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Tawfique Chowdhury’s Alliance with the West

February 12, 2009 - الخميس 17 صفر 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

A few months ago I was approached by students of Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury to teach some courses at al Kauthar institute. Since this was the first time I have heard of the institute or Shaykh Chowdhury I did some research on both. Yesterday someone posted on my blog an accusation that Shaykh Tawfique was a [...]

Two Muslim Women Raped by CIA Station Chief in Algeria

January 30, 2009 - الجمعة 04 صفر 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

The Washington Post reports that the CIA’s top official in Algeria has been recalled to Washington for an investigation that he has raped two Algerian women by drugging them at his residence in Algiers.
The article goes on to say:
The first woman, an Algerian national who also holds a German passport, told embassy officials she was [...]

Suicide or Martyrdom?

January 22, 2009 - الخميس 26 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

In the argument of whether operations where the person brings death upon himself are allowed or not, the ones who oppose this form of Jihad use the main argument that it is suicide because death was not brought by the enemy but by the person himself.
Ibn al Athir, in al-Kamel, mentions an incident that happened [...]

44 Ways of Supporting Jihad

January 5, 2009 - الاثنين 09 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

This is an article I wrote a while back. I am releasing it now because of all what is happening in Gaza. We need to fullfill our duties as Muslims to defend our religion and land:
44 Ways of Supporting Jihad (word)
44 Ways of Supporting Jihad (pdf)

A New Year: Reality and Aspirations

December 31, 2008 - الأربعاء 05 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

It is 1430 Hijri. Our good deeds, our sins, and the thoughts that passed through our minds in the passed year are all sealed in our books of deeds for us to read when we meet our Lord. This moment is a chance for us to plan for the next year. To plan to be [...]

The Meaning of Gaza:

December 28, 2008 - الأحد 02 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog, In the News

May Allah forgive the shuhada of Gaza and we ask Allah to grant the mujahideen victory. These are a few thoughts on the meaning of what happened and is happening in Gaza:
First: We have been successfully desensitized by the enemy. The meager response to this atrocity is nowhere close to the support that is expected [...]

al-Shabab: Reply to the Greeting and Advice of Sheikh Anwar

December 27, 2008 - السبت 01 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog, In the News

Reply to the Greeting and Advice of Sheikh Anwar AlAwlaki
Sabti 29 Dul-Xijjah 1429 (27/12/2008)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
Reply to the Greeting and Advice of Sheikh Anwar
O beloved Sheikh Anwar,
We ask Allah to reward you for your encouragement and words of advice. Your words have reached us and, by the will of Allah, [...]

Lies of the Telegraph

December 27, 2008 - السبت 01 محرم 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog, In the News

The Western media has always been distorting the truth. But that should come as no suprise since they are the descendants of the ones who distorted the books of Allah themselves.
The Daily Telegraph under the heading: “Muslim groups ‘linked to September 11 hijackers spark fury over conference’” have made a few lies against myself. The [...]

Bush gets shoes Rice gets jewels

December 23, 2008 - الثلاثاء 26 ذو الحجة 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

The shoes of the journalist and the bullets of the fighters of Afghanistan and Iraq are a reflection of the feelings of the Muslims towards America. But the leaders feel otherwise.
According to the State Department, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice got jewelry worth far more than a quarter of million dollars from Arab heads of [...]

Salutations to al-Shabab of Somalia

December 21, 2008 - الأحد 24 ذو الحجة 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

We are following your recent news and it fills our hearts with immense joy. We would like to congratulate you for your victories and achievements.
Al-Shabab not only have succeeded in expanding the areas that fall under their rule but they have succeeded in implementing the sharia and giving us a living example of how [...]

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