An Interview From the Caucasus
March 5, 2009 - الخميس 10 ربيع الأول 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog
When the Sahaba under the leadership of Rasulullah started their journey of sacrifice and struggle in the path of Allah they would make mistakes but would be corrected, they would fall down only to stand up again and they were on a continues path of improvement by learning from their past experiences. The mistakes that were committed during the battle of Uhud and then Hunain were valuable lessons that carried the Sahaba up to new levels. Thus, Ibn al Qayyim considers Uhud to be a victory, not a defeat, because of the tremendous amount of lessons we learned from this defeat in the verses that were revealed in sura aal Imran.
Allah says: And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed Allah is with the doers of good. [al Ankaboot 69]
This ayah is telling us that those who are struggling in the path of Allah will be guided.
Ibn Taymiyyah says that both al Imam Ahmad and Ibn al Mubarak used to say if you differ on an issue seek the answer from the mujahideen in the front lines.
Bellow is an interview with one of the leaders of the mujahideen in the Caucasus. Even though he is speaking in the context of events in the Caucasus he touches upon important concepts that are relevant to all of us. His words are full of wisdom, and are an example of the guidance Allah is granting to the people of struggle. Mistakes are made, battles are lost, lessons are learned, and our experience, patience and resolove develop as an ummah until Allah bestows His victory on us.
Emir Supyan: ”Before declaring the Caucasus Emirate, more important words were said…”
Publication time: 28 February 2009, 23:09
Kavkaz Center has interviewed a Naib of Emir (deputy Emir) of Mujahideen in Caucasus Supyan Abdullayev. Naib Supyan talks about the main point in the famous declaration of the Emirate by Emir Dokka Abu Usman, about widespread religious deviances in the Muslim world, about state symbols and borders of the Caucasus Emirate, about the final fate of Russian military bases in Caucasus, about the prospect of negotiations with disbelievers, and about the dear price Palestinian people pay for Hamas delusions.
KC: The polemics that erupted in connection with the statement of declaration of the Caucasus Emirate by Emir Dokka Abu Usman has gradually subsided. During a short period of time, people came to know who was who.
Many of those who positioned themselves as proponents of Ichkeria’s independence, had been revealed as hardcore opponents of Sharia. As we see now, some of them hurried to go over to the camp of Kadyrovite apostates.
All this time they have been spreading many conjectures and slanders, and particularly, tried to present the case as though there existed some disagreements between the Mujahideen, concerning the declaration of the Caucasus Emirate.
They put into circulation such words like “Emiratians” and “green commissars”. True, supporters of Mujahideen did not leave it unanswered, calling our opponents “democrats” and “democratians”. Has the position of the Mujahideen on this issue changed?
Emir Supyan: Position of the Mujahideen is clear from multiple video appearances and statements of the Mujahideen themselves. This position has not changed, and will not change, all the more under criticism from scared refugees. And all those words like “Emiratians”, “commissars” etc. show only what fills heads of those people, how far they are from Islam. They are ill with hypocrisy. They are not offended or insulted at all, when they are called “democrats”, rather the contrary, they are pleased. Such far they are from Jihad and the Mujahideen. Therefore I don’t see any sense in carrying on polemics with them.
I would like to draw attention to another issue, which is forgotten in the heat of the debate. After reading articles and watching video materials which were sent to us from Europe and Turkey, I have noticed that the debates are going on specifically around the declaration of the Emirate. And it was thrust by our opponents with a purpose. But our Emir, before declaring the Caucasus Emirate, said in his address more important words. Much more important words, that are a matter of principle.
Namely, he said that he rejected everything established by Taghut. He rejected its judgment, its laws, its institutions, borders that it defined for Muslim peoples, the form of government that it imposed. I. e., he said what Allah ordered in the Koran. He said words that can’t be interpreted in two ways, words that are clear and understandable to any believer.
The declaration of the Caucasus Emirate became just a logical continuation if the stated position. It was a natural political addition to the basis, to the essence of the statement itself. The statement itself tells about the adherence to monotheism, to Tawhid. It is Tawhid that demands from us rejection of any Taghut. And our verbal rejection means nothing, if there is no action behind it. Because the Religion, first of all, is action.
KC: Yes, and this action caused many reproaches and accusations of destroying the statehood, CRI etc.?
Emir Supyan: Rather, the well-being of those who parasitized on the Chechen issue was destroyed. Even a person inexperienced in politics understands that Jihad cannot be led by a president, a chancellor, a speaker or a crown prince. Jihad is led by an Imam or an Emir.
After a long period of time under the disbelievers’ yoke we have become confused so much, that we even don’t know where our Religion ends and religion of disbelievers begins. Therefore there is a warning for us in the Koran:
“O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will send you back on your heels, and you will turn back (from Faith) as losers”
(Surat Al ‘Imran, 3:149).
We have mixed everything, and did it long ago. We talk about prayer, fasting, Sharia, and at the same time we celebrate “new year”, birthday, refer to the international law, U.N. charter and other abnormalities…
Moreover, when a Muslim is reproached for consuming wine, he does not deny that it is a sin, that it is forbidden. But when he is told, that participating in Olympic games is shirk, idolatry, he is surprised and starts to ask, how is it possible and what is so bad about it, because it is just a peaceful competition…
KC: Yes, in general, it is clear, but nevertheless, explain, what is so bad about it?
Emir Supyan: Well, think yourselves, here they go and start a fire on mount Olympus in Greece, it becomes “holy”, so many people hustle and conjure around it, it is carried through several thousand kilometers, through many countries, to the country where the games are appointed [to happen]. Finally, at exactly the appointed time, it is brought to the main gas burner and a universal donkeys’ roar of delight shakes the air.
Then representatives of different Muslim countries, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey and others, mix with disbelievers and perform the ritual walk around a stadium, under that fire. At the latest Olympic games in Beijing, Saudi Arabia was walking either first or second in that column.
What is interesting, if all those Muslim delegations were asked to participate in the Easter procession, they would refuse. They would say that it is a Christian holiday, we are not allowed. But circumambulation around the “holy” Olympic fire turns out to be a different matter. It turns out that according to their deviant understanding, it is allowed to do that.
Take notice that Saudi Arabia likes to position itself as a follower of monotheism. It struggles against amulets, worshiping of graves, stones, trees and other manifestations of idolatry. But they allowed themselves Olympic games and Olympic fire. Obviously, for political benefits, so to speak.
KC: Many people wonder, how borders of the Emirate are determined? What are state symbols?
Emir Supyan: The flag is the one that is usually in the background when our Emir Abu Usman appears. It is the black flag with the white inscription of formula of Faith. This flag is raised by Mujahideen in every corner of the Muslim world. We have the seal of the Emir.
There will be no anthem, no constitution, no coat of arms or other nonsense. We do not intend to become “subjects of international law”. We will not play those games any more. We already passed through this, it was a false path, a path of delusion.
KC: But nevertheless, we somehow have to determine the borders. Because Sharia should be established on a specific territory, as far as I understand?
Emir Supyan: Yes, it is true. Exactly, now we are establishing Sharia in the territory under our control. And it is forest and mountains from sea to sea. And it is our territory, inshaAllah! We have reinterpreted many concepts recently.
KC: But it is a relative control.
Emir Supyan: Yes, relative, the same way as disbelievers and apostates have the relative control over the plain part of Caucasus. Control is always relative during a war.
Regarding the borders I will say so. People like to prove their historical right for some lands and territories. All conflicts between so called “minor” peoples are caused by those borders.
KC: But those conflicts were thrust upon by the imperial policy.
Emir Supyan: Even if there would be no imperial policy, territorial disputes would not end. As far I remember, even between villages there were constant discords over those borders.
But the borders of the Emirate are a different issue. Emir Abu Usman clearly indicated is his address, that he was not going to determine the borders of the Emirate right now. This issue is open.
KC: Elaborate, please.
Emir Supyan: I elaborate, the issue of the Emirate borders, or, more exactly, the issue of preliminary borders of the Emirate, this issue will be solved after the first truce with the disbelievers.
It means that we intend to hold as much territory, as much we will have strength [to do it], and inshaAllah, we are accumulating it, the strength, and will accumulate. If we will not have strength, then there is no sense to draw any borders at all.
KC: Do you think that the Kremlin clique will negotiate with the Mujahideen and offer peace? But they have built more than six major military installations in the territory of Nokhchicho. Around 300 thousand troops are concentrated on permanent basis inside Ichkeria and around. They will hardly resort to negotiations.
Emir Supyan: Regarding major military installations and all Russian military with their families, they are not a power now, but a vulnerable target. Any regular army becomes a target during guerilla warfare, both at stationing locations and on the move.
And at a moment of a serious political crisis these major military installations will become hostages, like it already happened, when the leader of the Chechen people Jokhar Dudayev came to power. So it is not yet known, who will inherit those installations and military bases in the end.
Regarding the negotiations… One of the main results of the right creed are the right reasoning, right understanding and evaluation of what is going on.
We don’t have a right to offer peace to disbelievers. It was a major error in our previous policy. Because Allah warns in the Koran:
“So be not weak and ask not for peace, while you are having the upper hand. Allah is with you, and will never decrease the reward of your good deeds.”
(Surat Muhammad, 47:35).
Therefore offering peace to disbelievers is ruled out. But it is also said in the Koran:
“But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.”
(Surat al-Anfal, 8:61).
And they will offer it. But we will not accept any peace. Disbelievers usually offer peace in exchange for rejection of Sharia by Muslims. They say: “We will not bomb and kill you, if you would accept our laws”.
KC: So, any deals from our side at the expense of the Religion are ruled out?
Emir Supyan: Exactly! This is the right formulation of the question. The war, its goals, results we want to achieve, are now reinterpreted. For the time being, we have been fighting defensive Jihad. But, inshaAllah, the time approaches when we will give disbelievers an ultimatum for their spreading of filth and corruption on earth.
KC: There is a question on the tip of the tongue again: nevertheless, what do you think, will there be at least northern borders of the Emirate?
Emir Supyan: A Chechen byword is crossing my mind now: “Yetti, yetti, ghiba vakqa iza”, or “Ghiba vallats tokha tsunna”. The meaning of this expression is: “Beat him, till he crosses Ghoba”, or “till he goes across Ghoba”. People usually keep saying so, when they advise to physically punish disobedient children or irrepressible brawlers.
Many people do not ponder over the meaning, do not understand, what it means. The point is that Ghoba is Kuban. So our ancestors already preliminarily defined where to chase [the disbelievers]. But I am saying it by the way. We are going to chase the enemy more farther than Ghoba.
The main thing is that we and all those who sympathize with us, should understand, that we don’t play anymore in “international law”, “sovereignty” or “peaceful coexistence” with disbelievers. Such understanding about the world, relying on anyone or anything besides Allah, led Muslims to multiple sufferings.
KC: Yes, unfortunately, the examples are not so hard to find. It is unpleasant to listen to political pronouncements of Hamas leaders. SubhanAllah, they are relying on the West, on the European Union, on Obama! Trying to emphasize their adherence to democracy, they reached a point when they handed over a Mujahid to Egyptian secret services, calling him an “al-Qaeda member”.
Emir Supyan: Delusions and illusions of Hamas cost dearly to the Palestinian people. The Zionists have been committing outrage in that land for 60 years, they have been exterminating Muslims in most barbaric way. The Zionists regularly bomb and attack, carry out punitive raids and large-scale military operations. At the same time, Hamas has not organized elementary bomb shelters for the people. It means that they did not prepare for a serious war. And you know, there is no such corner in the Muslim world, that would be so unanimously stuffed with money by Arab states[as Palestine].
KC: In the end, what would you wish to young Mujahideen and those who sympathize with our fight?
Emir Supyan: I would like to remind myself, in the first place, and then to all our brothers, that the main purpose of our life is to deserve pleasure of Allah. To remember, that victory is the same temptation, as is defeat. Therefore victory should not cause high opinion of ourselves, and defeat should not drive to despair.
The path is chosen, and we will not turn away from it. If the goal of Jihad is elevating the Word of Allah, then we should strain every effort just for that. And the result is with Allah, praise be to Him, the Most High.
Kavkaz Center
We ask Allah to guide the mujahideen and grant them victory.
May our Ummah unite ameen. May Allah give to His Religion and give us strength and make us see the truth .
Ameen, ameen, ameen and ameen!
May Allah swt continue to increase their victory, give unity in their their ranks, and enable the ummah to practice perseverance, love of sharia, tawakal, sacrifice, walaa n baraa etc, as they do.
Also, does anyone know about making hijra there, how is it?
This is great advice to us:
Emir Supyan: “I would like to remind myself, in the first place, and then to all our brothers, that the main purpose of our life is to deserve pleasure of Allah. To remember, that victory is the same temptation, as is defeat. Therefore victory should not cause high opinion of ourselves, and defeat should not drive to despair.
The path is chosen, and we will not turn away from it.”
Salam Alaykum,
The Five Ground Rules for the Achievement of the Tradition of Victory or Its Absence
By Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azīz
(May Allāh Free Him)
“And in the issue of Jihād, we say that victory is tied to two conditions: A general and a specific.
As for the general condition: Then it is the Īmānī preparation, of the slave seeking to increase the branches Īmān in the heart and the external, the knowledge-based and the action-based, in order for him to become from the People of the Promise, who are mentioned in His, Ta’āla’s, saying,
وَكَانَ حَقًّا عَلَيْنَا نَصْرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
And it was incumbent upon Us to give victory to the Believers
As for the specific condition: Then it is the material preparation for Jihād: Through gathering weapons, inciting the Believers upon fighting, spending and giving (in charity). And included in this is the military training in all of its types. He, Ta’ālā, said,
وَلاَ يَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ سَبَقُواْ إِنَّهُمْ لاَ يُعْجِزُونَ وَأَعِدُّواْ لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ
And let not those who disbelieve think that they can outstrip (escape from the punishment). Verily, they will never be able to save themselves (from Allāh’s Punishment). And make ready against them all you can of power…
The Verse. So Al-Haqq, Jalla Wa ‘Alā, clarified that He is aware of the disbelievers and able over them, (and) that they are not unreachable for Him. Except that He, Subhānahu, has ordered us – despite His ability – with preparing the strength in all its forms, and for us to strive with utmost ability in this preparation, as a condition for the achievement of the Godly promise of giving victory to the Believers. That is because the Dunyā is the abode of testing, and the matters flow within it based upon the causes. So Allāh tests the Believer with the kāfir, to test the truthfulness of his Īmān; will he make Jihād against the kāfir and prepare the strength for this as He, Subhānahu, ordered him, or not? And He tests the kāfir with the Believer; will the kāfir answer the Da’wah of Īmān, or will he reject it until fighting? And concerning the testing of each group, one by another, Allāh, Ta’ālā, says,
ذَلِكَ وَلَوْ يَشَاء اللَّهُ لَانتَصَرَ مِنْهُمْ وَلَكِن لِّيَبْلُوَ بَعْضَكُم بِبَعْضٍ
That, but if Allāh had Willed, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others.
And from that which is included in the material preparation, is the unification of the ranks of the Muslims in order to face their enemies. He, Ta’ālā, said,
وَلاَ تَنَازَعُواْ فَتَفْشَلُواْ وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ وَاصْبِرُواْ
…and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength depart, and be patient.
So He, Subhānahu, made disputing amongst the Muslims to be from the causes of failure. Rather, from the most obvious causes of failure, and that is according to the Text, as He, Subhānahu, made victory based upon the allegiance of the Believers, each of them with each other, in His, Ta’ālā’s, saying,
وَمَن يَتَوَلَّ اللّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ فَإِنَّ حِزْبَ اللّهِ هُمُ الْغَالِبُونَ
And whosoever takes Allāh, His Messenger, and those who have Believed, as allies, then verily, the Party of Allāh will be the victorious.
Allahu Akbar
JAZAKALLAHU KHAIR. May Allah keep us firm on our Deen. PS. dear Sh. Anwar i am still waiting for a reply to my question. just reminding you in case you forgot. jazakAllahu Khair.
ameen ya Rabb ta3ala. i love this:
“This flag is raised by Mujahideen in every corner of the Muslim world. We have the seal of the Emir.
There will be no anthem, no constitution, no coat of arms or other nonsense. We do not intend to become “subjects of international law”. We will not play those games any more. We already passed through this, it was a false path, a path of delusion.”
As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh…Alhamdu lillaah & Jazak’Allahu khayr for this blog post.
AlHamduliLLAHi RABBil A’alameen. ALLAHUmma Sallia’laa wa Barika’laa Muhammadin.
Aau zu biLLAHI min ash-shaytanir Rajim. BismILLAHir RAHMANEER RAHEEM.
Eeh Deen as-sirat al mustaqim.
I am an ordinary slave of ALLAH The most high, most sublime. All praise only belongs to ALLAH.
This is a humble effort of this ignorant lay person to communicate this thought that occurred to me regarding “Initiating the Establishment of Khilafa-e-Raashediyya” in our time.
As it has been recognized by our learned scholars that the pre-requisite of establishing the Khilafah is 1) the establishment of an authentic Jama’ah under the guidance of an Authentic Imaam and the spiritual purification ( Tazkiyyah) of the Jama’ah, 2) Da’wah 3)Unity among the Ummah (holding the rope of ALLAH Subhanawatala) and not to be divided in the religion. 4) Jihaad fee saabiliLLAH. In this context my essay is a humble proposal to the learned thinkers, scholars and leaders about an practical approach towards this. If anything is good about this proposal than its from ALLAH Subhanawatala and if anything is wrong than indeed it is my fault. May ALLAH GHAFURUR RAHEEM forgive me. My essay is divided in few steps about the process of our noble cause.
Point 1:
Hizraah is a very important step in establishing authentic khilafaah. We have to perform hizraah for the sole purpose of gaining ALLAH’s Pleasure. ALLAH’s earth is vast and He is the helper and protecter of the belivers.
Point 2:
Relatively Bloodless was the first establishment of Khilafa By Our RasooluLLAH ( sallALLAHU alaihi wa sallam). We will establish Dar-Al-Islam Insha-ALLAH by sheding our own blood but not by sheding the blood of the humanity as we are the best of nation erected for the rest of humankind who have forgotten their LORD, All praise belongs only to Him.
With these two points clarified now let me give scratch out line with out the details of this model.
scratch outline
We can buy Land. Even desert land in anywhere in the world with coastline and sea access. We can buy island which is going to be underwater because of increasing height of sea level and than built Dam like Netherlands. Than we will build Desalination Plants to get fresh water. We can then build Multi-storied Greenhouses so if we have a 5 storey greenhouse we can multiply 5 times our land and production in that way. We will use Solar, Wind, wave energy plants to generate energy. Than we will prepare our land for the hizraah with our extreem hard work. Than the Ummah will start to hizraah in the dar-al-islam.
The Kufr of the modern state system will have to be dealt with great care and wisdom.
Our Khilafah can adopt the system of “New citizenship” ( where anyone of the Ummah will get automatic citizenship in Dar-al-islam as soon as s/he wishes to get the citizenship) so if most of the Ummah see and take this unique opportunity and become the citizen of Dar-al-islam than we can take over all the so-called modern muslim states with a bloodless demographic revolution.
Please remember this is just the scratch outline. Details will be discussed later insha-ALLAH.
Before we buy land for the Dar-al-Islam, We can start with a (new form of)State that is under the sovereignty of only ALLAH, a state that can be the first “Online-cyber” state.
With its own secure Intra-net, extranet, cyber defence force that will stop the kuffar’s oppression by attacking their www. Infrastructures as an act of self defence if they again attack Gaza, west bank, iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Filipino muslim territory, Rohinga muslim territory.
This Online-cyber state can have “facebook, Myspace kind of muslim sites” for 1)organization purposes, 2) interaction, 3) group discussion,4) flow of ideas,5) intellectual struggle against the kufr and taghut, 6) integrated Islamic intellectual research and revolution, and 7)settling of dispute and
promoting of unity among the ummah specially sunni-shia dialogue and unity.
This state will have “virtual citizenship”( where people willingly become citizen via Baya’h system completely according to Islami Shar’ia, and than we will show the UN and the world that we can have more than a billion of citizen and deserve the moral right to establish a new state in a bloodless manner. This www. site can have 5-6 super computer in 5-6 secret location of the world with its own energy source. This “online-cyber” state will promote Islami economy, systematic collection of Jakat. And “Virtual Shura council” and “Video conferencing”, “webcam meeting of scholars”. for all the top Islamic scholars of the world.
This online-cybar state is not an ultimate goal but just a step to achieve the real, physical dar-al-islam. It is not impossible to establish a online cyber state with our current level of technological knowledge of the muslims. No other people of the world can achieve anything positive from a virtual online state like the muslims because only Islam has the concept of khilafa.
Online cybar state will have “cyber-space” just like the area, space, size of a state, many sincere muslim will become the member given the exposure to http://www./ internet. we can open NGO type organization to reach the muslims who are not technologically advanced.
By having a online cyber state we can strike a severe intellectual but peacefull blow at the heart of the modern godless state-system. we can revolutionize the world system. And make the way for the khilafah for the betterment of the whole of humanity.
Online state will have cyberspace,population, governance system and most importantly the Soverignty of ALLLAH established.
It is recorded in Sahih Muslim, volume 13, page 65; al Baani also credited it as sahih in his chains, volume 1 page 478-486, that Mu’awiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “There will continue a portion from my Ummah proclaiming the truth and those that let them down will not harm them until the Hour.”
In another narration he (saw) said, “There will continue a portion from my Ummah who will continue to fight to make the Deen of Allah prevail and those who let them down will not harm them until the coming of Eesa (as).”
Indeed, when one observes the current landscape of the global community in the 21st century, where nations and societies continue to drown under the noise of man-made law and where the most evil of people have taken up positions of leadership and nobility, and silence against oppression has become the most righteous of virtues – we find that among all this – the aforementioned narrations of our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) still resonate throughout the earth.
For over 1400 years, the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) have witnessed Kings and Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers wage war against the Deen of Al-Islam and furthermore extract delight from the slaughter of innocent Muslim men, women and children; yet by the Will of Allah (SWT) there has always been a small portion of this Ummah, who refuse to bow their heads down to the tyrants nor let the sound of hooves or glint of swords disappear from the battlefields.
These people continue the Sunnah at-Tadaafu’ (the confrontation against the falsehood), giving no respite to the oppressors and persevere in suffocating their corruption as much as they can.
It is recorded in Sahih Tirmizhi, hadith no. 2565, upon the authority of Abdullah ibn Amru (ra) that the Final Messenger Muhammad (saw) said, “My Ummah will face what Bani Israel faced step by step, even if one of them approached his mother (sexually), there will be one from my Ummah who will approach his mother. The people of Israel divided into 72 sects, my Ummah will divide into 73 sects, all of them in the hell-fire, and one of them is in the Paradise.” And we asked, “Which one is saved?” And the Prophet (saw) replied, “The one that is with me and my companions.”
Always in the minority, this select and special group of people are so noticeable, like the sun in the peak of the afternoon, on the clearest of days, they can never be missed and their scholars are few in number yet their impact so intense.
The dearly loved companion of the Messenger Muhammad (saw), Ibn Abbas (ra), described the attributes of this unique group, which began a momentous cycle of sacrifice over 1400 years ago, that would continue to drench the timeline, with the blood of martyrs and ink of scholars until the Day of Judgement.
On the tafseer of the ayah [EMQ 3: 106], “On the Day (Day of Judgement) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black…” Ibn Abbas (ra) said as recorded in Ibn Kathir and Tafseer Tabari, “Those whose faces will be bright will be Ahl us-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah and those whose faces will be dark will be Ahl ul-Bida’ah Wal Firqah.”
Ahl us-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah are indeed the Prophet (saw) and his companions, and we have seen how those who follow them (the followers of Ahl us-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah), in aqeedah and manhaj, receive the harshest of tribulations, whether it be from the burgeoning of ill health or the prospect of torture at the hands of those who take great pleasure in it.
So the cycle has continued to turn and in the year 2009C.E., 1430 years after the establishment of the first Islamic State in Madinah, and 85 years after its destruction over vast parts of the world, nestled away in the land of Lebanon, lays a group of 83 Muslims, whose firm belief in Allah (SWT) and loyalty to the Sunnah of the Prophet have shaken the tyrannical and man-made Lebanese establishment to the core.
Consumed by the defiled culture of the Shia majority and dictated so effortlessly by the American hegemony, the Lebanese administration unable to endure the sharp words of truth that have penetrated their chests from the lips of a handful of Muwahhideen, have reacted in a manner only fitting for tyrants. In the month of February, 13 innocent men and 1 innocent woman (from the group of 83) were sentenced to death – by hanging – some of whom have already been killed.
In addition to all of the other 68 brothers and sisters, there lies one more man, who until now has escaped the ruthless clutches of the disbelievers by the Help of Allah (SWT), whether in the concrete suburbs of Britain or the rocky mountains of Tripoli; a man who refuses to stay silent in face of the oppression and who has inspired thousands across the world to rise for Islam; his sentencing will indeed satiate the hearts of those who seek to see the ruin of the sincere followers of Ahl us-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. So who is he? You may ask. His name is Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad.
Catapulted in the media as a man of global vision and yielded by many as one of the most influential scholars to have pierced the Western world, undoubtedly the loss of such a man will leave a huge vacuum in the heart of the Muslim Ummah as they strive to re-establish the Islamic State.
On April, 6th 2009C.E. Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad faces the injustice of the Lebanese judiciary, cunningly dictated by the American-Shia alliance, infamous for their treachery against those upon the Sunnah, as has been experienced by our brothers from among the Taleban or those struggling in the depths of Baghdad and Fallujah.
So what justice can be expected from those deceitful Shia who take joy in fabricating hadith and conspiring against those who strive to liberate Palestine? What justice can be extracted from a Capitalist American regime that recently made the slaughterer of Iraq and Afghanistan, Tony Blair, their Peace Envoy to the Middle East? And what justice can be derived from a Lebanese establishment so vehement against Islam and so harsh against the Muslims?
Our dear Muslim brothers and sisters, indeed the supplication (dua) is the weapon of the believer and it is authentically narrated that the great sahabi, Ibn Abbas (ra) said regarding Islah that, “It is to give your brother his right and there are four 1) when you see him to smile 2) to give salaam when you come close to him 3) to support him 4) and not to leave him alone.”
Verily, we are living in strange times when smiling towards your Muslim brother has become a difficult thing and the salaam has become restricted to nationalities and family ties, yet it is never too late to revive these forgotten duties and indeed our brothers are in need of it and indeed our sisters are in need of it.
Undoubtedly, the world has witnessed those Lions of Islam roaring in the East and the West, struggling against the tyrants in Lal Masjid and Chechnya and Bali and the Xing Xiang province, yet the Ummah cannot afford to lose too many Lions and they are in need of your support and again they are in need of your support.
It is authentically recorded in at-Tabarani and Bayhaqi that Jaabir ibn Abdillah (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “How could Allah bless people who do not ensure the rights of the weak.”
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad is indeed in a weak situation and he is needy for your support and he is needy for your help, and we ask you to make dua for him and we ask you again to make dua against those who wish to harm him; even if you differ with him we say that despite our differences it should never prevent us from uniting against a common enemy who have once again gathered their wolves around a group of 83 Muslims whose only crime was to believe in Allah (SWT) as their Lord.
Finally, to the disbelievers at war with Islam and the Muslims we say that you will never be victorious over a nation who seeks death (in the Way of Allah (SWT)) with every second that passes, and who are not deterred by the many casualties they suffer in pursuit of their divine goal (Ridwaan ullah) and moreover that the prophecies of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) will never pass except that they will be fulfilled, and verily Rome is waiting, and Britain is waiting, and the White House is waiting.
Subhan-Allah another piece of evidence that points towards Allah preparing this ummah for victory
Narrated By Al-Mughira bin Shu’ba: The Prophet said, “A group of my followers will remain predominant (victorious) till Allah’s Order (the Hour) comes upon them while they are still predominant (victorious).”
[Sahih Bukhari: Vol 9, Book 92. Holding Fast To The Qur'an and Sunnah. Hadith 414.]
Narrated By Muawiya: I heard the Prophet saying, “A group of my followers will keep on following Allah’s Laws strictly and they will not be harmed by those who will disbelieve them or stand against them till Allah’s Order (The Hour) will come while they will be in that state.”
[Sahih Bukhari: Vol 9, Book 93. Oneness, Uniqueness Of Allah (Tawheed). Hadith 552.]
Asalamu alaikum wa Rahmatuhalhi wa Barakatuhu:
Our dear Sheikh Imam Anwar, may Allah reward and protect you for forwarding these Signs of Rahman to us and the fulfillment of the Hadith of Rasoolollah (Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam). You have with all sincerity showed us the symptoms and the diseases of the current Ummah and then provided us the Cure and the Prescription from Quran and Sunnah, and as the Emir Supyan (may Allah protect him) puts it clearly:
“The main thing is that we and all those who sympathize with us, should understand, that we don’t play anymore in “international law”, “sovereignty” or “peaceful coexistence” with disbelievers. Such understanding about the world, relying on anyone or anything besides Allah, led Muslims to multiple sufferings.”
Brothers and Sisters in Islam these are the problems; and our disavowal of the enemies of Islam and fighting in Jihad Fee Sabililah are the solutions for the Ummah as the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
“A group of people from my Ummah will continue to fight in obedience to the command of Allah, remaining dominant over their enemies. Those who will oppose them shall not do them any harm. They will remain in this condition until the Hour overtakes them.”
[Sahih Muslim: Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4721]
We ask Allah to guide the Mujahideen from all corners of the world and grant them victory.
Abu Yahyah why are you posting this fraud article entitled ‘AHL US-SUNNAH WAL JAMA’AH UNDER ATTACK’ on that jahil person called Omar Bakri? He is a nobody who has never lifted a gun or struggled in Allaah’s path. If any body needs to the truth about this Omar Bakhri and his blind ‘al Majnoun’ followers one need only ask the Mujahideen brothers of Azzam Publications (who are reliable and took part in actual jihaad in Bosnia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc. unlike Bakri and his cult) and other reliable brothers about him:
We are not fooled by this character, I doubt very much our Imaam Anwar is either so stop posting their lies.
You make us laugh with this: ‘a man who…..has inspired thousands across the world to rise for Islam’, this is pure comedy- Bakri (who once claimed to be upo the haqq as an Ashari Hizbut Tahrir member) has only inspired about 30 or so to do taqleed of him at most!
Equal shares of humour can be found in the following extract: ‘Catapulted in the media as a man of global vision’- so this is your criteria for a man who is supposed to be a Scholar- how the kuffar media think of him? And which of these kaffireen media outlets that Bakri loves to do interviews for actually has said these words ‘man of global vision’ in regards to him? This is yet another lie.
Furthermore, how can this Bakri claim to be a Shaykh? He never studied anywhere with any Shaykh nor Talib’ul Ilm or in any Islaamic Institute, etc.
Also no one aside from his ‘al Majnoun’ followers claim ‘yielded by many as one of the most influential scholars to have pierced the Western world’ for none aside from them accept his leadership nor scholarship let alone the pack of lies he always says.
Asalamu Aaliakum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam , the blessings of Jumah on you all,
This is certainly the Day of Increase.
Alhumduillah we are so fortunate to be able to read such excellent work , such Hikma and a clear view of the real realities in this life , no illusions here Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen ,Sabhan Allah ,Allah has rewarded those brothers with clarity of Islamic thought and action . I loved reading this article, this is another treat from Allah Most Gracious , Allah reward those honourable brothers , and how powerful is the Pen , The message it conveys can reach to the all inhabitants on this earth . Allah accept their efforts and all seeking the same path.
This strength is growing and spreading as a cure for our Ummah ,
All praise be to Allah The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, Allahu Akbar This is certainly a blessed morning
The Chechens made the fatal mistake of allowing Arab foreigners from the Gulf and Egypt hijack the Jihad in Chechnya. When Dudayev and the other TRUE Chechen Mujahideen had established victory – the Arabs led by a treacherous Salafi Chechen by the name of Shamil Basayev decided to invade Dagestan and every other Russian-occupied area instead of focusing on creating a viable, succcessful state. The lesson here is to never let Arabs get involved with a freedom struggle, they can’t even defend freedom in their own miserable countries.
Jazakallah Khairan Br. Sameer, You said it right.
Abu Yahya talks about the Lebanon’s persecution of Muslims including Omar Bakri but fails to note that same Bakri was playing government agent by offerng to mediate between the Lebanese army and Mujahideen under siege at Naher El Bard during the bloody confrontation that resulted in destruction and complete obliteration of the camp by Lebanese army in 2007. Read the above link.
Allah forgive me I was so excited at the content of this atricle I forgot to say Ameen ,Ameen ,Ameen.
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Is he who goeth groping on his face more rightly guided, or he who walketh upright on a beaten road ? [ Siraatim Mustaqiim ] Mulk 22
Asalaam Alaykum. Jazakum Allahu Khayr for this great post! However, I kind of always supported Hamas, as I thought they were actually encouraging Jihad. SubhanAllah. So does that mean that Hamas is something different and the Mujahideen something else? I’d be grateful if anybody could answer this question. Thank You. Also, how can we we know which person who proclaims to be a shiekh is a shiekh (since we cant veirfy anything Nowadays)…like Omar Bakri…and regarding the Shia’ leaders, like the leader of Iran, I was quite impressed at the way he handles things especially when he talks about Israel and America.He’s I think the only one opening his mouth so clearly against Israel. So can we be happy about this or should we feel pity about their wrong belief only? I personally thought that as long as we are Muslims, we should unite and fight the enemies, but also be aware of the right Aqeedah and hate the wrong aqeedah and try to guide those deviated sects os Islam. Astagfirullah, Please correct me if I am thinking in the incorrect manner.
I would prefer a response from Imam Anwar himself, but if not, the any knowledgeable person is most welcomed. Jazakum Allahu Khayr. May Allah grant all of us the correct understanding of His Religion. Ameen.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 8, 1430 H./ 05-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
15 Mortars fired at American and puppet army bases in Khost Wednesday night 04-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired fifteen mortars shells at American invaders compound and their puppet army base in district headquarter in center of Sabr district of Khost province, where a large number of American invader terrorists live, in the attack the compound and base were damaged but enemy casualties were not reported.
British invaders army base attacked in Helmand Wednesday noon 04-03-2009 at approximately 4.15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a British invaders army base in Sarwan Kala area of Sangin district of Helmand province, a fire was seen in the base but the number of invader terrorists killed or wounded could not be confirmed.
A number of British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Wednesday afternoon 04-03-2009 at approximately 4 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed on foot patrolling unit of British invaders army in Chahi Merza area of Nadali district in Helmand province, in the ambush few invader terrorists were killed and few were wounded.
In 7 explosions a number of British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Wednesday noon 04-03-2009 at approximately 5:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invaders army in Yatem Chi area Musa Kala district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and six invader terrorists in it were killed. Also in Toghi area of the same district Mujahideen with a remote controlled landmines blew up on foot patrolling unit of British invader army terrorists in which a large number of British invaders and their puppets were killed or wounded.
Puppet army Convoy’s ambushed in Herat Wednesday afternoon 04-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army in Soshan area of Gazri district of Heart province, in the ambush two vehicles were damaged and five puppet police terrorists were killed and few were wounded and their arms were Mujahideen’s booty.
In an ambush 5 British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Wednesday 04-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed s convoy of British invaders army in Tanki area of Nawzad district of Helmand province, in the fighting started which lasted for three hours during which Mujahideen killed five British terrorists and wounded many.
6 puppet police terrorists killed and police station damaged Wednesday night 04-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a puppet police station in Kandahar city, in the attack Mujahideen damaged the police station and killed six puppet terrorists.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Shaykh Omar Abd ArRahman – Our Role In Islaam
May Allah azza wajjal give izza to Islam and the muslimeen insha Allah in the near future insha Allah. And may Allah forgive us and our dead.
May Allah destroy His enemies and the enemies of the muslimeen
Salaamu ‘alaikum Imam Anwar. There is another INSPIRATIONAL naseeha given by a Caucasus mujaheed “Sheikh Sayeed of Buriatia” on “HOW I WENT TO JIHAD AND WHAT I HAVE SEEN HERE” which you can post on your blog. It is found in the Kavkaz center.
Sameer, that article by azzam publications uses statement taken from the media without to verify, secondly maybe you do not know that it is allowed to exaggerate in times of war to terrify the enemy, and all due respect to azzam publications, they were calling the muslims to vote in democratic elections, the rest of the comments are just hatred which is usually found on islamic awakening, as for the issue with fatah al islam , ahlul mecca know best about mecca, tell me the story of what happend with fatah al islam or should I tell you and do not accuse based on what you hear from the kuffar, and regards to utiling the media, the prophet used to utilise the poets of mecca.
I hope you are prepared to stand by your statements on the day of judgement.
And if you want to know about shayk omar, ask about him on al hesbah forums.
“Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
Had Allah known any good in them, He would have made them hear. And if He had made them hear, they would [still] have turned away, while they were refusing.”
[Surah Al-Anfaal, Ayat 21-22]
To ExJihadi
In what position are you that you should say anything about the Jihad fee Sabililah, since you abandon Islam in the first place?
We know Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] as an Arab, and the Qur’an in the Arabic mother tongue. So do not try to fool us by bringin in race, ethnicities etc., into your arguments to divide the Ummah into Arabs and non-Arabs.
That’s all we have to say to you for now.
“But those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and spread corruption on earth – for them is the curse, and they will have the worst home.”
[Surah Ar-Ra'd, Ayat 25]
Please remove the comment “ExJihadi on March 5th, 2009 at 10:47 pm #” because it contains slander.
I smell something foul on this blog that old ugly nationalism is rearing its pathetic head
Alhumduillah for our Deen that wipes it out with the ink of the pen.
Brothers please note and try not to make the mistake of equating all of the HAMAS members to be one and the same when there are clear differences amongst them in particular from its political wing, military wing- al Qassam Brigade, and their ‘Ullemaa.
The likes of Shaykh Ahmed Yaseen (as-Shaheed if Allaah wills) and others who were also affiliated to HAMAS cannot be blamed for the clear errors that some have made.
Our beloved Shaykh Saleh al-Munajid (Hafidh’allaah) has also spoken good of the likes of the Mujahid Shaykh Nizar Rayyan (as-Shaheed if Allaah wills): for it is clear he was free from wrongs in this.
However a balance is necessitated and it has to be agreed in the same manner as there are sincere believers with them there are also some who have clearly errored on many matters as the Mujahid Commander Supyan Abdullayev points out rightly as also was experienced by Shaykh Dr. Abd’allaah Yusuf Azzam before him (as-Shaheed if Allaah wills) after which he joined and lead the Afghan jihaad.
Please try and note that these differences do exist and we should acknowledge this for the kuffar and the munafiqeen (as well as fake scholars ie. Bakri) will try exploit and use such things as a means to devide and conquer but as awwam we should humble ourselves and let those in the fields that have gone forth and our true scholars who the Mujahideen accept ie. Imaam Anwar, etc. mediate and advise on the matter.
Salamucalaykum Warahmatu ALLhu Wabarakatuhu! mashaallah what a beatifull lecture!
TO: Ex’Jihadi’, with a fake user name- in the same decietful manner as the false ’scholar’ Bakri you are a fraud who has never supported jihaad feesabilillaah nor the Mujahideen.
The Chechen jihaad as all warfare for Allaah’s sake is not nationalistic thereby welcoming all Mujahideen from all lands no matter their race or national background- we do not call to asabiyyah so as our Chechen brothers are welcome to fight for Allaah as are those brothers from Arab/ Turkish/ African/ etc. backgrounds in any and all fields of jihaad whether in Chechnya itself or Kasmir/ Iraq/ Afghanistan/ Somalia/ Palestine, etc.
Allaah grants victory and martyrdom to whom he wills who fight for his cause without shirk or other motives- race has no significance in this.
The devide and conquer shaytanic game is played by the kuffar- are you one of them? Regardless you are truly a sick piece of trash talking ill of the likes of the Mujahid Commander Shamil Basayev (as-Shaheed if Allaah wills).
As salamu alaykum
To SYED HOQUE…i ask of you, where i can find that document.
Please advise akhi.
JazakAllahu khairan
Asalamalaikum sheikh. Ameen to your dua in the end of the post. And may Allah grant the mujahideen firdaus, accept our prayers and help us join their ranks.
alhamUllah ..excellant. very impressive. can anyone tell me . does one need parents permission for jihad? can they go without it?
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu Brother,
Indeed all praise is for Allah and may His peace and blessings be upon His final Messenger Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassallam, his family, companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgement. Ameen.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala keep us firm upon the this Deen and help us to speak the Truth in the face of adversity.
Thank you for forwarding such a beautiful post, subhan’Allah what a treat, may Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala give victory to our Brothers and Sisters who are fighting for the establishment of Shariah.. Ameen.
Jumu’ah Mubarak to all the Brothers and Sisters.
Jazakhallahu khairan.
Your sister in Islam
Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way – Surah Kahf :10
!! I did not know that about Hamas!! I have always supported them in their struggle against those Jews, but that is just shocking to read. And I have always wondered about Iran’s support of Hamas, you know with the situation of Sunnis in Iran then the Iranian government giving hundreds of millions to A bunch of Sunnis. May Allah give victory to the mujahideens all over the world and unite our Ummah. Ameen
Indeed what a blessed nation is the Ummah of Muhammad SAW. We have Mujahideen from four different races, in four different areas of the world, united in their purpose of establishing Tauheed, the Shari’ah, under the government of a Khilafah, whose capital InshaALLAH WILL BE IN BAGHDAD. These four are:
1. The Mujahideen in Iraq
2. The Mujahideen in Afghanistan
3. The Mujahideen in Somalia
4. The Mujahideen in the Caucus
May ALLAH unite us further, and allow the other nations of Muslims to follow the examples of the leaders of the Mujahideen mentioned above. I look forward to the day when these four leaders will meet face to face, and announce the establishment of the Khilafah, choosing an Imam from amongst themselves to be the leader of this Ummah. May ALLAH allow us to live long enough to see that day. May ALLAH allow us to be participants, and contributors to that victory, instead of cheerleaders on the sidelines, who are watching the real men shed their blood, sweat, and tears, and May ALLAH not make us the dunya loving dogs like maghi85 or exJihadi – criminals who love to vilify the Muslims, blame Islam and Muslims for every wrong thing that has happened in history (I wouldn’t be surprised if, in their desperate attempts at pleasing their masters i.e. the americans/europeans, jews, and homosexuals, they accuse Adolph Hitler of being a Muslim), and absolve Uncle Sam, the europeans, the homosexuals, and the jews of ANY CRIME WHATSOEVER.
How dare anyone knows the date of September 11, 2001, and NOT know the date of August 6, 1990? This was the day the U.N. Security Council signed the resolution to impose sanctions against our brothers and sisters in Iraq, a death sentence which killed according to conservative estimates 500,000 children. Make no mistake about this, the kuffar started the war against Islam, and InshaALLAH, let the Mujahideen finish it!
May ALLAH curse the kuffar, and May ALLAH curse anyone who supports them, defends them, makes excuses for them, and loves them.
Ibn Adam
Large sabotage operation conducted by Mujahideen in Ingushetia
Publication time: 5 March 2009, 18:35
Occupation sources admit that a squad consisted of police apostates from Ingushetia’s “MIA” gang and Russian infidels from “FSB” gang was eliminated in a bomb blast in the village of Surhohi, Caucasus Emirate’s Ghalghaycho (Ingishetia) Province, on Thursday after noon.
The sources reported that among the dead apostates included a high-ranking local interior ministry official and a deputy criminal police chief for the area.
The information about the casualties is contradicting. Russian infidels reported 6 apostates killed and at least 3 puppet policemen injured, but it is very likely that the casualties are higher.
Local sources reported 7 killed and 4 injured. According to other information 5 Russian invaders were killed, including 2 members of “FSB” gang, and several puppet policemen were injured.
“The explosion occurred in the afternoon of March 5 while the bomb, which was beneath a booby trap, was being deactivated on the shoulder of the road between Ekashevo and Surhohi in the Nazran region of Ingushetia,” a statement from the investigative wing of Russia’s Prosecutor General’s Office said.
Kavkaz Center
Salaams all. Jazak’Allah for the article Sheikh Anwar. I wanted the forum members (and if possible to you as well Sheikh, in an upcoming article please!) to help expand on a topic which I personally think is one of the most important in the twisted world we live in: the ruling on the Saudi Royal Family and it’s imminent demise insha’Allah. I have been intensely studying the Saudi Royal family over the last couple of years and spoken to various people about this this (seems the Saudi Shuyukh have walnuts stuck in their throat when the issue of validity of these bastardised rulers comes up! I’ve since stopped listening to any Saudi scholar because they simply cannot be trusted). My question to this forum is and I think rightly addressed to the Sheikh as well (given the number of brothers who actually argue for these filthy pigs) is: WHAT EXACTLY IS OUR VIEW ABOUT THE SAUDI REGIME SPECIFICALLY, HOW CAN WE WORK TO UPROOT THEM AND WHAT ARE THE ISSUES INVOLVED IN THE ARGUMENT FOR IT?
Hayaakallah akhi Ibn Adam. Your words deserve to be written in gold. May Allah preserve you and elevate your status in this life and the next.
Asalam alaikum dear Imam Anwar al-Awlaki & to my dear brothers and sisters, Jazak’Allah for touching upon ‘the forgotten cry of Chechniya’
May Allah Ta’ala give Victory to our blessed Mujahideen of chechniya,….
Allahu Akbar! you spoke the truth about Islam will rule with Khalifah every 100 years, Subhan’Allah we are living in a blessed time, victory is near….
May Allah make us of those who are amongst the Mujahideen to bring back Islam and not of those who sit on the side line…
For Allah I Have Sold My Desires- [Abu Hajar Rahimahullaah]
The memories of the battles and martyrdom is stirring,
My longing for the Ever-lasting Abode which is remaining;
And the roaring of the Lion of Allaah in the fields, How much,
It pleases my yearning for Jihaad openly;
For Allaah I have sold my desires,
And I have bought with it, the Highest Gardens;
I do not seek a pleasant, comfortable life,
Nor any amusement in this Abode of Perishing;
Until I reach martyrdom in dignity,
And the beautiful maidens of Paradise are bandaging my wounds;
O Lord! We have sold you our lives, for Gardens,
So in Jihaad, O Allaah: spill my blood;
Lord, O Lord! Martyrdom, I seek,
So answer, O Allaah: my prayer.
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
subhanAllah, what a wonderful article indeed ALLAH is preparing us for victory.
For those who have issues understanding this article then there is something wrong with their imaan. Alhamdulillah the verses of Al Qur’an are so clear but only those who bear true imaan can comprehend. Exjihad read what brother Jihadfeesabililah has post..actually here it is again just to refresh your mind “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
Had Allah known any good in them, He would have made them hear. And if He had made them hear, they would [still] have turned away, while they were refusing.”
[Surah Al-Anfaal, Ayat 21-22]
Please read and reflect on those verses for your own good!
@ brother Ibn Adam reading your post my face was lit up with joy when i red these lines “I look forward to the day when these four leaders will meet face to face, and announce the establishment of the Khilafah, choosing an Imam from amongst themselves to be the leader of this Ummah”
May Allah keep our brother on the frontline steadfast, where ever they are and grant them victory.
Sr. Cherry I think that’s a “fabulous” idea, would you mind taking over the administration of the Hajj pilgramage then? It only involves making sure 3 million Muslims every year don’t get injured performing the Hajj. Maybe our educated brothers and sisters in Al Qaeda or the Taliban could handle it? Or maybe you could just send an “evite” with the details? Let me know, mmkay?
@ Sister faiza , I had the same reaction too when I read Ibn Adams post ,Amin to both your duas,
@Strangers yes I agree , for Allah I have sold my desires, Amin
@ sister cherry maybe we sisters can take over the Admin for the whole of Balad Rasul , Im shure we can do the job that pleases Allah instead of those Taghut and Munafics that bring shame on our Blessed Land
salam ya shiakh im currently in yemen, sanna and i wanted to see you and ask a couple questions i was wondering if i could come and see u ok khayr salam
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb to all aiming to please Allah swt)
@ cherry You should read the 5 Ground Rules for Acheivement of the Tradition of Victory or its Absence
posted near the beginning of this site.
Its such a heavy , worthwhile read and will answer some of your points
First , we have no [royal families in our Aqeeda whoever thinks himself to be a royal does not follow the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed saws)
Second , The land is Balad Rasul so belongs to the followers of our beloved Rasul saws) not to some imposters who degrade themselves and the work towards destroying the rightful occupants of that land, they have no honour unless they repent to Allah and return to the deen ,
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
28; Have you not seen those who have changed the Blessings of Allah into disbelief and caused their people to dwell in the House of Destruction?
29; Hell, in which they will burn ---- and what a evil place to settle in.
30; They set up rivals to Allah, to mislead men from His path! say ; "Enjoy [ in your brief life ] But certainly , your destination is the Hell fire.”
Aus b. Shurajil told that he heard Allah’s Messenger saws) say ” If anyone walks with an oppressor to strengthen him , knowing that he is an oppressor, he has gone forth from Islam” Baihaqi
just a tiny contribution to such an extensive topic
@SaudiRoyalFlush Mashallah, I forgot that since organize hajj it’s ok for them to support the america and isreal in their war against killing and oppressing the muslims around the world. I forgot that since they organize hajj, prince waleed can have 38 cars, one which costs 4.8 million dollars and charge people $1000 just to touch it, while there are people starving in his own land. So why don’t you go explain to the starving people of that country that the reason they’re starving is because their “leaders” are using the country’s money on useful things and let me know what they say, mmkay?
As-Salaamo ‘Alaykom wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.
Akhi Anwar Al Awlaki,
Jazakumullah Khair for everything you are doing to help us.
By the way,
How can anyone send a message to you in case of any questions/advice seeking?
AsSalamo alaykom ;
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
May Allah keep the Mujahideen of the Caucasus steadfast!
West in general and Russia in particular are courting and patronizing the sufis to counter growing influence of Mujahideen in Caucasus. This is an old article but is good reading to understand the Russian agenda. They have found a useful ally in Ramzan Kadirov who is promoting the devient sufis.
Jamestown: Salafists and Sufis square off over Chechnya
An international Islamic conference entitled
“The Place and Role of Sufism in the Islamic World,” which gathered
together more than 200 clergymen from Russia and other countries, was
held in the Chechen town of Gudermes. According to official sources,
the event was organized by the Libya-based World Islamic People’s
Leadership organization (Interfax, July 1). The event, however, was
most likely financed by the Russian government. The Kremlin seeks
support from international Sufi leaders to counter the aggressive
Salafi ideology that inspires the anti-Russian insurgency in the North
Sufism is a mysterious branch of Islam whose main idea is that a
Muslim in his lifetime should concentrate on improving his moral
principles while the social environment around him is not so
important. At the opposite side of the spectrum, the disciples of the
Salafi branch of Islam believe that all Muslims compose one Umma
(society) that should be united as one political force and live
according to Islamic Sharia law. The separatists in the North Caucasus
very often justify their armed struggle by the fact that Caucasian
Muslims live in a country ruled by non-Muslims (Russians). Salafists
are usually very hostile to non-Muslim societies.
It is no surprise that the Russian authorities prefer to deal with and
support Sufi disciples and not Salafi preachers. The conference in
Gudermes was just another attempt to strengthen Sufism in Chechnya,
where Salafism has become very popular recently, especially among the
Chechen youth. In an address to the conference participants,
Chechnya’s pro-Russian president, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the
“spiritual and moral ideals of Sufism are directly connected with the
acknowledgment of monotheism, with the perception of the multitudinous
attributes of the Most-High, with spiritual perfection, with the
purification of a believer’s heart from evil, with condemnation of
luxury and social injustice, with equality and human brotherhood”
(Vesti-Severny Kavkaz, July 7). The conference adopted a resolution
stating that “for many Muslim peoples spiritual knowledge of Sufism is
part of their culture” and that the spiritual knowledge of Sufism is
directed toward the “establishment of tolerant relations between
people and helps to block radical and extremist developments”
(Vesti-Severny Kavkaz, July 7).
Thus, the participants of the conference did not hide their main goal:
to find ways to confront Salafism effectively. “The conference was an
important event to unite all healthy elements of the traditional Islam
that opposes radical Islamic distortions of the true faith,” said
Ruslan Saidov, a political observer and unofficial ideologist for
Kadyrov’s regime. Saidov sees Sufism as an ideological basis for
national and state construction in Chechnya (, July 4).
The Kremlin regards Sufism as an ideal alternative to Salafism because
Sufism agitates for non-violent methods, does not interfere with
politics and helps to divide Russian Muslims, especially in the North
Caucasus, according to ethnic characteristics. The North Caucasian
insurgency has the opposite goal: to unite Muslims living in the
Caucasus with those living in all Russia under a banner of the holy
war against infidels and for establishing a pure Islamic state. The
rebels in the North Caucasus recently gained an important ally – the
famous Russian Muslim preacher Said Buryatsky.
Half ethnic Russian, half Buryat (the Buryats are a minority in
Siberia very close to the Mongols), Sheik Said Buryatsky graduated
from an Islamic Institute in Egypt several years ago. According to
Jamestown’s sources among Moscow Muslims, Buryatsky’s main spiritual
teacher in Egypt was Sheikh Mukhammad Khasan, an Egyptian scholar who
issued his own fatwa (religious ruling) concerning defensive and
offensive Jihad (holy war). According to his fatwa, a defensive Jihad
requires every Muslim to defend any Muslim land against infidel
aggression while an offensive Jihad is not obligatory.
Some people say that while studying in Egypt, Said Buryatsky was
arrested once by the Egyptian police on charges of extremism. Despite
this fact, Buryatsky became one of the leading young Muslim preachers
after his return to Russia. Russia’s Muslim community lacks good
preachers and Buryatsky has demonstrated good skills as a religious
missionary. His emotional sermons are well-constructed, and his
knowledge of the Koran and religious literature in general is
exceptional. He also speaks fluent Arabic.
Said Buryatsky used to preach on Radio Islam (which is controlled by
the Spiritual Directorate of Russian Muslims and is the main source of
propaganda for Islam in Russia). It is astonishing that the Russian
authorities allowed Said to preach on the radio for such a long time
because some of his sermons sounded clearly Salafi-like. In his
sermons, Buryatsky targeted Shias as well as Sufis, calling them
people who distort the true Islam. The official Muslim clerics
probably overlooked this simply because they needed a preacher as
brilliant as Said Buryatsky.
However, Buryatsky suddenly appeared in Chechnya accompanied by two
top rebel leaders of the Caucasian insurgency: Dokka Umarov and Supyan
Abdulaev. In a video posted by the rebel Kavkaz-Center website on June
19, Buryatsky stated that after the declaration of a Caucasian Emirate
(see Chechnya Weekly, November 1 and 8, 2007) it became clear that the
Emirate is what Russian Muslims really need and that all Muslims
should support it. Buryatsky called Dokka Umarov “our amir” – meaning
“our leader.”
Buryatsky’s appearance in Chechnya and the recent conference of Sufis
in Guderemes demonstrate the important role that religion has started
to play in the Chechen conflict, which back in the early 1990s
appeared to be simply a political dispute between the federal center
and one of Russia’s regions.
Jaza Khallah Khair. I am very happy to hear from my mujahideen brother. His words are excellent.
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
I was reading cageprisoners’s website and saw this massage so i thought to post it here InshAllah lets show our support for this young brother.
Send a Book to Mohammed el Gharani for World Book Day
Mohammed el Gharani was just 14 years old when he was wrongfully imprisoned in Guantanámo Bay.
Despite being ordered to be released by a federal judge, he is still there five years later – the youngest remaining juvenile.
Although Mohammed has spent his school years in a notoriously brutal prison, he loves books – particularly history. He recently told Reprieve attorneys that he is keen to read as much as possible to prepare for his release.
Show your support for Mohammed by sending him your favourite book for World Book Day.
We hope that sending many books all at once will:
- support Mohammed at this very difficult time
- remind the officials at Guantánamo of his youth, his innocence and their legal obligation to release him.
How to send a book
1) Choose a book – one of your own, second-hand or new is fine
2) Write one sentence on why you have chosen it
3) Call or email Reprieve – we will collect it from you and deliver it to Mohammed in Guantánamo Bay.
Alternatively you can post it to us at ‘A Book for Mohammed el Gharani’, Reprieve, PO Box EC4P 4WS.
We need all books to arrive by Saturday March 14 in time for our next Guantanámo visit.
If you can help or need further information, please contact Katherine O’Shea on 020 7427 1099 or
@ Saudi Royal Flush..
I cannot believe you are contempt with holding yourself to such low standards.. and What success do you have except hit and miss…It is truly dismall when you compare yourself to Heathrow airport. There are not stampedes.. 62 million people daily are serviced. (more than 20 times the figure you quote). I went on umrah some time ago and cannot believe the people commend suadi authorities who are more busy with the shopping malls surrounding the masjid al-haram when the masjid clearly has more requirements during hajj than anything else… and life hujjaj coming from poorer countries have comparitively pathetic abodes to stay in three miles away.. but oh no lets invite British and American businesses to build lavish shops for us travellers..
Yeah great job you have done.. pat on the back for yourself if you want but your only fooling yourself.
This is an exclusive interview with one brother who spent some time in a Saudi prison within the last few
months. He was arrested when he returned from a land of Jihaad, but Alhamdulillah, he was released and fled
the country before the latest crackdown.
We would like to say that what you are about to read is not a fabricated or second-hand account. This account
was taken DIRECTLY from the mouth of the brother who underwent this torture. Defenders of the Saudi
regime will nonetheless try to say that this is a made-up story or that it is lies.
In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind
“I don’t knowwhat to say in the beginning and howto start the story, but I find myself forced to speak the truth
and to let the world knowabout the biggest hypocrite regime on the face of the Earth. Words are not sufficient
for me to describe what happened. I returned from the Jihaad in Afghanistan, where I had gone to help the
oppressed Muslims and fulfil my duty to Allah U. One night I was sleeping with my family at my home in Al-
Khubar1, in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My family heard a loud knocking on
the front door, which frightened them. My brother went to open the door, and as soon as he tried to open the
door, the visitors forced their way into the house and put himup against the wall. They also got my other family
members up against the wall. They forcefully woke me up frommy sleep, dragged me bymy clothes and put me
against the wall as well. They started to swear at me:
‘You son of an adulteress! You dog! Where are the weapons in your house?’
“ I told them that I did not have any weapons in my house. Then they started to beat me, in front ofmy family.
They began searching my house and went through my things. Then they handcuffed me and tookme in a car to
the headquarters of the intelligence services.
“When we reached the headquarters, they forced me out of the car and took me to one of the rooms. In that
room, they removed all of my clothes and started to laugh whilst commenting on my ‘awrah (private parts).
147[147] This story was published by `Azzaam web site and approved by other trustworthy brothers.
Al-Khubar is the city where the explosion against the Americans took place.
When I asked themwhy they were doing that, they said that it was part of the search procedures. They gave me
back my clothes, took me to another room and told me to wait there The roomwas very cold and I waited for
eleven hours before anyone came. I had gone to sleep in a chair, and was woken up by a slap across my face.
Then someone said to me:
‘Howdare you sleep, you dog!’
“ Then he started to swear at me, calling me a homosexual, a fornicator with my mother and a fornicator with
my sister. I said to him:
‘Don’t say that. It is not Islamically permissible.’
“He gestured to two guards to hit me. They hit me a number of times. Then he
‘Don’t teach us our Deen. We knowit better than you.’
“ Then three officers entered. Their names are as follows:
Ahmad Muhammad Al-Ba’aadee
Nida Al-Oteibi,
Samir Rashid Al-Qahtani
“ They had all been educated in the USA. They sat down and, when they sawme, they said:
‘His face does not suit interrogation, as there is not enough blood on it.’
“ Then a large soldier came and slapped me across my face a number of times until blood appeared. After that
they asked me:
‘Where did you learn to be a mujaahid?’
“ I told them, ‘From the Book of ALLAHU and the Sunnah of the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace and Blessings of
ALLAH be upon him).’
“ Then they said:
‘Liar! Liar! The Book and the Sunnah did not tell you to disobey the wali ulamr ( ruler of the Muslims) and to
fight the Islamic State.’
“ I told them that I had not fought the Islamic State. They said:
‘You don’t speak, only we speak!’
“ Then they asked me hundreds of questions over nine hours. During the questioning, the subject of Shaikh
‘Abdullah `Azzaam- the shahid (martyr) scholar of theMujaahidin in Afghanistan, came up. I told themthat the
Saudi government portrayed a good image of himin the media. Then one of the officers, AhmadMuhammad Al-
Ba’aadee said:
‘We knowthe truth about ‘Abdullah `Azzaam. He called all the young beardless boys to Afghanistan in order to
carry out homosexual acts with them under the guise of Jihaad.’
Eventually I asked them:
‘Why am I here? I want to know!’
I wished I hadn’t asked. They said:
‘It seems as if you didn’t have a good tarbiyyah (upbringing).’
They then ordered the guards: ‘Teach himsome manners!’ And the guards beat me until the officers said:
“ I was then taken and thrown in the cells. The next day they returned and asked me:
‘Why did you go for Jihaad?’ I told themthat I went for Jihaad to help the Muslims and gain victory over the
kuffar (unbelievers).
They said:
‘Liar! You want to overthrowthe Saudi regime.’ I said that that wasn’t true.
“ Then they questioned me for six hours. They asked me where I had hidden the weapons and the explosives. I
told themthat I did not have any of these things. They asked me more questions and I told them that I didn’t
“ They ordered the guards to take me to a room and make me stand until further notice. I thought I would be
made to stand only for one day, being provided with food. In actual fact, they made me stand for eight days
giving me only water but neither food nor a moment’s sleep.
“When I used to make Salah (prayer), I used to make long prostration in order to rest. One of the officers used
to come and kick me, lifting my neck with his foot. He would say:
‘Don’t make long prostration! Get up!’ and he would swear at me. He used to do this whilst I was in Salah!
“ After the eighth day, I felt I was near to my death, since I had had neither food nor sleep for eight days. Then
one of the officers came and called me.
“ They gave me food and drink and said:
‘Nowthat we have saved you fromdeath, you will speak and tell us where the weapons and the explosives are.’
“ I told them that I did not knowbecause I did not have anything. They said:
‘It seems that you have still not learnt any manners.’
“ They took me to a room, sat me on a chair and attached electrodes to my hands and legs. The officer turned
the switch on to 30V. He asked me where the weapons and the explosives were. I said to myself that I would not
reply except with ‘La ilaha ill ALLAH’. He started to increase the voltage to 60V, 90Vthen 120V. When he
reached 150V, I fell unconscious. I awoke after one day. They tookme to the same room, and poured cold water
over me in preparation of more electric shocks.
At that point I said:
‘OK! I’ll tell you where the weapons and the explosives are.’
“They asked me where, to which I replied:
‘I left them in Afghanistan’
They then started to beat me and swear at me again.
For two days I was not given any food. Then one of the officers asked me whether I wanted to eat. I replied in
the affirmative. He asked me which restaurant would I prefer to eat from. I replied:
‘Masha-ALLAH, you have five star service here!’
“He said: ‘In fact, you’ll see that we have ten star service here.’
“ Then he began to laugh and I wondered why he laughed. He tookme to a roomand asked me what I wanted to
eat. I thought he was serious.
“ I said: ‘Acheeseburger from Hardees’. He said:
‘What else?’
“ I said: ‘French Fries.’
“He asked: ‘And what else?’
“ I said: ‘APepsi.’
“He asked me if I wanted anything else, and I replied that that was sufficient. Then he said:
‘What do you think if we also get you an Apple Pie?’
“ I said: ‘Yes, yes, bring that too!’
“He told me to wait there and he left the room. After a while, he returned with four well-built men. He pointed
to the men and said:
‘This is Cheeseburger, French-Fries, Pepsi and Apple Pie. They will serve you your meal Insha’allah.’
“ I was sat in a chair, with my hands laid out flat on a table. The man he named ‘Cheeseburger’ came and with a
long cane, he struck the backs of both of my hands until they became blue. The officer asked whether I had
eaten my fill with the ‘Cheeseburger’. I wanted to say yes, but I was in so much pain that I couldn’t reply.
“ Next came ‘French-Fries’. He brought with him three canes and said:
‘These must be broken today!’
“He started to beat me across my back. By the Mercy of ALLAH I, all three canes broke very soon. I don’t
knowhowmany times he had struck me, since after the third strike, I stopped feeling any pain.”
“ Then came ‘Pepsi’ and ‘Apple Pie’. They laid me on my back on a table, and brought something known as a
‘falakah’. This is like a short, thick, wooden log with a short rope stretching from one end to another. They
inserted my feet through the rope, and rotated the log against my shins, winding the rope and tightening my feet
together. Each person held an end of the log and raised it, so that my feet were up in the air.
“ Then a third person came and with a long, thin cane, beat the soles ofmy feet until theywere covered in blood
(as a result I wasn’t able to stand for about six days, since the soles ofmy feet had become torn).I pleaded with
them to stop but they did not listen and continued to beat me. After four hours of torture, they stopped and left
the room.
“ The officer returned and asked me if I wanted any other food. I said:
‘No I am full.’
“He asked if I would like some cake as a dessert after my meal. I was extremely angry and replied:
‘Get lost you kaafir! You dog! You dajjaal! You American agent! You Israeli agent! You cross worshipper.’
“He clapped his hands twice and three men entered with three glass tanks. In each tank there was a snake. He
teased me:
‘Shall we release these, leave you and go? Shall we? I’m a kaafir amI? I’m a dog amI? We will release these
and also bring some scorpions.’
“One of the snakes was as thick as my armand one was a cobra.
‘They will entertain you!’ he said and he gave the order for the glass cases to be opened. I became very
frightened and I called him. I started to cry and said:
“I’ll tell you everything, and I won’t hide anything from you. Just take these snakes away.”
“ The officer became very happy. He stroked my beard and my head, saying,
‘Masha’ALLAH. You are a good boy now. You have become well-mannered.’
“He started to wipe my tears, saying:
‘Don’t cry little boy. I’m like your father.’ I marvelled at Allah’s patience with this man.
“ They unshackled me and I told themI couldn’t walk. The officer said:
‘Don’t worry. We are at your service,’ and he ordered the others to carry me to the interrogation room.
“ By nowI was psychologically destroyed. I gave them information about the brothers, but I didn’t tell them
everything. And ALLAH I knows that I didn’t tell them anything, until after I had reached a state of
psychological destruction. For the one who is reading this account of mine is not like the one who has been
through it. I ask ALLAH U to excuse me on the Day of Judgement.
“ I was then taken to the prison’s clinic where they treated an injury to my eye, my back, my feet and my heart,
which had been affected by the electric shocks. I stayed in the clinic for six days and I didn’t receive any
physical torture after that- only mental torture. For instance, they would play loud music in my presence and
swear at me with the worst swear words imaginable. Then they took me to a normal cell to join three other
Mujaahidin brothers.
“ After meeting with my brothers in the cell, I knewthat what had happened to me was light compared to what
they had been put through. One of them was locked in a corpse freezer and left for two days. He knocked and
knocked and pleaded with themto let him out. By the time they had taken him out, he had become
psychologically destroyed and he even confessed to things he had not done.During this period he also acquired
a continuous chest infection.
“ Another brother was placed in a hot room and fed some very salty food. For three days he was not given any
water to drink. Then they came and asked himif he wanted any water. He was so thirsty and his mouth was so
dry that he could not even speak, and he merely gestured that he needed water. They brought himthe best
mineral water and allowed him to drink to his heart’s content. When he wanted to go to the toilet to relieve
himself, they tied his hands behind his back, removed his lower garment and sealed his private part with black
tape. Then they laughed and said:
‘Go on, urinate!’
After a number of hours he cried and screamed and said:
‘Bring a blank sheet of paper and I will sign it. And you can write a confession to every crime above my
signature. I killed Sadat (President of Egypt), I killed King Faisal (Saudi Arabia), I killed John F. Kennedy (US
“ It was as if he had become mad. Then he started to give theminformation regarding every possible thing. Even
things they did not ask him about. Then finally, they allowed himto urinate.
“Once one of the brothers returned froma torture session with a big smile on is face. Upon being asked the
reason of his smile, he joyfully told us that he was happy because he had nowseen open proof of the Saudi
regime’s collaboration with the US government. He said that during his interrogation, American officers whose
identity cards read had also questioned him: ‘FBI Saudi Arabia Branch.’ Afterwards I was to find out that the
FBI even has an office in Al-Khubar.
“ I stayed in the prison for a further two months and ten days. One morning, one of the officers – ‘Abdul Ghani
Ash-Shareef’ – came to the cell and called one of the brothers, addressing himas,
‘You son of an adulteress! You fornicator with your mother!’
“ The brother cautioned himto fear ALLAH. The officer replied:
‘Are you trying to teach me about my Lord? I knowmy Lord better than you! Cursed be your Lord! Cursed be
your Deen!’
“Once I said to this same officer:
‘Why do you torture me, when we are both from the tribe ofQuraysh?’ He replied:
‘Yes, but you are from the lineage ofMuhammad, and I amfrom the lineage of Abu Jahl.’
“Dear reader, you might not believe me if I told you that these were the most beautiful days ofmy life. We all
used to pray during the night and fast everyday following the words of Ibn Taymiyyah :رحمھ الله
‘What can my enemies do to me? My Paradise is in my breast; wherever I go, it is with me. My murder is
Shahaadah (martyrdom). My imprisonment is solitude with ALLAH U. And my exile is tourism.’
“ Some of the brothers even wrote this famous statement on the cell walls with their own blood.
“ And whilst in prison, we used to constantly repeat a slogan of which we were proud and felt we were acting
La ilaha ill ALLAH Muhammad Ar-Rasulullah! Upon it we live, and upon it we die. And in its path we make
Jihaad, and upon it we will meet ALLAH.’
“ All the brothers in all the cells used to chant this together in one voice over and over again. The guards used
to come and kick the doors, telling us to shut up. They would say:
‘May ALLAH either cut your tongues, or we will put our boots in your mouths.’
“ But this would only increase the volume of our voices. And we would frequently utter cries of ALLAHU
AKBAR(ALLAH is the Greatest), since we felt that this prison was a test fromALLAHto purify us fromour sins
and to strengthen our Iman (faith), just as had happened to Bilal bin Rabah, the family of Yasir, ‘Abdullah bin
Mas’ud, Khabbab bin ‘Arrat, Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari, and before all of them, the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace
and blessings of ALLAH I be upon him).
“We used to feel that when this punishment was combined with Iman in ALLAH, it became a blessing from
ALLAH and not a misfortune. The voices of the brothers were constantly engaged in the remembrance of
ALLAH and recitation ofQur’an.We felt that these voices in the future would become war and weapons against
the oppressors. Every time we sawa tyrant increasing the torture, we became more certain that their end was
becoming nearer – because ALLAH gives respite, but does not disregard.
“ Then after many intercessions, ALLAH favoured me to leave that prison and that country. And here I am
writing this actuality to all the Muslims in the Islamic world, so that they knowthe reality of this apostate
regime; that they knowthat it is a regime of lies, pretending to represent Islam, whereas Islamis innocent of it.
“And to let those knowwho defend this regime and describe it as ‘Salafi’ (upon the example of the first three
generations ofMuslims), saying that it is established on the ‘Aqidah of Tawhid (the creed of the Oneness of
ALLAH) whilst its soldiers punish the Muslims for raising the word of Tawhid.
A Mujaahid Brother
Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akabr may Allah increase thier iman and strenghth and bless them a final everlasting abode Jannah al firdous
4483 kitab al amara sahih muslim: It has been narrated on the authority of Amir b. Sa’d b. Abu Waqqas who said: I wrote (a letter) to Jabir b. Samura and sent it to him through my servant Nafi’, asking him to inform me of something he had heard from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). He wrote to me (in reply): I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say on Friday evening, the day on which al-Aslami was stoned to death (for committing adultery): The Islamic religion will continue until the Hour has been established, or you have been ruled over by twelve Caliphs, all of them being from the Quraish. also heard him say: A small force of the Muslims will capture the white palace, the police of the Persian Emperor or his descendants. I also heard him say: Before the Day of Judgment there will appear (a number of) impostors. You are to guard against them. I also heard him say: When God grants wealth to any one of you, he should first spend it on himself and his family (and then give it in charity to the poor). I heard him (also) say: I will be your forerunner at the Cistern (expecting your arrival).
below are my humble interpretations my brother if you find it good make dua for me if you find it incorrect then show me
the white palace= the white house
police of the persians= the americans they are the ones policing the persians ( about nuclear weapons…) therefore dont worry it is a prophecy so close the muslims will capture the white house and they are a small force too (you see how weak the kuffar is) anyways this is glad tidaings to the mujahideen, i brothers i wish i was with you i swear by allah there are lions of allah determined they just need a chance and they will dawn teror into kufr and will be just , o brother my heart is melting for the love for the love to be with you may allah make you succeed and pray to allah for me and those like me that allah make a way for me and them to do jihad, may allah make the mujahideen succeed especially in the cucausus ameeen ya rabbi , and what this hadith proves victory of allah is ever so near hold fast be patient, pray to allah for me please may allah reward you, salamualaik wa rahmatullah
there are promising young kurdish brothers in iraq WHO I HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH (15-30 year olds their teachers are older) they are growing in there deen inshallah if any one wants to make something he should spark the fuel of these brothers by uniting them then fighting against the courrupt kurdish leader kufr supporters like jalal talabani and bazoud barzani and the rest (americans etc) these nationalistic dogs may allah humilate them like no other humilation, brother ANWAR PLEASE BROTHER TALK ABOUT THE CORRUPTION IN KURDISTAN AND THOSE DOGS.
Assalamu alaykum all!
please check out our new blog
it’s nothing like Anwar al-Awlaki’s blog but please support us!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
jazakallah khayer brother Anwar for sharing this inspiring , uplifting and reassuring interview of Emir Supyan.may Allah guide him, protect him and keep him steadfast Ameen.
the lesson inferred is that we should continue our support in every respect for the mujahideen be they Hammas or Shabab or Taliban etc. even if they make little mistake here or there or get deluded.we should neither lose hope in them nor in the help coming from Allah.
we should never forget that they are the mujahideen in the front line i.e the cream of the Ummah!may Allah give them victory over the disbelieving force Ameen.
may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
ExJihadi is a dirty kaafir. In fact, I believe he is a Jew. And Allah knows best. If he is not a Jew then he follows the ‘millah’ of the Jews. He seeks to sow dissension among the Muslims and to dishearten them. Tabbat yadaahu. If he met with a particular brother on this blog he would become ExRecognizable.
Shaheedah on March 6th, 2009 at 12:39 am #
Shaykh Omar Abd ArRahman – Our Role In Islaam
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb , who are the criminals , a 14 year old held for 5 years if he wasn’t a muslim there’d be a uproar .
As far as I know 12 year olds can be detained for interrogation here under the The new Anti Terrorist Laws , so who are the real terrorist?
Alhumduillah we know the truth of the matter.
@ ummu Mujahid you can contact the Sheikh on this site, look and you will find insha’Allah
@Just from the above 3 post By @ salaam @ umar @ Saudi prison report we can see just how perverse,sick and immoral and unislamic the saudi regime is and thats just the tip of the iceburge
The Muslim Ummah has suffered long enough , the time is here for constructive efficient action to rid the Land of Rasul saws) from its crippling disease
Asalamu Alaiakum wrwb brothers and sisters , Sheikh Anwar I just wanted to let you know that your CD’s on the life of Abu Bakr and Umar radhi Allahu anhuma ) are being given away to the youth in Sydney by the Hizb ut Tahrir in their programme to guide our youth to follow the foot steps of our Khalifahs , Alhumduillah
we are patiently waiting on a series on Uthman and Ali, radhi Allahu anhuma), I know its a heavy work load but its truly worth the effort for I don’t know anyone who is introduced to your work that doesn’t benefit from it and want more
May Allah make it easier for you and all striving to uphold the Deen Amin
Mashallah May ALLAH grant the mujahideen victory. The Emir is so intelligent and I am really impressed with the accomplishments of the Ummah. Thank you imam Anwar for posting this on your blog and again I really appreciate your work.
Sheikh, I have a question about nationalism as you mentioned about it in the last talk. The prophet (pbuh) said: “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood.”
Now is it true that Ibn Taymiyah and many other classical scholars hold the opinion that “Arabs are superior to non-arabs.” One arab brother told me that and gave the following as proofs:
1. Prophet Muhammad was sent to arabs so they can convey the message of Islam to whole world. Arabs were chosen by Allah since they have higher capabilities.
2. The Muslim Caliph should be from Quraysh, an arab tribe. Thus, Quraish is the best tribe of Arabs, and Arabs are the best race.
3. The culture of Arabs is closer to islamic culture. They speak arabic and thus have better tajweed and understanding of Quran.
Now obviously these arguments are not very convincing. However, what is bothering me is that how can scholars like Ibn taymiya and other hold such belief? Doesn’t this go agaisnt Al-wala-wal-Baraa?
Can you please clarify these doubts. Jazakallahu khairun.
This is sooooo beautiful mashlAllah, you guys have to watch it, part ones missing for some reason, but alhadulilah it doesn’t make too much of a difference. It’s called:
At-Tibyān Publications presents – Shaykh Abdul Majīd Al Munī – Wa Islamah Part 2
Sheikh maybe you can put it up on your blog cause people may be more inclined to watch it inshAllah, and I think it’s so beneficial Wa Lil Lahil Hamd.
O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
@ sister shaheedah barakAllahu’fiikum for the link
I urge all the brother here to watch the video
@sister faiza, Isn’t his words so beautiful and true MashAllah. May Allah make us of the Ayah below inshAllah. Allahuma Ameen.
Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah [i.e. they have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e.they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allah] in the least. (33:23)
Assalamu Alaikum Sister Lubna, Jazakallah for your post. You equate Mujahideen from Hamas, Al Shabaab and Taliban and you refer to small mistakes. No Sister, Hamas mistakes are not small. Their actions and deeds are enough prooof thet athey are nationalistic. They never agreed to Mujahideen from other area joining their ranks. Although difficult but there is ample proof that they do not want to affiliate with others. Case in point is the Mujahideen from Nahr al Bared camp that fought the Lebanese army for more than 2 months without a word of support from Hamas or Hizbullah. We continue to support Brothers in Palestine who are free from the influences of nationalists. The post from Emir Sufyan should serve as eye opener for Hamas to bury the mantle of nationalism once for all. Please note how Emir Sufyan stated about Hamas desire to seek recognition from Kuffar rather than Mujahideen. They should immediately mend their policies and strategies in line with Quran and Sunnah.
Allahuma ameen! May Allah have mercy on you O shuhada of Sheeshan and May Allah give you nusra and tamkeen O mujahideen of the land of Russian Hell.We love you and declare our walaa to you and may Allah let us live to see the day when all of the qoqaz is under the law of Al Haakim.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam, jazakillah khayr sisters , Shaheedah , faiza for pointing out the link, masha”Allah ,
I was just listening to ” From here we begin and at Al Aqsa we meet’ Abu Sufyan [ Allah protect him and all the brothers & sisters sacrificing fee sabililah ] said there are 18,000 plus youth in jails in Huramain, forgive my ignorance but where is Huramain ?
There are so so many sisters imprisioned , this is outrageuos sabhan Allah this is the biggest failure of our ummah this is a calamity I can’t believe the numbers where is our ummah ?
Alhumduillah we can only ascend as we have reached rock bottom Alhumduillah there are honourable men out there who will uplift their forgotten sisters
Allah give them and us the chance to participate in freeing our people and lands from the all who oppose Allah Azza wa Jall
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 10, 1430 H./ 07-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
British invader army helicopter shot down killing 27 terrorists in Helmand Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 10:12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shot down an helicopter of British invader army in Marja district of Helmand province, the helicopter went down in Shwrawa area in Krishk district of Helmand province, about twenty seven invader terrorists on board were killed in it were.
Martyrdom Operation kills 20 puppet army terrorists in Nemroz Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 8.10 am local time, a courageous Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Muhammad Omer of Nemroz province, carried out a martyrdom operation against the puppet army in old police headquarter in Zarang city capital of Nemroz province, in the attack a commandeer of puppet army Rahmatullah and 19 puppet terrorists were killed and nine other were wounded. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
Mujahideen shot down American invader army drone in S. Waziristan. The Mujahideen on Saturday shot down a pilotless US invader army drone in a village in South Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan.
2 vehicles of puppet army destroyed in Ghazi Saturday morning 07-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army in Khalo area of Qarabagh district of Ghazni province, in the ambush two vehicles were destroyed, all the terrorists in them were killed and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
In a ambushed 2 French 3 puppet soldiers killed in Kapisa Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 5:35 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of French invaders and puppet army near the center of Alasi district of Kapisa province, in the ambush two French invader and three puppet terrorists were killed and few were wound.
In an ambushed 4 American invader terrorists killed in Kunar Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 7:12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrolling unit of American invaders army in Kamo base area of Kamdish district of Kuar province, in the ambush four American terrorists were killed and five were wound.
1 vehicle of puppet army destroyed and 6 terrorists killed in Zabul Yesterday afternoon 06-03-2009 at approximately 5:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmines blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Mukayan area in Sewri district of Zabul province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and six terrorists in it were killed. .
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
As I write this I’ve heard on the wireless network that the second batch of a around a thousand mujahideen have arrived. Additional to the dead killed in action a further 12 have died en route. Someone has mentioned that two of these were *** and it is likely that one of these was my friend, ***. He was very seriously wounded in the stomach on the way out of Grozny and the journey can only have been a further ordeal. I saw many other injured, including ***. I went to see him yesterday but he was in no condition to recognise me; he had a piece of shrapnel in his leg from Grozny and Subhanallah just as he was arriving in ***, the truck he was in was strafed by an aircraft which blew away half his left hand.
The medical facilities awaiting *** and other injured brothers are bare to say the least. The hospital in *** is a bombed wreck and now the few patients it has are in a cramped squalid room. The other hospital near *** where *** and another brother are staying is little better (and that too is to be closed any day). Medical expertise is limited to administering pain killers (rationed) and anti-biotics with a saw to amputate wrecked limbs. Being seriously injured here is the biggest trial that I’ve seen so I have made dua that Allah spares me from it. What I would like to know is where are all the hundreds of Muslim Doctors who for years will fervently pursue their careers in the West so that ‘one day’ they can help the Muslims? Whilst they are bending over to please their Jewish Consultants and satisfy the whims of the kuffar, great Mujahideen such as *** writhe in unattended agony in some dank basement. Insha’allah Allah will reward the suffering the Mujahideen are enduring for His Pleasure and He will question (Allah knows best) those well fed & paid, smug Doctors about who they cured and pleased whilst the Jihad was going on.
Diary of a Foriegn Mujahid in Chechnya ,
the above post and this one
23 February 2000
The Russians are probing our defences and positions more aggressively. As I finished writing the earlier sentence I heard on the radio that two brothers from my contingent in Abu Jafar’s Group were killed yesterday. Both were truly excellent brothers with whom I lived and fought with in ***. Abu Ubaidah (Yemen), one of the Yemeni brothers (in my opinion the most enjoyable company amongst the Arabs) and a good friend of mine, and Abul Abbas (Kuwait)- another sincere and really good brother- May Allah have Mercy on them. Whenever a friend is killed, his memory stays on your mind constantly for several days. Abu Ubaidah will be no different.
We finally retrieved the body of Chechen Mujahid Shamil Gergebil and three other Mujahideen who had lain on Mount Waleed for over 3 weeks. Masha’allah their bodies were in excellent condition; one of the brothers (Mohammed Derghin) was almost as if he was still alive (his eyes were open & skin fresh)! The contrast with the Russians bodies who were killed in the same operation is all too stark. Some of the Russians in the days (3+ weeks ago now) following the same operation were already decomposing (in the snow). One had his face eaten by crows whilst their commanding officer had an empty sack where his brain had been!
All the brothers from our Unit have arrived back from Grozny. There was the long winter march to the mountains during which some minor losses were sustained and a column of ** Mujahideen (that’s up to 6km in length) was split into two. The larger column was nearby and took four days to get to the meeting point. Given how tough this march was for us who were fully fit and rested at the beginning, you can then imagine how impossible the journey must have been for Mujahideen who had just fought their way through 40-50km of Russian held territory. The second column was constantly harried by Russian aircraft and posts (Khalil Ibrahim (Turkey) injured during the withdrawal from Grozny died from further injury and exhaustion). Brothers fell asleep at the shortest stops and some brothers with sticks hit those asleep on the path to prod them onwards. Despite this a few went to sleep and died in the snow unknown to the rest. Some wandered off the path and were not seen again. A group of three Chechens who have since been found described how they wondered for miles in the mountains until they couldn’t move due to hunger and exhaustion. Then, Alhamdullilah, they heard movement in the snow and saw a wild pig. They, without delay shot, cooked and ate it. (Allah allows you to eat haraam when you have nothing else to eat, in fact it becomes obligatory upon you to eat that food if you may die without it) This allowed them to go onwards until they stumbled onto a Mujahideen post. There many other and more heroic tales of individual hardship and suffering this that will be never be known
@ everyone
Check out this lecture Shaheedah posted:
At-Tibyān Publications presents – Shaykh Abdul Majīd Al Munī – Wa Islamah Part 2
@ Shaheedah
JazakiAllahu khair. Good stuff.
@ Umm Umar
From one of your posts I am inclined to believe that you are part of hizb ut-tahrir. Is that true?
Disgusting pawn of Mubarak, Tantawi, the one given by him to be in charge of Al-Azhar, complies with the Vatican’s requests to “reform” islam. Who other than a Munaafiq would bend down the Catholic church, the most oppressive of all the christian churches in history?
@Jassim , I follow the Millah of Ibraheem so i don’t belong to any group never have , but hizb ut tahrir have alot of potential and I see them active here, when virtually no one else is and especially with the youth , some of my youth have benefitted from a connection they have with them . In Sydney they have crews that walk the streets making Dawah to our weak youth who are caught up in the ” gang image ” thats unfortunatly strong in that city. They are actually making a effort , when most don’t bother cause really who cares , not many , theres alot of talk but very little effort.
A couple of years ago they realised they must follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed saws), this is a good sign I ask Allah to guide them and all of us cause we are all working to establish the Khaleefah and bring victory to our ummah.
@ Shaheedah you can download at the link below insha’Allah. I also recommend this video to my dear brothers and sisters so PLEASE watch it and share with others insha’Allah.
The Media Department of
At-Tibyān Publications presents
“Wā Islāmāh!” [1]
Translation of an Audio Khutbah
By Shaykh Abdul-Majīd Al-Munī’ (may Allāh have mercy on him
Aishah ra) reported that when Prophet Muhammed saws) used to wake up at night to pray , he would say; O Allah , Lord of Jibril , Mikail and Israfil, Creator of the heavens and earth and Knower of the seen and unseen. You judge between Your servants regarding what they have disputed in , so guide me to what have been the subject of dispute of the truth by Your leave. Indeed , You guide whom You will to the straight path”
Al Bukhari and Muslim
Dua ; O Allah! Show us the truth as truth, and bestow adherence to it on us. Show us the evil as evil, and make us stay away from it, and do not confuse us regarding the reality of evil so that we will not be led astray by it, and make us leaders for the believers
Takhrij Al Ihya 3;1418
A reminder by the Lion of Islam, Usamah Bin Laden (ha) and May Allah grant him an immient victory.
I swear by Allah The Most Great, Who raised the skies without supports, that America and those who live in America will never dream of security until we experience it in Palestine and until all the armies of disbelief leave the land of Muhammad may the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him.
@ ExJihadi and those who have surrendered for the sake of dawah and maslaha, enjoy your barking this jihad will continue without you. Shame on you! You talk about peace, dawah, and they are insulting the Amir Mujahideen(sas), our Deen and killing our brohters and sisters in the east and the west and the land of Muhammad(sas) is being occupied.
Didn’t Allah say, Those(hypocrites) who wait [and watch] you. Then if you gain a victory from Allah, they say, “Were we not with you?” But if the disbelievers have a success, they say [to them], “Did we not gain the advantage over you, but we protected you from the believers?” Allah will judge between [all of] you on the Day of Resurrection, and never will Allah give the disbelievers over the believers a way [to overcome them]. 4:141.
May Allah destroy them all!
Salam Alaykum all,
Sorry for asking about something that is off the topic, but I was wondering what ever happened to spops? The reason why I ask about him is because I recall him asking people to send him their CV’s, was this intended for those who where interested in attending school or work in a Muslim land? If anyone can provide me with further information about this please do so.
Jazakum Allah Khair
Salam Alaykum
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,
Below is the link to the full video you had posted:
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum,
At the request of some visitors, we are placing the complete list of publications on the blog. We know that merely seeing the names of the authors does not give the full picture of the content on this blog, so In Shā’ Allāh this should make things easier. Please spread this anywhere where you think it would be beneficial.
Please keep in mind that due to the number of translators, not all translations are at the same level, and may contain some mistakes. We encourage anyone who finds any major or minor mistakes to report them to us, and when new editions are released, we will make those changes In Shā’ Allāh.
Jazākum Allaahu Khayran.
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Let the Expert Sharpen the Bow
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
“And He Made You as Few in Their Eyes.”
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
And So That the Way of the Sinners May Become Manifest
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
Tribalism and the Dangers of Depending on It
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
By Allāh, it Has Not Lost Its Value, For Even the Bankrupt to Purchase It
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
Uhud Ar-Rass
Shaykh Husayn Ibn Mahmūd
Act Gently With the Women
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
The Methodology & Stages Of The Messenger In Giving Da’wah
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
Abū Anas Ash-Shāmī
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
As’hāb Ar-Rass
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Regarding I’tizāl and Mukhālatah
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Jihād An-Nafs: Striving Against the Soul
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“And if They Had Intended to March Out…”
Brother Al-Maqdisī
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The Hadīth of Slaughter: Laqad Ji’tukum Bith-Thabh
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Al-Imām Ahmad Ibn Nasr Al-Khuzā‘ī, A Leader of Scholars, A Leader of Martyrs
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Words Regarding the Manhaj
Abū Jandal Al-Azdī
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Shaykh Sultān Al-’Utāybī
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Islām Is Our Citizenship!
Al-Qā’idah in ‘Irāq
Say No to the Oppressor
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Farewell O Abdullāh! O Rashūd!
Sayfuddīn Al-Kinānī
Interview With the Commander Abdul Azīz Al-Muqrin
Sawt Al-Jihād Magazine
O Rearguards – You Are On Good!
Sālih Ibn Sa’d Al-Hasan
Explanation of the Hadîth: “The strong believer is better…”
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Imām Ibn Al-Qayyim
Strangle the last Arab tyrant… with the entrails of the last palace scholar!
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This is Our ‘Aqīdah
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Shaykh Abdullāh ‘Azzām
The Greatest Blessing
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A Call to Migrate from the Lands of the Disbelievers to the Lands of the Muslims
Shaykh Abdul-Azīz Al-Jarbū’
The Role of the Women in Fighting the Enemies
Shaykh Yūsuf Ibn Sālih Al-’Uyayrī
A Day in My Life – And the Truth About a Commander
Muhibb As-Sunnah Al-’Irāqī
Advice on the New Book Allegedly by Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-’Azīz
Shaykh Husayn Ibn Mahmūd
Jihād and the Effects of Intention Upon It
Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-’Azīz
Series: Ahkām Ad-Diyār
Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qādir Ibn ‘Abdil-’Azīz
Escape From Bagram – Parts 1 and 2
Labbayk Media
Witness Some of the Miracles of the Mujāhidīn in Kuwait
Unknown Author
The Most Important Differences Between Jihād At-Talab and Jihād Ad-Daf’
Shaykh Husayn Ibn Mahmūd
The Jazā‘ of Allāh VS The Jazā‘ of the Tāghūt
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
Balancing Between Jihād And Seeking Knowledge
Shaykh Abū Yahyā Al-Lībī
The Invalidity of Making Takfīr Based on the Dār
Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
Characteristics of the Victorious Party In the Foundation of the State of the Believers (The Land of Ash-Shām)
Shaykh Abū Qatādah Al-Filistīnī
To the One Who Falls Into Imprisonment: Messages of Advice
Abū Usāmah Al-Hazīn
Prepare An Answer For The Question!
Shaykh ‘Abdullāh Ibn Muhammad Ar-Rashūd
How Similar Is Today to Yesterday! (Full Translation of the Audio Khutbah “Baghdad Between Two Falls”)
Dr. Rāghib As-Sirjānī
The Scholars of the Najdî Da’wah on the Differentiation Between Establishing the Hujjah (Proof) and Understanding the Hujjah (Proof)
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A Proclamation to the People Over the Events in Palestine
A group of scholars and callers in Egypt
The Slicing Sword Against The One Who Forms Allegiances With The Disbelievers And Takes Them As Supporters Instead Of Allāh, His Messenger And The Believers
Imām ‘Abd Allāh ibn ‘Abd al-Bārī al-Ahdal
Foreworded by Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaki
“Wā Islāmāh!”
Shaykh Abdul-Majīd Al-Munī’
Sawt Al-Jihād
The Basic Ruling of the Armies That Support the Disbelieving Governments
At-Tibyân Publications
The Miracles Of Gaza : “One Thousand Gazan Dead, Another Three Thousands Born”
The signs of Allah’s greatness keep on occurring. During the recent Israeli attack that had killed 1500 Palestinians, Allah made 3700 babies appeared. “If they killed a thousand of us, then we will bring on thousands more as their replacements,” thus a mother in Gaza said.
In contrast to the mentality of the Zionist-Jews forces who are known to be afraid of death, giving birth is a part of Jihad for the Gazan citizens. Due to that, death is not a thing that they cry over.
If there are phrases that say, “One gone, a thousand emerged,” then in Gaza what happened was “One thousand Gazan gone, three thousands more appeared”. The sorrow of the Gazan citizens over the death of 1412 sons and daughters of Gaza, was straight away soothed by Allah SWT with the birth of 3700 babies. Interestingly, they were all born within the 22 days of Israeli attacks on this small city.
Hamam Nisman, the Director of the Social Communication Service in the Health Ministry of the Gazan government said that in 22 days of Israeli attack, a total of 3700 babies were born in Gaza.
“3700 babies have been born between the 27th December 2008 and 17th January 2009 when Israel launched assaults that had caused the death of 1412 Gazan citizens, in which the majority of them are made up of women and children,” he said.
In January alone, the number of birth is the highest ever being registered compared to the other months preceding it. “50 thousands cases of birth are recorded every year in Gaza, and in each month around 3000 to 4000 births are recorded. However during the 22 days of Israeli attacks, we recorded 3700 number of births and for the rest of January, 1300 number of births were recorded. This means that there was an increase in the number of births in the month of January till it reached 1000 cases,” he said as cited by
“This is a ‘karomah’ for the people of Gaza, who had lost a lot of souls,” he expressed full of happiness.
According to him, if the numbers of death and birth in Gaza are compared , then the number of birth reaches 50 thousands whereas the number of death reaches 5 thousands every year.
“Israel is deliberately killing the women and children in order to destroy the future of Gaza, 440 children and 110 women had been killed and 2000 children as well as 1000 women were wounded,” he revealed.
Al-Azhar’s head Tantawi comes to an agreement with Vatican to carry out ‘cleanup’ of Islamic textbooks
you can find the article here-
wala hawla wala quwwata illa billaaah…
news like this is very disheartening. May Allah guide us and protect from falling into these traps that have been set for us by the non muslims
@reverted Muslim Khayr insha’Allah Ive been missing his post too, just make dua hes’ okay
@ Tibyan Publications masha’Allah what a list , Jazakillah Khayr
Asalam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters, May Allah Ta’ala make us of those who Sacrifice everything in the cause of Allah, only to earn His (SWT) pleasure…
Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight … are dearer to you than Allâh and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause , then wait until Allâh brings about His Decision (torment). And Allâh guides not the people who are Al-Fâsiqûn (the rebellious, disobedient to Allâh). Surah At-Taubah- 24
@Umm Umar Islamic fanatic, my dear sister Al-Haramain, the two Holy Sanctuaries, with regard to the sanctuaries of the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah and The Prophet’s (SAWS) Masjid(Masjid al-Nabawi) – in Madinah, Arabian Peninsula…
Subhan’Allah the evil rulers and goverment armies in the muslim world a the real modern day khwarij who are brutally slaughtering and raping the muslims only to please the Kuffar, they need to taken out along side the Kuffar and Munafiqs…
A Sister’s Story
“ The women and children of the household rushed frantically upstairs. At the top, there were two small rooms
and a narrowlanding, where the spare room, of a similar size, was empty. It was in this room that all 24 of us,
together with the 8 children, hid.
“ Steps were heard outside the door and then there were two or three male voices. For the seconds before the
door was flung open, we tried to pray while standing…but then we sawscowling faces staring at us.
“ The children were torn away from us, screaming. What were we to do? Stay calm! Hope! Pray! Oh Allah,
please protect the children.
“ I watched silently, as havoc was wrought. The destruction was just a normal part of their intimidation tactics.
At some point, we were dragged and pushed down the stairs and some of us were taken outside. It must have
been around 3pm and the sun was scorching hot. Al Anba’een was “ simmering”
“ Nadia’s clothes had been ripped off and she had no shoes on her feet – her hair was all over the place! She
was still clutching her baby tightly, and tears were streaking her now soiled face. Large horrible hands were
reaching for her and she was begging for the life of her baby! I suddenly felt cold. I began to edge carefully
towards Nadia, with my hands out-stretched. Somewhere in the depths of my tormented mind, I had the idea
that I could perhaps at least take the child. In the time it took me to glance at Nadia’s face, they had impaled
the child on one of their fixed bayonets. Its mother let out the most haunting yell, before she was thrown to the
ground! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Blood trickled from her many wounds. Her eyes were black and she
ceased to be. Her soul was free.
“ It was my turn now! They were suddenly distracted by something that I couldn’t yet see. I shuffled to the right
quietly and realized that Najla was on one of the balconies on the 6th floor. She had nothing on, but her qamis.
She climbed up, on to the edge and perched there, as if in a trance, her naked legs trembling and bruised. As
she stepped off, she asked Allah to forgive her.
“ I began to run, towards the main road, but it was futile. I was bundled into the back of a military vehicle,
where there were already 11 other women, Muslim sisters. All of us had been separated from our outer
garments which were our modesty!!!
“ The under-ground ‘Holding Camps’ in the desert, are possibly one of the closest things to hell on earth. They
are dark, always grossly over-crowded and the stench is vile. They watch us 24 hours a day, taking perverse
enjoyment from our varied predicaments and attempted privacy. Our food was usually one small plate of
“ bubbling” lentils, and a piece of stale bread, daily. The lentils were bubbling because they had been cooked 3
or 4 days previously and left in the sun to ferment.
“ Rape and beatings are a normal part of the daily routine of these ‘holes of hell’. But the worse scenario was
when we were frog-marched to ground level, stripped and manacled to the bars of what looked like more cells
and our brothers brought in to witness the ‘daily sport’!!!
“What crime did we commit, you may ask! Were we terrorists? Were we guilty of treason? Had we murdered
others?” No we had done none of these things! Our only crime, if it could even be classified as such, was the
fact that we were (and still are) practicing Muslimaat (Muslim sisters), al hamdu lillah. Some of us also
happened to be the women of practicing Muslimin (Muslim brothers).
“We were not out-spoken in public, but we did meet each evening for communal prayer and to read a little
Qur’an, we did ask our children not to miss their salat while at school; and our girls, like us, wore the hijab.
“Our men just disappear without trace, our children are bullied and ridiculed and sometimes banned from
school. We are subject to any and all of the afore-mentioned barbarity, and this today is Egypt.
“ As tired but faithful practicing Muslimaat (Muslim sisters), On behalf of all the other sisters I demand the
protection of our brothers, which after all, Allah says, is our right. We plead for you all.”
@ Umm Umar the Islamic fanatic
Amin. May Allah guide them. Alhamdulillah that you do not distinguish yourself from the Muslims. HT here in Florida isn’t that good. Their members and leaders are corrupt and they do not oppose bid’ah, other than calling for the establishment of a khalifah and rejection of democracy. As long as you can agree with them on that, they are alright with you. But they will not advise the sufi to leave his shirk, or the tabligh to return to the sunnah of the Prophet (sAaws), or the shi’a to give up his kufr, or the ma’aasi to give up the shaytaan’s quran (music). And when people hold on to differences of opinion which have become clear and the right opinion has been distinguished from the wrong ones by the completion of collection of the ahadith and their compilation, HT still say “well we think ’so and so’ and we are right but we can’t say those who think the opposite are wrong.” In fact, they’ve held this attitude with things which the righteous scholars do not differ upon, like is ‘Isa coming or not and is there such as punishment in the grave. However, I was told by someone who wanted to join HT that it’s only like that where I am.
Allah knows best about the rest of HT and their ideology but, by default of having a group or title that is a subgroup or division or sect in Islam, they are not 100% on the path of Allah’s Messenger (sAaws). I plan to search more about them as I do not know much, insha Allah.
Thanks for answering. May Allah let our death come while we are upon complete faith and striving in His cause, and He is pleased. Amin.
41:33 Who is better in speech than one who calls (people) to Allah, works righteous deeds, and says, “Verily, I am from among the Muslims (those who surrender themselves to Allah)”?
~Jassim the Free Radical of Islam
Salaam alakim to all my brothers and sisters,
@ strangers reading that post it just broke my heart into pieces, laa hawla wa laa quwata illa billahi atheem. What an inhumane and degrading circumstances our sisters are put in. while reading i had at the back of my mind this was taking place in a country where Muslims are minority, subhanAllah Is this the reality of what our sisters are facing in the so called Muslim countries. Am just in sheer disbelieve this is happening in Egypt today .this is a clear proof that Egypt is no longer a Muslim country but a state of kuffur
May Allah destroy la Mubarak and his collaborators
May Allah raise the mujahedeen’s to up root this evil terrorist la Mubarak and his regime
“Outlaw the Shadow Banking System!”
Guess Who Said It?
by Matthias Chang
Analysis of the remarks made by President Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown after their meeting at the Oval Office on March 3, 2009 and the speech of the latter to the Joint Session of Congress on March 4, 2009.
Youtube – User – MadnessUponMadness
Dedicated to the heroes who brought down the Imperialist Communist Soviets.
- ‘Abdullah Azzam
- Tameem al-Adnani
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb , from Allah we come and to Allah we return , our lives are in Allahs hands to do as he pleases and Allah swt) knows best.
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah Aleeu Azeem.@ Strangers I don’t know what to say , I second what sister faiza said Amin , this is catastrophic, this is horror ,this life really is a hell for the believers, this is Allahs Qadar , nothing I can write can portray my feelings.
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
O ye who believe! Endure , outdo all others in endurance , be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that ye may succeed.
Al Imran 200
Bismillahir Rahmaanir raheem
Say; Lo! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah . Lord of the Worlds
An aam 163
@ Jassim the free radical of Islam Amin and Alhumduiallh rabul Alaimeen
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols :
Rabi Al-Awwal 11, 1430 H./ 08-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
In an ambush 3 British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 11:45 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a foot patrolling British invader army terrorists in Khaki Jahanm area of Kajaki district of Helmand province, in the ambush three British terrorists were killed and two were wounded.
A tank of NATO invaders army Mujahideen booty in Ghazni Saturday afternoon 07-03-2008, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a supplying convoy of NATO invaders army in Shakhozo area of Daik district of Ghazni province, in ambush one tank and one supplying vehicle were Mujahideen’s booty.
4 tanks of American invader army destroyed in Paktika Saturday noon 07-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up four tanks of American invader army in Guashta area in Khoshamand district of Paktika province, the landmines destroyed all the tanks and sixteen terrorists in them were killed.
In a ambush 23 British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Saturday morning 07-03-2009 at approximately 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of British invader army when it was trying to launch a military operation against Mujahideen in Tankano tanki area of Nawa district of Helmand province, in the ambush twenty three British invader terrorists were killed, few were wounded and two Mujahideen were injured.
6 puppet militia terrorists killed in Khost Friday noon 06-03-2009 at approximately 5:25 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrolling unit of puppet militia terrorists in Domando area of Khost province, in the ambush six puppet terrorists were killed and two were wounded.
1 tank of British invaders army blown up in Helmand Friday afternoon 06-03-2009 at approximately 5:06 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invader army in Zambili area of Grishk district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and three invader terrorists in it were killed.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Re: strangers post about a woman in Egypt. When I was reading it I was wondering…is this Algeria, is this Iraq, is this….
Identical stories are common all over the “muslim” world, and world in general.
Are there any ansar out there who are willing to accept muhajireen into their fold? Tuck us in, me and my sisters.
As salamu alyakum,
Brothers and sisters, the torture that is done to our muslim brothers and sisters all over the world is the biggest indication that we are our own enemies. Insha’Allah once we relieve ourselves of our sins, we will be able to stand up for all of those who are being dealt with injustly.
check on youtube the kind of torture SADDAM HUSSEIN used. I don’t know what kind of men these are who hurt others and fear no pain.
O Allah, this is my plight to you, please deal with each one of them with justice. They have shown a lack of compassion and I beg of you, O Allah Most High, All just to deal with them how you see fit. Please help us unite O Allah.
Alaikum as salam
Press Release:
Updates for Rabi Al-Awwal 11, 1430 H./ 08-03-2009:
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Rabi Al-Awwal 11, 1430 H./ 08-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
4 tanks of American invaders army destroyed in Helmand Sunday morning 08-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up four tanks of American invader army in Main Poshti area in Garmser district of Helmand province, the landmines destroyed all the tanks and twelve invader terrorists in it were killed. The tanks were blown up when a firefight started between Mujahideen and American invader terrorists in the same area.
1 tank of American invader army destroyed in Paktia Sunday morning 08-03-2009 at approximately 9:10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Shewak district of Paktia province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of Canadian invader army destroyed in Kandahar Sunday afternoon 08-03-2009 at approximately 1:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Canadian invader army in Sozanian area od Shahwalikot district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all invader terrorists in it.
2 tanks of Poland invader army destroyed in Ghazni Sunday afternoon 08-03-2009 at approximately 12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Poland invader army in Arzo area in Ghazni city capital of Ghazni province, in the explosion the tank was destroyed and all invader terrorists in it were killed.
Also Saturday at approximately 6:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate with a remote controlled landmine blew a tank of Poland invader army in Adino area of Andar district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
Mortars fired at American invader army compound in Khost Sunday afternoon 08-03-2009 at approximately 2:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired mortars shells at American invader army compound in Khalbsat area of Sabr district of Khost province, in the attack the compound was damaged but enemy casualties were not reported.
1 tanks of Poland invaders army destroyed in Ghazni Sunday noon 08-03-2009 at approximately 5 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Poland invader army in Bata area of Waghaz district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all invaders in it were killed.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam , the situation is worse than I thought , Sabhan Allah we must prepare out Emaan for whats ahead, and we must prepare with the steeds of war . We can’t think, this won’t happen to me or my daughters or my close sisters as this is happening to all now [ I seek refuge in Allah from all the evil creation in this world ]
The reality of this life is such a downer but then again the more we suffer the more reward we obtain from Allah most Gracious
All women must have weapons to defend their honour and their children and a escape plan incase their faced with this living hell.
La hawla wal la quwwata illah billah Aleeu Azeem
Allah save our sisters and brothers and children from these heavy trials and make their hearts steadfast on the remembrance of our Glorious Lord, Amin .
Ye Rabb send swift punishment to the dead people walking the earth inflicting this destruction on our family Amin
@ sister Khadija if your not the Khadija I know then take a look at this site it will help insha”Allah
A platform fro Jihad
@ Jihadfeesabililah , Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen for the steady flow of good news Bushra from Allah , large numbers are going down , these are heavy losses for the enermy and great victories for our fearless brothers those that only fear Allah . Allah protect them , add more warriors to their ranks to continue the success and have mercy on them .
Did they take down the donate option from the site?
Gharqad (Boxthorn) – The Tree of Jews
14 Feb
Posted by sana as Inspiring, Religion, facts, hadees
In the above link is a picture of the famous Gharqad tree (or Boxthorn tree in English) that will not speak out to the Muslim in the battles towards the end of time with the Jews.
In Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6985:
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
I found an interesting transcription of a conversation about this hadith that I thought I would share with you:
Khaled Al-Qudha: The decisive battle between the Jews and us will take place on the Jordan River, Allah willing. This is inevitable. This is a hadith of the Prophet, who does not talk idly.
Host: Did the hadith relate to the battle’s outcome as well?
Khaled Al-Qudha: Of course. “Until the Jew hides…” – because, as is well known, the Jews only fight from behind walls, when they are hiding. They don’t fight face to face. That’s why the tree and the stone will talk and say things.
Host: The hadith says: “The Muslims will kill them…” So this will be a victory of the Muslims.
Khaled Al-Qudha: Yes, and an overwhelming defeat for all the Jews, Allah willing. And this is not at all difficult for Allah .
This battle will take place. It is inevitable. Even if we go to Oslo, and so on, the battle must take place. The Jews know this, and that’s why they plant a lot of Gharqad trees. They know the hadith.
‘Ali Al-Faqir: They surround their settlements with Gharqad trees.
That explains all those Gharqad trees, but what of the stones and trees talking? Is this to be interpreted literally?
‘Ali Al-Faqir: One may ask: “How can a tree possibly talk? The hadith means that we should fight them with sticks and stones.” This is not true. We either accept these things as fact or as a metaphor. If you cannot accept it as a fact then it’s a metaphor. As long as it is impossible to accept the facts…
But brothers, the Prophet has told us that the time will come when man will talk without using his voice – the cell-phone, the cordless phone. This cordless phone – where did it come from? From the earth. Plastic comes from petroleum. The wires, the iron, and the copper – where do they come from? From the earth. Furthermore, some communication devices are now made of wood. It is not impossible that “the tree and the stone will speak” refers to the advanced scientific instruments that warn you about people. Today you have, for example, early warning stations in Sinai. Early warning stations exist in the Golan. They give the Israelites information about the other side’s movements.
Host: Sir, this is if we interpret (the hadith) metaphorically. But isn’t it possible that the tree and stone will actually talk? That the tree itself will talk, and the stone itself will talk?
‘Ali Al-Faqir: Sir, it has been proven scientifically that the trees and the stones have languages of their own. But we don’t have the ability to invent the instruments that will convey the tree’s voice and the stone’s voice to us.
Science has progressed so much that there are instruments that are placed in gardens. The plant produces certain waves, which are received by the instrument, and the plant says: “I am thirsty, water me, I am sick, heal me.”
It would be a very interesting study to see how many of these trees have been planted in Occupied Palestine by the Yahood.
Chomsky speech, on Gaza at MIT:
Mr.Awlaki share your thoughts after watching it fully.
@ Muad The Miracles of Prophet Muhammed saws)
The crying of the stem of the date palm tree in the Prophets’s Mosque. Narrated Ibn Umar ra) that the prophet saws) used to deliver his Khutba while leaning against a trunk of a date palm tree. When he had a pulpit made and used it instaed, the trunk started crying and the prophet saws) went to it, rubbing his hand over it to stop it crying
{ Sahih Bukhari vol 4 no 779 ]
Stones used to to greet the Prophet saws) whenever he passed by through the lanes of Mecca
Sahih Bukhari
My Hijab a ray of Light
Its a reflection of me
A reflection of my Islamic personality
It holds the truth for you to see
Though you scorn it with hatred and jealousy
It’s a window into reality
Reminding us of the devout servants we ougth to be
That’s why you glare at me
Why you burn up inside when you see me
Why you try to take hold of my hijab and me
You don’t want me to wear it
Don’t want me to share it
This ray of light, that enlightens wherever I go
“Rejoice! Victory is on its way because they have cornered themselves, and rarely does a cornered man ever survive.”
[Amr ibn al-'As (RA), during the Battle of Yarmouk: The Muslims decisive Victory over the Romans; The Life of Abu Bakr by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
As we are continually witnessing the Signs of Ar-Rahman in our current age of this Ummah of Rasoolollah (Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam), and witnessing the defeat that has come to the Kuffar: the United States of Dajjal, i.e. the US, NATO and the Illegal State of Israel in Afghanistan and around the world, we ask again, is there still doubt and wonder in anyone’s mind that the Victory only comes from Allah Azza wa Jall?
The US Pharaoh Obama and his Zionist Cabinet are all in a sense of dizziness and trepidation after their predecessors, the Bush and Dicks of USA, and they have loss all sense of directions from the start. Brothers and Sisters in Islam, what is there that can be worse than the loss of a sense of direction to the Truth? As we heard from the Zionist spokesperson at the moment, Pharaoh Obama, that ”the U.S. is not winning the war in Afghanistan”, and he hinted that the US could talk to “moderate elements” of the Taliban as part of United States’ strategy in Afghanistan, we can learn that The US and its NATO counterparts terrorists have cornered themselves and, as we mentioned before, they are planning for their “cunning retreat”, and to find ways to abandon their “crusades” without being the laughing stock of the world (which they are already).
So we say to these dirty Kuffar of U.S. and NATO, again, either you turn back disappointed like your puppet Ethiopian invader terrorists in Somalia and the Zionist invader terrorist in Gaza or you will continue to be cut down and chop off like firewood for the Hell Fire.
“If you [disbelievers] seek the Victory – the defeat has come to you. And if you desist [from hostilities], it is best for you; but if you return [to war], We will return, and never will you be availed by your [large] company at all, even if it should increase; and [that is] because Allah is with the believers.”
[Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 19]
Let it be known that these Kuffar are short-sighted. No, they are even worse than that, they are actually deaf, dumb and blind. Satan deceives and leads them to their next step, but they are devoid of knowing the road ahead or the destination it leads to. Busy as they are, with a mind “scientifically” oriented and brainwashed, all they know are plans and plots to their immediate problems. But when face with the Truth and Soldiers of Allah Azza wa Jall beyond that, they stand divided and lost.
“Indeed, these [disbelievers] love the immediate and leave behind them a grave Day.”
[Surah Al-Insaan, Ayat 27]
“Whoever should desire the immediate – We hasten for him from it what We will to whom We intend. Then We have made for him Hell, which he will [enter to] burn, censured and banished.”
[Surah Al-Israa, Ayat 18]
And that is what we as Muslims should avoid, we should not love the immediate, and what the kuffar put forth in front of our eyes. But we should be patient and outweigh our enemies’ patience (if any) and be conscious of Allah Azza wa Jall continually. Know that the Mujahideen greatest weapon in these great victories and the Signs of Ar-Rahman are being patient and conscious of Allah for 7 Straight years and more.
“Yes, if you remain patient and conscious of Allah and the enemy come upon you [attacking] in rage, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels having marks [of distinction]
And Allah made it not except as [a sign of] good tidings for you and to reassure your hearts thereby. And victory is not except from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise –
That He might cut down a section of the disbelievers or suppress them so that they turn back disappointed.”
[Surah Aal-Imran, Ayat 125-127]
As the Kuffar forces have chosen this battlefield, brothers and sister in Islam, rejoice for the good news because rarely does an army which is cornered attain its objectives. The Kuffar are the ones who chose to corner themselves into this position, so this is the beginning of the good news: It is Jihadfeesabililah until Martyrdom, Victory from Allah Azza Wa Jall and an imminent Conquest insh’Allah.
Aslam alaikum brothers and sisters, May Allah Ta’ala bless and protect the Mujahideen and give them Victory after victory,….
And May we be of them Ya Allah…
There is only one death, so let it be on the Battlefield…
(Sheikh Abdullah Azzam Rahmatullah alaihi)
It is narrated that the Prophet (SAWS) said:
“Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger (SAWS), offers prayer perfectly and fasts the month of Ramadan will rightfully be granted Jannah by Allah, no matter whether he fights in Allah’s cause or remains in the land where he is born.”
The people said, “Oh Allah’s Messenger! Shall we acquaint the people with this good news?” He said, “Jannah has one hundred grades which Allah has reserved for the mujaahidoon who fight in His cause, and the distance between each of two grades is like the distance between the Heaven and the earth. So when you ask Allah (for something), ask for al-Firdaws which is the best and highest part of Jannah.” (the subnarrator added, “I think the Prophet [SAWS] also said ‘Above it (alfirdaus) is the throne of the beneficent (Allah), and from its originate the rivers of Jannah.”
Sahih al-Bukhari
“As for those who believe and work righteous deeds, they will have the gardens of Jannah as hospitality. Eternally therein, they will not desire any other place.”
Surah Kahf 107-108
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAWS) said:
“It will be said to the people of Jannah. ‘Oh people of Jannah, eternity for you and no death!’ To the people of the Fire (It will be said), “Oh people of the fire, eternity for you and no death!’”
Sahih al-Bukhari
Muslim recorded that that Abu Hurairah ra) said that the Messenger saws) of Allah swt) said
” Verily Allah does not look at your shapes and wealth, but he looks at your hearts and actions”
Abdullah ibn Umar ra) said
On the Day Makkah was conquered the Prophet saws) gave a speech while riding Al Qaswa
” O people! Allah the exalted has removed from you the slogans of Jahiliyyah and its tradition of honouring forefathers. Men are of two types, a man who is righteous, fearful of Allah and honourable to Allah, or a man who is vicious , miserable and little to Allah the Exalted. Verily Allah the Exalted and Most Honoured said
” O mandkind We have created you from a male amd a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily the most honourable of you with Allah is the believer who has Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All Knowing, All Aware
Ibn Majah
” The believers are but a brotherhood ”
A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts enforce each other.
The Prophet saws) then clasped his hands with the fingers interlaced.
Fath Al Bari 5;119
Salam u alaikum All. Cherry if you want to know the truth behind saudi history check this out on youtube:
hope everyone finds the truth. salam
walekumsalaamwarahmatuallahiwa barakatuhu
Jazakallahukhair sheikh
Reading words of a Mujahid pulls me to join the battle field right now!
Subhanallah what a life
A life where one would not know one’s life nor death but Allah alone.
Indeed Aqeedah is so important thats why none succeeded as Taliban did.
its was just few years of preview of Khilafah the actual establishment is on its way INSHALLAH.
Allahu akbar!
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Rabi Al-Awwal 12, 1430 H./ 09-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
1 tank of Poland invader army destroyed in Ghazni Monday morning 09-03-2009 at approximately 8:10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Poland invader army in Basani area of Andar district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was completely destroyed and five invader terrorists in it were killed.
7 puppet army terrorists killed in Uruzgan Monday afternoon 09-03-2009 at approximately 3:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Chambark Kotal area of Uruzgan province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and seven puppet terrorists in it were killed.
1 vehicle of puppet army destroyed in Helmand Monday afternoon 09-03-2009 at approximately 12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Maktab area of Nahri Sarag district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and six puppet terrorists in it were killed.
1 vehicle of puppet army destroyed in Jawzjan Monday morning 09-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Mordan district of Jawzjan province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and all the terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of Canadian invader army destroyed in Kandahar Monday afternoon 09-03-2009 at approximately 12:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of Canadian invader army in Salihan area of Panjawai district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of American invader army destroyed in Paktika Monday afternoon 09-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Katawaz district of Paktika province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
4 puppet police surrender in Helmand Sunday afternoon 08-03-2009, four police of puppet administrator surrender to the Mujahideen in center of Garmser district of Helmand province, they also surrendered all their weapons.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
jazakallah khayer brother Saladin for your concern , compassion and info. may Allah reward you abundantly for your sincerety Ameen .
and a big Ameen to your advice:
”They should immediately mend their policies and strategies in line with Quran and Sunnah”.
may Allah guide us all to the truth,give victory to mujhedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
Fragrant Scent Of The Shuhada’s In The Land Of Jihad
Not long ago, a youth aged 16 years ran away from home heading for Qitaal in Afghanistan. It was hoped that he would come back to his family until he becomes a bit older and stronger, however he was very headstrong and thus he refused.
Even the Mujahideen had communicated with the youth’s parents and informed him that his father and mother wished for him to return home. The youth then said that if anyone from amongst the Mujahideen wanted to guarantee the statement that Allah SWT would forgive him and make him enter Paradise on the day of Qiyaamah, then he would return!
Of course everybody was silent. Time went on and after a few months in the Jihadi Training, he was selected to accomplish a mission. The Mujahideen succeeded in causing huge damage to the enemies in this mission, however on the way back, the group was held up by the Munafiqeen and their allies, and a fight broke out. After the battle with the Munafiqeen ended, only the youth achieved Shaheed. The Mujahideen had to bring back the body of the youth.
The commander of the province felt sad by the martyrdom of the young man, not because of his sacrifice/Shaheed but because of thinking of what to be told to the parents of the youth.
His body was laid on the grass for two days, still fresh with blood and no sign of it going to be decomposed or even molded. On the third day, they managed to obtain a van for transporting the janaza of the youth and handing it over to the parents and they decided to inform about their arrival upon reaching the village not by means of any telephone communication.
The journey took one or two days, therefore by the time they arrived at the house of the Shaheed youth, it was already five days to be exact and still there was no rotten smell or blood drying up! (blood would change colors once it is out of the body).
They carried the janaza of the Shaheed youth out of the van and placed it in the main yard by his house. People started crowding and questioning and hearing news, and the Mujahideen endeavored to explain and strengthen it with Qur’anic verses and hadith, however nobody wanted to listen to them!
All of a sudden they were asked to leave the yard because the mother of the youth wished to witness the body of her son with her own eyes. Therefore, they left and waited outside at the main gateway, without knowing what would happen next, only praying in their hearts to Allah.
One of the Mujahideen heard a cry, a cry and a cry from the mother of the youth. The dear mother of the youth sat besides the janaza, with her head resting on the chest of her son while crying! Then, the story started to change and everybody was quiet and the Mujahideen shouted takbeer, “Allahu Akbar!”
The mother raised her head and looked at the women around her sitting near the Shaheed youth and said:
“All of you women cry because you are losing a nephew or a prospective son-in-law… I cry because I have lost a ticket leading to jannah (paradise). This son of mine who is now Shaheed, wished to go for Qital and I did not permit him, in fact I even contacted and ordered him to come back. But he chose to make his God happy and now I don’t have anymore share (thawab) in the fight and his death, where is my other son? Bring him to me!”
Then one of the women went and came with her other son, who was still 11 years of age. Then the mother and the son went towards the gateway where the Mujahideen were standing and waiting, and said:
“All of you, the people who had brought my son who is Shaheed. May Allah forgive all your sins and may Allah look after all of you in the path of Jihad. My son who is now Shaheed went without obtaining permissions from me and he achieved Shaheed and I do not obtain even one goodness (from it), from now on this is my other son, and the one and only son left, he is still 11 years old, therefore I beg your gentle treatment on him. And the moments the leaders are bombarded and fired at, bring this son of mine and let him be in the front line so that there is nothing that can happen to our leaders and let this son of mine be ripped apart by the rockets until I could say to Allah SWT on the day of Qiyaamah that I have surrendered one of my children for the sake of Allah SWT and Islam.”
Listening to this tidings, the Mujahideen shouted takbeer and suddenly from almost every house, a mother or a father brought their children to be given to the path of Allah SWT, however the Mujahideen had to refuse them as they did not have enough space and secondly, this thing could expose their organization.
From a house, a mother surrendered his very little boy who was only 5 years old, with a message that sounded like this:
“Use this 5 year old boy of mine, strap on and around him bombs, and let him be on the street, when the Americans meet, see and approach him, he will explode and kill a lot of Americans!”
Therefore, Brothers and Sisters, talking about Jihad is one thing, yet giving a five year old little boy for Qitaal is totally another matter.
May Allah grant you with more children, insha Allah and ameen, then they would come to the land of Qitaal, take part and rejoice by killing and terrorizing the enemies of Allah SWT!
[Source: JihadMagz; Submitted by a Mujahid]
Salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
Allahu Akbar by the will of Allah a Ugandan military plane headed to Somalia crashed into lake Victoria. Indeed victory only comes from Allah Azza wa Jall.
A military charter, headed to Somalia on an African Mission to Mogadishu, Somali (AMSOM) crashed into Lake Victoria on take off at Entebbe International Airport earlier this morning.
All the 11 on board – 7 including 4 crew members died in the crash.
The plane, a Russiian Illyushin 76 cargo aircraft registration S9-SAB operated by Aerolift and chartered by an American company, DynaCorp was carrying tents and water purification equipment for AMSOM.
Works and Transport Minister John Nasasira, who was headed for the scene of the accident, said at 9.30 am that details of the cause of the crash and the dead would be given promptly. He said details of the dead would be given after informing the next of kin.
Source: Daily Monitor, Mar 09, 2009
The muslims have fighters taking over Afghan, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, India, and many other places. The time of the Ummah is coming very soon it would seem inshallah.
America is broke and has it’s own BIG problems right at home. The mexican druglords are taking over the borders in the south of the country and they are in the middle of a complete financial meltdown! Just as Allah is preparing the Ummah for victory he is preparing America for defeat. It is amazing to be seeing all of this with my very own eye’s!
Could this generation witness Mahdi and Ad-Dajjal? Could this generation see the Ummah take back it’s beloved Jerusalem?
May Allah protect us from the Dajjal and strenghten us with the Mahdi!
On a sidenote does anyone know if brother Anwar is responding to emails? I have sent a few in the last few weeks with no response. I know he is very busy and I am not upset in anyway. Just wondering if he is OK.
Salam Alaykum,
Assalamu alaykum brothers and sisters. Glad tidings to the belivers, the New Anwar is coming out April 15 insha’Allah. You can pre order now at Please support our beloved Shaykh and the brohters at al-basheer publications insha’Allah. If you could buy an extra order then get for family and/ brothers and sisters who can’t afford insha’Allah.
Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Medina Period Part 2
This set of lectures is the third and last part of “The Life of Muhammad (saaws)”. This set covers the last five years of the life of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saaws) from the fifth year of Hijra to the tenth. It includes the important events of the truce of Hudaybiyyah, the battle of Khaibar, the battle of Mu’tah, the conquest of Makkah, the battle of Hunain, the battle of Tabuk and finally the passing away of the seal of the Prophets.
I just wanted to share this.
Obiously we don’t know the whole story, but from the face of it, I find it sad. If this type of action is common, it could damage the broterhood/sisterhood between Muslims and prevent us from al-Maun.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam @ Ibraheim , yes , Ive always felt that I’ll still be on this earth when Mahdi is insha”Allah , one of my daughter saw herself fighting in His army and dying Shaheed , she said it was the most beautiful experience , full of peace, insha”allah this happens as this is her aim. Yes all the minor signs are here Allah protect us from Dijaal who will the biggest test for the ummah according to Hadith
As far as your question about Sheikh Anwar the one questioned knows no better than the questioner. Keep asking Allah and your answer will come, insha”Allah
The Prophet saws) said ” From the time of the creation of Adam until the Hour arrives , there will never be a greater trial than that of the Dajjal ( Muslim)
The Prophet warned us to aviod meeting him ” Whoever hears of Dajjal should keep distant from him. By Allah , a man will come to him thinking himself to be a believer, but will end up following him due to the great doubts he will create” ( Ahmed and Abu Dawud ) Allah protect us from this trial Amin
Little Mujahideen in Waziristan
The Excellence of the Scholar
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
By Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, says in the Noble Qur’aan:
“Allaah bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped but He, and the angels, and those having knowledge (Oolul-’llm) (also bear witness to this; (He is always) maintaining His creation in justice. None has the right to be worshipped but He. the All-Mighty. the All-Wise.” (Soorah Aal-’Imraan (3):18)
This verse shows the superiority of knowledge (”ilm) and its people; the following points can be inferred from this verse:
1. Allaah chose the people of knowledge (Oolul ‘ilm) to bear witness to His Oneness (Tawheed) over and above the rest of His creation.
2. Allaah honoured the people of knowledge by mentioning their testimony along with His testimony.
3. He raised high the status of the scholars by associating their testimony with the testimony of the angels.
4. This verse bears witness to the superiority of those who possess knowledge. Allaah does not make any of His creation bear witness except the upright amongst them.
There is a well-known narration from the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam), who said: “The upright in every generation will carry this knowledge, rejecting the distortions of the extremists, the false claims of the liars, and the (false) interpretations of the ignorant.” (hasan)
5. Allaah, the One free from all defects. Himself bears witness to His Oneness, and He is the greatest of witnesses. Then He chose from His creation the angels and the scholars – this is sufficient to show their excellence.
6. Allaah made the scholars bear witness with the greatest and the most excellent testimony and that is, “None has the right to be worshipped but Allaah.” Allaah, the One free of all defects and the Most High, does not bear witness except to matters of great importance and only the greatest from Allaah’s creation bear witness to this.
7. Allaah made the testimony of the people of knowledge a proof against the rejecters. Thus they are its proofs and its signs, indicating His Oneness (Tawheed).
8. Allaah, the Most High, used a single verb (shahida) to refer to His testimony and the testimony of the angels and the scholars. He did not use an additional verb for their testimony; thus he connected their testimony to His. This shows the strong link between their testimony and Allaah’s testimony, as if He himself bore witness to His Oneness upon their tongues and made them utter this testimony.
9. Allaah, the One free from all defects, made the scholars fulfil His right (that none has the right to be worshipped but Him) through this testimony and if they fulfill it then they have fulfilled and established this right of Allaah upon them. Then it is obligatory upon mankind to accept this testimony which is the means to reach happiness in this life and in their final return (to Allaah). Whosoever takes this guidance from the scholars and accepts this truth because of their testimony, then for the scholars there is a reward equal to them. And none knows the value of this reward but Allaah
Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullah
The case is building and gathering pace. Here’s latest report from Policy Exchange that is building to the launch of CONTEST 2 soon that we have been hearing about since the Panorama programme few weeks back:
Some excerpts:
The main recommendation of the report is: “The recasting of Preventing Violent Extremism to Preventing Extremism.” Its not about committing crime, its about policing thoughts and ideas. Or in other words, its not about catching the ‘terrorists’ its about changing Islam.
“The ELM is home to several leading activists from the Muslim Council of Britain (its Secretary-General, Muhammad Abdul Bari is Chairman of the mosque) and has been described by Ed Husain, author of The Islamist, as being dominated by British affiliates of the radical South Asian Islamist party, the Jamaat-e-Islami.160 Despite this, the London Muslim Centre has been provided with money to establish ‘schools conferences’ and a ‘Muslim Youth Council…”
“Shortly after the Cordoba Foundation was awarded £19,000, it held a public seminar at which one of the invited speakers – Dr. Abdul Wahid, UK Chairman of Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) – told the audience that ‘political participation has failed British Muslims’”
“This strategy was born out of Kelly’s belief in the need to displace the MCB as the sole gatekeeper to the Muslim community…”
“Prevent has concerned itself largely with the prevention of violent extremism, rather than extremism per se.”
“Perhaps more worrying are the revelations surrounding Azad Ali, a trustee and former chairman of the MSF, who also sits on the Metropolitan Police’s Strategic Stop and Search Committee and Police Use of Firearms Group, as well as the IPCC’s Community Advisory Group and theHome Office’s Trust and Confidence Community Panel. Ali has recently published a series of incendiary articles on the internet fuelled by his outrage over Israeli military activity in Gaza. In one article he pours scorn on moderate Muslims, calling them‘self-serving vultures, feeding on the dead flesh of the Palestinians’. On what basis, then, was someone with Azad Ali’s views, or an organisation such as the MSF, judged to be an appropriate partner for the Metropolitan Police and other official organs? Why, even now, does the Metropolitan Police not regard him as beyond the pale?”
“Yes, many British Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat do want to ‘integrate’ into British society. In a very narrow sense, they are accurate. But they want to ‘integrate’ in the same way that the Militant Tendency wanted to ‘integrate’ into the Labour Party. They wanted to do it on their own terms and in their own way—to dictate the party’s future in line with their own sectional aims”
CRITERIA that Muslims must conform to:
“…government must not engage with organisations or individuals that support or condone the deliberate targeting of civilians (as defined by the Geneva Conventions) anywhere in the world.” Ie you must accept US/UK/Israeli targeting of civilians but you cant support the victims right to resist. [You have to deny Jihad and therefore deny many passages of the Qur’an]
“the government should not engage with individuals or organizations that call for, or condone, attacks on British soldiers and their allies anywhere in the world or against any forces acting under a UN mandate.” Ie its wrong to support freedom movements and those people resisting the occupiers and invaders of their countries [again you have to deny Jihad and therefore deny many passages of the Qur’an]
“UN member states are legitimate and entitled to exist, and therefore should not engage with people or groups that call for or condone the destruction of UN member states.” Ie you must support Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine [You have to deny Jihad and therefore deny many passages of the Qur’an]
“It must consequently not engage with people or organizations that give a platform to, deny, or are apologists for crimes against humanity including genocide.” Does that include Israeli war crimes too? [you must not practice hisbah when it applies to US/UK and its allies and therefore give up this obligatory duty]
“The government must therefore not engage with groups or individuals who support or condone terrorism anywhere in the world.” Ie again you are not allowed to support people who are resisting occupation and are struggling for self determination [You have to deny Jihad and therefore deny many passages of the Qur’an]
“The government must not therefore engage with groups or individuals that present a threat to rights and freedoms protected by the ECHR and discriminate or advocate discrimination on the basis of religion, religious sect, race, sexual orientation or gender in any aspect of public life or public policy.” Ie you must accept that homosexuality is legitimate and acceptable [you have to deny the Shari’ah authority and therefore deny Qur’an]
“Government must not engage with organisations that oppose armed forces’ recruitment because they selectively oppose wars that the state, under the authority of the democratically elected parliament, is currently fighting.” Ie you have to support UK/US in their war on terror against Muslims – you mustn’t voice any criticism of these policies. [You have to make walaa’ to the disbelievers against the believers and therefore nullify your iman in the process]
“These criteria also seek to empower genuinely progressive forces from within the Muslim community…” ie these criteria will help us determine those Muslims who are willing to change their Deen and are willing to accept our Deen of Secular Liberal Democracy instead.
@Imam Anwar Awlaki – what is your view on Sh. Omar Bakri Muhammed
Do you know him?
What do you think about his views Now after he changed his Aqeedah?
Salam Alaykum,
I understand that Sheikh Anwar is busy and I see that there are MANY knowledgable people on this forum.
So, I thought I would get the knowledgable ones opinions on a few different questions I have.
I am stuck in the west until Allah makes it easy for me (inshallah very soon!) so what I am trying to do is make dawah to inmates at the local jail.
Is this even permissable? And if it is how do I go about doing it? I am not a scholar but I believe there is only One God and Muhammed is his messenger. Is this something that I should even try?
I am basically trying to fill my spare time with things that would please Allah. I am tired of being depressed all the time (because I live in the west) and want to help Islam in this way.
Can anyone answer those questions?
Salam Alaykum,
Bismillah hir Rahmaan nir Raheem.
As salaam alaykum.
Just had to share this…Insha’Allah this is good news.
WASHINGTON – A top military intelligence official says the Somali extremist group al-Shabaab is poised to formally merge with al-Qaida, expanding the terrorist franchise in East Africa.
Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Maples told the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday that the propaganda released by both groups recently highlights their ideological similarities, suggesting a merger is forthcoming.
Al-Shabaab conducts almost daily attacks in Somalia. A merger would strengthen al-Qaida’s foothold in East Africa.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP’s
On the authority of Hani, the freed slave of ‘Uthman, who said
“When ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan stood at a grave he would weep until his beard was wet. So it was said to him: “Indeed you make mention of Paradise and Hellfire and you do not weep, and you are weeping at this?”. He replied, “Indeed the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said, “Verily the grave is the first abode of the Hereafter, if one is saved from it then what follows is made easier for him. And if one is not saved from it, then what follows is more severe”. He also (SAWS) said, “I have never seen a sight more horrid than the grave”" (at-Tirmidhî -ghareeb, Ibn Majah)
May Allah protect us from the punishment of the grave…
He shall see his seat in Paradise and be protected against the punishment of the grave…
Miqdam Ibnu Ma’dikariba said, indeed Rasulullah (SAWS) said:
“For the Shaheed in the Divine presence there will be six qualities: [1] he will be forgiven from the first moment his blood is spilled; [2] he shall see his seat in Paradise and be protected against the punishment of the grave; [3] he shall be safe from the Greatest Terror [the rising of the dead]; [4] he shall be crowned with the diadem of dignity, one ruby of which is worth more than the entire world and its contents; [5] he shall be coupled with seventy-two spouses from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise; and [6] he shall be granted to intercede for seventy of his relatives.” Hadith Ahmad
“they were young so Allah increased them in their faith” [tmq al quran]
Mashah Allah i say these pics in Pakistan and I held up my head high..
Their will always be khair in this ummah.. so fear not the blame of the blamers
Two held during parade protests
May Allah(awj) provide a way out for you. My advise is to be patient and constantly make du’a. Also, I recommend you workout to get in shape if you don’t already. Memorize the Qur’an. Go to the masjid as much as you possibly can.
By the way, I believe I recall you saying you lived in southern suburbs of chicago, which masjid do you go to if you don’t mind me asking?
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam @ Ameen Strangers , theres nothing like remembering death ,I know a young women who listened to one Khutba on death and Judgement Day and she straight away started to practice, Alhumduillah
@ Ibraheim , Allah is the one that inspires one to do good deeds Alhumduillah . This is one thing I promote the brothers to do, we have a major jail close to us with many Muslim inmates that usually never get a muslim visitor , only family and for some families its difficult as brothers are sent there from all over the state so theres travel involved.
I presume you mean visiting muslim inmates, as you will be rewarded by Allah as its a charity to even smile in your brothers face and a kind word goes along way, we mustn’t forget those locked away by an unjust system , not based on our Shariah .Imagine a young man who did make a mistake looking at 15 years in that Hell hole what does he have but Allah Alhumduillah , and not one brother comes to visit him to remind him to have subr to remember Allah as cares for him , to show a little bit of compassion to your fellow brother who has erred or just been a victim of a racist society , I recently was reading about some of the Sheikhs who have been in jail and some still are, their words just lifted my spirits, which gave me the strength to face the situation , and I know others sisters in similar situations , so imagine what you could do to uplift our brothers , as this is our duty.
And Ive said it before the ones that do make the effort to support those in jail are more often than not sisters, widows and divorced ladies the rejects in our ummah, they carry that load . So please brothers get organised and do your duty if you want the pleasure of Allah because if the poor , oppressed , widows and the unfortunate are not being supported in your community then expects Allahs punishment.
@Brother Ibraheim:
As-Salamu’alaikum. May ALLAH reward you for your niyyah InshaALLAH. First and foremost, my naseehah to you is that da’wah is for the people of knowledge. This is not something for the common person like myself to do. If you look at the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW, he always would choose the best amongst the sahabah to do this (eg. Mu’adh ibn Jabal RA, when the Prophet SAW sent Mu’adh to Yemen). Having said that, your feelings are sincere, and this is something InshaALLAH you will be rewarded for, but bear in mind, these prisoners are NOT your responsibility, nor will ALLAH ask you about them on the Day of Judgement. Your first priority is yourself, and your family (ALLAH in the Qur-an says, “O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do that which they are commanded.” 66:6). If you are single, then look out for yourself. If you have spare time, then InshaALLAH, spend it memorizing Qur-an. The classical scholars would say that they would not allow anyone to be their student, unless they had memorized the Qur-an. Also learn the arabic language. These two issues I am reminding myself first and foremost, before you. It may sound selfish, but it is the reality. If you are planning to make hijrah, then study this concept in Islam by sitting with a Sheikh, and also listening to the lectures by Sheikh Anwar, including the one on the Prophet Musa AS, as there is also a very nice discussion of this topic with respect to the bani israel. In Makkah, the Prophet SAW was unable to stop the torture and killing of Muslims, nor could he stop the worship of the idols at the Ka’ba. However, when the Prophet SAW conquered Makkah, the first thing that the Prophet SAW did was destroy the idols. While the issue of da’wah is a very important concept, it is not something that is to be taken lightly. In the public schools of the kuffar, can a person say, “I dropped out of school in 11th grade, so is it possible for me to teach any of the grades between k-10?” This is out of the question. What about Islam? There is a nice saying in arabic that goes, “The door of the carpenter needs fixing.” Do not worry about the prisoners. May ALLAH guide them, and reward you for your niyyah. InshaALLAH, do the best you can to build up your own knowledge, and Iman, and to implement as much as you can (eg. praying Fajr and Isha in the Masjid). One of the problems I see in my community is that people who have studied a little bit, become khateeb’s and start passing out cd’s, have websites and authoring books. I don’t question anyone’s niyyah, but part of their ignorance is that they think they are all of a sudden qualified to take on a leadership position just because they gained a bit of knowledge. Being a student requires humility, sabr, and sacrifice. There is no fame, no glory, no prestige in being a student, but gaining knowledge is a most noble endeavour. May ALLAH make things easy for you, and make a path to Jannah easy for you and your family. If I have offended you in any way, my sincerest apologies. If someone more knowledgeable then myself (like Sheikh Anwar) can correct my understanding with proofs from the Qur-an and Sunnah, and interpret them with the correct understanding, then I acknowledge my mistakes ahead of time, and willingly submit to the truth.
Ibn Adam
Why would giving dawa to inmates not be permissible? If you guide even one person to the straight path it will be a huge reward for you.
You may want to start of as a sidekick with an experienced giver of dawa to inmates. I will ask someone I know about a contact for you. But then I dont know how to pass the info to you cos I dont want to post anything on this blogsite.
@ Ibraheim
This is only what I think, in accordance with what I know of the Qur’an and Sunnah (which isn’t scholarly but not entirely ignorant either). Take it only as my counsel but not as a fatwa (official scholarly opinion).
“So what I am trying to do is make dawah to inmates at the local jail.
Is this even permissable?”
Provided that you speak the truth, do not speak about what you do not know (i.e. only speak what you know for sure from the Quran and Sunnah), make no compromise with the kuffar in your da’wa, are not required to expose your private parts (or even your ‘awra) for entry, and (I think as long as) you are a male giving da’wa to male inmates. The reason why I say “and you are a male” is because prison is a closed nonpublic place, the guards are primarily males, and it is generally not a safe place (both on the account of the guards and the prisoners). So a female who wishes to give da’wah to female inmates (in my understanding with the limited knowledge I have) is should have a male mahram present. The reason I say “giving da’wa to males” should be obvious. You’re a male who will be speaking face to face with inmates for quite some time and prison in the West is a lonely place where many of the inmates, generally speaking, are accustomed to immoral/promiscuous/unrestrained behavior.
And Allah knows best about all of this.
I hope my brothers and sisters will correct any mistakes that I may have made if they see any.
“And if it is how do I go about doing it?”
I don’t know how and I guess it depends on the rules of the prison which you intend to go to. I heard from someone that the prison near me requires that you go through “chaplain courses”. I suspect that this course will emphasize on making your message and speech sensitive to other religions so as not to offend anyone (i.e. compromise with the kuffar). I attempted to ask someone who attends these courses about it but he became upset when I asked and even used foul language (while we were at the Mesjid during Eid). Therefore my suspicion was only reinforced. Nonetheless, I do not believe that it is wrong to mislead the people who conduct this course into thinking that you will abide by they’re conditions, just in order for you to get in. This can, inshaAllah, be done without speaking lies. Rather, all one does is allow them to assume, as a result of their own expectations, that you will follow their conditions. But a person should make no compromise when conveying the Truth (i.e. change the message or conceal a part of it).
And Allah knows best.
“I am not a scholar but I believe there is only One God and Muhammed is his messenger. Is this something that I should even try?”
That is enough of a message to give to the people, “There is no god except Allah. Muhammad (sAaws) is His Messenger.” And there are many hadith, and stories of sahabah to support me when I say that the Shahaadah is enough as a message. The Prophet (sAaws) said, “Convey from me, even it is only one ayah.” The choice is up to you to try or not, as long as you maintain obedience to Allah’s commands in the process. Any action of good should not be belittled. In fact, bringing the message of Islam to people is from among the best of deeds. And people in prison need to hear the Truth from their Lord, just as the rest of mankind. Actually, da’wa in prison is very effective because a lot of these people were caught up in dunya when they were free and now that they are confined, away from they’re friends and family and former way of life, they have time to think about things without as much distraction or influence from close social networks.
Truly, Allah knows best.
May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong, amin.
Asalam alaikum brothers and Sisters
Brother Anwar I was wondering why you stop giving talks in paltalk.
there were about 200 people on it before.
asalam alaikum
@ Ibn Adam
Listen to CD 11 of The Life of Muhammad (sAaws): The Mekkan Period by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. The first thing he talks about is the story of Abu Thar. After telling the story, from 12mins:55sec to 15mins:50sec and 17mins:20sec to 18:50, he makes his position clear about giving da’wah when you only have a little knowledge.
Also, listen to the story of ‘the drug addicts’ in Canada from 19mins:30secs to 25mins:5sec.
You will see that he has already disagreed with the idea that only those who have a lot of knowledge should give da’wah. Obviously, the condition is that one only relays to people what he knows of the Qur’an and Hadith even if it is only one or two ayaat.
I got to the islamic foundation in villa park. If you are local let me know and we can meet inshallah.
As for the other brothers I truly appreciate your help. I hate to hijack this thread with my questions so maybe to help take the great load off of our brother Anwars back we can create a general discussion section on here? Inshallah this may help brothers.
Ibn Adam,
Thanks for the lengthy response and I am not offended in any way. I have listended to the story of Musa on Anwar’s prophets series and was so impressed with his life I name my newborn son after him.
I agree that I should focus on learning arabic and memorizing Quran. Inshallah I will be given the ability to do so.
Islamic Fanatic,
I feel very inspired to help this ummah lately but do not know which directio to go into. I try my best to help the widows in my family and I try my best to support my own family but I really feel like my life is being wasted unless I give this ummah something back. Allah has made me a muslim and I need to help as best as I can right?
I am tired of feeling guilty and depressed because I give no benefit to this ummah. How can I help while I am here in the west? Should I be proactive in organizations like CAIR when many muslims consider them to be against us? Should I help kid’s at the masjid learn to play basketball even though there is no benefit in teaching them that sort of thing?
As you can see I am looking for direction.
Maybe it is best I keep to myself and family?
Salam Alaykum,
@ Ibn Adam I peg to differ , is not your muslim brother your responsibility is not the muslim youth your responsibility we have so much inaction and disunity because everyonyone is being selfisk , our ummah is basically dead .
If you know of a family that needs support and help and you ignore them or say Allah will look after them , don’t you think you’ll be asked about that on the Day of Judgement when you had the ability to support them ,when you can obtain Allahs reward , what are we if we are not active looking after the needy the deprived the unfortunate , is this not the examples of the Prophets , Allahs peace upon them all.
Sabhan Allah why learn Ouran if your not going to implement it . The sahabah learnt 3 to 10 ayyats studied them then implemented them in their actions then moved on yes we must do our duty to ourselves and our families , then we must do our duty and beyond our duty to the needy . I can’t stress this enough. Allah created us a ummah to support each other thats the only way to success Brother please remember it could be your son or your blood brother or you father or your sister in jail in the west , some there because their only crime [ in kaffur eyes ] is they speak out for Deen and do not compromise. I
Ibn Adam and Ibraheim I feel your sincereity to please Allah , and Allah reward you , do whats inspired in you , you will only grow and others will too, Allah can open the doors to so much ajar , from just one step in the right direction. Ibraheim what do you talk about when your with children and youth ,your their role model take every opportunity to make dawah especially to the young they are the closest to the Fitra and can be easily influenced in the right direction . Our ummah needs men with passion , we sisters need you men to be proactive , forget yourself and never stop giving to those that need you.
Yes its a heavy load and you will have many trials in this work but sabhan Allah this is the only life worth living. Sacrifice now not when you get to your destination you might not get there .Allah protect you brothers and your loved ones I was only trying to make a piont that I feel needs to be made.
[ Don't escape the responsibilities that demand a small sacrifice to the safety of the easy rituals.] do you know who this quote is from?
@ Ibraheim
Some ideas:
1. Memorize Quran
“He who is skillful in reciting the Qur’aan is with the unveiled,
honorable, and pious (i.e. Hur al-Ain). And he who stutters when
reading the Qur’aan, (and its recitation) is difficult upon him, will
receive two rewards.” (Reported by Bukhari)
And he (sAaws) said:
“Verily he who has nothing of the Qur’aan in his heart, is like a house
(which has been) destroyed.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)
The Prophet peace be upon him said, “The one who was devoted to the Qur’an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.’” [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].
Check out this site for more on memorizing Quran.
2. Seek knowledge
The Prophet (s.a.w.s) has said: “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim (male and female).” (Sahih Bukhari)
3. Teach people what you learned
Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, “The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.” [Al-Bukhari]
And he (sAaws) said: “When a man dies, his acts come to an end but three: recurring charity, knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son who prays for him.” (Related by Muslim)
(the teaching of knowledge also refers to da’wa)
4. Give da’wa
Quran 3:104 “Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.”
Qur’an 12:108 “Say (O Muhammad) : “This is my way; I invite unto Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me. And Glorified and Exalted is Allah. And I am not of the Mushrikin.”
The Prophet (sAaws) said to Ali, when he gave Ali the flag on the Day of Khaybar: “Advance with ease and gentleness until you arrive in their midst, then call them to Islam and inform them of their duties to Allah in Islam. By Allah ! If He may guide through you a single man to Islam, it would be better for you than red camels.”
5. Feed the poor (or ‘homeless’)
Get some friends, or maybe relatives, and put a little money together. Buy some peanut butter, jelly, bread, cheap bottled water, and oranges (or apples or pairs). Make pb&j sandwiches and put them in a sandwich bags. Take the food and water downtown, and you and your friends pass them out to the ‘homeless’. You can strike a da’wa convo with them. If they ask why you’re doing it say,
“We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks (Quran 76:9).”
6. If you know how to read Arabic then teach someone or some people who are new to Islam and do not know Arabic.
7. Encourage the Muslim brothers in your area to make hijrah for Allah (swt) and to assist in establishing the Khalifah.
8. Organize a day of Qiyyam layl or a monthly halaqa with the brothers.
9. Speak out against some bid’ah or kufr that is being promoted in your community, like those that CAIR promotes (democracy, allegiance to the Kuffar state).
10. Try to ask around if any brothers need help with something like moving, tutoring, etc..
11. Burn CDs with Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki’s lectures (with his permission) and pass it out to youth and adults.
12. Make friends with some young brother and be like an older brother to him. Grab a bite with him now and then, pray at the mesjid with him, and encourage him to be better and remind him of Allah.
I’m sure people can come up with many more ideas if you just think about it. I HIGHLY recommend reading Imam Anwar’s brief essay entitled “44 Ways to Support Jihad”. He posted a thread with a link to download it a few threads ago.
May Allah guide us to those actions which please him and are most beneficial to us and the Ummah. Amin
As-salaamu alaikum
@ Ibraheim
You said, “I feel very inspired to help this ummah lately but do not know which directio to go into.”
Then you should not be so easily discouraged, like when you said, “Maybe it is best I keep to myself and family?”
@ Ibn Adam
You said, “First and foremost, my naseehah to you is that da’wah is for the people of knowledge.”
The Prophet (sAaws) said, “Convey from me even if it is only one ayah.”
Also consider these…
In the Hadith Qudsi Allah will say on the Day of Judgment: “O son of Adam I was sick and you did not visit Me. He will say: O Lord how can I visit You. You are the Lord of the worlds? He says: Did you not know that My servant so and so was sick yet you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him you would have found Me with him?” (Muslim).
It has been narrated from Ibn Zubair that he asked Al-Hassan bin Ali about freeing the prisoners. Al-Hassan replied: “It is obligatory upon the entire Earth on which he was fighting.”
It has been established from the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) that he said: “Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the prisoner.”
It has been narrated by Saeed through his chain from Hibban bin Jabalah, that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “Indeed it is obligatory upon the Muslims to free their captives or to pay their ransoms.”
The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) wrote a letter advising the Muhajireen and Ansar: “To restrain the enemy soldiers in their fortresses and to free the Muslim captives with goodness.”
The Prophet (sAaws) said:
“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
“Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world, Allah will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter. Whosoever alleviates the difficulties of a needy person who cannot pay his debt, Allah will alleviate his difficulties in both this world and the Hereafter. Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. Allah will aid a servant (of His) so long as the servant aids his brother. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. No people gather together in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, mercy covers them, the angels surround them, and Allah makes mention of them amongst those who are in His presence. Whosoever is slowed down by his deeds will not be hastened forward by his lineage.”
“If you are single, then look out for yourself.”
Is this loving for your brother what you love for yourself? Or is it relieving your brother? Do you think guidance comes from reading and memorizing alone? Or is it not Allah who increases wisdom, guidance, and understanding for one who obeys Him and does all that he loves?
@Jassim: JazakALLAH Khair for drawing my attention to these sections of Sheikh Anwar’s lectures. However, I respectfully disagree with your understanding of what Sheikh Anwar is saying. With respect to Abu Dharr RA, first and foremost, he was one of the earliest of the Sahabi to become Muslim. He was the 5th person to accept Islam, and before he became Muslim, he rejected the idea of paganism. His brother upon returning from a caravan from Makkah, informed him about this new religion. Curious, Abu Dharr RA went to Makkah to learn more. Abu Dharr hid in the curtains of the Ka’ba for 25 days to avoid the quraish, and survived only on Zam Zam water and yet SubhanALLAH, he said that he got fat from it! This is one of the miracles from ALLAH. Islam was in its infancy at the time. He made hijrah to Makkah, he learned from the Prophet SAW directly, and the Prophet SAW directly told him to teach his people, as this was a time, when there were very little Muslims (after all, he was only the 5th). The Prophet SAW is a lawmaker, and so he was merely fulfilling the instructions of the Prophet SAW. You cannot take the example of Abu Dharr RA, and say that because he knew little, yet was given permission to do da’wah, that everyone else can. Sheikh Anwar at no point makes this blanket statement. By that definition, every one of us would be qualified to do da’wah, which is not a correct thing to say. Yes, we are to convey, even one Ayat, but da’wah is more than just narrating. Da’wah is about teaching the correct understanding of the Ayat as well. In this day and age, doing da’wah is not as simple (we only wish) as simply conveying a few Hadith, and/or a few Ayat, and people would simply take shahadah as a result. We all know in giving da’wah (especially here in the west), we will be asked many questions about many things (issues about Jesus, the trinity, 9/11, Jihad, The Prophet SAW’s marriage to ‘Aisha RA, polygamy, women’s rights, the veil, etc). Does knowing a few Ayat, and a few Hadith make us qualified to answer all of the above questions that we know will be asked? Definitely not. As for the example of the drug dealer, the concept there that Sheikh Anwar was discussing was about speaking good, not the issue of da’wah. Does the fact that the brother in question became Muslim (AlhamduLILLAH) mean now that this drug dealing Muslim be allowed to give da’wah? Of course not. AlhamduLILLAH for him, he spoke about Islam to this guy, and if you listened further to the lecture, Sheikh Anwar points out that ANOTHER brother from Algeria came and joined the conversation, and AlhamduLILLAH CORRECTED the errors that they were making in their conversation about Islam. This is precisely my point. Doing da’wah is a noble thing, just like jihad, just like being a judge, just like doing business, but it requires the right tools, and the right knowledge. Not the intention alone. If anyone with a little bit of knowledge was allowed to do da’wah, then we are indirectly belittling the knowledge of Sheikh Anwar and others. What is the point of studying and sacrificing so much, if someone can just learn a bit and teach?
To my brother Ibraheim, you mentioned that you have a newborn son named Musa, so AlhamduLILLAH, you are a father, and a husband. You have many responsibilities. Your wife, and your son need you more than anyone. Fulfill this duty to them FIRST. Learn your deen. Memorize as much Qur-an as you can, learn the language of Arabic, sit in the study circles at your local Masjid to gain knowledge of doing business in Islam. Learn the attributes of ALLAH. If you know the language of arabic already, start studying tafsir ibn Kathir with a Sheikh, or go through Kitab ul-Tawheed by Sheikh Abdul Wahhab initially. Gradually increasing your knowledge. Islam is not fast food. Look at how long it takes for one to be a doctor or a lawyer. Give Islam the respect it deserves by studying it in the proper way. You wanting to do good is a noble thing, but as Muslims, what differentiates us and the kuffar, is that the kuffar (at least those who believe in a GOD), worship ALLAH the way they want to worship HIM, whereas we, as Muslims, worship ALLAH the way ALLAH wants us to worship HIM. Big difference. We submit to what ALLAH wants. ALLAH is the ultimate DOCTOR, and HE has given us the BEST PRESCRIPTION. Our duty is to follow it as best as we can.
Ibn Adam
“Beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world, and they ridicule those who believe. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 212]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu my dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
During the early period of the Dawah of Rasoolollah [Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam], Utbah ibn Rabee’ah (from the leaders of the Quraish) went to the Prophet [Peace be upon him] and among other things Utbah said to him [PBUH] was:
“…O man (referring to the Prophet [PBUH]), if the only problem is that you are in need of wealth, we will gather for you our wealth, until you become the richest man among the Quraish. And if all that you desire is marriage, choose any women from the Quraish you want, and we will marry you off to ten women of your choice.” [Al-Bidaayah An-Nihaayah by Ibn Katheer]
At the time of the Battle of Yarmouk, the Muslims decisive Victory over the Romans, during the Khilafat of Abu Bakr (Radi-Allahu anhu) a similar situation:
Bahaan, one of the leaders of the Romans, he wanted to meet with the Commander of the Muslim Army, Khalid bin Walid, (Sayfullah, Radi-Allahu anhu), so he came ahead, and he asked for Khalid bin Walid to come and meet him. So they met each other, and Bahaan said: “We heard that you came out in search of booty because you are very hungry and destitute people. So I am offering you ten Dinar (gold coins) each for every soldier (in Muslim Army), in addition to a set of clothes, and food and next year we will give you the same.” [The Life of Abu Bakr by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki]
And we can find many similar situations of this nature where the Kuffar, the Mushrikeen (polytheists), the Jews, the Christians, the Crusaders and the Zionists try to buy off Muslims and to make Muslims turn back on their faith. And we are witnessing the same pattern in our own times, and a recent example is the now US Vice Pharaoh, Joe Biden (the Zionist), when he suggested at a press conference at the NATO headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, that “70 percent of Taliban” in Afghanistan will lay down their arms and leave Jihad upon receiving money from US and NATO, as part of Pharaoh Barack Obama’s strategy for winning the war in Afghanistan. Another compromise these Kuffar are looking into is to negotiate with the so called “moderate elements of the Taliban” and allow them to come into power and adopt the religions of the Kuffar, which are democracy and secularism instead of the Taliban adopting Islam and the Shariah of Allah Azza wa Jall. And that they would also need to abandon Jihad Fee Sabililah.
Brothers and sisters in Islam, these plots of the Kuffar, i.e. the Dajjal forces of US, UK, NATO and the Illegal state of Israel, indicate just how desperate these Kuffar are, and how much willing they are to make compromises regarding their own false ideologies to buy off the Mujahideen and Muslims. A similar situation at the time of the Prophet was when the Quraish said to the Prophet [PBUH], “O Muhammad, come and let us worship that which you worship, and let you worship that which we worship. Let us become partners in this affair.”
Allah Azza wa Jall then Says:
“Say, ‘O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.’”
[Surah Al-Kafiroon]
It is very interesting to note how these kuffar are hoping that, by using a variety of plots and cunning minds from their “think-tanks” and RAND organizations, they would have a better chance of convincing the Mujahideen to accept their terms and therefore making us turn back on our heels, just like we see the plight of so called “Moderate Muslims” in many parts of the world, especially in the West today.
“O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.”
[Surah Aal-Imraan, Ayat 149]
When the Kuffar were trying to buy off the Prophet [PBUH] and to make him compromise, The Prophet [PBUH] did not soften in his Position, and he [PBUH] made it perfectly clear to them that nothing they (the Kuffar) could offer would make him turn his back on his faith. And the Companions [RA] follow the ideal example of the Prophet [PBUH], and we learned from the Battle of Yarmouk that Khalid bin Walid [RA] refused all the enticing things that were being offered to him by the Romans so that the Muslims abandon the Jihad Fee Sabililah. Khalid bin Walid [RA], instead, continue the Jihad fee Sabililah and conquered Sham and drive out the Roman invaders and occupiers.
This is the formula that we as Muslims should follow, that is, relying only on Allah Azza wa Jall and having patience and forbearance. And insh’Allah, the Taliban Mujahideen at the frontlines in Afghanistan as well as the Mujahideen all around the world in the Jihad fee Sabililah will follow this Path of Rasoolollah (Sallalahu Alayhi wa Salam) and to continue to be the bearers of the Truth and Justice and drive out every transgressor, occupier and commander of evil, i.e. the United States of Dajjal forces.
Allah Azza wa Jall Warns us:
“O you who have believed, do not take My enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the Prophet and yourselves [only] because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you have come out for Jihad in My cause and seeking means to My approval, [take them not as friends]. You confide to them affection, but I am most knowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.
If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you as enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.”
[Al-Mumtahina, Ayah 1-2]
“Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has gone astray from His way, and He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided.
Then do not obey the deniers.
They wish that you would soften [in your position], so they would soften [toward you].
And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer
[And] scorner, going about with malicious gossip –
A preventer of good, transgressing and sinful,
Cruel, moreover, and an illegitimate pretender.
Because he is a possessor of wealth and children,”
When Our Ayah are recited to him, he says, “Legends of the former peoples.”
[Surah Al-Qalam, Ayah 7-15]
aamin, Jazakallahu khayran Imam Anwar
@ Ibn Adam
I believe you have mistaken the Imam. And it certainly was not a blanketed statement, but an obvious one. The Imam kept reemphasizing that Abu Tharr knew very little then he said, “What can we learn from the story of Abu Tharr?”…The Imam begins listing lessons and he says, “Number 2: Rasoolullah (sAaws) says ‘Balighu ‘anni wa lau ayah’, ‘Convey even one verse from me.’ Whatever you have convey it, share it, teach it. Don’t keep it to yourself!”
Those were the words of our beloved Imam. And you say that it would be belittling the knowledge of Sheikh Anwar if we invite people to what we know of the Truth… isn’t it honoring his knowledge since we learn much from him? Aren’t we earning him good deeds by relaying what we learned from his lectures? And Imam Anwar, or any righteous man, is not so small and petty as to be insulted by such things. May Allah cause him to grow in piety, amin.
And you said, “Yes, we are to convey, even one Ayat, but da’wah is more than just narrating. Da’wah is about teaching the correct understanding of the Ayat as well. In this day and age, doing da’wah is not as simple (we only wish) as simply conveying a few Hadith, and/or a few Ayat, and people would simply take shahadah as a result.”
This statement of yours is not giving the proper respect to the Words of Allah and His Messenger. It’s as though you are saying that the Words of Allah and His Messenger are insufficient to convey the message, and they need the someone else’s words to make them whole and clear. You should hear the Imam’s comments on how Ja’far (rA) chose to recite ayaat to Najashi instead of go on and on with his own words. So let me convey this hadith to you.
Jabir Bin ‘Abdullah narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said “The best speech is that embodied in the Book of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad. The most evil affairs are their innovations; and every innovation is an error.” (Muslim1885)
And again, please remember that the Messenger of Allah (sAaws) said, “Convey from me even if it is one ayah.” That is da’wah! If a Muslim is asked about something he does not know then he must know how to say, “I don’t know. I do not have knowledge about that.” And refer such people to someone who does. At least, he would bring a lead for another person with more knowledge to engage.
And about the drug addict… then in accordance with your advice, it would be best if the Muslim addict just told the man who asked about Islam “I am not a person of knowledge so I can’t speak”? If you should have learned anything from how the Algerian showed up it is that when Allah intends to guide someone he will ensure their guidance and that the truth will reach them. Narrating the Quran is more than enough for da’wah.
Also, consider that every Muslim is a Muslim because he has accepted the basic tenets of Islam, not because he is learned in fiqh or tajweed. When calling people to Islam, the basic beliefs and tenets are the first thing we call to.
And you mentioned that we’ll face difficult questions like 9/11, Jihad, and polygamy… Brother, it’s simple; Answer What You Know And Leave What You Don’t. Take their number or email address or call someone knowledgeable while you are with the non-Muslim. Btw, if you think that people should answer every question we get, even those which are apparently designed to corner a Muslim, that is unwise.
I do, however, agree with you 100% about learning more, reading, and memorizing Quran. And the two books you mentioned are excellent choices.
May Allah show us the truth and make us follow it, and show us the falsehood and make us abstain from it. Amin.
Al Wasatiyyah Foundation for Research and Revival officially announces the launch of the organisation within the UK with our first single weekend seminar entitled: ‘The Virtues of the Sahabah’.
The study will be based on the noble companions of the Prophet (saw) who were the greatest men and women to have walked upon this earth after the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (swt). Their characteristics and struggles are great and untold, thus studying these very virtues instills within a person a deep sense of affection for them and more importantly encourages us to follow in their footsteps towards pleasing Allah (swt).
This course will be based on the chapter: ‘Virtues of the Sahabah’ from the Sahih Muslim hadeeth collection and will be delivered by the world renowned orator Imam Anwar al Awlaki (main lecturer amongst other teachers). His commentary will be based on Imam an-Nawawi’s explanation of Sahih Muslim.
Al Wasatiyyah Foundation for Research and Revival officially announces the launch of the organisation within the UK with our first single weekend seminar entitled: ‘The Virtues of the Sahabah’.
The study will be based on the noble companions of the Prophet (saw) who were the greatest men and women to have walked upon this earth after the Prophets and Messengers of Allah (swt). Their characteristics and struggles are great and untold, thus studying these very virtues instills within a person a deep sense of affection for them and more importantly encourages us to follow in their footsteps towards pleasing Allah (swt).
This course will be based on the chapter: ‘Virtues of the Sahabah’ from the Sahih Muslim hadeeth collection and will be delivered by the world renowned orator Imam Anwar al Awlaki (main lecturer amongst other teachers). His commentary will be based on Imam an-Nawawi’s explanation of Sahih Muslim.
Ameen, Jazakallah Khair Jihadfeesabililah
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb , brothers and sisters
The load can only be carried successfully if everyone carries the load , everyone shares the weight, then the burden is light.
The load becomes such a heavy burden when only one carries the load, thus taking the full weight , the weight is not distributed evenly therefore becoming a heavy burden on the one, so doomed to constant hardship.
Our ummah is suffering because very few will carry the weight , very few will give a helping hand to their brother in need,
Our ummah has become a group of people who support those who already have too much support ,and love to be praised for doing the bare minimun while neglecting those who have none as a support [ save the mercy of Allah ] which is the best support .
The muslims heart is meant to be Kareem , but the Prophet saws) told us of the time when the muslims heart will be miserable not only bukeer tight with money but tight with compassion to their brother
This is our ummah now, it will not change until we change our selfish attitude and think of those who are worse off and put our minds into their space, and feel their pain
Abu Dharr said that the Prophet saws) said ‘ Do not belittle any form of righteousness, even if you did not find any good deed except meeting your brother with a smiling face, then do so.
Ahmed , At Tirmidhi
We the muslim ummah are the jigsaw puzzle and it wont be complete until we fill in all the missing pieces, success wont come until we have all sacrifice to the best of our ability so we can be worthy of the favours of Allah
@Ibrahiem, I go to the Orland Park masjid and sometimes bridgeview. Inshallah one day we should meet at a masjid and give salaam to each other. At the Orland Park masjid, we have a youth program every satudary. Basically we have some brothers teach the basic elements of Islam to children aging from preschool to high school. It’s on saturdays, at the masjid, from 7 to Isha’ prayer, however I believe it will probaby start after Maghrib with the time change. I can ask if we have an extra spot if you would like to help, or if you want to come and see how it is.
Email me at
And thank the rest of you for very knowledgable responses.
As I mentioned earlier I did not intend to get this thread going into another direction so maybe we can implement a general discussion section considering the amount of knowledgeable muslims we have here.
Salam Alaykum,
Assalamu Alaikum Sisters Lubna, Um Umar, Can you please e-mail me at I want to send by mail the Book “The Bible, Quran and Science” by Maurice Bucaille. Please let me know who else wants this Book. It is very good for Dawa purpose in West. Some of the questions asked by ‘Curious’ and others on this blog are answered in this book.
Comment from a leading national Blog about how some Americans are reacting to the mass murder in Alabama/Germany today. Need of the hour in West is to do the right Dawa…
“These mass shootings that now occur so regularly that they often seem to have no meaning are indicative of the fact that Western civilization as we now know it is in a state of total meltdown. There is indeed meaning however in these seemingly meaningless events but as with all such social indicators it is more convenient to ignore the inconvenient facts.
The stigmatization of people with “mental illness” is so great and dehumanizing in America today (and the West more generally) that those deeply disturbed individuals who are seriously in need of counseling and maybe medical intervention refuse and avoid the treatment that they so desperately need.
Only when America (and the rest of the Western world) begins to address this phenomenon from a totally new and creative perspective will the “cure” be found for this so called “disease”.
The dis-ease is within ourselves not only as individuals but as a society where the social needs of people need to be met or they go bizerk! No man is an island entire untoo himself so the English poet John Donne told us; and he was quite correct in his assertion. In a society where competition is emphasized over cooperation and social harmony life takes on the aspect of a war of all against each other. As the old Roman saying has it: man becomes a wolf to man! No society or civilization can long survive in such a condition. “
“The believers are only the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their properties and their lives in the cause of Allah. It is those who are the truthful.”
[Surah Al-Hujuraat, Ayat 15]
Asalamu Alaikum
Here is just an example of the point we were making on post #147. In this Video aired today, March 11, 2009: the response of the Taliban Mujahideen is that they will continue to fight for the sake of Allah Azza wa Jall against the United Dajjal Forces of US and NATO Occupiers.
The Taliban Mujahideen in Afghanistan have rejected US efforts to reach out to what Pharaoh Obama and his Zionist VP, Biden calls the “moderate Taliban” and to buy them off.
The Mujahideen say they are united under the Commander of the Believers, Ameerul Mumineen Mujahid Mullah Omar (may Allah Protect him), and they have welcomed and looking forward to a US plan to send 17,000 of their soon to be dead troops to Afghanistan because it will present more targets for the Mujahideen to shoot these dirty Kuffar occupiers.
“Indeed in that is a reminder for whoever has a heart or who listens while he is present [in mind].”
[Surah Qaaf, Ayat 38]
@Ibraheim its okay we are gaining knowledge and supporting others through this blog,, we are only talking about the Haqq and the affairs of the ummah ,we must do this if we want to improve our state and it wont improve until we face the many ailments in our ummah and after a long hard struggle to rectify these problems Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen
” Our Lord keep perfect our light for us ” 2 : 495
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 14, 1430 H./ 11-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
2 tanks of Canadian invader army destroyed in Kandahar Wednesday afternoon 11-03-2009 at approximately 2:10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of Canadian invaders army in Garmawak area in Mewand district of Kandahar province, the landmines destroyed both tanks and all the invader terrorists in them were killed.
1 vehicle of puppet army destroyed in Helmand Wednesday morning 11-03-2009 at approximately 10:06 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmines blew up a vehicle of puppet army near Lashkargah city capital of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle, a commander and four terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of British invader army blown up in Helmand Wednesday noon 11-03-2009 at approximately 5:36 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invader army in Khak Kash area of Sangin district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed.
In a ambush 5 invaders terrorists killed in Helmand Wednesday noon 11-03-2009 at approximately 6:05 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a foot patrolling unit of British invader army and their puppets in Zarghon Kali area of Nad Ali district of Helmand province, in the ambush five invader terrorists were killed two were wounded.
puppets district headquarter attacked in Nangarhar Tuesday night 10-03-2009 at approximately 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppets district headquarter in Sherzad district of Nangarhar province, in the attack four puppet terrorists were killed, the headquarter and police post were damaged and one military vehicle was destroyed.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
@ Jihadfeesabililah
Excellent Stuff! May Allah reward you for informing us about our brother. Amin.
Check out the vid everybody:
As-Salamu’alaikum. I am going to address some of the issues that have been brought up on the issue of da’wah, and will leave it at that. I feel I have fully addressed this matter, however, some people insist on pursuing this issue in their zealous love of Islam, and hoping for goodness. However, zeal alone is not enough when intending to do good.
You say, “I believe you have mistaken the Imam. And it certainly was not a blanketed statement, but an obvious one. The Imam kept reemphasizing that Abu Tharr knew very little then he said, “What can we learn from the story of Abu Tharr?”…The Imam begins listing lessons and he says, “Number 2: Rasoolullah (sAaws) says ‘Balighu ‘anni wa lau ayah’, ‘Convey even one verse from me.’ Whatever you have convey it, share it, teach it. Don’t keep it to yourself!”
No I haven’t misunderstood the Imam at all. I must re-emphasize that the Imam at no point tells everyone listening to the lecture that you are qualified to give da’wah, once you have learned a few Ayat/Hadith. I urge you to listen to one of his CD’s on the seerah of the Prophet’s (I believe it is the one on the Prophet Adam AS, not sure as I listened to it some time ago). In this lecture, Sheikh Anwar mentions a Hadith where on the Day of Judgement, there will be some Prophet’s who will have a few followers, and some Prophet’s with no followers. He takes time out to address this issue. Does this mean that these Prophet’s failed in their da’wah? Absolutely not. Why, because in Islam, the end does not justify the means. Guidance is from ALLAH. These Prophet’s did their duty to convey and teach the Message of ALLAH, but ultimate guidance was not up to them. The counter argument then arises, what if someone, for example, a sister in hijab, starts discussing Islam to another man at her school/job. This sister then takes down his number/email address and she continues to do da’wah to him over the phone/online. If this man becomes Muslim, AlhamduLILLAH, however, the means of da’wah that this sister used were HARAM, and she will be asked about it on the Day of Judgement. The fact that this man becomes Muslim is irrelevant, and does not justify her actions (mingling with the opposite gender). You cannot equate that Hadith of the Prophet SAW, to saying, “anyone who has memorized a few Surah’s/Hadith is now qualified to give da’wah.” The mistake you are making is taking one Hadith, (or one statement of Sheikh Anwar), and running with it. Let me clarify. There is one Ayat in the Qur-an where ALLAH says, “O you who believe! Approach not As-Salat (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter,” 4:43. Using this Ayat, someone with a disease in their heart will say, “so drinking is permissible! I just don’t have to pray when I’m drunk!” You and I both know that this Ayat has been abrogated by another Ayat, “O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab , and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan’s (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.” 5:90. To discuss ANY issue on any subject (including da’wah), you need to take all of the Ayat, and all of the Hadith on that subject and study them in order to come to a conclusion. You can NEVER take one Hadith and run with it. You also overlooked something very important that Sheikh Anwar said in his discussion of Abu Dharr RA. He SPECIFICALLY states, that ALLAH opened his heart to the truth. Also, you trivialize the example of Abu Dharr RA by making your statements above. How, because you are overlooking the fact that:
A. He was the 5th person to accept Islam (THIS IS A BIG DEAL).
B. He rejected idolatry even before he became Muslim.
C. He made Hijrah to Makkah to seek the truth from the Prophet SAW.
D. He got beaten, and he repeatedly took the beatings for love of the Prophet SAW.
E. For 25 days, he hid in the curtains of the Ka’ba (no home, no hotel, the curtains of the Ka’ba).
G. Because he was a Sahabi, he also saw the Qur-an being revealed, he knew the language, among many others things.
H. He was exiled by Uthman b. Affan RA. Why? Because Abu Dharr RA was being too harsh on the tabi’een in trying to bring them to the level of the Sahabah.
I. The most important fact that you overlooked is that the PROPHET SAW TOLD ABU DHARR RA TO GO TEACH HIS TRIBE! If you look at whom the Prophet SAW sent as his ambassador, to represent Islam, to go and teach another tribe, nation, etc., He SAW ALWAYS CHOSE THE BEST AMONGST THE SAHABAH (Don’t believe me? I repeat my earlier comment about Mu’adh ibn Jabal RA, the one whom the Prophet SAW sent to Yemen to teach the jewish tribes there. The Prophet SAW said that Mu’adh is the most knowledgeable of Halal and Haram in Islam, and that on the Day of Judgement, Mu’adh will be ahead of ALL OF THE SCHOLARS OF ISLAM. This is the example of our Prophet SAW. What an excellent example). According to your understanding (not Sheikh Anwar’s, yours), you believe it is ok for anyone, as long as they have
a few Ayat/Hadith memorized to go ahead and give da’wah.
These Sahaba (both Abu Dharr, and Mu’adh ibn Jabal RA) are heroes of Islam, and to simply say that because they conveyed a few Ayat’s from the Prophet SAW is a major over-simplification of this concept.
You go on to say, “And you say that it would be belittling the knowledge of Sheikh Anwar if we invite people to what we know of the Truth… isn’t it honoring his knowledge since we learn much from him? Aren’t we earning him good deeds by relaying what we learned from his lectures? And Imam Anwar, or any righteous man, is not so small and petty as to be insulted by such things.”
You again misunderstood my point. We are indeed belittling these Imam’s and scholars, because only those who are qualified to teach, should teach. If anyone is allowed to give da’wah by virtue of memorizing a few Ayats/Hadith, then what is the point of higher learning of Islam? We are all qualified to teach! This argument of yours is very dangerous, because it also opens up the door to more fitnah. If one simply memorizes a few Ayat/Hadith and starts to play the role of da’ee, these person will make the grave mistake of giving his/her own interpretations as well, according their (lack of) knowledge. This is inevitable. We have enough problems in our Ummah with people who have memorized/studied the Qur-an, and the Sunnah giving incorrect rulings. And you’re saying that the field should be opened to allow even those who have just a few Hadith/Ayats to add to this?!!! How should we convey the Ayat or the knowledge of Sheikh Anwar? Refer people to this site, or sites that have his lectures, or give them a CD with his lectures on them. Don’t start giving Khutbah’s because you heard a lecture of Sheikh Anwar. This is NOT how scholarship is in Islam.
You go on to say, “This statement of yours is not giving the proper respect to the Words of Allah and His Messenger. It’s as though you are saying that the Words of Allah and His Messenger are insufficient to convey the message, and they need the someone else’s words to make them whole and clear. You should hear the Imam’s comments on how Ja’far (rA) chose to recite ayaat to Najashi instead of go on and on with his own words. So let me convey this hadith to you.
Jabir Bin ‘Abdullah narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.a.w.) said “The best speech is that embodied in the Book of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad. The most evil affairs are their innovations; and every innovation is an error.” (Muslim1885)”
You are misunderstanding the very Hadith that you are quoting me SubhanALLAH. According to your understanding, should we then burn every book of Islam? First and foremost, the books of Tafseer?!!! Do you feel the same about Sheikh Anwar’s lectures? THE BEST SPEACH IS THE BOOK OF ALLAH. Yes, absolutely. The Hadith did NOT say, and every OTHER SPEECH IS INNOVATION. I can firmly say now, yes, you are belittling the knowledge of the scholars by making such a blanket statement. Are you saying that the fact that a scholar writes a tafseer to explain the Qur-an (whether from a linguistic standpoint, or from a narration standpoint, or from a Shari’ah standpoint), that they are saying that the Qur-an is insufficient, A’udhubILLAH?!!! The Qur-an was revealed to the Prophet SAW, whose job was to teach it to the Sahabah. The Prophet SAW is dead now, but the scholars of Islam are the inheritors of the Prophets i.e. they inherit the KNOWLEDGE! It is their job now to teach the people! On one hand you praise Sheikh Anwar, on the other hand, you insult him and all other scholars with this comment. Are you qualified to know EXACTLY what ALLAH is saying in the Qur-an? Is anyone? Can anyone just pick up Sahih Bukhari and start reading it, and know EXACTLY what the Prophet SAW is saying without any clarification from anyone? No speach, not even those of the Prophet SAW are at the level of the Qur-an. In fact, ALLAH Praises HIMSELF for revealing the Qur-an in Surah Kahf, “All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad ) the Book (the Qur’an), and has not placed therein any crookedness.” 18:1. We of Ahlus-Sunnah place our scholars on our heads, and give them the honour that they rightfully deserve, but we do not equate their words on the level of the Qur-an, nor on the level of a Hadith from the Prophet SAW.
You continue by saying, “And again, please remember that the Messenger of Allah (sAaws) said, “Convey from me even if it is one ayah.” That is da’wah! If a Muslim is asked about something he does not know then he must know how to say, “I don’t know. I do not have knowledge about that.” And refer such people to someone who does. At least, he would bring a lead for another person with more knowledge to engage.” I partially agree with you here. You are correct that a person who does not know something, should simply say, “I don’t know, and refer the questioner to a better, more authoritative source. Where I disagree with you, is that such a person who does not know, should NOT put him/herself in a position of knowledge/authority in the first place. If a colleague asks you, “Are Muslim men allowed to have 4 wives?” You, me, anyone, should say, “Yes, they are allowed.” If this person asks, “why?” The correct thing to do is to refer this person to a masjid, or a Sheikh where they can ask someone of knowledge, instead of giving their own understanding. The difference here is, the Muslim is not taking the initiative to go and start teaching people of Polygamy in Islam. While he is conveying the Ayat, he is not at the same time, putting himself in a position where people will start going to him for questions on Islam. This person should not be doing da’wah. Not because he is a bad person, but because he does not have the knowledge on the various aspects of Islam that come up when giving da’wah. Things NOT EVERYONE HAS, but need to be learned. FYI, please listen to Sheikh Anwar’s lecture on the Prophet Musa AS, and his manner of giving da’wah to Fir’aun as he understood the words of ALLAH).
You also say, “And about the drug addict… then in accordance with your advice, it would be best if the Muslim addict just told the man who asked about Islam “I am not a person of knowledge so I can’t speak”? If you should have learned anything from how the Algerian showed up it is that when Allah intends to guide someone he will ensure their guidance and that the truth will reach them. Narrating the Quran is more than enough for da’wah.” Sheikh Anwar at no point in discussing the case of the drug dealer, say that this mean was qualified in giving da’wah. You again missed the point of this talk. The point was speaking goodness. Yes, the drug addict spoke about Islam, BUT ONLY AFTER BEING ASKED, AND STILL MADE MISTAKES. The correct thing the drug dealer should have done was discuss Islam to the amount that he knew, and NOT discuss those issues that required correcting! Because of this, the Algerian brother was needed. So while you are saying that the drug addict was 100% correct in everything he did in discussing Islam, I am saying the drug dealer was correct for whatever amount he was correct, and incorrect for whatever amount the Algerian brother was needed to correct him. This drug dealing Muslim was right in responding to the questions (thus conveying the truth as the Prophet SAW commanded), but would have been incorrect if this drug dealer decided to go and give da’wah to non-Muslims. According to your over-simplification, even this drug dealer is qualified to give da’wah. Again, you are taking one incident, and running with it.
You go on to say, “Also, consider that every Muslim is a Muslim because he has accepted the basic tenets of Islam, not because he is learned in fiqh or tajweed. When calling people to Islam, the basic beliefs and tenets are the first thing we call to.” You are correct here, however, you oversimplify the issue again. If it was so easy and basic, then the mushrikeen at the time of the Prophet SAW would have readily became Muslim. The issue is that we don’t realize how significant the concept of the Shahadah is. Hence, a trained da’ee is required for da’wah(a righteous man with a sound ‘Aqeedah, who knows the culture of the people to whom he is giving da’wah to, etc.), not anyone who memorizes a few Ayats/Hadith.
You go on to say, “And you mentioned that we’ll face difficult questions like 9/11, Jihad, and polygamy… Brother, it’s simple; Answer What You Know And Leave What You Don’t. Take their number or email address or call someone knowledgeable while you are with the non-Muslim. Btw, if you think that people should answer every question we get, even those which are apparently designed to corner a Muslim, that is unwise.” This statement actually proves my point, not yours. One who has solid knowledge of Islam, and proper training in da’wah is qualified to answer these questions, and to know the intent behind them (which is what I have been saying all along). Not anyone who memorizes a few Ayats/Hadith. This is a point against you.
You conclude by saying, “I do, however, agree with you 100% about learning more, reading, and memorizing Quran. And the two books you mentioned are excellent choices.”
AlhamduLILLAH, you agree with me on these points. All Muslims need to know the fundamentals of their Deen, before tackling bigger, and more ambitious projects.
@Um Umar Islamic fanatic:
I did not say refuse any and all help to Muslims that need help. Help can be in many ways. Ways any Muslim can help is by sharing their wealth, food, etc. My issue is on the subject of one who is qualified to give da’wah. The one who is qualified to make Jihad, should make Jihad, and the one who is qualified to do da’wah, should da’wah.
This is all that I have to say on this subject. If you feel the need to continue this thread and counter my reply, by all means. I won’t be responding to any further discussion of this topic, as more than enough has been said.
First and foremost, Jassim, and Ibraheim, you are both my brothers in Islam, and I sincerely apologize for offending either of you in any way. I know I can be harsh in my criticism at times, and that is one of my short comings. We are all brothers in Islam, who want nothing more than to see Islam victorious over all other religions. May we live long enough to see that day, and may ALLAH allow us to be neighbours in the future Khilafah.
Ibn Adam
All Hamad and Sanaat is for Allah who has His Hands on the forelocks of the tyrants, and of the munafiqeen, Praise be to Allah the sole King of the Universe, Who has his Arsh over the heavens and the earth. Salawaat on his most Beloved, salawaat on his Habeeb, Salawaat on His Mercy,Salawaat on the Imam of the Prophet (as), the Rasool-Allah (saw) who speaksno word, nor does action unless it be inspiration inspired, unlimited daroodand salawaat on his Ahle Bait, his Sahabah and those that followed them tillthe day of Quanah (may Allah shower them all with abundent Rehma) Let the mumineen of Pakistan NOT rejoice for the faces of a kufr keeps changing but the corrupt system which is the engine of producing murtad (apostate/kufr) rulers remains. You shall surely see the next president follow those before him, from the first traitor of Pakistan, the alcoholic and pork eating Mr Jinnah (the britsh colonialist puppet) to the communist loving Bhutto Family to Nawaz sharif. Mr Jinnah promised his British masters that he will follow in the footsteps of his role model Kemal Ataturk in secularising Pakistan keeping Allah’s laws out of the constitution and courts and in its political systems. Musharraf reiterated the very same word once he was put in power by his Master in Washington. Just a few days ago they tried to fool the muslims of Pakistan by celebrating so called INDEPENDENCE, but knowing that their government is ALWAYS DEPENDENT on the kufr leaders of the west dictating to them where to lead the ummah, so to keep them under their control. As we see the price of bread becoming unaffordable to the poor despite the great agriculture history of Pakistan, or the increase in fuel prices despite the fact Pakistan has one of the greatest uranium fields and gas reserves and mineral not compared by any other nation, and a military capability to become a major power broker. Yet the kufr leader of Pakistan have chained the ummah to the whims of the kuffar. The enemy of Allah, Musharraf was declared by those in the corridors as “one of the most loyal allies in the battle against radical Islamist”, “who wish to establish a global Islamic empire called the caliphate, by overthrowing moderate governments”, as in Bush’s owns word, “a state that will threaten US and its allies interests”. Musharraf in his arrogance like pharaoh thought he can silence the Muwahideen and stop the plan of Allah from coming to pass. He time and time again, insulted the Muwahideen as a “minority of lunatics” who will soon be eliminated from Pakistan and will be no longer mentioned, his slaughter of the shariah lovers in lal Masjid, the murder of thousands in Waziristan and oppression of the lovers of shariah in the western borderns of Pakistan, giving airports to the US forces and permission to establish CIA and FBI offices in Pakistan to torture muslims, who resist the oppression and puppet rulers. Indeed the Kufr ruler, plotted and planned, so did Allah (swt) and verily Allah is the best of Planner.We thank Allah (swt) that we have seen a portion of his Plan as the ummah has distanced themselves from thes agent rulers and working for the sharia & khilafah to win the Pleasure of Allah, to fullfill the rights of Tawhid. This is nothing new in the war against the believers, very similar were the words of Qureysh against Nabi (saw). When the taunted The rose of Allah (saw) and the death of his beloved sons Ibrahim ibn Muhammad (saw) and Qasim ibn Muhammad (saw), They laughed as he(saw) mourned their death, indeed the rose of Allah feeling was hurt, so his best friend Allah(swt) comforted him. The taunted Nabi (saw), by saying leave him, ignore him, he has only a few followers, his sons (may Allah be pleased with them) don’t survive, when He (saw) dies, his call will die with him, as no son has he to continue his call (Allah hum rabil gafir lee).. such were the statement and taunt from ibn wa’il, Uqbah, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl and the other Qurayshi leaders But Blessed is Nabi (saw) who has Allah (swt) to comfort his Heart, Indeed this friendship of Nabi (saw) and Allah (swt) is the most loyal Friendship in all that exist in the heavens and the Earth. Allah revealed surah Al Kawthar’s three might sentences. In which Allah granted Nabi (saw) the leadership of earth and in Jannah, and the authority of the hawd e Kawthar, and Allah threatens the kafirs with a mighty promise, that the entire world will see. The last verse is for all time not just for nabi (saw) for for any zamana in the future. In the first Ayah of this mighty surah Allah cheers up Nabi (saw) and tells Nabi (saw) of his reward of his mighty struggle to establish the hukm (law) of Allah on this earth, What amazes the thinker of the ayahs of Allah is, this surah was revealed when Nabi (saw) was on in the beginning stages of the dawah in Makka. Allah say “we have certainly given you al Kawthar, Kawthar derived from Kathrah (ie abdundence which is unlimited and without restriction, The first abundance being the honour of having the Quran being revealed on his (saw) shoulders, a mighty kitab that the heaven and earth follow in submission to Allah, except the one in who’s heart is a disease, a Kitab that is the pure word of the Creator of the heavens and the Earth. And that which he (saw) does will also be a law from Allah, which every human is obliged to follow, from every cornor of the earth. Also granted the abundance of the Akhirah. Imam Ahmed narrated from Anas (ra), that a man asked Nabi (saw) “O messenger of Allah! What is al kawthar”. He (saw) replied “it is a river in Jannah which my Rab has given me. It is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. There are bird in it who’s necks are long like carrots”. Umar (ra) said “O RasoolAllah! Verily they (the birds) will be beautiful”, The Nabi of Allah (saw) replied “the one who eats them (ie ahle Jannah) will be more beautiful than them O Umar”. Said Ibn Jubayr (ra) said “the al kawthar is a part of the goodness Allah Gave RasoolAllah (saw) In the second Ayah “Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and make Sacrifice” This ayah orders Nabi (saw) to focus on the worship of Allah and the work to make Allah deen Supreme by working for the implementation of the shariah, and the ayah hints at not making any partners with Allah in personal Ibadah on even very minute personal matter like their food, as all have to be in line with the hukm (law) of Allah, and this is the impliction of tawhid on a muslims life, i.e to make their life in line with the hukm of Allah. In the Last Ayah Allah threatens the Kuffar who fight and oppose the tawhid of Allah and His (swt) sovereignty, “Verily those (enemies who hate you (O Muhammad (saw)) shall be cut off” (tmq al quran). The mufasireen have all agreed this is a response to the taunts of the mushrik leaders of Makka and is not restricted to time, but is a promise for all time, for those who oppose the call to implement tawhid (i.e the sovereignty of Allah (swt). And their taunt shall become their fate.. Meaning they shall be cut off from their offspring and not remembered or followed. As the mushrik leaders who made their own laws, and kufr rulers in the Islamic land with their system of democratic shirk, keep saying. No one will follow the muwahideen, the radicalist, the fanatics, they will no longer be remembered after their deaths, Allah promises their work will not be waste full, And Allah gave the beautiful example in the quran of the boy in the example of surah Burooj, the only caller of tawhid and the only one to challenge the king of shirk of his time. One would think the call of tawhid would be abolished on his murder of the only boy declaring tawhid, but Allah mentions in surah burooj the shahadah of the boy in surah Burooj became, the best dawah for the nation to make them to ponder over their false deen and false laws and kings. Allah U Akbar, there is no corner of this earth now that does not have believers sending salawaat on the mention of the boy in Mentioned in surah Burooj and on his Imam, i.e Muhammad (saw). But Allah is alway true to His promise, those who taunted him (saw), that his call will cease upon his (saw) death are no longer remembered, but only remembered by Muslim who only mention them for their doom in this world and the next. Indeed they have been cut off. Indeed Musharaf and the entire leaders of kufr in the Islamic lands, from Saudi Arabia, to uzebekistan from Bosnia to Indonesia, they reiterated the same and murdered muslims who want the shariah established., the political system of Allah, the Khilafah. They wished their call would cease on their blessed graves, bathed by the angels and in which they rest, given sustenance directly from Allah (swt), waiting for the hour to be established on the command of their lord, to enter Jannah al firdos. While the enemies of Islam are least remembered and when they are the are cursed by the believers and the angels and the heavens and the earth, be they Ataturk, be they al Saud, be they Assad, Bhutto, Mubarak, Hussain, Alawi or Karzai of the modern day jahiliyah, Verily they are cut off from the muslims they claim to be leaders of and are only used by their masters for their own interest and then throwing them in the bin, once used. Their fate shall be the same as Uqbah, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl and Waleed ibn Mugayrah (Allah lahnnah be on them and on all and the zalimeen). As we witness the call for the shariah rock the thrones of the tawageet (false gods/legislators), and the candles of tawgheet being blown out one by one.Soon they shall be history, and remembered as those who opposed Allah and his messenger. And on the day of Qayamah these self professed gods will says “Ahh If only my sultanate had perished” Allah will say “Take them into the blazing fire and tie them with chains 70 cubits in length” on that day the self professed legislators and self professed kings will say, when the book is given in their left hand “ if Only death had been the ceasing of my existence” (tmq al quran surah Haqqah). Indeed Mushrraf has already been cut off and so shall be the fate of the entire rulers of kufr, the agents of the colonialists and their shirk democractic systems in Muslim Land Praise be to Allah who said and promised the believers Wa seyallam ala dheena zalimoo ehy min Qalab yan qaliboon“And soon the oppressors will know the consequences of their actions” (tmq al quran) Praise be to Allah who promised the mumineen”Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, Perish he. His (abu lahabs) wealth will notavail him” Doomed is he is the fire of Hell The Scholars of Haq said this is a promise that anyone who trend the path torender the men from the path of Allah, or even so much as to contemplateattacking the muwahideen, then this promise of Allah will apply to themalso. But the ummah needs to remember that the face of kufr will change in Pakistan but the engine of the machine which churns out murtadeen rulers remains, this engine of corruption is democracy and every man made legislation. For this you must work to remove the engine of corruption make Pakistan a leading nation, to prepare the army of tawhid to respond the the cries of the mothers and sisters and son of this ummah in any corner of the earth. We give glad tiding to the ummah in Pakistan, for nabi (saw) said “Verily I feel a cool breeze coming from Al Hind” and Nabi (saw) said “and when you see the black banner rise in khursaan (Southern Iran ,Afghanistan, Pakistan /Kashmir).. If you have to crawl on your bellies on Ice to get their .. Then do so… for their you will find your Imam (leader/caliph). Musharraf may have escaped the court of this corrupt system of democracy, but will not escape the court of the khilafah and the court of the Allah in the akhirah, for impeachment is to suttle a punishment you you and the apostate rulers we have in our lands. I leave you with a link to surah Haqqa being recited with the meaning, translated so that you may reflect and work for the tawhid of Allah to be establish by working for the Khilafah
Search youtube for the lal Masjid massacre
Salam Alaykum,
I read this article by a fellow muslim recently and it seems to hit the nail right on the head concerning the current financial meltdown.
Allah has promised to destroy riba and sure enough we are witnessing it right now!
Salam Alaykum,
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahrrm
Tauba 51 & 52
Say Naught befalleth us save that which Allah hath decreed for us . He is our protecting Friend . In Allah let the believers put their trust
say can ye await for us aught save two things [ matrydom or victory in Allahs way ] while we await for you that Allah will inflict you with a doom from Him or at our hands.
Await then !
Lo we are awaiting with you
@ Jihadfeesabililah Amin Jazakillah Khayr and Allahu Akbar this is pleasing news as always from you , Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen we are looking forward to more bushra from Allah swt) Amin
@ Ibn Adam
Wallahi you have accused me of suggesting things that I did not suggest, and I do not believe it is because you misunderstood. But if Allah wills, He will judge between us. Most of what you have given is empty arguments and it only opened up doors for more argument. And I am speaking about conveying the simple message of “Laa ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Ar-rasoolullah” and you are speaking as though I am talking about giving khutba, giving a dars, teaching fiqh, deriving ahkaam, or making tafsir. By ignoring that, you somehow find it within yourself to claim, with full confidence, that I am belittling the scholars. Not to mention how you disregard much of what I said and, thereby, run with an argument that is irrelevant to our discussion, such as my emphasis on speaking ONLY what you know and referring people to more knowledgeable brothers IF you are asked about what you don’t know. Also, you bring up some sidetracked arguments, like one about a sister taking a man’s number. I realize that discussing this with you is not beneficial. That’s not because you don’t agree, in which case it would still be a valuable discussion, but because you are responding as if you haven’t read what I wrote completely or as if you intend to leave off some and twist some in order to prevail in an argument. And if you take this as an attempt to escape reaching the correct conclusion in our discussion, Allah is my witness that you are wrong. And I believe the brothers and sisters on this site can see for themselves the truth of this matter. This is not a response to your specific points, but to your post in general. And if I did respond to your specific points, almost all of what I would be doing is telling you “How is that a response to what I said, I did not say that.” Or “Why are you saying this? What does it have to do with my post?” And your understanding of things is a wonder, as though you speak a different English than the one I’m speaking. The only thing worth bringing up is for me to clarify what I meant when saying that the Quran is enough for da’wa. Allah says in 3:7 that some of the Quran is clear and some of it is allegorical. I meant what I said in reference to the clear ayaat specifically dealing with our fundamental beliefs, which is what must be accepted before anything else.
Narrated Ibn Abbaas: When the Prophet sent Mu’aadh to Yemen, he said to him, ‘You are going to a nation from the People of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians). So, let the first thing to which you will invite them be the Tawheed of Allah. If they learn that, tell them that Allah has enjoined on them five compulsory congregational prayers, to be offered perfectly in one day and one night…’ [al-Bukhaaree]
And what can’t you comprehend about a message such as:
3:6 He it is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but He, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
3:2 Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal.
2:163 And your Allah is One Allah. There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
6:102 Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no God save Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He taketh care of all things.
2:28 How do you disbelieve in Allah when you were dead and He gave life to you! Then he will give you death, then life again, and then unto Him ye will return.
2:29 He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is Knower of all things.
And Allah mentions the punishment of the kuffar for turning away after the verses were recited/narrated to them in many places in the Quran.
22:72 When Our Clear Ayaat are rehearsed to them, thou wilt notice a denial on the faces of the Unbelievers! they nearly attack with violence those who rehearse Our Signs to them. Say, “Shall I tell you of something (far) worse than these Signs? It is the Fire (of Hell)! Allah has promised it to the Unbelievers! and evil is that destination!”
And surely you know about the many examples in which the Prophet (sAaws) addressed people only with the ayaat of Allah.
But let’s not discuss this further. And I hope, insha Allah, that our respected Imam chooses to specifically address the topic of da’wah.
May Allah gather us in Jannah. Amin.
asalam alaykum,
regarding this topic, is their anyone in the houston area, that is on this blog ?
@ Ibn Adam and Jassim
Ill end the discussion for u guys. Firstly both of you are correct in certain ways. There is two types of ways u can give dawah firstly the direct way where u talk to random people or even people u know and start telling them about islam or in a indirect method where u present urself to society as a muslim abiding Allah (swt) laws and if someone ask you a question about a certain thing u answer to the best of what u know.
About how much knowledge u should have in performing direct dawah is something one can argue on and on about. However in my opinon the best type of person to give dawah is not necessarily the most knowledgable person in the batch but someone who knows the most about the current situation the people who they are directing their dawah to face.
For example if i live in an area where there are alot of people who have a problem with debt and interest the most knowledgable person in islam will just probably give an overview of islam and the person may or maynot want to listen. But imagine someone else who knows the problems of the community gives dawah not only about islam in general but also focussing on the problems they are facing such as the interest issue and how islam can bring about the solution to them.
In the example of the prophet (pbuh) telling ABU DHARR RA to go teach his tribe is not only because he was very knowledgable but because he knew his people therefore understood how he was going to approach them.
In conclusion if ur going to give dawah u would not only need to be knowlegable but also understand the communities problems and highlight the solution islam gives.
To give u a better example ill ask: why do people here like listening to Iman Anwars lectures?
im sure its not because u personally love him but because his addressing the problems ur facing. Hence him giving you dawah is more beneficial to you then some other iman who is more knowledgable then him but talks about issues you cant relate to
Salaam alakum
i like to share this video with my brothers and sisters
Victory in Gaza
In support of the caucasus emirate.
Shoe thrower gets 3 years! Is this the justice America promised to the Iraqi’s once saddam was gone?
@nihad. Jazakallah for the video. When I started looking at the video, I could not continue when I saw the secular Palestinian flag in the hand of a young man holding it while he was dying. Please let me understand what is the meaning of that flag in the youth’s hand? What does it represent? All the flags that were flying high around with others in the video are the same tri color Palestinian flag of secularism. How can you achieve victory with such actions? All the Mujahideen fighting in the name of Allah from Somalia to Caucasus to Afghanistan do not display such secular flags. It might seem like a small matter but it is significant. May Allah guide the Muslims in Palestine. Ameen
Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, We keep hearing about victory by Hamas. Same with Hizbullah that keep claiming victory in Lebanon. Have we gone down so low to claim victory in Palestine or Lebanon forgetting Masjid Al Aqsa? When Salauddin Al Ayoubi liberated Palestine it was Palestine encompassing Masjid Al Aqsa. Not Jericho or Gaza or West Bank or Tripoli. Let us not get deluded by these petty “victories” . It is a long battle and yet to be won.
@ Saladin ,Ameen, this is a huge matter and needs to rectified , theres no place in our ummah for nationalism, only with the mercy of Allah, armed with the right Aqeeda and after a long struggle do we obtain success , Please my brothers and sisters in Palestine after all that youve beeen through, who supported you in Gaza only Allah swt) so only turn to Allah if you want victory and if you carry the Shahadah flag and call to implement the Shariah then Allah will grant you victory as He has stated in the Quran
Its very simple Rasulullah saws) advised
” Allah swt) has fixed for everyone his right. Allah swt) has made some duties obligatory, and has declard certain things Halal and certain things Haram. He has chosen for you the religion which is easy comforting, open and without narrowness
At Targhib wa (a )t Tarhib
Allah made matters simple to follow and understand but humans because of ignorance ,arrogance and pride like to complicate matters May Allah guide our ummah we have no excuse all the knowledge is available and easy to understand all we have to do is see the good advice and follow if so we can obtain as much reward from Allah and fix our ummah in a manner that pleases Allah the most Gracious and Kind
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam, may the blessings of Jumah be upon you all The Day of Increase, Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen , as our Lord has guided us to the deen of Perfection may we be the humble slaves and be grateful for Allahs swt) blessings.
Al Harith ra) narrated that Prophet Muhammed saws) said
” And I order you five commandments that Allah has orderd me. Stick to the Jama”ah [ community of the faithful] listen and obey [ your leaders] and perform Hijrah abd Jihad for the sake of Allah. Whoever abandoms the Jama’ah even the distance of a hand span, will have removed the tie of Islam from his neck, unless he returns. Whoever uses the slogans of Jahiliyah he will be among those kneeling in Jahannam [ Hellfire] ‘ They said ” O Messenger of Allah saws) Even if he prays and fast? He said , ” Even if he prays , fast and claims to be a Muslim. So call the Muslims with their names that Allah has called them ; the Muslims, believing servants of Allah ” Ahmed
@ dear sister Maryam Masha”Allah , Jazakillah Khayr sister how many times are we put in situations where we are not expecting to make dawah but by the Qadar of Allah we find ourselves in that situation, so we answer to the best of our ability and Allah can make us say what he wants said , so Alhumduillah let us strive to gain knowledge , implement it and makes as much dawah as we can as its our duty as a servant of Allah the Most Wise.
‘America will collapse’
Glad tidings everyone!
Watch Imam Anwar in the new video below:
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols
Rabi Al- Awwal 15, 1430 H./12-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
9 puppet army terrorists killed and one vehicle destroyed in Helmand Thursday morning 12-03-2009 at approximately 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Looaymanda area in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and nine puppet terrorists in it were killed.
District headquarter attacked in Khost Thursday midnight 12-03-2009, a large group of Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack the district headquarter of Invaders and their puppet forces in Baak district of Khost province, in the attack Mujahideen fired 25 mortars at the enemy, the mortars damaged the headquarter building, killed or wounded many invader and puppet terrorists.
puppet army post captured and 4 terrorists killed in Uruzgan Thursday midnight 12-03-2009 at approximately 12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack puppet army post in Pai Nawa of Tarenkot capital of Uruzgan province, in the attack Mujahideen captured the post, killed four puppet terrorists and a stock of weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
@Jassim Masha”allah and Ameen
ASR 103
Bismillarie Rahmaanir Raheem
Inna Insanna lafi khusrin
Illallazina aamanuu wa amilus saalihaati wa tawaa sawbil Haqqi wa tawaasaw bis Subr
@ Muad Jazakillah Khayr the preview only makes us want more , this is such a appropriate topic Alhumduillah, you brothers and sisters in Britain are in for a good treat from Allah swt [ who has controll over every matter ]what about the rest of us we will have subr until its our turn, insha”Allah
Barack Obama: ”U.S. is not winning the war in Afghanistan”
Publication time: 8 March 2009, 11:50
In an interview with the New York Times, the US president Barack Obama said that the United States is not winning in Afghanistan.
According to the president of the United States the same tactics that were used in Iraq should be used in Afghanistan.
“If you talk to General Petraeus [former commander of the occupation forces in Iraq], I think he would argue that part of the success in Iraq involved reaching out to people that we would consider to be Islamic fundamentalists, but who were willing to work with us because they had been completely alienated by the tactics of Al Qaeda in Iraq,” Obama said.
However, according to the president, the situation in Afghanistan is more complex.
“You have a less governed region, tribes are multiple and sometimes operate at cross purposes”, the head of the White House stated.
US is going to send additional about 20 thousand soldiers and officers to Afghanistan
The actions of the U.S. in Iraq and in Afghanistan were one of the key issues of last year’s presidential race, BBC points out in this connection.
Obama has repeatedly said that Afghanistan is central front to “war on terror”.
Information on the number of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan is very controversial. The western sources every time give different figures. According to the latest data up to 60 thousand troops from 26 NATO member countries and 15 partner countries are fighting Afghanistan. Up to 25 thousand American soldiers were included in this number.
In addition from 13 to 15 thousand soldiers of the US Army are fighting in Afghanistan outside the NATO command.
More than 100 thousand Karzai puppet forces are also fighting against the Taliban.
Previously, the Pentagon stated the need to increase the total number of US troops in Afghanistan to 60 thousand in addition to the NATO forces that are already at war in that country.
Meanwhile, as if in support of Obama’s words, 4 US, 2 French and 28 puppet soldiers have been eliminated in Afghanistan in one day. In addition, the Taliban shot down a British helicopter with 28 soldiers on board.
According to the Islamic sources of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, a shaheed mujahid, Muhammad Omer from Nemroz Province, blew up Karazai’s puppet militants in old police barracks in Zarang city, Nemroz Province, on March 7, at about 8:10 pm local time.
A commander of puppet army Rakhmatulloh and 19 other militants were eliminated and 9 Karzaivans were injured.
2 units of military hardware of the puppets were also destroyed on March 7, in Gazi. In the ambush in Kapisa 2 French and 3 puppet soldiers were eliminated. 4 American occupiers were eliminated in Kunar. 1 unit of military equipment of the puppets was destroyed and 6 Karzaivans were eliminated in Zabul, Islamic sources from IEA were reported.
Kavkaz Center
Babar Ahmad, the prisoner at the centre of the Labour MP bugging scandal, is to
appear at the High Court in London on Monday 16 March 2009, in proceedings he is
bringing against the Metropolitan Police.
Mr Ahmad, a 34 year old British Citizen, was arrested at his home in Tooting,
South London by anti-terrorism police officers early on 2 December 2003. He
seeks to prove that he was the victim of a sustained and brutal assault by those
officers who intended to humiliate and debase him and make him fear for his
It is alleged that officers punched, kicked and choked Mr Ahmad during the
course of the assault, bringing him to the point of unconsciousness. It is
agreed evidence that in the course of his arrest, Mr Ahmad sustained multiple
bruises and grazes, blood in his urine, and haemorrhaging of his ear drums.
It is further alleged that officers mocked Mr Ahmad’s religion by forcing him
into the position Muslims take up to pray and asking him, ‘Where is your God
now?’ and instructed him to ‘Pray to Him’.
The civil trial is the culmination of a complaints and litigation process that
has lasted nearly 6 years. An earlier investigation supervised by the IPCC
(Independent Police Complaints Commission) cleared the police of any wrongdoing
and even ‘commended’ one of the officers for his ‘courage’ and ‘bravery’ in
arresting Babar Ahmad.
The family of Babar Ahmad have released a statement saying, ‘We hope that after
almost 6 years of campaigning, complaints and litigation, the truth will finally
emerge in this trial of what happened to Babar on the 2nd December 2003.’
Notes to Editors:
The trial will commence on Monday 16th March 2009, Royal Courts of Justice,
Strand, London . Court number will appear on the Courts’ website
( a few days before the
The civil claim is expected to last 7 court days. The proceedings will begin
with an ‘opening speech’ on Mr Ahmad’s behalf which will summarise the case and
explain how Mr Ahmad intends to prove his allegations.
Babar Ahmad is represented by Fiona Murphy of Bhatt Murphy Solicitors, London .
Tel: 0207 729 1115. Web: . His barrister in court will be
Miss Phillippa Kaufmann.
Babar Ahmad has been in prison in the UK without charge since 2004, fighting
extradition to the US on allegations of supporting websites for Chechen rebels.
Further information about the case can be found at or by
emailing info@… or telephoning 07963 537 779.
(*) There may be more to the case against Babar Ahmad than these allegations.
But for what it may be worth, if the allegations of supporting Chechen “rebels”
are the only grounds for (i) keeping him in prison since his 2003 arrest,
without charge, for more than FIVE YEARS, and (ii) proposing (subject to an
appeal to the ECHR) his extradition to the United States, I hereby declare my
solidarity with Babar Ahamd and say that I have been in favour of giving support
to Chechen “rebels” since 1999. The decision of the US to declare such “rebels”
terrorists was a perversion of the reality of the Second Chechen War by the sad
administration of George W Bush which should now be reconsidered by the new
President, Barack Obama.
Dear Sister Um Umar,
Barak’Allah Feek, you are most welcome.
Jumma Mubarak to you and all the brothers and sisters.
With duas
Al-Shabab’s statement on the youth who committed rape
March 13, 2009
For the First Time Since the Fall of the Islamic Courts, the Hisbah Force Implements the Punishment for Illicit Sex on Four Youth in Mogadishu.
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists, and may peace and blessings be upon our prophet, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.
To proceed:
Your brothers in the Hisbah Force of the Mujahidoon Youth Movement (Al-Shabab) implemented the ruling of flogging on four unmarried youth found guilty of raping a young Muslim girl in the capital of Mogadishu on Tuesday, 13/3/1430 H (10/3/2009 CE).
After the Islamic Court of the Islamic Province of Banaadir investigated the forwarded case, the four were found guilty and the court ruled the following:
1) Each will be flogged 100 times
2) Each will pay the according dower to the girl
3) Each will pay the indemnity for the girl losing her virginity
4) Each will be exiled from Mogadishu for a period of one year.
The implementation of the Hudood was witnessed by a large number of people, reporters, and officials of the Shabab Movement.
In the forefront was the governor of the Islamic Province of Banaadir, Sheikh Ali Muhammad Husein, who briefly addressed the gathering, congratulating them with the victory Allah granted the Muslim Somali people. He also reminded them that only yesterday, this place of gathering was near a military base of the Ethiopian Crusaders, while today it is in the hands of the Mujahidoon. He called on the people to stand by the Mujahidoon in their implementation of Islamic law and establishment of peace and security.
Some tribal elders of Mogadishu also addressed the crowd, stressing their public and private support of the Mujahidoon in their efforts in implementing Islamic Law, solving disputes, and judging people with Heavenly Justice.
The Qadi (Judge), Abdul-Haq, then pronounced the ruling, and five of the Hisbah Force implemented the flogging.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
“And Might, Honor and Glory is for Allah, for His Messenger, and for the Believers, but the Hypocrites know not.”
O Allah! The Revealer of the Book! The Mover of the Clouds! The Vanquisher of the Parties! Vanquish the Ethiopian Crusaders and their apostate brothers and all those in their ranks.
The Media Department of the Muhajidoon Youth Movement
The Army of Distress in Somalia
Tuesday, 13/3/1430 H. (10/3/2009 CE)
Source: Sada Al-Jihad Media Center
The Global Islamic Media Front
Observing the News of the Mujahidoon and Inciting the Believers
@shamil (182)…so basically what Obama is saying.. is that the only way US troops will succeed is if the muslims of Afghanistan betray their Mujahideen brothers and cooperate… May Allah swt make it possible for all muslims in Afghanistan to unite and not cooperate with the enemy… Ameen
Ameen to the above!
CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 14:21:29 GMT
International lawyer Franklin Lamb
A study conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has cast doubt over Israel’s survival beyond the next 20 years.
International lawyer Franklin Lamb says the CIA report predicts an inevitable move towards a one-state solution from the two-state one — an effort spearheaded by Washington and the West to see the Palestinians and Israeli settlers coexist in the occupied territories.
The report forecasts the return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of two million Israeli – who would move to the US in the next fifteen years.
“There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than 300,000 living in the area of just California,” Lamb said in an interview with Press TV on Friday, adding that those who do not have American or western passport, have already applied for them.
“So I think the handwriting at least among the public in Israel is on the wall…[which] suggests history will reject the colonial enterprise sooner or later,” Lamb stressed.
He said CIA, in its report, alludes to the unexpectedly quick fall of the apartheid government in South Africa and recalls the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, suggesting the end to the dream of an ‘Israeli land’ would happen ‘way sooner’ than later.
The study further predicts the return of over one and a half million Israelis to Russia and other parts of Europe, and denotes a decline in Israeli births whereas a rise in the Palestinian population.
Lamb said given the Israeli conduct toward the Palestinians and the Gaza strip in particular, the American public — which has been voicing its protest against Tel Aviv’s measures in the last 25 years — may ‘not take it anymore’.
Some members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have been informed of the report.
Please watch below ‘Murder of Muslims’:
Part1 :
Part2 :
Part3 :
Part4 :
The Truth about the Taliban.
An interview with a member of the Taliban.
Please listen, its a bit old, but its excellent.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
I love the way he responds to the presenters and callers comments and questions.
Even if the Muslims were to betray the Mujahideen it still wouldn’t work.
Allah (awj) says:
Those unto whom men said: Lo! the people have gathered against you, therefor fear them. But (The threat of danger) increased the faith of them and they cried: Allah is Sufficient for us! Most Excellent is He in Whom we trust! 3:173
Man says he was informant for FBI in Orange County,0,6981333.story
Sh. Anwar, in the context of us Muslims living in America, can you shed some sincere Nasiha, Advice with regards to talking about Jihad and Hijrah for the sake of Allah?
@ Muad Jazakillah Khay for the videos.
@ Everyone
As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakaatuh,
I was discussing the prohibition of living amongst kuffar, save for the sole purpose of da’wa, with someone. I let him hear Imam Anwar’s comments in CD 12 of The Life of Muhammad (sAaws): The Mekkan period from 36:50-39:45. The person I was talking to used the points our Imam made about the exception of prohibition in the case of da’wah, as long as you can practice the Deen freely, to justify living amongst kuffar in a way that was not intended. Especially the part where our Imam mentions that we need to think of da’wah in a comprehensive way. By misconstruing this, the person I spoke to said that any Muslim who is practicing their religion (he mentioned specifically growing a beard, wearing hijab, praying) is giving da’wah. Obviously his assertion implies that it is always halal to live amongst non-Muslims as long as your are practicing your individual rituals and being nice to people. There are many flaws to this argument and I have tried to confront it, but you cannot convince someone of truth if they have already decided to reject it. And he did admit that in his heart he desires to stay here so he would naturally look for a ‘legitimate’ refutation against being obligated to leave.
Anyway, I do realize that talking to him is going no where, especially after he referred to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah as an extremist and when I saw him become infuriated when I mentioned that when Muslim land is invaded it is fardh ‘ayn for every able male Muslim to aid in Jihad.
But for future reference, I want to know if any of you have any quotes or fataawa from the four great Imams concerning living amongst kuffar and/or aiding Jihad being fardh ‘ayn on able males when Muslim land is invaded. Jazaakum Allahu khair. If you find something, PLEASE remember to include references (the book and preferably the page # too).
@ Muad,
JazakAllahu khair. Both vids were good. And it was refreshing to see Imam’s face. He’s a handsome scholar. MashaAllah walhamdulillah.
@ Um Umar
Thank you. There’s no doubt… we should be supporting our brothers in shackles.
Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “Indeed it is obligatory upon the Muslims to free their captives or to pay their ransoms.”
@ Shamil Beseyev
This is the perfect vid to go with your post, they already gave that infidel an answer.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 16, 1430 H./ 13-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
8 puppet police terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in Kandahar Friday afternoon 13-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet police in Mewand district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and eight puppet terrorists in it were killed.
7 invader army terrorists killed, 1 tank destroyed and 1 damaged in Farah Friday afternoon 13-03-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up tanks of invader forces in Nalan area in Dila Ram district of Farah province, the landmines destroyed one tank and damaged another, atleast seven invader terrorists were killed and many were wounded.
American invader base attacked and 1 supplying vehicle destroyed in Khost Friday midnight 13-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with light and heavy weapons attacked a base of American invader forces in Yaqube district of Khost province, in the attack Mujahideen fired ten mortar shells at the enemy base, which damaged the base but the number of invader terrorists killed and wounded could not be confirmed. Also Friday afternoon 13-03-2009, in Yaqube district of Khost province, Mujahideen destroyed a supplying vehicle of American invader army.
13 puppet army terrorists killed, 1 tank and 1 vehicle destroyed in Uruzgan Friday afternoon 13-03-2009 at approximately 12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army terrorists in Payee Naway area of Uruzgan province, first the Mujahideen detonated landmines which destroyed one tank and one enemy vehicle, then with light and heavy weapons attacked the convoy, in all thirteen puppet terrorists were killed and many were wounded and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
American invader base in Kandahar Friday midnight 13-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with light and heavy weapons attacked an American invader army base in Serkanoo district of Kandahar province, in the attack many invader terrorists were killed and wounded, also the base was heavily damaged.
2 puppet army vehicles destroyed in Helmand Friday morning 13-03-2009 at approximately 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army terrorists in Maktab area Nehar Siraj district of Helmand province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed two vehicle and all the terrorists in them were killed and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
1 tank of American invaders destroyed in Wardak Thursday evening 12-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired fifteen mortar at American invaders base in Syedabad district of Wardak province, the mortar landed inside the base, a fire was seen in the base, however the number of terrorists killed could not be confirmed.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Nasrin and Jassim
Barak’Allah feek and you are most welcome.
May Allah azza wa jal bring victory to this Ummah in our lifetime
“And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure [to Allah].
And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.
But if they intend to deceive you – then sufficient for you is Allah. It is He who supported you with His help and with the believers.”
[Surah Al-Anfaal, Ayah 59-62]
If anyone really wants to get the genuine facts about the Taliban Mujahideen in Afghanistan without being watered down, please get it from the Ameerul Mumineen, Mujahid Mullah Omar (may Allah Protect him) in his own words. Here is an interview by the BBC in November 2001 with our leader Mujahid Muhammad Mullah Omar (may Allah Protect him) regarding the Taliban.
rtsp://”Mullah Mohammed Omar”&author=”Mullah Mohammed Omar”©right=”(C) British Broadcasting Corporation”
You will need real player, to hear this, insh’Allah.
The following is the transcript of the interview:
BBC: What do you think of the current situation in Afghanistan?
Mullah Omar: You (the BBC) and American puppet radios have created concern. But the current situation in Afghanistan is related to a bigger cause – that is the destruction of America.
And on the other hand, the screening of Taleban [for those who are or are not loyal] is also in process. We will see these things happen within a short while.
BBC: What do you mean by the destruction of America? Do you have a concrete plan to implement this?
Mullah Omar: The plan is going ahead and, God willing, it is being implemented.
But it is a huge task, which is beyond the will and comprehension of human beings.
If God’s help is with us, this will happen within a short period of time; keep in mind this prediction.
BBC: Osama Bin Laden has reportedly threatened that he would use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against America. Is your threat related to his?
Mullah Omar: This is not a matter of weapons. We are hopeful for God’s help. The real matter is the extinction of America. And, God willing, it [America] will fall to the ground.
BBC: During the past few days, you have lost control of several provinces. Are you hopeful to regain the lost territory?
Mullah Omar: We are hopeful that you will see the same kind of change that you saw [losing and regaining territory].
BBC: What was the reason for the fast retreat? Why have your troops fled the cities? Is it because you suffered heavily from the US bombings or have your soldiers betrayed you?
Mullah Omar: I told you that it is related to the larger task.
The Taleban may have made some mistakes.
Screening the Taleban [for loyalty] is a big task. And these problems may serve to cleanse [errant Taleban] of their sins. But there is a big change underway on the other side as well.
BBC: Can you tell us which provinces are under your control at the moment?
Mullah Omar: We have four-five provinces. But it is not important how many provinces we have under our control.
Once we did not have a single province, and then the time came when we had all the provinces, which we have lost in a week. So the numbers of the provinces are not important.
BBC: As your participation in the future government has already been ruled out – if some of your forces decide to join the future government as representatives of the Taleban in general or to moderate Taleban, will you oppose it?
Mullah Omar: There is no such thing in the Taleban. All Taleban are moderate. There are two things: extremism ["ifraat", or doing something to excess] and conservatism ["tafreet", or doing something insufficiently]. So in that sense, we are all moderates – taking the middle path.
The struggle for a broad-based government has been going on for the last 20 years, but nothing came of it.
We will not accept a government of wrong-doers. We prefer death than to be a part of an evil government.
I tell you, keep this in mind. This is my prediction. You believe it or not – it’s up to you. But we will have to wait and see.
[The BBC's Pashto service interview with the Taleban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. The BBC asked the questions through a Taleban intermediary over satellite phone. He passed them on to the Taleban leader through a hand-held radio and then attached the phone's receiver to the radio for Mullah Omar's answers.]
@ jassim , I don’t know which 4 Imans you are referring to please let me know , but I do know that to live in a kaffur country and just do your daily duties is not enough you must be active in dawah work , community work, social justice ,supporting the widows and the poor and the neglected and now especially doing this and having the intention and working towards Hijrah feesabililah , anyone who’s content to stay in Kaffur land is either a munafic or even kaffur
Thats my understanding from the knowledge ive gained so have a look at [ The Slicing Sword ] which has clear evidence [ At Tibyan Publications]
shiekh anwar we really really nead a leacture about wa’la wal bara’a it will be very usefull for every one because from every one i no were lacking knolowdge on that topic so if your able to make a lecture on that topic it will be appreciated may allah rewrd you
This is the Ayah of the Sword
Mujahid, `Amr bin Shu`ayb, Muhammad bin Ishaq, Qatadah, As-Suddi and `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said that the four months mentioned in this Ayah are the four-month grace period mentioned in the earlier Ayah,
[فَسِيحُواْ فِى الاٌّرْضِ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ]
(So travel freely for four months throughout the land.) Allah said next,
[فَإِذَا انسَلَخَ الأَشْهُرُ الْحُرُمُ]
(So when the Sacred Months have passed…), meaning, `Upon the end of the four months during which We prohibited you from fighting the idolators, and which is the grace period We gave them, then fight and kill the idolators wherever you may find them.’ Allah’s statement next,
[فَاقْتُلُواْ الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَيْثُ وَجَدتُّمُوهُمْ]
(then fight the Mushrikin wherever you find them), means, on the earth in general, except for the Sacred Area, for Allah said,
[وَلاَ تُقَـتِلُوهُمْ عِندَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ حَتَّى يُقَـتِلُوكُمْ فِيهِ فَإِن قَـتَلُوكُمْ فَاقْتُلُوهُمْ]
(And fight not with them at Al-Masjid Al-Haram, unless they fight you there. But if they attack you, then fight them. )[2:191] Allah said here,
(and capture them), executing some and keeping some as prisoners,
[وَاحْصُرُوهُمْ وَاقْعُدُواْ لَهُمْ كُلَّ مَرْصَدٍ]
(and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush), do not wait until you find them. Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts, gather intelligence about them in the various roads and fairways so that what is made wide looks ever smaller to them. This way, they will have no choice, but to die or embrace Islam,
[فَإِن تَابُواْ وَأَقَامُواْ الصَّلَوةَ وَءاتَوُاْ الزَّكَوةَ فَخَلُّواْ سَبِيلَهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ]
(But if they repent and perform the Salah, and give the Zakah, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) Abu Bakr As-Siddiq used this and other honorable Ayat as proof for fighting those who refrained from paying the Zakah. These Ayat allowed fighting people unless, and until, they embrace Islam and implement its rulings and obligations. Allah mentioned the most important aspects of Islam here, including what is less important. Surely, the highest elements of Islam after the Two Testimonials, are the prayer, which is the right of Allah, the Exalted and Ever High, then the Zakah, which benefits the poor and needy. These are the most honorable acts that creatures perform, and this is why Allah often mentions the prayer and Zakah together. In the Two Sahihs, it is recorded that Ibn `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,
«أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أُقَاتِلَ النَّاسَ حَتَّى يَشْهَدُوا أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَأَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ وَيُقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُوا الزَّكَاة»
(I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer and pay the Zakah.) This honorable Ayah (9:5) was called the Ayah of the Sword, about which Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim said, “It abrogated every agreement of peace between the Prophet and any idolator, every treaty, and every term.” Al-`Awfi said that Ibn `Abbas commented: “No idolator had any more treaty or promise of safety ever since Surah Bara’ah was revealed. The four months, in addition to, all peace treaties conducted before Bara’ah was revealed and announced had ended by the tenth of the month of Rabi` Al-Akhir.”
[وَإِنْ أَحَدٌ مِّنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ اسْتَجَارَكَ فَأَجِرْهُ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ كَلاَمَ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ أَبْلِغْهُ مَأْمَنَهُ ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَوْمٌ لاَّ يَعْلَمُونَ ]
(6. And if anyone of the Mushrikin seeks your protection then grant him protection so that he may hear the Word of Allah (the Qur’an) and then escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men who know not.)
Al-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Brothers and sisters,
It is time to stop hiding brothers and sisters. The d’awa of the mujahid is not for those who whisper. There are not enough cells in which they can place us if we speak, and there are not enough bullets to break us if we fight.
Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa has promised you you are going to die. And wa Allaahi you are going to die. Fear Allaah and know that you are going to be resurrected from nothing more than your coccyx. Know that on that day Allaah ‘Azza wa Jal will be angrier than he has ever been, and he will never be as furious again. Know that even the Prophets ‘alayhi salaam will fear for themselves. Know that on this day some of mankind will enter Paradise, but that the vast majority will be cast into Hell Fire. Know that on this day you will be held to account for all that which you did, and no one will be by your side to share in the blame.
Allaah ‘Azza wa Jal says in the Qur’an:
فَرِحَ ٱلۡمُخَلَّفُونَ بِمَقۡعَدِهِمۡ خِلَـٰفَ رَسُولِ ٱللَّهِ وَكَرِهُوٓاْ أَن يُجَـٰهِدُواْ بِأَمۡوَٲلِهِمۡ وَأَنفُسِہِمۡ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَقَالُواْ لَا تَنفِرُواْ فِى ٱلۡحَرِّۗ قُلۡ نَارُ جَهَنَّمَ أَشَدُّ حَرًّ۬اۚ لَّوۡ كَانُواْ يَفۡقَهُونَ (٨١) فَلۡيَضۡحَكُواْ قَلِيلاً۬ وَلۡيَبۡكُواْ كَثِيرً۬ا جَزَآءَۢ بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكۡسِبُونَ (٨٢) فَإِن رَّجَعَكَ ٱللَّهُ إِلَىٰ طَآٮِٕفَةٍ۬ مِّنۡہُمۡ فَٱسۡتَـٔۡذَنُوكَ لِلۡخُرُوجِ فَقُل لَّن تَخۡرُجُواْ مَعِىَ أَبَدً۬ا وَلَن تُقَـٰتِلُواْ مَعِىَ عَدُوًّاۖ إِنَّكُمۡ رَضِيتُم بِٱلۡقُعُودِ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ۬ فَٱقۡعُدُواْ مَعَ ٱلۡخَـٰلِفِينَ (٨٣)
‘Those who stayed away (from Tabuk expedition) rejoiced in their staying behind the Messenger of Allah; they hated to strive and fight with their wealth and their lives in the Cause of Allah, and they said, ‘March not forth in the heat.’ Say: ‘The fire of Hell is more intense in heat,’ if only they could understand!’ So let them laugh a little (and they will) cry much as a recompense of what they used to earn (by committing sins). If Allah brings you back to a party of them, and they ask your permission to go out (to fight), say: ‘Never shall you go out with me, nor fight an enemy with me: you agreed to sit inactive on the first occasion: then you sit (now) with those who lag behind.’
(Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 81-83)
Ya Ayyuhal adheena ‘amanu! Fear Allaah and know that the flames of Jahannam are worse than any prison, any discomfort, and any torment that can be inflicted in this world. Know that those who fear a pain in this world over a pain in the next are those who are astray. Know that the minutes of tears you save yourself now when you keep quiet are not worth an eternity of tears in Hell Fire.
(If the Son of Adam had a valley of gold, he would desire another like it…) Imam Ahmad recorded from `Abdullah bin Ash-Shikhkhir that he said, “I came to the Messenger of Allah while he was saying,
[أَلْهَـكُمُ التَّكَّاثُرُ ]
يَقُولُ ابْنُ آدَمَ: مَالِي مَالِي، وَهَلْ لَكَ مِنْ مَالِكَ إِلَّا مَا أَكَلْتَ فَأَفْنَـيْتَ، أَوْ لَبِسْتَ فَأَبْلَيْتَ، أَوْ تَصَدَّقْتَ فَأَمْضَيْتَ؟»
((The mutual increase diverts you.)( The Son of Adam says, “My wealth, my wealth.” But do you get anything (of benefit) from your wealth except for that which you ate and you finished it, or that which you clothed yourself with and you wore it out, or that which you gave as charity and you have spent it)” Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa’i also recorded this Hadith. Muslim recorded in his Sahih from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said,
«يَقُولُ الْعَبْدُ: مَالِي مَالِي، وَإِنَّمَا لَهُ مِنْ مَالِهِ ثَلَاثٌ: مَا أَكَلَ فَأَفْنَى، أَوْ لَبِسَ فَأَبْلَى، أَوْ تَصَدَّقَ فَأَمْضَى، وَمَا سِوَى ذَلِكَ فَذَاهِبٌ وَتَارِكُهُ لِلنَّاس»
(The servant says “My wealth, my wealth.” Yet he only gets three (benefits) from his wealth: that which he eats and finishes, that which he eats and finishes, that which he wears until it is worn out, or that which he gives in charity and it is spent. Everything else other than that will go away and leave him for the people.) Muslim was alone in recording this Hadith. Al-Bukhari recorded from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said,
«يَتْبَعُ الْمَيِّتَ ثَلَاثَةٌ، فَيَرْجِعُ اثْنَانِ وَيَبْقَى مَعَهُ وَاحِدٌ: يَتْبَعُهُ أَهْلُهُ وَمَالُهُ وَعَمَلُهُ، فَيَرْجِعُ أَهْلُهُ وَمَالُهُ، وَيَبْقَى عَمَلُه»
(Three things follow the deceased person, and two of them return while one remains behind with him. The things which follow him are his family, his wealth and his deeds. His family and his wealth return while his deeds remain.) This Hadith has also been recorded by Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa’i. Imam Ahmad recorded from Anas that the Prophet said,
«يَهْرَمُ ابْنُ آدَمَ وَيَبْقَى مِنْهُ اثْنَتَانِ: الْحِرْصُ وَالْأَمَل»
(The Son of Adam becomes old with senility, but yet two things remain with him: greed and hope.) Both of them (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) recorded this Hadith in the Two Sahihs.
Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said,
«يَقُولُ اللهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ قال عفان: يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ : يَا ابْنَ آدَمَ، حَمَلْتُكَ عَلَى الْخَيْلِ وَالْإِبِلِ، وَزَوَّجْتُكَ النِّسَاءَ، وَجَعَلْتُكَ تَرْبَعُ وَتَرْأَسُ، فَأَيْنَ شُكْرُ ذَلِكَ؟»
(Allah the Mighty and Majestic says on the Day of Judgement, “O Son of Adam! I made you ride upon the horses and camels, I gave you women to marry, and I made you reside and rule (in the earth). So where is the thanks for that”)
Allaah ‘Azza wa Jal says of those who desire dunya more than akhira:
أَلۡهَٮٰكُمُ ٱلتَّكَاثُرُ (١) حَتَّىٰ زُرۡتُمُ ٱلۡمَقَابِرَ (٢) كَلَّا سَوۡفَ تَعۡلَمُونَ (٣) ثُمَّ كَلَّا سَوۡفَ تَعۡلَمُونَ (٤) كَلَّا لَوۡ تَعۡلَمُونَ عِلۡمَ ٱلۡيَقِينِ (٥) لَتَرَوُنَّ ٱلۡجَحِيمَ (٦) ثُمَّ لَتَرَوُنَّہَا عَيۡنَ ٱلۡيَقِينِ (٧) ثُمَّ لَتُسۡـَٔلُنَّ يَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ عَنِ ٱلنَّعِيمِ (٨)
The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things), (1) Until ye visit the graves. (2) But nay, ye soon shall know (the reality). (3) Again, ye soon shall know! (4) Nay, were ye to know with certainty of mind, (Ye would beware!) (5) Ye shall certainly see Hell Fire! (6) Again, ye shall see it with certainty of sight! (7) Then shall ye be Questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in)! (8) (Soora Takathur)
Those of you who are infatuated with this dunya. Those of you who desire stability over jihad, those of you who desire comfort over jihad, those of you who desire cooked meals over jihad, those of you who prefer freedom to fighting, those of you who prefer life over Paradise, those of you who would rather sit in your worldly delights than recognize the path which is demanded by Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa those who will be held to account for their desires. Know that those who will not talk, whether it be due to shame or cowardice, are the citizens of dunya. Know that fear is only for Allaah and no cause is worthy except for His. Who is mightier America or Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa? Who is mightier than Allaah? The CIA? The FBI? Interpol? Wa Allaahi fear is only for Allaah and cowards will be held to account for that which they concealed.
Asalaam Alaykum, please can somebody tell me whether Shk Salaah as Sawy is authentic?
real eye opener
Dr Bilal Philips-The Antichrist or Dajaal-learn the first ten Surahs of Surah Al Kahhf
Saturday, 14.03.2009, 12:26pm (GMT)
Murakami slams ‘unjust’ Israeli policies
Haruki Murakami
The award-winning Japanese writer and translator, Haruki Murakami slams Israel for its ‘unjust’ treatment of the Palestinian people.
Murakami, who received the Jerusalem Prize in Israel last month, has published a critical article about the Israeli policies in the occupied territories, Ynet reported.
“Israel has adopted a policy that seals off the Palestinians inside the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, a policy that denies the refugees’ right to return to their land in order to protect the interests of the Jewish people; this is unjust,” reads the article published in the Shunjuu Bungei literary journal.
“Palestinians have to undergo thorough security checks whenever they want to go somewhere and their economic activity is limited. They are not free to build their homes when and where they want to, and in fact have no sovereignty over their land,” he explains.
The article also reveals that Murakami accepted the Israeli prize so that he could have the chance to speak freely in front of an Israeli audience.
Based on his encounters with Israelis, Murakami describes their society as a racist, militant and aggressive one.
“I sense a very strong patriotic approach when I talk to Israelis. The schools instill it in them through the official history, and three years of military service for boys and two years for girls is mandatory,” he writes.
“At a junction in Jerusalem, without me realizing why, an Israeli soldier took an entire family out of their car and beat up the father in front of his children.”
When I asked a taxi driver “what was the purpose of the security wall that runs along the highway, he replied that it was there in order to keep the animals from crossing the border.”
The writer also describes Israel as a traumatic place, saying, “The brain tells them that excessive self-defense is not good, but their body spontaneously responds to the slightest of provocations.”
The Israeli Foreign Ministry’s response to Murakami’s criticisms was, to say,”Israel regrets the fact that the author, who is highly popular in Israel, preferred to adopt some inaccurate generalizations about the Middle East conflict, without knowing the facts. We would be happy if during his next visit in the country the author would find the time to learn more about Israel and the reality in the region.”
Press TV
Can anyone post a complete, unedited translation of the latest tape by Osama bin Laden?
JazakALLAH Khair.
AsSalamo alaykom
As-Sahab Media:: Shaykh Usamah bin Ladin – “Practical steps to liberate Palestine” [English] March 14, 2009
Assalam o alaikum warahmatuLLAh,
you wrote concerning living amongst kuffar: “But for future reference, I want to know if any of you have any quotes or fataawa”
Well, i hope following will quench ur thirst inshAllah;
you wrote:”Are there any ansar out there who are willing to accept muhajireen into their fold? Tuck us in, me and my sisters.”
You are more than welcome dear sis:)
from ur sis in Islam..
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 17, 1430 h./ 14-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
10 French invader army terrorists were either killed or wounded in missile attack in Tagab The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate launched 10 missiles on a main centre of the invading French terrorists near Tagab district building in Kapisa province on Friday night 13-03-2009 at approximately 10 pm local time. According to a report, fire broke out and heavy explosions took place in the enemy centre as a result of the attack which lasted about 20 minutes, killing or wounding ten French invader army terrorists. Enemy helicopters arrived at the scene after the attack and transferred the dead and wounded terrorists to Bagram airport.
Attacked on convoy of enemy in Kapisa The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out armed attack on a military convoy of the French invader army terrorists near the centre of Alasai district of Kapisa province, early Saturday morning 14-03-2009. A number of vehicles belonging to the enemy convoy were damaged and terrorists on board were either killed or wounded in the ambush. Face to face fighting took place with the enemy after the attack; however the Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties.
5 puppet police terrorists were killed in an attack on a post near Lashkargah The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out a direct attack on a police security post in Mokhtarkala area near Lashkargah, the centre of Helmand Province, at Saturday midnight 14-03-2009, as a result of which five puppet terrorists manning the post were killed. One police Ranger vehicle was destroyed and the weapons and ammunitions of the killed terrorists were taken as booty by the Mujahideen during the attack in which a large number of Mujahideen fighters took part. The security post’s building was set on fire after the attack. The Mujahideen have not suffered any casualties.
Enemy forces have come under light and heavy weapons attack in four locations in Heart According to details, ten mortar shells were fired at around Saturday midnight 14-03-2009 by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Herat airport, where a large number of invader and puppet terrorists are based.
Another attack was carried out simultaneously by the Mujahideen with light weapons on the puppet police academy near the airport which was followed by face to face fighting that lasted for half an hour.
According to another report, two police security posts of the puppet administration were attacked in Dashan and Salim areas of Pashtun Zarghun District of this province. The enemy has suffered both material losses and casualties in the above mentioned attacks; however, no information is available regarding the precise number of casualties.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid ]
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
“The bedouins are stronger in disbelief and hypocrisy and more likely not to know the limits of what [laws] Allah has revealed to His Messenger. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
And among the bedouins are some who consider what they spend as a loss and await for you turns of misfortune. Upon them will be a -misfortune of evil. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
But among the bedouins are some who believe in Allah and the Last Day and consider what they spend as means of nearness to Allah and of [obtaining] invocations of the Messenger. Unquestionably, it is a means of nearness for them. Allah will admit them to His mercy. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
[Surah At-Tawbah, Ayat 97-99]
Asalamu Alaikum:
Sheikh Usama bin Muhammad bin Laden (may Allah protect him), in his latest address to Muslims, slams the traitors of Islam and Muslims, that is, the current Arab Bedouin leaders in the Muslim world who are plotting and collaborating with the crusaders and the terrorist Illegal State of Israel in its war on Gaza, Palestine and Muslims. Our Sheikh called for the Jihad fee Sabililah that is needed to uproot these puppet leaders and to liberate Palestine from the Zionist Jewish/Christian/Hypocrites conspiracy.
“And among those around you of the Bedouins are hypocrites, and [also] from the people of Madinah. They have become accustomed to hypocrisy. You, [O Muhammad], do not know them, [but] We know them. We will punish them twice [in this world]; then they will be returned to a great punishment.”
[Surah At-Tawbah, Ayat 101]
@ Um Umar
Jazaki Allahu khair. “The Slicing Sword…” is excellent work. The only point I disagree with is the assertion that you cannot call someone a hypocrite in faith since you cannot see his heart, right after quoting Umar Ibn Al-Khattab as having called someone a hypocrite but explaining that he didn’t mean hypocrite in faith but another kind. Nonetheless, the article correctly identifies those who are satisfied with kufr laws as being apostates and kaafir, even though they call themselves Muslim. But the definition of a munafiq is a person who calls himself/herself a Muslim but is, in fact, a kaafir and/or apostate.
When I said “the 4 great Imams” I was referring to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Abu Hanifa, Malik Ibn Anas, and Al-Shafi’i.
I love this video:
Especially at 1:06 “20,000 troops are not enough, bring 2 million, bring all the infidels.” Allahu akbar.
About Jizya
@ Zakariya especially.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
At-Taubah 9:28-29
The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah
Allah said,
(Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the People of the Scripture, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.)
Therefore, when People of the Scriptures disbelieved in Muhammad, they had no beneficial faith in any Messenger or what the Messengers brought. Rather, they followed their religions because this conformed with their ideas, lusts and the ways of their forefathers, not because they are Allah’s Law and religion. Had they been true believers in their religions, that faith would have directed them to believe in Muhammad , because all Prophets gave the good news of Muhammad’s advent and commanded them to obey and follow him. Yet when he was sent, they disbelieved in him, even though he is the mightiest of all Messengers. Therefore, they do not follow the religion of earlier Prophets because these religions came from Allah, but because these suit their desires and lusts. Therefore, their claimed faith in an earlier Prophet will not benefit them because they disbelieved in the master, the mightiest, the last and most perfect of all Prophets .
Hence Allah’s statement,
(Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the People of the Scripture,)
This honorable Ayah was revealed with the order to fight the People of the Book, after the pagans were defeated, the people entered Allah’s religion in large numbers, and the Arabian Peninsula was secured under the Muslims’ control. Allah commanded His Messenger to fight the People of the Scriptures, Jews and Christians, on the ninth year of Hijrah, and he prepared his army to fight the Romans and called the people to Jihad announcing his intent and destination. The Messenger sent his intent to various Arab areas around Al-Madinah to gather forces, and he collected an army of thirty thousand. Some people from Al-Madinah and some hypocrites, in and around it, lagged behind, for that year was a year of drought and intense heat. The Messenger of Allah marched, heading towards Ash-Sham to fight the Romans until he reached Tabuk, where he set camp for about twenty days next to its water resources. He then prayed to Allah for a decision and went back to Al-Madinah because it was a hard year and the people were weak, as we will mention, Allah willing.
Paying Jizyah is a Sign of Kufr and Disgrace
Allah said,
(until they pay the Jizyah), if they do not choose to embrace Islam,
(with willing submission), in defeat and subservience,
(and feel themselves subdued.), disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimmah or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced and humiliated.
Muslim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said,
(Do not initiate the Salam to the Jews and Christians, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.)
This is why the Leader of the faithful `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, demanded his well-known conditions be met by the Christians, these conditions that ensured their continued humiliation, degradation and disgrace.
The scholars of Hadith narrated from `Abdur-Rahman bin Ghanm Al-Ash`ari that he said, “I recorded for `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, the terms of the treaty of peace he conducted with the Christians of Ash-Sham: `In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. This is a document to the servant of Allah `Umar, the Leader of the faithful, from the Christians of such and such city. When you (Muslims) came to us we requested safety for ourselves, children, property and followers of our religion. We made a condition on ourselves that we will neither erect in our areas a monastery, church, or a sanctuary for a monk, nor restore any place of worship that needs restoration nor use any of them for the purpose of enmity against Muslims. We will not prevent any Muslim from resting in our churches whether they come by day or night, and we will open the doors ﴿of our houses of worship﴾ for the wayfarer and passerby. Those Muslims who come as guests, will enjoy boarding and food for three days. We will not allow a spy against Muslims into our churches and homes or hide deceit ﴿or betrayal﴾ against Muslims. We will not teach our children the Qur’an, publicize practices of Shirk, invite anyone to Shirk or prevent any of our fellows from embracing Islam, if they choose to do so. We will respect Muslims, move from the places we sit in if they choose to sit in them. We will not imitate their clothing, caps, turbans, sandals, hairstyles, speech, nicknames and title names, or ride on saddles, hang swords on the shoulders, collect weapons of any kind or carry these weapons. We will not encrypt our stamps in Arabic, or sell liquor. We will have the front of our hair cut, wear our customary clothes wherever we are, wear belts around our waist, refrain from erecting crosses on the outside of our churches and demonstrating them and our books in public in Muslim fairways and markets. We will not sound the bells in our churches, except discretely, or raise our voices while reciting our holy books inside our churches in the presence of Muslims, nor raise our voices ﴿with prayer﴾ at our funerals, or light torches in funeral processions in the fairways of Muslims, or their markets. We will not bury our dead next to Muslim dead, or buy servants who were captured by Muslims. We will be guides for Muslims and refrain from breaching their privacy in their homes.’ When I gave this document to `Umar, he added to it, `We will not beat any Muslim. These are the conditions that we set against ourselves and followers of our religion in return for safety and protection. If we break any of these promises that we set for your benefit against ourselves, then our Dhimmah (promise of protection) is broken and you are allowed to do with us what you are allowed of people of defiance and rebellion.”’
Assalamualaikum. I did some background check on the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate and found this on Wikipedia [].
Umarov maintains that he practices traditional Chechen Sufi Islam of the Qadiri Order, as opposed to religious radicalism of the “Wahhabis”.[23] Responding to Russian claims that he was an Islamic extremist, he said: “Before the start of the first war in 1994, when the occupation began and I understood that war was inevitable, I came here as a patriot. I’m not even sure I knew how to pray properly then. It’s ridiculous to say I’m a Wahhabist or a radical Muslim.”[24]
Not sure if this is true. Could someone provide more info and background on the Emirate?
Can anyone here provide links where we can find the following books specifically mentioned by Sheikh Osama bin Laden in his latest tape?
“Achievement of the Glorious” by Shaykh Abd al-Rahman bin Hasan Al Shaykh – this is a very important book which talks about Tawheed and warns against Shirk [polytheism], including the Shirk of graves and the Shirk of palaces.
- Two books by Shaykh Muhammad Qutb, “Concepts Which Must Be Corrected” and “Are We Muslims?”
- And the book “The Clarification of the Unbelief of He Who Aids the Americans” by the Mujahid Shaykh Nasir bin Hamd al-Fahd (may Allah free him from the prisons of al-Riyadh).
-There is a fifth book of benefit, which evaluates all the regimes in the Islamic world, even though its title is “The Saudi Regime on the Scales of Islam”
If anyone can find these books, and post the links to them, I would sincerely appreciate it.
JazakALLAH Khair.
Ibn Adam
Here is a link to the full audio and translation of the tape released by Sheikh Usamah bin Laden:
@ spops Salam Alaykum It’s been a long time since I seen you on this blog and I have something to ask you. I know a brother who wants to teach English in a “Muslim country” can you help him? He is currently living in the U.S. and recently earned his B.S. degree. Jazakum Allah Khair may Allah help us all find a way out and place us in a place where we can reform our deen back to the way our beloved Prophet(SAW) has taught us to live ameen. Salam Alaykum to all bro’s & sis on this blog
shiekh anwar we really really nead a leacture about wa’la wal bara’a it will be very usefull for every one because from every one i no were lacking knolowdge on that topic so if your able to make a lecture on that topic it will be appreciated may allah rewrd you
shiekh anwar we really really nead a leacture about wa’la wal bara’a it will be very usefull for every one because from every one i no were lacking knolowdge on that topic so if your able to make a lecture on that topic it will be appreciated may allah rewrd you
Sheikh Usama newest tape. Better version, clear audio with english subtitles. Just click on “More from: SalahuddinAlKurd” to the right of the vid to find parts 2,3,4.
Part 1
Subhanallah!Victory is coming for the Ummah!
wa alaikum assalam warahmtuLLAh,
@reverted Muslim;
What was the brother’s major in his bachelors?
Perhaps I may help, if Allah wills.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 18, 1430 / 15-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
British invader army helicopter shot down in Helmand Saturday noon 14-03-2009 at approximately 5:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shot down an helicopter of British invader army in Shorki area of Grishk district of Helmand province, the helicopter crashed inside the enemy base, but the number of invader terrorists killed or wounded could not be confirmed.
Martyrdom Operation kills 13 NATO invader terrorists and destroys 3 enemy tanks in Kabul Sunday afternoon 15-03-2009 at approximately 12 pm local time, a courageous Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mulla Abdul Khaliq rammed his explosive packed vehicle into a convoy of NATO invader army in western part of Kabul city. The blast was so powerful that it completely destroyed the three tanks of NATO invader army, killed thirteen invader terrorists and wounded others. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
In two Ambushes 36 puppet army terrorists killed in Uruzgan Sunday midnight 15-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a convoy of puppet army in Gringar area of Uruzgan province, in the ambush thirty one terrorists were killed and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty. Also in another ambush in Koot city, Mujahideen killed five puppet army terrorists, destroyed one vehicle and one was Mujahideen’s booty.
14 innocent people martyred in American invader army cowardly bombardment in Kapisa Sunday morning 15-03-2009, American invader forces cowardly bombarded civilian homes in a village in Alaasi district of Kapisa province, in which many houses were destroyed and fourteen innocent children and women were martyred, the bombardment was in retaliation of Mujahideen operation on Saturday14-03-2009, in which Mujahideen attacked enemy base in which five invader terrorists were killed and thirteen were would.
1 tank of American invader army destroyed in Nangarhar Sunday afternoon 15-02-2009 at approximately 1:00 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Dwano area in Kot district of Nangarhar province, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the terrorists in it were killed.
Vehicle of puppet mayor blown up in Kandahar city Sunday morning 15-03-2009 at approximately 9.15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet mayor near Municipal Corporation office of Kandahar city, the landmine destroyed the vehicle, killed the all puppet terrorists but the casualties of mayor was not reported.
In an ambushed 2 tanks of Poland invader army in Ghazni Saturday evening 14-03-2009 at approximately 7:45 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of Poland invader army in Lono area of Qarabagh district of Ghazni province, in the ambush two tanks of the enemy were destroyed and all the invader terrorists in them were killed.
In two Ambushes puppet army commander killed and 5 supplies vehicles destroyed in Helmand Saturday evening 14-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a Toyota 4X4 of puppet commander in Lashkerghah district of Helmand province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed the 4X4 and killed the puppet commander Abdul Hameed and three of his body guards. In an other operation near Nad Ali and Marway district of Helmand province, Mujahideen destroyed four supplying trucks and one vehicle of the enemy.
5 French invader and 13 puppet terrorists killed in Kapisa Saturday night 14-03-2009 at approximately 10:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppets district headquarter in Alaasi district of Kapisa province, in the attack five French terrorists along with thirteen puppet terrorists were killed, the headquarter and the base were damaged, one military vehicle and a tank was also destroyed and one Mujahid was martyred.
In an ambush 5 American invader terrorists killed in Noristan Saturday afternoon 14-03-2009 at approximately 12:12 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed an American invader army convoy in Kamdish base area of Kamdish district of Noristan province, in the ambush five American terrorists were killed and few were wound.
Puppets district headquarter attacked in Logar Sunday midnight 15-03-2009 at approximately 1:15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppets district headquarter in Charkh district of Logar province, in the attack the headquarter and police station were damaged but enemy causalities were not reported.
In 3 explosions a number of British invader army terrorists killed in Helmand Saturday noon 14-03-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmines blew up a tank and a foot patrolling unit of British invader army in Yatemchi area Musa Qalla district of Helmand province, the landmines destroyed the tank and killed few invader terrorists.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
@Reverted Muslim:
As-Salamu’alaikum. Here is a link that I hope you (or anyone else for that matter) will find useful in finding work in the middle east:
I myself am in the process of trying to find work there as well. May ALLAH make things easy for you and your family.
@Reverted Muslim:
As-Salamu’alaikum. Here is a link that I hope you (or anyone else for that matter) will find useful in finding work in the middle east:
I myself am in the process of trying to find work there as well. May ALLAH make things easy for you and your family.
IBn Adam
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam @ spops welcome back you had some of us worried but Alhumduillah you’ve returned , Allah protect you in your worthwhile work for the ummah.@ Jazakillah Khayr to all that posted links , this gaining knowledge is very addictive Alhumduillah are we not favoured by Allah in our quest to improve ourselves , our families and the ummah , may Allah give us the ability to work harder and sacrifice more to seek His pleasure and obtain our goles in establishing the Khilafah and joining the ranks of the Mujahideens and freeing our imprisioned and oppressed .
Syed Quth
” To live in the shade of the Quran is a great blessing which only can be fully appreciated by those who experience it. It is a rich experience that gives meaning to life and makes life worth living ” Ameen
Salam Alaykum,
Jazakum Allah Khair for offering your help to the brother. The brother said that he received his B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies for English, reading, and Social Studies and a minor in middle school education. One way or another I need to get out too because this whole college (institutionalization) thing in a kaffir country ain’t for me. once again Jazakum Allah khair.
Salam Alaykum warahmatuAllah.
*AMAZING NEW BLOG* on the History of the Muslims in a- Andalus post 1492 (after the Muslims were defeated in their last stronghold).
@Fazal, The Caucasian Muslims waged relentless wars against Tzarist Russa in 19th century that led to the creation of Red army. Red army became the largest army in the world due to Caucasian Wars against the mountaineers led by Imam shamil. Later the Muslims fought against the communists and suffered genocide when Stalin deported 4 Caucasian Muslim nations-Chechens, Ingush, Balkars and Karachai. About 30 to 40% of the entire population perished in forced migration to Siberian wilderness where they froze to death in cattle trains. The Caucasian resistance in 19th century was unfortunately led mostly by sufi orders who could not effectively face the onslaught of Russians. After the collapse of Soviet Union, Muslims from various countries like As Shaheed Ibn al Khattab went to Chechnya and this exposed the Muslims to the true spirit of Islam devoid of sufi Bidas/innovations and has given a new face to the resistance. Emir Doku Umarov may have been been initially adherent of sufi order but has since realized the historic blunders and has accepted the authentic version of Islam. It was Allah’s will that exposed the Muslims of Caucasus to true Islam in this century. And the adherents of sufi orders like the puppet leader Ramzan Kadirov have become agents of war criminal Putin.
Praise be to Allaah.
In order to answer this question, we must explain two things.
1 – Whether settling in a kaafir country is permissible
2 – Establishing whether there is a need to take the nationality.
With regard to the first matter, settling in a kaafir country is not permissible unless the following conditions are met:
1- There should be a legitimate need for settling in their country, which cannot be met in the Muslim lands, such as trade, da’wah, officially representing a Muslim country, or seeking knowledge that is not available in a Muslim country either because it does not exist there, or what is available is not of good quality. Or there should be fear of death, prison or torture, not mere harassment, for oneself or for one’s family and children, or fear for one’s wealth.
2- Settling there should be regarded as temporary, not permanent. It is not permissible to have the intention of staying there permanently; rather one should have the idea that it is temporary, because settling there permanently means that one has migrated (made hijrah) from the land of Islam to the land of kufr. This clearly goes against the ruling of sharee’ah that it is obligatory to migrate from the land of kufr to the land of Islam. Having the intention of staying there temporarily means that when the need to stay in the kaafir country no longer applies, one will get up and leave.
3- The kaafir country in which one wants to settle should be one which is at peace with the Muslims, not one which is at war with them. Otherwise it is not permissible to settle there. A country is regarded as being at war with the Muslims if it is hostile towards the Muslims.
4- There should be religious freedom in the kaafir country, so that the Muslim will be able to practise his religion openly.
5- He should be able to learn the laws of Islam in that country; if it is difficult for him to do so then it is not permissible for him to settle there because that implies that he is turning away from learning the religion of Allaah.
6- He should think it most likely that he will be able to protect and maintain his religious commitment, and that of his family and children, otherwise it is not permissible for him to settle there, because preserving one’s religious commitment takes precedence over preserving one’s self, one’s wealth and one’s family. Whoever meets this condition – and how difficult it is to meet it – is permitted to settle in the land of the kuffaar, otherwise that is forbidden to him, because of the texts which clearly forbid settling there and enjoin migrating from such lands, as is well known, and because of the great danger which that poses to religion and morals, which no one can deny except one who is arrogant.
Secondly: there should be a legitimate need for taking the nationality, such as the benefits for which the Muslim has settled in the kaafir country being dependent upon his taking the nationality. Otherwise that is not permissible for him, because taking the nationality is an obvious manifestation of befriending the kuffaar, and because it involves speaking words which it is not permissible to believe in or adhere to, such as approving of kufr or man-made laws. Moreover, taking the nationality may lead to staying in the kaafir land permanently, which is not permissible, as stated above. Having established these two points, I hope that Allaah will forgive the Muslims who settle in kaafir lands for the great danger that they have exposed themselves to, because either he is forced to settle there and necessity makes permissible that which is ordinarily forbidden, or to serve an interest which outweighs the harms. And Allaah knows best.
Shaykh Khaalid al-Maajid, Faculty Member, College of Sharee’ah, Imaam Muhammad ibn Sa’ood Islamic University
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
[ And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you , but transgress not the limits. Truly Allah likes not the transgressors ] 2 :190
Jihad is a obligatory duty in Islam on every muslim, and he who tries to escape this duty , or does not in his inner most heart wish to fulfil this duty, dies with one of the qualities of a Hypocrite. [ The Noble Quran ]
3: 149
[ O You who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will send you back on your heels, and you will turn back [ from faith ] losers ]
What is said about residence staying in the land of As Shirk . Narrated Samura bin Jundab ra) that hte Prophet saws) said
” Anybody from among the Muslims who meet gathers together, lives and stays ( permanently ) with the Mushrik and agrees to his ways, opinion etc and enjoys living with him ( Mushrik) then he ( that Muslim ) is like him ( Mushrik ). ( This hadith indicates that a muslim should not stay in a non muslim country, he must emigrate to a muslim country, where Islam is practised) [ The book of Jihad " Abu Daud" ]
@ Jihadfeesabilah, Alhumduillah Rabul Alaimeen
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Inna lillahi wa inna illahi raajioun
From Allah we come and to Him we return
Tauba 51 [ Naught befalleth us save that which Allah has decreed for us . He is our protecting Friend.
In Allah let the believers put their trust].
Salam, in Uk on Tuesday the british Army Arrived back from Basra, where a parade was held through the Town supprt to boos the moral of these Murderers Soilders.
When Muslims heard of this, brother and sisters demonstarted against the soilders holding placard of ‘Butchers of Basra, War criminal,etc
A vidoe of the footage
the supporters of the soilders were angered by the placard then the Mass Media Created a Moral Panic on these Muslims.
they led a crusade against these brothers making character assinations
and the Media revealng the addresses of some of the Muslims resulting with the brothers house bricked and nearly petrol bombed.
unfortantly, the Luton Muslim Centre nown as the Westbourne Mosque aka HARD CORE SUFI, have asided with the kuffar showing their hypocrisy by defaming the chracter of these Muslims
what many muslims didnt know was that once the muslims starting demonstarting the polic tryd to remove them away from the soilders and cornered them.
therefore Muslims cannot leave and others Muslims who tried to jaoin later could not enter
the police later was hurling abuse at the sisters and brothers note full segregation was adopted which angered the media even more.
BNP footage
telling muslims to go home, trying to beat them up…to-come%E2%80%
Why did Muslims abuse soldiers on Return From Iraq in Luton?
Muslim anti-war protest on GMTV
i would like to request all the muslims to make dua for the brothers and sisters who are now facing many hardships and difficulties
@ Ameen sister Umm Suhaila you have our support and may Allah reward you all and keep you safe
Assalam o alaikum warahmatuLLAh,
I guess slowly but surely, with each shameless occupation & every tyrannical invasion by the disbelievers, inshAllah Muslim diaspora will soon find its way back home.
Those who would ‘prefer’ to ‘enjoy’ life there, would be acclimatized enough to succumb to a materialistic life-style of double-standards, with a long dead moral or religious courage of any sort.
As Salamu Alaikum ya Sheik,
This doesn’t relate to the topic at hand;however,I felt the need to write this to you. Allah guides whom he pleases alhamdu lilAllah for that;however, He uses different tools for guidance and I believe you are one of those tools who has helped see and be on the straight path with the help of Allah. Ever since I have listened to your cd’s I have grown to love Allah more and more each day.I try to listen to any lecture I can get my hands on. I have listened to many Imams all knowledgable however, your voice in your cd’s touches my heart. May Allah bless you and place you in the highest level of Jenna.Now I know what it means to love a person for the sake of Allah and my heart has never felt such love before…
Some details on Crimean Tatars. Tatars are Turkish speaking Muslims and there are no Christian Tatars as there are no Christian Turks . They should not be confused with the Tatars that live in semi autonomous Muslim republic of Tatarstan, East of Moscow. There are estimated 6 million Tatars mostly Kazan Tatars living along Volga river in Russia today. They also have aspirations to be independent just like Georgia but at the moment all is quiet but time is on their side. Tatars are watching the events in Caucasus and it might be next Jihad front. I have mentioned above that Stalin had forcibly deported the Caucasian Muslims. The Crimean Tatars were also deported at the end of World War II. They were falsely accused of collaborating with the Nazis although many of them served in the red army and died fighting the Nazis. They lived in Crimean peninsula that is now part of Ukraine. They do not belong to North Caucasus but lived in an area West of Black Sea. They were too packed like sardines on cattle trains and deported en masse to Siberian cold where tens of thousands died with hunger, cold and execution style killings. If the Tatars tried to run away from trains they were mercilessly shot. The Tatars carried the dead bodies with them in cattle trains and could not even bury them due to frozen land. The lands of Tatars in Crimea were confiscated and all traces of Tatars were eradicated. All Masjids and Madrasas were demolished Even graveyards were ploughed to remove all traces of Tatars.
Surviving Crimean Tatars finally got chance to return to their ancestral homeland after the collapse of Soviet Union. They started by building a Masjid on their ancestral land. Insha’Allah, Islam will make a spectacular comeback in those parts of Russia where Muslims suffered horribly during communism. They continue to suffer as you can see from this interview of emir Sufyan.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
Rabi Al-Awwal 19, 1430 / 16-03-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
Martyrdom Operation kills 47 puppet terrorists in Helmand Monday 16-03-2009 at approximately 9.37 am local time, two courageous Mujahids of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, carried out a martyrdom operation against the puppet police in police headquarter in Lashkergha city capital of Helmand province, in the attack forty seven puppet police and three British invader terrorists were killed and a large number were wounded, 9 military vehicles were destroyed and the police headquarter was also damaged. We ask Allah to accept our brothers among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
Martyrdom Operation kills a number of puppet police terrorists in Delarm Monday morning 16-03-2009 at approximately 8.10 am local time, a courageous Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Abdullah of the same province, carried out a martyrdom operation against the puppet police in police headquarter in Delaram district of Farah province, in the attack a number of puppet police terrorists were killed and few were wounded. We ask Allah to accept our brother among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
Puppet army vehicle destroyed in Kandahar Monday morning 16-03-2009 at approximately 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a vehicle of puppet army convoy in Wach Bakhto area of Shawalikot district of Helmand province, in the explosion the vehicle was destroyed and seven terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of British invader army blown up in Helmand Sunday afternoon 15-03-2009 at approximately 12:45 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of British invader army in Mear Agha ziarat area of Garmsir district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and killed all the invader terrorists in it.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen operations against the enemies of Islam terrorists in Afghanistan are reported to by the official Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesmen Qari Muhammad Yousuf and Zabihullah Mujahid]
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
No negotiations with invaders and their puppets
Rabi Al-Awwal 19, 1430 H./16-03-2009
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan rejects reports suggestion that Amir-ul-Momineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him) has given his approval for talks aimed at ending the war in Afghanistan and has allowed his representatives to attend Saudi-sponsored peace negotiations.
These are all false and baseless reports. Ours is the same old stand there is no other way except jihad in Afghanistan until all the invader forces are driven out in Afghanistan and the Shariah is established. If you wait for 3000 years, our stand is the same that Taliban will never hold talks in presence of invader forces in Afghanistan. The Taliban have not met with Afghan president, Hamid Karzai brother Qayum Karzai, as it is being claimed by Qayum Karzai.
The false reports:
“Taliban chief backs Afghan peace talks”
“THE TALIBAN leader, Mullah Omar, has given his approval for talks aimed at ending the war in Afghanistan and has allowed his representatives to attend Saudi-sponsored peace negotiations.
Mullah Omar has given the green light to talks,” said one of the mediators, Abdullah Anas, a former friend of Osama Bin Laden who used to fight in Afghanistan but now lives in London.
One of those negotiating for the Afghan government confirmed: “It’s extremely sensitive but we have been in contact both with Mullah Omar’s direct representatives and commanders from the front line.”
The breakthrough emerged after President Barack Obama admitted that US-led forces are not winning the war in Afghanistan and called for negotiations with “moderate Taliban”.
“A big, big step has happened,” Anas said. “For the first time, there is a language of . . . peace on both sides.”
His words were echoed by the brother of the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, who has been attending talks on his behalf. “I have been meeting with Taliban for the last five days and I can tell you Obama’s words have created enormous optimism,” said Qayum Karzai. “There is no other way left but talks. All sides know that more fighting is not the way.”
Salaam, thought this might be a useful tool in our continuing assesment of the British govts agenda.×8GN8
This is hilariously sad:
“Salafis” are saying that it is not just Halaal – but GOOD – to turn in other Muslims!
Here is a very nice blog, which has an AMAZING video showing the agenda of the british in destroying the Khilafah:
The relevant post is for March 5, so you’ll have to scroll down a bit as well. The blogger is run by a very nice brother MashaALLAH. Here is a free book written by the same Sheikh on the video which you can download for free as well:
I definitely benefited from watching this video and gained more insight as to why the British fought to destroy the Khilfah, and about the Saudi’s support in fighting it.
@ ummjihad dear sister Jazakillah Khayr sabhan Allah , what a mixed up bunch , well it seems that conforming to Kathirs values are the flavour of the month , does British law permitt Polygamy? so muslims can deny autopsies on their beloved ? can all muslims be buried according to Islamic rituals ? If people want to stick their heads in the sand and deny the reality ,then let them . After Gaza theres no need to stay in Kathir land for the purpose of Dawah , its a wasted effort and a waste of time. Those that have sound Knowledge should be working on the muslims in our land instead of wasting time with those who are content with being fools.
jazakallah khaira
wa alaikum assalam warahmatuLLAh,
well, i guess the vile efforts to change Quran & Islam from within are nothing new.
Throughout history, corrupt leaders as well as the enemies of Islam tried for that, covertly (& failed miserably)
Only this time therez an all out overt ‘display’ of this same malicious motive; as in officially setting up multimillionaire NGOs & think tanks to study Quran & Islamic values (with their myopic spectacles ofcourse) & then spout out ‘reforming’ policies publicly.
I request all brothers & sisters to listen to this lecture & refresh it in their minds that its indeed a battle of hearts & minds as well as souls.
Make no mistake its the beginning of the end, & the polarization among Muslims (as mentioned in the hadith)
City ISoc – Annual Dinner 2009
“The Beginning of a New Chapter”
It is that time once again where City University Islamic Society will be hosting its end of year annual event. This year the theme is for every believer to rekindle his love for the Qur’aan by reciting it upon the tip of his tongue as though the words of Allaah were printed on his heart. Nowadays, The Qur’aan, which is the Muslim’s manual to success in both worlds, is not being recited upon the tongues of the believers nor is it being exercised by his actions; rather it is a book that we seem to place in the highest of shelves, covering it with the best of cloths and yet giving the words of Allaah the least of attention. Join us as we host a special evening whereby the focus is placed on the glorious Qur’aan once again.
The respected speakers will explain how today’s broken society is a consequence of not adopting the Qur’aan, along with how the believers should befriend the Qur’aan as their closest companion aswell as practical steps as to how they can employ the Qur’aan into their daily lives.
Ustaadh Murtadha Khan “The Beam of Beauty”
The Ustaadh – hafidhahullaah – will be speaking about the broken society that we are witnessing today as a result of Muslims abandoning the Qur’aan. Allaah has given humanity the path to success in every arena of a person’s life. However, mankind’s instinct of following his desires has undoubtedly led to society becoming lost, disunited and veiled in darkness. The Ustaadh will highlight the problems of the people of today and mention that the Qur’aan is the only guidance for humanity. He will also illustrate the neagtive consequences of a society if the Qur’aan is not followed in its entirety.
Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki “The Closest Companion”
The Imaam – hafidhahullaah – will speak of his experience in prison and how he had the Qur’aan to be his closest companion. In a time of hardship Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki will describe how it was the Qur’aan that made him overcome his hardship and gave him a double dose of ease. In a time of darkness how the Qur’aan offered him light and how he had a companion to befriend even though he was in solitary confinement throughout most of his imprisonment. He will also recall how the companions used to refer to the Qur’aan in order to overcome the countless hurdles that they had to face in order to pursue their path to paradise.
Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad “Practicing the Pages”
The Shaykh – hafidhahullaah – will give the Muslims practical ways in which they can implement the Qur’aan into their daily life. He will give examples of how the companions made every effort to exercise the Qur’aan in the way that they would lead their lives. The Shaykh will finally mention that it is not enough to merely imprison the Qur’aan in the heart, rather the true believer implements the Qur’aan with his limbs in every corner of his life.
Come and join us for a memorable night. We hope to see you there inshaAllaah.
And may Allaah grant us success and rekindle the love for the believers to learn, memorise and implement the Qur’aan, Aameen
Assalam o alaikum warahmatuLLAH,
Looks like the lecture link wasnt working.
Here is a working link, inshAllah;
The arrogance;
& the pdf reeking with arrogance;
Polarization (& hypocrisy n apostasy) among Muslims that has started to take place after this fitnah of psy-ops war, is mentioned in the following hadith & others like it;
عبد الله بن عمر يقول
كنا قعودا عند رسول الله فذكر الفتن فأكثر في ذكرها حتى ذكر فتنة الأحلاس فقال قائل يا رسول الله وما فتنة الأحلاس قال هي هرب وحرب ثم فتنة السراء دخنها من تحت قدمي رجل من أهل بيتي يزعم أنه مني وليس مني وإنما أوليائي المتقون ثم يصطلح الناس على رجل كورك على ضلع ثم فتنة الدهيماء لا تدع أحدا من هذه الأمة إلا لطمته لطمة فإذا قيل انقضت تمادت يصبح الرجل فيها مؤمنا ويمسي كافرا حتى يصير الناس إلى فسطاطين فسطاط إيمان لا نفاق فيه وفسطاط نفاق لا إيمان فيه فإذا كان ذاكم فانتظروا الدجال من يومه أو من غده
[سنن أبي داود
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be please with him): When we were sitting with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), he talked about periods of trial (fitnahs), mentioning many of them. When he mentioned the one when people should stay in their houses, some asked him: “Apostle of Allah, what is the trial (fitnah) of staying at home?”
He replied: “It will be flight and plunder..
Then will come a test which is pleasant. Its murkiness is due to the fact that it is produced by a man from the people of my house, who will assert that he belongs to me, whereas he does not, for my friends are only the Allah-fearing..
Then the people will unite under a man who will be like a hip-bone on a rib..(misfit for the task?)
Then there will be the little black trial which will leave none of this community without giving him a slap, and when people say that it is finished, it will be extended. During it a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, so that the people will be in two camps: the ‘camp of faith’ which will contain no hypocrisy, and the ‘camp of hypocrisy’ which will contain no faith. When that happens, expect the antichrist (Dajjal) that day or the next.
(Sunan Abu Daud, ‘Trials and Fierce Battles’ (Kitab Al-Fitan Wa Al-Malahim), Hadith #4230)
To the muslims livin in Australia
Shocking news
Something terrible has happen at Lakemba Mosque!
Attention Muslim Community
The Anti-terrorist unit were called out to Lakemba Mosque by the X-Mufti Sheik Taj Hilali (and his ‘mob’) on Tuesday; They (Hilali and his mob) are accusing the “young boys” at the Mosque of being extremists and potential terrorists.
On the same day, the police forensics fingerprinting units were also called (by the mob) to fingerprint a door in the Mosque that was supposedly broken by these ‘extremists’.
The anti-terrorist unit claim that they were at the Lakemba Mosque on Tuesday with Hilali by “coincidence”. They were just ‘popping in to say hi’.
What a conincidence- police at the Lakemba Mosque to investigate allegations made by ‘the mob’; forensics units come at the same time to fingerprint the alleged crime; anti-terrorist unit also appear as a ‘coincidence’ and have a meeting with Hilali. What are the anti-terrorist unit trying to cover up? Seems like Hilali’s ‘Intellegence report’ is worth covering up.
On Friday he (Hilali) delivered a Khotbah sermon continuing with his accusations;
“We should call MuAllah Omar (TALIBAN LEADER) and declare that we have Taliban in Lakemba” he said
These are our children he is talking about, our husbands, and our brothers.
How can a Shiek make such FALSE accusations. These people he is accusing are innocent- his accusations can lead to long term jail sentences for these innocent people who have families to support.
He (and his ‘mob’) also accused them of stealing the Australian flag from his office and burning it.
He is deceiving people and has been planning these tricks for over 20 years; only to keep controlling the affairs of the Muslims and of the Mosque and wipe out anyone who opposes his deception.
This is a very sad and unfortunate situation that we have reached. A person who is respected by the community uses his ‘position’ to kick people out of Mosques and lock up innocent individuals
This might be difficult to digest but it is definately true!
He is putting fear in the hearts of the Muslim community and the Australian authorities to turn them against the younger generation by making them think that there are extremests with terrorist ideologies.
Following are some quotes from his Khotbah (sermon) that he delivered at Lakemba Mosque (and broadcasted on the Voice of Islam 87.6 radio throughout Sydney) last Friday 13th March 2009 :
“We should call MuAllah Omar (TALIBAN LEADER) and declare that we have Taliban in Lakemba”
“I feel there are hidden fingers that are controlling our naïve sons”
“If you don’t want them (politicians in the Mosque) you may as well call MuAllah Omar (TALIBAN LEADER) and declare this an Islamic Country”.
“We have taken sharp steps to bring back our misguided youth to the truth”.
“We don’t want someone to teach us JIHAD or how to say the truth”. (He is accusing the young brothers of calling for Jihad)
“We do not accept people having two allegiances”;
“You are either with the LMA (and the current regime) or we say “SORRY MATE…..”
“The truth must be spoken. Never be afraid from the truth!”
As salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,
Forgive me for a comment not related to the post. There is an excellent new blog dedicated to a book called: *An Incomplete History
The Muslims of Spain Post 1492 in a Global Context and its Relevance to Muslims Today*
The situation of the Muslims living in the West today poses a striking similarity to the situation of the Muslims in Al- Andalus post 1492 (when the last Muslim ruler surrendered the last Muslim stronghold of Granada to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella). This marked the official end to Islamic rule in Al- Andalus. However, this did not mean all the Muslims left Al Andalus in one go.
Muslims lived in Andalus for at least two hundred years after the fall (1492). Their lives were not easy. In many cases they were forced to give up their identities, could not practice Islam in public, they were not allowed to speak Arabic (and therefore could not pray in congregation) or even give their children Muslim names! So what began as tolerance for the practice of Islam in Al- Andalus and allowing for their affairs to be judged under Shari’ah courts (Capitulations of Granada) slowly but surely led to the persecution of the Muslims of Al-Andalus until no trace of Muslims in Andalus were to be found.
Terror suspect sues police force
The claim at the High Court is expected to last seven days
A terror suspect awaiting extradition to the US is suing the police after claiming he was the victim of assault.
Babar Ahmad says he was punched repeatedly and choked to the point of unconsciousness when he was arrested at home in Tooting, south London, in 2003.
The 34-year-old is taking his civil claim against the Metropolitan Police to the High Court in London.
Mr Ahmad is accused of raising money to support terrorism in Chechnya and Afghanistan via websites and e-mails.
He was arrested at dawn by anti-terrorism officers from the Territorial Support Group on 2 December, 2003.
His lawyers will argue in the claim launched on Monday that he was punched repeatedly during the police operation, and was forced into a kneeling Muslim prayer position and asked: “Where is your God now?”
Independent investigation
It is also claimed one officer used a dangerous neck-hold, bringing Mr Ahmad close to passing out.
Photographs show injuries he sustained, although the Met claims they were largely self-inflicted.
Parts of the case will be held behind closed doors for legal reasons.
An Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation in 2007 led to no action being taken against any officer.
The IPCC concluded Mr Ahmad’s claims were “unsubstantiated” and cleared the police of any wrongdoing.
His family said in a statement: “We hope that after almost six years of campaigning, complaints and litigation, the truth will finally emerge of what happened to Babar on 2 December, 2003.”
The case is expected to last seven days.
US investigators claim he was behind the website which was one of the most well-known terrorist fundraising sites on the internet at one point.
I tought Sheikh Anwar made a lecture a long while ago about this brother, whom the Kuffar asked “Where is your God now?”.
As salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
@Reverted Muslim send CV’s to
teachers try
all other disciplines try
@ Maryam Asalamu Alaikum wrwb sister , Khayr insha”Allah ,
Allah , is the protector Alhumduillah , Hilali has never been a trusted one he was always the wrong man for the job [ as we are in that time ] so his true colours are showing to those who didn’t already know .
It reminds me of Surat Ma’aarij when the guilty one will want to ransom his family members to save himself on the Day of Judgement. That man is totally deluded and now dangerous Allah help and protect our youth , some Imans never want to lose the sense of power and false honour they have with that job. We can make dua and never remain silent ,
sister do you know any organisation who support the brothers we already have in jail under the Terror Laws , as Cage Prisoners don’t have them in their list ?
@ barry we are very content with the path we have chosen
All praise be to Allah. who incidently is your creator and thats why we submitt to Allah as he created us too so think about when the Angel of death comes knocking on your door what will you say to him then,[ I was a good person ] well thats not enough your not on this earth to worship yourself your here to worship your creator
Sheikh Anwar good honourable brother [ one in few rightful leaders ] you can keep brainwashing us , Alhumduillah
Poor sad lil n lost Barry wrote;
“Heres a theory, religion is a man made concept god does not exist. You have wasted your lives and could have had so much more fun whilst on this earth, because when you die you end up like every other living creature on this earth, fertiliser (sic). You can be a good person without religion, we are on this earth to continue our species”
How hillariuosly inelligent high-IQ explanation of ‘his’ purpose of life init?
What he forgot to mention, nevertheless, was that this aint theory or hypothesis for him & his ilk. Its their law! n they live by it.
La Hawla wala Quwwata iLLAh biLLAH
Allah says in Quran, translation;
“So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad SAW). Verily, We know what they conceal and what they reveal.
Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge — semen drops)?
Yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open opponent.
And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: “Who will give life to these bones after they are rotten and have become dust?”
Say (O Muhammad SAW): “He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!”
He, Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! You kindle therewith.
Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them?
Yes, indeed!
He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator.
Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, “Be!” and it is!”
[Surah Ya'Seen, chapter 36, verse: 76-82]
May he n his likes gets hidayah, as for the theory (sic) they put forward, all that can be said is that what Allah says in Quran, translation;
“Say (O Muhammad (SAW) to these Mushrikûn and Kâfirûn): “O Al-Kâfirûn!(disbelievers in Allâh, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar)
“I worship not that which you worship”,
“Nor will you worship that which I worship.”
“And I shall not worship that which you are worshiping.”
“Nor will you worship that which I worship.”
“To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islâmic Monotheism).”
[Surah Al-Kafiroon; The Disbelievers, chapter 109]
To Barry:
“Similar situations [as yours] have passed on before you, so proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied.”
[Surah Aal-Imraan, Ayat 137]
“For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there is going to reach them the news of what they used to ridicule.”
[Surah Al-An'aam, Ayat 5]
“Those who denied Our signs and the meeting of the Hereafter – their deeds have become worthless. Are they recompensed except for what they used to do?”
[Surah Al-A'raaf, Ayat 147]
“And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers – those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For them is their reward and their light. But those who have disbelieved and denied Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), – those are the companions of Hellfire.”
[Surah Al-Hadid, Ayat 20]
“My Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) had already been recited to you, but you were turning back on your heels
In arrogance regarding it, conversing by night, speaking evil.
Then have they not reflected over the Qur’an, or has there come to them that which had not come to their forefathers?
Or did they not know their Messenger, so they are toward him disacknowledging?
Or do they say, “In him is madness?” Rather, he brought them the truth, but most of them, to the truth, are averse.
But if the Truth had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them would have been ruined. Rather, We have brought them their message, but they, from their message, are turning away.
Or do you, [O Muhammad], ask them for payment? But the reward of your Lord is best, and He is the best of providers.
And indeed, you invite them to a straight path.
But indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter are deviating from the path.
And even if We gave them mercy and removed what was upon them of affliction, they would persist in their transgression, wandering blindly.
And We had gripped them with suffering [as a warning], but they did not yield to their Lord, nor did they humbly supplicate, [and will continue thus]
Until when We have opened before them a door of severe punishment, immediately they will be therein in despair.
And it is He who produced for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.
And it is He who has multiplied you throughout the earth, and to Him you will be gathered.
And it is He who gives life and causes death, and His is the alternation of the night and the day. Then will you not reason?
Rather, they say like what the former peoples said.
They said, ‘When we have died and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected?
We have been promised this, we and our forefathers, before; this is not but legends of the former peoples.’
Say, [O Muhammad], ‘To whom belongs the earth and whoever is in it, if you should know?’”
[Surah Al-Mu'minoon, Ayah 66-84]
To Barry:
“Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path.”
[Surah Aal-Imraan, Ayat 51]
“Indeed, I have relied upon Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature but that He holds its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a path [that is] straight.”
[Surah Hud, Ayat 56]
“These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?”
[Surah Al-Jaathiya, Ayat 6]
“We have created you, so why do you not believe?
Have you seen that which you emit?
Is it you who creates it, or are We the Creator?
We have decreed death among you, and We are not to be outdone
In that We will change your likenesses and produce you in that [form] which you do not know.
And you have already known the first creation, so will you not remember?
And have you seen that [seed] which you sow?
Is it you who makes it grow, or are We the grower?
If We willed, We could make it [dry] debris, and you would remain in wonder,
[Saying], “Indeed, we are [now] in debt;
Rather, we have been deprived.”
And have you seen the water that you drink?
Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down?
If We willed, We could make it bitter, so why are you not grateful?
And have you seen the fire that you ignite?
Is it you who produced its tree, or are We the producer?
We have made it a reminder and provision for the travelers,
So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great.
Then I swear by the setting of the stars,
And indeed, it is an oath – if you could know – [most] great.
Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an
In a Register well-protected;
None touch it except the purified.
[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
Then is it to this statement that you are indifferent
And make [the thanks for] your provision that you deny [the Provider]?”
[Surah Al-Waqi'a., Ayah 57-82]
“Indeed, Allah is my lord and your lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path.”
[Surah Az-Zukhruf, Ayat 64]