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Eid Mubarak! Taqabbal Allah minna wa jami3un! : Anwar al Awlaki On-Line

Eid Mubarak! Taqabbal Allah minna wa jami3un!

September 20, 2009 - الأحد 01 شوال 1430 by admin  
Filed under In the News

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu,
This is Admin here.

We praise Allah All Mighty and we ask Him to accept our duahs, fasting, traweeh, duah, kiyaam, and ask Allah to send blessing upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, ibn Abdulllah (s), our leader and the seal of the Prophets.

I am sure that Sh Anwar would have loved to convey his best wishes to everyone, but at this stage he is unable to get to the Internet, as mash’Allah tabarak’Allah he is busy with local issues and most likely he is not online. May Allah bless our Sheikh Anwar, and we all wish him Eid Mubarak Ya Sheikhi, Taqabbal Allah minna wa minkum!

And like wise, Eid Mubarak ya muslimoon, Taqabbal Allah minna wa jami3un!

And don’t forget our Muslim brothers and sisters, mujahideen, their families, those in prisons, the sick, the poor, the destitute and the orphans. May Allah liberate our lands from occupation and restore the rule of Islam across the lands that have been taken away.

Also please remember, that as Muslims we are like a body, if one part of the body is hurt, the whole body feels it.

Take care, love you all for the sake of Allah.

Asalamu alaikum, wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.



27 Responses to “Eid Mubarak! Taqabbal Allah minna wa jami3un!”
  1. SalimNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaikum,

    Eid Mubarak to all of you ya Muslimen.

    May Allah have mercy and grant Paradise to those, who are defending Islam with their life.

    May Allah send for the mujahideen angles which fight and guide them in there path of truth.

    May Allah have mercy on the soul of all Muslims on the Day of jugement.

    Ya rab you are Al-Wahhab, Al-Halim, Al-Karim

  2. Umm AbdullahNo Gravatar says:

    wa alaikumu salaam wa rahmatullah,

    Eid Mubarak and may Allah protect our shaykh Anwar and all the suffering muslims of Yemen and aid his sincere allies against the enemies of the book of Allah. taqaballaAllahu mina wa minkum.

  3. umarNo Gravatar says:

    Glory be to Allah who bestowed upon us his favour, I would like to give the muslims Mubarak for this blessed occasion, May Allah protect the muslims and destroy the taghoot. Asalamu alaikum.

  4. nailaNo Gravatar says:

    assalam u alaikum

    plz make a facilite to post what ever ur blog sayz to share in face book …………plz its a kind request

    jazakallah kahir

  5. nailaNo Gravatar says:

    assalam u alaikum

    taqabbal minna wa minkum(may ALLAH SWT ACCEPT FROM US AND MAY ALLAH SWT ACCEPT FROM U)

  6. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi: The Salafi Jihadi Movement September 21, 2009
    Posted by admin in : Advice, Jiha d, Knowledge, True Shuyookh , add a comment
    The Salafi Jihadi Movement
    by Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
    Translated by Ibn Abdullah An-Najdi
    [Translators introduction:]
    Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi was interviewed by Al-’Asr Magazine earlier this year, in it he talks about such concepts like what does the Salafi Jihadi Movement stand for and clarifies some common misconceptions. For example how Salafi Jihadis don’t make takfeer of the general masses of muslims. Also in this issue, the Shaykh explains that his letter to Shaykh Abu Mus’ab Az-Zarqawi (rh) was based on being misinformed of the realities on the ground in Iraq.
    So for these reasons I’ve translated this for the english speaking brothers so they can benefit from it and quote it when need be against those who try to divide us.
    مجلة العصر: يوصف التيار السلفي الجهادي الذي تعد أحد منظريه في العالم بأنه تيار تكفيري متشدد؛ هل لك أن توضح لنا المرتكزات الفكرية التي ميزت تياركم عن بقية المدارس الفكرية الإسلامية بالعالم ؟
    المقدسي: تهمة وصفنا بالجماعات التكفيرية المتشددة تارة، وبالإرهابية تارة أخرى في وسائل الإعلام المختلفة، روجت لها الحكومات لتنفير الناس من دعوتنا. وأطروحتنا كلها تتركز وتتميز بتناولها موضوع الحاكمية، وتحاول الحكومات باستمرار التنفير من فكرنا والترويج لرفضه بدعوى أننا نكفر المجتمعات والناس بالعموم، ونحن برءآء من هذه التهم الباطلة، بل على العكس تماما فقد حذرنا في كثير من كتاباتنا من الغلو في التكفير وتكفير الناس بالعموم، ومن أشهر مؤلفاتنا حول هذا الموضوع رسالتنا الثلاثينية في التحذير من أخطاء التكفير.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: The Salafi Jihadi Movement has been seen in the world as an Extreme Takfeeri movement, can you explain to us the keystone points of thought that distinguishes your movement from the other Islamic Schools of thought in the world?
    Al-Maqdisi: The accusation describing us as a group of Extreme Takfeeris at times and with being Terrorists at other times through many different media outlets has been propagated by the governments to discourage the people from our Da’wah. And the center of our issue deals with the subject of Al-Hakimiyyah. The governments constantly try to isolate our ideology and promote its condemnation, claiming that we make Takfeer of the general masses of Muslims. And we are innocent from this false claim. Actually it’s completely opposite, we have many times warned in our books about being extreme in Takfeer and making Takfeer on the general masses. The most famous of our works in relation to this topic is our Ath-Thalatheniyah letters which warned about types of mistakes in Takfeer .
    مجلة العصر: لو أردنا تحديد المرتكزات الفكرية الرئيسة للتيار السلفي الجهادي، كيف تعرفها؟
    المقدسي: هذا التيار يجعل على رأس أولوياته دعوة الناس إلى التوحيد؛ الذي هو حق الله على العبيد، ونحن نسعى جاهدين إلى تقريب وشرح هذا التوحيد للناس لإخراجهم من عبادة العباد إلى عبادة الله وحده، ونركز بهذا المجال على نواقض التوحيد المعاصرة مثل أن يصرف التشريع لغير الله عز وجل، والتحاكم إلى القوانين الوضعية وتعطيل حكم الله، وهذا ما يطلق عليه بالحاكمية في مصطلحات العصر والحاكمية جزء أساسي من التوحيد.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: (say) If we wanted to know exactly what is the main ideology of the Salafi Jihadi Movement how would we know ?
    Al-Maqdisi: This movement puts at the head of its priorities Da’wah to Tawheed, which is the right of Allah upon His slaves. We make the utmost effort to advance and further explain this Tawheed to the people to remove them from the worship of slaves (i.e. man) to the worship of Allah alone. Our focus in this field is the Nullifiers of Islam like turning away from ruling by other than what Allah has revealed, seeking judgment from manmade laws and dismantling Allah’s Sharee’ah. And this is what is meant by the modern Day usage of the word Al-Hakimiyyah, and Al-Hakimiyyah is a fundamental part of Tawheed.
    أما مسألة تكفير المجتمع فلم نتبن ولم نحمل يوما من الأيام فكرة تكفير المجتمعات في البلاد الإسلامية، ولا تكفير الناس بالعموم، بل إن كتاباتنا واضحة في التحذير من التكفير ومن مثل هذه الأخطاء التي أصلها الغلو في التكفير والجهل بالدين، ورسالتي الثلاثينية تتناول هذا الموضوع الحساس بكل جوانبه وهي من أكثر الكتب التي يقرأها الشباب على موقعي بالانترنت.
    أما فيما يتعلق بمسألة تكفير الشيعة وبالتالي استباحة دمائهم فقد راج هذا الموضوع منذ الحرب العراقية — الإيرانية، بالاستناد إلى فتاوى ومواقف بعض “العلماء” أو بالأصح “المشايخ” التي توافقت مع مواقف الأنظمة الحاكمة، أما أنا فلا أكفر عموم الشيعة، وهذا من الأخطاء التي تورط فيها بعض الشباب من الطرفين السني والشيعي، وهذه الفتنة الطائفية حذرت منها لأنها تصب في تحويل مسار مقاومة وصراع المحتل وإضعاف الأمة الإسلامية، والاستمرار في نهب خيراتها، وهذا ما يتمناه المحتل الأميركي، وأنصح أخوتي في المقاومة العراقية أن يمتثلوا لقول الله عز وجل: “واتقوا فتنة لا تصيبن الذين ظلموا منكم خاصة”.
    As for the issue of making Takfeer of the masses, then we haven’t even for a day adopted this ideology or held the opinion of calling the general population in the Islamic countries Kufar. And (we) have never made general Takfeer. Instead our books are very clear in warning against making this type of mistake in Takfeer which originates from extremism in considering others Kufar and ignorance in Deen. And my Ath-Thalatheyah letters touches upon this very sensitive topic from every angle and it is one of the most popular books that the youth read on my site.
    As for the issue of making Takfeer of the Shi’ah and making their blood Hallal, then really this issue has been circulated as far back as the Iraq and Iran war. It was supported from the Fatwas and positions of some “Ulamah” or were approved by “Mashayikh” who basically take any position the government does. As for me, then I don’t make Takfeer of the general masses of Shi’a, and this is from the mistakes that some of the youth have fallen into in relation to the two groups of Sunni and Shi’a. And I have warned against this Fitnah between the two groups because it creates a diversion against resisting and fighting the occupiers. And this weakens the Islamic Ummah and (helps the Kufar) continue plundering our resources and this is what the American occupiers want. So I advise my brothers from the Iraqi resistance to follow the word of Allah: “And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people ),”
    أما المرتكز الثاني الذي يميز هذا التيار عن غيره فهو الولاء والبراء، الذي هو من أوثق عرى التوحيد وقد بينا ذلك في كتابنا “ملة إبراهيم”، كما أن من أول الواجبات على الموحد أن يبرأ ويكفر بالأرباب المتفرقين والمسميات الكثيرة التي تعبد من دون الله والتي كانت قديما تتمثل بصورة الحجر والأوثان البدائية، وتتمثل في زماننا بصورة الحكام والمشرعين وقوانينهم وتشريعاتهم الوضعية، فالتوحيد الذي تكلمنا فيه كما أنه يستلزم ويوجب البراء والكفر بهذه التشريعات الوضعية والأوثان المتفرقة فمن أهم عراه الوثقى موضوع الولاء والبراء الذي يستلزم البراء من واضعي هذه الأنظمة والقوانين والقائمين عليها، وان يكون منهج الإنسان المسلم في المحبة والبغض والموالاة والمعاداة منضبطة وفقا لهذا الأصل، وقد فصلنا هذا في رسالتنا ” ملة إبراهيم ” في شرحنا لقوله تعالى ” إنا برءاء منكم ومما تعبدون من دون الله”، وكذلك في قوله تعالى ” يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى أولياء من دون الله بعضهم أولياء بعض، ومن يتولهم منكم فانه منهم “.
    والمرتكز الثالث في فكرنا فهو الجهاد، حيث إن الجهاد عندنا يقوم على هذا الأصل، وهو تحقيق التوحيد بالبراء من الطواغيت والولاء للمؤمنين. والطاغوت هو كل ما عبد من دون الله بأي نوع من أنواع العبادة وهو راض بذلك فيندرج تحت هذا الأصل كل الأوثان التي بصورتها الساذجة القديمة — الأصنام — كما يندرج تحتها المشرعين والحاكمين بغير ما أنزل الله، لأن الطاعة في التشريع عبادة، وهذا الأمر يجعله كثير من المسلمين منحصرا بالسجود والركوع ونحوهما.
    As for the second point that distinguishes this movement from others, then it is Al-Walla Wal-Barra (Association and Disassociation). It is from the firmest handholds of Tawheed which we have described in the book entitled “Millat Ibraheem”. Similarly one of the first obligations upon the Muwahid (i.e. believer in Tawheed) is to disassociate oneself and deny all false gods, those with various names and are worshiped besides Allah. In the olden days the idols came in the shape of stone and statues, nowadays they come in the shape of the rulers, judges and their manmade laws. For verily the Tawheed that we are discussing now necessitates and obliges to disassociate oneself and deny these manmade laws and its numerous idols. One of the most important stances from the issue of Al-Walla Wal-Barra (Association and Disassociation) is necessitating disassociation from these organizations, their laws and those who support them, and for the Manhaj of the people to have Love, Hate, Loyalty and Enmity and be disciplined upon this fundamental principle. And we have clarified this in my letter “Millat Ibraheem” in which we explained Allah’s saying: “Verily I am free from you and that which you worship besides Allah”. And similarly in His saying: “Oh you who believe do not take the jews and the cristians as Awliyah (supporters) aside from Allah, they are only supporters of one another. And whoever turns to them (i.e. the jews and cristians) from amongst you then verily they are from them .”
    And the third point in our ideology is Jihad. Where Jihad is established amongst us upon this fundamental principle: that is to affirm Tawheed by Al-Barra (disassociating oneself) from Taghoot and Al-Walla (associate/supporting) with the believers. And Taghoot is everything that is worshipped besides Allah in every sense or type of worship and he is pleased with it. For under this fundamental principle every type of gullible old statue is classified as an idol (Al-Asnaam), and every legislator or ruler that rulers by other than Allah’s Sharee’ah is also classified as such (i.e. and idol). This is because applying Allah’s Sharee’ah is actually ‘Ebadah (worship). This issue (i.e. ‘Ebadah), a lot of Muslims (mistakenly) make exclusively for bowing and prostrations etc. (and nothing else)
    مجلة العصر: لكن هل هناك صلة أو علاقة بين المرتكزات والمفاهيم السابقة التي ذكرتموها وبين التهم التي توجه لكتاباتكم بأنها تحث وتشجع على الإرهاب؟
    المقدسي: هذا الذي يسمونه إرهابا هو في ديننا “الجهاد في سبيل الله” لقوله تعالى ” وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم من قوة، ومن رباط الخيل ترهبون به عدو الله وعدوكم “. والجهاد فريضة من فرائض ديننا، وان حاول أعداء هذا الدين تشويهه بهذه المسميات؛ واستغلال بعض الأخطاء الفردية غير المنضبطة التي لا تمثل المنهج الأصيل للجهاد الإسلامي، ومصدر لصق الإرهاب بالإسلام والمسلمين يأتي ضمن الحملة الأميركية من خلال السيطرة الكاملة التي يمارسونها على وسائل الإعلام العالمية، وتبعهم بذلك الأنظمة العربية والإسلامية؛ ففريضة الجهاد في الإسلام من أنقى وأعظم الشرائع، وفيها من الضوابط والتشريعات في الحرب والقتال والأسر ونحوه ما جعلها متميزة عن كافة الشرائع، فديننا يحثنا على عدم التعدي أو الظلم، أو قتل النساء والأطفال والشيوخ وحتى قطع الأشجار، أساس مسلكنا وأعمالنا ومبتغانا تحقيق مرضاة الله تعالى، لإخراج الناس من الظلمات إلى النور، لأننا نريد الخير لكل البشر وإنقاذهم من عذاب ربنا.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: But is there a connection or relation between the main points and understanding that you previously mentioned and the accusation that is directed towards your books that they encourage and incite Terrorism?
    Al-Maqdisi: That which they call Terrorism is actually from Jihad Fee Sabeel Allah (Jihad in the path of Allah) Allah says: “And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to terrorize the enemy of Allâh and your enemy.” And Jihad is an obligation from the Obligatory acts in our religion even if our enemies try to corrupt it with these terms and takes advantage of the individual mistakes that are established in the fundamental concepts of Islamic Jihad. The main source (today) of the word Terrorism for Islam and the Muslims comes from the Americans through them having complete control of the various media outlets, and (sadly enough) the Arab and Islamic organizations follow them in this.
    The obligation of Jihad in Islam is from the purest and most highest aspects of Sharee’ah, and in it there are specific regulations and laws in war, (e.g. killing, taking captives etc.) that distinguishes it from all the other Islamic Laws. Our religion urges us not to commit aggression and oppression, or the killing of women, children, the elderly and even cutting down trees. The source of our course, actions and desires is to attain Allah’s pleasure, to take people out of darkness into light, because we want good for every human being and to save them from our Lords punishment .
    مجلة العصر : من المعروف أن هناك مسؤولية كبيرة على العلماء والمفكرين الإسلاميين تجاه ما يحدث اليوم في العالم الإسلامي، لكن المشكلة التي قد تبدو للمراقب أن هناك موقف لدى الحركة السلفية الجهادية من أغلب العلماء اليوم، وكأن هناك تشكيك في مصداقيتهم وأفكارهم وفتاواهم، ما هو ردكم على ذلك؟
    المقدسي: دور العلماء في الأمة مهم وخطير جدا في آن واحد، والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: “إذا ذهب العلماء؛ اتخذ الناس رؤوسا جهالا فأفتوا بغير علم، فضلوا وأضلوا”، ومن أعظم مصائب أهل الإسلام في هذا الزمان ندرة العلماء الربانيين الذين يقولون الحق ولا يخشون في الله لومة لائم، والشباب المسلم وخصوصا أبناء التيار السلفي الجهادي لا يثقون بأي عالم يسير في ركاب الحكومات والسلطة؛ الأمر الذي يجعل من الضروري بناء وإيجاد المرجعيات العلمية الشرعية المخلصة التي تضع على كاهلها توجيه هذا التيار وحمايته من الانحراف إلى مزالق الإفراط أو التفريط، للأسف فاني ومن خلال متابعتي — من داخل السجن — وجدت أن فريقا من العلماء وقف في وجه هذا التيار الجهادي المبارك يثبطه ويصد عنه، وطائفة أخرى انجرت خلف حماس شباب هذا التيار متحرجة أو متخوفة من مناصحته وتوجيهه؛ وأنا قد أخذت على عاتقي إن شاء الله تعالى ألا أكون من هؤلاء ولا من هؤلاء، فلن أقف في وجه هذا التيار أو أصد عنه — عياذا بالله — كما أنني لن أنجر لضغط وحماس شبابه خلف اختيارات غير منضبطة بضوابط شرعية، بل إنني أرى بهذه المرحلة الهامة الصعبة التي تمر بها امتنا من تكالب أعداء الله عليها أن مهمتي تتلخص برعاية هذا التيار وحمايته من الانحراف وتسديده وتوجيهه إلى أفضل الاختيارات التي تحقق للأمة ما تتطلع إليه من عزة وحرية.
    ولا بد من الإشارة إلى دور العلماء التقليديين من علماء الدعوة النجدية الذين ساهموا بإثراء الفهم الصحيح للدين، ولا نغبنهم حقهم؛ مع مخالفتنا لهم في كثير من المسائل.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: It is well known that there is a huge responsibility from the scholars and Islamic theorists towards what happens in the Islamic world today, but the problem is that it might seem to the observer that there is a stance that the Salafi Jihadi Movement has for most of the scholars today. And it is as if there are doubts in their truthfulness, thinking and Fatwas. So what is your reply to this?
    Al-Maqdisi: The role the scholars play in relation to the Ummah is both very important and very dangerous at the same time. Our prophet (SAWS) said: “So when the scholars depart (i.e. die), the people will take as their leaders ignorant people who will issue Islamic verdicts without knowledge. So they go astray and they will lead others astray.” And from the worst of the calamities to befall the people of Islam in this day in age is the lack of religious scholars who say the truth and don’t fear (for the sake of Allah) and blame from those who ridicule. And the Muslim youth, especially the sons of the Salafi Jihadi Movement don’t trust any scholar who treads behind the rulers and sultans. And this point is what will help establish a sincere Islamic Authority which is shouldered by this Movement and (this point) is why it is protected from deviation and of slipping into excessiveness or negligence.
    And sadly enough while I was in prison I found out that a group from amongst the scholars had publically stood out against this Blessed Jihadi Movement, hindering and diverting others away from it. And another group was driven by the emotions of youth, this movement was confused and weary of giving advice and direction. And I’ve taken if upon myself (insha Allah) to not be of this group or that. I don’t stand against this movement nor hamper others from them (and I seek refuge from Allah). Just like I don’t fall victim to the pressures and emotions of the youth on issues that are not in accordance with the Islamic Sharee’ah. Rather I see that this Ummah is at an important and difficult stage, with the desperation of the enemies of Allah, that it is my mission to be summarized as being responsible for the care and defense of this movement and protect it from deviation, helping it focus and giving it guidance on what are the best steps for the Ummah to achieve its aspirations of honor and freedom.
    And it must be noted that the scholars of Najd have played a huge role in enriching the correct understanding of our religion, and we don’t give them their due credit, even though we might differ with them on a lot of issues.
    مجلة العصر: لكن حديثك السابق يجرنا إلى الحديث عن الخلاف بينكم وبين الزرقاوي، إذ لم يقبل عدد كبير من أفراد التيار المناصحة التي وجهتموها للزرقاوي واعتبروا أنها تسير في اتجاه مضاد لمسار السلفية الجهادية، فهل توضحون ذلك؟
    المقدسي: الرسالة التي وجهتها إلى أبي مصعب، هي رسالة مناصرة ومناصحة وليست رسالة نقد وتجريح، بل هي من باب غيرتنا على هذه الدعوة والعاملين بها، وأنا كتبتها من داخل السجن حيث إنني انقطعت عن الأخوة ومسار الدعوة في الخارج لمدة تزيد عن السنتين آنذاك، والأخبار التي كنت أتلقاها حول العمل الجهادي والأخوة كانت من خلال وسائل الإعلام الرسمية التي تصلني إلى داخل السجن كبقية المعتقلين، وأنا لا أريد أن احمل أخي الشيخ الفاضل “أبو مصعب” أكثر مما يطيق، فأصحاب الثغور أدرى بمصلحتهم منا نحن البعيدين عن ساحات القتال، وخلافي مع “أبو مصعب” في العمليات الاستشهادية ليس خلافا حول مشروعيتها أو عدمه بل كتبت برسالتي المناصحة بان العمليات الاستشهادية هي وسيلة استثنائية وليست وسيلة تقليدية أصيلة في العمل الجهادي، وتحفظت أيضا على مسألة قتل المدنيين، وضرب الكنائس ومساجد الشيعة، إن صح أن من يقوم بها الزرقاوي، فعلمي بالزرقاوي ومن يحمل فكره أنهم لا يقتلون الناس لأجل القتل ولا يبيحون دماء الناس بالجملة، بل هم يتورعون على قتل أي نفس دونما حق.
    Al-’Asr Magizine: Now as you’ve previously stated (about differences) this leads us to enquire about the differences between you and Az-Zarqawi (rh). When they didn’t accept a lot of the movements advice that you directed towards Az-Zarqawi. And actually thought that it went against the Salafi Jihadi thought. Can you explain this?
    Al-Maqdisi: The letter which I sent to Abu Mus’ab was a letter of support and advice and not a letter of criticizing and slander. Rather it is from the type of personal concern towards this Da’wah and its workers. And I wrote this inside prison and back then I was cut off from the brothers and from knowing the course of the Da’wah outside for more than two years. The only news I received about the Jihadi operations and the brothers was from official (government) media outlets that made it inside the prison (like every other prisoner). And I don’t want to call to account things that were outside our brother Shaykh Abu Mus’ab’s capabilities (i.e. which he wasn’t responsible for) because the men on the front lines know better the situation than us who are distant from the battle field. Also my difference of opinion with Abu Mus’ab in relation to Martyrdom operations wasn’t a dispute over if they are legitimate or not, rather I wrote a letter advising him that Martyrdom operations were an exception to the rule and not a traditional rule itself in Jihad opts. I also cautioned on the issue of killing innocent civilians, and attacking churchs and Shi’a mosques. I was lead to believe (for some time) that Az-Zarqawi was doing these actions. Then I was informed that Az-Zarqawi and those who carried his ideology didn’t kill people just for the sake of killing and they didn’t allow the spilling people’s blood without restriction. Rather they were very cautious of killing anyone wrongfully.
    مجلة العصر: بما أنك تحدثت عن الرسائل التي صدرت عنكم داخل السجن، فهل تقيمون لنا تجربة السنوات الأخيرة، وفيما إذا كانت تختلف عن السابقة؟
    المقدسي: تجربتي في السجن خلال الثلاث سنوات الأخيرة كغيرها من الفترات السابقة، اشتغلنا بتدريس وتوجيه الشباب المعتقلين معنا على خلفية قضايا إسلامية مختلفة، وكذلك بكتابة بعض المصنفات التي سمحت الظروف داخل السجن بكتابتها وأذكر مثالا على ذلك كتاب حول “مشروع الشرق الأوسط الكبير”، وما تنادي به أمريكا من دعوات للإصلاح الزائفة في بلاد المسلمين على المقاس الأمريكي، تحقيقا للمصالح الإسرائيلية في المنطقة، وكتبت أيضا كتابا هاما أسميته “وقفات مع ثمرات الجهاد” قدمت فيها خلاصة نصحي لأبناء هذا التيار الجهادي المبارك، وغير ذلك من الرسائل.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: Since you’ve mentioned about the letters you’ve issued within prison, can you elaborate for us what you’ve experienced in the recent years and if you’ve changed since then?
    Al-Maqdisi: My experience of the last three years in prison was the same as before. I worked in teaching and guiding the imprisoned youth about the background of various Islamic issues. I also wrote some works which were considered acceptable under the conditions I was facing in prison, writing for example books related to “The Greater Middle East Scheme”. And things which America advocates under the guise of fake reforms in the land of the Muslims by American standards, is really for the interests of Israel in the region. And I’ve written an important book named, “Obstacles in profiting from Jihad” which in I presented my sincere advice on how to establish this Blessed Jihadi Movement, along with other similar letters.
    مجلة العصر: ما تقييمكم لمآل التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن؟
    المقدسي: أصبح رموز وأتباع التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن وفي العالم اجمع، في مواجهة الخيارات الثلاث التالية، إما أن يكونوا قد قتلوا، أو أن يكونوا قد غيبوا في السجون من خلال أسرهم في ساحات القتال أو اعتقالهم في البلدان التي يعيشون بها، أو أنهم مشتتون، مطاردون في أنحاء العالم، لذلك فقد أخذت على عاتقي بعد خروجي من السجن مسؤولية مناصحة المنتمين لهذا التيار ورعايتهم، وحمايتهم من البعثرة والانحراف.
    Al-’Asr Magazine: What is your assessment on the fate of Salafi Jihadi Movement in Jordan?
    Al-Maqdisi: It has become a common characteristic and path of the Salafi Jihadi movement in Jordan and the rest of the world that the good people (who adhere to it) face three possible outcomes.
    They are killed.
    They are absent from their families in prison after being captured on the battlefield or in the countries they reside in.
    They are scattered and pursued in every corner of the globe.
    For this reason I’ve taken it upon myself after being released from prison to carry the responsibility of being an advisor to this Movement, to help it progress and defend it from splitting and deviating.

  7. ATNo Gravatar says:

    W Slm, Eid Mubarak Taqabbal Allah minna wa minkum.
    Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar.
    May Allah accept our siam,salah,sadakah,zakah,duah and all our good deeds.
    Brothers and Sisters, I can wait to tell you that even the Sufi and so called moderate Muslims who are opposing Jihad made duah for Mujahideen this Eid. Muslims are getting there, Mashallah.
    While we still raise our hands and ask Allah to accept those died for his cause and make easy for their families, Make easy for Mujahideen and Muslim prisoners, brothers and sisters do not forget in your duah those who are squeezing their pockets and pull out their last cent to support this cause, May Allah reward them abundantly in this Dunya and Akhera. Ameen.

    Ya Akhi, Sheikh & Admin, May Allah make easy for you and your families and all the Muslims, May Allah increase our love for Allah’s sake.

    We need a lecture dedicated to Muslims who are betraying Muslims for sake of minor or major personal interest or benefits of the country i.e in Somalia or tribalism and Nationalism, and also Muslims spies against their own fellow Muslims, Allah Akbar, this became very common now.

    Just like what you have just said but how of us sees this :”…..that as Muslims we are like a body, if one part of the body is hurt, the whole body feels it”

  8. CazaamNo Gravatar says:

    asalamu calaykum warax matullahi, wabarakaatuhu,

    ciid mubaarad,

    taqabala llahu minaa waminkum.

    i would like to remind you that there is many mujaahidiin in somalia that are in paresons or shuhida that their children and their wifes need some help,

    please get this in your coloctings and your account to get them help,

    i always think about this but i didn,t get some people do with me like these way,,

    i tell all muslims who want to give his brothers in somalia, i welcome,,

    please, try this to do,

    if you pay to day you will get towards Allah,

    plz reply this for me, sooner,

  9. ZahraNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu alaykum brothers & sisters,

    May Allah subhana watala except our siyam,salat,qiyam,dua and all the other good deeds we did this Ramadan.

  10. Abu IkrimahNo Gravatar says:

    @ comment 9 umm traveller
    pls try and send that article to they need for the english site of Abu Muhammad almaqdisyy.
    salamualayku wa jazakallahu khjayran

  11. AdibNo Gravatar says:

    Assalaamu’alaikum ya akhiy.
    Eid mubarak to you to, and I love you brothers for the sake of Allah.

  12. AbdullahMujahidNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamo Alaikom Warahmatullahe Wabarakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in al-Islam,
    @AT ameen suma ameen
    @umm umar May Allaah subhanahu wata’la reward you immensly for sharing this beautiful article and May Allaah protect shayk al-Maqdesi and May Allaah increase our Emaan and protect us from attacks of Shaytan and O Allaah don’t leave us to our wicked souls and deviate us not after Guidance ameen Allaahuma Ameen. Eidul Fitr Mabrook

    Asalamo Alaikom

  13. Abu AyrowNo Gravatar says:

    Eid mubaarak to all the brothers and sisters here. May accept it from you and us. To our dear shaykh, glad tidings many of your students are attending jannah insha’Allah. Here is one of them shaheed insha’Allah Bashir

  14. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan:: The Afghans Are Approaching the Day of their Real ‘Eid September 25, 2009
    Shawwal 05, 1430 A.H, September 25, 2009
    In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
    The Afghans are celebrating Eidul-fitre in circumstances that their country is under occupation of brutal invaders and mercenaries of the world who have turned the whole country, Afghanistan, into a prison and a torture cell because of their anti-Islamic and anti human policies and the hatred that they are nurturing. The miserable Afghans are grappling with threats, casualties, injuries and other various hardships at the hand of the invading troops.
    Neither the Afghan farmers are able to cultivate their land with a peace of mind and relief nor Afghan shop keepers, businessmen, buyers and seller are able to commute between their homes and the market without fear. They are overwhelmed with the apprehension that the Mujahideen may ambush the foreign invaders convoy and the invaders would certainly retaliate by taking revenge on the civilians. They also have fear that they may become stuck among the vehicles of the foreign convoy and the invaders will ram one of their tanks into their vehicle.
    The Afghans worshippers have their own concern. They hesitate whether to go to the mosque to pray there collectively or offer prayer at home because they fear that they might be ambushed by mobile or foot patrol of the invaders. Similarly, parents are worrying about their children until they return home from schools. They think, the invaders’ tanks might raid them or bomb their schools and seminaries under the pretext of being training centers of the armed opposition and they will come home bloodstained.
    In short, the Afghans are not free from worries because of suppressions, atrocities and crimes of the invaders. They find no opportunity to take a breath of relief. Their functions of joys, festivities, mourning services and family relations are all suffering from the threats of the invaders.
    On the other hand, the Afghan Mujahideen and the self-sacrificing heroes have turned the Afghan land into a field of fire and flames for the retreating and morale sagging troops under the leadership of USA. The invaders think that every mountain, valley, desert, gorge and village is a stronghold that may cause death and injury to them and they think that they will surely be ambushed and attacked from these places, or at least a mine explosion will certainly occur. They suppose every Afghan to be planning to attack them.
    Pious country men!
    We can assure you that in the near future, we will have festivities of the real victory of the Afghans, considering the vastness of the jihadic movement and the popular upheaval. The bulwark of the enemy is on the verge of breaking down. Some members of this alliance do not try to conceal that they are facing defeat in Afghanistan and that they have decided to pull out of Afghanistan.
    In this historic confrontation with the invading coalition, the sacred sacrifices and blood of the Afghans will bear fruit and we pray to the Almighty Allah to bestow solace and comfort on the souls of the martyrs by establishing and stabilizing an Islamic system in the country.
    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

  15. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    As-Sahab Media:: Shaykh Usama bin Ladin – “A Message to the People of Europe”

    Below is the transcript of Shaykh Usama’s speech:
    Say to those who disbelieve: if they desist, that which has passed will be forgiven them; but if they return [to their misdeeds], then the example of previous peoples has already passed before them. (8:38)
    All praise is due to Allah, who forbade injustice for himself and made it forbidden among humans. As for what comes after:
    To the European peoples: peace be upon he who follows the guidance. You are aware that oppression topples those who commit it and injustice has unhealthy consequences for the unjust, and that one of the greatest forms of injustice is to kill people without right, yet this is exactly what your governments and soldiers are committing under the umbrella of the NATO alliance in Afghanistan.
    They are killing women, children and elderly men whose only crime was that Bush became angry with them, although you know that they didn’t perpetrate any aggression against Europe and had no connection to the events in America.
    So on what basis are you violating what you talk about holding in high esteem, like justice and human rights? Would that you reflect in the matter and ask wise and reasonable people, because it won’t be long until the dust of war clears in Afghanistan, at which point you won’t fin a trace of any American, because they will have gone away far beyond the Atlantic, Allah permitting, and just us and you will remain, for the oppressed to retaliate from his oppressor.
    There is a lesson for you in the situation of your sister Georgia. Its people were bombed and humiliated, so they asked for help from America to restore sovereignty over what had been seized from them, but the latter provided them with nothing but empty words; and after they insisted, American ships finally came, not to restore Ossetia and Abkhazia, but rather, to provide what they had no need for: a few tents and a little food and laundry detergent. So reflect on that deeply.
    An intelligent man doesn’t waste his money and sons for a gang of criminals in Washington, and it is a shameful thing for a person to be in a coalition whose supreme commander has no regard for human life and intentionally bombs villagers from the air; and I am a witness to that. Than the Humvees come along, and when it becomes clear to them that those killed were children, American generosity gushes forth in all its abundance and they give the victims’ relatives $100 for every child killed.
    This is the painful fact; and is there to be found in Europe a ram for 100 dollars? This is the value of the life of our innocent children in the eyes of Washington and it allies, so what do you expect our reaction to be? Were you to see what your American ally and his helpers did in northern Afghanistan, and how they packed thousands of Taliban into freight container like sardines and locked them inside until they died or were thrown into the river, you would understand the causes of the bloody events in Madrid and London.
    Everything I mentioned has been documented, but when the United Nations began investigating the crimes committed in the north, the Bush administration applied pressure on it and the investigation was stopped. This is American justice.
    To sum up, then: we are neither asking for trivial or invalid nor for something overstepping the bounds. On the contrary, justice demands that you lift your oppression and withdraw your troops, and reason demands that you don’t hurt your neighbors. If today Europe is suffering the travails of the economic crisis, and the heart of Europe is no longer number one in world exports, and America is reeling from the hemorrhage caused by the economic war, the how do you think you fare after America pulls out – Allah permitting – for us to retaliate from the oppressor on behalf of the oppressed?
    So the happy one is he who learns from others’ mistakes, and an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and returning to the truth is better than persisting in error.
    And peace be upon he who follows the guidance.
    And if they incline towards peace, than incline too towards it, and put your trust in Allah. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (8:61)

  16. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum WRWB to my dear brothers and sisters who need to strive in the path of Allah as they need to breath
    May Allah SWT accept all your ibadah during Ramadan and may we only improve and step up our efforts in the following year and may Our Gracious Lord keep you all safe on Tawhid until we are blessed with victory ameen
    Ameen to all your righteous duas
    @ Abu Ikrimah you can find many fine works of Sh Al Maqdisi in English at
    These are some of the Prophets duas for us all
    O Allah I seek refuge in You from the evil decree of Predestination the reaching [ to me ] of misery , the gloating of the enermy, and the harshness of the trial….Ameen
    O Allah , grant us to be God Fearing and purify our souls as You are the Best to purify them. You are our Guardian and our Protecting Friend. O Allah We seek refuge in You from knowlegde which is not beneficial, from a heart that does not fear You [ Allah Glory belongs to You] and from desire which is not satisfied, and from prayer which is not answered ….Ameen
    May We flee from Allahs torment to his mercy we are forever in His need for any good He can bestow upon us , may We live and die as humble slaves who are patiently awaiting His Gracious mercy Ameen

  17. JihadfeesabililahNo Gravatar says:

    Harakat Shabab Al-Mujahideen Presents…
    Eid Gift to the People of Tawheed – Labaik Ya Usama
    (Here I am at Your Service O’ Usama)

    Part 1 of 5 :

    Part 2 of 5 :

    Part 3 of 5 :

    Part 4 of 5 :

    Part 5 of 5 :


  18. lubnaNo Gravatar says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    jazakallah khayer brother Jihadfeesabililah for post 20

    may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahideen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.

  19. Abu MuhammadNo Gravatar says:

    Asalaamo aleikum Brothers and Sisters,
    I thought I would post my comment again for those of you who may have missed it.

    My name is Abu Muhammad. My family and I have listened to most of our dear Imam Anwar’s brilliant lectures. We have been on the Hijra for a couple of years in Qatar (a small country bordering Saudi Arabia), and after reading some of the past comments of brothers and sisters here on the Imam’s blog expressing their desire to make hijrah, we would like to help anyone striving to do it. Here is my email for anyone wanting to make Hijra to Qatar, or even if they just want information about it.

    Your brother in Islam,
    Abu Muhammad

  20. AnsariyaNo Gravatar says:


    @ Jihadfeesabillah Jszak’Allahu khayrun wa Barak’Allahu feekum
    for the video series; very informative. I just hope someone is able to translate these videos into the somali language because the somali community tends to paint a horrible picture against Al-Shabab.

    SubhanAllah things are becoming clear as night and day
    with regards to the affairs of the ummmah and the real intent of the kuffar and their puppet governments and scholars, yet so many are still asleep!!!
    May Allah ta’ala show us the haqq so we may follow it and may Alah ta’ala show us the batil so that we may abstain from it.

    May Allah ta’ala pour down on the mujahideen patience and instill in them steadfastness, and all those who are suffering, oppressed, and being abused by the kuffar directly or indirectly.

    Allah ta’ala destroy the kuffar, apostates,and the munafiqeen through the hands of the mujahideem and place fear in their hearts.

    [Their] assembly will be defeated, and they will turn their backs [in retreat]
    [Surah Qamar v: 45]

    Wasalaamu ‘alaykum

  21. NaseemNo Gravatar says:

    Urdu translation of Imam anwar Awlaki’s lecture state of the ummah can be downloaded from here:

  22. Abdullah ilaoNo Gravatar says:

    Assalam alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh, belated eid mubarak bros and sisters out their. I want to inform the rest of the muslim world, that here in mindanao island (philippines) non combatant muslim who were to perform eid prayer at the masjid were prevented by joint Phil-U.S.military by bombing the jumuaa masjid early morning on eid day on the pretext of anti terrorist action. Sallam

  23. MaryamNo Gravatar says:

    I know this is off topic but i need an answer to a question which everyone i ask seems unsure. In regards of fasting the six days of shawal does one need to refast the days they owe first? Someone told me we can count them for both the days we missed and days of shawal. Can anyone clear the confusion?
    Jazakallah kier

  24. Um Umar travellerNo Gravatar says:

    Asalamu Alaikum WRWB @ Maryum you must make up the missed days of Ramadan first then fast the 6 days if you want the reward [ this is from a Shariah student ]


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