A New Year: Reality and Aspirations
December 31, 2008 - الأربعاء 05 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog
It is 1430 Hijri. Our good deeds, our sins, and the thoughts that passed through our minds in the passed year are all sealed in our books of deeds for us to read when we meet our Lord. This moment is a chance for us to plan for the next year. To plan to be a better Muslim.
We are living in special, dangerous and trialing times. The youth of the ummah need to rise to the occasion. There is a saying: “The problems of today were caused by our fathers and will be solved by our children.” This saying represents the ultimate level of lack of responsibility. Sadly enough we are reflecting such a mentality in our actions and words. But let us change that. Let us say that the problems of today are because of us and we are the ones who will change them insha Allah.
So here is where our world stands today. Its realities and our aspirations:
Palestine: Gaza is suffering its worst bombardment in recent history. Yes, the Israeli’s may have the upper hand in the conflict today but lets not lose sight of the whole picture. Do you remember that until some years ago the Jews where still talking about a kingdom extending from the Nile to the Euphrates? Where did all of that talk go? Today they are happy to build a wall around themselves in a strip of land so small it could fit in the state of Florida seven times. They want to be left alone. Their foolish imperialistic wishes are gone forever. The resistance of the Palestinian people has brought them down from their dream world back to reality.
There was a time when we were being fed conspiracy theories of the invincible Jew. We were being told that the Jew controls everything through secret orders. The Freemasons were everywhere, in government, in media, in business, everywhere. We were told that the Mossad knew everything. We were told that we are a helpless, weak, and defeated people so we might as well just give it up and submit. We were being told that their technologies are so advanced and we are so backward that we have no chance of resisting. Today Palestine is suffering, but their youth have proven the conspiracy theories wrong. They have showed us that the stone is mightier than the tank. They have shown us that we do not need to be equal to them in technology before we resist them. They have proven to us that if Allah is with you no one can defeat you.
I am not dismissing the theories of Jewish domination altogether because the Jews have been for the last few centuries working their way up. But their centuries of hard, and relentless work; their lobbying for control around the world, their wealth and genius, their advanced weaponry, their secret orders, and their worldwide power will be smashed on the rock of Jihad. Allah says: “Whoever Allah humiliates no one can honor.” The Jews will be humiliated and no one, not the US, not Europe, no one can protect them from the Muslim swords when even the rocks and trees will testify against them. That day is coming.
Iraq: The US has come to the conclusion that they cannot do the job alone and they must seek the assistance of the munafiqeen (hypocrites.) With all of the outside and inside forces combining efforts to fight the carriers of the truth in Iraq our brothers do not need to win in order to be victorious. All what they need to do is hang on. If they succeed in that they are winning. The invader cannot stay there forever. Allah know best but it seems that outside circumstances around the world may ultimately come to their relief.
Somalia: This must be the best news of the year. Al-Shabab are wining on all fronts. Insha Allah we should witness the announcement of the establishment of an Islamic emirate. Ethiopia is tired of fighting a proxy war on behalf of America. They want to be paid for it and apparently they are squabbling over the wages. But that should not imply that the Shabab are now safe. I am sure the Shabab know that they should not be carried away by the momentary victory they are witnessing because the plots of the enemies of Allah are already underway. When the Muslims were proud of their numbers in Hunayn they lost. The sea around Somalia is aleady occupied under the pretext of protection from piracy. This year could witness aerial bombardment with a renewed ground force invasion as a possibility. Al Shabab are now faced with the daunting task of establishing and running a government. However, their special circumstances demand that they focus the majority of their effort not on the establishment of government but on the preparation for the next stage of their guerilla warfare. Allah says: “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power.”
Afghanistan: The mujahideen are winning, NATO are loosing, and Karazai is still wearing that green thing. Obama is all hyped up about bringing an end to terrorism by focusing on Afghanistan. I pray the brothers teach him and his forces some good lessons this year.
Around the world: The separation of believers from hypocrites which precedes any Muslim victory is underway. The phenomenon of “RAND Muslims” is on the rise . But on the other hand, the Muslims who hold firm to tawhid and have their loyalty to Allah, His Messenger and the believers and who announce their disavowal of the disbelievers are also on the rise.
Dawa will carry on, tarbiyyah will carry on ,and Jihad will carry on. And all of these are building stones for the ummah in its next stage. If Allah wants an end he prepares the means to it. Allah wants victory for this ummah and Allah is preparing the means for that. Let is not sit on the sidelines. Lets be part of that victory.
Jazakallahu khayran. May Allah make you better than we see/percieve you.
Your words have always been a source of reminder and reading this, this morning, I can only say Jazakumullahu Khayran.
“Yes! Certainly the Help of Allah is NEAR!”
Tedious bombast.
Okay, Anwar, I’ll butt out now, and let your suckholes in Londonistan pour in, every one of them approving of every single word of it.
Jazakallahu Khairan sheikh Anwar.
The might have the best military intelligence and might but waging a war against Allah is ultimate defeat and failure itself.
Sheikh, indeed Allah is preparing us for victory. May Allah make us part of that history. Amin!!
Assalam aleikum,sheikh insha’Allah victory is near and may Allah keep us steadfast.
Fantastic new years post.
IMO the silverlining, the good we can benefit from all the terrible things our muslim brothers & sisters are going through. It is seperating the believers from the munafiqeen & disbelievers.
10 years ago the lines where not so clear cut, lots of grey areas. Through Allah’s wisdom, as we go into 2009, we see these lines becoming more and more clearer. Good & Bad, Truth & Falsehood, believer & disbeliever are getting clearer and clearer.
Afgan, Palestine, etc – This is a miracle happening in front of our eyes. Youth armed with stones and home made rockets are taking the fight to a technology advanced, modern warfare, multi billion dollar arms budgets.
One would think with all that they can easily crush them? –
Alas, as you said “Allah is with you no one can defeat you”
Assalamoalykum brother Anwar and the rest of the party of haq here!
MashaAllah what a joyous,hopeful,positive start you have given us brother Anwar. may Allah preserve you and guide you always so we are guided too as we look up to your advices eagerly Alhumdulillah.though the ultimate guidance comes from Allah alone.
these words of yours has put a big smile on my face:
”…kingdom extending from the Nile to the Euphrates? Where did all of that talk go? Today they are happy to build a wall around themselves in a strip of land so small it could fit in the state of Florida seven times.”
Alhumdulillah. Allah always humiliates and destroys jews in this manner as was the case of their tribe(forgot the name, Qanuqa?) who had to demolish and uproot their own houses and trees b4 leaving!
another metaphoric sign of victory is right here in this forum i.e’kufr akbar’ has accepted his defeat infront of our mere”hanging on”
Allah o Akbar ,inshaAllah victory is very near.
may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to the mujahidine and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
Marshallah alhumduiallah Sheik I needed to hear that Allah has truly blessed you
Allah is the most intriguing in his Qardar for his slave
He never lets us down
after seeing the little children being buried and visiting the local masjid to find nothing mentioned about the Palestinian situation I return home tonight totally disallusioned with the muslim ummah and thinking no one will lift a hand but your words brought reassurance to my heart
good always prevails over evil and Allah is the most merciful and we will work harder all of us together Jazakiallahkeir brother
What does “RAND Muslims” mean?
I pray to Allah SWT to grant you wealth, health, happiness etc as long as you live and receive the WORST of punishment in the hereafter for all the abuse and comments you made.(People like you make my Imaan stronger)
To the shaiton who is trying so hard you are a foul little jew who will never have honour unless you believe and repent to Allah and join the likes of other muslims of jewish decent such as Abdullah bin Salame, Maryum Jameela and myself Fatima the daughter of Ibraheem (as) We have something special that if u had all the gold of the world u could not obtain it
Allah put u where u belong
masha’allh tabarak’allah,
may allah help the mujahideens wherever they are.
and may we be involved in the victory of this ummah insh’allah
Asalamualykum, this is one of the best blogs yet. May Allah allow us to witness the victory. ameen
P.S Kufr Akbar, yes its time you did butt out and yes we will approve every single word of it even if the disbelievers hate it!
let Kufr Akbar be ignored, he or she will soon go away when they are not responded to. don’t waste your time on such filth.
Asalaamu Alaykum,
A truly inspiring message from the our brother and teacher. Victory is on the side of the Believers. They (the enemies of Allah ‘azza wa jal) plot and plan, yet what good will it do them, for Allah ‘azza wa jal also plans and He is he best of planners.
May Allah ‘azza wa jal accept our efforts, duas and make our intentions pure for Him and Him alone.
To Kufr Akbar:
By now, even the likes of you must have realised that Imam Anwar Al Awlaki is a man who does not fear the blame of the blamers, nor the slander of those who slander.
DAILY DUA for protection from Calamities:
Shaykh Anwar,
Here is the Dua I remember, but I need help in transliteration and also English translation. From what I remember this Dua was from a hadith from Abu Darda RA who was told that his house was burning while in Makkah, by 3 different people and he said NO to each of them. The 4th person came and told his “O Abu Darda the fire was very intense in Makkah with high flames all houses were burnt except yours alone” so he Abu Darda RA replied I Know Allah SWT will not do that as I heard from Prophet SAS that who so ever recites this Dua in the morning then he will be protected till the evening from all calamities and I had made the Dua today.
Alla Humma Anta Rabbi Laa Illaha Illa Anta Aleyka Tawakkaltu Wa Anta Rabbul Aarshil Kareem Masha’Allahu Kaana Wa Ma lam Yashaalam Yakun Wala Hawla Wala Khuwata Illa Billahil Aleeyul Azeem.
Aalamu Annallaha Aala Kulli Shayin Khadeerun Wa Annal laaha Khad Ahata Bi Kulli Shayin Ilm.
Allahuma Inni Aauthubika min Sharri Nafsi wa min Sharri Kulli Thaabati anta Aakhethu bi Naasiyatiha Inna Rabbi Aala Siraatin Mustaqeem.
If anyone can help correct the above its appreciated.PASS THIS TO ALL IN GAZA AND ELSE WERE.
Assalam Alaykum shaikh,
Very well said. May Allah keep you safe and sound so that you can keep on doing the good work and guide the Ummah towards the right path.
I pray to The Almighty that the enemies keep on rejoicing on their false victories which will ultimately bring them down in the near future inshallah.
To bint mohamoud al somal
assalamu alaykum
please contact me at mohamedhaji04@aol.com and any other somali sisters who love Anwar for the sake of Allah azza wa jall
Abu Hamza if you want to know then listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5lwYNhwxzA
Allahum’ansar Mujahideen
Asalaamu Alaykum,
To akhi Abu Hamza:
For a clear and concise definition of the term “RAND MUSLIM” please listen to a lecture by Imam Al Awlaki found at the following link:
Jazaakallah khier Sheikh!
May Allah All-Mighty give the ummah victory. Allahu Akbar!
From a kingdom extending from the Nile to the Euphrates to building a wall around themselves in a strip of land, STRIP – a narrow piece! lol
And remember if the Whole world wants good for you they will only attain this if Allah decrees it…
And Allah has promised the believers Victory.
“Then leave Me Alone with such as belie this Qur’an. We shall punish them gradually from directions they percieve not. And I will grant them respite. Verily My Plan is STRONG.”
and to you who wants to ‘butt out’, stay put. you seemed very keen on hearing/reading from our imam. Is the truth too close for comfort?
“Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!”
Assalamu alaikum shaikh,
i laughed a lot.
Inshallah, may Allah make us all part of that victory. It seems to me that within the next 10 years many things will happen and change, hopefully for our advantage.
“..Karzai is still wearing that green thing” that was really good
Asalamau Aalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu to ONLY the Muslims on this forum,
Ya mu’mineen, there seems to be an individual(s) on this forum who may be a non-muslim. Do not let their opinions side track your anger. They will always be in the gatherings of the Muslims to create fitnah and distortion.
One thing which I have noticed on the media from the Muslims is that they are asking for the ‘Arabs’ to deal with the Gaza – Israeli issue. Why just the arabs, brothers and sisters? ALL THE MUSLIMS from EVERY part of the world should help and deal with it!!!
Your sincere brother in Islam.
May Allah (swt) preserve you sheikh anwar, and reward you immensly for annoying and hurting the kuffar, as is evident from the post of this filthy kaffir pig “Kufr Akbar”
@kufrakbar, it’s amazing that you and me (us) read the same message (i.e this blog, quran, hadith..etc) but Praise to Allah we are benefiting from it, whereas you are just wasting your time and digging a deeper hole for yourself in Hellfire! But remember, Allah is Most Merciful, it’s still not late to accept Islam and become our brother/sister. But if you reject and die in disbelief, be assured of the Severe Punishment of Allah!
asalamualaykum br anwar,
what about the issues in kashmir, chechnya, and south philipinies,
may allah help muslims everywhere
To Abu Hamza
The Kuffar will not be successful.They plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners.
Analysis:- For all the technology and equipment that the armies of Kuffar have they cannot beat the sincere Mujahideen fighting in the cause of Allah. If we compare the special forces of the world they come no where close to the true Mujahid. Why! I have seen the best the kuffar have and comparing the two on an equal basis the mujahideen have no equal. They love death to the extent they actively seek it out. They are happy to leave their loves ones and they feel nothing in living a life of austerity. The fruits of the jihad are now beginning to be seen.
We are seeing a contraction in the world economies and an expansion in the areas of operations of the Mujahideen. We are moving towards the time when Islam will once again be world dominant and the leaders and emirs will be true and righteous Muslims.
We have everything to be positive about and only our sins to fear which prevent us from the good and the acceptance of our duas.
Whichever way the war goes in Gaza it is for the best and only good will come from it. Those who die will die inshallah as martyrs and from theirs they will be in the fire of hell, they know that and their leaders know that. There are no brave and courageous kuffar they are only fuel for the fire of hell.
The great Mujahid Abu Ubaida Ibn-e-Jarrah ابو عبیده ابن جراح
when Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) saw how he lived asked him is this all you possess, he remarked this is all I need.
I wrote this as a reminder to myself first and foremost may others benefit as well ishallah if there is good in it.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
To Kufr Akbar
As your name suggests your words have manifest. Whatever your motives, you obviously feel threatened by the Truth/believers otherwise you wouldn’t be spending your limited precious time stalking the Imam and the brothers and sisters on this website. Your animosity to the Imam and your slavery to this blog is a punishment on its own.
The Clarity of thought in the minds and hearts of our Youth today is so deep and strong that No fiq of humiliation can even enter and no RAND ulema can win (ahamdulilah).
Al shabab of Somali already won, Taliban is winning, Mujahidins in Iraq are finishing th enemy,Hamas has not only crashed and defeated The Jew’s dream but forced them to hide behind closed walls!
We are the children of Abu Bakar, Omar,Ali,hamza,Sa’ad,Khalid,Ubeyda,Al Qa qaa’ Ikrima, Zaid and Barra! so keep ya heads up my dear Family, getready 4 the promised vicory and let us handle our job!
Yaa Anwar, where would we be without u? u r such a pure gift from allah to us!
Talha Sumali
Asalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu our dear Sheikh Imam Anwar and my dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
We ask Allah subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to forgive us our sins and accept our good deeds. We ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to preserve and protect our dear Sheikh Imam Anwar, May Allah Azza Wa Jall reward you with Jannahtul Firdous.
As we ushered in the New Year of 1430 Hijri, I would like to congratulate our Mujahideen brothers and sisters all around the world and also would like to reiterate what Sheikh Anwar said in the last paragraph: “Dawa will carry on, tarbiyyah will carry on, and Jihad will carry on. And all of these are building stones for the ummah in its next stage. If Allah wants an end he prepares the means to it. Allah wants victory for this ummah and Allah is preparing the means for that. Let is not sit on the sidelines. Lets be part of that victory.”
The Means to our Goal and Victory is Jihad Feesabililah.
Jihadfeesabililah protects the Freedom to believe in Islam and establishing Allah’s Rule on earth:
“And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease – then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.
But if they turn away – then know that Allah is your protector. Excellent is the protector, and Excellent is the helper.”
[Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 39-40]
As Muslims, we should support and join with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and other lands of Jihad, to destroy any power or enemy that stands in the way of the Da’wah and the Shariah, that takes away from people the freedom to spread Islam, that threatens people’s freedom to embrace and practice Allah’s Deen. Allah Azza Wa Jall made Jihad obligatory to raise His Word above all else, to grant victory to His religion and its adherents, and to save those among His believing slaves who are weak and unable to defend themselves either with arms or with wealth. Jihadfeesabililah protects the Masaajid of Allah Azza Wa Jall and overcome corruption and injustices on Earth.
The Seerah, Military Expeditions and Battles of our Noble Prophet, Muhammad, sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, should be our guiding light and reference, for military strategies in achieving this Victory against the pigs and apes of the world.
Finally to you the Kuffar, the Zionist, the Jewish pigs of the Children of the Illegal State of Israel, and your RANDs, Know that your defeat has already begun! Know that victory is not except from Allah Azza Wa Jall, and He supports with His Victory whom He will, so:
“If you disbelievers seek the victory – the defeat has come to you. And if you desist from hostilities, it is best for you; but if you return to war, We will return, and never will you be availed by your large company at all, even if it should increase; and that is because Allah is with the believers.”
[Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 19]
Brothers and Sisters in Islam, may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala keep you all firm on the path of Jihadfeesabililah, and always remember this about the Kuffar, and the apes and pigs of the USA, the UK, NATO, Illegal State of Israel, and their puppets around the world:
“[Their] assembly will be defeated, and they will turn their backs [in retreat].”
[Surah Al-Qamar, Ayat 45]
A very nice one. Jazaakum’Allah Khairan.
Could you please refer us the prescribed duah / invocations, the least that we could extend in support of our brothers and sisters?
No disrespect but I thought that this is the new year for the kaafirs. Should we also sit down like them and analyse the things hapenned in the last year. So what is the ruling on the new year for Muslims. And please stop labelling Muslims as RAND or not, let us instead pray for those Muslims who have been misguided.
Kufr Akbar,
You are spelling your name wrong. Is it not Kafir Akbar?
As far as what brother Anwar has said I am in agreement. I have tried to email several times asking advice on what the scholars think of our current situation. Do you and the other scholars believe the time for mahdi and dajjal is coming soon? I know Dajjal will come when things are in bad shape for the world and with the global economy going bankrupt I wonder what things will be like in the next few years. After hearing your series on the signs of the day of judgement it would seems like things are primed for a major event.
The jews have been losing there confidence slowly but surely. In the summer of 06 when they fought in Lebanon they had 120 plus of there “elite” soldiers killed. They brought there entire force over there and still could not bring down a few guerillas. I remember the Israeli gov’t was embarrassed by the whole event and considered it a defeat.
With al shabab establishing sharia in somalia, the global economy slowing down, the american military spread thin and Israel losing confidence this could indeed be a significant time in Islamic history.
Salam Alaykum,
To Kufr Akbar
Please stop insulting scholars. I might myself disagree with Shaikh Anwar Al-Awlaki (Rahimahulla), but I do understand the things he is saying is out of his immense love for Muslims and Islam.
May Allah(swt) bless all our scholars and show us all the right way.
And I ask the noble Shaikh to pray for my guidance and for well being in this life and the hereafter.
Any victory or military defeat and cleansing of nation is an illusion. There is only only victory and that belongs to muslims.
the army on gaza borders reminds me of the story of mosa…
يَا قَوْمِ ادْخُلُوا الأَرْضَ المُقَدَّسَةَ الَّتِي كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَكُمْ وَلاَ تَرْتَدُّوا عَلَى أَدْبَارِكُمْ فَتَنقَلِبُوا خَاسِرِينَ (5:21)
5:21 (Asad) O my people! Enter the holy land which God has promised you; but do not turn back [on your faith], for then you will be lost!”
قَالُوا يَا مُوسَى إِنَّ فِيهَا قَوْمًا جَبَّارِينَ وَإِنَّا لَن نَّدْخُلَهَا حَتَّىَ يَخْرُجُواْ مِنْهَا فَإِن يَخْرُجُواْ مِنْهَا فَإِنَّا دَاخِلُونَ (5:22)
5:22 (Asad) They answered: “O Moses! Behold, ferocious people -dwell in that land, [33] and we will surely not enter it unless they depart therefrom; but if they depart therefrom, then, behold, we will enter it.”
قَالَ رَجُلاَنِ مِنَ الَّذِينَ يَخَافُونَ أَنْعَمَ اللّهُ عَلَيْهِمَا ادْخُلُواْ عَلَيْهِمُ الْبَابَ فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُمُوهُ فَإِنَّكُمْ غَالِبُونَ وَعَلَى اللّهِ فَتَوَكَّلُواْ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ (5:23)
5:23 (Asad) [Whereupon] two men from among those who feared [God, and] whom God had blessed, said: “Enter upon them through the gate’ [34] -for as soon as you enter it, behold, you shall be victorious! And in God you must place your trust if you are [truly] believers!”
قَالُواْ يَا مُوسَى إِنَّا لَن نَّدْخُلَهَا أَبَدًا مَّا دَامُواْ فِيهَا فَاذْهَبْ أَنتَ وَرَبُّكَ فَقَاتِلا إِنَّا هَاهُنَا قَاعِدُونَ (5:24)
5:24 (Asad) [But] they said: “O Moses! Behold, never shall we enter that [land] so long as those others are in it. Go forth, then, thou and thy Sustainer, and fight, both of you! We, behold, shall remain here!”
It shows you ignorance brother, get a life, Shaykh is talking about New year for Muslims that just started. Obviously you are either ignorant or one of those heraish, Kufr Akbar likes.
You claim to be salafi from your posts here and at MuslimMatters.org, did not you learned in Salafia the first thing they teach the new student “Dont speek without Knowledge” Your speeking in posts shows your lack of knowledge. Spend time reading Quran instead of here on the blog.
Btw to the one who ‘butt out’ I’m guessing you’re probably still ‘peeping’ (because “your slavery to this blog is a punishment on its own”) INSHAALLAH, DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE LECTURE TOMORROW. PERHAPS YOU MIGHT UNDERSTAND AND TAKE HEED.
And Allah guides who He wills.
Even new year for Muslims is not something to be done like how the Kaafirs do, and that is what I was asking the Shaikh about the ruling for the new year, what is permissible and what is not.
Is it wrong to ask and clarify and get out of ignorance.
A good article on the issue of Gaza: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/analysis/middle-east/4793-mobilising-the-armies-to-fight-is-the-only-duty-of-the-rulers-in-response-to-the-massacre-of-gaza-otherwise-they-betray-allah-his-messenger-and-the-believers
allah akabar wa liallahe al hamd. jazakallah
To Mudisr, the Victim of the Enemy’s Plot and the Kuffar Sympathizer:
Know that it is the year 1430 Hijri now in the Islamic Calendar: and the first Month is Muharram.
“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him].”
[SuraH At-Taubah, Ayat 36]
Of course we do not celebrate new years or birthdays like how the Kuffar and the RAND Mozlemz, celebrate their New years with Sin. We Muslims take account of our deeds and actions of the past before we are will be taken to account by Allah Azza Wa Jall. Umar ibn Al-Khattab radiallahu anhu said:
“Take account of your own selves (i.e., of your deeds), before you will be taken to account (on the Day of Resurrection). Weigh yourselves (i.e., your deeds) before you will be weighed (i.e., before your deeds will be put on the balances on the Day of Resurrection). Verily, if you hold yourselves accountable today, the accountability tomorrow (on the Day of Resurrection) will be easier upon you. And adorn yourselves for the greater display (for when you will be brought to Judgment):
“That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgement]; not hidden among you is anything concealed.
So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, ‘Here, read my record!
Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account.’”
[Surah Al-Haaqqah, Ayah 18-20]
Allah Azza Wa Jall Orders the believers:
“O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
And whenever a Surah is revealed, there are among the hypocrites those who say, “Which of you has this increased faith?” As for those who believed, it has increased them in faith, while they are rejoicing.
But as for those in whose hearts is disease, it has [only] increased them in evil [in addition] to their evil. And they will have died while they are disbelievers.
Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember?”
[Surah At-Tawbah, Ayah 123-126]
JazakAllah Khair dearest Shaykh, you’ve expressed the haq as always, and Kharazai’s “green thing” had me in stiches! Cant wait to hear you tomorrow in London inshAllah, my kids are so excited. May Allah swt open our way to jihad fisabilillah, so many have alhamdolilah made the intention. InshAllah the Kavkaz centre website and brothers like Abul Haarith can assist us more, I pray Allah makes a way for us soon to use this time of massive reward and bring liberation to our beloved ummah that has suffered so long, aameen.
Btw kufr akbar, even my kid has figured that you must be a lonely Emo, whose soul is in constant turmoil and despair.
May Allah Reward you Sheikh Anwar. Year 1429 has indeed been a blessed year for the Mujahideen all around the world (Walillaahi Hamd) and Isha’allah it is only the start. Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar.
Salaam to all my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam. I ask Allah (swt) to grant Awlaki all that is good for him, to return him to Allah (swt) as a Shaheed while in prostration to Allah (swt), and that we may all follow in his brave footsteps. Ameen
asalaam alaykum sheikh, jazakum allahu khayr for that excellent reminder…and no doubt, only people with intellect will be able to truly understand. I have a question though, what else can we do at the moment other than make dua’ for the destruction of Israel and its allies and protest as Muslim citizens since most of our leaders haven’t awoken from their hibernation.what can we do???i don’t understand how us Muslims can even go comfortably to sleep at night while other Muslims are STRUGGLING AND SUFFERING DAY AND NIGHT!!how are we going to even face Allah swt!!I just Hope that all of us who ready for Jihad, inshaAllah, be at least a little bit involved in bringing the Muslim Ummah to the top again the way Rasul Allah SAWS and His companions left it.
May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon all.And may Allah’s wrath be upon the enemies of Islam. ameen
to mudsir,
maybe you ought to read the article again.
do u know any thing about the islamic calender? anyway our islamic year just started as well…1430. thats what Imam Anwar’s talkin about. oh btw, ur right, we should start praying for muslims to be guided..but it would rather be better that we pray for our own guidance particularly…i’m sure it’l be quiet beneficial inshaAllah. hopefully…
As Salamu alaykum Shaykh,
My eyes fill with the sweet tasting tears reading the lines again and again, that Allah’s help is near, Allah is preparing us for victory. Subhanallah…The mu’mins like you heal our hearts, console our fears and your words really give coolness to our hearts. Shaykh, may Allah forgive us all and keep us on the straight path. May He give our brothers n sisters in Afghanisthan, Bosnia, Chechenya, Darfur, Iraq, Iran, J&K, Libya, Palestine and India the courage, the comfort and the sustenance in terms of health and mind.Ameen. Ameen to all your du’as. May Allah keep us steady on the straight path with company such like yours.Aameen.
May Allah always protect you brother. Aameen.
absolutely superb post sheikh anwar.. o my brother and dear sheikh in the northern hemisphere, northern Europe you will find to a city called Örebro with a population of about 90,000 and you will find a small click of youth in there mid 20ties listening to all your lectures and keeping up with the latest news from your blog. what make me filld of hope is that if you where to call us and demanded a meting with us and gave a task. by the will of allah subhanahu wa taala we would not stop until victory came ore death, what makes me though filled with hope is that if we in this chilling small city where you barely see the sun half of the year then how many would not respond from U.k France u.s Germany, Italy, Russia, Saudi Arabia south Africa and all the other countries that has higher Muslim rate than us…
Allahu Akbar.i’m happy .i’m optimistic reading this post.o Allah long live the Sheikh.O Allah Make me the Part of victory.
Assalamu Alaikum Shaykh, You have omitted the valiant Brothers in Caucasus whose on going struggle has taken a giant step forward when the Mujahideen declared an Emirate across the whole of Caucaus encompassing 7 semi autonomous Muslim republics from Karachaev-Balkar to Dagestan. They successfully demolished the idol of nationalism by ceasing any reference to “chechen” state. They rightly stated that the word “Chechen” was given to them by others-Russia. The struggle for an Islamic state is in full swing albeit at a lower intensity. Please see the Caucasus site maintained by a Danish person which give latest news from that Jihad front.
It is matter of time Insha’Allah when the other semi autonomus republics from Tatarstan to Bashkiristan will Insha’Allah join the Emirate. As you are aware Somali and Afghan Mujahideen have welcomed brothers from all over the world. This kind of Brotherhood of Ummah has not yet been visible in Hamas leadership. But these recent events should open the eyes of Mujahideen in filistine to broaden their struggle from a “palestinian” state to an genuinely Islamic State. They should establish links with Brothers in Afghanistan, Somalia and Caucausus and elsewhere and not flock to criminals like Assad, Ahmedenijad and Putin for support. Hamas should apologise to Mujahideen from Caucasus who were brought to tears looking at images of Hamas leaders embracing Putin the war criminal at the time of mass genocide in Caucasus. How would Hamas react when for example a Mujahideen from Caucasus visits Israel today during this current genocidal war by Zionists and hugs Israeli leaders. Insha’Allah those Brothers will never do that shameful act.
EsSelamu alejkum .
JazakAllahu khair sheik ,Bosnians were listening today your words , (we translated it ) .They LOVE it !
Jazakallahu Khairan Sheikh Anwar.
Inshallah we will be part of the victory.
What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?????
Asalaam Alykum
Sheikh can you please tell me what should We muslims in the UK be doing about Palestine? There is going to be a demonstration This friday after jummah from Regent Park MAsjid to American Embessey. Organised by MUslims from Ahlus SUnah.. Do you think demostrating is like beging them to stop when we should be fighting them??
As Salamu Alaikum Dear SHeikh,
Baraka Allah Feik,Jazak Allah Khair Just reading your blog puts comfort in my heart, tears in my eyes,greater love for Allah(SWT) and greater love for our beloved Prophet Muhammed(SAW), propels me to make constant duaa for our brothers and sisters. Sheik may Allah bless you and grant you paradise .May Allah gather us together with our Prophet(saw) on Judgement Day and we may meet our Lord as the great believing UMMAH of Rasool Allah..May Allah guide us all to the straight path,make us steadfast on his Deen, and strengthen us spiritually,emotionally,mentally and physcially to stand up to the Oppressors of our time with the help of Allah(SWT)..
Brother Mudsir, Shaykh al-Awlaki is not commemorating New Years by turning it into some special event.
However, he just used it as a milestone to look back on the previous year and pondered on the Ummah’s affairs within it.
Asalamualaikum wrwb dear brothers and sisters in Islam
TO Abu Vaseela do the Qunoot al Naazilah
Pray at the time of calamity
Its clearly on the Meaning of Gaza site under ANONY
do it in jumiah if you can more blessings Allah wants unity Jazakiallahkeir to Anony for posting it Also what ever inspires you from your heart especially when your upset as these a blessed times Allah unite our ummah and let us have compassion on each other as Maybe we were once like them Salames
salaam,while i agree sheikh concerning the positive aspects of the struggle against tyranny i want to point out that we should not celebrate prematurely.There is indeed a monstrous conspiracy against Islam and Allah Most High informs us of this in al Quran.I believe that we are yet to see the true extent of the criminality of these oppressive regimes who are plottig to unleash something quite terrible.I also suggest we examine the hadiths on Yajuj Majuj closer as i believe they have been released and currently go under the guise of the euro-US-Israeli alliance.
Brother Saleem, Allah has promised us victory.
Ponder the lessons of the Battle of Uhud to see that even if they increase their attacks they will not delay Allah’s victory from coming down, and that any dead among us are Martyrs.
AoAwRwB our beloved Sheikh. Please to hear your encouraging post in such a depressing moment i.e. Israeli strikes on Gaza. Your post is truly bashara upon bashara. And its amazing subhanAllah that a true momin can actually see through the lines and what the future would hold for the Ummah.
Karzi comment was very funny. Actually Pashtun don’t have any dress code as such. But it might be give him a feeling of Ameer ul Momineen..:) but unfortunately wearing one doesn’t make one.
Brother al Khurasani, get your horses ready to mount…
Brother Mudsir we are not sitting down like them
their not reflecting on their deeds like we should do everynight ,
they make some flimsy statement like give up smoking and never keep it because they have no self control or will we know what they do Lost in Duniah Allah guide them because they only remember their God when a calamity hits then Hes fogotten soon after
WE are not like them because we have the Haqq But we as a ummah are putting the Haqq behind our backs and abusing the only knowledge of importance in this life and abusing those who want to implement it
Theres nothing wrong with the Deen of Allah but there plenty wrong with those who claim to be Muslims
Remember Not every muslim is a believer but every beliver is a muslim
We have chosen the path of Ibraheem, read (as)Surah Al mumtahinah ayat4,5,6 and read
S 75 A 2 And I swear by the self reproaching person ( a believer )
Id write them for u but better to read the whole Surah and computer screens disturb my old weary eyes that have seen too much disobedients to Allah in this life
Salaam Alaykum WRB to all,
Could someone who is knowledgeable about Hadiths verify the Status of these Hadiths I came across – whether they are Shaheeh or Weak:
Ibn Masood reported:
“We went to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and he came out with good news — and happiness was easily recognizable upon his face.
When we asked him about a matter he would tell us about it, and we were never silent about anything until he spoke of it, until a party from the Bani Hashim passed by amongst whom were Al Hasan and Al Hussain, peace be upon them. When he saw them he hugged them with tears in his eyes,so we asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah’ we see something has changed your face which distresses us.’
Thereupon he replied:
‘We are a Family of a House for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than the present. After me my family will be refugees, driven out of countries until the Black Banners are raised in the east. They will ask for the truth but they will not be given it, so they will ask again for it, and they will not be given it, so they will fight and be given victory.
Those of you or your descendants who live during that time go to the Imam of the Family of my house even if you have to crawl over ice to him. Indeed, they are banners of guidance. They will deliver it to a man from the Family of my House his name is the same as my name, and the name of his father is the same as my father,
and he will fill the ground with fairness and justice.”
This hadith is in found in the references of Abu Dawood, Al Hakim, At-Tirmizi, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Majhah, Au Ash-Shaykh, Ibn Adiy, Abu Dhabi, Ibn Asakir and Abu Nuaym.
We know about the coming of the Black Flags, but what I would like to know is if they will ask 3 times and win the 3rd time.
Would like to know the validity of this Hadith.
And this one:
“How will you be O Awf, when this nation is divided into 73 sects. One sect will be in Paradise and the rest in Hell.”
I asked: “When will this be O Messenger of Allah.”
He answered saying: “When the police increase and slave girls take authority, and when the lambs (weak authorities) sit on the pulpit, and when the Qu’ran is used as flutes and mosques decorated and the spoils of war manipulated, and the obligatory charity becomes an excessive debt, and trust is taken like spoils of war, and religious study is not for the Sake of Allah and when husbands obey their wives, and disobeys his mother, and banishes his father, and the last of this nation curses the beginning of it, and when the tribe is mastered by a deviator, and the leader of the nation is the worst of them and a man is treated generously to avoid his evil.
Upon that day it will happen and men will run to Syria to the City of Damascus, which is one of the best cities in Syria that protects them from their enemy … ”
I asked: “Will Syria be opened?”
He answered: “Yes, soon then after its opening the trials will start and a dark and dusty trial will come. Trials will follow one another until a man from the Family of my House called Al Mahdi comes. If you reach him, follow him and be among those who are guided.”
Reported by Awf ibn Malik Al Ashja’l in the reference of At Tabarani
As Salamalaikum,
Allah swt is humiliating us in front of the world for us leaving JIHAD. The only one focus of the Global Muslims without sects,school of thought, nationality, color etc. should be GLOBAL JIHAD the final THIRD INTIFADA from Global Ummah.
barak Allah (swt) feek brother Anwar.
the Mujahideen, bithin’illah, will be the founding stone for the next generation, and the next phase of the Ummah.
Muslims may percieve the attacks on Gaza as a Horrible event but Wallahi this event may be part of Allah (swt) plan, the mAsses of muslims have risen against the Munafiqeen (tagaweet). THe Masses see that Diplomacy and peace will never bring victory to the Ummah, and more and more are supporting the MUjahideen if not Joining them!
thankyou Saladin for reminding us not on any account to compromise our deen We as a Ummah have alot of issues with each other but we must follow the example of our Prophet SAW and the rightly guided Khalifas to forgive and over look Allah helps us to do that and to not have rancour in our hearts for the believers Allah help We must collect strengh in our hearts like never before well thats what its all about isnt it the lesson on life Our Duas are with all the Mujahideen and please make Duas for our youth in Jail here in the west and our dear sisters in jail in Turkey for obeying Allah Shame on turkey and special dua for our sisters daughters in Uzbekistan who are oppressed in the worst manner that a woman can be its too hard to even write .Allah knows best we submitt only to You Allah Akbar
What I am confused about the above Hadith is that, the Prophet(salAllahu alyhe wa Sallam), talks about people going to Syria for protection, just before Mahdi.
But Syria is also the place where a Tyrant named As-Sufyaani will rule, who will kill pregnant women and send an Army to fight Mahdi.
Any insight would be appreciated. And may Allah guide us all and protect us from All Fitan. Ameen.
JazakAllah khair.
Brother Mudsir,
concentrate on your medical school in banglore, India. Stay away from deobandi’s, read Quran with translation of Israar Ahmed.
May Allah guide all of us and grant victory to Muslims. Ameen
Alhamdulillah for Islam!
Does this Realy works? Its annoying for your enemies but a good way to vent ones frustrations in the wrong direction using wrong methodology ( Imean even sisters started swearing), I prefer keeping my anger inside for only JIHAD.
So I was wondering… will the lecture in London on Jan 1st be able to be viewed on the internet at all or be available for video download in the future for those who do no live in London???
Those who believe say, “Why is not a sura sent down (for us)?” But when a sura of basic or categorical meaning is revealed, and fighting is mentioned therein, thou wilt see those in whose hearts is a disease looking at thee with a look of one in swoon at the approach of death. But more fitting for them-
JazakAllah for your comments brother Anwar it puts comfort to my heart & tears in my eyes.. ALLAHHUM MANSUR IKHWAN AL MUJAHIDEEN FEE KULLI MAKKAN YA RABB AL AALAMIN! AMEEN…
Assalamu alaikum
Allahu Akbar
May Allah preserve shiekh Anwar and join us all in the akirawith the riteous and the Prophets and make us amongsts those who are part of the rvival of Islam.
Brother saleem the Mog and Gagog are more Mongol/Chinese/Northern Russian/Scandanavian/Turkish than US and Israeli.
may allah guide all of us reading this blog to love him and aspire to meet him and drink from al houuse al kauther. Ameen
As-salamu alaikum warahamtullah Sheikh, as always, inspiring and leaving me speechless…
AlhamdulllahirabiAlameen, my heart yearns for Jihad Fisabeelillah i wish i could somehow be part of it
i really do. if just i was a guy lol
anyhow inshaAllahu Ta’ala the brothers here in australia and elsewhere that arent part of the mujahideen should really consider it. the Ummah really needs it today. this world is just a journey and test while we’re in it…the best harvest will be the fruit of our hardwork inshaAllah given to us in the hereafter..so brothers i encourage you to fight fisabeelilah, and help the brothers in jihaad to fight the kufaar and mushrikeen who are trying to destroy Islam, as they have been trying to since it came down to earth 1400 years ago.
As-salamu alakum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
Dear brothers and sisters, I was listening to the sheikh’s seerah yesterday and one thing that caught my attention was the issue of the jamaa when the sahaba made Hijra to Abyssinia. I would like to take this opportunity to ask the brothers and sisters in the west to unite under one banner in the countries and cities that the currently reside in. I know the sheikh previously spoke about the issue of a jamaa; whoever I have found it very hard to find the right jamaa with the right characteristics, aqeedah and methodology. I would like to take this opportunity to ask those in the west (I’m from London) to meet up and do their dawah work collectively, and to come under one Amir. I think it’s really beautiful that you find Muslims on this forum with the same mind set. What I think would be better is if we come together and form a solid Muslim body in the west so that we can be like the sahabah and not be scattered everywhere, and if we make hijra or anything else we can do it together. If anybody thinks that’s a good idea or that the idea needs improvements or more thought then please say.
There is nothing wrong with Deobandi. Deoband is only an Islamic university, which follows Abu Hanifah in Fiqh and Aqeedah. However there are some people who also follow the Maturidi Aqeedah or follow Hanafi Fiqh blindly. But this should not be used as a generalization.
Wow I really agree with Shaheedah! I find that most Islamic groups and Da’wah groups in North America are too “moderate” in their leanings, but none as are dedicated to al-Haqq as the people here!
May Allah bless your work! Plz make doa for me and my family , ya sheikh!
To Muqarrib 78 Dont know the first Hadith but references look good
the secomd is definately Sahih know it well but dont know about this Tyrant you mentioned
look in the book ” Book of the end great Trials and tribulations” By Ibn Katheer Dimashqi
also I think Brother Anwar might talk about in his talk today Alaih ahleem
But definately at the end of time Sham is the place to be it comprises Syria Lebanon jordan and beloved Aqsa please correct me if Im wrong Im shure one of you will Alhumduiallah Also Mecca and Mahdina Prophet warn us not to leave those places
Allahu Akbar!! TabarAllah! As long as we are fighting.. losing is impossible. In Every way our Brothers & Sisters fighting are winning the war… The ultimate victory is death for the mujahideen. May Allah place us with thous who are the winners in both Dunya & Akheera.
Assalam Alaykum,
Sheikh, you have indeed spoken words of gold in this blog! May Allah protect you and your family. The Deen of Allah ‘azzawajal will be victorious. We as an Ummah need patience and we MUST act if we truly do want this victory. Remember that Allah is with US, not them..so how can they be successful??
Let the disbelievers have their fun now and enjoy their time now, but by Allah, His religion will be victorious and rule all once again. Indeed, victory truly is near.
اللهم أرنا باليهود عجائب قدرتك
Asalamualaikum Dear sisters Hajra and Shaheeda
Narrated Abu Huraira ra The Prophet saws said The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid who fights for Allahs cause, or like him who performs prayers all night and fast all the day
Great reward for easy work Why did the prophet place such importance on these needy people and give such a high reward because he knew that they will totally neglected by our ummah even when our ummah is ( Well off) like now And if we dont look after them Allah will send his punishment on those communities SO LOOK AFTER THE NEEDY IN YOUR COMMUNITY their there make Dua and Allah will direct u to them But I understand Hajra your desire prepare and Allah can make it happen but for now follow the Hadith
Also hajj for a woman is the best Jihad
Sister Shaheeda its the right idea you already know the difficulties but inshallah Allah will make it easy and you will find hardship envy( becareful of that seek Allahs protection ) and worse indifference but thats good because thats where the reward is Allah support you both in your endeavours to please our Rabb and protect u this is what Allah wants this is where it starts 1, 2 .3 5. good people getting together can do wonders Salame
salaam alaikum to all my brothrs and sisters in Islam:
sister Shaheedah i totaly agree with you I also live in london…mashAllah being on this blog i feel.. I’m amongs the tuthful Wallahi it fills my heart with soo much joy..
may Allah unite us,keep us steadfast and be part of jihadfisabilillah
Assalamu Alaikum
Any news of our brothers from revolution.thabaat.net?
Asalamualiakum brother Muqarrib78 The first hadith is in the book I said , its chain is strong and authentic They ask once and are refused they fight and are victoriuos then they will be given what they asked, but they will not accept it until they pass the matter of ruling on to a man from my household MAHDI
this hadith indicates that the Mahdi comes after the rule of Banu Abbass Three children of the Khalifa will be killed trying to take the Kabbah this is at the end of time Then Al Mahdi will arrive from the countries of the East Ibn Maajah alone related it and its chain is strong and authentic Get the book its published by Darussalam and you wont sleep much once u read it Salames
Sister Hajra and Shaheeda, Alhamdolilah you have read my mind I am in the same boat.. May Allah wake our men up from their sleep may Allah give them hidaya and strength to live Islam. About Hijrah which countries are good to make hijrah?
Bismillah N Salamu Alaikum,
When i read your material i get confused, There are so many scholars saying different things YET YOU go against the modern scholars.
And some think u are a radical which is not suprising since you tend to be blunt.
The lands of Ribaat, of course
Subhanallah, the victory of Allah is near as Allah says in the quran “He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islamic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammed SAW) hate (it” Surah suff ayah 9
Assalamualaikum! JisakALLAHu khairan ya sheikul Islam
wat a wonder full speech u have give
may ALLAH bless u and ur family and all of us and may my prayers be heard and sent to the rasulil kareem, insha ALLAHu ta’la! Assalamualaikum!
We Muslims are so cool!
Kufr Akbar is my neighbor in Vancover, Canada.
Can someone post Imam Anwars speech please, please, please!
As Salamalaikum,
Can any Brother or Sister post the speech here or a link to it?
As-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu.
Allahu Akhbar Kibeeran wa alhamdulillahi Kitheeran.
Thank you for sharing your ideas, mashaAllah.
Allah (Subhannah wa T’ala) guides whomever He wills and lets astray whomever He wills.
May Allah (Subhannah wa T’ala) protect us from the Kufaar, the Mushriqoon, the Munafiqoon, and the RAND muslims. Amin. Please make Dua’a for my family and I as we are making Hijrah and we have abandoned our former land of Kufr and Zina for the sake of our religion. I love your blogs and lectures. I haven’t been this excited over anything since I became Muslim!
As-Salaamu Alaikum,
-Rashad (The slave of Allah)
Oh What a Day!
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by Cynthia McKinney Date : 12-30-2008
I’m so glad that my father told me to buy a special notebook and to write everything down because that’s exactly what I did.
When we left from Cyprus, one reporter asked me “are you afraid?” And I had to respond that Malcolm X wasn’t afraid; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t afraid. But little did I know that just a few hours later, I would be recollecting my life and mentally preparing myself for death.
When we left Cyprus, the Mediterranean was beautiful. I remember the time when it might have been beautiful to look at, but it was also filthy. The Europeans have taken great strides to clean it up and yesterday, it was beautiful. And the way the sunlight hit the sea, I remember thinking to myself that’s why they call it azure. It was the most beautiful blue.
But sometimes it was rough, and we got behind on our schedule. We stayed on course, however, despite the roughness of the water and due to our exquisite captain.
There were no other ships or boats around us and night descended upon us all rather quickly. It was the darkest black and suddenly, out of nowhere, came searchlights disturbing our peace. The searchlights stayed with us for about half an hour or so. We knew they were Israeli ships. Who else would they be?
They were fast, and they would come close and then drop back. And then, they’d come close again. And then, all of a sudden there was complete blackness once again and all seemed right. The cat and mouse game went on for at least one half hour. What were they doing? And why?
Calm again. Black sky, black sea. Peace. And then, at that very moment, when all seemed right, out of nowhere we were rammed and rammed again and rammed again the last one throwing me off the couch, sending all our food up in the air; and all the plastic bags and tubs–evidence of sea sicknesses among the crew and passengers–flew all over the cabin and all over us. We’d been rammed by the Israelis. How did we know? Because they called us on the phone afterwards to tell us that we were engaging in subversive, terroristic activity. And if that if we didn’t turn around right then and return to Larnaca, Cyprus, we would be fired upon. We quickly grabbed our lifevests and put them on. Then the captain announced that the boat was taking on water. We might have to evacuate. One of my mates told me to prepare to die. And I reflected that I have lived a good and full life. I have tasted freedom and know what it is. I was right with myself and my decision to join the Free Gaza movement.
I remembered my father’s parting words, “You all will be sitting ducks.” Just like the U.S.S. Liberty. We were engaged in peaceful activity, a harmless pleasure boat, carrying a load of hospital supplies for the people of Gaza, who, too are sitting ducks, currently being bombarded in aerial assault by the Israeli military.
It’s been a long day for us. The captain was outstanding. Throughout it all, he remained stoic and calm, effective in every way. I didn’t know how to put my life jacket on. One of the passengers kindly assisted me. Another of the passengers pointed out that the Israeli motors for those huge, fast boats was U.S. made–a gift to them from the U.S. And now they were using those motors to damage a pleasure boat outfitted with three tons of hospital supplies, one pediatrician, and two surgeons.
I have called for President-elect Obama to say something. The Palestinian people in the Gaza strip are seeing the worst violence in 60 years, it is being reported. To date, President-elect Obama has remained silent. The Israelis are using weapons supplied to them by the U.S. government. Strict enforcement of U.S. law would require the cessation of all weapons transfers to Israel. Adherence to international law would require the same. As we are about to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, let us remember that he said:
1. The United States is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, and
2. Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about things that matter.
I implore the President-elect to not send Congress a budget that contains more weapons for Israel. We have so much more to offer. And I implore the Congress to vote “no” on any budget and appropriation bills that provide more weapons transfers, period.
Israel is able to carry out these intense military maneuvers because taxpayers in the U.S. give their hard-earned money to our Representatives in Congress and our Congress chooses to spend that money in this way. Let’s stop it and stop it now. There’s been too much blood shed. And while we still walk among the living, let us not remain silent about the things that matter.
We really can promote peace and have it if we demand it of our leaders.
Imam Anwar i want to distribute the speeches you have posted at local masajid. I was wandering if you can post one primarily for getting the muslims to rise from the darkness we have fallen into.
asaalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and asalamu alaikum brothers and sisters lovers of the black flag
here is a list of yahoud companies to boycott when you can.
Saudi cleric arrested for calling for attacks on Israelis
Saudi cleric arrested for calling for attacks on Israelis
IANS Gulf-Middle East Wed, 31 Dec 2008:
Riyadh, Dec 31 (DPA) A prominent Saudi Arabian Muslim cleric who called for
attacks on Israelis worldwide in retaliation for the ongoing airstrikes on
the Gaza Strip has been arrested, Saudi media reported Wednesday.
Sheikh Awad al-Qarni issued a fatwa, or religious edict, on Monday that ‘it
is legitimate to spill (Israeli) blood as long as they are spilling the
blood of our brothers in Palestine.’
The report in the al-Rasad newspaper said that al-Qarni was arrested in the
south of the country and has been brought to the capital Riyadh. Police
would not confirm the arrest.
In the past few days al-Qarni’s fatwa has been widely discussed on Islamist
internet sites, the newspaper said.
@Ruwayda Mustafah (the muZlim innovator)
what do you mean by modern scholars?
are there modern and archaic scholars now?
are you modern or archaic?
Thanks brothers for clarifying my doubts, and no thanks for all the brothers who were rude to me and who labelled me as deobandi, salafi etc.
as the salaam wa alaikum sheik
after listening to your talks i am left moved & open minded. u r wat the ummah needs..for change in the ummah one has to change himself.. how does a person make hijra or go to jihad if he is 1 man?
continuing reports circulating on various web sites indicate that the IDF will begin their ground offensive soon. One of the ways that this will be reported is through the Hamas observation posts which will be collecting information and feeding back to local commanders. The IDF will seek to use the maximum amount of indirect fire support available to it in support of the ground troops. Therefore predesignated targets will be hit as the ground force moves in. they are hoping to establish forward operating bases inside the strip from which to launch blitzkreig type operations to cut underground tunnels and weaken the power of Hamas which in later weeks will allow for fateh to return as the ruling faction in the strip.
What defence is there? Well as speed is the key then by slowing down any advance by creating chokepoints and inderdicating with their own indirect fire support from motars this will stall the IDF attempts.
Any large scale casualties taken by the IDF will falter the attack and lead them to rethink their strategy.
Mobility is the key for the defenders as well as the attackers.
May Allah bring victory to the Mujahideen who are sincerely fighting for him.
(for information purposes only)
If the ground attack falters then it will be back to the negotiation table once again.
Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
JAzak Allah khair Sheikh for this post, I have been thinking about this very subject for days. May Allah SWT reward you immensely. Ameen.
Also, this has been driving me nuts for several posts: What does the acronym RAND stand for? I get the gist, but I’d like to actually know what it is. Jazak Allah khair to whomever answers.
No Muslim-majority nation has success unless it is sitting on an oil-field. Why? Because Islam can only blame others for its own short-comings. But you secretly know this, which is why you are so full of impotent hate.
I quite agree with separation however – the sooner those Muslims full of bile for the Christian lands they live in leave, the better. Having benefited from the fruits of Christian success they can go to a Muslim country and see what good it does them rather than stay and fester uselessly.
Islam had to spread its creed by the sword because only force could persuade – [edited, blasphemous] – but was so stunted by its own contradictions it was soon quite literally out-thought by Christianity and festers in malign ignorance and anger today – like a vicious child waiting to strike out at a world it does not comprehend.
I would say grow up, but you are condemned to perpetual adolescence.
Still, I’m sure you can find lots of willing dupes in Yemen and on the web Anwar.
As Salaam Alaikum,
As-salaam Aleikum,
Subhanallah! I was amazed to hear about the sheikh angle of view about the zionist jews. This is really inspiring and giving me hope that IT IS WOKRING! I was really desperate these last days, and I was only focusing to shahada and really forgetting about the military worldly victory as if it was something not achievable.
And now, I have a better hope for the worldly Nusra of Allah, as well!
Alohumma ‘izzal islama wal muslimeen.
In Uzbek: Qadrli internetda daydib yuruvchilar, vaqtingiz bekorchi narsalarga sarflamasdan, mana shu Shayx Anvar Avlaqiyning blog va nasihatlarini o’qing, CDlarini tinglang va ibrat, ilm oling. Bu imom hozirgi davrimizning eng yaxshi imomlaridan. u kishi haqiqat yo’lidadirlar va u kishi Ummat bilandirlar. U kishi ilmini hokimlarga qul qilgan imomlardan emaslar! Alloh imom Anvarni O’z panohida asrasin, mukofotlasin va ilmda, iymonda va sabrda ziyoda qilsin. As-salaam aleikum.
to find out about Grand Muslim,s please refer to Imam Anwar,s talk (the battle of harts and mind). This can be found on this site or in kalamullah.com or islambase.info
Asalaam alaykum wa rahmah tullahi wa barakatahu Yes the Muslims think they can live with their head in the sands avoiding the Jihad word yet we have witnessed the bravery of our beloved brothers in Gaza how are we to live without ever raising the pillar that has been the corner stone of all good’ having witnessed the firsthand the effect and destruction of the talafees & kelafees in slandering and ridiculing the people who have left their homes to protect liberate and facilitate the dawah to fulfil the obligation that has saved the honour of this ummah, rather than help by being silent and speaking about things which are in their sphere of knowledge’ they have hindered many from the way of Allah heedless of their own innovation.
They themselves have perpetrated a crime’ in that it has become their duty to work to expose and sell the people who practice what Allah has commanded to the enemies of Allah for a small price’ and yet they believe to be upon the haq but are only happy only to make dua saying this is the least we can do. If you recognise this to be your limitation then sure enough indeed it is yours! but if others have the will to sacrifice what you hold dear to’ then fear Allah and remain silent and fear the fire that has been created for men and stones’ when Allah will fill the hell fire with the disbelievers and munafiqeen. You hold dear to your excuses, for all claims to be learning knowledge but where is the fruit of this knowledge? Where is the brotherhood? Or the sweetness of iman?
It doesn’t exist because people are immersed in playing with the knowledge’ none want to implement or live as the companions did, so how can you tastes the sweetness of faith? if you have never really lived by it? how can you understand anything if your sole purpose is to pretend to be a person of knowledge’ how can you validate what it is you think you understand if you’re not prepared to surrender your dunya for what is better? I was blessed to know some of the shuhaddah of Bosnia and I can say they were the brothers of dreams, they were the people who made great sacrifice and performed many selfless acts, they were committed to helping and facilitating what many of us can only dream of doing, and having been loved by so many sincere brothers and shown the most beautiful manners’ I can say back here in the dunya, that I cry for those days I wish for those days’ to live in state of constant readiness and sacrifice’
How does one understand the term sweetness of iman? It is like being immersed in love having known that all things are possible and probable to have each dua answered in a moment of supplication to know and to have yaqeen in that it has reached its mark! To wake up and feel the presence of angels to feel sakina all around, to sleep a short sleep and to wake as though you’ve rested in the Hilton. To find peace when the ground is shaking from the nose of rockets and grads, to laugh in the face of danger with brothers who would run your errands and save the best of their speech for the recitation of Quran for the prophetic hadith having their fingers on the pulse of the knowledge’
everyone makes a claim but Allah will way the hearts as to who speaks the truth, indeed death will find us where ever we are and I ask Allaah to help and facilitates for the brothers who have given up the world of sins for that which is purer and may he except from us whatever effort we can afford in making this last few yards of this dunya a purification. We thank brother Anwar for his effort of bringing to life the life of those companions so we can feel somthing of the way we were supposed to be in character and deed’ and I am certain that if we make these people our role models then Allah will favour us to taste what has for so long eluded us a near victory and a place of safety from the torment of the hell fire or the punishment of the grave or the questioning of the great day what greater honour than to rest in the hearts of green birds, and to feel the security of the place of absolute safely from the pain of this life flying around the throne of the greatness of Allah Subhanna wa ta Allah may He make this a reality for us to walk the streets of glory shining around his throne a greeting of Salaam and a reward for what you earned al hamdulilah my wife brought my meal to me and tears came to my eyes because our brothers in Gaza have to eat grass to feed their children with grass from the side walk how can we make excuse for people who are complicit in the genocide of the ummah Muslims give up your foolishness and return to your duty and seek Allahs pleasure . Ameen subhana ka lah humah wa be hamdika ashadu an lah ilah ha ilaa ant wa stagfurullah wa tubu alayk Verily by token of time through the ages Verily man is in a state of loss, except such of those who have faith and do righteous deeds and join together in the mutual teaching of truth and patience and constancy.
BarakAllahu feek ya Sheikh may Allah give you and ur family adn the rest of the ummah det best in this dunya and in he here after. My brother and sisster may Allah make this year, 1430 a year that with much good news like new islamic gouverment in Somalia, iraq, palestine and ther st over the world cuz the khalifaaah is coming insha allah.. wa salamo aleikom warahmatullah wabarakatuh
/ Your sister Umm T
To Ruwayda Mustafah who said
“When i read your material i get confused, There are so many scholars saying different things YET YOU go against the modern scholars.
And some think u are a radical which is not suprising since you tend to be blunt.”
I remember in one of the Sheikh Anwars lecture he says “You should not be confused when you have the Quran and Sunnah. This is the religion of ALLAH and ALLAH has made it clear.”
Sheikh doesn’t go against the modern scholars but he tells you from the Quran and Sunnah if that seems like he is going against the modern scholars then that should make sense to you what modern sholars are preaching.
Simple example:
If you listen to the lecture “The dust will never settle down” by Sheikh Anwar: He explains you in detail on how the sahaba treated the ones who insult our prophet(peace be upon him) and the ruling on it from the prophet and the sahaba and great sholars.
On the contrary the so called “modern scholars” rather than speaking out against the kuffar who insult our prophet and give the ruling for those who insult the prophet they were speaking out against those who were protesting. (Now you tell me who is confusing the muslim masses here?)
Asalaam Alaikum Warahmatulllahi Wabarakatuh
Mayn Allah reward you with Shuhada and Jannat Al-Firdaws. Is all the propaganda about the ‘Power’ of the Jews true? Furthermore, may I please know where I can hear the London lecture? Also, are women prohibited from jihad on the battlefield?
[edited. Article too long. Link is sufficient]
JazakAllah khairen for the reminder. May this year bring victory for the Muslims Ameen.
“kufr —” what’s wrong with you? Are you scared that the Muslims are going to take over the world. Well all i can say be scared…coz Muslims are going to lead your country, America, Uk, Europe, Asia. The word of Allah will be heard from every part of this earth. InshAllah!
Hay who knows i may be able to call you my Muslim bro/sis in the future when you revert to Islam. But if not your loss. But As victory is coming i may be able to call your children or grandchildren my Muslim bro/sis INSHALLAH…(well that is if your not unnatural and not attracted to your own gender)…
Indeed guidance comes from Allah.
May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon the best man to walk the earth Muhammad and May Allah shower his (sallahu alayhi wasalam) ummah with mercy. Ameen
الشيخ محمد حسان – غزة الام وامال
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Jazakallahukhairan for the talk today it was beautiful MashAllah
As-salaam-u-alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
Does anyone know the name of the tree of the Jews? You may recall one of the signs of the day of judgement is when the rocks and trees will tell the muslims that there is a jew hiding behind me so come and kill him except for one tree… what is this tree? Apparently the Jews in Israel are planting it everywhere, but I dont know the name of the tree. I want to see what it looks like out of curiosity.
Also, does anyone have any good resources from where i can read about how Muslims conquered lands? According to Shar’ah how are lands conquered, and how are the Zionists transgressing from regular conquering of land?
SHIEKH THIS IS Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts of Saudi Arabia has released a statement on the Palestinian crisis.
FROM Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ibn ‘Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaykh HE IS THE GRAND MUFFTI CAN WE TRUST HIM even though we works with the saudi government.
ibn Mubaarak said;
“If you see a scholar going to the gates of the leader don’t trust him with your deen because he is a thief”
allah alim
All perfect praise is for Allaah The Lord of All that exists, and may His blessings and good mention be upon the best of His Prophets and Messengers; our Prophet Muhammad, and also his family and his companions and those who follow them upon good; upto the Last Day.
To Proceed:
The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has followed – with all sorrow and pain- what has occurred, and is still going on against our Muslim brethren in Palestine – and specifically in Gaza. That which is [actions] of oppression, and killing of children, and women and old people! And [it is] transgression on that which is sacred [innocent], and the destruction of infrastructure and institutions, and the terrorizing of innocent people. And there is no doubt that this is a crime and oppression on the rights of the Palestinian nation.
And at this sorrowful event; it is an obligation on the Muslims to be with their Palestinian brethren, and to help and aid them, and to make an effort to lift the oppression against them – through any means which is of their reach – so as to actualize the Islamic bond, and the ties of ‘Eeman.
Allaah The Exalted said:
“The believers are indeed brothers [in Islâmic religion].” (Al-Hujuraat: 10)
And He The Most Mighty, The Most Majestic said:
“The believers, men and women, are Auliyâ’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another…” (At-Tawba : 71)
And The Prophet (sallahAllaahu alayhi wasallam) said :
“The believer to another believer is like the structure [like a wall] ; each part strengthens the other,’ and then he co-enjoined his fingers.” (Agreed upon)
And he (may Allaah’s blessings and good mention be upon him) also said:
“The example of the believers in their relationship, and their love, and their having mercy upon each other ; is like the example of one body part to the rest of the body; if one part is affected then the whole body complains of fever and pain.” (Agreed upon)
And he (may Allaah’s blessings and good mention be upon him) also said:
“The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he does not oppress him, nor does he deceive him, nor does he give him up to the enemy, nor does he look down on him.” (Narrated by Muslim)
And help comprises of many things –according to the ability, and depending on the situations – whether it is intellectually or physical [things], or whether it is from the general Muslims through wealth, and food, and medicine, and clothing, and other things. Or whether it is from the Islamic Arab nations through making it easy and possible that the aid reaches them, and by taking a sincere position in regards to their [the Palestinian Muslims] matter, and by supporting their case in the gatherings, and seminars, and the international conferences: And all of these are from the ways of co-operation upon good and piety – which is something that is ordered- in the statement of The Exalted :
“Help you one another in virtue, righteousness and piety…” (Al-Maaida : 2)
And also from those ways is: to direct sincere advice to them [the Muslims in Palestine], and to direct them to that which is of good and of benefit to them. And from the greatest of those is to make du’aa for them -at all times – so that their tribulation is lifted, and their affliction is raised, and that their situation is rectified, and that their statements and actions become good.
Upon this, we also advise our Muslim brethren in Palestine to have fear of Allaah – The Exalted- and to return to Him, just as we advise them to be united; upon the truth, and to leave off divisions and splitting up, and not to give a chance to the enemy – who has taken advantage of it – and will continue to use it in enmity and oppression.
And we also encourage and emphasize our brethren to take the causes which will lead to lifting the oppression directed at their land – while having complete sincerity to Allaah The Exalted – in [those and all other] actions, and to seek His pleasure, and to seek His assistance – through righteous actions, and prayers, and consulting the scholars and people of wisdom; in all their matters – indeed that is a way of being facilitated [to that which is good] and establishment.
Just as we call on to the intellectuals in the world and the international meetings; to have an open look at this catastrophe – with a look of insight, intellect, and equality – so that the Palestinian community can be given its rights. And so that the oppression be lifted from it: such that they live in a honourable life. And at the same time we thank all -the nations and individuals- who have initiated in aiding and helping them.
We ask Allaah by His Beautiful Names and His Lofty Attributes; that He lifts the despair on this Ummah, and that He strengthens its religion, and to raise its statement, and to aid His allies, and to disgrace His enemies -and to return back their plots against themselves- and to save the Muslims from their evil, Indeed He is the Patron, and the One who is Most Able of all that. And may His blessings and good mention be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and also his family and his companions and those who follow them upon good; upto the Last Day.
His eminence; the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia,
President of the Council of Senior Scholars,
Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ibn ‘Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaykh.
Member of Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts.
Translation by Abu Waheeda As-Salafi
5th Muharram 1430
Note : As you can see this call is of no way an announcement of violence or terrorism. Rather it is a sincere advise to all those involved – in their respective- categories.
And InshaAllaah it will be followed by our next article – in this series – of the Palestinian affair; by an article exposing the cause of the problem, and those who endorse it, and the solution.
allah akbar allah akbar allah akbar
Jazakallahu khayran Shaikh. You have been my teacher since the first time I met you at Dar-al-Hijrah and I have been listening to your lectures where ever I can find them. You have a gift Mashahallah and we are all blessed to be able to experience you being present in our time. May Allah bless you with the highest of rewards and make you among those whose Ajar will be 50 times that of the Sahaba.
The current times are tough for Muslims, but I know it in my heart that we can ALL make it through if we have 100% Yaqeen in Allah (SWT). Yes, there is a lot of confusion about what we should and should not do, but as long as we are seeking the truth, we will get it. Allah says “O My servant! If you take one step toward Me, I take ten toward you.” So lets alway try and take our steps forward towards Allah promise and we will all be victorious, Inshahallah.
To FTK: Asalamu Alaikum: The Name of the Tree is the Gharqad tree that the Jews are planting them right now as we speak in the Illegal State of Israel, just like how the Prophet, Peace be upon him said 1400 years ago. Allahu Akbar!
[Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6985:]
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
This hadith should be engraved on our hearts as they are the real enemy that is behind all the kufr, atrocities, injustices, torture, and massacres of our brothers and sisters all around the world!
Know that, we are in war with the Illegal State of Israel and its puppets and satellite criminal governments such as the USA and the UK and we will Kill them as our Noble Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had declared 1400 years ago:
“You (Muslims) will most certainly fight the Jews and you will most certainly kill them (i.e., you will be victorious) to such an extent that even the stone will speak and say Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him”.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6981:]
Ibn ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me) ; kill him.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6982:]
Ubaidullah has reported this hadith with this chain of transmitters (and the Words are): “There is a Jew behind me.”
[Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6983:]
Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You and the Jews would fight against one another until a stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6984:]
Abdullah b. ‘Umar reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Jews will fight against you and you will gain victory over them until the stone would say: Muslim, here is a Jew behind me; kill him.
Brothers and sisters,
I am a little confused about if this is the time that Israel will be defeated. I have Imam Anwars lectures on the end times and does not the Mahdi come before we conquer Israel? The signs seem to all be in place for lots of big things to happen soon. May Allah strenghthen us for this trying time and bring the victory!
Salam Alaykum,
Sister ANONI,
When it comes to defensive fighting which is currently Fard Ayn on every Muslim in the world, anybody can and should go. Since the man are not going forth the women and children are also allowed to go, and nobody even has to seek permission from parents, spouses, or anybody.
For more information read Shaykh Azzam’s “Defence of the Muslim Lands” which discusses all the issues about today’s situation – http://www.maktabah.net/store/images/35/Defense_of_the_Muslim_Lands.pdf
When Isa (Jesus) comes again, he will give only two choices Islam or war.
Admin, can you please ban this ignoramus individual.
Jazak Allah Khair
Acceptance Speech of His Khilafah
After Praising and Glorifying Allah swt, he began
“To proceed: O People, I have indeed been appointed (by Bai’ah) over you, though I am not the best among you.
If I do well, them help me; and if I act wrongly, then correct me.
Truthfulness is synonymous with fulfilling the trust, and lying is tantamount to treachery.
The weak among you are deemed strong by me, until I return to them that which is rightfully theirs, Insha’Allah. And the strong among you are deemed weak by me, until I take from them what is rightfully (someone else’s), Insha’Allah.
No group of people ABONDONS JIHAAD in the path of Allah, except that Allah makes them suffer HUMILIATION.
And wickedness does not become widespread among people, except that Allah inflicts them with widespread calamity.
Obey me so long as I OBEY ALLAH and HIS MESSENGER. And if I disobey Allah and his Messenger, then I have NO right to your obedience.
Stand up now to pray, may Allah have mercy on you.”
Salam Alaykum WRB Um Umar,
JazakAllah khair for your verification. InshaAllah I will be getting the book you recommended.
Regarding the Tyrant from Syria:
Abu Hurayrah has narrated that the Prophet said:
“A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus. He will be called Sufyaani. Most of those who follow him will be from the tribe of Kalb. He will kill by ripping the stomachs of women and even kill the children. A man from my family will appear in the Haram, the news of his advent will reach the Sufyaani and he will send to him one of his armies. He (referring to the Mahdi) will defeat them. They will then travel with whoever remains until they come to a desert and they will be swallowed. None will be saved except the one who had informed the others about them.” (Mustadrak)
He will be called Sufaayani because he will be a descendant of Abu Sufyan and he will force people living in Sham to join his army to fight the Mahdi, and this army will be swallowed up in the desert.
You can read more here:
And Allah knows best.
If someone is an apostate, and they are so openly, can I just kill them right then and there or are there conditions.
IF you read Abu Bakar As-Siddeeq (RA) acceptance speech he made Jihaad a top priority after Prophet (SAS) death, even when muslims had a good control on Arabian peninsula and there was no immediate threat. Romans and Persians externaly were a threat and some apostates who did not wanted to pay Zakaat were forming a potential threat. It is due to this Jihaad that Abu Bakr (RA) was able to defeat the Apostates internally and the external threats from Roman’s and Persian’s.
Prophet (SAS) said ” When you (Muslims) buy and sell with Al-Eenah ( a specific indirect interest bearing transactions, the likes of current Islamic financing’s in West), when you take the tails of cow’s (i.e. occupy yourselves with taking care of you own field), when you are pleased with farming, and WHEN YOU ABANDON JIHAAD, Allah will place over you (a cover of) HUMILIATION, and He will not remove it (cover of Humiliation) until you return to your religion (Islam in Totality)” Abu Dawood (3426)
Pepe must not know that his people are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the name of Christianity. How did Islam get out-thought you guys out-think your own religion. My friend was studying to become a priest and he realized the Bible doesn’t make any sense. Subhanallah he came to Islam.
@ abu sufyan
Abu Bakr (RA) Eeman was strong enough that he DID NOT end his endeavor to just depending on his faith alone in Ibadaat (Dua’s) but he commanded people to BOTH depend on Allah (swt)’s help and take worldly,practical steps that ensure success in life. Particularly in Warfare as mentioned in Quran:
And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war(all military artillery etc) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid onto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.” (Quran 8:60)
Earlier reports on CNN that only 20% Israeli’s approve ground offensive BY Israel INTO GAZA is being CHANGED by other media channels now including CBS and others who are saying 80% Approve ground assault BUT a quick one. Also more news that Israel is actively pushing for “diplomacy” now.
Something is fishy here. MIGHT BE ( do not get excited yet) the Yahood are giving in to growing World’s criticism, poor Israeli peoples support ( Lebanon’s war still haunting and concerns for back-lash and rise in “Extremism”) particularly the INCREASE and much DEEPER ROCKET ATTACKS in to ISRAEL.
Assalamu Alaikum, Do not get carried away by Zionist media terminology like approval rating, world criticism, international opinion, extremism etc. Lebanon war was an attempt by Zionists to exaggerate Hizbullah’s resistance in order to alter geo- political advantage for Shites in MidEast from Lebanon to Iraq. Hezbollah’s “victory” was akin to late Assad’s “victory” facilitated by Israel in 1973 war especially Golan heights to make a Arab hero out of that Alawite Baathist criminal. The biggest victory for Hamas will be to dismantle geographical boundaries and accept global jihad. Hope they will do it after defeating this current invasion. Let us give credit to Caucasian Mujahideen of Kavkaz who have smashed the geographical boundaries after 9 years of savage war and have recently claimed an Emirate from Black Sea to Caspian Sea. They have already lost around 30% of their population in the struggle against the Russian invaders. Population of Chechnya was around 1,000,000 before the genocidal war and it is around approximately 650,0000 now. The blood of so many martyrs paved the way for a genuine Islamic struggle free from nationalistic, sufi and ethnic influences. The immense loss of martyrs reminds us of Balat-As- Shuhada (pavement of the martyrs) that happened in early Muslims fight against the Romans. Fruits of Jihad demand a huge sacrifice as evident from our brethren in Caucausus, Afghanistan and other Jihad fronts.
Asalamualaikum brothers and sisters in Islam Alhumduiallah we have the DEEN WITH ALL THE SOLUTIONS TO ALL THE PROBLEMS SMALL AND GREAT
Everyone post Abu Bakrs Siddiques speech in the Masjids to remind us all and embrasses our Imans who are silent on the Issue of Jihad as was the case today in our masjid when I told the Iman that he wasted a great opportunity to remind the brothers and himself of their reponsibility He said their are so many wanting to go but but but no one can get into Gaza
are we ready
With the will of Allah anything can be achieved We have alot of work to be done to get rid of our rubbish leaders but im shure we can all make a difference and inshallah will, to establish our beautiful Deen where it belongs RULING the WORLD
Best New year resolution ever, May Allah include us who strive for victory of Allah subhanahu tallah.
some one was asking the meaning of Rand Muslim- you need to listen the lecture, Battle of minds and hearts, available on this website.
Someone called Mujahideen as “their death” where Allah says dont even think that they are dead, kindly be careful while using these words for our Shuahda.
for Kufar Akbar, his name is enough to define what he is. and a brother above has written some thing excellent for him, we read the same thing and the result is so different , one is approaching to Jannah and MR Kufar Akbar to Hell.
MashaAllah, another great article by Sheikh Anwar, May Allah reward you for that.
Mujahideen in Afghanistan are winning, their control is even increasing in the North of Pakistan, amry people and police forces are really scared of them, one of the jouranlist chanllenged President of Pakistan that if he can visit that area of waziristan he will quit his profession, Mujaiheen are on the rise, local people love them and they have established Islamic courts in there. and that is the reason that US fires a hell missile every week to target these brothers, but I would say the more the Shuhada Allah takes the more Mujahideen are born with every single drop of their blood. they are just like seeds, you bury the seeds of plants to increase them and Allah bury the best of His men as Shuhada and increase them. This is the sign of taifa Mansoora, you kill them and they increase in multiples.
Jannat is under the shades of the swords.
Allah hu Akbar
Jazakiallahkeir to all the brothes and sisters who write from the heart u are a support which is what we as a ummah should be Brother abu Eliyas your words are truly a breath of paradise on earth we crave that sweetness and Brother abul Haarith when I read your first post the reality of it put fear in my heart I brace myself when I see your name
keep sharing your knowledge its valuable and remember the best Sheiks are either in Jail or have been Allah make us all speak out especially when we kmow no one wants to hear
UM UMAR YOU ARE RIGHT. When i asked Sheikh Feiz Muhammad if there were any scholars in the UK he would recommend to study with he told me most of the sincere scholars he knew are either in jail or exiled. One reason who have “Rand” or “Modern” Muslims is because we also have Scholars for Dollars/Euros/Pound Sterling issuing them fatwahs.
Recently Sheikh Muhammad al-Munajjid issued a fatwah on islamqa.com/en regarding the current Gaza issue and guess what it has been removed most likely by the Saudi government as the fatwah goes against the Political, Economical and Military interest of Saudi Arabia’s allies USA and Israel.
Zakariya. Islam has been out-thought since Lepanto. Allow the facts to speak for themselves: almost every nation in which Muslims are the majority is a poor one with a low level of education, healthcare and general ignorance, with the exception of those nations that sit on vast natural resources, discovered and managed, incidentally, by the West.
The West is commonly blamed for these ills, because they appear such a contradiction to your supremacist creed. However if Muslims are superior, why are Muslim-majority communities so poor? If Islam is supreme, why does God give so much success for so long to the infidel? Your teachers will tell you it is because you are not Islamic enough – but in reality you can trace the decline of Islam from the reassertion of religious doctrine in the 11th and 12 Century.
On the subject of body count – historically Muslims have killed many, many millions more over the centuries to impose their faith than any others. But you will be ignorant of this. Indeed, your teaching praise your ignorance because it keeps you in their power. The West does not have such restrictions however, which is one of the reasons for its strength and why I have to tell you what you should already know.
@ Brother Al Khurasani !!
To brother abu eliyas.
That was so beautiful, I ask Allah that he allow me to feel that halaawatul eman too. I emailed it to all most of my friends cause I thought it was so well said mashAllah.
May Allah reward all the brothers and sisters who are on Haqq, and unite us, if not in this world then in the hearafter. lol we can be chilling on thrones and talking about what happened in the dunya like what Allah discribes in suratul safaat: In the Gardens of delight (Paradise), Facing one another on thrones,Round them will be passed a cup of pure wine; White, delicious to the drinkers, Neither they will have Ghoul (any kind of hurt, abdominal pain, headache, a sin, etc.) from that, nor will they suffer intoxication therefrom. And with them will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes. (Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved. Then they will turn to one another, mutually questioning. Who used to say: “Are you among those who believe (in resurrection after death)………(44:52)
It sounds alot better in arabic.
May Allah give us firdowsul aala. Ameen.
May Allah give the victory to the mujahideen and give the jews worst defeat ever. Ya Allah make us a part of it and do not make us among those who are in the sidelines
To Pepe
“Look at these concepts of the Trinity, Original Sin, Sacrifice
and Redemption, which are agreeable neither to reason nor to conscience. Look at this capitalism with its monopolies, its usury and whatever else is unjust in it; at this
individual freedom, devoid of human sympathy and responsibility for relatives except under the force of law; at this materialistic attitude which deadens the spirit; at this
behavior, like animals, which you call ‘Free mixing of the sexes; at this vulgarity which you call ‘emancipation of women,’ at these unfair and cumbersome laws of marriage and divorce, which are contrary to the demands of practical life; and at Islam, with its logic,
beauty, humanity and happiness, which reaches the horizons to which man strives but does not reach. It is a practical way of life and its solutions are based on the foundation
of the wholesome nature of man.” quote from Sayyid Qutb in his book “Milestones”.
Pepe, I dont know if you have noticed but the west is declining BIG TIME. On the morality scale, the philosophical scale, and most importantly the economic scale. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the west. Those think tanks that run the economic interests of the west are now actually looking at the Islamic Economic system and all research that is done points out the amazing aspects of Islam. Im not sure what your talking about decline of Islam. We are rising but you’re just oblivious to that because your information is fed to you by CNN and their likes.
Assalam Alaykum
Sheikh Anwar may the mercy and protection of Allah be on you, your family and the muslim ummah, Brother i haveseen on one of the links you have a talk on The End of Time…A New Beginning, but their have not given the venue nor date if you anyone who knows about it please can you forward it on this comments.
may Allah reward you all and keep all the believers strong in the path of Haq and protect us from committing sins because sins and imitating the kufar are our down fall.
your brother in deen.
honestly, pepe, its like people like u memorise this stuff…lol…u need to see the real world….not the media world that u yourself control…
oh and dont worry about islam and muslims…start worrying about yourself before islam takes over..because when it does, pal you’re gonna regret it bad. anyway, you and people like you are bound to perish just like falsehood is bound to perish. Since you are’nt aware of the real islam, you might want to find out the reality of islam..so i’d advise you, despite my hatred towards blind people, that you watch Dr. Zakir Naik’s video’s regarding islam which is truly the solution to Humanity.
To Pepe: I truly dont understand your postion… i mean i think that you equate Israel’s wars for Israeli interests as a victory for christianity or a victory for America.. which it clearly is not. THis war with Gaza has nothing to do w/ the interests of Christianity or with America’s or Western Europe’s intersests whatsoever.. matter of fact the opposite is true.. these wars are precisely in the opposite direction of interests America and/or Western Europe’s interests are… ha.. its becasue you and your people are just complete slaves to the jews.. and they have effectively taken control of all of your economies by monopolising the banks and then the media (hollywood, music, news etc..) then from their congress and all branches of government… and now they have completely taken over all aspects of your lives.. and one of their most obvious goals is to completely erradicate all christian values from your society completely.. man to be honest i would laugh and mock you but the truth is they are doing the same thing to Islamic lands.. trying to spread as much filthy corrution as possible so they can rule with complete control… but anyways jews dont care about christians whatsoever.. a matter of fact in order to establish Israel they ethnically cleansed the entire palestinian population 20% of which was themselves christian… and as far as American and Israeli interests are concerned I suggest you read John Mearsheimer or Michael Scheuer two of your co-religionists and same nationalists who strongly disagree that what is in Israeli interest is in the interest of the U.S. and her essential allies and in fact Israel is actually a huge strategic liability in of itself… not to mention that it is getting United States to spend its blood and wealth for it… and not giving ANYTHING IN RETURN.. but but either way you will be tossed into hellfire with your slave masters in the end of all of this.. and remember our dead go to the Garden where rivers flow while yours go to the hellfire where those that lead and follow the corruptors burn eternally
Pepe Theres a very strange phenomenon happening in the world all over world especially in Western countries and their governments with all the intelligent services and stratagist are doing everything they can think of to stop it but they know they are losing the battle and are losing their children their mothers their brothers their grandchildren their fathers their sisters sometimes whole families etc they cant understand it and its scaring them so their making shure we dont see or hear the likes of Usamah because when we did average teenager who knows what a farce western society is was saying out loud I LIKE WHAT IM HEARING AND WHAT IM SEEING AND WOMEN WERE SAYING HE LOOKS LIKE A NICE MAN So a intelligent successful man like u must ( can one family member tell Pepe what true success is) with all the clues know what the fastest growing phenomenon is ALLAHAKBAR
Oh and another kind of funny kind of ironic thing is… that due to the slave/master reltaionship of the united states to their master Israel… it actually further strenthens the muslims… and subhanallah if it wasnt for this relationship seriously allah knows best but it seems that the muslims would be in a much worse postion and that Israel in reality and its power over its American and Western European subjects will actually lead to the defeat of both of them.. subhanallah
Umm Aasiya;
May Allah give the victory to the mujahideen and give the jews worst defeat ever. Ya Allah make us a part of it and do not make us among those who are in the sidelines
Aameen thuma aameen!
The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting a revolution in America , food riots and tax rebellions – all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.
Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine
considering what he told Fox News this week.
Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.
“We’re going to see the end of the retail Christmas….we’re going to see a fundamental shift take place….putting food on the table is going to be more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree,” said Celente, adding that the situation would be “worse
than the great depression”.
” America ’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,” said Celente, noting that people’s refusal to acknowledge that America was even in a
recession highlights how big a problem denial is in being ready for the true scale of the crisis.
Celente, who successfully predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, the subprime mortgage collapse and the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar, told UPI in November
last year that the following year would be known as “The Panic of 2008,” adding that “giants (would) tumble to their deaths,” which is exactly what we have witnessed with
the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others. He also said that the dollar would eventually be devalued by as much as 90 percent.
The consequence of what we have seen unfold this year would lead to a lowering in living standards, Celente predicted a year ago, which is also being borne out by plummeting retail sales figures.
The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social
order would mean, “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,” and that,
“The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.”
In a separate recent interview, Celente went further on the subject of revolution in America. “There will be a revolution in this country,” he said. “It’s not going to come yet, but it’s going to come down the line and we’re going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen.”
“The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. That’s going to be the big one because people can’t afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax.. You’re going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop.”
“It’s going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and we’re going to see many more.”
“We’re going to start seeing huge areas of vacant real estate and squatters living in them as well. It’s going to be a picture the likes of which Americans are not going to be used to.
It’s going to come as a shock and with it, there’s going to be a lot of crime. And the crime is going to be a lot worse than it was before because in the last 1929 Depression, people’s
minds weren’t wrecked on all these modern drugs – over-the-counter drugs, or crystal meth or whatever it might be. So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybody’s comprehension.”
By Hesham syed
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
a surreal situation:- Whilst walking to the masjid the other day I could hear the birds singing in the trees and I looked at the sky and saw how blue it looked. Then I thought that not far away was a group of people looking up at the same sky but seeing something completely different.Where I was seeing clear blue skies and driving in security they were witnessing fighting planes dropping their cargoes on top of them. They were seeing shells issuing forth from the fast attack crafts positioned just of the coast. They were seeing the buildings falling all around them. Even now as I hug my son my brothers and sisters hug their dead children. Even the food doesn’t take on the appeal it once did. As our local Imam said the price for paradise is not cheap and our brothers and sisters have made their covenant with Allah and are selling themselves to enter Jannah. How will the Arabs leaders with bulging bank accounts, multiple holiday retreats, fleets of cars face Allah on a day when the sun is one mile above thier heads.
Make no mistake strategically this could never have taken place without the help of Egypt and Fateh, and the compliance of America (who supplied the larger part of the weapons and munnitions being used for free).
When the ground war begins their will be nothing more to say as what will take place will be from the tactics employed by the local commanders and the greatest weapon we all have will be the sincere dua for our brothers and sisters. Remember to ask yourself have done all that I can or will I be of those held accountable- May Allah save us from this.
May Allah cause the Mujahideen to remain steadfast and make us worthy of having rulers who fear no one but Allah.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
Abul Haarith
Bismillah N Salamu3alaikun
Shaykh, What makes you think Nato is losing?
Also, I highly doubt Al shabab will be able to establish anything smoothly. And the piracy conspiracy is something that the western world will probably use to invade.
Also, Where is the line between reality and a defeatist mentality.
Bismillah arrahmanirraheem. It is clear that the tide is turning. The western powers are declining and the awakening of the ummah is around the corner. Lets make sure we are out in front leading the charge…Make the effort and leave the results to Allah Azza wa jal.
Shocking predictions,
Living in the west it would seem those guesses may be accurate. This is what I meant in a earlier post about Ad Dajjal possibly coming soon. From what I have read and heard it would seem that all the signs have already happened and all we are waiting on is the food shortages and people in great need. Can you imagine americans struggling to get food? Imagine the fattest most obese nation on the planet going to the ones with no food! Imagine people used to having 3 or 4 cars having to walk! May Allah protect the righteous muslims in the west from all of this. I make dua everyday for Allah to send me to a muslim land, surround me with muslim friends and grant me a muslim wife. If all the righteous brothers on here can can please say Ameen for me.
Salam Alaykum,
Ruwayda Mustafah,
Are you doubting the power of Allah? If these men like al shabab are establishing sharia and fighting jihad do you not think Allah is pleased with them?
Assalamu aleikum ikhwani what is happening in gaza and elsewhere in the islamic lands is because of our sitting back and our being satisfied with this dunya .the only way you can help your brothers and sisters in gaza now is for you to wake up from your deep sleep and train and take up arms against the tawagheet in your lands because they are the ones who are protecting the son apes and pigs . we should stop dreaming of nasr and tamkeen on this earth while we are sitting back and watching this events from TV . ur brothers the mujahideen all over the world are working their to al quds shareef dont be left out of the caravan.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah,
The Reality:- whilst not impossible to enter into the lands of Jihad it will take a number of things to happen before you can get there.
First let me tell you a nice story about one Mujahid from Spain during the Bosnia conflict. He wanted to go so badly that he followed the railway lines in Europe to arrive in Bosnia by the grace of Allah. He was obviously sincere and Allah helped him.
Today the kuffar have collated the intel from many brothers who have been captured and have pooled this info into a resource from which they all drink. It is clear that they first of all ensure that the surrounding countries are involved by getting them to step up their security in order to make sure their borders aren’t breached (Egypt/Jordan for example). Second, they despatch their own security personnel to go out into the field and follow up on leads and eliminate any runs that they find. Next, we have passage of info from passports that is filed against any Muslim.
On top of all this the vast majority of brothers turn up ill prepared both in knowledge and physical condition. While their niyah maybe good they have not bothered to obey Allah when he asks you to prepare what you can of the steeds of war.
Anyone knows or should know that a soldier needs certain requsites, such as first aid, knowledge of basic weapons at least to know some of the facts appertaining to them, how to follow a compass and the basics of map reading, some basic ideas about survival ( such as how to get water from sources)
Once One brother had a tooth infection which was particularly bad, but fortunately there was a medical kit which included antibiotics and so he recieved treatment for this, alhamdulilah.
Others are less fortunate such as the brother who tripped a landmine and as there were no brothers with medical experience he bled to death, inshallah shaheed.
Anyway there are always ways but take the means as the prophet Muhammed said, tie your camel and then have tawakkul in Allah and if you want to keep a secret don’t tell everyone your plans.
May Allah help us all and keep us safe from the plots and plans of shaitan and his kuffar supporters.
@ Ibraheim, and Shocking Predictions,
I’ve heard a hadith of Rasulullah (SAW) saying that in the end times, there will be so much fitnah that only 2 types of people will be safe from it: the shepherd who lives off his flock on the mountains (i.e. away from the masses), and the mujahid who lives off his ghaneemah.
In other words, if I’ve understood correctly, it will be a fitnah of money, food, shelter, etc and will be GLOBAL. If what Celente says is true, this could be happening in the next 4 years! My local masjid mentioned Celente’s prediction in the khutbah last week.
This would probably coincide with an emergence of the Army of Black Flags from Khurasan (modern day Afghanistan), the arrival of the mahdi, then soon after that the arrival of the Dajjal. If we look at the ahadith of the dajjal, he will cause rain – and the people will be so in need of rain (i.e. food) that they will believe in him!
So could be it brothers and sisters. And Allah knows best! May Allah give us all a full tank of emaan and more. May Allah give victory to the Muslims ameen.
I guess we should really start taking Imam Anwar’s advice of making hijra right about now. Rasulullah (SAW) said that when the Black Flags Army emerges, we all must join it even if we have to crawl over ice! There is one part of the same hadith that states that 3 princes will fight over the “treasure” – does anyone have an interpretation of this?
Salaamu Alikum,
The truth of the matter is that if you wait for everything to look perfect, you will be forever watching from the stands. How do you think so many brothers and sisters have made Hijra to the lands of Honor? They have taken all steps possible and took care of their own security as much as possible and they moved…yes they put their trust in Allah and gave it a go. Do you know how many brothers have made it without any connections? Do you know how many brothers have sold all of their belongings just to buy their ticket? The most important thing is not to let this opportunity pass you by because there have been opportunities. Bosnia’s days were very easy. Afghanistan was open in the late 90s for any Muslim. Somalia was so open in 2006 that you could fly in with a normal passport. Don’t let your Dunya finish and be left with regrets in your Akhira. Put your trust in Allah and every situation is good for the believer. May Allah bless us all and guide us and make us sincere.
Your brother
Note: I don’t think we will get victory for this Ummah nor for Gaza as long as we keep hearing all of this talk about this being an Arab issue and uniting the Arabs. From the Arab are believers and non believers. Waiting for victory from those mixed religions is useless as is well know and also as history has shown us. I dont say where are the Arabs? I say “WHERE ARE THE MUSLIMS? WHERE ARE THE BELIEVERS? WHERE ARE THE MUJAHIDEEN? WHERE ARE THE YOUTH? If the Muslims everywhere decided to face this Zionist enemy at the closest targets…Gaza would be free in a minute. and Allah knows best.
SubhanAllah brother al Khuarasani..:).Excellent post and info. Alot of muslim have knowledge but not many can put them in eloquent speach. Allah Subhanuwataila has made my struggle very easy, keep praying. Muharram is the blessed month.
AoAwRwB, Does anyone know the whereabouts of Revolution-inshAllah shaheed. I cant find his blog.
To Abdullah (Abu Haarith),
Subhan’Allah, your words are pleasing to the eyes and your advice a much needed reminder. Please, keep pleasing our eyes. Jazakum Allahu khair
Also, does anyone have information on Sh. Anwar’s latest lecture.
Your Brother
“They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary. Say, “Then who could prevent Allah at all if He had intended to destroy Christ, the son of Mary, or his mother or everyone on the earth?” And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. He creates what He wills, and Allah is over all things competent.
But the Jews and the Christians say, “We are the children of Allah and His beloved.” Say, “Then why does He punish you for your sins?” Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the [final] destination.
O People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), there has come to you Our Messenger to make clear to you [the religion] after a period [of suspension] of messengers, lest you say, “There came not to us any bringer of good tidings or a warner.” But there has come to you a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And Allah is over all things competent.”
[Surah Al-Maidah, Ayat 17-19]
To the Ulgy Satan, Pepe: May you be destroyed for how you deliberated.
This mentality that you presented on your post is the same as that of Satan and exactly the same logic of white Zio-Crusader slavery mafias and missionaries roaming in the lands of Asia, the Americas and Africa robbing them off their mentality, humanity, blood, dignity and resources.
Allah tells us this about Satan and his allies:
“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 268]
Asalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters in Islam, May Allah keep you all firm on the Path of Jihad Feesabililah, let not Satan and his allies deceive you. “Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the deceiver.” [Luqman, Ayat 33] “Be not deceived by the [uninhibited] movement of the disbelievers throughout the land [Aal-Imran, Ayat 196]. “And let not their wealth and their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through them in this world and that their souls should depart [at death] while they are disbelievers.” [At-Taubah, Ayat 85].
Brothers and Sisters, despite all the high-sounding resolutions of the UN-Dajjal Organization, human rights continue to be violated and trampled upon till this very second: the Zio-Crusaders of the United States of America’s invasion, occupation, massacres, genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia ; US-Satan-Forces in Abu Gharib Prisoners abuse; Guantanomo Bay torture and death camps; Zio-Crusaders of the Illegal State of Israel’s occupation, massacres, genocide in Palestine, Gaza the West Bank; US-backed Christian-Ethiopia’s occupation, massacres, genocide in Somalia; Western subjugation and their 21st century colonialism and financial slavery of the poor in Africa, Asia and South America; Western robbing of developing regions of Africa off their wealth and God-given resources and rights; Western creation of apartheid regimes and Sanctioned by the UN in South Africa and Palestine; United States, Illegal State of Israel, and Britain usage of prohibited weapons including depleted uranium, cluster bombs during the attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Somalia, Lebanon etc; Disgusting illegal behaviors by U.S., NATO soldiers towards Afghan and Iraqi civilians specially women and children.
The crusaders employ mercenaries and death squads to do their dirty jobs like the US Army raping Muslims women etc and torturing and slaughtering their boys and men. Same thing with what happened in the Abu Gharib and Guantanomo bay prisons. So much abuse and injustice filled these people’s hearts. Why? because “satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of satan. Unquestionably, the party of satan – they will be the losers.” [Al-Mujâdilah, Ayat 21].
“So let not their wealth or their children impress you. Allāh only intends to punish them through them in worldly life and that their souls should depart [at death] while they are disbelievers.” [At-Taubah, Ayat 55]
Islam has categorically forbidden the practice of capturing a free man to make him a slave or to sell him into slavery, Islam prohibits torture, spying, too much suspicion, defaming one another, insulting one another by offensive nicknames. Islam prohibits oppression and injustice. Islam prohibits all these and more abomination of Satan but today that is exactly what we see happening, and the culprits are all the judeo-christian-zio-Crusader-secular- democracies of the world such as the USA, the UK, NATO and the Illegal State of Israel and their puppets government around the World. The Western crusaders invade and occupy free people and nations and subjugate them by selling their properties, and displacing millions of people and exporting them to their factories and unethical industries in the West, and subliminally converting them to Christianity and Satanism; They also spy on free people and even on their own people; they torture free people in torture and death camps; they defame people, even defaming God and Prophets, they openly insult people using offensive nicknames etc.
After the occupation of America and the West Indies by the deviated-judeo-christian alliance, traffic in Slave trade continued for three hundred and fifty years. At the African ports the Africans were brought from the interior and put on ships came to be known as the Slave Coast. In the course of only one century [from 1680 to 1786] the total number of free people who were captured and enslaved by the crusaders for the British Colonies amounts to more than 20 million. Human beings were captured and sent for slave labor in the colonies of the West, forcefully converting them to Christianity or else they taste the agonies of torture to death. Now do you think that those dark centuries in the History of the world are over?
“You disbelievers are like those before you; they were stronger than you in power and more abundant in wealth and children. They enjoyed their portion of worldly enjoyment, and you have enjoyed your portion as those before you enjoyed their portion, and you have engaged [in vanities] like that in which they engaged. It is those whose deeds have become worthless in this world and in the Hereafter, and it is they who are the losers.”
[Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 69]
asalamu alaikum sheikh.
you spoke of truth and may allah reward you. The muslim Ummah is going under test and insha allah they will prevail and defeat their enemy.
Asalamualaikum wrwb ummah of Mohummed SAW )
Ibn Na’eem if you look back in this youll find Muqarrib 78 has already brought it up read the previuos post on this subject Basically the Treasure is Kabaah and the princes are the three sons of the Khalifah (love that word )
Also to sister Ruwada Muslims have to be optimistic yes the reality brings us down but we have hope in Allahs mercy Allah created us for two purpose 1— To acknowledge that Allah is the CREATOR AND OBEY HIM
When its all too bleak and you feel so alone only Allahs theres to help you up Look to the Surah Yousef AS) some Ahleem say He was in jail for 7 years before his cellmate was released and does anyone know how many years Ayyub suffered his afflictions decades i think Ahlaaleem I love the Deen of Allah and i love talking about it but I feel quilty these days May GRACIOUS MERCIFUL ALLAH KEEP OUR MIND AND HEART AND DUAS ON THOSE FACING A HUGE TRIAL RIGHT NOW ALLAH HAVE MERCY ON THEM
Assalamu alaikum,
Dear sheikh I very much enjoy your site and pray that Allah keeps us all on His Right Path towards Jannat ul Firdaus. As far as the kafir armies are concerned, it’s true that they will never have the courage to fight to the death because they fear dying too much and love living for whatever little of this dunya’s pleasures they can obtain. So it doesn’t matter how advanced the military is as long as its soldiers don’t have the will to fight to the death. Jewish and Christian armies are especially vulnerable to this fear of dying because they already decimated each other’s populations in the last century through two World Wars and the Cold War. That has led to population declines throughout the Western world which are still apparent today.
So that’s why they try as much as possible to spare their soldiers from really fighting by having others (unfortunately with Muslims among them) do their dirty work for them. Insha’Allah victory will come for the Muslim Ummah very soon because the kafirs plans are as vulnerable as the spider’s web, which will easily get torn down as soon Allah (SWT) Wills it.
MashAllah that was most uplifting entry ya shaykh. May Allah keep you steadfast on this path and always protect you Ameen!
So what do muslim women who live in america and see no easy way out do?!!! PLEASE SOMEONE WISE ANSWER THIS!
An inspiring lecture on Salahuddin:
Aslamualkum, brothers n sisters
I am very happy to see my brother n sisters expressing against this brutality on our brothers n sisteres over seas. May allah protect our brothers n sisters. May allah send angels to defend them n to demolish their opposition. May allah grant them victory and patience. Muslims in Kufr land must work hard together, and to stay on the haqq, and to increase our taqwa. May Allah grant our brothers n sisters martyrs. This also can be seen as a sign from allah, to separate the munifaqueen (that blame everything n only see our brothers flaws)and the real munimoon, so alhamduillah. Also, to go off topic i have read alot of good comments for sisters, and I wanted to know if there were any good strong sister that is serious about marriage, that reside in the States. jazakuallah khair..
i have posted my email.
[edited. Email removed]
Israeli special forces repelled from making incursion.
Why would you insert a special forces team. Well there are many reasons but from the first of those reasons is for information gathering which then becomes intel. A point to make here is that not all information becomes intel and not all intel is correct. What are the purposes of intel. Info gathered in its many forms from communications (phone/internet/email etc) then makes up a picture which is then used by an army to paint a picture ( not a literal one) but this can sometimes be a graphical map, a model or just written form. Once this info has been turned into intel then it can be acted upon, saved for something in the future or just kept as a record. Therefore a special forces team tries to obtain tactical intel for the incoming troops to use before their attack. Other reasons is to pinpoint high valued targets either for bombardment or for assaults/snatches. If the target is to be destroyed they will invariable use laser designators which guide the payloads onto their targets (bombs/shells etc). If it is for a snatch (to take a person or people) then they will lead a force onto the target. They are also used for search and destroy missions.
Okay a very quick intro, so what is the defence. First ensuring good camouflage and concealment of all areas. routes in and out should be hidden from observation. High value targets should be well protected and guided and this should be on a 24 hour revolving rota with no let up in defence. Aggressive patrols to deny access to areas (fighting patrols). Own observation posts to cover all possible accesses. Once a SF team has been denied access that area will then be targets for future shelling, so the repelling force should be aware of that. Under no circumstances should troops be out in the open unless moving. If an SF team has been repelled then others routes will be tried and if one has been repelled others may have succeeded, so fighting patrols should and need to be stepped up in order to seek them out in areas which give high visibility with lots of cover. Tall derlict buildings with roof extraction points are a good one. A good indicator for a sf team is high level of accurate indirect fire support against a hidden troop.
Recce teams and SF teams are the eyes and ears of any main task force. If they can’t get a foot hold then the task force will have to seriously rethink its strategy.
(for information purposes only)
Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh,
Insha Allah I hope you read this. You mentioned that InshaAllah Somalia may be declared as an Islamic state. You have also mentioned many other places in the world. Is there any reason why you haven’t mentioned the caucuses emirate. If time permits Insha Allah please comment on this ya sheikh. JazakAllahukhairan
You can’t get me to go back to America, not for money, not for fame,
not even under the flimsy pretense of doing Dawah in America. I’m not going to lie to myself and say that
living in America is Dawah, because I can’t hide that my tax dollars pay Israeli settlers $10,000 a year,
per family member, to occupy Palestine and to kill the
Ummah I profess to be a part of. A white-picket fence and a two car garage in the suburbs is not Dawah, it’s greed. Sending your children to the best schools is not Dawah, it’s opportunism, it’s taking advantage of
a system built on the backs of third-world countries and dead Muslims.
Thousands of Afghans have died to put cheaper gas in your sports utility vehicle, thousands of Iraqis died
to keep your car running for less money, your heating bills down, and your salary higher. Thousands of
Palestinians have been shot with bullets and bombs that your tax-dollars bought and thousand more will if you stay and become the ideal immigrant. To be the tax-paying, flag-waving, English speaking immigrant who is repulsed by ’backwards’ notions of religion, and sends your children to get a good education at a Catholic school, is to be the perfectly assimilated, perfectly absorbed hypocrite.
How convenient it is for a Muslim to condemn America for it’s tyranny, but take no action against it at
all. It’s like a shepherd that shares a cave with wolves who kill his own sheep, but stays because the
cave is warm and the mutton is free. The shepherd stays with the wolves under the pretense of doing Dawah to the wolves. He hopes that by living with the wolves, the wolves will feel sympathy for the shepherd, they will better understand him, and maybe not kill his sheep anymore.
How very convenient, very illogical, and very beneficial for the shepherd! Never mind that it’s wrong, just remember that the cave is warm and the mutton is free, the streets are clean, the skyscrapers are shiny, and your children are being given quality
wolf-education and eating quality mutton from your murdered sheep.
I may move a hundred times in my life, but never back to the
country whose ruler has reinstated the crusades. Never to the land where a 67 year old Afghan Imam is in
camp x-ray for giving Mujahideen dry bread crusts.
Never to a land where my own Muslim brothers are collateral damage. I swear by Allah, I will never make
that mistake again.
Every “human” is born on fitrah(good). Its time for your to explore and start polishing that fitrah within you.
Alhumduiallah Rabil Ahleemmin i cant sleep and ive been waiting to hear good news Bushra from Gracious Allah LAHULLA WALLA QUWAITA ILLAH BELAI AHLEEARZEEM
. just as the brother has set out an aggressive defence strat for gaza we have to be constant and vigilant with our duas We want to be helping but cant so we have another weapon for now What they are going through we in the future will experience and some have already been in a situation where death for ones self and ones children from an evil tool of shaiton is at hand and no one but Allah and His Malika are a wittness and only Allah hears the Dua and puts Sakina in the hearts Alhumduiallah and turns the evil plot of shaiton away to reappear another day But the next time your prepared Allah has strengthened you from within Allahs Mercy overwhelmes us but as a ummah we are ignorant of that Ive seen children dead and injured in gaza that look so much like my own blood these children are our children too the frail elderly are ours too
What are we like the jew now and only feed ourselves
I cant understand the ummah i cant understand the indifference i cant comprehend why they flee from Allahs mercy to his anger
May Allah humuliate these illegal settlers. May the Curse of Allah be on every one of them – those in the UK, USA, the occupied territories, their allies- in the media,(for hiding the truth and reporting falsehood) businesses(for sponsoring their trials to destroy us muslims), all over the world, not excluding anyone of them.
and Allah is aware of what they do.
We have friends amongst the angels! wooo yeaahh!!!
Shelling continues but this time from ground assets which is indicative of the prelude to the gorund force attack.
Helicopters heard in the night sky suggests dropping in of SF teams, observation teams for artillery and recce teams to guide the troops into their start positions.
what many probably don’t know is that it may all look congested and bedlum but they have a plan and upsetting is the plan is what they are not expecting. The more you upset the plan the more reluctant they will be to continue. Body bags don’t bring in votes.
Who will win:- Quite simply if Hamas continue to fire rockets even it is only one then they are the winners as the whole purpose (according to them) is to prevent rocket attacks.
This can only be done if all the sites are surgical cleaned (wiped out), all rockets are stopped and Fateh take over the running of the Gaza strip. To state the obvious just one rocket fired means defeat for Israeli.
(info purposes only)
It sounds like the ground offensive had begun from the Yahood. May Allah give the true believers strength and victory!
Brothers and Sisters,
Of all the journalists on american T.V. Christine Armanpour on CNN is giving the most fair assesment of the situation in Gaza in my opinion. She is tearing up the Israeli Foreign Minister spokesman Regev right now. If you get a chance watch the interview.
Salam Alaykum,
my apologies, I meant, “THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THEIR END”
But Alhamdulillah the Mujaahidiin held off the first attempt. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/articles/34/Hamas_Repels_Special_Forces_Incursion_in_Shajaiyeh.html
Oh my muslim brothers and sisters, make du’a for our brothers. Don’t waste time watching these liars on the news. Make du’a, indeed du’a is the best weapon for the believers.
make du’a for our brothers and *sisters*
Here is a useful link for people on the many ways to participate in jihad:
I also would like to point out, and unfortunately I am guilty of this first and foremost, that it is a snare of Shaitaan to preoccupy ourselves with what is happening in the news, to the point that we ignore/neglect our duties (aside from our furud and ‘ibadah) which could bring us even closer to ALLAH. For those of us who do not know the arabic language, make sacrifice and learn it. Find a way to do so. We can talk about jihad till we’re blue in the face, but will we be ready to do it when the time comes? Let’s say you’re on the frontlines, how will you communicate with your fellow mujahideen? IN ENGLISH?
For those of you who are not praying Fajr/Isha in the Masjids, START! How can you make Jihad when you can’t sacrifice your sleep?
Learn your Deen. This is a broad topic, but start with memorization of the Qur-an. It is this knowledge that will help you during the tough and difficult times. If you think guantanamo bay or abu ghuraib were bad, what do you think Imam Ahmad, Imam Malik or Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah dealt with torture? I am sure they were treated worse. What gave them the patience, and the strength to endure? No doubt it was their knowledge. Learn your Deen. Find a sheikh whose knowledge you trust, and start attending classes regularly. How can you expect your children to learn when you are not learning yourself?
For those of you who can, take your children out of public schools, and send them to Islamic schools. If you can’t afford to send them to an Islamic school, then consider homeschooling. Protect your families from the filth that is being taught by the kuffar.
Don’t waste time going out to demonstrations and protests. Enough people have addressed this issue already in this blog. One sheikh said it nicely once. “DO YOU WANT TO DO A PROTEST THAT WILL REALLY SCARE THE KUFFAR? IF EVERYONE PRAYED SALATUL FAJR ON TIME IN THE MASAJIDS, SEE HOW THE KUFFAR WILL BE AFRAID THEN!” Truly these are wise words.
To my fellow husbands and fathers: Become the Amir of your family as you should be, and lead by example. Implement the Sunnah on yourself, and on your family. If you haven’t, then start. It is never too late. Are you going to the Masjid regularly? Do you control what your children watch on the tv/internet? Do you get your family involved with Islamic events? Do you associate with practicing Muslims? Do you eat Halal? The list goes on.
To the wives and mothers, take control of your families. Start with yourselves, and then your children. Does your husband implement Islam as he should? Show him how. Give him his rights, and InshaALLAH he will give you yours. Do you spend time teaching your kids the Deen? If not, who will? Forget about da’wah if you can’t do da’wah in your own homes. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you lack knowledge of the Deen, then start learning. No on ever said that women in Islam had to be ignorant. Half of our Deen comes from ‘Aisha RA. We all respect Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki, but look at his credentials: http://www.anwar-alawlaki.com/2008/08/12/a-question-from-a-reader-on-my-islamic-education/
He did not become who is without sacrifice. You and I are no different.
Everything above applies to me first and foremost before anyone else. ALLAH in the Qur-an says, “2. O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? 3. Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.” 61:2-3
Let’s not forget about our brothers and sisters worldwide, but let’s not abandon our duties that will bring us closer to ALLAH by constantly following the news. SubhanaKALLAHUMMA wa bihamdik, Ash-hadu Al-Laa ilaaha illa ant. Nastaghfiruka wa natubu ilaik.
Now for 8 days the jews are attacking the muslims in Gaza. I am not surprised that the worldleaders are not interfering. They don’t want to be fired by there boss.
I am suprised that the muslims in Egypt still haven’t organised something to help there brothers and sisters across the border. The jews could never put a boycot on Hamas in Gaza if Egypt let the border open.
The other subject that i want to point out is Hizbollah (hizb-shaitan). The leader (Hassan Nasr-shaitan) is ‘helping’ the muslims in Gaza by telling them to kill many jews. This is a good point! However, i have two questions for Hassan Nasr-shaitan. Why don’t you and your army do that? Why don’t you open a new front? Because by opening a new front the jews can’t concentrate there army and weapons on the muslims trapped in Gaza.
As for the muslims around the world i ask you not to forget the brothers and sisters that are being attacked. Make doea for them. Insha allah they will winn with the help of Allah.
Don’t let the media influnce your idea about ‘the indistructuble jews’. The media told that joke before when the american army entered Iraq. They said that the american army was the ’strongest’ army in the world. Look how the soldiers of the ’strongest’ army where crying when they met the mujahideen in Fallujah (video).
Hassan nasr-shaitan speech:
’strongest army of the world’ in Fallujah:
Hamas: 30 Israeli soldiers killed or wounded
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Alameen for the success we see in the muslim countries, as for those countries that we still have yet to conquer and establish the shariah, Allah alone knows the wisdom behind it. Can i remind my muslim brothers and sisters that Iman is increasingly being wiped out of hearts, as the prophet muhammad (pbuh) forementioned that one day we will be great in number and will be defeated, due to the fear of us (muslims) being removed from the kafir’s heart and also there will be weakness in our hearts and fear of death. PLease remain steadfast and make dua to increase our Iman so we may defeat the kafir’s.
I am addressing Imam Anwar Al Awlaki in an attempt to find out what exactly us youth are supposed to be doing to further the success of the muslims, bearing in mind that we are in the west where our efforts and abilities are limited. Please reply with strategic aims and outlining of how we can contribute to reach them.
JazakAllah dearest Shaykh for the inspiring and motivational presentation in London, and your patience throughout the q and a session. It was almost like being in your sowbah, and was throughly appreciated by everyone. May Allah swt bless you and your family with every goodness and give you jannah tul firdous, aameen.
Also, I’m desperate to make hijra, can anyone suggest a place where I can educate and train up my kids? We don’t want to be on the sidelines in this time of potentially immence reward inshAllah. Suggestions would be gratefully recieved.
Narrated Anas bin Malik ra) the Prophet saw) said ” nobody who dies and finds good from Allah (in the hereafter) would wish to come back to this world even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it except the MARTYR who , on seeing the superiority of martyrdom would like to come back to the world and get killed again (sabilAllah)
Try it you will like it
Lesson to be learned by Hamas from Grozny concrete jungles of 1995 after massive Russian bombardment. Grozny was named the most bombed out city after WW II.
The Russians attempted to put down the emerging separatist movement and restore Russian control over the province. The Order of Battle listed 24,000 Russian security forces well supported by airforce, helicopters, artillery, and armored vehicles. Chechen irregulars estimated strength was at most 10,000, mostly with hand-held infantry weapons. The Russian Defense Minister expected the Army to capture the city within a week.
The Russian Army battled Chechen Mujahideen. Chechens used non-linear defenses based on squads networking together on a local basis. They understood they were outnumbered and outgunned so they could not adopt a linear defense to defend any section of the city. Chechen organized their forces into mobile squads and companies.
• Squads of 6-12 men. One sniper, One RPG, rest with assault rifles.
• Observation teams, Kill teams, Reserve teams, Ambush Teams
• Squads formed 25 man platoons and 75-100 man companies
• Autonomous company command
in the early 1990s in the first of the recent Russian-Chechen wars. On December 31st, 1994, the Russian military forces began their invasion of Grozny, a city of 500,000. Grozny is situated in the open territory north of the mountains and was originally built as a regional stronghold.
These small units were self-sufficient and could operate without complex coordination. They used swarming tactics. Perimeter units observed Russian Army movements and relayed intelligence. Multiple Chechen mobile companies swarmed and destroyed isolated Russian units. Chechen forces used sewers and house-to-house combat to delay or evade Russian troops. Booby-traps, suicide bombings and mines extracted a toll on the Russians.
“the Chechens also had a fixed method of conducting ambushes. The ambush was based on the 25-man group, composed of three mobile squads of two heavy machine gunners, two RPG gunners, one sniper, and three riflemen. Three of these 25-man groups (supported by an 82mm-mortar crew with two tubes) would conduct an ambush as a 75-man unit. Three of the eight-man squads would serve as a “killer team” and set up in three positions along the ambush route. They would occupy the lower level of buildings in the ambush zone to prevent being wounded by incoming artillery. The remaining fifty men would occupy blocking positions to ensure the entrapped Russians could not escape and to prevent reinforcements from entering the ambush area.”
The Chechens surrounded and massacred the 131st over the next three days. The Maikop Brigade lost its commanding officer, 800 men, 20 of 26 tanks, and 102 of 120 armored vehicles. The 81st Motorized Rifle Regiment took massive casualties as well. A number of isolated Russian companies and platoons suffered heavy losses.
The initial assault from December 31st to January 3rd was an unmitigated disaster
Islamist insurgents studied the Chechen strategy and adopted their tactics in other battlefronts in Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq. The loose and flexible command structure works well for dispersed and poorly trained militias.
Mujahideen used Grozny-style mobile defensive tactics in the Battle of Fallujah in 2004. The low-casualty American victory is all the more extraordinary if compared to Grozny or other urban battles. If the Islamists studied Grozny, then the Americans, Israelis, Europeans, Chinese, and Indians are now studying Fallujah
Can the Muslims collectively withhold their tax dollars in America?
JZK brother Muhammad al-Suyuufi for the info. Subhan’Allah! What can a muslim sister in the west do? Th most I can think of at the moment is Du’a and funding for our brothers and sister in Gaza? How can we supply them with weapons?
Asalamu alaykum,
Please pass this on to everyone you know: Starbucks and McDonalds will be donating all the money they make until Saturday to Israel!
Will somebody please do something! Wake up men of this ummah! Are you going to wait until we women go out there and defend ourselves?!
I wonder if Imam Mahdi is in this dunyah right now…
Statement the by Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan The Carnage of Innocent and Besieged Palestinians.
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The other day, the innocent blood of the besieged Palestinians of the Gaza strip who are deprived of food and relief for months now, were shed ironically under the very eyes of the Islamic Conference, the rulers of tens of Islamic countries and various human rights organizations. The occupying Israeli forces did all these, resulting in the death and injury of at least 3000 Palestinians of Gaza. This horrendous event substantiated this hard fact once more that the Islamic Ummah should not live in the world of an utopia any more that these ostensibly altruist organizations would ever live up to their expectations, nor should they maintain that the same entities would ever protect their lives, properties, rights and values.
Had the bloodbath which barbarically occurred in Gaza strip at the hands of the Israeli forces at afternoon time, happened in any other non-Islamic country, say if committed by an Islamic country or a jihad group, all the non-Islamic world, including Bush, Blair, Braun, Sarcosi and other ruthless cutthroats would surely and certainly have raised huge hue and cries all over the world. Would the UNSC have not slapped various bans and restrictions on the alleged perpetrators? The recent example is that of a raid on a hotel in India where some Israeli nationals were killed. We saw with our own eyes, the UNSC intervened by imposing restriction on a number of Jihadic groups merely on suspicions and it was almost near the two neighbours go to war, being tipped by them against each other.
But when hundred of Palestinians are killed as result of Israeli invasion and barbarism within a few minutes; when the Palestinians, both men and women, young and old are martyred in their very home without discrimination, despite having been deprived of essential food items and medicines for a long period, no entity including the UNSC come to the open to hear their cries and voices. No human right foundation stood by their side; nor the so-called Islamic countries, the Arab leagues; OIC took a clear, decisive and firm stand to announce their support and sympathy with the Palestinians.
While condemning the recent Israeli invasion on the Muslims of Gaza and showing sympathy with the victim families of Gaza, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believe that the West, particularly the USA is collaborator in the pogrom of hundreds of Palestinians. This is clear from the statement of the Israeli foreign minister who said that the Israeli raid on Gaza was carried out with full consent and understanding of friends of Israel in the world.
To end, we would like to say to the rulers of the Islamic countries in no ambiguous terms that the current genocide, suffocation, oppression and invasion by the non-Islamic forces aimed at eradicating the values of the Muslims and trampling down their rights is being carried out with full collusion of the anti-Islamic forces of the world. This has been made possible due to your disunity, disarray, and insouciance and because of the domination of the West and the USA on many countries of the Islamic world. It is being materialized unfortunately quid pro quo the West’s assistance to help in the prolongation of power of these rulers.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan urges you to come forward for the protection of your people and their values and stop resorting to ways and means which, though may prolong your power, but jeopardize the interests of the common masses. Stop this and save the Islamic Ummah.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Malaysia my 14 Year old daughter went there to study for 2 years it was her desire i was reluctant sending a young girl but i knew her character and I depended on Allah when she came back the first thing she bought was a sword Once youve had a taste of true islamic living u always want it Schooling and life is inexpensive its not perfect but there are very Islamic communities to be found and the children turn out so respectful my other daughters that have visited say u find the love and respect support for others whats the word Ohubil mumin we dont have it here anyway only drawback is the weather
zionist killed more than 480 Palestinians
Hamas remained defiant as the ground war began.
“You entered like rats,”
“Your entry to Gaza won’t be easy. Gaza will be a graveyard for you, God willing,” he said.
“Gaza will not be paved with flowers for you. It will be paved with fire and hell,” Hamas warned Israeli forces.
“Be prepared for a unique surprise, you will be either killed or kidnapped and will suffer mental illness from the horrors we will show you,” the message said.
before you defeat your enemy i think we should defeat our own ego and proud. this is own sins that brought all of us to see THIS inhuman acts of atrocity.
may Allah swt forgive me and forgive all of us and grant us Victory in all fronts., ameen ameen ya Rabb
[Submitted by a Mujahid]
O Allah give Victory to the Muslims of Gaza!
[5: 82] “Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) the Jews and those who are al-Mushrikoon.”
Once again Ehud Olmert and his nation of thieves have demonstrated to the world the true face of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. Recent events in occupied Palestine where over 390 Palestinians have been brutally murdered highlight the Nazi undertones of an (evil) Israeli administration vehement in spilling the blood of innocent Muslims.
Peace process no solution for war zone
[2: 11] “And when it is said to them, “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say, “We are only peacemakers.”
Undeniably, occupied Palestine is a war zone and perhaps one of the longest running conflicts in the modern era, taking into account that the illegal occupation has now spanned well over half a century. It is therefore inconceivable to all Muslims and anyone with a sane mind that there can be any form of peace with a state so unlawful in its inception. In truth it is this pirate state (Israel) which is guilty of conducting a murderous rampage that ruthlessly continues to engulf the lives of millions of innocent men, women and children, as a twisted means to achieve ‘peace’ and ‘stability’ in the Middle East.
Western leaders show true colours
Unsurprisingly, the harshest condemnations from Western leaders concerning the latest attack included statements such as:
“I am deeply concerned by continuing missile strikes from Gaza on Israel and by Israel’s response today,” [UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown]
Consequently, with psychological anxiety and worry the strongest expressions of outrage to the calculated genocide ensuing in occupied Palestine, one can definitively come to the conclusion that the blood of Muslims has indeed become very cheap.
Apostate rulers of Muslim lands
Furthermore, the anticipated silence of the apostate rulers (currently presiding over the Muslim lands) should act as a powerful reminder to Muslims worldwide that there can be no form of dialogue with these tyrannical regimes except strong condemnation coupled with jihaad feesabeelillah.
Ironically, it is typically at times like these where those close to the gates of the rulers also become hidden from the public eye, only to reappear (later on) to attack sincere Muslim activists as well as our brothers from among the mujahideen.
So where are your voices now O loyalists to the taghout? (We ask)
Political parties no longer Islamic
Undoubtedly, Gaza is a city of dignity, rich in Islamic history and heritage; unfortunately, the reality of the political parties like that of Hamas and Fatah do little to reflect this profound Islamic past.
Evidently one can see that the burning desire for al-haakimiyyah lillah (supremacy to Allah) as well as al-siyaada lil shari (sovereignty for the Sharee’ah) seems to have been lost in leadership struggles and nationalistic protocols.
Consequently, it comes as no surprise that with this detachment (from Islam), humiliation has quickly ambushed.
That is why we call upon our brothers and sisters in Gaza, the people of Islam, as well as those who are sincere among Hamas (and other groups) to stand for Islam and to fight for Islam.
It is authentically recorded in the Musnad of Imam Ahmed that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Shaytan is sitting on the roads in order to mislead the children of Adam. He plots for him on the way to Islam saying, “Will you become Muslim and leave the religion of your fathers?” So the son of Adam disobeyed him and entered Islam. And then he plotted against him on the road to hijrah…So the son of Adam disobeyed him and made hijrah. And then he (Shaytan) plotted against him on the road to jihaad and said, “Are you going to fight and be killed so your wife will remarry and your wealth be divided?” So he disobeyed him and fought the jihaad.” On this the Prophet (saw) said, “Whoever did that, it becomes his right upon Allah to let him enter Jannah (paradise), even if his animal threw him and he died, it is a right upon Allah to let him enter Jannah (paradise).”
Indeed, we can see how the cowards from among the Zionists strike our brothers and sisters in Gaza from thousands of feet in the air, yet we call upon our brothers armed with rocks and pebbles to continue struggling against the disbelievers who are attacking them, even though their numbers are small.
[2: 249] “How many times has a small number defeated a large number by the permission of Allah?”
We also call upon our brothers and sisters in Palestine to persevere in supporting the Deen of Allah, and to know that if they continue supporting His Deen that He will support them.
Indeed, no amount of sophisticated artillery (or large military numbers) can come to any avail without the support of Allah (SWT).
[8: 17] “And you threw not when you did throw but Allah threw…”
Verily, if our brothers and sisters in Gaza succeed in this, then the Ummah will be proud of them and want to be with them.
It is recorded in Sahih Bukhari that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Know that Paradise lies under the shade of the swords.” And definitely we can see in Gaza (in our time) that paradise lies under the shades of air jets and missiles – and that its keys are bullets.
The good news
It is recorded that when Sa’d ibn Ubaad and Sa’d ibn Mu’adh whispered to Muhammad (saw) that Banu Quraizah (a treacherous Jewish tribe) had betrayed them Muhammad (saw) said, “Abshiroo ayuhal Muslimoon! – Good news O believers!” In the darkest of times when nothing could be seen and the evil began to spread everywhere and the sahabah were surrounded and so hungry, unable to break a rock, the messenger Muhammad (saw) struck it and said, “Allahu Akbar! He gave me the keys of the doors of al-Sham and by Allah I am seeing all her red palaces!” And he (saw) struck the rock again and said, “Allahu Akbar! We are going to conquer Persia, I see her Palaces!” And he (saw) struck the rock again and it broke and he said, “Allahu Akbar! I have been given the keys of Yemen and I can see the Sana’a!”
O Muslims of Gaza there are only two choices for you: victory or martyrdom and for the disbelievers humiliation and hellfire; and indeed there is no comparison between you (in Gaza) who are fighting and those who are sitting back in London or New York – you are on the front line – and we are obliged to support you. And we make dua to Allah (SWT) to give you victory over the Zionists who are attacking you; we ask Allah (SWT) to give you the vision of Sa’d ibn abi Waqqas (RA), and the firmness of Umar (RA), and we ask Allah (SWT) to give you the judgement of Ali (RA) and the piety of Abu Bakr (RA).
O Allah help the Muslims of Gaza and give them victory over the disbelievers.
As for those Muslims still active in Hamas (or any of the other factions) and sincerely wishing to support the Deen of Allah (SWT) we say to you that it is never too late to change: it is recorded that al-Baraa ibn Azib narrated that a man came to Muhammad (saw) and said, “O rasoolullah! I should fight or embrace Islam?” And he (saw) replied, “Embrace Islam and fight.” So he embraced Islam, fought and was killed and Muhammad (saw) said, “He did a small deed but got a big reward.” So it is never too late to change and verily the actions are by the last deed.
Finally we say to Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni, to beware from the supplications of the believers who are ever watchful over the events concerning our brothers and sisters in Gaza; and that if they choose not to take heed then may be their vegetative predecessor (Ariel Sharon) can act as a powerful reminder, that the actions of the oppressors will never go unpunished.
Indeed, the liberation of Palestine is more than a struggle for an independent country but rather just another path to sow the seed for the domination of Islam worldwide – and certainly this victory has been promised – even though the disbelievers hate it.
Submitted by a Mujahid
@Ibn Adam
Akhi, the points you make are ok and common, but we seem to forget the man who reverted to Islam and essentially his first act was to be martyred fighting jihad feesabililah. You can learn while you fight. You can learn even more after you fight insha’allah.
You should never stop learning, but knowledge without implementation is a sin. There will be people who have the Qur’an memorized but will enter Jahannam. Akhi, I encourage you to remember how the Sahabah(RAA) went about learning and memorizing knowledge.
Furthermore, with regards to protests, they have many possible results that depend on the individual and those in attendance. They are a forum to get people to worship who would not otherwise worship. It also gets more people to make du’a so long as someone is willing to stand up and do it.
Our shuyukh in my area while they are knowledgeable and some are not like this, they are basically held on strings by the FBI and Western culture. Subhanallah Ghaza is not mentioned by most. How can this be? We are under direct and undeniable attack from kuffar and we do not mention it to make du’a? To feed our Ummah? To defeat the invaders?
At the last one I went to many of us rallied behind du’a. There was near constant dhikr. It was divided and only half was secular. Although subhanallah, there were still chants of “Allahu Akbar!” from the crowd while we prayed Maghrib.
If your attendance benefits the Ummah then go. If it does not, then stay behind. Subhanallah I met a small kid who asked me to teach him Islam at the last one I went to. We are going to meet every weekend and he will teach me Arabic. I intend to teach him tawhid, but who knows he might know more than me on this topic. Insha’allah there is something I know which he does not and I say it to him.
It all depends on what you do while you are there. Just like fighting feesabililah. Just like going to the masajid. Just like any action, any journey, any event in you life, it should benefit the Ummah.
Brothers like you keep us from getting too immersed in politics akhi and it is very beneficial at least for me, but also we need to still discuss them. We must implement Islam in the political field as Islam covers everything. One can be a scholar through action rather than knowledge. Did you know that? It is beautiful mashallah.
The thing with jihad is that it allows other people to do exactly what you just said. Why do you think the Mujahid gets a little piece of every single haj? Because he is the thing that keeps it going with the will of Allah(AWJ). Furthermore, think about what a khilafah does. People are forced to live by Islam. How many people have been on the fence about going to the Masjid and watching a sporting event only to choose the sport? How many people committed zinna, but regretted heavily as they were close to not committing it? How many people neglect prayers because they had something “better” to do? With Shari’a you push people to the proper side of the fence. We need everything you have said, but we need jihad as well. We need to make ourselves heard where we are weak. We need to call people to pray in a masjid, that is correct, but you cannot make that kind of argument against a protest. That would be like if you went to the grocery store and I told you to go home to your wife/husband. Yeah it is better to be with them, but it is good to go to a grocery store so long as what you are doing there is beneficial.
Allah says:
Say [O Muhammad], “If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased, are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and jihad in His cause then wait until Allah executes His command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people” (Surah Taubah:24)
In this ayah is a sufficient warning for anyone who leaves jihad with their selves and their wealth.
Allah says:
“O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.
If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. And Allah is over all things competent” (Tawbah:38-39)
“Those who remained behind rejoiced at their staying [at home] after [the departure of] the Messenger of Allah and disliked to strive with their wealth and their lives in the cause of Allah and said, “Do not go forth in the heat.” Say, “The fire of Hell is more intense in heat”-if they would but understand.
So let them laugh a little and [then] weep much as recompense for what they used to earn.” (Tawbah:81-82)
Ibn Umar narrates: I heard the Messenger of Allah saying, “If you trade in each, and follow the tails of cows, and became content with being farmers, and ignored jihad, Allah will impose on you a humiliation that would not be taken away until you go back to your religion.”
The meaning of the hadith is that if people ignore jihad because of their involvement in agriculture and similar affairs, Allah will unleash upon them their enemies which would bring them humiliation which cannot be eliminated unless they go back to what is a duty upon them to start with and that is jihad against the non-believers, and being harsh and rough on them, and establishing religion to give Islam and its followers victory and to raise the word of Allah high and to humiliate disbelief and its followers. This hadith shows that leaving jihad is leaving Islam because the Messenger of Allah said: “until you go back to your religion”
Abu Bakr states that, “If any people stop jihad Allah will cover them all with humiliation” al Tabarani, (agreeable chain)(Abu Dawood)
Ibn Asakir narrates that when Abu Bakr became the Khalifah he
stood on the pulpit and among what he said was, “ If people do not practice jihad Allah will inflict them with poverty”
One might say that ‘I see some people not practicing jihad nevertheless they are wealthy’. The answer is that wealth is not the amount of money you have, but wealth is a feeling of contentment and satisfaction that exists in the heart. When people stop practicing jihad they miss out on the booty of war. When they do that and instead turn their attention and effort to making wealth from various other means, they get involved in a lot of prohibited methods of making money. You then rarely find anyone among them whose wealth is all pure halal. They became greedy over miser things of this world. That made them humiliated and they became slaves to money.
But the mujahid is free of greed and is depending on Allah for his provisions. Allah provides for him from the booty. He wins it by his sword and it is pure halal.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever dies and has not fought or had the intention of fighting dies on a branch of hypocrisy”
Abu Umamah narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever has not fought or prepared a fighter or taken care of a fighter in his absence, Allah will strike him with a disaster” Abu Dawud (Agreeable)
Allah says:
“Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] – other than the disabled – and the Mujahideen in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the Mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to all, Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward. Degrees from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.”94
Allah says:
“So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sells the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.”95
“The ones who have believed, emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. And it is those who are the attainers [of success]. Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from Him and approval and of gardens for them wherein is enduring pleasure. Abiding therein forever. Indeed, Allah has with Him a great reward.”96
“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction, which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.”97
94 (Al Nisa 95-96)
95 (Al Nisa 74)
96 (Al Tawba 20-22)
97 (Al Tawba 111)
“O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you
and plant firmly your feet.”98
“The believers are only the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their properties and their lives in the cause of Allah. It is those who are the truthful.”99
“O you who have believed shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment? [It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should but know. He will forgive you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment. And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love – victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers.”100
Jihad Is The Best Deed After Salah And Being Dutiful Towards One’s Parents:
The Messenger of Allah was asked what is the most beloved act of worship in the eyes of Allah? He said, “Praying on time,” I said, “Then what?” He said, “Being dutiful towards your parents,” I said and “then what?” He said, “jihad in the path of Allah”101
“Ibn Umar used to consider jihad to be the best of all deed after Salah”102
98 (Muhammad 7)
99 (Al Hujrat 15)
100 (Al Saff 10-13)
101 (Bukhari)
102 (al Bayhaqi)
Story of Umm Ibrahim
This story was mentioned by scholars like Abu Jaafar al Luban. He narrates:
It is mentioned that one of the righteous women in Basra was Umm Ibrahim al Hashimeeyah. The enemy attacked one of the Muslim towns so people were encouraged to join jihad. Abdul Wahid bin Zayd al Basri delivered a speech encouraging jihad and among the audience was Umm Ibrahim. Among the things Abdul Wahid talked about was al Hoor (the women of Paradise). Umm Ibrahim stood up and said to Abdul Wahid: “You know my son Ibrahim and you know that the nobility of al Basra wish to have him marry one of their daughters and I have not agreed to one of them yet. But I like this girl you described and I would be happy to marry her to my son. Can you please describe her again?”
Abdul Wahid then narrated a poem in the description of the Hoor. Umm Ibrahim said: “I want my son to marry this girl and I would pay you 10,000 dinars as her dowry and you take him with you in this army. He might die as a Shaheed and intercede for me on the Day of Judgment.” Abdul Wahid said: “If you do so, that is great success for you and your son.” She then called her son from the audience. He stood up and said: “Yes my mother!” She said: “Are you pleased to marry this girl with the condition of giving your soul to Allah?” He said: “Yes! I am very pleased!” She said: “O Allah you are my witness that I have married my son to this girl from Paradise with the condition he spends his soul in your sake” Then she went and brought back with her 10,000 dinars and gave it to Abdul Wahid and said: “This is her dowry. Take it and use it to provide for the mujahideen” She then purchased for her son a good horse and she armed him. When the army started its march Ibrahim came out with the reciters of Quran surrounding him and reciting:
“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise.”
When Umm Ibrahim was greeting her son she told him: “Be careful and don’t allow any shortcomings from yourself to be seen by Allah” She them embraced him and kissed him and said: “May Allah never bring us together except on the Day of Judgment!”
Abdul Wahid said: “When we reached the enemy’s territory and people were called to fight. Ibrahim was in the front and he killed many of the enemy but then they overwhelmed him and killed him. On our way back I told my soldiers not to tell Umm Ibrahim that her son was killed until I tell her. When we entered al Basra she met me and said: “Did Allah accept my gift so I can celebrate or was it rejected so I should cry?” I said: “Allah did accept your gift and your son died as a Shaheed” She then prostrated to thank Allah and said: “Thank you Allah for accepting my gift” The following day she came to me in the mosque and said: “Rejoice!” I said: “What good news do you have?” She said: “I saw my son Ibrahim last night in a dream. He was in a beautiful garden dressed in green clothes, sitting on a throne made of pearl and he had a crown on his head. He told me: “Rejoice my mother! I got married to my bride!”
Allah says:
“So fight, [O Muhammad], in the cause of Allah; you are not held responsible except for yourself. And encourage the believers [to join you] that perhaps Allah will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And Allah is greater in might and stronger in punishment”
Allah says:
“O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are people who do not understand”
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YEP we muslims are so cool once more!
Asalamualiakum wrwb my brothers and sisters in islam To the youth in the west and any where else for that matter prepare for jihad everything is clear if u didnt know what to do before this latest Ayaat from Allah then you should know by now U have the Quran all the good advice here comes from it and is your PERSONIALISED CONNECTION WITH ALLAH its your best friend and best advisor and your reminder and your warner and your director for your aims the answer to all your questions And u have the good example of Prophet Muhammed saw) TO FOLLOW read S 33 A 21 also Aisha ra) said ‘The messenger of Allah did something as an example in order to make things easier for people but some people still refrain from doing it When the Prophet heard about that , he praised Allah and said What do think of people who refrain from anything that I myself do? By Allah I am the greatest of them in knowledge of Allah and the strongest of them in fear of Allah (Muslim al Bukhari)
Please read what your sincere brothers and sisters have posted the answers are all here repeated over and over this is one of best reminders ive come across after my Quran you have a wealth of knowledge here Jazakiallakheir to all those involved prepare and struggle for the time for Hijra is here if your in the west and the time for Jihad has never left us its all very clear salames
To Zakariya:
As-Salamu’alaikum. You may have misunderstood some of the things I have said, but I also need to correct you on a few issues you have raised. If you noticed, the link I posted initially shows the many ways that we Muslims can support the Jihad, even in cases where we are not in darul harb. If you notice, there were 39 ways to do so, and attending protests were not one of them. It is for the main reason being, it is not from the Sunnah. The Prophet SAW was in Makkah and was tortured along with other Sahabah by the Quraish, but he never went and asked other kuffar nations to help him, or appealed to their system of government for humanitarian aid or support, etc. Look at the circumstances when Surah Kafirun was revealed. The Quraish approached the Prophet SAW and offered a deal. They said we will worship your GOD one year, you worship our god the other year and we alternate. That would be like GWB offering to implement Shari’ah one year, and US Constitution the other year. I have no doubt most scholars today would accept this deal gladly. But look at how forceful the Surah is in refuting this offer. Not to mention, at this time, the Muslims were weak, poor, and very few. Regardless, we did not compromise. At a protest, what you are doing is essentially asking for justice from kuffar about your plight. This is precisely what they want. When did a protest ever benefit any cause? Before the war in Iraq started in ‘03, there were massive protests going on. This however did not stop the powers from invading. Moreover, the only reason why we do protests is because we have seen the kuffar doing it. Did we see protests and demonstrations 200 years ago? It is only now, after seeing the kuffar doing it, we have adopted also. Besides, the governments love it because it just allows us to blow off steam and that’s it. It will soon be over. Life goes on. Muslims still get killed. The war on Iraq hasn’t ended. Muslims are still getting killed there (as they are in Afghanistan, Chechniya, etc.) Where are the protests there? What does the Sunnah tell us? Your example of the Sahabah who fought after taking the Shahadah is incorrect here, because the Prophet SAW is a Law Maker, and what He SAW says, goes. In that circumstance, Jihad was necessary, so the moment the man took Shahadah, the Prophet SAW gave him the green light to fight. That doesn’t mean that the first thing that a person does now after taking Shahadah is to fight Jihad. The fard on a new Muslim is to learn to make wudu, and then learn how to make Salat, and enough Qur-an for the Salat to be valid, and then build on that. If this person accepts Islam during Ramadan, then they need to learn the ahkam of fasting also, which is also fard on them. Another thing. In one of Sheikh Anwar’s lectures, he very correctly pointed out that on the Day of Judgement there will be Prophets with no followers behind them. Does this mean that they failed in their Da’wah, or did Da’wah incorrectly, or did a mediocre job doing their mission? Absolutely not. Victory is from ALLAH, however, you must do your part, and do it as ALLAH and HIS Messenger prescribed. We do not worship ALLAH the way we want to worship ALLAH, but rather we as Muslims worship ALLAH the way ALLAH Wants us to worship HIM. If you look at how the Prophet Adam AS sought forgiveness, ALLAH taught him the du’a to use, Adam AS used the dua’, and ALLAH Forgave him. The same goes for us. The Prophet SAW who taught us how to use the washroom would of course have taught us how to seek help and assistance at a time of fitnah, injustice, and oppression, and fighting the kuffar. The end does not justify the means in Islam. No one is stopping anyone from pursuing Jihad. But if one is unable to go, or is not in a land where it is happening, those Muslims do have a responsibility regardless. The issue is, are we truly benefitting are brothers and sisters who are getting killed by simply talking about it or watching it on aljazeera, or are we building our knowledge to fight as best as we can with whatever means we have according to the Sunnah? Protests, watching the news, do nothing. You may disagree with me, but according to the Sunnah, there is no proof, that when oppressed, we as Muslims are to attend demonstrations in public complaining to the kuffar about the blatant injustice that is happening. If you notice what Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki said in his post, he never spoke about how rulers of kafir nations are watching, but rather he singled out the so called “Muslim” rulers. Why? We don’t turn to our kuffar rulers for help, but the Muslim rulers. Unfortunately, our “Muslim” rulers are morally bankrupt. Those are his words, and he is correct. Your argument about benefit is a very weak one, as one cannot simply use the benefit as a justification to do something, especially if it is not sanctioned in the Shari’ah. For example, there is benefit in saying “Merry Christmas”, and “Happy New Year” to the kuffar. Our bosses would be happy, it would make us look more tolerant, etc. But this is not the Sunnah. Period. Your example of doing grocery shopping is incorrect, because as a Muslim who is male, married (and may even have children), it is his DUTY to get the groceries for his family. He is SUPPOSED to take care of his family financially, provide them with sustenance, clothing, shelter, etc. This is not the same as going to a protest. If it was someone in Palestine, Iraq, Chechniya, Afghanistan, Somalia, yes, they should go out militarily and fight ONLY under the banner of La Ilaaha IllALLAH. Do not equate going to a protest which is not from the Sunnah, as being the same as feeding your family, which is a commandment from ALLAH. One final point on the issue of making du’a. This is the reason for gaining knowledge. If one has knowledge, one’s Iman increases. When your Iman is strong, your du’a InshaALLAH has a greater likelihood of being accepted. Take the example of Ibrahim AS who made du’a for a son. He was 86 years old. However, He was a Prophet, whose heart is linked with ALLAH, and His du’a was accepted right away. One who is sinful, negligent of ALLAH’S commandments, ignorant of HIS Shari’ah, will not have the same response. Again, this applies to those who are not in darulharb, eg. those of us living in Canada/US. Islam is like any field of study. You start with grade 1, and work your way up. You don’t start with material from grade 6, especially when the circumstances don’t require it.
I know your intention is sincere, and May ALLAH reward you for it, and May ALLAH give victory to this Ummah soon. You are still my brother in Islam, and I hope that our differences are not a cause of animosity, or an opportunity for the shaitaan to spread disunity. Ameen.
that was great brother Ubaidah!
To ibn Adam brother please dont be offended but I think your being naive Halah and Haram cant go together they cant live together they wont exist together without infecting each other All the muslims that are living the good life in the west your kidding yourself sorry to be blunt but its the Haqq Stay and see the consequences in your teenagers no matter what precautions you take the puss outside will end up coming in on the soles of their feet trust someone who been their done that and lived the erosion Apart from that Allah will send His punishment on any muslim community that is not supporting the poor the widows the needy in the community its living in In the west the muslims who a living a good life are failing miserably in this area and most not all have aquired their good life through riba so your living in the land of destruction If you have the ability to leave do it if you dont then prepare to leave but dont think u can stay for long Maybe your too young to remember Bosnia read up on it its ingrained in my brain a rude awakening to the Kaffurs heart My mind set was like yours then and its been repeated again and again Allah gives us many chances to understand His Ayats get out before your family ends up in a camp Allah protect and guide us all and inject our hearts with the courage to fear no one but Allah amin
Assalamualikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thank you for all of your lectures and advices. May Allah increase your knowledge that are beneficial as you said and grant you the best of this Duniya and the best of Aakhirat. Aameen. May Allah join us all in Jannatul Firdausil Aala. Aaamen.
You asked where you should bring up your kids. A brother sent his daughter to Malaysia. I beg to differ on the location. I am from Malaysia and have since 2 years ago decided to bring up my kids in Yemen and alhamdulillah, I think we made the right decision. You have to question yourself as to what do you want for them. If you understand that we live in the age of Fitan, then you will want to protect their iman and erect a barrier for them, as Dzul Karnain did. Our barrier is the Qur’an and Sunnah which we have to adhere and hold on to. As times will be getting more difficult, this is our only protection. Please read Kitab Fitan in Sahih Bukhari to better understand what we need to do for us and our children. And Suratul Kahf, the youth went to the cave to protect their iman from the cruel kuffar king, we also have to do the same and keep remove ourselves from the places where exist a lot of fitnah. It is not impossible, it is a matter of choice and Allah makes all impossible things possible with doa.
constructive advise.
Economically living in the west provides the economy and the banks with your much needed support. I advise every one who fears Allah to go and draw every single penny out of your accounts today and buy a safe and put your money in that. Don’t let the kuffar use your money in there Riba depended economy. If every Muslim who really wants to help starts by doing this then you see what will happen.
Second, if you can leave then leave as living in Muslim lands is far from perfect, but believe me having my money in an Islamic bank that doesn’t deal with Riba helps me to sleep well on a night.
If you can’t leave then as much as you are able try to ensure that what you buy in no way supports those who are waging war and forging new crusades against our brothers and sisters.
I personally know it is difficult to make hijrah but I live a better life now I am free from the shackles of the imperalist kuffar.
To our brothers on the ground forgive us with have not desert it you and make dua that our plans reach fruition.
The longer the ground war continues the less stomach they will have for this and the more their people will call for its end.
My last piece of advice to you is this, when shaikh Anwar (not our shaikh Anwar Awalaki) was in Bosnia and they had arranged to attend a meeting set up by the UN during the terms of the cease fire agreement they ambushed him and the brothers from Botchina and they were all shaheed inshallah. What I tell you is when you emerge inshallah victorious from this battle do not under any circumstances let your guard down for a second take all precautions you can.
They may even leave stay back sf units to target groups and individuals as life begins to return to normal. YOU CANNOT TRUST THE KUFFAR.
Strong sister’s are needed!!
Id prefer to live in Yemen or Syria but most of all Balad Rasul Id prefer a Arab speaking country too but for many of us who have no family links oversea and very little money we are limited I am preparing to make Hijra too i dont know where im going either im just waiting for Allahs direction All I know is i cant stay here
I had a talk with my friends who are same minded and they all want to make hijrah but their question was which countries accept the immigrants I would personally love to live in syria makkah madina but are we unfortunately as us citizen allowed to live in those countries
second question is workwise what are our options
most of us are originally from indopak and some of us became us citizens so which countries we can move to please please provide some guidance and consultation
if anyone were in our situation before and they made hijrah please share your experinece how you did it and where. May ALlah give us guidance and show us the rigth path. Aameen
Brothers and Sisters,
As Salamalaikum,
Help each other in making Hijrah only for the sake of Allah (SWT) by joining this group. We all have to start somewhere and Allah (SWT) is our best guide, helper and caretaker.
To those ZIONIST who have been trying to attack my e-mail, Allah (SWT) is and will protect the e-Jihad fee Sabilillah.
Any Un-Islamic activity on this yahoo group will not be tolerated.
Jazakum Allahu Khayr,
asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and asalamu al’a min ataba’a houda
to Um ibrahim from GAZA
barrak Allahu feek ya ukhti, may Allah reward you for such post and the beatiful example
[edit: article too long. Please paste link]
The stark reality of this world
So do not become distracted Oh you! From the eternal abode, by deception with something from the chattels of this present world, for by Allah! It is not an abode of residence, neither a place of meeting nor perfection. An abode that if it makes you laugh today it makes you weep tomorrow, if it makes you happy then succeeds it’s happiness ruin, if you gather therein all the luxuries, then Allah’s wrath is quick to descend upon you. If it enriches you, it impoverishes you, if it unites it separates, if it rejoins it disperses, if it diminishes it congests, if it enriches it overburdens, if it increases it eradicates, if it constructs, it destroys, if it produces it flees, if it elevates it topples and if it becomes peaceful it oppresses. If it’s graces prevail, it causes grief with it’s evil results, if it revitalises with it’s reunion then weaning follows it, it’s closeness is far, it’s beloved one dejected, it’s drink a mirage and it’s sweetness punishment. The abode of worries, sadness, distress, anxiety, transition, separation, wretchedness, schism, disease, fatigue, hardship and tire. It’s plenty is little, it’s noble one abased, it’s rich one poor, it’s venerable one menial, plenty of defects, full of regrets, scarce of serenity, devoid of fulfillment, no trust in it’s pacts and never fulfilling it’s promises.
The one who loves it is wretched, the one who desires it is mad and the one who trusts in it is shamed. It has covered its defects, hidden its disasters, itis treacherous with its falsehood, deceiving with its bribes, it has set its meshes and placed its nets. It has made permissible its falsehoods and unsheathed its sword. It has made permanent its traits, concealed its ugliness and it calls; “Embrace me! Embrace me! Oh men!”. For he who seeks reunion with it falls into its plot, it manifests upon him its evil condition, it intensifies its punishment and he falls into it’s captivity because of his ignorance of it’s evil. He is afflicted by it’s plotting, so much so that he does not perceive it’s affair, until he bites his hands in regret, he cries blood after tears, it forsakes him to what he desired until he meets an evil return. He struggles to flee but escape is impossible.
So awaken yourself! Oh you! Before destruction, free yourself from its captivity before it becomes difficult to escape. Prepare to proceed to success and happiness, maybe Allah will grant you martyrdom from his grace, so do not let hamper you from this reward, a reason from these reasons. For the one of sound assurance is he who exhibits strong resolution and the one of rational opinion is he who has a share in jihaad. He who clings to laziness and is deceived by hopes, his feet shall slip, he will regret where it will not avail him ought regret, he will gnash his teeth about that which has slipped and passed when he witnesses the martyrs in the highest most chambers of paradise:
“…and Allah says the truth and he guides the way”90
“…Allah is sufficient for us and the best disposer of our affairs”91
15. Abu Hurairah narrates: The Messenger of Allah said “The Shaheed feels the pain of death just like one of you would feel the sting of an insect”92
16. The Messenger of Allah said: “A trip in the early or late hours of the day in the path of Allah is better than the world and everything in it, and the area under a whip or under your foot in Paradise is better than the world and everything in it, and if a woman of Paradise reveals herself to the people of this world she would fill the distance between them with light, and her scent, and the scarf on her head is better than the world and everything in it”93
93 (Bukhari) – 38
asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and asalamu alaikum ajmain.
O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battle-field, never turn your backs to them.
Surah 8/15.
O you who believe! Obey Allâh and His Messenger, and turn not away from him (i.e. Messenger Muhammad SAW) while you are hearing.
Surah 8/20.
And be not like those who say: “We have heard,” but they hear not.
Surah 8/21
O you who believe! Answer Allâh (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he (SAW) calls you to that which will give you life, and know that Allâh comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And verily to Him you shall (all) be gathered.
Surah 8/24
i also heard sheikh anwar al-awlaki may Allah protect him in one of his lectures (the constants on the path of jihad)that we should make our intention to go to jihad secret but if you can encourage others to join then you can make it public, and this is the reason of my post.
while we are busing ourselves with small and unecessary issues such as where is the pecfect, ideal wonderful place to make hijra just to avoid our duty of jihad and meanwhile our chilren , woman and olderly are being raped and killed right now in every corner of the world.
we should organize and prepare ourselves right now , right here to pass into action, to me its clear the best place for hijra is the jihadfield regarding the children they can be left in some arab countries such as yemen,syria,jordan, libya,algeria, muritania under the protection of local muslims families and to provide them with some financial help for the children future education. so my brothers and sisters lets unite and pass to action urgently, i suggest the first task should be to find a secure and viable way to communicate between us and i to nominate an knowledgeable amir amongs us. i’m personally ready inchaAllah to do whatever is required to do.
i meant abu nabil
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam,
There has been quit a lot of demonstrations around the world, about the atrocities being committed by the Israelis in my opinion I don’t think holding demonstrations out side the Israeli embassy is going to change anything. However I do believe demonstrating out side the Egyptian and Saudi embassy will or might wake these Arab leaders instead of begging the kufurs to makes changes at the situation in GAZA we should be more angry at the puppet dictators of Saudi and Egypt and demand change..
To Umm ‘Umar:
I do believe you too have misunderstood what I have been trying to say. My initial message was directed at those who do not live in darulharb to better use their time instead of getting caught up in following the news, whether you live in the east or in the west. Yes, we should be aware, but this should not detract us from our duties in raising our families upon the Sunnah. This also was not meant to stop or prevent anyone from making Hijrah. At no point did I say we should not make Hijrah. My points are and still remain for those who are not in darulharb. Your talk of making hijrah is noble, and if you are able to do for the Sake of ALLAH, may ALLAH reward you for it. But (and this yet again, proves my earlier point), you need to learn the ahkam of Hijrah, and what it involves. Sheikh Anwar has given a recent lecture on this, as many other people of knowledge have, and I would also recommend that you listen to the lecture by Sheikh Anwar on the story of Musa AS, as the discussion of Hijrah comes up with the bani israel when they leave egypt. I unfortunatley cannot make hijrah at present with my family, but when the right opportunity comes InshaALLAH to settle in a better Islamic environment from where I am right now, InshaALLAH I will. For the record, I rent my home, I did not buy a house on riba AlhamduLILLAH. Please read the post of Sheikh Anwar on voting: http://www.anwar-alawlaki.com/2008/11/03/part-2-voting-for-the-american-president/
Those of us who are living in the west need to agree to the first 3 points that he establishes. I most certainly remember Bosnia, and if and when the situation does become as desparate where I am, I will actively seek to make hijrah as well, or take up arms. You cannot however, equate Bosnia with every other area outside of the Muslim world.
However, if and when I do make hijrah, the points that I made earlier still apply. For example. Let’s say me and my family are in Yemen, the suffering of the Muslims won’t end because I made hijrah. So what am I to do? You say Muslims are getting corrupted in the west, I agree. But Muslims are getting corrupted in the east also. They too are obsessing over wealth especially in some areas of the middle east. These Muslims no longer need to seek knowledge because they are in a Muslim country, and not in darulharb? That is absurd, and a wrong suggestion that you are making. Hidaya does not come just on location, but with Ikhlas in niyyah, and sincere effort. Look again at the time of the Prophet SAW, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahal, Abdullah ibn Ubayy, etc. How many kuffar and hypocrites existed at the time of the Prophet SAW? This is when the sahabah are present, and when the Qur-an is being revealed in front of them, yet these criminals still fought the Prophet SAW. ALLAH guides whom HE Wills. May ALLAH make it easy for everyone to establish the Sunnah upon themselves, and upon their families, whether it involves hijrah, or any other means that the Sunnah allows. We still need to memorize the Qur-an, study the Sunnah, learn the arabic language, ensure our children are getting proper education, etc. Are we actively involved in doing this where we are? Did the Qur-an stop being revealed when the Prophet SAW made Hijrah to Madinah? Of course not. My earlier statements are to prevent us from being caught with what is happening, and not using our time and efforts in a proper way with whatever resources we have. If one is committed to making hijrah, take some time to learn the subject, instead of acting on a whim. May ALLAH reward you for your niyyah, and may your actions be based on knowledge of the Sunnah, and not on emotions. May ALLAH give victory to the Muslims, and see the establishment of the Khilafat during our liftime.
Salaam wa alaikum,
Inshallah you are in the best of imaan and health.
We ask allah swt to keep us steadfast on the deen. (46:13 and 41:30).
We ask allah swt to remove the enemies from our land.
We ask allah swt to give victory to the muslims worldwide.
We ask allah swt to ease the suffering for our young brothers and sisters who are bombed.
We ask allah swt to wake the ummah up and contemplate on the words of allah swt.
We ask allah swt to unite the muslims worldwide..
We make dua to allah swt to provide us with a solution to the current situation.
Salaam wa alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
I pray to allah He grants you shuhada inshallah brother!
Asalamualiakum brothers sisters in Islam Narrated ibn Abbas ra)Allah is sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs / was said by Ibraheem AS ) when he was thrown into the fire and it was said by Mohummed when they (the hypocrites) said, “verily, the people have gathered against you a great army therefore fear them ” But it only increased them in faith and they said “For us Allah is sufficient, and He is the best Disposer of affairs for us ( Buhkari
This and my duas and my constant feeling of unease and my mal are all I can offer to the munin in Gaza for now Allah keep u steadfast aginst the enermy and put fear into their hearts and destroy them in front of your eyes
I agree 200% with you faiza, The primary problem is not the Kuffar, its the Apostate Leaders “Labeled as Muslim”. We Should learn from Prophet (PBUH) and other Rightly guided Khulafa like Abu Bakr As-Sideeq (RA) who “Cleansed the hypocrasy/Apostates(internal threats)” BEFORE taking steps to tackle with external threats.
Amin Amin Amin to all the Duas When ever I part with my children I say I leave u in the care of Allah as He is the best disposer of affairs and He can love and care for them better than me Thankyou mumin for the reminder on the illusions of this duniah As prophet Mohummed saw ) said BE IN THIS WORLD AS IF YOU ARE A STRANGER OR A TRAVELLER ALLAH GIVES US ALL PURE WHITE PEARLS AND WE ABONDON THEM FOR ASH what fools we are @ TO THE SISTERS who have no mahrum and want to make Hijra dont wait for a man to come to your rescue as we see and experience our men are becoming women So we are forced to take on the role and responsibilities of the men Dont worry Allah will support u make your own way Allah knows your intention and situation When Ibraheem as) left Hajar with a little baby in the widerness who was there for her Only Allah so for many women all over the muslim ummah only Allah is their support You dont have to miss the reward of Hijra because our Ummah is not following the example of Mohummed saw) inshallah you will be the women to do that
Yes Egypt is stopping all supplies (military, food, medical etc..) into getting into Gaza and was also part of the blockade that was suffocating Gaza to death for the last two years. Egypt and Israel are killing the people of Gaza today… and the Iranian leader has just called on the arab oil producing countries (Saudi Arabia) to cut off supplies to America and Israel for the acts… For whatever nonsense the Saudis say in public about their support for the Palestinians when it comes to actually DOING anything they do nothing and their actions have been quite contradictory (hypocrisy=hypocrite). They are even MORE than just complicit…. They are both (Egypt and Saudi) allied and PERPETRATING this act of aggression against the Palestinian people. Ya rabb please castigate the munafaqeen and their jewish allies… ya rabbilalameen.
@ saleh,
thats true brother…i seen that on Arab Tv…it’s sad…but every news report i see, i get so angry and just want to go take care of business…but allah hasn’t grant me that much iman as yet. but i’m upset at our muslim nations…and all the BS news i’m watching here on CNN…all these Zionist cabinet members talking non-sense…ya rab grant us muslims victory like you grant musa victory against firaun…and make the bricks and rocks missiles for our brothers and make them victorious…
May Allah give us victory. May the ummah be united under the flag of La Ilaha IlAllah.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan:
Statistics on the enemies’ fatalities for the year 2008
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
In the year 2008 in Afghanistan, the fatalities of the invaders forces reached 5,220, and the fatalities of their puppets Afghan army and police reached 7,552.
2,818 military vehicles belonging to the invaders forces and their puppet forces were destroyed, also 31 various aircraft were shot down.
These are the facts that the enemy always tries to conceal, and with money and power gagged the mouths of the Media, and cast dust in the eyes of the international society.
The Emirate website is proud in fulfilling its Islamic duty, and then the national duty in these difficult and very dangerous situations. It raised the word of truth in front of evil, and conveyed the real facts through the Media field to the Afghani citizens and the international society.
In conclusion we greet the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate for their victories of the last year, and we ask Allah to grant them more in future.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Egypt disgust me.. not just Mubarak either.. the whole society.. everything from the Egyptian nationalism to the supposed Muslim opposition groups to the fact that people rioted a few months ago due to prices of food… but when it comes to murdering their so called brothers in Gaza they do little to nothing… the fact is the average Egyptian would rather practice their English trying to make money off a foreign tourist than help their brothers in Gaza or in any other part of the world (of course there are many exceptions but I am talking as a whole…)
Today is a sad sad sad day to be an Egyptian and a beautiful and proud day to be from Gaza… mashallah for the brothers fighting in Gaza feasibillah even though they have been betrayed by their so called brothers…. Today is a sad sad sad day to be an Egyptian
this sheikh is really ‘extreme’ I don’t know what happen to him, must be because of those years spent in prison. Reading many of the comments here is embarrassing.
salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters on this blessed blog:
@ Umm umar wallahi I feel sometimes as though you’re in my thoughts your word are always encouraging may Allah bless you and increase your emaan:-)
Over the past months I have deeply been thinking of making hijrafisabilillah but with out a muhram and young kids to take care of, it’s hard to know where to start. May Allah give us the blessing in making hijrah for his sake only.
@ AMIN SALAH All these days are the days of sorting out that Allah has promised us
Umm Asad, Brother Ubaidah, Umm Umar and all my other dear brothers and sisters, JazakAllah Khairun for all your advice. I’m moved and consoled by your words and experience. My kids are entering their teens, by Allahs immence favour they’re strong and have been holding onto hot coals for a long time. I actually just want to send my son to Sheshan or Afghnistan today, and my girls to study ilm in Yemmen or somewhere, inshAllah I know Allah will eventually make a way for me,(please say aameen).
On a different note however,the amount of emails and texts i’m recieving about boycotting Israeli goods is just sad, how defeatist people have become when they prefer this method over jihad, calling upon the muslim armies and accounting rulers of muslims. Botcotting Israeli goods will not harm them, change their political will, alter the tennents of zionism, or cause these heartless amimals to feel sorrow or kindness. Allah swt has defined the actions that are required, why use our own limited minds to come up with half baked solutions when the Almighty Himself has told us what to do. Iblees was the first to use his own mind, rather than obey Allah swt when he decided for himself that Adam AS was an inferior creation, and not worthy of bowing to. Why are some muslims so keen to use their own minds to decide that jihad and dawah is not the solution, but boycotting coffee and nappies is?
To the Egyptian Government and Affiliates,
I would say “Asalam Alaykum”, but I do not believe that your government is worthy of that title. I write this because your actions in the last few days are not befitting of a human being, let alone a Muslim. To imply as you do that you are a Muslim government whilst Muslims are being slaughtered on a gross scale just over the border in Gaza is a claim that cannot be accepted by any rational human being.
In the last few days, over 500 innocent Muslims in Palestine have been killed through mass attacks upon the civilian government by Israel. The targets have included Mosques, Schools, Universities, Hospitals, ambulances and other elements of infrastructure. Israel has shown no mercy in its shameless destruction of a Muslim population.
Your government, on the other hand, has been in a position to help. You have closed the border at Gaza for some time, and when the bombardment started instead of opening this to allow civilians to flee, you have opened fire on them.
Your government has not even uttered one word of condemnation, and indeed seems to be tacitly supporting the attack on Gaza by Israel. You could help financially, militarily, and by simple words, yet instead you have shown yourselves to be as impotent, oppressive and vindictive as the Muslims around the world and in Egypt perceive you to be.
I call on you before Allah (SWT) as a witness, to have some dignity as a neighboring country and as an inhabitant of this earth to stop the slaughter of innocent men and women in Palestine. I for one and I am sure many others will not visit your country and spend our western currency to prop up an ailing dictatorship that not only oppresses and victimizes its own population, but in addition to this oppresses and victimizes the Muslims of Palestine.
I urge you to stand up to the your responsibility a neighbor, fellow Muslim and human to these barbaric genocide oppression of Israeli government, and I urge you to fulfill your rights of neighbor in helping the Muslims of Palestine.
May Allah(swt) be the witness that I have spoken the truth. And May Allah (swt) hold everyone accountable for their responsibility in this world and the Hereafter, Ameen.
Cultural Office: Egypt.culture@btconnect.com
Commercial Office: London@tamseel-ecs.gov.eg
Press Office: info@egpressoffice.com
Egyptian Tourist Office: Egypt@freenetname.co.uk
Egyptian Consulate in the UK : info@egyptianconsulate.co.uk
Egypt State Information Service : feedback@sis.gov.eg
Egyptian Armed Forces : mmc@afmic.gov.eg
Asslaamu Alaykum.
I totally agree 110% with the above that Egypt and Saudi are aiding the pigs and monkeys.
I truly believe that mubarak should be publically executed insha’Allah.
I pray Allah (SWT) removes the hypocrites amongst us Ameen!
Lo! the hypocrites (will be) in the lowest deep of the Fire, and thou wilt find no helper for them; (145)
Would like to remind all to fast the Day of ‘Ashoora, following the Sunnah of Moosa(alayhe salam) and Muhammad(salAllahu alyhe wa sallam).
And Allah accepts the duaa of a fasting person. So please all of us fast the 9th and 10th of Muharram, and make duaa for this Ummah.
Allahumaja’naa ma’el mujahideen
Assalamu Alaikum Brother Jameel, Why are you singling out Egypt and Saudi? The hands of all the treacherous puppet rulers from Morocco to Pakistan are dripping in blood of innocents from Algeria to Afghanistan. American and NATO Kuffar bases are spread all over the globe including the so called Muslim countries. Turley, Qatar, Bahrain and other Gulf states are used as bases for so called war on terror and attacks that kill and maim the innocent happen every day in Palestine, Iraq to Waziristan and Afghanistan. Those puppets all deserve firing squad one by one.
No wonder Muslim poet Allama Iqbal said this after the dismemberment of the Khilafa in 1923:
“The ignorant Turk has thrown away the mantle of Caliphate
Look at the ignorance of ours ( Muslims) and cunning of others (west)”.
It is the same old story today. The colonialists pounced like vultures on the carcass of Ottoman Caliphate ( thought it was nominal heriditary rule) and divided the Ummah into petty states. The treachery of the colonialists coupled with ignorance of nationalists Arabs and Turks contributed to the establishment of that illegitimate state of Israel. The boundaries of these nations from Morocco to Pakistan were not demarcated by our elders or religious scholars but by the criminal colonialists in order to have a long term sinister agenda that is so evident to this day. Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere are still paying heavy price for the historic blunders.
Subhan’Allah – I was listening to the news and Jonathan Spyer commented as follows:
“Islamic radicalism is on the rise and a threat to both Israel and Arab Regimes. We have to see this conflict with Hamas as not a war, but a battle in a much longer and larger war…”
- Al Jazeera Inside Story
Not the exact words, just from memory. Subhan’Allah, Our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon Him) told us about the Mal’hama. I truly think Afghanistan was the spark, moving to Iraq, and now Palestine.
Brothers/Sisters – where will we stand?
The macho men of Hamas are still trying to coax small children to get themselves killed to keep Hamas in power over the Gaza Strip:
I really hope pakistan turns into a islamic country soon insha Allaah
[article too long. Please provide link]
“Allah wants victory for this ummah and Allah is preparing the means for that.”
“Lets be part of that victory.”
Allahumma ameen.
Assalaamu Alaykum Akhi Saladin,
I don’t mean to single out Egypt/Saudi but is Pakistan or Morocco leaving the boarder closed while our brothers and sisters in Gaza are being massacred?
I agree that the Muslim countries do have puppet leaders (hypocrites) that adhere to the pigs and monkeys evil plans. Also I totally agree with Imam Anwar that we need to uproot these despicable leaders.
We all need to unify under the banner of Islam and not fall into the ignorance of nationalism/tribalism.
With duas
Humbly always
We all need to unify under the banner of Islam and not fall into the ignorance of nationalism/tribalism.
With duas
Assalaamu Alaykum Akhi Saladin,
I don’t mean to single out Egypt/Saudi but is Pakistan or Morocco leaving the boarder closed while our brothers and sisters in Gaza are being massacred?
I agree that the Muslim countries do have puppet leaders (hypocrites) that adhere to the pigs and monkeys evil plans. Also I totally agree with Imam Anwar that we need to uproot these despicable leaders.
We all need to unify under the banner of Islam and not fall into the ignorance of nationalism/tribalism.
With duas
asalamu alaikum brothers and sisters al-muwahideen
please ignore this MOZLEMZ yahoudi of
“Concerned Muslim”
TO “Con son nd MOZLEM”, Sheykh was wrongfully imprisoned by your Zionist people that resulted in this “EXTREMISM” so prepare yourself for WRONGFULLY IMPRISONING 1.5 Billion Muslims and specially 1.5 Million Muslims in Gaza- the nuclear bomb of “Extremism” is boiling, go hide in your “OVENS” in Germany
Asalamualaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam @ Abu nabil its good to see your zeal to get things started we certainly have a more constructive idea on what to do now weve read the latest post Ive already made Hijra in the past so im fully aware that no matter where we live their will be fitna but like you I want to train my children for jihad amd do my share to establish the Khalifah.I have plans but id like to see what the you all come up with cause consultation on a affair is the right step @ Brother ibn Adam you made many asumptions about me I dont know where u got them I think youve confused me with someone else and Im tired of explaining the obvious Allah is my witness I have never stopped learning and inshallah never will and I dont make decisions on a whim and I am passinate and emotional about the deen Alhumduiallah
You guys are laughable, now I’m accused of being a zionist and a jew. I’m beginning to realize that most of the comments here are written by the same people under different names. the sheer ignorance on this site regarding ‘Jihad’ is appalling.
wa ‘aleikumusalaam wa rahmatulla
abu nabi on January 4th, 2009 at 6:52 pm #
so my brothers and sisters lets unite and pass to action urgently, i suggest the first task should be to find a secure and viable way to communicate between us and i to nominate an knowledgeable amir amongs us. i’m personally ready inchaAllah to do whatever is required to do.
Brother Abu Nabil, how do u suggest this be done?
Assalamu alaikum,
Due to hundreds of comments it’s quite difficult to find where you left off, admin is it possible to paginate the comments? I am sure there must be such plugins available.
To concerned: It is the cry of the your Pharoah in DC that “either you are with us or them”. Either you join Join Jihad in whatever form as Shaykh Anwar’s 44 ways or you are with Kufr. There is no middle ground. Being neutral at this point is tantamount to being with Taghoot. Quran says several times that “most mankind does not believe or understand:. Walakin aksar an naasu la yalamoun. A tiny group here supporting Jihad is better than billions that are dazzled by the materialistic glitter and glamor in this world. The Crusaders occupied Jerusalem for 70 years before they were chased out by Saladin. The neo crusaders and Zionists have occupied it since 1948 and may not last longer than 70 years this time~ 2018?
asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and my brothers and sisters the muwahideen
may be exchanging our e-mail address through the admin only , never on the blog.
inchaAllah with help of Allah i garantee all brothers and sisters willing to help physically our brothers mujahideen a safe meeting point in africa.
@Concerned Mozlem
so come on discuss and bring evidences from the Quran and the sunnah if you capable.
i personally think your an ugly chemeleon criminal jew or a talafi murji’a which is a dog of the ugly chameleon jews,until you provide me with fclear evidences to support your argument.
Then what is the matter with you that you are divided into two parties about the hypocrites? Allah has cast them back (to disbelief) because of what they have earned. Do you want to guide him whom Allah has made to go astray? And he whom Allah has made to go astray, you will never find for him any way (of guidance).
They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them.
Wow, Subhanallah. Great speech. May we be part of that victory. Ameen
To Concerned Muslim,
You calling Sheikh Anwar “extreme”. All he has done is try to get Muslims to WAKE Up and to realize who they are and to which Ummah they belong to.
To make us realize Tyranny of the Munafiqs that rule us and a call to have them removed. To encourage us to work for the establishment of the Khalifa & Sharia. And to Stop being a bunch of Jerkoffs.
But I suppose you are more learned than us all. So “O Great Shaikh ul-Islam”, please enlighten us ignorant people, what Sheikh Anwar and the rest of us should do.
Since you claim to have the right understanding and knowledge of Jihad, please enlighten us providing evidence from the Quran & Sunnah, whether todays Mujaheddin are wrong.
Whether The Black Flags & Mahdi(AS) and Jesus(AS), would also be too “extreme” for a “TRUE and ENLIGHTENED” Muslim such as yourself.
And I suppose according to you Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim, also “went nuts” from all time they spent in prison and all they preached to make the Ummah WAKE UP during their era.
Ps: I am sure an “intelligent” person such as yourself, knows sarcasm when he sees one.
Asalaam Alaikum Sheikh!
Please simplify, shed light on, or at least direct us into understand the various groups that are fighting for the sake of Allah. The Taliban – how am I to defend them when I do believe they are right, but have little knowledge as to the truth against the false accusations placed on them? Are Hamas Fisabillilah? I am so confused. Please please please I implore you shed light on the various areas of struggle for those of us Muslims who are so confused and would like to know what is happening.
“inchaAllah with help of Allah i garantee all brothers and sisters willing to help physically our brothers mujahideen a safe meeting point in africa.”… If u really mean this, then please continue to intelligently work towards it
Anoni do u know the story behind Surat Buruij 85 ( the story of the boy and the king )Sahih Muslim vol 4 Hadith no 7148 When all the people reconised the truth and believed in the God of the Boy Allah a fire was made in the ditch and the people were told revert to disbelief or go in the fire so So they chose the fire A women with a baby came to the ditch and nearly retreated back but the baby spoke ‘O mother Be patient you are on the truth ” so she threw heself into the ditch along with her child to be with the Martyrs in paradise. Dont be confused to gain knowledge about anything takes time Dont trust western media dont even listen to it the media is controlled by the most evil men in this world and youve found a trusted source stay with it and please we should not be suspicious of those wanting to implement Sharia even if they made some mistakes in the past we all do but at a time like this we shouldn’t be judgeing them Allah increase your knowledge in whats beneficial Salames
but one hand on its on can not clap,
وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الاثم والعدوان
to brother Anoni- the following ayat from Quran will help you to defend your brother Taliban:
5-54. O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islâm), Allâh will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allâh, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allâh which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allâh is AllSufficient for His creatures’ needs, AllKnower.
58-22. You (O Muhammad ) will not find any people who believe in Allâh and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad ), even though they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred (people). For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rûh (proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself. And We will admit them to Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow, to dwell therein (forever). Allâh is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of Allâh. Verily, it is the Party of Allâh that will be the successful.
They have all the signs of Taifa Mansoora as narrated in the Hadith:
It is from the Aqeedah of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama that they believe there will continue to be a small section from amongst the Ummah of Muhammad Sallalaho alaihey wassallam, steady upon the Haqq, not fearing those who oppose them until the day of Judgment is established. It is related upon the authority of Muawiya in Sahee Muslim that Prophet Sallalaho aliahey wassallam said.
there will continue to be a portion of my nation, firm upon the order of Allah, they are neither undeterred by those hwo desert them nor those who oppose them such will continue until Allah establish his order and they will be victorious over the people.
on the authority of Jabi Ibne Abdullah;
there will continue a group of people from my ummah, fighting upon the truth victorious until the hour is established. Isa bin Maryam will then desecend and the ameer of the Muslims will say to him, come and lead the prayer for us, he will reply, Allah has honored your nation by choosing you as leader for one another.
There is a book on the following link regarding various questions asked about them:
see page: 2&3
I’m just curious abu nabil, where are you from?
I am from Jannah, I did not see you there Concerned Muslim. Hmmm.
Concerned Muslim: Please read my post on the previous blog about jihad. I think it makes it fairly clear, and the scholars it cites are among the most reputable of our time masha’Allah. It is not my work, I just copied it from elsewhere. I encourage you to read and understand it. There are of course people who do things that are haraam in jihad, but that has happened since the time of the Prophet(SAAWS).
If you want even more information I will send you the link. It covers essentially every type of jihad, and some common questions regarding it insha’Allah.
@abu nabil I reconise you brother your a rough diamond SOULS ARE TROOPS COLLECTED TOGETHER Abu Huraira ra) reported Allahs Messenger saws) Saying : Souls are troops collected together and those who familiarised with each other ( in the heaven from where these come ) would have affinity, with one another (in this world)and those that oppose each other ( in the Heaven ) would also be divergent (in the world)
@ abu nabil on January 5th, 2009 at 10:06 pm #
I agree with your method.Contact me.
Concerned Muslim, most of these Londonistanis are just trying to imitate people they’ve seen on the internet, in the hope of getting the same kind of attention.
lol, this thing which butted out earlier will never stop peeping! your slavery is indeed a punishment afterall.
“Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!”
To Kufr Akbar [the lying Jew]: You have exposed yourself, You KAFIR [lying chameleon] Jew Mossad-CIA agent.
Allah Azza Wa Jall tells us Muslims to say to your family of apes and pigs with regards to your distortions of words from their proper usages and spreading lies and oppression:
“Say, “Shall I inform you of what is worse than that as penalty from Allah? It is that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghut. Those are worse in position and further astray from the sound way.”
[Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayah 60]
By the way, imitating the Mujahideen who are killing your families of apes and pigs are more worthy of a course than your kufr imitations of those who disbelieve, the polytheist and those of Hell Fire.
“The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah”; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allāh.” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?”
[Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 30]
You the kafir, you will be defeated insh’Allah!
to Kufr
in the middle of the day, i entered the graveyard.I looked upon the graves and they were like a group of silent people.I said “How perfect Allah is Who will bring you back to life and resurrect u after a long period of decomposition “.A caller called out to me from behind those holes saying O Saaleh AND AMONG HIS SIGNS IS THAT THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH STAND BY HIS COMMAND, THEN AFTERWARDS WHEN HE WILL CALL YOU SINGLE CALL, BEHOLD YOU WILL COME OUT FROM THE EARTH (from your graves for reckoning and recompense) Saaleh said By Allah I then fell down unconscious ////you want to live for ever while we look forward to death
SubhanAllah the ummah will rise again!! whether the west like it or not!! They will fall in their ignorance!!
asalamu alaikum ya sheikh anwar wa asalamu alaikum ya almuwahideen
sorry brother for not responding to you in time im on journey inchaallah
please admin can you pass on my e-mail address to sTrAnGeR.
also i want to tell all the brothers and sisters that i met some talafi murjiah and they told me they support the killing of the palestinians by isreal because they are shia that what they told me.
and also they have confirmed to me that they give up terrorists [muslims] to the kuffar police in the west.
may allah destroy them all by the hands of the mujahideen.
Kufr akbar is none other than that short arsed Dirty Zionist jew bitch Robert Spence. Robert Why don’t you busy yourself with zionist and other Jews. As you can see no one here wants you around. Anyway why do you come here there are no Zionists who are remotely interested in what you’re saying or your dirty zionist lies we know the truth so you should spend more of your time trying to midguide the american cattle who who swallow zionist media lies whole. Oh, by the way have you the other zionist whore Melanie Philips. You must say hello to here for me, well at least before I do.
Zionism realise that the west and Zionist controlled America is running out of Money and the Anglo-saxons are becoming tired of fighting the Zionist causes. They are also quickly becoming tired of the guilt that has allowed you to get away with your aims and action over the last 60 years. In fact they are tired of the whole affair and wish they hadn’t got involved in the first place. This will soon leave you out in the cold with no friends. Power is shifting away from America and no one will touch you with a bargepole after they have cut their ties. The Great America is becoming very weak and will not be able sustain liabilities such as the zionist state. Things look bleak for the Zionist state. Allah does not break his promises ever you of all people on earth should understand that. The prophesy is being fulfilled you will fall and so too America and the West. Gaza is not in vain it is just sign post along the road to the Islamic State as was Iraq and Afghanistan and Somalia.
So Robert Spence We will see you sooner than you think Mr Dhimmi….
to Concerned Mozlim
this was your own question:
“I’m just curious abu nabil, where are you from?”
and this was your own answer:
abu nabil
“I am from Jannah, I did not see you there Concerned Muslim. Hmmm”
so now you are showing me your true murjiah munafeek color .
well Allah knows how is the true abu nabil.
and between you and me we know who is the true and who is fake .
may Allah guides you or destroy you in order to protect islam and the believers.
in by the way inchaAllah to your answer
brithers and sisters almuwahideen
concerned mozlem and kufr akbar are ugly chameleon jews let them perish in jahanama inchaAllah.
Can someone tell me what talafi murjiha means and thats the second time ive heard someone say the Palestinians are shia Our Ummah needs re-education
@ ADMIN Please someone post , is this a new innovation or is it out of your hands
aslam aley kam, shekh, I have a question about an issue which is not clear to me and I hope you can help me inshallah. Can you explain to me the issue of the covenant of security with non muslim goverments which are in war with muslim countries?
I have been trying to contact the shaykh by e-mail, but it seems like my e-mails are not reaching, is any one else having this problem? and does any one have another e-mail? and finally does any one have the answer to my question
jzk allah heyr
Al-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Brothers and sisters,
This is a reminder to not act like kuffar when we are being harsh with them. Do not commit a sin just because some kuffar says something dumb or arrogant. Please let us remove vulgar words from our speech insha’Allah.
Besides, there are better and more permanent methods that involve no sin insha’Allah.
asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar ya asalamu alaikum brothers and sisters the muwahideen.
@ um umar
talafi is the arabic word that means the “lost” referring to saudi salafi
murjiah is very complecated to explain in few words however the talafi murjiah are the deviated mozlems that love kuffar [usa , isreal] and the taghout regimes. and they kill muslims by lebelling them as terrorists.
@umm ibrahem from ghaza
a brave sister indeed. the khansa of her time. a true mujahida ya Allah make us of the righteous mujahidat and mujaheeden and cause us to die as shuhadat
Ya abu nabil especially this question is directed towards you.. I was wondering and kind of wanted to clarify how one should look at scholars such as al-Albani and ibn uthaymeen and other prominent scholars of the like… I do not want to back bite or to cause fitna and sects and what not but whould one look at them as generally being from the Talafi way of things??? I have heard for example many fatwas (or supposed fatwas because i am not sure how authentic they are) from al-albani that were basically nothing short of the words straight from the corrupt rulers mouths.. but i am just wondering and especially because sheikh awlaki used a ibn uthaymeen fatwa in the ‘meaning of gaza’ piece.. jakallah khair if you could help me claify this issue.. and i was also wondering what do u think about studying at jameat al medina and umm al qurra universities? Jazkallah khair and may allah swt give victory to his poor servant in Gaza and across the world
asalamu alaika ya sheikh anwar and asalamu alaikum brothers and sisters al muwahideen.
barak Allahu feek for you question
sheikh alalbani rahimahullah was not taghout’s scholar, i do personally respect him a lot.
ibn uthaymeen was very close friend of abdullah ibnu saloul so i leave you to decide by yourself, i do not know if ibn uthaymeen attempted to correct ibnu saloul or not, Allah knows.
in regard to studying in madina or in umm qurra, well ask yourself what is the purpose to study ….to gain islamic knowledge isn it? to please Allah azza wa jal but as muslims our goal is the junnah , for that Allah azza wa jal Has promised the believers junnah throuth jihad and shahada.other than that we are not guaranteed to go to jannah except with Allah mercy, therefore my dear brother jihad is a priority specially at this time where muslims are being killed days and nights.
barak Allahu feek akhi kareem
Salaams…..i think as muslims we need to be more aware of Afghanistan and north west pakistan, i have a feeling being culturally from that area and knowing from reports that it is going thru such a big fitna lately but there is no word of it in the kufr media or any muslim media. It is the duty of the muslims to support each other, where is the help for the Pashtuns???!!! If obama has already declared that he is aiming for Afghanistan, isnt that a clear sign that they know something that we muslims are oblivious too?
Allah dei tol musalamanu sara madat oki. – That is Pashto – the native language of the people of Afghanistan and north west pakistani province of Pukhtunkhwa, meaning….May Allah help all muslims inshAllah.
Out of interests are there any other pashtuns that listen to Imam Anwar’s talks?
@pukhtana – yes everywhere in this globe our brothers and sisters no matter what color / background / status / place of birth /language and e.t.c. are on our mind inshaAllah. we love all muslims for the sake of Allah and i feel sad that not a lot of attention has been given to our brothers in some lands. Allah swt is watching and is sufficient but also it is our responsibility to aid our people. may Allah help the ummah revert back to the way of rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم
abu nabil jazakiallahkeir for your explanation we are missing your gustsy comments insha”Allah your putting your words into action Abdul Al Muntaqim
@ pukhtana @ surat_an_nisa_74__100 Amin to you both we must work harder and make more muslims aware of all the struggles in our ummah as we are one body(those that care )insha’Allah one heart one sword Amin Amin Amin
Allahu Akbar JazakAllah this was beautiful we are winning
But Arab should topple there govenment
Salaam Aleikum wa RahmaTullah wa barakatuh..
Long live Mujahideen all over world a
Sh. Uthaymeen was exposed how Uthaymeen(along with other scholars) was coerced into rubber-stamping a gov’t fatwa to allow the troops in the Gulf. Many criticize these scholars who are under the throne of the Saudi kufr Knigdom and have the right to do so. Although no takfeer is made on these two scholars in particular(bin baz and Uthaymeen), BUT one thing is quite sure and that is to NOT trust their fatawaa when it comes to political affairs of the Ummah(conditions on jihad, takfeer on the rulers, kufr of the Saudi kingdom, etc.Fact
Allah s.w.t. says to support the mujahideen whether physically, verbally, or financially.
Arab Saudis ie so call kings are making takfir on the mujahideen while you and your scholars think they are upon the haqq. You never spent a single moment with your feet covered in the dusts of the battlefield.
Look at your position and look at the mujahideens position.
I would whip those scholors upon money from kings, May Allah Bless Iman Anwar he real.
all arab rulers are very happy when a muslim arrested by the kufr authorities and tortured.
those saudis etc khawarij shuyookh making fattawas to arrest Muslims who want to go for jihad to serve the American masters on purpose. May Allah expose of their treachery. Idiot Fawzaan, Ubaykaan, and aal ash-Shaikh all have khariji tendencies. To arrest Muslims, and please the kuffar.
arab leaders call to Jihad when its for the sake of America just like your scholars. If America says jihad in Afghanistan, you claim jihad in Afghanistan against the khawarij. USA says jihad against ‘Iraaq, you say jihad against the khawarij in ‘Iraaq. Ittaqillah!
most scholars who you seem to hold high status of are wrong. There are many who went to the same places where your scholars went to but hold the opposite view of them. You are just blinded by their teachings to the point of being a muqallid. Go look at Shaikh Yusuf al-’uyayri. Shaykh Hamud Ibn Uqla Ash-Shuaybi. They are rather tortured and maimed for speaking the truth, while your scholars are praised by the tawagheet. Wake up people
The biggest khawarij are those who ally with the kuffar harbieen, and kill Muslims. They are the house of Sa’ud may Allah deal a final blow on them. I 2003, the Saudi gov’t allowed their lands to be used by the Harbi American soliders to equip them with munitions, so they can attack Iraaq. Dont deny that you out-of-touch-with-the-current- reality jahil. You need to study and observe. And your scholars in the Lajnah consented to such a khariji act.
Carry on aley with Saudu kuffr who do not fulfil the pillars of Tawheed . They ridicule the deen of Allaah (swt). They ally with the disbelievers against Muslims. They adopt the deen of Democracy. They direct some of Allaahs names and attributes to themselves. They legislate kufr constitutions (kufr law).
The difference between a Dog and the Munafiq leaders:
And this is from a Jew:
@pukhtana- Kha. dera Pahtun baradaran dilta. btw , za Punjabi yam.
Amrikan Murda bad, Taliban Zinda bad.
I like Imam Awlakis audio lectures usually. However this particular articles has many holes in it.
We need to be realistic about the situation of the Muslims in the world – it is not looking good. Firstly, the resistance in Iraq has been almost decimated completely. Apart from a few atoms of resistance here and there, the fight there is over. Many reasons for this. Firstly, Al-Qaeda made many mistakes in Iraq. By excessive savagery and by persecuting the very people they were purporting to liberate the destroyed the entire Iraqi resistance. They gave the Sunni clan “Shaykhs” an excuse to benefit from American dollars and we all know what happened after that.
Secondly, I don’t know if the Imam has been reading the news, but Somali pirates even hijacked a Saudi ship off the coast of Somalia worth $100 million. Ominously, they all drowned after carrying back the $2 million ransom. Perhaps Al-Shabab should stop these people instead of giving a the international communities naval ships a reason to dock off the Somali coast. Anyways, I don’t think the Americans or the Chinese are planning heavy bombardment of Somali. I don’t see what benifit this would bring for them (apart from giving Al Shabab more support). They are smart and don’t take for granted the “hearts and minds”. The Al-Shabab face many challenges. I don’t see America tolerating an Islamist organisation in power, just a few hundred kilometres from Saudi Arabia. They removed them before – there is little doubt they will try again,
Thirdly, in regards to Gaza, although I do see many benefits that came out of it (such as the Arab dictatorships and aristocrats being exposed for what they are), the Jews killed a lot of Palestinians and remain stronger than ever – militarily, economically and politically. Militarily speaking, they still have control of the 4th largest army in the world. Economically speaking, they are as rich as ever (despite the economic downturn). Politically they yield as much power as ever over the United States (with perhaps the most pro-Israeli American government recently sworn in) and most of the other Western Nations. What is next? Lebanon? Syria? Iran? All three of them?
Finally, the Imam dedicated very little time to Afghanistan. I find this odd, because I believe that this will be the critical situation in the coming year. Violence in the country increased by about 50% last year compared to the previous year. In 2009, no one expects any different – the country looks like it is going to implode after the first few drops of snow melt. The massive surge in American troops (25,000-35,000) coupled with the massive surge in typical Afghan xenophobia that has been induced, not only by the coalition or the Afghan governments corruption, but also by the massacre in Gaza, has paved the road for a bloody year in Afghanistan.
And Allah(SWT) knows best.
BTW. Imam Awlaki, I loved your audio lectures on the biography of the Prophet(AS).
Salaams….Abdul Nasir Al-Afghani..
It is definately going to get worse for afghanistan and northwest pakistan which will lead to the division and possible destruction of present day pakistan and i heard abt this over a year ago and the events that will be initiate this started a year ago and are getting worse and are slowly making their way down to the whole of pukhtunkhwa.
The worst feeling is as a muslim and a pukhtana being able to very easily watch kaafirs – not necessarily ones intent on destroying islam but knowledgable kaafirs predict what we masses of muslims are completely blind to.
watch on youtube an american historian Webster tarpley discuss and clearly state that the targets for this year are clearly Pakistan and Sudan.
He goes as far to mention that teh current president was targetting north west pakistan even before he was a president.
Its hard enough to make pukhtuns realise why this is all happening and those that do realise are simply told to calm down and get on with life and dont stress about it!
The Muslims are asleep.
p.s. I want to make hijrah……any ideas where it is best to move to inshAllah…..i’m thinking Madina inshAllah, also i presume i have to get married first and go with my hubby or go with a mahrem?
Also i wrote to Imam anwar when do i get a reply???
JazzakAllah Khair
@ sister pukhtana , no sister for Hijra fee sabililah, you dont need a mahrem , although it would propably make things easier , if you can get to Madina do it masha’Allah is there a better place to live, Insha’Allah Im looking at Yemen , please make duah for me and I’ll make duah for you and all those planning Hijra fee sabililah
TO: Abdul Nasir Al-Afghani
Which side are you on: the Munafiq RANDS, the Kuffar or are you on the side of the Mujahideen?
Know that:
“Afghanistan: The mujahideen are winning, NATO are loosing, and Karazai is still wearing that green thing. Obama is all hyped up about bringing an end to terrorism by focusing on Afghanistan. I pray the brothers teach him and his forces some good lessons this year.
Around the world: The separation of believers from hypocrites which precedes any Muslim victory is underway. The phenomenon of “RAND Muslims” is on the rise . But on the other hand, the Muslims who hold firm to tawhid and have their loyalty to Allah, His Messenger and the believers and who announce their disavowal of the disbelievers are also on the rise.
Dawa will carry on, tarbiyyah will carry on ,and Jihad will carry on. And all of these are building stones for the ummah in its next stage. If Allah wants an end he prepares the means to it. Allah wants victory for this ummah and Allah is preparing the means for that. Let is not sit on the sidelines. Lets be part of that victory.”
[Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki: A New Year: Reality and Aspirations]
“So why complain if you are living in the time of the new gold rush; not a goldrush for gold but a gold rush for Hasanaat? There are some times when the economy is booming so fast and everybody becomes rich and then there are times when things are stagnating and slow so these people wish they were living in the time when economy was booming so they could become a millionaire like those before. We are living in a time of a boom now; but we just need to realize it and realize the amount of ajr that is out there waiting for us if we just go and do something. The ajr is so great that it’s waiting for someone to come and do something about it. If it comes at a time when things are easy then the ajr is reduced. But if the time is one of difficulty, then the ajr is increased. Ajr is in accordance to the difficulty. So why complain about a time when really, it is the best time? If we are talking about the time when victory is around the corner, Wallahu ‘Alam if we are experiencing the knowledge of the Ghayb, when Rasoolullah(sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) said they (i.e., the Victorious Group) will be the ones to give victory to the Mahdi, to ‘Esa ibn Maryam (‘alayhis salaam); if we are close to that time, the ajr is astronomical, and we do not want to be waiting on the sideline when all of this is happening; people are making millions while you are sitting at home doing nothing.
So we shouldn’t complain about our time.
Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) said, “Indeed Allah gathered up the earth for me so that I saw its eastern and western parts, and indeed the dominion of my Ummah will reach what was gathered up for me from it. (Saheeh Muslim #2889 collected by Thawbaan (radiyallahu ‘anhu))So this religion will reach to every continent, to every country, and to every city. The banner of La ilaaha illAllah will enter into every city. This religion will reach wherever night and day reaches; is there a place where night and day doesn’t reach? So you O Kafir, O Munaafiq, if you want to hide away from this religion you will need to go to mars or somewhere else! There will be no place for you on dunya!”
[Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki: Allah is Preparing us for Victory]
PLEASE SEND ME TO alexuklove@yahoo.co.uk.
Almighty Allah giude whoever help me and his Family.
Salaamu Aleykum.
True.We are in the last days. I pray that Allah tightens our Imman.
Brother Anwar al Awlaki-Asslamualeykum Warahamatullahi wabrakatu…Brother i just want to say jazzakallahu keyran jazza and May Allahu accept all our good deeds.I pray to Allah that he guid and us till we meet him. i would aslo like to ask you to due me dua’ii so Allah guid me and protect me from shexan irazim….jzk ASLLAMULEYKUM