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The Meaning of Gaza: : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

The Meaning of Gaza:

December 28, 2008 - الأحد 02 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog, In the News

May Allah forgive the shuhada of Gaza and we ask Allah to grant the mujahideen victory. These are a few thoughts on the meaning of what happened and is happening in Gaza:
First: We have been successfully desensitized by the enemy. The meager response to this atrocity is nowhere close to the support that is expected from the Muslim Ummah for a part of it that is suffering in pain. Rasulullah(saaws) waged war on the Jews for their attack on one Muslim woman. So far the death toll is approaching three hundred and all what we see is condemnations, demonstrations and Arab leaders calling for another useless summit. This necessitates that we raise the awareness of the people around us to what is happening and what our responsibility is.

Secondly, this should be an additional piece of evidence for what is already obvious to many since a long time ago which is that the current leadership of the Muslim world is bankrupt. It is a totally impotent leadership. The governments of the Muslim world cannot be fixed but needs to be uprooted and removed altogether. This conclusion has been reached by many in the Muslim world but sadly enough there are some who would still argue on behalf of the ones who failed us and betrayed us. The fact is that our kings and presidents have reduced themselves to the role of defending their own interests and the interests of the modern crusaders.  They train their armies and security forces on how to crack down on Muslims not on their responsibility of defending Muslim interests. They have treated the masses of the Muslim ummah with suspicion and contempt. Lets not be fooled by the “condemning” of the Muslim leaders . In fact Egypt is a participant in the attack on Gaza since it is them who are laying siege on Gaza. If a Muslim thinks about Jihad today the first who would stand in his way are the governments of the Muslim world.

Thirdly, the illegal state of Israel needs to be eradicated. Just like Rasulullah drove them out of the Arabian peninsula the Jews of Palestine need to be driven out to the sea. There are no Israeli civilians  unless they are Muslim. When the enemy targets our women and children we should target theirs. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen says: If the enemy kill our women and children it appears to me that we are allowed to kill their women and children because that weakens their hearts and humiliates them. That is also included in the general meaning of the verse: “So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you.” [al-Baqarah 194]
We ask Allah to alleviate the pain of our families in Gaza, to assist them, and to grant them victory.


My opinion which I have stated in past recordings and is still my opinion now is that non-combatant women and children cannot be targeted. However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws). Parallels of this today are the two methods that our brothers in Palestine have adopted: martyrdom operations and the firing of rockets into the occupied territories. Both of these methods inevitably do kill women and children. The current case of Gaza adds another dimension and that is that the Jews are targeting the entire community in Gaza by siege and indiscriminate bombing and this is why I am inclined to the view of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in this particular situation.
In the current situation of Palestine I must say that I agree with the methods adopted by the mujahideen and I agree with them when they state that they would not stop targeting civilians until the Israeli’s do the same.
For those who asked that I reconsider my view on this, I promise I will review it again and would be happy if you could send me textual references pertinent to the discussion.


400 Responses to “The Meaning of Gaza:”
  1. Ibn MohammedNo Gravatar says:

    Ameen ya raab al Alameen.

    Assalamualaikum Sheikh,

    Jazakallah for the blog I was expecting to hear from you on this.
    And you said the Haqq Sheikh
    “The governments of the Muslim world cannot be fixed but needs to be uprooted and removed altogether.”
    Because I see people making dua that ALLAH guide the rulers.
    we ask ALLAH to replace them with righteous rulers who rule by the law of almighty ALLAH and do not fear the blame of the blamers.

  2. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Brother I am frustrated and don’t know what to do I just can’t stop thinking that what would we do if those bombs hit our homes how would we feel then ..I feel helpless I have been praying for the innocents lives May ALlah give them the level of Shahada. Your last sentence I think you mean Qisaas right Allah says to take revenge Life for life eye for eye nose for nose tooth for tooth we can take revenge with the killer himself but not from the family of killer….May Allah give victory to the mo’mineen Aameen

  3. heraishNo Gravatar says:

    Using that verse to justify killing of women and children of the enemy is a stretch in my opinion. Personally I am against it. Especially when other avenues including diplomatic and political may be available. Some scholars like bin baz and bin uthaymeen also have been against it. Another reason for me being against it is that it affects the image of muslims in the west. Anyhow that being said many scholars are for it and more importantly the government in gaza which is the responsible authority seems to be for it. So we should leave it to them to decide the best course of action as they are in the front line. The governments of the world need to recognize this government and deal with them directly to come up with better solutions. Allah knows best.

  4. abubakr007No Gravatar says:

    may Allah subhan o ta’ala give mujahideen victory.ameen.ya sheikh would you put some light on the matter of pakistani army fighting the muslims in northern part of pakistan?
    it is so confusing, does it make pakistani army kaafir or not?

  5. UmmIbrahimNo Gravatar says:

    We ask Allah to elevate the pain of our families in Gaza, to assist them, and to grant them victory.


  6. qadarNo Gravatar says:

    hopples are the governments of the Muslim world….

  7. Ibn KhdarNo Gravatar says:

    Salam allykum,

    JazakaAllahu Khair Sheikh, May Allah SWT hasten the victory of the Muslims ameen.

    I just have one question what about the women and children in the occupied terroirty, they are civilans arn’t they?

  8. heraishNo Gravatar says:

    the case of the pakistani army fighting fellow muslims is a case of fitnah between two muslim parties. To go further then is not correct.

  9. fazilNo Gravatar says:

    So according to you, we must behave like our enemies who have no morals and values or Islam.

  10. Ibn MohammedNo Gravatar says:

    To heraish who said,

    “Another reason for me being against it is that it affects the image of muslims in the west.”

    ALLAH azzawajal says:

    “And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah’s guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.(2:120)”

    The sheikh already has a blog on this kind of muslims you should read it again if you haven’t.
    “Muslim for the sake of the disbelievers”

    You are worried about what those gays, criminals,forniactors, mushirkeen and kuffar think you want to please them and when you see muslims suffering and getting killed then you talk about diplomatic solution or political solution(coz you said “Especially when other avenues including diplomatic and political may be available”).

  11. UMM YAHYANo Gravatar says:

    When the enemy targets our women and children we should target theirs. Allah says: “So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you.” [al-Baqarah 194]

    whoever doesn’t understand this islamic concept is blinded by falsehood.I ask Allah to open our eyes to the truth rather than just be concerned about how the kufar will see us in the West, WE ARE NOT HERE TO PLEASE THE CREATION OF ALLAH BUT WE ARE HERE TO FOLLOW HIS COMMAND!

  12. abdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum sheikh Anwar,

    “O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do” (Ma’ida :8)

    Abu Bakr advised Yazid, “You will find a people who claim to
    have totally given themselves to Allah. Leave them to what they claim to have given themselves. You will find a people who have shaved the mid-
    dle of their heads; strike what they have shaved with the sword.”
    “I advise you ten things: Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.”camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.” Maliks Muwatta Book 021, Hadith Number 008.

    What is the tafseer of al-Baqarah 194 given to us by the classical scholars such as Tabari and Ibn Kathir?

  13. A.HNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah reward you Sheikh Anwar.

    I just wanted to ask you, isn’t the principle of Qisaas limited to killing those who killed ours, not their women and children? In fact, Imaam Qurtubi and others have specifically said that even if the kufaar target our women and children, we cannot retaliate in a similar way.

    I love you for the sake of Allah Sheikh, and it makes our hearts joyful to see you active in the da’wah of Jihaad, but I disagree with your view here. I would like you to clarify this for us.

    Jazakallah khair Sheikh for the rest of the post. It was spot on as usual. May Allah ease the burdens of our brothers and remove the apostates who rule us.

  14. Abdullah RevertNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah Grant Victory to the Muslims of Palestine. May he grant us the ability and sincerity to us all to do more for them than post comments on websites. There are no Israeli adult civilians, they are all reservists and can be called upon to fight in their army at any time.

  15. muslimahNo Gravatar says:

    If the ummah doesnt unite know then I dont know when we will!

  16. Anwar alAwlakiNo Gravatar says:

    I have added the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen to the article. That is because this issue even though it is an issue of ikhtilaaf but the other opinion which is the one I stated in the article does not have its voice. I therefore quoted Ibn Uthaymeen as an example for those who think that this is a completely invalid understanding of the verse 194 of al-Baqarah.

  17. Abul HusaynNo Gravatar says:

    as-Salaamo ‘Alaaykum,

    Dear Shaykh, you said, in your first point that our response should be Jihad. Yet some say that the situation in Gaza is not due to a lack of brothers (for Jihad) but rather the fact that the Ummah is in this state because it has strayed from the Qur’an and Sunnah (as Ibn Taymiyyah said; no fitnah befalls the Ummah except after abandoning what Allah has obligated”. So, aren’t the youth obligated to do daw’ah, and help create a new Islamic Awakening?

  18. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    To heraish, it’s a pity that you use your brothers and sisters pain(sufferings, the blockade from the enemy of Islam, killings…) for your own gain (image). FYI, your ‘PERSONAL’ thought are not important they are not even in consideration, what IS important is going by the SHARI’AH, looking for answers in the Qur’an (like our Imam has quoted from – jazakallahu khayran Imam -) and in the sunnah of our beloved prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wasalam. Perhaps you’ve not heard that ‘we muslims are but like a body when harm is inflicted on a part of it the whole body feels the pain’, or ‘united we stand, divided we fall’?

    Does this sound familiar to you “Just like there is a Muslim for the sake of Allah, there is a new phenomenon of a Muslim for the sake of the disbelievers. And just like the Muslim for the sake of Allah does everything thinking what will Allah think of me, the Muslim for the sake of the disbelievers does everything thinking what the disbelievers would think of him. So when a Muslim speaks out he does so to please Allah and when our other Muslim does not speak out he does so in order to please the disbelievers. When a Muslim fights he does so for the sake of Allah and when this other Muslim does not fight -even though he has every reason to do so- he does that in order not to displease the disbelievers. Obviously this is not expressed as such but is packaged in nice terms such as ‘this is not good for dawa’, or ‘this would turn away the people from Islam’….

    “So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you.” [al-Baqarah 194]

    “what appears from their mouths is hatred, but what is in their hearts is even worse.”

    Surah as-Saff:
    8. “They intend to put out the Light of Allâh (i.e. the religion of Islâm, this Qur’ân, and Prophet Muhammad ) with their mouths. But Allâh will complete His Light even though the disbelievers hate (it).”

  19. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    Re Heraish: Diplomatic and political avenues are NOT available. They never were since Sultan Abudul Hameed was deposed by Attaturk, and won’t be until Khilafah is established/recognised. How can you still not see this. For over two hundred years the kaafir have used all tactics to take out Islamic governance, unity and the Islamic concepts that enable it. Around 1902, Disraeli the British PM, held up the Quran in parliament, recognising and preaching, that “this is the book which unifies the Mohammedans, and the only way to conquer Islam is to divorce it from their hearts”. He went on to say that “when you bite the tail of the dog in Istanbul, you hear its bark in Malaysia”, ie he didn’t approve of the unity between muslims, and so set the agenda. Over a century later, and some muslims still have confidence in these governments and their allies, who’ve blatently showed hatered towards the muslims and Islam itself time and again. They do everything in their power to destroy any progress the muslims nations exhibit, and work dilegently to cause fitna and disunity. Yes the muslims themselves are responsible for the removing the many munkaraat and changing their situation, but one cannot expect anything from kaafir governments. Even the western non muslims don’t expect sincerity and justice from their governments, why are you so smitten with them? Also, our image as muslims in the west is nobel and righteous and pleasing to Allah swt. Even the kaafir know that as individuals we are kind and trustworthy. We don’t need to change our deen to please them, I think you’ll find that we can slip into nifaaq this way!

  20. A.HNo Gravatar says:

    Sheikh Anwar, even though Sheikh ibn ‘Uthaymeen held this opinion, it does not make it the right one. Our duty is to look for the truth, and I’m sure you are aware of the strong statements of past scholars on the absolute prohibition of intentionally killing enemy women and children.

    You are a teacher to many of us Sheikh and one of the sincere callers to Jihaad in this day and age, and many of us look up to you, so with all due respect Sheikh Anwar, I would ask you to reconsider this view. There have been no classical scholars who’ve held this opinion, and it’s only after 1400 years that this has become halaal.

    May Allah reward you Sheikh.

  21. Usman IbrahimNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum sheikh.
    Jazakallah khairan for your update. been waiting for it since yesterday.

    May Allah have Mercy on our brethen that were unjustly massacred by zionist expansionist powers. Isreal has probably never been more arrogant..but insha Allah this is a sign that their downfall is near. May Exalt his deen..Amin.

    I think the issue of debate now is not the issue of whether to kill the enemy’s women and children but rather how to uproot the puppet leaders of the muslim world. Uprooting and replacing them with leaders to serve the interests of the muslims rather than that of the US and its allies so as to aid unity within the ummah is a key thing we need to delibrate upon.

    Brothers and sisters, as we pray for our beloved martys, we should also pray to Allah just as much to remove the puppet leaders of the muslim world.

    May Allah exalt his religion and make it prevail over all other ways of life even if the unbelievers hate it!!! Amin

  22. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    May Allah grant us victory over the Kaafirs, Munafiqs and Tyrants. May He destroy them and their wealth.Ameen.

    As bad as it seems brothers and sisters, please remain steadfast – InshaAllah victory is coming.

    As Allah says in Surah Qalam:

    “A (long) respite will I grant them: truly powerful is My Plan.”

    May Allah reward you Sheikh Anmwar, for doing your part to wake this Ummah up. May He protect you & your family from all evil and harm. And may He grant you the rank of Martyrs and the Company of the Prophets. Ameen.

    O Allah, we disavow any loyalty or obedience to these Munafiqs and Tyrants and remove these scum low-lives, from oppressing us and misguiding us. Ameen. Ameen ya Rabbal ‘Alameen.

    Indeed Your Promise is True.

  23. MNo Gravatar says:

    I think we will see Imam Mahdi in our life times insha Allaah

  24. Usman IbrahimNo Gravatar says:

    Its ironical how we stray from more important issues to less important ones. Brothers and Sisters, we are in no position to kill one now let alone killing women and children, that will come after we have leaders unified to serve our interests(the muslims). Please allow differences in opinion in fatwas that won’t apply now and consider the issues at hand: OUR LEADERS NEED TO UNIFY..WE NEED AN UMMAH(UNITY OF MUSlIMS)
    May Allah exalt his deen.

  25. UmmIbrahimNo Gravatar says:

    Isn’t the state of Israel a military state and all its inhabitants considered combatants? I have heard this before because one of the conditions of living in Israel is that every man or woman must serve a minimum of 2 years in the army. Of course there are some exemptions, but this is the general rule. All men and women are, or will be trained to be soldiers.

  26. heraishNo Gravatar says:

    As I see these sufferings I am wondering if I am too afraid to accept the facts on the ground.
    One of my neighbor in Sterling, VA just e-mailed this to me.

  27. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    All those that are arguing about the legitimacy of killing women and children – you have to look at the context.

    The prohibition for killing women and children is for land that the Muslims are conquering.

    While Palestine is conquered Muslim Land. So according to many scholars, every Israeli is a soldier against Allah and Muslims. Therefore, He and She is fair game to be killed.

    Even when Jesus(pbuh) returns – Allah will order ALL Jews to be killed. Even the rocks will say,:
    “Here is a Jew hiding behind me. Kill him”.

    This is from Saheeh Hadiths, for those that dont know.

    This “crap” has to end and InshaAllah, Allah will end this.

    Its for all Muslims to decide for themselves, whose side they are on.

    They Party & Awliyya of Allah or the the Party of the Munafiqs and RAND Muslims.

  28. shakilNo Gravatar says:

    asalaam u aliakum
    alhamdulillah, the truth has been written.
    2:194 [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
    is this not a sacred month Dhul-Hijjah 30, 1429.
    The four sacred months are Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, Safar, & Rabi` I (12th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd months of the lunar calendar). There is no dispute with Dhul-Hijjah being one of the four sacred months.

  29. Anwar alAwlakiNo Gravatar says:

    My opinion which I have stated in past recordings and is still my opinion now is that non-combatant women and children cannot be targeted. However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws). Parallels of this today are the two methods that our brothers in Palestine have adopted: martyrdom operations and the firing of rockets into the occupied territories. Both of these methods inevitably do kill women and children. The current case of Gaza adds another dimension and that is that the Jews are targeting the entire community in Gaza by siege and indiscriminate bombing and this is why I am inclined to the view of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in this particular situation.
    In the current situation of Palestine I must say that I agree with the methods adopted by the mujahideen and I agree with them when they state that they would not stop targeting civilians until the Israeli’s do the same.
    For those who asked that I reconsider my view on this, I promise I will review it again and would be happy if you could send me textual references pertinent to the discussion.

  30. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu dear sheikh Anwar, and brothers and sisters in Islam:
    The ticking time bomb to annihilate the Illegal State of Israel is just a stone’s throw away. As the Zionist Jewsih/Christian coalition slaughters our brothers and sisters, the young and the old, we will insh’Allah in kind inflict upon them much death and slaughter by the Power of Allah Azza Wa Jall. These atrocities will never be forgotten by the Mujahideen.
    But we read and hear some of the RANDS and hypocrites like heraish, who is so obsessed with his image towards the West that he cannot see in the broad daylight. So how can they see in the darkness of kufr of the Western world? Don’t they know that the blood of one Muslim is much more valuable and worthy to revenge for than a RAND Mozlem keeping up appearances with the Kuffar of the West, who are directly and indirectly responsible for the occupation, torture, and death of our Muslim brothers and sisters?
    We are in war with the Illegal State of Israel and its puppetS and satellite criminal governments such as the USA and the UK and we will Kill them as our Noble Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had declared 1400 years ago:
    “You (Muslims) will most certainly fight the Jews and you will most certainly kill them (i.e., you will be victorious) to such an extent that even the stone will speak and say Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him”.
    This hadith should be engraved on our hearts as they are the real enemy that is behind all the kufr, atrocities, injustices, torture, and massacres of our brothers and sisters all around the world!
    [Book 041, Number 6981:]
    Ibn ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me) ; kill him.
    [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6982:]
    Ubaidullah has reported this hadith with this chain of transmitters (and the Words are): “There is a Jew behind me.”
    [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6983:]
    Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.
    [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6984:]
    Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.
    [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6985:]
    Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
    It’s Qadr decided by Allah Azza Wa Jall that we will continue to fight the Jews until, KUFR, oppression and injustices done by the filthy pigs of the Illegal State of Israel are destroyed and eradicated from this world. This Hadith of our Noble Prophet predicts for our victory over the Jews. Allah Azza Wa Jall will insh’Allah grants victory to this Muslim Ummah if we truly believe in Allah and His Messenger, hold on to Allah’s Shariah and go by His Ruling, being patient, and striving in the cause of Allah with our wealth and our lives.
    To our brothers and Sisters in Palestine and Gaza, patience as Help of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is under way insh’Allah. Our dua is: Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess committed in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. Ameen.
    It is Jihadfeesabililah until Martyrdom, victory from Allah Azza Wa Jall and an imminent conquest insh’Allah.

  31. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    To A.H I find it amusing that you consider the opinion of Sheikh ibn ‘Uthaymeen as not the right one without providing ‘the right’ opinion with evidence’. Or that “isn’t the principle of Qisaas limited to killing those who killed ours, not their women and children”?.
    I ask you A.H who do our brothers and sisters in falestine, whose mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and children have been killed, kill? and when you say intentionally how do you mean? so far there is only been 1, ONE person killed from the settlers, with almost 300 of our brothers and sisters killed still you say Sheikh ibn ‘Uthaymeen’s opinion is not right? SUBHANALLAH! If it’s not then what is?

    and please stop seeking audience with your “I love you for the sake of Allah Sheikh, and it makes our hearts joyful to see you active in the da’wah of Jihaad, but I disagree with your view here” or “You are a teacher to many of us Sheikh and one of the sincere callers to Jihaad in this day and age, and many of us look up to you, so with all due respect Sheikh Anwar, I would ask you to reconsider this view”.

    May Allah grant us all the good of this world, the good of the hereafter and save us from His Punishment.

  32. KhattabNo Gravatar says:

    Al Qurtubi says:

    دلت الآية على أن كفر الكافر لا يمنع من العدل معه، وأن يقتصر بهم على المستحق من القتال والاسترقاق، وأن المثلة بهم غير جائزة وإن قتلوا نساءنا أو أطفالنا وغمونا بذلك، فليس لنا أن نقتلهم بمثله قصداً لإيصال الغم والحزن إليهم

    “The fact that someone disbelieves does not prevent us from being just to him, and that our dealing with them (in a state of war) should only be restricted to fighting or capturing them if they deserve so. And it is not permissible for us to act in the same manner, even if they kill our women and children and cause sorrow to befall us, it is not permissible for us to act likewise with the intention of making them feel grief and sorrow”.

    (”Al Jaami’ li Ahkaamil Qur’aan” 6/110).

    Taken from:

  33. Imran QureshiNo Gravatar says:

    While people in Muslim countries have been preoccupied with fatwas (religious rulings) concerning breast-feeding adults, the purity of the Prophet’s urine, legality of the recent different types of marriages such as Misyar and Mesfar and cutting down trees or if any innocent is killed in Jihad, perhaps it would be appropriate to take a look at fatwas in Israel. It might give us a chance to compare the two, evaluating the circumstances on both sides.

    It is worthy of further consideration to consider the Israeli fatwas that my Palestinian colleague Salih Al-Tuhami observed. Conservative Jewish thought and tradition say that in case the country’s laws contradict the rabbi’s fatwas, the fatwa must be implemented and anything the government says is worthless. That’s the opinion of Rabbi Elie — who is one of Israel’s senior rabbis — who is supported by the majority of his peers.

    These Jewish fatwas are responsible for instigating religious Jews against Arabs. Last year, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardic chief rabbi and an influential authority among conservative Jews, issued a fatwa asking the Israeli Army not to flinch from killing Palestinian civilians in the context of the ongoing military campaign against armed groups resisting the occupation. He mentioned in his fatwa, which received special attention from religious media outlets and hundreds of pamphlets distributed inside synagogues in Israel. that all Palestinians must be murdered, even the ones who are not participating in the war against terrorism. This wasn’t enough for the revered rabbi, who said that this was not only a fatwa, but a religious duty from God that Jews must follow.

    After that, one of the most important Jewish rabbis issued a fatwa that allowed his students in one of the Jewish settlements in the northern West Bank to steal the agricultural produce grown by Palestinians. It said that everything in the West Bank belongs to the Jews, giving them the right to confiscate such properties. This fatwa was implemented and his students confiscated the agricultural yield of the Palestinians.

    Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat-Arba, did the same when he issued a fatwa that allowed Jewish settlers to poison the livestock and water wells owned by Palestinians in neighboring cities and villages. The settlers didn’t hesitate in implementing the fatwa. Not a single day passed without Palestinians finding dead sheep and poisoned water.

    On the other hand, a group of prominent Jewish rabbis addressed the Israeli defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, saying that killing enemy civilians was “normal” during wartime and that the Israeli Army should never hesitate to kill non-Jewish civilians in order to save Jewish lives. “There is no war in the world in which it is possible to delineate neatly between the population and the enemy’s army, neither in the US war in Iraq, the Russian war in Chechnya, nor in Israel’s war with its enemies,” the rabbis said.

    The rabbis quoted a Talmudic ruling, which states “Our lives come first.” In their famous letter, the rabbis warned against what they called Christian preaching in dealing with conflict. “The Christian preaching of ‘turning the other cheek’ doesn’t concern us, and we will not be impressed by those who prefer the lives of our enemies to our lives,” they said.

    These tense times have influenced a number of other fatwas from rabbis about underestimating the lives of Arabs and humiliating them. Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported on July 25, 2002 that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the current spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), said that until Christ the Savior arrives, he will send all Arabs to hellfire. “Why doesn’t Ariel Sharon do what needs to be done? He’s scared of the people of the world. But when the Savior Christ comes, he won’t fear anyone. He will send all the Arabs to hell.” Yosef described Arabs as snakes and said Jews should not trust them.

    It’s no wonder that one of the rabbis — Isaac Ginzburg — published a book entitled “Baruch the Hero” to immortalize the name of Dr. Baruch Goldstein who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, killing 29 Arab attendants of the Ibrahimi Mosque (within the Cave of the Patriarchs) and wounding another 150 in a shooting attack.

    As for Rabbi Eli Albaz, who is one of the distinctive Eastern rabbis, he never misses an opportunity to attack Islam and condemn the Prophet (pbuh). He insists on complaining in front of his audience by telling jokes that address Muslims and Palestinians and using filthy language to attack Muslims. And Rabbi Eliyahu Reskin continuously ridicules the reconciliation attempts to create dialogue between Jewish rabbis and Arab officials. He believes that the only language of dialogue between Muslims and Jews should be bullets. He feels that without convincing the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians specifically, settlement can’t be forced upon Israel so the efforts of peace are worthless.

    It’s true that from a legal perspective, the rabbis’ fatwas concerning political issues don’t exert much influence. But their words, that come from their religious backgrounds, have a huge impact especially with the increasing dominance of religious parties that have developed tremendous political power that cannot be underestimated. Therefore, their fatwas influence more than religious people and are used to pressure political decisions. It’s true that conservatives, whether the followers of Zionism or from the ultra-Orthodox movement, make up 28 percent of the Israeli population, yet more than 50 percent of the inhabitants of the country introduce themselves as conservatives. These people empathize greatly with Jewish religious authorities and pay attention to what they say.

    What’s interesting is that all the laws and systems in Israel have never tried, not even once, to address those rabbis or question them about their racial discrimination. Not only that, but these rabbis, who are involved in this discrimination, are given great prominence in Israeli politics. Decision makers in Israel compete with each other to earn the endorsement of rabbis, and to be close to them.

    When one examines these fatwas and their influence in instigating and serving the Zionist schemes and its evil goals, one can’t help but feel sad and bitter when compared with the fatwas that are preoccupying Muslim scholars. The latter provoke gossip among people and divert their attention from what’s vital and fateful, making them regress instead of moving forward.

    I pray to God to enlighten our scholars and guide them.

    Jazak Allah Khair.

  34. ATNo Gravatar says:

    Dear Muslims, Assalam Aleikhum,
    Is there any method of targeting only combatants? Is there any rocket we can make that targets or detects the combatants alone and discriminating children and the women of our enemies? For those were blessed to participate in the Jihad and the actual battlefied itself and cought in the situations of fighting will understand what I am talking about. This is not the war of horses and sword – you can have time to face your enemy and aside a woman or a child,this is modern fight where technology,high military strategies, senstive intelligence and time window is involved.
    Can law of emmergency applies to this situation?

  35. el wela wel beraNo Gravatar says:

    EsSe;amu alejkum ;

    haraish ,WHO cares what YOU think ,so don’t waste your time here; “we don’t buy wretched..”
    elhamdulillah we follow HAQQ
    “The governments of the Muslim world cannot be fixed but needs to be uprooted and removed altogether.”

  36. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Brother please guide us on what we can do rightnow People who are still living in US esp women who don’t have much choice who are married with children but are eager to do something about it yes they feel hypocrites living here but is there anything that they can do practically atleast serve some purpose..

  37. ATNo Gravatar says:

    The only specific time to differentiate betweem the “Muumin” and “Munafiq” is in the battlefield – wow…! We have not even been to the battlefield but I can see Munafiqun (heraish) – I did mistaken you with nationalist, wow Rand Institute is all over…!

  38. A.HNo Gravatar says:

    Barakallahu feek Sheikh Anwar for the latest comment. It clarified the issue, and I hope you incorporate it into your original post to avoid the confusion that arose.

    May Allah accept our brothers and sisters killed in Gaza as shuhada and allow us to attain their rank.

  39. UhibullahNo Gravatar says:

    The problem of the ummah of the west is that they love talking and arguing to fill that empty egoistic diseased heart of theirs.


    The least we can do!!!

  40. YunusNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum sheikh,

    Could you please encourage us, and all the viewers, to do enormous demonstrations and other things that you think may help if you agree.

    Jazak Allahu Ahsana Jazaa

  41. NaimaNo Gravatar says:

    This is an outrage, what’s worse than the pigs and the monkeys attacking us is that our so called leaders are dogs owned by the pigs and the monkeys. this is the prophecy of the prophet SAW. May Allah give us strength to be among the Daifah. the shuhada of Gaza are already enjoying themselves in paradise, it’s our test if we stop this masaccre or watch it like we are physically and mentally paralized.
    May Allah not punish us for this

  42. Imran QureshiNo Gravatar says:

    Prophet Muammad saw said Momin is who stops with his hand , If not then with his tongue If not then at least feel hatred for it in his heart which is weakest level of Imaan.
    So, If someone at least agrees to the HAQ is better then Munafiqeen or whoever assisting Kufaars against muslims and then inshAllah Allah will give us all taufeeque to walk on right path inshAllah.

  43. FTKNo Gravatar says:

    As-salaam-u-alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
    My feelings in light of the current situation are one filled with a lot of anger but because the discussion is about the type of response I can only mention the following which I believe to be the correct method as done by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but then again I am not a scholar. I just see this example as one where his (SAW) wisdom showed to be true.

    In Mecca the kuffar targetted the muslims indiscriminately, men, women and the elderly. At the time of the battle of Badr the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) made it clearly known that no women, children and elderly people were to be targetted and no trees etc were to be cut down. The wisdom I see in this is that muslims fight for the sake of Allah to defend themselves and to do away with oppression which is the RIGHT and NOBLE thing to do in Islam. The message such an approach gives is that muslims are clearly fighting against the oppressors and leaving the innocent civilians alone. There may be some or perhaps many in the general population that are against what is going on but powerless to do anything about it. When you then target their women and children, you create a situation where they will want revenge, think about it.
    when muslims fight, make it abunduntly clear that you are doing it to fight against the oppressors. Pray to Allah for help and fight the right fight. Think about it. Recall also the time when Umar (RA) was spat upon by a person in the kuffar army and he was about to kill him but stopped and said that if I had killed you now it would have been out of anger nor for Allah so he did not kill him. Fight if you are fighting for Allah against oppression, make that intention if ever in that situation if you want Allah’s help to arrive Inshallah.

  44. HAMIDNo Gravatar says:

    As selamu alejkum rahmetullahi we barakatuh
    first i would like to thank you for your contribut to the muslims like myself.

    I listen to many of your talks and read what you write sheik, and i must say that this is probably the only thing which I disagre about.
    By this i am refering to your statement; “Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen says: If the enemy kill our women and children it appears to me that we are allowed to kill their women and children because that weakens their hearts and humiliates them. That is also included in the general meaning of the verse: “So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you.” [al-Baqarah 194]”

    True, but isnt this a tafsir made without looking in the hadiths and the likes?

    I dont know as much as you do my dear sheik, but maybe you can confirm or disaffirm my claims.

    When Khalid ibn Walid(RA) killed a women who was amongst the kuffars who chantet in the battle field (with other women) to boost the morales of the enemy soldiers, and then Rasulullah(saas) asked who had killed her, and when told that it was Khalid(ra) he ordered that Khalid(ra) gets notified of the prohibitation of killing women.

    and the only time it is allowed is when it is collateral damage.
    litteraly, not like the kuffars today use “collateral damage”.
    Like in the hadiths regarding the night attacks where rasulullah(saas) is asked about this, and allows the killing, but this permissibility is only givin because the fighters and the civilian is unidentifiable in the dark.
    Neither do I see any fact in the claims of sh. ibn Uthaymeen that killing the women and children will weaken their’s moral.
    If anything, it surely will and is giving them anger and the willingnes to fight and damage even more.

    and if i may say, the “martyr” operations is an act where one killes him/herself, and does not get killed.
    which i will dare to say does not qalify a person martyrdom.
    but Allah knows best.
    one can say sacrifise, and thereby try to justify, but we also know that some types of sacrifice is forbidden.
    or else we can all “sacrifice” ourselves by hanging, but the act is still forbidden.

    Well, we dont have any other means…
    No, we allways have Allah(cc)

    I am sorry if i have said anything wrong or hurt anybody, and may Allah forgive me and all of us.

    I hope to see a response.

    As salamu alejkum.

  45. SoulaimanNo Gravatar says:

    As-salaam u alaikoem

    Watch this video to see how the muslims in Palestine are been attacked. After you see this ask yourself; what can I do to help them? Begin with doe3a, this isn’t hard to do, but we neglet to do a simple task as a doe3a let alone help them with money, food, medicin etc. Stop burning flags and take real action!!

    Make doe3a that does that have been killed, Insha allah be accepted as Shuhada.

    Were are the world leaders now? When Hamas was rulling almost every country around the world boycotted Gaza, why dont they do it now with Israel? Is this the ‘democracy’ they are supporting?

  46. SabrwithDunyaNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum

    I have a question… do you think that suicide missions are allowable? I was under the impression that no matter what, we do not kill ourselves.

    The Noble Qur’an – An-Nisa 4:29

    …And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.

    the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him who said:

    ((Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever)) [Bukhari (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)]

  47. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    To all those that are arguing about the legitimacy of killing women and children in Occupied Muslim lands, who are soldiers in their country and fight & oppress Muslims – First go out and fight the Israeli soldiers and defend Gaza, if you can.

    I remind ALL not to loose track of what Sheikh Anwar is trying to bring to our attention. The plight of our Muslims brothers and sisters in Gaza, the impotency and corruption of the so called “Muslim” Leaders and a call to have them removed.

    This women and children thingy is NOT what concerns us right now.

    PLEASE DONT LOOSE TRACK OF WHATS HAPPENING – Its the LEAST you can do for those that are suffering in Gaza and make duaa for them, if you cant join them in Jihad.

    Sitting in our comfortable homes and arguing about this minor topic, is a DISSERVICE to them and their suffering.


  48. Umm MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamou alaykoum wa Rahmatulahi wa barakatu Sheikh!!

    Jazakum Allah Khair for clarifying your position on the targeting of women and children. I have anxiously awaited your response re that issue. MashaAllah I believe your position is wise. May Allah(swt) guide us all to the stright path.

    A couple more comments-

    1. you have stressed that the mujahideen are in need of men and money. There are many brothers, sisters, and families ready and willing but do not know how to go about joining the ranks of Muslims. Could you please provide some information as to how to get in contact with these brothers in Somalia. I know they have an official website but it is not translated into English. Please advise.

    2. I think there needs to be some more mention and recognition of the sisters, mothers, and daughters of the mujahideen- they give so much support and display much bravery and faith in Allah(swt) in supporting the brothers who are fighting for Allah’s cause. These are exemplary and I think they are deserving of some words of appriciation and du’as. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a wife or mother sending my husband or son knowing the evils of the enemy. May Allah(swt) stregnthen my imaan!

    Jazakum Allah Khair Sheikh! Our family loves you for the sake of Allah(swt)! I also wish that you convey my salaams and love to your wife who mashaAllah has also faced much hardship so that you can speak out for the sake of Allah(swt)! She is an example to me and I ask Allah(swt) to bless her and comfort her through all the trials of this world and the next!

    umm Muhammad

  49. mahmoodNo Gravatar says:

    salaamu Alaykum

    I agree that those who target muslim wommen and children should themselves be targeted, but to target their children for retaliation doesn’t seem islamically just to me. I’m fully in agreement with an eye for an eye, life for a life. but I dont think that can extend to mean the lives of my enemies children for the muslims lives they have taken brutally and callously.

    It is not justice to visit death upon those who have not killed because of the evil actions of others. No doubt the Israili occupational forces are merciless terrorists who purposefully target muslim civlians, but to adobt similar tactics of killing civilians and chalking it up as collateral like they do, in my opinion is a break from the tradion of jihad taught be Rasullah(SAW) like “Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child” (Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #1731, and Al-Tirmizi, #1408).

    Regardless of the evil tactics used by the enemies of Islam, we muslims should stick fast to the ethics of islamic Jihaad, and we should be weary of inovations like killing civilians, or taking our own lives with explosive divices. Jihad is a form of ibaada, and like all ibaada – to be accepted it should be done with strick accordance to the sunnah.

    May Allah grant our brothers and sisters in Palestine who have died these past few days paradise. May Allah bring defeat and Humiliation to the occupiers of Palestine. and to all the fake leaders in the muslim world who stand in the way of a united muslim Ummah.

  50. BrotherNo Gravatar says:


    the ayah from baqara is generally understood in the issue of qisaas as mentioned at the beginning of the ayah – and the principle of qisaas is that it is applied on the one who transgressed not on those who may be with them from their family or tribe etc.

    for example – if someone pokes out your sisters eye – qisaas would be to poke out their eye AND NOT to poke out their sisters eye, which would in fact be a new transgression

    what clarifies and strengthens this understanding is the dameer in the ayah (fataduu alayhi) is singular and returns back to the “man”(who) commited the original transgression

    therefore the understanding of this ayah as mentioned by Sh. Uthaymeen reportedly in an audio tape in a discussion amongst his students is not correct


  51. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    No peace with an enemy that has a history of betrayal, treachery and killing.

    Is there anyone who still believes in international community? Is it not a stick to hit Muslims with? Where is the international community when innocent men and women and children are slaughtered by cold blooded killers in F16 fighters supplied by America?

    How can one reason with people who have no sense of right and wrong or oppression and injustice. The killers become the victims and the innocent are blamed for the crimes of the oppressors.

    How can one reason with people who cannot or will not see the aggression of occupiers but blame the sufferers for putting up resistance?

    The answer is oppressors do not listen to reason. What they understand is power and might. It is only when they are made to recognise their crimes will they do so.

    Strength is the only solution. One strong body is what will deter the ambitions of the colonists and Zionist occupiers. Only when they know they will suffer for their aggression will they think twice before taking off in their F16s.

    This is what it will take. The puppet regimes who have sold the souls and blood of Muslims will not do this. They are colluding with the enemy. The planes that take off to kill Muslims take off from bases in Muslim countries.

    The Zionist are supplied by the Americans who are financially supported by oil wealth from the Gulf. Will the Gulf stooges think of stopping this? Not as long as they have their thrones and power to protect.

    They are quiet while women and children are slaughtered hoping that their protectors will destroy a Muslim organisation which is a threat to their authority. Unlike them that organisation has more legitimacy and right to rule than all of the puppets and stooges put together.

    It will take the collective will of the Muslims to rid themselves of the rotten and corrupt regimes that suppress them, that restrict their rights and that serves no purpose other than to stay in power.

    Change must come. Let’s start by recognising the problem then working for change.

  52. Abu MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam Yaa Sheikh, once again you have spoken the truth. I totally agree with you. The prophet (saw) said “Behold the Imam is a shield behind which you fight and protect yourselves”. May the treacherous dogs who rule over our countries who continue to serve the interests of their crusader masters, be humiliated in this world and given the greatest punishment in the hereafter. Oh Allah please hasten the victory and remove these rulers, make us worthy of your Nusrah and hasten the re-establishment of the Khilafah. Oh Allah make it clear to all Muslims the truth and save us from falling into error, Nifaq and kufr. Remove the love of this world from our hearts and give us the taufiq to do our part in response to our emaan. Ameen

  53. MuslimNo Gravatar says:

    [eited: article too long. Please paste a link]

  54. mahmoodNo Gravatar says:

    I would just like to add that when we muslims take part in Jihad for the sake Allah we should not allow anger and hatred to overcome us, so much that it determines our actions. Jihad should always be done in accordance with Islamic justice.

    “… and let not the hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is next to piety; and fear Allah, for Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do.” (Qur’an 5:8)

  55. AbuHafsNo Gravatar says:

    Asalam alaikum brothers n sisters …I wish to express my deepest sympathies to u…our mothers fathers…brothers n sisters daugthers n sons hav been killed yet again. On the issue of the killing of the “inocents” frm the Kufar… “And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allâh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted” 16:124 The people of Knowledge from the past ( Shawkani…Ibn al Qayim…Quturbi (in his tafseer)..) say: “if the Kufar were to kill our women and children then we shouldn’t be ashamed in doing the same to them , mainly to deter them from trying to kill our women and children again. My opinion personally is that these Kufar wouldn’t care if we killed there children …so it wouldn’t deter them…so i agree with Sh. Anwar (ha) May allah guide us..O Allah grant us patience and steady out feet and grant us victory over the disbelieving people O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Mover of the clouds and defeater of the confederates defeat them and grant us victory over them..O Allah, protect us withIslam when we stand , protect us with Islam when we sit and protect us with Islam when we sleep and don’t allow the enemies and envious ons to gloat at our misfortunes.O ALlah, help us against the one who wronged us. O Allah, this is aday among your days so turn the hearts and heads of the youth of Islam towards Jihad in your way. O Allah , strengthen their heart , steady their feet, guide their fire and bring them together.O Allah, send down Your aid on Your servents the Mujahideen and bring relief to the captives and distressed everywhere in Palestine, iraq, the Land of the Two Sanctuaries, Afghanistan , Kashmir , Phillippines , Somalia , Chechnya , The Islamic Maghreb, America India and Pakistan You are able to do all things. O Allah, make good for s our religion in which is the safeguarding of our affair and make good for us our worldly life and make good for us our hereafter in which is our return and make our life full of evry good thing and make death a rest from every evil thing. Our Lord, give us in this world good and in the herafter good and save us from the punishment of the fire and send prayers and peace O Allah on our Prophet Muhammed and on all his family and Companions …Ameen Ya Rab ul Alameen

  56. StrangerNo Gravatar says:

    Israel Defense Forces

    Regular service

    National military service is mandatory for Jewish and Druze men and Jewish women over the age of 18, although exceptions may be made on religious, physical or psychological grounds.

    Men serve three years in the IDF, while women serve two. The IDF allowed women who volunteer for several combat positions to serve for three years because combat soldiers must undergo a lengthy period of training. Women in other positions, such as programmers, who require lengthy training time may also serve three years. Women in most combat positions are also required to serve as reserve for several years after their dismissal from regular service.


  57. muslimahNo Gravatar says:



  58. faizaNo Gravatar says:

    salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam,
    jazakAllah imam Anawr I was expecting to hear this kind of response from…you alaways speak the haaq may Allah reward you with Jannatul furdose ameen!

  59. warakaNo Gravatar says:

    I dont know as much as you do my dear sheik, but maybe you can confirm or disaffirm my claims.

    When Khalid ibn Walid(RA) killed a women who was amongst the kuffars who chantet in the battle field (with other women) to boost the morales of the enemy soldiers, and then Rasulullah(saas) asked who had killed her, and when told that it was Khalid(ra) he ordered that Khalid(ra) gets notified of the prohibitation of killing women.

    and the only time it is allowed is when it is collateral damage.
    litteraly, not like the kuffars today use “collateral damage”.
    Like in the hadiths regarding the night attacks where rasulullah(saas) is asked about this, and allows the killing, but this permissibility is only givin because the fighters and the civilian is unidentifiable in the dark.
    Neither do I see any fact in the claims of sh. ibn Uthaymeen that killing the women and children will weaken their’s moral.
    If anything, it surely will and is giving them anger and the willingnes to fight and damage even more.

    and if i may say, the “martyr” operations is an act where one killes him/herself, and does not get killed.
    which i will dare to say does not qalify a person martyrdom.
    but Allah knows best.

  60. InshallahShaheed MuslimahNo Gravatar says:

    Walekum ’salaam’wa’rahmatuallahi’wa’barakatuhu Sheikh

    Falasteen is heart of Ummah,when ever Muslims disobey and choose disobedient lives Allah hurts us by hurting Falasteen.

    Makkah is life & Falasteen is heart.When Kaba will be destroyed[as stated in hadith,Qiyamah will come] but the heart is pained until we return to righteousness.

    Victory is near,if the majority becomes good then good will be victorious.Ummah is waking up as no place is left safe.

    I request you to make dua,dua for continuous righteousness without deviation for all .

    Ya Allah have mercy throughout.

    These Israelis are not innocent,these women are active in war due to their illegal settlements.

    If enemy tries to weaken by using children as shields then Muslims do not step back.

    Saheeh Bukhari
    Volumn 004, Book 052, Hadith Number 256.
    Narated By As-Sab bin Jaththama : The Prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, “They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans).” I also heard the Prophet saying, “The institution of Hima is invalid except for Allah and His Apostle.”

    Saheeh Muslim
    Book 019, Hadith Number 4321.
    Chapter : Permissibility of killing women and children in the night raids, provided it is not deliberate.

    It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.


  61. InshallahShaheed MuslimahNo Gravatar says:

    “May Allah forgive the shuhada of Gaza and we ask Allah to grant the mujahideen victory.”


  62. ZamzamNo Gravatar says:

    be patient, Allah will bring victory and it was promised to us. And the Arab leaders get ready to face Allah when you all are turned into ants size on the day of Judgement, how i cant wait for the mujahideen to put Islamic banners on every roof top in Israel and by the will of Allah it will happen. The Kufar get ready the mujahideen of are on their way.

  63. NazihahNo Gravatar says:


    I completely agree with our Brother Hamid’s point of view.

    Please dear Sheikh, reconsider your view.

    May Allah help this Ummah. Ameen.

  64. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:

    As the Kuffar’s puppets and their RAND Mozlemz allies are trying to distort facts on the ground and shifting blame from the apes and pigs of the Children of Israel to the Mujahideen, we tell them: do as you will, for Allah Azza Wa Jall will see your deeds, and so will His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do.
    O Muslims, the least you can do is to Beseech Allah Azza Wa Jall to annihilate the Jews and eradicate the Illegal State of Israel, who are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world, the violators of pacts and agreements, the murderers of the prophets, and the offspring of apes and pigs. Allah Azza Wa Jall has cursed them and He, Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, has became angry at them and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghut. Don’t you see that the Jews of yesterday are the evil fathers of the Jews of today, who are evil offspring, distorters of words, calf-worshippers, prophet-murderers, prophet-deniers whom Allah cursed and turned into apes and pigs? These Zionists are the same Children of Israel, an ongoing continuum of deceit, obstinacy, licentiousness, evil, and corruption. The qualities of the Jews were present at all times and in all places: The current behavior of the brothers of apes and pigs, their treachery, violation of agreements, and defiling of holy places, bombings of Masaajid, of Islamic universities and learning centers, is connected with the deeds of their forefathers during the early period of Islam, which proves the great similarity between all the Jews living today and the Jews who lived at the dawn of Islam.O Muslims wakeup! The slumber has been going on for too long. The Signs of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala are all around us and yet some of us are still oblivious and heedless about them. “What should we do?” Some of us are asking. The Book of Allajh Azza Wa Jall has given us the Cure; The Noble Prophet, Muhammad, sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, has taught us the way to the Cure, and this Sheikh, Imam Anwar, May Allah Preserve him and Protect him, and other true scholars, has reminded and directed us on how to eradicate this venom of the Jews, the enemies of Allah, the nation accursed in Allah’s book.
    So you the Kuffar sympathizer and the RAND Mozlem, rather than avoiding Jihadfeesabililah, obsessed with your image and waiting for your Zionists saviors, why don’t you heed the warning and obey Allah’s Saying in the Noble Quran like the Mujahideen and the true Muslims:
    “So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.
    And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?”
    Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.”

    [Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 74-76]
    Our Noble Prophet Muhammad sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said “You (Muslims) will most certainly fight the Jews and you will most certainly kill them (i.e., you will be victorious) to such an extent that even the stone will speak and say Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him”.

    [Sahih Muslim].
    “The illegal state of Israel needs to be eradicated. Just like Rasulullah drove them out of the Arabian peninsula the Jews of Palestine need to be driven out to the sea.”

    [Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki]

  65. Kufr AkbarNo Gravatar says:

    While you kids are sitting at your computers and quoting sanguinary passages from hadeeth, Israel is sweeping Hamas into oblivion. When that job is accomplished, Israel will hand the Gaza Strip over to Fatah. And yes, this action does have the blessing of the Egyptian and Arabian regimes. Why? Because Hamasstan is a client state of Iran, and those Hamas prostitutes have been making a lot of ugly noises against Egypt and Arabia on behalf of their employers in Tehran.

  66. AnonyNo Gravatar says:

    Qunoot at times of calamity (Qunoot al-Naazilah)

    When praying Qunoot at the time of calamity, one should make supplication as is appropriate to the situation, as it was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed some Arab tribes who had betrayed his companions and killed them, and he prayed for the weak and oppressed believers in Makkah, that Allaah would save them. It was narrated that ‘Umar prayed Qunoot with the following words:

    “Allaahumma inna nasta’eenuka wa nu’minu bika, wa natawakkalu ‘alayka wa nuthni ‘alayka al-khayr, wa laa nakfuruka. Allaahumma iyyaaka na’budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu, wa ilayka nas’aa wa nahfid. Narju rahmataka wa nakhsha ‘adhaabaka, inna ‘adhaabaka al-jadd bil kuffaari mulhaq. Allaahumma ‘adhdhib il-kafarata ahl al-kitaab alladheena yasuddoona ‘an sabeelika

    (O Allaah, verily we seek Your help, we believe in You, we put our trust in You and we praise You and we are not ungrateful to You. O Allaah, You alone we worship and to You we pray and prostrate, for Your sake we strive. We hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment, for Your punishment will certainly reach the disbelievers. O Allaah, punish the infidels of the People of the Book who are preventing others from following Your way).”

    (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi-sahih albaaneee)

  67. Ibn MohammedNo Gravatar says:

    Saudi Cleric issues fatwa to attack israeli intrests everywhere
    Below is some text i copied from the source
    “They (Israelis) should become targets. Their blood should be shed as the blood of our brothers in Palestine has been shed,”
    “This is a fatwa that I am responsible for in front of Allah,” Qarni said on the Islam Online website.\12\29\story_29-12-2008_pg7_39,,2-10-1462_2446478,00.html

  68. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Salaam Alaikum,

    Brothers and sisters in a few months an organization my friend is starting will be holding a large protest against the Egyptian blockade. If you would like to receive information please send your e-mail address to

    The protest is going to be all Muslim. Do not invite the kafir friends that you should not have.

    Jazakum Allah Khairan,


  69. IbraheimNo Gravatar says:

    Salam Alaykum brothers and sisters. Being a palestinian I can tell you there is a BIG reason why Allah has not given them victory yet. It’s called nationalism. Allah will never recognize anyone by there nation and Muhammed (may peace be upon him) forbid us from being nationalistic. When the palestinians learn to fight for La Illa Illa Allah then victory will be on it’s way.

    Let’s make dua that the palestinians start to live this way. It’s not about “palestine” it’s about being Muslim.

    Salam Alaykum,

  70. GAZACAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    US activism links for Palestine: Check out ALL, its very important that you act and let others know about this.

    Some links to daily news from GAZA

  71. InshallahShaheed MuslimahNo Gravatar says:

    Martyrdom Operations

    1) The story of the Boy and the King (Ashabul Uqdood).. Sura Buruj chapter 85). This boy sacrifices his life for the sake of Allah while he was sure that he will going to die with that arrow.

    2) Abu Ayuub Al Ansari was in a battle field and some Mujahideen was going deep inside the enemy row and they know that they will not comeback except as Martyred. Some of the other Mujahideen criticizes this act by quoting a verse from Quran “ And do not throw yourselves into destruction (Sura baqarah Verse 195) but Abu Ayub Al Ansari (Radhilallahu Anhu) corrected them and said this Verse is not what you mean. Actually this verse was revealed for us,” when Makkah was victory, we said, let us go back to our land and busy our self in Agriculture because now Makkah already conquered, then at that moment this Ayat was reveled “And Spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad of kinds, etc.) and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah), and do good. Truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers) (2: 195)..

    3) The example of our Hero Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahal (Radhiallahu Anhu)…… At the battle of Yarmuk he plunged into the attack as a thirsty person after cold water on a blistering hot day. In one encounter in which the Muslims were under heavy attack, Ikrimah penetrated deep into the ranks of the Byzantine. Khalid ibn al-Walid rushed up to him and said, “Don’t, Ikrimah. Your death will be a severe blow to the Muslims.”

    “Let us carry on, Khalid,” said Ikrimah, now at the peak of motivation. “You had the privilege of being with the Messenger of God before this. As for myself and my father, we were among his bitterest enemies. Leave me now to atone for what I have done in the past. I fought the Prophet on many occasions. Shall I now flee from the Byzantines? This shall never be.” Then calling out to the Muslims, he shouted, “Who shall pledge to fight until death?”

    4)… The Example of another Hero “Baraa ibn Malik Ansari (Radhiallahu anhu).. He and the Ansar then launched their attack against the mushrikeen, breaking their ranks and dealing telling blows against them until eventually they began to withdraw. They sought refuge in a garden which later became known in history as The Garden of Death because of the many killed there on that day. The garden was surrounded by high walls. Musaylamah and thousands of his men entered and closed the gates behind them and fortified themselves.

    From their new positions they began to rain down arrows on the Muslims.

    The valiant Baraa went forward and addressed his company, “Put me on a shield. Raise the shield on spears and hurl me into the garden near the gate. Either I shall die a martyr or I shall open the gate for you.”

    As the Sahaba know surely that they will not come back and so Suicide bombers are sure that they will not come back except as Martyred. It is shame to say that they will be in Hell fire.


  72. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Kufr Akbar [the lying Jew]: You have exposed yourself, You Fasiq [lying chameleon] Jew Mossad agent.
    If you and your Shaytan and RAND accomplices think that you are truthful in assigning responsibility to atrocities committed in Palestine and other Lands of Islam, by shifting blame from the apes and pigs of the Illegal State of Israel and hence putting blame, on the Shariah, the Mujahideen, Hamas and the Muslims, I request you as well as other RANDS and Jewish Mossads who are stubbornly of the same view, to come forward that we might jointly pray for the eternal curse of Allah Azza Wa Jall and of His Prophets, on whoever assigns responsibility and blame falsely in this matter.
    By the way it is the likes of you that Allah Azza Wa Jall tells us Muslims to say to your family of apes and pigs with regards to your distortions of words from their proper usages and spreading lies and oppression:

    “Say, “Shall I inform you of what is worse than that as penalty from Allah? It is that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghut. Those are worse in position and further astray from the sound way.”

    [Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayah 60]
    You will be defeated insh’Allah.

  73. Confused!No Gravatar says:

    Sheikh, I don’t think it is permissible to target their women and children unless they are actively involved in or supporting the killing of muslims. So the verse can’t be understood that way even if some big sheikh has this opinion.

    Because if we open this door of interpretation, all sorts of evil may be justified. For instance, if someone raped my wife, I will be allowed to rape his wife even though his wife may not even approve what her husband has done. In islam, a person bears his own sin and punished for his own sin unlike Christianity where a man sacrifices himslef for other’s sins.

    Also, the prophet (pbuh) said in saheeh muslim regarding non-combatattant women and children…”They are part of them but do not target them”. Does that not imply it is Haram to target their non-combatant women and children since any command of prophet(pbuh) is wajib and any prohibition of prophet(pbuh) is haram by default unless there is additional eveidence? And Allah knows Best.

    So sheikh please reconsider your opinion… As muslims, we need to follow the eveidence from quran and sunnah even i it goes against our brothers. Islam is based on proof and justice. We need to leave out our emotions submit to the deen of Allah totally.

    May Allah reward you for all your efforts and please forgive me if my words were too harsh.

  74. AnonyNo Gravatar says:

    What we can do now:
    Lessons of Tawakkul and Tawassul

    Ya (A request to Allah)
    • Allah, Al-Wahidu Al-Qahharu, Al-Hayyu, Al-Qayyumu, Al-Ahadu, As-Samadu, al ladhee, Lam ya lid wa Lam you lad, wa lam ya kullaho, kufawan AHAD….
    • Al-Malik, – The Ruler, Give us Rule of Your Land and help us establish Justice, Bring about the easterly wind, Saba to make us victorious. Bring about your hosts from every corner in the world.
    • Al-Muhaymin – The Guardian, Guard the Muslims, Mu’mineen from The Kuffar
    • Al-’Aziz, Al-Muqtadir, Al-Hakeem – The Mighty, Dominant over all things., The All-Capable , Destroy the Zionist Jews of Israel, Destroy their Planes, Tanks, and Forces, Send your numerous Host and free Al-Quds and your Slaves from oppression. Show your Domination over your slaves. – Show them your might in the best, most perfect way like you showed the nations before: `Ad, Thamood, and Fir’own. And show us your Perfect Wisdom while doing such or not.
    • Al-Adeem, The Great One, Show us your greatness by destroying The Zionist Jews of Israel
    • Al-Haafidh, The Protector, Protect us from the Missiles and Bombs of the Kuffar. Protect us from the weak Iman that will prevent us from fighting and declaring our hatred of the Kuffaar
    • Al-Jabbaar, The Compeller, Please compel us to fight, please compel our hearts to be concerned for the Ummah, Please compel the Kuffar to do acts that advance their destruction. Please compel us to worship you more perfectly.
    • Al-Naasir, The-Helper, Help us Defeat our Enemies. Save us from them by any means you wish.
    • As-Salaamu, The Author of Safety, The Provider of Peace, Provide Peace to People in Palestine, Authorize Peace for them and all the believers around the world.
    • Revealer of the (Holy) Book, Mover of the clouds, and Defeater of the Confederates, defeat these Zionist Jews of Israel and grant us victory over them.
    • AL-MUJIB, The Responsive, Respond to Our Supplications…
    For to you (exclusively) we
     put our Full Perfect Unrelenting Trust, Dependence, and Loyalty
     worship alone in all aspects of your Lordship, Godship
     seek Your Aid, Help, Victory, Consultation
    If you believe we
    • sacrificed our Camels, Goats, and Cows in EidulAdha for yours sake and only for yours sake
    • if we fasted 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah for yours sake only
    • if we did Umrah and Hajj for yours sake only
    Grant us a quick victory against the Zionist Jews of Israel.
    Send your Blessings and Peace on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,
    • Muhammed, Most Praised Man
    • Ahmed, Most Praising Man
    • Abu-AlQasim,
    • Rasul, nabi, ummi, shaahid, mubashshir, nadheer, siraaj muneer, ra’uf Raheem, mudhakkir,
    Give the inheritors of the Messenger, the scholars, those attributes that were described to the Messenger such as
    • Al-Maahi, The Abolisher, The one whom disbelief was abolished
    • Nabi al-MalHama, The Prophet of Fierce Battle
    • Al-Faatih, The Opener
    In you we believe, put our trust, make bowing and prostration to, so fulfill our request O answer of prayers, for
    -none can help us except you
    -none can give victory to us except you
    -none can answer our prayers except you
    Find us a way to help our beloved Muslims…

  75. Somali Al-shabaabNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah give them Janah. dont show your weakness your enemy. We must stop protesting on the streets, and we must defend our people. Join the mujaahidiins while you protesting on the streets and begging yahuud/kuufars to stop killing our people. They will not stop it.

  76. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    here in Sana’a, processions of men marched down my street three times encouraging people out of their houses to join the protests. These demonstrations of noise are nothing. No one is listening…time to throw away the national flag and grab a rifle, time to march down the streets recruiting fighters not flag wavers.

  77. MuslimahNo Gravatar says:

    If we as Muslims target civilian women and children too, then how would we be different from the kuffar? Why should we stoop to their low standards of humanity, when Islam has taught us so much better? When Muhammad bin Qasim came to Sindh to fight and overthrow the cruel rulers, his method of warfare differed from the Sindhi norm. His style was so inspiring, that it won the hearts of the Sindhi people, and brought people to Islam in droves.
    That is after all the true purpose behind Jihad: to spread Islam, and make the Word of Allah, supreme on this earth.
    That said, May Allah SWT grant patience, courage, and insight to the Palestinians, and help them overcome His enemies, in a way that leaves them stunned.

  78. Ibn AbdulrubNo Gravatar says:

    These Munafiqeen rulers are useless, only when it comes to killing muslims then they can always lend a hand. Where is Usamah!

  79. Ibn MohammedNo Gravatar says:


    I want to remind again and stress on what brother Muqarrib78 is saying

    “I remind ALL not to loose track of what Sheikh Anwar is trying to bring to our attention. The plight of our Muslims brothers and sisters in Gaza, the impotency and corruption of the so called “Muslim” Leaders and a call to have them removed.
    This women and children thingy is NOT what concerns us right now.

    Brothers and sisters its time to discuss what can we do or how can we benefit the Ummah collectively and help our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Also please make dua and stand before your lord he is the most benoficeint and merciful all knowing and all hearing.

  80. MuslimNo Gravatar says:

    Just because Imam Qurtubi said that it is haraam to retaliate equally doesn’t mean it is no longer a fiqhi issue as those on IA forum seem to claim. Imam Qurtubi also said you can do Magic in retaliation as well which happens to be Kufr.
    Imām Al-Qurtubī (ra) said, “And that is how the Prophet ملسو هيلع للها ىلص dealt with the Jew who put magic on him- even though the Prophet ىلصملسو هيلع للها had the right to take Equal Revenge against him, due to the Statement of Allāh,
    ِهِب مُتْبِقوُع اَم ِلْثِمِب ْاوُبِقاَعَف ْمُتْبَقاَع ْنِإَو
    “And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allāh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted.” 108
    But he preferred to forgive and pardon, by taking the Statement of Allāh,
    ِروُمُأْلا ِمْزَع ْنِمَل َكِلَذ َّنِإ َرَفَغَو َرَبَص نَمَلَو
    And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allāh.” 109
    End of quote from Imām Al-Qurtubī (ra).

  81. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    “And it is amazing and to make light of others that you talk about tolerance and peace at a time when your soldiers perpetrate murder even against the weak and oppressed in our countries. Then came your publishing of these drawings, which came in the framework of a new crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role. And all of that is confirmation on your part of the continuation of the war, as well as a testing of the muslims in their religion: is the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more beloved to them than themselves and their wealth? The answer is what you see, not what you hear, and may our mothers be bereaved of us if we fail to help the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And peace be upon he who follows the guidance.” Sh. Osama

  82. SaiedNo Gravatar says:

    Is it permissible to cause damage to Israeli owned businesses in the the Western Countries?

  83. mohammedNo Gravatar says:

    i am happy i work for the right organization and i am happy you have spoken well…sheikh ..i am glad you help me alot in my eman..thank you salam u aliukm wrwt

  84. HajraNo Gravatar says:

    All brothers and sisters here from Perth Australia, inshaAllah there will be a rally on the

    –31st of December, Wednesday
    –Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm
    –Location: Between William street and Hay street

    for more information please visit

  85. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters,
    Here is the aftermath of what happened in Palestine after the bombings
    First and foremost, Palestine case is a legitimate Jihad, fullstop! That means every able Muslim in Palestine must fight against the Zionist state – i.e it’s a fardu ayn (individual obligation) for them and every able Muslim anywhere in the world should try to join the brothers in Palestine if they can – i.e it’s a fardu kifaya (communal obligation) for them.
    Secondly, mujahideen never targeted women and children. As imam Awlaki said, in the war, there would be some civilian casualties even if we try to avoid it.
    Thirdly, I think targeting women and children specifically is wrong. Because RasulAllah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never allowed sahaba to mutiliate the bodies of the enemies, even though the kuffaar did it with the muslim dead bodies. From this we can see that we cannot follow/retaliate the same way as the kafirs in all situations. Some things are just wrong and we as a Muslim should practice restraint in these cases.
    Fourthly, any other way other than jihad won’t work in the case of the Palestine. Diplomatic means has been going on ever since Jews established their state. Muslims have been discussing with them all these while, but Jews have been grabbing more and more land and killing more and more Muslims. It’s just not working. If we continue to do diplomatic means, it shows how “stupid” we have become.
    Fifthly, brothers and sisters in Islam, don’t bother about what people will think about you. No need to feel apologetic about your religion and the mujahideen. People are not stupid, they go and research and Alhamdulillah there are more and more people accepting Islam as their way of life in the West. So let’s not cheat ourselves and walk in the mist aimlessly, thinking that our image matters when our women and children are being targeted and killed mercilessly.
    Finally, let’s support our brothers and sisters in Palestine in any way we can. Please donate some money to them

  86. majedNo Gravatar says:

    inshallah allah swt gives us the strength to overcome this donya and join and help our brothers and sisters physically. inshallah allah swt puts the pain of our brothers and sisters in our mind and guides us to help them.

  87. mujahideensupporterNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Shykh Anwar, brothers and sisters

    I totally agree with Shykh’s opinion 100% since these scum bag Zionists target our Gazan brothers and sisters deliberately. So we have the same rights to do the same.

    How about a hadith that the prophet approved of night raiding?

    It is reported on the authority of Sa’b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them. (Sahih Muslim, Book 019, Number 4321)

    By the way, Israel people are not innocent civilians as every males and females are required to train and serve in the military service.

    I am not just saying without any proof, but this’s taken from one of jewish website.

    According to the jewish virtual library website:

    Most men and single women are inducted into the IDF (Israel Defense Force) at age 18, women for two years and men for three, followed by service in the reserves, men up to age 51 and single women to age 24.

  88. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    i truly believe that the reason why we dont have victory yet is because of us, it has nothing to do with the enemy having stronger weapons or such. Firstly wait till israel stops attacking Gaza, then after a while we will see new headlines about muslims attacking eachother in Palestine. I truly believe an army of 10 true believing men is better then 100 men which are contaminated.

    In conclusion IMHO we need to prove to Allah (swt) that we really want victory and are capable of such. I honestly dont want another puppet leading palestine like the other arab states.

  89. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    in the discussion of whether its permissible to kill women and children i believe to target them would be haram however if they are killed while hitting the soldiers then it should be ok, and Allah knows best.
    Or we could just kill em all and call it a friendly fire opps LOL

  90. MuwahidNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    Firstly, Israel does not have innocent people, they need to be eradicated along with their pirate state.
    The descendants of pigs and apes don’t understand any other language other then slaughter.
    Remember, there will come a time when the Muslims fight the jews and kill them, and the trees and rocks will aid us in doing so.
    Secondly, any muslims with an ounce of Imaan would never want unity with murtadeen leaders ruling Muslim land. The Palestinians don’t just have the israelis as an enemy but also filth that rule the lands surrounding them.

  91. bint mohamoud al somalNo Gravatar says:

    just a question, but many say that this battle with palestines against Israel is not one done in the name of Allah but one that is now of just territorial land. Is it true?

    I was just thinking about this now and it makes some sense to me now. If first and foremost we had unity and not dividing like the fatah and hamas party we would be feared by our enemies, if we were fighting amongst ourselves and having our brothers in Egypt closing their borders when our palestinian brothers and sisters are running for their lives Allah would have given us the moral boost of seeing those fithy zionist leave us alone.

    May Allah bring unity to us, because truly that is the only way we will defeat these cowards. We cant even expect Allah to guide us to the path of success when we ourselves are not looking for it.

    Wallahu Alam

  92. bint mohamoud al somalNo Gravatar says:

    Its also very true, do you think they will listen to us waving a palestinian flag?!?!?!??!

    No, this isnt a battle to get palestine back but for the honor of our brothers and sister for the sake of Islam. How could we “the people who are supposedly rightly guided” be brought down to this? Being bombed and masscared and dragged out of our homes because they can and want to test their new weapons or something?

  93. Akhu AwlakiNo Gravatar says:

    Letter from Omar Ibn Al Khattab to Saad Ibn ABi Waqqas, commander of the Muslim army in the conquest of persia:

    “… then after, I order you and all troops with you to be obedient to Allah in all circumstances
    as this is better than the weapons against the enemy and a strong stratagem in the war
    I order you and the soldiers who are with you to be more cautious and afraid of your own crimes and sins than your enemy
    as the crimes and sins of the believers are MORE DANGEROUS TO THEM THAN THEIR ENEMY
    the Muslims are victorious only because their enemies are disobedient to Allah, and had it not been so, we would have no power over them
    Because neither our numbers are like their numbers, nor are our weapons like theirs
    If we commit crimes and sins as they do, then they (our enemies) will have superiority over us in power and we will not have victory over them

    This is why the global Muslim community is as weak as it is, and the nations invite eachother to take pieces of us just as people invite eachother to a feast.
    The wolves are free to ravage the Muslim lands, Muslim blood is the world’s cheapest commodity.

    La haula wa la quuata illa billa,

    Hasbi Allahu wa Ni’m al wakeel,

  94. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Normal Principles apply under the normal conditions and circumstances, but if your enemy violates that rule and try to take advantage out of that, then we have examples from the life of prophet that we can also act accordingly- Cutting of trees is one example, which is forbidden under normal circumstances, but when Rasool Allah saw that enemy is taking advantge of that rule, he ordered to cut the trees and when Kuffar propagated that Muhammad’s (Sallalaho Alaihey wassallam) companions are spreading terrorism by cutting the trees then the ayah revealed that the trees you cut is by the will of Allah.
    Similarly the incident of Abudullah bin Jehsh of killing Mushrikeen in the month of Haram, and then Allah revealed for them the ayat Surah Baqara-217. They ask you concerning fighting in the Sacred Months (i.e. 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar). Say, “Fighting therein is a great (transgression) but a greater (transgression) with Allâh is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islâmic Monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever.”
    Look at the example of those Muslims who came out with their kuffar elders in Badar and did not even intend to fight but were killed and an ayah in Quran was revealed for them- Annisah, 97. Verily! As for those whom the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory for them), they (angels) say (to them): “In what (condition) were you?” They reply: “We were weak and oppressed on earth.” They (angels) say: “Was not the earth of Allâh spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?” Such men will find their abode in Hell – What an evil destination!
    I would like to quote from a great Mujahid- There will be no peace in your lands if there is no peace in our lands. You don’t kill our civilians we don’t kill yours. By the way we don’t believe in democracy, but you do. And by your own rule of democracy you all kuffar are guilty of killing Muslims of Palestine and elsewhere. You vote them and you support them by sending your sons to kill and rape our sisters. Even in the times of Rasool Allah, take the incident of Banu Quraidha, did evey single person of Banu Quraidha committed treason or it was only their leadership? Ofcourse it was only leadership not every one of them, but all of them were punished. Similar was the case with the Jew tribe who insulted a Muslim woman but the whole tribe was punished. You are recognized by the affiliation you have, we just see if you are standing in the ranks of Kuffar or not. These Kuffars do not discriminate who you are, for them you just being Muslim is enough and the whole world has gathered their resources to kill the innocents of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Kashmir, sheshan, Somalia, and many other places and they are all one, millitants and civilians all are playing an equal role to kill us, and we Muslims are still wasting our time in discussing what is right and what is wrong? Imam Ahmed Bin Hanubal once said that if Kuffar have one Muslim captive and there is only one Muslim alive out there who can breath and and his eyes can blink, it is Fardh on him to get his brother free from Kuffar.
    A Muslim cannot be fooled from your security councils and so called civilization and agreements, we know your intentions you are acting upon, you aim is just to kill Muslims and that’s it and we will revenge you till the last drop of blood in our body(InshaAllah).
    Mujahideen of Palestine and every where, we are with you and Allah is with you, victory is written in your faith, you enjoy it here or in the form of green birds.

  95. A.HNo Gravatar says:

    Barakallahu feek Sheikh for adding the clarification. I think that is a very balanced approach. Even though we’re not allowed to target non-combatants, it’s clear that the Israeli population is an occupying population, with compulsory military service for men and women. So they have a standing army plus their whole population is a reserve that has been trained and can be called up to fight. Hence, in Israel, the rule is that they are harbi with some exceptions.

  96. AbbasNo Gravatar says:

    its tuff being a muslim from the west we only get what the media gives us i think some of the scholars from over sea should think about coming to the west to guide better that would help alot

  97. TanzilaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam alaykum

    May Allah reward you Shaykh..ameen.I totally agree with you..the ones who are having a hard time to understand your speech, the pain,suffering and loss of our palestinian muslims, they should put themselves in the same shoes as the paletinians and imagine wat would they do if it was their own mothers/fathers/sisters/brothers/children ..would their feelings still remain same? would they still watch cnn/fox etc to fight your opinion?? what would they do?
    how can u sleep and eat when your muslims bro/sis are being butchered….what does that tell you about your own identity as a muslim?? May Allah forgive us and unite our hearts so that we can struggel and defeat these aggressors ..ameen Ya Rab

  98. M.B.No Gravatar says:

    Assalam Alaykum

    May Allah protect you, your family and the muslim ummah from the hand of the enemies of Allah.
    Where are the so called scholars when any thing like this happens to the enemies of Allah there rush to say this is nothing to do with Islam this people are terrorist killing elderly and children, here you so called scholars of the apostate governments you find the blood of the enemies of Allah more value the the blood of a muslim, may Allah curse be on you and your apostate leaders, or are you going to say what your leader Mahmood Abass said the Hamas are responsible for the death of the muslims who were massacred by his masters the pig and monkeys. And you the so called scholars of India when you said you don’t want to bury the brothers in the burial ground of the muslims wait for the torment of Allah to be fall you. this is why we are a easy target for the kuffar because of the munafiqs.
    I personally think the mujaheddin should adopt the ideology of Abu Bakar Sidik fighting and killing the apostate leaders and the munafiks and inshallah Allah will make easy for us to take over the kafirs, brothers the kafirs are afraid to fight believers face to face the only way there are wing this war is because of the help of the munafiqs.
    Allah Knows Best and make dua that Allah heals our pains and give us sabbar and raise our mujaheddin brothers were ever there are iman and taqwa and forgive them for their sins, let us remember what Abubakar Sidik said if you leave jihad then Allah will humiliate us these mujaheddin who have left their families and gone to different countries to save the muslim honour are the one who are protecting our mothers and sisters izza may Allah shower his mercy on them and give them victory of the enemies of Allah.
    May Allah for give me if i have said anything wrong, please Sheikh correct me if you have seeing anything i am not suppose to say a muslim is a mirror to another muslim.

  99. truthonlyNo Gravatar says:

    salaam alakoom to all that have accepted the guidance i see this case as nothing but hypocrisy from us muslims because it seems like when ever palestinians get hurt we all have strength and voice to implement the hadith of stoping munkar (evil0 with hands and even voice but when it happens to other muslims we all of sudden become over-night luqmans meaning we all become wise taling thetalk o-brother o-sister study ur deen and just end on a note i hate it hate it hate it hate it when arabs make it seem as if islam is spli into 2 which is muslims and arabs when is the scholars going to fight this bid’ah which has crept to into the deen the notion of the arab world somebody anybody pass this message to rabee madkhali that there is a bid’ah that has entered islam and that is this whole arab pride into islam to at the shabab howthey poke they poke like muslims not as if they we where doing what they was doing for somali and to all those think there tuff why is that you could speak up against isreal when they violate but when the other kuffars do wrong to the muslims turn a blind eye, subhanka Allahuma wa bi hamdik ashad ana la-e-la-ha illa anta astugfroo’ka wa too-boo e-lake

  100. ibn UmarNo Gravatar says:

    i agree with Sheikh on all 100%…as Sheikh Abdullah Azzam RA said…no negotiationz,let the sword do the talking

  101. Textual EvidenceNo Gravatar says:

    Allah’s Apostle said to us, “You will see after me, selfishness (on the part of other people) and other matters that you will disapprove of.” They asked, “What do you order us to do, O Allah’s Apostle? (under such circumstances)?” He said, “Pay their rights to them (to the rulers) and ask your right from Allah.”
    -Sahih Bukhari

  102. lubnaNo Gravatar says:


    Akhu Awlaki & Brother Al Khurasani

    both made good points against and pro killing women and children respectively.

    since we want to stay away from doubtful matters , its better not to kill women and children DIRECTLY.

    as what if that girl/child/woman is being asked on the day of judgement,” of what crime were you killed?”

    2ndly since fitnah is worse than qatal, by killing woman and children we will be causing a big dissagreement and fitnah among our own muslim community.and it may confuse the mujahidine too. since they are at the forefront of jihad and can very well smell the jannah which we can’t, so let their intuition decide what they should and should not do, i am sure Allah will guide them to the haq.

    another ayah is coming to mind as well, which goes like this,”and make us (muslims) not the cause of fitnah for the disbeleivers”

    may Allah guide us all to the truth Ameen.

  103. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    Umm-e Muhammad, Brother, Abu Maryam, Abu Hafs,Stranger, Jihadfisabilillah, Tanzila, and all those brothers and sisters who supported Our Sheikh, I would say its not supporting sheikh, actually it is supporting Haq, as our Sheikh is on Haq and you will find very few scholars today who are on Haq. Please keep your support for Haq.May Allah accept us as shuhada(amin)
    (Abu Hafs-Ayat Ref. Correction, it is 16-126)
    One thing is very disturbing to me- How come these so called Muzlims are so so quick in citicising those who have sacrificed every single thing including their wealth and Children and Parents for the sake of Allah and they do not ask any thing from you, neither they waited for so called Govts to wage Jihad against Taghoot, and some Randz who cannot even say five time prayers who are enjoying this life on the cost of Religion have the right to criticise them? To all those please: you cannot spend a single dollar in Allah’s cause, you cannot feel the pain of a finger cut in His cause, you never ciriticise when Israilies bmob our houses, kill our brothers and take aways our sisters, then you have no right to be called our brothers and citicise our brother, you better keep quite-
    Lakum denukum waliyadin. (To you is your religion/way and to me is mine).
    I pray to Allah azza wa jall that he protect our Sheikh from the evils of Jews and Christians.
    We are put our trust in Allah and you put your trust in your Jets and technology, and the victory is ours for sure as Allah has written the victory is for the believers, and It is Allah and His Messenger who will be victorious. Allah Hu Akbar.

  104. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    If anyone knows list of zionist israelist owned companies please put the list here, so we can boycott their products I found this site that its in different language but the names are clear

  105. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Alhamdolilah, when you are looking for the truth Allah puts it right infront of you here is the link which has list of many companies that supports Israel

  106. Abu_DharaarNo Gravatar says:

    Saudi Cleric gives fatawa against the Jewish State

    Riyadh – A prominent Saudi cleric called in a religious edict on Sunday for attacks on Israelis everywhere in retaliation for the ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

    “All (Israeli) interests, and anything else related to Israel, are a permitted target for Muslims everywhere,” said Sheikh Awad al-Qarni in what he described on the internet as a fatwa, or religious edict.

    “They (Israelis) should become targets. Their blood should be shed as the blood of our brothers in Palestine has been shed,” he said.

    “They should feel pain more than our brothers,” the cleric added as Israeli air raids pounded the territory, which is controlled by the Islamist militant movement Hamas.

    At least 282 Palestinians have been killed since Israeli warplanes launched a wave of air strikes on Saturday on a wide range of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

    “This is a fatwa that I am responsible for in front of Allah,” Qarni said on the Islam Online website. He also lashed out at Arab governments, mainly Egypt, which he accused of being “part of the conspiracy”.

    “The recent visit by (Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi) Livni to Egypt, and her embrace by Egyptian officials in front of cameras, followed by her confirmation that the situation in Gaza is going to change, and the lack of any response from Egyptian officials, are part of the conspiracy,” he said.

    He slammed Egypt’s security reinforcements on the borders with Gaza “to ban Palestinians from breaking through the borders,” saying it is “a proof of a conspiracy”.

    Egypt has opened its single crossing point into Gaza to allow the transfer of wounded Palestinians to hospitals and the passage of medical aid into the enclave.

    However, Egyptian police fired in the air near the border on Sunday to prevent Palestinians entering Egypt, a security official said.
    Brother Khurasani Nails it down too!!!

    Note:- I condemn terrorism in its any form or manifestation but support the troops who fight for freedom.

    Love ya sheikh Anwar!


  107. HaniffNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Ya Sheikh!

    I agree with you 100%. May Allah give the Mujahideen victory. May Allah debase the so-called Islamic governments and those who implement it. They try to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light though the disbelievers hate it. I don’t see why people have such a hard time accepting that their will always be conflict between the believers and the disbelievers. Allah says in the Quran: “And if it were not for Allah checking [some] people by means of others, the earth would have been corrupted, but Allah is full of bounty to the worlds.” Imam Al Haleemi in Suab al Iman says about this verse: ‘Allah clarified that if it weren’t for Allah checking the disbelievers through the believers and giving the believers authority to protect Islam and break the armies of disbelief, disbelief would have reigned on earth and the true religion would have been eliminated. This proves that the reason for the survival of religion (i.e., Islam) is Jihad and whatever is in this status deserves to be a pillar of Iman.’

  108. Zakariya ibs adamNo Gravatar says:

    Assaulamacalyocm to my dear resepected brothers and sisters
    I appreciate and value the sheikhs fatwa. Allahu aclam if it is right, i have no knowlegde of the issue and am in sisncere pain. Wallahai if a muslim ahs no feeling in their heartsb when theys ee thier brohters and sisters bombabreded wiht BOMBS, with them On a blockade form Supposdly m,uslim country, this is withotu a doubt the lowest point in my life, i am 16 years old and wallahi there ahs never been an event worse thean this in my life. I stand against killing innocent women and children and wonder and hope if there si an alternastive, inshallah allah will provide for us an alternative whre we can attack them honourbaly and prevent us form becomng like them- a PEOPLE who are Humilaited and have lost all traces of homour and sdignity, WE are muslims and we will defend our brothers and sisters in any possible way. What has not been mentioned in previous posts is tht WE CAN HELP, we who ar ento under siegfe- Remeber ur brothers and sisetr in a time of ease and allah wil rememebr u in a time of diifucilty. There are numerous organizations who are trying to help, maybe and i wish so mcuh to be hit instead oF 1 MORE CHILD biut maybe we can still heklp by donating to charity. Anybody feels like wat i ahve said here is wrong can email me, sheikh isnt there another way, and am i being amunafiq for not wanting to kill innocent women and children evan if they are in our land, cna we not do as the sahabah and simply drive them out,i dont know, pray for guidence, i doubt this is an issue we can comprehend and only allah cna help,

  109. abdu-rahman castroNo Gravatar says:

    to heraish, it seems that you fit into the category of “Muslim for the sake of the disbelievers.” you do not want to tarnish your own image, it is apparent that you have sold the religion of Allah for a miserable worldly gain. People like you will see your actions like dust particles in the day of judgement, you talk about political venues that can or will help solve the palestinian problems? please man, check your aqeedah, and check yourself, at this point of time, there is no room for political solutions. The U.S., the biggest Ally to the accursed jews, (may the wrath of Allah be thrown on them and may distruction befall them) can only sit back and enjoy the fireworks, The U.S., of of today is not the U.S.,200 years ago. And their little group U.N., are even bigger cowards. All they can do is condemn and condemn but no action.

    shaykh Anwar, Allahu Akbar this is what we’ve been waiting to hear from you, i believe retribution must be exacted eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, they kill our own ans so we kill theirs, may Allah humiliate those disbelievers. How much i and perhaps many wish that Allah’s victory would arrive soon, yet i know with certainty of the heart that it is soon as you have said. I am in total agreement with what you have said. I wrote a post to al-jazeerah, those fools they’ve sold their soul and religion to please the disbelievers, the post was a calling for unity, sadly they rejected the post, that shows how much they are controled as well.
    It is time that the muslims rise against these impotent so called “Muslim rulers/presidents,” and you are right that they should be outrooted from their little thrones alltogether. I compare them as weed that needs to be uprooted alltogether with it’s root, this is the only way it will garantee that they are not to return again. As you have said, they have already chosen the side of the kuffar and the results have been already handed out. It hurts me deep inside my heart just to hear and read of what our brothers and sisters are going through, yesterday i cried in agony to Allah to send them Nusrah, may Allah grant the shaheed jannat and may give the mujahedeen steadfastness and strengthen them just as Rasulullah(SAWS)was strengthened by the army of angels aforetime. Imam, the of procrasti-nation of these petty muslim rulers must come to an end, jihad is the only alternative, and there is no other, you have made the ahadeeth of the Prophet(SAWS) very clear wether muslims like it or not, especially that the Muslims in the U.S., have decided to follow the tails of the white master and decided to forsake Jihad alltogether.
    The point you made about the illegal state of israel that is to be eliminated, is correct, if you recall from the seerah of the Prophet(SAWS), it was stated that the disbelievers should not live among the Muslims, theses zionists jews, killers of Prophets and their citizens should be all exterminated like Pharaoh was exterminated or the jewish tribes in the time of the Prophet(SAWS). It will bring me so much satisfaction to see them all exterminated, it is clearly oppression what they are doing and the muslims have the right to bare arms and rise up against these oppressors. May Allah send His Nusrah and give the mujahedeen strenght to cause casualties to their enemies and may Allah unify the muslim nation and give victory to the muslims.amin. jazakumullah khairaam

  110. lubnaNo Gravatar says:


    no sane/level headed/just person can disagree with these words of imam anwar, so i agree too and support it 100%. seems like i missed it 1st time

    ”My opinion which I have stated in past recordings and is still my opinion now is that non-combatant women and children cannot be targeted. However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws). Parallels of this today are the two methods that our brothers in Palestine have adopted: martyrdom operations and the firing of rockets into the occupied territories. Both of these methods inevitably do kill women and children.”

    may Allah guide us all to the truth,give victory to the mujahidine and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  111. jowhara bint yusufNo Gravatar says:

    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
    la ilaha il Allah
    Ask for Allah’s strength and guidance, in the matters of conflict. Ask Allah to make us bold, brave and fearless in the
    face of our enemies. Ameen.

    O’Allah I seek refuge in You lest I stray or be led astray, or slip or be made to slip, or cause injustice or suffer injustice, or act ingnorantly or face ignorance.

  112. HamidNo Gravatar says:

    I read comparisons between fighting to death and killing oneself.
    Looking at al bara’s(ra) story, we see that dead is qader, and know this as islam teaches us, not in our hands, and he survived the most amazing battles.
    The only story wich might justify this, is the story about the boy who makes a lot of keramets.
    But that story can’t be used in general, because it is uniqe.
    this boy in the story knows things that is gahib, unknown.
    He performs miracles by Allahs permission, etc etc etc
    and he knows what will happen when he makes this sacrifise, so that event is a uniqe one for a uniqe person with uniqe qualities.
    if we learn anything from that story, as our beloved sheik told, is that the end of the people wich became belivers and where killed because of that was the best victory.
    ergo, our dying brothers and sisters are amongst the most triumphant ones.
    (Insaallah we will join them.)
    All of this doesnt mean we should not make jihad.
    But while losing battles we should not give up the halal and haram.
    because it seems them as if we have givin up our trust in Allah.
    and this will also help thoose muslims whom are confuesed about the actions wich we see in war.
    WE are not like the kuffar.
    so WE do not fight like them.
    death does not scare us.
    we will not lower ourselfes to their point.
    they might rape, slaghter, and kill innocent people.
    and WE know how evil theirs end is.

    And Allah knows best.

    may he save the ummah and glorify us in this world and in ahiret.

    as salamu alaikum.

  113. GAZACAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    Bismillah Ar-Rehman Ar-Raheem

    As Salaamu Aleykum Wa-Rehmatullah: Here is the Dua that Prohet SAS did when he was driven out of Taif by the disbelievers and the kids throwing stones at him to the point his SAS shoes were drenched with blood; and he came to the valley where he saw Jibril AS who asked the Prophet SAS if he wishes he can crush the people of Taif and the Prophet SAS did not harm them.
    Insha’Allah it should help and pass on to others as well.

    O Allah! I complain to You of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and humiliation before the people. O Most Merciful! The Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom You have entrusted me. To one who does not care for me. Or have You appointed my enemy as master of my affairs. So as long as You are not angry with me, I care not. Your favour is abundant for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face, by which ALL darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, least Your anger or your displeasure descends upon me. I desire your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased. There is NO power (to do good) and NO might (to refrain from evil) except with YOU. Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen!

  114. MNo Gravatar says:

    brothers and sisters we should not fear death.

  115. Abu_DharaarNo Gravatar says:

    Ya sheikh…Give us some advice before despair leads us to astray!! While, i am writing this to you i am crying my heart out! Our own “muslim” brothern are decieving us and cashing on the deaths of innocent people in Ghaza..Were not the authors of Muslimmatters rallying the support for Obama?…where is their saviour now?..who is khawarij now?

  116. Ibn Na'eemNo Gravatar says:

    @ Ibraheim

    JazakAllahkhair for unleashing the truth about the Palestinian resistance. It’s sad to see all the nationalism. Can I ask you brother, are Hamas different than that? Are they also nationalistic, or do they strive for La ilaaha illallah?


  117. Abu MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    Jazakallah Sheikh for throwing light on this issue. Tell us how can we join with them not with the rand muzlims.

  118. GAZACAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    One more Dua:

    Here is one more I can remember: This Dua was made by Prophet Yousuf AS when he was swallowed by the fish (Whale):

    La Ilaaha Illa Antaa Subhaanaka Inni kuntoo minad Dhalimeen.

    Please correct the translitaration if its wrong.

  119. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum Shaykh,

    Excellent post. I was skeptical about the issue of non-combatants, but the evidences you’ve given have made my position firm.

    Shaykh, when was the statement by Ibn Uthaymeen given? I know that he was for Jihaad during the Soviet-Afghan era (he supported Shaykh Azzam’s fatwa that defensive Jihaad is fard ayn), and that in more modern times he has been against the actions of the mujahideen (being loyal to the Saudi state).

  120. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    To the person that said that Hamas is backed by Iran.

    Hamas is from Ahl us-Sunnah, and Iran is a state of Rawafidh. It makes absolutely no sense for Hamas to be on good terms with Iran.
    Iran’s militant wing in the region of al-Shaam is “Hizbullah,” whose aims are far different from Hamas. (I prefer to call “Hizbullah” Hizb-Shaytaan, since it is a group for Rawafidh)

  121. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    What is a political solution to this zionist insanities?
    War is part of politics and the only political solution is resistance.
    If a muslim land is occupied and the sons and daughters of the occupying forces have taken residence in the STOLEN territory,can these scoundrels be regarded as innocent civilians? Where is the proof-logical,Quranic or Sunnatic- for this seemingly thwarted reasoning that those occupying the properties of others using force and terror,can be called innocents to be avoided by the owners of the stolen properties in their fight to regain them?
    If what the ummah wants is to regain what has been usurped by the zionist apes,then no political mechanism(if it means no-war solution) can attain this goal.JIHAD (not the heraishi jihad gainst the self) is the only means of attaining this goal and should the Ummah follow this course,this goal can be achieved with even less bloodshed than has been witnessed in the past several decades.
    May Allah fogive the lost righteous souls.Ameen!

  122. el wela wel beraNo Gravatar says:

    EsSelamu alejkum we rahmetullahi we berekatuh .
    Question for those who still have doubts: Should we just be patient until they kill us all?

  123. MNo Gravatar says:

    I think pakistan is hurting this ummah the most…and it’s not that I hate pakistan.

  124. MNo Gravatar says:

    I mean I’m not saying that because I hate pakistan…I’m just saying it because I really do think pakistan is at war with Islam.

  125. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

    Bro. Ibn Muhammed has said it all, let’s not loose track of what Imam Anwar has talked about in his recent post. and if a non-believer can speak about same , perhaps THE SLEEPING MUSLIM WORLD is on the brink of AWAKENING! Oh Allah! Please Imam what to do! How do we uproot and remove our puppet government?

  126. GAZACAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    I think it was Prophet Younus AS.

  127. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    Or perhaps a non-believer for the sake of the believer? And Allah knows Best.

  128. Abu RamadiNo Gravatar says:

    Sheikh Anwar’s opinion is one that is just and one that is a closest to the fitrah. Israeli civilians are all illegal occupiers of the lands and they deserve to be targeted and this has been the opinions of all the muslims, who have any level of ghairah in them, ever since the Israeli occupation began.

    Those who are arguing with the Sheikh over this issue can go sit with people like Nuh Ha Meem, and leave the affairs of the Deen to the men, who wont stop shedding their bled, and those mothers who wont stop bearing such men.

  129. i agree with umm muhammadNo Gravatar says:

    [A couple more comments-

    1. you have stressed that the mujahideen are in need of men and money. There are many brothers, sisters, and families ready and willing but do not know how to go about joining the ranks of Muslims. Could you please provide some information as to how to get in contact with these brothers in Somalia. I know they have an official website but it is not translated into English. Please advise.

    2. I think there needs to be some more mention and recognition of the sisters, mothers, and daughters of the mujahideen- they give so much support and display much bravery and faith in Allah(swt) in supporting the brothers who are fighting for Allah’s cause. These are exemplary and I think they are deserving of some words of appriciation and du’as. I cannot imagine what it would be like as a wife or mother sending my husband or son knowing the evils of the enemy. May Allah(swt) stregnthen my imaan! ]

  130. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Brother people are telling us to email the US offcials to take some actions what is your stand on that?

  131. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    muslimoon get it together! the signs are clear! we’ve been protesting for so long and still these “things” feel they can still walk all over us because the other thugs support them. these filth things are at the bottom of my shoe! its pretty clear muslimoon, anyone who thinks jhd is not fard is stil sleeping. may Allah save us from our own thulm

  132. confusedNo Gravatar says:

    how many muslims are living in this world?

  133. SaladinNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum, What are the leaders of Hamas doing in Damuscus under the patronage of that Alawite Baathist criminal- Assad? The leaders of Hamas went to Moscow and embraced another war criminal Putin at a time when Russia is committing genocide in Caucasus. The silence of Moscow in this ongoing genocide should be eye opener for Hamas leaders. Also the impotent of Muslim leaders should extend to Iran and Hizbollah who offer only lip service. Hamas should abandon their nationalistic fervor and remember Saladin who was neither a Arab or nor a Palestinian but Kurdish Mujahid who liberated Jerusalem from the marauding crusaders.

  134. TaybaNo Gravatar says:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    Assalaam Alaykum Waramutullah WaBarakatuhu

    You have made excellent comments and very truthful.

    My Q to you is Brother what are we to do apart form making Du’a…? I feel so helpless, many ‘Muslims’ I have sopken to about this issue they say just make du’a etc yes I understand we need to, but surely there is something else we can do….?

    may Allah (swt) give victory to he Muslims, Ya Rabb let us turn back to Quran and Sunnah and not get led astray (ameen).

  135. tamimu dariiNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam Aleikum Br & Sis
    Remember how ariel sharon used to say about hamas & palastine people and look at this video and you will understad the power of a muslim duaa

  136. syed qutb IINo Gravatar says:

    “And in his whos hear is a disease you seem them arguing over the mutashabi (unclear).. (tmq al quran]

    O ummmah do not waste your time for those who argue on behalf of the government murtadeen.. but debate with with on the mukhamaat (the clear law) of Allah.. debate with them the ulimate solution for the qawm of prophet killers and the qawm who poisoned Allah (swt) beloved nabi(saw). The solution is jihad, nothing but jihad.. we call upon the ummah to make the jihad a state vs state jihad rather than individual vs a state.. but till the state come them the obligations is to fight them and uproot them to implement the sharia.
    But the ulimate objective is to uproot the murtadeen rulers, to rally the muslims army of tawhid and utilise all its weaponary and resources to send the hiwaan and hinzeers a clear response.
    Our honourable imam Awalaki is right that our rulers have a major part in the zonist being able to slaughter us.

    imam ahmed ibn hanbal (rh) said “in the times of fitnah seek your hukms from the people of jihad”..
    not those who are at the foot stool of the murtadeen

  137. GAZACAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    North American donors, please use the following link for islamic relief to donate for GAZA:

  138. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Brother M, you are right Pakistan is not Islamic (as far as the government goes), but I would not say it is the worst.

    Saladin, Hamas is not nationalist. Hamas is Islamist.

  139. UK THUGNo Gravatar says:

    salam my dear sheikh, brothers and sisters. this is another difficult moment. those who are trying to bash my brother Sh Anwar, should do something more constructive with thier time. this isnt a time to argue or fight amongst our self. this is what THEY want. everyone is in a position to do something positive, so stop stop chucking crap at the brother and do what you can to help the muslims in falestine. Sh Anwar Aw Laki, not sure if your gonna read this, if you do, I love you for the sake of Allah swt, [edit]. Make dua for the muslims and may Allah swt protect the muslims and you. ws, your brother

  140. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:

    to AH, not sure if you noticed bro/sis
    but you asked sheikh anwar to ‘reconsider his views’ regarding the woman children issue. and when he responded simply by copy n pasting an extract titled ‘clarification’ from his original post here. you respond saying

    “Barakallahu feek Sheikh Anwar for the latest comment. It clarified the issue, and I hope you incorporate it into your original post to avoid the confusion that arose.”

    just wanted you to realise it was already a part of the original post. so not sure how ur confusion arose unless you skim read or missed it.

    i hope others learn from this and are careful in reading before responding.

    sheikh,Anwar hope your well may Allah bless you for speaking the haqq. in times when others bite their tongues allocating to themselves roles in current affairs which are usually maintained by the woman who sit at home ya3ni ‘make dua’ ’send clothes’ etc.

    may Allah preserve you for us. increase u in ilm, and have your name written in the hearts of ppl and history as the one who stood for truth in an era where falsehood reigned supreme.

    and lastly after the ummah benefits from your ilm, character, hikmah, brotherhood, and sincerity *may Allah protect it and increase it*…then after all this may your death be a shahadah loved by our Lord and witnessed by the angels in amazement.

    i truely love u for the sake of Allah. and i only make dua to delay your shahada because we need you in this day and age and you are the gift Allah has given to the believers in a time where many are looking for haq. May your lord and ours grant you ur shahadah when he sees fit and best. and verily Allah has knowledge of whats best.

    pls sheikh hasten the release of the madina period. and if u are reading this, pls do something regarding the traits of the khawarijj which the rand muslims and their cronies claim the mujahideen have. i ask you to cover this topic because i have faith you will address it from all angles needed and the people will benefit.

    barakallahu feek

  141. ImranNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaamu Alaikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuhu,

    Brothers and sisters, please, lets not ‘point the finger’ at an individual and accuse that person of thinking only about the ‘image’ of Islam for their own ease. What we should consider is that people from all over this world hold different opinions/views with different levels of understanding of Islam. At the same time some Muslims have never experienced crime or violence to themselves, or in their area/community so our answers maybe of something new.

    So, a reminder, lets not accuse an individual(s) for their understanding but lets explain and clarify with evidence and clarity (which many have done so, masha’Allah). Also, remember that for some people it takes time to understand something.

    Now for the Gaza situation. I’m sure none of us, from this forum, live in such atrocious environments as the people of suffering Palestine. When people are continuously and consistently going through suffering bombarded with bombs, guns, missiles, lack of food, water and many, many more, it effects the whole psychology of a person. The biggest psychological effect is our emotions – Anger/revenge. With this a person may not care if a woman or children get hurts.

    At the same time I personally feel there are NO diplomatic reasoning with a movement (zionist) that has clearly stolen Muslim land through deception of the truth, brute force, and blatantly using the holocaust for justifying their claim of OUR land.

    Your sincere brother in Islam.

  142. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam I would have much needed peace of mind if my sons were in the company of those fighting and defending the muslim ummah on the front line than the anxiousness I feel living in the land of plenty, plenty of fitna here in west What better company could they be with on this earth when our loved ones are suffering oppression all over the world Allah will support us when we support our brothers and sisters that need support not when we support those that already have too much and are lost in duniah but say with their tonges what is not in their hearts Allah give our males the right that they should have to give the pledge to the KHalifa to die fighting to defend Islam and inject us sisters to forget that this man is mine or this son is mine and sacrifice them and ourselves for the greater good , to please Allah for Allah wants us one body one heart one sword Please the ummah of Mohummed fitna is everywhere and we are pathetic so every muhsin stop the hesitation and start action Allah shake the ummah so they wake up and know there is no choice but to leave duniah behind and join the struggle to destroy the enermies of Allah where ever they are, with all the stratagies we have been provided with in the Quran and Sunnah .The sheik nows what hes talking about. AND PUT FEAR INTO THE HEARTS OF ENERMIES OF ALLAH

  143. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:

    To the believers:

    Do not despair, your lord is not deaf. no doubt Allah hears our duas, and sees what the fools in charge of us are doing. muslim death toll in gaza reached above 200, and these pathetic rulers are calling for yet another summit which is to take place NEXT WEEK. in a week hundreds more may die.

    for all of you on this post, whom are asking what can we do apart from dua? the answer is CLEAR. the real question is who will lead you to it? sa7?

    if your hungry do u ask what can i do except make dua? the real answer is you EAT. now that u no ur answer go and search for your food.

    Allah will lead you to it if u are sincerely hungry and take the steps to get it. the same lord who split the sea for musa A/S, the same lord who split the moon for rasoululaah S/A/W is no doubt our lord and also the same lord who made the fire cool for ibrahim A/S. so why have we forgotton him? his glory his power.

    call upon him to make a way out for u if u are sincere, then prepare. do not lose tawakal on this. for a sign that u lost tawakal is u worry constantly. true tawakal is in delegating your worries and anxiety to Allah.

    so rise o believers for this is the era for action, implement the very ayahs you read, and DO NOT fear the blame of the blamers.

    do not lose hope. if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck then by GOD ITS A DUCK.

    if he or she acts like a munafiq clearly, walks like one, talks like one, then what is he/she?

    what ever his/her heart reveals?
    by Allah we have forgotton the ways of the sahabah. for the sahaba were so scared in doing munafiq seeming things lest they were branded as such by their peers. and the brander who was just in his labelling due to clearly what was apparent was never rebuked or chastised even if wahi was revealed acting as indisputable evidence for the accused. the accused will be cleared. but the brander was not made to apologise. why because he JUDGED BY THE APPARENT without haste or personal agenda.

    the branders today are chastised, and stigmatised.

    we have been so desensitized its amazing, we dont even have enough izzaa to speak.


    do not be intimidated by personalities and masses. for any personality or mass of people who call to whats alien to the true salaf (not the claimant salafs of our era)
    then they are fools whom satan has on his lap.

    do not let them intimidate you. and never apologise for the haq. for there is no honer in apologising for the haqq.

    ya muslimeen u are the ummah of muhammad s.a.w and for a while our leaders and mainstream scholars (not all) have let us down, they have taken away our confidence, our honer, our rights, confused us abt our deen, our very way of life.

    we have helped by turning away from Allah. now we turn back to him, repentant, embracing our insignificance. but this need not occupy 20 YEARS OF OUR LIFE.

    we repent then we strive to the right thing today, not tomorrow till someone in madina gives us ‘ijaza’
    that we are ready to act.


    may Allah expose the munafiqeen, humiliate the kafireen, guide the fasiqeen, strenghten the mujahideen. and unite the mu’mineen. Allahumma Ameen.

  144. SoulaimanNo Gravatar says:

    At least 30 children killed in Gaza Strip, Israeli spokesperson says they are legitimate target

    israel kills school children in gaza

    من لأطفال غزة – الشيخ نبيل بن علي العوضي

  145. amaarqNo Gravatar says:

    …..Hamas is the problem…..

    1.they need to make it feesabiliLah, not fee sabili Filistine,
    2.they need to get rid of that ugly nationalistic flag.get black tawheed.
    3.they need to apply the sharia of Allah.
    4. they need to cut off thier relations with Russia,iran,syria,saudi,egypt and so on and not have Wala except to Allah
    5.they need to stop imatating kuffar, and look like muslims who show sunnah

    6.they need to join the rest of thier brohers across the world..
    .until this happens they shouldn’t Waite victory from Allah.

    .my Allah free flistine from yahood.

  146. hammas spokesman said,No Gravatar says:

    imam ahmed ibn hanbal (rh) said “in the times of fitnah seek your hukms from the people of jihad”..

    and hammas spokesman said to all pelestinians to kill any soldier or settler they can find in falastine!

  147. Anti-SomethingNo Gravatar says:

    slaveofAllah …> “Brother people are telling us to email the US offcials to take some actions what is your stand on that?”

    Allahu musta’aan
    talk about the family of the victim being told to seek help from the soldier of the general whos killing his family.

    what do you think of this?

  148. SalmaanNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum Sheikh Anwar,

    Please see the following fatwa by the shafi’i alim, Sheikh Muhammad Afifi al Akiti which has been translated into english by Sheikh Gibril F Haddad.

    InshaAllah this will help you to review your opinion or provide some perspective to the issue.

    Jazakallahu khairan

    wassalamu alaikum

  149. TausifNo Gravatar says:


    The view of Sheikh Awlaki is a valid one even though there are others but this one is applicable in this situation and it is not a view dat encourages or gives a green signal to kill women n children, its merely a view dat enables the mujahideen to carry out with their operations to eradicate evil even if dat requires or results to women n children to be affected but all we care about is to teach those cold blooded blood thirsty kufar a lesson. So it would be great if we tried to view evrything through the eyes of those family members in Palestine who have lost everything along with the will to live so to ALL those who are trying to analyse the situation critically instead of looking at the main picture and the main priority which is to strengthen and support out Family in Palestine fully in this genocide to all of you who think there are other ways o dealing with things using politics i say to you SHUT UP AND DONT DARE SPEAK DA WORLD HAS BETRAYED US AND WE DONT CARE ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS DA SAFETY OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS SO SHUT UP AND NEVA DARE TALK UNLESS U WANA TALK AGAINST DA BLOOD THIRSTY COWARDS AND WHAT THEY DO.

    Hell wit politics, diplomacy muv forward with revenge and justice. Our family in Palestine have suffered enough already and try asking them what they want instead of sitting in frnt of screens and opposing the true views of Scholars like Sheikh Awlaki who shows da true meaning of Islam.

    As Always i will say with full conviction that so called extremists are billion times better than hypocrits n those clowns who call for peace at this time of genocide. This is the time to wage war against the oppressors and hypocrits and forever leave a mark on their history which will be treated as da boogyman of their lives. Enough is enough now we should awaken the muslims around da world n encourage them to rise abouve the falsehood of their leaders and use their resources to save their brothers and sisters who have forgotten how to smile.

    And to those who have second thoughts wait till we get hold of you, to those who wana use da system of da kufar and use their terms and use their political suit and tie tactics JUS wAIT TILL WE GET HOLD OF U.

    YOu ARABS, You Pakistanis, You Bangladeshis, You Iranians, You Malays who eva n where eva u frm, no mata wut ur country has got its is all worthless if you ain helping your brothers and sistas out in this tyn when they r being slaughtered. if you carry on blindly we ll c wut hapnz wen da kufar do da same to u.

  150. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    JazkakAllah khair dear Sheikh, for the clarification and evidences, its just what I needed, so many are questioning jihad and its fiqh, i’ts vital we discuss this with the ummah and inshAllah correct the defeatist ideas, and I agree with Saladins excellent points. A major issue we’re still lacking is unity, we must break nationalistic feelings and build in its place brotherhood and ummah, we can’t be victorious without this. Please correct me if I’m wrong somebody, but other than the practicle example of the sahaba and muslims throughout history fighting as brothers and not their previous identies,I think there’s a hadith where Muhammed saws likened nationalism to a worm crawling through faeces, ie, its that repugnant.

  151. Mahmoud from al KkaleelNo Gravatar says:

    Jazaak Allah Khair Anwar for your inputs.. Its a blessing from Allah that we have someone like you to speak the Haqq and let the truth prevail

  152. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Brother “M” just imagine how amazing it would be if Pakistan utilized its power for Islam

  153. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Why is the West so obsessed with making us into something we do not want to be? Their foundations are crumbling and the winds of time are going to consume their empires. The tides of the Umma will consume their homes, but first we must prepare the way. We must prepare the path for the Umma. Islam itself is under attack. They seek to change Islam! They are trying to bring shirk into Islam. They, non Muslims, are trying to tell us what Islam really is! This is why we honor the Mujahideen. And this is why we fight. We fight that our fathers can make Hajj. We fight that our children are guided to Jannah. We fight that our mothers can call us sons. We fight to please Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. We fight in the dunya that we may achieve greatness in the akhira. We are Muslims. We are the ones on the straight path. We are the ones who give thanks at least five times a day to the one who gave us the world. We are the ones who say, “ash hadu an la ilaha ill Allah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolu Allah.” And we are the ones who listen. The Qur’an does not say, “When you are attacked, and oppressed, and murdered, and raped, and robbed, and forced to leave your homes you lay down and take it.” It tells us we fight those who do this us. We are the Ummah and we are the greatest human force in the world, but still we lower our heads and cry before Allah(SWT). Do the kufr humble themselves before Allah(SWT)? They claim they have freedom from Allah(SWT)! They claim freedom of religion, but they mean they have the freedom to ignore religion. If you pray near them they stare and laugh. If you praise Allah(SWT) they talk of suffering in this world. They are not grateful for any gift from Allah(SWT). Allah(SWT) is the creator of Death and Life. The creator of joy and sadness. They show no appreciation for any of the things they have been blessed with. They are arrogant beyond comprehension. They would not lift a finger of thanks to Allah(SWT) for that with which they have been blessed. They will flood the Fire and then ask why they have been fated to this. If someone gives you a gift everyday but you show them contempt everyday, then eventually that person is going to stop giving you the gift. We fight to protect those who submit to Allah(SWT).

  154. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

    “Jihad is of various kinds, with one’s self, one’s wealth, by making du’aa’, by teaching and guiding, by helping to do good in any way. The greatest form of jihad is jihad with one’s self (i.e., going oneself and fighting), followed by jihad with one’s wealth, jihad by speaking out and guiding others. Da’wah is also part of jihad. But going out oneself to fight in jihad is the highest form.

    (Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 7/334, 335)

  155. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz said:

    “We have previously explained on more than one occasion that jihad is fard kafaayah, not fard ‘ayn. All Muslims are enjoined to support their brothers with their selves (i.e., physically, by joining them), or with money, weapons, da’wah and advice. If enough of them go out (to fight), the rest are freed from sin, but if none of them do that then all of them are sinners.

    The Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Africa, North Africa and elsewhere are obliged to do their utmost, and if there is a jihad in one country, the surrounding countries should hasten to help them, the closest then the next closest. If one or two states, or three or more, manage to fulfil the obligation, then the rest are freed of responsibility. They deserve to be supported, and it is obligatory to help them against their enemies, because they are oppressed. Allaah has enjoined jihad upon all Muslims, and they must fight against the enemies of Allaah until their brothers are victorious. If they fail to do that then they are sinners, but if sufficient people undertake to do that, then the rest are absolved of sin.”

    (Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 7/335)


    Physical jihad against the kaafirs becomes obligatory in four cases, which are:

    1 – When the Muslim is present in a jihad situation.

    2 – When the enemy has come and attacked a Muslim land

    3 – When the ruler mobilizes the people, they must respond.

    4 – When a person is needed and no one else can do the task except him.

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

    Jihad is obligatory and becomes fard ‘ayn if a person is present where fighting is going on. This is the first of the situations in which jihad becomes an individual obligation, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battlefield, never turn your backs to them.

    And whoever turns his back to them on such a day — unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own), — he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allaah. And his abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination!”

    [al-Anfaal 8:16]

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that running away on the day when the army is advancing is one of the sins that doom a person to Hell. He said: “Avoid the seven sins that doom a person to Hell…” among which he mentioned running away on the day when the army is advancing (agreed upon). But Allaah has made exceptions in two cases:

    1- When it is a military manoeuvre, in the sense that he is leaving to bring reinforcements.

    2- When he is going to join another group, when he has been told that there is a group of Muslims elsewhere who are about to be defeated, so he goes to join them in order to strengthen their numbers. This is subject to the condition that there is no risk to the group he is in; if there is a risk to the group that he is in, then it is not permissible for him to go to the other group. In this case (jihad) is an individual obligation upon him (fard ‘ayn) and it is not permissible for him to leave.

    The second situation (in which jihad becomes an individual obligation) is when a city is besieged by the enemy. Then he has to fight in defence of the city, because when the city is besieged there is no alternative but to defend it, for if the enemy is going to prevent people from leaving the city or entering it, and prevent provisions from reaching it, and other things which are well known, then in this case the people of the city are obliged to fight in order to defend their city.

    The third situation is when the leader tells the people to mobilize; the leader (imam) is the highest authority in the state, but he need not necessarily be the leader of all the Muslims, because there has been no leader of all the Muslims (khaleefah) for a long time. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Listen and obey, even if you are ruled by an Abyssinian slave.” So if a man becomes a leader, then his word is to be heeded and his commands are to obeyed.

    (al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 8/10-12).

  156. NazmulNo Gravatar says:

    Alhadulillah! This is not acceptable. How dare they kill innocent pple?? I still can’t get over the images of dead Palestinian children, women and other pple who were innocent. These jew are just killing muslims for fun! i agree with u imam but i think a similar raid should be lauched on an army base rather than an open city. I think palastine should launch attacks on clubs, and other areas of haram! They should ambush the Israelis and drive them out of the muslim nation. Allah will give them victory inshallah!

  157. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam alaykum,

    Ya sheikh could you please at sometime talk about the dictorship of information that these kuffar (especially al-yahood) have over the media… and please i would like to go into the heart of the enemy…. Al-jazeera!! (or better named al- jeweera). Al- jazeera enfuriates me sooo bad… the way they try to secularize and liberalize the Umma in a backdoor sneaky way… and the way they trivilize information and present news to both the muslimeen and to the kafareen audiences really upsets me…. al-jazeera is the barak obama and democratic party of the middle east…. every once and a while they spew out this liberal rhetoric that supposedly cares about ‘human rights’ in order to gain some what of legitamacy with a people that know that they are being brutally oppressed… but at the end of the day they are just using this false trust to manipulate and mold the oppressed people into a consciousness that benefits the oppressor over them… that and many times blatant yahood and moortet lies and propaganda…. the way the media is right now is really something that is depressing inshallah a way out will be found to express opposition to the masses on the terms of the muslimeen… and not of the Dhalameen.. al yahood… Ya rabb please save this Umma from corroption and deception… ya rabb please spread al- Haqq through out the world… ya rabbillalameen… ameen.

  158. Kufr AkbarNo Gravatar says:

    I repeat, Hamas is doing the bidding of Shi’ite Iran. That missile that reached Ashdod was from Iran. Look at the anti-Egypt and anti-Saudi outbursts from Hamas in the last two days. And look at the propaganda coming straight from Tehran: it’s as anti-Arab as it is anti-Israeli. Hamas is a criminal gang for hire, and like “Lebanese” Hizbullah (who have suddenly started flattering Hamas, notice) it is in the hire of Iran.
    Anwar, confine your attention to Somalia for the time being. Israel is obliterating Hamas and there is nothing you and your sycophants can do about it.

  159. trojanhorsey3kNo Gravatar says:

    The British university movement to boycott Israel wrote in their petition, “‘Children,’ says an Israeli spokeswoman, ‘are legitimate targets because if they inhabit a house allegedly being used to manufacture home-made rockets to fire into Israel, they are ‘terrorists’ themselves.’”
    I dont know how ud face your Lord on the day of judgment.
    source –

  160. AbuGeeNo Gravatar says:

    heraish wrote:
    “Another reason for me being against it is that it affects the image of muslims in the west.”

    Hmmm, so we should allow innocent Muslims to be slaughtered in order to protect YOUR image in the eyes of the non-muslims.

    heraish wrote:
    “Personally I am against it. Especially when other avenues including diplomatic and political may be available.”

    Yes, and these “other avenues” have been available for decades. What you and others apparently fail to realize is that these “other avenues” have failed, are failing, and will continue to fail.

    The only success lies in our following the Command of Allah and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAW). Only when we, as an Ummah, come to understand and accept this FACT, will we have any hope what so-ever in rectifying the current situation of the Ummah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta-’Ala.

  161. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Actually, Kufr Akbar, though both Iran and Hamas dislike Egypt and Saudi Arabia, they have completely different reasons.
    Iran hates them because it is Shi’a and thinks that Saudi Arabia and Egypt are Sunni governments, whereas Sunni fighters consider the Egyptian and Saudi governments to be apostates for not supporting the Jihaad. Note how Saudi Arabian “scholars” condemn Palestinian fighting, and Egypt is aiding the seige of Gaza.

    Furthermore, just because Hamas has weapons from Iran doesn’t mean they are in some sort of relationship, because the weapon could simply have been bought. Just as how Saddam’s using US helicopters and weapons to attack the Kurds did not mean that the US supported the action. It makes sense even though there is no link between Iran and Hamas, that Iran would sell weapons to Hamas simply because of a common enemy (Israel). Such a relationship is possible without ideological or political alignment.

  162. Gazacast To Kufr AkbarNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah (T), his angels and the entire creation be WITNESS to your “Kufr Akbar”. You are indeed RIGHT, Neither Sheykh Anwar nor we the psychophants can do much except Ask Allah (T) to fight for us, Are you or your ZIONIST shayateen albit the creation of Allah (T) better planners, more powerful and smarter than the Creater Himself?

    Iraq was the sabaab/means of the on going destruction of USA, Gaza will be the sabaab/means of distruction for Israel, Insha’Allah.

    And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say:

    “Truly! To Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.” They are those on whom are the Salawat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones.
    Surah al-Baqarah (2:155-157)

    Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe,” and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allaah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test).
    Surah al-‘Ankabut (29:2-3)

    And this life of the world is only amusement and play! Verily, the home of the Hereafter,that is the life indeed (i.e. the eternal life that will never end), if they but knew
    Surah al-‘Ankabut (29:64)

    No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (al-Lauh al-Mahfuz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allaah. In order that you may not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of that which has been given to you. And Allaah likes not prideful boasters.
    Surah al-Hadid (57:22-23)

    And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much.
    Surah ash-Shura (42:30)

    And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to the supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept Islam).
    Surah as-Sajdah (32:21)

    And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord (Allaah Alone), turning to Him in repentance, but when He bestows a favor upon him from Himself,he forgets that for which he cried for before, and he sets up rivals to Allaah, in order to mislead others from His Path. Say: “Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!”
    Surah az-Zumar (39:8)

    So verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs).
    Surah ash-Sharh (94:5-6)

    “When Allaah wills good for His slave, He hastens the punishment for him in this world, and when Allaah wills ill for His slave, he withholds the punishment for his sins from him until he comes with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi (2396)

  163. To SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Aljazeera is owned by Times warner Company of USA, the same that also owns CNN, disneyworld etc. Where the hypocrite Leaders of Muslim countries like KSA, UAE , Bahrain, oman, Kuwait etc invested billions in share ownership , few weeks one of these “Shaikh” decided to sell his stocks and brought the staock rates tumbling just by the news.

    Also West has taken over alot of news media’s including PTV, Ary Digital etc.

  164. Abu DharrNo Gravatar says:

    @Kufr Akbar
    You and you kind are the real reason we are in this mess at the first place. Assuming you are a Muslim.

  165. Muqarrib78No Gravatar says:

    Just saw in the local news that Muslim Groups in the US are asking Obama to: “Keep his Promises.”


    Allah is proving you right, Sheikh Anwar. All those that voted for Obama, all those that take pride in being American and supporting a country that is at War with Islam.


    These fools will see the true colours of Obama and whose side he is on – even before he takes office.

  166. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    and USA is doing the bidding for Israel. Lots of their bombs and equipment come from USA. Why would USA want to bid for Israel? COs they dont want you all in their country. It’s a NIMBY issue.

  167. Ibn MohammedNo Gravatar says:

    To the Kafir “Kufr Akbar”,

    You will burn in Hell fire that is enough for me ALAHAMDULILLAH.
    And if I meet you in war I will chop of your head INSHALLAH that will be your punishment in duniya and more worse than that after your death.
    We have ALLAH with us ALHAMDULILLAH and you have your Bush and obama and Olmert who are going to perish soon INSAHALLAH.

    And remember this write it down if you can’t remember and memorize it. OUR DEAD ARE IN HEAVEN AND YOUR DEAD ARE IN HELL FIRE.
    All those muslims killed by Israel in Gaza are in Martys in heaven INSHALLAH.

  168. khadijaNo Gravatar says:

    This is the war that Israel has to have in order to create some new war criminals. You know the elections are coming up and being a war criminal is part of the esential criteria for becoming PM!

  169. GAZACAUST vs HOLOCAUSTNo Gravatar says:

    # Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in the Zionist entity?

    # Did you know that Palestinian license plates in Zionist entity are color coded to distinguish jews from non-jews?

    # Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron’s 120,000 Palestinians?

    # Did you know the United States awards the israel $5 billion in aid each year?

    # Did you know that yearly US aid to israel exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole African continent?

    # Did you know that the israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons?

    # Did you know that the israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites?

    # Did you know that israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?

    # Did you know that israel has for decades routinely sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies?

    # Did you know that high-ranking military officers in the israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IDF?

    # Did you know that israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?

    # Did you know that israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses, and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer the confiscation?

    # Did you know that israel blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors?

    # Did you know that the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, is the jewish AIPAC?

    # Did you know that israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?

    # Did you know that today’s israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 now-vanished Palestinian villages, and that the israeli’s re- named almost every physical site in the country to cover up the traces?

    # Did you know that it was not until 1988 that israelis were barred from running “jews Only” job ads?

    # Did you know that four prime ministers of israel (Begin, Shamir, Rabin, and Sharon) have taken part in either bomb attacks on civilians, massacres of civilians, or forced expulsions of civilians from their villages?

    # Did you know that the israeli Foreign Ministry pays two American public relations firms to promote israel to Americans?

    # Did you know that Sharon’s coalition government includes a party — Molodet — which advocates expelling all Palestinians from the occupied territories?

    # Did you know that israel’s settlement-building increased in the eight years since Oslo?

    # Did you know that settlement building under Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Netanyahu?

    # Did you know that israel once dedicated a postage stamp to a man who attacked a civilian bus and killed several people?

    # Did you know that recently-declassified documents indicate that David Ben-Gurion in at least some instances approved of the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948?

    # Did you know that despite a ban on torture by israel’s High Court of Justice, torture has continued by Shin Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners?

    # Did you know that Palestinian refugees make up the largest portion of the refugee population in the world?

    # And finally do you know who is the REAL terrorist now ?

  170. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:
    [Sahih Bukhari,Vol 4, Book 55. Prophets. Hadith 657]
    Narrated By Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely Isa, the son of Maryam will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the Pigs and there will be no Jizya. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Abu Huraira added “If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): ‘And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness against them.” (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)
    As I read this Hadith over and over again to understand the World we live in today and what should be our goal as Muslims living today with all the oppression, injustices we see all around us, I’d like to ask the question: Who are the pigs that will be killed by the Messiah, Isa when he returns?
    First Point: The word ‘pigs’ as mentioned in this hadith of our Noble Prophet, Muhammad sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, can this be interpreted figuratively or not? Allah Knows best, would it be correct to say that the use of the word ‘pigs’ means “Jews” and indicates Allah Azza Wa Jall extreme Anger towards the Jews, the Children of Israel who attempted to crucify and kill Isa Alaihi sallam, and they now occupy the Illegal State of Israel?
    Allah Azza Wa Jall Reminded us that He has cursed the Jews and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghut. (Surah: Al-Ma’idah, Ayat 60; Al-Baqarah, Ayat 65; and Al-A‘raf, Ayat 166)
    Second Point: “Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it.” Allah Knows best but this can be interpreted as: that no Kuffar government will exercised control over the money supply of the world like they are doing now to enslave the whole of humanity and the masses of people become poorer and yet poorer until they are imprisoned in destitution and are incapable of offering any significant resistance to oppression. The arrogant wicked oppressors who are the scum of the earth uses money to control the world because there are so many RANDS who, like cattle, can be bought and sold. As the Jews are the owners and controllers of the World Banks that deal with paper money and Riba (interest), and uses it to finance their occupation, injustices, aggression and lies, so when Isa alaihi salam returns, nobody will accept the pigs’ (jews) riba money but the real money, that is Gold and Silver (they were hiding), will be in abundance for all Muslims to use.
    These are some few things I would like to share with you to think about for those who are still slumbering and wandering like livestock, who are not convinced that Jihadfeesabililah is they only way to Victory, Insh’Allah.
    Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:
    “And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless.”

    [Surah Al-A'raf, Ayat 179]
    “I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right; and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness, they will not adopt it as a way; but if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way. That is because they have denied Our signs and they were heedless of them.”

    [Surah Al-A'raf, Ayat 146]

    “The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries cattle or sheep – deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand.”

    [002 - 002- Al-Baqarah. Ayat 171]

    The Mujahideen in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Kashmir, Checnya and other lands, who are struggling to become such true servants (martyrs) of Allah Azza Wa Jall, they are the ones today, who have eyes that sees, ears that hears, hearts that understands and weeps, feet that stands and hands that strikes. They cannot therefore be deceived by the apes and pigs of the world (Jewish/Christian/Secularist coalition) those who, with check-books in their pockets, corruptly promote themselves and their satanic causes.
    O Muslims, ensure that you are not up for sale for the Kuffar, and that you can never be bought, – not with a check, a job, a contract, or even with a mountain of gold; but enter into a transaction with Allah Azza Wa Jall:
    “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.”

    [Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 111]


  171. From: Shaykh Salah SoltanNo Gravatar says:

    This Is a Message for Humankind
    In Face of the Gaza Holocaust

    By: Dr. Salah Soltan
    Academician Activist

    [All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth and originated the darkness and the light; yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord.] [Al-An`am 6:1].
    {الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَجَعَلَ الظُّلُمَاتِ وَالنُّورَ ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِرَبِّهِم يَعْدِلُونَ}
    Transliteration: Al-Ĥamdu Lillāhi Al-Ladhī Khalaqa As-Samāwāti Wa Al-’Arđa Wa Ja`ala Až-Žulumāti Wa An-Nūra Thumma Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Birabbihim Ya`dilūna

    And I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, Who puts the clouds to their course, Who revealed The Book (the Qur’an), and Who Alone defeated the Confederates (Al-Ahzab). All peace and blessings be upon Muhammad — the leader of the mujahideen and the master of the first and last generations — and those persevering people who follow him to the Day of Judgment.

    Concerning the issue at hand, I call on the human conscience to make a unified stand against this Zionist tyranny against the men, women, and children in the Gaza Strip and I call for the following:
    1. Continuous peaceful demonstrations and a one-day strike by every person who feels solicitude for Jerusalem, Palestine, and the martyrs and casualties of Gaza. This is to declare an overwhelming fury that calls the attention of the world and passes the point that we will not silently accept these injustices. And let these demonstrations and strikes escalate until governments reconsider their shameful stances of submissiveness to the oppressors and failing the victimized, and let them think of these words of a poet:
    The blazing of fire in the midst of dust provokes the furor of the Volcano
    The small water drops precede the flood and the hurricane
    It surges, uproots the tyrants with a roar beyond the tyranny of their cane

    2. Communication with human relief agencies in each country — or establishing them where none exist — is a must, to provide all medical and food requirements for our fellow Gazans. This is a religious obligation for every Muslim who owns more than his or her basic needs.

    This is a religious obligation for every Muslim who owns more than his or her basic needs.

    3. I hope that mosque imams and orators will take on their responsibilities before Allah of uniting Muslims at mosques and stating clearly the duty of fighting against Zionist assailants; giving our complete support for our brothers and sisters in Palestine; making Qunoot (Arabic for: supplication before or after bowing in prayer) against the Zionist oppressors in every prayer, those who support them, and those who turn a blind eye to them; encouraging Muslims to fast and do late-night prayers collectively; and reminding them of what Allah says in these verses of the Qur’an:
    {لاَ يَسْتَأْذِنُكَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ أَن يُجَاهِدُواْ بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنفُسِهِمْ وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِالْمُتَّقِينَ (44) إِنَّمَا يَسْتَأْذِنُكَ الَّذِينَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَارْتَابَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ فَهُمْ فِي رَيْبِهِمْ يَتَرَدَّدُونَ}
    Transliteration: Lā Yasta’dhinuka Al-Ladhīna Yu’uminūna Billāhi Wa Al-Yawmi Al-’Ākhiri ‘An Yujāhidū Bi’amwālihim Wa ‘Anfusihim Wa Allāhu `Alīmun Bil-Muttaqīna, ‘Innamā Yasta’dhinuka Al-Ladhīna Lā Yu’uminūna Billāhi Wa Al-Yawmi Al-’Ākhiri Wa Artābat Qulūbuhum Fahum Fī Raybihim Yataraddadūna
    [Translation: Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask your leave to be exempted from fighting with their properties and their lives; and Allah is All-Knowing of the pious. It is only those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and whose hearts are in doubt that ask your leave (to be exempted from Jihad), so in their doubts they waver.] [At-Tawbah 9:44-45].

    4. I believe that it is a firm obligation on the elites of every village, city, town, and governorate to send delegations that represent all public levels to impel officials to take on their historical, religious, and human responsibility toward Palestine generally and our sons and daughters in Gaza particularly and form peaceful pressure groups to compel these regimes to retreat from this terrible ignominy.

    5. I call on visual, audio, and printed media outlets to act on their responsibility of media jihad, unveiling the crimes of the Zionist enemy and highlighting the tragic situation in Gaza. I also call on all actors, actresses, and singers to stop acting and singing except in one direction: support for Gazans — who have been wronged and whose close ones have been killed — and furor at those Zionist assailants.

    6. I call on our youth in sports clubs to whom the hearts of young fans are tied to act like this professional, unique, Muslim football player Abu Treka and get to double Allah’s love and support for them and with this the love of Muslims all over the Arab and Muslim Worlds.

    I hope that mosque imams and orators will take on their responsibilities before Allah of encouraging Muslims to fast and do late-night prayers collectively.

    7. I call on all Muslim traders, businessmen, and consumers to boycott all Israeli products or those produced by companies that donate to the Zionist entities.

    8. I call on imams, speakers, journalists, poets, writers, and literary authors to enrich the religious, cultural, and media pulpits with resistance literature and to send out a message of hope that the more ferocious events get, the more hope we lay on Allah who promised to exterminate the tyrants and grant victory to the believers and Who made it a duty on Him in His grandeur saying in the Qur’an: {وَكَانَ حَقّاً عَلَيْنَا نَصْرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ}
    Transliteration: Wa Kāna Ĥaqqāan `Alaynā Naşru Al-Mu’uminīna
    [and it was due (to them) upon Us to help the believers.] [Ar-Rum 30:47].

    Let them act as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) when the confederating tribes gathered to exterminate the people of Madinah and the Muslims started digging the trench around Madinah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would then tell them these cheering words to spread hope and eliminate any seeds of despair: “Allah is the Greatest, Khaybar is conquered; Allah is the Greatest, Persia is conquered; Allah is the Greatest, the Romans are conquered”. Then Allah’s victory was granted to the Muslims, the disbelievers were turned down with no gains, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) then said, “Now we conquer them and they do not conquer us.”
    {وَاللّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَى أَمْرِهِ وَلَـكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ}
    Transliteration: Wa Allāhu Ghālibun `Alá ‘Amrihi Wa Lakinna ‘Akthara An-Nāsi Lā Ya`lamūna
    [And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most people know not.] [Yusuf 12:21].

    {سَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْراً}
    Transliteration: Sayaj`alu Allāhu Ba`da `Usrin Yusrāan
    And [Allah will grant after hardship, ease.] [At-Talaq 65:7].


    Dr. Salah El-Deen Soltan is a distinguished prominent Islamic activist. Among several others, he founded the American Center for Islamic Research, the Sultan Publishing Company, and the Islamic American University. Currently, Dr. Soltan is a professor of Islamic Shari`ah at Cairo University.

  172. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum wrwb only to the true mumim Kufr no ones listening to u so go away annoying little creature,
    My muslim brothers are dying and I see and hear them making shahada they are returning to our Magnificient Creator , Allah has chosen them for this great honour ,
    they are first and we are next inshallah
    they are not afraid and do not grieve
    but u yahud fear death and want to live for ever and u will in Hell

    “And they the Messengers sought victory and help from Allah and every obstinate, arrogant, dictator was brought to a complete loss and destruction. In front of him is Hell and he will be made to drink boiling festering water. He will sip it unwillingly, and he will find it a great difficulty to swallow it down his throat, and death will come to him from every side yet he will not die and in front of him, will be a great torment ”
    Death is coming yeh yahud but for us my four beautiful daughters the real life of radiance and joy is just beginning.

  173. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Kufr Akbar [the lying Jew]: You Fasiq [lying chameleon] Jew Mossad pig. No need for you to cry out and repeating your idiotic idioms as you one of the example of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries, cattle or sheep; you are deaf, dumb and blind, so you do not understand a word.
    “Or do you think that most of them hear or reason? They are not except like livestock. Rather, they are [even] more astray in [their] way.”

    [Surah Al-Furqan, Ayat 44]

  174. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualiakum wrwb member of the muslim ummah Anti something u answered the most relavent question I love u for the sake of Allah and all my brothers and sisters who enlighten me and others Jazakiallahkier “when a believer is reminded they listen and obey but a munafic will hide his true feelings or argue .
    Allah save us all from that evil life and evil end …Well fathers sons and brothers make preperation for departure to the lands where your needed NOW ,,dont hesitate and brother change the name it means nothing please dont be offended but your words are good but your name isnt

  175. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    May Allah reward and protect Sheikh Awad al-Qarni who gave the fatwa just like our Imam Anwar did.
    @lubna, MashaAllah you yourself figured out the point sheikh made about the killing of Kuffar Babies and women, it always comes as a collateral damage and Mujahideen never kill them intentionally. Take the example of Taliban, sister Yvonne riddley is a result of the kind treamtment she got from Mujahideen when she was caught there.
    We can never recommend some thing which is agains the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Its the nature of the war that people get killed, combatants and non-combatants.
    Please read the following book:
    Also a great gift for those who can read urdu:

  176. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
    The likes and actions of Kufr Akbar [the lying Jew], the Fasiq [lying chameleon] Jew Mossad pig, is no different method as was used by the Jews in Madinah at the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. That is their: associating partners with Allah Azza Wa Jall in worship, twisting the truth, attacking Scholars and Prophets, dividing the Ranks of the Muslims, shifting blame, aligning themselves with the hypocrites (The RANDS), Speaking evil about Allah, vitriolic remars about the Messenger of Allah, sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, in General, and the Noble Qur’an, Spreading rumors and taking Joy at the hardships of Muslims, showing opposition to Prophets and Righteous people, hiding knowledge and distorting facts, giving and taking bribes. Their description are, so you know them: hypocrisy, blending in with their environment (like chameleons), not benefiting from knowledge, hatred and Malice, jealousy, arrogance and pride, miserliness and Intransigence.

    “Cursed were those who disbelieved among the Children of Israel by the tongue of David and of Jesus, the son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.”

    [Surah Al-Maidah, Ayat 78]

  177. Mohammed QNo Gravatar says:

    To watch the news and see what is going on to the muslims in Gaza is extremely saddening. There is nothing being done by the Muslim leaders and it is puthetic the way the media flips things around abnd throws the blame onto Hamas. What’s more puthetic is the way some Muslims agree with the media. This is a very tuff time for the Muslims all over the world. Its a horrible feeling being when one feels useless especially living in the west because it seems as if there is nothing one can do that will be of importance. Allhamdullilah is all someone can say and make Duaa for those brothers and sisters. There is a different perspecitve this whole situation can be looked at. This could be a sign of victory. In one of Imam Anwars previous speeches he talks about the story of the boy and the king. In the end of the story all the believers are thrown into a ditch of fire. What’s amazing is how this was actually victory for the Muslims and Imam Anwar has elaborated on that point. Victory doesn’t always mean winning a war and this is just another piece of Islam that makes it so good to be Muslim.

  178. Ibn AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Shaykh Anwar,

    Jazakallah khayr for all your efforts! We really appreciate your efforts. But I do have a political question. I do not believe that the situation of Palestine will ever be over until the khilafah is established. I see the whole of Palestine in dire need for the muslims on the outside having to come in and liberate it. Palestinians cannot do it otherwise. I do believe muslims must defend themselves and drive the kafirs out of our lands. However, when I read the news (Arabic and English) I see that Hamas does want to play some sort of role in the whole peace process. Its a tricky game that they are playing but in the end I see them being no different from FATAH except for the Ibadat that they and their followers do. Politically they seem to be willing to make concessions and I am bothered by it. Can you offer some sort of advice as to whether you support HAMAS playing such a role politically? Jazakallah khayr

  179. Abu Talha Al MadaniNo Gravatar says:

    salam, thank you sheikh for the article, it is our duties as muslims to eradicate the zionist entity which is a cancer in the Muslim World. The Jews will be driven into the sea sooner rather than later. Wallahi we will avenge this day. Today I’m jealous that more than 300 members of my family attained the level of shuhada and are now with Allah. InshaAllah Allah will rejoin us with them in Firdaws A3la! Qital hatta Nasr wa Falesteen Kulaha!

  180. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    Kufr Akbar,
    I believe your identity(kufr akbar) speaks of what you are closer to,for i cannot believe any suggestion that you are a muslim with an iota of iman.

    I agree with your view on Hamas.
    Hamas seem to me as being a mish-mash of persons with conflicting and confusing ideologies,and ever since they stooped to partake in the kufr political process they have shown that they have the tendencies to compromise the methodology of Jihad for the sake of Allah and Islam.These inconsistencies have exposed them to avoidable zionist aggressions and have led to distrust from the generality of mujahideen…Infact one who looks at them could see more of nationalist tendencies these days.(Allahu knows best)
    As for the governments of Egypt,Saudi and other enemies from within,their reckonings are indeed with Allah for their complicity in these crimes.

  181. Kufr AkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Muhammad al-Suyuufi, you make a good point about the weapons. It was a poor illustration on my part. Still, what friends does Hamas have left, other than than Iran and its client Syria? Certainly the Hamas politburo is in Damascus, along with the PIJ honcho Ramadhan Abdullah.

    “To Salah”, the Emir of Qatar personally owns 60% of al-Jazeera.

    Jihad fi siHAHA, are you Joey Cohen by any chance? Or should I call you Jewsuf al-Khatab?

    Ibn Mohammed, save your breath.

  182. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    ”7. I call on all Muslim traders, businessmen, and consumers to boycott all Israeli products or those produced by companies that donate to the Zionist entities.”

    but israel’s umbilical cord is joined with america, so should we not boycot all American companies and thier products?

  183. Abdullah (abul haarith)No Gravatar says:


    As salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah

    Jazakallhukhairen to my brother Anwar for stating things so succinctly. From the my point of view looking at the tatical considerations; this is the prelude to the ground assault to dislodge Hamas once and for all. The opening of the border crossing was deception so as to let gazans believe that life was returning to some aspect of normality. The problems now lies in how one should respond to what is most likely the commencement of a ground assault. First, the attacking force will assault only after they are sure that their casualties will be minimal. This will mean wholesale destruction of anything that could act as a shelter or hiding place for the defenders. Therefore before any forces move there will be extensive aerial bombardments to allow troops to move into place with tanks being moved in to cover troops. What is the defence. It has to be built around a Grozny style defence. The attacking force has to be engaged at close quarter. The tanks need to be engaged at under 150m seeking to cripple them as they are equiped with anti-tank capabilties. Two Rpgs should be fired in tandem to ensure penetration. Anything that can produce smoke must be used to create as much of a screen as possible this will disorientate the attacking force and not allow them to use sighting equipment. Fires should be burnt to disallow the use of heat seekers and thermal imaging equipment.Snipers deployed and then kept constantly on the move to ensure their survival in a fluid battle field. Stay behind units should be put in place so as the attacking force rolls over the top they attack from the rear. What this means is hiding small numbers of men completely concealed as to attack the rear. Due to the nature of Gaza it will become a killing ground for the attacking force if used effectively. Any ground asault can only be beaten off if the enemy has many casualties in the first 24 hours. They should be driven into choke points created by the defending on the ground and ambushed. The street are narrow and drawing them into these areas will prove their undoing. Where possible material of any kind should be used to cover the tops of alleys. Houses shoulds have escape holes driven into them at different points. The defenders must remain constantly on the move to avoid entrapment and encirclement. The gronzny defence went wrong as the defenders left it to late to move out of the ensuing encirclement. The assault will only succeed if enough casualties are not made. Finally remember comms security is of paramount importance the enemy will use ECM to home in on positions especially with a high level of traffic to indicate central commands.The ratio of attackers to defenders is currently sited as 10 to 1 i.e ten attackers to every defenders. In today’s terms there is no place for trenches or buildings to be used as defences they will be blown down this is why it is a constantly moving battlefield that creates the worst scenario for any urban attacking force. A possible second scenario is that after the attacking force as now cut the rear lines of the defending forces logistic supply into Egypt then they may continue to bomb them into submission until they have little for or water and medical supplies. In this case the logistics supply lines have to be reopened as a matter of course taking whatever action is necessary in order to do that. Earlier a newspaper article carried an article saying something similar had been done in the months before. Any army needs suplies in order to fight.(For information purposes only)

  184. The month of AllahNo Gravatar says:

    As we enter the blessed month of Muharram i would like to remind myself and others of the hadith reported by Abu Hurairah.

    Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: The best month for observing fasting after Ramadan is the month of Allah, Muharram.

    Alhumdulillah we are in the winter months, the days are very short and as a result fasing has become much easier. A few months ago in ramadan we were fasting for 15 hours, now a fast is no longer than 10 hours.

    Lets take advantage of this time of year. Actions we normally find so difficult(fasting, tahajjud etc) are made very easy for those who really want it in the winter months.

    We know that Muharram is one of the sacred months and contains Ashura (10th Muharram). Abu Qatadah reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) was asked about observing fast on the tenth day of Muharram, and He replied, “It is an expiation for the sins of the previous year.”

    Great opportunities my brothers and sisters, lets not be great losers!

    Remember me in your duas

  185. Abu YahyaNo Gravatar says:

    The night raids of the Prophet (saw) and his Companions is aclear dalil (proof) to support Shaykh Awlaki’s stance you can find this narration in Bulugh Al-Maram by Ibn Hajr al-Atsqalani (ra).
    And Allah (swt) knows best!!

  186. Anwar alAwlakiNo Gravatar says:

    The comments of brother Abul Haarith are valuable words of advise coming from someone with military experience. If any one has access to Palestinian brothers in Gaza this should be passed on to them.

  187. ShaheedahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualykum Sheikh,
    Whos Abul Haarith and what did he say?

  188. ShaheedahNo Gravatar says:

    Oh its ok, I know now, sorry.

  189. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:


  190. B.AliNo Gravatar says:

    To those people who try to justify that we should go down the avenue of diplomatic means and try to solve these problems. You idiots are living in cloud cuckoo land; How dare you say that we go down this route when thousands upon thousands of my brothers and sister are being massacared; and that we should talk around a table. Remember the leaders are not of our choosing, they were put there by the west to cause anarchy in the muslim land and to restrict muslims in general from implementing the rule of Allah(swt). These rulers have declared their alliance to the west and sold their religion for a paltry sum of money…….The consensus on the rulers is that they have become apostates (this is not me saying but sincere scholars of the deen)but i myslef know the difference aswell. Some of the comments make me sick because you see the carnage in front of you but want to talk, well our enemies don’t talk they just kill. I can only pray for these beautiful people may Allah(swt) grant them Shaheed status…inshallah and allievate their suffering and free Palestine. To so -called muslims you only talk about the problem; but i ask you this sincerely imagine if your family was butchered in front of you what would you do? TAlK!! i think not!! and i pray that the ummah rises up because we can all blame the leaders but the people reflect the leaders that we have, so break away from this hopless mentality that we shall never have unity and success. Allah(swt)..glorified be he over everthing will give us victory provided we strive for it. I pray it comes in our lifetime..inshallah. Final point be you arab, pakistani, indian, etc. what made you all great was you being muslim when you forget about your deen. and revert back to jahillayah. So Allah(swt) protect us and grant the mujahideen the victories over the kuffar… inshallah.

    May Allah(swt) forgive me and all muslims on the day of judgement.


  191. AbdullaNo Gravatar says:

    All israel citizens must participate in military operations.

  192. abu DharrNo Gravatar says:

    How weak has Muslims become.. Boycotting their goods is the only thing that comes to our mind…. when 300 Muslim brothers and sisters got slaughtered in a matter of hours.
    We cannot even boycott their products properly.. Its a shame, WaAllahi we will be Questioned about this on the day of judgment.
    May Allah give us guidance and save us from Hell fire before its too late.

  193. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?
    What is our stance concerning the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and other parts of the world that is happening right now, where houses are being destroyed, farms are being wrecked, children are being killed, the wounded are being detained in the streets, houses are being bombarded and people are being prevented by the Jews and others, from buying the food and drink that they need? What can I, as a Muslim, do?

    Praise be to Allaah.

    1- You have to make du’aa’, and recite du’a’ al-qunoot in your salaah (prayer).

    2- Collect charity and send it through trustworthy channels.

    3- Support the weak and oppressed in all ways, including the media and the internet.

    4- Get scholars, daa’iyahs, khateebs and writers to explain the oppression that is happening and the negligence on the part of the ummah, and to mobilize the ummah to defend the holy places.

    5- Check on one’s own intentions with regard to fighting for the sake of Allaah, and see whether he is applying the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever dies without having fought for the sake of Allaah or having had the intention of doing so, has died following one of the branches of hypocrisy.” (Saheeh Muslim, no. 3533)

    6- Pursuing all the means of building up material and moral strength, in preparation for meeting the enemy (in battle).

    7- Reminding oneself and others of the virtues of martyrdom for the sake of Allaah and studying the rulings on jihad, and not having an attachment to this world.

    8- Doing as much damage as possible to the enemies who are in a state of war with us, by boycotting their products, attacking them verbally and in writing to humiliate and annoy them, and to point out their kufr and shirk, and their insults to Allaah, His Messenger and the believers, publishing as much as possible in the audio-visual and print media about this serious topic whilst also connecting that to Islamic belief and the words of Allaah and His Messenger,

    We ask Allaah the Exalted and All-Powerful to support His religion and cause His word to prevail.

    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

  194. slaveofAllahNo Gravatar says:

    Subhanallah, you know brothers and sisters why some of you are so critical you don’t know anyones Niyah only Allah knows, not everyone is all knowledgble as some of you are their level of taqwa is different but we all want to do something whatever is in our hands at this very moment, every bit helps in short term or longterm , even if some of us say that looks silly to some of you things can be said nicely too one always have to be careful about what they say if you hurt someone Allah doesn’t forgive until that person forgives you. JazakALlah for everyone who have provided useful information May Allah make our Iman strong bring victory to the innocents and those who are fighting in the way of ALLAH. May Allah help us do our part. Aameen.

  195. ADMIN PLEASE BAN Kufr Akbar!!!No Gravatar says:

    Kufr Akbar,

    What matters is the ‘END’ and Allah Azza Wa Jall has promised the Ummah victory in the ‘END’.

    Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Muslim: Book 41: Hadith 6985).

    Please Admin ban the likes of kufr akbar he/she is causing dissension on this weblog.


  196. US Rep. Cynthia McKinney shot at by IsraelNo Gravatar says:

    “Our mission was a peaceful mission,” said former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Dignity.

    (CNN) — An Israeli patrol boat struck a boat carrying medical volunteers and supplies to Gaza early Tuesday as it attempted to intercept the vessel in the Mediterranean Sea, witnesses and Israeli officials said.

    “Our mission was a peaceful mission,” said former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who was aboard the Dignity.
    3 of 3 CNN Correspondent Karl Penhaul was aboard the 60-foot, Gibraltar-registered pleasure boat Dignity when the contact occurred. When the boat later docked in the Lebanese port city of Tyre, severe damage was visible to the forward port side of the boat, and the front left window and part of the roof had collapsed.

    The Dignity was carrying crew and 16 passengers — physicians from Britain, Germany and Cyprus and human rights activists, including former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney — who were trying to reach Gaza through an Israeli blockade of the territory.

    The captain of the Dignity said the Israelis broadcast a radio message accusing the vessel of being involved in terrorist activity. But Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor denied that and said the radio message simply warned the vessel not to proceed to Gaza because it is a closed military area.

    Palmor said there was no response to the radio message, and the vessel then tried to out-maneuver the Israeli patrol boat, leading to the collision. Watch Penhaul describe the boat damage »

    Penhaul said at least two Israeli patrol boats had shadowed the Dignity for about half an hour before the collision, moving around the vessel on all sides. One of the patrol boats then shined its spotlight on the Dignity while the other, with its lights off, “very severely rammed” the boat.

    The captain of the Dignity told Penhaul he received no prior warning. Only after the collision did the Israelis come on the radio to say they struck the boat because they believed it was involved in terrorist activities. Watch the chaos in Gaza and Israel »

    Don’t Miss
    Olmert: Gaza airstrikes merely ‘first stage’
    Aid reaching Gaza, but U.N. says it’s not enough
    U.N. chief calls for end to Gaza violence Attacking Gaza, Israel worries about Lebanon
    The captain and crew said their vessel was struck intentionally, Penhaul said, but Palmor called those allegations “absurd.”

    “There is no intention on the part of the Israeli navy to ram anybody,” Palmor said.

    “I would call it ramming. Let’s just call it as it is,” McKinney said. “Our boat was rammed three times, twice in the front and one on the side. Watch Cynthia McKinney discuss the collision »

    “Our mission was a peaceful mission to deliver medical supplies and our mission was thwarted by the Israelis — the aggressiveness of the Israeli military,” she said.

    The incident occurred in international waters about 90 miles off Gaza. Israel controls the waters off Gaza’s coast and routinely blocks ships from coming into the Palestinian territory as part of an ongoing blockade that also applies to the Israel-Gaza border. Human rights groups have expressed concern about the blockade on Gaza, which has restricted the delivery of emergency aid and fuel supplies.

    The collision was so severe, Penhaul said, that the passengers were ordered to put on their life vests and be ready to get in lifeboats. The Dignity began taking on water, but the crew managed to pump it out of the hull long enough for the boat to reach shore.

    Palmor said the vessel refused assistance after the incident.

    The boat was carrying boxes of relief supplies, volunteers and journalists to Gaza, the Palestinian territory now subject to an intense Israeli bombing campaign.

    Israel launched airstrikes against Gaza on Saturday in what Defense Minister Ehud Barak called an “all-out war” against the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which has ruled the territory since 2007.

    The Palestinian death toll has topped 375, most of them Hamas militants, Palestinian medical sources said Tuesday. At least 60 civilians have been killed in Gaza, U.N. officials said.

    Hamas has responded with volleys of rocket fire aimed at southern Israeli towns, which have left six Israelis dead — five of them civilians.

    Hamas has vowed to defend Gaza in the face of what it calls continued Israeli aggression. Each side blames the other for violating an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire, which formally expired December 19 but had been weakening for months

  197. MujahidNo Gravatar says:

    SALAM! ya AKHI wat a wonder full speech i have give, my thoughts are exact and may and all the brothers be participated in this fight, i support the mujahideen as much as u do! salam!

  198. Umm AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum,
    barakallhu feek shaykhuna,
    I agree 100%.
    For those who want to help donate things and help to the muslims seiged in Gaza.Here is the link:

    please just see this website and think for awhile.May Allah help them and destroy al yahood.

  199. ProtestNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah,

    There will be a protest held at 4:30 in Tampa Florida on North Dale Mabry & Spruce St.. Anyone who is close by or who knows someone who is please let them know and join us.

  200. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Bro Abul Haarith, Mashallah that was some valuable info. May Allah reward you abundantly.
    I think we Muslims can just watch and talk, and in this time of ours no one can recruit for jihad except the mujahideen themselves. If someone will call for jihad, he/she will be caught by the Long Unjust Arm of USA. But since the mujahideen are already on the battlefield and are not reachable by the US, they could openly invite and give info on how to join them. So hopefully brothers who are on the battlefield could make the info available for everyone? Otherwise there are many brothers who would like to support the mujahideen (physically) but do not know how…
    Of course, they should make the info available with the enemies’ thoughts in mind, so that the enemies of Islam won’t use the info against them (i.e to target the areas and individuals).

  201. TanzilaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam alaykum..60yrs too needs to end..wheres our fear of Allah? wheres our dignity?wheres our honor?wheres our humanity? no goevernment will stand up ..we muslims need to fight our own fights..May Allah guide us and give us victory ..amin ya Rab

  202. OmarNo Gravatar says:

    A great response in arabic to the situation by Sheikh Muhammad Hassan:

  203. My Tax Dollars at Work- Shame on MENo Gravatar says:

    US smart bomb comes in handy
    Mohammed Mar’i I Arab News

    WAITING FOR ORDERS: Israeli armored personnel carriers take position on the Israeli-Gaza Strip border on Monday. (AFP)

    RAMALLAH, West Bank: The Israeli Air Force used a new bunker-buster missile in the Gaza Strip that it received recently from the United States.

    The missile, GBU-39, was developed recently by the US as a small-diameter bomb for low-cost, high-precision and low collateral damage strikes.

    In a report yesterday, The Jerusalem Post said that Israel received approval from Congress to purchase 1,000 units in September. The report quoted defense officials as saying that the first shipment had arrived earlier this month and was used successfully in penetrating underground Qassam rocket-launchers in the Gaza Strip during the heavy aerial bombardment of Hamas infrastructure on Saturday. It was also used in Sunday’s bombing of tunnels in Rafah.

    The GBU-39 is said to be one of the most accurate bombs in the world. The 113-kg bomb has the same penetration capabilities as a normal 900-kg one, although it has only 22.7 kg of explosives.

    At just 1.75 meters long, its small size increases the number of bombs an aircraft can carry and the number of targets it can attack in a sortie.

  204. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    Agree, KufrAkbar and any other useless kafirs should be banned. These people will only waste our time and start unnecessary arguments.

  205. Rukajja/bintJihadNo Gravatar says:

    Es Selamu aleykum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu

    First of all let me congratulate to all rand/modern/government/democratic/antiJihadi/anti sunnah/anti fundamental BUT also those who does think that they do not belong in to one of these so called twentyfirst century muslims with any of their deeds or nondeeds, muslims for the masakre on the Ummah of Muhammed salAllahu alejhi we sellem! This does not include our brothers and sisters on the blattlefields, but we do not worry about them, since they are aware enough to question them selves, their conscience, even when they sacrifise everything for this Deen!

    And to those who does not see them selfs if not thinking than talking like those democratic brothers and sisters, and if not talking than acting like them, if not anything of that than remaining reserved… think again

    “Hope” that our brothers and sisters in the US and other lands of kufr for which leaders they voted do now sleep nice and calm, which would not surprise me at all!

    How ever, like I said, congratulations, indeed you showed all allegiance to your leaders till the last drop of your BROTHERS AND SISTERS blood!

    The attack on Gaza did not began a few days ago, we do all know that! The history is repeating again and again and again, and still, only a few learn the lesson.

    Well elHamdulillahi Rabbi-l-Alemin for those few one, elHamdulillah

    Not that voting is the only step which leaded to this, I just mentioned it since every human with a minimum of intelligent content did see to what it leads.

    Shaykh, inshaAllah you are in my dua’s that our Lord gives you an opportunity to join where your heart im sure is longing to, BUT since only Allah knows where the khair is, will ask Him only for what is khair for you!

    May Allah preserve you and your family!

    May Allah give a way out for brothers and sisters in Gaza, and may He destroy Izrael with all His Power, Amin!

    Es Selamu aleykum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu

  206. jowhara bint yusufNo Gravatar says:

    As Salaamu alaikum
    I was discussing this blog with my husband. He is incarcerated and has limited access to news and information from the outside, so I share what I read. I brought up this statement of the blog. My husband said that he had never heard of this, and asks if someone will please clarify what battle this killing of a muslim woman precluded and pass on the da’lil. Quote from blog is as follows…
    “Rasulullah(saaws) waged war on the Jews for their attack on one Muslim woman”

  207. Al Furqan 63No Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum to all my brothers and sisters. I just wanted to remind myself and you that there are people in here who are jahil (ignorant) and are only here to cause fitnah and to get a reaction form us, lets not fall for their traps. Allah (swt) tell us in surah Al-Furqan about the attribute of his faithful servants: {And the slaves of the Most Merciful are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentelness (words that they remain free from sin)}. Lets try to imitate those faithful servants. We are muslims and should be better than them since we are the followers of Muhammed (saw) and he had the best of characters.Jzk Allahu khairan shykh for the all the khiar we have benefited from you, may Allah (swt) save guard you, your family and the ummah of Muhammed (saw)…Amin. And our final statement is Alhamdulillahi Rabil ‘alamin

  208. Muhammed AliNo Gravatar says:

    Any protests in CHICAGO? One of the largest Muslim community in US.

    At least EU is speaking out now;

    And the Hypocrite chicken Arab leaders still not sure about an Emergency Arab Summit; SHAME on them, Throw a shoe on them ALL.

    “The ministerial council has not decided about the proposed extraordinary Arab summit, and has referred the matter to the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on Wednesday,” Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said. “There is no point in attending an Arab summit of statements, without having the right conditions for success and influence,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted the prince as saying.

  209. Abu HaneefaNo Gravatar says:

    Salam Alay Kum

    I would just like to add that I am from amongst those who have always held the opinion that to target women and children is incorrect based upon the teachings of Islam as i understood it. HOWEVER, i must say that this opinion of mine is a general opinion with exceptions. We know that rules relating to matters of jurisprudence can differ and change, even more so when dealing with places in which the rules and conditions are different to other parts of the world, and without any doubt Palestine is one of those parts of the worlds where the conditions are different to most other parts of the world for many reasons but to name a few only.
    A) As has been stated all men and WOMEN are to serve in the military and must answer the call of combat when called upon.
    So no one can argue about such thing as Innocent. Also the hadeeths which talk about not targeting women and children also provide the EXCEPTION to the rule, which is Unless the fight you. So you should not kill a women but if she picks up arms to fight you ( a combatant) then you can kill her. Now if anyone want to put a restriction on the word combaatant and say ” oh well she is part of the military but she was not fighting when you killed her etc”. This is someone who is probably willing to scoop to the lowest level to defend a guilty non muslim and would make thousand and one excuses for them, and quick to condemn a muslim brother without making any excuses whatsoever.

    Some one mentioned that martyrdom operations means that one should not get killed in the process or something of that nature??

    Read the translation of the Shafee Fiqh Manual called Reliance of the Traveller and see under the definition of Jihad it permits you to throw yourself at the enemy even if it means you will be killed in the process as long as you also take out the enemy with you.

    Also a brother has mentioned the examples from the life of the Prophet about providing ground rules and at time acting contrary to them due to their being some exception examples of cutting down the trees and mutilation of the bodies. We should note that as we understand generaly the killing of Children and women is not permitted but under some circumstances there are exceptions to the rules which permit these acts more so in Palestine than any other part of the world.
    I recognise the view point of Sheikh Anwar and also believe that it is a valid viewpoint in relation to the situation in Ghaza, and if people want to go off track talking about analogies like “if we kill them they will kill us etc etc”, well whats New?? I believe its time now some of the so called scholars, representatives of the muslim communities who are Muslim for the sake of the disbeleivers to rejoin the ranks of Muslim for the sake of Allah.

  210. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    Recently I read a post from a brother wherein he mentioned his dream (for those who didn’t read this post he said in his dream he travelled to Somalia to join our brothers in Jihad. On his way to a mosque he met an elderly man [Whose appearance was religious] who informed him not to go into the mosque as only idol worshippers were there – presumably where our brothers are- but eventually, eventually he saw this ‘religious looking Actually KAFIR’ man in a father christmas outfit and realised that he was an obstacle ) and I can’t help but make a similarity with this statement
    “Anwar, confine your attention to Somalia for the time being. Israel is obliterating Hamas and there is nothing you and your sycophants can do about it”
    lol, are you scared already! If there is really nothing We can do about it, why bother?

    “when (will come) the Help of Allah?” Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near! Suratul Baqara Ayah 214

  211. Abdullah (abul haarith)No Gravatar says:

    After the bombardment!

    Well sources have it that air and sea bombardments are currently being carried out against the gaza strip. Hardly precision bombing- lets call a spade a spade this is area bombardments designed to flatten whole areas and create as many casualties as possible. Reuters carry such a sad photo of an Israeli helplessly looking on and trying to give first aid to his dog after a rocket attack by Hamas. IS THIS REAL OR WHAT reuters calling all morons calling all morons.

    Back to phase 1 of the attack. The attackers do no feel confident as yet to launch a ground assault and so will relentlessly continue to pound the strip hoping to have Hamas submit to them. We may well see some small scale incursions in the next 72 hours to test the Hamas defences probing for holes and to log positions. When the weight of fire is against you holding positions unless heavily dug in will prove pointless. The attacking force has to be kept guessing and always on the back foot. They can pound until next Ramadan, but as long as food and water is getting through then they will be left with no alternative but to initiate a ground assault. Then we enter a whole new ball game.

    One thing is for certain, Saudi has the biggest navy and airforce in the ME yet as the great saying goes “I see no ships I see no ships.”

    A weapons inventory of needs

    anti tank

    hand held surface to air missles

    Mortars 81mm -120mm

    kings and princes, shaikhs and ministers who have millions upon millions in overseas accounts can’t spare a few dinars for Hamas to go shopping.

    I remember the greatest of this Ummah after the messengers and prophets, Abu Bakr- When he brought is entire fortune and he was asked, “what have you left your family”, ” I have left them Allah and his messenger”

    With live life’s of luxury helping the kuffar with our taxes to finance these crusades against our brothers and sisters.

    The Muslim is the brother of a Muslim he neither deserts him or speaks bad about him in his absence.

    A tactical note: When the Taliban were dug in on the ridges above the Alliance it was a pretty secure bet that is unless you have F16’s flying sorties over the top of you and B52’s unloading on your head. Moral: don’t get bogged down stay fluid and stay mobile unless something dictates otherwise. (information purposes only)

  212. Abu HaneefaNo Gravatar says:

    P.S Can someone actually find the term used in fiqh relating to warfare where the term ” Civilian” is used?

    Also to note: The work of Ibn Rushd which discusses the viewpoint of the 4 schools of Juristic thought in many issues has a section under Jihaad as is the case with most works relating to Fiqh, and i found it interesting to note that Imam Shafee and other “Classical” scholars were of the opinion to fight non muslims simply based on the principle that they are non muslims! So there was not a need for non muslims to have to attack you in order for you to perform Jihaad, their disbelief was a valid reason in itself. I know its off the topic but perhaps someone can comment further inshallah

  213. muwahidaNo Gravatar says:

    salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

    jazakAllah khair. Indeed, well said.

    I don’t see why should have to review your take on this..Allahu alam. Seems an emotional person would ask or wish for you to do that, but a logical person who sees the Haqq, probably wouldn’t.

    May the haqq always be with you, and may Allah swt always protect you and your family, and all those who do not fear speaking the haqq and support it in whatever way they can, ameen.

    wassalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

  214. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Brother Al khurasani

    jazakallah khayer for the links of english and urdu books, they seem very good mashaAllah.its a good website.

  215. SalahNo Gravatar says:

    Ya muslimeen… please send these links to as many people as possible.. eventhough democracy now is run by al- yahood both of these clips are by far the best coverage of the events in Gaza I have seen…

    These clip i think is the best.. Please spread these links by email to all those you know muslimeen and non muslim…

  216. MuhsinaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulla wa Barakatu,

    According to the zionist, “The blogosphere and new media are another war zone,” said Foreign Press Branch head Maj. Avital Leibovich. “We have to be relevant there,


    3:196 LET IT NOT deceive thee that those who are bent on denying the truth seem to be able to do as they please on earth:
    3:197 it is [but] a brief enjoyment, with hell thereafter as their goal – and how vile a resting-place!

  217. MuhsinaNo Gravatar says:

    There are many ways to do jihad and fight the enemy, as mentioned by many brothers and sisters on this site, are planning, but Allah is the best of planners….

    “Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers”

    The fight is on many fronts and we all may not be able to participate on the ground next to our brother and sisters in palestine, but we should fight the enemy where we fine them, when we can and how we can.

    Allahu Akbar

  218. TausifNo Gravatar says:


    May Allah Azzawajal increase the status of Sheik Awlaki.

    Yaa Sheikh make dua and very hardcore dua with your followers and jus get into egypt so that all the people against the Israli dogs can unite and jus teach the snakes a lesssson.


    Even many kafir speak against all these louder than some muslims.

    TO those who are debating about whats ryt and wuts wrong jus Hang ur self and die cus unless u repent for your reluctance to do something you ll end up dying as a Munafiq.

  219. Ibn MukhtarNo Gravatar says:

    I dont care what the West things of Islam or what the non muslims think. The truth is what the shaykh has said and we must look to the fact that the only solution is through Jihad and removing the puppet leaders from the muslim lands

  220. :(No Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatahu beloved sheikh and brothers and sisters in Islam
    SubhanAllah sitting here at home and helplesly watching so many of our brothers and sisters being ripped to pieces, our future ummah’s feeble bodies wrapped in shrouds subhanAllah makes the heart bleed and screamm with pain
    SubhanAllah our beloved Prophet (Sal Allahu alayhi Wasalam) said:”The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.” [Muslim],
    SubhanAllah dont we feel it when our limbs are being ripped apart? how numb has this “body” become? How many more limbs does it have to lose before it finally wakes up? SubhanAllah this once mighty Ummah which conquered lands, Was feared and looked up to, How has it got to the point that the enemies are able to humiliate us and degrade us like this ?
    On the authority of Thawbaan, the Prophet(Sal Allahu alayhi Wasalam)
    “The People will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.”

    Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]
    I first point at myself before others, here i am writing this in the comfort of my room, safe and sound with electricity, food and no threat of bombs falling from the sky! SubhanAllah
    Qur’an 4:75-76
    And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who being weak are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men women and children whose cry is: “Our Lord! rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from Thee one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help!”
    Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil: so fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

  221. ElSaltadorNo Gravatar says:

    Imam Anwar,
    dis is a

  222. im palestinian.. start with yourselves....No Gravatar says:

    You want to help us…start with yourselves…Your leaders in the middle east are corrupted and so is ours. If each country gets rid of their own corrupted leaders it will be like the ripple effect… the only way you are going to get real change happening in that part of the world is getting rid of your dictatorship corrupted regimes and YOU yourselves choosing your own just government. Israel’s closest ally isnt America.. Give me a Break.. Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, and even now Iraq all have normalized relations with Israel…I am really happy to see all the protests and thank you for making your voice heard… But the issue isnt the Palestinians…Its a much bigger issue with the Arab Nations including the PA authority….They support Israel as much as the west does…AT LEAST THE WEST DOESNT HIDE IT….We arabs and muslims are our own worst enemies… Its time you muslims in the middle east stand up for yourselves before you stand up for us……Let your governments know how you feel and make your voices heard…If the PEOPLE LEAD, the LEADERS will FOLLOW

  223. prostratingcavalryNo Gravatar says:

    JazakAllah Khair brother Abul Haarith, for your valuable advice. I’ve sent it to a friend outside Gaza. I’m memorising it myself, one day soon inshAllah, I’ll implement it too.

  224. MNo Gravatar says:

    I wonder if dajjal is walking around in this dunyah right now…

  225. im palestinian.. start with yourselves....No Gravatar says:

    I disagree with the author…islam prohibits the killing of innocents on all levels even in warfare…we are not a vigilante religion going around killing everyone even though they do…they dont have any morals period but we do….

  226. al khazzanNo Gravatar says:

    salam alakum. ya Sheikh is not time for jihad. and if not when is it. ya sheikh im so scared to stand befor allah(swt) and have no anwsers to what is happening to the ummah. remeber sheikh muslim blood is sacred and a lot have been spilt.

  227. el wela wel beraNo Gravatar says:

    EsSelamu alejkum.

    Brother Anwar Al Awlaki is giving a lecture on the subject ‘THE END OF TIME’ ON 1st January 2009 from 11 an to 7:30pm with other lectures (via video confrence..!!) at LONDON LMC (East London Mosque)* ** it is a great opportunity for us to listen to brothe Anwar.(I beleibe there is a Q&A session too) Jasak Allah Khairan”

  228. Qaisar WahrNo Gravatar says:

    Dewelling on the fatwa the shiek Ibn Uthmayun may Allah mercy on him is a serious fatwa. i think he has more deatils to the fatwa. a friend of mine told me its the muslims in the land plastine who have to kill the women and children these israelils go into the services of the israeli army the are trianed to kill muslims of the land they aslo pay money to kill muslims. these people cant fight the fighters . ALLAH says in Quran the kuffar fight behind something fortress bulit proof jacket a press of button , armed to the teeth vechiles. Allah wants to show them that the word of Allah there is no diety to be worshipped expect Allah to be high those words. Allah Akbar

  229. To Im palestinian- Get a life..No Gravatar says:

    To I am Palestinian “Start with YOURSELF FIRST”.

    Why are you living “outside Palestine” when your “country” is being bombarded. And who cares “What _________ian ” you are, IS NOT BEING MUSLIM ENOUGH FOR YOU?

    Why don’t you go back to GAZA with ALL your family and other so called “Palestinians” and enjoy the fireworks in GAZA from your lovely “Neighbor” Israel and yes don’t forget the rights of “neighbor’s” in ISLAM.

  230. ProtestNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum,

    Today we had our protest. After that, non muslims went on their news website and proceeded to call us monkeys and pigs, and telling us to go back to our country. The country that they have taken away from us in the first place. There is no end to the ignorance in this country.

    This is very upsetting. I hate to be judgemental, but I can’t help myself. Why are our muslim Palestinian men not going out to defend their people? How can they sit at home doing nothing knowing that this is happening next door?

    I hope that my following statement provokes people: I am ashamed of our men who continue to sit around and do nothing except tsk tsk tsk at the TV!

    Allah yehdina o ywahedna

  231. YusufNo Gravatar says:

    Whats happening right now in Gaza is sickening and saddening, it only confirms al Barra for all kaafirs in my heart, they are not for us, we are not for them.
    Their taking the biscuit, look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Somalia, Kashmir, Thailand and all the other places.
    But AlhumduLillah, how many Muslims are there in the world, how many yahood are there in the world?? Once wev broken free from our ghafalah, we will inshAllah be back and deal out justice. Like what was done, to the 3 tribes Bani Qanooqa, Bani Qureida, and Bani Nadir.

  232. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    KUFR AKBAR: trust me, Hamas, being Sunni Islamist, has no interest in dealing with Iran who is Shi’a (and trust me, when the time comes Sunni Islamists and Shi’as will be pitted against each other).

    MOHAMMED Q: You are completely right. I agree, but I don’t think that massacre in this case will be our victory. That nation was eliminated but gained victory in Jannah only, whereas this Ummah is promised victory in Dunya and in Aakhirah. May Allah let it come soon.

    MUHAMMED ALI: I heard that there is a protest in Chicago from a brother here. If you either keep checking back here or leave me an email address I could let you know once I find out. The protest is on Friday, inShaAllah.

  233. samiehNo Gravatar says:

    great article on isreals imperical agenda. good time to post this everywhere. if you like imam anwar you should like shaykh imran hosein probably…

  234. samiehNo Gravatar says:

    bis millah
    shaykh anwar. i really hope you get a chance to watch this video! your feed back would be great. this is not rand halwa shaykh. mashallah.

    this is absolute must see for everyone

  235. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Ya Mu’minoun I just got back from a protest in DC and I would like to share the experience with you, as it brings up key issues with the state of the Ummah.

    First and foremost, the people who were there for Palestine and not Islam were pathetic. The Palestinian flags are not what we should bring. He who fights for nationalism is not from among us.

    Shortly after I got there Maghrib rolled around. I asked a brother to call the Adhan, and to do it loudly. He did it, but subhanallah nobody seemed to respond. So I climbed up on a ledge and started yelling, “It is time for Maghrib come pray in the parking lot! Do we have a Hafiz?”

    Subhanallah, some of the protest organizers started arguing with me. One of them said, “It can be delayed.”

    I paused for a second, because I assumed the guy knew something I did not about prayer, but I quickly decided he was wrong and I yelled back, “No! Maghrib is the shortest prayer time you don’t delay it. Praying in the early time is the best of deeds.”

    They wanted to do a march to the Israeli embassy at that time and I was interrupting their announcement. They had megaphones, but Allah(SWT) blessed me with a very loud voice, maybe this is why. Anyway, referring to the march another man said, “You can delay it, this is a matter of life or death.”

    I yelled back, “Prayer is the best thing you can do.”

    He yelled back something along the lines of, “We don’t need to pray now.”

    So I yelled to him, “Many of the people here are Muslims!” Then I turned to the crowd and yelled, “If you are Muslim then you pray!”

    Subhanallah, people were making their way to the parking lot by the time I came down, but not as many as should have in such a crowd. Furthermore, I believe the guy who initially argued with me was a “Muslim.”

    Another thing is that the argument people had was the wrong argument. People there are just as quick to denounce their brothers and sisters in Ghaza as the kuffar in Israel. People only cared that Israel was using F-16’s. You shouldn’t care what they use. If the kuffar were throwing rocks you should make du’a that their forces be crushed.

    Also, we should not allow the kuffar to dress like us. They have lately taken a liking to wearing the type of scarf we wear (men), and it is disgusting to see them stealing something we use to separate ourselves from them. If you see them wearing our clothing show them your disgust.

    I wore my scarf like the Mujahid, and a brother denounced me for it. I told him, “I am not here for Bush or Obama. They are not going to change. I am here for the Mujahideen. All I want out of this is to make someone in Ghaza smile knowing they have the support of the Ummah.” Eventually, I took it off because it started getting wet from my breath.

    I yelled, “Allahum’ansar Mujahideen,” but all I got was strange looks, not from kuffar, but from Muslims! I started yelling “La Ilaha Ill Allah!” but only two people joined in that I could hear. Some sisters did the same later, but no one joined them. A brother actually suggested not saying Takbeer. Subhanallah what is this Ummah doing to itself?

    I have never been so disgusted in my life.

  236. samiehNo Gravatar says:

    im tired of seeing arab and other muslim countries flags….im from lebanese(syrian)decent. and its time for palesinian, hizbollah and the cedar flag to all get tossed out and start waving black flags with la ellaha ill allah muhammad arasul allah

    does any one know where to get those online?
    thats what protesters need too

  237. samiehNo Gravatar says:

    when the puppet arab dictators see those flags going up you will really see them start squirming. they have there bags packed and escape routes ready at all times for sure

  238. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    @Zakariya, Brother- this is the reality, I would suggest you Hijrah, becuase Pro-Mujahideen people cant last long in a group of Hypocrites. Your Brothers out in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan are waiting for you. Takbeer.

  239. ibnmuadhNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaykum …
    People, I need your views. I have a friend thinking of leaving his University study for Jihad in Somalia. but I advised him to finish studying first. However, I know he might not use the knowledge for he is going for physical combat. Advise?

  240. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum:
    To the one call: “im palestinian.. start with yourselves….”:
    The issue is not being Palestinian nor is it being Arab. For us as Muslim and supporters of the Mujahideen is to liberate and defend the entire Holy Lands of Islam, Baitul Muqaddas, and every occupying land of the Muslims from the filthy pigs and apes of the Children of the Illegal state of Israel and their allies who are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world, the violators of pacts and agreements, the murderers of the prophets, and the offspring of apes and pigs.
    The Mujahideen is going to achieve this goal and victory whether the puppets of Illegal Israel are in power or not, insh’Allah. Know, that the friends and allies of Shaytan are also the enemies of the believers and the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen those not recognize so call presidents and kings elected in a godless non- (or) democratic “puppet show”, governing a land with imaginary boundaries. What we recognize are: a khilifah, Shariah, lands of Islam, and fulfilling with Allah’s Help, divine retribution rights to aid the Muslims wherever in the world they are suffering and being oppressed. Know that the enemy’s defeat has already begun and how many a small company has overcome a large company by permission of Allah Azza Wa Jall? This is because Allah is with the patient. Know that victory is not except from Allah Azza Wa Jall. Do not let The Pigs’ military might and their RANDS supporters, dazzle you, but know that Allah Azza Wa Jall supports with His Victory whom He wills and indeed here is a great lesson for those of vision:

    “If you disbelievers seek the victory – the defeat has come to you. And if you desist from hostilities, it is best for you; but if you return to war, We will return, and never will you be availed by your large company at all, even if it should increase; and that is because Allah is with the believers.”

    [Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 19]

    [Their] assembly will be defeated, and they will turn their backs [in retreat].

    [Surah Al-Qamar, Ayat 45]

  241. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam I ask u in the name of Allah , the men of our ummah to not make excuses and the women not to create excuses
    have sincere intention and Allah will open the way for u to do your duty Allah will protect your journey if its in Him you trust Allah can do anything if you call on him one dua can be accepted strait away Allah can blind the Kaffurs eyes from even seeing u so move move no excuses for all those with the wealth to go
    and those who dont have the wealth if your sincere Allah will make it happen and those that can finacially support others to go do it dont hesitate Dont listen to your wives When you hesitate you lose the reward Allah was going to give u amd the ummah loses too because your unable to do your share and the little sweet children that bring delight to our lives die because our hearts are cold and selfish and lovin this miserable life like the yahud Dont u all agree that Allahs pleasure is the only pleasure of value in this life Allah help us to actually support each other and get hardship from it Then Allah will be pleased then we will unite and make a difference No offence to the sisters that want for their siter what they want for themselves I love u all for the sake of Allah and only want whats best for this ummah Someone please anwer the 16 year old wanta be mujahid (marshallah ) lets hope inshallah that our youth will be men who love death) who had the dream that ummuasma mentioned I think its on the (letter to Somali Al shabab) blog Remember no excuses Allahs watching u and me Salames

  242. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Zakariya u dont belong there actually I cant understand why muslims live there its a hell hole Ive had Hijra on my mind , wont leave my mind for 6 months now and im preparing to get out of here as its killing me and my children that is what the west does slow death, your in my duas

  243. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Zakariya, I admire your unwavering effort to promote Islam. What you painted was a bleak picture, and your likes will fix it. SubhanAllah, that people did not come to pray Salah! That shows that these people are simply playing on emotions and don’t care for the Deen.

    Truth will prevail.

  244. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    Akhii Ibn Muadh jazakum Allah khair,

    Please don’t share your brothers plans with the world. You can always finished your studies. But if the brother is from MN, I would be very careful as the situation there is very tense. Wa
    Allahu alam…I ask Allah to guide the bro and all of us.

  245. Abu Ayrow as Somali: “The response is what you see and not what you hear..."”No Gravatar says:

    Akhii Zakariya barak Allahu feekum,

    I personly didn’t go to that stupid protest and I don’t see any good in them. Because it’s a sign of weakness and people should response with the swords. But I also admire your work and concern. Since your in the area I would love to meet you. Check w/ the somali brother in Mason they know.

  246. AllahuAkbarNo Gravatar says:

    @i am palestinian,
    what you said is correct, but we can’t ignore palestine now and go for demonstrations in our own countries to remove the government. it’s about priorities and palestine is the first in the priorities.
    secondly even if we wanted to change the so called muzlim governments, if we were to take democratic way of change – it would take years and years, you would go for polls, and get some seat in the government, and then discuss some trivial issues, then…. at the end of the day, nothing would be left from your islam! and you would end up like them – the rand muzlims!
    @Zakariya, may Allah reward you for your efforts. As you already know many shaikhs prohibit (it’s haram) muslims living among the non-Muslims. And this is precisely for that, when Muslims live too long among the muslims they will become like them. You don’t belong there ya akhii, come and join your brothers in Muslim countries and get the respect that you should get from your brothers.

  247. bint mohamoud al somalNo Gravatar says:


    Unfortunately I went to the protest here in SF this evening as well. Alhamdulilah it was a very large turn out but it didnt bring out the crowd I wanted. As you all might know here in my area their are a lot of anti war activist so they took it the streets with us. As everyone was chanting me and the sisters with me kept on reminding each other to renew our intentions, all the chanters and the people who organized this protest were not muslim and dont have the same agenda as we did. The crowd was at least 45% non muslims and everytime we tried yelling out Allahu Akbar we got nothing in return if at all a few times. It really saddened me to see some brothers (from our masjid) who would just stare and seem to have forgetten Allah through this whole experience.

    This country is not for the mujahideen as mentioned before, Sh. Anwar is fortunate to be out of here. I pray that Allah finds me a righteous husband who has the same mind set as you all.

    May Allah grant our brothers and sisters in Gaza martydom, we shouldnt feel sorry for them but the muslims who seat there and do nothing.

  248. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    If Zakariya here is the same Zakariya who had the dream then I think Allahs answering u Allah be pleased with u and sorry about the mistake it was your brother who is 16 and your dream is on the ( Lies on the telegraph) just in case its another Zakariya

  249. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualiakum wrwb Samiaeh Hizb at Tahrir have them they used them last Friday in the protest in Sydney dont know what country ur in but look at their site salames

  250. fuadNo Gravatar says:

    asalaam aleikum my brothers n sisters in islam,wallahi i cried like a baby when i saw what the jews have done to our fellow muslims whether male or female.i saw pictures of a father,son,brother,mother,sister,relative crying out loud,there faces showing the agony they have underwent under the occupation rule for a long time without any help from the muslim leaders except consolations,condolences,food stuffs.
    this is not what the palestinians need they need justice to prevail and the rightful owners to regain there dignity,rights and freedom over there land.this is not a question of truce and coexistence with a people who have a history of breaking promises not forgeting killing the prophets thus they cant be accomodated whatsoever.
    the israelites should be eradicated from the surface of the earth and all there history should be buried with them never to be unearthed.
    we have witnessed a people who kill innocent individuals especially women and children,breaking all rules regarding human rights with impunity.
    this is totaly unacceptable and if in any case there is a people that ALLAH(sw)has given enough power to prevent what has happened and hence they didnt do so then they have betrayed the ummah and islam as a whole.
    As for the muslim leaders i think they have succumbed to the attraction of this dunia and driven by the greed for amassing all the wealth they can yet they dont consider the hisab for sheitan has acquired there company hence they are dancing to the tune they are being played but the most high,the owner of the day of judgement will set all of us straight inshaallah and am certain of that.
    may ALLAH(sw)grant us victory the way he promised all the muslim, hold fast to the rope of allah(sw)and he shall eleviate us and we shall be the victors.

  251. HamidNo Gravatar says:

    This i sa reply to :
    “Some one mentioned that martyrdom operations means that one should not get killed in the process or something of that nature??

    Read the translation of the Shafee Fiqh Manual called Reliance of the Traveller and see under the definition of Jihad it permits you to throw yourself at the enemy even if it means you will be killed in the process as long as you also take out the enemy with you.”

    well, as u mention, the manual says if you should get KILLED, not kill yourself.
    if one man attacks an army of 1 million to defend muslims etc its okey.
    cause still that person does not know the qader.
    to get killed and kill oneself is two different things.
    and recently people are justifiyng suicide operations, wich includes a person him/herself killing themselfes.

  252. Change is on its wayNo Gravatar says:

    I sence the CHANGE in UHHAM and Iam sure you all do as well.

    Gone are the Prophets and Rightly Guided Khulafah and the Great Imaams.

    Now we the Ummah has only 2 things the Quran and the Sunnah, so HOLD on TIGHT to these two and engrave them in your heart and mind so our limbs can follow its comand.

    In times where most (not all) Imaams are fixated only on their Masjid and the Leaderds only on their seats, CHANGE will only come through UMMAH the ordinary people who say enough is enough and start changing themselves FIRST and put themselves and others back on the straight path in TOTALITY only for the sake of Allah SWT.

  253. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaikh ya sheikh anwar

    al hamdilillah i do agree with you 1000000% to eradicate the terrorist jewish state from the surface of the earth. And i’m from these who would love to kill ALL the ugly jewish to clean up the planet for once including children, woman, olderly but also babies in their mothers womb for the sake of Allah exactely as Ali Ibnu abi taleeb rathiya Allahu anhu did to banu natheer jewish tribe.

    also i say to muZlims ( rand muslims) who are defending the terrorists jewish to horry up to israel to join them and fight alongside the jewish because sooner or later you the muZlims and the jewish will be slaughtered and eradicated inchaAllah with help of Allah.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allâh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.).

    Surah 16/126

  254. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    to these nationalist palestinians

    I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU and i do not care about any palestinian who is not a follower of keetab Allah and the sunnah of rasoulAllah salalAllahu alaihi wasalam.

    as muslims our first priority is to liberate the Quds and the land of the sahabah rathiya Allahu anhum not the useless palestinians who are half spies for israel and the other half are christians spies for the crusaders

    so i say to the nationalist palestinians to go to hell and take abbas with you.

    and stop waving that ugly palestianian national flag

  255. shaik hyderNo Gravatar says:

    Nabi (SAS)said:Umaah is a whole body.whenever a finger gets injured the whole body feels the pain.
    But what about me?my brothers and sisters are driven out of their homes and assaulted wickedly and there is no difference in my daily life. i’m taking full meal,surfing internet…..shame on me!O Allah be merciful with me and put kind into my herat towards my brothers and sisters.otherwise i’m like a Black stone having no sensing ability!!!!!

  256. Abu AliNo Gravatar says:

    ASalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Dearest Shaykh,

    I love listening to your lectures and they inspire me very much. I just have one comment to make on “The meaning of Gaza” article, your comment is much better than a lot of rubbish being spouted around but I feel you failed to note that the Islamic State and its military is the means by which Israel is to driven into the sea but you seem to imply that the groups firing rockets are willing and able to do so.

    In other words, Palestine is a symptom of the absence of the Islamic State. The Jews were only able to establish their State on Palestine when the Islamic State fell and Israel will be destroyed when the Islamic State once again rises.

    I would be very grateful if you have time to reply to my comment and Inshallah may Allah protect you, Ameen. Remember me in your dua’s. Your Brother.

  257. im palestinian to the person who called me a hypocriteNo Gravatar says:

    Yes I am a muslim and a proud one…Why dont you come to GAZA with me and get your family to get slaughtered as well…I lived there under the brutal occupation…You have no idea what its like and you have no right to judge….How many of you people actually visited the Palestinians…THATS RIGHT NONE OF YOU!!!!!!! Your countries are SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY while our blood gets scattered….You want to help the falestinia START FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE in your own BACKYARD…BEcause even the palestinians blame Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the clan for doing business with these Israeli murderers….You all sit on the sidelines while we suffer….My grandparents are there right now dealing with this crap…so dont you dare judge me..Yes I do have family there that have to actually endure whats going on…Like Anwar said…The palestinians, iraqis, afghanis, kashmiris, chechynians, are all the white cow…who do you think is next if this continues……..And those that say protests dont do nothing…I disagree making your voice heard is one of the most effective ways of allowing people to witness and understand the actual truth…At least those people are doing something and allowing their voices to be used for the truth…..

  258. MujtabaNo Gravatar says:

    [please paste link. Article too long]

  259. MNo Gravatar says:

    Please read above Post – I know it is difficult to read because of its format, but very informative. A much easier version to read can be found on:

    I am sure that no one will condone the killing of women or children after they read a QUALIFIED Islamic opinion on the matter or just use their plain sense.

    I know we are not in the same situation as our brothers and sisters in Palestine – I know we cannot feel the same pain they do when they lose 5 daughters in one night – I know we do not go through the same fears they do at night when they hear the bombing -

    But I do know one thing – killing women and children is not going to help anything, is against the Shariah and it really doesn’t matter if they kill 1,000,000 children, if you retaliate by specifically trying to kill children, then you will be doing something haraam.

    We fight for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of our anger or revenge. If you think CHILDREN and BABIES are the enemies of Almighty Allah, go check yourself into a mental hospital..

    I am the least worthy to even speak but I just couldn’t keep quiet when someone sent me the link to this blog.


  260. Brother Al KhurasaniNo Gravatar says:

    when something is Fardh Ain, it is fardh ain, we cant postpone it, if your firend wants to go, encourrage him.

  261. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    I agree with Abu Ali.

    While it is Fard for the people of Palestine to resist the Israeli occupation, I believe that ultimately the liberation of Palestine will not be from within, but when the new Islamic State reconquers the region, InShaAllah. Similar to Salah ud-Deen.
    May we live to see that day.

  262. harun_G1No Gravatar says:

    In regards to sheikhs comment regarding the killing of civilians if they kill ours is something that is serious. We should stop thinking of how the kuffaar will see us… the truth will always prevail. What really came to my mind when reading what sheikh said of qisas (civilian for a civilian in this case), i remembered the quranic ayah:
    Jihâd (holy fighting in Allâh’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know. (2:216)

    The sahabah didnt even want to fight in the begining, as you may have read matters were resolved without arms being raised, but Allah tells us due to circumstances there is sometimes no other option. The ayah is telling us that fighting itself may be disliked but it is for the best, to remove fitnah (evil). The armies and police of the world do exactly what the ayah tells us, we may not like it, but it is needed. Jazaakallah to sheikh for shedding light on this issue, as i also used to think about what the kuffaar would say…
    But as someone once said there are always going to be SOME innocent casualties in war, not ALL innocent casualties like in palestine. May Allah help and protect the muslims in palestine and all over the world!! Ameen. Wasalaam.

  263. Saifatul ShahadahNo Gravatar says:

    I agree that Palestine needs outside help. They can’t do it alone. Libyans have sent a ship to Palestine, and I can say that I’m sure el Kadhafi went crazy over that. Now if every other Muslim country sent whatever they could, it would help Palestine greatly. Alhamdulillah the yahood are cowards, and are already going crazy over the attacks. They can’t do much now, and they might need to send in troops on ground into Gaza. If they do, the Gazans will be able to take them on easily. My brothers and sisters, please keep supporting them, and do as much as you can to help out. Whether it’s just being part of a protest, or sending food and clothes, or anything. Do your part so when Allah sub7ana wata3ala asks you on the Day of Judgment, what you did on your part, you will have an answer inshallah.

  264. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    To all the brothers advising me (and I assume to anyone else as well) to Hijra, insha’Allah Hijra Feesabililah is my number one objective.

    @ibnmuadh, is that directed at me lol? Because I think I know you. Subhanallah if I do not it is a very similar conversation.

    There was a man who heard from a Sahabah (RAA) that the Prophet (SAAWS) said, “Surely the gates of Paradise are underneath the shadow of a sword.” Upon hearing this the man drew his sword, then broke the sheath and threw it away. He fought until he was shaheed.

    I intend to make my education my sheath. Insha’allah I will throw it away and fight until I am shaheed. If that does not happen and Allah(AWJ) chooses me to live, then I can go find myself a new sheath, or simply put down the sword and get a new sword if it is needed.

    The only thing holding me back at the moment is the means, but I have something worked out that takes a little longer than I would like. My only real concern is figuring out how to not be killed by criminals on the way. I think I would be somewhat disappointed that I did not get a little bit longer to actually participate, but if that were to be my fate then I hope it too counts as shaheed.

    To the brothers who object to the protests that have been going on, that were riddled with nationalism and regular old kuffarism, we are organizing a large Muslim only protest in a couple of months and if I have my way there will be no flags of ‘Asabiyyah. I intend to have them banned. Furthermore, I am going to push the chief organizer to schedule times for united du’a for our brothers and sisters, and if I give the du’a there will insha’Allah be the words, “Allahum’ansar Mujahideen fi kulli makkan,” reverberating through the ears of thousands. I do not care so much for the demonstration as I want as many Muslims making du’a for the Ummah as possible. Insha’Allah if this is the means I must use then so be it.

  265. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    nationalism is not part of our religion. we are muslims and one ummah. the muslim lands shouldnot require ur brother or sister to have a visa or any of that evil that divides us. i still dont get y we try to be like the kuffar and yet it is known that their systems r a failure! we should follow Allah’s commands.

    i hate flags.

    @zakaria – what u did was brave

    somebody please advise us sisters on how we can fulfil our obligations such as hijrah and jihad!

    the brothers make hijra alhamdulillah but what about us who do not have a mahram? or who can’t get married because the brothers here are not so for feesabilillah?

  266. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    Um Umar, I am the same person with the dream. I never remember dreams and just last night I had one similar, but about how I would get there, but my own father was my enemy. I do not remember so much about this one except that he started learning about Islam and I think he stumbled onto some of my posts or something.

  267. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    I usually do not remember dreams if I have them at all. I only remember eight from my entire life 4 from my days of ignorance and 2 that are of no importance from since I became a Muslim.

    Insha’allah they will benefit me and those I have shared them with.

    Salaam alaikum.

  268. it is a jinnNo Gravatar says:

    @ everyone – the kufr akbar

    he/ she / they or it should be ignored. it has no manners, subhanAllah the shaytan wont stop working.

    @ kufr akbar
    i dont mean to be rude kufr akbar but i want to ask you a qusetion. i hate asking questions like this but i have to ask you this one because it is always fair to give ur brother or sister upto 70 excuses. and also it is our duty as muslims to help each other come closer to Allah swt.

    are you a muslim?

  269. Saifatul ShahadaNo Gravatar says:

    It’s very hard to avoid nationalism now days, especially when you are from Palestine and everyone around you is a nationalist. Can anyone give me words of advice on how to avoid nationalism? I try to avoid having the Palestinian flag in my house. I also try to add other countries in my duas before my own. And when I use examples of poor people in the world, I try to use the one in Africa first. Is there anything else to make my heart pure from nationalism, and to make my intentions pure to Islam and Jihad only?

  270. Saifatul ShahadaNo Gravatar says:

    Jihad fisabillah that is, so as not to let it be Jihad for anything else inshallah.

    May Allah make our intentions pure and everything we do for His cause only. Ameen.

  271. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    “Arab leaders ask Israel to kill Hamas leaders”

    May Allah destroy and remove from power these Murtad leaders in the Muslim world.

  272. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:

    @ is is a jinn

    He is not a Muslim. He is a kafir who posts on here.

  273. Saifatul ShahadaNo Gravatar says:

    @ brother Muhammad al-Suyuufi

    Ameeen inshallah!

  274. abu DharrNo Gravatar says:

    The murder rate is now 440, probably more than that. Now they are preparing for a ground offensive.No one, i repeat no one wants to do anything about this.

    We are allowing these murderers to continue this until their hearts are content.
    May Allah lighten our punishment on the day of judgment.

  275. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and asalamu alaikum to all brothers and sisters.

    @Saifatul Shahada

    please read “join the caravan” book by shaheed inchaAllah abdullah azzam to find out about the desease of the palestinian nationalism that is a real enemy to islam and mulims.
    that is why sheikh azzam left the palestinians to join the mujahideen in afghanistan because no one in palestine was or is fighting fisabilillah ( axcept the mujahideen from jaysh islam)only for palestine and arab nationlism(i’m an arab).

    and i can tell you all those christians palestinians,lebaness,syrians are not arabs by blood but they are considered as arabs by that useless arab league that gave definition of an arab to every person who speaks arabic and hold a passport from an arab regime.

    that is the reason why the palestinians will never defeat the criminal oppresors jewish state because the mojority of the palestinians are spies for the yahood and they are dunya lovers.

    also an advise to you get rid of that palestinian natinal flag and hold on to the black or white flag of la ilaha ila lAllah mohamad rahoululallah.

    may Allah destroy the nationalists and the arab puppets regimes

  276. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb To Saifatul Shahada Read Surah Tauba that will keep u on the right track Pray Tahajjud pray regularly as it brings u closer to Allah and remember death This gives me strength
    S 11 ayat 41
    :Go forth, light armed and heavy armed and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah. That is best for yoy if ye but knew.”"
    Allah protect u from the evil of nationalism salames

  277. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamualaikum wrwb ibn Zakariya Surah 4 ayat 100
    Who so migrated for the cause of Allah will find much refuge and abundance in the earth, and whoso for saketh his home . a fugitive unto Allah and his Messenger , and death overtaketh him his reward is then incumbent on Allah .Allah is ever forgiving Merciful ”
    If you should die along the way inshallah not we need warriors then you get the same reward
    Just be informed depeng on Allah but tie your camel be cautious and about the dreams Im no expert but Allah can warn us through dreams its happened to me many times and only let those u really trust know your plans Id be weiry of your father Alhumduiallah u have the intense love for what is right and many will try to destroy that so hold fast to the rope of Allah .may Allah be pleased with u and all the mumin preparing for Jihad

  278. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Brother Saifatul sorry the surah is number 9 not 11

  279. FaisalNo Gravatar says:

    It’s quite sad to see that, despite the shaikh clarifying that non-combatant women and children should not be targeted, people seem to be jumping the gun to defend what they think is the honor of Islaam. We don’t live in the age of swords and hand-to-hand combat anymore where this is easy, weaponry itself causes splash damage. The Jews justify carpet bombing a densely crowded residential bloc kill dozens of civilians to get 1 mujaahid; and because the jews have brought their families to the stolen lands and occupied areas, it is impossible to fight with today’s modern weaponry without risking their lives.

    Furthermore, all these jews making settlements cannot even claim to be civilians, they are thieves and are responsible for bringing the army further and further into Muslim territory.
    Bomb the jewish settlements as it’s the only way to strike them and the tanks defending them; it’s not our fault the thieves brought their families with them.

  280. Salman Al-FarisiNo Gravatar says:


  281. Salman Al-FarisiNo Gravatar says:


  282. hassan LatheefNo Gravatar says:


    brothers and sisters make dua for the people of GAZA’Palestine…..
    the leaders of the muslim world are ???????
    i agree “The governments of the Muslim world cannot be fixed but needs to be uprooted and removed altogether.”
    i’am from Maldives
    JazakaAllahu Khairan Sheikh

  283. hassan LatheefNo Gravatar says:

    brothers &sisters pls let me know whats new

  284. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    In the name of Allah the MUNTAQIM
    I keep waiting and making Dua for a small group of pilots somewhere in the middle east to disobey their leaders and follow what Allah inspires in them make their intentions pure and go and bomb the living daylights out of those cowards assembling on the border just do it, do it then others will follow come on

  285. umarNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaykum shaykh,

    jazakallah for coming out at a time when we need ahlul-haq to come out and speak.

    as for the killing of qoman and children and those gainst it, i say this:

    1. for years upon years muslims have been avoiding killing their woman and children, yet this has not stopped their aggression and killing of ours, so in time, they need to be the same done to them now.

    2. those who say no classical scholar permitted it, take in mind,that at thier time, no classical scholar ever faced a situation like we face today.

    3. if you would pay close attention to the news and what is happening in gaza, you would find that their woman and children are actually backing the attacks on gaza and supporting the israeli goverment, and these woman and children are supporting the extinction of the muslims from palestine. they are what you call ‘zionists’ and ar enot just ordinary jewish woman and children.

    i agree with the shaykh on this issue.

  286. Salah al awdahNo Gravatar says:

    [edit. article too long. Please paste link]

  287. Salah al awdahNo Gravatar says:

    here is some ideas how to help:

    1. Write letters everyday. If you have access to e-mail, you can send multiple newspapers the same letter and save time. The pro-Palestine voice needs to be heard and believe me; it makes a big difference to send just one letter a day expressing your thoughts about the media’s role or an article that was recently published in the newspaper.

    2. Boycott ALL Israeli products. Make sure that you read every label of every product you buy. Also, boycott all American made products or services whose companies support the economy of Israel.

    3. Volunteer for Palestine no matter where you live. Volunteer your time to different groups in your area.

    4. Donate money to Palestine. If you can not afford it, sell cookies and send the profit to a charitable organization. Palestine needs our support now more than ever and we can not let her down.

    5. Learn the history of Palestine inside and out. Make sure there is no doubt in your mind about the truth so that you can respond to any discussion taking place.

    6. Join rallies in support of Palestine. Make signs, express yourself.

    7. Let everyone know that Arabs are Semites too! We are not being anti-Semitic but pro-justice.

    8. Explain to people the difference between the American fight against terror and what the Israeli government is doing to the original inhabitants of Palestine. It is not the same fight and never will be as we all know Israel is an occupying force.

    9. Sign every petition that comes your way that you agree with. The internet has paved the road for our voices to be heard. Don’t be afraid to join the fight and list your name for the fight for a free Palestine.

    10. Be proud to be a supporter of Palestine!

  288. Salah al awdahNo Gravatar says:

    DAMASCUS, (PIC)– The head of the Hamas political bureau, Khalid Mishaal said, in a televised speech on Friday, that the resistance infrastructure in the Gaza Strip is still intact and warned the IOF of the consequences of a ground invasion.

    After greeting the people of Gaza and the resistance fighters there, he greeted the people of the West Bank and the 1948 areas for the moral support they have shown to their compatriots in the Gaza Strip, and thanked the Arab and Muslim people and free people around the world who demonstrated in support of the Gaza people in the face of the Israeli onslaught.

    He said that the enemy counted on their surprise attack to engender “shock and awe”, but the surprise was that the Gaza Strip withstood the shock.

    He added that it was true that the enemy managed to destroy the civil infrastructure, but “I assure you that the military infrastructure is fine and that’s why the Zionists resorted to dropping leaflets on Gaza asking the people to direct them to rocket launchers.”

    To Zionist leaders who thought that the blood of Gazans is the shortest way to political power he said: “You have made a mistake, the blood of Gazans is the shortest way for your failure and ending your political careers.”

    “Our capabilities are modest, but our will is not, our faith is not. This war has been imposed on us and we will face it,” he said, adding that he was certain of victory because: “God is on our side and not on yours, we are the victim and you are the oppressor, our cause is just and yours is not.”

    He added that Hamas accepts nothing less than a complete halt of the aggression, the lifting of the siege and the opening of all Gaza crossings.

    “There are meetings and contacts with Islamic, Arab and European parties. We are ready to cooperate with any fair effort which stops the aggression, lifts the siege and opens the crossings. Mediators should know that we will not submit to the occupation’s conditions because as the aggression is an act of war that requires resistance, the siege is an act of war that requires resistance.”

    He added that the siege has left the Gaza Strip, a disaster area, calling for immediate humanitarian help and medical teams to help treat the wounded.

    To the people of Gaza he said that Gaza will be victorious, despite the painful loss of life and called on everyone there to unite in facing the aggression.

    He also called on the people in the West Bank to continue with their demonstrations and to let these demonstrations form the start of the third intifada.

    He called on the free people of the world to keep up the pressure to end the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

    To President-elect Barack Obama he said: “you have a bad start because you came out and spoke about the Mumbai events but you made no comments on the Gaza events,” calling on the west in general to stop their double standards asking why did all western governments move to save Buda statues in Afghanistan when they were threatened with destruction but none moves at the destruction of eight mosques in Israeli occupation airstrikes.…Nq9EcIpc7Po%3d

  289. Salah al awdahNo Gravatar says:

    ANY IDEAS or SUGGESTION you may want to offer to Ezzadeen Al Qassam Brigade, the Military wing of HAMAS, especially military related… Please email to this email..

  290. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    fard ayn includes the sisters as having to fulfil their obligations on this “fard ayn” command.

  291. Mashuq RahmanNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Sheikh Anwar,

    I am completely FRUSTRATED. I am from the indian subcontinent – Bangladesh – and the recent mass murder in the Gaza is really disturbing me. I am feeling I am not doing anything – I know I should do something but I dont know what to do.

    There is no response whatsoever from the goverment – not even a single comment. The media is reporting the news as secondary issue as a cricket match – and as I was flipping thru the islamic channels – there is really NO TALK whatsoever about the recent event – nothing abt jihad / protecting muslims – nothing.

    I EXPECT our scholars (I have lost hope from our leaders long time ago) to talk about it and give us roadmaps on how to deal with it. I am not getting it. Last friday in jumuah there was a line in the dua for the palestinians and thats abt it. No plan – no strategy – no advice- nothing .

    So Sheikh, What should I in particular and we concerned muslim youth in general do in this situation except for dua ? Give us concrete advice please.

    thank you

  292. marNo Gravatar says:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    Inshallah, Now is the time for the victory Allah has promised the muslims. USA, Izrael, and the Arab leader have not only wronged their own nation but themselves. Do they really think they are going to go into gaza and beat up some cripples?! Do They not have any idea what is wating for them in Gaza. Do they really think the palestineans are no match to the yehood terrorists, The US, The Arab leaders, and the rest of the corrupted world?!!!

    You don’t beleive me, Ask as many izreali sodiers whom supposely ran away from a groups of palestinians who were only armed with rocks and the true trust in Allah.

    BY ALLAH, Terrorism will have no victory and will be crushed by the muslims and angels!

    It’s time the Arab leaders, and the presedents of the world know that they can’t stand with a huge repellig force standing to crush them in one big swift. This forces is the people of the world. The strong hearts that is accompanied by the trust of Allah.

    So when The yehoos enter Gaza, they will be instently defeated by the hearts of the palestine, the hearts of the fellow americans, the herts of fellow Arab muslims (most what the terrorist leaders fear!)

    So have no fear nor grieve, for the promise of Allah is about to be fulfilled! Inshallah!

  293. AbdullahNo Gravatar says:


    Alhamdulilah for aljeezerah inside as it gives us tactical updates on where the IDF are in terms of their plans.

    The next phase of the war has begun with shelling coming direct from the tanks and artillary on the ground.

    Two things to note if the fire is accurate then it is being ranged in by either SF or observers. Second it is part of what they will be hoping is a softening up phase.

    I read that helicopters have being heard in and around the border. They may well be dropping in recce troops and SF (see earlier post).

    Nothing new in the tactics it is all pretty Standard stuff. Now is a time for those sincere dua’s and those who make nafl fasts use your opening dua’s for your brothers and sisters in Gaza.

    (for info purposes only)
    as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah.

  294. Ibn Na'eemNo Gravatar says:

    @ Abu Nabil,

    ameen my brother! We really need to focus on dawah to call away from nationalism and unite under one banner/flag of La Ilaaha Illallah

  295. Saifatul ShahadaNo Gravatar says:

    @ Um Umar and Abu Nabil

    Jazakumullah khair for the advice! May Allah reward you greatly inshallah!
    And Sis Um Umar, I’m a sister.

    @ Salah al Awdah

    Jazakallah khair for the list of things we can do to help!

  296. A-noorNo Gravatar says:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    It breaks my heart to see all the children and women being killed in palestine and please make dua for all our brothers and sister in Gaza. I saddened by how didvided the arabs are and against their own people. Civilization began in middle east and when they left Islam they completely humuliated. How can all those rich oil producing nations ignored the masscare that occuring in gaza. One of favorite Omar bin Khatab quotes “‘We are the people whom Allah honored through Islam, so whenever we seek honor other than it, Allah will disgrace us’” Subhan’Allah how this resonates on what going on in muslim countries.

  297. ZakariyaNo Gravatar says:


    Salaam alaikum,

    First of all, thank you for reminding us of those Ayah. Jazakum Allah Khairan.

    I never thought about that issue for sisters. Subhanallah that must be tough. Here I was thinking it was hard for us brothers, but we can just make Hijra first and then find somebody. Insha’allah make du’a for a Mujahid husband. Especially because if he is shaheed you probably get to go to his Jannah if it is better. And don’t forget istikhara.

    What you can do for the Mujahideen is to make du’a (First). Marry one (a future one) insha’allah and be faithful to him. Give him a child and raise them well in his absence. Find a skill you have: cooking, nursing, doctor, chemistry, organizing, teaching, sewing, child care, or whatever. Learn how to apply it (i.e. taking care of children of the Mujahideen while they are away). Always seek knowledge. If you can teach someone one thing in your life then it is an amazing deed. Stay upon and learn tawhid and call others to it. Be a good Muslim. Give sadaqah. There is so much to do for a sister, but it is not obvious certainly.

    Sisters are the community’s backbone. We need it to stay straight so the rest of it falls into place. Create a good community and raise children to the best of your ability insha’allah. That is amazingly important. If insha’allah I am blessed with that situation someday, I would be very relieved if I knew my kids and community was going to be brought up proper.

    If our community in the West had more sisters like you subhanallah we would be blessed mash’allah. I always thought if I made Hijra I would find a wife later, because of a lack of sympathy toward Al-Mujahideen, but perhaps there are more here than I though. Allahu ‘Alim. Jazakum Allah khairan keep up the good work insha’allah.

  298. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamoalykum all

    وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ
    3.139 . Faint not nor grieve , for ye will overcome them if ye are ( indeed ) believers

    muslim ummah is like one body . the pain in one limb is felt by the whole of the body. though at the moment some of our parts are numb but we will either resuscitate them or amputate them inshaAllah and our body will become healthy again inshaAllah.

    we put our trust in Allah alone. from him we came and to him we will return.

    these shuhdaa in falastine and in rest of the world are in heaven now, safe and sound from the wolves of israel and hell is howling and roaring for the murderers of these children/women and men shuhdaa .Ameen!

    وَلاَ تَهِنُوا وَلاَ تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ
    3.139 . Faint not nor grieve , for ye will overcome them if ye are ( indeed ) believers

  299. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    This was revealed, and it became hard on the people So Allah revealed this Ayyat
    There is no blame on those who are weak or ill or find no resources to spend, if they are sincere and true to Allah and his Messenger saw) 9 91 Ibn Jarir said that Hibban bin Zaid Ash-Sharabi narrated to him, ” We mobilized our forces with Safwan bin Amr the governor of Hims towards the city of Ephsos appointed to Jerajima Christians expatriates( in Syria) I saw among the army an old man, yet active man, whose eyebrows had sunk over his eyes, from the residence of Damascus, riding on his animal I said ” O uncle Allah has given you a excuse to lag behind . He said O my nephew Allah has mobilized us wether we are light or heavy Verily those whom Allah loves He test them Then to Allah is their return and eternal dwelling ALLAH test from His servants whoever thanks Him and observes patience and rememberance of Him, all the while worshipping none else.

  300. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:


  301. major gas find off the Gaza coastNo Gravatar says:

    Another reason why the Israeli Dogs are attacking the Muslims of Gaza…there is a major gas find off the Gaza coast, and Israel isn’t going to let the Palestinian people capitalize on it.

    “…60% of these reserves are in waters controlled by the Palestinian Authority, which has signed a 25-year contract with British Gas for further exploration in the area.”

    To read more:

  302. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    Please its been asked by all muslims to read surat Al-Fath today. Keeping in mind our muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza

  303. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @To Saifatul sorry sister Arabic not my language wasnt shure does your name mean the sword
    @ also Jazakiallahkeir brother Salah inshallah Gaza will be the cementry for all yahud that enter it
    @ sister lubna I like your sense of humuor very blunt like the Haqq Amin to what u said

  304. SoulaimanNo Gravatar says:

    Hamas Tactics Against Israeli Invasion

    GAZA CITY — With battles raging between invading Israeli troops and Palestinian resistance fighters, Hamas has prepared a set of tactics to apply against the ‘mighty’ Israeli army.

    “The Ezzeddin Al-Qassam has built an underground city of tunnels planted with land and anti-personnel mines,” Hamas sources told, referring to the group’s armed wing.

    After eight days of bombardment, Israel sent ground troops into Gaza late Saturday, the second stage of its Israel’s biggest operation in the Gaza Strip in four decades.

    A column of Israeli tanks, backed by aircraft, pushed deep into the territory, and Israel’s navy prevented travel along Gaza’s coastal road, effectively cutting the enclave in half.

    Ahead of the operation, Israeli warplanes pounded Gaza with concussion bombs in a bid to destroy underground tunnels.

    “Ambushes have also been set up in houses near the border area,” the Hamas sources said.

    “Our invisible fighters will be waiting Israeli soldiers who move into such buildings.”

    According to IOL correspondent, several Israeli soldiers were ambushed in a house earlier Sunday.

    They remained trapped for hours under heaving gunfire from resistance fighters and had to call up air support.

    The Israeli army has admitted that 30 soldiers have been wounded, two seriously, in clashes since the start of the ground operation.


    Palestinian fighters also have in store rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) to fire at Israeli helicopter gunships.

    “This is an effective weapon,” one Qassam fighter told IOL.

    Israel has been depending heavily on F-16s, which fly at high altitude, in bombing Gaza to avoid the Palestinian RPGs.

    Al-Qassam claimed Sunday hitting an Israeli helicopter with its anti-aircraft artillery.

    Mortar shells are also an effective tool in the hands of the Palestinian fighters to stop the advance of the Israeli tanks.

    One Palestinian factions announced destroying seven Israeli tanks but there was no Israeli confirmation.

    Rockets are also one of the most effective weapons in the modest arsenal of the Palestinian resistance groups.

    A barrage of home-make rockets hit the southern Israeli town of Sderot early Sunday.

    Two Grad rockets also hit Netivot.

    Four Israelis have been killed in rocket attacks since the start of Israeli onslaught which has claimed the lives of 485 Palestinians since last Saturday.

    Israel has ordered residents of cities located up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Gaza into shelters.

    Ezzeddin Al-Qassam has also organized its fighters, who have gone under the radar, into special groups and units.

    Hamas reportedly has 10,000 active-duty fighters in addition to a similar number of well-trained reservists.

    “Palestinian resistance fighters are coordinating together against the Israeli invasion of Gaza,” a Qassam source told IOL.

  305. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamoalykum all

    another good news source on Gaza apart from aljazeera:

    website and live TV

  306. Golam Haider RasulNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah.
    With regard to all our actions on this world, they should be to please Allah subhanahu wa taala. My questions would be:
    1. Does it please Allah to kill from among the kufar non-combatant women and children, the aged, the infirm and the mentally ill? So far as I understand, many among the slaves captured from the kufar in jihad later became Mulsim and died with Imaan. Is that not better?
    2. So far as I know, during the wars of the 20th century, the kufar slew each other with great ferocity, bombed each others cities to rubble — but it did not stop the war or result in victory. Perhaps it had the opposite effect — it increased the resolve of the fighting men to take revenge. In fact, during World War II, German industrial production of war material increased manifold while the German cities were being destroyed. We do not understand why Allah tells us to do some things and not others. May it be that the correct opinion regarding killing of noncombatants should be that of doing one’s best to avoid it? This may be because it does not affect the outcome of a war positively? If you kill the children of a warrior, will he surrender? Or will he keep fighting you until his energy is finished? Will he ever consider you the righteous party and come to accept Islam? Will he ever stop to negotiate and thereby perhaps come to Islam?
    3. If all adults of Israel are by their law reservists or active duty combatants, then they are surely legitimate targets. But raining down rockets into civilian areas seems only to have killed one woman over 8 years. Is that an effective approach?
    4. Although the cause of the Ummah is just — the recovery of the Islamic Province of Palestine, are our Palestinian brothers fighting for that or for the independence of a new country of Palestine? Is that most pleasing to Allah? I would affirm, that we must surely without any doubt help our Muslim brothers there and in all other places, but if we seek victory from Allah our niyaah should be the correct one. Is it?
    5. When the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) fought against overwhelming odds by launching themselves into a sea of enemies, it was “suicidal” but it was not “suicide”. Indeed the man who actually committed suicide during the battle was not held to be a Muslim by the Prophet (PBUH). Therefore, when you kill your enemy soldiers (plus any noncombatants around) by blowing yourself up, are you also not committing suicide? I think so. If it is suicide, then what makes the act acceptable to Allah?
    Jazakallah khairan

  307. wajih ul islamNo Gravatar says:

    slave of Allah i feel the same way as you and my father 100 times more i saw him crying and praying i could not face him and pretend i saw nothing and went away. Qadar the government of muslim country are not hopeless they are faggots just look at each and every single one of there face they look gay. Why don’t all of us that think a like move to a place where we can practice our religion and our offensive. Does anyone have any ideas . All Israeli citizen have to join the army they all are military combatants except for the children we should kill them all except for the kids.

  308. Janna J.No Gravatar says:

    Why are so many worried about killing israeli women and children? israel is killing muslim women, children, old, sick, mentally challenged. the Qur’an states that fighting is prescribed on you and it is possible that you do not like a thing that is good for you and that you like a thing that is bad for you. so true are the words of Allah,If the men in this ummah did what Allah has ordered them to do I think we would be in much better situations then what we are faced with and sisters please remember that women have a place in jihad as well. The truth is very simple and dosen’t need to be complicated.

  309. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    -Narrated in Abu Dawud the prophet (pbuh) said: “do not kill any old person, any child, or any woman.” In the Musnad of Imam ibn Hanbal: “Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship”.
    -In the Quran we are told to fight those who fight you, and if non-combatants are not fighting you then you can’t fight them, but Hamas repeatadly is breaking the Islamic law and TARGETING non-combatants.
    See Quran 2. 190 below; also 5:32, 6:151
    Translation by Sahih International
    2.190: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
    Palestine has the right to defend herself, but within the framework of the Quran and Sunnah!
    -I ask everyone to reconsider there position on this issue

  310. DinoNo Gravatar says:

    As far as the brothers that are speaking with anger, if the kafir kills women and children and rapes women, you want to be like the kafir and do the same? Allah says to be just not be like the kafir. Yes we are commanded to fight but we fight with justice and to remove the suffering and oppression, not created it. This is a Khariji mentatily being spread. A kafir will be a kafir, but the Muslim should not be like the kafir.

  311. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    To Golan and Enosh read back brothers and gain more knowledge so u have a better understanding All your answers are here just take the time to read then GO FIGHT JIHAD

  312. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaikum


    And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allâh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.).
    surah 16/126

  313. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:

    Dino, I am assuming you are a Saudi “Salafi” since you accused the Shaykh of being Khariji…

    Do you not realize that Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen supported this view?

  314. abu nabilNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu alaikum brothers ans sisters al-muwahideen

    “the kafir kills women and children and rapes women, you want to be like the kafir and do the same?”

    alhamdulillah muslims have never comitted such acusations through out islamic history of jihad.even in indalous where muslims where raped and burn a life in public places.

    do you realise that you are defending the KUFFAR (not kafir) without any evidence.

    and do you know that the murji’a? open the doors to ridah and justify their wala with kuffar due to their ignorance of deen.

    May Allah protect us and protect the deen of islam.

  315. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Book in English: “Jihaad the Absent Obligation” by Muhammed Abdul Salam Faraj

    “Jihaad fee sabeel Lillah (in the cause of Allaah), despite its overriding importance and its great influence on the future of Islaam, has been neglected by present scholars, although they know that it is the only way to bring Islaam back and cause it to come to the surface again. Every Muslim seems to prefer the ideas and the philosophies that he fancies instead of the best way that Allaah has drawn for honour, power and glory of His servants. But there is no doubt that the tyrants of this earth will only be removed by the might of the sword, and that is why the Prophet (PBUH) said: “I have been sent before the Hour with the sword until Allaah is worshipped alone with no partner, and my sustenance has been placed underneath the shade of my spear, and the disgrace and the abasement have been inflicted on those that oppose my command, and whoever imitates a people is one of them.”
    Book in English: Signs of ar-Rahman in Jihad of Afghan by Shaykh Abdullah Azzam
    “This book was written by Shaykh Abdullah Azzam during the Afghan-Soviet Jihad in the 1980’s. It deals specifically with first hand accounts of the miracles that occured during this Jihad.
    Shaykh Abdullah Azzam writes, ‘These incidents which are going to be narrated are, in reality, more extraordinary than one can possibly imagine, and appear to resemble fairytales. I have personally heard them with my own ears; and have written them with my own hands from those Mujaahideen who themselves were present. I have heard these miracles from such men who are trustworthy and reliable, and who have been constantly on the battlefield. The miracles are many, so much so that they more or less reach the degree of Tawaatur i.e. such a large number that does not entertain the possibility of fabrication. I have heard numerous such miraculous episodes, but brevity does not allow me to enumerate all of them.
    Allaah Ta ‘ala has not made it except as a glad tiding, so that your hearts may achieve tranquility by it.’
    Shaykh Abdullah Azzam Time Magazine described Shaykh Abdullah Azzam as the man who was the ‘reviver of Jihad in the 20th Century’. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam was born in the village of Ass-ba’ah Al-Hartiyeh, province of Jineen in the occupied sacred land of Palestine in 1941 CE. He was brought up in a humble house where he was taught Islam, and was fed with the love of Allah, His Messenger (saw), those striving in the Way of Allah, the righteous people and the desire for the Hereafter. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan Jihad against the communist USSR in 1979, when he learned about the Afghan Jihad, he left his teaching position at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and went to Islamabad, Pakistan, in order to be able to participate in the Jihad. He was a fine example of Islamic manners, in his piety, his devotion to Allah and his modesty in all things. He would never adulate in his relations with others. Shaykh Azzam always listened to the youth, he was dignified and did not allow fear to have access to his brave heart. He practiced continual fasting especially the alternate daily fasting routine of Prophet Dawud (as). He strongly counselled others to practice fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.
    The Shaykh was a man of uprightness, honesty and virtue, and was never heard to slander others or to talk unpleasantly about an individual Muslim. On 24 November 1989. The enemies of Allah planted three bombs on a road so narrow only a single car could travel on it. It was the road Shaykh Abdullah Azzam would use to drive to the Friday Prayer. That Friday, the Shaykh together with two of his own sons, Ibrahim and Muhammad, and with one of the sons of the late Shaykh Tameem Adnani drove along the road. The car stopped at the position of the first bomb, and the Sheikh alighted to walk the remainder of the way. The enemies, lying in wait, then exploded the bomb. A loud explosion and a great thundering were heard all over the city. People emerged from the mosque, and beheld a terrible scene. Only a small fragment of the car remained. The young son Ibrahim flew 100 meters into the air; the other two youths were thrown a similar distance away, and their remains were scattered among the trees and power lines. As for Shaykh Abdullah Azzam himself, his body was found resting against a wall, totally intact and not at all disfigured, except that some blood was seen issuing from his mouth. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself once said, ” Indeed Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the Shuhadaa’, except with the stories of the Shuhadaa’ and except with the examples of the Shuhadaa’. ” May Allah (swt) accept him amongst them.”
    [Submitted by a Mujahid]

  316. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Marshallah there nothing more beautiful and intriguing on this earth than the slaves sacrifice for Allah and Allahs mercy for his slave Jazakiallahkeir Mujahids

  317. StardustyNo Gravatar says:

    Thank you for Brother for your very lucid and insightful advice and also for your glorious site. We must pray for the victory of our mujahideen brothers and sisters; only through their worthy efforts will the world wipe sleep from her eyes and see the atrocity that has befallen these innocents. They have murdered our brothers and sisters, however else it is portrayed by the senseless global media, they have committed murder. There will be retribution and sad as it will be for those that have earned this wrath, it will make them see how much we have suffered. I pray that it will be swift and that whatever blood is spilled is not spilled in vain. Hell i surrounding the disbelievers and if they continue to sleep, I pray the blood that they have spilled will crust over their eyes and blind them.

  318. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    walakum assalam
    to Um Umar and abu nabil

    And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allâh), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.).
    surah 16/126
    - This verse does not contradict the ahadeeth and other verses of the Quran not to kill non-combatants! If they fight you fight back likewise and defend yourself but don’t become transgressers and oppressors, and of course within the context of the Quran and Sunnah, just b/c the enemy break the Q & S does not mean the Muslim can break the Q&S!
    -Narrated in Abu Dawud the prophet (pbuh) said: “do not kill any old person, any child, or any woman.” In the Musnad of Imam ibn Hanbal: “Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship”.
    See Quran 2. 190 below; also 5:32, 6:151
    2.190: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.

    There is a big difference between the fighting that took place in Afghanistan where they fought like Muslims and killed Soviet soldiers, and that of Hamas and the killing women and children in Isreal.

  319. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:


  320. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    Salam um Umar,

    perhaps you or anyone can explain on the basis of knowledge HOW… I am misunderstanding. The evidence is very clear.

  321. wajih ul islamNo Gravatar says:

    listen i an all for killing the jewish men women and all the retired army personals in times of war. one again the whole nation has to join the army. every citizen is a military combatant after a certain age. the bodies of Muslims were mutilated at uhad did the Muslims in return mutilate the body of the disbeliever in retaliation? Also is there not a verse in the quran that says something like that the dislike or hatred of a nation should not lead you to the path of injustice and that we should to justice. may Allah for give me if i made a mistake. Listen my brother and sister trust me when i say this i hate the jews

  322. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    no wajih ul islam, you are incorrect in saying that there is nothing in the Quran: 2.190: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
    - All men serve in the army in Isreal beyond a certain age, but women? no…, children? no of course not…, so what about the hadith where it says:
    -Narrated in Abu Dawud the prophet (pbuh) said: “do not kill any old person, any child, or any woman.”
    -you hate the jews but does that mean your going to kill there women and children when it goes against Islam!

  323. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

  324. ferozeNo Gravatar says:

    Allah is taking shuhadaa from our brothers and sisters in Palestine and iraq and somalia.Muslims can never really loose with jihad so lets hope that victory comes soon but if not let us celebrate the taking of more martyrs.THE BELEIVERS WILL EVENTUALLY WIN THROUGH.

  325. Umm Sulayman HakeemNo Gravatar says:

    I am writing to you Sheikh during this dire hour of need for the Muslims in Gaza. I don’t know if you agree with demonstrations but I urge you the Ummah of Muhammad are rising up and they have realised the treachery of the Muslim rulers. They are looking for guidance and they are looking to the sincere Scholars to guide them.
    Please stand at the head of the demonstration brother and be the first to call for the Muslim armies to march into Gaza and to expel the Israelis.
    We call upon our sincere scholars (those not behind prison bars) to stand with us, the mothers, the children, the elderly, the disabled; and all of our men; each one of us Umnmah of Muhammad (saw).

  326. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Salames siter @Umm Sulayman Hakeem can you let us know where and when this is happening

  327. muhammad from nigeriaNo Gravatar says:

    In as much as muslims(including the shaykh and the mujahids) know that it is impermissible to kill non-combatant women,old ones and children as a rule,you ought to appreciate that based on certain circumstances on ground, this rule is NOT WITHOUT RESTRICTION.In other words it would be permissible in some special instances to kill non-combatant women,old ones and children e.g if they are mixed with the combatants,support the combatant in any way and in carrying out Q2;194.
    Your objections seem to be based either on empty sentiments,extreme application of the rule or disregard for the fiqh of Jihad under varying circumstances or a combination of all these.And that’s unacceptable!
    As you quote hadiths prohibiting the killing of women,the old and children, know that there are hadiths where these restrictions are lifted due to SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES;
    As-Sa’b ibn Juthamah narrated that the Prophet was asked about the killing of women and children in a night strike on the homes of the mushriks,to which he responded thus,”They are from them”.(Al-Bukhari,Muslim,Ibn Majah and others).
    Also the prophet(SAW) ordered the killing of Durayd Bin al-Simmah when he went out with the tribe of Hawazin, though he was 120 years old at the time.
    Now if you believe that the Jews are occupying Palestine,(and this) they have done by expelling the residents from their abodes using all forms of terror you can imagine;they even went shopping for occupiers from Peru, India,Europe and Ethiopia in order to consolidate the occupation,how can you then treat these idiots as innocents?Are you blind to these realities?
    And if it is known that they kill innocents and civilians among the oppressed in that land,how then is it that those who resist should not apply Q2;194 or infact kill the so-called innocents(occupying forces) in order to or if that would check the excesses of the IDF swines(who may be difficult to reach due to their sophisticated weaponry)?
    You just don’t pick one hadith and start issuing opinions while disregarding the nature of the enemies,its crimes and tactics with their effect on the oppressed.Even when swords,cutlasses,spears et cetera were used in wars,it was not always possible to avoid civilian casualities.
    If mujahids were to go by some of your emotions,then they’d only fight with knives and spears while their population is being wiped off by hearless murderers.And this would be no Jihad but sheer folly which will not benefit them nor harm the kafirs!

  328. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Jazakiallahkeir brother muhammad from nigeria I was waiting for a brother to answer Enosh as i gave him good advice but he asked the question with a closed mind Salames

  329. Golam Haider RasulNo Gravatar says:

    I would like to submit that it is not possible to conduct a modern war without explosives and high velocity / multi round projectiles. Again, such wars are fought in various scenes, such as open fields, deserts, jungles — where the question of killing intentionally or by accident civilians is remote. However, fighting will also go on near and within homesteads, small settlements, towns and cities. Here, the question of killing non-combatants (not reservists or others plainly supporting the opposing armed forces) arises. So now, to all those who support killing non-combatants according to the tactics employed by the IDF, US Army, Russian Army, I ask you to consider this scenario: You are fighting in a building and you enter a room where there is only a three year old child. What do you do? I for one would not be able to answer to my conscience if I hurt the child in any way even if it came and kicked me. Another scenario: You are attacking a house that is a key block to the advance of your unit. You can see that there are non-combatants cowering in the doorway. What would you do? Well, the advance of an army up to a combat scenario takes some time, so I would assume that any civilians were well aware that they were in harms way. I would not deliberately shoot at the noncombatants, nor would I try to blow them up as some form of revenge or tactic in answer to the atrocities performed by the opposing forces. But I would carry on the fight as though they did not exist. I might, by the Grace and Power of Allah’s guidance, try to take out the enemy without actually harming the noncobatants, but I would not risk my comrades or myself for this. I think this is the parallel of the use of the catapault at Taif. Scenario three: The enemy is defeated and only remnants left here and there. Or alternatively, the enemy is in front of me and behind him is his city, with his non-combatants. If there are demonstrably combatants there also in the city (armed personnel and reservists) then the same solution applies as to scenario two, as far as I am concerned.
    However, at the end of this, I must say I was must chastened when one sister commented that if the men of the Ummah acted the way they were supposed to act then the question we are discussing would be irrelevant — Muslim non-combatants would not have been harmed by the kuffar.

  330. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    Muhammad from Nigeria, I would agree if the TARGETS are not noncombatants, but I disagree with you because Hamas is TARGETTING noncombatants. < This is why they are breaking the laws of Islam.

    Why doesn’t Hamas attack the people that are fighting them(i.e. soldiers)! as they are told to do so in the Quran? as opposed to bombing some residential area with an infant in it.

  331. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu:
    Brother Al Khurasani, muhammad from Nigeria, Abu Nabil, Zakariya and other brothers and sisters standing for Islam, for the Haqq, have I ever mentioned that I love you all for the sake of ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta’ala?
    Yes, I do!
    May ALLAH Azza Wa Jall unite our hearts, keeps us all firm on the path of Jihad feesabililah, pour upon us patience and grant us the Victory over the enemies of Islam.
    “Our lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.”

    [Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 10]

  332. EnoshNo Gravatar says:

    Jihadfeesabililah I agree we as Muslims should engage in Jihad, but the Jihad should be carried out in a way that has been ordained by the Quran and Sunnah, correct?

    003.104 And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.
    003.105 And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.

    2.190: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
    -Narrated in Abu Dawud the prophet (pbuh) said: “do not kill any old person, any child, or any woman.”

  333. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    LA HULLA WALLA QUWATA ILLAH BELAIH ALEEAL ARZEEM @ Jihadfeesabililah no you havent its good to hear im shure we all love amd respect you for the sake of Allah Amin Amin Amin

  334. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Enosh:
    My opinion in the matter is that of the true ulema, the believers, the Mujahideen who follow in the path of our Noble Prophet Muhammad, Peace be Upon him.
    Like our dear Sheikh Imam Anwar, may allah protect him, said time and time again:
    “My opinion which I have stated in past recordings and is still my opinion now is that non-combatant women and children cannot be targeted. However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws). Parallels of this today are the two methods that our brothers in Palestine have adopted: martyrdom operations and the firing of rockets into the occupied territories. Both of these methods inevitably do kill women and children. The current case of Gaza adds another dimension and that is that the Jews are targeting the entire community in Gaza by siege and indiscriminate bombing and this is why I am inclined to the view of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in this particular situation.
    In the current situation of Palestine I must say that I agree with the methods adopted by the mujahideen and I agree with them when they state that they would not stop targeting civilians until the Israeli’s do the same.”
    “As-Sa’b ibn Juthamah narrated that the Prophet was asked about the killing of women and children in a night strike on the homes of the mushriks,to which he responded thus,”They are from them”.(Al-Bukhari,Muslim,Ibn Majah and others).
    Also the prophet(SAW) ordered the killing of Durayd Bin al-Simmah when he went out with the tribe of Hawazin, though he was 120 years old at the time.”
    As our brother, Muhammad from Nigeria, (may Allah protect him), puts it is very clear for those who have eyes that sees, ears that hears, and hearts that comprehend:
    “Now if you believe that the Jews are occupying Palestine,(and this) they have done by expelling the residents from their abodes using all forms of terror you can imagine;they even went shopping for occupiers from Peru, India,Europe and Ethiopia in order to consolidate the occupation,how can you then treat these idiots as innocents?Are you blind to these realities?
    And if it is known that they kill innocents and civilians among the oppressed in that land,how then is it that those who resist should not apply Q2;194 or infact kill the so-called innocents(occupying forces) in order to or if that would check the excesses of the IDF swines(who may be difficult to reach due to their sophisticated weaponry)?
    You just don’t pick one hadith and start issuing opinions while disregarding the nature of the enemies,its crimes and tactics with their effect on the oppressed.Even when swords,cutlasses,spears et cetera were used in wars,it was not always possible to avoid civilian casualities.
    If mujahids were to go by some of your emotions,then they’d only fight with knives and spears while their population is being wiped off by hearless murderers.And this would be no Jihad but sheer folly which will not benefit them nor harm the kafirs!”
    “Your objections seem to be based either on empty sentiments,extreme application of the rule or disregard for the fiqh of Jihad under varying circumstances or a combination of all these.And that’s unacceptable!”

  335. Murad StormNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullah

    Brothers/Sisters wake up now!

  336. HasanNo Gravatar says:









  337. aliNo Gravatar says:

    salaam to the shykh and all, saw hizb-ut-tahrir march in london on sunday, them boys seem to be getting very radical:) calling for jihad, shouting it on Edgware rd! at least they not asking isreal to stop the war.

  338. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    To Enosh:

    Why aren’t you quoting the ayat that came after ayat 2:190, to get the full context of this commandment and the rulings regarding the issue?
    Allah Azza Wa Jall Says:
    ““Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
    And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al-Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
    And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
    Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.
    [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
    And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.”
    [Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 190-195]

  339. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    @ brother zakariya Jazak Allahu khair for the kind naseeha. may Allah grant you shahadah and give you ihsan and make you of the muqaraboon (waq’ia 10-26).

    @ nas

    there are some who act as if they are more merciful than Allah aza-wa-jal. the verses are clear and the situation is apparent. i know of people who say jihad is good but when you start talking to them about it, they say “sister islam is not violent, we dont have to do this”. there is a very big difference between j1had and violence and people just can’t seem to get this because fox news has some fiqh courses about what our way of life and quran should be.

    i definately agree with brother anwar and muhammad from from nigeria gave a good response as well as others.
    the falestin are surrounded by crazy devils who just attack anything that moves. the hammas can’t go out lookin for these thick headed shayatiin who are attackin everyone. they are being attackd so they attack back and how does the situation allow them to go searchin for these fools to attack them only? the situaton is not something to debate about. it is very clear. with all the attacks from left to right, the falestin have no choice but to defend themselves and the non combantants happen to be in their way.

    may Allah guide us all, ameen

  340. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @Surat_ an_nisa_ 74 to 100 Ma’sha Allah ” And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger saws), then they will be in the company of those whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun, the Martyrs,and the Righteous. And how excellent these companiona are ” An Nisa 69

  341. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Asalmualaikum wrwb to all @ hasan A man that fights with Taq’wa can never be defeated may u be one of them @ Ali ,give them a break their evoving ,the sincereity is there they just need right direction like most of our youth and that takes time Allah guide us all remember most of their parents are lost in Duniah this has an effect if not brought up on Quran and Sunnah . But at the same time Allah can give true hedayah to anyone at a twinkling of the eye

  342. Abdul MannanNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum .May Allah grant you and everyone in this ummah with the knowledge and wisdom. Alhumdulillah Victory is haqq and we shall recieve it Inshallah.

  343. Kwame MaddenNo Gravatar says:

    My salams to all my good brothers and sisters.May allah give victory to the muhajideen.I just like to say shame on Keith Ellinso and Andre Carson both as all know are congressman.Keith Ellinsion voted present and Carson voted yea ,in recognizing Israels right to defend themselves.By the way keith Ellinson just came back from Hajj.I guest that wasnt a total transformation because to vote present is cowardly.Ellison exact words I cannot vote aganist this resolution because I believe every country in the world has the right to defend itself’the congressman said.That means in all actualiyt he really to cowardly to say Israel is a occupier.

  344. abu fuqarahNo Gravatar says:

    aswb, my brothers/sisters words nor tears can express what the muslim ummah is saffering, we make dua for the people of palestine and request all to do the same, but some times Allah does not answer the dua of the the slave because they have truly forgottern their lord , it si as the messenger said ther will be a time that the nations will gather (U.N) around the muslims like the hungry grather around a plate and the sahabas replyed will we be small in numbar at that time, he (saw)replied no rather we will be great in number but we will be like the foam of the sea, the sahabas asked whys is this ya rasulluah, he said because u will have love for the dunya and hate for the heareafter and in aother riwaya hate for jihad, this is the time to distinguish our self from these munafqeen, murtadeen leaders who call for the recognition of the state of israel and ther pupets like theses so called khibar ul ulema, this is not a time for us to beg the U.N who caused this mess nor join the rallys of thse socialists who call for cease fire but still recognise israel, its time we called for are constitution the quran and sunnah and our law the shariah, democracy is the false idol of the 21st century the hubal of our time we should not care about about how the potray us because allah swt say never NEVER will the jews and christain be pleased with u until u follow their deen their way of life and ibn kathir say even if u were to follow their way of life they will still doubt u as u leaft your deen, make dua that allah give streght to the mujahdeen, gives them athourity and brings from amoungst righty guided kahlifs, and last of all i would like to rechannt a sayying of imaam Abu Bark Al Khallali who said this ummah will never prosper nor lead until it commands good and forbids evil. we are in the house of firoun (phoro)in the west expose the ugly face of democray for the jihad is a word against the tyrent ruler was salaam.

  345. SalahudeenNo Gravatar says:

    The solution to the problem is JIHAD. We see in the past that the poor occupied muslims were not left to help themselves but Salahudeen raised an army and came to their rescue.

    The same is required today. Some general needs to think about his akhira and MOVE, MOVE MOVE!!!!

    The whole ummah will join you.

  346. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    @ umm umar

    Allah yakhaliki. a beautiful verse and insha Allah we may all be amongst the siddiqoon shuhadah. may Allah azza wa jal make us die on these righteous paths. barak Allahu feeki ya okhti

  347. Abu dojanaNo Gravatar says:

    I belive in what the brother has said , i just wanted to let him know that i love him with all my heart, I am at work at the moment i cant do anything i feel like the kuffar heartless in the middle of them even at work. Every one just getting on with there lives acting like nothing i going on. i fear the day i would be asked for my brothers in gaza because i wont know how to answer and on top of all that i pay tax which is sent to kill my brothers , So there blood is on my hands.

  348. Muhammad al-SuyuufiNo Gravatar says:


    Nooo brother, the solution is to seek knowledge and pray 5 times a day and do Tazkiyyah. If everyone did that there would be problems brother.


    You are completely right, brother Salahudeen, and I can’t believe people actually believe the stuff that I said above!

  349. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:


  350. wajih ul islamNo Gravatar says:

    thanks jihadfeesabillah. the only way to win in this world and the next i with jihad.

  351. raniellaNo Gravatar says:

    im very concerned about our brothers and sisters. may Allah aid them and bring justice to them.

  352. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    GAZA WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU WE HAVE NOT FOGOTTEN YOU YOU ARE BETTER THAN US ALLAH HAS HONOURED YOU BEFORE US ASH SHAHEED GIVE GAZA VICTORY AND YUSRA AMIN /// no mumin can still be confused no way as Allah is my witness no mumin can still be confused

  353. 6 Benefits for Muslims from the Gaza HolocaustNo Gravatar says:

    Let the events of the Gaza Holocaust bear witness to the ummah to who our really enemies are. While this was a tragedy to the ummah, there were many benefits from this for the us as well.

    1. I can confidentally say that there is no sane muslim out there who would still think that there is any khair from the arab/muslim rulers to serve the interests of the ummah. This event has only proven to the muslims that the REAL enemies aside from the jews, is these coward rulers.

    2.Israel pulled its own leg by stirring up the emotions of the muslims and non muslims alike into maximizing the hatred and disgust that the world will have towards them and whoever aids them.

    3.The concept of jihad throughout the years has been raped of its true meaning in order to paralyze the true meaning of jihad so that muslims stay pacified and not do anything to change their current situation. I dont think any muslim today who does justice for themselves by doing sincere research about the concept of jihad would still think that its just mere struggle with yourself. Lets be frank, it means exactly what you first imagine when you hear the word..Fighting in the sake of allah by means of the sword, military weaponry, your wealth, your tongue in order to remove any obstacles which stand in the way of making the deen of allah victorious so that justice prevails and oppression is eradicated .

    4. While the Arab puppets have been desperately working side to side with the Jews and the west in order to enhance the image of the jews as this Powerful undefeatable state of the Jews, the Gaza event has shattered any such attempts because they cowardly targeted innocent civilians with the majority being children, women, and elderly behind helicopters and tanks although the people of Gaza carry no weapons but rocks (and even rocks have been targeted and shattered to tiny pieces).

    5.They have been the reason for the muslims of Gaza to be honored with the status of Martyrdom. Dying as a shaheed is a blessing from Allah and whoever dies in such a state is lucky as martyrdom is only a noble honor from allah. Khalid Ibn Walid (may allah be pleased with him) had always prayed to allah for martyrdom and although he has fought in many battles, ironically, he was not among those to receive such a status and died a normal death.

    6. Lastly and most importantly, These events have only benefited the muslims by waking up teh “sleeping giant”. Teh Muslims since the beginning of the 1900’s were separated and disected into different nationalities and states with artificial borders which is the common foreign policy stategy of the West “divide and conquer). Teh bombing of the palestiantians has reunited the emotions of the ummah once again and has awakened them to the truth and realization that jihad is needed to change the situation and only true revival of our long lost honor and victory can only be accomplished with teh removal of all the current rulers of our lands and their replacement with one ruler for all muslims that is being “the ameer ul mumineen” who will once again unify the muslim lands and armies inshallah for this is a promise from allah.

    Jazakallahu khair

  354. mujahidNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam Aleikum

    Alhamdulilah to the awakening of the ummah. A word on those who lost their lives in Gaza. May Allah forgive them and put them in paradise and reward them for their patience and perseverance and may they say in jannah, only if our people knew the blessings we are in. I used to see in the nineties these young boys, roughly my age throwing stones at tanks. I thought at that time, thats crazy. But alhamdulilah these same boys Allah blessed them and replaced the stones with qassam rockets, made from everyday things like sugar and now they can reach 20+ KM into the heartland of the swine. What a throw. And for every throw a ’super’ power trembles. True that muslims have passed away and it is sad. It is sad that all we could do is wave placards showing our weakness to our enemies. Allah called back our brothers and sisters, and he will surely call us all in the next 70 or so years. Maybe it is sooner than that. None of us will leave past that age without stooping with old age and regretting saying ‘only if i did something’. For the families that lost their loved ones. La tahzan. Have hope that they are with Allah s.w.t. And for all of us who are left in this world, may we strive and stand firm on the truth like our loved ones in Gaza. And to the weak hearted, who think they can debate with the devils of the world in the United Nations, don’t fool yourselves. You can not beat a liar at lying. And a deceiver at deception. The world seems to care more about rebuilding Gaza. The buildings and the schools showing us what a muslim life means to them. Do we blame Hamas. How can we blame those boys with stones while our enemy comes with might that shakes our hearts. How can we blame them for the occupation of muslim land (not gaza or west bank) by the enemies of Allah. The stage is being set for the prophecy of Prophet Muhamad SAW. When we will run after these criminal jews with our guns and the stones will say, ‘Oh muslim, a jew is behind me, come kill him’. Our Lord, make me one of those i.a.

    Assalam Aleikum

  355. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    Mujahid, exactly I couldn’nt have said it better myself Allah reward you I remember the boys too 12 years old being arrested and bullied by the Israeli soldiers they were the same age as my children I made shure my children watched and understood My heart bled for them those brave angry boys the Dawuds and Alis of our time I only wanted to protect them and take their place Allah puts us in such difficult situations to remind us of Him and everything He states , to be closer to Him and come running to Him , Most Gracious is Allah to the believers . The next 25 years we will see everything thats been fortold AlaihAhleem One things for shure our youth will strive for Jihad and to establish the Khalifah as we their parents have failed miserably Allah unite our Ummah under the Khalifah

  356. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ 6 Benefits of Gaza Holocaust Jazahiallahkeir yes from every adversity there is so many benefits as long as we remain grateful and obedient to Allah Al Wahhaab, Ar Raafi, Al Wakeel as He provides every thing for the benefit and well being of His creatures

  357. RedwanNo Gravatar says:

    After mentioning the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin in which he deems it permissible to target the women and children of the disbelievers in retaliation, Shaykh Abu Basir said:

    “…we do not agree with him in this, and we believe that he is mistaken in this.

    He is refuted from the following angles:

    1 – The principles of the Shar’i texts indicate that a man is not to be taken to account for the sins of others, as in the Saying of Allah: {”…and none shall carry the burdens of another…”} [al-An'am; 16]

    And this verse has been repeated five times in the Noble Qur’an in order to communicate and confirm the importance and significance of its meaning.

    And it is in the hadith of Abi Ramthah that he said: “My father and I went out with the Prophet, and the Messenger of Allah said to my father: “Is this your son?” He said: “Yes, by the Lord of the Ka’bah.” The Prophet asked: “Really?” My father said: “I bear witness to it.” So, the Messenger of Allah smiled and laughed from the strong resemblance that I bore to my father, and from my father’s oath that I was his son, and said: “Verily, he is not taken to account for your deeds, and you are not taken to account for his deeds,” and he recited: {”…and none shall carry the burdens of another…”}

    And in another narration: “Verily, you are not taken to account for his deeds, and he is not taken to account for your deeds.”

    And the Prophet said, in his farewell Hajj: “…and everyone shall reap only what they sow, and the father will not be taken to account for his son’s deeds, and the son will not be taken to account for the father’s deeds.”

    And he said: “No man is to be taken to account for his father’s deeds, or his brother’s deeds.”

    And children – especially the infants among them – of the disbelievers with whom we are at war do not have the slightest intent or understanding in regards to the actions of their fathers. Therefore, it is not allowed to to punish them for the actions and sins of their fathers.

    2 – The Shar’i texts have stringently forbidden targeting the children and women of the polytheists with any type of killing or fighting, no matter what the reasons and causes for doing so, as in the hadith reported by al-Bukhari and others, and narrated by Ibn ‘Umar, that a killed woman was found by the Prophet in one of the battles, and the Prophet forbade the killing of women and children.

    And Handhalah said: “We went out for battle with the Messenger of Allah, and we came by a killed woman, and the people had gathered around her. They made way for the Prophet, who said: “This woman was not fighting amongst those who were fighting.” He then said to a man: “Go to Khalid bin al-Walid, and say to him that the Messenger of Allah orders you to say: ‘Do not kill a child, and do not kill the weak.’”"

    So, his saying: ‘orders you’ confirms the clearcut prohibition of killing children, and his saying: ‘This woman was not fighting amongst those who were fighting’ is the understanding of opposites, meaning: if she had been fighting, and was amongst those who were fighting, it would be allowed to fight and kill her.

    And from al-Aswad bin Sari’, who said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, and I went out on an expedition with him. So, I followed the best of people on that day, until they killed children. So, this was relayed to the Messenger of Allah, who said: “What is the matter with some people, that they exceed the limits in killing today, such that they killed children?” So, a man said: “O Messenger of Allah! They are the children of the polytheists!” So, he said: “Verily, the best of you are the children of the polytheists. Do not kill a child! Do not kill a child until its parents turn it into a Jew or Christian.”"

    And the Messenger of Allah, when he would place a man in command of a battalion, would advise him to have taqwa of Allah, and would advise those Muslims with him with good, and would say: “Fight in the Name of Allah, in the Path of Allah. Fight those who disbelieve in Allah. Fight, and do not betray. Do not be excessive, do not mutilate, and do not kill a child,” and this was reported by Muslim.

    And in a narration of al-Bayhaqi and others: “…and do not kill a small child, a woman, or an elderly person.”

    And in ‘Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar’ of at-Tahawi, with an authentic chain, that the Messenger of Allah had sent a message to his armies, saying: “Do not kill children.” And in a narration: “Do not kill an old man.” And in a narration: “Do not kill a child or a woman.”

    And Ibn ‘Umar said: “‘Umar wrote to his soldiers, saying: “Do not kill a woman or child.”"

    And from the advices of Abu Bakr to the leaders of his armies: “Do not kill a woman, a child, or an old man. Do not cut down a blossoming tree, do not destroy a building, and do not kill a sheep or camel, except for the purpose of eating it. Do not submerge or cut down a palm tree. Do not be excessive, and do not be cowardly.”

    And it is narrated from Yazid bin Hurmuz that Najdah wrote to Ibn ‘Abbas, asking him about the killing of the children of the polytheists. So, Ibn ‘Abbas wrote back to him: “Verily, you wrote to me asking about the killing of the children of the polytheists. The Messenger of Allah did not kill them. Therefore, you are not to kill them, except that you know from them what al-Khidr knew about the young boy when he killed him!”

    And the ahadith and athar that forbid intentionally killing the children and women of the polytheists are more than can be collected here, and what has been mentioned is more than enough for the one who seeks the truth.

    3 – Despite the numerous wars and battles that were fought by the Prophet, his Companions, the Tabi’in who followed them in good from the first three generations – whose virtue was borne witness to by the Prophet – and despite the many wrongdoings and oppressions that the Muslims of these blessed early generations faced, it is not known that either the Prophet, his Companions, or the Tabi’in ever intentionally killed the children or women of the polytheists!

    And the Prophet’s saying to his Companions on the day of Hudaybiyah: “Advise me, people! Do you see that I should turn towards the families and children of those who seek to prevent us from the Sacred House?…” – what is meant here is to enslave their families and children, not to kill them, as some have misunderstood!

    4 – Children are not to be killed, because according to the Shari’ah, they are pure souls, and are upon the pure fitrah. They are not simply like any wealth that can be disposed of, sacrificed, or destroyed for some greater benefit, as the Prophet provided the reason for not killing the children of the polytheists, and this is because they are still pure, uncorrupted, and upon the fitrah, correct belief, and Tawhid, and have not yet fallen into sin. Because of this, the Prophet said to his Companions: “The best of you are the children of the polytheists.” So, this is the reason that prevents the killing of the children of the polytheists, and they are not like any form of wealth or prize!

    5 – The noble verse that was used as proof: {”…So, whoever transgresses against you, transgress in a similar manner against him…”} [al-Baqarah; 194] does not contain evidence for what it was being used for. It is a general verse. However, it is not allowed to act upon its general meaning without looking to see what the Legislator has placed as an exception to it, including those things that are forbidden in and of themselves, and cannot be done in retaliation. For example, it is not allowed to counter betrayal with betrayal, and it is not allowed to counter treachery with treachery, and it is not allowed to counter a lie with a lie, and it is not allowed to counter sin with a sin, etc. So, an act of disobedience is not allowed to be performed to counter another act of disobedience.

    It has been authentically narrated from the Prophet that he said: “Fulfill your trusts to those who have given you those trusts, and do not betray those who betray you.” And killing an innocent, protected life is even more severe in sin and crime than simply betraying someone. So, if it is not allowed to counter betrayal with betrayal, it is even more befitting that it is not allowed to counter the killing of innocent souls with the killing of innocent souls, resulting in wrongdoing being carried out twice, with the victims in each case being innocent, protected lives!

    Likewise, it is not allowed to steal from someone simply because they stole from you, and it is not allowed to insult the father of someone simply because he insulted yours. And it is not allowed to respond to the one who violates your honor with false accusations and insults by doing the same to him, etc. If you were to do this, you would have exceeded your bounds, and would be considered a wrongdoer, and would have punished someone with the sins of someone else.

    Likewise, it is not allowed to respond to one who has killed your child by killing his child. Rather, you are to kill the killer, because if you were to kill his child, you would have killed an innocent life based on the mistake of a completely different person, and this has nothing to do with the legislated form of revenge and retaliation. Rather, it is nothing but excessiveness and oppression! With this, you would have exceeded the limits in revenge and retaliation, and would end up punishing with more than you were punished with!

    And there is not a single scholar who permits the killing of the children of a killer in retaliation for his own oppression and killing of the children of others. Rather, there is consensus that only the killer is to be killed.

    Based on this, we say that the verse generally allows the committing of aggression in response to aggression, in the same way that it was originally performed, and no matter what type of aggression this is…except in regards to that which the Legislator has placed as an exception, and has forbidden to be used as a form of revenge or retaliation, such as the texts that make specific that which is general. From these texts are those that forbid the killing of children and women, the punishment of one for the sins of another, and other actions that are forbidden in and of themselves.

    So, such actions are specific exceptions to this generality, and the reported texts in this regard restrict this generality. So, pay attention to this!

    6 – Regarding this statement that has been put forth despite its strangeness and weakness: it is not from proper wisdom or the politics of the Shari’ah to act upon it in our times, or to circulate it. And this is for two reasons:

    First: even if it had the Shar’i factors in place that would justify it, if this door were to be opened, the enemy – with its massive military equipment that the Muslims lack – is the one more capable of aggression, and is more capable of bringing down harm upon the Muslims, their children, and their women!

    Second: the enemy possesses massive media influence that the Muslims lack, and through which he is able to twist the virtues of the Muslims – in light of public opinion – to bad characteristics. So, how much more would it be if the Muslims were to act upon this ruling? How would their reputation and image be in front of the public? How would the people look at them and their religion? What would their position be towards them?

    This is a factor that is given consideration in our religion, and it is not proper for those who work for this Religion to ignore it, as the Prophet refrained from killing the head of nifaq – Ibn Ubayy – simply so that it would not be said that Muhammad kills his companions!…”

    18/06/1426 – 24/07/2005

    Abdul Mun’em Mustafa Halimah Abu Basir

  358. UmmuasmaNo Gravatar says:

    To A.H,
    I’m sorry if I’ve offended you (with regards to the comment you made to Imam Anwar). I hope you can forgive me. jazakumullahu khayran.

  359. Md Taosif AnowarNo Gravatar says:

    as salamu alikum wa rahmatullah

    @ Redwan

    the answer to ure point # 5 is, that the proiphet did put an example as to how the quranic statement can be carried out, and that is
    “”However if the type of war forced on us to fight is one in which non-combatants would end up being killed in order to reach to the fighting force then it is allowed in this case. Examples of this are the striking of al Taif by the catapult during the time of Rasulullah(saaws).”"

    may ALLAH give us all guidance

  360. HumbleSeekerofTruthNo Gravatar says:

    After mentioning the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin in which he deems it permissible to target the women and children of the disbelievers in retaliation, Shaykh Abu Basir said:

    “…we do not agree with him in this, and we believe that he is mistaken in this.

    He is refuted from the following angles:

    1 – The principles of the Shar’i texts indicate that a man is not to be taken to account for the sins of others, as in the Saying of Allah: {”…and none shall carry the burdens of another…”} [al-An'am; 16]

    And this verse has been repeated five times in the Noble Qur’an in order to communicate and confirm the importance and significance of its meaning.

    And it is in the hadith of Abi Ramthah that he said: “My father and I went out with the Prophet, and the Messenger of Allah said to my father: “Is this your son?” He said: “Yes, by the Lord of the Ka’bah.” The Prophet asked: “Really?” My father said: “I bear witness to it.” So, the Messenger of Allah smiled and laughed from the strong resemblance that I bore to my father, and from my father’s oath that I was his son, and said: “Verily, he is not taken to account for your deeds, and you are not taken to account for his deeds,” and he recited: {”…and none shall carry the burdens of another…”}

    And in another narration: “Verily, you are not taken to account for his deeds, and he is not taken to account for your deeds.”

    2 – The Shar’i texts have stringently forbidden targeting the children and women of the polytheists with any type of killing or fighting, no matter what the reasons and causes for doing so, as in the hadith reported by al-Bukhari and others, and narrated by Ibn ‘Umar, that a killed woman was found by the Prophet in one of the battles, and the Prophet forbade the killing of women and children.

    And Handhalah said: “We went out for battle with the Messenger of Allah, and we came by a killed woman, and the people had gathered around her. They made way for the Prophet, who said: “This woman was not fighting amongst those who were fighting.” He then said to a man: “Go to Khalid bin al-Walid, and say to him that the Messenger of Allah orders you to say: ‘Do not kill a child, and do not kill the weak.’”"

    So, his saying: ‘orders you’ confirms the clearcut prohibition of killing children, and his saying: ‘This woman was not fighting amongst those who were fighting’ is the understanding of opposites, meaning: if she had been fighting, and was amongst those who were fighting, it would be allowed to fight and kill her.

    And from al-Aswad bin Sari’, who said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah, and I went out on an expedition with him. So, I followed the best of people on that day, until they killed children. So, this was relayed to the Messenger of Allah, who said: “What is the matter with some people, that they exceed the limits in killing today, such that they killed children?” So, a man said: “O Messenger of Allah! They are the children of the polytheists!” So, he said: “Verily, the best of you are the children of the polytheists. Do not kill a child! Do not kill a child until its parents turn it into a Jew or Christian.”"

    3 – Despite the numerous wars and battles that were fought by the Prophet, his Companions, the Tabi’in who followed them in good from the first three generations – whose virtue was borne witness to by the Prophet – and despite the many wrongdoings and oppressions that the Muslims of these blessed early generations faced, it is not known that either the Prophet, his Companions, or the Tabi’in ever intentionally killed the children or women of the polytheists!

    And the Prophet’s saying to his Companions on the day of Hudaybiyah: “Advise me, people! Do you see that I should turn towards the families and children of those who seek to prevent us from the Sacred House?…” – what is meant here is to enslave their families and children, not to kill them, as some have misunderstood!

    4 – Children are not to be killed, because according to the Shari’ah, they are pure souls, and are upon the pure fitrah. They are not simply like any wealth that can be disposed of, sacrificed, or destroyed for some greater benefit, as the Prophet provided the reason for not killing the children of the polytheists, and this is because they are still pure, uncorrupted, and upon the fitrah, correct belief, and Tawhid, and have not yet fallen into sin. Because of this, the Prophet said to his Companions: “The best of you are the children of the polytheists.” So, this is the reason that prevents the killing of the children of the polytheists, and they are not like any form of wealth or prize!

    5 – The noble verse that was used as proof: {”…So, whoever transgresses against you, transgress in a similar manner against him…”} [al-Baqarah; 194] does not contain evidence for what it was being used for. It is a general verse. However, it is not allowed to act upon its general meaning without looking to see what the Legislator has placed as an exception to it, including those things that are forbidden in and of themselves, and cannot be done in retaliation. For example, it is not allowed to counter betrayal with betrayal, and it is not allowed to counter treachery with treachery, and it is not allowed to counter a lie with a lie, and it is not allowed to counter sin with a sin, etc. So, an act of disobedience is not allowed to be performed to counter another act of disobedience.

    It has been authentically narrated from the Prophet that he said: “Fulfill your trusts to those who have given you those trusts, and do not betray those who betray you.” And killing an innocent, protected life is even more severe in sin and crime than simply betraying someone. So, if it is not allowed to counter betrayal with betrayal, it is even more befitting that it is not allowed to counter the killing of innocent souls with the killing of innocent souls, resulting in wrongdoing being carried out twice, with the victims in each case being innocent, protected lives!

    Likewise, it is not allowed to steal from someone simply because they stole from you, and it is not allowed to insult the father of someone simply because he insulted yours. And it is not allowed to respond to the one who violates your honor with false accusations and insults by doing the same to him, etc. If you were to do this, you would have exceeded your bounds, and would be considered a wrongdoer, and would have punished someone with the sins of someone else.

    Likewise, it is not allowed to respond to one who has killed your child by killing his child. Rather, you are to kill the killer, because if you were to kill his child, you would have killed an innocent life based on the mistake of a completely different person, and this has nothing to do with the legislated form of revenge and retaliation. Rather, it is nothing but excessiveness and oppression! With this, you would have exceeded the limits in revenge and retaliation, and would end up punishing with more than you were punished with!

    And there is not a single scholar who permits the killing of the children of a killer in retaliation for his own oppression and killing of the children of others. Rather, there is consensus that only the killer is to be killed.

    Based on this, we say that the verse generally allows the committing of aggression in response to aggression, in the same way that it was originally performed, and no matter what type of aggression this is…except in regards to that which the Legislator has placed as an exception, and has forbidden to be used as a form of revenge or retaliation, such as the texts that make specific that which is general. From these texts are those that forbid the killing of children and women, the punishment of one for the sins of another, and other actions that are forbidden in and of themselves.

    So, such actions are specific exceptions to this generality, and the reported texts in this regard restrict this generality. So, pay attention to this!

    6 – Regarding this statement that has been put forth despite its strangeness and weakness: it is not from proper wisdom or the politics of the Shari’ah to act upon it in our times, or to circulate it. And this is for two reasons:

    First: even if it had the Shar’i factors in place that would justify it, if this door were to be opened, the enemy – with its massive military equipment that the Muslims lack – is the one more capable of aggression, and is more capable of bringing down harm upon the Muslims, their children, and their women!

    Second: the enemy possesses massive media influence that the Muslims lack, and through which he is able to twist the virtues of the Muslims – in light of public opinion – to bad characteristics. So, how much more would it be if the Muslims were to act upon this ruling? How would their reputation and image be in front of the public? How would the people look at them and their religion? What would their position be towards them?

    This is a factor that is given consideration in our religion, and it is not proper for those who work for this Religion to ignore it, as the Prophet refrained from killing the head of nifaq – Ibn Ubayy – simply so that it would not be said that Muhammad kills his companions!…”

    18/06/1426 – 24/07/2005

    Abdul Mun’em Mustafa Halimah Abu Basir

  361. TisatasharNo Gravatar says:

    How sad is this hadith….
    [Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6985:]
    Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

    What unmentionable evil are the JEWS (US & Israel) going to do to force even the STONES & TREES to cry out in rage??

  362. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Humble seeker of truth, Asalamu Alaikum wrwb yes its good to be humble but when its time to fight you have to be a Lion
    Is it not better to die fighting than live under oppression ?, Is it not our duty to fight the enermies of Allah ? if we dont [ if we worry about our reputation which is dirt anyway or the enermies ability to do more harm to us in person or through the media ] then we are not following our Aqeeda , we are not following Allahs commands and the example of the Prophet saws) These two factors are really irrelivant .
    As far as targeting women and children. Isreali women are evil plain as day have you not seen them over the years , they have no compassion in their hearts even for a muslim baby, they all do military service so are regarded as combatents
    You seem like an intelligent man but your off the mark on this You must know the situation our brothers face in Gaza . They have no choice they must not give up Jihad they are living under an evil occupation they are Dawud as) they can only inflict fear and harm into the enermy with whats available They can not give this up as long as the rain drops, and even if they never sent one rocket into enermy land still the dirty jews would make up an excuse to attack them its all in the Quran, and weve seenit again and again. There are times when fighting the enermy , that if their women and children are to put in harms way to achieve a victory then that has been allowed by the Prophet saws) Himself we don’t deliberatly target them as the Jews do to our FAMILY MEMBERS , we don’t shoot a small child 10 times , look back and gain more knowledge read the latest on Gaza then youll really understand the enermy of Allah
    Why are you so concerned for our Image in the eyes of the enermies of Allah swt) why aren’t you concerned for our Image in Allah’s Eye the most Pleasurable of all to glance upon

  363. Um UmarNo Gravatar says:

    @ Tiastashar, what do you mean what unmentional evils are the JEW & US going to do , the same evil theyve always done ARE DOING RIGHT NOW THIS IS NOT A SAD HADITH THIS BRINGS PLEASURE AND REASSURANCE TO OUR HEARTS, IS ALLAH SWT) NOT THE MOST JUST

  364. kamran sharifNo Gravatar says:

    aslamo aliqum
    i m agree wd u now tell me what can i do for Palastiene,
    with regards

  365. surat_an_nisa_74_100No Gravatar says:

    @kamran sharif

    as salaamu aleikom , br. anwar wrote an article about the 44 ways to support j/d so i think this would be very helpful for you.

  366. shaik zakeer hussainNo Gravatar says:

    The eyes have turned its sight from the horrors of the happening,
    the mouth has silenced its voice from the cries of the hapless children,
    and the world watches silent and mute, the bombing and shelling.

  367. zyadNo Gravatar says:

    Killing innocents I’m sure is beyond Muslim virtues and morals. Would you kill an innocent begging for their life in front of you, when they have done nothing wrong? No, I think the verse quoted means only to fight the enemy with the same way they fought you e.g if they fire bombs, you do the same.

  368. zyadNo Gravatar says:

    If they kill innocents, you do not degrade yourselves to their level but rather strive harder to stop them.

  369. SoelaymanNo Gravatar says:

    Quds Homes…Palestinians Out, Settlers in

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Israel forcibly kicked out two Palestinian families from their homes in Al-Quds (occupied East Jerusalem) on Sunday, August 2, paving the way for Jewish settlers to take over.
    “We are thrown out and they let settlers inside our house,” one of the evicted Palestinians screamed at Israeli police as Jewish families entered their houses, Reuters reported.

    The al-Ghawi and al-Hanoun families were thrown out of their homes in Al-Quds’ Arab district of Sheikh Jarrah, where they have been living.

    Israeli police clad in black uniforms and carrying assault rifles cordoned off the area while the 53-member families, including 19 minors, were evicted.
    Jewish settlers carried boxes containing the belongings of the expelled families to a truck, while others moved into the houses holding drills, shovels and ladders.

    The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the houses belonged to Jews before the establishment of Israel in 1948, a claim categorically rejected by the Palestinian families.

    “I was born in this house and my children were also born in this house,” Maher Hanun, one of the evicted people, told Israeli Army Radio.

    “I have documents from the Jordanian government (which ruled the West Bank at that time) proving my ownership.”

    This is not he first time an Israeli court orders evictions from Sheikh Jarrah, one of the most sensitive neighborhoods in Al-Quds.

    Settlers have already moved into six other buildings in the neighborhood.

    The cases stretch back to the 1980s, when Israeli settler organizations began demanding rent from the Palestinian families of Sheikh Jarrah, and when many of the families refused, the first eviction orders were issued.

    In 2006, however, an Israeli court ruled that the settler organizations did not have rights to the land.


    The evictions of Palestinian families provoked international condemnations.

    “The Israelis’ claim that the imposition of extremist Jewish settlers into this ancient Arab neighborhood is a matter for the courts or the municipality is unacceptable,” the British consulate, located in Sheikh Jarrah along with a number of other foreign missions, said in a statement.

    “These actions are incompatible with the Israeli professed desire for peace. We urge Israel not to allow the extremists to set the agenda.”

    The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) dismissed the evictions as “deplorable.”

    Robert Serry, the UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, also slammed the evictions as “totally unacceptable”.

    He added that international mediators recently appealed to Israel to stop such “provocative actions” in Al-Quds.

    Israel occupied the holy city in the 1967 war and later annexed it in a move not recognized by the world community or UN resolutions.

    Since then, Israel has adopted a series of oppressive measures to force the Palestinians out of the city, home to Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which includes Islam’s third holiest shrine, including systematic homes demolitions.

    Earlier this year, the occupation authorities issued demolition orders for more than 88 houses in Silwan neighborhood of the city.

    A recent UN report has also warned that hundreds of Palestinian houses in Al-Quds are facing the risk of mass demolitions by Israel.

    Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat lamented the new evictions as another flagrant violation for international laws.

    “New settlers from abroad are accommodating themselves and their belongings in the Palestinian houses and 19 newly homeless children will have nowhere to sleep,” he said.

    “Israel is once again showing its utter failure to respect international law.”

  370. Inni AbdullaahNo Gravatar says:


    To no:24 Ummuasma

    Subhanallah, i didn’ty realise there are sisters in this world that has such clearity in the commandments of ALLAH and truly understand that if we are not ready to sacrifice our life/our children/our families/our business/our wealth for the sake of ALLAH then we are not true believers… may ALLAH be pleased with u, i wish my wife has such clear understanding of islam as you do ( if i ever have anough money to get married)

  371. AbuMubarakNo Gravatar says:

    quoted………….Discussion with Husayn b Mahmud on Gaza

    In the Name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful

    One of the brothers, may Allāh reward him, compiled together whatever he could find on the internet of news, analysis, and the discussions of the brothers in the forums and the news websites. He arranged them, removed that which was repeated or inappropriate and placed it in a file to give to the Shaykh, hafidhahullah, for him to look over… the colloquial words have been replaced with Arabic to make understanding easier.

    A brother: Shaykh, we want you to write something about this topic. Many of the youth are asking about your position towards Hamas after these events.

    Shaykh: And what should I write?

    Brother: Write about the reality of Hamas, what is going on in the field, and what opinion the Muslim should have about these events.

    Another brother: Shaykh, allow us to record this meeting and relay it on the net after transcribing it.

    Shaykh: That’s fine, as long as you make sure the transcription is accurate.


  372. Hossain AhmedNo Gravatar says:

    Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters,

    I have read most of your comments and have been immpressed by your views. May allah guide us all towards the truth. Some of you i think are in a state of confusion in regards to the comment posted by Sheikh Anwar. Let me put it in perspective for you. Please forgive my language:

    Have you ever seen your sister get gangraped by Israeli soldiers while you were forced to watch?

    your mother get shot and killed point blank right before you eyes?

    Your father and brothers get arrested in the still of the night because they were a threat to their illegal state?

    Or prehaps the news hasnt reached you of the 200 isreali’s who have invaded the Al Aqsa mosque to perform their kabbalistic rituals while the muslims stood helpless at gun point?

    The THIRD HOLIEST SITE in islam is being targeted and construction and digging is taking place for its destrcution because of the jews dillusional belief system. (The Talmud)

    I have even mentioned the Sabra and Shattila massacre and the sixth day war or the many other atrocities taking place!!!!!

    You want diplomacy? Is that what Saluddin Ayyubi did when he took over The holy Lnad from the infedils? be diplomatic?? NO!! The Ulama of salauddin times were against him waging war. W

  373. SoelaymanNo Gravatar says:

    Why has the Egyptian authority burn the Palestinian aid?

    The headlines came in some newspapers two days ago screaming ‘ The poor of Sinai are looting the aid of the poor of Gaza’…this is alarming I thought, the aid was there for a very long time, no one from AlAreesh’s poor ever touched a grain of rice before, what was happening?

    It was found that at the early hours of dawn, few boys ran towards the sport stadium in AlReesh where tons of humanitarian aid for Gaza was piling up, they have started to loot whatever their hands could reach, and then tens of grownups followed them to take what remained of the food and other urgently needed aid for Gaza.

    Is this possible I thought? Why there were no security forces to guard those tons of aid in food and other consumer goods especially that it was supposed to reach the orphans and the needy in Gaza who suffered the Israeli bombardment and the siege?

    It has been reported that one of the witnesses said that ‘the poor kids were able to loot a large amount of food aid which has been lying there in the sun since last January’…But then he burst to tears.
    I guess he was crying because both the one’s on the Egyptian side who committed the looting and the people of Gaza on the other side who are supposed to get the aid are both extremely poor. At least one of them should have benefited from the food.

    Other witnesses said that there were some Egyptian police security present but the children threw some stones at them and kept them away, others said that they have phoned the police and reported that there is looting going on, but the police never responded.

    One wonders, why this aid that was laying there since January has not been looted before or delivered. The answer came from the poor of AlAreesh themselves. One boy carrying a bag of rice on his shoulders in a hurry said: ‘we are not thieves, we are only poor. We came to take whatever we can benefit from because the authorities piled everything here to burn it; we are taking rice, flour, tinned food, oil, cheese, and blankets’.

    The Egyptian police refused to comment on the looting, but confirmed that the tons piling there were gathered to be burned down because all of it was inedible any more; all expired and no more safe for human consumption…..WHY on Earth such thing has been allowed to happen? Why tons of food aid to starving people was not allowed to go through to Gaza? Why feed the fire instead of feeding the people on either side? Why the North Sinai Governor Mohamed Shousha, and the Red Crescent official, failed to respond to all the attempts to call them? Why burn all this effort that has been a collaborative effort of millions of people and charity donors around the world? Why Egypt has steeped so low?????

    It was found that the authorities in Egypt has already burned down in May more than 250 tons of food aid that came originally last January as a donation from the Libyan people, after months exposure to the heat of the sun and finding out that it was no more edible or fit for human consumption. Why Egypt would not facilitate the delivery of the food to the starving poor in Gaza? Through the sea…through the crossings…through the air…or even through the tunnels that was gassed by the Egyptian authorities to deter any hungry soul from reaching out for a loaf of bread…..why Egypt are you frightened of being caught red-handed while trying to feed the hungry orphans? Why Egypt? WHY????

  374. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    This is the exact state of the ummah the poor and needy who are eligable for Zakat and sadaqah are totally neglected and the wealthy would rather waste the provisions Allah has given them than do their duty to those in the ummah who are in need
    There tummies are full so their okay , stuff anyone else , this is the attitude of Bani Isreal we have become jews not muslims
    As the Prophet saws) said if everyone gave sadaqa as they should their would not be any poor
    And Aleem are saying no one deserves zakat in the west this is how deluded they are from the reality of the ummah and far they are from the example of Umar ra ) who didn’t sleep for worrying about the muslims in his care .
    I can’t imagine just how many in muslim countries that are in need ,
    the reality is that as long as greed is enveloping the heart then their will always be some that need support from their brother


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