The Voting for Sharia in Somalia
April 20, 2009 - الاثنين 25 ربيع الثاني 1430 by Anwar alAwlaki
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog
The Somali parliament has voted unanimously for the implementation of Sharia which is seen as good news by many in the Muslim world – and it is – as it reflects the desire of the Somali people to live by the laws of Allah.
However there are some issues that need to be highlighted. First, there is a fundamental problem with the procedure in which the decision was made. The law of Allah should not be voted over. To give the people the choice whether to apply Sharia or not reflects a fundamental problem in the understanding of Tawhid.
Allah says: But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you, [O Muhammad] judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full] submission. [al Nisa 65]
So people cannot be believers until they submit to the law of Allah and accept it without any reservations. The Islamic government exists to impose Sharia rather than submit it to a vote. Therefore a government that declares that it will accept the results of a vote for Sharia, even if the results are not to implement it, is by necessity a non-Islamic government.
Second, the Sharif government is using its application of Sharia to convince the other resistance groups to lay down their arms and join the government. But from a Sharia point of view the objectives of the Jihad in Somalia have not been achieved yet and therefore the Jihad of these groups needs to carry on. Yes, the implementation of Sharia is the most important of these objectives, however, the Sharif government cannot be seen as a valid government for three main reasons. The first: Just as it applied Sharia by a vote it could dismantle Sharia by a vote. They have not implemented Sharia as a matter of principle but because it is the will of the people and therefore the Sharif government is closer to being a democratic government than it being an Islamic one. Second: The Sharif government is still allowing the existence of a foreign invading force represented in the forces of the African Union. The Jihad in Somalia should carry on until the last AU soldier leaves the country and any forces that side with the AU -including the Sharif government- become legitimate targets. And third: The Sharif government is basing its foreign relations with the outside world on a nationalistic basis rather that an Islamic one. The support it receives from the US, the EU and the UN is a reflection of it being a tool to advance the imperialistic interests of the West and to eradicate the strong Jihad movement in the country.
Therefore, even though it is good news for the ummah that Sharia will be implemented again in Somalia but we should not see this as an end to the struggle to establish an Islamic state and community and to free the country from foreign intervention and corruption.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran
Allah Akbar,
All well spoken.
Mashallah you have brough us accurate analyzation about situation in Somalia.
This is the results when a Muumin reasoning based on a book of Allah, will never go wrong.
My Dear brother Anwar, May Allah grant you with the vision (Firasa) of Umar Ibn Khattab RA.
My brothers and Sisters in Islam (Somalis) – wake up now, welcome to the sea of knowledge and live with reality. Lets drop our ignorance luggage of nationalism and tribalism.
Allahu Akbar !
JazaakAllah Khair for taking on the topic Imam Anwar.
It does seem that a fraction of the Mujahideen accept it and even hail it as being a victory, Subhanallah. But inshAllah most will still opposes the government, the media does not seem to be asking them yet.
Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)
Somalia: Parliament Endorses Sharia
Saturday 18 April 2009
Mogadishu — Somalia’s parliament has unanimously endorsed the Sharia Law to be ruled with the country, deputy speaker said on Saturday.
Parliamentarians say they hope the vote Saturday will help drain support from Islamist insurgents fighting against the new government. Implementation of the Islamic Sharia has been one of their key demands.
The deputy speaker of the Somali parliament Osman Elmi Boqore, said 343 parliamentarians attended the meeting and they all voted for the Sharia enforcement.
“343 parliamentarians attended in the meeting and they have unanimously endorsed the proposal. No one has rejected or abstained the voting for the proposal of the Islamic law and Somalia has an Islamic government now,” said Osman Elmi Boqore, who chaired Saturday’s meeting.
Members from the Somali Islamic clerics and clan elders were present in the meeting. The cabinet ministers of the Somali government had previously approved implementation the Islamic Law.
The Somali Cleric’s Association has welcomed the decision of the parliament. The deputy chairman of the Somali Cleric’s Association Osman Ibrahim Ahmed who was present at the session has warmly welcomed the approval of the parliament.
One of the Islamist rebels, Hizbul Islam, hailed the decision of the legislature.
Mohamed Hassan Amey, the leader of the group described the decision as a good chance that Somalia got it now and called for the Somali clerics to encourage the people to support the approval of the parliament.
“I am very glad to hear that the parliament accepted the implementation of the Islamic Sharia,” said Mohamed Hassan Amey.
Another wing of Hizbul Islam still opposes the government, but there is no word from this group yet.
For Releted articles just google: “Somalia: Parliament Endorses Sharia”
Somali parliament approves implementation of Islamic Sharia law
With Pictures of Somalian Minister of Justice Sheikh Abdurahman and Somalian parliamentarians.
SubhanAllah just look at how the partiametarians rais their hands.
Jazakalau-khairan Shaykh.
Jazak Allah Khair Shaykh! The reality of the current situation in Somalia really reflects how evil and deep the plots of the Americans (and allies) are. Had the Islamic uprising in Somalia been weaker they would not have installed that imposter shiekh Sharif in the Government and would not have thrown us this pledge for sharia as a carrot, why the sudden change in heart?? They are trying to undermine the jihad, which has seen the mujahideen make impressive gains throughout the land. Their last plan failed, now the very same shayateen who backed ethiopia and abdullahi yusuf are backing Ahmed sharif. What we have in Somalia is a puppet secular government, that must be fought until they are driven from power in its totally, and a geniune Islamic rule implemented in its place.
Why can’t people vote for this? And what makes it jihad simply because AU soldiers are there? Are the AU soldiers destroying mosques and preventing people from practicing their deen? Let’s not further rabble rouse simply because something doesn’t fit your very narrow interpretation. Peace is preferable, don’t be deluded otherwise.
I’d like the Shaykh to also comment on the Sharia and Democracy in Pakistan
as salaamu `alaykum Shaikh,
While appreciative of your concerns regarding ‘Shari`a by democracy’ you should applaud the will of the people and pray for their guidance and success, call others to assist them and help and support them with your sincere advice.
Maybe, Imam, you should have a little more circumspection when making pronouncements which, in effect, will possibly lead to the continuation of Muslim on Muslim violence.
ma`a salaama
Thank you Umar Jafar. It’s time that ulema like this think about refraining from discussing politics and stick to matters of tahara and fiqh. This is madness. I’m a very devout Muslim who follows a madhab and a teacher, and I have a disdain for many modern revisions of Islam, but give me constitutional law over crazy imams any day of the week.
Salam Alaykum Brother Anwar,
It is good to see you back on here! When we don’t hear from you for awhile we all start to wonder if you are o.k.
Do you have an opinion on the Pirates in Somalia? What is the truth behind these men? Western media is telling us one side and I am interested to hear you tell us the truth of the situation. Is piracy allowed in Islam?
Salam Alaykum,
“burhan”, you asked: “Why can’t people vote for this?”, but the Shaykh already responded to statements like yours when he said: “The Islamic government exists to impose Sharia rather than submit it to a vote.”
This is matter of worshiping Allah (swt) alone with no partners.
Allah (swt) informs us in the Quran that to legislate man-made laws, or the Shariah of the previous Prophets such as the law of the children of Israel, or any law other than the Shariah that was revealed by Allah (swt) to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is of the greatest shirk that a person can commit. This is because legislation is something that belongs exclusively to Allah (swt) alone with no partners.
“…Verily the `Hukm (command, judgment,legislation) is for none but Allah; He has commanded that you worship none but Him…” (Quran, 12:40)
We the Muslims believe that the law of Allah (swt) is the most just system and that any other system besides His (swt) is an oppressive system. Allah (swt) being our creator knows best what is just and what is injustice, therefore His (swt) Shariah is perfect and free from oppression and injustice, unlike the systems of kufr which are awash with injustice and polytheism.
“Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction”: “O my son! do not associate aught with Allah; most surely polytheism is indeed the highest oppression.” (Quran, 31:13).
This being the case, we the Muslims wish to liberate all human beings from being servants of the creation into becoming servants of the Creator alone with no partners by removing from them the system which promotes vice, polytheism, and enslaves them to their own vain desires.
So our goal is global and not limited to Somalia alone. When the Prophet Muhammad (saw) made Hijrah to Madina the Ansar did not limit their Jihad to just defending Madina and applying Shariah in Madina alone.
Our Brothers and Sisters are facing extreme conditions and undergoing the worst of treatment and oppression at the hands of the disbelievers and hypocrites in Iraq, Philistine, Chechan, Afghanistan, and all over the Muslim world. Prisons worldwide are full of our Brothers, and yes even our Sisters and children suffering horrific treatment.
So our response to this is Jihad fis-sabili-llah from where we start until we liberate this earth from polytheism and oppression.
“And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!” (Quran, 4:75)
walekum salaam wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu sheikh
If everything happens Islamically then will they be calling it Khilafah?
Can this be called if its done shariah wise a Khilafah?
Why did’nt Taliban called its ruling system a Khilafah?
Show me one so-called Islamic government since the fall of the Ottomans that wasn’t a tyrannical farce of Islam. Wake up.
As salaam alaykum to our dear Sheikh and to all my Muslim brothers and sisters…
May the curse of Allah(subhan wa tallah) be upon “burhan”..
Sickos like you who think they know better, just because of the limited and mostly watered down knowledge they possess…
“burhan” your shahada is the HIGHEST level of politics…
Next you dare to ‘indirectly’ call our noble Sheikh ‘crazy’…
Your hypocrisy is clearly visible for all whose hearts Allah(subhan wa tallah) hasn’t sealed to see..
You say, “give me constitutional law over crazy imams any day of the week.”
I say, congratulations on making takfeer on your self… Your officially a KAFIR…
As for “Umar Jafar” the Sharif government is just a pawn and the only reason they agreed to implement the Shariah is to deceive the people into accepting them, in other words it’s a tactic to fool the mujahideen, while the Sharif government is actually being controlled by USA and its cronies… who hate the shariah!
Also, a muslim should NOT fear “death” in the path of Allah fighting jihad, for his/her “death” is the martydom and will insha’allah be rewarded for it VERY greatly..
And anyway, the mujahideen have already said that they will continue their jihad, insha’Allah..
If you still don’t understand what I’ve said, I’ll have to sadly conclude that your either retarded or your heart is sealed…
whats makes a khilafah “a Khilafah & not an Imarah”
Why is an Imarah an “Imarah”?
Do Muslims of whole world need to give bayh to this .
Is not accepting this considered dying upon Jahiliyyah?
There is Shaiarh law in sawt so do we have to give bayh to the authority there?
Is that swat shariah a Khilafah?
Please answer Ya Sheikh…
a khilafah i believe must be in control of the Hajj… which would mean they would have to have Makkah…
As-salaam alaikum wrwb to all my brothers and sisters,
Dear imam Anwar jazakAllah for highlighting the great calamity that is unfolding today in Somali. This illegitimate government of sharif is only established by the mujramun to disunite the mujahedeens and weaken the up rise of jihad. Wa A’othu’billah why would a Islamic country need to vote for the ruling of shar’ah law. That itself speaks volumes. Alhamdulillah the true mujahideens who never changed their stand and maintained their allegiance with Allah will fight this impostor and his little criminals till the last of them. inshAllah by the will of Allah shari’ah rule will be implemented.
@burhan you said “ I have a disdain for many modern revisions of Islam, but give me constitutional law over crazy imams any day of the week.”
If you are referring those words to imam anwar I say you are the crazy one with out an intellect. Don’t you know accepting the constitutional law would take you out of the folds of Islam. You need to reflect on what comes out from your mouth before you speak.
@abu yahya… we are with you brother
Thanks for calling me a kafir. That’s so cute.
Oh, man. I didn’t realize I stumbled into a Wahabi hornets nest. Enjoy your hatred, suckers.
Salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu
Jazakallahi Khair Imam Awlaki for your words. May Allah (awj) make our brothers of Somali firm and patient until the banner of Islam is planted on the entire world.
I’m sure we’ve all noticed the changing tactics of the Kuffaar since the election of Obama. Mashallah brother Jihadfeesabilillah gave us a beautiful comparison between as-samiri and obama. The kuffaar no very well they can’t defeat the mujahideen so it seems like all these new tactics of “pro-Islam” changes are not to hurt or confuse the mujahideen, but rather to suppress the jihadi movement and to confuse the masses of the Ummah, especially the youth into thinking that these governments are their friend and as we can see it works on people like burhan. But they plan and Allah (swt) plans and Allah(swt) is the best of planners. Allah (swt) will not let the true believers who love Allah (swt) and are willing to sacrifice everything for the victory of his deen to be misguided by these people inshallah.
@Burhan and Umar Jafar,
Salam alaikoum,
Forgive me if I seem harsh but,
Don’t be naive,the sheikh is right.Have you forgotten why the Ethopians (with the help of the Americans invaded somalia)?It was to halt the implementation of shariah law in somalia.And who was the chief of the Islamic courts:it was Sharif.Now ,we all know that the kuffars don’t want shariah ,and we also know that Sharif has the support of the USA and is allowing the ethiopians troops to stay in Somalia.Do you still think that this man want shariah?He his just fooling the population (Who love the deen) to stay in power.
The golden rule is:”If the enemy is pleased with you ,you need to check yourself ,because ALLAH Azzawajal told us that they will never be pleased with us until we follow their way”.
asalamu alykum to all the brothers and sisters in islam , to the shaykh jazakalah khairan khayru jaza
this was something that we were confused about and may allah reward you for clarifying the issue
subhanalah we are living in a very tumultous time , may allah keep us firm on our deen and may allah haste the establishment of the sharia and may allah aid the mujaahideen and their supporters
This crackpot named “Burhan” is certainly from those who get a kick out by labeling the Muslims as “Wahabi”. This word was coined by the British colonialists in sub continent in order to deal exclusively with “peaceful” Muslims. The West often name person by their first name but they could not insult the first name of Mohammad Abdul Wahhab – May Allah have maghfirah on him, hence they used his last name which itself is an attribute of Allah SBT. Those so called Muslims who use this word routinely do not realize that they are ridiculing the attribute of Allah SBT. Allah will definitely punish such Jahils. This word has become a “fashion” everywhere in Muslim world especially in Russia where anyone who practices the deen and who oppose the tyranny and oppression of Kuffar system is immediately branded a “wahabi”. Case in point- When I tried to perform nikah as per shariah free from pagan customs, elders in my own extended family pounced on me asking “Have you become a Wahabi”. And now when someone express his/her views regarding the current affairs of the Muslims as per Quran and Sunnah the same word Wahabi is used. May Allah guide us all to Sirat Al Mustaqeem-Ameen
Allahu Akbar.Allahu Akbar.Allahu Akbar.
Absolutely true that To Impliment Sharia
nobobies Permission or Consent Required.
Long live Sheikh Anwar! You’re A Hawk For these kind of Islamic Issue.
I fully agree wiht the words of brother abaz………The golden rule is:”If the enemy is pleased with you ,you need to check yourself ,because ALLAH Azzawajal told us that they will never be pleased with us until we follow their way”.
subhanAllaah! Of all your posts, this will make the kuffaar blood boil … May Allaah protect you and gather us all in Jannatul firdous al-a’laa.
May Allah reward you for what you are doing.
I come from a small town in somalia and it is difficult to talk about anything about al-shabab, and how they destroy shrines. The Sharif gov’t are willing to compromise and get into deals with the kuffar and mushrikin while they were in a lower state, while the Prophet agreed to the Hudaybiyyah treaty only when the Muslims were in a higher state and the enemy were subdued.
Jazak Allahu Khairan
@Burhan, laws of Allah doesn’t follow the desires and whims of people, today you cancel jihad tomorrow you will cancel salah and then fasting, hajj…etc. These are obligations on Muslims until the Judgement Day! As long as you are Muslim, you have to pray 5 times a day, fast during the month of ramadhan (at least)… Just because people want peace legitimate Jihad cannot be canceled. Mujahideen are not fighting because they enjoy it, verily Allah has said in the Quran that we dislike fighting by nature. So it’s not something they enjoy doing, but it’s because they are on the haqq and they follow what Allah orders them.
May Allah be pleased with them and their actions. May Allah strengthen their iman and make us of the shuhada.
Sharif is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Wasn’t he the one who said he would be right back while on the battlefield and ends up in Kenya. Plus there is no voting in Islam.
He has made a pact with the shaytan!
Salaam to all my beloved brothers and sisters.
There is a poster in the masjid advertising an essay contest about topics relating to the purpose of human existence. It doesn’t look like it’s a muslim organization but it looks like it’s open to the public. First place prize is $2,000, 2nd is 1500 third is 1,000 and honorable mentions receive 500. I don’t know if there is anything haram about this. I was thinking to share this with you all so that maybe we can use this opportunity and try and win some money to use for hijrah fee sabeelillah.
Let me know what you guys think about this and whether it’s permissible to compete here with the intention of using the money in the path of Allah (awj). Jazakallahu Khair. Inshallah this will be a source of halal money to use for the pleasure of Allah (Swt).
Salam alaikum! Peace!
“To insult a Muslim is immorality and to fight him is disbelief.”
“Every part of a Muslim is sacrosant with regard to other Muslims: his blood, his wealth, and his honour.”
“The believers are but bothers; make peace, therefore, between your two brothers.”
Assalamu Alaikum
Bi Idhnillah the Sheikh or anybody else who knows can answer by question.
People have told me that the Caliphate will not established until Mahdi comes and establishes it. They have quoted Ahaadith such as this:
Abu Dawud reported a Hadith about Al-Mahdi that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Al-Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead, a prominent nose. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)
To my knowledge, Sheikh Al-Awlaki is of the opinion that Caliphate will exist BEFORE Mahdi comes.
Can you please give me refutations to the view that Mahdi will establish Caliphate?
May Allah Bless you all.
@brother IBRAHEIM:
assalamu alaikum. The pirates in Somalia are, from a secular level, justified. The truth to their story is that foreign countries and companies have been illegally dumping and fishing in Somali waters because of the fact that Somalia is a broken country. The Somalis were not happy at this and so they got aggressive with foreign boats/ships in their waters.
I have never seen any association between the pirates and the Mujahiduun though. Even the US media has not made this association (imagine, if they were to link the two groups, both would be discredited in American eyes). I have even read that the pirates and the Mujahiduun have clashed in some cases. So while there is a reason behind the pirates, they are not exactly Islamic.
Jazakallahu khayr!
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb ,Everyhting is clear for those with eyes to see ears that hear and a heart to reflect.
The Prophet Muhammed saws) told us to be careful who you take as a friend , as you will end up following their way, so if your friend and advisor is the blacksmith you’ll end up smelling like the blacksmith but if your friend and advisor is the perfume seller you’ll end up smelling sweet , so Alhumduillah we support the perfume seller who cant be fooled and will never go even close to a blacksmith.
May Allah Almighty protect our honourable brothers who understand the reality of the Book of Allah and are striving , not voting to implement it.
On the auhtority of Abu Sa’eed al Khudars, ra) The messenger Of Allah saws) said
Shall I tell you who is the best of men and who is the worst?
Among the best men is he who is active in Allah’s way on the back of his horse or camel or on foot, until death comes to him.
And among the worst of men is he who reads the Book of Allah Almighty and remains unenlightened.
[ He does not check himself, nor does he admonish and reprove himself ] An Nisaa’i
In the words of Hasan Al Banna [ Rahimlullah ]
……….Allah is our God…………
…….The Messenger is our example…
……The Quran is our Constitution…
………..Jihad is our way………..
……And martydom is our desire……
Allah Hamad and Sanaat is for Allah who has His Hands on the forelocks of the tyrants, and of the munafiqeen, Praise be to Allah the sole King of the Universe, Who has his Arsh over the heavens and the earth.
Salawaat on his most Beloved, salawaat on his Habeeb, Salawaat on His Mercy, Salawaat on the Imam of the Prophet (as), the Rasool-Allah (saw) who speaks no word, nor does action unless it be inspiration inspired, unlimited darood and salawaat on his Ahle Bait, his Sahabah and those that followed them till the day of Qiyamah
Praise be to Allah who said and promised the believers
“Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, Perish he. His (abu lahabs) wealth will not avail him”
Doomed is he is the fire of Hell
The Scholars of Haq said this is a promise that anyone who trend the path to render the men from the path of Allah, or even so much as to contemplate attacking the muwahideen, then this promise of Allah will apply to them also.
We have witnessed the treacherous, the one with no deen, Benazir Bhutto perish,
and all the wealth she had stolen from the ummah. The wealth she had stolen from the Muslims of Pakistan piled up in her Switz bank accounts, released by alliance with Musharaf has not availed her from the promised humiliation and Mawt of the zalimeen that Allah (swt) had mentioned in his mighty Quran.
She (a british puppet) became the spine supporting the Kemalist loving US agent Musharaf, but how strong is the bond of the tawageet? Not butWeak!
Who can support the tawageet (false gods/legislators) When Allah (swt) has His self declared war on the oppresson and tyranny of the tawageet?
The corruption of the daughter of capitalism was seen by you O Muslims of al Khursaan
Her Treachery was see by you O muslims of Al Hind
Her betrayal of Kashmiri Muslims was manifest, she dined with the butcherers who supported the mushriks in slaughtering the honour and lives of the people from the land which is described even by the kafireen as paradise on earth.
Allah (swt) had given the daughter of Nimrood a chance to make tawbah, yet she chose the path to please shaytan by telling the agents of shaytan in the White House and Downing street that she will, wipe out the Islam given to Nabi (saw) and the shariah and replace it with a moderate version of Islam, Made in the corridors of Washington and London, with the blessing shaytan Ar-rajeem.
They plotted and they planned, Allah (swt) also to Planned, and the blest of planner is Allah (tmq al-Quran). Before even she has the time to breath the moment when her plan was executed. Allah ordered the plot to be exposed and disrupted.
“When it is said to them (munafiqs) make not mischief of this earth, they say: We are only peace-makers” (tmq Al-Quran)
Allah (swt) has Promised the shaytaani agents
“We shall grab them by the lying, the sinful forelock”
Who amongst us will escape the wrath of Allah (swt) when the lord of the Alimeen has grabbed us by the forelock in trying to destroy His blessed Shariah, or trying to change it or try to prevent His Muwahideen from implementing them?
No castle, no fort, no refuge will the enemies of the Shariah find from the wrath of Allah (swt), Phirawn, Aad, Thamood or Khaybar. Neither did their wealth avail them from removing their false kingships to meet the one true King and legislator.
Death will reach us all no matter how well protected we are by the false promises of shaytan, not a second can we delay it by nor a second can we extend it by, for everyone is an appointed time.
May Allah make us of the people of Tawhid who enter His Court, with the noor of the Muwahideen (monotheist) shining from our forelocks, For that day Allah will declare, the hukm (law) is none except His. (O Allah make us those who declare this Tawhid in this life with every breath).
Benazir Bhutto promised her masters that she will do more than what there agent Musharaf has gone to combat the rise of the Muwahideen, who yearn from the shariah to full-fill the promise of their ancestors in making the law of Allah (swt) established in the land of Muhammad ibne Qasim (rh) and the muslim who sacrificed everything to make Pakistan a Islamic. Today polluted with the filth of the Mushrikeen, and alcoholics and abused women, by rich feudal land lords and capitalists.
She promised the crusaders, that like Musharaf to give open access to the US military to launch attacks on the muslims who assist their brothers in Afghaninstan injustice and treachery.
She had promised like the Kemalist Musharaf to deal with the only reminiscence of Islam in Pakistan, by cracking down on independent Madrassah’s, and to force teaching of a state liberal, Kemalist, secular and bidaati Sufi version of Islam.
She like the wife of Abu Lahab used to help her husband to cause Harm to the truth Physical truth of Nabi (saw) by thrown thorns in his paths. Just as she promised to once again throw thorns in the path of the believers from establish Tawhid in Pakistan and make submission to Allah (swt) laws the Nizaam of Pakistan.
Her father threw the thorns of Marxism, and socialism, and placed on them the blanket of Islam, she throws the thorn without covering them up, she has more faith in her shaytan than her father.
Allah Promised, and the thorn of Massad will be put around her neck and she will be dragged into the fire (infront of mankind).
There is no Ilah (god/sovereign) except Allah (swt), You are true to your Promise O Rabil Alameen.
O Muslims of Pakistan, Nabi (saw) said:
“On the day of qiyamah you will be with those whom you love”
Will you shed precious tears for a treacherous, traitor and the daughter of the imperialist agents, who stole from you, destroyed your nation with corruption and had promised the agents of shaytan to begin her assault on your aqeedah.
Or will you shed your tear for your sisters slaughtered in the lal-Masjid who did not bow their head to any legislator than Allah? Will you not shed tear for your sisters in Waziristan? Or In Kashmir? Or in Afghanistan? Or Palestine? Or Iraq? Or the Kavkaz? May Allah (swt) make our sisters from Lal masjid and every oppressed sister and mother the princesses of Jannah.
O Muslims of Pakistan, the arrows of the kufr are all pointing towards you, they fear the love you have for this beloved deen and your love for the supremacy of RasoolAllah (saw) deen over the mushrik deens of democracy and the mushriks next door to you, slaughtering your brothers and sisters.
You must replace not just kufr leaders but the ENTIRE KUFR NIZAAM IN PAKISTAN.
Nabi (saw) said “ I feel a cool breeze coming from al Hind”
And He (saw) mentioned the promise of the rise of the black flags with white noor declaring the tawhid and rasalah to the Rest of the world with arise from Khursaan.
Will you not be of those who will be from the risers of the Alam and full fill the wahadah of Nabi (saw)?
RasoolAllah (saw) said: “You shall be raised on the day of Qiyamah the state you died”.
What state will Benazir be in who died in the state of Addressing thousand of ignorant people, by preaching to them the aqueedah of Shirk and Democracy, And the aqueedah of freedom from the Ahkham (laws) of Allah (swt), Surely she will be declaring the shirk of Democracy when she is raised on the day of Qiyamah.
How do you wish to be raised of Muslim on the day of Qiyamah. Do you wish to be raised in love with those who opposed Allah (swt) and his Messenger or wished to be raised in the work supporting the Call of the Quran and sunnah?
So work to establish the Khilafah, the only nizaam of Islam, the nizaam of RasoolAllah (saw). And to declare tawhid to the world and the Mizaan of Tawhid which will punish every single BayDeen Zalim.
Surley you will see with your own eyes that the death of Benazir will not wipe out the corruption until the whole shirk system is removed and the law of Allah (swt) is made High.
Allah Huma saley Ala Muhammad (saw) wa aley he Muhammad (saw)
Asalamu Alaykum WW
JazakaLah Kheyr sheikh for your honest comments that are always based on the sunnah. my brothers and sisters we need to communicate and understand each other’s views without calling each other kaffirs. When I heard the news of sharia by vote i truly thought it was good news and hoped that the Al Shabab would be happy too and join the government thus the massess of the citizens who are suffering would benefit. But when I read the sheikh’s comments I’m realizing that there’s no compromising Allah’s rule. Thus many of us don’t automatically see the correct thing and are supervitial. Burhan is wrong to to call our beloved sheikh crazy but someone should explain to him without calling him kafir because he’s already judged before he’s given naseeha.
May Allah save us because the Somali massess are suffering in their country for two decades cought between parties. everyone should pray for them.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Jazakallah khayer brother Anwar for your honest and valuable input in educating your people.may Allah reward you greatly and always give you shrah sadr and firasah to understand the matters of deen and dunya Ameen.
we can not and should not compromise when it comes to matters of our eemaan. we have to submit fully to the commands of Allah,as Allah says ,
2:208 يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ادْخُلُوا فِي السِّلْمِ كَافَّةً وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ
O you who believe! enter perfectly in islam (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the islamic religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitan. Verily! He is to you a plain enemy.
so when brother Awlaki pointed to the flaws in the somalia why should one defend those flaws and be among the folowers of shytan.
who needs ‘burhan’s burhan’ when we have clear proof given by brother Awlaki Alhumdulillah.indeed truth stands clear from falsehood.
now isn’t three points raised by brother Anwar for the invalidity of sharif’s government enough to make him an outlaw under the islamic law or sharia law…. if so then shall we not apply the very islamic law on the person in question who approved of it but for his own gains. then it will be a classical case of:
لو آپ اپنے دام ميں صياد آ گيا
(the hunter got trapped in his own noose)
english equivilant will be, one who digs a pit for others falls himself into it.
may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahedeen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
“The hypocrites will call to the believers, ‘Were we not with you?’ They will say, ‘Yes, but you afflicted yourselves and awaited [misfortune for us] and doubted, and wishful thinking deluded you until there came the command of Allah. And the deceiver deceived you concerning Allah.’”
[Surah Al-Hadeed, Ayat 15]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu my dear Shaykh:
Jazak’Allahu khairan wa Barak’Allahu feekum! May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala protect you and your family and Grant to you from Him Jannatul Firdaus. Your response to the deceptions of the hypocrites and the dajjal’s show that is carried out by the agents of as-Samiri in Somalia is very well said.
The traitor, Sharif and his consorts of hypocrites think they can have it both ways as being puppets and traitors of Islam dressed in the cloak of Shirk, that is, democracy. As they participated in democratic elections first and then voting on whether Shariah should be implemented or not, shows their real intentions. At the same time trying to deceive our brothers and sisters into believing that there can be democracy under Shariah or Shariah under democracy or that the Shariah is some kind of a “pick and choose options” that can be compromised.
“They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 9]
Our dear Sheikh, Imam Anwar, may Allah Azza wa Jall keep you firm on the Path of Jihad fee Sabililah, speaking the Haqq, and enlightening us with your words of wisdom that is supporting the Mujahideen fee Sabililah in all corners of the world in the battle of the hearts and minds and for the true establishment of the Shariah and the Islamic State in its entirety.
“And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah, nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast.
And their words were not but that they said, “Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.”
So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the good reward of the Hereafter. And Allah loves the doers of good.
O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.
But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers.
We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.”
[Surah Aal-Imraan, Ayah 146-151]
Wassalamu Alaikum wa Rahmaulahi wa Barakatuh
Asalamu alaikum,
alhamdulillah! jazakALLAH ya shaykh and dear respected i have no doubts about this.wallahi i was restless for days and confused over this issue.many people in my family and other somaliyeen have seen this “vote” for sharia as a victory and many have been attacking our beloved brothers al shabab al mujahideen and calling them khawarij and a misguided group if they continue with their i declare my walaa for them and am confident in their jihad.
Assalamu alaikom wr wb Imam Anwar and brothers and sisters in Islam,
Firstly as a strong supporter of imam Anwar Awalki for many years and as a person who enjoys listening to his lectures I have to say on this point that I strongly disagree with you Imam.
As one of the few fortunate Somalis who have migrated to a western country, I would say the majority of the diaspora are in favour of Sheikh Ahmed Sharifs government and its governing under Islamic sharia.
And might I say the majority of Somali population in Somali are also very happy with Sheik Sharifs government and the recent vote for sharia in country. What is your problem with this? Don’t you want your brothers and sisters in Islam to once and for all stop the killing of other Somalis? or are is it because they are black muslims it’s ok for them to kill eachother because they are not true believers? The only jihad happening in Somalia now is the so-called jihad against Somali disbelievers Laha wola wala quwata ilabilah! Do you support this jihad against other believing Somalis?
We the Somali diaspora and those back home want a peaceful Somalia that governs itself under the law of Allah (swt). Once again, what’s your problem with this? Stop advocating for the killing innocent believing muslims in Somalia even if they of different colour to you!
If you do not retract the comments you made in your article then I will have to stop listening and supporting you!
Sheikh Ahmed Sharif is the best Somali leader we’ve ever had. Lets help him create a peaceful Somalia and NOT plot against him as you are currently doing.
May Allah guide us all to the straight path. Ameen.
As salaamu `Alaykum Imam Anwar,
I agree with you 100%, it’s a puppet government how dare they say they voted for sharia, they should be working to enforce sharia like you said.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Rabi Al-Akhar 24, 1430 / 20-04-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
Martyrdom operation kills 13 puppet terrorists, and wounded the governor of the province Monday afternoon 20-04-2009 at approximately 1 pm local time, in martyrdom attack the governor and head of the provincial council of Hear were wounded, Ahmad Jan Khan, a hero Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and a resident of Adraskan district of Herat Province, carried out a martyrdom attack in front of the office of the governor of Herat province. The attack took place when Yusof Nurerstani, the governor of the province, accompanied by high-ranking officials and puppet army terrorists were leaving the office. Thirteen soldiers and officials were instantly killed and a large number of others were wounded in this attack which was carried out by a Mujahid who was on foot. Nurestani, the governor of the province, and Homayun Azizi, the head of the provincial council, who were the target of the attack, are among the wounded. The governor’s office and two vehicles parked in front of the office were destroyed.
4 supplying vehicles of American invaders destroyed in Helmand Monday afternoon 20-04-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out an armed attack on an American supply convoy in Aghlagh area in Sangain district of Helmand province. four vehicles of the convoy were destroyed in the attack. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties in the attack.
1 tank of Poland invaders army destroyed in Ghazni Monday afternoon 20-04-2009 at approximately 3.30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a tank of Poland invaders army in Mango area in Maqur district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and 4 invaders in it were killed.
2 puppet army vehicles destroyed in Ghazni Monday afternoon 20-04-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed two puppet army vehicles in Nazar Khan area in Andar district of province Ghazni, in the ambush two vehicles were destroyed and eight puppet terrorists were killed, the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty.
1 vehicle of puppet army destroyed in Paktia Monday morning 20-04-2009 at approximately 10:48 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Lora area of Chamkani district of Paktia province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and all puppet terrorists in it were killed.
8 solidarity office of the puppet administration arrested in Ghazni Monday morning 20-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in an ambush arrested eight official of national solidarity office of the puppet administration in Waghaz district of Ghazni province, the Mujahideen have taken the hostages to a safe place and the Mujahideen council of the province will decide their fate, in this ambush three motorcycles and one vehicle were Mujahideen’s booty.
10 puppet army killed on Kabul-Kandahar national highway Monday 20-04-2009 at approximately 9 am 12 pm local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army on Kabul-Kandahar national highwy in Mango area in Maqur district, in the ambush one army vehicle was destroyed, six terrorists were killed, 4 wounded and one Mujahid was ambushed and injured.
2 puppet army vehicles destroyed and 7 terrorists killed in Zabul Monday afternoon 20-04-2009 at approximately 4:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a puppet army convoy in near the center of Sewri district of Zabul province, in the ambush Mujahideen used heavy and light weapons, in which two enemy vehicles were destroyed, seven puppet terrorists were killed, few were wounded and one vehicle was Mujahideen’s booty.
12 puppet police terrorists killed in Zabul Sunday night 19-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack of police check post in Kafir chah area of Shamalzai district of Zabul province, in the attack 12 puppet terrorists were killed, the check post building and a vehicle were destroyed.
Explosion destroyed headquarters of the puppet army in Kabul City Sunday night 19-04-2009 at approximately 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out a heavy landmine explosion in the headquarters of the puppet army near Kart-e Naw area of Kabul city, as a result of which the building of the headquarters collapsed. The enemy suffered heavy casualties as a result of the powerful explosion; however, there is no information about the exact number of casualties.
5 American invader army logistic supplying vehicles destroyed in Kabul Sunday night 19-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a supplying convoy of American invader army in Mayeeper area of Kabul province, in the ambush five supply vehicles were destroyed and the drives were arrested for further investigation.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Assalamualaikum Sheikh,
Jazkallah for the post and clearing doubts in our minds.
The fact that you even used the word ‘wahabbi’ just confirms what a joke you are.
Can you tell me what is a ‘wahabi’ exactly? *rolls eyes*
Ya Shaykh please ignore these Ruwaybidah. May Allah reward you, strengthen you and protect you from the blame of the blamers.
A Statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Why are the Americans closing down Jihadi media?
Rabi Al-Akhar 24, 1430 / 20-04-2009
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
The American newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, quoting sources in the Pentagon, wrote the day before yesterday that those Internet sites and radio stations that according to them belong to or are attributed to the Taliban or are supporting them would be closed down.
The Pentagon has reasoned that these Internet sites and media sources not only have no legal licenses but also make a large number of people side with the Taliban and incite them against America and its allies, and in doing so further weaken the Kabul administration.
First of all it should be made clear that the Americans for the past four to five years have made widespread and continuous efforts to silence and foil these websites and stations that they now wish to close down. This is not a new step or a fresh effort when they say they will disrupt the Taliban media sources or broadcasts.
In the past they have spared no efforts, Americans should feel really ashamed that despite their huge material strength and superiority they are afraid of a few local Internet sites and FM radio stations, which cannot operate outside a 20 km radius, that the Pentagon intervenes and regards these limited and few sources as a great threat.
This is despite the fact that the Americans alone in Afghanistan or outside it have started hundreds of radio and television stations and thousands of newspapers, publications and magazine to spread poisonous, false and hateful propaganda against the Taliban and to hide huge casualties and losses inflicted on them every day by the Taliban so that no publication, news agency or website could give the exact number of American losses of life and material on a daily basis in various parts of Afghanistan.
Those world organizations and institutions, which claim to uphold the freedom of expression, idea and pen, should condemn or foil this inadmissible American effort or at least seriously denounce it if they are really committed to these claims and slogans.
[Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan]
Abaz, you observation is a valid one. The point I am making is that negativity and low opinions will lead to more problems.
So many people are angry, seemingly with the decree, they end up playing right into the traps set for them by the kuffar forgetting they are the cause of their own misery. Misrepresenting Islam… What is this “Impose Shari`a,” I believe Allah calls upon us to establish the hudud.
I am certainly not calling on Muslims to stay out of politics. As rightly noted our shahada is a political act. But politics calls for the application of wisdom.
We will not come near to Khilafah until we leave ikhtilaf.
We are all on same side.
Allah bless and protect the Imam.
ma`a salaama
“Therefore, even though it is good news for the ummah that Sharia will be implemented again in Somalia but we should not see this as an end to the struggle to establish an Islamic state and community and to free the country from foreign intervention and corruption.”
Indeed, the struggle continues. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grant this Ummah solid unity and absolute walaa to His Cause that the mujahideen might be victorious! Ameen ya Rabb. Jazak’Allah khair, Imam Anwar, may Allah reward and perserve you and your efforts. Ameen.
As-salaamu ‘alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Jazak-Allah Sheikh
may Allh SWT make his word’s the highest world wide ameen and give all mujahideen victory ameen
I completely agree with the sheikh that Shariah needs to be implemented completely and that the current govt. is prob just taking these steps to appease the Mujahideen for the time being.
But supposing that the Sharif govt. fulfills the last two conditions and agrees to change the way it carried out the first one in the future (which is unlikely I agree) then should the Mujahideen accept this as a sign that this govt is really implementing Shariah in good will and join them?
Masha’Allah! La quwata ila billah!
Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh ya shaykh al islam, imam Anwar, JazakaAllah khair for clarifying the issue.
I would like to say regarding the statement Umar Jafar stated – “We will not come near to Khilafah until we leave ikhtilaf.” Here i would like to remind him that ikhtilaf existed even amongst the sahaba so you cannot stop this till yawmul qiyamah. But the important point is-there can be ikhtilaf regarding the matters of fiqh but there can exist NO ikhtilaf regarding the matters of ‘Aqeedah and this is a matter of ‘Aqeedah. Haq and Baatil is clear. Submitting to Allah’s law and accepting it with heart is a MUST if we want to cling to the fold of islam.
I think brother burhan didn’t understand the point sheikh tried to clarify here.
Lastly i would like to pardon if I’m harsh or for any mistake.
We should keep in mind that- Jihaad has just began (exactly what prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said after conquering Madinah) therefore we should keep fighting on the path of Allaah till the sun rises from the west.
jazakumullah khair
Assalamu Alaikum Shaykh
Welcome back….:)
MashaAllah you raised points especially the first one that we usually do not contemplate on.
Again, good to see your blog after such a long time
AsalaamAlaykum Imam Anwar!
Jazak Allahu Khayr for that. Alhmdulillah it’s great to see you posting again
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Very far sighted, jazakum’Allahu khair yaa fadhilat ash-sheikh.
Assalamu Calaykum W W to all brothers and sisters…. first of all i strongly disagree with your comment sheikh, i knew you that u always see things differently before you make any comment on any topic but this time i dont know what happen you were baised. why i said that because i am somali, i live amogst them and i know whats goin on .. so sheikh i would like if you re-comment your topic while lookin at the innocent people and muslim brothers and sisters (somalis) living outside of the country, their situation for instance.. let’s say..are they practising islam they used practise when they were at home…. therefore we cant achieve our goal using wrong path…. and no body is fool everybody knows his/her interest.. so please look at things diferently.. wassalamu calaykum…
JazakAllah khair to our dear Imam. May Allah ‘azza wa jal bless your efforts and continue to guide you and indeed all of us to the straight path.
I concur with your assessment of the circumstances in Somalia. The positives to be drawn from it is the desire of this Ummah for Sharia.
I would be very interested to hear the Imam comment on the so-called Somali ‘pirates’ as they have been called. I am sure there is a lot more truth to be known about their plight and the motivation behind their actions. Indeed it is wise for us not to take at face value the accusations leveled at them, without being in full possession of the facts.
Finally, I think brother ‘abaz’ seems to have made an important point when he states “The golden rule is: ”If the enemy is pleased with you ,you need to check yourself, because ALLAH Azzawajal told us that they will never be pleased with us until we follow their way”.”
“Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] – other than the disabled – and the Mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the Mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the Mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward –
Degrees [of high position] from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.”
[Surah An-Nisaa, Ayat 95-96]
Asalamu Alaikum:
Ammar on post 62 states: “supposing that the Sharif govt. fulfills the last two conditions and agrees to change the way it carried out the first one in the future (which is unlikely I agree) then should the Mujahideen accept this as a sign that this govt is really implementing Shariah in good will and join them?”
Brother, if we assume that the last two conditions are met, my question is should the Mujahideen give Bay’ah (pledge of allegiance) to the Sharif government that was created from a secular democratic agenda, or should the Sharif government give Bay’ah to the Mujahideen fee Sabililah that is in Jihad to reestablish Shariah in its entirety?
If Islam and Shariah is really in the heart of Sharif he wouldn’t have abandon our brothers in the fields of Jihad to join up with the camp of Kufr. If his heart is for Shariah, and establishing the Islamic state, he should repent and give a pledge of allegiance to the Ameerul Mumineen, Mullah Muhammad Umar Mujahid (may Allah protect him) or to the leader of the Jihad in Somalia, the leader of Al-Shabab Sheik Mukhtar Robow Ali Abu Mansur (may Allah protect him).
So it’s not going to be the other way round, that is, Al-Shabab abandoning Jihad only to join with a non-Islamic government that only establishes Shariah for show and only for the “micro-level” issues. Let us all be reminded that the Shariah is not only for matters dealing with the individual “micro-level” related issues, but Shariah of Islam also deal with the “macro-level”, involving the whole community of Muslims, in the political, governmental, and international related fields. The Shariah deals with all aspects of our day-to-day life, such as: commanding the good and forbidding the evil, implementing the hudood, administrating the military, the Dawah and Jihad fronts, the external and internal security of Dar al-Islam, administration of Jizya, Zakah, Industry, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues etc.
So do not be deluded by what one commentator said on post 53, that “Sheikh Ahmed Sharif is the best Somali leader we’ve ever had.”
My question is why didn’t he gain recognition from the western powers and from the so called “international community” when he was the Commander in Chief of the Islamic Courts Union, and only to be ousted by the US-Puppet Ethiopian forces; but after the “kufr makeover” in Kenya and Djibouti, he gained popularity, alliance and recognition from the enemies of Islam (such as the US and Ethiopia crusader forces) and became the “best Somali leader”??
“O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
So you see those in whose hearts is disease hastening into [association with] them, saying, “We are afraid a misfortune may strike us.” But perhaps Allah will bring conquest or a decision from Him, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful.”
[Surah Al-Maidah, Ayah 51-52]
What have the Mujahideen from Ash-Shabaab said regarding this?
@ Syed Qutb II
Hizb Ut-Tahrir has messed up Aqeeda, messed up plans, and a messed up minhaj.
Do not mislead the people with this deviant sect.
First of all,i want to commend the Shaykh for pointing this out to us.Muslims,especially Somalis have become overly excited at the mere mention of an agreement,without analyzing what it really entails..
@ Abdullahi
Your post is incoherent and I don’t understand what you mean exactly.I’m a Swede-Somali,and I’d rather live like a gypsy than go back to a secular state,like Egypt or Turkey.What kind of Muslim would want that??wAllaahi,victory will NOT come down to Somalia until we align ourselves with Qur’an and Sunnah! Allaah does not change the state of a people until they alter it themselves.
The situation can either exacerbate or improve for the better.Either way,only those that hold fast to the rope of Allaah s.w.t. which is the Qur’an and also the Sunnah,will prove to be victorious.
So,Abdullaahi don’t simly regurgitate what BBC Somali are parroting from the CNN and whatnot.
wAllaahu ‘Alim
am amazed and jealous,
i dont know wat to say brothers,
a flying bird prouding itself with fins?
shall it fly high in the sky, or low below the sea
i shall be jealous wth nthng around to see
nthng but a clear sky turning cloudy
since when did birds fashion the sea
since when did wings preced fins
since when did a predator live wth its
i am jealous, cause i am fooled
left hanging gaing at nthng but empty sky
sharif gave me hope when my lord guided him to the sky,
and now he left me hangig telling me to drown down the sea,
but i shall wait and keep fishing
i shall hook everythng below me
i shall feast on them n destroy them
for the air isnt only for birds,
but the strong willed.
so let us continue gazing the sky
for the birds are born everyday,
and our hearts shall hope for reality
the reality of Allah’s LAW
Moderate Somalis praise shariah move
March 11, 2009
A moderate Islamic group says it welcomes a move by the Somali Cabinet to implement shariah, or Islamic religious law, in the country.
Sheik Abdirahman Badiyow, spokesman of the Islamic Organization of al-Islah, said after a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, Wednesday his group welcomed the decision of the Somali transitional cabinet to back the shariah proposal from President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the Shabelle Media Netork reported.
Badiyow told the news agency that Somalia’s parliament should follow suit and approve the move, saying it is necessary to solve conflicts between the government and Islamic rebels and to restore peace and stability to the restive nation.
The U.S. State Department describes al-Islah as a generally non-violent and modernizing Islamic movement that emphasizes the reformation and revival of Islam to meet the challenges of the modern world.
Somali experts told the BBC the move to impose shariah law aims to drain support for Islamic extremist militias, such as al-Shabaab, which has been linked to the terrorist organization al-Qaida.
Subhanallah just look at how the Kuffar USA, EU and Un are twisting their words just read below what they where saying about the same group, just because they accepted the “democracy element of Voting” they are branded NOT AS EXTEMIST BUT AS MODERATE. Subhanallah what a Hypocrisy.
Al-Islah has always been suspected by Somali and foreign security services of involvement in radicalism and association with al-Itihaad. There is much evidence, however, of a power struggle between and within al-Islah and al-Itihaad’s competing ideological authorities about the relationship between religion and politics.
Understanding Somali Islamism
To the somali brothers and sisters I ask you to fear Allah in your brothers the mujahideen, don’t base your support of Sharif’s government because of qabil (tribe) or statements of scholars who are defeated in their thinking. Base your disagreement or support upon sharia evidence. Unfortunately, the banner that is being waved today to fool our family in somalia is peace and security. For the sake of those reasons we should compromise our deen because America wouldn’t allow the mujahideen to rule with the sharia of Muhammad (sas),la hawla wa la quwwata ill billah. America won’t support us and the entire world will isolate us, as if we are in need of them. Subhan’Allah, Allah is above that which the associate Him.
And Allah says, Do you fear them? So Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you have faith. 9:13
I have personally spoken to one the senior scholars in somali how is now supporting Sharif and he supports him mainly for the sake of peace and ending the suffering of the people. Wallahi, he knows his kufr like his children but he is raising his voice today to hold back the mujahideen from Jihad and to keep them from fighting the murtadeen wal kufars, in the name of peace and working with the murtadeen, in the name of maslah (the calim benefit). But not because he has sharia evidence. And Allah says, Do not incline to toward the wrongdoers, lest the fire should touch you.
Allah has order us to fight kufr and prohibited us from inclining toward to the tyrants!
This same scholar in just a few months ago I called to get a fatwa to make takfeer on Sharif said regarding Sharif agreements with kufars, “there is no khair in him (sharif)” and is waste of time. Amazing how people change during the time of fitnah.
The problems of the ummah and somalia should be based upon the scales of Shaira. We need man like the towering mountains like Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (ha) who said, We wish to exemplify Prophetic hadeeth, “Help your brother, whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed.” Do as you please you, I won’t sell my deen for dollars for handing a muslim over to a kafir. This Lion could have used maslah and the slogans of having peace and security for his people to compromise with America. But alhamdulillah, Allah has put the faith of islam in his heart so he stood up to kufr. And by the grace of Allah Azz wa Jall, he is more beloved to us today then our parents and the mujihadeen and their supports make dua’a for him night and day. And Allah is giving him victory of his enemies after long suffering. Indeed, with difficulty is ease. In that is a sign from Allah, for those who reason and have vision.
Now which leader when back on his heels, Sharif or Mullah Omar? One who compromises his deen and promises the kufars that he will fight the mujihdeen or one who stands up to kufr with little resources. The is answer is what you see not what you hear. May the eyes of the cowards never sleep! ameeen.
Your brother
“The support it receives from the US, the EU and the UN is a reflection of it being a tool to advance the imperialistic interests of the West and to eradicate the strong Jihad movement in the country”. Na3aam Imam Anwar, you’re correct in your statement.
Letter to the members of the Somali Jaaliyadda (no 13)
Nairobi, 3 April 2009
Salaam Aleikum
1. During the past month there have been several, mostly positive, developments both inside and outside Somalia. As always I would like to take a few minutes to give you a brief update of where I believe we are at the moment.
2. I have just returned from the League of Arab States Summit in Doha, Qatar, where Somali was high on the agenda. I attended several important bilateral meetings between Arab leaders and the UN Secretary General. Overall the Arab leaders were supportive of the new Somali Government and expressed their wish to see it succeed. In his meeting with the UN Secretary General, President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed emphasized that his Government would manage any resources granted to Somalia in a responsible and transparent manner. He was right to make this point, as a number of Arab countries, concerned by the misuse of funds donated to Somali leaders, have decided to provide resources only when there is total peace in Somalia. The amount discussed was $3 million a month for 12 months. The Government said it was grateful and would wait until the appropriate time.
3. Somalia’s business community made a welcome contribution to a crucial conference on “Job Opportunities and Youth Employment” held in Djibouti on 21 – 22 March. The forum focused on ways to provide vocational training facilities and employment for the disenfranchised youth who are living without hope and find themselves drawn into crime and violence. The meeting helped to strengthen the ties between the Government, private sector and youth. A follow up committee will draw up an educational and employment strategy, propose projects and mobilize resources. I believe that job creation is one of the most important areas we need to tackle urgently to ensure a peaceful future for Somalia.
4. Last month I visited Washington as the keynote speaker at a Conference entitled ‘Challenges for Renewed Engagement in Somalia” hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in collaboration with the US Institute for Peace in Washington. This also provided the opportunity for talks with a wide range of people including Senator Russ Feingold, Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on African Affairs, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Phil Carter, Ken Menkhaus of Davidson College, Abdi Samatar of the University of Minnesota and Jabrile Abdulle of the Center for Research and Dialogue and members of the Diaspora. There was widespread appreciation of the Djibouti process from participants and a lively discussion on the way ahead.
5. During my talks at State Department and at the National Security Council in Washington it became clear that the US administration is very concerned about the rise in extremist ideology among young Somali-Americans. As you know, one of the suicide bombers in Hargeisa was a young American of Somali origin from Minnesota. This is said to be the first case of an American suicide bomber. Other young Somali-Americans are thought to be in Somalia fighting alongside or supporting extremist factions. The Americans and other Western countries are extremely concerned about this development as these individuals could engage in terrorist activities back home. The U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee met last month to discuss Somali extremist groups recruiting in the U.S. Apart from the violence, these young extremists are also doing untold damage to the reputation of ordinary, law abiding Somalis in the Diaspora who could find themselves under increased suspicion and prejudice through no fault of their own. In Africa, such suspicion led countries such as Botswana to expel Somalis on the ground that they are carrying out terrorist activities. Communities need to find ways to ensure their vulnerable young men do not fall prey to such radicalization and its subsequent consequences.
6. On 20 March I addressed the UN Security Council, stressing the need for immediate and appropriate support for the new Somali administration for the two or three months. This was echoed by the new Foreign Minister, Mohammed Abdullahi Omaar, who spoke of concentrating on limited, achievable objectives. Many Ambassadors agreed that the Government needs help now. I discussed this issue with the UN Secretary General, Ambassadors, the Foreign and Defence Ministers of Burundi, the AU Peace and Security Commissioner and other top level UN officials.
7. To raise resources to improve security, the UN is convening, along with the European Commission, a high level International Donor Conference in Brussels on 22-23 April. This will be chaired by the UN Secretary General – the first time a UN Secretary General has chaired a conference on Somalia for many years. It will be attended by the Louis Michel, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Javier Solana, the European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the Secretary Generals of the League of Arab States, Amre Mussa and the Organization of Islamic Conference, Professor Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu, the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Jean Ping, as well as leading officials from Europe, Africa, the Gulf and the US. The aim of this important conference is to mobilize urgent support for security in Somalia through funding to the Somali Joint Forces and AMISOM.
8. I am shocked and saddened by the continuing violence in many places in Somalia especially, as I have emphasized before, that the Ethiopian forces have gone. This was previously claimed as the main reason for the violence. The attacks on the Interior Minister last month and a Parliamentarian this week are clearly aimed at disrupting peace but will not succeed. It is encouraging that the President, Government and Parliament are working inside Mogadishu and have already passed important measures. For the return of dignity to your country, they deserve support and the silencing of the guns.
9. There is undoubtedly a new momentum towards peace in Somalia. As always it requires full backing from everyone – Somalis and international partners alike. The support of the Diaspora is needed now more than ever. There are enormous challenges ahead but I am confident that by uniting your energy and determination, you will be able to overcome them and take back your country. Do not follow the example of the people mentioned in the Holy Koran: Those are they whose hearts, ears, and eyes God has sealed up, and they take no heed. (Surah 16 verse 108). Compromise, inclusion and forgiveness are essential for the return of peace and respect.
Source: United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS)
What comment in particular do you disagree with?Is it the Shaykh’s criticism of the Shirk of your govt or his encouragement of the Mujahid to continue their struggle against the kafirs and their hypocritical sidekicks?Where is your eeman in its practical manifestation,to which party do you belong and where’s your Wala and Baraa?
If you desire democracy,relish alliance with the kuffar,hate Jihad and its flagbearers,prefer nationalism/tribalism to Islam…then lakum deenukum wa liya deen!
As for all the shaykh has said,i can’t imagine anything more shari’ah-compliant or even logical.
I’ve never met a devout muslim call someone a wahhabi;so,stop deluding yourself.
It was obvious you were expecting to read from chicken-hearted ‘devout muslims’ like youself in your aversion towards Jihad and penchant for democratic misphilosophy. Alhamdulillah you were disappointed.
Our sword,and indeed the sword of Islam shall remain sharp against kafirs of whatever stripes,especially the aggressive block as well as all their supporters and allies even if that includes a person with the name,Sharif!
America Supports Sharif’s Government No Doubt About That
Center for Strategic and International Studies ( CSIS )
“Somalia: Challenges for Renewed Engagement”
Full Program Detail at:,com_csis_events/task,view/id,1933/
Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 at 5:29 pm
The CSIS Africa Program hosted a conference to examine current developments in Somalia and the possibilities for greater U.S. and international engagement. Speakers included a variety of Somalia experts from the region itself, distinguished policymakers such as Senator Russ Feingold, humanitarian representatives, and security analysts. The event was moderated by Jennifer Cooke, director of the CSIS Africa Program, and David Smock, vice president of USIP’s Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution.
Watch Senator Russ Feingold and Ambassador Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, United Nations Special Envoy to Somalia (9 videos)
YouTube: Somalia: Challenges for Renewed Engagement Senator Russ Feingold Part 1 (9 Videos)
The golden rule is:”If the enemy is pleased with you ,you need to check yourself ,because ALLAH Azzawajal told us that they will never be pleased with us until we follow their way.
Mullah Mohammad Umar – Ameeruna. such resolute come only from the giant men, not the little weak creatures like MR sharif
Somalia: Challenges for Renewed Engagement – Ambassador Ahmedou Ould Abdallah(1/6)
Ambassador Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, United Nations Special Envoy to Somalia
Somalia: Challenges for Renewed Engagement Senator Russ Fein (1/3)
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And Indeed, We have made Qur’aan easy to
understand and remember, then is there any that
will remember (or receive admonition)?
(Al-Qur’aan 54:17)
Salaam Imam Anwar,
JazakAllahkhair for this insight. I was wondering if you could write something about Swat in Pakistan and comment on the sharia implementation there.
A Alkm Dear Bro Anwar, as you can see I was a 2nd person to write the comments. From the way go, I could tell what type of comments you will receive from some of our fellow Somali Muslims, you have mentioned very clear in one of your lecture,when you related the story of Tribe of Israel living under the rule of Firaun,they were oppressed for centuries,the result end of an oppressed person is loosing his dignity. That I agreed with you, we have witnessed from the verses of Qur’an how Bani Israel misbehave after left Misri, dont we see the equivalent qualities with our fellow Somalis?I am sorry to put this way and I do not say that the rest of Muslims are angels but I raised my finger with confidence and I speak in Public that My fellow Somalis,We are tired of your non sense of tribalism and Nationalism,if Kikuyus,Jaluos,Hutu and Tutsi…and many to mention and most of these people are (uncircumcised) Kufar but they managed to throw away their ignorance differences of tribalism, what about you my fellow Muslims? You are among the people, the followers of Muhammad, the best leader ever lived in the face of the earth. Whats wrong you people, great shame. Even the worse racist policy of white minority existed in South Africa “Apartheid” has faded away. Africa has fully liberated from Colonial rule, whats wrong with you my fellow Muslims still hold the Ignorance flag of Tribalism? My salutation to those live under the umbrella of Islam, and Mandate of Islamic unity. Until then We should not see the differences between the Evil Zionist Rule of Israel and so called Muslims who raise the flag of Tribalism and Nationalism.
Thank you for the clarification on the pirates. The western media did call them muslim and even said that they were praying on there boats.
Salam Alaykum,
asalamu alaikum sheikh Anwar,
i have one question inshallah and that is when can a person like me a simple man call the likes of sheikh sharif, kazai, and the majority of the muslim so-called rulers non-muslims is it for us to see with our own eyes that they are betraying the muslim so that must mean that they are with the enemy and that must also mean that if they are with the enemy then they are the enemy as well i.e. non-mulsims. or is it this simple an eqaution?
im slightly confused on this field maybe you could sheikg anwar.
wasalam, may Alllah reward you and the whole of the muslims
the majority of Somali people in Somalia are 100% supporting Sheik Sharifs government and the recent vote for sharia in country.
and really do not undertand people like this sheikh Anwar alAwlaki who are advocating for the killing innocent believing muslims in Somalia.
Muslim somali people are suffering and the civil were going on somalia last 20 years. muslim somalis are killing eachother. mr anwar do you want to contenua muslim killing eachother or you just dont care becouse somalis are black people.
there is no jihaad in somalia. tafktiiri groups are al shabaab are khawaarijis. shabaab kill everyday innocent muslim somalis.
people in here who support misgueaded wahabi groups like al shabaab are people who lives in EUROPE OR somewhere peacefull COUNTRYS. we somalis no not need what you lunatacis call khalifah or some idiotic wahabi teachings.what we need our muslim country somalia is peace.
As salamu Alaikum to the creation of Allah! Please watch this and Insha’Allah let it soften your heart and also firm it on the belief that jihad is real, being practiced today and is most loved by Allah!!!!!May our dear Shaykh AL Awlaki taste the beautiful fruits of Jannah for his efforts in this dunya and may we all come together for the sake of Allah, to live and die for him(Allah) alone Insha’Allah!
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam and Sheikh Anwar may Allah protect you and all working to uplift the word of Allahswt) masha’Allah is so heartening to see so many excellent post Alhumduillah, Sabhan Allah we are forever learning, Alhumduillah.
Is the aim in life for a mumin to be honoured by the disbelievers or is the aim in life for a mumin to be honoured by our Magnificient Creator , insha’Allah let us receive admonition.
All those that have their finger in the pudding [ Somalia ] are going to want to eat from that pudding, they’ve been invited to eat by Sharif himself , if certain people think that this union will bring peace to the suffering people of somalia then they should re-ajust their thinking as we should by now know the hadith of the Prophet saws) We the muslims will being eaten up one by one.
The enermies of Islam have been trying to grab a slice from that cake for ages, now courtasy of Sharif ,they have been invited to the banquet
Shame , shame shame when will we get it right.
Congratulations for completing missing the point. First of all I don’t think you have any right to speak for the majority of Somalis (either outside of Somalia or within) and what they are in favour of unless you are willing to cite the research you have undertaken with a representative sample. But even if the majority of Somalis were in favour of Sharif’s government that would not be an adequate enough reason to support his government. And how on earth did you come to the conclusion that he is the best leader we ever had when he has only been around for a few months? It is clear as the sun in the middle of the day to some of us what this man is about. As for others, slowly they will come to see him for what he is for you cannot hide what you are forever.I would be angered shocked by your sly slanderous comments against the Imam but it only demonstrates a sicknesses in your heart. May Allah guide you or break your break.
@ Ibn As-Sahaaba
Al shabab are saying the same thing as Sh. Anwar Al Awlaki (ha). The brothers have also taken the advice of Sh. Osamah bin Laden (ha) and have renewed their loyalty and obedience to him upon Quran and Sunnah, which pleases the believers and though the disbelievers hate it .
Al Shabab says, “We are the Army of Osamaah and we shall meet in al Aqsa!”. For those who hate our beloved amir, die in your rage! Alhamdulillah.
From the mouth of the murtad Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke.
“People always think of the Taliban and Talibanization of a country. But that isn’t the case,” said the prime minister. “I think Sharia in Somalia is part of the laws for thousands of years, and we never had this kind of a thing. Besides, it doesn’t have to be that way, cutting hands.”
Those who hate that which gives us life (jihad), are you please to hear that from someone who is to rule with Sharia?
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Rabi Al-Akhar 25, 1430 / 21-04-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
Mujahideen shot down an invader army drone plane in Paktia Tuesday morning 21-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan using an anti-air craft gun shot down an invader drone plane in Worgoon district of Paktia province.
40 puppet police terrorists killed and 4 check post captured in three hours of fighting in Zabul Monday night 20-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan between Karif Caha and Darakh Yahya areas in Shamalzai district of Zabul province, simultaneously attacked four puppet police check points, in the attacks fighting started which continued for three hours, after which Mujahideen took control of the four check posts, killed forty puppet police terrorists, destroyed two vehicles, two vehicles, ten Kalashakoves, two heavy machine guns were Mujahideen’s booty, also one Mujahid was injured.
Mujahideen attacked on invader and puppet army convoy in Maidan Wardag Tuesday afternoon 21-04-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of invader forces and its puppet army near the headquarter Jaghto of Maidan district Wardag province, first Mujahideen using a remote controlled landmine destroyed an invader army tank, followed by light and heavy weapons attack on the convoy, in which two puppet army vehicles were destroyed by rockets, in the ambush many invader and their puppet terrorists were killed and wounded.
8 puppet army terrorists killed and 1 vehicle was destroyed in Khost city Tuesday morning 21-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Darwazagai Ghaziabad area of Khost province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and killed eight terrorists.
14 puppet army terrorists killed and 3 vehicles destroyed killed in Zabul Tuesday morning 21-04-2009 at approximately 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of puppet army in Pashy band area in Shanky district of Zabul province, in the ambush three enemy vehicles were destroyed and fourteen puppet terrorists were killed and many were wounded, also the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
@Mohammed and @Muslim Somali
Where is your inteligence? You disagree with the sheikh and instead of tackling the issue itself you blame tribalism, saying that the Imam wants somalis to kill themselves because they’re black!! tribalism and nationalism is the fire consuming our country for 20yrs now and you want to use fire to disctinguish fire?
The only way we can extinguish this is with the law of Allah SW. open your eyes and mind, the sheikh told you why he disagreed with this so called sharia, don’t you dare call him names and insult him. he has the choice to look the other way like the world did for the past 20yrs but he’s concerned because he cares about his Muslim brothers and sisters.
I want to appologize to my sheikh on behalf of these men who make me ashamed to call myself somali.
JazakaLah kheyr sheikh and may Allah protect you and help you be steadfast to His religion despite the blame of the blamers
@Muslim Somali
It is clear from your writing style- and i use style in the loosest sense possible- as well as your cheap accusations that you are the same poster as Mohammed. Is this the means by which you hope to convince us that most Somalis are behind your beloved ’sheikh’, by using different names on this site to make it seem as if he has widespread support? Take your cheap propaganda elsewhere, preferably off a cliff, or better even to Uganda or Brundi where you can live in ‘peace’ with the ‘peacekeepers’ who came to Somalia with ‘peace’ bullets in their ‘peace’ guns. If this is the ‘peace’ that you want then go to Burundi with your brothers. Qatallahhumallah
“burhan”, you asked: “Why can’t people vote for this?”, but the Shaykh already responded to statements like yours when he said: “The Islamic government exists to impose Sharia rather than submit it to a vote.”
This is matter of worshiping Allah (swt) alone with no partners.
Allah (swt) informs us in the Quran that to legislate man-made laws, or the Shariah of the previous Prophets such as the law of the children of Israel, or any law other than the Shariah that was revealed by Allah (swt) to the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is of the greatest shirk that a person can commit. This is because legislation is something that belongs exclusively to Allah (swt) alone with no partners.
“…Verily the `Hukm (command, judgment,legislation) is for none but Allah; He has commanded that you worship none but Him…” (Quran, 12:40)
We the Muslims believe that the law of Allah (swt) is the most just system and that any other system besides His (swt) is an oppressive system. Allah (swt) being our creator knows best what is just and what is injustice, therefore His (swt) Shariah is perfect and free from oppression and injustice, unlike the systems of kufr which are awash with injustice and polytheism.
“Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction”: “O my son! do not associate aught with Allah; most surely polytheism is indeed the highest oppression.” (Quran, 31:13).
This being the case, we the Muslims wish to liberate all human beings from being servants of the creation into becoming servants of the Creator alone with no partners by removing from them the system which promotes vice, polytheism, and enslaves them to their own vain desires.
So our goal is global and not limited to Somalia alone. When the Prophet Muhammad (saw) made Hijrah to Madina the Ansar did not limit their Jihad to just defending Madina and applying Shariah in Madina alone.
Our Brothers and Sisters are facing extreme conditions and undergoing the worst of treatment and oppression at the hands of the disbelievers and hypocrites in Iraq, Philistine, Chechan, Afghanistan, and all over the Muslim world. Prisons worldwide are full of our Brothers, and yes even our Sisters and children suffering horrific treatment.
So our response to this is Jihad fis-sabili-llah from where we start until we liberate this earth from polytheism and oppression.
“And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!” (Quran, 4:75)
Dear brother Zakariyaa, I do not follow the manhaj of Hizb ut tahrir… But I have studied their manhaj and the manhaj of the mujahideen.. Both are based upon valid daleel.. they are the only TWO MANHAJS that are based upon daleel, although they are weak in understand the reality of the ummah in terms of our land is now occupied land and the shariah hukm is the use of force to remove apostates. We differ with our brothers in the last stage in term of how the nussra is obtain the rest is very similar except in the finer details.
As for saying their aqeedah is misguidence then i strongly disagree, their aqeedah is similar to our, i do addmit they sometime over rationalise Islamic shariah. But they are upon the Haq like we are.
They have never accepted the shirk of democracy and never submitted to them
Infact syed Qutbs works was championed by hizb ut tahriri brothers.
We are brother in this noble goal to make the law (word) of Allah High.
I ask you like the mujahideen have ask it is time to unite us under the tawhid.. as for the furoo matters this is neither the time or the place to discuss them.. they will be dealt with when the khilafah will establish the educational system of Islam, which will create an environment via its media and educational systemt o debate matters .. ad inshah Allah the opinion of the scholars will be put forward to the ummah and the ummah will have clear daleel of the matters.
now the issue is to unite the sword of the ummah against the apostate..
may I remind the brother our brother have been involved in coup de’ta in the muslim world. and salih sarriya (rh)is known to be amongst the brothers of the hizb, shamil dudayv (rh) was also a hizb shabab.
and if you look on the hizb website they are calling upon the muslim int britain not to dilute the call for jihad.
May Allah unite the mujahideen with our brothers from the hizb ut tahir to establish the khilafah so that we live and die under the shade of the quran
SOMALIA HAS ITS OWN SCHOLAR AND I URGE PEOPLE OF SOMALIA TO LISTEN TO THEIR SCHOLARS AND NOT TO DISRESPECT THEM. SOMALI SCHOLARS HAVE COME WITH BAYAAN and we should respect their bayan. this is not blind following of the scholars since they have spoken the truth.
i urge people not to give advice that could incite violence behavior.
remenber make dua for muslim leaders that allah guides them, most of the time people cursing them but why not make dua for them. read sharh usuul sunnah for more detail.
anwar may give you jannah and wallahi i dont disagree with you but i feel people should not jump over their kibaar scholars because they know incite what is going on somalia.
may ALLAH preserve you shaykh are one of the few ulama who actually spoke of this and people shoudnt blame the mujahideen for their actions because many ulama dont talk and advice the them anymore.may ALLAH reward them for any ijtihaad they make for his sake and forgive them and raise their darajaat if they were wrong in some.for those somali brothers and sisters here who think shaykh Anwar was “wrong” for saying this.let me tell you that he knows more of the situation there than you and me.why dont you go back to the fundamentals of tawheed in Islam and hukm.i was pretty confused the first time as well but alhamdulillah ALLAH took away my ignorance and made me understand. I ask ALLAH to let somalia be ruled by those who are most deserving of its ruling,the mujahideen.
jazakiALLAH to brother Abu Ayrow for your comments and jihaadfeesabillah and sister Naeemah and Abu Yusuf and Abu Yahya and others who responded to the ignorant among us here.may ALLAH forgive us and guide us all.
I would respectfully ask all the brothers and sisters here to refrain from slandering the Imam, other groups (like HT) and each other.
If you happen to disagree with the Imam then say so with due respect and justify your position with valid evidences.
I myself am not a member of HT. However I personally know many brothers part of this group and they are very sincere in their call to restablish khilafah and Sharia in the Muslim world.
They work tirelessly to ensure that the Muslims in the UK and Europe do not loose their Muslim identity or their support for the establishment of the Sharia.
They are not without fault or perfect by any means and neither are any of us for that matter.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
May Allah reward all those who defended the shaikh although Allah is his protector and defender.
Now on to other things. Yes, how can a country allow itself to be subjugated by others who do not care about them or their country.
Imagine that we wake up tomorrow to find America under threat of invasion by China. Would America allow that to happen? The answer is obvious.
The goal and the only goal is the total dismantling of the true Islam and the establishment of Kuffar in the lands. It is unfortuante that we find today that the religion has been hijacked by people who call themselves scholars and yet are not worthy to attribute to themselves such an honorific.
Okay, a slight diversion. History is what we learn from. Afghanistan the battle ground of the honourable Mujahideen has been analysed from every angle and the hope was that when the Americans walzted in their with their friends they would not find themselves in another Vietnam.
Lo and behold they have by the grace of Allah now entered into something much worse. They are being bled dry both physically and economically and they have no hope. Like a drownding man cluthching at straws desperately searching for help.
They are now in the death throes and this is the time they will try to pull out all the stops.
some of the things to look forward to is like they did in Iraq which is to pay the locals to turn on each other. They paid the shia to turn on the sunnahs, unfortunately the shia did not check the dollar bills very well as they were counterfeit. (LOL)
A similar tactic will be used in the tribal regions to attract tribal elders by promising them large sums in return for their help and support. My humble advice, and I hope someone will help, is that Jihad and dawah are synonymous. While a group are fighting, others should be making dawah in order that the besieged population are aware of their obligation.
Every stone, every tree, every house will then become a means of death for the invaders and their munifiq friends.
Armed struggle has many facets. a child can be trained to gather intel as can an old woman. The important factor is to educate the masses and to alert them to the dangers to tawheed and the deen of Islam.
With more and more troops being poured into Afghanistan they are hoping along with their friends in Pakistan (mercenaries who would sell their grandmother for the right price) to plug the porous borders. At this time as many routes and ways should be opened from as many directions as possible. I remember a story when brothers were crossing the borders into Kosovo with about 200 of the ethnic kosovians the Serbs had laid on a surprise party in the form of 120mm mortars and heavy machine gun fire. What was thought as a safe route quickly turned into a killing ground and the numbers killed and maimed was very high whilst those in the ambush team (serbs) were small (inserted into the surrounding hills by helicopters).
Lessons to be learnt:- Don’t be complacent.
Think once, think twice, think would this be a good place for an ambush.
Always expect the unexpected.
ensure everyone knows what to do and how to react.
Keep the enemy guessing.
What they can’t find they can’t hit.
Finally remember the best plan is carefully thought out through istisharah and then instikharah.
War is deception.
Tell only those who need to know.
Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing who sits amongst you listening to the juicy news that loose tongues spread.
Finally, advice for me and for you let us all fear Allah as much as we can and make dua for the victory to be brought near inshallah……..
Oh, nearly forgot! the one who led everyone into the ambush was a guide who was paid off by the Serbs. Alhamdulilah, the KLA found him and executed him.
Abu Ayrow, JazaakAllahu khayr walaal =)
@ the likes of Mohammed & Muslim Somali, what makes you think that our dear Shaykh is racist? He has never given the slightest impression of this, the fact that you call people ‘wahabi’ ‘takfeeri’ & ‘khwaarij’ is enough to know what kind of person you are; against Khilafah, Jihad, walaa & baraa etc. your statement was full of contradiction.
”we somalis no not need what you lunatacis call khalifah or some idiotic wahabi teachings.what we need our muslim country somalia is peace.”
Oh oh…so the teachings of Islam is only followed by lunatics.
BTW…before you call me racist….I am Somali
Such unexamined vitriol. I’m both amused and saddened. Just so you know, disagreeing with an iman in no way constitutes kufr. I really hope you’re clear on that. Just because one iman says something doesn’t mean it is Haqq.
My advice to many of the eager takfeeris here is that you should stop now and repent before every last bit of iman leaves your hardened hearts. Life is far greater than you can ever imagine, and your calls for this kind of fighting are not jihad, but delusional vindictiveness. Be careful.
Edit: first paragraph should read imam.
Great Works O Shaykh Anwar!! (hf)
Allaahu Akbar!!!
The current situation in Somalia is very clear, its unbelievable how the Americans in particular believe they can play these games in muslim lands, installing governments, blatantly swapping presidents, installing peace keepers, setting up phoney illegitimate elections., This is so infuriating that these stinking kuffar think they can get away with these actions! Islam is not a weak flimsy religion, and we should not be fooled by their recent ploy. I am saddened that many muslims have fallen for this pathetic plan, and have been duped. If people are so stupid that they dont realise that Sharif is a plant and that the government (and country if we allow this to happen)is controlled by America, then this is unfortunate!!!
Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhuI hope you all are in the highest state of eemaan and health.
sheikh anwar BarakAllah fik the ummah needs to hear this, may Allah swt reward you and grant you the highest jannah ameen.
i wanted to know what brothers and sisters aswell as sheikh Anwar think of this article jazakallah khayr.
On 16 February, a forum participant posted to a jihadist website a statement entitled “Statement on the Invalidity of Sharif Ahmad`s Mandate” written by Shaykh Abu Khabab al-Sudani,one of the leaders of Ansar al-Tawhid and Sunnah in Sudan, in which he demonstrated that Shaykh Sharif Ahmad`s mandate in Somalia is invalid. Abu Khabab listed many reasons for the invalidity of Shaykh Sharif`s mandate, among them that he fled when the Ethiopians invaded Somalia, that there is an allegiance to the Amir Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, and because it took place by the blessing and the approval of the “Zionists and the Crusaders” and their “quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants” who hold the reins in the land of Islam, in addition to other reasons. The writer relied on many Koranic verses to verify each point he stated.
A translation of the statement follows:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
“Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the last prophet.
“Statement on the Invalidity of the Mandate of Sharif Ahmad
“There is no doubt that the mandate bestowed by the Crusader West and its quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants upon Sharif Ahmad, who was in the recent past a mujahid in the path of Almighty God, is false. Today he became a hypocritical tyrant who implements the schemes of the Crusader West that aim at destroying jihad for the sake of Almighty God and fighting all those who achieve the doctrine of allegiance and enmity until they accomplish their desire to humiliate Muslims, loot their wealth, and blur their religious identity, so that they can be easy prey in the hands of the dirty Zionists and the Crusaders. No doubt this mandate is clearly invalid because it contradicts the Shari`ah of Almighty God in 10 points, and each of them alone invalidates this mandate; let alone when they all came together at the same time!
“They are as follows:
“1. This mandate is invalid because there is an allegiance to another amir, Shaykh Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, may God protect him. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `If a bay`ah (oath of allegiance) is taken for two khaleefahs (caliphs),kill the latter of them` (Hadith).
“2. This mandate is invalid as the previous mandate of its owner was taken away when he escaped at the beginning of the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia. Almighty God said: `If any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop of his own- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed` (Koranic verse; Al-Anfal 8:16). The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `A commander of the Muslims is a shield for them. They fight behind him and they are protected by him from tyrants and aggressors` (Hadith).
“3. This mandate is invalid because it took place without the approval of the important monotheists and people of jihad, but took place through the members of Parliament, who are originally apostates because they accepted the polytheists` secular laws and applied it during the mandate of the previous apostate president. Almighty God said: `They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:31), and Almighty God said: `nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever` (Koranic verse; Al-Kahf 18:26), and Almighty God said: `He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him` (Koranic verse; Yusuf 12:40). `What! have they partners in godhead, who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah`(Koranic verse; Al-Shura 42:21).
“4. This mandate is invalid because it took place through the blessing and the approval of the Crusaders, the Zionists, and their quislings of the apostate tyrants, who hold the reins in the land of Islam. Almighty God said: `Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: `The Guidance of Allah,-that is the only Guidance.` Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:120).
“5. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad and his colleagues recognized the infidel democracy and the invalid multi-party system. Almighty God said:` And be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,- Those who split up their Religion, and become mere Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself` (Koranic verse; Al-Rum 30:31,32).
“6. This mandate is invalid because its owner promised close relations with the enemies of Islam, such as America, Europe, the United Nations, Ethiopia and the rest of the atheist and tyrannical countries. Almighty God said: `ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them for friendship is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust` (Koranic verse; Al-Ma`idah 5:51). Almighty God said: `Your real friends are no less than Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly in worship. As to those who turn for friendship to Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers, it is the fellowship of Allah that must certainly triumph. O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have faith indeed`(Koranic verses; Al-Ma`idah 5:55,56,57).
“7. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad waived the doctrine of non-belief in the tyrant, which only validates faith after you start with it. Almighty God said: `Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:256). Almighty God said:` Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:257).
“8. This mandate is invalid because its owner announced war on jihad and the mujahidin. He asked for support from the infidels and atheists to fight the monotheists, who are conducting jihad in the path of Almighty God. Almighty God said: `Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:176).
“9. This mandate is invalid because its owner agreed to rule according to the tyrants represented by the United Nations, the African Union, and other local and global tyrannical organizations. He did not announce his non-belief or lack of recognition for them. Almighty God said: `Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their real wish is to resort together for judgment in their disputes tothe Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan`s wish is to lead them astray far away from the right` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:60).
“10. This mandate is invalid because its owner has become an infidel and apostate who abandoned Islam because he committed several things that are considered takfiri as we stated above. Almighty God said: `Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,- the Evil One has instigated them and busied them up with false hopes. This, because they said to those who hate what Allah has revealed, `We will obey you in part of this matter`; but Allah knows their inner secrets` (Koranic verses; Muhammad 47: 25, 26).”
Burhan, indeed this wahhabi net is the one that is full of Allah’s blessing and yours is the one that is full of Allah’s curse. How do I know that? because your own claim that “i will take constitutional law over these crazy imams any day” shows that you have no respect for the inheritors of knowldge of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu Alaihiwassalam). May God’s eternal curse be upon you till you mend your ways and submit to the only Lord.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb , If your going to do something then you have to do it right according to Quran and Sunnah otherwise its a wasted effort and you end up losers.
So May Allah swt) help us all to understand the Deen of Allah and reconise the Mercy that Allah showers on us , even thou we can be ungrateful and ignorant.
For those muslims who think we will live a life of peace and settle down and enjoy this life , Im sorry to tell you that the life of this world has very little enjoyment in it , and the only real peace is in the remembrance of Allah, Alhumduillah.
If we desire the next life our lives will be full of struggle and how can we be comfortable in a life of ease when our brothers and sisters are suffering, as our dear brother , Abu Yahya stated above.
This is not just about one ethnic group this is about the whole ummah, you have to want for your brother what you want for yourself, we are bleeding all over the place and its our duty to fix the wounds we don’t stop with one , we continue till all are fixed , so the struggle will go on and only with a united aim our strength will increase , and this is what the Kufir are so afraid of , our unity , this is why they’re working so hard on all fronts to delude us.
Sabhan Allah, Alhumduillah I think its about time the muslim ummah looked at the big picture , how many times do we need to be reminded before it sinks in, May Allah swt) Most Gracious unite us under the one banner and there is much Khayr in this , as our wise young brother Abu Ayrow has just pointed out , Alhumduillah Allahs plan is perfect, and as Al Shabab says, “We are the Army of Osamaah and we shall meet in al Aqsa!”. For those who hate our beloved amir, die in your rage!
This statemnet has sent shockwaves through the enermy camp, Alhamdulillah.I also think its about time that we give Usamah bin Laden the recogniction he deserves, may Allah swt) protect him and all working to set justice on earth.
And don’t forget what our Sheikh said we are living in Golden Times Jazakillh Khayr Sheikh for the knowledge you’ve passed on to us
The destruction of out ummah is settling down with our wealth while working to increase it, and abandoning Jihad.
Sorry for this mistake and all mistakes,
Jazakillah Khayr Sheikh Anwar
For the brothers asking about the Somali pirates I don’t any more than you do but I do know this Alhumduiilah and I hope those brothers are risking their lives feesabilah
On the authority of Abdul Dardaa ra) The Messenger saws) said
A campaign by sea is the equivalent of ten campaigns by land, he who is tossed about at sea is like one who wallows in his blood in the way of Allah Almighty [ ibn Majah ]
This hadith honours the sea campaigns and the Ummah must proceed from this to protect its coastline and strenghten its fleet, this applies to analogy to the air as well, and Allah will increase the reward of those who campaign by air in His way many times over….. Hasan Al Banna
@ Abu Hassan Jazakillah khayr for the great site ,the first link works but not the second Khayr insha’Allah
@SYED QUTB 11, Ameen I have to agree with you and thats from my experince with them and from reading their statements but I must say that like all of us we must follow the sunnah of Muhammed saws) in our daily lives, and this is slowly happening with the awakening of the ummah.
@ Zakariya oviously our perception of any one group is limited and due to our own experience or interraction with the members of that group while not perfect by far [ are any of us ] , hibz tahrir are improving and moving in the right direction insha’Allah, make dua for them ,they are your brothers and insha’Allah they will be your brothers in arms in the future. I don’t know of anyone besides the Mujahideen and Hizb Tahrir who are publicly calling for the Khaleefah to be re established, I can understand your concerns as I know brother jassim has stated negative aspects before about brothers he knows , but my limited experience hasn’t been that way inclined. To tell you the truth I know very little about the leadership but I do see the enthusiasm and passion of the youth for the deen of Allah just as I see it in you and they are learning more important wanting to learn ,like us all. Khayr insha’Allah for our ummah, everything takes time and we must have subr with each other.
Abu Yusuf
waryaa danyeer wahabi!
The first think is this arab sheikh He’s saying that “fighting” should go on. Is that not the continuation of their suffering? If He’s a real Sheikh real scholar He would be calling Somalis to stop fighting.
Anwar Al-Awlaki is ill-informed about the real situation in Somalia. and does not know nothing about somalia.
misguided people like you abu yusuf and other takfiri lunatic groups such as al shabaab,what they are doing in somalia is not jihaad and absolutely not islam.
all somali scholars such imaam sheikh umar farooq and sheikh abdal nuur all of them soppurt our Islamic goverment and the presedent sheikh shariif hafidahu allah
its only sheytan wahabi morons khawaariji takfiiris who want somali civil war to contenue.
and last ugandis are our african brothers,and Uganda its only african country who last 18 years welcomed somali refugees whit open arms unlike arab countrys.
@ Muslim Somali
“the majority of Somali people in Somalia are 100% supporting Sheik Sharifs government and the recent vote for sharia in country.”
You probably are not familiar with the situation in somalia. Over 70% of southern and central somalia is under the control of al Shabab and Hizbul Islamiya which work together. And the have the full support of the people. The only people that don’t support them are the betraying scholars and their blind followers.
Lets not forget some of these scholars were yesterday backing the murtad government of Abdullahi Yusuf. If you recall, Abdullahi Yusuf received an overwhelming support more most Somali. We all know his faith now, his own tribe is even embarrassed to mention his name.
And Allaah says, “But honour, glory and power belong to Allah, His Messenger and to the believers but the hypocrites know not.” (Al-Munaafiqoon:
So the government ants Shariah but the Jihad must continue? SubhanAllah!
Burhan, indeed this wahhabi net is the one that is full of Allah’s blessing and yours is the one that is full of Allah’s curse. How do I know that? because your own claim that “i will take constitutional law over these crazy imams any day” shows that you have no respect for the inheritors of knowldge of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu Alaihiwassalam). May God’s eternal curse be upon you till you mend your ways and submit to the only Lord.
That’s quite an illogical conclusion to jump to. I don’t agree with this particular imam. Differences of opinion are allowed in Islam. If you think that there is only this imam’s opinion and everyone who disagrees is a kafir, then you have ceased being Muslims and are instead merely misguided cult members. Allahu ‘alim. What a bunch of weaklings. Has Al-Awlaki ever actually participated in Jihad? No.
Another thing is that Allah has said that His Mercy outstrips His Wrath. Maybe we be merciful towards our fellow human beings and not see the world like the one-eyed Iblis.
@ Somaali Muslim
You have no access to the somali scholars and don’t fabricated a lie against them. The hard working scholars and even many that are supporting Sharif do not consider the mujahideen khawarij or takfeeri but rather mujahideen who raised the banner of jihad. And many are mainly awaiting to give him some time to get the kufars out in 120 days and rule with complete sharia. He won’t be able to do this because his master in the White house won’t be happy with that. Then the bullets and bombs will go off again. No Peace without Islam!
Sh. Cumar Farooq and Sharif Abdinur were lied to by those evil scholars who told them, “O shaykhs we have Sharif as the leader now he is back and wants sharia.” So those scholars who are very old and don’t follow the news and Sharif’s meeting and making deals with kufars against muslims gave them a fawta to support him.
Refer to there other fawtas about the government of Abdullahi Yusuf.
Salaam to all my brothers and sisters who seek the pleasure of Allah (swt) with pure sincerity.
Maybe some of you have noticed, whenever the shaykh posts about a new topic or situation, you’ll see people of muslim somali and muhammad making posts bashing the shaykh and the mujahideen. These people eventually stop posting when they see that it’s not affecting anyone and they lurk around waiting for the next post. All these people, kufr akbar, exjihadi, pakistani muslim, burhan, and all the others we’ve seen popping in and out since the Gaza massacre are probably the same person working with the CIA trying to discourage those who are starting to read Awlaki’s (ha) posts and these blogs, to confuse the brothers and sister who read the blogs, and to try and create confusion and disunity between us. When I read these fools calling shaykh racist I started laughing and wondered if it was a joke. What a silly argument. So to all the brothers and sisters who are sincerely looking for the truth and want to please Allah (awj) don’t be fooled by these people they simple seek to guide you to the hell fire. For the brothers and sisters who are standing up to them, may Allah (swt) make your feet firm. Alhamdulillah we’ve seen these fools trying to shake our iman but every time they come with their propaganda, it only brings us closer and creates more love, unity, and strength between us. So all you who seek to destroy this religion, let this be proof that you can’t shake the hearts of the true believers, only Allah (swt) can do that. So give up and stop wasting your time, you know you cant win. And remember, Allah (swt) mercy is still open. Save yourselves from the eternal punishment and be among the winners who will enjoy paradise for eternity, by the mercy of the Lord of the Universes.
@ ubaida as-sumaal
They are two main points wrong with your claims, first that only the somali scholars should talk about the situation in somalia. Any muslim scholar has the right to talk about somalia, we are muslims and brothers in deen. Many non somali scholars are more beloved to me then many of the somali scholars, May Allah reward them all.
Secondly, you should read the bayaan again carefully, if you are happy with it then follow the conditions that the scholars set for Sharif. One to rule with Sharia and expel the kufars. Do you agree with those conditions? If so hold Sharif accountable to them.
The issue of somali is not a somali issue or arab issue or non arab issue but rather a muslim issue which needs to be viewed from a Sharia prospective. And every honest muslim has the right to address the problem. We have non somalis fighting there now and many have lost their lives defending their muslim brothers and sisters, may Allah accept them. So lets fear Allah.
Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. Sheikh Anwar shed light on the real situation in Somalia. However, I wonder if our Sheikh knows quite well the situation on the ground. Many Somalis see Al-Shabab-the group that is opposing the government-as khawaarij-based on their objective, and how they implement the Sharee’ah. Al-Shabab also do some un-religious things that is never heard in Somalia, for example, destroying graves. Being a Somali, I don’t see any point of fighting. Al-Shabab throw bullet fire from densely populated areas-is that a Jihad or is it simply a coward act? Sheikh Sharif’s government is supported by a wide spectrum of people including Sheikh Yussuf Al-Qardawi, and a mufti in Saudi Arabia, Salam Al-Awdah I believe-to name a few of the scholars. In addition, Sheikh Sharif-the president of Somalia-was himself the chairman of Islamic Courts Union. So public interest over-rides individual interest and we should look for solutions the best way possible without enticing further violance. What about if Al-Shabab soldiers join the government and be its policemen and military. A pure Islamic government there! Isn’t it?
i have lived with somalis for many years and would like to ask the pro-MR shariff supporters some questions:
1- what if the majority of somalis from abroad come to somalia and vote for pure democracy?
2- what would you tell America concerning our muslim brothers in the other parts of the world.
3- who will you define as a terrorist?
4- what about islam, will it be defined by Alah or voted by the parliament?
5- AND THE FAMOUSE BUUFIIIS (somali in love with the west) ….. the likes of madam kaafir hirsi, will you talk and give her protection????
6- and MR Sharifff, will you compromise (as you always did in the past) sharia with youR PR
7- Lastly….you look ‘handsome’ without the beards
@ burhan: what opinions? There is no worth of scholarly opinion in regards to what has already been clarified in the Quran. Scholarly opinion only matters in issues which are not clear from the Quran. The issue of implementing Sharia, promoting virtue and preventing vile is absolutely clear in the Quran. Whichever scholar says that “according to his opinion” he disagrees with the Quran, a Muslim must discredit such an opinion. Hence, opinionated matters worth nothing more than a donkey’s defecation if they are clarified in the Quran. Sadly, you have preferred to obey the defecation and not the Quran. Of course Allah is oft-Forgiving. But that only happens when you submit to Him. I will leave you with your untimely excursions into the tagoot constitutional law. And no sufi grave-worshippinh crap here.
a/a. jazakallahu kheyr ya shkh for the insight, i have a small question. what if shkh shariff uses this chance to completely change the goverment system of somalia? and make it purely islamic? what will be the way forward???
I cant take this anylonger, i have been itching waiting to say this ever since burhans first comment. Brothers and sisters, please ignore this imposter, after reading his statements it has become clear to me that he is none but a Jew masked with a muslim name. Come with your real name Bloomberg!
It’s obvious your arrogance,as compounded by crass ignorance,has no bounds.The matter articulated by ths Imam is no opinion of his as you wrongly term it,but is something which is part nad parcel of our Deen-that our deen be purified from shirk in whatever forms and its people.
Indeed the example of Sharif has no precedent from our pious predecessors in accepting the BRIBE OF QUREISH!The Rasul rejected the appointment by the Qureish in exchange for abandoning the religion and call to pure tawheed.The matter is clear and its something you can read from the pages of islamic materials,but the problem has always been implementation.
As for whether the shaykh has ever participated in Jihad,I’d tell you to go and ask the Kafir intelligantia in AMERICA and they’d tell you of what they think of a man like his…Besides,u have cursed those who carry out that ibadah,so what problem do you have with someone you claim has not participated in Jihad.Hmm…perhaps it’s the Jihad itself that you hate and it’s the lively da’wah that exposes the corruption in the world today that you detest.It’s the Islam in the historical perspective that you’d like to see being propagated and not that which was brought by the Rasul to be victorious over every other creed.
But,guess what:
He it is who has sent His Apostle with the guidance and the Deen of truth,that it may prevail over every other system whether the kafir like it or not.
”waryaa danyeer wahabi!
The first think is this arab sheikh He’s saying that “fighting” should go on. Is that not the continuation of their suffering? If He’s a real Sheikh real scholar He would be calling Somalis to stop fighting.
Anwar Al-Awlaki is ill-informed about the real situation in Somalia. and does not know nothing about somalia.
misguided people like you abu yusuf and other takfiri lunatic groups such as al shabaab,what they are doing in somalia is not jihaad and absolutely not islam.
all somali scholars such imaam sheikh umar farooq and sheikh abdal nuur all of them soppurt our Islamic goverment and the presedent sheikh shariif hafidahu allah
its only sheytan wahabi morons khawaariji takfiiris who want somali civil war to contenue.
and last ugandis are our african brothers,and Uganda its only african country who last 18 years welcomed somali refugees whit open arms unlike arab countrys.”
‘Muslim Somali’ you know, your statement makes me laugh, in your first sentence you call us ‘wahhabi monkey’…
And then you call Shaykh Anwar an ‘arab sheikh’ so what if he is Arab? You have the disease of nationalism in your heart, Somalia is a Muslim land, so it belongs to Anwar as much as it does to you. It seems to me you do not know anything about the situation of Somalia, all you’re saying is ‘this is not jihad, takfiiri, khwaariji’ and the usual garbage, so why don’t you teach us what the ‘real’ Jihad is?
Or maybe you think Somalia is only restricted to Somalis only, and not all Muslims?
muslim somali ,
How slanderous of you to accuse the shaykh of calling for the killing of the civilians!Is this a sign of your ‘taqwa’ or are you just delighting in baseless subversion of the truth.
Those who are fighting Jihad in that part of the world are muslims who are true to their faith,seeking the implementation of Allah’s laws as revealed by Him to the best of their ability and not the deen concocted,funded and voted for by western lackeys.And we envy the brothers for their honorable sacrifice for Islam and not the despicable tribalism or somalism you are advocating here.
I hope one day you rise up from the intellectual prison in the evil democratic forces are holding you and you’d see our struggle in islam today as free from tribal,racial or crusader-shaped-frontier related restrictions BUT that founded on and only on ISLAMIC FAITH.
The last paragraph above should actually read:
I hope one day you rise up from the intellectual prison in which the evil democratic forces are holding you and you’d see our struggle in islam today as free from tribal,racial or crusader-shaped-frontier related restrictions,BUT as that founded on and only on ISLAMIC FAITH.
Recording by: Shaykh Abu Qatādah
Answering Questions Exclusively for At-Tibyān
(May Allāh Free Him)
I seek refuge with Allāh from the accursed Shaytān,
In The Name Of Allāh, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
All Praise is for Allāh, praises which are abundant, pure and blessed, and may the Blessings and Peace be upon the best of the creation, Muhammad, and upon his fine and pure family and upon his Companions; Al-Gurr Al-Mayāmīn [1], and whoever follows them in goodness and guidance until the Day of Recompense.
As to what follows:
Our Brothers from “Dār At-Tibyān” have come to me with some questions, and they requested from the poor slave to answer them with his voice, and they are recorded to their letters upon papers handed over to me. So I ask Allāh, Subhānahu Wa Ta’ālā, to help me clarify the point of truth in them and to achieve that which Allāh, Subhānahu Wa Ta’ālā, in what He loves and is pleased with.
And I ask Allāh, Subhānahu Wa Ta’ālā, to reward the Brothers with the best of rewards, and to forgive them for what they hoped from their Brother and that which they assumed about him.
I say: In the first question, they say; “Our Noble Shaykh, to begin with, some of those who spread (the idea of) Parliamentarian elections, and that they are permissible, have come with a new doubt which they have relied upon. And this doubt is based upon a Hadīth, the Text of which is the following:
From Umm Salamah Bint Abī Umayyah Ibn Al-Mughīrah, the wife of the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم , she said, “When we arrived in the land of Al-Habashah, we were given the protection of the best neighbour, An-Najāshī.” Until she said, “So by Allāh! We were upon that (peace and security) until a person came upon him, – meaning one who disputed him in his kingdom –.” She said, “So by Allāh! We did not know grief that was more severe than the grief that we grieved at that point out of fear that that one would defeat An-Najāshī, so a man come not acknowledging our rights as An-Najāshī would acknowledge them.” She said, “And An-Najāshī went ahead (to engage with him in a battle), while between them was the width of the Nile.” She said, “So the Companions of the Messenger of Allāh, صلى الله عليه وسلم, said, ‘Who is a man who will go out and observe what takes place between the people, then come to us with the news?’” She said, “So Az-Zubayr Ibn Al-‘Awwām said, ‘I will.’” She said, “And he was among the youngest of the people.” She said, “So they blew into a water skin for him, then he placed it upon his chest, then he swam on it until he arrived at the place in the Nile River where the meeting place of the people was, then he went until he witnessed them.” She said, “So we made Du’ā’ to Allāh for An-Najāshī, to have dominance over his enemy, and consolidation for him in his country. And the matter of Al-Habashah was sought to be made stable through him. So we were with him in the best of homes, until we came back to the Messenger of Allāh, صلى الله عليه وسلم, and he was in Makkah.”
The questioner says, “Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqī narrated it, and this phrasing is that of Ahmad, from the path of Ibn Is’hāq, who said, Az-Zuhrī narrated to us (Haddathanā), from Abī Bakr Ibn Abdir-Rahmān Ibn Al-Hārith Ibn Hishām, from Umm Salamah [2].
So the method of using this as evidence according to them, is that they made Du’ā’ to Allāh to give An-Najāshī consolidation in the land, and he was a kāfir at that time, as they said. And if Du’ā’ is the highest levels of support, then whatever is less than it like voting, is included in it from a more deserving point. Then they said, if you forbid (participating in) the elections, then is it allowed for you to make Du’ā’ to Allāh to consolidate a seat in parliament for a man, instead of voting for him? So what is your opinion with in the way the evidence is used, and what is the correct stance which it is upon us to take towards those who are of the opinion of the permissibility of voting in the general legislative elections, Wa Jazākum Allāhu Khayr.”
[1] Trans. Note: This phrase literally means, “The Blessed White Ones”. The “…White Ones…” is referring to the Hadīth of Abū Hurayrah, may Allāh be pleased with him, that the Prophet,صلى الله عليه وسلم, said, “Verily, my Ummah will be called on the Day of Resurection as Ghurran Muhajjalīn, due to the effects of the Wudhū’” Narrated by Al-Bukhārī, Muslim, and others. “Ghurran” refers to a brightness or whiteness that appears on the heads of horses, and “Muhajjilīn” refers to a brightness or whiteness that appears on the limbs of horses.
[2] Trans. Note: This Hadīth was narrated by Ahmad in his “Musnad”, and was declared “Hasan” by Al-Wādi’ī in “As-Sahīh Al-Musnad”, #1672 and an almost identical phrasing was declared “Sahīh” by Ahmad Shākir in his Takhrīj of “Musnad Ahmad”, Vol. 3/180.
1. PDF Translation:
2. Arabic Audio:
The Doubts Regarding the Ruling of Democracy In Islām
by At-Tibyān Publications
To proceed:
Recently, a debate between our religiously committed brothers has erupted on the Internet regarding the permissibility of participating in democratic elections in the West. An article entitled “To Vote or Not to Vote” and another entitled “Why Vote, and Who to Vote For?” in particular have raised several points, which we feel are necessary to address as well as certain others related to Democracy and participation in the electoral process in general. In this short address, we will attempt to offer some clarification on the issue with the hope of refuting some claims and correcting some errors of the authors of these articles as well as addressing some of the more common mistakes related to this topic overall. In approaching the topic of Muslims participating in democratic elections, certain introductory points must be made. It is our intention to be very brief in these points as to avoid dwelling upon them and we only mention them for later reference in discussing the core issue of dispute regarding the permissibility of participating in the democratic elections.
Walikum salaam,
It is really important to make it clear about walaa and baraa and no one can be eloquent than Shiekh Anwar al awlaki. Mashallah. Also i want to know how i can meet Shiekh Anwar Al Awlaki or have a tele conf so people in my community can hear you in INDIA.
Salaam ALAIKUM brothers
I just wanted let everybody know about the injustice going on in our community in albany , NY. Our Shiekh Imam Yasin Aref was imprisoned on false charges and its been more than 4 years now and the case is still pending and No decision has been made. I want to put more details about this case in your Blog so this case can get more attention and hopefully the govt can look at it like. I know ShieKh Anwar, you too went through the same phase and by allahs grace you were freed. Also your case got lot of attention. The details about our sheikh is the web site, please go through this make publish this as much in all the islamic media possible.
“Many Somalis see Al-Shabab-the group that is opposing the government-as khawaarij-based on their objective, and how they implement the Sharee’ah. Al-Shabab also do some un-religious things that is never heard in Somalia, for example, destroying graves. Being a Somali, I don’t see any point of fighting.”
All of the sudden, al shabab who are fighting the kufars are the khawarij, la howla wal qowwta ill billah. Where is your proof? All of the senior scholars in somalia do not consider them khawarij because the khawarij kill muslims and leave off kufars. Sharif and his government are the real khawarij because they are leaving off the kufars (AU troops) and preparing to fight al shabab tomorrow. That’s their plan, they have said. Akhi, worshipping graves is the from the major shirk which expels one of the millah. You should fear Allah.
“Sheikh Sharif’s government is supported by a wide spectrum of people including Sheikh Yussuf Al-Qardawi, and a mufti in Saudi Arabia, Salam Al-Awdah”
Those are not our scholars. We don’t seek our ruling from RAND scholars but we seek our ruling from alhul jihad. If the whole world support him, we would not.
Just want to apologize for commenting too much but subhan’Allah, I amazed to see such ignorant comments by some of these brothers in the west. We need to free ourselves from this governments and their evil scholars. Had the scholars fulfilled their roles we won’t have this confusion.
@Abu Ayrow [ young extremist Somalian American ] masha’Allah Alhumduillah Allah protect you and keep you safe on that path , don’t apoligise ever for speaking the truth, we love to hear your words , and Allah protect all you like minded youth that understand the reality of life on earth. You are our hope for the future and insha’Allah you will outdo your parents.
AsSalamo alaykom!
@ubaida as-sumaal
“Or do you think that you would enter the garden while yet the state of those who have passed away before you has not come upon you; distress and affliction befell them and they were shaken violently, so that the Messenger and those who believed with him said: When will the help of Allah come? Now surely the help of Allah is nigh!”Al-Baqara,214
And would you still respect those scholars if they tell you to jump to the fire?Voting is act of shirk,NO baya to anyone who aproves it!
” Our Lord! make not our hearts to deviate after Thou hast guided us aright, and grant us from Thee mercy; surely Thou art the most liberal Giver”
La huwla walla Quwaita Illah bilah Aleeul Azeem
I think this does prove that no Muslim is safe in America these days and all the muslims should follow the good advice and make Hijra feesabililah . Insha’Allah these brothers must have subr in their difficult situation , Allah help them , this is the trend , the fashion Alhumduillah Allah knows best Khayr Insha’Allah.
Sheikh should also write an article on puppet Mullah of Pakistan, their so called Shaikhul Islam and grave worshipers.
They are also too much giving fatwae kufr against Mujahids and asking America for help.
As-Salamu alaykum shaykh.
Jizak’Alláhu khayran for this wonderful post. May Alláh keep you safe so that you continue to benefit our Ummah.
Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
May Allaah Protect you yaa sheikh al islam.
Chapter /Sura 005 – 005- Al-Mâ’idah.Ayat/Verse :54
“O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion – Allāh will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allāh and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favor of Allāh; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allāh is all-Encompassing and Knowing.”
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Shaykh Salmaan Al Oudah is a SHAYKH. Shaykh Yusuf Al Qardawi is a SHAYKH
Imaam Anwar Awlaki Is not A SHAYKH!!!
Imaam Anwar Al Awlaki is a mere student compared to the likes of these ULAMA and he knows this.
Hes a very good lecturer and MUJAHID inshaa Allaah.
brother in Islaam please dont be quick to make Takfeer on the government in SOMALIA.
Please dont blind follow Callers and Students of Knowledge when they go against the Ijma of the Ulama.
The ULAMA of Somalia have sanctioned this move.
We need to wake up to the reality and beat the Kuffaar at their own game and unite under the banner of the Ulama of HAQ.
Hijrah is WAAJIB
Jihaad is FARD
Yes but Takfeer is only causing many problems and divisions in the Ummah. Brothers here have made Takfeer of commentors unjustly.
My message to all those who make Takfeer is FEAR ALLAH and save your Imaan. Takfeer isnt something so simple that you can just give whenever you see actions or words of Kufr from a MUSLIM.
IBN Taymiyah regretted making TAkfeer in his final stages and I (a nobody) too regret making TAkfeer on those who oppose the Mujaaahideen.
Allah Knows best what Sharif intends. The Ulama of the country LOVE JIHAAD, they HATE KUFR, They HATE AMERICA and they LOVE ISLAAM.
Respected Imaam, many of your points are valid but can you please refrain from Making statements against Islamic Governments like this. Look at the comments and see how extremist are using your words and blind following your words and attributing alsorts of titles to you.
Please let them know who the Ulama are and give them practical advice on how to Implement Shariah rather than calling them to wanton killing and random chaotic violence.
Haha. Now I’m a CIA Jew kafir. You people are really sick, and remind me of the crazy Baptists in America. Just no capacity for coherent thought. I knew there were people like you out there, just never have had a run in like this. What’s scary is your bloodlust. You have no idea what iman is and I hope one day you wake up. Just disgusting.
Sheykh’s article in Russian
Salam alaikum,
I am sure that many of the brothers and sisters have already seen this clip on youtube or elsewhere but I would strongly urge you all to view it again. Its really poignant and hits the nail on the head, particularly Ahmed Sharif at the end, his hypocrisy is SO obvious. Would like to see what you think.
Your bro in Islam Ahmed.
Islamic Awakeing Forums has setup a sub-forum for prisoners…
I highly suggest you all visit it. If you know of anyone who is incarcerated or is going through any legal trouble at all stop by and brong it to our attention…
.”we did this to get deminish the support for al shabaab”
shariif. run-away-from jihad
and surrenderd to the cia.
.”we did it so we might popular the people and the Ulema”
.”somali people need to support the this islamic government”
hayat kabaa’r Ulema.
…QARDAWI and his gang of saudi ulema
.”if Al shabab doens’t support us, they’re against SHaria and jihad against them is waajib”
..Aadan Maxamed Nuur
..speaker of parlemaint.
.”if un and global kufr is giving us money and weaponds to inforce sharia, why they fight us yesterday”
al shabaab
.this nothing but trickery it happend in algeria with french war.
it happend in bosina…..
jihad will never be de-railed again.
it will bare fruits.
.this just another atempt to derail jida
@ ahmed al somali
akhii what our brother from the Sudan said is very similar to what the scholars from somalia are saying alhamdulillah.
Jazakum Allahu khairan to Umm Umar, may Allah reward you. Also to Umm Abdullah, Ibn As-Sahaaba, and the other brothers and sisters. I can forget about my beloved brother Abu Hassan keep up the great work insha’Allah. Barak Allahu feekum
Just so that everyone knows that Shabaab was fighting them just 12 days ago and will continuo fighting them inshAllah.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
A catastrophic attack on several headquarters for apostate government militias in Mogadishu
الحمدُ لله ربّ العالمين والصّلاة والسّلام على نبيّنا محمّد و على آله وصحبه أجمعين
Several battalions of the Shabaab Mujahideen Movement – the AlUsra Army in Somalia – conducted catastrophic attacks against several headquarters taken by the mercenary forces of Africa that call themselves AMISON and the militias of the apostate government on Holy Mecca Street in Mogadishu. The Mujahideen attacked these headquarters at 2 o’clock in the morning Mogadishu time and the battle lasted for nearly two hours! During this time, the Mujahideen rained down on the headquarters with bullets and fire from different types of weapons including heavy weapons which led to serious injury in the halls of the enemy crusader occupiers and their apostate accomplices!
This allowed the Mujahideen to seize control of sme of these headquarters like the headquarters at Sidka where the militias of the apostate government were hiding. They could not resist the Lions of Islam!!!
After the end of the battle, the Mujahideen withdrew safely to their bases and happiness never left their faces. One of the Heroes of Islam was injured in the blessed battle and we ask Allah for his speedy recovery.
اللهم منزل الكتاب مجري السحاب هازم الأحزاب، اهزم الصليبيين ومن حالفهم من المرتدين.
اللهم اجعلهم وعتادهم غنيمة للمسلمين.
اللهم دمّرهم و زلزلهم.
اللهم أنت عضدنا وأنت نصيرنا،اللهم بك نصول وبك نجول وبك نقاتل.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
القسم الإعلامي لحَرَكَة الشَّبَابِ المُجَاهدِين
(( جيشُ العُسْرَة فِي الصُّومَال ))
الجمعة 14 ربيع الثاني 1430 هـ
المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
رَصدٌ لأخبَار المُجَاهدِين وَ تَحرِيضٌ للمُؤمِنين
I was glad to see a new post. As was said above, we were getting worried. Excellent article.
I’m, at least, happy to see that they are going to implement Sharia, but I believe that you stated the concerns well. Will the gov’t just vote to abolish Sharia once everyone lays down their arms and joins the gov’t? Man is not and cannot be above Islam.
W Slm all my respected Muslims.
@M Somali.
This is the problem, when we comment anything about Somalia, some jump and say we do not know anything about Somalia. What so special about Somalia? At this moment its a laughing stock to the rest of Africa, thats why you were left alone to kill each other. You have seen how much the world has contributed to bring peace and economic stability in the Great Lakes i.e Rwanda, Burundi,Kenya and Zimbabwe, why did the world do to Somalia? beside taking Somalis as refuges, giving Somalis different passports, different nationalities,fake and bogus western identity and free secular education,may be this generation will survive but what about next Muslim generation? Ok lets say we do not know anything about Somalia, lets say Somalia is unique country as they claim, Somalia is heaven, lets not say its not that country situated in East Africa with population of 13million people fighting ignnorantly for tribalism, lets say Somalia is one of the developed country in the world, one of the peaceful place in the world,ok – now we dont know Somalia but we know very little about a Muslim country that was invaded by Tigre Ethiopian Empire (uncircumcised Kufar) with the help of HIV/Aids Ugandan soldiers, killed innocent Muslims, raped Muslim sisters and insulted Muslims,this is where we non Somalis Muslims we got involved. It was not upon Somalis to call us, but it is one of our great religious duty under Islamic law to defend the dignity of Muslims. If we value, we value according to what Qur’an says, if we disgrace, we disgrace according to the Kitab of our Creator,Allah Azza Wa Jall. And this why we have found Al Shabab to be among the people will rule Somalia justly.I love you for the sake of Allah. may Allah Grant You Victory and the rest of Mujahideen
This is not time to look for self-pity of quoting about Africanism or Blackism, I guess dont ask Brother Anwar but this question you should be asking your colonian masters, USA, oh sorry, Italian,British or Tigre Ethiopian..
Nothing we want from Somalia, alhamdulaliah we have our beautiful lands and we have our original and our original identity but We have all the rights to be part of Somalia, as long as we shall be raised together in the day of Judgement, as long as we are all the followers of Muhammad SAW.
Na3aam Imam Anwart Al-Awlaki
EU pledges 60 mln euros for security in Somalia
22 Apr 2009 12:00:03 GMT
BRUSSELS, April 22 (Reuters – The European Union pledged at least 60 million euros ($77.54 million) on Wednesday to support security forces in Somalia and African Union peacekeepers based in the conflict ridden region.
The European Commission made the announcement a day before an international conference in Brussels that will seek funds to boost security in Somalia, which faces an insurgency and is used as a base for pirates attacking global shipping.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the pirate attacks had been “a wake-up call to the international community” but a military response — which has included the deployment of EU and NATO naval forces — was not enough.
“Supporting Somalia’s future security set-up is critical,” he said in a statement, which said security would be established at sea only if there was stability on land.
“The only real and viable solution is to help Somalia from within: by pooling international efforts and supporting the new government to build security, peace and stability,” Barroso said.
Thursday’s conference will test support for Somalia’s new government which says it needs more money to improve security and help provide jobs for unemployed young men, giving them alternatives to piracy and other violence.
The meeting will be hosted by the European Commission and chaired by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and African Union Chairman Jean Ping. It will aim to raise at least $165 million to boost security for the next 12 months.
EU aid commissioner Louis Michel called on the rest of the international community to “dig deep”.
Somalia’s government has expressed its commitment to building a civilian police force of 10,000 personnel and a 6,000-strong national security force and has said this will require international funding. (Reporting by David Brunnstrom; Editing by Timothy Heritage and Farah Master)
Source: Reuters
More Pakistani cities fall into Taliban hand
Wed, 22 Apr 2009
PRESS TV§ionid=351020401
Images of Somalis after as-Shabaab taking control of Baidao
Posted on 28 Jan 2009
@MuslimSomali or Mohammed or whatever you are deciding to call yourself today.
I think it is important to stick to the point of the original article which is whether voting to implement shariah is something an Islamic government or Muslim people should do. You have not brought any reasonable Islamic arguments against the sheikh’s statement. Instead you have opted to offer lazy, nationalistic, emotional, bitter arguments. This is the best of what you have brought. The worst is slander of a fellow Muslim and a love for the kuffar. In short you have brought baatil. And so be assured that whereever people like you bring baatil there will inshalalh be people from the ummah of Prophet Mohammed who will hold on to the haq. I hope I am reunited on the day of judgement with those whom I love and call brothers- the mujahideen and that you are raised on the day of judgement with those whom you call brothers- the ugandanese and burundi.
Takfeer is neither something we should shy away from nor something we should rush to make. You will find that in fact it is not mujahideen that are quick to
You’re probably one of those beardless, one-madhab-all-the-way pakistanis who is ignorant enough to disrespect a man of knowledge such as Imam Anwar. Where are your etiquettes? It is true, you can take a jahil out of pakistan but you can never take pakistan out of that jahil. Take your ill-mannered desi attitude elsehwere.
Don’t forget to eat your daily dose of daal chawal filled to the top with achaar and onions, and come to the masjid soon after burping in the line.. your JAHIL kind disgust me.
Is there anyone who knows how to interpret dreams? If you don’t mind giving me your email, inshallah you can interpret mine for me. Jazakallahu Khair
BUrhan: you are the one who really knows what Iman is. Iman is to stop implementing the law of Allah and to stop fighting the barbaric Farangis from taking over world with the capitalist agenda in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Allah’s curse be upon such discrepancies. Now you can go and start focussing on constitutional law!
Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhuI hope you all are in the highest state of eemaan and health.
sheikh anwar BarakAllah fik the ummah needs to hear this, may Allah swt reward you and grant you the highest jannah ameen.
i wanted to know what brothers and sisters aswell as sheikh Anwar think of this article jazakallah khayr.
On 16 February, a forum participant posted to a jihadist website a statement entitled “Statement on the Invalidity of Sharif Ahmad`s Mandate” written by Shaykh Abu Khabab al-Sudani,one of the leaders of Ansar al-Tawhid and Sunnah in Sudan, in which he demonstrated that Shaykh Sharif Ahmad`s mandate in Somalia is invalid. Abu Khabab listed many reasons for the invalidity of Shaykh Sharif`s mandate, among them that he fled when the Ethiopians invaded Somalia, that there is an allegiance to the Amir Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, and because it took place by the blessing and the approval of the “Zionists and the Crusaders” and their “quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants” who hold the reins in the land of Islam, in addition to other reasons. The writer relied on many Koranic verses to verify each point he stated.
A translation of the statement follows:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
“Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the last prophet.
“Statement on the Invalidity of the Mandate of Sharif Ahmad
“There is no doubt that the mandate bestowed by the Crusader West and its quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants upon Sharif Ahmad, who was in the recent past a mujahid in the path of Almighty God, is false. Today he became a hypocritical tyrant who implements the schemes of the Crusader West that aim at destroying jihad for the sake of Almighty God and fighting all those who achieve the doctrine of allegiance and enmity until they accomplish their desire to humiliate Muslims, loot their wealth, and blur their religious identity, so that they can be easy prey in the hands of the dirty Zionists and the Crusaders. No doubt this mandate is clearly invalid because it contradicts the Shari`ah of Almighty God in 10 points, and each of them alone invalidates this mandate; let alone when they all came together at the same time!
“They are as follows:
“1. This mandate is invalid because there is an allegiance to another amir, Shaykh Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, may God protect him. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `If a bay`ah (oath of allegiance) is taken for two khaleefahs (caliphs),kill the latter of them` (Hadith).
“2. This mandate is invalid as the previous mandate of its owner was taken away when he escaped at the beginning of the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia. Almighty God said: `If any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop of his own- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed` (Koranic verse; Al-Anfal 8:16). The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `A commander of the Muslims is a shield for them. They fight behind him and they are protected by him from tyrants and aggressors` (Hadith).
“3. This mandate is invalid because it took place without the approval of the important monotheists and people of jihad, but took place through the members of Parliament, who are originally apostates because they accepted the polytheists` secular laws and applied it during the mandate of the previous apostate president. Almighty God said: `They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:31), and Almighty God said: `nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever` (Koranic verse; Al-Kahf 18:26), and Almighty God said: `He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him` (Koranic verse; Yusuf 12:40). `What! have they partners in godhead, who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah`(Koranic verse; Al-Shura 42:21).
“4. This mandate is invalid because it took place through the blessing and the approval of the Crusaders, the Zionists, and their quislings of the apostate tyrants, who hold the reins in the land of Islam. Almighty God said: `Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: `The Guidance of Allah,-that is the only Guidance.` Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:120).
“5. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad and his colleagues recognized the infidel democracy and the invalid multi-party system. Almighty God said:` And be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,- Those who split up their Religion, and become mere Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself` (Koranic verse; Al-Rum 30:31,32).
“6. This mandate is invalid because its owner promised close relations with the enemies of Islam, such as America, Europe, the United Nations, Ethiopia and the rest of the atheist and tyrannical countries. Almighty God said: `ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them for friendship is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust` (Koranic verse; Al-Ma`idah 5:51). Almighty God said: `Your real friends are no less than Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly in worship. As to those who turn for friendship to Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers, it is the fellowship of Allah that must certainly triumph. O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have faith indeed`(Koranic verses; Al-Ma`idah 5:55,56,57).
“7. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad waived the doctrine of non-belief in the tyrant, which only validates faith after you start with it. Almighty God said: `Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:256). Almighty God said:` Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:257).
“8. This mandate is invalid because its owner announced war on jihad and the mujahidin. He asked for support from the infidels and atheists to fight the monotheists, who are conducting jihad in the path of Almighty God. Almighty God said: `Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:176).
“9. This mandate is invalid because its owner agreed to rule according to the tyrants represented by the United Nations, the African Union, and other local and global tyrannical organizations. He did not announce his non-belief or lack of recognition for them. Almighty God said: `Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their real wish is to resort together for judgment in their disputes tothe Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan`s wish is to lead them astray far away from the right` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:60).
“10. This mandate is invalid because its owner has become an infidel and apostate who abandoned Islam because he committed several things that are considered takfiri as we stated above. Almighty God said: `Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,- the Evil One has instigated them and busied them up with false hopes. This, because they said to those who hate what Allah has revealed, `We will obey you in part of this matter`; but Allah knows their inner secrets` (Koranic verses; Muhammad 47: 25, 26).”
Assalamu Alaikum,sheikh,JazakAllah khairan for your current post,Mr Borhan (jew),why don’t you go Israel and fight against Palestine or fight against mujahedin,anywhere in these world. You don’t deserve to get a chance in the group mujahedin inshAllah,You have got chicket heart,ask Allah(swt) for forgivness, clean your heart otherwise learn Islam properly then come back. Because of you guys we muslim Ummah are so weak, asking help Obama instead of Allah(swt),if you have a chance then change your name,masAllah Burhan is so beautiful name,you don’t deserve it,put something like ‘’A good jew’’ or ‘’a hypocrite in Islam’’,don’t get me wrong that I love you, just hate you, how you say something about mujahedin who are sacrificing their life in the path of Allah(swt)??May Allah(swt) forgive us,and make our Ummah strong.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Rabi Al-Akhar 26, 1430 / 22-04-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
American invader army helicopter shot down killing all the terrorists onboard in Khost Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 2 pm local time, according to details, a helicopter belonging to the American invader forces was shot by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, which immediately came down after it caught fire in midair, in Spin Pol area of Babrak Tana of Khost province. All American invader terrorists on board the helicopters were killed. Also A pilot less aircraft of the American invaders forces was shot down in a similar attack by the Mujahideen near Orgun District of the neighboring Paktia Province yesterday. This incident was confirmed by the Americans themselves.
18 American invader army terrorists either killed or wounded in attack in Khost Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 11.30 am local time, eighteen American invader terrorists were either killed or wounded when the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan carried out an attack with a 82mm mortar on their foot patrol in Mochi village in the centre of Khost province. According to a report, in the attack ten invader terrorists were killed and eight were wounded. The area was cordoned off by the enemy and the dead and wounded terrorists were taken by helicopters to their centers. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties in the attack.
8 puppet police terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in Qalat” Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 11.30 am local time, according to details, one enemy Ranger vehicle was destroyed and eight puppet terrorists on board were killed when the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet police on Kabul-Kandahar highway in Amand Pol area near Qalat, the centre of Zabul province. The landmine was detonated when a convoy of vehicles of Jailani Khan, the security chief of the police of this province, was traveling in the area. So far, there is no information on the fate of Jailani Khan who was the main target of the attack.
American invader army tank destroyed in Khoshamand Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 11.30 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Peer Kam area in district Khoshamand of province Paktika, the landmine destroyed the tank and all the invader terrorists in it were killed. The invaders relentlessly fired on the surrounding areas after the explosion as a result of which two men on a motorcycle were wounded.
2 mortars fired at Kandahar airport Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 1:45 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired 2 mortars at Kandahar airport, where a large number of US and Canadian invaders terrorists live the damages and casualties were not reported.
6 puppet army terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in Zabul Wednesday noon 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Joma Khan Kala area in Shamolzo district of Zabul province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and six puppet terrorists in it were killed.
Another tank of American invader army destroyed in Khoshamand Wednesday afternoon 22-04-2009 at approximately 2.47 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Peer Kam area in Khoshamand district of Paktika province, the landmine destroyed the tank and al the terrorists in it were killed.
Puppet Army Convoy’s ambushed in Maidan Wardag Wednesday noon 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed the convoy of puppet army in Majat area of Chak district of Maidan Wardak province, in the ambush three vehicles were destroyed and the puppet terrorists in them were killed or wounded.
5 supplying vehicles of American invaders destroyed and 9 terrorists killed in Helmand Wednesday morning 22-04-2009 at approximately 10.10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan carried out an armed attack on an American supply convoy in Amanullah and Karemkariz areas in Sangin district of Helmand province. The in the attack five vehicles of the convoy were destroyed, nine puupet police secuirty terrorists were killed and seven were wounded, others managed to escape from the scene of the attack. The Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties in the attack.
Fighting between Mujahideen and enemy in Helmand Wednesday morning 22-04-2009 at approximately 10 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed puppet and invader army convoy in Khoshhal and Jangal area in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, in the ambushed a fire fight started during which Mujahideen killed three terrorists and wounded two.
3 puppet police terrorists killed and 2 wounded in Faryab Tuesday night 21-04-200, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a puppet army check point in Chah Qasin area in Namos district of Faryab province, in the attack three puppet police terrorists were killed and two were wounded.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Asalamu Alaikum:
Here is an Interview with a Chechen Mujahid.
”All that is happening today is a mirage”
An excerpt:
“Allah said that no one on his path will be left without benefit – either he will be victorious or he will receive paradise after he dies. We have this choice. If we are victorious, we will be open for the Muslims. We will not be criminal for them. If a criminal appears among us, we have the power to stop him. And we will not let the others do evil. We shall be for justice. Many things have been cleared up in comparison with the first war. And they go on being cleared up. After all, at each moment we stand before death.”
[Abdul-Malik Mujahid in Chechnya, May Allah Protect him]
For the complete interview:
Medina part 2 is finally available al humdulillah
at al basheer inshALLAH
Just wanting to clear a confusion:
Is it permissible to fight against other muslims and call it Jihad just because of different aqeedah? Please do give evidence
Also please brothers and sisters dont make takfeer on eachother its totally haram and you dont want to be held accoutable on the day of judgement for something you said while u were angry. The tongue can be used as a dangerous weapon against you so beware. This also goes for those saying things against the imam. We all have our own minds to think so if you dont agree with his statement dont be ignorant and start calling him names such as being racist (astagfirallah) state ur opinion with facts from Quram and Sunnah then you will sound like educated muslims.
Jazak Allah keir
So, I’m a burpling beardless Pakistani CIA Jew kafir? Anything else?
The good thing is that you hateful people are on the fringes, and mainstream Ahl as Sunnah don’t have those mercilessly retarded interpretations. What you say is that anyone who disagrees with your particular imam is a kafir. You can cherry pick ayats, but anyone can play that game.
There’s a saying that goes something like “if you want to know the quality of a teacher then look at his followers”. That says it all.
But, on my end I could’ve said things here with better adab, even though my basic premise is sound. When you grow up a little more and stop trying to be such tough mujahids on the internet and try to really get a sense of the presence of Allah in heart, then maybe you won’t be so quick to call other Muslims kafirs and espouse war between Muslims.
Peace be upon you and your families.
MashaAllah, you guys are still talking to jewjohnson(Burhan)Bloomberg over here? But i must say, quite the entertainment… Jewjohnson please keep making baseless statements and brothers & sisters keep comming back with halarious remarks bashing his character… honestly it has made my past two days…
Comment 98- Abu Yusuf “and i use style in the loosest sense possible”
Comment 92- Abu Yusuf “congratulations for completely missing the point”
And my all time favourite quote is Comment 17- Abu Saif ” I say, congratulations on making takfeer on yourself… Your officially a KAFIR”
ohh such statements bring joy to my heart lol, absolutly halarious SubhanAllah…
The Basic Ruling of the Armies That Support the Disbelieving Governments
At-Tibyân Publications
Verily, all praise is due to Allâh and may the Blessings and Peace of Allâh be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and his companions until the Last Day.
To proceed:
Recently, some statements have been reported in the news media, which are attributed to Al-Mullâ, Muhammad ‘Umar, may Allâh preserve him and give him victory, ordering the Tâlibân of Pakistan must cease their attacks against the Pakistani military.
Many Islâmic blogs, posting boards and forums have come out praising these words, saying that it shouldn’t be for Muslims to attack another Muslims, and that this conflict between the Tâlibân and the Pakistani military has brought about bad views and harm to the Mujâhidîn.
Regardless of whether or not these orders are authentic, [1] the issue of fighting this army and the likes of it should be made clear, because this type of scenario is not one without a historical precedent, and the Sharî’ah rulings in these matters are clear. And due to some of the reactions by our brothers to these alleged orders, and their welcoming this cease-fire on the basis that the Pakistani military are to be afforded the rights of Islâm and treated as Muslims, we hope to put forward some clarification on this issue.
Read full here:
”All that is happening today is a mirage” (interview with a Chechen Mujahid)
Publication time: 21 April 2009, 12:08
Prague Watchdog edition published an interview with one of the Mujahideen commanders of the Caucasus Emirate, Abdul-Malik. The interview was translated from Chechen into Russian, and from Russian into English.
Prague Watchdog: Do you think that it’s normal for Chechens to be killing Chechens?
Abdul-Malik: We really didn’t want this kind of war, and at first we did everything we could to avoid it. But the Russians are pushing the Kadyrovites onto the front line and conducting ambushes against us. The Kadyrovites are themselves trying every means of gaining favour with the Russians. I warned the man whom I killed. But he did not listen; instead he mobilized and started shooting at us. His cousin is here with us. And he says that this policeman almost took pride in the fact that he was able to earn his living by fighting the insurgents in the forest.
We had nowhere to go. And we started a war with them. Why? On the battlefield it is the Chechen whom we face. In Russian uniform. That is, a Russian, only with Chechen nationality – but he’s our enemy. In Russian uniform, with a Russian weapon in his hands, he went against his people and his religion. Therefore both our religion and our customs tell us that it’s our duty to fight him. That’s the only way they can be stopped. I repeat, we always warn them and urge them to give up their jobs.
A year ago I personally asked this man to resign from the police. And he sent a reply: “Try to make me!” That is why Allah used our hands to take his life away. From afar it is difficult to understand. To us here on the spot it is all obvious. These people persecute us day and night, without a break. That is why we conduct our operations against them. We have no choice. They fight us just like the Russians do, with the Russians’ weapons and vehicles. We have to respond. Anyone who fights in a war will understand this only too well.
I would like to say that we haven’t violated anything that is connected with the traditions of the Chechen people, the requirements of Islam. We stand firm on this. They are the ones who are the violators.
PW: But after all, you didn’t kill him on the battlefield, but dragged him from his home and shot him. Is that consistent with Islamic law?
A.-M.: Today whoever takes up arms to defend the Russian government and shoots at us – they can be killed. That is our starting point. He shot a lot of our people, I know that for a fact. But even in these conditions we say, as we did before, that we will not touch a single one of those who are willing to give up their job and stay at home. But there are those who continue to fight with us, and even more furiously than the Russians themselves. They are the ones who won’t allow the war to end. If it weren’t for, the war would have stopped.
PW: The homes of insurgents are burned down, their relatives are harassed and persecuted. What effect does that have on your people?
A.-M.: For two years now they’ve been persecuting our relatives, day and night. We never touch their relatives, only them. We seek justice and retribution. All that we do is in harmony with our religion. But they burn homes, they punish our sisters, our mothers, our brothers. That way they seek to influence us, to weaken our hearts. But we know what we are moving towards. They try to harm us in every way they can. They want to destroy our spirit. But by the will of Allah we will stand on the path of Islam. We will strengthen Islam and broaden it. We believe in it.
PW: Many of Chechnya’s civilians are pleased at what the authorities are doing: the authorities are building homes, they constructed the largest mosque in Europe, they’re improving people’s lives. Don’t you see any changes for the better?
A.-M.: Kadyrov brings Tyson to Chechnya, and he’ll be bringing Michael Jackson. Then it will be some artistes, some Arabs. Why? He’s conducting a policy of the stick and carrot.. Beat the man, beat him and beat him, then throw him a piece of bread. He thinks that’s the way to deal with people, but it’s all just temporary. I swear, even the Muslim prayers they’re allowed to hold today will be banned tomorrow. For no one in Chechnya today can follow the ways of the Prophet. Young people complain to us that they’re being told at home not to go to the mosques. They’re even being taken out of the mosques. And all the rest is just for show, there’s nothing to it… If they were truly supportive of Islam, do you think we’d be against it? No, of course we wouldn’t.
And all this show is being paid for by our oil. The republic doesn’t even get 10 percent of the oil revenues. So why do we take their bait? They’re grabbing all the oil and throwing us handouts. Telling us meanwhile that “Russia feeds us”. No, it doesn’t. Today, if it wasn’t for the mujahideen they’d be able to send us into exile as they did in 1944. We have to remember that. They’re the people who tormented our fathers, and now they’re tormenting us. So everything that Kadyrov does is hypocrisy. It’s just that they have control of information, of television. And they can deceive people. And our people are very willing to believe what they’re told on TV. There is almost no one left in Chechnya who is able to openly speak the truth. Everything is under the thumb of the authorities. Even religion is interpreted in the way they want.
If we had an independent state, our oil would pay for a fine standard of living. That’s why we’ve taken the path of struggle – so we can have our state, so that the Muslims can live in peace. All that is happening today is a mirage. And it will pass.. Allah is testing the Muslims.
PW: But many Chechens support the authorities. You say that you’re fighting for the people’s happiness. The people praise Kadyrov. Perhaps you haven’t noticed that you’ve moved away from the people and lost contact with it?
A.-M.: I can quote a hadith. Ali’s son was going to Iraq. He asked those whom he met: “What is happening there?” They replied: “The hearts of all the people of Iraq are with you, but their swords are turned against you.” What does that mean? The hearts of the people of Chechnya are with us. They have all told us that. They love us, but they love us in their hearts. If they talk about it openly, they’ll be persecuted. They are all living under a very heavy yoke of oppression. You just have to lift your head and you’re crushed. So they’re afraid. They have no weapons – they’re civilians. What can they do? They have to stay silent. I don’t blame them, because I understand. I live here and see it all. The people are oppressed, as in the days of Stalin. Nothing can be said openly. But in reality, people respect us and support us. If that were not the case, we wouldn’t have so many people coming to join us. And they come in their multitudes. They see the injustice of the authorities and they come to us. But if any one of them says a word in support of us, tomorrow he will find himself in a basement in Khosi-Yurt, and he’ll be tortured.
PW: Who is doing the fighting today? What sort of people are they, how many of them are there – what is their age, their social status, their level of education? What does an insurgent look like?
A.-M.: I can talk about myself. Two years ago I arrived here from Austria. I had a good life there, didn’t want for anything. But I gave it all up and came back when I realized a lot of things. Although people may not believe it, there are a great many insurgents. They sincerely believe in Allah. And all the talk about how they have taken this path in search of money is a lie. Does one earn money by dying? What do I need money for if I can die today? Money won’t help me when I stand before Allah. It will only help my deeds.
If I had wanted to earn money, I’d have looked for it elsewhere. After all, the world is a big place, you can live anywhere. But that’s not the life we are looking for. We seek Allah’s blessing in the next world. We want to strengthen Islam. What we have done today will help us tomorrow. Why? If we are victorious today, the Muslims will be free. They will be able to freely practice their faith. Each person will have all the rights that are given to him by Allah. And we will die on that path. Allah will give us paradise. We believe that. Inshallah! Those who have social and financial problems will not come to us. They will yield to the munafiqs. And there they will find a way to resolve their issues. But we seek advantage from Allah. And Allah willing, we will find it. Allah gives everyone what they seek.
Allah said that no one on his path will be left without benefit – either he will be victorious or he will receive paradise after he dies. We have this choice. If we are victorious, we will be open for the Muslims. We will not be criminal for them. If a criminal appears among us, we have the power to stop him. And we will not let the others do evil. We shall be for justice. Many things have been cleared up in comparison with the first war. And they go on being cleared up. After all, at each moment we stand before death.
Of our ranks I will say this: among us there are young and old, there are doctors, construction workers, graduates of institutes and universities. We have a program of Islamic studies and international current affairs. We know what we want. I am 30 years old. A time for life. But this, the best time of my life, I have devoted to Islam and the strengthening of the Word of Allah. And Allah will not forsake me! This I believe!
Source: Prague Watchdog
Kavkaz Center
Visited after a long time..
Assalam o alaikum wrahmatuLLAH my dear brothers & sisters in Islam,
& @burhan;
Im surprised..i really am..that u kept a straight face posting that last comment.
All of a sudden u r talking about adaab…
I mean I know i am but an erring human & all, but, i ain’t myopic enough to omit ur previous posts where u excreted ur biases in calling ur fellow Muslims; wahabi, suckers etc.
U c disagreeing is one thing, but if u cant find any other nook to vent out ur biases & that too in highly adrenalized tones, then perhaps its better (even for your own spiritual health) to kindly ignore posting on this channel in the future.
Is it asking too much of a favor?
i hope not.
And while talking about ‘narrow interpretation’, where u wrote;
“And what makes it jihad simply because AU soldiers are there? Are the AU soldiers destroying mosques and preventing people from practicing their deen?”
I for one, can never imagine that one fine morning NATO breeches my land’s western borders & proceed all the way into heartland, while I sit & play fine tunes on my ‘peace-flute’ & wait for them to destroy my masjid..would u?
Again..i hope not..
Also, while talking about madness, u wrote;
“This is madness. I’m a very devout Muslim who follows a madhab and a teacher, and I have a disdain for many modern revisions of Islam, but give me constitutional law over crazy imams any day of the week.”
U c you & umm jafar may be a follower of madhab e khamsa or firqah e ja’fariyah for all I care, & i won’t waste a second degenerating myself to do takfeer on someone who is not agreeing on a certain point (no matter how bey-adab that poor someone may be)
Nevertheless, I will not let go ur regurgitations of not-so-thin-veiled ridiculous ridicules on our scholars.
Spit the spite mate!
& make sure u turn ur face to the other side while ur @it!
Peace be upon u & urs
Asalamu Alakium wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam , this is from the interview with Abdul Malik posted by @ Jihadfeesabililah , jazakillah Khayr for a beautiful rea.
PW: The homes of insurgents are burned down, their relatives are harassed and persecuted. What effect does that have on your people?
A.-M.: For two years now they’ve been persecuting our relatives, day and night. We never touch their relatives, only them. We seek justice and retribution. All that we do is in harmony with our religion. But they burn homes, they punish our sisters, our mothers, our brothers. That way they seek to influence us, to weaken our hearts. But we know what we are moving towards. They try to harm us in every way they can. They want to destroy our spirit. But by the will of Allah we will stand on the path of Islam. We will strengthen Islam and broaden it. We believe in it.
Masha’Allah these are the true mumins , the strong reliable men of our ummah , may Most Gracious Allah protect them ,and protect their families and turn the hearts of their oppressors to the right path , if not destroy them .
Sabhan Allah all in this life besides struggling and sacrificing fee sabililah is a mirage
May they and we insha’Allah join the caravan of Martyrs
to the administrators of this blog/website/forum…..please disable comments for most of these articles on these issues which initiate heated debates that turn to personal attacks on fellow muslims, or people who profess they’re muslims. most of those who comment either praise or criticize the sheikh; and sometimes you get that very good link to another good video or article. however if this leads to fights in which some easily angered people lash out with their toungues and sin, then their really is no need for the ability to comment on these articles.
Assalam o alaikum,
Brothers & sisters in Islam,
& specially my brother in Islam Jihadfeesabililah,
I hope ull like this channel;
Asalamu Alaikum: shiekh anwar and to my brothers and sisters in islam:
The events thats curently unfolding in somalia is a test form allah ta’ala,
what the puppet government led by “sharif” is doing is, they are deciveing the people of somalia. just like shiekh anwar address with there “fake form of the shariah” the puppet gov are killing leaders and tribesmen and blaming it on the mujahideen,thats is whats currently happing, the latest plot that they are doing is deception, the oldest trick in the book. Sad to say many people are falling for it. this puppet government are the employees of the US,EU,NATO,ZIONIST,FREE MASONS etc.. the enemy of allah and everything islam stands for. as the day goes by we shall see more and more of there evil plot spoiled by allah subhan watalaa .there mission by Bringing the ethiopeans back fired so now the have attacked us through our religion with this “MODERATES” and their fake scholer agents. we have to ask ourselves why do the kafirs approve of this “puppet” government, the same kafirs who are at war with islam. inshallah brothers and sisters we have to wake up! and advise our freinds and family and tell them the truth!
inshallah brothers and sisters make du’a inshallah for our beloved brother anwar and the mujahideen in somalia also inshallah were ever they present.
Asalamu Alaikum
May Allah (swt) destroy America, the UK, Russia, the satanic zionist entity, and all the other Crusader, mushrik and tyrant taghoot, murtadeen regimes in the world. Ameeeeeeeeeeeen
check this out:
The Taleban are rapidly expanding and in the article it says:
—-In Imam Dheri, the Taliban headquarters near Mingora, a Taliban spokesman, Muslim Khan, told the Guardian their goal was the establishment of an Islamic caliphate first in Pakistan and then across the Muslim world.
“Democracy is a system for European countries. It is not for Muslims,” he said. “This is not just about justice. It should be in education, health, economics. Everything should be under sharia.”
Can Sheikh Anwar comment on this and write an article about these developments in Pakistan?
Sudanese Shaykh Calls Somali President Sharif Ahmad`s Mandate `Invalid`
Those amongst the Muslims that say Sharif’s rule is valid in Somalia have a very weak understanding of the principles of Jihad. Jihad is not only for the sake of establishing Shari’ah. Jihad is also to rid the rulers who are allied with the enemies of Islam. The following is taken from KismaayoNews:
On 16 February, a forum participant posted to a jihadist website a statement entitled “Statement on the Invalidity of Sharif Ahmad`s Mandate” written by Shaykh Abu Khabab al-Sudani,one of the leaders of Ansar al-Tawhid and Sunnah in Sudan, in which he demonstrated that Shaykh Sharif Ahmad`s mandate in Somalia is invalid. Abu Khabab listed many reasons for the invalidity of Shaykh Sharif`s mandate, among them that he fled when the Ethiopians invaded Somalia, that there is an allegiance to the Amir Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, and because it took place by the blessing and the approval of the “Zionists and the Crusaders” and their “quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants” who hold the reins in the land of Islam, in addition to other reasons. The writer relied on many Koranic verses to verify each point he stated.
A translation of the statement follows:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
“Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the last prophet.
“Statement on the Invalidity of the Mandate of Sharif Ahmad.”
“There is no doubt that the mandate bestowed by the Crusader West and its quislings among the apostate Arab tyrants upon Sharif Ahmad, who was in the recent past a mujahid in the path of Almighty God, is false. Today he became a hypocritical tyrant who implements the schemes of the Crusader West that aim at destroying jihad for the sake of Almighty God and fighting all those who achieve the doctrine of allegiance and enmity until they accomplish their desire to humiliate Muslims, loot their wealth, and blur their religious identity, so that they can be easy prey in the hands of the dirty Zionists and the Crusaders. No doubt this mandate is clearly invalid because it contradicts the Shari`ah of Almighty God in 10 points, and each of them alone invalidates this mandate; let alone when they all came together at the same time!
“They are as follows:
“1. This mandate is invalid because there is an allegiance to another amir, Shaykh Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, may God protect him. The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `If a bay`ah (oath of allegiance) is taken for two khaleefahs (caliphs),kill the latter of them` (Hadith).
“2. This mandate is invalid as the previous mandate of its owner was taken away when he escaped at the beginning of the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia. Almighty God said: `If any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop of his own- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed` (Koranic verse; Al-Anfal 8:16). The prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, said: `A commander of the Muslims is a shield for them. They fight behind him and they are protected by him from tyrants and aggressors` (Hadith).
“3. This mandate is invalid because it took place without the approval of the important monotheists and people of jihad, but took place through the members of Parliament, who are originally apostates because they accepted the polytheists` secular laws and applied it during the mandate of the previous apostate president. Almighty God said: `They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Tawbah 9:31), and Almighty God said: `nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever` (Koranic verse; Al-Kahf 18:26), and Almighty God said: `He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him` (Koranic verse; Yusuf 12:40). `What! have they partners in godhead, who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah`(Koranic verse; Al-Shura 42:21).
“4. This mandate is invalid because it took place through the blessing and the approval of the Crusaders, the Zionists, and their quislings of the apostate tyrants, who hold the reins in the land of Islam. Almighty God said: `Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: `The Guidance of Allah,-that is the only Guidance.` Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:120).
“5. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad and his colleagues recognized the infidel democracy and the invalid multi-party system. Almighty God said:` And be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,- Those who split up their Religion, and become mere Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself` (Koranic verse; Al-Rum 30:31,32).
“6. This mandate is invalid because its owner promised close relations with the enemies of Islam, such as America, Europe, the United Nations, Ethiopia and the rest of the atheist and tyrannical countries. Almighty God said: `ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them for friendship is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust` (Koranic verse; Al-Ma`idah 5:51). Almighty God said: `Your real friends are no less than Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly in worship. As to those who turn for friendship to Allah, His Messenger, and the fellowship of believers, it is the fellowship of Allah that must certainly triumph. O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have faith indeed`(Koranic verses; Al-Ma`idah 5:55,56,57).
“7. This mandate is invalid because it took place after Sharif Ahmad waived the doctrine of non-belief in the tyrant, which only validates faith after you start with it. Almighty God said: `Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:256). Almighty God said:` Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith the patrons are the evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness` (Koranic verse; Al-Baqarah 2:257).
“8. This mandate is invalid because its owner announced war on jihad and the mujahidin. He asked for support from the infidels and atheists to fight the monotheists, who are conducting jihad in the path of Almighty God. Almighty God said: `Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:176).
“9. This mandate is invalid because its owner agreed to rule according to the tyrants represented by the United Nations, the African Union, and other local and global tyrannical organizations. He did not announce his non-belief or lack of recognition for them. Almighty God said: `Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their real wish is to resort together for judgment in their disputes tothe Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan`s wish is to lead them astray far away from the right` (Koranic verse; Al-Nisa 4:60).
“10. This mandate is invalid because its owner has become an infidel and apostate who abandoned Islam because he committed several things that are considered takfiri as we stated above. Almighty God said: `Those who turn back as apostates after Guidance was clearly shown to them,- the Evil One has instigated them and busied them up with false hopes. This, because they said to those who hate what Allah has revealed, `We will obey you in part of this matter`; but Allah knows their inner secrets` (Koranic verses; Muhammad 47: 25, 26).”
May Allah reward you with the
best in both worlds Ameen…
Bin Laden Urges Somalis To “Fight On”
Al Qaeda boss Osama bin Laden, speaking in a new audio recording released Thursday on various jihadi Web forums and downloaded by CBS News, has asked Somalis to rebel against their newly elected president.
Thursday’s was the second audio released by bin Laden in six days, and the reference to Somalia’s new president, who was only elected on Jan. 31, helps to date the recording. In an audio released on March 14, bin Laden asked Muslim youth’s to disseminate extremist literature online.
In the audio, titled “Fight On O’ Champions of Somalia,” Bin Laden first analyses the situation in Somalia, explaining that Ethiopian troops were acting as proxy forces for NATO and the “International Crusade” which he says appointed former President Abdullah Yucef as its representative in Somalia.
The al Qaeda chief doesn’t waste much time in getting to his opinion of the newly elected president of Somalia, Islamic militant-turned-politician Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad.
Bin Laden says Ahmad is just another puppet brought in by the West because Somalis were fooled by the not-so-convincing President Yucef.
“But, since you weren’t taken in by the old trick of ‘Karzais’ which they have been using in the region, they replaced him and brought in a new, revised version, similar to Sayyaf, Rabbani and Ahmed Shah Massoud, who were leaders of the Afghan Mujahideen before they turned back on their heels as apostates and helped their ally – America – bring down the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan,” bin Laden tells his audience.
Bin Laden decrees that Somalis should continue to fight the new regime, just as they did with his predecessor. “These sorts of presidents are the surrogates of our enemies and their authority is null and void in the first place, and as Sheikh Sharif is one of them, he must be dethroned and fought.”
Most players on the current Somali political arena are representatives of Islamic groups, but not all of them are truly “Islamic,” explains the al Qaeda chief, warning Somalis not to be fooled by politicians who approach them in the name of religion.
“You must beware of the initiatives which wear the dress of Islam and the religious institutions even as they contradict the rules of Islamic Shari’ah,” he says in the 11 minute recording. “These people either don’t understand the facts or take us to be fools.”
In a bid to win wider Muslim support for the Somali cause, bin Laden closes his speech by geographically breaking down what he deems the Zionist-Crusader alliance’s assault on Muslim countries.
“You are facing a universal Crusade against all of you. This is Somalia on the southwestern wing, and the Crusaders have invaded it from the land, air and sea. From the direction of the west, there is another Crusader march; this one against the Sudan, advancing from Darfur… In the north, in the blessed Aqsa Mosque, there are Zionist armies for over 60 years, and Crusader ships facing Gaza, and other Crusader armies in the south of Lebanon. And in the east, there is a Crusader invasion led by America against Afghanistan, and another against Iraq, in addition to the military bases spread throughout our countries. So, how long will you continue to fear America and its agents?”
Allah (swt) says “Allah would not leave the believers in that [state] you are in [presently] until He separates the evil from the good.” 3:179
Indeed we have entered the 3rd and inshallah final phase of this separation of the evil and good. This third phase as brother Awlaki enlightened us in his lecture “Allah (swt) is preparing us for victory” is the test of the masses. You have obama deceiving the masses with his elegant speech and actions and now sharif with his “implementation” of shari’a. May Allah (awj) make us among the good and the shuhadaa’.
On a side note, sister “surat_nisa_verses_74_100″ hasn’t posted in a while. Inshallah keep her in your du’a
@ mulki
“So,Abdullaahi don’t simly regurgitate what BBC Somali are parroting from the CNN and whatnot.”
oooh u got rsources from somali i wonder wat media u use… + its too bad to call yourself SWEDE-SOMALI after u read what AT commented.
@ AT
thanx for reminding us.. what we are? who we are? too bad ABU CAYRO and other guys having the same opinion dont see what you as non-somali can see.
@ muhammed from nigeria
i think you have all the basic needs that humans should have … MAASHALAAH.
@ Salames our dear sister of hikma surat_an_nisa_74_100 who we miss is Alhumduillah just fine , still keep her in your duas
abu ayrow
You clearly did not understand me. Where did i say only somali scholars can speak about the situation.
Before you rush any comment, make sure you read it carefully.
If you read the bayaan it
talks about if one of those conditions dont work then the affair goes back to people of ahlul xalli wal aqd
we have people who judge governments and bacbitE them and even scholars are not even safe FROM THESE ACCUSATIONS.
people fear Allah! and becareful about these young folks who are running around making judgments on issues that concerns a might ask WHY THE DOING THIS? BECAUSE they LACK TAQWA OTHERWISE THEY WOULDNT RUSH
Those who rush and make takfir on govenments, let me ask you simple question did you memorize quran? or 40 hadith ETC? NO so please focus what benefits, leave these rulings for kibar ulemas. How can you disrespect the scholars when in fact these scholars are the ones that brought the dawah to somalia went by foot to saudi arabia to learn this deen BACK IN DAYS 60′S
To those people who are using the term wahabi, what do you mean by that?
@ regarding pirates, Jazakillah Khayr , interesting ,logical ,typical of the emporer to trash the humble one, may Allah swt) make their deeds only for Him
Tony Blair calls on world to wage war on militant Islam
Tony Blair calls on world to wage war on militant Islam
Tony Blair has said he does not regret leading Britain to war in Iraq when he was Prime Minister and has called on the world to take on and defeat Islamic extremists. He believes that, without intervention, the problem will continue to grow in countries such as Afghanistan.
He called for a battle to be waged against militant Islam similar to that fought against revolutionary communism.
In an address last night to a forum on religion and politics in Chicago, Mr Blair said that the world today faced a struggle posed by “an extreme and misguided form of Islam”, which threatened the majority of Muslims as well as non-Muslims.
“Our job is simple: it is to support and partner those Muslims who believe deeply in Islam but also who believe in peaceful co-existence, in taking on and defeating the extremists who don’t.”
The struggle could not be won “without our active and wholehearted participation,” he said.
Mr Blair was speaking almost ten years to the day since he gave an address in Chicago at the height of the Kosovo crisis when he set out what he described as a “doctrine of international community” that sought to justify intervention, including military intervention, not only when a nation’s interests are directly engaged but also where there exists a humanitarian crisis or gross oppression of a civilian population.
The speech was criticised widely at the time as hopelessly idealistic and even dangerous.
“Probably, in the light of events since then, some would feel vindicated,” Mr Blair said last night, but he stood by his stance. ‘I still believe that those who oppress and brutalise their citizens are better put out of power than kept in it,’ he said.
Defending his intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said the argument that Britain should revert to a more traditional, cautious foreign policy should be resisted.
“The case for the doctrine I advocated ten years ago remains as strong now as it was then,” he said, arguing that there was a link between the murders in Mumbai, the terror attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, the attempts to destabilise countries such as Yemen, and the training camps of insurgents in Somalia.
“It is not one movement. There is no defined command and control. But there is a shared ideology. There are many links criss-crossing the map of Jihadist extremism. And there are elements in the leadership of a major country, namely Iran, that can support and succour its practitioners.”
Defending the Obama Administration’s attempts to engage with Iran, Mr Blair said: “The Iranian Government should not be able to claim that we have refused the opportunity for constructive dialogue, and the stature and importance of such an ancient and extraordinary civilisation means that as a nation, Iran should command respect and be accorded its proper place in the world’s affairs.” I hope this engagement succeeds.
He argued that the purpose of such engagement should be clear and was about more than preventing Iran acquiring nuclear weapons capability. “It is to put a stop to the Iranian regime’s policy of de-stabilisation and support of terrorism.”
Listing the conflicts across the world, from Israel through Iraq to the Philippines and Algeria, he said: ‘It is time to wrench ourselves out of a state of denial. There is one major factor in common. In each conflict there are those deeply engaged in it, who argue that they are fighting in the true name of Islam.”
Mr Blair said that the doctrinal roots of extremism could be traced back to the period in the late 19th and early 20th century where modernising and moderate clerics and thinkers were slowly but surely pushed aside by the hard-line dogma of those, whose cultural and theological credentials were often dubious, but whose appeal lay in the simplicity of the message that Islam had lost its way and departed from the “true faith”.
“The tragedy of this is that the authentic basis of Islam, as laid down in the Koran, is progressive, humanitarian, sees knowledge and scientific advance as a duty, which is why for centuries Islam was the fount of so much invention and innovation. Fundamental Islam is actually the opposite of what the extremists preach,” he said.
He welcomed President Obama’s reaching out to the Muslim world at the start of a new American Administration but warned that it would expose “the delusion of believing that there is any alternative to waging this struggle to its conclusion”.
“But the ideology, as a movement within Islam, has to be defeated. It is incompatible not with ‘the West’ but with any society of open and tolerant people and that in particular means the many open and tolerant Muslims.”
He had moved on from believing that the removal of a despotic regime was sufficient to create the condition for progress.
“This battle cannot so easily be won. Because it is based on an ideology and because its roots are deep, so our strategy for victory has to be broader, more comprehensive but also more sharply defined.”
Outlining a six-point strategy, he said that this must include using the armed forces to fight where necessary.
“In the use of hard power, we have to understand one very simple thing: where we are called upon to fight, we have to do it. If we are defeated anywhere, we are at risk of being defeated everywhere.”
He also advocated “soft” options. “I do not accept at all the view that democracy is unattainable or unaccepted in the Islamic world. On the contrary, eventually it is only by the embrace of greater democracy — albeit by evolution — that this battle will be won.”
Asalamu Aleykom everyone,
jzkAllah khayran ya shaikh on this posting.
Amongst many comments that caught my eye was this comment made by “burhan”
and I quote :
“And what makes it jihad simply because AU soldiers are there? Are the AU soldiers destroying mosques and preventing people from practicing their deen?”
Just answer me this question. What if you had a nice two story house and one day three strangers decided to come and take 2 of your rooms and monitor what you are doing in the privacy of your own home? They are not interfering with your daily chores (to an extent) but they are invading your house and everything that’s in it. Would you be ok with this?
Just a reminder to myself first and all my brothers and sisters, name calling (in particular declaring one as a Kafir with no proof or knowledge about that person) should be omitted you don’t want that sin on your back now do you?
Love you all for the sake of Allah and I ask Allah azza wa jall to unite us all in Jenna Ameen!
assalamu alaykum
someone said @burhan : ”
You’re probably one of those beardless, one-madhab-all-the-way pakistanis who is ignorant enough to disrespect a man of knowledge such as Imam Anwar. Where are your etiquettes? It is true, you can take a jahil out of pakistan but you can never take pakistan out of that jahil. Take your ill-mannered desi attitude elsehwere.
Don’t forget to eat your daily dose of daal chawal filled to the top with achaar and onions, and come to the masjid soon after burping in the line.. your JAHIL kind disgust me.”
Fear Allah, this comment is full of disgusting racism and has nothing to do with burhan’s post and shows your ignorance and racism. If you have something against what someone said, discuss like a human with manners, im not pakistani or desi but you have somenerve insulting the people for absolutely no reason.
As-Salam-Ylakum Wa-Rahmatullah,
I feel that I must comment on these ridiculous claims that Al-Shabaab are in fact “Khawarij”.
Was it not Shaykh Sharif who left Somalia and then in his absence the Islamic emirate was established with Shariah courts and an Amir Shaykh Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr?
If Shaykh Sharif was serious about establishing Shariah should he not pledge his elegance to the existing Amir and prevent causing much fitnah?
Should you not obey those in authority amongst you, so long as they implement the Shariah and they do not deviate from it, and so long as they do not display open disbelief?
If this is so, is it then permissible for you to just dismiss the existing Amir and then go and appoint your own leader, and you base this on no legitimate reasons from our Shariah?
Is this not the characteristics of the true Khawarij?
Asallam 3aliakum warahamatullahi wabaraakatuh,
Ya Sheikh you have started a great discussion on the subject of the legitimacy of the current somali government and how they intend to proceed with islamic sharia law. The process which they have employed is wrong also how the intend to implement will not be without great many errors. However, dear sheik Al awlaki what about the importance of peace in Somalia. Countless many have died in Somalia since 1991 and many more are forced out of their Muslim nation and out into the arms of non muslims capitalistic nations but who are sympathetic nations, the same can’t be said for our Muslim brothers nations who have in fact done nothing more than add insult to injury where Somali refugees are concerned. Today, what is needed is great discussion and analysis of the issues regarding the politics of Somalia but more urgent is the need of the Somali people to have their Muslim land. With peace we can carry on the jihad, what is missing is the intellectual desire to have hard talks about the state of our Muslim umh human development. We have the luxury of peace to complete our salaat, eat our meals and carry on this web discussion on the current Somali politics. Please keep in mind the suffering of the Somali people especially that of women, young children and all vulnerable that imperialistic powers always tend to first with their aid. Human dignity is suffering in Somalia and that should be a discussion for Muslims and how to make Government work better for the people. One last thing I want to close with is quote from your earlier post or lecture. In the Muslim world the brightest of our student are chosen for medical studies, second in rank of brightness are submitted to engineering faculties and the next in line will probably enter Islamic studies. We greatly suffering from this dilemma. May Allah forgive me my errors and Jazakumllahu khayer.
The only reason that keeps me away from these various heated arguments is the remembrance of Judgment Day. On that day you will be accountable for every word that you said and every word that you wrote. May Allah forgive us all.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
Analysis:- Somali has promised $250 million
what does this mean:- It means that the international community of Kuffar want to eradicate the Muslims who really want Sharia.
Beefing up security means paying those who work for the government to go and kill those who disagree with the installed government and there sideing with the West.
He means supplying them with the arms to carry out the job.
What can be done to offset this? Well, as always those making jihad must make dawah to their people making it clear the haqq from the batil.
They must ensure that they don’t give the somali government an inch of leeway to move militarily forward.
Groups opposed to the government must ensure that they do everything in their ability to stop the passage of weapons reaching the government.
They must install their own soldiers inside the army of the government while there is still a chance.
Their is no doubt that the government has sent people outside for training even as I write.
Furthermore, the Somali government are not able to put together a coherent battle plan will undoubtly being supported by others from outside the country (normally called Military advisors).
It is clear that at this juncture Somali can only fall deeper into conflict unless the Government capitulates and gives up its dunya aspirations.There is no need to reiterate what has been already said about the legitmacy of this government.
What needs to be said is that the Muslims need to ensure that they are doing all they can in the way of their own training and in preparing for what is to inevitably to come and Allah knows best.
Remember that the a city can only be taken with a 10 to 1 superiority unless you have force multipliers (tanks etc)
Anyone interested in knowing more then study this documentary series and it will give you a insight into American tactics.
Thirty Good Deeds Passing Us By
From ‘Sahih al-Adab al-Mufrad’ (757):
Abu Hurayrah reported that a man passed by the Messenger of Allah while he was in a gathering, and he said: “as-Salamu ‘alaykum.” So, he said: “Ten good deeds.”
Another man passed by and said: “as-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah.” So, he said: “Twenty good deeds.”
Another man passed by and said: “as-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.” So, he said: “Thirty good deeds.”
So, let us try to obtain the thirty good deeds by making the complete greeting instead of the basic one. Imagine how many hasanat pass us by every time we greet each other, as just two or three extra words will gain us an extra twenty good deeds each time we say them!
And from ‘as-Silsilah as-Sahihah’ (1403): “If a man meets his Muslim brother, he should say: “as-Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.”
Totally off track but I think we need all the good deeds we collect , may Allah forgive us our short comings and help us to stay in control of our tongues and rid us of mischief makers , we have a hard struggle ahead Allah help us as only He can
At all those saying what about peace in somalia? Allah (swt) says “And the Jews will not be pleased with thee, nor will the Christians, till thou follow their creed. Say: Lo! the guidance of Allah (Himself) is Guidance. And if thou shouldst follow their desires after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, then wouldst thou have from Allah no protecting friend nor helper.” 2:120
These people have an agenda and Islam interferes with that agenda because Islam is the truth and the truth can’t co-exist with evil and falsehood. How many times were there “peace agreements” in Palestine and how many times did the scum of the world, the jews, break that agreement. In fact, things have been getting worse and worse for our brothers and sisters there. The jews are using Gaza as a testing ground for new illegal weapons. The west says “we want to implement democracy in the middles east” did hamas not win through a democratic election? Did you see the west accepting them though they won in a fair election (not saying that there should be elections or that I agree with that whole situation)? Allah is telling us in the ayah above, regardless of what you do, they will NEVER EVER accept you while you are being true Muslims. The zionists and crusaders both say they want to create co-existence between the Palestinians and the israelis, but you know and it’s clear by there actions, abuse, and oppression that their words are empty. Sharif and the somali government are saying they want to implement sharia, but you’ll see the same results and the “peace treaties” between the Palestinians and the jew scum. Our noble Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr both said that if you leave Jihad, you will be humiliated and destroyed till you return to your religion (jihad). When the sahabah started to busy themselves in agriculture in the area of Jordan, what did Umar do? He sent his servant and told him wait till the plants are about ready for harvesting and then burn them. When they asked why he ordered this, he (ra) said, this work is for the people of the book, your work is Jihad. It amazes me that people over look these ahadeeth as well as all the ahadeeth talking about the war between the Muslims and the jew scum, and all the wars between the Muslims and the crusaders and think that we can re-establish our khilafa and honor through peace talks. “It amazing me that Allah (swt) says And verily we have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous slaves will inherit the earth: (105) Lo! there is a plain statement for folk who are devout.” 21:105-106 . Allah (awj) will grant is servants victory over the entire world, let me ask you something, will this happen through peace talks and da’wah? I believe you know the answer. Allah (swt) knows best.
Subhanallah wa bihamdik, ashadu an-la illaaha illa ant, nastagfiruhu wa natuboo ilah.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Rabi Al-Akhar 27, 1430 / 23-04-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
7 puppet army terrorists killed in Ghazni Thursday morning 23-04-2009 at approximately 7.30 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a Ranger vehicle of puppet army in Ganj area of Khwaja Omari district of Ghazni province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and seven terrorists on board, including a commander, were killed instantly. The enemy relentlessly fired on the surrounding areas after the explosion, hitting a number of people. However, there is no further information.
A vehicle of puppet army blew up in Kandahar Thursday morning 23-04-2009 at approximately 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Srosahano area in Shorawak district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and six puppet terrorists in it were killed.
1 tank of Poland invaders army destroyed in Ghazni Thursday afternoon 23-04-2009 at approximately 12.08 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a tank of Poland invaders army in Sorksay area in Qarabagh district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and four invaders in it were killed.
8 puppet police terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in an explosion in Paktika Thursday afternoon 23-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan detanoted a remote controlled landmine targeting puppet police convoy in Parawa area in Sarwza district of Paktika Province. The blast destroyed a ranger vehicle and eight terrorists were killed.
Attack carried out on joint enemy convoy in Faryab Thursday morning 23-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a joint military convoy of puppet army and invaders advisers in Qaresh area in Dawlat Shah district of Faryab province, the casualties and damages of enemy were not reported.
Puppet army commander gun down in Ghor Wednesday morning 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan gunned down a commander of puppet army check points Abdulbaser in Bas bazaar of Shahrak district in Ghor provincial, in the same bazaar. The Mujahideen were riding on a motorcycles and after the attack come back to their base in the area.
Attack carried out on joint enemy convoy in Laghman Thursday morning 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a joint military convoy of puppet army and invader terrorists near the center of Dalatshah district of Laghman province. Five enemy terrorists were killed and a number of others were seriously wounded in the attack. A military vehicle of the convoy were also damaged in the attack, also a Mujahid was wounded.
Mortars fired at American invader army base in Khost Thursday afternoon 23-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired mortars at an American invader army base in Khalbsat area in Sabery district of Khost province, the mortars hit their targets causing huge losses to the enemy.
2 tanks of American and 1 vehicles of puppet army destroyed, 21 enemies of terrorists killed in Wardak Thursday afternoon 23-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a military convoy of the American invaders and puppet army in Abdualrahman Khil area of Narkh district of Wardak province. In the ambush two tanks of American and one vehicle belonging to the puppet army were damaged and twelve puppet army and nine invader terrorists on board were either killed or wounded.
6 supplying vehicles of American invaders destroyed in Kandahar Thursday early morning 23-04-2009 at approximately 3.20 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a stop American supply vehicles convoy in Kandoalo srai area of Kandahar city. In the attack six vehicles were destroyed and the Mujahideen did not suffer any casualties.
2 American invader army tanks and 4 supplying vehicles destroyed in Laghman Thursday morning 23-04-2009 at approximately 11.30 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a American supply convoy in an area of Laghman province near the grave of Shahid Mullah Borjan Akhund on Kabul-Jalalabad highway. As a result, two enemy trailers loaded with American tanks were set on fire. All four enemy vehicles – two supply vehicles and two tanks – were completely destroyed and their drivers were taken away by the Mujahideen for further questioning.
Heavy fighting is going on in Wardak Thursday afternoon 23-04-2009 at approximately 1.30 pm local time, heavy fighting started between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the joint enemy forces in Ghbargoli village near Band-e Soltan area of Jaghatu district of Wardag province. According to a report, the face to face fighting started when the joint enemy forces arrived in the area to carry out operations against the Mujahideen. Intense heavy fighting is going on in the area, and full information about the casualties will be published later.
A puppet intelligence officer was killed in Khost Wednesday night 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed Akbar Mangal, an intelligence (national security) officer of Khost city, in Wakgha area of the city. The officer was ambushed and killed when he was on his way home from the national security office. The Mujahideen safely returned to their base after the attack.
14 enemy terrorists killed and 2 vehicles destroyed in Paktia Wednesday night 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a security post of the puppet army terrorists in Momenkhel area situated near Gardez city, the capital of Paktia province. As a result, the enemy security post was captured and six terrorists manning the post were killed. Also heavy explosions were carried out on a convoy of reinforcements which was coming to the area after the attack. Two enemy Ranger vehicles were destroyed and eight more terrorists on board were killed. The Mujahideen took as booty the weapons and ammunition of the dead soldiers and set the security post building on fire.
In two landmine explosions 6 American invader army terrorists killed and 4 wounded in Helmand Wednesday night 22-04-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, 10 American invader army terrorists were either killed or wound in two consecutive explosions in Khairollah Drap area of Garmser district of Helmand province. According to a report, the heavy explosions took place in the when the American terrorists were trying to defuse two mines in the area, six terrorists were killed instantly and four others were seriously wounded in the explosions.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
As-Salam-Ylakum Wa-Rahmatullah,
I feel that I must comment on these ridiculous claims that Al-Shabaab are in fact “Khawarij”.
Was it not Shaykh Sharif who left Somalia and then in his absence the Islamic emirate was established with Shariah courts and an Amir; Shaykh Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr?
If Shaykh Sharif was serious about establishing Shariah should he not pledge his elegance to the existing Amir and prevent causing much fitnah?
Should you not obey those in authority amongst you, so long as they implement the Shariah and they do not deviate from it, and so long as they do not display open disbelief?
If this is so, is it then permissible for you to just dismiss the existing Amir and then go and appoint your own leader, and you base this on no legitimate reasons from our Shariah?
Is this not the characteristics of the true Khawarij?
Bismillah wal Hamdullilah
When Allah says in the quran in the nearest meaning of translation “when it was said to them come and fight, they said “had we known fighting was made compulary we would have gone forth”, Close to kufr were they than Iman that day, they said about their brethren had they listened to us they would not have been killed. Say avert death from yourselves if your are truthful… call no those who are slayed in the way of Allah as dead, nay they are alive, they rejoice in that which Allah has given them, rejoice for those yet to join them”
These ayah are full of hikmah and lesson from the arguments of the people of nifaaq. who hate fighting their taghooti masters, hatred for the hakimiyaah of Allah and the jihad.
I give the example i read from the book taqi ud-deen nabhani (rh) “the dawah carriers and the dawah are like a train the dawah is speeding along, along side the tracks their are dogs barcking, but the train goes past them” i.e their barking will not effect the dawah reaching its station or conclusion, the barking will not stop or slow the speed of the train or the dawah to tawhid and Allah hakimiyah to implement the khilafah rashida.
Imam Ali (ra) was well renouned in discussion but addmitted he cannot defeat one type of person, that is the arrogent or ignorant one, as he is not willing to listen.
Ignore the people of nafoos and nifaaq, ignore the ahle bidah and the follower of the scholars for dollars sitting like poodles near the thrones of their master. Allah al might describe the chief scholar of bani Israel as a “dog”, and so are the likes of the paid kibar ulema (with exception of those who have repented of being amongst the scholars for dollar)…
IMAM Imran Hussain gives a beautiful peace of advice he was asked, how do you know which alim is on the haq.. he replied, nabi (saw) given u bashara (glad tidings of the taifah) that will march carrying the black banners. Ask your self this question are your sheiks willing to march with the taifa carrying the black banners of jihad or are they ones condeming them with the shirk democratic leaders and the zalim capitalist imperialist masters. IF THEY DON’T THEN AVOID THEM LIKE A PLAGUE, IF THEY MARCH AND SUPPOR THEM, THEN MARCH IN THE SHADE OF THE QURAN WITH THEM. I BARE WITNESS THAT ALLAH HAS MADE YOU A JUST IMAM OF HAQ, DEAR BROTHER AND HONOURBLE IMAM ANWAR AWLAKI. MARCH IN THE SHADE OF THE QURAN ALLAH IS WITH YOU, WE ARE WITH YOU. WE SHALL NOT BE LIKE THE YAHOOD WHO SAY, GO YOU AND YOUR RAB AND FIGHT. BI-IZNILLAH I SEE YOU AMONGST THE MUJADID OF THIS CENTURY, SO DO NOT LET SHAYTAN TAKE YOU OFF THIS PATH TO JANNAH O BROTHER IMAM ANWAR AWALKI.
O muslims as the victory of Allah descend upon the muwahideen you shall surely see the voice of the munafiqs increase their opposition increase.
and their rage increase says as Allah says to the yahood for their anger of jibreel (as), who comes only with mercy and victory, say to them “perish you in your rage!”.
Be the ones who shall prepare the kabr for shirk democracy, shake the thrones of the apostate, purify the land of nabi (saw) from the US and the sulooli regime.
“fear not the blame of the blamers”
new HT release
Indeed the British legacy of the Capitalist system, its judiciary and democracy, all are Kufr
Democracy is kufr because the right to legislate belongs to man instead of the Creator
UAE prince caught red-handed on torture video
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:51:11 GMT
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Sheikh Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, brother to the President of the UAE and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
A senior member of the UAE royal family has been caught, literary red-handed, in a torture scandal after a videotape was released showing a man being severely assaulted by the prince.
The videotape smuggled out of the country by Bassam Nabulsi, a businessman from Houston, Texas, depicts Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE Crown Prince’s brother, savagely torturing a man.
The victim was beaten with wooden planks with nails protruding from them and then the prince poured salt on his bleeding wounds.
The video also shows the prince setting fire to parts of the victim’s body, giving him electric shocks with a cattle prod, ramming desert sand into his mouth, and firing bullets around him with an automatic rifle.
The gruesome footage released by ABC News also shows Sheikh Issa driving over the victim repeatedly with his luxury Mercedes SUV. The sound of breaking bones is clearly audible in this scene.
On the video, the victim identified as Afghan grain dealer Mohammed Shah Poor, screams and asks for mercy but the UAE prince sadistically orders the cameraman to come closer to get a better record of the man’s suffering.
A UAE police officer in uniform can also be seen helping Issa and his men torturing the Afghan man.
The Sheikh accused Shah Poor “of short changing on a grain delivery to his royal ranch on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi”.
The UAE Interior Ministry has admitted that Sheikh Issa had been involved in the torture but claimed that “The incidents depicted in the video tapes were not part of a pattern of behavior.”
The government also insisted that “all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department.”
Sheikh Issa is one of UAE’s 22 “Royal Sheikhs” and a son of the country’s one and only president, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who died in 2004.
Nablusi, who smuggled the 45-minute tape out of the Arab country, says he too was tortured by the UAE police to force him to hand over the tape to them. He is now filing a lawsuit against the Sheikh in a US federal court in Houston.
The video was allegedly recorded by Nablusi’s brother because the Sheikh took pleasure in watching torture scenes later.
Nabulsi who was Sheikh Issa’s former business partner, was allegedly arrested and charged by UAE police over narcotics trafficking after he refused to turn over the video. After spending time in a UAE prison, Nablusi was finally deported from the country and his passport was stamped with “Not Allowed to Return to the UAE.”
The businessman says the US Embassy in Abu Dhabi was aware of the torture tapes but did nothing and only advised him to leave the country.
UAE is one of the closest allies of the US in the Middle East and the US Navy operates out of a major base near Dubai. It is also one of the biggest customers for US weapons, having signed a $6.9 billion arms deal with Washington in 2008. The UAE is seen by the US as a critical ally in its self-styled “war on terror.”
Bismillahi Arahmani Arahim
Asalamu Claykum Wr Wb
Dear Brother,Anwar
Wallahi you speek the truth. may Allah subhana watala protect you and your family.Allahuma,Aamiin.
@somali brothers and sisters
New interview with Shaykh Hasan Yacquub
@ ubaida as-sumaal
Akhii, my comments are not directed at you personally but they our general. If I miss understood your comment then I’m sorry. I was responding to a trend among the somali community particularly when Sh. Osamah bin Laden advised the mujahideen to fight on. And you trying to insult my credentials are childish.
Listen to the above link and hear what the scholars of jihad are saying. We seek are rulings from alhul jihad. That’s are way.
Barak Allahu feekum
Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu,
Hope and pray this message finds all the brothers & sisters here in the best state of health and Imaan. Ameen.
Had been out of the country, so I dont know if someone has already posted this. But just in case if anyone doesn’t know yet…
MashaAllah, Sh. Anwar’s the Life of Muhammad(salAllahu alayhe wa sallam) – Medina Period Part 2 is now available.
And this is for the Bros & sis in UK and Europe:
May Allah, Most Gracious continue to bless & protect our beloved Imam and his family and may He grant him continued success in serving and reviving this Ummah. Ameen.
Hizb Ut-Tahrir refuses to believe in the following principles of Aqeeda by only saying “asiddiqu” to them: Punishment in the Grave, Munkar and Nakeer, Al-Dajaal, Al-Mahdi, The return of ‘Isa ‘alayhi salaam, the sighting of Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa, as well as several other required beliefs. I am not saying this from reading so-called refutations of them, but I actually got invited to join these deviants and heard from them first hand. Allahu ‘alam what their status of Islam is. We should not join, nor take from them an ounce of hadith or a letter of an ayah.
This is the belief of ahl-al-sunna wa al-jama’a:
in the classical work “al aqeedat-ut-tahaaweeyah” imaam tahaawee starts:
“this is an explanation of the aqeedah [belief] of ahl-us-sunnati wal jamaa’ah upon the way of the scholars of this religion Abu Haneefah an-numaan ibn thaabit al koofee, abu yoosuf Yaqoob ibn ibraheem al ansaaree abd abu abdullaah muhammad ibn al hasan ash-shaybaanee – may allaah be pleased with them all – and the beliefs they held concerning the fundementals of the Deen [religion/way of life] and their belief in the lord of the worlds.”
and later says
“we believe [nu'minu bi] in the angel of the death, who is charged to take the souls of the worlds and in the punishment of the grave [bi-athaabil- qubri] for those who deserve it, and the questioning in the grave by munkar and nakeer …” [pp 390, 396 of `sharhul-aqeedat-it-tahaaweeyah' of ibn abeel 'izz al hanafee, pub. maktab-ul islaamee].
and imaam ahmad bin hanbel said:
“we believe in the punishment of the grave [nu'minu bi athaab-il qubr] and in munkar and nakeer, and that the slave is asked in his grave.”
1) Sufyan ibn ‘Uyainah (d.197H) (rh) said:
“The Sunnah is ten.Whosoever accepts them has completed the Sunnah and whoever abandons anything from them,has abandoned the Sunnah;affirming al-Qadr(predestination ),giving precedence to AbuBakr and Umar,the Pond in Paradise,Shafaa)Intercession),the Scales,the Bridge over Hellfire,Emaan is statement and action,the Quraan is the speech of Allaah,Punishment in the Grave,being raised up on the day of Judgement and not testifying that any Muslim will definitely be in Paradise or Hell”(15)
2) Imaaam ash-Shafiee (d.204H) (rh) said:
“Indeed al-Qadr(predestination):both the good and evil consequences are from Allaah -the Mighty and Majestic.Indeed Punishment of the Grave is a true fact,the questioning of those in the graves is a true fact,the Resurrection is a true fact,the Accountability is atrue fact,Paradise and Hellfire are true facts.Whatever else is related in the Sunnah and so mentioned by the scholars and their followers throughout the lands of the Muslims is also true”(16)
3) Imaaam Ahmad (d.241H) (rh) said:
“From the essential Sunnah ,which if a person leaves anyone of its points-not accepting it and not having eemaan in it-then he will not be from its people are:(he then mentions ) eemaan in the Punishment of the Grave”(17)He also said:”Punishment of the Grave is a true fact.The servant will be questioned about his Religion and his Lord.Munkir and Nakeer and Paradise and Hellfire are also true facts”(18)
4) Abu Dawood (d.275H) (rh) said:
“Chapter:Questioning in the Grave and the Punishment of the Grave”(19)
5) Ibn Qutaybah (d.278H) (rh) said:
“Ashaabul-Hadeeth are united upon the fact that whatever Allaah wills happens and whatever He does not will does not happen ;that He is the creator of good and evil;that the Quraan is the speech of Allaah,uncreated,that Allaah will be sen on the Day of Judgement,giving precedence to Abu Bakr and ‘Umar,upon eemaan in the punishment of the Grave.They do not differ in these fundamentals.Whosover opposes them in any of these matters then they reject,hate and declare such a one an innovator and cut themselves off from him”(20)
6) Imaam at-Tahaawee (d.321H) (rh) said:
“This is an eplxnation of the ‘aqeedah’ of Ahlus-Sunnaj wal-Jamaah upon the way of scholars of this religion;Abu Haneefah an-Nauman ibn Thaabit al-Kofee,Abu Yousuf Yaqoob ibn Ibraheem al-Ansaree and Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn al-Hasanash ash-Shaybanee-may Allaah be pleased with them all-and the beiliefs they held concerning the fundamentals of of the deen and their aqeedah in the Lord of the worlds.”Up until when he said:”We have eemaan in the Angel of Death who is charged with taking the souls of all the worlds;and in the ‘Punishment of the Grave for those who deserve it”(21)
7) Abdul-Hasan al-Asharee (d.324H) (rh) said:
“The Mutazilah denied Punishment in the grave.It has been related from the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) by manu ways and by his Companions(rta).Nothing has been related from a single one of them denying or negating this,to the point when there is ijmaa(comcensus) from the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) “(22)He also said:”There is consensus that the Punishment of the grave is a true fact,and that people will be tested and questoined in their graves.So may Allaah,establish us with what He loves’(23)
“Chapter:tasdeeq(affirmation) and eemaan in the punishment of the Grave”In which he brings many of the ahadeeth related by al-Bukhareee and Muslim and ends the chapter by saying:”So what is the condition of those who deny these ahadeeth except that they have deviated very far and are in a huge loss”(24)
(9) Ibn Abee Haatim (d.327H) (rh) said:
“Our chosen way is to follow the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) ,the sahaabah,the Tabieen and all those who folowed them in goodness,along with abandoning looking into the innovated matters,to hold fast to the way of the Ahlul-Athar(People of narrations),such as Abu ‘Abdullah Ahmad bin Hanbal,Ishaaq ibn Ibraheem,Abu ‘Abdullah Ahmad bin Hanbal,Ishaaq ibn Ibraheem ,Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qaasim ibn Salaam and ash-Shafiee,to hold fast to the Book,the Sunnah and the way of the Imaams who folow the narrations of the Salaf ,adopting what was adopted by Ahlussunnah from the various cities”Up until his saying:”Faith increases and decreases and we have eemaan in the Punishment of the grave”(25)
10) Imaam al-Barbaharee (d.329H) (rh) said:
“Eemaan in the punishment of the grave and Munkir and Nakeer”(26)
11) Al-Ismaeelee (d.371H) (rh) said:
“Know -may Allaah have mercy upon us and you-that the way of Ahlul-Hadeeth ,Ahlus-sunnah wal-Jamaah is to affirm belief in Allaah,His angels,His messengers and to accept whatever is recorded in the Book of Allaah-the Most high-and what is authentically related from the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) until he said:”Punishment in the Grave is a true fact”(27)
12) Al-Qayrawaanee (d.386H) (rh) said:
Under the chapter:”What is related in the Sunnah about the aqeedah of the heart from the obligatory matters of the Deen.From this is:Eemaan in the heart and pronuncing with the tongue that Allaah is the only deity worthy of worship,none has the right to be worshipped except Him”Up until his saying:”And punishment in the Grave is a true fact and the Believers will be tested in their graves”(28)
(13) Ibn Abee Aamneen (d.399H) (rh) said:
“Ahlus-Sunnah have eemaan in the Punishment of the Grave,may Allaah protect us and you from this”(29)
(14) Imaam al-Laalikaaee (d.418H) (rh) said:
“Chapter:a report of what is related from the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) with regards to the fact that when the Muslims are lowered into their graves,they will be questioned by Munkar and Nakeer,and that Punishment in the grave is a true fact and eemaan in it is obligatory”(30)
(15) Imaam al-Bayhaqee (d.458H) (rh) said:
“Chapter:eemaan in the punishment of the Grave”(31)
How can we support a group with faulty aqeeda? Why do you think Afghanistan went through so much trouble after they defeated the Soviet Shayateen? Many of the Mujahideen had faults in their aqeeda and thus it took years of civil war until the Taliban came into power to right the situation there. If a Christian or a Jew calls for Khilafa we would not follow them. Also, if a sufi called for it we would not follow them. So why would we follow this group founded by a Sufi with Mu’tazila and Ashari tendencies? Subhan’Allaah they do not even understand an ounce of fiqh if you start talking to them.
These people target those they see to have little knowledge, because their currupt aqeeda does not sound strange and they twist words such as mutawattir in order to mislead those without solid knowledge of this deen.
All thses people do is play on the political temptations people have. They argue with your nafs in order to mislead you. This is also an issue with many of the people who want to become mujahideen. Subhan’Allaah those videos of al-shabab on youtube should do little to nothing to motivate you to fight ya ikhwan! Is not the promise in the Qur’an and Ahadeeth enough motivation? Are these things not superior to news reels and slideshows with nasheeds in the background?
@ somali brothers and sisters
Link to Labayka Ya’Osamaah rally in somalia
The blessed Islamic Awakening has reached South African shores…
One day that could change your life…forever
“And Our Word (Decree) has already preceded for Our servants, the Messengers. That indeed, they would be those given victory. And that indeed, Our soldiers will be those who overcome” (TMQ As Saaffaat: 171-173)
“Indeed Allah gathered up the earth for me so that I saw its eastern and western parts, and indeed the dominion of my Ummah will reach whatever was gathered up for me from it” (Sahih Muslim)
Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam is reported to have said: “Allah shall raise for this Ummah at the head of every century a man/someone who shall revive for it its religion” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
Confirmed Guest Speakers:
Shaikh Farouk Amod
(South Africa)
Shaikh Anwar al Awlaki
(Yemen – Live link up)
Shaikh Abdullah al Faisal
Shaikh Feiz Muhammad
(Australia – 1st Lecture tour to South Africa)
Assalam aleikum sheikh Anwar and all brothers and sisters in islam. Thanks shikh for this crucial matter that you brought to the table and clarify it, you always illuminate clear path for those who dont see it or confused due to deep fitna. unfortunately some people dont get it, like that dude”BURHAN”, it is very sad to see what the Kuffar’s planted fitna do our brothers and sisters…We pray to Allah to guide him and other muslims like him back to the light(islam) from the darkness…Brother ABAZ broke down really beautiful the fundamental concept of waraa and baraah,..I called it the GOLDEN RULE TOO…The golden rule is:”If the enemy is pleased with you ,you need to check yourself ,because ALLAH Azzawajal told us that they will never be pleased with us until we follow their way”.al-baqara 2:120…
May Allah give victory to our mujahadeen brothers all over the world…they’re indeed the heart of islam and humanity
Assalam aleikum jamia
“O you who believe! Take not for Auliya’ (supporters and helpers) your fathers and your brothers if they prefer disbelief to Belief. And whoever of you does so, then he is one of the Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc.).
Say: ‘If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight … are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).’”
[Surah At-Tawbah, Ayah 23-24]
The Sharif Government, the Puppet President of Somalia, the agents of As-Samiri and the 5th obstacle to the Jihad fee Sabililah:
Asalamau Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
Commenting on the 5th obstacle, ‘Your kindred’ in the Ayat, Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki (may Allah Protect him) expounded:
“Today we call it (kindred): nation, homeland, country and nationalism; all of these are obstacles. People would put the interest of the nation before the obligation and interest of Jihad fee Sabililah Azza wa Jall. So People will say that “we need to keep peace in our nation, and we need to keep problems away from our nation. Why? “Because this is the Maslaha of our nation”. This is wrong to say; firstly, we need to look at the Maslaha of the Deen of Allah Azza wa Jall and not the Maslaha of a nation. Nations come and go but the Deen of Allah Azza wa Jall is what we need to work for. Many brothers and Movements will refrain from Jihad fee Sabililah in the name of protecting the nation from trouble. This is an obstacle that stands between Muslims and Jihad Fee Sabililah. For example, in some Muslim countries they say that “we don’t want any Jihad over here because the kuffar will come and invade our lands and they are going to cause us problems.” That’s not the justification for not fighting Jihad fee Sabililah. You do what Allah Azza wa Jall wants you to do and then you leave the results in the hands of Allah Azza WA Jall; and do not worry about the outcome; it is in Allah’s hands. If Allah destines that the enemies of Allah will come and invade your country, or nation or whatever, then that’s the Qadr of Allah, He may destroy them or Allah may open their hearts to Islam. So you don’t worry about it, you do what Allah tells you to do. You are not the one running the Universe. It is Allah Azza wa Jall. So you leave the results to Allah Azza wa Jall. Allah instructs us to fight Jihad fee Sabililah, we do it as an Ibadah. A lot of Muslims now they fight under the banner of nationalism or for their countries; but they don’t fight for The sake of Allah Azza wa Jall. They don’t fight for the honor of the Muslims; they don’t fight for the honor of the religion of Allah. They hear that the Qur’an is being abused and desecrated and they don’t do anything. They know that Muslim women are being raped and they do nothing. But if the president or king tells them to fight against a particular nation even if it is a Muslim nation, they will all line up and fight. They are fighting for Nationalism but they are not fighting for Islam.”
[Thawaabit ‘ala darb al Jihad by Shaykh Yusuf al ‘Uyayree; In the Lecture series delivered by Imam Anwar al Awlaki]
So these puppet shows that are presented in front of our eyes by the Samiris and the Dajjal’s agents from the terrorist States of America, the West and Illegal Israel shouldn’t be an obstacle for us in the path of Jihad fee Sabililah and establishing the Khilafat. They have blinded most of us through their RAND agents in spreading Nationalism and Racism, and made some hating Jihad fee Sabililah in their hearts and loving Peace in the name of Maslaha for their selfish security and nationalistic interests.
“And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their way. Say, ‘Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the only guidance.’ If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.”
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 120]
“So if one is a Muslim and follows a way of life such as nationalism, modernism, secularism, capitalism, communism etc., even if it may be partial, he has been defeated. Even if it means that they have gained a great status, wealth, and power within
that lifestyle; why? Because it is compromising the Deen of Allah Azza wa Jall. If a Muslim wins a landslide election, in democratic elections, that is defeat and not victory. It is defeat because you have given up your religion, whether large or small. The issue is not you reaching to power, but the issue is the laws of Allah and His Deen reaching to power. And Following their way doesn’t necessarily mean claiming it publicly since it is rare. The ayah is not talking about declaring it in public, rather, it implies following them. If your actions and your words are in parallel to following them, then you are following them and in reality being one of them.”
[Thawaabit ‘ala darb al Jihad by Shaykh Yusuf al ‘Uyayree; In the Lecture series delivered by Imam Anwar al Awlaki]
“O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allāh guides not the wrongdoing people.”
[Surah Al-Mâ'idah, Ayat 51]
As brother Salaam on post# 123 pointed out about the CIA-RAND agents in our midst to create confusion and disunity among the Muslims around the world, we would like to also, give you here an observation from their comments and rhetoric, which lies around the Jewish/Christian propaganda and US-RAND kufr, nationalistic, racial, and Sufi agendas to disunite the Ummah more and more; as well as their attacking the Mujahideen fee Sabililah and mixing truth with falsehood like al-Yahood. And Indeed Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is Most Knowing of what we presented here and may Allah make it be a source of awareness for all of us: (Please Note all these comments have been refuted by the brothers and sisters in this blog with proofs and evidences from Qur’an and Sunnah, Alhamdulillah)
ExJihadi says on March 5th, 2009 :
“The Chechens made the fatal mistake of allowing Arab foreigners from the Gulf and Egypt hijack the Jihad in Chechnya. When Dudayev and the other TRUE Chechen Mujahideen had established victory – the Arabs led by a treacherous Salafi Chechen by the name of Shamil Basayev decided to invade Dagestan and every other Russian-occupied area instead of focusing on creating a viable, succcessful state. The lesson here is to never let Arabs get involved with a freedom struggle, they can’t even defend freedom in their own miserable countries.”
Dalmar says on February 6th, 2009 :
“Iam very sorry to hear the word of JIHAD had been used a political war and other interests of voilences by some psychopatic Arabs, who claim they fight for god, i want to declare and to tell all MUslim non Arab people to understand that there is no JIHAD today on the planet, so all MUslims should stay away to join the ruthless terrorists who stand killing the innocent pple on the world, and i hope AL-qaeda, and all similar cults would be eradicated from the world soon inshallah, may the curse of god be upon AL-qaeda and Al-shabab they ruined the reptation of Muslims… Iam Somali and inshallah i expecting al-shabab and alqaeda will be leveled to earth….”
Dalmar says on February 7th, 2009:
“To Um Umar,
Iam very sorry to answer pple like you but yet i understand you might be Somali girl who has been hypnotized by Arab barbarics, so you need my advice whether you accept or not its up to you,
As long as you believe in that Al-Qaeda and Alshabab terrorists are Mujahidin, youre the one who is going to hell, Allah may curse Al-qaeda and AL -shabab and Hamaz, and Allah already punished them and now they are under attack from the god…..
and there is no what is called Shariah law, Sharia Law is satanic and dirty torture and very harsh against humanity we dont need to use sharia law now, we have our own constitution, and Allah will punish those who say Sharia law and kill the people torture stone the pple and you will see inshallah in hereafter who is wrong and who is right?”
Dalmar says on December 31st, 2008:
“Mr. Anwar, Iam terribly sorry to read that you sent encouragement message, the most dangerous, killing machines, ruthless terrorists eating up our people day by day,
I would like you to apologize to Somali people and confess your mistakes about supporting monsters in Somalia, Al-shabab are responsible merciless killing against to many important figures in our society, they led Ehtiopians and Americans to Somalia, after they have been hosted three men who are terrorist with alqaeda, and that caused many of our people die because of Al-shabab, Al shabab is also the only obstacles of the peace run by somali people and the uluma, civil soceity and the scholars”
AlKabab says on February 14th, 2009:
“al “shabaab” aka al qaeda sycophants, khaleeji corrupted swine posing as Mujahideen called for the death of Shaykh Sharif…anyone supporting these savages trying to overthrow Shaykh Sharif should join their bretheren in the caves of Tora Bora..”
maghi85 says on March 2nd, 2009:
“the purpose of this forum is only to espouse hatred and misdirect the intentions and purposes of Jihad. Jihad stems from deep inward understandings of tawheed.”
magh says on March 4th, 2009:
“abu zubair
please don’t put the Somalian mujahideen under the same category as the Taliban or Swat terrorists
first of all Somalian mujahideen are Sufis
secondly, the Union of Islamic Courts was nothing like Taliban regime
thirdly, they fought the invading ethiopian army without blowing themselves up along with other civilians.
and now the head of the UIC who was exiled is now back and is elected president
read his profile and interview on al-jazeerah”
HlMED says on January 27th, 2009 :
“I recommended a book in another posting and I will recommend it now. The book is My Jihad: The True Story of An American Mujahid’s Amazing Journey from Usama Bin Laden’s Training Camps to Counterterrorism with the FBI.”
The Praised One says on January 14th, 2009:
“The jihad will fail. Allah does not smile upon those that wage jihad.”
sithik says on March 4th, 2009:
“Im an Indian Muslim… These are fake messages which tries to bring hatredness among Hindus… I pity for the author.. We Indian Muslims are 10000 times better than Pakistanis.. PLease dont try to split us… I was struggling for money when the company fired me. At the time lot of Hindus helped me…
sithik says on March 5th, 2009:
Im a human first
then Indian
then Muslim”
Ahmed says on February 14th, 2009:
“I used to have a lot of respect for you but you have turned in to a ’scholar’ who has no sense of the reality faced by Muslims in the west. Maybe you have forgotten your own past since spending time in the middle-east but I wish you could just stay silent and teach your little circle of students in Yemen without giving us your useless opinions about how we should be behaving here in the west. “
ahmed says on March 17th, 2009:
“Religion is a concept made up by man to excert authority and to gan power. There is no god so you have all wasted the only chance you had to enjoy your life. Instead you are full of hate and bias. I will have a drink of alcohol tonight and have fun, you will not.”
muslim says on January 30th, 2009:
“You didn’t mention that the man that was responsible for this act – the CIA agent – is a CONVERT TO ISLAM.
On top of the problems that you mentioned, this is another case of Muslim-on-Muslim violence!”
Umar Jafar says on April 20th, 2009:
“Maybe, Imam, you should have a little more circumspection when making pronouncements which, in effect, will possibly lead to the continuation of Muslim on Muslim violence.”
burhan says on April 20th, 2009:
“Thank you Umar Jafar. It’s time that ulema like this think about refraining from discussing politics and stick to matters of tahara and fiqh. This is madness. I’m a very devout Muslim who follows a madhab and a teacher, and I have a disdain for many modern revisions of Islam, but give me constitutional law over crazy imams any day of the week.”
burhan says on April 20th, 2009:
“Why can’t people vote for this? And what makes it jihad simply because AU soldiers are there? Are the AU soldiers destroying mosques and preventing people from practicing their deen? Let’s not further rabble rouse simply because something doesn’t fit your very narrow interpretation. Peace is preferable, don’t be deluded otherwise.”
burhan on April 20th, 2009:
“Oh, man. I didn’t realize I stumbled into a Wahabi hornets nest. Enjoy your hatred, suckers.”
Mohammed on April 21st, 2009:
“…As one of the few fortunate Somalis who have migrated to a western country, I would say the majority of the diaspora are in favour of Sheikh Ahmed Sharifs government and its governing under Islamic sharia.
And might I say the majority of Somali population in Somali are also very happy with Sheik Sharifs government and the recent vote for sharia in country. What is your problem with this? Don’t you want your brothers and sisters in Islam to once and for all stop the killing of other Somalis? or are is it because they are black muslims it’s ok for them to kill eachother because they are not true believers?…
…We the Somali diaspora and those back home want a peaceful Somalia that governs itself under the law of Allah (swt). Once again, what’s your problem with this? Stop advocating for the killing innocent believing muslims in Somalia even if they of different colour to you!
Sheikh Ahmed Sharif is the best Somali leader we’ve ever had. Lets help him create a peaceful Somalia and NOT plot against him as you are currently doing…”
And the comments from the Post of “A Muslim for the Sake of the Disbelievers”:
“Aassalamualaikum sheikh. i loved your works, enjoyed and learned from them. i do desire to become one of the mujahideen but not as you describe. i desire to become a mujahid in da’wah and learning and believe this is the right path. I heard and read some of your views on what the muslims should do and belive them not to be true. i think you should review your works and when you find the true path, apologize about your previous works. jihad cant be the right path because this is a religion of peace and if we go around killing everyone, it would be wrong for us to call this religion a religion of peace. what the muslims should do is evacuate palistine and afghanistan and continue with the da’wah and the rest is with ALLAH inshalah.”
These are not all the comments that were observed in terms of the RAND agenda, but these are some of those that refuted the Truth based on US-RAND and Western agendas like, race and nationalism and anti-jihad propaganda. Another observation is that almost in all of their comments and allegations there were no evidences or proofs presented and without any evidence from the Qur’an or the Sunnah. They are typical US propaganda. Some may have been commented purely from ignorance but as we can see by the Power of Allah Azza wa Jall, majority were really deliberate and just plain attacks on Islam, Muslim, the Mujahideen, and the Jihad fee Sabililah.
And who can forget what “Interfaith Imam” says on December 11th”? And those of “MR”, “heraish”, “mudsir”, “disagree”, “pepe”, “Assalafi”, “Al-gazi”, “Concerned Muslim”, “American Muslim-Muslim American Muslim-Just Muslim” on January 13th , and the cursed CIA Jewish ape and pig: “Kufr Akbar”.
So brothers and Sisters in Islam, these are just the obstacles that we need to be watchful of and not to follow and obey the deniers, as Allah Azza wa Jall Says:
“Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has gone astray from His way, and He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided.
Then do not obey the deniers.
They wish that you would soften [in your position], so they would soften [toward you].
And do not obey every worthless habitual swearer
[And] scorner, going about with malicious gossip –
A preventer of good, transgressing and sinful,
Cruel, moreover, and an illegitimate pretender.”
[Surah Al-Qalam, Ayah 7-13]
As-salaam alaikum wrwb to all my brothers and sisters,
I am so disappointed to read such comments directed at imam anwar. subhanAllah how blind and deluded can some people get. For those who are discrediting the imam’s post, let me awaken your memories. Somalia was in a civil war for the past 20 yrs. Before the advent of the Islamic courts union, Somali was in turmoil with out a central Government therefore the country was being run by war lords and criminals. People were robed off their homes, women rapped by war lords,
daily killing was the norm and criminals were on the lose. now this so called “international” community that is so concerned NOW turned a blind eye to the situation in Somalia the world didn’t care and the country was left to die and destroy each other. Now let me ask you a question why didn’t the UN,AU and American extend the helping hand and the peace security they are offering now then?
Why all of sudden there is an interest to help Somalia establish peace and security?
To those fellow Somalis whose memory dates back three yrs please answer my question.
To the brothers and sisters who see the haqq, love and hate for the sake of Allah I want to tell you all reading your comments in response to the few misguided individuals. I love you all for the sake of Allah, may Allah unite us on the Day of Judgment and be under the ALMIGHTY’S shade.
May Allah Azza Wa Jall preserve imam Anwar and always keep him firm on the haqq
May Allah keep our brothers the mujahedeens on the frontline steadfast and grant them victory where ever they are
After assuming the office of Caliphate Abu Bakr’s first address was as follow:
I have been given the authority over you, and I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is loyalty and disregard for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with me until I have secured his rights, if Allah wills; and the strong amongst you shall be weak with me until I have wrested from him the rights of others, if Allah wills. Obey me so long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. But if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you owe me no obedience. Arise for your prayer, Allah have mercy upon you.
As-salaam alaikum wrwb to all my brothers and sisters,
This is to my brother Abu-Saif on April 20th, 2009 at 8:00 pm that comments he has made iis totally un acceptable and i have 2 reasons first who are u to call some one a kafir and second imam malik (peace be upon him) never like to start an up roar agiainst the ummayad khalifa even they if they were wrong, jihad i sthe way forward at this time to push our ummah out of darkest years, however we should have peace imam malik (pbuh)bever like war because he did not want muslims toi die however Imam hanifi (pbuh) was a part of the up roar against the umayad khalifa so you can go either way but first we need sharia and in order to get that we need jihad.
may allah forgive me if i have said anything wrong and forgive all my brother who has said anything wrong aswell
salaamo alkaikum wrwb
Advice to my brothers/sisters: Let us have some adhaab and proper akhlaq (manners), especially when dealing with ahlul ilm (ppl of knowledge). Let us not address our shiekhs as “brother.” Let us say shiekh, “are the ones who know and who do not know the same?” I dont think so. I am a brother, Shiekh Anwar is a shiekh. Please get it right.
May Allaah bless Imam Anwar Awlaki (hf) and may Allaah’s wrath be on those who vote, and uphold Democracy aka Taghoot!
Analysis:- Somali
has promised $250 million
What does this mean:- It means that the international community of Kuffar want to eradicate the Muslims who really want Sharia. Beefing up security means paying those who work for the government to go and kill those who disagree with the installed government and there siding with the West. He means supplying them with the arms to carry out the job. What can be done to offset this? Well, as always those making jihad must make dawah to their people making it clear the haqq from the batil. They must ensure that they don’t give the somali government an inch of leeway to move militarily forward. Groups opposed to the government must ensure that they do everything in their ability to stop the passage of weapons reaching the government. They must install their own soldiers inside the army of the government while there is still a chance. Their is no doubt that the government has sent people outside for training even as I write. Furthermore, the Somali government are not able to put together a coherent battle plan will undoubtedly being supported by others from outside the country (normally called Military advisors). It is clear that at this juncture Somali can only fall deeper into conflict unless the Government capitulates and gives up its dunya aspirations.There is no need to reiterate what has been already said about the legitimacy of this government. What needs to be said is that the Muslims need to ensure that they are doing all they can in the way of their own training and in preparing for what is to inevitably to come and Allah knows best.
Remember that the a city can only be taken with a 10 to 1 superiority unless you have force multipliers (tanks etc)
Anyone interested in knowing more then study this documentary series and it will give you a insight into American tactics.
for Information only
In the science-medical world, psychological,they would evaluate our fellow Burhan has split personalities, those people consume or chewing miraa,ghat,(inferior and cheap drugs-goat food),marijuana,wine,alcohol,sniffing ,hashish behaves like him. I wouldnt call him a Jew,Kafir or…
Lets assume he is not a man behave like a woman,oh! Lets assume is not a comedian, lets assume he is a unpaid trouble maker, do you really want to tell me, a mother can carry a baby for 9 months, going through hardship to raise her child,washing and changing nappies everyday and a child grow up and become stupid like Burhan?
No no no, no way, I cant believe!
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
After sit and thinking about some of my posts I have decided to try to explain them in a way that even the non tactically minded can understand them.
My motivation is to try to give a true tactical picture about what is happening on the ground and the reasons behind some of the moves made by the mujahideen.
If we take the example of Bruner we can imagine the following:
You live in a two storey house with a big garden. One day a gang move into the garden and take it over. You fight with them for a time, but in the end you pull back into the house. Now you have the full house and they have the garden.
time goes by and they realise that they have not achieved what they hope so the gang take over the bottom floor of the block.
This leaves you with only the top floor to move around in and if you want supplies you have to climb out of the window and risk getting caught by the gang.
Now, let’s imagine a different scenario. Instead of the gang taking over your garden and bottom floor, you decide to take over the street where the gang go about carrying out their daily business. They have now been pushed back to the outskirts of town and you have access to all the ameneties that for years you didn’t have.
The gang still being a threat you want to drive them all the way back to countryside so you occupy the outskirts and leave them no room to carry out their activities.
This is Bruner. If the Taliban do not occupy the land further out they will be squeezed by the Pakistani army and the Crusaders becoming a filling in a sandwich.
It is clear that the pakistani army is run by secularists for secularist purposes.
I pray that Allah guides the Mujahideen to complete the job which Allah has set out for them so as to wipe kuffar and hypocrisy from the lands inshallah.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshippers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Rabi Al-Akhar 28, 1430 / 24-04-2009
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety
3 tanks of American invaders army destroyed in Balkh Thursday midnight 24-04-2009 at approximately 12:12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan carried out armed attack on a military convoy of the American invaders army in Aqshtipi area Charbolak district of Balkh province, in which three enemy tanks were destroyed and all the invader terrorists in them weapons were either killed or wounded, a Mujahid was also wounded.
Explosion killed 7 puppet police terrorists in Kandahar Thursday morning 24-04-2009 at approximately 9 am local time, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in attack on a convoy of puppet army, in which one Ranger vehicle and seven terrorists on board were killed in Salokhan area of Danad district of Kandahar Province.
Mortars fired at American invader army base in Khost Thursday morning 24-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired five mortars at an American invader army base in Khalbsat area in Sabery district of Khost province, the mortars hit their targets causing huge losses to the enemy.
American invader army tank blown up in Khoshamand Thursday midnight 24-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of American invader army in Hadai area of Khoshamand district of Paktika province. According to a report, the enemy tank was totally destroyed and all the terrorists in it were killed.
A vehicle of puppet army blown up in Kandahar Thursday 24-04-2009 at approximately 8:45 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up a vehicle of puppet army in Uaqub Qalach area of Arghandab district of Kandahar province, the landmine destroyed the vehicle and five puppet terrorists in it were killed.
Puppet army check posts captured and 8 terrorists killed in Zabul Thursday midnight 24-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with light and heavy weapons simultaneously attacked three check posts of puppet army in Taker area in Mizana district of Zabul province. In the attacks Mujahideen captured all three check posts, killed eight puppet terrorists and wounded five, also the check posts were now under Mujahideen control.
1 tank of invaders army destroyed in Helmand Wednesday afternoon 23-04-2009, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote control landmines blew up a tank of invaders army in Diwal area in Garmser district of Helmand province, the landmine destroyed the tank and five terrorists in it were killed.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu:
bm on post 177, Jazak’Allahu khairan wa Baraka’Allahu feekum brother, for the channel’s link and standing for the Haqq. Insh’Allah, it is a must see for all. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala join us with our brothers in the fields of Jihad fee Sabililah and pour upon us patience and grant us aid and victory over the enemies of Islam. Ameen.
Wassalamu Alaikum.
salamu-alaykum dear shaykh, just to answer Ibraheim regarding pirates. from what i know about the somali pirates, ever since the collapse of the somali government, there has been illegal fishing and dumping of toxic wastes in the waters off somalia by european countries. most of these men who the west calls pirates are nothing more than simple fishermen looking out for their countries interest. furthermore, they consider themselves somalias volunteer coast gaurd. there goal is to stop the fleecing of their seas and stop illegal dumping of waste. in my opinion, these men hardly qualify as pirates. salamu alaykum
Assalamu Alaykum sheikh,
JazakAllahukhairan for your continuing naseeha. May Allah swt protect you and guide you. Could you please comment on the implementation of Sharee’ah in the SWAT region.
Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh,
May Allah swt keep you in the best of health and eeman. In a recent Jumma khutba in the northwest of UK an ‘alim’ who has completed a one year ‘mufti’ course, chose to speak for a few minutes about you. His main bone with you was that you didn’t strictly follow a madhab. Most likely having never heard your lectures he was not concerned with what you had to say but what you were. He was highly criticized by the people in his community who actually listen to you and recognize the truth for what it is. My question is as laymen how should we handle situations such as these where the scholars who are meant to be leading the community have blinders on.
Following the Practices of the Kuffar
These are some interesting narrations worthy of reflection that are found in Hamud at-Tuwayjri’s ‘Ithaf al-Jama’ah bi Ma Ja’ fil-Fitan wal-Malahim wa Ashrat as-Sa’ah’ (1/267-274), and they deal with the concept of the Muslims imitating the practices of the nations that came before them.
Of course, when these types of narrations come that inform us of future events, they are meant as an indhar (warning), not iqrar (approval) of what is being mentioned:
1 – Abu Sa’id al-Khudri narrated that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said:
“Indeed, you will follow the practices of those who came before you – handspan by handspan, armspan by armspan – to the point that if they follow the lizard into its hole, you would follow them in this.” We said: “O Messenger of Allah, are you referring to the Jews and Christians?” He replied: “Who else?”
[Reported by Ahmad, al-Bukhari, and Muslim]
2 – al-Mustawrad bin Shaddad said that the Messenger of Allah said:
“This nation (i.e. the Muslims) will not leave anything from the practices of the people who came before it except that it will adopt them.”
[Reported by at-Tabarani, and al-Haythami said: "Its narrators are trustworthy."]
3 – Hudhayfah said:
“You will follow ways of those who came before you, step by step. You will not avoid their path, and it will not avoid you.”
[Reported by al-Ajuri in 'ash-Shari'ah']
4 – He also said:
“There is nothing that Bani Isra’il did except that you will do the same.” So, a man asked: “Will there be homosexuality amongst us?” He replied: “Yes.”
[Reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah]
5 – ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud said:
“By Allah, you resemble Bani Isra’il more than anyone else. You will not leave a single thing that they did except that you will also do it, and there will not be a single characteristic that they had except that you will also have it.”
[Reported by Muhammad bin Nasr al-Maruzi in 'as-Sunnah']
6 – Ibn Mas’ud and Hudhayfah both said:
“You resemble Bani Isra’il more than anyone else in their character and practice. You imitate them in their actions step by step, except that I am not sure whether or not you will worship a calf!”
[Reported by al-Baghawi and Ibn Abi Shaybah]
7 – Ibn ‘Abbas said:
“There isn’t anything that was with Bani Isra’il except that it will also be with you.”
[Reported by Nu'aym bin Hammad and Muhammad bin Nasr al-Maruzi]
8 – ‘Ubadah bin as-Samit said:
“By Allah, there is nothing about those who came before you except that it will also be with you.”
[Reported by Muhammad bin Nasr al-Maruzi]
9 – Ibn ‘Umar said:
“You will adopt the practices of those who came before you – the good and the bad.”
[Reported by al-Maruzi]
10 – al-Walid said that he was walking with Abyad, one of the Companions of the Prophet, to visit a friend:
“So, we entered the mosque, and we saw the people praying. I said: “Praise be to Allah who has caused Islam to unite white and black people!” So, Abyad said: “By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, the Day of Resurrection will not come until you adopt some practices of every religion.” I said: “Will this be because people will leave Islam?” He replied: “They will pray like you pray, they will sit in your gatherings, they will live amongst you, and they will adopt some of the practices of every religion.””
[Reported by 'Abdan in the book 'as-Sahabah']
The author, Shaykh Hamud at-Tuwayjri (رحمه الله) then mentions: “These mawquf narrations from the Companions have the ruling of being marfu’ (attributed to the Prophet), since they discuss issues of the Unseen, and the Companions would not speak about such issues from their own opinion. Rather, they took these words from the Prophet, and Allah Knows best.”
What Goes Around Comes Around
“…Whenever I look to the effects of Ibn Taymiyyah and the effects of Sayyid Qutb on Earth, I come to realize the meaning of {“A good word is like good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches reach to the sky, giving its fruit at all times by the Leave of its Lord…”} [Ibrahim; 24]
Ibn Taymiyyah died in prison in the year 726 H. His books were burned up, and he and Ibn al-Qayyim were paraded around the streets of Damascus with the neighborhood children mocking and clapping behind them. Ibn Taymiyyah would sometimes write in prison, so they took away his pen and paper. So, he began writing on the walls of his cell using a rock. This treatise of ‘al-Hamawiyyah’ or ‘at-Tadmuriyyah’ was copied down from the walls of his prison cell. Ibn Taymiyyah died in 726 H, and the the scholars who competed with him thought that they were finally rid of him. He died in 726 H, and after exactly four centuries, someone emerged in the belly of the Arabian Peninsula who loved the books of Ibn Taymiyyah and learned from them, and he was Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab. Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab was expelled from ad-Dar’iyyah to here and there, to Iraq, etc. Afterwards, he returned, and Allah softened the heart of Muhammad bin Sa’ud towards him and he agreed to aid his mission, and he did so.
The whole world went crazy, and they moved Ibrahim Basha the son of Muhammad ‘Ali Basha, and a Syrio-Egyptian army moved to tear apart this da’wah and wipe it out from Najd, and they took its leader ‘Ubaydullah bin Sa’ud and imprisoned him. Afterwards, the people thought that this da’wah was finished. About fifty years ago, one of Muhammad bin Sa’ud’s sons, ‘Abd al-’Aziz, took over as leader. During the days of ‘Abd al-’Aziz, the people would wander from place to place until they could find just a tiny date to eat. One of the inhabitants of Najd told me: “One day during the famine, we would dig up ant hills and collect and eat the wheat that the ants would gather. We were unable to eat dates on a daily basis, and we’d have to eat the date one day, and suck on the seed of that date the next.”
They would also take the vines on which the dates grew and wash them. So, the people of Najd would all come with their containers and vessels to collect some of the wash of these date vines. Allah then Willed that petroleum would be discovered inside the Arabian Peninsula, and this country began printing the books of Ibn Taymiyyah – printing and distributing, printing and distributing – and not a single library in the world was left except that it contained Ibn Taymiyyah’s books. Today, if you wish to silence someone, you simply say ‘Ibn Taymiyyah said such and such,’ and the person is silenced: {“A good word is like good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches reach to the sky, giving its fruit at all times by the Leave of its Lord…”}
Sayyid Qutb was the same way. He was executed in prison, not in the street. They executed him inside the prison in a dark room, and nobody knows where his grave is until now. His own family doesn’t know where he is buried. One of his old friends said to me: “If only we knew where his grave is so that we can visit him…” So, I said to him: “His Lord does, you don’t need to know.” The day that Sayyid was executed, six to eight thousand copies of ‘Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an’ were burned in the main streets, in other words 64,000 volumes of the book were burned. Anyone in Egypt who was found possessing any of Sayyid Qutb’s books – especially ‘Ma’alim fit-Tariq’ – was sentenced to ten years in prison. Sayyid’s books were treated like opium! They were actually like opium! They were warned against in the same way that marijuana was warned against.
When Sayyid Qutb was executed, the ‘Voice of the Arabs’ broadcast that he had been executed because he wanted to kill Umm Kulthum and destroy charitable organizations and the radio stations that broadcast the Qur’an, and because he had contacts with Western intelligence, that he was an American agent, a Western agent, etc. So, the announcer on the ‘Voice of the Arabs’ show, Ahmad Sa’id – I heard him myself, and may he go to Hell, and what an evil destination – would say regarding Sayyid Qutb: “To Hell, and what an evil destination.”
That generation began asking itself: ‘Who is this man who was executed? What is this book ‘Ma’alim fit-Tariq’ and this book ‘Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an’ that he was sentenced for?’ So, everyone began looking for these books to read them. This happened to the point that a failing Christian publishing company in Beirut was advised by other Christians: “If you want to save your company, print ‘Fi Dhilal al-Qur’an.’” Yes, and he did so, and in the same year that Sayyid Qutb was executed, the book was printed seven times. Seven times! And during his life, it was only printed one and a half times – they did not even complete the second printing. Everyone who read Sayyid Qutb’s books returned to Allah and was affected by him, and the curse of Allah came down on those who had prevented people from reading them before. While they used to pound and whistle and jump up and down in the streets while his books were being burned, you now do not find a group of Muslims on Earth except that his books are with them, as they have been translated into almost every language…”
['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah'; p. 242-243] Shiekh Abdullah Azzam
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb brothers and sisters in Islam
I love and need to come back to this site daily so I can feel I belong to a ummah of like minded people and reap the benefits from your company Ive come to love and respect fee sabililah
We live in a time when there is so much ignorance in the people that call themselves muslims and very little Taqwa in those that are learned, with the exception of a few ,and in some cases I like to think that some muslims have had the pen lifted from what comes out of their mouths,eg Dalmar, we have to be so careful [ Taqwa ] in our intentions , words and actions whilst being confident to speak with what knowledge we have obtain , but also have an open mind to understand that we are forever learning.
We can find a wealth of knowledge here and good reminders, Alhumduillah
May Allah protect you all who love and desire and need the words of Allah to be supreme and guide us to the best of knowledge and please forgive me it Ive hurt someones sense of Ghirah , and I’m so pleased to see that some here do have that strong sense of Ghirah thats a very rare commodity in the people who call themselves muslims , May Allah forgive us all for our shortcomings [intentional or un-intentional] and for our weakness and help us to overcome our obsticles and work for the betterment of the ummah of our most beloved Rasul Allah saws)
Allah the Omnipotent , help us in our work cause the more we strive the more we realise that the battle will be a long hard lonely drive towards our fruitfull destination , glad tidings to the strangers whom my heart unite with.
If a muslim is weakened, his brethen strengthen him, if any of them slip, his brethen help him up, if any excel, his brethen support him. This loyality gives Muslims the greatest strength, it gives them the support of Allah , His love assistance and protection. The Prophet said the strongest bonds of faith are loyality to Allah and anomosity to His enermies, love for Allah and abhorrence of what he dislikes. The degree of a servants faith determines the degree of loyality he has to Allah and the Prophet. saws)
Ibn al-Qayyim said that a person rises in his closeness to Allah until: “…there remains only one obstacle from which the enemy calls him from, and this is an obstacle that he must face. If anyone were to be saved from this obstacle, it would have been the Messengers and Prophets of Allah, and the noblest of His Creation. This is the obstacle of Satan unleashing his troops upon the believer with various types of harm: by way of the hand, the tongue, and the heart. This occurs in accordance with the degree of goodness that exists within the believer. So, the higher he is in degree, the more the enemy unleashes his troops and helps them against him, and overwhelms him with his followers and allies in various ways. There is no way around this obstacle, because the firmer he is in calling to Allah and fulfilling His commands, the more the enemy becomes intent upon deceiving him with foolish people. So, he has essentially put on his body armor in this obstacle, and has taken it upon himself to confront the enemy for Allah’s Sake and in His Name, and his worship in doing so is the worship of the best of worshippers.”
As-salaam alaikum to all my brothers and sisters,
@ jihadfeseebilillah jazakAllah kheerun brother for the great post may Allah protect you and always keep you firm on the haqq. Indeed the lists you have listed are those whom I hate for the sake of Allah. Their intention on this site was nothing but to cause fitnah otherwise they would have addressed the issues in a different manor if they had doubts and wanted to clarify they would address the imam anwar (hafidilallah )with akhlaaq even if they didn’t agree with him but because of their contaminated misguided minds, Allah put covering in their eyes even with all the evidence from the quran and ahadeeth which was presented to them they still couldn’t comprehend. For Allah says, if he guides someone no one can misguide and if he misguided someone no one can guide. Alhamdulillah raabill alameen Allah guided those whom he loves the most. I have noticed a post directed at burhan, which was filled with assumptions and prejudice. That to me had the hallmark of a person trying to cause fitnah and arguments amongst us as a result divert the attention from the main topic and turn it into nationalistic argument. Whether its burhan himself or others Allahu’alam. But have to say I didn’t see him writing in response to reject that accusation like he has done before.
@ brother AT mashAllah great analysis…i think burhan is itching to responds now
Does anyone know of a good website wish lists meanings of common symbols in dreams, specifically involving the greatest of creations (saw). For example, visiting the Prophet (saw) tends to be glad tidings of going to Hajj if I’m correct. Jazakallahu Khair
@Abu Ayrow
Al shabab are saying the same thing as Sh. Anwar Al Awlaki (ha). The brothers have also taken the advice of Sh. Osamah bin Laden (ha) and have renewed their loyalty and obedience to him upon Quran and Sunnah, which pleases the believers and though the disbelievers hate it .
Al Shabab says, “We are the Army of Osamaah and we shall meet in al Aqsa!”. For those who hate our beloved amir, die in your rage! Alhamdulillah.
Akhi.. if possible can I know the source where you got this from?
This is what Al-Shabab are doing. They fire mortars at the parliament building and mis their target and the consequences are here CAUTION- THE PICTURES ARE VERY GRAPHIC. IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE HEART TO SEE BLOOD, PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT IT. Brotheres and sisters in Islam, is this a Jihad? I think you think you should judge this for yourself. It is good to know the reality on the ground before supporting a group.
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
I would like to point out to all the brothers and sisters a very important issue and that is the spilling of the blood of innocents i.e Muslims without a sharia reason.
My reason for saying this is that I hope that my words will reach the ears of those who are not sure about the tactics of war and the use of tactical weapons which bring about little or no benefit when used in a wrong way.
Just like you would not use a knife to attack a bear when you have a gun available. Likewise using indirect fire support weapons which require correction bring about little benefit when used in built up areas surrounded with civilian Muslims.
Now, I am aware of the sharia rules regarding engaging the enemy when he is surrounded by Muslims. However, this is only to be carried out after all other possibilities have been exhausted.
Furthermore, anyone who has fired a Mortar will tell you that in built up areas it does more harm than it bring benefit. What is more appropriate is the tactics of the sniper who can engage and kill the target without innocent Muslims being killed.
A side point:- Members of shaikh sharif’s party are at the moment canvassing in gulf countries so that they can gain legitmacy and money.
The money will be used to persuade those of weak emaan to join the police and the army and turn against the Mujahideen. Weapons will in turn be supplied by the west along with appropriate training. When the arms and men have been built up then backed by the kuffar they will try to reclaim the cities and take them under their control.
May Allah help the mujahideen and give them victory against their enemies and open the hearts of the people to see the truth and to help and aid them in this fight against shaitan and kuffar.
Al-Salamu alaykum
JakakAllahu Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki, for I have benefited a great deal from your blog and lectures. And JakaAllahu Khayrun to the brothers and sisters who have posted reminders for us to take heed from. For Allah azza wa jal says in surah Adh-Dhariyat ayah: 55
“And remind (by preaching the Quran, O Muhammad), for verily, the reminding profits the believers.”
@ Suraqah al-Andalusi, you asked where Abu Ayrow got :
““We are the Army of Osamaah and we shall meet in al Aqsa!”. For those who hate our beloved amir, die in your rage!”
It is from a somali lecture, so if you speak or understand the language, here is the link:
A cry from Iraq…Who will answer?
“And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “O Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”?” [al-Nisa 75]
Wow this is the most incorrect, poorest, and invalid post ever. Brother Awlaki your comments sound like they were made by Al-Qaeda or Al-shabab (the terrorist group in Somalia) that advocate for suicide bombing and other unislamic means of attaining power. The complaint made by brother awlake are technicalities and can simply be changed. The African Union are not invading forces that is just what the terrorists like Al-Shabab. The AU protect the sea port and the air port and the presidents home. The ports are protected so FOOD AID can be brought in. PLEASE BROTHER EDUCATE YOURSELF ON SOMALIA and do not just take what the opponents to stability in Somalia. Lastly the west (UN,EU, and US) are not evil or bad they are just self serving. They want to eliminate piracy, that is why they support this ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT and not because they are western puppets.
Asalamu Alaikum wrwb
@ Salaam ,our brother Shiekh Anwar [ may Allah be pleased with him ] did a series on Interpreting Dreams , you can find it at , also at the end of the [The Slicing Sword ]theres a really interesting paragraph on a dream about being in the presence of Prophet Muhammed saws)
If you find more on this subject let me know as Im also interested in this . Jazakillah Khayr
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”
[Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 29]
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuh:
Al-Fursan Media: First English Jihad Magazine – Jihad Recollections no. 1
As the link of the First English Jihad Magazine was already posted here, insh’Allah we will post some more links for those who missed it. It is a must read insh’Allah for the brothers and sisters and it featured excellent topics such as one from our esteemed Sheikh Imam Anwar: “Peering into the life of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab”, where Imam Anwar al-’Awlaki discusses the life of ‘Uwais bin Aamar under the Khilafah of ‘Umar, describing his hatred for fame and desire to remain unknown although Allah had granted him a special gift on page 30. There are lots of interactive downloadable materials such as video links and books. This is the very first English Jihad Magazine aimed at the laymen, students of knowledge, political activists, intellectuals and scholars of the Ummah. It will seek to educate the Ummah on a monthly basis as to the latest happenings in fields related to Politics, Society, Economy, Technology etc. as well as educate the Muslims on the worldview of the current Jihad. This magazine will serve as a platform for the English speaking Muslim Community to discuss their ideas, differences and thoughts on various issues related to the Islamic world and the hot issues which many stay silent on.
As a disclaimer, this magazine only intends to educate Muslims on their creed, political opinions of individual thinkers and writers, current events in light of objective criticism, as well as provide them with a source of understanding the battles in the international arena.
Al-Fursan Media Productions Presents:
Jihad Recollections – Issue no. 1
Concerning this first issue of Jihad Recollections:
“With the help of Allah alone, your brothers of al-Fursan Media Foundation have worked hard to release this magazine: Jihad Recollections. It is the first of its kind as it is geared towards the English speaking Muslims who are interested in gaining heights in their religious, political, economical, social, technological, strategic, historical, biographical and health awareness. We have acknowledged that the Arabic Jihadi media have surpassed the English community by light years. Many of our hard working brothers in the English Jihadi community – may Allah reward them with mountains of good deeds – usually limit themselves to translating works rather than developing their own. Henceforth, we have decided to take it upon ourselves to produce the first Jihadi Magazine in English.
In short, the magazine seeks to accomplish the following:
1. Tackle issues that are not only happening abroad in the Muslim world, but also focus on domestic issues pertinent to the Muslim community in the West
2. To clean the image of the Mujahideen
3. Present well-researched and thought-out articles on relevant issues of interest.
What this magazine will avoid is repetition. Our editors are against the concept of ‘copy and paste’ as well as presenting something which has already been widely spread on the forums and websites. We will do our best to keep the unique and refreshing style for our English readers. Our guest writers are, with Allah’s blessings, very talented in their fields. Some of them have completed their Masters degree in their respective field of study, and so that academia approach will be reflected throughout the magazine.
We ask Allah to forgive us for any errors in our words and actions.”
[Your brothers, al-Fursan Media]