A Comment From a Muslim in India
February 26, 2009 - الخميس 02 ربيع الأول 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog
This is a comment posted on my blog from a reader in India. He uses the words abbu, ammi, and aapa which mean father, mother and sister respectively. I leave his comment without comment and leave it to you, the reader, to draw from it what you may:
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
I live in Mumbai,India. 7 years back, march 2002, after the anti muslim riots in gujarat state, my abbau was falsily accused of being a terrorist & arrested. The cops then agrees to release my abbu from jail on the condition that my ammi & aapa(elder sister) have sex with some politicians & government officers. I was just 14 at that time but I cannot forget the day 5 hindu men entered our home at midnight & took my ammi & aapa to the bedroom. I was too young to understand what was happening, but when i heard my ammi & aapa moaning loudly i became curious & quietly entered the bedroom. What i saw then is still embedded in my mind as if it was just yesterday. The 5 men raped them for nearly 3 hours before they left.
But things did not end there. This continued for 15 days & each day different men would come. Finally they let my abbu go without charge. But things did not stop here, the cops made sure our hindu neighbors know of the sexual conquest the cops had with our family ladies. Then hindu men from our neighborhood started to harass my ammi & aapa. Since my abbu didn’t know of the agreement my ammi made with the cops, she couldn’t complain to him, also she feared the cops might be helping our neighbors.
My ammi was 35 years old at the time & my aapa just 17, probably because of their young age and their lack of worldly knowledge, they succumbed to the evil plans of the kafirs. From the year 2002 to 2007 I was but a mute spectator to the sexual perversion & orgies that continued in our home. Finally I asked my father to move to a muslim dominated locality from the hindu majority area we were living in. It was only then that this bad dream came to an end. My abbu still doesn’t know what went on behind his back & I still cannot come to terms with what i have been seeing all these years. may allah guide me to the right path.
There are countless stories such as this one from Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya and elsewhere.
“And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “O Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”?” [al-Nisa 75]
May the eyes of the coward never rest
-Khalid Ibn Waleed “The Sword of Allah”
This is a Fatwa from Ibn Baaz (RA). He might differ on some things, but if you read this it makes good points – http://www.ymouk.org/?p=300#comment-489
announcement here …
La hawla wala quwata ila billah! Allahumma ahzemhom wa zalzelhom!
If any people holds back form fighting jihad for Allah, Allah strikes them with degradation. If weakness spreads among a people, God brings disaster upon all of them
`Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)`
As i finished reading this article, there were no words that could come to my mouth, besides the tears that wanted to expell out of my eyes, I hope, this is a reality that has happened to afew people i know as well done by non-muslims, and done by so called muslims. All i can say is that may allah destroy these oppressors, a destruction that they cant even imagine, and may allah bless these muslim men, women, and children, and guide the non- muslims of them. Unfortunatly these are the emotions that we as humans feel in this dunya, becuase we do not want to imagine or remember such acts, then on the other hand we are fortunate to have these emotions to feel the sorrow and anguish, in order that we as muslims, help the oppresses, and to let ourselves know the reality of life, and how horrific and non”cloud nine” it is.
To my borther who posted this comment, i could not possibly feel exactly what you may feel, but to the minute amount that i can, im sorry for what happened, and may allah make you stronger in islam because of it.
Asalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
walekum’salaam’wa’rahmatuallahi’wa barakatuhu
No comments except..
Ya Allah prepare us for you tasks.
Ya rabbal alameen.
subhaan laah! now where are the so called HUMAN RIGHT ACTIVIST. guys lemme tell u this, they (jews and nasaars) wont let us live unless we took their ideology and life style as was mentioned in our KORAN. My brother insha allaah we’ll pray for u to overcome this. and victory is coming to muslim world.
inalilahe wa inna aleheraje3oon… speechless!
check this out
check this out
May ALLAHs wrath be upon them
I wonder where are the advocates of civilian Hindus and Kuffaars??? where are the loosers who condemn Mumbai incident? They deserve what happened there and May Allah help the Muslims of India to rise and start an armed struggle against the Zionist Hindus of India. Allah says that the worst in ememity against Muslims you will find the Jews and Mushrikeen.
May Allah destroy all Hindus with the hands of Mujahideen. May Allah destroy all those who make friendships with Kuffars.
I pray to Allah that taliban may take up Pakistan and then move to India finally for a real Khialfa and help our brothers and sisters in these regions from the opression of Hindus and their friends.
Allah hu Akbar.
Imam Anwar, as-salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, praise be to Allah always and may bhe Peace, Blessings and Mercy be upon our beloved Prophet(saaws), upon his family, companions and descendants and those who follow the his footsteps until the day of reckening.
i compare our brother’s family tragic situation to what has happened in Gaza, the arab nations stood still and quiet while our beloved brothers, sisters, mothers, and innocent children may Allah give them Shuhadah and His Mercy upon them. IT is the same in the sense that nothing was done, on either side of Gaza nor on the part of our indian brother and his family except that his wether his father had knowledge or not about this horrible events taking place, he was just as vulnerable as his wife and daughter; it is also a con against them living around the mushirikeen, having no other muslims to protect them, it is more of a gossip for these kafir neighboors and more of an adventure to the kafir soldiers and government pigs, may Allah destroy these accursed mushirikeen and thorow them on their faces on hell fire, what an evil destinaiton it trully is. Trully i say that vengance should be exacted, these accursed mushirikeen be hunted down and executed so they learn that the muslims will not show any leniency towards the disbelievers! Action should be taken and it should be well planed! It must be prevented from occuring again and not to another innocent muslim family. May these accursed mushirikeen be found and annialated and may Allah inflict fear and terror in their hearts through the believers! Just as Allah say in Surat Al-Bayyinat: “SURELY THOSE WHO DISBELIEVE FROM AMONG THE THE POLYTHEISTS AND THE PEOPOLE OF THE BOOK WILL ABIDE IN THE FIRE OF JAHANNAM, THEY ARE THE WORST OF CREATION.”(Qur’an98:5)
Imam Anwar just as you have mentioned from the Ahadeeth, reiterating the statements of the Prophet(saaws) that “our life and our blood are more sacred than Al-Ka’ba,” i say that the family of our brother should be avenged and the muslims should fight for to re-establish thier honour. It is good that they have scaped from those oppressors but they cannot be allowed to live allowing them to do what they want out of muslims left and right. May the Curse of Allah be upon them and may destruction befall them, and the falsehood which they follow as well, for they only follow what they saw in their forefathers! if Allah wishes to guide whomever He wills from amongst them, He is the Most Merciful, Most Compasionate for He Alone is the Source of ALL Guidance and if Allah wishes to misguide them all nothing will stop Allah for huwa a’la kulli shai’in Qadeer!
“And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “O Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”?” [al-Nisa 75]
Subhanallah. Allah answer the prayer of this brother and make things easy for his family.
assalam u alikum.. Can you just make me understand what the staement of Khalid ibn waleed means exactlty?I have heard this before but i fail to understand.jazak Allah Khair
May Allah give this ummah taufeeque to come out of desensitization. “Ameen”
Brother Anwer
Assalamo aly kum
My forefathers also from INDIA , but i was born in Pakistan , I think HIJRAT and JIHAD is the only solution for muslims , other wise such type of non human act will increase more,Pls find below the link which shows you that jews are not only the enemy of muslims , But HINDU as well , Commentry of this video is in URDU , So you must ask some to translate it into ENGLISH
This is so disgraceful….i am stunned…i have seen the interviews of women who were raped in India by Hindus in Gujrat but….Wallahi i didnt know it was this sadistic….
Ohh Muslims do u still have honor???….or is it that …..you still need fatwas from your scholars to fight Jihad fe Sabeel Illah.
Watch these interviews from Gujrat and think….these could have been your mothers and sisters….infact they are your mothers and sisters in Islam. There is still time….repent and accept Allah as your Illah…and do as he Commands…because those days are not far…when this would happen to ur actual sisters and mothers…..and you will be more helpless then this brother.
Download and watch. May this video waken the Ghairah of Muslims. Ameen
Wa Salam
“Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) the Jews and those who are Al-Mushrikun (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, idolaters, polytheists, pagans, and those who associate others with Allah)”
[Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayat 82]
“Neither those who disbelieve among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) nor Al-Mushrikun (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, idolaters, polytheists, pagans, etc.) like that there should be sent down unto you any good from your Lord. But Allah chooses for His Mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 105]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu our dear Sheikh Imam Anwar and my dear brothers and sisters in Islam.
Sheikh (may Allah Azza wa Jall Protect you) you have brought up a topic that Muslims and the world in general rarely see in the mainstream news media, and that is, the oppression and painful humiliation of our Muslim brothers and sisters in India and these parts of the world.
Just like we find the Jews of the Illegal State of Israel oppressions against our Muslim brothers in Palestine, we find those who associate others with Allah, such as the Mushrik Christians of USA, the UK and NATO, the Mushrik Buddhists and the Mushrik Hindus of India oppressions of the Muslims of Gujarat, Kashmir, Burma, Thailand, Myanmar, The Philippines, China, Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia,…and so on.
In Palestine and Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, Egypt and Algeria, Saudia and Yemen, Kashmir and Burma, Chechnya and Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq,… and so on, Muslims are deliberately targeted, tortured, persecuted, mostly in the name of the so-called “War on Terror”. In several countries of the world, including the Muslim world, Muslims are arrested and thrown into secret torture chambers “to break them down” and make them confess to crimes they never heard of. This makes it only natural for all of us on the Haqq to feel utterly dejected and disgusted.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us that the Muslim Ummah should act like a body: “If one part of the body suffers pain, the other part also suffers.” When there is such a spirit of mutual trust, help and support for the cause of Islam, there will be unity and strength, safety and security, insh’Allah. As we learned from the Seerah and the Islamic History, Unity of the Ummah of Rasoolollah (Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam) was the blessing the Righteous predecessors (RA) and the early Muslims had when they faced oppression, torture, exile, occupation and threats of extinction, so they could confront the enemies of Islam with confidence and put an end to injustice and oppression.
“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those – Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but approval from Allah is greater. It is that which is the great attainment.
O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.”
[Surah At-Tawbah, Ayat 71-73]
“Verily, those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard and fought with their property and their lives in the Cause of Allah as well as those who gave (them) asylum and help, – these are (all) allies to one another. And as to those who believed but did not emigrate (to you O Muhammad), you owe no duty of protection to them until they emigrate, but if they seek your help in religion, it is your duty to help them except against a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance, and Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.
And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah – chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allah’s Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, divisions, torture and genocide etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).
And those who believed, and emigrated and strove hard in the Cause of Allah (Al-Jihad), as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid; – these are the believers in truth, for them is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim (a generous provision i.e. Paradise).”
[Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 72-74]
Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the Ayah are clear as light! These Ayah are evidently direct and clear-cut commands from Allah Azza wa Jall to us all to fight for the freedom of the weak and the helpless people on earth from oppression and tyranny. We as Muslims, and holders of the Light, individually and collectively, we should raise funds, troops, equipment etc., to help and support our brothers and sisters in need, and we should use the media to bring before the world’s eye the sufferings of our brothers and sisters. We need to highlight the targeted killings, the ruthless demolition of homes, the rape of our mothers and sisters by the Kuffar, the blatant deprivation of basic needs inflicted on the poor and the defenseless people by the oppressors, the occupiers, the tyrants and their puppets and looters who do not care for Worship Allah Azza wa Jall, and do not care for the innocent humans with a different skin color. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala pour patience, bring tranquility to the hearts and ease the travails of our brothers and sisters all over the world, and May Allah Azza wa Jall bring victory to the Mujahideen to uphold justice, the truth, Shariah and Khilafah on earth.
“So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward.
And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?”
Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak.”
[Surah An-Nisaa, Ayah 74-76]
This is so sad to read.The rightwing hindu’s justify the rape of muslim women .They beleive since muslim invaders raped hindu women centuries back now it is revenge time.Actually,there are a lot of hindu men who fantasize about raping burqa clad women influenced by
bollywood which again always shows muslims in bad light.
Why would his mother agree to such a thing. the Hindu is one of the strangest creature, filthiest if they could they would kill every single Muslim in india we have to be strong and when they attack our response need to be ten time harder only then will these Hindu filth submit. You should have exposed what these pigs were doing to the local media or some one. 14 is young but not that young. dont you have other relatives. I am so angry. And Zakariya isnt ibn baaz the same gentleman who gave a fatwa allowing it American to come into the Arabian peninsula to fight the Iraqis .
Listen to the lecture of Brother Anwars’ lecture on the Hereafter part 2 “Nothing stands between Allah and the oppressed even a disbeliever and they will pay the price on the day of Qiyamah Allah is known as Al Adl the Just”
Ibn baz should not be even mentioned, he permitted peace with israel and called for muslims in palestine to the taghut arafat and his secular p.l.o. authority. Forget him for the sake of Allah, please. Jzk.
Asalamu Alaikum:
An Addendum to the previous post, insh’Allah:
Indian Genocide – Gujarat:
The Forgotten People – Burma:
China threat to Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang:
Uighurs of Xinjiang Caught in US-Guantanamo bay torture to death camps:
21st Century Crusaders:
“O you who have believed, take not those who have taken your religion in ridicule and amusement among the ones who were given the Scripture before you nor the disbelievers as allies. And fear Allah, if you should [truly] be believers.”
[“Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayat 57]
We have to fight these enemies and help our Muslim brothers and sisters with all our resources.
Im sorry to say that the ummah did stir for a couple of weeks but now its gone back to sleep . Im watching the slide show as I type , La hawla walla quwaita illa billah alee l Azeem
We can make the duah above for years 10s of years, but its not being accepted why ? , you can write a thousand words on this just now but whats the point cause no one listens to good advice no one wants to strive to please Allah, no ones wants to be put in hardship to save a fellow mumin, so we just ignore the problem AS LONG AS IT DOESN’T AFFECT US ,but we can all strive to please our nafs.
There are so many stories like these that make you feel sick and dirty inside , that make you ashamed of even existing in this ugly world. We will not change until we are in that position, until we feel the pain deep in our guts .
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatallah..
This post is disturbing. I know its a reality aoothobillah. Even if there husband/father wasnt in prison they would have forced their filthy hands on these Muslim women.
A question for Sheikh Anwar, is it islamically permissible for a women to offer herself or/and her daughter in such a way as ransom? I have no knowledge in this area and find it hard to find info on it…
jazakAllahu khair
Assalamu Alaykum,
May Allah curse and send his wrath on this type of people, their supporters and all those who aid them. May they burn in least depths of jahannam. Ameen, Ameen, Ameen.
Jazakallahu khairan shaykh Anwar for this post.
Subhanallah this is unbearanble to hear of happening to our 2 sisters! May the dirt of my shoes be upon the graves of these opressors! Allah make it easy for you brother in India and join us together against them Inshallah!
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Safar 30, 1430 H./ 25-02-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
4 British Army invader terrorists killed in Helmand province, Wednesday 25-02-2009. The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a patrol of British invaders and 4 of the British terrorists were killed in the attack in Gereshk district of Helmand province. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties and all the Mujahideen involved in the operation returned safely to their posts after the blast, Alahamdulilah.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
Ya ALLAH !.. I could not read it further after first some lines.What to say. Unless we have ALLAH’s help we cannot live well. Unless we go back to Quran and Sunna we have no help fro ALLAH..
The Media Department Of At-Tibyan Publications
The Following Video:
و حرض المؤمنين
“And Incite the Believers”
فَقَاتِلْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لا تُكَلَّفُ إِلاَّ نَفْسَكَ وَحَرِّضْ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُفَّ بَأْسَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا
وَاللَّهُ أَشَدُّ بَأْساً وَأَشَدُّ تَنكِيلاً
“Then fight (O Muhammad) in the Cause of Allaah, you are not tasked (held responsible) except for yourself, and incite the believers (to fight along with you), it may be that Allaah will restrain the evil might of the disbelievers. And Allaah is Stronger in Might and Stronger in punishing.” [an-Nisaa’: 84]
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ حَرِّضْ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلَى الْقِتَالِ إِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ عِشْرُونَ صَابِرُونَ يَغْلِبُوا مِائَتَيْنِ وَإِنْ يَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ مِائَةٌ يَغْلِبُوا أَلْفاً مِنْ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لا يَفْقَهُونَ
“O Prophet (Muhammad)! Urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast persons amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there be a hundred steadfast persons they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are people who do not understand.” [Al-Anfaal: 65]
Video-taped lecture given by the Shaykh of the Mujaahideen
in the Arabian Peninsula
Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhammad Ar-Rashood
May Allaah have Mercy upon him
There are no words to use to respond to such a dispicable act.
Why would the mother choose such a torment for herself and her teenage daughter??? 5×15=75 men for 15 days! was she afraid of death or poverty (from the husband being in jail)?
SISTER: I do not believe it is permissible to allow your self as ransom in such a manner.
We are commanded to fight to defend our property and honor. If we die then we are martyrs and the killer is in hell. If we kill this oppressor and then we are free and that oppressor is in hell. It is a win win situation for the believers. This is from the hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam).
If every Muslim took that path then no one would target the Muslims. These cowards look for easy targets and the believers would be worst target for them.
Rasoollullaah, Sala Allaahu ‘Alayhi wa ‘Ala Aalahi wa Salam, said, “Help your brothers who are oppressed and who oppress.” So the Sahabah asked in confusion, “How do we help our brothers who oppress?” He, Sala Allaahu ‘Alayhi wa ‘Ala Aalahi wa Salam, replied, “By not letting them oppress freely.”
@ Wajih ul Islam
Yes, he was. I am in no way saying that was the proper decision by posting something by Ibn Baaz. However, his fatwa makes very good points and cites hadeeth that you do not normally see cited.
Basically what I mean to say is that even Ibn Baaz the “Grand Mufti” said this about jihad in Philistine. The same guy who released many things against jihad was still willing to recognize that Philistine was a place to be, and that Muslims should be journeying there to free it.
@ sister , no way you die fighting than let this happen and this is what some sisters do they die fighting . You fear no one but Allah
We are in the state of when the Tatars came to our lands
I dont know where to start commenting for this post. I am aware of such stories happening with the families of mujahideen in particular and still I am amazed and angered on many of my Pakistani brothers, who have the audacity to malign and speak i’ll about the mujahideen who sacrifice it all to protect our mothers and sisters.
A few years back while in Pakistan some brothers mentioned Dr.Afia being in custody with her kids. Back then hardly any news was in the general public about our sister.
I didn’t really believe on that story until I had done a bit of research about it. when I was sure that she has been missing for a few years, I tried to warn about this to my friends, family and where ever I could reach.
At that point no one took it seriously and instead many of my close relatives/friends started to keep away from me. As if I was threatening their easy life style by speaking out.
Allhamdulillah after a year later the news became public about her and those who brought it out were actually the mujahideen. many of whom are inshaAllah shaheed by now.
(some times I just dont know how to ask Allah to have mercy on our brothers/sisters)
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah.
Jazzak Allah dear sheikh for posting this heartrending comment. I am one of those muslims that are looking forward to the time when India will be re-conquered by the ummah, inshaAllah. I think there are like 3 ahadiths on the conquest of Hind (and it is going to happen in the future, inshaAllah, as it is supposed to be close to the time of Prophet Issa, may peace be upon him). Dear sheikh, I think this post is a good opportunity to remind the ummah of that conquest that lies in the future, so we can look forward to and prepare ourselves for it, inshaAllah. I think it would be great if you mentioned the ahadiths about it, so we can enthusiastically prepare for it, just like the earlier generations of the ummah prepared for the conquest of Constantinople after our beloved prophet’s(pbuh) glad tidings regarding it.
Jazzak Allah, ya sheikh.
to sister
you have to understand alot of indian muslims are not really practicing enough to go and consult a sheikh before doing things so its quite possible this poor auntie was a very emotional about the situation and felt she had no choice to free her husband of 17+ years, im not condoning it merely thinking from her perspective, anyway it was rape at the end of the day cops probably said they would kill them all if she didnt oblige subhanallah this makes me very upset.
sh anwar, and other jazakumallahu khayran, for sharing these stories to remind us of our weakness as an ummah, if we dont know the prioblem we cant fix it.
@ Zulfiqar you said it , masha”allah ,[ I think Hijrat and Jihad is the only solution for the muslim ] We have the solution but with it comes
the problem . We we need to incite the believers to fight, very few will do it because its killing them inside if they don’t. The rest need to be woken and forced in any way possible .
salaam to all. this is not 1st story of this type.. and i have met a family that they have left their land because of this… now masha Allah they are in a land where they can get all things to prepare themselves against those kuffar and they are ready for it.. what i am going to say is without HIJRAH their is no change to bring it up..
Asalamu Alaykum WW
This is disturbing and it’s happening all over the world, even the cow worshiping filthy hindus feel free to put their hands on a muslim woman. May Allah help this family overcome this horrific incident and inshaAllah it will be a way of washing sins for them.
To the brother who wrote this;
I beg of you and your family to forgive us because we didn’t do anything to stop this and may have caused this by sitting on the sidelines. Allah causes everything to happen for a reason and one reason for this may be to test us, what will we do and the answer is nothing, we sit and wait for a miracle to happen. There are millions of others whom Allah will ask us about on the day of Judgement, but if you forgive the Muslims, it will be one less family to answer for when we don’t have answers for any of you.
La Hawla wala quwwata illah billah.
My dear brother i pray to Allah swt to strengthen and guide you and your family to the right path and keep you upon that path till you meet Him.
Allahumma destroy the oppressors
Allahumma destroy the oppressors
Allahumma destroy the oppressors
Jazak Allah khayrun imam Anwar for the post…
Assalamu Alaykum
Yet the Hindus are seeking a fatwah from Muslim Organisations:
NEW DELHI: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has for the first time reached out to India’s largest minority community with a new approach. It has asked 13 Muslim organizations to declare in a fatwa that India is a friend of Muslims and that jihad should not be waged against India or Hindus.
The VHP wants Indian Muslim organizations to clear misconceptions created by terrorist groups that maintain that jihad against India is appropriate. The VHP says it wants a fatwa from Indian Muslim scholars declaring that India is a land of peace where Muslims can practice and propagate their religion uninterrupted and that Muslims are not required to wage a religious war against the country and the people living here.
The VHP letter said that it is particularly concerned that such attacks might occur in future. Hence, it wants the fatwa to remove these misconceptions.
As the letter is issued to Indian Muslim scholars just when elections are around the corner, the political message carried by it cannot be ignored. The hard-line Hindu party has probably realized it is time it stopped pursuing an anti-Muslim agenda. The VHP is also conscious that in view of the Ayodhya issue, the Gujarat carnage and other incidents that affected Muslims, the minority community is not going to be easily swayed by attempts being made by the saffron brigade to win them over. The VHP has thus realized that it is imperative to convey this message to Indian Muslims through their own organizations.
The significance of VHP’s political message would have carried little relevance were it confined to political rhetoric expressed in election speeches. The VHP is apparently serious about its intentions, whether for political reasons or otherwise, and it has approached Muslim organizations in writing.
A fatwa declaring India a friend of Islam, on VHP’s demand, also implies that the saffron brigade is not against Islam. It also has no objections to Muslims practicing their religion in the country. Despite there being little doubt that political compulsions have prompted the VHP to take this step, there is no denying that it is suggestive of a major change taking place in the anti-Muslim mindset. Rather than playing politics by propagating and arousing anti-Muslim politico-communal frenzy, they are now keen to show themselves as friends of Muslims and their religion.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
to my grieved brother from india and the rest of the oppressed ummah,
وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ
And be not infirm, and be not grieving, and you shall have the upper hand if you are believers.
SUBHANALLAH! What kind of world do we live in, where our women can be raped to get a basic right for their husbands and fathers.
Did we forget that the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, went to WAR with an entire tribe just because one woman was harassed? (And in this case we have THOUSANDS OF WOMEN BEING RAPED, this is literally worse by a million-fold).
This happens in Iraq too, according to Western sources even. When they arrest Mujahideen, they’ll arrest the now poor and Rizq-less wife. Then they tell her that if she has sex with a bunch of the criminals, they’ll let the husband go. AND IN MANY CASES THEY DO THIS IN FRONT OF THE HUSBAND, WHO WATCHES HIS WIFE GET RAPED JUST FOR HIS SAKE. You can imagine the psychological conflict as well. Many husbands even leave these wives, so imagine being a wife who just got raped for your husband, and he calls you unfaithful and leaves you.
May Allah strengthen the Mujahideen in every place. May He cause a movement to rise within India and strengthen the ones in Kashmir, so that India can be defeated, and the Hindu oppressors eliminated.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abu Muhammad on February 26th, 2009 at 7:45 am #
regarding your announcement,
one of the speaker in pakistan will be zaid hamid, he is a very dodgy man. you can find out about him here,
“O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).” (At-Tawbah: 123)
may Allah awj destroy each and everyone of those filthy creatures the way He awj did with the people of aad and thamud. i hate them fisabilillah. and im tired of you weak brothers holding back because you want a phd. you think ur degree makes you a man? to filth with your phd. and masters e.t.c.
sisters, know that it is also fardh on you so do not relax. prepare to answer to Allah swt! what are you teaching ur children or do you let the tv cartoons babysit for you?
@ all prepare an answer for your Rabb ta3ala!
A Muslimah’s Testimony Of Rape And Torture
This article is dedicated to every Muslim who still has blood running in his veins.
Nadia is one of the victims of the American mercenaries in Abu Ghraib prison. She was detained for unknown reasons. When she was released from the prison, didn?t throw herself into the arms of her family as most of the oppressed prisoners released have done dose, especially when he is being fueled by the fire of the oppression and a yearning for his family.
Simply, Nadia escaped immediately after she left prison, not because of the shame that will follow her because of some crime she has committed but because of what she and the other Iraqi captive women have been subject to; rape, and torture by the hands of the American mercenaries in Abu Gharib prison. The walls of the prison tell many tragic stories but what Nadia tells is the living truth and a living hell.
Nadia begins her story:
?I was visiting one of my relatives, and suddenly the American forces attacked the home and started to inspect it. They found some light weapons. So, they arrested all people in the home including me. I tried to explain to the interpreter, who was accompanying the American patrol, that I am just a visitor. However, my trials failed. I cried, begged them, and I lost consciousness from fear when they took me to Abu Gharib prison.
Nadia continues ?they put me alone in a dark and dirty prison cell. I expected that I will be released soon, especially when the investigation proved that I hadn?t committed a crime?
Nadia elaborated while tears poured down her cheek, a telling sign of just how much she has suffered.
?The first day was so burdensome. The cell was malodorous, humid and dark, and this condition increased the fear inside me more and more. The laughs of the soldier outside the cell made me even more scared. I was afraid of what would happen to me. For the first time I felt that I was in a difficult gridlock and that I had entered an unknown world that I would not get out of.
In the middle of these different feelings, I heard a voice for an American soldier woman who was speaking in an Arabic language. She said to me: ?I didn?t imagine that the weapons? traders in Iraq are women.? When I started to explain to her the circumstances of the situation, she beat me cruelly. I cried and shouted ?By Allah! I am oppressed, By Allah! I am oppressed?
The soldier showered me with insults in a way that I have never thought possible or that I would ever be subjected to under any circumstances. Then, she started to deride me saying that she was monitoring me all the day via the satellite, and that they can track their enemies even inside their own bedrooms by American technology.
Then she laughed and said: ?I was watching you when you were making love with your husband.? I replied in a confused voice ?But I am not married?.
She beat me for more than one an hour and she forced me to drink a glass of water, and I knew later that they put a drug in it. I regained my consciousness after two days to find myself naked. I knew immediately that I have lost something that all the laws in the earth will not be able to return it to me once again. I had been raped. A hysterical fit attacked me and I started to hit my head violently against the walls till more than five American soldiers head by that soldier women entered the cell and started to beat me, and they raped me alternately while they laughing and listening to a loud music.
Day by day the scenario of raping me was repeated. And every day they invent new ways that are crueler than the prior ways.?
She went on describing the horrible acts of the American criminals:
?After about one month, a Negro soldier entered my cell and threw me two pieces of American military clothes. He said in weak Arabic language to wear them. After he put a black bag on my head, he led me to a public toilet where there are pipes for cold and hot water and he asked me to bathe. He then closed the door and left.
I was so exhausted and feeling pain, and despite the tremendous number of the bruises in my body, I poured out some water on my body. Before I finish my bath, the Negro soldier came in. I frightened, and I hit him in the face with the water bowl. His reaction was so tough. He raped me cruelly and spit on my face, then he left and returned with two soldiers who returned me to the cell.
The treatment continued that way, to the extent that sometimes I was raped ten times in a day, the matter which affected my health negatively.?
Nadia continued in revealing the American horrible actions made against the Iraqi women, saying:
?After more than 4 months, a woman soldier woman came, and I concluded from her conversation with other soldiers that her name is Mary. She said to me ?now you have a golden opportunity, since an officer who has a high position will visit us today, if you deal with him positively, you would be released, especially because we are sure you are innocent.?
I replied, ?If you are sure of I am innocent, why you don?t release me??
She screamed in nervousness, ?The only way that guarantees your releasing is to be positive with them.?
She took me to the public toilets, and she supervised my bath while she was holding a thick stick, hitting me by it if I didn?t perform her orders. Then, she gave me makeup, and warned me not to cry and ruin my makeup. Then she took me to an empty small room where there was nothing but a cover on the floor, and after one an hour she came accompanied with four soldiers who was holding cameras. She took off her clothes and she harassed me as if she was a man. The soldiers were laughing and listening to a noisy music, and taking photographs to me in all poses, and they were emphasizing on my face. The woman asked me to smile otherwise she is going to kill me, and she took a gun from one of her colleagues and fired four bullets near my head, and swore that the fifth bullet will be fired in my head.
After that, the four soldiers raped me alternately the matter which made me lose my consciousness. When I regained the consciousness I found myself in the cell and the traces of their teeth, nails and cigarettes are in everywhere in my body.?
Nadia stopped narrating her tragedy to wipe her tears, then she continued: ?After one day Mary came and told me that I was cooperative, and I will be released but after I watch the film that they have shot. I was in pain when I saw the film, and she (Mary) said: ?you have been created for the sole purpose for us to enjoy?. At the moment I became very anger and I attacked her although I was afraid of her reaction, and I would kill her except for the interfering of the soldiers. When the soldiers released me she showered me with hitting, then they left me.
After this incident, nobody harassed me for more then one month; I spent that period in the praying and invocation to Allah, the All-Mighty who has all power, to help me.
Mary came with some soldiers who gave me the clothes that I was wearing when they arrested me and took me to an American car. Then they threw me on the highway road after giving me 10,000 Iraqi Dinars.
I went to a home that was near the place where I have been thrown out and since I know the reaction of my family, I preferred to visit one of my relatives to let them know what happened after my absence. I knew that my brother had held a consolation board for me for more than 4 months, and they considered me as a dead person.
I understand the knife of shame is waiting for me. So, I went to Baghdad where I found a good family who lodged me, and I worked with this family as a maid and governess for their children.
Nadia wonders in pain, regret and bitterness:
?Who will quench my thirst? Who will return my virginity? What is the offense of my family and kin? I have inside me a baby, and I don?t know who his father is.?
And she ends her story here.
Khaled Ibn Waleed’s (ra) quote “May the eyes of the coward never sleep” Is directed to all those people who make excuses to avoid fighting Jihad. Khaled (ra) spent nearly his entire Islamic life on the battlefield and didn’t have a spot on his body which wasn’t inflicted with damage, yet, by the will of Allah (awj) he died on his bed. He threw himself into situations he didn’t think he would get out of. All this to try and attain the honor of shahaadah. He did all this and still lived, while there are others who will give every excuse to stay home to “protect” themselves from death, as if they have any control over that.
Allah (swt) knows best
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam , Jazakillah Khayr for approaching this difficult subject, Shaykh Anwar Alhumduillah these private matters need to be made public for the sake of our precious pearls that are suffering the most degrading continuious abuse at the hands of all that are foul and disgraceful in this duniah . and we by our inaction are not preventing it from happening, so where does that place us as a Ummah I’d say at rock bottom cause we have the guidance but its sitting on the shelf gathering dust
@ dear sister surat_nisa I have missed you so much Jazakillah Khayr sister for the post, I read that yesterday and Ive been really disturbed ever since.Its horrific to hear such tragedies happening to another female of our ummah Imagine how they feel, I feel totally outraged at the ummah first , so how do our sister and daughter and mother and even little girl feel. How abandoned do they feel by a ummah of losers.
This is a tragedy beyond words and its been happening to some for the past 60 years .who will support these women who will save these girls ? They have already been killed a thousand times but they still walk on this earth never to be free of such horrors that exist in their heads Allah have mercy on them. Allah as you are my witness no one can leave this forum without the intention of Quital against all the enermies of Allah, our sisters have had enough, action must take place now
This is nothing new in the so called biggest democracy. It has been happening to Muslim minority all over India. It is the rape of innocents by Army in Kashmir to the rape of innocents in Gujarat and elsewhere. And most of the Muslim politicians are busy blaming Muslims for “terrorism” both domestic and international. When a Hindu Engineer working for American contractor ( Note it was a Bahraini company given defense contract by US invaders. How low these Arab contractors have fallen to accept such contracts on the blood of millions of innocents. Pathetic!) was killed in Afghanistan, host of Ulemas gave Fatwa blaming the Talibs without ever questioning the outright occupation of the poor country. How can someone work for oppressors by helping them in their ” projects”. Once again the media does not report the rape, burning and killing of thousands in the same manner like they cover the atrocities elswhere. There were no graphic images of little children, women raped, killed and burned but there are certainly some documentaries that were produced by concerned human rights advocates.
Dear brother who posted this article,being from india i can understand your situation especially when you were among the filthy kuffar,thats the case of many of us who stay surrounded by hounds(those living in muslim localities are quite lucky)who harass our sisters and yet most muslims living in even in india are oblivious these things……. May ALlah(swt) our enemies and awaken the ummah
TO imam anwar:
can u pz tell me the status of the following hadiths regarding India…
Na’im son of Hammad , The teacher of Imam Bukhari in al-Fitan reports that Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – said that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) mentioned India and said, “A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained – Allah having forgiven their sins – when they return back [from India], they will find son of Maryam in Syria.”
While Abu Hurayrah said, “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that I will spend my soul and wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs. And if I return then I am Abu Hurayrah the freed.” (Ahmad, an-Nisa’i, and al-Hakim.)
and if these prophecies have already been fulfilled(as some claim) when mahmud ghaznavi and others raided india
Assalam aleikum!
This is the reality of humiliation, misery and injustices going on around the world now. Indeed By Default ” JIHAD FII SABILILLAH” is the only solution. I cant stand to see muslims around the especially here in the West we ca have”FUN” while the rest of the world lives in miseries. I dont know what kind of expalination or excuse we gonna have before ALLH we face Him even if we establish prayers, give Zakat,fasting, and going to hajj! what are we going to say?…May Allah restore our Akil to understand, remmember and implement your commandments in order to fulfill our Obligations!….AMEEn! TEXAS
Ya Allah Please guide us on the straight path.
Ya ALlah Help Our brother and sisters who are in pain.
Sheikh/Brother Anwar,
You have done a most excellent job motivating this ummah for what truly needs to be done!
I pray that this young brother get’s his revenge in this life and the next!
May he hunt these men down and give them a tormenting slow death!
And may Allah (after much hardship) cause ease upon him and his family.
Salam Alaykum,
No comments except TEARS
May allah punish our opressors, may allah unite and guide the muslim Ummah.
As imam anwar told us that it is essentiel that we start reforming ourselves and become true worshippers of allah and friends of Allah, “Maan ‘adali walyan faqad adhantahu bil harb” “whoever harm the Friends Allah, Allah declares a war upon that person”
Also, i recently had a beautful dream about Al mahdi: Basiclly i as sitting in a mosque and listening to a talk and suddenly someone make an anouncement: Mahdi has come!!…. everyone went crazy, shouting victory etc, then i met a sheikh which i know who is a magnificient da’i (preacher), he said to me: “Change ur shoes, they’r not goo for jihad, and get some strong boots, for there is a lot of walking awaiting us”
Then i turned a round and mahdi was sitting there with a couple of leaders, they were giving him gifts, food etc… Iwaved at him and he did notm respond, he was so worried and anxious that he was staring to the ground, subhanallah. he was quite young, wearing a white turban and large forehead.
By the way sheikh, I am from kashmir and i am Eye-Witness to heinous crimes that Indians commit in Kashmir.
S.A.W SAID, ‘p.p’ …from my ummah their will be group who will always be victorious…’
Salam my muslim bros, Wallahi this is some scary thing, we gotta get our selves ready for whats to come, may ALLAH guide this young man from all the evil! Ameen!
As salamu alaikum.
May Allah humuliate the kuffar who did these acts. AMEEN!
May Allah help our ummah Ameen!
I come from a country where this was a norm from the oppressors and unfortunately I know many sisters that have underwent this horrific act of inhumanity …
Soldier takes about how he raped a Muslimah (uses alot of vulgar language and he is proud of what he did. He’s not in uniform but I think it may be true video because he mentions they learned from CIA to use plastic strips or tape to choke prisoners as torture, which is what CIA interrogators actually do.)
Soldiers rape a 14 yr old and kill her and her family then burn her body
US soldiers rape Muslimaat in prisons in Iraq
Iraqi Muslimah speaks of rape by Iraqi Police of US backed government
Iraqi Muslimaat jailed indefinitely
If what you’ve said in your comment is true, then may Allah(subhan wa tallah) protect you and your family.
If its untrue and your just some RAW agent pretending to be Muslim then my the curse of Allah(subhan wa tallah) be upon you and your family.
Could you please answer these questions:
1. From the quality of your English, you’ve done your schooling at a private school, thus I have to assume that your father was/is making atleast Rs.40,000 a month, which means your middle class to upper middle class. Which means that you can afford legal assistance.
2. Secondly, it sounds very strange that you would go about telling your story on the web, yet you didn’t approach any of the media houses or even any of the human right organizations in India, yet you post this as a comment??
3. Next, Muslims in India don’t have a clue who Imam Anwar is, unless if the search the internet a LOT (which 99% means you have your own computer and internet connection, i.e. your upper middle class) or have a relative in the west who’s informed you about Imam Anwar.
Thus, how did you get to know about Imam Anwar?
4. For 7 years you’ve done nothing? Not even legally? You have not even informed your father? Yet you publish this as a comment? If you did nothing for your own mother, you’ll surely never help if a Muslim brother in trouble.
5. Lastly, you must surely be having relatives, etc., why did you not take their help?
Whats the best way to reach Afghanistan and Somalia (specifically where the mujahideen are)?
Jazakallahu Khair
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 1, 1430 H./ 26-02-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
3 puppet terrorists guards hired by US and NATO terrorist forces were shot dead Thursday, 26-02-2009, and a vehicle of an Indian collaborator contractor company was bombed, killing collaborators of the invader terrorist forces in the eastern province of Khost. The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed the collaborators and with remote controlled landmine blew up a car of invader collaborators going to the site of an Indian-funded project to serve the invader terrorists in the eastern province of Khost. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties and all the Mujahideen involved in the operation returned safely to their posts after the maneuver, Alhamdulillah.
A Western run boys’ school that is used for US and NATO terrorist forces indoctrinations was also torched overnight in the eastern province of Khost on Thursday, 26-02-2009. The arson operation by The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was successful and neither casualties of civilians nor the Mujahideen was reported.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
coming from the west
Indeed I find this account extremely disturbing. There was a video documentary on YouTube about women and men being abused and raped during the war in Iraq. This horrendous depriving act of humiliation is being carried out throughout the world and our chaste women of Islam are innocent victims!! As an 18 years old male I feel very angry with myself and I feel I should be there on the scene protecting our sisters….I cannot bear to sit back and do nothing! I feel for this brother who had the courage to send this comment and I feel such sorrow and pain for his sister and mother….Definitely… BROTHER…MOST DEFINITELY… Allah (SWT) will account for EVERYTHING that occurred in your family and in this life and surly the oppressors and the rapist who caused you so much pain will suffer immensely whilst burning in the flames of Hell
With the Will of Almighty Allah the Muslims will no longer suffer under oppression and discrimination by the Hindu masses…Justice and peace will prevail over India as well as Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine! These innocent Muslima’s will no longer suffer in silence! With strong religious fervour the Muslim community can overpower against all odds. We will show our moral superiority.
Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu I put together some facts about the reality of what our previous scholars have said concerning the issues of jihad, insha’allah everyone finds it of benefit in defending your positions. Also you can see these same facts on the website that I just started at http://www.carrythetruth.wordpress.com I hope it is a means of benefit for you insha’allah
قال ابن حزم : قال تعالى (( فقاتل في سبيل الله لا تكلف إلا نفسك )) وهذا خطاب موجه إلى كل مسلم فكل أحد مأمور بالجهاد وإن لم يكن معه أحد ) [ 7/351 ]
Ibn Hazm said:: Allah said ( “ Then fight in the Cause of Allah, you are not held responsible except for yourself ” ) and this speech is directed towards every muslim so everyone is commanded to do jihad even if no one (not one person) is with him. (al-Muhallaa 7/351)
ذكر ابن قدامة شروط الجهاد في المغني و لم يذكر منهم الامام، و قال (فَإِنْ عُدِمَ الْإِمَامُ ، لَمْ يُؤَخَّرْ و الْجِهَادُ ) المغني و الشرح الكبير
…and Ibn Qudaama mentions the conditions of jihaad and doesn’t mention an imaam/khalifa as one of them, and he said ( the lack of an imaam, does not postpone/delay jihaad) – al-mughnee. & ash-Sharh al-Kabeer.
و الامام ابن ابي العز الحنفي في شرح العقيدة الطحاوية قال ( اشتراط وجود الإمام سواء كان إماما عاما للمسلمين جميعا أو كان إماما لطائفة منهم من أجل الجهاد في سبيل الله لم يقل به عالم من أهل السنة والجماعة قط وإنما هو قول الرافضة الذين قالوا لا قتال إلا بظهور الرضى من آل محمد ) الطحاوية
and imaam ibn abi al’iz al-Hanafee in Sharh (explanation) of al-3aqeedatu at-Tahaawiyya says ( the condition of having an imaam, whether it is a general imaam for all the muslims or an imaam for only a group of them for the sake of Jihaad in the way of Allah, was not mentioned by any scholar of ahlusunnah wal jamaa’a before. But rather it is only the saying of the Raafidha/Shi’a who said that there is no fighting until the appearance of ar-Ridhaa from Aal Muhammad (family of Muhammad)
قال الماوردي: “فرض الجهاد على الكفاية يتولاه الإمام ما لم يتعين” — الاقناع
…and al-maawerdi said :: ( the obligation of jihaad on the community is upon (passed to) the imaam, as long as it is not individual/fardh 3ayn (yata3ayyan/fardh 3ayn) — al-Iqnaa’
“فإن عدم الإمام أو ترك الجهاد أو خشي فوات مصلحة أو وقوع مفسدة أو تعين على طائفة لم يشترط إذنه بل يقيم المجاهدون أميرا منهم ويجاهدون معه ” الاقناع
“So if there is no imaam or he left jihaad… his (the imaam’s) permission is not required but rather the mujaahidoon should choose a leader from amongst themselves and fight in jihaad with him ( the new leader )” – al-Iqnaa3
وما تهذي به بعض الألسنـــة في هذه الأزمنة من أنه لا يجوز الجهاد لفقد الإمام وإذنه ، فكلمة أوحاها شيطان الجن إلى شيطان الإنس ، فقرها في إذنه ثم ألقاها على لسانه في زخارف هذيانه ، إغواء للعباد وتثبيطا عن الجهاد
العلامة المهدي الوزاني – النوازل الكبرى الجزء الثالث.س
and what some tongues are deliriously uttering in this era, that jihad is not permissible because of a lack of an imam or his permission, is a word which was inspired/revealed from the devils amongst the jinn to the devils amongst the humans, so he repeated it in his ear and then put it on his tongue during decieving hillucinations, to mislead people (’ibaad) and as a discouragement of jihad.
al-’allaama al-mahdee al-waazini :: an-Nawaazil al-Kubraa pt. 3.
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters,
Idol worshipers are the worst of the human kind since they do not have any values, principles and are violent in nature (this can be seen from the videos posted by the brothers above). If they can pray to cows and elephants and monkeys, and drink their urine and eat their dungs… what kind of value do you think they have?!
May Allah answer the duas of the oppressed and make us the means for the solution. Ameen.
I remember someone was asking about fatwa on investing in shares etc. here is a link of fatawas on financial issues http://alqalam.org.uk/Shariah+Resources+%26+Edicts/43/
@Abou Ubayda ibn al jarah
By Allah (swt) was this a clear dream or was is vague and simply thoughts of of your mind?
Asalamu Alaikum wa RahmutAllahi wa Barakatuhu
I cannot stop thinking about this. I am furious.
I am very sad to hear this news. May Allah destroy the oppressors.
In the name of Allah the Most beneficent the Most Merciful
Asalamu alaykum Rahmutulahi Wabarkatahu…..(Everyone)
Although I was not born in India myself, both of my parents come from there.
What I have sadly just read (has deeply sadden me).. Although, it’s something I’ve known about for along time. I am sooooo sorry to hear about what you have been through brother. May Allah chastise those vultures who did this to you and your family (Ameen)…
They may seem strong (but be rest assured you and your family are superior, if truly you are believers)… With Allah by your side (no might can overcome you) ! Be rest assured they have far worse to come !
I don’t really feel I have a homeland anywhere in this world (other than Mekkah). Just remember brother what you are facing is temporary (Allahu Alim but if they do not ammend their ways, what they will face will be on going).
The story you shared with us brother, is like you mentioned is one of many examples of what the Muslims are having to face under the hands of such oppressors.
But to an extent we as Muslims are partially to blame of what is going on. There are those that either have the ability or opportunity to do something, yet they choose to remain idol (like the statues of those that oppress you worship)…. Again this goes back to the issue of the lack of unity that remains in the Muslim world.
May Allah be with you brother and all the believers. Ameen
Assalam o alaikum,
I understand ur concern of asking question & rechecking the sources of this comment, as Allah says in Quran translation of which is;
“O you who believe! If a Fasiq (liar — evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.” {Surah-Al Hujraat; The Private apartments, Surah 49, ayah 6}
But would u mind telling us that what on earth the rotten RAW has to do with this heart-wrenching comment? If u somehow think that RAW agents are inciting hatred by posting such comments, then kindly ‘rethink’ ur thoughts & read the blog post again..carefully. Imam wrote; “There are countless stories such as this one from Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya and elsewhere.”
& While ur @ it, kindly spare sometime to watch the Tehalka as well as other independent media footages on Gujraat & see & listen for urself how the mob burn beards of Muslim men & urinates on Muslim teenage girls before raping them & then burning or cutting them into pieces.
& then waLLAh if u feel like interrogating a ‘comment’ then go ahead, but know this; My grandparents being victims & eye-witnesses of these horrific scenes half a century back..migrated. But waLLah we prefer martyrdom over going to these HUMAN RIGHTS dual-face snakes & tell-taling them as cry-babies the statistics of how many of our mothers & sisters were impregnated or ripped apart & how..
even if the post from the Indian brother was fabricated, the content is not unheard of. THese things are actually happening to Muslims.
عن ثوبان مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عصابتان من أمتي أحرزهما الله من النار عصابة تغزو الهند وعصابة تكون مع عيسى ابن مريم عليهما السلام
سنن النسائي، بابالجهاد، غزوة الهند]
Thawban (radiAllah) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said; “Two groups of my Ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire: a group that will conquer India, and a group that will be with ‘Eessa son of Maryam (alehim salam)”
(Sunan Nasai, Book; ‘Jihaad’, Chapter; ‘Conquest of India’, hadith #: 3124. Also mentioned in Ahmed & Tabarani.)
عن أبي هريرة قال
وعدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم غزوة الهند فإن أدركتها أنفق فيها نفسي ومالي وإن قتلت كنت أفضل الشهداء وإن رجعت فأنا أبو هريرة المحرر
سنن النسائي، بابالجهاد، غزوة الهند]
Abu Hurayrah radiAllah said, “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) promised us the conquest of India. If I (Abu Hurayrah) was to come across that I will spend my soul and wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs. And if I return then I am Abu Hurayrah the freed!”
(Sunan Nasai, Book; ‘Jihaad’, Chapter; ‘Conquest of India’, hadith #: 3123. Also mentioned in Ahmed & Hakim.)
May allah make it easy on this muslim family. Brother don’t give up, be strong for your family they need you.
Wallahi this is disguisting. This is among the worst of humilations that Muslims can face…..from our brothers in Guantanamo to our sisters like the family mentioned here. Lahawla wala Quwata ilaa billah. May Allah destroy every single Kafir with evil intention/act towards the Muslims thru the hands of the Mujahidin Bi_idnillahi Ta’alaa.
it took me a while to comment on this and i read this in the morning and havent responded till now(at night).I couldnt help myself so i went to somewhere private to release my hurtful tears which i was holding back.Tears wont do much though.may Allah help that person who wrote this and protect his family.wallahi i wish i could do more but i am only a young woman.All i do for the Ummah is make duaa for them day and night and cry restlessly.May Allah forgive me and you all.Allahumansurna wa thabit aqdamana wansurna alal qowmil kafireen.The ayah the Indian brother quoted in the end made me grieve more.
wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu to all those Muslims who gave the salam.
Zainab Al Ghazali, one of Ikhwans female members recall in her memoirs.
The door was locked and a bright light switched on …..the room was full of dogs I could not count how many! scared I closed my eyes and put my hands on my chest. Within seconds the snarling dogs were all over me. I could feel their teeth tearing into every part of my body, the dogs were unrelenting , digging their teeth into my scalp, my shoulders, back chest and whatever another had not already taken hold.
Although i sympathize with this families plight. and am distressed for the brother, there are many things wrong here.
the first is that the father would have been better off spending all his days in jail than to have his daughter and wife whore themselves out to these people. They agreed to do this to get him out of jail. was his freedom worth their honor? their dignity? their religion? it is not rape when you agree to share your bed. shame on the mother for doing this and for putting her daughter in this position. she is more at fault than the kuffar.
assalamu alaikum wa rehmatullah e wa barakatohu
regarding your reply “lubna on February 26th, 2009 at 4:14 pm #”
yes, I do know such things, I also hate to see him, but it is being organized by some other people, so I am only concerned with sheikh’s lecture
may ALLAH protect us from such kind of persons
i sympathize for the brother who has posted the comment. I feel what his mother did was not a wise decision. since they would have of such incidents in the past.
relatives very rarely come to help such families.
Statement by command of the Armed Forces of Province Ghalghaycho of the Caucasus Emirate
Publication time: 26 February 2009, 17:35
Mujahideen of the Ingush Sector have issued a statement regarding firefight and explosion in Nazran on 12 February. According to official Russian sources, three Mujahideen were martyred and four Russian OMON police were killed. Unofficial Russian reports put police death toll at 15.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Who sent down Koran as the guidance, exhortation and reminder to believers, and created us Muslims and did is a great favor with Jihad on His straight path.
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Commander of Mujahideen, Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions and all those who followed him till the Day of Judgment. To proceed:
12 February in the morning, commander Hasan and four Mujahideen, including a 14-year-old youth and a woman, engaged disbelievers who had surrounded them. Judging by the number of the disbelievers and participation of GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) and FSB (Federal Security Service) Special Forces in the assault, it can be concluded that it was not an incidental identification check, but a planned and prepared operation.
By the grace of Allah, the disbelievers were not able to take the Mujahideen by surprise, and it happened that the brothers met the arriving Special Forces with grenade launcher shots. During the first minutes of the firefight our brothers hit two APCs (armored personnel carriers), an armored URAL truck and a GAZEL truck. The firefight was very intense, resulting in killing of five-six disbelievers and injury of many others.
Eyewitnesses who heard Special Forces talking with each other, quote words of the disbelievers about some teenage boy who, despite that the house came under massive fire, “rained bullets” from the second floor, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and “La ilaha illa Allah!”. Shortly after, the second floor caught fire.
Around one and a half hour after the firefight began, Mujahideen, part of whom at that time were possibly wounded or killed, allowed assaulting groups to approach close to the house and detonated one of their barrels filled with an explosive mixture. The brothers had a capability to detonate all five 200-liter barrels, but in order to avoid casualties among peaceful residents and more serious destructions, they took a decision not to do it.
The explosion was so powerful that residents of Nazran districts that are distant from the gunbattle location thought that an earthquake had happened. Several minutes after the explosion, when the smoke and dust had cleared, a picture appeared that could shock anyone. The whole street was littered by fragments of bodies of disbelievers from GRU and FSB, blown off heads, arms, legs, many were torn to pieces. Body parts were visible sticking out from under concrete blocks and pieces of brick wall. Wounded and blooded disbelievers were dashing around hysterically, crying, yelling and cursing those who brought them to this “Hell”. In shock, they hid in neighboring courtyards and refused to allow to approach even emergency doctors, whose vehicles filled nearby streets.
For two or three hours doctors and EMERCOM employees evacuated killed and wounded, collected remains, scraped off GRU and FSB members from Nazran streets. Emergency vehicles made several trips each.
More than seven armored vehicles were used in this gunbattle, more than 200 special forces from various security services took part, of whom around 30 were eliminated and no less than 50 disbelievers were wounded as a result of gunfire and the explosion. Unfortunately, three residents of the Wilayah were also wounded, and several neighboring houses were destroyed.
That day was martyred, inshaAllah, commander of the group Khasan Mutaliyev, well-known, respected and beloved by brothers. Since the days when Allah opened his heart and settled firm Faith in it, he did not stop to strive on Allah’s path, he sought knowledge and participated in Jihad. He was brave, audacious, courageous, and at the same time kind, modest and responsive, which gained him respect among Mujahideen.
Along with Khasan, a Russian brother and the 14-year-old Ingush boy were martyred, inshaAllah. They participated in fighting in the territory of Province Ghalghaycho and showed themselves to be the best. Also in this gunbattle, Allah granted His mercy to a married couple, husband and 17-year-old wife, both Abazins. After entering Islam, she constantly asked Allah to help her to join Jihad, and Allah answered her prayers. She met a good Muslim man, married him a month ago, and together they joined the Mujahideen.
Muslims always win, because Allah grants victory and honor on land, or the eternal Paradise in the Hereafter. Our killed are in Paradise, while disbelievers will be in the Hellfire.
“Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.
They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve.
They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers.
Those who answered Allah and the Messenger after being wounded; for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward.
Those (i. e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, “Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.” But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”
So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.”
(Surat Al Imran, 3:169-174).
O Allah, give strength and patience to relatives and loved ones of the Martyrs, grant them Your mercy, move grief away from them.
“Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious over the disbelieving people.”
(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:250).
Informational-analytical department of the headquarters of the Ingush Sector of the Caucasian Front of the Armed Forces of the Caucasus Emirate
Kavkaz Center
Important Message to Our Sheikh Anwar Awlaki:
Dear Sheikh, Assalamo Alaikum, as you are going to deliver a lecture on the “state of Ummah” on 1st of MarchI would like you to inform that most of the scholars on this forum are going to be the scholars of Sultan. Sister Lubna has right mentioned about this one guy “Hamid” and i would like to mention that “Dr Zaid Hamid” he has been promoting a false prophet named Yousaf ten years ago and he(Dr Zaid) was assisting him in his false cause and we have researched this thing and have proofs against him, and recently he has come up as a very well known scholars and comes to many TV channels. since he is working for taghoot therefore he has a lot of support from Govt and he is a Munafiq. He called Red Mosque Abudur Rashid Ghazi Shaheed a zionist agent. He calls Taliban movment in Pakistan a Hindu Zionist Agent Movment, he talks ill about Mujahideen of Swat and Waziristan. I wonder how come Shifa medicine students invite such a hypocrite, but that may be due to the fact that such munafiqeen has a strong command on history and have the ability to twist the facts therefore many ignorant and young people with limited exposure and knowledge fall prey to them. I just want to bring this to your knowledge as what kind of other speakers will be talking out there. Moreover you are well aware about Dr Israr, he will be one of the most prominent speaker out there, and he has recently deliver a lecture by the topic “talibanization in Pakistan” this lecture is in urdu and is available on his website. http://www.tanzeem.org he came up with some thing strange this time, first of all, I have been a long time student of Dr Israr but problem comes when we see that He advocates alot of agitation and protest as in 21st century it is very successful and does not proclaim Jihad in a staright away manner, he also talked about Gnandhee and Marx and their method to change the mind set of people, in short he claims to be living in Makki time too. He further claimed in his lecture that Taliban are ignorant and Jahil people and they have read few ahadith and few ayat of Quran and they have their own version of Islam, (which is not true). I have been attending his live sessions and in one of his argument i remember he says that it does not make sense to fight against such a big powers of today. He said “to hit a mad elephant with a small knife in his foot will not harm him” He said we are successful or not we will continue to do our struggle( verbal tableegh) and this will be our Hujja infront of Allah on the day of Judgement. But he forget to say the same thing about Jihad, he has categorized Jihad in 11 stages and only call the final stage as Qitaal. let me make this long discussion short and the bottom point is that, he ask us to spread the words of Quran and do not fight directly and follow the politics of Protest etc and follow what marx and ghandhi did. I will try to translate his urdu lecture in english and upload somewhere so that you can exactly understand what he said. Those who can understand urdu can listen to his lecture on his website.
wallahu Alam
This Ummah is very sick, the sad thing is we have the cure but no-one is prepared for it. I wonder, when shall we get well again?
Al-salaamu ‘alaikam wa rahmatAllah
Whilst this type situation unfortunately occurs and it would be naive for us to believe otherwise, we must look at this account objectively. Claims have to be proven with evidence. A few things within this story do not add up.
How can this continue after the ‘father’ has returned to house without him knowing especially if it carried on for 5 years?
The ‘brother’ would have been 18/19 in 2007- at that time surely he was old enough to speak to his father/ relatives etc of what was happening.
It is easy to get emotional and to start shouting the rhetoric of jihad. Allah ta’ala informs us in the Majestic Quran- that corruption has appeared in lands and sea due to what the hands have earned (of sin) so that they may taste of it and return (repent). Our jihad should be against ourselves to stop our sins that may be a cause for the assault that is occurring against Muslims. May Allah ta’ala forgive us and not burden others due to our sins.
This message potentially could be from a non-Muslim just trying to needle Muslims/ trying to make them feel helpless.
It could be from a Muslim with an ulterior motive.
It may be completely fabricated.
Our focus is Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, for he has said victory comes though me.
Our duas should be to alleviate oppression upon the Muslims and also for the guidance of the non Muslims so they enter Islam and any crimes will be wiped out and they will be our brothers/ sisters. Hate and love should not be to extremes but rather for the sake of Allah ta’ala.
Emotions have a place in our religion but lets not make all of our religion emotion. We are all underneath the law of Allah ta’ala. Jihad has laws governing it.
In need of your prayers
A needy slave of Allah
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
La Hawla wala quwwata illah billah
These stories are not new but every time you hear them it disturbs you
Wallahi reading this story has sadden me and i feel soo helpless
Allah Alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.
May Allah unite this ummah!
Dirty Piss Drinking Kafir Mushriks, they will burn in this world and the next.
as salaam alaykum to all and wa alaykum as salaam to @bm
Guess what, the biggest investigation is going on in Mumbai and somehow this brother lives in Mumbai now?!? Where similar riots had taken place a few years back?!… Sounds, very strange and suspicious relocation decision…
Well, if you must know, then the answer is one of Imam Anwar’s titles was used by the “Indian Mujahideen” in one of their emails.
Perhaps this is just a coincidence.. But, we have to assume that RAW is investigating this and keeping tabs on this blog.
I have seen the videos about Muslim women being raped in Gujarat, but take note that generally speaking mostly the poor Muslims were attacked.
Also the attack was in a mob, which means that it’s very difficult for the victim to identify particular individuals and thus next to impossible to prosecute them.
Even with this hindrance, cases have still been filed and are pending though these kafirs were given bail. But the point is that some action was taken.
But in case of this brother’s story, he didn’t take any action, when the perpetrators of the act can/could easily be identified and prosecuted.
I’m from India and when I speak, I talk about the ground realities, which is that a minimum of 50% of so-called Indian muslims are beralwis(grave worshipers),
thus they are classified as mushriks/pagans themselves. Also, Gujarat was/is one of the stongholds of the one of sects of shias/rawafidhs (commonly referred to as “bohras”).
Also remember that Allah(subhan wa tallah) does not oppress us, but it is we of oppress ourselves by our wrongful actions).
What happened in Gujarat was either a test or a punishment or a bit of both.
Just as your grandparents were the victims & eye-witnesses of these horrific scenes around 50 years back.. many of my relatives too immigrated to Pakistan, faced a similar scenario..
But the present reality is that, now in India you can probably end a lot of careers if this brother had taken his story to the media or even to human rights org.
While statements such as, “we prefer martyrdom” sound very pleasing on the computer screen, the ground reality is that 999 out of every 1,000 “indian muslims” would give you up to the cops and almost every “muslim household” has a direct family member or a atleast a distant relative is “proudly serving” in the Indian army.
Lastly a MINIMUM of 75% of “Indian muslims” LOVE their “homeland”, India.
And if this brother really preferred martyrdom he wouldn’t be posting comments on the internet even after 7 years.
@suraya: If the story of this brother is fabricated then it must exposed for what it is. I’m aware of the numerous true stories of Muslims in Gujarat and these true stories must be told.
Assalam o alaikum warahmatuLLah
@ AbdAllah ibn Abdillah
u wrote;
“Our duas should be to alleviate oppression upon the Muslims and also for the guidance of the non Muslims so they enter Islam and any crimes will be wiped out and they will be our brothers/ sisters. Hate and love should not be to extremes but rather for the sake of Allah ta’ala.”
While I agree that dua is needed, & purity of intentions is pivitol, but when u say: “It is easy to get emotional and to start shouting the rhetoric of jihad.”.. here is where I disagree rather completely.
SubhanAllah, by ur words ‘unintentionally’ (hopefully) u r focusing on dua ‘only’ & belittleing the value of Jihaad (making it sound like a mere emotional-tantrum or a rage-outburst).
My brother in Islam ,plz watch;
waLLah what happened to the intelligent ‘Men’ of our Ummah?? Not only that they don’t move their backs from office chairs, they stop us from going forward too…subhanAllah!
@AbdAllah ibn Abdillah
yes Quran does say that corruption/Fasad has appeared due to our deeds. but where does it stop you to make Jihad against Kuffars???
@you say “Our jihad should be against ourselves to stop our sins that may be a cause for the assault that is occurring against Muslims”
To avoid sins and follow the path of Hasanat is a way of Islam but its not complete religion, and this following of path of Good is not termed as Jihad anywhere in Quran or Hadith. Please do not call good deeds as Jihad as this is not what was the understanding of Sahaba (Rizwan ullahi Tala Ajmaieen) and this is not what is taught to us by Imam Malik, Shafi,Hamble,Hanifa and Ibne Taymiya Rehamullahi Tala Ajamieen, Our source of knowlege is Quran and Sunnah and we learn the relgion from our Salaf.
May Allah have mercy on this Ummah and help the ignorants to refrain from interpreting the relgion on their own will.
Walaykum Asalam.
I second him “Brother Al Khurasani on February 27th, 2009 at 9:38 am #”
Asalamu Aliakum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam , @shamil basebey , Jazakillah Khayr for that encouraging post sabhan Allah this is the Bushra that we love to hear, Masha’Allah the 17 year old girl attained so much in such a short period, what an honour for her and her fellow Shaheeds Allah Akbar . Allah swt) accept their sacrifice.
To All , no doubt tragadies like this and the one sister surat_an_nisa_74_100 posted are happening right now , although Im ashamed of the mothers decision and its totally unexceptable behaviour for a muslim mother, I would personally use what ever I could to destroy a evil man before he laid one finger on my child I too can’t understand how the father had no idea whats happening in his own house, its all strange , and without any Islamic Ghirah so I really can’t understand this particular post.
May Allah reform us so we are capable and wanting to sacrifice for the oppressed in our ummah who really have no other help but from Allah .
Here are some reasons for why this would be fabricated, and some evidences:
1) To mock Muslims and create a frenzy amongst us.
2) Some sort of diversion from the greater agenda behind this comment (which I have to spend some more time thinking through to get an understanding of)
1) The person’s English is like that of an older American’s, perhaps in his twenties or thirties.
2) Although the English is flawless (at least for a foreigner), they still felt the need to “authenticate” it by using abbau, ammi, and aapa.
This is usually done by someone who is fabricating a narration in order to make it look more realistic. But if it were really an Indian from Gujarat, who happened to be so eloquent in English, then the author would feel no need to use the words abbu, ammi, and aapa, seeing as a) this is a blog where the majority are not indians, and b) he would know the translation of the words into English.
3) The individual was 14 in 2002, he would be 21 now, and 19 in 2007. A twenty one year old Muslim male, with such an experience, admitting that he was silent about it until he was 19? When he finally pleaded with his father to move to Mumbai?
The tragedies our Muslim families in Gujarat faced are very realistic, and Allahu ‘Alam, but I am almost completely and utterly sure that a disgusting rat is the author of this fabrication, planning and plotting with ulterior motives.
La houla wala quwata illah billah, May Allah curse the oppressors and May Allah help Muslim Ummah rise again May Allah make us part of ending this kind of aggression. Aameen
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
@ @shamil basevey, jazakAllah for posting that heroic account of bravery. If a 14 year old can have the guts to perform jihad, what is holding grown men of this ummah back?
May Allah straighten the ummah of muhammed (saw)
May Allah keep all the mujahedeen in every land steadfast
@ Salaam there is no such thing as the best or safest way to reach Somalia. The only way that I know of and that a lot of people travel. Is to enter Somalia from the Kenyan border. It is worthwhile to check the Kenyan embassy website (of the country you live in). I would strongly advice you not to take a direct route to Kenya, it is better to take a transit route to Dubai first for example and from there you can buy your ticket to Kenya. Remember to prepare yourself (vaccination, hard currency only US dollars will do you good, etc.) and do not to tell anyone about your destination!! From Kenya you should travel close to the Kenyan-Somalia border. Travel to the South border, because you want to be in South Somalia. From there on you are in the Mercy of Allah, you should take a bus that will cross the border, there are possibilities that stuff might happen. You would be a lot better of if you travels with a Somalia national whom you trust because of the language. Pray to Allah that He makes a way out for you insha’Allah. There are a few more possibilities, but this is the best route to take in my opinion as it does not involve sea travel. At the end of the day you will have to take some risk in your travel, but a good preparation and a good cover story will help you a lot.
The Tears Of Today Will Be The Determination Of Tomorrow insha’Allah
Somali militant group triggers US terror concerns
Yahoo News, Thu Feb 26,
WASHINGTON – As people crowded into the capital for Barack Obama’s inaugural celebration, senior counterterrorism officials huddled in the White House situation room, frantically trying to unravel intelligence about a possible attack on Washington.
By Tuesday afternoon, as Obama took the oath of office, the threat of a terror plot by the Somalia-based al-Shabab organization had been debunked, but the flurry of activity underscored growing worries about this Islamic militant group.
“I think they are a serious problem, and I don’t think that we should be glib and take it lightly,” said Theresa Whelan, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for African Affairs. “Are they the ones that are going to plan the next major terrorist attack in the United States and carry it out? Probably not. But could they provide some of the foot soldiers for it? Yes.”
The State Department considers al-Shabab a terrorist organization with links to al-Qaida, something the group denies. Al-Shabab, which means “The Youth,” has been gaining ground as Somalia’s Western-backed government crumbles. The group’s goal is to establish an Islamic state in Somalia.
U.S. counterterrorism officials say they detect a disturbing pattern, one that mirrors al-Qaida methods and could spawn homegrown insurgents and suicide bombers in the U.S.
Associated Press Writer Devlin Barrett contributed to this report.
Read the full article on http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090226/ap_on_go_ot/terror_al_shabab
@ Salaam read the following article if it true insha’Allah your journey will be a lot easier
Salaam brothers and sisters if you are that aangry with the kuffar why dont you prepare yourself and most importantly send money to the mujahids
To sacrifice we must do so with our wealth [mal ] and our selves [nafs ] without doing that our ummah remains pretty much how it is , in a state of humiliation , Sabhan Allah , Allah has shown us the way All we have to do is follow it, Allah wants us to fight so we must fight ,if we claim to be the slaves if Allah
I just want to triple check, it IS permissible to disobey ones parents to go to Jihad if it’s fard-’ayn correct?
Heroes Of Islam
These great Islamic personalities are:
1) Abdullah Bin al-Mubarak (118AH – 181AH)
Shaykh Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (1361AH – 1409AH)
2) Al-Muzafar Saif ad-Din al-Qutuz (d.680AH)
3) Imam Abu Hanifa an-Nu’maan (80AH – 148AH)
4) Imam Malik Bin Anaas (93AH – 179)
5) Muhammad al-Fatih (858AH – 901AH)
6) Salahuddin Yusuf al-Ayyubi (558AH – 613AH)
7) Sayyid Qutb (1326AH – 1386AH)
9) Shaykh Tamim al-Adnani (1362 – 1408AH)
10) Shaykh Taqi ad-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah (683AH – 748AH)
Maktabah Sound Studio
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.
This is like a dream come true. Being from Pakistan myself and listening to Imam Anwar for years, I thought it would be a long time before we see Imam Anwar spreading over the paki mindedness. Alhamdulillah since the events are changing at such a fast pace, It was not a surprise to come to know about this event.
Many of us wondering why Imam Anwar is taking a stance among such deviants. I think first and for most we should trust our beloved Imam’s wisdom. Second, I think there are few reasons :
Dr. Israr is indeed against the jihad in Afghanistan but some of his lectures like tafseer of surah Asar etc are just wonderful. He knows the history of Pakistan like no other speaker I know of. Pakistanis in this day an age have some fundamental issues, one of them is identity crisis. They intend to take Pakistan as their religion instead of Islam. So what ever threatens Pakistani way of life has to be a Zionist issue, may it be Islam. and So Dr.Israr can do an excellent job on this subject. As long as he only sticks to this issue. bottom line would be that it is better to be Dr.Israr than a Pakistani.
Plz get a glimpse about Pakistani culture/religion at this blog.
ZZ Hamid is indeed an ISPR mouth piece who has played on the pakistani anti-american emotions. where Pakistanis in general are far away from religion they still hate America. plus because of the pakistani’s paki attitude, this conspirator has made them into believing that PTT is funded by RAW. All this is done to break the Mujahideen unity in Afghan Pak region. This stupid man will not talk about 80% of supplies going through pakistan. or pakistan’s 130,000 troops fighting across border against the Taliban. or how much the mujahideen have sacrificed cause of ISI. Yet he is able to deceive the public into thinking that the real jihad is in Afghanistan and not Pakistan.
BUT Alhmadulillah Alhamdulillah. All that is happening in Pakistan is for a reason. just have a look how arrogant he was about mumbai attacks at TV one. This program is in English.
and see how public went mad after him. So there’s a ZZ Hamid fever going on in Pakistan. After that Pakistan Govt had to accept the Pakistani individuals’ involvement. and its like a slap on Ziad’s face. and the whole country is dumb struck. Now at least they will be careful into believing in conspiracy theories.
Also before ZZ Hamid came on to Brass Tracks. People in Pakistan would consider every mujahid on the battle field as a terrorist and had nothing to do with Jihad. Now at least they consider or most of them consider jihad in Afghanistan as the real jihad.
We also see that it seems very strange about PTT. A group that was labelled as RAW agents by Ziad Hamid, to be implementing sharia.
Very soon we shall see his lies come out to the public.
Beloved Imam Anwar : well we see that people would come to listen to ZZ Hamid and Dr.Israr more than they would for Imam Anwar because of their popularity in Pakistan. and so why not speak in a bigger crowd *can anyone refute Imam Anwar easily?* I don’t think Imam Anwar would put him self in a situation with out knowing it, So Brothers RELAX inshaAllah.
I have heard our sheikh say a few beautiful things about Pakistani region. Allhamdulillah that has made me/us proud to be from Pakistan. Pakistan has given the most number of sacrifices for waging jihad fi sabilillah against the kuffar. Think about fighting against the British, then the Russians, then Americans. Also, almost every jihad today can be tracked back to Afghanistan/Pakistan region. This is a place of gems and jewels inshaAllah. I think Imam Anwar would consider on issues that concern Pakistani community the most, such as the importance of implementing Islamic Sharia. and the identity of a Muslim.and most importantly they need to know our history. LIFE OF SAHABA (ra). so they can evaluate their own way of life style with that of the Pakistani Culture.
Hope I made sense inshaAllah.
wassalam wr wabarakatuhu
wa ‘alaikam salaam wa rahmatAllah bm and Brother Al Khurasani.
Jazakham Allhu khayran for your comments.
Just to clarify some of what the faqir intended but was misunderstood or misstated.
Physical Jihad is clearly from our religion, no doubt, but its governed by laws as is all our acts.
Likewise the greater jihad is the struggle against the lower self. As the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said after a war that they had returned to the greater jihad. As for jihad as being doing hasanat it doesnt say that in our post, rather a struggle against sin (our lower selves/nafs).
The issue of emotion was meant that people seem to get emotional shout jihad and thats that- just words no direction or benefit merely venting of anger. Our acts must be to cling to the Quran and sunah. That requires as a prerequisite knowledge- not just having mouth and arguing. The Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, was asked to make dua against non believers and he said he was not sent to curse people.
As for our ignorance may Allah decrease it. But please remember we can differ on matters without it being enmity or a cause of accusations of ignorance to complete strangers. A huge barrier we face is we cry kitab and sunah yet no one wants to try for the sunahs of character- some scholars hold as the greatest miracle of the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam was his character. As an Ummah we need to develop beyond this wide-spread ‘MTV attitude’ that we have of bad adab to anyone who differs with us and the only way we can make ourselves feel good is by putting others down.
May Allah forgive our shortcomings if we speak incorrectly or from our egos. May He rectify us. May He grant us the noble death of martyrdom. May He grant us to see reality as it is and act accordingly. Ameen
In need of your prayers
wa afwan minkum
p.s. please lets not get into a tit for tat argument as most Muslims seem to.
Brothers and Sisters,
In the last few months I have grown very depressed.
Because I have air in my lungs and yet have never ran out of breath to help this ummah!
Because I have strength in my body and only use it to lift myself!
Because my eyes can see and yet I am blind!
Because my ears can hear but yet I am def!
Because my stomach is full but yet I am starving!
There is nobody to blame except myself and I am the only one who can change this (with the help of Allah).
Any moment now my soul could be taken and Allah will ask me how I stood by (during these events) and what will I say?
Any moment now Allah can open the door to hellfire in my grave!
Any moment now! Any moment now!
And yet I sit here!
Woe to me!
May Allah help me!
Salam Alaykum,
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Rabi Al-Awwal 2, 1430 H. / 27-02-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
3 supplying vehicles of American invaders destroyed in Paktia Friday afternoon 27-02-2008, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a supplying convoy of American invaders in Shabak Tanki area of Garda Chari district of Paktia province, in the ambush three enemy supplying vehicles were destroyed.
The investigation officer of Kabul intelligence service arrested in Kabul Thursday night Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan arrested the investigation chief of intelligence service in Kabul city. The investigation chief Qasim Khan resident of Pansher was arrested last night, Mujahideen later carried him to a safe place in Kabul city. The leadership council of Islamic Emirate will soon decide as to what should happen to him.
In an ambushed 2 tanks of American invaders destroyed Paktika Thursday noon 26-02-2009 at approximately 5 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of American invaders army in Ragha area of Barmal district of Paktika province, in the ambush two enemy tanks were destroyed and all the invaders terrorists in them were killed.
Puppet army check post attacked in Baghlan Thursday night 26-02-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a check post of puppet army in Chashanba Tapa area in near Baghlan city of Baghlan province, in the attack the check post was damaged but enemy casualties were not reported.
Puppet intelligence chief vehicle ambushed in Kunduz Thursday night 26-01-2009 at approximately 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a vehicle of puppet intelligence chief Abdul Rahaman Aqtash in Kunduz city of Kunduz province, in the ambush the vehicle was damaged, three puppets were killed, commander and three puppet policeman were wounded.
In 2 explosions 1 tank and 1 vehicle of Canadian invaders army destroyed in Kandahar Wednesday night 25-02-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up one tank and one vehicle of Canadian invaders army near Kandahar airport in Kandahar province where a large number of Canadian invaders live, in the blasts the tank and vehicle were destroyed and few invader terrorists were killed and others were wounded.
2 vehicles of puppet army destroyed and 7 terrorists killed in Kandahar Wednesday noon 25-02-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines which were place in a motorbike, the landmines destroyed two vehicles of puppet army in Hazrat Jai baba area of Kandahar city and killed seven puppet terrorists and wounded six.
In an explosion, 7 Puppet militia terrorists killed in Paktika Wednesday night 25-02-2009 at approximately 8 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of tribal militia in Yahia Khil district of Paktika province, in the explosion seven puppet militia and one commander were killed and few were wounded.
A tank of British invaders army blown up killing 6 terrorists in Helmand Wednesday morning 25-02-2009 at approximately 8:15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Naoroz area near the center of Grishk district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed six the invader terrorists.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to Theunjustmedia.com by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Ahad [author unknown]
Why shed these tears of sorrow?
Why shed these tears of grief?
Ya nafsy how soon you forget
After hardship comes sweet relief
Why turn you from Ar Rahman?
Why yearn for a listening friend ?
Ya nafsy, do you not remember
On Allah, you must depend
Read you not those stories,
of the trials in days gone by
Of the Sahabi beloved by Allah
Who for Allah’s cause did strive?
Why loosen your hold upon Him
Why fling away, His outstretched Hand?
Ya nafsy, do you not remember
Bilal’s sabr on the blazing sand?
Ahad! Ahad! He cried
While his flesh did drip and burn
Ahad! Ahad! He cried
To Allah alone he turned
Forget you the firmness of Hamza
As the gleaming swords did fall?
With sabr he turned to Allah
as the qureish did slice and maul
Why drown in salty teardrops?
How can you dare compare your pain?
To that of Yasir and Summayah
As they tortured on the scorching plain?
Forget you the charring of Khabbab
As on burning coals he lay?
Ya nafsy how meager is your suffering
Wherefore do you lose your way?
Why befriend you not Al Wali?
Why not in Salat to Him complain?
Like Ayyub who only to Allah
Turned in all his grief and pain
Forget you those trials in this life
Cleanse your heart and make it clean?
Ya nafsy, Why all this sadness?
Do you not wish your heart to gleam?
Be patient in all your hardships
Allah hears your cries of woe
So trust Him and His hikma
For He knows best and you don’t know
So tighten your hold upon him
Lest He withdraw His outstretched Hand
And remember the example of Bilal
As he lay anchored on the blazing sand
Ahad! Ahad! he cried
While his flesh did drip and burn
Ahad! Ahad! he cried
To Allah alone he turned
I cannot imaging the images that the writer saw. Abu’s statement says it best.
well said “Imam Anwar’s Event on February 27th, 2009 at 10:06 pm #”
but zz hamid must be exposed publicly
Speechless. May Allah extend his mercy to you and your family. May the wrath of Allah be upon those who did this.
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
There is only one answer to oppression Al-Jihad Al-Jihad. The emaan of the people is so weak in India that they don’t want to come out in numbers to raise their voices. Sheik can you please for the sake of Allah advice Indian Muslims what to do? What are the possible ways Muslims living in India can employ to come out of this oppression. Sheik I will be waiting for you response.
Some brother said Hijra is the right option. Is Pakistan ready to take in Muslims? It is easy to say that but Pakistanis themselves don’t want Shariah law in their country.
Sheik I need your advice for the sake of Allah please respond and specify the steps.
JazakAllah Khair,
Aslm alkm.
@ all, including myself and especially those who posted comments questionin the validity of the Indian’s statement.
Fear Allah, fear Allah,
The power of shuhuba (doubt), anybody who has iman has been affected by this story, his iman, thus increased. pleading to return back to Allah, the least, being to make dua for urself and for the brother’s family.
Nobody here can prove the invalidity of the Brother’s statement. So why dont you assume good of it as a good muslim (i.e true).
the power of shuhuba (doubt). Suspicion is haram in this din. If you have nothing good to say, keep silent (Hadith). But by posting commments doubting this, harms us, we who have benefited from this story.Giving us doubts sub-consciously. Then Imam Anwar wouldnt or shoudnt hav posted this in the first place……
Ibn Masud ra) said, I was a witness to something that Al Miqdad bin Al Aswad ra) did that I would like more than almost anything else to have been the one who did it. Al Miqdad came to the Prophets saws) while he was invoking Allah against the idolators and proclaimed, ” We will not say as the people of Musa said : So go you and your Lord and fight you two”
” Rather , we will fight to your right, to your left , before you and behind you ” I saw the Prophet’s saws) face beaming with pleasure because of what Al Miqdad said to him”
As soon as I finish I cried for this helplessness of this ummah of Muhammad,this ummah of Jihad.Where is the muslim armies to liberate the BILAD-AL-HIND, HIND was ruled by the hukm of Allah for 900 years.Where is the GUNNAH(The Shield) of the muslimeen.Where is the Mu’tasim where is the Khaleefatul muslemeen to protect the hounour of the mothers and sisters and daughters of this Ummah.
OH Allah Empower muslims with AL-KHILAFA A’la Minhajunnubbua to protect the hounour of the muslimeen and to raise the banner of JIHAD Fi Sabeelillah.Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
to get rid of smiley emoticon instead of #8 , you need to make extra space between number 8 and the bracket, like this
8 )
Assalam u alikum wr wb
Hope you are in the best of health. Brother i saw you are attending a conference based in Pakistan, Islamabad. Brother the Speaker there Called Zaid Hamid is an ISI mouth piece. He praised Musharaf and he was against Lal Masjid and how they were planning to bring on Sharia by saying they are now challeneging the Writ of the Kaffir Pakistani Govt. He is the same guy who speaks against Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan who want to establish Sharia and stop the American and Nato supplies from going to afghanistan inorder to kill our brothers. He sides with Taliban because they are with the state of Pakistan, but calls Baitullah Mehsud of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and Moulana Fazalullah of Swat as RAW agents..Brother these people are true Mujahideen, and if u know people in Pakistan who are true Muslims then they will tell u, these people are the best Mujahideen who are fighting the Murtad Pakistani Army inorder to defend the foreign Mujahideen brothers. Pakistani Govt wants to hand them over to the Kaffirs..to torture them. Brother My sincere Advise is you pull your name from the list of people who are speaking…because this will only give credibility to such people who are against anyone who fights Pakistan for establishing Sharia. Brother from what i know, you never compromise your Islam for anyone. This is why i deem it necesary for you to pull out your name from this conference. I dont want your name amongst the people who are against Mujahideen and their Activites. And i am ready to provide Video proof of Zaid Hamid regarding all the things i have said about him. one is in Urdu and other in english, so if you have someone who can translate it for you. In the mean time i want to show you, what his profile says, on his very own website
“BrassTacks is a private venture of mr. Zaid, and some close like-minded friends who all share the common cause of commitment and patriotism to Pakistan. BrassTacks accepts no funding from any outward source, and is not affiliated with any political party or institution. However, brasstacks maintains a friendly and advisory role to key institutions of Pakistan including the government of Pakistan, the foreign office, Pakistan army, and embassies of friendly Islamic countries.”
As you can see clearly he is a proponent of the mercenery Pakistani Army who has handed over thousands of Mujahideen to Americans and is still trying to capture and kill them. This is the same army which provided bases for Americans to bomb our Afghan Brothers, and is still providing route to 200 trucks which provide feul, weapons and food to the Americans and Nato daily.
IN this video he calls baitullah Mehsud an agent and Talks about how Mulla Dadullah(ar) was disowned by the Taliban and killed by them as well for fighting with the Pakistani Army. Where as we know this is not true and we have video of Shaikh Ayman and Shaikh Abu Yahya who praised him and they launched special videos on his Martyrdom. He uses english in the middle so hopefully you will have an idea about what he is talking about.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUSYr6uyS9Q part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yulb2QRN0Bc&feature=related part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SyTTk_s6XY&feature=related part 3
In this video he condemns Martyred Sisters of Jamia Hafsa for kidnapping chinese prostitutes who were in a massage parlour. They let them go unhurt after keeping them for 8 hours. He connects them to the abduction of chinese by other people including Abdullah Mehsud a Mujahid who kidnapped them to ransom his people from the Kaffir govt of Pakistan. Abdullah Mehsud is known amongst the Mujahideen a very brave person and all groups consider him a martyr. Even Shaikh Bin Laden mentioned his death in audio message after the Lal Masjid incident..here i would like to present you the video which has his picture in the left bottom of his message and commander Nek Muhammad Shaheed(ar) on the right bottom…Ghazi Rasheed on the top right and Nizamuddin Shamzai on the top left. Mr.Zaid Hamid also defends Pakistan and says they have crossed limits……where as we know…the Kaffir Pakistani govt demolished Mosques in Islamabad and Lal Masjid people took over a library to protest about it. Then they kidnapped a known Prostitute named Aunty Shamim who was a Shia(ithna Ashari 12er). She was involved in managing a brothel and was so powerful that not even the police could lay their hands over her. She was doing it openly, so she was kidnapped and released unhurt. And then the chinese Massage parlor prostitutes were kidnapped because these women were providing services to high class people openly. This video is in english, and you will clearly see this Pakistani Army agent speaking against Muslims.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peJhxCKTyvQ Part 1
Here is the video of Shaikh bin laden. you can do your own research on how abdullah mehsud looks like if u dont believe me.
Brother….your participation in this conference will only lend a helping hand of credibility to people like Zaid Hamid who are ISI agents and bring Pakistan over Islam…hate the mujahideen who are fighting the mecenery Pakistani force for protecting Islam and Mujahideen. Brother please withdraw your name from this conference.
Hope my words convince you of the truth.
Wa Salam
Naeem Muhammad Khan
your brother in Islam
Who knows how many countless number of Muslims are facing this reality everyday. May Allah protect this ummah and make us Muslims, the true mujahid to the words and actions. Inshaallah.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Rabi Al-Awwal 3, 1430 H. / 28-02-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
Attacked a supplying convoy of American invaders army in Kandahar Saturday night 28-02-2009 at approximately 9:17 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked an American supplying convoy, traveling in Khaki Chopan area of Maewand district of Kandahar Province. According to report, Mujahideen burnt-out one vehicle of the enemy and all the puppet security police guards were killed few or wounded. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties and all Mujahideen involved in the ambush returned safely to their posts after the attack.
5 American invaders army terrorists killed and a tank destroyed in an ambush in Zabul Friday afternoon 27-02-2009 at approximately 4:45 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of American invaders army in Grani area of Shahrispa district of Zabul province, in the ambush one enemy tank was destroyed and five invaders in it were killed.
1 tank of Australian invaders army blown up in Uruzgan Friday afternoon 27-02-2009 at approximately 4:06 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Australian invaders army in Sarab area of Charchino district of Uruzgan province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
2 puppet army terrorists killed and a check post demolished in Nemroz Friday evening 27-02-2009 at approximately 6:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a puppet army check post in Baghpol area of Zarang city of Nemroz province, in the attack two puppet army terrorists were killed, other fled from the area, the check post was demolished and all the weapons in it were Mujahideen’s booty.
6 puppet army terrorists killed and a vehicle destroyed in Paktika Saturday morning 28-02-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Kotani area of Sarwza district of Paktika province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and six puppet terrorists in it were killed.
4 puppet policemen surrender in Helmand Friday night 27-02-2009, four policemen of puppet administration surrender to Mujahideen in center of Sangin district of Helmand province, a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to Theunjustmedia.com by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
i have to agree with brother tariq. it is very sad indeed that there are such comments. may Allah swt protect the oppressed.
@um ummar -jazakillahu khaira for that reminder. – i especially like this part
Be patient in all your hardships
Allah hears your cries of woe
So trust Him and His hikma
For He knows best and you don’t know
So tighten your hold upon him”
@adm. – we are having problems reading and posting the comments over here. i dont know if im the only one who is going through this, but it cuts half-way. it seems as though someone is trying to hack in wa Allahu alaam.
for them is waiting a torment from the Most High like no other…JAHANAM…forever
As-salamu alaykum
im not the first to say this but does this story feel real to anyone except the first knee-jerk reaction that we seem to have lets look deeper into this story.
Why did the mother agree to such a vile act and then allow the daughter to get involved the onus in this situation is on the mother.
Can lack of worldly knowledge be a real excuse surely the mother at least understood that what they are doing is rape.
Now the boy 14 is young but not that young that he could’nt do anything about it even the most vile of people would die defending that people they love.
The next thing i want to talk about is the graphic detail in which he told the story was it really necessary
to tell us certain details i felt sick in my stomach when i read that bit, words like “sexual perversion & orgies that continued in our home”
this ordeal continued for 3 hours then for another 15 days what was going on!!! come on it makes no sense.
Imam anwar i know you said that you are going to remain silent about this but please break that silence and shed some light on this because as always i hold your opinion in very high esteem.
If i am wrong about this then i ask allah to forgive me and to give me the strength to rain down a tiny fraction of the wrath of allah upon them.
Mujahideen of the Ingush Sector have issued a statement regarding firefight and explosion in Nazran on 12 February. According to official Russian sources, three Mujahideen were martyred and four Russian OMON police were killed. Unofficial Russian reports put police death toll at 15.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Who sent down Koran as the guidance, exhortation and reminder to believers, and created us Muslims and did is a great favor with Jihad on His straight path.
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Commander of Mujahideen, Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions and all those who followed him till the Day of Judgment. To proceed:
12 February in the morning, commander Hasan and four Mujahideen, including a 14-year-old youth and a woman, engaged disbelievers who had surrounded them. Judging by the number of the disbelievers and participation of GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) and FSB (Federal Security Service) Special Forces in the assault, it can be concluded that it was not an incidental identification check, but a planned and prepared operation.
By the grace of Allah, the disbelievers were not able to take the Mujahideen by surprise, and it happened that the brothers met the arriving Special Forces with grenade launcher shots. During the first minutes of the firefight our brothers hit two APCs (armored personnel carriers), an armored URAL truck and a GAZEL truck. The firefight was very intense, resulting in killing of five-six disbelievers and injury of many others.
Eyewitnesses who heard Special Forces talking with each other, quote words of the disbelievers about some teenage boy who, despite that the house came under massive fire, “rained bullets” from the second floor, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and “La ilaha illa Allah!”. Shortly after, the second floor caught fire.
Around one and a half hour after the firefight began, Mujahideen, part of whom at that time were possibly wounded or killed, allowed assaulting groups to approach close to the house and detonated one of their barrels filled with an explosive mixture. The brothers had a capability to detonate all five 200-liter barrels, but in order to avoid casualties among peaceful residents and more serious destructions, they took a decision not to do it.
The explosion was so powerful that residents of Nazran districts that are distant from the gunbattle location thought that an earthquake had happened. Several minutes after the explosion, when the smoke and dust had cleared, a picture appeared that could shock anyone. The whole street was littered by fragments of bodies of disbelievers from GRU and FSB, blown off heads, arms, legs, many were torn to pieces. Body parts were visible sticking out from under concrete blocks and pieces of brick wall. Wounded and blooded disbelievers were dashing around hysterically, crying, yelling and cursing those who brought them to this “Hell”. In shock, they hid in neighboring courtyards and refused to allow to approach even emergency doctors, whose vehicles filled nearby streets.
For two or three hours doctors and EMERCOM employees evacuated killed and wounded, collected remains, scraped off GRU and FSB members from Nazran streets. Emergency vehicles made several trips each.
More than seven armored vehicles were used in this gunbattle, more than 200 special forces from various security services took part, of whom around 30 were eliminated and no less than 50 disbelievers were wounded as a result of gunfire and the explosion.
Unfortunately, three residents of the Wilayah were also wounded, and several neighboring houses were destroyed.
That day was martyred, inshaAllah, commander of the group Khasan Mutaliyev, well-known, respected and beloved by brothers. Since the days when Allah opened his heart and settled firm Faith in it, he did not stop to strive on Allah’s path, he sought knowledge and participated in Jihad. He was brave, audacious, courageous, and at the same time kind, modest and responsive, which gained him respect among Mujahideen.
Along with Khasan, a Russian brother and the 14-year-old Ingush boy were martyred, inshaAllah. They participated in fighting in the territory of Province Ghalghaycho and showed themselves to be the best. Also in this gunbattle, Allah granted His mercy to a married couple, husband and 17-year-old wife, both Abazins. After entering Islam, she constantly asked Allah to help her to join Jihad, and Allah answered her prayers. She met a good Muslim man, married him a month ago, and together they joined the Mujahideen.
Muslims always win, because Allah grants victory and honor on land, or the eternal Paradise in the Hereafter. Our killed are in Paradise, while disbelievers will be in the Hellfire.
“Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.
They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve.
They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers.
Those who answered Allah and the Messenger after being wounded; for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward.
Those (i. e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, “Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.” But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”
So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.”
(Surat Al Imran, 3:169-174).
O Allah, give strength and patience to relatives and loved ones of the Martyrs, grant them Your mercy, move grief away from them.
“Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and make us victorious over the disbelieving people.”
(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:250).
Informational-analytical department of the headquarters of the Ingush Sector of the Caucasian Front of the Armed Forces of the Caucasus Emirate
PC-Some russian terrorist names who been send to hell in that day.
From the file of the Department of Internal Affairs of Murmansk area:
1-Koltsov Andrey Vladimirovich was born on January, 8th, 1974 in the item Oaklets of Kiziljurtovsky area Dagestan АССР. After service in Armed forces in 1995 has arrived on service in jewish-russian law-enforcement bodies. More than 13 years served in one of specialised divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs – ОМСН (group of militia of a special purpose, earlier – СОБР). He WAS married, and he have son of 8 years. Repeatedly with 1996 for 2008 took part in terrorism operations in the Caucasus Emirate. He is awarded by the state awards: two medals “For courage”, a medal “For merits before Fatherland” 2nd degrees, a medal “For difference in public order “protection”. On October, 9th, 2008 as a part of summary group of militia the lieutenant colonel of militia Koltsov Andrey Vladimirovich, the chief of 2nd fighting branch OMSN of KM of the Department of Internal Affairs has been directed to the next official journey to Republic Ingushetia,where mujahedin send hem to the hell.
2- Rjabenkov Alexander Stanislavovich was born on March, 17th, 1970 in Kuibyshev. After service in Armed forces in 1991 has arrived on service in jewish-russian law-enforcement bodies. Served in various front divisions of terrorist law-enforcement bodies of Murmansk area, since 2000 – in ОМСН (group of militia of a special purpose, earlier – СОБР). Brought up two daughters of 1995 of the river and 2008 of the river Repeatedly took part in terrorist operations in the North Caucasian region. He is awarded by the state award a medal “For difference in public order protection. On October, 9th, 2008 the major of militia Rjabenkov Alexander Stanislavovich, senior 2nd fighting branch OMSN of KM of the Department of Internal Affairs has been directed to the next official terorism journey to Republic Ingushetia Caucasus Emirate,where mujahedin send hem to the hell.
3-A raven Andrey Petrovich was born on July, 26th, 1979 in Murmansk. After service in Armed forces in 2001 has arrived on service in jewish-russian law-enforcement bodies. Served as a part of divisions of OMON and ОМСН KM of the Department of Internal Affairs. Brought up the daughter of 2006 of the river Repeatedly took part in terrorist operations in the Caucasus Emirate. On October, 9th, 2008 the senior lieutenant of militia of the Raven Andrey Petrovich, 2nd fighting branch OMSN of KM of the Department of Internal Affairs has been directed to the next official terrorist journey to Republic Ingushetia,where mujahedin send hem to the hell.
Salam Alaikum to all,
has anyone got todays Sheikh Anwar Al Awlakis lecture in mp3 or any link to download
Your chance to ask a question(s) to the Ameer of Shabab al-Mujahideen!
The following is taken from Al-Shabab’s website:
Go this link and you can ask your Question Insha’Allah :
February 25, 2009 – ilaa iyo (untill) – March 6, 2009
The Media Department of the Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen Movement is pleased to announce to the entire Muslim nation a golden opportunity over the next 9 days. Ask your question and it will be answered Insha’Allah by the
Amir of Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen, Shaikh Mukhtar Abdul Rahman Abu Zubayr, may Allah protect him.
This opportunity starts today, Wednesday 29/2/1430 Hijra corresponding with February 25, 2009, and goes on for approximately 9 days ending next Friday, 8/3/1430 Hijra corresponding with March 6, 2009.
Partial Translation of Al-Shabab’s, “An open letter to the nation and the Islamic scholars”
February 28, 2009
The following is a partial translation of Shaykh Abu Salman Hasaan Husayn Adam’s book regarding the Jihad in Somalia and recent events surrounding it such as Sheikh Sharif’s take over of Somalia:
“The Somali nation has gone through very serious stages and it has taken a turn for the worse in recent days. This time, the nation is being led by the Islamists in the name of national reconciliation and to save the nation from the current crisis.
“It became a necessary duty on the scholars to advise. Based on this, we will look at the Djibouti faction that is allied with the apostate government and the events from a Shari`ah position. What made me do this is that, following the magnitude of horror and length of time and despite the severity of the need, I did not find anyone looking into the case, comprehending its direction, looking into its crisis from a Shari`ah perspective, and revealing to those who want it the truth through evidence, in order to clear the path. This is except for press articles that only mislead the nation.
“Defeat and submission comes in two types: one is intellectual defeat; meanwhile, the other is political defeat. The most serious type of defeat that morally affects societies is psychological defeat, which is the waiving and abandonment of basic principles and the fixed origins of the communities that have done everything to defend it. As for a military defeat, one day you win a battle and another you lose; this is the nature of the conflict, even in the wars of the prophets and Muslims. A Muslim defeat in a military battle is not humiliating, but the overwhelming and most severe blow is for them to give up their religion and their fundamental rights. It is not a surprise that the mujahidin might be defeated by an enormous military force because of the difference in the number of military personnel and equipment, but we find no justification to abandon the right of jihad and steadfastness and the rejection of the blasphemous principles. I am not surprised that the Djibouti faction has abandoned the Asmara Alliance and its fundamental principles of Islam.
“It has become apparent to the Somalis, in particular through many pieces of evidence, that the previous government of ‘Abdullah Yusuf was a puppet apostate government. Now, let me state my position about the new government that is recognized internationally by the journalists and those hungry for any system in Somalia, even if it is tyrannical.
“Let us assume that this government is Islamic, but it is not legitimate because of the lack of conditions for his assumption of the imamate or presidency. Every Somali knows that Sharif Shaykh Ahmad is the head of the government that was elected by the men of the apostate government and instigated by the atheist United Nations and the new members of parliament. No president of the country can arise in this manner, even if he and his people are innocent of non-belief.
“Legitimate ways to appoint an imam: there are three ways to be an imam of the Sunni people.
“First, appointment of the imam by influential people (an adult Muslim male who is sane, free, just, and knowledgeable, has an opinion and is wise).
“Second, appointment through the caliphate and promise method. Did our alleged president come to power through the promise and appointment by a former Muslim imam caliphate? Everyone knows the answer.
“Third, the oppression and dominance method, which is not a legitimate method of the Sunnis, but was approved when in need and to stop the bloodshed. The doctrine states that the imamate is for the one who has dominance over the people, sits on the throne through dominance, and should lead them with what the Qur’an and Sunnah of the prophet states.
“First: Was Sharif Shaykh Ahmad a dominant ruler who oppressed the subjects and the country so that he can be obeyed and recognized according to what is in the Book and the Sunnah, or is the opposite correct? He is constrained and overwhelmed. At best, this government is not a legitimate government that the Somalis must recognize and obey like an imam or a president of a country based upon the rules of the Sunni people that are derived from the Qur’an, the Sunnah of his messenger, and the consensus of the companions.
“Second: I have no doubts that it is an apostate government like its predecessor. A Muslim who has some knowledge of his religion knows that the government of Sharif and his group is an apostate government like the governments of ‘Abdullahi Yusuf and ‘Ali Muhammad Gedi. This is because of the evidence I mentioned previously and other evidence I did not mention.
“In conclusion, I have no doubt, and no Muslim should doubt especially the scholars, that this new government is an apostate government if it does not repent to Allah correctly. Before that, the Muslims in general, and the Somalis in particular, must conduct jihad against this government as they did against its predecessor. The Muslim jihadist Somali people must not be tempted by the inept political messages or unintelligent bright slogans. They should rely on Allah and continue their jihad in defense of the religion, Islam, and Muslims. Success is through Almighty Allah.”
Taken from: The Ignored Puzzle Pieces Of Knowledge
yeah, been having problems getting onto this site here. some days it is blocked, other days is shows as an error.
Abu Muhammad bro, was the lecture the State of the Ummah recorded? If so, please post it, I missed it….
BaarakAllahu feek.
La hawla wala quwata ila billah!
thats just sad get rid os muslim leaders now, subhan-Allah
this has to stop, moneky worshipers
audhubillah we shall no longer let this happens
assalamu alaykum
im speechless..yet not surprised… but did i misunderstand the brother or does’nt he write that his mother made an agreement to these things in exchange of her husband getting out of jail?.. i’m not english so maybe i did’nt get it right.. im a bit comfused.. may allah lighten your burden and forgive you your sins
“Since my abbu didn’t know of the agreement my ammi made with the cops, she couldn’t complain to him, also she feared the cops might be helping our neighbors.”
this is the qoute that confused me?
how can one send money to the mujahids?
I read the post by Brother Naeem Mohammad Khan. It is eye opener for lots of Brothers who fall into the trap of “invitation” by agents in guise of attending forums. Few years back Imran Khan was visiting India and was on the same platform sitting with Mass murderer and criminal Modi of Gujarat that resulted in rape, burning, mutilation ad killing of thousands of sisters and also led to the incident reported in this letter of 14 year old whose Mother and Sister were raped. When I wrote to Imran supporters about that event with Modi, they replied that he “did not know” about Modi’s presense and defended Imran’s actions. Imran Khan also visited Chechnya few years back and was guest of the “puppet” leader Ramzan Kadirov. How can he visit Chechnya at a time when genocide is underway? It is the duty of so called Muslim leaders and Scholars to be aware of the agenda and make sure that it does not have agents as reported by Brother Naeem. They will all be questioned by Allah SBT for sharing the venue and platform by known enemies of Islam. I am sure no one can defend that saying it was for purpose of ” Dawah”.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
i am having the same problem as sister surat_an_nisa_74_100 in accessing the comments. something is not quite right with the site for past couple of days.
may Allah protect this site from all fitnah and harms Ameen.
below is something i would like to share with you from my inbox, so we can all sharpen our Firasah inshaAllah.
Firasah is a sense of visual acumen, perception and insight.The firasah is a light which Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala, deposits in the heart of His servant. By this light, His servant distinguishes between truth and falsehood and between right and wrong.
The reality of firasah is a sharp thought that enters the heart and dominates its opinion. It overwhelms the heart just as the lion does to its pray, fareesah. Note the similarity between firasah and fareesah in Arabic. However, in their linguistic forms, fareesah is an object whereas firasah is similar in form to wilayah (authority and power), imarah (authority and command) and siyasah (administration and leadership).
The strength of firasah is dependent on the strength of faith. A person with stronger faith has sharper firasah. Amr bin Nujaid used to say that whoever lowers his gaze away from prohibitions, restrains himself from vain desires, constructs his interior according to muraqabah (knowledge that Allah is watching over us), his exterior according to the Sunnah, and accustoms himself to eat only halal, his firasah will never be wrong.
Firasah is linked to three human organs: the eye, ear and heart. His eye examines the look and the signs, his ear examines the speech, the over expressions, oblique inferences and hints, content, logic and tone of voice. And his heart analyzes both what is seen and heard to perceive hidden thoughts of others. His analysis and examination of the interior compared to the exterior is like one who examines currency to see if it is counterfeit after examining the outside. It is also similar to Ahlul-Hadeeth (scholars who specialize in the knowledge of the hadeeth), who will read a hadeeth that has a sound isnad (chain of narrators) but upon examination of the matn (text of the hadeeth), it is found that it is a fabricated hadeeth.
There are two factors in firasah. One is the quality of one’s mind, the sharpness of the heart and the intelligence. The second is the appearance of the signs and indications on others. When both factors are present then one’s firasah may not be wrong.
Compiled From:
Madarij As-Salikeen, “The Station of Firasah” – Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah, Translated by Yahya
may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
“AbdAllah ibn Abdillah on February 28th, 2009 at 2:18 am #
wa ‘alaikam salaam wa rahmatAllah bm and Brother Al Khurasani.
Jazakham Allhu khayran for your comments.
Just to clarify some of what the faqir intended but was misunderstood or misstated.
Physical Jihad is clearly from our religion, no doubt, but its governed by laws as is all our acts.
Likewise the greater jihad is the struggle against the lower self. As the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said after a war that they had returned to the greater jihad. As for jihad as being doing hasanat it doesnt say that in our post, rather a struggle against sin (our lower selves/nafs).
The issue of emotion was meant that people seem to get emotional shout jihad and thats that- just words no direction or benefit merely venting of anger. Our acts must be to cling to the Quran and sunah. That requires as a prerequisite knowledge- not just having mouth and arguing. The Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, was asked to make dua against non believers and he said he was not sent to curse people.
As for our ignorance may Allah decrease it. But please remember we can differ on matters without it being enmity or a cause of accusations of ignorance to complete strangers. A huge barrier we face is we cry kitab and sunah yet no one wants to try for the sunahs of character- some scholars hold as the greatest miracle of the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam was his character. As an Ummah we need to develop beyond this wide-spread ‘MTV attitude’ that we have of bad adab to anyone who differs with us and the only way we can make ourselves feel good is by putting others down.
May Allah forgive our shortcomings if we speak incorrectly or from our egos. May He rectify us. May He grant us the noble death of martyrdom. May He grant us to see reality as it is and act accordingly. Ameen
In need of your prayers
wa afwan minkum
p.s. please lets not get into a tit for tat argument as most Muslims seem to.”
*****this touched my heart brother, May Allah give you Jazaekhair. Aameen and Aameen to all your Dua’s.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam. Sabhan Allah just from a couple of post here we can see the results of the patience and perseverance of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and the Caucasus region. Slowly but shurely the enermies of Allah are being widdled away and sent to Hell Alhumduillah is not the promise of Allah swt) true ?
And is this way of life the most honourable way to live and die!
imagine what would happen if they, the Mujahideen had more man power
Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give victory over them and heal the breasts of the believing people ] At Tauba 14
Allahs Messenger saws) said during one battle
” O Allah! Revealer of the Holy book, Mover of the clouds, and Defeater of the Confederates, defeat them and grant us victory over them .” Amin
So Muhmin
@ Surat_an_nisa Ive been having the same problem , Khayr insha”Allah,
muslims everywhere are under humiliation.
In the caucus watch this
Rising Tension in Ingushetia – Russia
in the India, Philippine, Thailand, Ogaden-Ethiopia, Indonesia, Algeria. and so on and so on.
As salaam alaykum,
Where can I find brother anwar’s lecture that was given yesterday?
@ Abu Hassan Jazakillah Khayr for your posts, this is a good opportunity for all of us Alhumduillah @ Musa whats the jewish russain law enforcement bodies ] are the dead heading for hell soldiers russain jews or is their a joint israel & russain force?
O imam Anwar! May Allah remove from you burdens of the day of Qiymah.
You have indeed remove a some of the burden of A Muslim to let the ummah cry for honour. Indeed his silence must have been killing him every day a thousand deaths. But Inshah Allah the Muslim whos heart burns with the zeal of tawheed with live with honour. If he submits to Allah and work for the ulimate solution a global state jihad against the mushrikeen. When the entire islamic armies will be mobalised on the cry of one of our mother or sisters.
O Muwahideen the monkey worshippers, but be dealt with the way muhammad ibn qasim (rh) dealt with them.
It is your rulers that must be removed.. for they are the one making it easy for the crusaders and monkey workshipers to kill and rape the muslims and insult their honour of the muslims.
If the Muahideen wishes to be a shoulder for this brother.. then invite the ummah till they meet their lord to the correct and pure meaning of al wala wal bara.. Had the ummah understood this we would not be in this state..
O Ummah of Pakistan and the future carriers of the black banners from Khursaan peace be upon you.. Do not let the apostate rulers influence your daughter to be easy preys for them with their bollywood culture. Mushraf and his followers and the apostate regime are deliberatly flooding pakistan with mushrik culture.
SO work And work hard to liberate pakistan from the apostate.. Wala he is pakistan is liberated.. Afghanistan will fall and then you will have the fall of uzbekistan then kazikistan and then the kaukaz regime .. then carry the black banner to the monkey worshipers and punish the criminals…
I had read a long time ago how the muslims reached the ports of karachi..
When one of the muslims heard the mushriks had taken pieces of the uzza lat and manat to worship their. He prepared an Army. When they had taken the city it mushrik temples were made of solid gold and the ummah took it as ganeema…..
O ummah of Pakistan Nabi (saw) said “i feel a cool breeze coming from al hind”..
WIll you be th cool breeze calling for the khilafah and jihad or will you be the foul smell of democractic shirk and shirk of the mushrikeen.
O ummah your solution to reverse the situation is dawah. Jihad and khilafah.
A movie of the after math of karbala. when the women on nabi (saw) family were arrested and their men made shaheed. How the true muslim never submitted their neck esp. Zainab Bint Ali (ra).
I read in the poetry of Allam Iqbal (rh).When a women asked zainab (ra) were did u make the first reminder of Imam Hussain (ra) struggle against tryant rulers..she replied crying ” Pathrow ke barish may thee majlis hussain ke, pathrow ke barish may thee majlis Hussain ke. Jab Shamee’O ne chadar lut laye gazi ke behen ke.. Wo thee mayree pelee majlis .. aaj mayree aahkree heh”.
The english remove the emotions from the statement “in a rain of stones was the first majlis of Hussain. In a rain of stone was the fist majlis of Hussain reminder (i.e when ibn ziyad ordered the ahle kufa to throw stones on the women when their hijabs were removed of the women of ahle Bait). That was my first today (on my death bed ) is the last”.
why have we handed the perfect example of fight the rulers to the shia we (ahle sunnah wal jamah) are the true follower of the ahle bait against the tyrants like Yazid and apostate like al saud and bhuto clan”
After the battle of karbala
As salaamu alaikum
For some time now I have been thinking about the challenges facing the Muslim world. In fact I think the word “challenges” actually does not do justice to what we are going through, but I do not want to get overly emotional but analyse events and plan for the better future of our ummah. After much pondering, I have come to the conclusion that the root of the mess that we find ourselves in, at a practical level, is because of the kuffar. Yes we are not as united as we should be. Yes we commit sins and really should not. However, really, if the kuffar left us to ourselves, I really believe that we are a sincere ummah who would recover from the disunity (atleast to some extent) and do away with the vices in our society. therefore, I think the problem is the kaafir interference. Therefore, I feel it is important to begin to think about getting rid of this influence by any means necessary, even if it means targeted killings of the Kaafir leaders in the west or the east. Indeed we hate the inaction and the collusion of the “muslim” leaders. However, if we begin to eliminate the leaders of the west then these lame excuses for muslim “leaders” will not have a leg to stand on and would ultimately crumble, paving the way for a sincere govt based on the ideals of the Quran and Sunnah. To summarise, begin to target the western leaders who are sowing discord in the muslim lands by using targeted killings. This will require planning. But this way we will avoid killing others (collateral damage), thus avoiding unnecessary bad press. May Allah help us to think seriously about what we are going through and guide us to the straight path and make us of the shuhadah
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh shaykh,
If this happened in a land ruled by non muslims as has taken place what is the correct procedure of getting justice? Do you have to let the law of the land deal with it or are you allowed to deal with the matter yourself?
@ sister Lubna Jazakillah Khayr for the site [ The station of Firasah ]looks like an interesting read.@Amiir Jazakillah Khayr too , may Allah strengthen our hearts to cope with whats ahead for all of us, Allahs preparing our children for the battles ahead May Allah have mercy on us all.
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
subhanAllah i have also been having the same problems accessing this site, and i thought i was the only because i could see the changes in the numbers of comments but couldn’t read as it would show as error page
@ admin what’s going on. Is there anything we can do to stop this happening please advise us inshAllah. May Allah reward you
Link to download yesterdays lecture by Imam Anwar:
Asalaamu Alykum,
Oppression against Muslims is widespread in all corners of this world. Walaahi we will be orphans and in humiliation till we come back to the Quran and Sunnah. This reminds me when the Ethiopians invaded Somalia and took control all the major cities of the country. One day, they attacked Tabliiq Mosque in Mogadishu and as it has been reported, they ’slaughtered’ or decapitated 25 ulumaas (imaams) just on the pretext of the mosque being a safe heaven for Alshabaab. All these sorts of killings, torture and humiliation are widespread and insha allah, one day, “…Allah will bring a people whom He loveth and who love Him, humble toward believers, stern toward disbelievers, striving in the way of Allah, and fearing not the blame of any blamer…” (Q 5:54). To my brother, alhamdulilaah, may Allah protect you and us from the ills of the disbelievers.
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum, wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh,
Brother Tariq said:
“Aslm alkm.
@ all, including myself and especially those who posted comments questionin the validity of the Indian’s statement.
Fear Allah, fear Allah,
The power of shuhuba (doubt), anybody who has iman has been affected by this story, his iman, thus increased. pleading to return back to Allah, the least, being to make dua for urself and for the brother’s family.
Nobody here can prove the invalidity of the Brother’s statement. So why dont you assume good of it as a good muslim (i.e true).
the power of shuhuba (doubt). Suspicion is haram in this din. If you have nothing good to say, keep silent (Hadith). But by posting commments doubting this, harms us, we who have benefited from this story.Giving us doubts sub-consciously. Then Imam Anwar wouldnt or shoudnt hav posted this in the first place……”
I agree, and am embarrassed to have suspected that it was a fabrication, and Allahu ‘Alam. Astaghfirullah for having let my emotions take over my consciousness and written such suspicious thoughts. Indeed suspicion is haraam, how can any of us be so sure of the Ghaib? Allah knows only besides the individuals involved first hand in the matter regarded. So may Allah forgive any of us for having led to suspecting things when there is little to no harm that could have been derived from the narration.
In fact, we should rather be inspired by the story in a positive way, and encourage others to take it as a motivation rather than a let down.
Jazakullah khair,
Wa’Alaykum As-Salaam
As salaam alaykum to all,
below I will attempt to clarify what I’ve said and my reasons for having said so.
Specifically these will answer brother Tariq’s comment…
@ Tariq:
I’ll put up the facts as straight forward as I can.
The story:
“All you have here is a “mother” who gave up her honor and her daughter honor to free her husband.
Then you have a “son” who does not have the guts do anything for 7 years, except post a comment…”
And then you expect me to somehow take pity on them because THEY ALLOWED the Hindu kafirs to take advantage of them?
But lets assume for a second, I want to believe what everything this person has said is 100% true.
BUT, Allah(subhan wa tallah) commands me to verify the statements of a fasiq(weak) Muslim.
And I know that atleast 5 out of 10 people in India who claim to be “Muslims” are infact pagans because they worship graves and “muslim saints”.
That means that if you get any “Muslim” from India telling you, so and so happened.
It is your duty to verify his/her statement.
So Tariq, are you trying to veto the words of Allah(subhan wa tallah)??
Next I’m not really trying to “prove” that this person’s statement is fabricated BUT I just trying to know the facts. Since it’s my individual duty as a Muslim to NOT be a blind follower.
Imam Anwar probably made his ijtihad, therefore insha’Allah he’ll get one reward even his this story is false.
But Imam Anwar does not know the ground reality in India and remember we only take everything what Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) has said, while from others we take some and we leave some.
So when ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdu al-Azeez invaded Rum, because one person told him that one Muslim was being tortured there, was he in error?
The only evidence he had was the word of someone he trusted. Do you accuse Brother Anwar of taking information he does not know the source of?
Furthermore, he also posted it on the authority of someone else, and did not say the story was authentic. However, if he wanted to he could simply google the word “Gujarat” and provide you with 100 different stories from India that are just as bad.
Even if this particular incident is not true, or exaggerated it is not as bad as what is common in that region. The purpose is not to provide a cold hard fact, but to paint a picture of what goes on in the region. Also, why are you so quick to doubt the word of a Muslim?
@Zakariya, Was it Umar ibn Abdul Azeez? If I am not mistaken it was one of the last Abbasid Khalifa Mutasim Billah few hundred years after Umar ibn Abdul Azeez. Are you refering to the call of a Muslim woman who said ” Ya Mutasim” when humiliated by a Roman soldier? Although it was nominal Khilafa it was the force that held sway over much of the ‘civilized’ world. No one dare not insult any Muslim man or woman even in the outer fringes of the vast caliphate.
there are such things that truely happen. i can only imagine this brother reading this and being dissapointed in some of the comments. it is very hurtful when you say something and someone else doubts what you said. just make dua for them all who go through this evil. i saw one story that happened in iraq sort of similar to this one. may Allah swt strengthen our weak and aid them. be sensitive to our people because if it wasnt for such stories many would never know the true horrors of what is going on in the ummah. i hate those criminals fisabilillah and for sure the dua of the oppressed is answered. those shayateen will get it one day.
Re: Shaykh Anwar Awlaki’s Program in Pakistan with Zaid Hamid (or Zaid Zaman)
I was a fan of Zaid Hamid but I recently discovered that Zaid Hamid is actually Zaid Zaman who did Bayah to a false prophet Yusuf Khazzab and Yusuf Khazzab in turn appointed him his Khaleefa and called him equivalent to Sayydina Au-Bakr…
Zaid Zaman also had connections with Multani who is seriously into Wahdatul-Wujood & Kuf’r. I originally dismissed all of this as propaganda but then I went back and rewatched all the youtube videos of now reincarnated as Zaid Hamid and noticed some disturbing patterns around his programs. His program (Brasstacks )is a paid advertisement and that also I didn’t know. Brothers from Afghan Jihad who knew Zaid Zaman have publicly asked Zaid Hamid (aka Zaid Zaman) to denounce Yusuf Khazzab & Multani but the only statement he has made is that during his youth he frequented a lot of people, including Sufees but he has not addressed the specific allegations. There is little doubt from books and tapes that Zaid Hamid (aka Zaid Zaman) had affiliations with Yusuf Kazzab and it is probable that Shaykh Anwar Awlaki is unaware of all of these internal (Pakistani) developments, perhaps IF Shaykh Anwar Awlaki gets in touch with Brothers engaged in Jihad or veterans from Afghan Jihad they would update him on Zaid Hamid (aka Zaid Zaman) .
There is enough evidence to stain the character of Zaid Hamid (aka Zaid Zaman) and there is a huge question mark on his past, what his current Manhaj or strategy is only Allah knows.
subhanallah, i want to rip these mens hearts out and feed it to the dogs, filthy dicusting vile atroshus men may allah destroy them and their familys ameen i would remember each one of their faces and would not rest until i slay them, may allah guide all the ummah and make us strong in his path ameen.
Who was the person who told that to Umar ibn Abdul Azeez?
Was he a fasiq?
The answer this is no, since we are to assume that Umar ibn Abdul Azeez wouldn’t trust a fasiq messenger.
Are you comparing this person to Umar’s messenger who couldn’t bear to see the pain of ONE revert and convince Umar to send to end all negotiations with the kafir king….
To this person who had his lips and hands sealed for 7 years for what is supposed to have happened to his own family?
I repeat myself again, I LIVE in India, thus surely I “should” know what took place in Gujarat…
I am NOT trying say or even imply that some worst atrocities didn’t take place in Gujarat…
And when did I say that Imam Anwar, specifically said that the story was authentic? I never said that to the best of my knowledge.
Imam Anwar has himself said that, “This is a comment posted on my blog from a reader in India.”
Thus Imam Anwar has NOT personally met or seen this person or perhaps has not even spoken to him through the internet.
But the messenger of Umar had personally seen the atrocities inflicted upon the revert and had himself spoken to the revert.
I have already stated why I’m doubting this story, because Allah(subhan wa tallah) commands us to verify the statements of a fasiq(weak) Muslim and since the
vast majority of “Indian Muslims” are on the wrong aqueedah, I have every reason to doubt their statements.
subhannalah may allah swt saves the ummah this humiliation
asalamu aleykum wrwb
brothers/sisters please don’t doubt the story because the brother is indian muslim and has wrong aqueeda,just make duaa for the family.this horror and more are happening to the ummah all over the world
jazakallah sheikh
It’s better to die standing up than to live in subjugation on your knees. Each time something terrible happens to the ummah i think things can’t get any worse than this but it does. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is apparent within themselves. We have left this deen and have abandoned Jihad and now our suffering is obvious.
Not to make this incident insignificant but this could happen to any Indian regardless of their religion… albeit more to Muslims
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raj’ioon. so what if this brother sealed his lips and hands for 7 years, do you know anything about him to put forth your insensitive blah blah blahz. not everyone reacts the same to certain situations. just like one may live in that area and know that our people are being persecuted and still they’re on the computer. indeed only Allah swt knows what you are doing jalla jalalahu. you do not know what goes on in every corner of that land for you to say such, Allah swt knows the situation of every creature. indeed islam is a religion that brings forth proof, one as well has no evidence of callin one a fasiq. atleast make dua for those that go through persecution and if this is one of them that occurs may Allah awj aid them and bring justice to them. and may He awj help them remain steadfast and strong and be able to defend themselves.
may Allah awj forgive the ummah and help us return back to Allah awj.
if i offended anyone forgive me and ask Allah awj to forgive me, as i will do the same for you.
it is just frustrating to know that there are many out there suffering and we are not there to aid them b’ithni llah. prepare to answer to Allah awj. there are some who are unable, while there are those that are able. prepare an answer ya ikhwan wa akhwat!
i have to say sisters too because many think we have no duty and that its only men responsible. la ya akhawat, you have a responsibility so prepare urself b’ithni llah. if you want it, insha Allah you will get it just put trust in your Rabb jalalah.
Assalamu Alaykum
Fatwa declares India ‘Dar al-Aman’:
Fatwa declares India ‘Dar al-Aman’
Daily Times Monitor
LAHORE: Challenged by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) to issue a fatwa (religious edict) declaring India a Dar al-Aman (country friendly to Islam), where jihad (holy war) is meaningless, the country’s top Islamic seminary, the Darul Uloom at Deoband, on Sunday did just that.
The fatwa was read out at a large rally in Bhubaneshwar organised by the Orissa unit of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, attended by Chief Minister Navneen Patnaik and numerous other bigwigs.
“The Indian Constitution guarantees equal protection and rights for all communities. Therefore, for Muslims, India is Dar al-Aman or a Muslim-friendly country,” the fatwa said.
The VHP had also urged the Darul Uloom to spell out whether Muslims should regard Hindus as kafirs (non-believers). The fatwa came from the hand and seal of Mufti Mahmood Hasan Bulandsheri of Darul Uloom’s fatwa department, in response to questions posed by Mahmood Madani, who heads the Jamiat.
yep, i think as muslim men were in for a big punishment. While the umma is suffering most of us are enjoying this world and what it has to offer. inshallah we wake up and do something quickly. Sheikh Anwar i cant imagine the amount of emails you get like that. May Allah (swt) help us.
@ surat_an_nisa_74_100
Your statements only deal with emotion.
Islam is NOT religion of emotions or desires but its a religion of absolute facts and commands us to judge according to the Quran and Sunnah and NOT based upon our emotions.
The fatwa pasted above by brother Zahid states in a nutshell what the “Indian Muslims” that you want to help believe about India.
In other words, why will I want to help some who will abandon me at the slightest sign of hardship.
It is a wrong Story, Just ask about the detail of guy becuase i heard similar story with but Pakistan and Hindu.
Allah awj is the best of judges. u brothers who are able to go help ur brs. and srs. r still on the computer typing. people are still being persecuted eslewhere in the lands and it may or maynot be in that land but as muslims we have a duty to fulfil whether u are a man or woman and we do it fisabilillah as a command. when i hear about something, i do not disregard it right away as there are steps taken. however when you do not know the person, and their situation atleast make dua for them. there are many things we didnt think humans would do to others until one voice came out. i have in no right to call this brother a fasiq, as i have no evidence of this. i as well cant tell if it is fabricated because such things could occur. believe it or not i have heard of things like this where the wives think they are doing a favor for their husbands to be released by letting themselves be violated by such creatures. these things happen and are very sad. u may live in one end, but there are others who are suffering. muslims have a duty now.
Ya Allah forgive me!As i’m an indian i stirred by reading this and lost control for a moment.
my brothers if this kind of atrocities happening just infront of you just cut the throats of these sadists and leave the rest of the things to Allah,the Lord of the star SHIARA!
asalam alaikum wa rehmathullah i wud just lyk to say astagfirullah when i read this article i am in a shock and feel angry
Asalamualaikum wa rehmatullah. and there are so many other events just like that and i pray to Allah that give me a chance to give my life in your cause and help my muslim brothers and sisters. ameen.
Action speaks louder than sound
may Allah help us and curse the enemies of Islam!!!!!!!!!!!
we’ll all win in the end..
Im an Indian Muslim… These are fake messages which tries to bring hatredness among Hindus… I pity for the author.. We Indian Muslims are 10000 times better than Pakistanis.. PLease dont try to split us… I was struggling for money when the company fired me. At the time lot of Hindus helped me…
@Indian Muslim, Being 10,000 better than Pakistanis is no excuse to embrace Kuffar in India. Your writing of Long Live India before Allahu Akbar says it all. The fake messages you refer to are Quranic versus which ask for Mercy among Muslims and hatred towards Kufr. It is the Kufr they practice that is subject of hate not the creation of Allah. Would you like your Hindu friends who helped you burn in hell fire? If not then do your job and practice and promote Islam as the Prophet SAS did among Kuffar of Quraish. He was called Al Amin even among the Kuffar but he did not fraternise with them but admonished them on their idol worshipping pratices so much so that they plotted to kill him. If the Hindus have helped you in difficult times then you are more obliged to get them away from Kufr. At least you try and then leave rest to Allah SBT for guidance. Also don’t hide your head in teh sand and pretend that all is well. You are one small peck in the ocean of millions of Muslims suffering in Gujarat , Kashmir and elsewhere. Remember the famous Hadith of prophet SAS “If you are not concerned about the affairs of fellow Muslims you are not a Muslim”.
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raj’ioon. another day with nationalism la ilaha il Allah . may Allah awj save the ummah.
translation :
“Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion – the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: ‘They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. ‘If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.”
The Caravan of the Martyrs of Somalia
Translated by Brother Abū Sayfullāh As-Somālī
All praise is to Allāh. And peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and upon his companions and his followers.
By the will of Allah, we will share with you the stories of some brothers who were recently martyred in Somalia. Among them shall be Shaykh Ahmed Shaykh Muhammad who was an Imām of Central Mosque, Mu’allim Yasīn, Shaykh Abdur-Rahmān as-Suluq, Shaykh Husayn Barre who also an Imām at Central Mosque and Mu’allim Abdullāh.
All of these brothers were martyrs of the Hirān region [which is in the central of southern Somalia] and they are those whose stories we know of. And those whom we don’t know of, we say that Allāh knows them and we ask Allah to accept them as martyrs for Islām.
Now, brothers and sisters we ask you: are the martyrs equal to those who have stayed behind in their homes? Do we consider them to be the same?
Indeed those who are martyrs, they are people who Allāh has chosen from amongst his Ummah. And who he honored with special mercy. And we should make Du’a that Allah gives us the same honor.
You will notice that many people claim that the Mujāhidīn were defeated in battle. They claim this because of the large number of dead on the side of the Mujāhidīn. They name the great numbers of Scholars and youth who were killed in the battles and consider these losses as being a huge tragedy and obvious defeat.
Brothers and sisters, know that everything that happens in this Dunya is by the will of Allāh. And if Allāh wills something to happen it will happen and if he wills against something, then it will not happen.
Everything is by the decreed of Allāh.
And Allāh tells us in the Qurān:
“If misfortune touches you, [know that] similar misfortune has touched [other] people as well; for it is by turns that We apportion unto men such days [of fortune and misfortune]: and [this] to the end that God might mark out those who have attained to faith, and choose from among you such as [with their lives] bear witness to the truth – indeed Allah loves not the evildoers.” [Al 'Imrān, Verse 140]
Allāh wants to show the people that from amongst us, he will take martyrs whom he has chosen and indeed Allāh loves not the oppressors.
And he will not grant such oppressors the status of Martyrs. So brothers and sisters, let us know that the rewards and honor of the martyrs are tremendous and yet it is something we can all achieve by Allāh’s grace.
The person who is a Martyr will receive seven special rewards:
* He will forgiven of all his wrong doings and sins on the first drop of his blood.
* He will protected from the punishments and torments experienced in the grave.
* When he is being martyred, he will see Paradise before him, the Hoor Al-’Ain and his house in Paradise.
* He will feel safe and experience tranquility on the day of Judgment.
* On his head will be a crown, whose gems and jewels are worth more than everything in and on this earth.
* He will receive 72 Hoor Al-’Ain to be his companions in Paradise.
* He will be given the ability to intercede for 70 of his family members on the day of Judgment.
Thus, on the day of Judgment the martyr shall plead to Allah on the behalf of his family.
He will say, ‘O Allāh, these people are of my family so please protect them from the Hell Fire and join them with me in the Gardens’. And Allāh will accept this from him.
In Sahih al-Muslim, there is an hadith narrated by Abdullāh bin Mas’ūd (may Allāh be pleased with him) which states that the souls of the Martyrs shall dwell in the stomachs of green birds in Paradise. They shall dwell beneath the throne of Allāh and will fly wherever they may please.
And Allāh will say to them, “Is there anything you want from me”. And they will reply, “O Allah, why would we want anything more, when we are in Paradise going wherever we please, eating and drinking whatever we want”.
When they realize that Allāh continues to repeat the question, “What else do you want from me” ?
They reply, “O Allāh, we want you to put our souls back in our bodies so that we may be killed for your sake once again”.
Subhān’Allāh, they have already been martyred in the way of Allāh and yet they want to be martyred again for the sake of Allāh. This truly signifies the great honor one attains by dying a Martyr. The blessings they receive for dying in the sake of Allāh were so great, that they wished to relive the experience once again.
And now we shall begin, the stories of the Somāli Martyrs who were martyred in Somalia specifically the Hirān region.
Shaykh Ahmad Shaykh Muhammad
From amongst them was Shaykh Ahmad Shaykh Muhammad. The Shaykh was born in the 1970s. He memorized the Qur’ān in a Islamic school where his father was also a teacher. The brother become a Qur’ān teacher at a very young age; in fact he was in his teens, may Allāh accept his deeds. He studied with many of the well known scholars of his lands in the Hiraan region and throughout Somalia.
The Shaykh also took part in military training, praying for the day he would be able to fight in Jihaad and utilize his training.
The Shaykh went on to study in Makkah al Mukarrahmah hoping that one day he would see Islāmic law established in the Hiraan region and throughout Somalia. When he returned to Somalia, he began doing sermons in the Central mosque in the town of Balad Wayn and teaching on subjects such as the Sunnah, Tafseer and the Arabic Language.
Mu’allim Yasīn
Another of the martyrs was another Imām of the Central mosque, Mu’allim Yasīn. He was born in the city of Balad Wayn. He memorized the Qur’ān at the age of 18. He was a Qur’ān teacher and Imām at his local mosque. He was very well liked by the people of Balad Wayn and they loved to pray behind him at the masjid.
Shaykh Abdur-Rahmān as-Suluq
Another of the martyrs was Shaykh Abdur-Rahmān as-Suluq. He was a man who made a lot of Da’wah for the sake of Allāh. And was known to make lectures and sermons regularly. The people remember he used to travel around the region of Hiraan in his car spreading Da’wah to anyone he could find. He was man of very good manners and who dedicated his life for Islaam.
Shaykh Husayn Barre
Another of the martyrs was Shaykh Husayn Barre. He was from a town by the name of Gula Barde. When we asked the people of his town about him, they cried and told us that he was the defender of the Masaakeen (Poor people). He would fight the Warlords at the checkpoints when they would harass the poor people forcing them to pay large fees. When the Warlords at the checkpoints would hear Husayn Barre was coming, they would flee in all directions. When the people of his town heard of his Martyrdom, they all made Du’aa to Allāh that he would be accepted as a Martyr.
Mu’allim Abdullāh
Another of the martyrs was Mu’allim Abdullāh who was the youngest of the group. He was a very young brother. He was born in the late 80s. He memorized the Qur’ān at his local Madrasah (School) in the town of Balad Wayn. His teacher was Mu’allim ‘Abdun-Nāsir Shaykh Ibrahīm. He taught the Qur’ān at his local Madrasah and he used to give sermons at the Masjid of his Shaykh. He was a beautiful reciter of the Qur’ān and people often compared him with Shaykh Sudays. The townspeople told us that when they prayed behind him, it was as if they were in Makkah itself. This is how beautiful and overwhelming his voice was.
Asalaamu Alaykum
A recent fatwa has been issued by Deoband stating that India is now Dar al-Aman, a country friendly to Islam and where Jihad is meaningless. Lots of people are critisising this and saying its wrong. Can you please give your opinion on this and please show proof.
JazakAllah Khair
the only answer is jihad when you abandon it you will be put to shame and humilation , may allah make a way for your brothers they really want to fight in his cause and to a good tijara by exchanging their soles and wealth for jannah, may allah bless the mujahideen, ameen
Im a human first
then Indian
then Muslim
If you are a true muslim you would have told me: every creation is by allah so love every creation of him.
or if you have ever been to India or if you behave like a human you wont bash other country race and religion.
these are fake messages… just google you will find the same message with hindus instead of muslims .. dont belive in rumors
And for others who are posting here
Indis is the 2nd largest muslim populated country.. we are living here happily .. there might be one or two conflicts between hindus and muslims .. it not only happens in India but in every country.. some leaders are misguiding us to spit venom against India and other religions…….
again saladin i didnt say the response from readers are fake… I said the starting post as fake one….
@ sithik, The quote that India is the second largest Muslim country has no relevance at all. Your posts hould be ignored as you are persisting in placing wataniya-nationalism above Allah SBT. This is major shirk. Once you hit the grave the farishta is not going to ask you anything about the man made countries you were born in. Read the article ‘Islam and the West’ by Murad Hoffman googling thru internet. He was former German ambassador before accepting Islam. He says he is proud to be a Muslim and not proud to be a German. He says it was not he who decided that he will be born in such a such country but Allah SBT enabled his birth in Germany. So how can he be proud of that. He should only be proud to be a Muslim. Period.
Prophet SAS said a time will come when Muslims will be humiliated and disgraced all over the world. The Sahaba Karaam asked “Ya Rasoolallah, Will we be very few? He SAS replied “you will be too many but like froth in the ocean with no value and no respect”. That Hadith applies directly to your second biggest Muslim population crap. By the way what is happiness? Salvation in this world and hereafter is real happiness and it comes thru the obedience and implementation of Quran and Sunnah and not living “happily” like the animals. You are concerned about living a material life in this world ignoring the real eternal life that will depend upon you being a true Muslim in this world.
long live eih? india or whatever will not live in akhira. atleast india(name of land) will not be asked about what she did, but u will. just because ur area is fine doesnt mean there are not people who are being oppressed. and remember this br. was recalling what had happened to him some past yrs ago.
we shouldnt be country brothers and sisters only. this is a disease in the ummah, ur only my brother if ur from my country. this is a chronic disease that needs some heavy medication. if ur lands are fine then go to the next lands that r in need of help subhan Allah. this is our duty as muslimoon ya ikhwan wal akhawat!!!
Salaam. What more can be said about such a heart breaking story? Let us all prayer for the safety and perseverance of the young girl who wrote this, and her family. I wanted to say that you will find corruption and oppression everywhere; even in Muslim countries you will find incidents of harassment and corruption and abuse happen. You’ll find it in Western countries (although it is more covert and takes on different forms). In places like India where Hindu nationalism and ill-feeling towards Muslims is often not even hidden, portions of the Ummah really suffer. The point is to always speak out, to spread the news and to not stay silent. Anwar al Awlaki always “tells it like it is” and if only politicians, the ulama and others would do the same thing we’d be living in a much better world. Of course we know that ultimately the only real prescription for corruption is Islam.
to sathik
why u compell others to sell their mom and sis to hindu fanatic ,if u wanna do it ,then do it ..dont compell others ..please
Return Of The Poor Righteous Teachers: “Where Are The Ulema al-Haqq and the Imams Of Righteousness?”
Published by Suhaib Webb March 4th, 2009 in General
Making sense of the disorientation present in the world today is no easy task. To make matters worse we see the return of the militant hype which undermined the growth of the Muslim community in the 90’s coupled with rise of spies and lies. Muslims are divided and the destruction of this Nation is at hand. Our people are dieing of ignorance of Islam and therefore ignorance of self. The question we must ask here is who is taking up the task of revival and building the Umma as it is being destroyed from within and without? Where are the teachers that are educating the Muslim as to he and she is and how he or she ought act in the world?
It is clear that the Muslim Nation is being destroyed but the question is are we being destroyed because of our righteousness? Violence will not safeguard us from ourselves and the evil we put forth. When we are just with each other and begin to implement Islam in action and give others their rights then we will be a people capable of standing in front of oppression, we will be the best of Nations because we enjoin the good and forbid the evil.
The Prophet Muhammad (s) did not respond to the oppression of the Quraysh with violence but rather with knowledge of self, he taught the people the truth of Islam and when the Muslim became a brotherhood and were capable of being just then Allah (swt) called them to face oppression with the aim to put an end to it. But before such a call the Muslims were commanded to be just among themselves, an example and model community built upon iman, brotherhood and good deeds.
Where is that community today? Where are the teachers who teach the people how to remove themselves from the ills that enslave them and keep them from the truth of Islam? Even if the Muslims were to take up arms in response to the oppression we face, is it enough to liberate us from the ills that have corrupted our very selves and action? If we want change then let us change the way we act in the world, the way we think and the way we perceive so that it is in line with Islam. Enough emotion, we need real change, a change in people and not just a call to change political systems. Without changing people, one is not unlike he who changes his clothes but fails to bathe; he reeks of corruption although his clothes externally appear clean and new.
im not like u who sells their mom.. talk decently…
Few weeks before 3 women in pakistan raped a hotel server and it was the hot news that time.. Why i am saying this is bad ppl are in every religion … instead of seeing other religions are enemy to us we can treat only the extremists in every religion… i said long live India because most of here posted that India is against muslims .. for that only I referred long live India.. i wont post it hereafter..
sithik ..
i feel pitty on u .. yes ,how many women raped n defferent parts of world ,even in muslim “named” country like paakistan, these rapes were not at all in the name of religion ,it is done by some criminals and goons …. but u know what all things happend in 2002 in gujraat ??? were is u r f***ing indian governemnt at the time of innocent muslims brothers were massacered by the hindu terrorist , were is u r soo called secular police at the time when inncoent muslim women wer savagely raped ? still u claiming that india is good for muslims and all these stories against rss sanghparivaar is lies ,then i can only dua to Allah swt for learning you a lesson that who is real enemy ..
i can find no valid excuse for someone to swear and then use Allah swt’s name in the same sentence… pls correct the above statement
wajih ul islam on February 26th, 2009 at 9:44 am #
Why would his mother agree to such a thing. the Hindu is one of the strangest creature, filthiest if they could they would kill every single Muslim in india we have to be strong and when they attack our response need to be ten time harder only then will these Hindu filth submit. You should have exposed what these pigs were doing to the local media or some one.
I second.. we are REady InshAllah
Some one BAN THIS :sithik
’sithik ‘ is a Fake hindu Profile.
i can conform this form the way he speaks. utterly Impotant
i am another witness of Gujarat riots.. i know what had happened there
2002 was the reason that made me do Hijarat but still my family is back home & now i will go back soon inshAllah
we this knowledge now i gained & courage given by Allah we shall fight this filthy RSS Hindu extreamists
If Allah Helps you none can overcome You… (Quran 3:160)
Bismilla hirrahman nirraheem
Assalamu alaikum warahamathullahi wabarakathahu
No wonder this incident shook our hearts and it happened by Allah’s will, the most Just and the most Merciful. I am sure there is a wisdom behind this and through this He (SWT) is hitting our nerves to strive for His (SWT) cause. There are many incidents like this and we see oppression of muslims where ever we turn.
Ok, now we know that we should strive. We will be left with only and oppression and humiliation if we keep acting cowardly.
I being a youth, wants to strive and I am an Indian. I have the passion to fight but I need guidance. The person who is saying here long live India and blah blah blah is an utter lie. Indian muslims do get oppressed without any doubt. Alhamdulillah in many areas muslims fight back these Kuffars so they do have fear in muslims. Whenever we fight back, they fear and when remained silent, this is what these kuffars do.
Still Sheikh Anwar Al Awlakhi, you know India has largest muslim population. There are plenty of muslims. What I see is the moment the ratio of muslims to kuffar is 1:10, they should fight to establish khalifah. I think there are enough muslims in India to fight back this kuffar. Anyway I know not all muslims will be involved in Jihad immediately. If raised up, only minoroity will raise insha Allah like Taliban in Afhanistan or any mujahideen gps in other countries. You see we have the passion or rage to fight back but how would we do this. I mean we need guidance really.How to start and what to do and so on, you know? We are really in need of scholars to guide us. As far as I know most of the scholars are invloved in debating with other muslim gps regarding madhab or whatever. I have never heard any Imam stressing on Jihad fee sabilillah in mosques during Jumuah Khutbah.When there is war gainst muslims, they just ask us to pray. I dont see them motivating to do Jihad.
What shall I do? I do encourage my brothers to participate in Jihad. Insha Allah, I pray Allah :SWt: to grant me a husband and children who will fight for Allah’s cause and we all become shaheed insha Allah but how?
When you talk or some scholars talk, I hear you talking about mujahids in Afghan, chechanya, iraq, kashmir, somalia. No wonder insha Allah they will be in high ranks as they strived first but what about us Indian muslims. Why no mention about us or Indonesian muslims. Guidance is from Allah (SWT) but we are supposed to seek advice from scholars. Kindly do guide us too to join the ranks of mujahideen. I mean where are the scholars in India, where are the commanders like Usama or KHattab in India. Kindly do throw some light on this.
Muslims Muslims Muslims.. what has happened to us.. Is not this the time for Jihad..We have been looted in GAZA we muted on it We have been Oppressed we are muted we have been thrown from our own land we are muted.. Has the the inner soul of an Muslim died or Have we forgot to look ourselves in Mirror ??
After all its still only one question rises.. WHEN ???
@ Slave of Allah ,Amin you can find much guidance here, stay with us, dear sister in Islam I thought you were a man , our roles are definatly getting mixed these days .There are many things you can do to obtain Allahs Pleasure , you must gain the right knowledge and prepare for Jihad fee sabililah and make alot of duah and help the needy as Allah will love you if you do this . Make duah for Allah to direct you to the right people with the same mind set , insha’Allah it will happen .I too, don’t know anyone here who thinks like I do , people think I’ve lost it so just persevere Allah hears you and promote Jihad fee sabililah even if no one wants to hear it . Its the battle of the hearts and minds .
Your in My duahs sister Allah protect you , you are 1 in a thousand Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimieen
@ Slave of Allah if you can’t fulfill your needs there then you must make Hijra to the land of preperation for Jihad fee sabililah,
your very close sister may Allah swt ) be pleased with you.
Bisilla hirrahan nirrahee
When I carry luggage I dont think of taxi but I feel it would help me in battle field.
Assalau alaikum
Jazakillahu khair Um Umar for your duas. Yeah, I know Jihad is not an easy thing. It needs lots of courage and determination or I am going to end as a burden to those fighting for Allah’s cause. Thats why I am striving against my nafs now and keep praying to Allah (SWT) to grant me guidance, sincerety, steadfastedness, taqwa and more patience. If I lack any of the above, I will destroy myself. This world is only chance that will take me to Jannah of martyrs rank with the immense mercy of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) gave me the intention of JIhad right when I was a child when Gujarat riots were taking place and injustice was done against my brothers and sisters in my own city. I just used to cry a lot asking for Allah’s help. Then years passed and now for past 1 year after severe trials in my life, Allah (SWT) has turned me to Jihad. I keep asking Allah (SWT) for martyrdom. I feel all the trials I went through or I am going through is a preparation of Jihad as willed by Allah (SWT). Still a lot to prepare like I should never miss Qayam-al-lyl everyday and I should fast every mondays and thursdays. Preparing is on my sister. I dont even take bus and I walk about 2 kms in the snow to the work place thinking that it would help me in the battle field. I know walking total of 4 kms is nothing before the actual training one should go through as I know mujahids even walk for like 17 hrs and more but I am trying whatever I can do.
Ukhti, I know these things are nothing. I need a lot of sincerety to make me firm against nafs and shaithan. I have to concentrate more and work hard to learn Arabic language. If I give little place to riya or any other lusts and desires, I am going to destroy myself in this world and in the life here after.
As far as hijra is concerned, you know I am a sister and so I need mahram. Thatswhy I am sincerely asking Allah (SWT) to grant me a husband who will take me to land of Jihad. My heart beats when I see muslim refuges come here leaving the land of Jihad, leaving the oppurtunity of martyrdom. Khair, let Allah (SWT) guide all the muslimeen as one of the characteristics of Mujahid is that they dont think of bad of other muslim brothers and sisters and love them dearly for sake of Allah (SWT) and find excuses for their mistakes. Other main characteristic is they talk less and work more.
Yeah I keep visiting websites that encourage Jihad and mujahid videos showing the attack on enemies. I keep defending for my mujahid brothers in internet.
Jazakillahu khair again for your duas and please do keep in duas to make me righteous, grant me righteoes husband and children and make us all martyrs. Ameen.
Let Allah (SWT) guide us through scholars like Shiekh Anwar Al Awlakhi and protect them against all sorts of evil and ultimately give them martyrdom too. Ameen
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
@ slave of Allah my dear sister I always thought you were a brother. brabakAllahu fiikum sisters you are indeed on the right path and your words are sincere and am with you all the way, today what this ummah needs is strong sisters like you which their ultimate goal is to bear the future mujahedeen who will carry the banner of Islam, the likes of abubakar,umar,Khalid bin walled and the rest of the sahabas (ru) I pray to Allah Azza Wa Jall to grant you, your hearts desire, for Allah indeed answers the duaas of his sincere slaves.
Bismilla hirrahman nirraheem
Walaikum Assalam warahamathullahi wabarakathahu,
Ameen to your duas Faiza and Let Allah (SWT) make me one of His (SWT) sincere slaves. I think there is another brother/sister with name ‘SlaveofAllah’ and mine with space. If I have noticed before I would have chosen a different one. Anyway khair and I am happy to be in touch with brothers and sisters like you which will insha Allah will help me to keep me motivated although I ask Allah (SWT) to give us self-motivation and rely entirely on Him (SWT) which will insha Allah help us to be stead-fast even if the entire world turns against us with Allah (SWT)’s help.
Barakallahu feek.
wa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatuhu,
my dear brother in Islam from india. Knowing that people hold such lowly values in life can do such things without any remorse…it it fills me with a deep rage towards the enemies of Allah. Keep striving fisibilillah, for the time for the rise of the Ummah draws closer and closer…and when Allah wills it, we shall strike the kuffar with His might and strength.
la hawla wa la kuwwata illah billah
All Muslims must adopt to the Quran and Sunnah, live practically by them, give-up our prejudice/narrow-mindedness/differences, unite as one nation or Ummah, propagate Islam to non-muslims to alleviate any ignorance about Islam, be united in defending ourselves against our enemies everywhere through peaceful means, and keep praying for the help, forgiveness and mercy of Allah InshaAllah. May Allah give us guidance, success, unity and strength-aameen. Wasslaamualaikum.
There are three kinds of terrorism in India.
First, we have mob terrorism, examples being Hindu mobs attacking Sikhs in Delhi, or conducting a pogrom in Gujarat against Muslims, or one in Orissa.
The second type is state terrorism, examples being the army in Kashmir, or fake encounter killings like the one of Sorabuddin, arranged by the head of the Gujarat Anti Terrorism Squad, Vanzara.
The third type is bomb blasts, such as the ones in the metros; in this Muslims are involved (Bombay serial blasts) and Hindus are also doing it (Bajrang Dal was caught exploding bombs in Nanded and Kanpur, and BJP is also involved as it jockeys to put Advani in power).
The interesting thing is Hindus are involved in all the three types of terrorism.
So why are so many Hindus anti-nationals, involved in disintegrating India ?
The Hindu cannot give up Hindu terrorism, but he cries about others.
After the Bajrang Dal burnt Grahman Staines in Orissa, there was an outcry against it.
Home Minister Advani promptly came on TV and said he did not think the BD was a terrorist organisation !
The BJP government could not find Dara Singh for months, but one week before Clinton’s visit, they imprisoned him !
The BJP Hindus knew Clinton would raise the matter, and they knew which side their bread is buttered – after all, it was a longing of the BJP Hindus to be accepted by America as a partner in their war on terror.
Two Bajrang Dal Hindus recently were killed in Kanpur, while making bombs. The papers reported they were planning to bomb the Janamashtami festival. But there was no major hue and cry about it.
After all, Hindu terrorism is patriotism for the Hindus.
The disintegrattive tendencies in India is solely due to the communalism and terrorism of the majority community.
I ask our Indian government
Will this terrorist law also cover Hindu politicians like Thackeray, Advani and Modi who incite violence against minorities and go scot-free ?
Thackeray asked for a Hindu suicide squad. Was he indicted ?
Advani was recorded on video raising mobs to demolish the Babari masjid, thereby starting an era of communal riots and bomb blasts. He went on to become Home Minister, in charge of law and order !
Modi orchestrated riots and conducted a pogrom in Gujarat to get elected. He is barred from entering the U.S. as a result, but in India, many Hindus worship him as a saviour of Hindus from terrorists (although many Hindus payed with their lives in bomb blasts afterwards).
India’s problem is not the lack of a law to inhibit, it is lack of implementation of the law IMPARTIALLY.
What we have is Hindu politcians and police can break the law with impunity, and indulge in state terrorism, while innocent members of the minorities can be framed or subject to an encounter shooting (for example, Vanzara in Gujurat).
If you do that, those who do not have access to justice will take to terror – no matter what ‘terror law’ you draft.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb @ Slave of Allah I loved reading your post , your right our trials and hardships are only preperation and moulding to whats ahead , dear young sister Allah protect you to accomplish your need and have mercy on you , Im truly honoured to be in the company of such amazing sisters on this blog
@ To all my dear sisters Fazia , surat_an_nisa I love you for Allah’s sake and I relish your words and admire your sincerity and look forward to meeting you in this life and the next
Allah unite our sisterhood so we can be affective in supporting the neady and bring down the enermies of Islam
Bismilla hirrahman nirraheem
Walaikum Assalam warahmathullahi wabarakathahu sister Um Umar
Jazakillahu khair for your kind words and as I said I am happy too. Let Allah (SWT) make me a blessing to this ummah. Ameen.
BTW am I not spoiling our brother Anwar Al Awlakhi’s blog by my posts irrelevant to this topic?
Kindly do remove it brother if you find it unnecessary comment.
Siters, if you know some forum concentarting on Jihad and the truth without usual chitchats in the forums, kindly do inform me so we can meet and I could learn and keep my spirit high insha Allah. I love you too for sake of Allah (SWT). Let Allah (SWT) unite our hearts and save us from having any bitterness towards any of the believers and make us generous and kind enough to overlook each others fault and unite our souls in Jannah too. Let Allah (SWT) make us a motivation factor to our brothers in our families for Jihad fee sabeelillah and not weakness or trial for them. Let Allah (SWT) give us too martyrdom along with our family men. Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.
Barakallahu feek
@ Abdullah
Why do you doubt a Muslim like that. The fact that you assume that he is a fasiq based on where he lives is a weakness that you need to address. We do not doubt our brothers and sisters in Islaam first… you doubt them only after you have met that person, regardless of where they are from. By the way you are essentially backbiting all of India even though you are from it, you are still making an insulting comment about the Muslims there.
@ Saladin
No, I am not referring to that incident. This incident is a different one, albeit similar. ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdu al-Azeez was only khalifa for a short while so if you look it up, it should be easy enough to find in sha’a Allaah.
Bismilla hirrahman nirraheem
Assalamu alaikum
I am confused with certain things and I hope insha Allah, any of you brothers and sisters would clarify to me so I get enlightened as this is bothering me. So far I have been thinking sep 11 attack was falsely accused on muslims. If we hear ‘Is terrorism a monopoly of Islam’-Dr Zakir Naik, he brings out some proofs by Americans itself that muslims didnt do this and it should be an inner job. But somewhere in this blog I read like its done by Al-Qaeda and proudly accepting that. Please help me is it done by muslims and if so is it justified to kill innocent women, children and so on? I know they are killing our brothers and sisters for which let Allah (SWT) give them humiliating punishment in this world by the hands of muslims and far worst punishment in the hereafter. Anyway, please help me how its justified for us muslims to kill other innocent souls. No, I am not against mujahideen and infact I love them above all the muslims for sake of Allah (SWT) but anyway please kindly help me with my question so I dont confuse myself.
Barakallahu feek.
Astaghfirullah…I don’t doubt the veracity of this story. I’ve read too about too many disgusting incidents like this happening to Muslim women under Kuffar occupation all around the world (Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine…) Unfortunately Muslims in both Muslim majority countries and in the West are unaware of these incidents because we are too busy trying to “better” our lives materially in this Dunya. Many of us don’t bother reading the daily news, much less news from around the world that often goes unreported by the Kuffar mainstream media. I’m even more disturbed by some Muslims who feel like it’s not their problem that other Muslims are suffering (fortunately this group is small)! I pray that the Ummah wakes up to the reality of the importance of Deen and soon. I fear that if the Kuffar manage to “stablize” war-torn Muslim countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc.) by offering them deceptive peace deals and by enriching them by making their economies interdependent with the Kuffar capitalist system, then it’ll be even harder to make Muslims wake up from their current slumber. I’m not saying the Muslims should continue suffering of course. What I mean is that I pray the suffering makes the Ummah realize that the suffering can only really end with the help of Allah and not through the Kuffar. Making them dominant over us will only increase our suffering; we have to start relying on ourselves and on Allah for improving our conditions through Al-Islam!
@Slave of Allah
Allaahu ‘alam is really the best anyone can give you there. You can read the various opinions and decide for yourself. Find ones for it at Tibyan Publications, then read others against it like Ibn Uthaymeen or whoever. It is a very deep matter and really I doubt there are very many people who post on here that could answer it perfectly. You have to look at the following: Is suicide bombing okay? Is killing innocents okay because of the situation? Are there any innocents? Is killing the Muslims there okay? Is a trade center a valid target (I do not think anyone questions whether or not the Pentagon is a military building, wa Aallaahu ‘alam)? Are planes full of people legitimate weapons? Each one of these points has to be looked at separately when you go about this in sha’a Allaah. Try to find the opinions of mujahideen who are against it, which would probably balance the issues on both sides for you, wa Allaahu ‘alam.
I have my own opinions on the matter, but I am not qualified to really do much more than to suggest questions to see if the questions I have had will lead them to my opinion or not.
@ Rchoudh your right insha”Allah there is Khayr in all this adversity
@ Slave of Allah I agree with Zakariya Alahu Aleem its really not clear but insha”Allah the truth will come out. Remember that Islam is perfect but muslims aren’t and this happened by the will of Allah and its awakened many sleeping muslims and even been the motive behind many inquiring about Islam and embracing Islam . Allah knows best.Like brother Saladin told us that the site of the Twin Towers was the place the white yankees used to play football with the skulls of the American Indians , so thats something to think about . [ what goes around comes around ] Allah help us all
Jazakum Allahu khair Zakarriya and Um Umar. Why I asked this is to gain knowledge. First when I came across suicide bombings, I felt its wrong as the media portrayed and even as some ulema say. But then when I heard some lectures and went through hadiths and got bit deep, I felt very sorry to call that even suicide because they truly died and sacrificed their lives for the sake of Allah (SWT) and let Allah (SWT) accept their martyrdome. Ameen. I have always been in the view that they did so to kill the enemies of Allah (SWT) and that makes so much sense.Its like let me kill the enemies and die in the path of Allah. Even if one willfully enters enemies area to be killed, its fine I think as one of the Companians did so and Prophet (SAW) approved that he is in Jannah when another companian informed about this to him.
I dont understand this sort of killing innocents be it those in flight or in the tower. Yeah thats a blow to USA if its done by mujahideen and thats really darring act to bring down their arrogance and to show muslims have all ability to shake them but at the compensation of innocents!!
Thatswhy I asked this question. So far, I have been hearing that it was done by America and blamed the mujahideens to wage a war against them outwardly calling them as terrorists. Yeap I know many reverted after this incident to Islam.
I want to know from Islamic prospective if its allowed. Any evidence from Quran and hadith. I have heart some civilians were killed during one night attack during Prophet’s (SAW) time (correct me if I am wrong) and that killing was mistakenly done.
So I just want to know from scholars if its right or wrong to carry on such attacks knowlingly that it will kill non-muslim civilians.
it was very sad n i cudnt stand it thruout i was thinkin y? n how cm sm1 do dis 2 him/her self a 17 year old girl! i cant imagin wat her life wud b now? i dodo if m right or wrong but god4bid if im in such situation i wud kill myself or let my hasbnd b in jail bt atleast nt do dis to my daughtr n this boy we all can see wat his psychological state is it was worst disision and bow to kufars 2,its weakness,may ALLAH give us strength and power,ameen
Any person can be a victim to such an incident. Coincidently the victims are Muslims in this particular situation. The actions of the perpetrators are clearly wrong regardless of their religious beliefs. This should not be used as justisification or support for suicide bombings or jihad.
Asalmu Alaikum wrwb @ Slave of Allah , dear sister in Islam ,please go to the[ Suicide or Martyrdom ] post by the Sheikh on this blog , it has all the evidence you need.Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen
@ sorry Asalamu Alaikum wrwb to all, but Im not shure about nk,
Far removed is Allah from all imperfections! And that which is happening today, is it not from the actions of the Khawarij? And it is declaring the Muslims to be disbelievers, and more severe than that is the killing of the Muslims and transgressing against them through terrorist activities. And this is the Manhaj of the Khawarij, it comprises of three aspects:
Firstly – Takfir of the Muslims.
Secondly – Disobedience to the ruler.
Thirdly – Making permissible the blood of the Muslims.
This is the Manhaj of the Khawarij, and even if a person believed it in his heart and did not speak (with any of it) or did not act out any of it, he would still become a Khariji in his belief and opinion, which he did not express openly.
Shaykh Salih al-Fawazan
Walaikum assalam warahmathullahi wabarakathahu
@Um Umar Islamic fanatic, yeap I already been through it and heard even his lectures and only from that I know many things that I mentioned already in my post.
As Salaam Alaikum
all i really want to say from this post is that if the muslim men are too cowardly to fight fi sabi lilah then let us women take their places. Ya Allah let it possible Ameen!
Assalamu alaikum,
InshaAllah brohters and sisters, the victory of the ummah is coming and its near. The sun is about to show its bright face. the curse of darknesses is about to go. And when the promised victory comes and the Sultan is in the hands of the muslims, then by Allah, we will show the enemy of Allah and his Messenger, how terrible can the wrath of Allah be. So, work brothers and sisters, for the revival of the ummah. The Land of al-Hind will be conquered again inshaAllah and these mushriks, these sharrul bariyya will defeated inshAllah.
Walaikum assalam warahmathullahi wabarakathahu
Hurriya, this is what we should do I think. Well actually we do have responsibilty in preparing our husbands, brothers and chidren. We should push them out of house to battle fields. Brother Rashid, insha Allah, victory will come but it wont come without striving. The RSS and hindu activists openly do training in maidan (grounds) I mean aranging camps with the help of state govts. They say its just a physical training like excersice but look at muslims. Well I understand, if we do some training so openly, we will be arrested with the label we are connected to SIMI or terrorist organisation according to them but still, where is preparation to scare the enemy and to show them we are not less than them but we are soldiers of Allah and we are ready anytime to give them blow if they dare to raise their arms. We should work on this insha Allah.
allah will sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents
May ALLAH Aza Wajall! Take care of the Strangers! ALLAHU ma Amin! and give them sakina and stay strong my beloved brother! Bi ithni LLAH You´r reword will be is janna.
i say lets stand up
lets be aware of whats going on around us.
i am sick and tired of my brothers being tortured around the world.
my sisters being raped by kufar.
our homes being bombarded by their bombs.
and at the end they come and tell us we are terrorist and they are the peace makers?
oh ppl stand up and support the mujahideen where ever u find them .
Ina lillahi wa ina ilahi rajiun! :’(
Hasbi Allahu wa niamal wa kil
@Imam Anwar al-Awlaki
See, this is why, shaykh… :’(
May Allah guide us and make it easy 4 us 2 join the mujahideen. Amin.
May Allah Make this brother do die as a Shaheed. Such abuses & humiliations will never be eased for a good Muslim until when he find him/herself in the land of Jihad cutting the veins of the enemies of Allah
Nothing is clear like what we should do. Only Allah (SWT) can guide us. I mean some organized work. A leader who will make use of muslims who will command us what to do and we will preoceed with his command obeying him. So we can fight against enemies. I feel we are just scattered. Not organized. I dont know what we will achieve with this set-up.
Salamoalaikum….may ALLAH Almighty protect u n ur family frm the evil eyes of the society…amen !!
I bookmarked this site, Thank you for good job!
Assalaamu alikum…
what is most annoying about this is the fact that Muslims are still too busy apologising for Islam. It’s also sad that these cow worshipping son’s of dogs enter our countries in the gulf, many became traders in dubai DXB and became quite wealthy. I say we slaughter every single one of those hindus living and working in Alkhaleej and take their women as war booty. May those kuffar burn in the deepst fires of hell, and may Allah give me the tawfiq to send them back to Allah!!!
To brother ABDULLAH, If you know the haq it is your duty to go out and do whatever is within your capability. Don’t wait for a sheykh to come and save you, on yawmul qeyama the sheykh will not save you from the fire of jahnaam rather it is your actions that will. It is your duty to kill those Hindus and make a river ganges of their najaaz blood. Pray to Allah and he will open the doors of Jihad for you. If you cannot fight the least you can do is open people’s eyes like sheykh Anwar has been doing. Inform people of the injustices against Muslims and let them know that this is the zamaan of Jihad. Allah ma3ak brother, Allah is with you so dont fear the Kuffar.
I am filled with rage and indignation on how our sisters are being treated. May Allah grant their family patience and punish the transgressors of such a cruel and inhumane act.
Asalamu aleykum dear brothers all over the world. let me start with the muslim people who live in the hindu reigon soon our brothers in khurasan will come to rescue you lot from the dulm they are doin to you lot. and to our muslim brothers and sisters in phalasteen we are on our way. the distance between us from you is only 3000km. my advice to all muslims around the world is not to sit from jihad. because the more you stay away from jihad the more you will like the wordly life.
asalamu aleykum.
Ya ALLAH make us tru Mujahidin fesabillilahh, let us sacrifise the glitters of this world and its comforts to please you!
Ya Rab’l alamin, Antha wahab, make me and my brothers shuhada! in your cause, verily this is a supreme triumph
Assalamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakathu,
I have read this post with great interest, but there big point missing in my opinion.
The Jews In Palestine, are ALL (99%) occupiers, they have come mainly from Russia, Europe and USA. These are not just conscripts, but bottom line they are occupiers. Civilians in a kuffar country, then to some extend claim innocence in a war. But these people came willing on there own, to occupy Muslim land. They not only occupy Muslim land, by there presence they support more occupation and brutality. En Empty occupation, without all these so-called Jewish civilians would basically destroy the occupation.
LET me put this simple question, these Jews don’t have a standing army, rather they work on a conscript bases. So if all these so-called civilian Jews would leave, who would be occupying Palestine, killing Muslims, desecrating our holy places, killing our woman and children, threatening the whole region ??
Answer that first, then come with the civilian claim.
Also about armed or unarmed occupiers, if they support the enemy by action, hands, words, morally, they also enemy, they part of the combatants. Same thing what makes a Muslim kuffar even if a Muslim in the heart supports the kuffar against Muslims, it takes him out of the fold of Islam. How much clearer distinction does one want between enemy and non enemy.
Read : At-Tibyān fī Kufri Man A’ān al-Amrīkān (The Exposition Regarding the Disbelief of the One That Assists the Americans) – Shaykh Nāsir bin Hamad al-Fahd
Google it, and download and read it, it explains a lot about who and what actions makes one part of the enemy.
All these Zionist Jews in Palestine have possibility and means, be it thru special programs, or there double nationality’s to resettle back in their native countries, instead they opt to be a criminal, an occupier, an enemy of this Ummah !!!
InshaAllah this comment will open some eyes of people, who still live in the whole civilian fairytale when it comes to Palestine were all these people uprooted Muslims, killed them, massacred, and keep doing it, living on soil stained with blood of the native people (Muslims) they killed. No civilians ! That is an insult and degrades the whole traditional meaning of civilian when it comes to this subject.
Wasalaam Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakathu.
Wallaahi this is one of the most shocking story Ihave ever heard. May Allah give those who did such evil act a very very very bad desease in their ( Farji)private parts, May Allah curse them, may Allah punish them in this world and hereafter.If no one heard his (our brother) voice we don’t need a media for headlines, Khad samia Laah(Allah hears us). Oh Muslims Ramadaan is coming soon stand for qunud against this enemy and the enemy we got everywhere. If we forget or refuse JIHAD this humilition will never stop,they(kuffar) are becoming worse day after day, for keeping preeching islam is peace is not gonna stop such thing, such breaching is not in the context when such things are happening WAKE UP brothers. Wallahi this is something we cannot tollerate. May Allah give sakiina brother, May Allah make you strong.May ALLAh make strong your family as well.
Why would a mother do such a thing and allow her daughter to do that too. It would have been better for her to leave her husband in jail than to agree to do that with those filthy mushriks. I am sure the Father would have understood, given the circumstances. And where was the Father when all these orgies were taking place after the police released him. And how can the boy from 14 years all the way up to 19 years of age, just stand by and watch this happen to his own mother and sister? There is something seriously wrong here, I just can’t understand it.