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Finding a Balance: : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

Finding a Balance:

December 1, 2008 - الاثنين 04 ذو الحجة 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

Al-Hakim narrates with an authentic chain that Rasulullah was traveling with his companions when a bird came flapping it’s wings over his head. The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Who has brought grief to this bird?” One of the companions said: “I have taken some of its young ones.” Rasulullah ordered him to return them to their mother.
Rasulullah was leading an army on a travel for Jihad, the peak of Islam, but he was still teaching the sahabah about an issue as simple as mercy towards a bird.
There are some brothers and sisters who expressed concern when I talked about the opinions of scholars regarding cheese at a time when we have more important issues at hand that are of great concern to the ummah. I would like to take this opportunity to point out an important principle in Islam and that is: Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all aspects of our life and every Islamic teaching is important. Rasulullah has taught us minute aspects of life that would otherwise seem trivial such as how to eat, growing a beard, and even manners of responding to the call of nature. If these were trivial issues Rasulullah would not have wasted his time teaching us about them, the Sahabah would not have narrated them and our scholars would not have documented them in their books of hadith and fiqh. The topic of cheese is even more important because it relates to what enters our body. It is enough to state that our dua would not be accepted if our food is haraam. So the rulings of diet are very important .
Some of these people who do not recognize the importance of the smaller issues told Salman al Farisi: “We see that your Prophet has taught you everything even about excrements” Salman said: “Yes he did. He taught us not to face qibla when urinating or defecating, not to use our right hands in washing ourselves, not to use less than three stones and not to use dung or bones” (narrated by Muslim and others.) The Messenger of Allah who taught us this was also a head of state and a leader of Jihad.
When one understands the wisdom behind the comprehensiveness of the teachings of Islam nothing is trivial anymore. When we understand that every moment in our lives, every movement, and every act should be for the sake of Allah we appreciate the reason why Rasulullah taught us about everything.
The problem is not in talking about the sunnah in matters that one may assume to be trivial but the problem is when one talks about the beard to the exclusion of Tawhid, wearing the clothes above the ankle to the exclusion of Jihad, or the miswak to the exclusion of wala and bara.
On the other hand, it is even a more serious problem when people occupy themselves with the mustahab ( the recommended) and ignore the major issues, some of which are issues of aqeedah. There are some that escape from the responsibilities that demand sacrifice to the safety of the easy rituals. We need to take Islam as a whole. We should follow Quran and the way of Rasulullah in all matters.


91 Responses to “Finding a Balance:”
  1. bint JihadNo Gravatar says:

    Es Selamu alejkum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu

    Jazzak Allah khair for giving us balance shaykh

    Hope we read more often from you because we are in need of Imam’s like you

    May Allah reward you for your precious time you spend on us, Amin

    Es Selamu alejkum werahmetullahi we bereaktuhu

  2. VMNo Gravatar says:


    Jazakumallahu khairan for the post. For some reason I knew a similar post was going to be coming from you considering some of the previous comments… :)


  3. seekingilmNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam alaikum dear shaykh:

    Jazak Allah Khair for your wonderful naseeha. I truly love you so much for the sake of Allah (swt)

    I have a question. Please can let us know, was it Islamically legitimate concerning what happened in Mumbai, India the last few days? Are we allowed to kill all of the kafir non-combatants, including women, children, and so on?

    Jazak Allah Khair

  4. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaika ya sheikhuna azeez anwar al-awlaki

    O Allah! Accept our Sheikh actions and forgive his loved ones and us and reverve a place for the sheikh in your Paradise Most High!

    O Allah! Give victory to the Mujahideen and give them victory over their ownselves and aid them in abiding by your boundaries!

    O Allah ! Liberate our Holy Lands and rid the invading occupiers from
    the apostate ruling regimes!

    O Allah! Grant very Mu’meen Martyrdom!
    O Allah! We ask you for the Paradise!

    ya sheikh what else can i say

    “Words that come from the mouth stop at the ears, but words , that
    come from the heart, reach the heart.”

  5. FaizanNo Gravatar says:

    AsSalamAliakum Warahmatulah

    SubhanAllah, Imam Anwar Awalaki sums up every issue so clearly, May Allah give you the speech which Allah SWT bestowed on Shuaib A.S

  6. FaizanNo Gravatar says:

    And yes Sheikh could you please write a response on the recent events which are occurring in Mumbai India, if you feel its “safe” to critic on the situation.

  7. AhmadNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum Shaykh,

    I know that this is probably far from the subject but I think there is much need for it.

    Can you inform us about copyright in Islam specifically with regards to downloading lectures from the internet that are being sold elsewhere?

    I have so far heard completely opposing views from different people.

    Jazak Allahu khairan,
    Wa salaam alaykum,

  8. AidaNo Gravatar says:

    Jazak Allah Khair Shaykh on this explanation.May Allah swt reward you in this life and in the next, and may he unite us in Jennetul ferdows Ameen!

  9. Musl1mNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,
    Shaikh well said. But now that the cheese topic is covered maybe we can move to other important topics (smile).
    May Allah SWT make you the light of this generation of muslims! And may Allah SWT keep you on the right path!

  10. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    As-salaam alaikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatu, sheikh Anwar jazakAllah! for the beneficial post its good to know you read our comments:-) may Allah continue to keep you stead fast on the haaq ya sheikh!

  11. AlanNo Gravatar says:

    Walaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa baratuhu.
    Dear Shaykh, could you give as I detailed fatwa on rules of Zahiba in the four madhahib.
    Barak Allah Taala feek.

  12. Abu HamzaNo Gravatar says:

    As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu! May Allah enter you and your family into His Firdaus, accept from your good deeds and make them heavy on the day of judgement. Ameen. Ya Shaykh, as you have mentioned in your recent lectures and posts, the current humiliated and lowly condition of the ummah is the direct result of the muslims turning away from their deen, straying into that which Allah has forbidden, becoming content with and expressing immens love for life of this world and abandoning and showing distain for jihad in the path of Allah and, those who engage in it, just to mention a few. Thus as is stated clearly in the Quran and authentic sunnah and as has been explained by our scholars, both past and present, the success and honor for us as individuals and as an ummah is contigent upon on whether or not we enjoin tafsiyah wa tarbiyah, wala wa bara, return to jihad solely for Allah’s sake and truly practice this deen as Allah has commanded us to practice it. My questing relates to how to reestablish the jaish al-muslimeen on a large scale to confront the enemies of islam and what steps are necessary to do so? Likewise, for us living in darul kufr who are trying to make hijrah fisbilillah, what are the best regions/countries to move to in our times? I recognize that the answer is not as clearcut as at the time of the sahabah and while the kalifah was established, but am just seeking advice on this matter. In saudi arabia for example it is very difficult to obtain an iqaama for many people. Please advise us and jazzakAllahu khairan for your time ya shaykh. May Allah keep you steadfast. Ameen.

  13. IbraheimNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Anwar,

    Can you either email or post a response to brothers eating Buger king and whatnot in the west? Not the pork products but the beef and chicken products in general. I would not want my dua to be neglected because of something I did not know I was doing wrong.

    My question would be:

    Is it lawful to go out to eat, is it lawful to eat fast food, is it lawful to buy the kosher products even though they may be owned by jews, is it lawful to drink coke and pepsi etc etc?

    What is your view on that brother?

    Salam Alaykum,

  14. WadoodNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamalaikum Sh. Anwar,

    Alhamdulillah, such a balance indeed, who else could be our role model than Rasulillah SAS?

    These days US is going through a depression, People are loosing jobs right and left, no health insurance, raising prices for food etc. I believe this is the BEST time for Islamic Dawah here than ever before to give these people the true HELP and COMFORT the human requires to get through the tough times by education them on the love for Aakhira, the right path to Jannah, Patientce and the practicality of Islam as a way of life in every days life any place any time.
    I think we a re very clear that the Muslims in the WEST are desperate today more than before for true sincere GUIDANCE, what we need to do, stay hear and purify ourselves and give Dawah as primary job or leave the country to Dar-al-Islam and leave 200 million people without a chance for true guidance.

    The True Balance now would be answers on these issues that western muslims has raised, so far, on your blog from recent election post, which I completely agree with.

  15. Al Barra bin MaalikNo Gravatar says:

    BarakAllahu feek ya imaam for the post.
    Its just as you mentioned in the life and times of Umar ibn alKhataab R.A. that when people talk about an islamic issue or person such as Rasulullah S.A.W. All angles should be mention and one should not single out certain aspect in order to fulfill an agenda.

    Rasulullah S.A.W said: ‘Ana nabiyul marhama wa ana nabiyul malhama’ ‘I am the prophet of mercy and i am the prophet or war’

  16. Al Barra bin MaalikNo Gravatar says:

    Brothers and sisters, Insha Allah im sure that our beloved imaam is aware of how much we love and respect him and are gratefull to have someone like him amongst us.
    However its good islamically speaking to praise someone to their face (i know this is online but he’ll still read it)
    Insha Allah let us all make dua for him instead as it would benefit him more and would benefit us more.

  17. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    to Abu Hamza
    asalamu alaikum ya sheikh and asalamu alaika ya akhi abu hamza

    i know your question is directed to sheikh but can i give you a humble advise about hijra places and regions

    well he we go

    islamic maghreb


    my self was thinking to go to al-indalus (the occupied muslims land)but there is no place on earth better than the ones mentioned above.

  18. MuhammedNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum Imam Anwar
    Well put, balance is what we need in our lives. May Allah reward you brother please keep up the good work I’ve learnt a lot from you.

  19. MuhammedNo Gravatar says:

    I am truly taken by your in depth knowledge and understanding of issues. May Allah reward you and protect you. The Ummah is in need of true leadership.
    Can you please comment on the present day secular education being thought to our children internationally. Is it safe to place our kids into such an environment. If not, What is the alternative and how do we go about establishing something?

  20. The Life of Muhammad: Medina Period 2 of 2 by Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, coming soonNo Gravatar says:

    Allah hu Akbar…Allah hu Akbar…Allah hu Akbar.
    We have waited indeed. and we will see it clear inshaAllah, who stands among the hypocrites.

  21. jhd/ hijra fisabilillahNo Gravatar says:

    as salamu aleikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
    again such a wonderful piece and a good comeback. and ameen to all the duas above

  22. omarNo Gravatar says:

    Imam anwar asalamu alaikum. I wanted to know whether jihad for pakistanis is FArd ayn? If it is, who should one go and make jihad against?

  23. YusufNo Gravatar says:

    Its true, everything is for Allah, our living, our dying, everything is for Allah, subhanAllah, not only have I learnt a new hadith about Rasool (saw) telling the sahabee to put the bird back, but another excellent example of animal, environmental rights in Islam, 1400 years ago!!!JazakAllah khair Sheikh.
    I would also love to hear or read the beloved Sheikhs views on the recent happenings in India, however its abit of a hot topic, so its understandable if the Sheikh doesnt comment upon it.

  24. Salafi_ScientistNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam Alaikum,
    indeed, Rasool taught us about everything to the fine details so that we may not act like the Yahood, bringing in stuff from the evil desires that erupt from the depths of everyone’s nafs-e-ammara.
    ma salam ya sheikh.

  25. Al SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum wr wb….. Jzk ya shiekh you couldn’t have said better…. Some brothers think that Islam is only jihad…. It is a major part of this deen but Islam includes much more than that… May ALLAH SWT reward you for explaining it so well.

  26. Talha SumaliNo Gravatar says:

    The first time i saw this Tall, lanky but firing speaker in my Masjid, Bay area, California, Wallahi something strike my mind. i just knew he would represent us Internationally! May allah rise his status higher! he got our back when many so called scholars betray us!
    Anwar U r much loved by the Ummah

    Talha Sumali

  27. al-istiqamahNo Gravatar says:

    Jazaakillah khayran sheikh, and may Allah preserve you, ameen. I always got the impression in the hadith of Salman (RA) that he his words reflected the pride which he felt in the fact that Islam covers every aspect of our lives.

  28. bint mohamoudNo Gravatar says:

    jazakhAllahu Kheir for another amazing post.

    Abu Nabil, sorry to bud in but are you asking on moving to one of the countries you mentioned in your post?
    I for one highly suggest you not moving to my home country Somalia. I have read many articles on American and EU Muslims moving seeking an Islamic state and being basically kidnapped by Ethiopian and American troops acussed of being terroist. If that is what you meant,lets not put ourselves in harms way, unless you have other plans.

    Wallahu Alam

  29. so sadNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamualykum jazakAllahukhairn for the beneficial posts.

    As for the brother/ Sister who was asking about placing our children in schools and secular education. there is an alternative.
    HOMESCHOOLING is the way to go.
    research it and learn about it then make your descision.
    from a homeschooler

  30. UmmMariyamNo Gravatar says:

    salam alaykum wa rhamatullah wa barakatu ya ikhwan wa akhawaat
    to the shaykh: may Allah accept your efforts, reward you, keep you guided and steadfast, and make you a righteous leader following the righteous who have preceeded you ameen. and may Allah keep evil from your heart and protect you from that which He has created ameen.
    to abu hamza:
    you asked: Likewise, for us living in darul kufr who are trying to make hijrah fisbilillah, what are the best regions/countries to move to in our times?
    if you are really ready to move fisabilillah, then know that the best hijra is jihad so head to the lands where it is being established, such as palestine and afghanistan or iraq or somalia or chechenia to name a few. Inshallah you will find rizqun karim, forgiveness for your sins, and a goodly life either in victory or in matrydom.
    May Allah help us all to be steadfast upon what is correct and always guide us ameen.

  31. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Does anyone know of some good English taught Madrassas? I am learning Arabic, but it will be a couple of years before I could take classes in it and I don’t want to wait that long. Also, if the could be cheap, because my parents are not Muslim and I am pretty sure they would not pay for that, then that would be great.

    Jazakallah khairan.

  32. BrovaNo Gravatar says:

    Jazakallah Sheikh for this enlightening post…
    Is it just me or am I starting to
    see much more criticism towards our Sheikh ever since he made those posts about Jihad,Hijrah and partaking in the democratic sysytem…I find the fact that people criticised the Sheikh
    for taking his time to teach us our religion quite haughty,immature and ingrateful. This whole affair reminds me of the time when Abdullah bin Salam(R) accepted Islam. When Rasullah(SAW) asked the Jews about him they said “He is the most learned person amongst us, and the best amongst us, and the son of the best amongst us.”
    Allah’s Apostle said, “What do you think if he embraces Islam (will you do as he does)?”
    The Jews said, “May Allah save him from it.”
    Then ‘Abdullah bin Salam came out in front of them saying, “I testify that None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.”
    Thereupon they said, “He is the evilest among us, and the son of the evilest amongst us,” and continued talking badly of him.
    It seems we have contracted this disease from the Jews, where we honour someone as long as his ideas are in line with our own and dishonour him when he calls for the Haqq or acquires a different way of thinking.

  33. ASCNo Gravatar says:

    Assamalu Alaykum Wah Rahmatullahi

    Jazak Allah Khairun Shaykh for this article, and for all your articles that you post for us to read. I truly enjoy and appreciate all that you have done, and continue to do, so that your students may learn from you.

    I know I speak for many people when I say we are eagerly awaiting the final part of the Seerah set you have been working on. May Allah SWT bless you and your family with the best of this life and grant you the highest levels of Jannah, inshallah.

  34. ShirazNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu ‘alaikum. Please Sheikh, address the issue of muslims accepting the unqualified, arrogant claims of the kuffaar that muslims are responsible for violence without even doing the minimum of verifying the truth of it. Especially, such as in the case of the Mumbai bombings, where there is plenty of evidence that this was done between Mossad and the RSS (the rabid far-right hindutva group). If one searches now in Google for “Mumbai + Mossad” there are several hits that show that Nariman house, the Jewish Lubavitzer Center, had ordered liquor and Meat just the previous day, enough for several days seige, that the lone gunman left alive had a saffron wrist band indicating hinduism, that the fishermen working or living near the area had reported that several boat-loads of armaments had been brought in and taken by suspicious looking people into Nariman House, and that suspicious activities had been going on there for over 2 years, that the violence started FROM Nariman House, and so on.

    Typically, when there is news like this, it disappears in a few weeks, so it is worth making copies of the web-pages, before the zionists have it removed from the web. As an example, it is very difficult to find evidence that Usama Bin Laden DENIED that he had anything to do with 9/11 and that he had stated that it is haraam in Islam to kill innocent people and that he could do no such thing. It can however be found if you go to CNN archives, but the majority of claims are that he ADMITTED to doing about it – which is their acceptance of a FALSE video, as the person pretending to be Usama does not look like him at all. The problem is that some ignorant muslims like to believe the Kuffaar when they say that video gets messed up, and the shape of the face can change, and that the video is therefore valid.

  35. ATNo Gravatar says:

    Asalam Aleikhum My dear Brother Anwar and all Muslims.
    Muslims before us and anyone of us when we are reasoning or logicalized our lives, our behaviour either dealing with ourselves or others or ruling matters or making decissions or confronting kufr or implementing good in our lives based on the teachings and reflection of The Qur’an – “Finding a Balance” is needed an thats one of the recipe of Justice.
    This is the Legacy of all the Prophets.
    I do not wish to push my comment to be an opinion but I agree 100% with what has been said by our beloved brother Anwar by repeating his strong quote “When one understands the wisdom behind the comprehensiveness of the teachings of Islam nothing is trivial anymore” –
    Mashallah. May Allah increase brother Anwar’s knowledge. May Allah guide those Ulamah hide the truth and fear of exposing the truth.

    Dear Muslims, Read Al Baqarah 2:26

    Allah knows best

  36. ATNo Gravatar says:

    Regarding to what happened in India,
    Firstly, one has to understand India, is one of the poorest country in the world, is one of the corrupted Government in the world. We all know what is the effects of poverty and corruption. Indian politician can sell a human being for the price of single grain of rice – it is very hard to believe what they say as they lie day and night, 24hrs a day, 7days a week and 365day a year.their lives is driven based on the drama of Bolywood movies (you could see their special if not bogus vegies and roti eaters commando on the TV).
    My question is here,where in the world or in the history of Islam, A Mujahideen who is mandated under the fihq of Jihad, kidnap and demand and wait to be killed hopelessly by Indian comandos? Are these real Mujaheedin or there is more the world society has to know? I believe (correct me if I am wrong) Indian Government and their colonial masters planed all this…
    Innocent Muslims are dying every minute in Iraq,Afghanistan,Somalia,Palestine but I do not see the Media making the headline news…

  37. ATNo Gravatar says:

    “”"”When one understands the wisdom behind the comprehensiveness of the teachings of Islam nothing is trivial anymore”"”"

  38. Janna J.No Gravatar says:

    As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu, now is the time for Hajj. Yet how many muslims know what the Hajj is about and what to do when, Insha’Allah, we meet the Ka’ba face to face? Thank you Ya Sheikh for sharing your knowledge with us. Insha’Allah your reward on the day of judgement will be unmeasurable.

  39. ARABICNo Gravatar says:

    salaamu alaykum,
    br zakariya, there is a place in new york, (foundation for knowledge), they also have online courses, if you are not from the area.

  40. bint mohamoudNo Gravatar says:

    Bravo Brova! *smile*
    Nicely put!

  41. Ahmad RahmanNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh,

    First of all, Jazakallah Khayrun Katheera for all your efforts Sheikh. You have truly been an inspiration in my life and have facilitated me to gain knowledge on our beautiful and perfect deen.

    I wanted to comment on the point that you mention some have raised about “other important issues”. I believe the biggest issue we face is that we (Muslims) in general like to find issues with what others are doing for the deen rather than do something themselves. “Little things” such as your post on cheese, or any other matter which we consider “trivial” are what help us build our imaan and ultimately brings us closer to Allah (SWT). If we strictly focus on the “big things” it leaves a void in our lives of fulfilling the “smaller” matters. Of course the argument of what is small vs. big is a completely separate issue.

    I can definitely say that my life has significantly been impacted by starting to practice on “small” sunnahs. Of course ultimately hiddaya comes only from Allah (SWT) and a great blessing it is.

    Consider the western phrase of the “snowball effect”. It starts small… but as you roll the small snowball on a field of snow… it will continue to grow to an enormous size only limited by your strength to keep pushing/rolling it.

    May Allah (SWT) grant us all the ability to practice on His deen as He likes and forgive us for our shortcomings Inshallah.

    Jazakallah Khayrun, Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh.

    Ahmad Rahman
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  42. Fear allahNo Gravatar says:

    salam ya sheikh i am warning you that there are people who hate you for no reason and they are muslims. They told me you use false hadiths, you mislead the youth and exc. The people at dammj sheikh they hate you. They say this is the time of fitna that these no jihad anywhere. Do you know these people. please speak about them. They were talking bad about you wallahi i started to cry i told them how can you talk bad about imam anwar wallahi i couldnt believe it. Please talk about the people who say this is the time of fitna…. So the youth can know these people before its too late


  43. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Could someone tell me if I am wrong on anything I have said in the following lecture I am writing. I do not want to deliver anything that is wrong no matter how small:

    Brothers and sisters assalaam alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    The issue I am going to present to you is one you is one of urgency regarding the state of the Ummah. Brothers and sisters we are in a crisis. We have become complacent. We have become weak brothers and sisters, the Ummah has become weak. It has become weak socially, economically, and militarily, but these are only minor things. Brothers and sisters the true weakness I am going to bring before your eyes is in the weakness of our belief and the weakness of our devotion. Brothers and sisters we have become weak in regards to how we view and practice Islam.

    O you who believe! The way we have come to view Islam is an abomination. We have become like the Christians and the Jews who say, “All you have to do is believe and you will enter paradise.” Brothers and sisters, it has become such that if someone prays five times a day we call them a fundamentalist. If someone believes shari’a is the only way to govern we call them an extremist.

    Brothers and sisters, if you say or believe these things even a little bit you are in a state of kufr. If you do not pray the five daily prayers and you die you are not going to be on the side of the believers. You are going to be standing with the kuffar. This is not some controversial issue debated by scholars, this is a basic fundamental concept within Islam. Furthermore, those of you who would rather take man made laws over the ones in the Qur’an or those handed down to us in Hadith you are currently on the side of kufr. If you say, “Hijab is outdated,” that means that you are denying something Allah(SWT) has legislated and believe you are smarter than Allah(SWT). This goes for anything that Allah(SWT) has commanded. If you deny it, If you disagree with it, or if you even think that there might be something a little bit better than it then you have invalidated your Islam.

    Brothers and sisters, the Ummah is in such a state that if these two things are commonplace, and they are almost certainly in the majority of the believers. To say or believe such things is to put yourself on the side of the kuffar. You might be thinking oh this guy up here is an extremist, but what I am telling you is agreed upon. It is not controversial amongst the scholars.

    In fact, taking the law of someone else over that of Allah(SWT) is generally considered shirk. O you who believe! When you say, “Hijab is not required [the definition is debated, but the issue itself is not],” when you say, “It is good for men and women to mix,” when you say, “Islam needs to adjust to democracy,” you are guilty of shirk ul-uluhiyyah. This is not debated. If you choose ANY kufr law over any law of Allah(SWT) you are committing shirk – the shirk of obeying something over Allah(SWT).

    What does Allah(SWT) say to us about shirk?

    And they worship besides Allâh things that hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: “These are our intercessors with Allâh.” Say: “Do you inform Allâh of that which He knows not in the heavens and on the earth?” Glorified and Exalted be He above all that which they associate as partners with Him! (EMQ Soorah Yunus, 10: 18)

    And: Hunafâ’ Lillâh (i.e. to worship none but Allâh), not associating partners (in worship, etc.) unto Him and whoever assigns partners to Allâh, it is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had thrown him to a far off place. (EMQ Al-Hajj, 22: 31)

    Allah (swt) says: Verily, Allâh forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allâh in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (EMQ Soorah An-Nisa’, 4: 48) – So Allah(SWT) promises us that he will not forgive shirk. Shirk is the only sin which will not be forgiven at all on the Day of Judgment. If you commit shirk and do not repent Allah(SWT) has promised to give you Fire.

    You say, “Well I only said that this idea is more “modern” than the Islamic law. Muhammad(SAAWS) lived over a thousand years ago. I did not worship some other “god” with Allah(SWT), I still believe in Allah(SWT).” You are saying someone on Earth’s law is better than that of Allah(SWT) which means that you deny a fundamental fact of Islam. When you do something like this it is the unforgivable shirk – shirk al-akbar. O you who believe! If you have done this make touba or surely you will spend your life in Jahannam.

    Do you not understand this? Jahannam. The Fire. The place where the least tormented person, Abu Talib, will spend an eternity with ankles in flames so hot that his brain boils. Brothers and sisters, you are not Abu Talib and he is the best off of those in Jahannam. When you are standing there on the Day of Judgement and the wall is raised between you and the people of Jannah you have lost. You are done. The believers who barely escaped will ask you why you committed such acts. They will question you from atop this wall, and you will feel a feeling the likes of which does not exist on Earth.

    You will beg to the people of Jannah, “Pour down to us water or anything that Allah doth provide for your sustenance.” But they will say, “Both these things hath Allah forbidden to those who rejected Him.” And this is from Surat Al-Araf Ayat 50. If you do not give up your shirk, you will be of these people who beg for ANYTHING of sustenance. You will beg for the lowest of pleasures. Your torment will be so great that you will be worse off than if you did not exist at all.

    When the veil is raised and the people on the top call out to you to ask you why you disobeyed Allah(SWT) you have lost. There is nothing left for you to do. You are done. No more can you make touba. No more can you praise Allah(SWT) and hope for a reward. You are done and you have lost and not a soul in the Universe will pity you. Not even your children will feel sorry for you. If they enter Jahannam to they will actually ask Allah(SWT) to double your punishment for leading them astray. Your own children will want your punishment to be doubled. Can you imagine asking someone who is torturing your mother to double their efforts? This is what your children will do to you on the Day of Judgment. Allah(SWT) will listen to them, but he is also going to do it to them. So if you put these ideas of shirk into the hearts of your children you double their punishment as well. And this is from Surat Al-Araf verses 37 and 38.

    O Mankind! When you stand on side of the losers on the Day of Judgment you have entered upon an eternity of torment the likes of which does not even exist in this world. The pain of the Fire is so great that you are not even capable of comprehending it.

    So, brothers and sisters, when you call those who are upon the Sunnah fundamentalists. When you call the brothers and sisters who dress proper extremists. When you deny ayat in the Qur’an, which most commonly occurs with regards to jihad feesabililah and shari’a. When you do any of these acts you are placing yourself on the side of the losers. You are challenging Allah(SWT) to make good on his promise to put you in the fire. Allah(SWT) never fails in a promise. O you who believe! Think at where you stand! Are you a Muslim or are you a Modernist? Are you a believer or a secularist? Are you going to put your efforts into Islam or are you going work against it? These are not overlapping things. The law of Allah(SWT) is final!

    May Allah(SWT) guide us and shed his mercy upon us.

    Jazakallah Khairan anyone who edits.

  44. muslimahNo Gravatar says:

    Barakallahu feek, May Allah reward you abundantky!

  45. Abu RummiNo Gravatar says:

    I can’t comment on whether the attacks in Mumbai were halaal or not as i don’t have the knowledge. But from a strategic view… the mujahideen in Afghanistan benefited a lot from this.

    1) The relationship between India & Pakistan has deteriorated as a result.

    2) India will be reinforcing it’s troops along the Pakistan border & that will result in Pakistan doing the same.. which means moving troops from the Afghanistan border to the Indian border.

    3)India Intelligence (RAW) will have to focus on India & move their focus away from supporting anti-mujahideen forces in Afghanistan.

  46. InshallahShaheed MuslimahNo Gravatar says:


    Jazakallahu khairan katheeran Sheikh

  47. alhumdulilahNo Gravatar says:

    salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

    jazakAllah khair. Great reminder, masha’ Allah. Allah yubarak feek.

    wassalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

  48. bashirNo Gravatar says:

    Salam shykh can u plz next tlk or meantion about some brothers in UK making takfir on scholars such as Ben baz, uthaymeen, salman al odah, albany, qardawi and hamza yusuf from america calling them Kafir, and they call them self Al ghuraba or Al muhajiroun. I know somtime you may have different oppinion and view regarding the current situation what is going on in ummah. But we should respect the scholars somtimes it is difficult for them to speak the truth. please brother can do or discuss regarding the matter. jazakallahkhairan

  49. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    if all the scholars you mentioned above are likes of Hamza Yousaf, there is no doubt that Hamza Yousuf is a Rand Muzlim and stands in the top ranks of Mullah Bradley. MashaAllah those brothers who are making takfeer on them are doing a great effort and indeed performing their duty. I remember meaning of one of the Hadith that in the end times people will go to seek knowledge from those scholars who are corrupt. and same is the case with Hamza yousuf. When it is evident that these scholars are a mouth piece of Kuffar, calling takfeer on them is must or we ourself become Murjaee.
    2-174. Verily, those who conceal what Allâh has sent down of the Book, and purchase a small gain therewith (of worldly things), they eat into their bellies nothing but fire. Allâh will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor purify them, and theirs will be a painful torment.

    175. Those are they who have purchased error at the price of Guidance, and torment at the price of Forgiveness. So how bold they are (for evil deeds which will push them) to the Fire.
    Imam Tirmizi narrated in “Nawadirul Asool”with reference to Abu Imama
    that Rasool Allah sallalaho Alaihey Wassllam said,
    a horrible incident will happen in my Ummah and when they will return to their Ulama they will be turned into Apes and Pigs.
    there will be ulama who will stop people from Jihad and will tell them that Jihad is a talk of history and there is no more Jihad, and this is exactly what these so called ulama are preaching, the following Hadith will inshaAllah make it more clear:

    “as long as the sky will rain the drops of water Jihad will be carried on and a time is about to come to the people when their Ulama will tell them that this time is not that of Jihad, whoever finds this time should know that this will be the best time for Jihad. Sahaba surprisingly asked, Ya Rasool Allah (Salllaho alaihey wasslallam) can some one can dare to say so? He replied yes, on whom Allah’s, Angles’ and all mankind’s wrath will be” and the same hadith in Kunzul Imaan is with the addition that”these people will be the fuel of Jahannum”
    Imam Rafi wrote in “Tareekh-e-qazwaeen” narrated by Abu Hurraira “Rasool Allah Sallalaho Alaihey wassalam said, (meaning in english) no doubt the worst of creation in Allah’s eyes is an Alim who makes relations with Sultan and his ministers”
    We have been warned to stay away from those Ulama who sell the Ayat of Quran on a miserable price and they will not taste Hoz-e-Kosar and they are not from among us.
    Imam Ahmed, Imam Bazar and Imam bin Habban narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah that Rasool Allah Said,
    ” in future some Umara will come then whoever visited them and verified their false claims and help them in their Zulm, I have no relation with him and he will not come my Hoz(Kosar) and whoever does not go to them and does not verify what they claim, he is from me and i am from him and he will come to my Hoz”

    May Allah Protect the brothers who are standing for Haq and make their feet firm.

  50. HalidNo Gravatar says:

    as-Salamu Alaykum,

    After reading all of the articles and comments, I came to appreciate even more the big favor of Allah reviving people of Turkey through Said Nursi and his work. Muslims in the West truly need a “Bediuzzaman”. May Allah reward you ya ‘azizi.

    was-Salamu Aleykum

  51. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu dear Imam Anwar, and my dear brother and sisters in Islam:
    I hope this message finds you in the best state of Imaan.
    May Allah Azza-Wa-Jall protect you and save you and your family from the Hell fire. Jazak’Allahu khairan for advising the rest of us (who are still in their deep slumber) to follow the footsteps of the Prophet (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him). It is wajib i.e mandatory for all Muslims to follow in the footsteps of Rassulilah (PBUH) and not to follow the footsteps of the Shaytan or the devils from Mankind and the Jinn.
    Allah Subhanahu wa’tala Says in His Noble Book, The Qur’an:
    “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often.”

    [Surah Al-Ahzab, Ayat 21]
    “He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah; but those who turn away – We have not sent you over them as a guardian.”

    [Surah An-Nisa, Ayat 80]
    “Allah Subhanahu wa’tala also Says in His Glorious Book, The Qur’an:
    O you, who have believed do not follow the footsteps of Satan. And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan- indeed, he enjoins immorality and wrongdoing. And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills, and Allah is Hearing and Knowing.”

    [Surah An-Nur, Ayat 21]
    Ya Shaykh Imam Anwar, I Love you for the sake of Allah Azza Wa Jall, and I adore for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala all the believing men and women who stand for the truth; and stand against the Kuffar and their puppets “moderate RAND Mozlemz and their scholars for dollars” hypocrites.

    Inshallah we will always remember the following Ayat:
    Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:

    “And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast.
    And their words were not but that they said, “Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.”
    So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the Hereafter. And Allah loves the doers of good.
    O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.
    But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.
    We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.”

    [Surah Ali-Imran, Ayat 146-151]

  52. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:

    On the authority of Umm Darda (May Allah be pleased with her) it is reported that Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
    “…the dua of a muslim for his brother (in Islam) in his absence is readily accepted, and an angel is appointed to his side, whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother the appointed angel says “Ameen and may you also be blessed with the same”
    Because of the above mentioned hadith, whenever the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them all) asked Allah for something and they really wanted it, they would ask for the same thing for their brother/sister in Islam.
    So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam please make dua for your brothers and sisters at the frontlines as well as the real scholars of Islam that are standing up for the Haqq, the Mujahideen, and the Ameerul Mumineen.

  53. HaqqNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum

    Sheikh can you please talk about the people at the dammaj in Yemen. Have you heard of them?

  54. ghareebahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam ‘alaykum wr wb

    can i please ask a question to imam anwar?-and inshAllah you will answer insha’Allah. shaykh, i live in denmark..i buy different kinds of cheese because on most af the packages it is not clear wether the thing you mentioned in cheese is from animals or not. so if i just pick the ones which i think looks safest, not knowing about the e-numbers etc. is this sufficient for me to protect my deen?, i know rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa salam thaught us to keep away from doubtful matters, then what can one do,if it is not written on the food wether it is natural or not?-will my salat and dua not be accepted in case i pick the wrong brands by lack of knowledge?..

    inshaAllah i have not troubled you or anything by asking further on the topic and i appologize for my poor english.

    may Allah soubhana wa ta’aala guide,protect and strengthen us and let us all understand how to “hear and obey”, and may he azza wa jaal keep shaytaan away from us and protect our iman and improve us in knowledge and strengthen our taqwa!

    wa assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

    sister Ghareebah min danimark

  55. ghareebahNo Gravatar says:

    why is it that some peolpe comdemn akh anwar al awlaki because he is masha’Allah not afraid to speak the truth? those imams who rage against him soubhanallah, has it something to do with him prooving their preaching to be wrong?- do people hate to be corrected by more knowledgeable people?..soubhanallah what a disastress state this ummah is in these times!.. if a muslim gets angry or feel offended when he is corrected then soubhanAllah why is ´there hooda in the quran?.. allah (swt) sent a guidance to humanity and it is not for people to turn away from guidance, wether it be from another muslim who can learn us something beneficial or correct us in some matter which we maybe have failed to understand correct.

    you should be glad of corrections, if they are backed up by proof from quran and hadeeth, no matter WHO brings them to you!.. do not have takabur, and do not be stobern(spelling?)..

    ad deen an naseeha.. religion is naseeha..

    and what is the matter with you that you use the term “extremists”?..soubhanallah a man striving and being extra CAREFUL and watchfull should not be categorized as being extreme, that is the kuffar who has given that name to the steadfast and practising muslim nowadays.. do not please man.. PLEASE ALLAH!- surely he is all aware of all that you do..

    allah yahdeekum.

    love all muslims for the sake of god all mighty.

    plz forgive me if i am wrong in any way.


  56. HAQQNo Gravatar says:

    yes i dont kow why they are doing this. Its all From the people at dammj in yemen. They are the ones who are saying don’t listen to ahki ANWAR. They are the ones saying this is not jihad but the time of fitna. Sheikh we wih you but please talk about these people who are saying lies about you.

  57. NasrinNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu shaykh Anwar,
    I was looking for your recent lectures online- btw I have all your CD lectures, and I always listen to it- but, instead I found your blog regarding cheese. Subanallah, a day before a few of us girls wanted to know if cheese was haram or halal, and so I found my favorite shaykh’s blog. And I just read your post on voting and thank Allah that I didn’t vote, because I didn’t care about it, but now I know why I shouldn’t vote. Btw, I love the fact that you are not afraid to tell the truth. So, Jazzak Allah khair for the post.

  58. Watch out from the people in DammjNo Gravatar says:

    People in dammj are talking bad about our shikh anwar. I will keep saying this intil it catches our shiekh’s attention. They are telling people in the west to not listen to you. They say there is no jihad in the world today and its all fitna ya shiekh talk about these people at dammj in yemen these fake salfi people who get paid by all the governemnts in the world. They have nothing agains you but just jealousy, lies,hatred because you are saying the haqq. They are the ones who backbit on muslim brothers. I am warning my brothers about the people in dammj its a yemen watch out they are bringing fitna. If anyone heard of them please speak about them.


  59. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    @ bashir
    your quote:
    “it is difficult for them to speak the truth”.

    do you or do these sheiyukh you mentioned above or any sheikh think hellfire is easy?

  60. ummaitis suffererNo Gravatar says:

    I recently read in a RAND article the term ‘ummaitis’, refering to the affliction of many muslims who have a primary connection to the ummah of Muhammed (saw)(i.e. non RAND muslims). If you have heard of this please comment.

  61. IslamNo Gravatar says:

    America exports a lot of garbage around the world. McDonalds, Coca Cola, and Microsoft, are prime examples of damaging and useless brands that are turned into ‘world leaders’ as a result of Marketing strategies and monopolies. Its latest product, the US manufactured scholar, exhibits the same bad qualities as these various brands. They are jetted around the Western world to cause mischief, tell lies, change Islam and meet with the Presidents and the Prime ministers discussing how Islam is full of ‘love’ and ‘peace’ whilst the West kill men, women and children in its war against Islam. These shameless scholars are the likes of Hamzah Yusuf, who before September 11th vehemently attacked America as Satanic (to sell a few tapes and earn a living) and now advises the ’sincere’ – as he put it – President on how to deal with Muslims. He claims to have had a change of heart and now says the US are far from being satanic, in fact they are better than Muslims. The fire-fighters who died saving lives were performing Jihad and are ‘mujahid’. We say to Hamzah Yusuf, whilst he stood outside the Whitehouse lawn with his friend George singing “God save America”, did it not occur to him that Islam forbade making the Kuffar his intimate, let alone making the greatest enemy of the Muslims his ‘buddy’? We would like to remind Hamzah Yusuf of the great Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), who said, “if you see a scholar at the gates of a ruler, question him in his deen”. [Excerpt taken from Khilafah Magazine November 2001 Edition]

  62. IslamNo Gravatar says:

    Comments from 60 minutes interview of Hamza Yusuf
    Bradley: correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it the responsibility… Does not Islam, does not Allah require that Muslims police their own religion and rid themselves of extremists?

    Yusuf: yes, absolutely. It’s an obligation for Muslims to root them out. And I think it is a jihad now for the Muslims in the Muslim country to rid themselves of this element.

  63. Umm MuqattilNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum,

    Jazakallah khayr for this source of ilm.May Allah guide us all.

    Umm Muqattil

  64. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Re. ARABIC:

    Salaam alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    It might seem like a small deed, but inshallah it will be a charity that continues for generations.

    Jazak Allah khairan

  65. islam over everythingNo Gravatar says:

    The shiekh name is Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree he is the leader at dammaj does anyone know anything about him. he is saying that theres no jihad and its just all fitna. They are in dammaj in yemen shiekh they talk about you and say dont listen to shiekh anwar. WATCH OUT FROM THESE FAKE SALAFIS WHO THE KAFFIRS ARE HAPPY WITH.

  66. The Mujahids WifeNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu 3alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

    Jazakallah khair for this article brother, may Allah reward you and give you the best of iman, taqwa, and health inshallah.


  67. JassimNo Gravatar says:

    “We need to take Islam as a whole. We should follow Quran and the way of Rasulullah in all matters (Imam Al-Awlaki).”

    The refusal to do that is what has caused the formation of the many sects of Islam we see today.

    The Messenger of Allaah (sAaws) said:
    “I have left behind me two things, if you cling to them you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allaah and my Sunnah” (al-Haakim)

    “and you will live to see great difference, so cling to my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs after me, even if it be with your teeth” (Bukhaaree)

    “My ummah will divide into seventy three sects, all of them will be
    in the Hellfire except one!” It was said to him, “Who are they, O Allaah’s Messenger?” He said,
    “Whoever is upon the same as what I am upon today and my Companions.” (at-Tirmidhee and al-Haakim, as Hasan)

  68. RAASHIDAHNo Gravatar says:

    Dammaj, Sa’ada: The largest DAH (Dar al-Hadith) Salafi Center and the movement’s headquarters is located in Dammaj. The institute is headed by Sheik Yahya al-Hajouri (al-Hajooree) who was appointed by Sheik Muqbel al-Wadi who founded the Salafi movement in Yemen.

    Sheikh Abdullah Faisal exposed these “fake Salafis” in his lecture several years ago called “the Devil’s Deception of The Saudi Salafis”. Also,here is a letter that was written by Sheikh Faisal to a brother regarding the “fake Salafis”:

    Assalamu alaikum Brother XXXXXX, I hope this mail finds u in good health and iman. Thank u for your recent phone call updating me on the Islamic situation in XXXXXXX.

    Our quarrel with the Saudi salafis is not a simple one like many people would like to believe. Our quarrel is about the validity of the shahada of the Saudi salafis itself. I have strong doubts about their Islam to an extent where i wouldn’t even dishonor myself by going to the janaaza of a salafi, due to 4 major reasons. The first reason is that they go against the ijmaa of the ummah. Allah has promised the Hell-fire for anyone who is guilty of going against the ijmaa of the Muslims. Hence Allah said:

    And whosoever contradicts and opposes the Rasool after the guidance was made clear to him and follows a path other than the way of the believers, We shall keep him in the path which he has chosen and throw him in Hell — what an evil abode! surah an-Nisaa 4:115

    All the scholars of tafseer agree unanimously among themselves that the above-mentioned ayah is clear evidence that it is incumbent on all those who claim to be Muslims to abide by the ijmaa of the ummah. unfortunately the Saudi salafis are a stray sect because they are guilty of contradicting the ijmaa of the ummah hence they have made up their own islam. This puts them in the category of the zindeeq {heretic} Other famous zindeeqs of this century are the Nation of Islam started by Elija Muhammad as well as the Berailwia, Ahmadia/ Qadiyania, the ismailia/Agha khania etc etc.

    I will now outline to you the ijmaa which the Saudi salafis are guilty of going against. Ibn kathir and Ibn Taymiyya [rh] said:

    “It is known of Islam by necessity and it is the agreement of all the Muslims that if you dismantle the sharia it makes you become a kafir. Then ibn kathir elaborated and said: “And such a person should be fought till he returns to the sharia of Muhammad {saw}”

    Please review tafseer ibn kathir for the explanation of maida 50 for the evidence of what was said about the ijmaa of the muslims. Also see fatawa vol 28 pp.524 for the evidence of ibn Taymiyya’s verdict on this crucial issue.

    What causes me to abhor and despise the saudi salafis with a passion is because they claim to follow the 2 noble scholars ibn kathir and ibn Taymiyya yet they rebel against their ijmaa. This is hypocrisy of the highest order.

    The other issue we have with the Saudi salafis is that they do not practice al walaa wal baraa i.e. loving and hating for the sake of Allah. Al walaa wal baraa is one of the 7 conditions of shahada. The salafis give their allegiance to the greatest enemies of Islam in return for materialism. About people like these Allah said:

    And you love wealth fanatically. surah al fajr 89:20

    But you prefer the life of this world even though the Hereafter is better and everlasting. surah al a’laa 87:16-17

    The above-mentioned ayah is clear evidence that some so-called muslims their major concern is only the pomp and glitter of this world and not to spread the pure teachings of Muhammad {saw}

    The 3rd issue we have with the Saudi salafis is that they claim that tawheed Haakimiyya is not an aspect of the Deen. They even claim that tawheed haakimiyya is a bid’ah [cursed innovation] The Saudi salafis are so jahil they do not know that Muhammad Ibrahim [the shaikh of bin baaz] said in page 6 of his book tahkeem al qawaaneen:

    “Tawheed haakimiyya is the twin half of tawheed ibaada.”

    Some of them happen to be aware of this fatwa of Muhammad ibrahim so they reprint his book and remove this precious and crucial fatwa which was meant to guide the ummah of Muhammad.

    When prophet Yusuf was in prison he taught tawheed to the inmates in prison and he taught them all 4 branches of tawheed. hence he said:

    “There is no law-giver except Allah.” { inil hukmu illa lillah}surah yusuf 12:40

    The above-mentioned Qur’anic verse represents Tawheed haakimiyya hence anyone who claims that its not an aspect of the deen is guilty of rejecting faith in the very Qur’an itself and this means the salafis who reject Allah’s haakimiyya are infidels outside the fold of islam.

    The 4th issue we the members of ahlus sunnah wal jamaa’ah have with the salafis is that they do not reject the taghoot. In order for a person to be a Muslim he/she has to reject the taghoot and then believe in Allah. To believe in Allah is not enough to make us Muslims. The biggest taghoot in our midst today is the apostate regimes who have given their walaa {allegiance} to the USA, UK, Israel, UN, IMF, NATO and all the other dajjaal forces on the earth.

    The salafi scholars have reinterpreted Islam to cement the thrones of these apostate leaders in exchange for the material things of this world i.e. fame & fortune. Allah used 2 words to describe the scholars of the salafi movement in the Qur’an, donkeys and dogs. These descriptions are for all the wicked scholars of this ummah. A donkey doesn’t know the value of the knowledge which it has on its back and a dog if you feed him he lolls his tongue out and if you drive him away he still lolls his tongue out. Because the scholars of the Saudi salafis are on the payroll of these apostate regimes its haram to take your deen from them. They have become wicked scholars. About them ibn Mubaarak said;

    “If you see a scholar going to the gates of the leader don’t trust him with your deen because he is a thief”

    Allah said about rejecting the taghoot:

    And whosoever rejects the taghoot and then believes in Allah, then he has grasped the strongest of handhold that will never break. surah Baqara 2:256

    Not only did the Saudi salafis refuse to reject the taghoot but they have reinterpreted Islam to protect the regimes of these taghoots. This is apostasy of the highest order. Since the salafi as a movement have a problem with me Shaikh Faisal I suggest they accept my challenge for a public debate on the subject of Authentic Tawheed. The salafis of Nigeria accepted this challenge and the debate is now on the internet for the world to see who is lying and who is speaking the truth. If the salafis refuse to accept my challenge for a public debate on this crucial subject [Tawheed] which is the core of our deen, we shall dismiss them as a bunch of hypocrites & apostates who are there to lead the Muslims astray with their satanic interpretation of Islam. This is my answer to the salafis all over the world who have a problem with my aqeeda {creed}

    Yours in Deen,


    assalamu alaikum bro XXXXXX. I forgot to mention a crucial point in my article about the salafis. the point is they are the real khawaarij yet they are calling everyone khawaarij. The hadith said the main sign of a khawaarij is that they leave alone the kuffar and kill the Muslims. These apostate regimes of the talafis allow the usa army who are crusader to use their land and airspace to kill 1000s of muslims in iraq & afghanistan so who are the real khawaarij, who are the real dogs of jahannam????

  69. RAASHIDAHNo Gravatar says:

    An Associated Press journalist, Paul Schemm, wrote about the rise of Salafism in his news article called: Ultraconservative Islam — Salafis — on rise in Arab nations. Here is part of the article:
    “The Salafi line is not that jihad is not a good thing, it is just not a good thing right now,” said Richard Gauvain, a lecturer in comparative religion at the American University in Cairo.
    The Salafis’ talk of eventual jihad focuses on fighting Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq, not on overthrowing pro-U.S. Arab governments denounced by al-Qaeda. Most Salafi clerics preach loyalty to their countries’ rulers and some sharply denounce al-Qaeda.
    Egypt, with Saudi help, sought to rehabilitate jailed Islamic militants, in part by providing them with Salafi books. Critics say President Hosni Mubarak’s government sees the Salafists as a counterweight to the opposition Muslim Brotherhood.
    The political quietism of the Salafis and their injunctions to always obey the ruler are too good an opportunity for established Arab rulers to pass up, said novelist Alaa Aswani, one of the most prominent critics of rising conservatism in Egypt.
    You can go here to read the whole article:

  70. RAASHIDAHNo Gravatar says:

    When one understands the true aqeedah of these “fake Salafis” then one will understand stand why they speak bad about Imam Anwar. The reason why the Salafi sheikhs tell their students not to listen to Imam Anwar was said very nicely in the article above which I forgot to quote. Here’s the quote:

    ” …the doctrine is only a few shades away from that of violent groups like al-Qaeda — that it effectively preaches “Yes to jihad, just not now.”

    The kuffar understand that the Salafis are just a few shades away from learning the Islam that was practiced by the Prophet(saw)and those who came before us. These fake sheikhs know that Imam Anwar is speaking the truth and Allah (swt) is reviving the Ummah through his teachings of Islam that was lived and taught by the Prophet (saw) and the generations that Allah were pleased with.

  71. RAASHIDAHNo Gravatar says:

    ‘Ali al-Timimi said this about the Salafis:

    “Truly this group is as they have been described: They are Khawarij with regards to the du’at (preachers); Murji’a with regards to the rulers; Rafida with regards to the jamaa’at (Islamic groups); and Qadariya with regards to the Jews, Christians, and infidels.

    I ask my brothers and sisters who have fallen into this fitna that they reconsider some of their positions and repent from these astray beliefs. I also request of my brothers and sisters who have been preserved from this fitna not to rejoice at the error of their brethren but rather to thank Allah for guiding them and use this opportunity to wisely and gently bring our brothers back to the truth. Let us not forget that the overwhelming majority of these brothers/sisters remain staunch supporters of tawhid and sunna who have been deluded into this fitna thinking that they are defending Allah’s religion. While in reality they are only defending a throne which cares less for them or their leaders. May Allah forgive us our transgressions and bring us to His Truth gently.”

  72. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Look at what our own brothers and sisters are saying. They are so lost subhanallah it is amazing. I mean the title of the website itself is an oxymoron. “Muslims Against Sharia?” What? That would be like saying, “Doctors Against Medicine,” or “Lawyers Against the Law.” You cannot be a Muslim and be against Sharia. That completely invalidates the entire Shahadda. These people are saying, “Well I am a Muslim, but I don’t believe in Islam, and I don’t really like the Muslims who do believe in Islam either.” What? May Allah(SWT) guide them, but I would not be surprised if they are with the apostates in Jahannam.

  73. Al BosnawiNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

    Jazak Allah khayr. This is great to hear finally after so many western “sheukh” say how the beard etc. are trivial. I say shame on them, because our din is a life as a whole there is no unimportant matter in Islam. If you start leaving of parts of the din eventually the person could leave the din altogether. May Allah aza wa jal protect us. O, Allah wake up the Muslims in Bosnia and where ever they are. Amin

  74. sadNo Gravatar says:

    As Salamu Alaykum
    Brothers and sisters our Deen is a way of life and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings were not in vain. He said I left you with the Qur’an and with the Sunnah,therefore, it is our duty to protect it,follow it and live it. The sad and unfortunate truth are so many “deviant sects” are spreading their twisted information to people and teaching their idealoogy to their young promoting innovations and customizing Islam to their convenience and for materialistic gain. The emergence of sects will stay and continue and the Dajjal will come with the Khawarrij..What has happened to this Ummah. It is truly the Devil’s Deception, rise of fitna,corruption,immorality. Alhamdullah that there are people who still hold on to the truth and it is they who with the will of Allah(swt) be victorious. May Allah protect us from such sects,from innovations, from deviation, and from the Devil’s deception..May Allah guide us to the Truth and help us to stay steadfast on the Truth..

  75. IbraheimNo Gravatar says:

    If these men claim to be muslim but are knowingly trying to make bidah in the religion then may Allah crush them in this world and in the hereafter. It’s hard enough for a western muslim like myself to find a good scholar to learn from and when you throw the hypocrates in the mix it can make things seem unclear to someone who is searching for true guidance.

    Brother Anwar has provided us with nothing but the best in this religion and may he continue to do so! His lectures have enabled ANYONE to hear what this religion is all about.

    I have been listening to the story of Abu Bakr (may peace be upon him) the last few days and even though I have heard the audio book many times before it really shows me the lack of courage we have today as an ummah!

    Abu Bakr was a small thin man who defended the prophet before there was even an ummah to back him up! He gave his wealth, knowledge and even children to this religion when there was just a few followers!

    If you want to know how to be a muslim then look into the lives of the sahaba. Compared to the so called fake sheikhs we have today it is like night and day!

    May Allah keep Anwar and all of us on the straight path and know brother Anwar that I love you for the sake of Allah and it would be a dream of mine to meet you in person one day and learn from you!

    Salam Alaykum,

  76. abu nabiNo Gravatar says:

    to zakariya
    asalamu alaikh ya akhi azeez

    “Muslims Against Sharia”

    this website is yahudi website, so no need to discuss about it

    barak Allahu feek akhi kareem

  77. abu nabiNo Gravatar says:


    asalamu alaika

    i wonder why you call them (murji’ah) your brothers and sisters when sheikh Tammami may Allah release him already described them as


    do you get my point?

  78. Fear allahNo Gravatar says:


    thank you ahki RAASHIDAH for talking about these fake salafis who love the america more than muslim. All they do is talk about muslims never kaffirs. Sheikh Anwar on your next blog can u talk about them in more detail inshallah. On why they say this is not the time of jihad but all fitna. shiekh can you please talk about this because they are doing more harm to the ummah than the kaffirs may allah reward u


  79. abu aNo Gravatar says:

    asalam3laykum warahmatallahi wabarakataho
    1stly may Allah ta3ala reward the sheik for his efforts.
    2ndly may Allah ta3ala reawrd Raashidah for the efforts they have made to expose these ppl and there sell out sheiks. just to add a note a good eg of a sell out is the sheik of alazhar (tantawi, did you see him shaking hands with 1 of the fir3awns of this ummah

  80. shiekhNo Gravatar says:

    Asakam3alykum shiekh anwar i think this would be a nice topic for your next blog for you to talk about the saudi salafi that live in dammj who have hatred towards you and everyone else who is on the haqq. I thank all the brothers who brought this up to our ummah. Shiekh please let us know how they change and why they say theres no jihAD but the time of fitna…


  81. ????No Gravatar says:

    What is your opinion about the salafies and about sheikh yahya al hajoori the imam in dammaj and shiekh saleh fowzan

  82. IMPORTANT ???!!!!No Gravatar says:

    In the next blog can u talk about who to seek knowledge from and who to not and about your opinion in all these groups today like Ikwaan muslimeen and tableeq and hizbu tahreer and son son. who do you advise us to follow

  83. WARSAMENo Gravatar says:

    yahya al hajoori IS NOT A SHIEKH .shiekh anwar can you please talk about this problem thAT THE PEOPLE IN DAMMAJ ARE CAUSING

  84. aleemuddin ahmed khanNo Gravatar says:

    Alhumdulillah , shaikh anwar …..mashalllah he is one othe best shaikh i have ever listened to.

  85. MehmedNo Gravatar says:

    Jazak Allah khair for this and all of your blogs, videos, lectures, and others.

    I just wanted to comment to someone on here that was asking the Shaikh if what happened in Mumbai, India was Islamicly permissible.
    I just want to say that what happened there was more than likely another false flag operation, just like 9/11. Allahu Alam

  86. EID MUBARAKNo Gravatar says:


  87. Abu Cayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    As for those who slander our beloved Shaykh and brother Anwar, condemned be you and your hatred! Your evil hate saddens the hearts of the believers and brings tears to the eyes and angers us deeply but brothers and sisters take this as glad tidings that the Shaykh is on the chosen path: the path of difficulty and enemies, the path of our beloved Mohammad (sws).

    Do you hate us because we love our Shaykh for the sake Allah? By Allah, he is dearer to us then our parents and would defend his honour and dignity. Ya’Shaykh, please don’t waste your precious time refuting these cowards.
    And didn’t Allah swt say:
    It was not fitting for the people of Medina and the Bedouin Arabs of the neighborhood, to refuse to follow Allah’s Messenger, nor to prefer their own lives to his: That is because they suffer neither thirst nor fatigue, nor hunger in the Cause of Allah, nor they take any step to raise the anger of disbelievers nor inflict any injury upon an enemy but is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness. Surely, Allah wastes not the reward of the Muhsinun. At-Tawbah 9:120

    And I Ask Allah (swt) the He gives Victory to His allies, and humiliation to His enemies by the hands of the Muslims and to protect our Shaykh from the evils and plots of those who please the kuffars.

    “And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.” Yusuf 12:21

    Assalamu Alaykum

    Your Brother
    Abu Cayrow as Somali

  88. Abu Cayrow as SomaliNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum brother ????,

    Sh. Yahya Al Hajoori and Sh. Saleh Fowzan are both scholars, alhamdulillah. And the one who denies their knowledge is ignorant. But they are scholars who we can not trust their fatwas due to conflict of interest and among many other things. And Allah knows best.

    Your Brother

    Abu Cayrow as Somali

  89. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaikum

    EID MUBAREK to you ya sheikh anwar and to all your family , friends and yemeni brothers and sisters of haqq, and eid mubarek to all of you brothers and sisters of haqq around the world.
    May Allah azza wa jall keep us stead fast against the falsehood
    and i also would like to opologize if i have misunderstand any one of you.


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