhury. Should I con tinuously listen and support his lectures?

  153. Shahidul HaqqNo Gravatar says:

    salam brodas,
    as i read some of the articles i find some brothers talking very harshly against the hizb, if you brothers are strictly adhering to the sunnah why you bad mouthing your muslim brothers for. any one who has doubt in the method of the hizb i would suggest he opens up a seerah book and reads it and find that the hizbs method complies with the manhaj an nabuwa 100%. you brothers making these foul comments about why the hizb doesnt keep beards is totaaly false. i have personnaly met hizb brothers with beards. and secondly brothers remember that the offensive statements you make you will accountable on the day of judgement.

    the fact that you oppose the hizbs dawah is just one of the processes of making the method more according to the sunnah as the prophet SAW came across great hostility from his own people.

  154. AnalystNo Gravatar says:

    AsalaamuAlaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatu to all my brothers and sisters in Islam,

    The method of the messenger(saw) can be broken down in to three distinct stages.

    The culturing of a block of Muslims forming the structure of a political party, the interaction of this political party with the Ummaah and when the party senses the Ummaah is ready, to take physical leadership of the Ummaah.

    As for nusrah, neither is it a stage of the method of Rasul(s) nor is it obligatory, it is literally seeking protection for oneself when undertaking the Dawah. This is a permissible action that Rasul(s) undertook whilst calling to Islam.

    The current stage we are in is interaction and the stage we are working for is to prepare the Ummaah to transfer its leadership to the party thus establishing the Islamic State.

    For those who disagree with this I would advise them to read the first 13 years of the Life of Rasul(s), as we have been ordered to follow the ‘Uswatul Hasana’.


  155. summerNo Gravatar says:

    Analyst you said we are in the stage of interacting a political party with the Ummah. can anyone tell me which political party this is please? jazaakAllah

  156. abu hafsNo Gravatar says:

    assalamualeikum ia axi.i wanna know ’bout rabii madkhali.who is he????pls answer my’s big question in my town

  157. How I Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days Without DietNo Gravatar says:

    Thanks for posting about this, I would love to read more about this topic.


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  2. [...] The Method of Establishing Khilafa (Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki) From Imam Anwar’s Blog [...]

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