Response to Abdullaah bin Abdur-Rahmaan al-Jarboo
October 11, 2009 - الأحد 23 شوال 1430 by admin
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog
The below is written by Sh Abu Adnan, in response to a translated transcription of a phone call between Sa’eed Rhana Al-Maghribee (of Masjid Ibad-ur-Rahman USA) with the shayk Dr. Abdullaah bin Abdur- Rahmaan al-Jarboo, Professor from the College of Dawah Usool ud-Deen -- Former head of Dept. of Aqeedah at Medinah University.
Part 1 of Telephone Translation
Part 2 of Telephone Translation
Response by Abu Adnan
Wa`alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Dear brother in Islam, your concerns and inquisitiveness are well founded. They reflect your care to have a clear view of the teachings of Islam. Allah commands Muslims to refer to knowledgeable people to learn more about the teachings of Islam.
The Sheikh answering the questions digressed from the topic and never rebuked the Dalail of Sheikh Anwar. I am certain that Sheikh Anwar never claimed that anyone can establish the hadd without first standing in front of a legitimate Islamic court.
Hudood, like cutting the hand or stoning or whipping, require a ruler (Amir) who has the authority to implement his rule. This is called the shawkah and involves three authorities: 1- legislative (in our case the sharee’ah), 2- judicial and 3- law enforcement.
As for cursing the prophet, there are two incidents that Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah used as proof in his book, The Slicing Sword (Assarim Al-Maslul) to defend his argument.
Both hadiths are clear in their evidence, which is that the blind man did not take permission from the Prophet (saws) but acted on his own judgement. After the Prophet (saws) interrogated the blind man and investigated the situation, the women’s blood was announced lawful, meaning that her killer did not face prosecution and was set free.
If we examine the hadith according to the principles of jurisprudence Usool el-Fiqh we find the rule:
لايجوز تأخير البيان عن وقت الحاجة
It is not permissible to delay the clarification of an issue when it is necessary.
Therefore, if the action of the blind man was forbidden, the Prophet (saws) would have made it clear as it is not allowed to delay this clarification according to the aforementioned rule. On the contrary, when the Prophet (saws) proved that the killing was legitimized, he let the blind man free.
الحديث الأول: ما رواه الشَّعبيُّ عن علي أن يهوديةً كانت تَشْتُم النبي e وتَقَع فيه، فخنقها رجل حتى ماتت فأَبْطَل رسول الله e دمها، هكذا رواه أبو داود في “سننه” و ابن بطة في “سننه” وهو من جملة ما استدلَّ به الإمامُ أحمد في رواية ابنه عبدالله، وقال: ثنا جرير عن مغيرة عن الشعبي قال: كان رجل من المسلمين ـ أعني/ أعمى ـ يَأْوِي إلى امرأة يهودية، فكانت تُطْعِمه وتحسن إليه، فكانت لا تزال تشتم النبي e وتؤذيه، فلما كان ليلة من الليالي خَنَقَها فماتت، [فلما] أصبح ذُكِر ذلك للنبي e، فنشد الناس في أمرها، فقام الأعمى فذكر له أمرها، فأبطل رسول الله e دمها.
الحديث الثاني: ما رَوَى إسماعيل بن جعفر عن إسرائيل عن عثمان الشحَّام عن عِكْرِمَة عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أن أعْمَى كانت له أمُّ ولدٍ تَشْتُمُ النبي e وتَقَعُ فيه؛ فَيَنْهَاها فلا تَنْتَهِي، و يزجرها فلا تنزجر فلما كان ذات ليلة جَعَلَت تقعُ في النبي e وتشتمه؛ فأخَذَ المِغْول فوضَعَه في بطنها واتَّكَأَ عليها فقتلها، فلما أصْبَحَ ذُكِرَ ذلك للنبي e، فجمع الناسَ فقال: “أنْشدُ الله رَجُلاً فَعَلَ مَا فَعَلَ لِي عَلَيْهِ حَقٌ إِلاَّ قَامَ”، فقام الأعْمَى يتخطَّى الناسَ وهو يتدلدل، حتى قَعَدَ بين يَدَي النبيِّ e، فقال: يا رسول الله أنا صَاحِبُهَا، كانت تشتمك و تَقَعُ فيك فأنهاها فلا تنتهي وأزجُرُها فلا تَنزَجر، ولي منها ابْنَانِ مِثْلُ اللؤلؤتين، وكانت بي رفيقة، فلما كان البارحة جعلت تشتمك وتقعُ فيك، فأخذت المِغْول فوضعته في بطنها واتَّكَأْتُ عليه حتى قتلتُهَا، فقال النبي e: “ألا اشْهَدُوا أنَّ دَمَهَا هَدَرٌ” رواه أبو داود والنسائي.
The first hadith and the second hadith have similar meanings. A blind Muslim man had a Jewish wife (or slave-girl in a different narration). She fed him and looked after him; however, she would continuously curse the Prophet (saws). One night, because of this continuous cursing, he strangled her to death. The next morning when the news spread, the people became frustrated about her matter, and the story reached the Prophet (saws). At this, the Prophet (saws) demanded the one guilty to confess. The blind man stood up and narrated what happened to the Prophet (saws) and the man was not found guilty of murder. On the contrary, the Prophet (saws) clearly stated that her blood was lawful, which in turn means that no blood money should be paid nor should the killer be prosecuted. It also means that the man was rightful in what he did.
Further, there is a great confusion between the issue of establishing the hadd and forbidding evil with one’s hand. The hadd is clearly clarified in the abovementioned paragraph. Prohibiting evil, on the other hand, does not need the permission of the ruler, and the proof is as follows:
يقول الله عز وجل: {وَلْتَكُنْ مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلى الخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ اْلمُنكَرِ وَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ المُفْلِحُونَ} (آل عمران: 104(
Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma’rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islâm has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful. (Al-Quran (2:104)
وقال الحافظ ابن كثير: ( (والمقصود من هذه الآية أن تكون فرقة من هذه الأمة متصدية لهذا الشأن، وإن كان ذلك واجباً على كل فرد من الأمة بحسبه، كما ثبت في صحيح مسلم عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (من رأى منكم منكراً فليغيره بيده، فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه، فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه وذلك أضعف الإيمان)))
Ibn kathir may Allah have mercy on his soul said : “The meaning behind this verse is that a group from amongst this Ummah should stand up for this matter, and this is also an obligation on every individual from this Ummah according to his ability. As was mentioned in Sahih Muslim on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudaree the Messenger said: “Whomsoever from amongst you sees evil let him change it with his hand; if he is not able, let him do so with his tongue; if he is not able to, let him change it with his heart, and this is the weakest of imaan”.
As we see, the hadith permits every individual, each according to his ability, to enjoin good and forbid evil. It is important to remember here that the lady killed was the responsibility of the blind man, which makes it even more obligatory upon him to prohibit evil when he sees it from her.
قال الإمام النووي -- في شرح مسلم -: ((قال العلماء ولا يختص الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر بأصحاب الولايات بل ذلك جائز لآحاد المسلمين، قال إمام الحرمين: والدليل عليه إجماع المسلمين، فإن غير الولاة في الصدر الأول والعصر الذي يليه كانوا يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر مع تقرير المسلمين إياهم وترك توبيخهم على التشاغل بالأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر من غير ولاية))
Imam al-Nawawee said in his commentary on Sahih Muslim “The scholars mention that the issue of enjoining good and forbidding evil is not specified to the (ashab al wilyaat) rulers. On the contrary, it is allowed for the individual to do so. Imam al haramin (Al Juwaynee) said “The proof for this is the consensus of the Muslims for in the first 100 years after the Prophet (saws) and the 100 years after that, the general masses would enjoin good and prohibit evil while the Muslims affirmed their action without any type of reprehension because of their forbidding of evil and enjoining good without being rulers themselves.”
Further, the issue of using the Makkan period as proof that the Muslims were not allowed to shun the idols is ridiculous. With all due respect to the a Sheikh answering the questions, the Muslims in Makkah were not allowed to curse, shun nor was there any type of resistance allowed. Physical Jihad was not allowed in Makkah and the only thing that the Muslims were allowed to exercise was their Jihad by the tongue. In Medina, however, the situation changed when the prophet ordered Ali (ra) to destroy all idols and levels all graves.
If it is argued that this is a specific order to Ali (ra), we reply by saying the scholars of usool said
العبرة بعموم اللفظ لابخصوص السبب
The ruling is based on the general meaning not on the specific reason.
The order here was directly to Ali (ra), but the meaning is general for the whole Ummah.
عن أبي الهياج الأسدي رضي الله عنه قال : قال لي علي بن أبي طالب : ألا أبعثك عن ما بعثني عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ” أن لا تدع تمثالاً إلا طمسته ولا قبراً مشرفاً إلا سويته “
On the authority of Abu Al-Hayyaj Al-Azdee (ra): “Ali Ibn Abi Talib said to me: “Should I not order you to carry out what the Prophet (saws) ordered me to carry out. Demolish all idols and clear all raised graves”
يقول ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى: ( وكل ما كان من العين أو التآليف المحرم فإزالته وتغييره متفق عليها بين المسلمين ) ، ثم ضرب بعض الأمثلة ومنها تغيير الصور المصورة ، ثم نقل إجماع السلف على ذلك. [الفتاوى 28 / 118]
Sheikh Al-Islam ibn taymiaah said : There is a consensus regarding the destruction or removal of all things forbidden, be they books or objects. He then gave some examples and he narrated the consensus of the Salaf. (Majmoo’ al-Fataweey 28:118)
Further more, using the story of Moosa (as) is completely irrelevant because Moosa (as) killed the man by mistake and the reason is totally different here. Allah says:
وَدَخَلَ الْمَدِينَةَ عَلَىٰ حِينِ غَفْلَةٍ مِنْ أَهْلِهَا فَوَجَدَ فِيهَا رَجُلَيْنِ يَقْتَتِلَانِ هَٰذَا مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ وَهَٰذَا مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ ۖ فَاسْتَغَاثَهُ الَّذِي مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ عَلَى الَّذِي مِنْ عَدُوِّهِ فَوَكَزَهُ مُوسَىٰ فَقَضَىٰ عَلَيْهِ ۖ قَالَ هَٰذَا مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۖ إِنَّهُ عَدُوٌّ مُضِلٌّ مُبِينٌ (15)
And he entered the city at a time of unawareness of its people: and he found there two men fighting, -- one of his party (his religion -- from the Children of Israel), and the other of his foes. The man of his (own) party asked him for help against his foe, so Mûsâ (Moses) struck him with his fist and killed him. He said: evil” This is of Shaitân’s (Satan) doing: verily, he is a plain misleading enemy.”(Al-Quran 88:15)
It must be remembered here that all Prophet (saws) were given the power of ten men; when Musa (a.s) killed that man it was because he underestimated his own strength and was no way intentional. The most this verse can be used for is that a Muslim should repent from killing someone by mistake.
It also must be noted that the scholars have placed some restrictions on forbidding evil. The main two are:
1- Knowledge, as many verses in the Qur’an support this condition.
2- No greater evil is committed
قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية: ((فإن الأمر والنهي وإن كان متضمناً لتحصيل مصلحة ودفع مفسدة، فينظر في المعارض له، فإن كان الذي يفوت من المصالح أو يحصل من المفاسد أكثر، لم يكن مأموراً به، بل يكون محرماً إذا كانت مفسدته أكثر من مصلحته))28/129
Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Even if enjoining good and forbidding evil includes benefit and removes evil, one must look to what is opposing it. If this action is going to cause loss of benefit or allow a greater evil to be committed, then we are not ordered to do so; it could actually be forbidden if the evil is greater than the benefit
It must be noted here that the measure of Maslahah (benefit) and Mafsadh(evil) is according to Shar’eeah, not whims of the ones with no fear of Allah in their hearts.
The sheikh answering the questions must not jump to conclusions when labeling his brothers khawaarij. Doing so is easy especially if one is away from the country that the events are taking place, and especially if his only source of information is what the media portray and corrupted news papers.
Abu Adnan Mohamad
Can u plz speak about the issues of masjid al aqsa as the zionist are killing innocent ppl agen
Jazakallah khair May Allah reward you for your efforts and clearing the issue for the brothers on the video
JazakAllahairan for this refutation… These saudi king loving gutless sellouts must be replyed to as they try their best to stop the ummah from following the true scholars of Islam and they want people to follow government scholars
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu:
Jazak’Allahu khairan wa Barak’Allahu feekum for this excellent response to the US-SAUDI Talafis. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala protect and reward Sheikh Abu Adnan and Imam Anwar and all the sincere scholars and Imams of Islam, Ameen.
Sheikh Abu Adnan (hafidhahullah) is one of the senior scholars of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah Society of Australia, and is a close friend of other great shuyookh here in Australia, such as Sh. Abu Ayman Omran, Sh. Abdus Salaam Zoud and Sh. Khlaid ‘Issa, may Allah preserve them all and our dear Sheikh, Anwar al-’Awlaki, and grant them all jannatul firdaws. Ameen.
Subhan’Allah it is beautiful to see our teachers defend one another and proclaim the truth. You can download some of Sheikh Abu Adnan’s lectures here:
wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah,
mashaAllah! what a wonderful thing to see a muslim defending and making excuses for his brother in Islam, may ALLAH reward Abu Adnan and protect him and may ALLAH protect shaykh Anwar and reward his in this life and the next.Allah Yarhamukumaa.
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu:
JazakAllahu khair for this. I Remember I watched this some time ago, and I thought that this was so silly, they didn’t even refute the matter as sh Abu Adnan said “The Sheikh answering the questions digressed from the topic and never rebuked the Dalail of Sheikh Anwar.”
lol, we’ll probably soon see something new come out from them claiming “Sh Abu Adnan refuted” or “The deviancy of Sh Abu Adnan”
May Allah all ways keep us firm on the straight path, and allow us to follow the Haqq even if it goes against our own selves.
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
I saw this on YouTube a long time time ago and I was very angry at this Shaykh making Takfir on Shaykh Anwar Awlaki. Alhamdulillah someone took responsibility to refute him.
Assalamu alaykum
In Bosnia we learned that house is not defended at doorstep… if enemy can reach your front door, than you have no chance… (we all know that we are not talking about poor robber who stumble upon your house in the middle of the night in search of few dollars, even if you wanted you could not prepare for this guy, it is surprise)… but 100,000+ armed man coming around your house is by no means of imagination ’surprise’… your house then expands to your country borders… if you think that you can defend from inside your house and resist organized slaughter that way, then, just google Srebrenica… 10,000 Muslims slaughtered in 48h… paralysis of mind leads to paralysis of everything else… you can not defend against it… we must respect our scholars but ‘respect’ as a currency is depreciating quickly these days…
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu,
Thank Q for clearing that up Sheikh.
Jazakallahu Khairan for making this response. I have already began spreading the response. I knew the shaykh did not mention that or intend that in his lectures. I have listened to them many a times over and over. I just wanted to someone from this forum to make a refutation so the Shaykhs position is defended. Wal hamdulillah you did and excellent job.
May Allah SWT free us from these scholars who bend over backwards to please their rulers for a miserly salary.
Please convey Salams to the Shaykh.
Was Salamu 3laykum Wr Allah Wb
We all need to expose these U.S. & Saudi scholars for deceiving and misleading the Uma
assalamu alaikum, wernt we told not to jump the gun when making judgements, and to here both sides of the story first. With the excample of dawood (as) in the holy quran.
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu
Dear Shaykh,
Alhamdulillah,Its good to see your responses and articles are back.Shaykh the ummah needs true updates on what is happening around the world.Please do give your comments about Somalia as news coming out is confusing the believers and the kuffar media is taking advantage of this to show disunity among the muslims.
May Allah guide us on the straight path.Ameen.jazakallah
Sakam Alaykum brothers ans sisters…
1ST: May Allah aza Wajal reward Abu Adnan for the response, he done a fanatastic job of it.
Also, im not 100% sure but i do think awlaki will one day inshAllah, respond to these tales. And if it is true that he is in the Yemeni front, may Allah provide him with the greatest of ranks in the hereafter, and preserve his knowldege he has taught and served the ummah in his lifetime.
May Allah grant him Jannah in the same way IbnNuHAAS QUOTED when he finished mishar al ashwaq. inshAllah. And may we all be of those ranks…inshAllah…
salam alaykum…
May Allah swt preserve and protect our sincere scholars Sheikh Abu Adnan and our dear Sheikh Anwar, what a contrast they are to Tantawi, who is as usual doing the bidding of his masters in the west, by pushing for the secularisation of muslims, with his comments and actions towards the niqab this week. If we muslims get distracted by the fiqh aspect of whether its fard to wear niqab or not, it will result in yet more disunity of naming one another as moderate or extreme, which is just what the kaafir want. Rather, we must fight and speak for the Khilafah state, which will protect all Islamic opinion and thought.
“Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience and set firm our feet and make us victorious over the disbelieving people”. Al Baqarah v 250.
Selam alejkum. Did that sheikh make takfir on Sheikh Anwar al Awlaki?
salaam wr wb…
how can someone be so stupid as to give evidence about Musa (as) in such a wrong context. how can a scholar be so naive ? everyone knows that Mosa (as) didn’t intend to kill him, he only pushed that guy and he fell dead.
plus , indeed the ummah wants to learn more about applying what law with force and what law by inviting. and jazakAllah khair for talking about this issue.
could anyone please forward references from the history about muslims attacking the kuffar and during these operations innocent muslims got killed.
jazakAllah khair
Salamalaykum. It is strange thing for the Scholar Jarboo to say that people should stay in their home, and can defend themselves only if the transgression is directly committed in their private property. The scholar doesn’t seem to show good intelligence in the matter. When a country occupies another country, how can someone be only concerned about the safety of his property only. How can a muslim simply hide and stay while the rights of his brothers and sisters are violated under a puppet government. This scholar has spoken with weakness, and fear, and certainly lack of experience in the matter of current affairs. I am thoroughly disappointed at Sh Jarboo. I don’t think he is concerned about corruption but rather fears meeting with Allah. And the weak always fear meeting with Allah. And may be his views would change if Americans attacked Saudi Arabia in similar fashion, and violated the rights of his family and friends. I doubt he would stay inside his home keepin a mum silence.
salaam alaikoem
masha allah djazaakallahoe ghairan abu adnaan. thank you for refuting those saudi telefies with their simple conclusions that are as cheap as air. before people woud have doubts obout this case or about sh anwar. subhaan allah i dont understad how people can follow such people and cant look trough their currupt aqeeda!
A Dogged Taliban Chief Rebounds, Vexing U.S.
WASHINGTON — In late 2001, Mullah Muhammad Omar’s prospects seemed utterly bleak. The ill-educated, one-eyed leader of the Taliban had fled on a motorbike after his fighters were swiftly routed by the Americans invading Afghanistan.
Much of the world celebrated his ouster, and Afghans cheered the return of girls’ education, music and ordinary pleasures outlawed by the grim fundamentalist government.
Eight years later, Mullah Omar leads an insurgency that has gained steady ground in much of Afghanistan against much better equipped American and NATO forces. Far from a historical footnote, he represents a vexing security challenge for the Obama administration, one that has consumed the president’s advisers, divided Democrats and left many Americans frustrated.
“This is an amazing story,” said Bruce Riedel, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who coordinated the Obama administration’s initial review of Afghanistan policy in the spring. “He’s a semiliterate individual who has met with no more than a handful of non-Muslims in his entire life. And he’s staged one of the most remarkable military comebacks in modern history.”……
Please read one of the comments to the above article by an American named Nick. And so called Muslims and the pharoanic media keep repeating the mantra about girls education supposedly denied by Taliban. Subhan’Allah
The article in the link says”Afghans cheered the return of girls’ education, music and ordinary pleasures outlawed by the grim fundamentalist government.”
Nick responds:
Girls always had an education under Taliban rule. They just outlawed it when they were invaded out of fear of coalition forces bombing these schools. They felt that girls, who are regarded higher in status as boys, would be more protected at home then in a school building which is more suceptible to being targeted by coalition forces. Lets not forget how many bombs already were responsible for civilian deaths. Why does the NYT keep spinning these words around?
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Shawwal 22, 1430 H / 11-10-2009.
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
8 Filthy NATO Zionist terrorists killed in Uruzgan Sunday 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan based in Mari abad area in Tareen kot city of Uruzgan province, entered a military garrison of the enemy after killing a guard standing at the gate. Then they threw hand grenades at the filthy zionist occupation terrorists in the garrison, killing five filthy NATO zionist crusaders and wounding a number of them. According to the report, one Mujahid was injured during the attack and the remaining safely returned to their center. In another ambush by the Mujahideen in Daweshan nawa area in Tareen kot city, three filthy NATO zionist terrorists were killed when they came under the attack of the Mujahideen. Later, the Mujahideen took their weapons and ammunitions as booty.
In a long battle Mujahideen killed 11 Filthy American zionist crusading terrorists and destroyed 2 tanks in Helmand Saturday 10-10-2009, a heavy battle took place Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the filthy American army in Helmand province, in the battle Mujahideen destroyed two enemy tanks with improvised explosive devices and killed eleven filthy U.S. terrorists on foot, also two Mujahids were martyred and three were injured.
8 filthy American zionist terrorists killed and 2 tanks destroyed in Nangarhar Sunday 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Nangarhar province, ambushed a foreign military patrol party at Islampura area of Khiwa district, destroying two tanks as a result, killing eight filthy American zionist terrorists and wounded four. Mujahideen also attacked a logistical convoy in Lalpura district, killing three security guards of the convoy and injuring another. According to the report, an enemy vehicle packed with logistical items was torched during the attack.
5 Filthy German zionist terrorists Killed in Kunduz Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Baghlan Kunduz highway near Ali abad district headquarter of Kunduz province, ambushed a mobile patrol of the filthy German zionist terrorists on Baghlan–Kunduz road, destroying a military tank and killing all the terrorists on board. Mujahideen also had an armed confrontation with the invaders after the ambush, which continued for one hour. However, Mujahideen safely returned to their center after the attack. A few days ago, Mujahideen blew up two tanks and killed the crew as a result of a severe blast near the Kunduz city.
5 filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR zionist crusading terrorists killed and a Tank Blown up in Farah Saturday 10-10-2009, according to report from Farah province, a military tank of the filthy NATO invaders was destroyed by a mine planted by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan at Sai Rudia area in Bakwa district of Farah province. A mobile patrol of the enemy was passing from the area when the tank stumbled on the planted mine and was destroyed. The report further says that five filthy NATO zionist terrorists manning the tank were killed as a result. Later, the enemy helicopters airlifted their dead bodies.
5 Polish invading terrorists Killed and a tank blown up in Wardak Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan report from Haft aasyab area in Sayedabad district of Maidan Wardak province that five Polish terrorists were killed when their military tank stumbled on a mine, destroying the tank completely. The report says, a military officer of the Polish invading army is among the dead. According to eye-witness, the heavy explosion has scattered parts of the bodies of the terrorists all over the area.
2 NATO-ISAF-KAFIR Tanks Destroyed in Helmand Sunday 11-10-2009, two tanks of the invading army were destroyed in Sheen village area in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, when they were heading to their outpost and hit a mine planted by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Mujahideen attacked the enemy after the explosion when the enemy terrorists were trying to shift the dead bodies. Further casualties were inflicted on them as a result of the ambush.
Another American Occupation Base fell to the Hands of Mujahideen as 10 Filthy American zionist soldiers are killed in Nooristan Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan captured the defensive base of Kamdesh district, which was strategically very important base in the area. Mujahideen killed ten Filthy American zionist terrorists in the base and captured a large number of ammunition and other military equipments. Tens of Mujahideen had participated in the attack. It should be mentioned that the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan stationed in area captured the district headquarter of Kamdesh and a nearby base of the American invaders a few days ago. The filthy enemy also have acknowledged the falling of the base into the hands of the Mujahideen.
Heavy Casualties Inflicted on the Enemy in Kandahar Sunday 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a military garrison of the Filthy NATO zionist occupiers at Sangsar hill of Zery district. During the attack, which continued for three hours, the enemy had life and material losses. Later two enemy helicopters were seen flying in the area to take the dead and the injured to a military hospital. Similarly, in another incident, two enemy enemy tanks were destroyed and their crew killed. Another tank of the foreign invaders hit a mine at a overpass at Nakhuni area of Dand district and was blown up. The report adds, Mujahideen attacked a logistical convoy at Maivand district bazaar, torching one vehicle and capturing another.
An American Drone Predator Shot Down in Kunduz Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shot down an American zionist drone plane by firing a rocket-propelled grenade. According to eyewitnesses, the plane was flying at a very low altitude. It crashed after being hit by RPG. Similarly, the Mujahideen in the area say they shot down another drone some time ago.
A military Tank of the filthy NATO Invaders Destroyed in Kandahar Saturday 10-10-2009, a military tank of the NATO invading forces was blown up by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan at Sangar pai area in Zery district of Kandahar province, when their mobile patrol was passing from the area. The report further adds, that all the crew in the tank have been killed as a result of the explosion.
Mujahideen Destroy a Military Tank of the Invaders and killed 5 filthy NATO zionist terrorists in Ghazni Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a mobile patrol of the NATO invading terrorists at Khalo Khel area in Qara Bagh district of Ghazni province. The enemy troops were on patrol on Kandahar-Kabul high way when they came under the attack of the Mujahideen. During the attack, Mujahideen hit a military tank of the invaders with rocket-propelled grenade and killed five terrorists on board.
Mujahideen Attack a Military center of the Filthy NATO-KAFIR zionist occupiers in Logar Saturday 10-10-2009, at Pad Khwab Shana area, near the provincial capital Pulle Alam of Logar province, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked the military center of the invaders by firing missiles. Two missiles hit the compound of the center but there is no information about life and material loss caused to the enemy.
5 puppet army terrorists Killed in Paktia Sunday 11-10-2009, at Asamni area in Garda Sirai of Paktia province, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a ranger pick-up of the puppet army, killing five terrorists. The report adds, the vehicle hit the mine when the puppets were on their way to the center of the district. The wreckage of the destroyed tank is still at the site of the explosion.
10 puppet army terrorists killed and 1 tank destroyed in a attack on the enemy center in Kabul Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with heavy and light weapons attacked a puppet army center in Cheni ghondi area Mosahai district of Kabul province, in the attack fighting stated which lasted for about an hour, during which Mujahideen killed ten puppet terrorists, wounded many.
A puppet Police check Post Came Under Attack Faryab Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a puppet police check post in Ghor tapa area in Namoosai district of Faryab province. Using heavy and light weapons, the Mujahideen killed two puppet police terrorists and injured another. In this attack, which continued for one hour, Mujahideen had no casualties.
A puppet Police Officer Killed in a Blast in Kunduz Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan report from Kunduz province that they targeted, Qais Ziwar, a puppet police officer by detonating a mine, which blew up the corolla car of the said officer. The puppet police officer and three bodyguards were killed on the spot. The report adds, Ziwar was involved in detainment and martyrdom of many Mujahideen and the Mujahideen were prosecuting him and at last he faced the consequence of his deeds.
7 puppet police terrorists killed and wounded in Nangarhar Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan based in Fatha area in Lal pur district of Nangarhar province, ambushed a ranger pick-up of the puppet police, killing three terrorists and wounded four. The report adds, an official of the criminal investigation of the district is among the dead.
6 puppet Police terrorists Killed and wounded in Paktia Saturday 10-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Sayed Karam district of Paktia province, killed two puppet terrorists and injured four others in a face-to-face firing at Shakala area. The Mujahideen were traveling in their corolla car when they confronted a puppet police patrol and started firing at them pointblank. Mujahideen had no casualties in the fighting but their corolla car is left at the site of the incidence.
A tank of filthy NATO zionist blown up in Kandahar Friday 09-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the filthy NATO Kafirs in Kandahar province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the terrorists in it where killed.
5 Filthy NATO zionist crusading terrorists killed and a tank blown up in Ghazni Friday 09-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an rocket-propelled grenades blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO Kafirs in Sara killa area in Khogiani district of Ghazni province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and five terrorists in it where killed.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
I got somewhat upset after watching those videos, and i was like who is that scholar who is telling me to stay in home and dont do anything unless the kuffar try to get *INSIDE* my home.I didnt botyher watching all of it.
Please correct me if i misunderstood.
As Salaam Alaykum.
May Allah give victory to mujahideen Islaam ameen.
Asalaamu Alalikum WRWB,
My trust in Imam Awlaki has not diminished, only increased. It doesn’t surprise me that some who are probably allies of the kaffirs will ATTEMPT (AND FAIL) to refute him. However, whomever that other “man” may be, he completely failed to address the evidence provided by Imaam Awlaki; he simply went in circles against clear evidence in order to try and establish safety for the kaffirs. As for not labeling the Awlaki’s opponent a khawaarij; I’m not a scholar but to me it seems pretty extreme for a professor of Islam to try and keep the kaffirs safe from the Muslims eventhough the kaffirs are invading, murdering and raping the Muslims. In the Quran it says:
“O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things (5:54).”
“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as ‘Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers etc.), they are but ‘Auliya’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as ‘Auliya’ then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust) (5:51).”
Allah SWT knows best. May Allah SWT make Imam Awlaki a rightous leader of the Muslim ummah, may Allah SWT make him a true believers, may Allah SWT grant him clear, islamic guidance, may Allah SWT grant Imam Awlaki the best of this life and the best of the hereafter, ameen ameen ameen. May Allah SWT grant the Muslim Ummah success and victory over the kaffirs, the hypocrites and their allies in every way, ameen.
May Allah SWT declare war against the kaffirs, the hypocrites and their allies, may Allah SWT put the fear of Muslims in their heart, may Allah SWT grant these evildoers complete defeat, humiliation and destruction at the hands of the Muslims, and May Allah SWT make it easy to expose and defeat these evildoers as they attempt to infiltrate the Muslim Ummah, amy Allah SWT grant these evildoers violent death, the hellfire, punishment of the grave, and his wrath and punishment in this life and the hereafter without purification, ameen ameen ameen.
Allahu Akbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“…I knew him myself. I knew him, and I don’t say he was from the Children of Isra’il. No! He was from the sons of this land. I knew him personally.
He would weep intensely. He would weep intensely, and he would never have the Qur’an recited in his presence except that he would cry, and become humble and soft. He was an amazing, strange person.
He memorized the Qur’an when he was only twelve! However, he was older due to the Words of Allah and his knowledge of Allah, and I don’t place him higher in status than Allah would.
I tell you about him while I have placed a condition on myself that I don’t tell you other than what I saw with my own eyes. The second condition I placed on myself is that I don’t exaggerate in anything I say about him.
He memorized ‘Sahih Muslim’ with me in two weeks. He memorized ‘Sahih al-Bukhari’ with my third friend – we were three – in two weeks. Do you realize? I didn’t know that he had memorized al-Bukhari, and my friend didn’t know that he had memorized Muslim. He loved sincerity. He always loved as-Sirri as-Saqti. Do you know why as-Sirri as-Saqti in particular? Because as-Sirri as-Saqti used to pay a lot of attention to sincerity.
He was very good in school, and in fact excelled in it. He would only sleep between the time he got home from school until Dhuhr time. After ‘Asr, he would attend halaqahs. After Maghrib, he would attend the lessons of the scholars. After ‘Isha’ until eleven, he would study for school. From eleven – every single day – he would pray all night until Fajr.
I am not exaggerating! He is from our own sons, from our country!
Whenever he would read the Qur’an, he would cry. I would read that when some of the Salaf would read the Qur’an, they would pass out. I know the dispute among the scholars on this, but I have never seen this with my own eyes except from this youth. We would pray the Friday prayer, and the imam would recite: {“And the inhabitants of Hell called out to the inhabitants of Paradise ‘Give us a drop of water!’”} [al-A’raf; 50] And he fell down on his head, and we thought he had died.
We prayed one night at my house. I pretended that I was asleep in order to see what he would do. He came over and motioned with his hand over my eyes (to see if I was awake). He woke up at eleven, and I would sleep and wake up, sleep and wake up – and he would be standing in a rak’ah and I wouldn’t see him go down. He would then bow and I wouldn’t see him come up.
On a different night, he would read the Qur’an. When he got to this verse, in front of me: {“Indeed, it is Hell, taking away the skin of the head!”} [al-Ma’arij; 15-16] he cried and passed out. I woke him up, and he got up and made ablution and prayed. When he got to the verse: {“Indeed, it is Hell, taking away the skin of the head!”} he again cried and passed out. I woke him up, and when he got to it a third time, he recited it and passed out again and didn’t wake up until the call for Fajr prayer.
He would recite the entire Qur’an every three nights in secret while praying at night, and would do so every seven days openly during the day. I am not exaggerating, as he would do this in front of me. And by Allah, he would remember Allah in a single day more than 12,000 times! I counted them myself while sitting with him – 12,000 times! I would ask him: “Why?” He replied: “I don’t want Abu Hurayrah to have done more than me.” He had jealousy, jealousy when it came to worship!
He was only seventeen at the time, when he was at this level!
I didn’t know what to say about him! Whenever he would come across a text to memorize, I would say: “I challenge you to memorize this.” He would say: “Don’t challenge me!” I would try to fire him up, and say: “I challenge you!” The next day, he would come and recite the text to me as if it were just his name. If he made just three mistakes, he would not consider himself to have memorized it. Three mistakes!
This was a person who would repent! If only you knew his sin! I will tell you later what his sin was.
If we lost hope in a youth – we would give da’wah to someone and lose hope in him, we didn’t know, and I am speaking about myself and Allah Knows best about others – he was someone whose supplication was answered in front of seventeen people who bear witness to this, in more than one incident. If we lost hope in a youth, we would tell him to go and give him da’wah. By Allah, after just two days, this person would be guided. He would walk with him for just two days. The first day, the second day, and he would then be praying in the first row! Whether he was a smoker, a drug user, etc., he would become upright right away by the Permission of Allah. This is blessing! Blessing!
One day, he would pray behind a scholar in the southern region who you know of who would elongate the prayer. So, he would elongate it, following the Sunnah. He would lead the people in prayer, and a man came and hit him on the back with a stick while he was bowing, in front of me. After the prayer, he looked at him and asked: “Why did you hit me?”
He replied: “You have whisperings! You make us pray too long!”
The imam replied: “You are healthy! You are healthy!”
The man replied: “How do you know I’m healthy?”
This youth then raised his hands to Allah – as soon as he raised his hands, my heart stopped – and said: “O Allah, take away his health until he knows its value and prays properly in front of You!” It was the ‘Asr prayer, and I swear by Allah that this man didn’t pray Maghrib with us. He was at home, laying in bed. After a few weeks, I saw him and said: “Fear Allah! The man is at home in bed! I ask you by Allah…” He said: “My brother, I didn’t mean to do this!” I said: “Ask Allah to cure him.” By Allah, the man prayed with us the next prayer!
In the Haram, he would wear thick glasses. I am telling you that this is a repenter from our times! I know him! He is my friend! I am greater than him in age, but he is greater than me. I don’t place him in status higher than where Allah has placed him.
They were in the Haram, and he was wearing glasses, and they bothered him. He said: “I can’t go to Palestine one day with glasses.” So, he went to the well of Zam Zam in front of the people – they were seventeen people – and he took off his glasses, took the Zam Zam water, said: “O Allah, make it a cure for my vision,” and drank it. He then said: “Allah is the Greatest!” and threw the glasses away in front of everyone! They wanted to test him, and they pointed to a clock that nobody could see, they asked him: “Can you tell us what time it is?” He said: “The time is such and such.” Exact! He would read the Qur’an…his vision was returned 100%!
Indeed, it is supplication! “…and if he asks Me, I will Give him.”
The incidents are many, but the time doesn’t permit me to tell them all.
You know, one day I asked him about his sin. When did I ask him? One day, he recited the verse: {“On the day when some faces will be brightened and some faces will be darkened…”} [Al ‘Imran; 106] By Allah, he cried to the point that my heart was as if it was being torn. I said to him: “The Messenger of Allah said: “The worst of people is he who is asked by Allah and is not responded to,” and I ask you by Allah: what makes you cry like this?” I want to cry like him, people! I want to feel the happiness he felt!
He said: “I committed a sin in my life.”
I asked him: “What is this sin?”
Do you know what his sin was? You will laugh at yourself. I will explain it to you. He said: “When I was in second grade, I went into a store and took a cookie and ate it, and the Fire is more deserving of a body that is nurtured on what is forbidden (i.e. because the cookie didn’t belong to him).”
He died. He died, may Allah have Mercy on him, when he was only twenty. He died because of a stray bullet that someone fired accidentally while playing with a weapon. A bullet was accidentally fired and entered the body of this youth, killing him. He died as a righteous person, and I assume him to be such.
He died, and that was it. It was all over.
However, his life didn’t die. And by Allah, were it not the fact that he asked me by Allah to not reveal his name, I would have revealed it…”
[May Allah reward my good friend Muhammad who showed me this clip, and make me, him, and all who read this story like this incredible youth.]
Asalamu Alaikum WRWB masha’Allah I love the caravan
Alhumduillah theres always an answer in Islam for every falsehood thrown in to misguide muslims , this unwarranted respect for Shaykhs who clearly twist the deen to suit their desires is sickening
No matter what they creat it can be crushed by the Haqq , what an incredible Deen Allah has bestowed upon us Alhumduillah, and we are very fortunate to have some honourable Shaykhs to help to direct us in all that leads to Allahs Pleasure may Allah protect them and their works ameen
The Australian
KEVIN Rudd’s new counter-terrorism white paper will emphasise that home-grown terrorism, rather than foreign groups such as al-Qa’ida and Jemaah Islamiah, is the greater threat to Australia.
And counter-radicalisation strategies, as well as greater co-operation between the commonwealth and state governments, are essential if Australia is to avoid a devastating terror attack similar to those that have rocked foreign capitals around the world.
Sources have told The Weekend Australian the government is set to release its long-promised white paper in early December, a year after the Prime Minister delivered his national security statement to parliament. The draft document has been finalised and is expected to be considered by cabinet’s National Security Committee later this month.
The white paper, prepared by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, updates the 2004 document Transnational Terrorism: The Threat to Australia, written by the Department of Foreign Affairs under then foreign minister Alexander Downer.
The draft white paper sets the direction for Australia’s counter-terrorism effort and provides a detailed overview of global, regional and local threats. Written in the shadow of September 11, 2001, and the 2002 Bali bombings, the 2004 document was the first of its kind. It focused heavily on the threat posed by transnational terror groups such as al-Qa’ida and Jemaah Islamiah.
But the new white paper subtly shifts the emphasis to home-grown terror cells, such as those allegedly detected in Melbourne in August.
To that end, strategies focused on countering the radicalising effects of extremist ideologies on young men form a central plank in the new counter-terrorism blueprint. While acknowledging al-Qa’ida remains a global threat and JI, along with its various splinter groups, a regional one, the white paper reflects the evolving threat posed by home-grown terror cells for counter-terrorism agencies.
In August, police raided homes in Melbourne in connection with an alleged conspiracy to attack Holsworthy army base in Sydney.
Five men alleged to have connections to Somali terror group al Shabab were charged over the alleged conspiracy.
The arrests followed the convictions in 2008 of seven extremists over a terror cell in Victoria that plotted to attack large public events such as the AFL grand final.
Sources say the shift in focus reflects Attorney-General Robert McClelland’s view that the “softer” side of counter-terrorism was neglected by the Howard government.
The Rudd government’s white paper is understood to carefully avoid the use of controversial terminology such as “jihadist” and “Islamists”.
The language used to describe Islamist terrorism reportedly remains the subject of debate in government agencies.
But the new document reflects Mr McClelland’s belief that the language used to describe terrorism should be free of religious connotations to avoid aggrandising criminal acts.
In July, Mr McClelland unveiled Project Lexicon, a project to discourage the use of certain terms that can glorify terrorism, such as “jihad”, “martyr” or “war”, which frame acts of terror as part of a legitimate struggle.
The document also seeks a far more active involvement of state and territory governments in counter-radicalisation programs.
It also details the growing scope of joint counter-terrorist efforts Australia undertakes with allies and close neighbours, particularly Indonesia
It is rather opportunistic that a scholar defers muslims to this “imaginary ruler” who is supposed to establish Islam. All the while knowing there is no such leader. So in essence, he is supporting inaction instead of exhorting the muslims to stand up. He is supporting tyranny and oppression, under some guise of “obedience to the ruler”, as if that is the supreme law of Islam.
One may justifiably counter such a saying with one more prominent, whereby if you see an evil, you change it with your hand, tongue, heart.
I tried myself to respond to the video in the comments section but it seems to be blocked, and you can only comment if your a Madkhali (one of their friends)! Ajeeb!!!
By Mufti Taqi Usmani
25 Ramadan 1423, 30 November 2002
Q.) There are media reports of a new Al Azhar
declaration on Interest. This poses a serious dilemma
for us in the West and your guidance is needed as to
how we should deal with it. [Abdul Hai Patel]
A.) I have not yet seen the text of so-called Fatwa
issued by Majma-ul-Bahoos of Al-Azhar of Egypt. What I
have seen is the press reports that have appeared in
different newspapers and magazines which have reported
that Majma-ul-Bahoos has allowed fixed interest by a
resolution adopted by it with a majority of 20 to 1.
The following points may be kept in view about this
1. Majma-ul-Bahoos, at present, does not comprise of
very competent scholars of Shariah. There was a time
when this institution was regarded as the most
prestigious research institute with regard to Shariah
>and great scholars from all over the world used to
attend its meetings. At that point of time this very
institute had issued a detailed resolution about the
prohibition of bank interest which was adopted
unanimously by the personalities not less than Sheikh
Abu Zahra, Hassanain Makhloof, Mustafa Zarqa etc. At
present no one of that caliber is available in this
2. It is well known that Sheikh Tantavi had issued his
opinion about the permissibility of bank interest as a
>Mufti of Egypt after which he was elevated by the
>government to the post of Sheikh of Al-Azhar. His
>views were forcefully rejected and refuted by the
>Shariah scholars throughout the world and he was
>condemned by them for the Fatwa issued by him in this
>regard. It seems that the same Sheikh Tantavi has
>somehow managed to get this resolution issued by the
>Majma-ul-Bahoos which has at present has no
>outstanding scholars in it.
>3. The importance in Shariah is always of the evidence
>produced from the Qur’an and Sunnah and not from the
>individual opinion expressed by some scholars. Since
>all the noteworthy Shariah Scholars have declared the
>bank interest as Riba and prohibited by Qur’an. This
>scanty opinions expressed by some unknown persons
>cannot contradict the position taken by the Ummah
>throughout the centuries.
>(Source: Al-Balagh Islamic E-zine)
salamualaikum sheikh pls wats the ruling on joining the army or airforce in a country that is not an islamic one
As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh I Just wanna say to all these brothers who call themselves scholars and teachers just because they received such and such education at certain schools and now their working for these corrupt muslim governments so they think that they know more than anybody. First of all the true guidance is in the hands of allah and it is not from any school that u can produce this guidance. So for these so called scholars giving out these fatwas and labeling brothers like imam anwar al awlaki who has done so much for the ummah probably more than any of those so called scholars who pride themselves with their titles so they feel as if their fatwas are truer than others i say to them FEAR ALLAH. All of u so called scholars who keep defending these corrupt governments and talking against the mujahideen supposedly have all this knowledge yet u keep forgetting about the hadith’s of Al Imam Mahdi, why would the prophet tell us about his coming and about the corruption that there will be before his coming,unless if its because of the need of jihad. Everybody knows that there isn’t any muslim government who is applying the full Shari’ah, and it’s plain to see how these governments could care less about the regular people and the poor i mean with all the money the Saud and other so called muslim presidents have there shouldnt be any poor people in the entire arabian peninsula. Also the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said to follow his sunnah and the sunnah of the four rightly guide kalifahs after him, did u hear of the Prophet or Abu bakr or Umar or Uthman or Ali that they would put themselves before the people so that they would be living lavishly while so many of the ummah are living in poverty! NO! Yet most of u so called scholars and so called leaders are all plunged in a life of ease and lavishness and then u wanna attack the mujahideen because u have no hearts and because u guys are scared to fall into a life of poverty so u make up lies and false fatwas and attack the real scholars like IMAM AL UMMAH Anwar Al Awlaki and the mujahideen so that u can maintain ur statuses among the people. I ask allah to protect imam anwar al awlaki and all the mujahideen from all ur slanders and i encourage all the brothers who are trying to go to jihad to go and may allah be with u and i ask allah to protect us all from his punishment. AMEEN
intreating! does anyone know the sharh of the hadith of Rasul salalahu alaihi wasalam wer he said, “may Allah forgive you.”??? and does it have a connection with the importance of jihad fissabililahi? jazakumulllahu khairun.
Imam Abu Adnan ( Mohamad Kammoun )
Sheikh Abu Adnan gives classes at AlQuran wa Sunnah Islamic Site of Learning.
Imam Abu Adnan is currently the Amir of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Sydney, Australia. He is heavily involved in presenting informative lectures on a regular basis to a variety of audiences, delivering Juma’ah Khutbah, assisting and training potential Islamic speakers as well as playing a lead role within the Sydney Muslim community. Sheikh Abu Adnan also helped set up the Islamic College of Australia and currently holds the position of Deputy Principal at the college. He teaches many authentic Islamic courses concerning Fiqh, Tafseer, Seerah, Aqeedah, Hadeeth and Quranic Sciences, all of which require students to graduate with certified documentation. Sheikh Abu Adnan has completed various courses over 15 years period starting in the early years of his life studied various Islamic studies ( Lebanon ) Studied, Aqeedah & Fiqh under some of the prominent Sheikhs,to future his knowledge traveled to Saudi Arabia where He benefited and studied alongside and under the auspice of some of the most recognized and renowned scholars from Saudi Arabia, by the will Allah he earned Ijaza in Qura’an Al Kareem ( Sanad ) followed by B.A in islamic studies Graduated with a high distinction, currently he is studying to complete a Masters Degree in Usulodeen.
jzk allah shaykh abu adnan, to my brothers at tibyan, the shayateen try to put out the light of allah but allah will always make it shine. is there anyway i can get some of the translated works of shaykh abu muhammad al maqdisi. may allah protect you and humiliate your enemies.jzk allah khayr, abdul jabbar.
May Allah reward sh Abu Adnan and sh Anwar ,i cant believe this so called aleem claiming that wali al’mr in Makah is abu lahab ,abu jahl and firaun is wali al’mr in the case of Musa (saw),i though the first condition to be wali al’mr over Muslims to be a Muslim , so if the ruling family of Al salool in Saudi Arabia today decided to erect an idol inside the haram these mud’kalees would say( o’ Muslims don’t remove it without the permission of wali al’mr ,its all good make tawaf around it as long as your intention is correct .)
May Allah protect us from the fitnah
MAshallah. who answerd the sheikh ??? is this brother student of sheikh anwar al awlaki. may ALLAH grant nafa in our ilm. ameen.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Shawwal 24, 1430 H / 13-10-2009.
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
Filthy American zionist crusaders bombing Martyrs 14 members of one family in Kunar Sunday morning 11-10-2009 around 3 pm local time, According to details provided: In the heavy aerial bombardment by the Filthy American zionists’ warplanes, which continued throughout the day in the Kunar province, resulting in the martyring of fourteen members of one Muslim family, including women and children and destroyed civilians homes. The report added that the filthy American zionist army forces launched the air strikes after deadly attack carried out by the Mujahideen on the enemy patrol, the attacked lasted for one hour, in which enemy suffered great loss of life.
19 filthy Canadian zionist terrorists killed or wounded in Kandahar Tuesday morning 13-10-2009 around 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed and wounded nineteen filthy Canadian zionist terrorists when their checkpoint was blown up in Zal khan bala village area in Dand district of Kandahar province, soon after the blast Mujahideen attack the checkpoint killed and wounding more enemy terrorists.
More Filthy Canadian soldiers exterminated when a tank of the Filthy Canadian occupation army was blown up in Kandahar Tuesday morning 13-10-2009 around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the filthy Canadian zionists in Zarki ghondi area in Speen boldak district of Kandahar province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the filthy canadian terrorists in it where exterminated.
Blast kills three Filthy U.S. army terrorists in Khost Tuesday morning 13-10-2009 around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a patrol of the filthy American zionist crusaders in Khalbasat area in Yaqoobi district of Khost province, the blast took place when the enemy were trying to remove the landmine, killing three filthy U.S. army terrorists and wounded two.
Mujahideen fired rockets at Filthy French zionist forces in Kapisa Tuesday early morning 13-10-2009 around 5 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the filthy French zionist forces base in Landa khail area in Tagab district of Kapisa province, three rockets landed inside the base, two of them hit the enemy weapons depot, causing heavy explosions, however the total damages to the enemy could not be confirmed. According to another report, Tuesday morning 13-10-2009, Mujahideen ambushed a puppet army Ranger vehicle in Tagab district, resulting in the destruction of the enemy car, killing all the terrorists and wounded two passengers in the car.
Heavy battle continues in Kapisa Tuesday afternoon 13-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a joint patrol of filthy French invader and puppet army terrorists in Afghania dara area in Najrab district of Kapisa province, the ambush Mujahideen destroyed a tank of the invader and all the terrorists inside it were killed.
An explosive device destroyed a tank of U.S. invader forces and killed 7 filthy U.S. army terrorists in Khost Monday night 12-10-2009 around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the filthy American crusading zionist in Darmakhail area in Lakno distirct of Khost province, the blast destroyed the tank and killed seven filthy American zionist terrorists.
At least 22 Filthy French invader army terrorists killed as Mujahideen attack their base in Kabul Monday night 12-10-2009 around 8 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked Filthy French invader base in Chinar dag Ozbeen dara area in Sarobi district of Kabul province, in the attack the base building was damaged, cars parked inside the center were destroyed, twenty two invaders were destroyed and two Mujahids were wounded.
Mujahideen killed 8 Filthy American zionist crusaders and destroyed two tanks in a face to face battle in Paktia Monday afternoon 12-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol on Filthy American zionist terrorists in, in the ambush fighting started which continued for two hours, during which two enemy tanks were destroyed with RPG and eight terrorists were killed, one Mujahid was also wounded.
6 Filthy American army racists were killed and a tank was destroyed in Nangarhar Sunday morning 11-10-2009 around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the American invader forces in Nangarhar province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and six filthy American zionist terrorists were killed.
5 Filthy NATO zionist occupation terrorists were killed and a tank was destroyed in Zabul Sunday afternoon 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the filthy NATO murderers of native populations in Zabul province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and five filthy NATO mercenaries were blown to pieces by the heavy explosion.
Downing of a plane was uncovered in Khost Sunday night 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shot down a spy plan of filthy American airforce in Khost province, the plan crash and was destroyed.
The Filthy American occupied base attacked with missiles in Logar Sunday afternoon 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired three missiles at a base of filthy American Zionist occupying forces in Mohammad Agha district of Logar province. The enemy suffered great losses of U.S. army terrorists who were in the occupied base at the time.
In 3 explosions, 15 filthy British soldiers Killed and wounded in Helmand Monday morning 12-10-2009 around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in three different landmines explosions killed and wounded fifteen Filthy British army zionist terrorists in Nad Ali district of Helmand province.
Filthy NATO occupying forces tank blown up with an improvised explosive device in Logar Sunday night 11-10-2009 around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of filthy NATO Zionists in Logar province, the blast killed four filthy NATO invader terrorists and destroyed the tank.
Mujahideen destroyed two armored vehicles of the Filthy NATO occupying forces in Badghis Sunday 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in two different operations destroyed two armored vehicles of the Filthy NATO zionists. The first attack was carried out when the enemy where patrol, in the attack one enemy armored vehicle was destroyed and five filthy NATO terrorists in it were killed. The second armored vehicle was destroyed in a battle.
Enemy patrol unit blown up in Kandahar Monday morning 12-10-2009 around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a joint patrol of invaders and their puppets in Aslam petrokium area in Zari district of Kandahar province, in the blast three puppets were killed and two invaders were wounded.
Mujahideen kill 23 puppet army terrorists and destroyed 3 ranger vehicles in Farah Tuesday night 12-10-2009 around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a puppet army patrol in Karwangah area in Gulistan district of Farah province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed three Ranger vehicle, killed twenty three terrorists and their weapons and other equipment were Mujahideen’s booty.
9 puppet army terrorists killed and a ranger vehicle destroyed in Wardak Tuesday morning 13-10-2009 around 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of puppet army in Shash gaw area in Sayedabad district of Maidan Wardak province, in the ambush destroyed a Ranger vehicle, killed nine terrorists and the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty.
A puppet police headquarter attacked in Nangarhar Tuesday midnight 13-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with light and heavy weapons attacked the puppet police headquarter in Wazir area Khogiani district of Nangarhar province, the attack continued for one hour, in which the headquarter building was damaged and a Ranger vehicle destroyed was Ranger vehicle.
Mujahideen ambush enemy logistics convoy in Zabul Monday afternoon 12-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a logistics convoy of the enemy in Kharan koti area in Sher-e-safa district Zabul province, burned three containers, destroyed three Toyota Surf’s, killed seven puppet terrorists and four machine-guns were Mujahideen’ s booty.
Mujahideen ambush a joint enemy patrol in Paktika Monday morning 12-10-2009 around 7 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a joint patrol of American invaders and their puppet army terrorists in Maktab area in Khoshamand district of Paktika province, however the enemy losses and damages could not be confirmed.
Mujahideen captured 3 puppet army terrorists and destroyed a vehicle in Faryab Monday afternoon 12-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a military patrol of the puppet army in the village of Korchi Belthrag state Department in Korvha village area in Bal chiragh district of Faryab province, in the ambush an enemy vehicle was destroyed completely, three terrorists were arrested with their weapons and equipment.
Puppets Enemy district headquarter attacked and a invaders tank destroyed in Khost Sunday night 11-10-2009 around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with light and heavy weapons attacked the district in headquarter in Khost province, in the attack fighting started which lasted for about two hours, resulting in losses to the enemy.
According to another report, Monday morning 12-10-2009 around 10 am local time, Mujahideen with an explosive device blew up a tank of the NATO invaders in Khost province, resulting in the destruction of the tank and killing all inside.
Mujahideen killed 9 puppet army terrorists in Kandahar Sunday night 11-10-2009 around 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppet army security point in Kandahar, in the attack Mujahideen killed nine puppet terrorists, wounded many, destroyed the security point and a larger stock of weapons where Mujahideen’s booty. Soon after the attack American invaders bombarded the area in which five Mujahideen were martyred, two were wounded and three Mujahideen cars were destroyed.
3 cars of Puppet Army destroyed in Helmand Sunday afternoon 11-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in an ambush destroyed three cars of puppet army terrorists in Sayedabad district of Maidan Wardak province, killed six puppet terrorists, and the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty.
7 puppet army terrorists killed and one Ranger vehicle blown up in Helmand Sunday morning 11-10-2009 around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a Ranger vehicle of puppet army in Gramseer district of Helmand province, the blast destroyed the tank and killed seven terrorists.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
akhi syed no i don’t think sh Abu Adnan met sh Anwar nor he is his student one in australia and the other in diffrent country .
i am one of sh Abu Adnan students ,i did ask him before ,he said never had the pleasure to meeting sh Anwar
Asalamu Alaikum WRWB dear brothers and sisters in Islam
Inna Lilaahi wa inna Illaahi Rajioun
May Allah bless all oppressed with strength and subr in the Qadr of our Most Gracious Lord ameen
salaam alakoom wa rahmutullah i just want to say bro/sis that im siding with imam anwar and abu adan but 1st what we must understand is we need to know that #1 the shaykh was given a phone call by your typical yound western neo-salafi who uses “use’ scholars like weapons like a gun to asassinate characters so who ever the bro. was that called the shaykh from saudia #1 the shaykh was answering the question of the bro. and not even directing his talk to imam anwar it’s known when you bring a case to a shaykh a real reply of a shaykh should be like this ” and if you say” that the case is like this and that…….. then the ruling is this or that. and thats how that shaykh answered it but i truly believe that a debate needs to take place in order for haqq to be established
Shiekh, Can you please comment on this: A Muslim Lawyer’s Defense of Publishing the Muhammad Cartoons
Isn’t it very strange that the answering Sheikh was given an introduction by the questioner and then Sheikh suddenly gave a fatwa of Kharji… :S tomorrow questioner may take fatwa on me that I am a kafir and sheikh would give it on my introduction by questioner without hesitation.
Salam alaykum everyone. Can anyone give me names of scholars who said voting in democracy is shirk? plz tell me the names of classic scholars as well. Jazakumullahu khayr.
As salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatu’Allahi wa barakatu
I came across an article and found it really disturbing titled:
“Standing United against Terrorism and Al Qaeda”
In addition to a lecture titled: “Reclaiming Islam from the Jihadists”
The speaker mentions that the individuals who claim to be doing Jihad
are not Khawaarij in ideology but rather they have the spirit of the khawaarij.
Shaykh Anwar or perhaps Sh. Abu Adnan, it would be great if one of
you could comment on the article and the lecture posted above.
Reaction of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the Biased Resolution of the Security Council, UNO.
Thursday, 15 October 2009 06:35
The Security Council of the United Nations once against extended the period of stay of the so-called international secularity forces for one more year until October next. The Security Council, UNO, by doing this, has categorically violated its Charter and the Geneva Conventions rules because the United Nations Charter grants to every nation, the right to have independence and a government according to their aspirations, whereas the foreign military and political forces in Afghanistan have deprived the Afghans of these natural and legitimate rights.
The Western countries have been shedding the blood of the miserable people of Afghanistan under superficial and fatuous rationale for the past eight years, trampling down on their humane and natural rights. The United Nations and the Security Council at its head, never transcended to pass a resolution regarding the mass murder of innocent people in Uruzgan, Hirat, Nangarhar, Paktya, Fara, Helmand, Kunduz and … so that they would have summoned the murderers of the innocent Afghans to the Hague Tribunal to face the consequence of their war crimes. Contrarily, they allow them for one more year to shed the blood of the Afghans despite their recurrent involvement in war crimes.
These invaders have imprisoned hundreds of Afghans in Guangtanamo, Bagram and Kandahar jails and have been torturing them for the past eight years in contravention of the Geneva Conventions. Similarly, the detainees are not granted the right of self-defense, which is a recognized right of an individual in the law of any country of the world. Unfortunately, all these anti-human activities are being carried out by the countries that brag of being protectors of human rights and democracy. This is why the oppressed people of the world do not trust the United Nations any more because of its partial and unlawful resolutions. They consider this World Body as an extended instrument of America and Europe for the execution of their colonialist policies. Now many impartial personalities of the world say that the World Body has assumed the shape of the secretariat office of the USA from where they get passed resolution palatable to them.
This World Body will never regain its lost trust and status unless and until it does not change its policy and show its neutrality. Similarly, because of UNOSC negative and pro-colonialist policy, peace and stability will not be established in the world.
Feeling it as a religious and national obligation, the Muslim people of Afghanistan have already embarked on the road of obtaining the real independence in order to reach their legitimate rights. Expectedly, they are not going to make any change in their chosen path because of the biased and unjust resolution, nor such a resolution have any impact on the tempo of the current Jihadic movement in Afghanistan.
However, it would have been more becoming for the Security Council to have parted its way with the strategy of American colonialism and acted in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. They should have called on the rulers of the White House and the NATO member countries to immediately withdraw their forces from Afghanistan and like other nations, let the oppressed people of Afghanistan to lead a prosperous life in a free country under the shade of an Islamic government as per their aspirations.
As far as the Western colonialists are concerned, we do not have any complaint because they have already unveiled their wicked face to the world through their anti-human violations and activities that they have committed in Guantanamo and Abu Ghrib jails. However, we are flabbergasted at the attitude of those member countries of the Security Council who think their path is different from that of colonialism but still they do not stop the approval of such resolutions by using their right of veto.
All understand, that the Islamic Movement of Talibsan is not a terrorist movement but a freedom-loving, progressive movement, which has been waging struggle against the neo-colonialism of the 21st century for the obtainment of their legitimate rights.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan urges all progressive, nationalist, Islamist and anti-colonialist forces to part their ways with the global colonialism and extend their moral support to the sacrificing Mujahideen in Afghanistan because in this current juncture of time of the unipolar world, the current resistance movement in Afghanistan is the only force that constantly add oil to the candle of freedom by shedding their blood and have kept the torch of hope of the oppressed people blazing.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Nobel Prize for Obama
Thursday, 15 October 2009 10:36
Share According to reports in media, the Nobel peace prize has been given to Barrack Obama, President of the United State of America, ostensibly for his work for peace and stability in the world!
The fact of the matter is that, that flames of war have not been put out with the assumption of power by Obama, nor the intensity of wars has reduced. Contrarily, the wars have intensified and the tempo of mass murder of humankind increased with the wars taking a more sanguinary shape.
Obama had promised, during his election campaign, to put an end to the war in Iraq and work for a real peace in the Middle East and close the Guantanamo jail. He had also promised to hammer out excellent strategy for Afghanistan and take positive and practical steps as regards the economic recovery from financial meltdown, which is the result of the wrong policies of USA. But now we see all these pledges by Obama were only empty words and slogans aimed at pulling a fast one on people.
The flames of the war in Iraq are raising with more intensity. The siege of Gaza and the mass murder of the Palestinians have been continuing unabated. The torture in Guanatano jail has not been ended. The war in Afghanistan and insecurity in the region are spiraling up. The economic meltdown is deepening while the belligerent policy of American Administration and Obama has not changed as yet.
Despite all the shortcomings, violations and other anti-peace activities, if still he is given Nobel peace prize, then it means that the colonialism does not intend to change its path and let the people to live in peace and stability. Understandably, one could not expect the panel of the Nobel Prize Committee to show unbiased judgment as regards those who have, in a way, installed them. While the Nobel Prize Awarding Committee, considers the perpetrators of all these violations and infringements to deserve the Nobel peace prize – the usurpation of freedom of the oppressed people of the world and the murder of innocent men continue unfalteringly . Still more, these perpetrators of crimes are bent on continuing their wicked and unjust activities in the time to come. In light of these realities, the Nobel Prize Allotment Committee ironically granted the Nobel Prize to whom who is ahead in anti-human activities and has in his hands, a sword stained with the blood of the people.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers the peace Nobel prize to Obama to be an addition to the collections of the unjust decisions of the world. The IEA calls on statesmen, writers and lawyers of the world to raise their voice against this unfair decision so that those who are murderers of the people of the world and violators of peace would not be able to throw dust into the eyes of the people by obtaining the Nobel peace prize and thus cover up their unforgivable crimes for some times.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Open Letter of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to Shanghai Summit
Wednesday, 14 October 2009 04:53
Share Those with free conscience in the world know that America and NATO member countries have been shedding blood of the innocent Afghans for the past eight years under the pretext of terrorism. Tens of thousand of miserable Afghans including women, children and old men have become victims to this fatuous pretext. Still more, this spree of killing, prosecution and torture at the hand of the invaders has been continuing unabated.
Our parent are not able to send their children to schools with a peace of mind, fearing they might be killed because the invaders have frequently shelled seminaries and schools under the excuse of being training centers of terrorists. Our common public passengers fear they may get stuck between military convoys of the invaders and lose life. Many a time, it has happened that the so-called international security forces have run over common people’s vehicles. Afterward, they claimed that the passengers had not paid attention to their signals. In order word, they consider passengers’ not heeding to their signal a justification to kill them. Our businessmen are grappling with various problems in their daily commercial activities, being not able to perform their normal business routine. They fear, their goods may be damaged by foreign troops while transporting them from one province to another. They also fear that some officials in uniform will loot their commodity. A few days ago, foreign forces set fire to 2,000 shops in Gandum Raiz bazaar, Zamindawar area, Kajaki district, Helmand province, burning them to ashes. Other bazaars of the district are under similar threat. Our farmers are not able to work in fields with solace because the enemy helicopters and fighter planes are hovering over them. Some times they take peasants farm equipments to be weapons and the farmers to be armed militants busy erecting outposts, so they open fire at them. Our common men could not go to sleep without tension because the foreign troops usually raid people’s houses and kill elders of the households or take them to Guantanamo, Bagram, Kandahar, or other notorious jails. In fact, our nation is hostage in the hands of the foreign forces in Afghanistan. They have been terrorizing our people, ostensibly under the name of fighting terrorism.
Despite the atrocities that they have unleashed, still a great part of Afghanistan is under the control of the Islamic Emirate. The problem is that the American and NATO forces are in complete jittery and are suffering from psychological diseases. They think every Afghan, child or a mature person, male or female is going to attack them by blowing up him or herself. So they fear from every rock and every bush of Afghanistan, considering them to be their enemy, thinking, Taliban might have planted a landmine under it. They open fire at every direction.
The invaders have turned our country into an inferno where the oppressed Afghans have been burning. Therefore, we urge the participants of the Shanghai Summit to render assistance in the work of liberation of people and countries of the region from the claws of the colonialists and take a decisive stand regarding the West’s invasion of Afghanistan.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as a liberation movement, wants to play a positive role in peace and stability of the region besides its current mission of liberating the country.
The esteemed Amir of the Islamic Emirate has touched upon this matter in his recent message as follows:
“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to have good and positive relations with all neighbors based on mutual respect and open a new chapter of good neighborliness of mutual cooperation and economic development.
We consider the whole region as a common home against colonialism and want to play our role in peace and stability of the region. “
We remind the participants of the Shanhai Forum to be aware of being swayed by the black propaganda launched against us by colonialism. We do not have any intention to harm our neighboring countries but we want to gain independence of our country which is our natural right and establish an Islamic system as a panacea for all our economic and social problems, for which, we have been offering tremendous sacrifices unremittingly.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as per its peaceful policy wants to have constructive interactions with Shanghai forum member countries for a permanent stability and economic development in the region. on the basis of mutual respect.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Pakistani Taliban’s main target = Muslims
They kill Muslims. I am against those who kill Muslims.
Why does no one condemn that?
Jihad is Fard Ayn as soon as the enemy crosses into Muslim Lands.
Recently this has been mis-interpreted as entering and individual modern Nation-State imposed on the Muslim Lands.
But this “shaykh” goes a step further…. we only fight when they break the door down and step into our own house in which we live!?!?!?
So the border that the enemy has to cross is the border on the map that comes with the deeds to ones house!
This is how small they are trying to make Islam become.
The apostate rulers are not Islamic and they do not establish the laws of Islam so it does not matter how many times the saudi-talafis make the text red in colour…. since it is not compatible to the situation.
A lot of what is being stated in the videos can be ignored.
Khaled al Rashed – Khaled bin Waleed and How he became known as the Sword of Allah
I found a lecture by Sh. Anwar that I haven’t seen before. You can find it here:
It’s the last one of the set
” Soelayman”
Nice to see someone from South Africa. It seems there are many there who support jihad fi sabilillah…
Asalamu aleikum oh brothers and sisters, what is the hukm of designing[a job and the muhandis/Engineer is u] a building where in it has a BAR.insha Allah it is very important to help me sooner because it really gives me khauf and i cant say anything to my boss because i dont have dalil. HE said a sheikh told him that it is accepted.[oh tullabul-ilm i'l be extreamly happy to see my muslim brothers helping me]
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
@ brother Soelayman post 54
jazakallah khayer for the link, very moving and heart melting.
may we all learn from it and get guided in the right direction Ameen .
may Allah kindle the desire of shahadah in our hearts Ameen.
may Allah guide us all to the truth, give victory to mujahideen and make islam prevail the lands Ameen.
#57, @salim
‘Islam is violent’ says President Obama’s new pastor Carey Cash.
Mr Obama has been an irregular church attender since becoming President, but has expressed a fondness for Carey Cash, the navy chaplain at the Camp David presidential retreat who has been criticised for proselytising in the military and his mistrust of Islam.
The White House insists that the Rev Cash, the great-nephew of the singer Johnny Cash, has not become Mr Obama’s new pastor, but it appears that the President has heard more sermons by him than any other minister since taking office.
The emergence of Mr Cash, 39, who was profiled on the front page of The Washington Post yesterday, will pose some tough questions for the White House — and for President Obama, whose father was Muslim. In a 2004 book describing his deployment to Iraq the year before, Mr Cash calls Islam violent, a faith that “from its very birth has used the edge of the sword as a means to convert or conquer those with different religious convictions”.
السلام عليكم
Scholars or Falsifiers , new lecture by Sh Abu Adnan To answer to the comments made by sheikh Al- Azahr about the Niqab, and the lessons the Ummah needs to learn from his comments
As-Salamu’alaikum. Here is a link to a news article showing how much the west is afraid of Imam Anwar. May Allah protect him and his family, and grant him and all of his progeny Firdaus.–the-powerful-online-voice-of-jihad
The Road to Jihad in an orderly arranged sAF (line)
Shawwal 28, 1430 A.H, October 18, 2009
“Today we are truly trapped in the crisis of amal jama’i. How very difficult it is to find someone who obtains barakah by being composed in his obedience towards the Amir, serious and without much talk, remaining firm with the missions that had been programmed. Being cautious, rather quiet, while constantly training and is not influenced by the global situation until his goals are achieved. It is these kinds of characters that should be acquired by the Mujahideen and Ahluddeen today”. (Shaikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisy)
In a verse, Allah says:
“Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure.” (Ash Shaff: 4)
In the verse above, Allah mentions about the importance of a jihad force that is organized and guided. In the various books of tafseer, it is mentioned that the meanings of the importance of a jihad force that is well coordinated can arise from two aspects;
First : The existence of the daleel (Islamic proof) from the Shar’i (legitimate in the eyes of the Shari`a) Nas (Text) itself.
Second : The demand resulting from the conditions of the Muslims that allows us to find reasons for the arrival Allah’s help i.e. strength, steadfastness and firmness.
The second aspects is present today because today the enemies of the Islamic ummah – whether it be a state or organization – are hell-bent and go all out in confronting the Muslims. They are truly equipping themselves with an organized and programmed forces, good and strong in terms of weaponry, media, personnels, etc.
On the contrary, not so few Muslims acted gracelessly when confronting the enemies. This can be easily seen when they are only using limited provisions, having weak preparations and full of haste, movements that are disunited and detached which ends up in the occurrence of fitnah and terrible destructions which includes the disappearance of truth from the communal life.
Why is that? Because the clumsiness in the various jihad acts precisely gave the thaghoot the opportunities to discredit the Shari’at of Islam and eliminate jihad from the brains of the Muslims, by way of arresting its (Islamic) activists, giving bad image to jihad and Mujahideen as well as by declaring that Islam is a despicable religion of terror.
Allah says:
“The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, (protect each other), there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief.” (Al-Anfal: 73)
Jihad is an Amal Jama’i (Collective work)
Even though a lone jihad is also considered as an allowed jihad that could cause its executor to die Shaheed but it does not mean that we straight away neglect the management of a war that is controlled by one jama’ah [unified group].
As for the shar’i reason with regards to this issue, it is as what is enjoined in the verse above and that Allah has instructed the Muslims to prepare a force which is truly satisfactory, in order to create the feeling of fear upon the kafir and murtadeen.
Allah says:
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” (Al Anfal: 60)
Based on the above verse, the entire Muslims have the DUTY to be responsible for acquiring the strength and to work hard towards achieving the material and spiritual victory, until the enemies, whether it be the kafir or munafiq, could be overawed.
As for the shar’i methods to achieve it, they are by; Al-Jama’ah, Good and Systematic Organizations, Well-arranged Plannings, Strong Leadership and Shar’i Loyalty. The five elements above are emergency in nature and are to be accomplished immediately in an i’dad (preparation for battle) that is in accordance with the Shar’ia.
Rasulullah SAW said in a hadith: “I declare obligatory upon you five things; Allah (SWT) has commanded me to do so. They are: jama’ah, listening, obeying, making Hijrah, and making Jihad for the cause of Allah.” (HR. Ahmad dan Tirmidzi)
Thus are the jama’iyah (collective) characters of the people from Tha’ifah Mansurah. They exist today, i.e. those who are conducting jihad in the era when there is no Khilafah until the Judgement Day approaches, i.e. when the entire souls of the Mu’meen are taken away by the fragrant wind from Yemen.
Those characters are like what had been mentioned in hadiths about their existence which are mutawatir (consecutive) in nature, meaning that it shows their existence and continuance until the end of times.
Rasulullah SAW said: “There will always be from my Ummah a party (Taifa) who will come forward defending the truth (Haq), will not be harmed by those who differ with them until the order of Allah comes and they are upon it.” (HR. Muslim)
Dr. Abdullah Azzam said that Jihad is an Ibaadah Jama’iyyah which will not materialize except with existence of the jama’ah that confronts the jahiliyyah or kafir society. It is for that reason that jihad was not obligated in Makkah due to the weakness of the Muslims, the scant number of them and their inability to confront the jahiliyyah which relied upon the strength and number.
As long as the jihad is an ibaadah jama’iyyah, then one who handles this matter should be the Amirul Jama’ah, and he is the one who declares jihad. (I’lanul Jihad, Dr. Abdullah Azzam, page.8)
Therefore, is it logical if the Taifah Mansurah conducts the duty of jihad individually without the formation of jama’ah which is based on the principles of As Sam’u wat Tha’ah (listen and obey)? Let us check out the history of Rasulullah SAW and his sahabahs, when they still did not have the Daulah Islammiyah. Did they move in da’wah singly without the existence of a jama’ah and obedience to Rasulullah SAW, or did they move in a jama’ah that was organized and obedient to the Amir?
Rasulullah SAW said, “It should be that you adhere to Al Jama’ah and be warned against disunity because indeed Satan can chase an individual but he stands farther away from two people. Those who seek the joy of residing in Paradise must follow Al Jama’ah” (Hukmul Islam fi Ad Dimuqratiya waa Ta’adudiyyah Al Hizbiyyah: 174)
After explaining about one of the characters of Ath Thaifah Al Mansurah, Shaikh Abdul Mun’im Musthafa Halimah warned that even though jihad fie sabilillah is a fardhu ‘ain for every Muslim when there is no Khilafah, they should not conduct it individually.
Because jihad is an ibadah jama’i and it would cause danger if this amal jama’i is done individually. Due to this, the harakah jihadiyahs (jihad movements) must mutually conduct synergic coordination for the sake of implementing this obligation. (Shifatu Ath Tha’ifah Al Mansurah Allati Yujibu An tukatsira Sawadaha Shifat II: Al Jihad Fi Sabilillah)
Remain Patient in the Way of Allah
Indeed, jihad is the quickest way towards Jannah. Why not? The feeling of fear that trembles the breast of the Mujahideen in battles could shed off their sins and also the first drop of blood of a Mujahid who is sincere could truly erase all his sins without any exception.
However, in performing jihad fii sabilillah, we must also observe the real context on the ground and make sure that there is adequate level of capacity and that it is really rooted on the shar’i values and methods, as well as free from the urges of emotions only. Due to this, Ibnul Qayyim rohimahulloh wrote that there are at least 13 steps in 4 main parts in heading towards the true Jihad .
Therefore, we must be patient in treading along this path just as Allah says:
“How many of the prophets fought (in Allah’s way), and with them (fought) Large bands of godly men? but they never lost heart if they met with disaster in Allah’s way, nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in. And Allah Loves those who are firm and steadfast.” ( QS Ali Imron : 146 )
From this sublime verse, Allah Azza wa Jalla gives the criterion of sabr (patience) in three approaches i.e.:
1. Not mentally weak (in the sense of consistently enthusiastic).
2. Not lazy (meaning to continually perform good deeds. Because hardships and sacrifices have their values in Allah’s sight).
Allah says:
“And slacken not in following up the enemy: If ye are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have Hope from Allah, while they have none. And Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” (An-Nisa: 104)
3. Not surrendering (which shows the firmness of the Mujahid’s attitude who only live up to the motto of “Live Honorably or Die Shaheed.”)
Allah says:
“Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds.” (Muhammad: 35)
Therefore we must be patient in the jama’ah in carrying out the da’wah, amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar and jihad universally for the sake of establishing the Shari’at of Islam on Allah’s earth.
It is obligatory for us to be patient when facing obstructive restrictions, when all mankind throw fitnah and discredit our activities of struggling for Islam in an amal jama’i for the sake of the establishment of Islamic Shari’ah with da’wah and jihad.
It is compulsory upon us to be patient when all mankind afflict sufferings. Because indeed, they are not able to afflict sufferings except by the permission of Allah and indeed the snare of iblis and his followers are very vain in front of a very devout Mujahid.
It is also necessary for us to be patient in battles especially when Allah has destined us to lunge into a war territory and be directly in confrontation with the enemies i.e. without retreating.
Allah says:
“O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them. If any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed)!” (Al-Anfal: 15-16)
Be patient! Because indeed the character of the Tha’ifah Al Mansurah is to be patient in da’wah and jihad. Insha Allah, to be obedient in jama’ah is far more barakah (blessed) and would stand an easier chance for bringing forward the Nashrullahu Ta’ala (Allah’s help).
Be patient! But at the same time do not be idle in struggling for Allah’s religion for Allah does not like a Muslim who rests from struggling for His religion because the enemies of Allah i.e. syaitan and its followers never rest from struggling to destroy Islam.
Submitted by a Mujahid
I wish the Mujahideen of Pakistan would fight the Pakistani Taliban. The Pakistani Taliban kill Muslims left and right. They should be fought like the people of ‘Ad and Thamood.
Asalaamo aleikum Brothers and Sisters,
I thought I would post my comment again for those of you who may have missed it.
My name is Abu Muhammad. My family and I have listened to most of our dear Imam Anwar’s brilliant lectures. We have been on the Hijra for a couple of years in Qatar (a small country bordering Saudi Arabia), and after reading some of the past comments of brothers and sisters here on the Imam’s blog expressing their desire to make hijrah, we would like to help anyone striving to do it. Here is my email for anyone wanting to make Hijra to Qatar, or even if they just want information about it.
Your brother in Islam,
Abu Muhammad
news about brothers and sisters in the Philippines
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 1, 1430 H / 20-10-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
3 Tanks of the Filthy American Zionist army and two puppet police vehicles destroyed in Khost Monday midnight 19-10-2009 at around 12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up two tanks of the Filthy American occupiers in Ayub kahil village Lakno area near Khost city of Khost province, the landmines blasts destroyed both tanks and killed all the terrorists onboard.
In another report, Monday early morning 19-10-2009 at around 5 am local time, Mujahideen destroyed a tank of the Filthy American crusaders in Lakno area near Khost city of Khost province, all the terrorists in it were killed.
In another report, Monday early morning 19-10-2009 at around 5 am local time, Mujahideen attack the puppet police Shaheed check post in Mata china area near Khost city of Khost province, soon after more terrorists came to the check post, as the enemy moved close to the check post the Mujahideen detonated two remote controlled landmines, in which two armored vehicles of the enemy were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed.
Enemy supplies convoy ambushed and a check post destroyed Monday afternoon 19-10-2009 at around 4 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a supplies convoy of the enemy in Kabul-Jalalabad highway, in the ambush one supplies trailer of the invaders and one vehicle of the puppet security was destroyed, Mujahideen also attacked the puppet police check post in the area, in the attack three terrorists were killed and the check post building was destroyed.
Filthy Canadian Zionist crusading terrorist army tank blown up in Kandahar Sunday afternoon 18-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the Canadian invaders in Ashegho area in Zari district of Kandahar province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the terrorists inside it were killed.
7 Filthy NATO terrorists killed and a tank destroyed in Helmand Sunday evening 18-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the NATO invader terrorists in Majeed chawk area in Sangeen district of Helmand province, in the ambush four terrorists were killed and two were wounded.
Puppet police district headquarter attacked in Takhar Monday midnight 19-10-2009 at around 12 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppet police headquarter in Ashkamash district of Takhar province, in the attack one hour fighting took place, during which Mujahideen damaged the headquarter building and other puppet government buildings near it, killed four terrorists and wounded three.
Puppet government district headquarter and puppet police check post attacked in Laghman Monday midnight 19-10-2009 at around 1 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked puppet government Karghai district headquarter in Laghman province, in the attack the headquarter and building adjacent to it were damaged. Mujahideen also attacked the puppet police check post in the same area, in the attack the puppets fled, their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
Attack on a patrol of puppet army in Ghor Sunday evening 18-10-2009 around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the puppet army terrorists in Ghor province, in which Mujahideen destroyed several cars of the enemy, killing one terrorist and wounded another.
8 puppet army terrorists and destroyed a vehicle in Farah Friday morning 16-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a vehicle of the puppet army terrorists in Nolak pul area in Bala bolak district of Farah province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and eight terrorists in it were killed.
9 Filthy American invader army terrorists blown up in Helmand Friday morning 16-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a foot patrol of the American invader in Sarkhdoz area in Nawa district of Helmand province, the blast killed nine American terrorists, soon after when more invader arrive to transfer the bodied of the killed terrorists Mujahideen ambushed them, inflicting more losses and injuries among the enemy.
5 Filthy NATO zionist army terrorists killed and a tank destroyed blown up in Ghazni Friday afternoon 16-10-2009 at around 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the NATO invaders in Talasi area Khogiani district of Ghazni province, the blast destroyed the tank and killed five terrorists.
10 Filthy NATO Zionist terrorists killed and 2 tanks destroyed with rockets in Paktika Friday morning 16-10-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the NATO invader forces in Kodi village area in Yahya khail district of Paktika province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed two tanks of the enemy with rockets, which also killed ten terrorists.
2 Filthy NATO occupation army and three puppet army tanks destroyed in Kandahar Friday morning 16-10-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with explosive devices blew up two tanks of the NATO invaders in Babar area in Arghanaab district of Kandahar province, in the explosions both tanks were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed.
In another report, Thursday afternoon 15-10-2009, Mujahideen in a period of four hours blew up three tanks of the puppet army in Aslam and Tor khan petroleum services Zari district of Kandahar province, in the blasts all three tanks were destroyed and all terrorists in them were killed, later when the enemy were transporting the remains of the destroyed tanks Mujahideen blew up another landmine, which further killed seven terrorists.
6 Filthy NATO crusading army tanks destroyed in Zabul Friday 16-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmine blew up six tanks of the NATO invader army in Makrak village area Mezan district of Zabul province, the landmines blasts destroyed the six tanks and killed all the terrorists in them, later Mujahideen ambushed the convoy in which more enemy terrorists were killed and wounded.
Puppet army district headquarters attacked in Badghees Friday midnight 16-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked the Muqur district headquarters of the puppet army in Badghees province, in the attack a two hour battle took place, during which Mujahideen destroyed one enemy vehicle, also one Mujahid was martyred and two were wounded.
1 puppet police supplies vehicle destroyed in Khost city Friday 16-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan destroyed a puppet police supplies vehicle in in Lakno area near Khost city, killing all the terrorists in it.
The destruction of 3 military vehicles of the enemy in Uruzgan Friday morning 16-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a armored vehicle of the American invaders near Tareenkot city in Uruzgan province, the blast destroyed the vehicle and killed all the terrorists onboard.
In another report, Thursday night 15-10-2009 at around 7 pm local time, Mujahideen destroyed a Ranger vehicle of the puppet army in Tareenkot city in Uruzgan province, in which six terrorists were killed on the spot.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Least we forget!
Music in the background.
am palnning on going to sheikh ahmad kuftaro foundation in damascus anyone ve an idea about the sch , pls i need to know if its posible for me to go there
The Official Launch of ‘Off The Manhaj’: Refuting & Exposing The Madkhali Sect
We are happy to announce the official launch of ‘Off The Manhaj’, a blog site dedicated to providing information and material that can be used in order to refute and expose the Madkhali (i.e. neo-Salafi, Saudi Salafi, Talafi, neo-Murji’ah) sect. Also there will be consistent refutations, rebuttals, articles, videos, and lectures done in order to rid the Ummah of this cancer.
We recognize that the apostate Rulers stand as the greatest obstacle to the Muslim Ummah in our re-establishment of Allah’s governance on earth. The Madkhalis serve as an official honor guard for these apostate Rulers and are considered by many as the greatest threat to the Muslim Ummah in the ideological war. It is crucial that we continue to battle the Madkhalis and cure this Ummah of their disease.
Also if you are a former Madkhali or have the knowledge to refute and debate the Madkhalis you can contact the brothers who run the website and let them know you are willing to contribute. Both brothers and sisters are welcomed.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 2, 1430 H / 21-10-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
2 tanks of Filthy American Zionist Crusaders Blown Up and 7 Filthy American terrorists killed in Paktia Wednesday morning 21-10-2009 at around 7 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with improvised explosive devices destroyed two tanks of the Filthy American zrusaders and killed seven filthy US terrorists in Patak area and Char killa area in Zurmat district of Paktia province, the tanks were destroyed when a convoy of the enemy was passing through the area.
Rockets Fired at the Occupied Bagram airport base Wednesday morning 21-10-2009 at around 7 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the Filthy American Army Occupied Bagram airport air base. According to the report, two rockets landed on the runway when the enemy aircraft was taking off, damaging the runway. The rockets were fired when Kafir John Kerry was in a meeting inside the airport with a number of other Kafir American Zionist crusading leaders.
Occupied American army base attacked in Kunar Wednesday midnight 21-10-2009 at around 1 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with heavy weapons attacked American invaders Korangal base, which is the largest invaders base in the region, located in Korangal district of Kunar province, in the attack fifteen rockets hit the residential compound of the enemy, killed three and wounded five terrorists, also destroyed a number of military vehicles and supplies trucks.
Mujahideen kill a commander of puppet militia in Nangarhar Tuesday night 20-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed a puppet local commander of the armed militias Sardar Muhammad in Hakim Abad area in Khogiani district of Nangarhar. According to report, the puppet commander was the district director, as well as an office in (P, R, T). He had been playing a vital role in killing and capturing of Mujahideen, and now he will suffer in the ever lasting hell fire, which awaits the enemies of Islam.
5 Filthy American terrorists killed and a enemy tank destroyed in Helmand Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the American invaders in Sistani dasht area in Marja district of Helmand province. In this powerful explosion the enemy tank was destroyed and five terrorists on board were killed.
A tank of Filthy British zionists blown up killing 6 terrorists in Helmand Tuesday 20-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the British invader forces in Sheen village area in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and five terrorists along with their Afghan interpreter were killed.
1 tank of filthy British destroyed and 8 Filthy British and American Zionist terrorists killed in Helmand Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a foot patrol of the Filthy NATO occupation terrorists in Gumbad area in Sangin district of Helmand province, in the blast three terrorists were killed and four were wounded.
According to another report, Tuesday morning 20-10-2009, Mujahideen with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank blew of American invaders in Chini Manda area in Sangin district of Helmand province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and five terrorists were killed.
Mujahideen kill 6 puppet police terrorists in an ambush in Kunduz Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a unit of puppet police terrorists who were heading to their check post in Allah bardi area in Imam Sahib district of Kunduz province, in the ambush Mujahideen killed six terrorists and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
Governor of Registan district surrender to the Mujahideen in Kandahar Tuesday 20-10-2009, Dos Mohammad the governor of Registan district of Kandahar province, with ten members of the police surrendered to the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Governor also surrendered twenty weapons and vehicles. It is worth mentioning that the former governor of this district was killed by in a bomb blast out side the district center building.
4 Filthy NATO and 4 puppet police terrorists killed and a vehicle destroyed in Uruzgan Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009 at around 2 pm local time, four NATO invader terrorists were killed when they were trying to remove an improvised explosive device which was planted by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Darwishan area in Tareenkot city in Uruzgan province.
According to another report, Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009 at around 4 pm local time, the Mujahideen with an explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Tareenkot city in Uruzgan province, resulting in the destruction of the car and four terrorists were killed.
Mujahideen burnt four vehicles of the enemy in Wardak Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009 at around 1 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a logistical convoy of the enemy in Lora area in Sayedabad district of Maidan Wardak, resulting in the burning of four enemy trucks, killing six puppet security guards and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
The destruction of two puppet police vehicles in Kandahar Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan destroyed two vehicles of the puppet police, killed seven terrorists and wounded five in Dagian area Shorawak in district of Kandahar province, the vehicles were destroyed when the enemy were patrolling in the area.
Mujahideen fire rockets at enemy Occupied base in Khost Tuesday afternoon 19-10-2009 at around 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at Filthy American invaders base in Sahar bagh air port near Khost city in Khost province, two rockets landed inside the base but enemy losses could not be confirmed.
The Enemy continues to bleed in Helmand Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a foot patrol of the Filthy NATO zionist terrorists in Shorshak manda area in Nawa district of Helmand province, in the blast two terrorists were killed and three were wounded. After an hour later when the enemy were transporting their dead and wounded Mujahideen with an explosive device blew up their tank, destroying the tank and all the terrorists it in were killed.
According to another report, Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 10:30 am local time, the Mujahideen blew up a car of British invaders in Chini Manda area in Sangeen district of Helmand province, in the blast the car was destroyed and seven terrorists in it were killed or wounded.
6 enemy terrorists killed in a battle in Kunar Tuesday morning 20-10-2009, a fierce battle took place between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and NATO invader and their puppet army terrorists in Dab area in Asmar district of Kunar province, the battle continued unit noon, during which Mujahideen killed six terrorists and wounded three.
Filthy French zionizts and their puppets attacked in Kabul Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009 at around 5 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Khair abad area in Char Aasiab district of Kabul province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and four terrorists were killed.
According to another report, Tuesday afternoon 20-10-2009, the Mujahideen fired rockets at the headquarters of the French invader and their puppet army forces in Ozbeen dara area in Sarobi district of Kabul province. In the attack, four rockets landed in the base of the enemy, resulting in physical and material losses to the enemy.
An explosive device destroyed a tank of Filthy American Zionist crusaders and killed 5 terrorists in Khost Tuesday morning 20-10-2009 at around 5 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a tank of the American invaders in Tang village Lakno area in Khost city of Khost province, the tank was blown up when the enemy patrol was passing through the village in the region, in the blast the tank was destroyed and five terrorists onboard were killed.
Bagram airport was attacked with rockets Tuesday midnight 20-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at American Bagram airport base, which is the largest U.S. invader forces base. According to the source: six rockets landed inside the airport, and hit their targets, and a fire broke out at the base and flames were burning until the morning. It seems that in addition to material losses of the enemy there were also terrorists killed and wounded, but it is difficult to obtain information about their numbers. Soon after the attack the American invaders plans bombarded the vicinity of the airport, in which civilians were martyred and homes were destroyed.
An attack on puppet police station in Badakhshan Monday night 19-10-2009 at around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with heavy and light weapons attack puppet police station in local air port Argo district of Badakhshan province, the attack lasted for about an hour, in which Mujahideen inflict heavy damages to the police station building, also killed and wounded few terrorists.
Mujahideen ambushed a patrol of puppet police terrorists in Nangarhar Monday morning 19-10-2009 at around 9 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed two puppet police terrorists and injured another, when Mujahideen attacked their patrol in Kalgho area in Khogiani district of Nangarhar Province, also few enemy vehicles were damaged, and few small weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
Rockets fired at Filthy American occupuied base in Khost Monday night 19-10-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the American invader base in Khalbasat area in Sabrio district of Khost province, in the attack number of rockets hit the enemy base, but enemy losses cold not be confirmed.
Puppet Transportation director killed in Nimroze Monday afternoon 19-10-2009 at around 5 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a the of Transportation director (Jalil Khan) in Zaranj city in Nimroze province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed, resulted in the death of puppet minister along with his bodyguard and wounding five others seriously.
An attack on a joint headquarter of Filthy Zionist occupiers and their puppets in Helmand Monday afternoon 19-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a joint headquarter of the American invaders and their puppet army near Khanasheen district of Helmand province. Mujahideen says that during the attack, two rockets landed within the base for the enemy, which resulted in the losses to the enemy.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Assalamualaikum wa RahmatulLahi wa Barrakatuh
watch this video
Asalamu alaykum, Indeed i advise myself and all the brothers with the fear of allah. All praise is due to allah the one who is above his throne in a matter that befits his majesty, and free from imperection.And may peace and blessings be upon the noblest of messengers and prophets his companions, his family, and those who followed in his way till the day of judgement.I remind my brothers and myself we should stop speaking without knowledge. Does anyone know what the Shaykh Abdullah al Jarboo has spoken about and do you disagree with the points he has brought about? If so, do you know why you disagree with it with regards to the proof besides the fact that he was answering points brought by Anwar al awlaki which were indeed incorrect statements by anwar al awlaki(who needs to go back to seeking knowldge and stay away from speaking about the scholars and confusing the youth with issues of jihad and the like).And abu adnan has no place in answering correct statements of shaykh abdullah al jarboo becuase indeed all the points you(abu adnan) brought about are indeed incorrect.It is clear these students of knowledge and other than them from the ahlul bida want to get the students and common people away from the people of knowledge from the likes of our father shaykh abdulaziz bin baaz rahimahullah, wa shaykh muhamed nasirudeen al bani rahimahullah, wa shaykh muhamed bin salah al uthaymeen rahimahullah, wa shaykh muqbil ibn hadee al wadee rahimahullah, and our beloved shaykh muhamed amaan al jaami, wa shaykh muhamed ibn abdullah asomal rahimahullah shayk salah luhaydaan,shaykh ubayd al jabeeree shaykh Abdulaziz alaa sheikh, shaykh rabee ibn hadee al madkhalee, shaykh muhamed al al banna and shaykh hassan ibn abdulwahab al banna, shaykh salah al fowzan, shaykh abdulmuhsin al abbad and his son shaykh abdurazaq al abaad, shaykh sulayman ruhayli wa shaykh ibrahim ruhayli, shaykh yahya al hajoori and all the mashaykh which are far to many to name that call to the quran and sunnah upon the understanding of the salafu salah and not to desires and emotions.Are the statements that were brought by our noble shaykh abdullah al jarboo not the views that our early salaf had with regards to this issue. This deen is based upon adillah and burhan and i say to the replier and anwar al awlaki both of you brothers need to come back from the falsehood statements and stop speaking evil about the ulama of salafiyah and the true scholars who teach this deen and gave their time seeking the knowledge of it and teaching it and acting upon it may allah reward them with the good they have taught us and may allah have mercy upon them all. Firstly, The person replying to this reply of our noble shaykh abdullah al jarboo and anwar al awlaki need to seek knowledge and go back to the usuul just as we all must. Secondly, they must refrain from speaking from their desires and speaking without knowledge just as we must not. Thirdly, they must stop the lies they are telling the youth about jihad in the lands of muslims(where only muslims are being killed the majority of the time). Fourthly, they must stop making takfir of muslim governments and their leaders(dont you fear that if these rulers and governments are not kuffar then it will return back to you?).Barakallahu fiikum these are advise to myself and the rest of the brothers . If anything i said was correct then indeed it is truly from allah alone, and if anything inccorect in my statments then it is from shaytaan and a deficiency from myself and i seek refuge in allah from shaytaan
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullah
@Abu Mujahid Atharee
Very sad how you think the way you do brother. But we are not worried about the blamers. The teachings by brother Anwar Awlaki clear and straight to the point. May Allah (SWT) always guide him to the straight path and protect him.
In his lectures, there are no beating behind the bushes and the only aim is to speak the truth without fearing the arrest of Muslim leaders or Western powers who are trigger happy to jail and torture Muslims which speaks the truth about their responsibilities to protect our Muslim brothers and sisters. The fact is that ‘truth’ is a threat the these dictators and western puppets in Muslim countries. Many scholars are not doing their obligations to speak the truth while they are doing Dawah in non-muslim countries. Maybe they fear being arrested or being labeled as an extremist more than fearing the punishment of Allah(SWT).
To Abu Mujahid Atharee
MR. salafi i have my brothers who were in darul-hadith[damaj],i can say that they love to follow sunnah with every step that our noble prophet{s.a.w}did,but when it cames to the subject DEALING with islamic politics they are very very weak;and for that even kuffar know that there are some muslims shuykh are dangerous to them including imam awlaki. while those who are weak in it, tyranny leaders will make thier fatawa known and any1 who goes aganist will be given names search as ikhwany[even though the muslim given this name is not ikhwany] is it right to do ths?
To Abu Mujahid Atharee
To Abu Mujahid Atharee
MR SALAFI you said “mashaykh which are far to many to name that call to the quran and sunnah upon the understanding of the salafu salah and not to desires and emotions THEN YOU ALSO SAID ‘Secondly, they must refrain from speaking from their desires and speaking without knowledge just as we must not”
THEN CAN U GIVE ME AN ANSWER TO THS QUESTION; our NOBLE fathers incuding shaykh AbdulAziz bin Baaz, Uthaimin, Al banny rahimahumuAllah. supported jihad in 1980s many muslim countries accepted thier youth to leave the country and help their muslim brothers. THEN WHYYYYY, WHY DID OUR LEADERS GAVE US FATAWA TO GO AND FIGHT FAR AWAY WHILE BAITUL MAQDIS IS UNDER JEWS?: IS IT NOT ALLAH WHO SAID Fight those of the disbelievers who are NEAR to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty…..” HE ALSO SAID
“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued,,” NOW TELL ME WHO IS THE ONE WHO SPEAKS WITH HIS DESIRES?? ……HMMMM ALL OF US KNW THAT ISRAEL WAS AND STILL PROTECTED BY AMERICA THATS WHY, AL-QAEDAH AND ITS LIKE WILL HAVE A GREAT TRAILS WHICH MUJAHEEDEN OF 80s didnt got from kuffar,munafiqeen and some of shuyukh who have little knowledge about them,
Akh Abu Mujahid Atharee i know u would love to see mashaikh holding the straight path not having ikhtilaf, but dont say what you said to brother imam awlaki because he isnt a ’salafi”, HE IS A MULIM SCHOLAR WHO KUFFAR HATE HIM AND THIS IS SUNNAH. KUFFAR WILL HATE YOU EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS THAT YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH READ THE SEERAH OF THE PROPHET[saw]‘ ibn Taymiyyah or Muhammad Abdul-Wahad[ra] open your heart and eyes then be with insaaf..i knw how you feel because i was a salafi to but nw i’ll be happy to be called a muslim who follow kitabu wa ssunah wa ijmau al ulamau ssunah. subhanal Allahumma wa bikhamdika wa ash hadu an lailaha illa Allah wa astaghfika wa natubi ileihi
Ibn al-Uthaymeen – “They (modern rulers) Deserve to be Rebelled against…”
Rulling on Jihad – Question about Killing Women and Children – Ibn Uthaymeen
Imran Khan Opinion the “War of Terror” and “Pakistani Taliban”
One of the line i cant forget is “250 army serender to 10 Taliban”
Subhanallah what is this sheikh talking about. i could not even finish the whole video. peaple like him are using their islamic knowledge to isssue fatwas that are antimuslim to collect money from the rullers. we should not follow peaple like these no matter how much knowledge they have. they have sold their deen for money.
sheik Anuar al awlaki may Allah preserve him is like no one else. we love you sheikh. bravo to you inshallah
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
@all sometimes people direct questions towards me on the blog. First port of call should be the Shaikh then those who are students of knowledge. I think that those who have knowledge can give the best answers with evidence.
I only research the answer and post it from places like Islam Q & A.
I hope that clarifies the situation.
as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah
Has anyone got the real news from S Waziristan!
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum
Does anyone know where I can download this book?
The Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography & A Brief History of the Orthodox Caliphate by. Said Ramadan Al-Booty (bouti/boty)?
Jazakallahu Khair
Assalaam alaykum, does anyone know which lecture of Sheikh Anwar contains a detailed discussion on secularism? Thanks
just pray to brother Abu Mujahid Atharee may Allah shown him the righteous way. maybe he’s influenced by some murjiah ’shuyukh’
Allied exit strategy at risk as Afghan police run out of recruits
October 23, 2009
It is the $120-a-month job that is crucial to any Allied exit strategy from Afghanistan but at the moment a career in the police force is only for the desperate.
American efforts to expand Afghanistan’s security forces are faltering, leaving the largest training centre in the country operating at only 25 per cent capacity.
Recruitment has been low in recent months amid rising Taleban violence and political instability after the unresolved election. Thousands of men are leaving the force every month, with about one police officer in three resigning over the course of a year, The Times learnt. Some have joined the Taleban.
“We simply can’t recruit enough police,” General Khudadad Agha, the officer in charge of training, said. “The salary is low and the job is very dangerous. If someone wants $120 (£72) a month then they join up. But 95 per cent of the new recruits are uneducated, unskilled and they can’t find food. That’s why they join the police.”
Plans are under way for a second round of voting on November 7 after President Karzai admitted that he did not have enough votes to claim an outright victory. The police will be in charge of guarding the polling stations, which the Taleban have vowed to attack.
Western mentors admit that bribes are unavoidable, when the cost of supporting a family is double what the men are paid. “The best we can hope for is that, if they are taking bribes, at least they know it’s wrong,” one said.
A strong and competent police force is a central part of General Stanley McChrystal’s counter-insurgency strategy. The top US commander in Afghanistan has called for the force to be increased from about 93,000 to 160,000.
There is still a long way to go. Official figures show that only 1,000 recruits signed up in August. The problem is more severe in Wardak province where, earlier this month, a policeman shot and killed two American soldiers.
Recruits for the Afghan Public Protection Force are usually sent to Laghman to be trained by American Special Forces. “There hasn’t been a single recruit for more than a month and a half,” General Agha said. “More than a hundred people were rounded up and sent to the training centre, but the commander in charge told me they ran away. Iran opened the border [in the west] and they all thought it was better to go abroad.”
Those who do graduate are armed with AK47 assault rifles and most serve as “light infantry in counterinsurgency operations”, according to a critical report by the European Union.
Police officers are more likely to be killed or injured than their counterparts in the Afghan army, who usually serve alongside Nato troops backed up by fighter jets and drones. The police often man checkpoints that are vulnerable to suicide attacks and ambushes.
At least 1,290 policemen were killed last year and 2,393 were wounded; almost 5 per cent of the official total.
Almost 10,000 additional officers were supposed to have been recruited before the election in August. Officials involved in the training process, however, said that most of the men on an emergency three-week course were already serving policemen.
A Western official said: “There weren’t many new recruits, but because they were being trained for the first time it looked like there were more people on the books.”
Western diplomats say that no one knows exactly how many police officers there are, because corrupt commanders claim more salaries than they have staff.
The pre-election police training focused on weapons and included none of the usual lessons in literacy, human rights and law. An independent report said that it was “barely conceivable how eight weeks’, let alone three weeks’, training can adequately bring any form of security”.
The authors added: “Our view is that the spiralling increase in police deaths and wounding will further increase with quick-fix recruiting, poor training and equipping.”
The greatest fear is that graduates will take their training and weapons over to the insurgents. Ahmad Shah, 27, left the police in 2003 and joined the Taleban in Wardak.
“Back then the salary was only $60 a month,” he said. “We were always getting attacked by the Taleban, and I couldn’t visit my family in Jagatur because the Taleban controlled the area. Now I joined the Taleban, I don’t get a regular salary but I get around $300 a month, and it’s much safer.”
as Salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. hey can anyone listen to this one lecture by Shaykh Dr. Waleed Basiyuni. He has good evidences from Quran and Sunnah. here is the link
So people can you guys listen and post what do u all think? Jazakumullahu khayr. wa as salamu alaykum.
You Need To Read This”: A Letter From The Brother Of Abu Sabaya
This is a letter from the brother of Abu Sabaya (Tarek Mehanna), who was recently arrested for charges of conspiracy (click here to read about his arrest and charges —> ).
I ask that you read this with your full attention and take these words to heart, next time it could be you….
For just a moment, I’d like to ask you to place yourself in my brother’s situation. You have a bright future as a pharmacist earning six figures. You come from a cushy life, no debt, and you have a pretty comfortable future to look forward to. The FBI approaches you and gives you this choice: “help us by informing on people in your community and we’ll reward you very well. Refuse to help us and we will make your life a living hell.”
Think about that for a second. Imagine if you had it made, and all of a sudden your entire future was threatened. My brother is facing life in prison now and his pending conviction means he can never work as a pharmacist in the states again. All he has to do is agree to inform and ALL OF THIS will DISAPPEAR. And yet he CONTINUES to refuse to, because it is flat out wrong. Who knows, maybe if he agreed, it would be YOU that got screwed from it, because as my brother’s case should show you, informants are really good at making stories up. After all, the FBI pays them $60,000 a year + housing and relocation to do it. It really doesn’t matter if you did anything wrong or not anymore. It’s all politics for the FBI, and they’re looking for glory.
My brother’s behavior is the exception in this type of situation. A lot of people end up making deals with the FBI. They figure, who cares, i’ll help them bust somebody I don’t even know, what do I care… it’s my future, gotta look out for #1. I want you to ask yourself if you would have the strength to make the right decision there. My brother did. And it could have been you, one of your close friends, or your family members that was spared this type of experience because my brother made the right decision. But now, he needs you to make the right decision. He needs you to do the responsible thing, and support him for what he is enduring as a result of protecting you. Because if people do not show their support for him after all of this, then the next guy that gets approached by the FBI like this will figure, “Why should I do the right thing? Last guy that did the right thing was thrown to the dogs. I gotta look out for myself.” We simply cannot afford to encourage that kind of behavior in our community. We need to help each other and protect each other. The FBI is not out for justice; they are out for blackmail and their favorite strategy is to turn people against one another. We simply CANNOT afford to be afraid to support each other.
One way or another, Allah will be the final adjudicator in this case, as He is in all cases. I trust in Allah and believe that He will have mercy on us. You just need to decide where YOU stand on things. Tariq has made his choice, and anybody with greater intellect or reasoning capabilities than a 1st grader can see through the RIDICULOUS story that the FBI “alleges.” You need to make your choice now. I urge you to make the right choice, and for the sake of my brother and the good of our communities, whether they be Islamic or non-Islamic, to support us at the upcoming hearing in person. Thanks for reading this.
- Tamer Mehanna
May Allah subhana wa ta’alaa free our brother Abu Sabaya and all the rest of our brothers and sisters who sit in the dungeons of the disbelievers! May Allah curse the Disbelievers, His and our enemies, and may He allow them to suffer in such a way that they plead for death! May Allah tear apart their families, destroy their societies, ruin their economies, and crush them in every path that they take! Ya Allah we beg of you to aid us in releasing the chains that bind our brothers and sisters who are forced to sit in the cages of the enemies like animals!
More ways that you can help our imprisoned brothers and sisters, particularly brother Abu Sabaya, will be coming soon insha’Allah.
As the Shaikh Al Jarboo Hafidullah mentioned about Anwar “This man doesn’t have a firm grasp in islamic knowledge, and he didnt study the Foundations.” If u Read Clearly What the Shaykh says u’ll Of course see he didnt refute anwars dailal’s but he added on for him what he was missing in proofs. Showing that his lacking in knowledge. May Allah Azza Wa Jal Give Us correct understanding of the deen and save us from that which we desire and Guide us to what pleases him….
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 5, 1430 H / 24-10-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
5 Filthy British Soldiers Exterminated and wounded in a Mujahideen-style ambush in Helmand Saturday morning 24-10-2009 at approximately 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the Filthy British occupation forces in Baba jee Gul ikhtiar area in Lashkargah city in Helmand province, in the ambush the Mujahideen killed three filthy Brits and wounded two other filthy Brit terrorists.
6 Filthy NATO Zionist terrorists Exterminated and a tank destroyed in Paktia Saturday morning 24-10-2009 at approximately 10:45 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR occupiers in Rabat area Zurmat district of Paktia province, when the tank was escorting a logistics convoy of the enemy. The powerful blast destroyed the enemy tank completely and annihilated 6 filthy NATO zionist terrorists.
2 Tanks of the filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR forces and 1 puppets vehicles destroyed in Kandahar Saturday morning 24-10-2009 at approximately 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet army in Zawando hydara area in Arghandab district of Kandahar province, when the enemy patrol was passing the area. In the blast the vehicle was destroyed and eight terrorists in it were killed.
According to another report, Friday night 23-10-2009 at around 8 pm local time, the Mujahideen with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the filthy NATO occupation zionist forces in Babar area in Arghandab district of Kandahar province, about hour later when the enemy were moving from the first blast site, the Mujahideen detonated another landmine, in which another enemy tank was blown up, in both blasts both enemy tanks were destroyed and all the terrorists onboard were killed. After the two blasts the enemy indiscriminate started shelling the surrounding areas, but caused no losses on the Mujahideen side.
1 Tank of the Filthy British army blown up in Helmand Friday evening 23-10-2009 at around 6 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a tank of the British invader forces in Ali Zai area in Nawzad district of Helmand province, in the blast the was destroyed and all the terrorists onboard were killed, soon after the blast the Mujahideen ambushed the enemy convoy, during which inflicting more losses to the enemy.
9 puppet army terrorists killed and 2 vehicles destroyed in Zabul Saturday morning 24-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the puppet army in Roghani village area Shikai district Zabul province, in the ambush the Mujahideen destroyed two enemy vehicles and killed nine terrorists.
puppet police vehicle blown up and rockets fired at enemy district headquarter in Kabul Friday night 23-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the puppet police in Malang village area in Khak-e-jabbar district of Kabul province, in the attack Mujahideen destroyed one enemy Ranger vehicle and all the terrorists onboard were killed.
According to another report, Saturday morning 24-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, the Mujahideen fired rockets at the Sarobi district headquarter in Kabul province, few rockets hit the district headquarter building, but the damages and losses to the enemy could not be confirmed.
6 puppet army terrorists killed and 1 vehicle destroyed in Kabul Friday morning 23-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the puppet army terrorists in Sori tegi Wareshmin tangi area in Sarobi district of Kabul province, in the ambush one enemy vehicle was destroyed and six terrorists were killed.
4 Filthy American army terrorists killed in Kunar Thursday afternoon 22-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the American invader army in Kandalik area in Karangal district of Kunar province, in the ambush fighting started which lasted for about half an hour, in which Mujahideen killed one and wounded three terrorists, soon after the ambush the enemy places bombarded the area but there were no casualties on the Mujahideen side.
17 puppet army terrorists killed and 3 vehicles blown up in Paktika Thursday afternoon 22-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up three Ranger vehicles of the puppet police in Kanwahi area in Omani district of Paktika province, the vehicles were blown up when the enemy were patrolling in the area, in the blasts all three vehicles were destroyed and seventeen terrorists were killed.
Puppet police vehicle blown up in Kabul Thursday midnight 22-10-2009 at around 1 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Pul charkhi central jail area in Kabul city, the powerful bomb blast destroyed the car completely, killing all on board.
2 tanks of Filthy NATO occupation army destroyed in Zabul Wednesday morning 21-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with improvised explosive device blew up two tanks of the NATO invader army in Karam Kahi area in Naw Bahar district of Zabul province, both tanks were blown up within half an hour period, as the enemy were patrolling, in the blasts both tanks were destroyed and all the terrorists onboard were either killed or were wounded.
Mujahideen booty sixty heavy guns in an ambush on a logistics convoy of the enemy in Helmand Wednesday afternoon 21-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a logistics convoy of the enemy on Kandahar-Herat highway in Garishk district headquarter in Helmand province, in the ambush the convoy security guards fled, the trailers drivers were arrested, the Mujahideen booty sixty heavy guns, two generators, and other quantity military equipment.
Killing and wounding 5 Filthy NATO terrorists trying to remove a landmine in Helmand Wednesday afternoon 21-10-2009, two invader terrorists were killed and three were wounded, as they were trying to remove an improvised explosive device planted by the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Toghi village area in Sangeen district of Helmand province.
Rockets fired at enemy new propaganda campaign in Logar Wednesday night 21-10-2009 at around 10:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the invader and their puppet terrorists new propaganda campaign Center in Mohammed Aghy district of Logar province.
According to the report, three rockets landed within the Center for the campaign which led to inflict heavy losses to the enemy.
Rockets fired at the enemy base in Kabul Wednesday night 21-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the Resh Khor army base near in Char Aasiab district of Kabul province.
Says the report, three rockets hit the building, causing damage to the building and the cars that were parked near the building. Soon after the enemy bombed the surrounding areas, but caused no losses on the Mujahideen.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Asalamu Alaikum WRWB @Soelayman , jazakillah Khayr ameen
[ I ask that you read this with your full attention and take these words to heart, next time it could be you…]….EXACTLY if your aware of this or any similar situation and you remain silent and inactive for fear that your involment or support could jepardise your own safety then you have let your brother down and Allah swt) is the witness but if your aware and speak out and support your brother in his time of need then Allah swt) will support you in your time of need and if we don’t become one unified block helping each other and speaking out against opppression and injustice then only worse will come . So those who are close do your upmost to show your disgust and use all avenues available as the reward is equal to how much effort is put in and Allah is the Most Merciful Alhumduillah
Khayr insha’Allah in this honourable brothers situation and all treading the same path ameen
@ So where the truth lies
In response to Waleed Basyouni’s lecture at the ‘Ilm fest, a perfect set of advice for him can be found in Shaykh ‘Abdullah ‘Azzam’s words when he said:
“…As Sayyid Qutb said: “The secrets of this Qur’an are such that they cannot be understood by a dormant, unmoving scholar.” He won’t understand them! The verses of the Qur’an and the texts are many and can mixed up by a person, especially if he is following his desires. He cannot properly distinguish, and he needs taqwa in order to distinguish between truth and falsehood: {“O you who believe! If you have taqwa of Allah, He will make an opening for you…”} [al-Anfal; 29]
So, the issue isn’t one of sciences, and it isn’t one of texts and their abundance. The issue is that Allah grants you the ability to properly understand the texts. Yes. This is why if there was a problem that they couldn’t solve in the Muslim society in Baghdad or elsewhere, they would send it to those on the frontlines, as they are the closest to Allah and were the most appropriate people to answer. Here, those who are in Jadji and in Paktia under fire from bombs and mortars and are exposed to death a hundred times a day – they are given insight! Where can you come from? One who has never in his life engaged in an actual battle and has never taken it upon himself to visit Peshawar, and you come and ask him about the ruling on Jihad?
…This is why Ibn Taymiyyah said that the scholars who are not in the land of battle are not to be asked about Jihad, especially those who have no excuse…As for one who cancels out an obligation on his own while he is able to get to the Muslims and help them, for you to come and ask him about the obligation that he has annulled – assume he replies to you: “I am falling short in this. My son, Jihad is an individual obligation. Go, don’t go, etc,” his reply will remain incomplete and unclear because he has not lived the reality.
Ask him: who are the leaders of the Jihad in Afghanistan? He doesn’t even know how the Jihad started! What is the state of Jihad today? Did this shaykh even take it upon himself one day to open up a map of Afghanistan and look at it? Did he take it upon himself to read a bit of news from the Afghan Jihad? Did he take it upon himself to read a single article written by those there? …He has no time to read it. So, how can you ask him about something whose nature he is clueless of?
Whoever wants to read more about this, let him look in the fourth volume of ‘al-Fatawa al-Kubra’ of Ibn Taymiyyah in the section on Jihad, and he will see that the scholar who is not in the land of battle is not to be asked about it or about Jihad…”
['Fi Dhilal Surat at-Tawbah' (p. 311)]
courtesy The Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge
This is an extract from The Ecstacy of Mir’aj
Sabhan Allah Alhumduillah Allahu Akbar
Spiritual bliss. Inner absorption. We surely want to enjoy it all the time. We wish for it every moment.
Yet, it is there where the error lies!
Look at the Mi’raj journey of the Prophet. It did not happen every day. It happened once, only when the affliction of agonies, storms of sadness and pressure from the burdens were exceeding the limitation of human endurance. It happened when the Prophet felt he was at the highest peak of the soul’s hardship; a da’wah that was rejected, a neglected call, not so many followers, tortured companions and the main supporters who had died one by one. Thus, one thing that we derive from the Mi’raj journey is that it was merely a waqfah. It was a temporary resting station. An oasis where the Prophet refilled the provisions for his journey. The provisions for his struggles
To students of Islamic Universities
Publication time: 21 October 2009, 12:09
Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings of Allah to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his Companions.
After repeated and unsuccessful appeals to students of Islamic Universities to join the jihad in Caucasus, we have decided to write an open letter of appeal to students-of-knowledge (talib ul Ilm).
From among the so-called “knowledge-students” oftentimes we hear that Mujahideen of Caucasus do not know the basic foundations of Islam, but when you invite them to go and help them with the knowledge, then you will see “….those in whose hearts is a disease looking at you with a look of one fainting to death.” (47:20)
I’ve heard various excuses. For one of them “the gates” have been opened to knowledge, and he was just about to (just after 10 years) join Mujahideen, other is going to do Daawa in the mosque in presence of so-called “Muftiat”? Third one says “do not disturb me for another 5 years”.
Now addressing you – fugitives from the order of Allah, I will say a few words. Have you not heard how all the righteous sheikhs have indicated to you on your obligation to participate in Jihad in the Caucasus?
Abdullah ibn Mubarak alternated year for the knowledge and committed Ribat on the border of Al-Sham for a year. Why don’t you join Mujahideen at least on vacations, if your lessons are so dear to you? We don’t know the way, you say? But, I swear by Allah, the road has always been there for those willing to go to Jannah (Paradise). You think that you would go to paradise just because you are sitting in the company of Sheikh Bin Baaz, or (may Allah have mercy on them) Uthaymeen? When a companion, Bashir ibn Hasasiya (may Allah have mercy on him) has agreed to accept Islam and to observe all but charity and Jihad, the Prophet (s.a.s) said to him:
“No charity and no Jihad? Then what will get you into Paradise?”
I swear by Allah three times, you have no excuse to leave Jihad, unless you are sick, lame or blind!
Allah said:
“No blame or sin is there upon the blind, nor is there blame or sin upon the lame, nor is there blame or sin upon the sick (that they go not forth to war). And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad), He will admit him to Gardens beneath which rivers flow (Paradise); and whosoever turns back, He will punish him with a painful torment.”
Many of you attend gyms, and do not look like beggars.
You know far better than all of us that the Jihad in the Caucasus is obligatory, that’s why you are silent and that’s why you look away when you see Said Buryatsky among the Mujahideen! The Holy Quran says:
“O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter.”
How heavily you cling to the earth! This is what Sheikh Abu Umar al-Sayf (may Allah have mercy on him) said about a similar situation, a disciple of Sheikh Uthaymeen, by the way he became a Shaheed/Martyr (insha Allah) in Babayurt (an Arab, Saudi, a countryman of those who you are begging for zakat):
“Almighty Allah has compared people who have knowledge but do not act in accordance with it, knowing the signs of Allah, but turned away from them, such Allah compares with donkeys loaded with books or with a dog that licks the crumbs, anything will do as long as left alive. They do not care to live in accordance with the verses of Allah, or to find a replacement. Such people are “stuck” to the ground completely and they’ve became followers of Satan, and the passion has become their way.” How heavily you cling to the earth!
Almighty Allah said:
“The likeness of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but who subsequently failed in those (trusts and obligations), is as the likeness of a donkey who carries huge burdens of books (but understands nothing from them). How bad is the example (or the likeness) of people who deny the Signs of Allah. And Allah guides not the people who are wrong-doers.”
He also said:
“And recite (O Muhammad) to them the story of him to whom We gave Our Signs , but he threw them away, so Shaytan (Satan) followed him up, and he became of those who went astray. And had We willed, We would surely have elevated him therewith but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his description is the description of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the description of the people who reject Our Signs . So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect.”
Al-Kurtubi commenting on this verse said: “This is an example of anyone who knew the Quran, but has not acted in accordance with it.”
Sheikh Abu Umar also said:
“One reason for the weakening of the Ummah and the discrepancy with the description of the victorious group was the lack of significant number of talib-ul-ilm students, in the lands of Jihad. But the Messenger of Allah (s.a.s) said:
“There will be a group of my Ummah fighting for the truth up to the Day of Judgment.”
And wherever the banner of jihad is unfurled, you will see how the Mujahideen in a hurry will go there, looking for death, wherever it may be. But you will not see the students-of-knowledge among them teaching the Muslims in the lands of Jihad, issuing instructions and appealing to the Ummah with their issues, and this way fulfilling the Fardh Kifaya. You will see only those who had once casually studied something, even such people are insufficient. This has led to a defeatist attitude among Muslims, the fact that they no longer support the soldiers, that would deter the enemy.
That growth and the awakening of duty of jihad, which the Umma is experiencing today, has become a chance for knowledge-students for resettlement and jihad in the path of Allah, because Allah Almighty said:
“He who emigrates (from his home) in the Cause of Allah, will find on earth many dwelling places and plenty to live by. And whosoever leaves his home as an emigrant unto Allah and His Messenger, and death overtakes him, his reward is then surely incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is Ever Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Sheikh Abu Umar also wrote:
“It’s not about memorizing texts and study of science. The main thing is that this knowledge becomes useful. Purification of the soul and increase of piety in the heart should begin. If the heart is purifying then the knowledge was useful. And by the will of Allah, they will be useful for other Muslims. But if the heart, receiving knowledge – the heart of a hypocrite, a weak heart, then its holder will conceal the truth, and will start spreading falsehood. He will start to turn people away from the path of Allah, and his fatwas and the words will become Sharia’ cover for the collaborationist government, to justify their crimes against Muslims…. “.
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim commented on the words of Allah: “The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things),” (102:1):
“The mutual rivalry for piling up is -augmenting one thing with another. Almighty Allah has mentioned it without specifics, precisely because there augmenting carries a general sense, and includes everything that a person multiplies other than obedience to Allah and His Messenger, and anything that would help him after his death. All of this is in addition to augmenting, whether they increase wealth, prestige, power, women, talk, knowledge, especially the unnecessary one.
The running away from Jihad is a sign of weakness of sincerity. Jihad reveals the liar. Allah Almighty said:
“Only those are Believers who have believed in Allah and His Messenger, and have never since doubted, but have striven with their belongings and their persons in the Cause of Allah. Such are the sincere ones.”
May Allah guide you!
Mujahid Yusuf of Gubden
Source: Kavkazan Haamash
Department of Letters,
Kavkaz Center
Wearing women’s headscarves is declared a ‘terrorist threat’
Publication time: 25 October 2009, 10:01
War against Islam in Uzbekistan is increasing and is taking more and more dramatic forms. Tashkent regime is waging war for a total disappearance of Islam in the country. Any manifestation of religiosity, the regime considers as a sign of terrorist threat.
A woman\’s headscarf is declared to be one of such threat to the State.
On Tuesday armed officers of Shayhantaur district police department in Tashkent raided local outlets, with the requirement for women to immediately remove the scarves. And in case of disobedience retail outlets were closed, and the women were detained by the police, the website of Voice of Freedom informs.
A few minutes before the raid, people in civilian clothes, walked through the mall and started to warn Muslim women about the start of a large raid.
Within minutes, many shops belonging to Muslim women, were closed, and many were forced to take the scarves off. Those who refused to obey the requirements were forced to close their shops and follow the police.
At the exit of the market women were put in a specially fitted buses and taken away, as police said, to the district police administration.
According to traders in the market, other religious women, recently, by the market authorities, together with police officers and certain persons who call themselves employees of state institutions, FTA were told not appear in the market in head scarves.
Were also made emphatic warnings that in case of disobedience, traders will be fined or subjected to administrative detention for 15 days.
Department of Monitoring,
Kavkaz Center
Umm Suraqah says
may Allah hasten the release of our dear brother abu sabaya.his brother is collecting letters for him.if you are interested in writing abu sabaya a letter pleaes type it up and email it to and inshallah they will then be printed and forwarded to the lawyer.barakallah feekum.dont forget him and his family in your duaas.
Umm Suraqah Says:
October 26, 2009 at 3:52 am
wa antee min khairal jazaa sis.for those near the boston area, his first pre trial hearing will be on friday October 30th at 11am.the address is Moakley Federal Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Boston, MA.
please show support to our dear brother by attending his hearings even if you have to drive a little .we have an obligation to him.cancel any plans you have to show support for your brother because we have to remember it could be our fathers husbands or brothers.may allah hasten his release allahuma ameen.
Asalamu alaikum WRWB Allah Akbar , @ shamil basavey Jazakillah Khayr for reminding us with such a beautiful read Alhumdillah
but my heart sank when I read your second post what does one say to that its sickening the only way to remedy it is to follow the first post Jihad fee sabililah
Asalam wa alykum
The mujahideen in Iraq have claimed responsibility for the Baghdad attacks that killed 155 people. I would like the shaykh to please help us understand the legitimacy of such attacks.
Because I make dua that this is not really the mujahideen of ad-Dawla Iraqiya-Islamiya who did this.
Wasalaam wa alykum
Confused Akhi
Campaign – Help End Poverty in Africa
Islamic charities:
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 8, 1430 H / 27-10-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
1 enemy tank destroyed and 7 NATO terrorists killed in Kandahar Tuesday morning 27-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO invaders in Char bagh area in Arghand Aab district of Kandahar province, in the blast the enemy tank was destroyed and seven terrorists were killed.
Enemy district headquarter attacked in Kunar Tuesday afternoon 27-10-2009 at around 1 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed three enemy terrorists and wounded many in an attack on the headquarter of Asmar district of Kunar province, the attack lasted for an hour in which Mujahideen used both light and heavy weapons against the enemy, in addition to the enemy losses the headquarter was also damaged.
6 Filthy American terrorists killed and a tank destroyed in Nangarhar Tuesday morning 27-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of American invaders in Memla bagh area in Khogiani district of Nangarhar province, in the blast the enemy tank was destroyed and six terrorists in it were killed.
1 enemy vehicle destroyed and 5 terrorists killed in Kunar Monday night 26-10-2009 at around 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a joint convoy of the invaders and their puppets in Checal area in Asad Abad city in Kunar province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed one enemy vehicle with an RPG, killing five terrorists.
NATO tank blown up killing 5 terrorists in Logar Monday afternoon 26-10-2009 at around 4 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO invaders in Garam Abad area in Charkh district Logar province, in the blast the enemy tank was destroyed and five terrorists onboard were killed.
10 Filthy NATO terrorists blown up in Khost Monday afternoon 26-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with remote controlled landmines blew up a foot patrol on the NATO invader terrorists in Dera area in Khost city in Khost province, in the blast ten NATO terrorists were killed.
7 puppet army terrorists killed in Helmand Tuesday morning 27-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, seven terrorists were killed when the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a landmine in Yakhcha Ner-e-siraj area in Garishk district of Helmand province.
Mujahideen destroyed 2 armored vehicles and killed 8 American terrorists in Kunar Monday afternoon 26-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the American invaders in Shal dara area in Asmar district of Kunar province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed two enemy armored vehicles with RPG’s and killing eight terrorists.
16 invaders and puppet terrorist killed and 4 enemy vehicles destroyed in Zabul Monday afternoon 26-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive devices blew up two armored vehicles of NATO invader terrorists in Karam khail area in Naw bahar district of Zabul province, the vehicles were blown up when the enemy were conducting an operation against the Mujahideen, in the blasts both enemy vehicles were destroyed and nine terrorists in the were killed.
In another report, Monday afternoon 26-10-2009 at around 9 am local time, the Mujahideen attacked the puppet army patrol in Karam khail area in Naw bahar district of Zabul province, resulting in the destruction of two Ranger vehicles with RPG’s, in which eight terrorists on board were killed.
10 invaders and puppet terrorists killed in Helmand Monday morning 26-10-2009 at around 5 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan entered a puppet police post and found the puppets sleeping in Shilan area near Gramsir district of Helmand province, the Mujahideen killed the post leader and four other terrorists, also their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
Sunday morning 25-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, the Mujahideen with an improvised explosive device blew up a foot patrol of the NATO invaders in Heazar Jaft district of Helmand province, killing two terrorists and wounded three.
Filthy NATO Zionist invaders tank destroyed and six terrorists killed in Khost Monday 26-10-2009 at around 2:15 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the NATO invaders in Gubaz Sehra area in Sheikh Umar district of Khost province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and six terrorists in it were killed.
Heavy battle between the Mujahideen and Filthy British terrorists in Helmand Monday morning 26-10-2009, a day-long battle took place between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and British invader army terrorists in Baba jee area near Lashkargah city of Helmand province, the battle started when a larger number of enemy terrorists entered Baba jee area, the battle took place at five different points, at the end the enemy were forces to retreat, and fled from the area, the number of enemies killed could not be confirmed, one Mujahid was martyred and two were wounded.
American helicopter shot down killing 21 Filthy US terrorist Soldiers, Invaders bombing martyrs 21 civilians and destroyed hundreds of shops in Badghis Sunday night 25-10-2009 at around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan shot down an American invaders helicopter in near Bom Dara district headquarter of Badghis province, the helicopter was shot down during fighting with the enemy, twenty-one terrorists onboard the helicopter were killed.
After the helicopter went down, the American invaders helicopter’s open fired on civilians, in which the enemy martyred eighteen men, five women and four children, the American invaders aerial bombardment also destroyed a market, in which hundreds of shops where burned down.
In Another Incident in Helmand, in the south of the country, 4 Filthy American Soldiers were killed and two others were seriously wounded when a Huey helicopter smashed into a Cobra gunship helicopter in mid-air. The helicopters came down under the Mujahideen heavy fire shortly after midnight, as it tried to extract Filthy US Forces that were on the ground trying to launch operations against the Mujahideen.
The Filthy American Zionist occupation terrorists martyred more women, children and elderly in Khost Monday midnight 26-10-2009 at around 1 am local time, the Filthy American invader army terrorists raided villagers home in Tawdo village area in Sabario district of Khost province. Accounting to the people in the village: the American terrorists martyred three women, two children and two elderly men.
Two martyrdom operations kill 25 Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIT occupation soldiers and puppet terrorists in Nangarhar Monday morning 26-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Two hero’s of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan carried out martyrdom operations against the enemy in Nangarhar province.
Mujahid Usman, who was carrying a automatic weapon with him, entered the headquarters building of the governor house in Jalal abad city in Nangarhar province, he opened fire at the terrorists, the fighting between Usman and the enemy continued for two hours, during which the Mujahid killed five invader and puppet terrorists and wounded ten.
Mujahid Abdul Rehman, entered the Haji Qadeer hotal in Jalal abad city in Nangarhar province, the Mujahid killed ten invader terrorists and wounded another ten. It should be noted that most of the residents of the hotel were foreigners. We ask Allah to accept our brothers among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
17 Filthy French Zionist army terrorists killed and two enemy tanks destroyed in Kapisa Sunday morning 25-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed eight French invading terrorists in a severe fighting in Afghania valley in Nijrab district of Kapisa province. The report adds, the fighting continued all throughout the day between Mujahideen and the invaders. The fighting flared up when the enemy terrorists tried to launch military operations against the Mujahideen based in the area. The report says, one Mujahideen was also martyred in the fighting.
Similarly, Sunday morning 25-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, at Rood village, in Uzbeen area of the Kabul province, Mujahideen ambushed a mobile patrol of the French invaders, killing nine terrorists. The Mujahideen also destroyed two tanks of the enemy by firing rocket-propelled grenades, one Mujahid was also wounded in the fighting.
5 Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR soldiers blown up and puppet police chief killed in and ambush in Kandahar Sunday morning 25-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a patrol in of the Filthy NATO invaders in Sangisar area Zari in district of Kandahar province, the powerful blast killed five terrorists and scattered the body parts to long distances, where it remained in the area until midday today, five AK’s of the American terrorists were Mujahideen booty.
In another report, the Mujahideen killed a puppet police chief named, Azim Khan, in a surprise attack when he walked in the market in Landi bazar Kandahar city. After the attack, the Mujahideen returned safely to their posts.
2 enemy vehicles destroyed and 8 terrorists killed in Helmand Sunday night 25-10-2009 at around 7 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet army terrorists in Bolan namro area near Lashkar gah city in Helmand province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and three terrorists were killed.
In another report, Sunday night 25-10-2009, the Mujahideen destroyed a Toyota Corolla in Lashkar Gah city in Helmand province,, which was escorting the logistics convoy of the American invaders in , in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and secuirty chief along with four of his guards were killed.
Filthy American invaders convoy ambushed in Kunar Monday morning 26-10-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the American invaders in Ghoyan kat area Nari in district of Kunar province, however the enemy losses could not be confirmed.
18 puppet army terrorists killed and 3 vehicles destroyed Zabul Monday morning 26-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the puppet army in War ghar khola area in Shamalzai district of Zabul province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed three enemy Ranger vehicles with RPG’s and killed eighteen terrorists.
Filthy NATO invaders tank destroyed and four terrorists killed in Kunar Sunday night 25-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the NATO invaders in Malkan area in Manogai district of Kunar province, in the ambush Mujahideen destroyed an enemy tank with RPG, killing four terrorists as well.
Copper campaign building attacked in Logar Sunday midnight 26-10-2009 at around 2 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the enemy in Mis Hainak project near Mohammad Aghy district of Logar province, two rockets hit a building campaign, resulting in deaths and injuries, and causing damage in the enemy ranks, but no detailed information was available so far.
15 Filthy British zionist terrorists Killed and Wounded and destroyed a tank of the enemy in Helmand Saturday afternoon 24-10-2009 at around 4 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed seven terrorists and wounded three in Takhta pul area in Musa Qilla district of Helmand province, the enemy were blown up when they came to the swimming pool, where they come every day for swimming. It is said that among the killed were two female Filthy British terrorists.
According to another report, Sunday afternoon 25-10-2009 at around 2 pm local time, the Mujahideen with an explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy British invaders in Musa Qilla district of Helmand province,, which resulted in the destruction of the tank and killing all its terrorists.
12 Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR terrorists killed in Heavy battle in Farah Saturday afternoon 24-10-2009, heavy fighting took place between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the NATO invader forces terrorists in Rabat area in Bakwa district of Farah province, the fighting lasted for two hours, during which Mujahideen killed twelve terrorists and wounded many, also destroyed few enemy military vehicles.
Mujahideen Kill 5 American terrorists and destroyed 1 tank in Kunar Saturday night 24-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the American invaders in Naw Abad area in Asada bad city of Kunar province, in the ambush Mujahideen killed five terrorists and also destroyed a tank of the enemy.
Mujahideen destroyed a puppet Police Check Post in Kabul Saturday night 24-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a police check post in Janan village area in Mosay district of Kabul province, destroying the check post. However, there is no report about the exact number of the casualties inflicted on the policemen. Enemy forces tried to race to the check post for the assistance of the besieged police terrorists, but Mujahideen ambushed them on the way, destroying two police vehicles by firing rocket-propelled grenades. A Mujahid is reported to have been injured in the fighting.
Filthy NATO tank blown up in Logar Saturday afternoon 24-10-2009 at around 5 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device planted blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO invading forces in Al tamoor area in Pula lam city of Logar province, the tank was blown up when the enemy were patrolling in the area, in the blast the tank was destroyed and all the terrorists in it were killed, later the enemy transferred the dead bodies by helicopter.
Bagram airport was attacked with rockets Saturday night 24-10-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan pounded Bagram Airport, the main airport of the invaders near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. All missiles hit inside the airport but the exact number of casualties is not known. According to the report, the enemy planes took off and bombarded the surrounding areas after the Mujahideen attack, but Mujahideen had no casualties.
Mujahideen Destroy 2 Enemy Tanks in Laghman Saturday night 24-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Laghman province blew up two tanks of the NATO invading enemy when they were on mobile patrol at Mehtar Lam, the provincial capital of Laghman province. All the crew of the tanks have been killed. As usual, the enemy troops opened fire on civilians, killing three innocent Afghans.
6 Filthy Zionist terrorists killed, a tank destroyed and district headquarters damaged in Paktia Sunday night 25-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked the district headquarters of Samkani distirct of Paktia province, destroying two rooms of the building, besides killing five terrorists and injuring two others. According to another report, a military tank of the American invading forces stumbled on a mine planted by Mujahideen at Mmuzi area of Zurmat district of Paktia province. The tank was destroyed as a result and six terrorists aboard the tank have been killed.
Puppet army headquarters attacked in Uruzgan Saturday night 24-10-2009 at around 9 m local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with heavy and light weapons attacked the puppet army military headquarters near Khas Rozgan of Uruzgan province, about fifty Mujahideen took part in this operation which continued for about half an hour, in which four terrorists were killed and seven were wounded, also two Mujahideen were also wounded.
A battle took place between the Mujahideen and the enemy in Kandahar Saturday afternoon 24-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, a battle took place between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and NATO invader and their puppets in Pashmol area Zari district of Kandahar province, in the battle Mujahideen detonated an explosive device which killed four terrorists and wounded two. After the battle the enemy terrorists open fire on innocent civilians who were working in their farm.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that the enemy has fired on the innocent people, also released yesterday, the enemy fire at a civilians car in Chawony area in Kandahar city, when they were coming home after attending a wedding party, in this indiscriminating fire four civilians were martyred, out of which two were women, wounding another woman and a girl.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
As-salaam alaikum wrwb to all my dear brothers and sisters,
It’s been some time since I have posted here….mashAllah am glad to see, most of the brothers and sisters are still active posting. May Allah always keep you on the haaq. Brothers and sisters please I urge you to listen to the lecture. The Dust Will Never Settle Dow, by imam Anwar. Even thought you might have listened to it before….its important to keep our memory alive to the horrendous limits the Danish cartoonist crossed….with the support of all the disbeliever around the world.
In this lecture imam Anwar gives an in depths accounts of how the sahabas (ra) dealt with those who insulted our beloved prophet ( saw) SubhanAllah the love the sahabas (ra) had for the prophet (saw) is beyond comprehension for they truly loved the prophet (saw) more than their own life, parents spouse and children.
May Allah protect and preserve our dear Imam Anwar
May Allah always keep him on the haaq…for we only love him for the sake of Allah.
Islami Emirate Afghanistan: IN FIGHT # 10
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
This absolutely informal issue for visual support of a news report from Emirate Afghanistan
The tenth release
October 2009
25, 3 mb, pdf, rar, 124 pages…InFight_10_rar
Asalaamu alejkom wa rahmatullah
Bismillah wa salaatu wasalaamu 3ala Rasollilaah
Afterwards, my dear respected brother and sisters of Islam i say salamu alejkom
to all of you once again. Wallahi i love everyone who loves jihad and stands for the Haqq in these dark days we are living in. I support everyone who support Islam and who really worries for Islam and the situation of Ummah.
Alhamdulilah as u all se muslims globaly are awekening, alhamdulilah and this is because of the effort of mujahideen and those sincere ulema like Anwar Awlaki, Abdallah Azzam, Usama Bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri and many more shuyuukh who still sacrifices for Islam. By Allah i really appreciate all of them and the sacrifices they have done for this ummah may Allah preserve them all and grant them jannah InshAllah.
I always comes here to listen and read sh Anwars views of Jihad which i support and many other sites like Kavkazcenter and somalimirror, iam somali thats why but alhamdulilah i feel muslim and dont care. But most important is to support mujahideen and read everyday whats happening around the Ummah.
My brother Shamil really made me happy when he clarified for us all how important jihad and waging ribat is for all men and women.
Today it is fard ayn because of the situation of ummah.
Today Jihad becomes fard Ayn cause we dont have any khilafa or Implement of Sharia. Today Jihad is Fard Ayn because of jews trying to destroy Al-Aqsa, and the crusade war in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen and lastly Irak. We should not wait until our country is in war for then to release that jihad is Fard Ayn. I highly recommend all sisters and brother to read a book called “Defence of the muslim land” By sheikh Abdallah Azzam rahimuhullah who was inshAllah martyred in Peshawar in 1989, even the crusades and their magazines calls him today that he is the reviver of Jihad in the 20-century, he is Salah Ud-deen ayooubi of this time alhamdulilah. Listen also to his reminders of Jihad in Youtube, by only writing his name there.
my sisters may Allah protect you all plzz make dua and even brothers but for the brothers i recommend them to go jihad and prepare for jihad and not sitting at home just being a watcher of the destruction of Ummah, they will never succede in their destruct against us but only this is difiicult to just watch and hear, but thats our reality SubhanAllah.
Make Dua, try follow the situation of Ummah and plan for going Jihad inshAllah thats my advice for you all, and i ask Allah sincerly that iam a muslim who practise what he advices others inshAllah, and the advice go back to me.
Remember in ure duas the muslim brothers in Kashmir, phillipines, recently the dificulties our brothers and sisters in china and Uzbekistan are facing dont forget them inshAllah and lastly as i am a Talib Ul-Ilm i sincerly ask u to advice me to a site other than this or Kavkazcenter which is very good to take information and lessons of Jihad from, jazzak Allah khair and forgive me if i in any way wronged any muslim by my words everything good is from Allan and everything bad is from me and shaytan.
Ure poor brother Aba Zubeyr
from sweden
Salaamu alejkom
“You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews and those who associate others with Allah;” (Al-Maa’idah 5:82)
“And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion.” (Al-Baqarah 2:120)
“And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able.” (Al-Baqarah 2:217)
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
As the American Zionist Crusaders’ war on Islam and Muslims continues, we bring to your attention the killing of the Imam at Masjid Al-Haqq in Detroit, Michigan, USA, Shaheed Luqman Ameen Abdullah (rahimullah), by the US terrorist gang the FBI.
The Imam (rahimullah) called for Islam, Shariah and Justice and he was shot dead (martyred insh’Allah) by the filthy American Federal Bureau of Investigation, and they fabricated lies of allegations against him and his community of righteous Muslims.
To my Muslim brothers and sisters living in the united States of America and to those who support this Kafir Obama without knowledge, prepare yourselves for the next stage, as the American crusade is coming at your very door steps, These Kuffar really wants you to be Kafirs, and they will go by any means to turn you into Kafirs, they are your enemy, just like Satan is our enemy. The American Kafirs and their Puppets are indeed the enemies of Allah, so why do you still support them. Disassociate yourselves from the system of the Kuffar. Disassociate your selves from America and the falsehood it preaches, the crimes it does, and its deceptions. It is America your enemy, the headquarters of Satan. Satan has occupied and lay besieged on that land, so please heed these words.
“They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.” (An-Nisaa, 4:89)
“If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you as enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.” (Al-Mumtahina 60:2)
“O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you any ruin. they wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason.” (Aal-Imraan 3 :118)
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept our brother from amongst the Shuhada and grant him Jannat al-Firdaws.
“You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews and those who associate others with Allah;” (Al-Maa’idah 5:82)
“And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion.” (Al-Baqarah 2:120)
“And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able.” (Al-Baqarah 2:217)
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in Islam:
As the American Zionist Crusaders’ war on Islam and Muslims continues, we bring to your attention the killing of the Imam at Masjid Al-Haqq in Detroit, Michigan, USA, Shaheed Luqman Ameen Abdullah (rahimullah), by the US terrorist gang the FBI.
The Imam (rahimullah) called for Islam, Shariah and Justice and he was shot dead (martyred insh’Allah) by the filthy American Federal Bureau of Investigation, and they fabricated lies of allegations against him and his community of righteous Muslims.
To my Muslim brothers and sisters living in the united States of America and to those who support this Kafir Obama without knowledge, prepare yourselves for the next stage, as the American crusade is coming at your very door steps, These Kuffar really wants you to be Kafirs, and they will go by any means to turn you into Kafirs, they are your enemy, just like Satan is our enemy. The American Kafirs and their Puppets are indeed the enemies of Allah, so why do you still support them? Disassociate yourselves from the system of the Kuffar. Disassociate your selves from America and the falsehood it preaches, the crimes it does, and its deceptions. It is America your enemy, the headquarters of Satan. Satan has occupied and lay besieged on that land, so please heed these words.
“They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.” (An-Nisaa, 4:89)
“If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you as enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.” (Al-Mumtahina 60:2)
“O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you any ruin. they wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason.” (Aal-Imraan 3 :118)
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept our brother from amongst the Shuhada and grant him Jannat al-Firdaws.
Asalamu Alaikum:
This is from Al-Jazeera regarding the martyrdom of our brother Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah (rahimullah):
Please make dua’a for the oppressed Muslims and the Mujahideen for the cause of Allah Azza wa Jall.
“O Allah to Whom belongs all Glory and Grandeur
O Allah the Omnipotent, the Supreme, The Greatest, The Highest,
We ask You of Your Glory and Power
And victory for the Mujahideen in Your cause
O Allah remain with them and beside them
give them triumph and strengthen them
O Allah unite their vision
Focus the aim of their weaponry
And consolidate their words
And O Allah fix their hearts
O Allah handle, take care of their enemies
O Allah handle, take care of their enemies
O Allah dissipate their congregation
And shatter their integrity
And weaken their strengths
And throw the fear in their hearts
O Allah our fates are in Your Hands
And our affairs all return to You
And our conditions are not obscure from Your knowledge
To You do we raise our misery
And our sorrow and our complaint
To You and You Alone do we complain the injustice of the oppressors
And the cruelty of the fajireen,
And the wrath of the betraying criminals
To You O Allah do we complain the injustice of the spiteful Christians,
O Allah the night (the dark reign) of the oppressors has indeed lengthened
O Allah the night (the dark reign) of the oppressors has indeed lengthened
O Allah the night (the dark reign) of the oppressors has indeed lengthened
The animosity of the atheists has extended deep
And…the heads of the criminals
O Allah
O Allah
Send upon them a hand from the truth…
To raise with it our humiliation,
And to return to us our dignity
And to destroy our enemy with it,
O Allah,
O Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression
O Allah, take care of the sources of injustice and oppression,
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Oh Allah, of them you are all Aware, They spread fasaad in Your lands,
And they killed Your slaves and they insulted Your religion
O Allah, of them You are all Aware, And over them All powerful,
O Allah direct Your forces against them
O Allah direct You r forces against them
O Allah send upon them the storms of ‘Aad,
And the cry of Thamud, and the Typhoon of the people of Noah,
O Allah send upon them that which descends from the skies,
And that which exudes from the lands,
O Allah disintegrate their country
O Allah make them into divided countries and scattered parties,
O Allah Ever-living and Omnipotent,
Contain them within a fist’s grip of Your slaves
Contain them within a fist’s grip of Your slaves
O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them
O Allah, make hurricanes a constant for them
O Allah release our captured brothers
O Allah release them, O Allah strengthen them
O Allah make them steady on their faith
O Allah make possible a means for them
O Allah handle those who torture them
O Allah handle those who torture them
O Allah handle those who torture them
O Allah eradicate them with Your power and Omnipotence
O Allah make their plots against us a cause for their destruction,
And their slyness a slyness against them
O Lord of the Worlds,
O Ever-Living, Omnipotent,
O Most High and Most Gracious,
Hearer of all prayer, ever so close, accepting to all prayers,
We all pray to You, full aware of Your Promise,
And of Your acceptnace, for You have said, and Your speech is the truth:
“Pray to me for I accept your prayers”,
O Allah accept our prayers for us
O Allah Ever-Living, Omnipotent
The Omnipotent over all that is in the heavens and the earth.
We ask You to save Al Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews.
We ask You to save Al Aqsa from the cruelty of the Jews.
O Allah free Al Aqsa from every black hearted kafir,
O Allah our eyes rest on a liberated Aqsa, and on the defeat of the spiteful Jews,
O Most Mighty and Most Gracious,
All creatures are Unto You humiliated, meek
O Allah our creator from a single soul
O Allah Highest in status
O Allah greatest in strength
We ask You glory for Islam and Muslims
O Allah ever Living, Omnipotent
O Allah guard the hard working scholars,
O Allah guard the hard working scholars,
And make steadfast those sincere in inviting to Your path,
And raise the positions of those who order righteousness, and who forbid evil,
And bestow the same mercy upon those Muslims who enjoin them
O Allah Ever-Living, Omnipotent
O Most-Mighty and Most Gracious,
O Allah, He who devoted himself to hurt them,
Talking to defame their honour,
And tracking their refuge
And for whom You have willed no guidance,
O Allah make misery his destiny
O Allah make misery his destiny
And disaster in his path
O Allah, convert his health to disease,
And his strength into sickness
And his wealth into poverty, and his power into weakness…
Aameen Thumma Aameen!!!!!
There is no god, except Allah and Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon him) is His Messenger!
(Du’a of Shiekh Muhammad Al Mohaisany )
Inna Lilaahi wa inna Illaahi Rajioun
CIA terrorism in Peshawar martyrs 105 and 160 wounded PESHAWAR: The total martyred toll from CIA bomb blast in Peshawar has mounted to 105 while rescue sources say that more people could still be buried under the debris. Over 150 people sustained injuries in the blast. Hospital sources have confirmed that 160 were brought there, and a list of 136 of these injured has been made visible inside the hospital premises. According to details, the powerful blast occurred at Peepal Mandi ripped near Meena Bazar, Peshawar. The explosion triggered fire in nearby shops while an old building came to ground with the heavy impact which also caused damage to other surrounding buildings. Most of the buildings in the area had already been declared to be in poor condition. AIG Bomb Disposal Unit Shafqatullah Malik said that explosives, weighing 150 kilograms, were planted in a vehicle. courtesy
And thus we have made in every city great ones of its wicked ones, that they should plot therein. They do but plot against themselves, though they preceive not [ 6 ;124 ]
Note, shaikh, that the man who is giving question is showing an obvious humiliation and dislike to the hadith, that doesn’t fit his aqida. He is not giving the question by chance, but his question is purposeful, so he had prepared for it, so why didn’t he quote the hadith in it’s full text?
And the answering “sheikh” is obviously giving false meaning of the Ayah of the Quran, where Musa A.S. asked to forgive him because he did not get the order of Allah, the “sheikh” is giving us a new, amazing tafseer “he is repenting because he did not get the order from the ruler”. So I would like to ask this sheikh, at that time the ruler was Fir’awn, do you believe that Musa had to obey him? Should Musa A.S. wait for Fir’awn’s order? This is clear evidence, whom this kind of “sheikhs” really worship.
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 10, 1430 H / 29-10-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
2 tanks of the Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIRS destroyed and one damaged in Paktia Thursday morning 29-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked the NATO invading terrorists as they were preparing to launch an offensive against Mujahideen in Tatanak area in Zurmat district of Paktia province. During this attack two tanks were hit with anti-armor, resulting in the destruction of one tank and damaged the other.
In another report, Thursday morning 29-10-2009 at around 10 am local time, the Mujahideen with an explosive device blew up a tank of the American invaders in Sorkai jamali area in Zurmat district, resulting in the destruction of the tank and killing of five terrorists.
Mujahideen burnt 4 trailers that were carrying logistical supplies to the Filthy German crusading forces and killed 9 filthy terrorists in Baghlan Thursday afternoon 29-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a supplies convoy of the invaders in Char shanby tapa area in Markazi baghlan district of Baghlan province, which resulted in the burning of four trailers that were carrying food to the Filthy German zionist forces in the region, also few Ranger vehicles of the convoy security were damaged, nine terrorists were killed and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
Puppet police point destroyed and 4 terrorists killed in Uruzgan Thursday morning 29-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked a puppet police point in Saseni area in Char Cheno district of Uruzgan province, in the attack Mujahideen killed four terrorists and two manage to escape, weapons and equipment at the point were Mujahideen’s booty, later the point building was burned.
A ranger vehicle and fuel tanker blown up in Helmand Thursday morning 29-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with explosive devices blew up a Ranger vehicle and a fuel tanker of the enemy in Sistani area in Marja district of Helmand province, the enemy vehicles were destroyed when they were heading to one of the headquarters of the filthy U.S. invading forces in the region. In the blasts both vehicles were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed or wounded.
6 puppet police terrorist killed including a commander and a vehicle blown up in Zabul Thursday afternoon 29-10-2009 at around 3 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a puppet police car in Speenkai area in Shamalzai district of Zabul province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and six terrorists were killed including the commander.
Mujahideen Inflict Heavy casualties on Foreigners during Martyrdom and RPG Attacks Wednesday morning 28-10-2009, according to reports, three heroic Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan carried out a martyrdom attack inside the guest house of UNAMA, killing a great number of workers of the runoff campaign. In the heart of the Kabul city, Share Naw, Mujahideen killed fifty foreigners in UNAMA guest house no. II as a result of martyrdom attack. It is said that many foreigners who had come to observe the runoff election process, were staying in the guesthouse.
The report adds, the attack was launched after the recent statement by the leadership council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, calling on Mujahideen to prevent the runoff election from taking place. According to another report, Mujahideen hit the Serena hotel with missiles, killing many foreigners staying in the hotel.
Eyewitnesses have seen many dead bodies and injured person being taking out of the hotel, racing them to hospitals. It should be said, that a great number of foreign observers were staying in the Hotel who had arrived a Kabul to monitor the November 7 runoff elections. Similarly, Mujahideen struck the presidential palace with missiles, causing casualties to the enemy. We ask Allah to accept our brothers among martyrs in Eelleyeen (high rank in the paradise). All praise and gratitude are due to Allah.
Filthy American terrorists come under attack in Laghman Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the filthy American invaders in Sangarto village area in Ali Shang district of Laghman province, however enemy losses could not be confirmed. Soon after the ambush enemy plans bombarded the area resulting in the martyring and destroying of civilians homes.
Mujahideen Attack District Headquarter in Balkh Wednesday midnight 28-10-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attacked the district headquarters of Doulat Abad district in Balkh province. Using light and heavy weapons, the Mujahideen caused damage to the building of the puppet police chief of Doulat Abad. The attack continued for one hour during which two were killed and another injured. Mujahideen had no casualties in the fighting.
Mujahideen Destroyed 9 Tanks and Vehicles of the Enemy in Kandahar Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up nine military tanks and vehicles in different districts of Kandahar like, Arghandab, Shorwak, Maivan, and Zeray.
Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 11 pm local time, in Arghandab district, an enemy military vehicle was destroyed by mine blast when it was on patrol in the area. Five terrorists were killed as a result. In another incident in Noorzu area of Shorawak district, a military vehicle of the frontier army was destroyed, killing five terrorists on board.
Mujahideen from Maivand district report that they blew up a military tank of the foreign invaders on Hirat-Kandahar highway at Mir Akhur road converge, killing the crew aboard the tank whereas two other military tanks were destroyed in Kar Buzak area. All the terrorists in the tanks were killed. In Wazero area of Zery district, another military tank of the enemy fell prey to a mine blast when it was passing over a bridge in Sangsar area. Similarly, three tanks of the invading enemy were destroyed by IEDs in Qala Shah Mir area in Maivan district when the brutal invaders were trying to launch military operations against the Mujahideen in the area.
The enemy have suffered these casualties amidst report that they lost eight terrorists in the south of the country as a result of similar attacks by Mujahideen.
Mujahideen destroyed four security point of puppet police and killed 7 terrorists in Helmand Wednesday night 28-10-2009 at around 7 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan simultaneously attacked four puppet police security points in Bolan area Lashkar gah city of Helmand province, in the attacks all four points were removed, seven terrorists were killed and the rest managed to escape. Seven AK’s, RPG’s and one motorcycle were Mujahideen’s booty.
8 puppet army terrorists killed and 1 ranger vehicle blown up in Paktia Wednesday night 28-10-2009 at around 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet army in district of Paktia province. In the explosion the vehicle was destroyed and eight terrorists in it were killed.
Mujahideen arrested 4 puppet army terrorists in Faryab Wednesday afternoon 28-10-2009 at around 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan arrested four puppet army terrorists with their weapons in Khawaja ghar village area Garozan district of Faryab province. The terrorists were arrested when they came to arrested some one in the area.
Enemy meeting comes under attack in Paktika Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired mortar shell at a enemy meeting which was taking place at the headquarter of Sara Roza district of Paktika province, however enemy losses could not be confirmed.
6 Filthy American terrorist killed and 1 tank destroyed in Khost Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of filthy American invaders in Dado area in Ali Sher district of Khost province, in the blast the enemy tank was destroyed and six terrorists onboard were killed.
Heavy battle continued all day today in Helmand Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 11 am local time, heavy battle broke out between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and British invader army terrorists in near Nawzad district headquarter of Helmand province. The battle started when the enemy where making preparations for operation against the Mujahideen in the region.
Mujahideen says: during the battle, three tanks of the enemy’s were destroyed with improvised explosive devices, as another powerful explosion occurred while the terrorists were removing the bodies of the dead terrorists from the destroyed tanks. According to the report, in the blasts ten invading terrorists were killed and a number of them were wounded.
In a separate report, Wednesday morning 28-10-2009, another battle took place in Khosh hall village area in Nad Ali, which led to heavy casualties in the ranks of the enemy.
Another clashes took place, Wednesday afternoon 28-10-2009, with the enemy in Cha-e- mirza area in Nad Ali district, in which one terrorists was killed and few were wounded. In these battles one Mujahid was martyred and three were wounded.
Explosions kills 8 puppet army terrorists and rockets fired at the enemy district center in Uruzgan Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a vehicle of the puppet army terrorists in Garmao area in Khas Uruzgan district of Uruzgan province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and eight terrorists in it were killed.
News adds, Wednesday morning 28-10-2009 at around 6 am local time, the Mujahideen fired rockets at the district Center, inflicting heavy physical and material losses in the ranks of the enemy.
Destruction of enemy tanks in a battle in Faryab Wednesday afternoon 28-10-2009 at around 1:30 pm local time, fighting took place between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and NATO invading terrorists in Khawaja kando village area in Qaisar district of Faryab province, the fighting last for about two hours in which few enemy tank were destroyed and all the terrorists in them were killed.
Mujahideen Kill and wounded 7 Filthy British Zionist terrorists in Helmand Tuesday night 27-10-2009 at around 7 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Char Qulfan area of Nawa district, near the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah killed four British invading terrorists by detonating a mine through a remotely controlled device. Three terrorists were injured. According to the report, a mine explosive expert is among those killed in the explosion.
Mujahideen Attack a puppet Police Check post in Kunar Tuesday night 27-10-2009 at around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attack a puppet police check post in Chikali area, in the provincial capital of Asad Abad. The Mujahideen have damaged the check post by firing heavy weapons. A face-to-face fighting occurred between Mujahideen and the puppet police terrorists manning the check post, which continued for half an hour. There is no report about the exact number of casualties.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
(UPDATE!) Court Date for Tarek Mehanna Rescheduled
Due to new documents just released today to Tarek Mehannas lawyer, as a result the court date has been postponed to FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13TH.
Here is the official website in support of Tarik Mehanna.
Youtube link in support of Tarik Mehanna.
Who is Tarek Mehanna?
Tariq Mehanna is a 27 year old Muslim Egyptian American born and raised in the United States. Highly educated, Tariq holds a doctorate in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. He is a devout and tolerant Muslim who is not only respected in the local Islamic and interfaith communities, but who also gives back to his Islamic community by fulfilling the roles of brother, educator, mentor, scholar, and friend. Tariq is described by those who know him well as humble, reserved, warm, peaceful, intelligent, knowledgeable, reflective, pragmatic, dedicated, and straightforward. He is a person with strong ethical values who refuses to compromise on them regardless of the circumstances. It is unfortunate then that this customarily admirable trait plays a role in his current situation.
Several years ago, the Boston FBI began to approach Tariq. They recognized that he was a religious Muslim who was active in the local Islamic community, had earned the respect of many, and was beloved to the youth. The FBI recognized in Tariq an individual who is intelligent, charismatic, influential and trusted by many in the local Islamic community. They decided that they wanted Tariq on their side, and began to approach him in an effort to recruit him as an informant. Their objective was to secure Tariq as a tool to corroborate any FBI claims or accusations against members of the community that might arise, at the discretion of the FBI. Of course, Tariq flat out refused to backstab his fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, a decision that did not sit well at all with the FBI.
The FBI then proceeded to repeatedly approach Tariq over the coming months, each time pressuring him more and more to collaborate with them. This pressure most often came in the form of blackmail; Tariq was told that unless he consented to cooperating with the FBI, they would continue finding new ways to disrupt his life and to deprive him of a sense of security. He was told outright by interrogators that they knew he was innocent, but that they would not be satisfied with his refusal to cooperate. Regardless of whether their methods were unethical, coercive, or failed to respect his civil rights, the FBI were quite fortunate in catching an opportunity to arrest Tariq in 2008 based on a weak accusation of issuing “false statements” to a federal officer. After two months of imprisonment, his court-appointed attorney, Jay Carney, jr., was able to negotiate a bail settlement of $1,250,000. Tariq was subsequently released after this absurdly inflated amount was paid by his parents, who were desperate to have him return home safely.
Tariq did return home for nearly a year, living a quiet life, restricted by a court-ordered curfew, and monitored by FBI investigators. In the meantime, the case against him, based on “false testimony” charges, began to stagnate, and court dates were far and in between with no advances made by the FBI. Over time, the Mehanna family began to finally feel a sense of restored normalcy and stability in their lives. This feeling was suddenly and violently shattered during the fajr hours of October 21st, 2009, when FBI agents showed up at the Mehanna home doorstep at 5:00AM in the morning. Despite the lack of ANY new evidence since the prior arrest, the agents came with an arrest warrant. According to Dr. Ahmed Mehanna, Tariq’s father, the agents were visibly excited and enthusiastic about their invasion of the Mehanna private household and the seizure and arrest of Tariq. The situation facing Tariq now is one where his second arrest means that there is no chance for bail. Tariq is currently incarcerated at the Plymouth Correctional Facility, where he is expected to remain for the several year duration of a new trial based on outright FALSE AND LUDICROUSE accusations of aiding and abetting terrorism. He currently faces LIFE IN PRISON if convicted guilty in a trial by grand jury. We must offer our greatest support and most dedicated effort if there is to be hope of Tariq’s release. Thank you for taking the time to read this history, and we are confident that you will share our knowledge of Tariq’s innocence. In addition, it is our sincere hope that the United States justice system remain true to its “innocent until proven guilty” origins, and for Tariq to receive a fair and just trial.
FBI Kills “Radical” Imam, Muslims Shocked
The killing of a local imam in Dearborn, near Detroit, by FBI agents is raising eyebrows and sending shockwaves among local Muslims.
“They have no linkage to terrorism nationally or internationally,” Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Michigan, told The Detroit News on Thursday, October 29.
The US attorney’s office said Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, was killed in a gunfire with agents at a warehouse in Dearborn.
The FBI described him as a “highly placed leader of a radical fundamentalist Sunni group” whose primary mission was to establish an Islamic state within the US.
Yet, the authorities were reportedly trying to arrest Abdullah on charges of conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms.
The federal authorities didn’t seek terrorism charges against him or others in the mosque.
“I’m totally in the dark about these allegations,” said Detroiter David Nu’man, who considered Abdullah a friend and had visited the mosque several times.
Walid, the CAIR leader, wondered why the issue of religion was so prominent in the complaint against Abdullah and his followers.
“We have no information about illegal activity going on at that mosque,” he said.
“What in the world does Islam have to do with these charges? Why is religion being brought into play?”
Victor Ghalib Begg, chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan, agrees.
“Incidents like these, people need to be careful smearing religions and trying to imply that faith has to do with it.”
Those who knew Abdullah described him as a good man.
“[He] would give the shirt off his back to people,” Walid said.
“The congregation he led was poor.
“He fed very hungry people in the neighborhood who were Christian. He helped and assisted a lot of troubled youth. People would come to him who were hungry and he would let them sleep in the mosque. He would let them in from the elements.”
The same image was painted by Nu’man.
“He successfully fed a lot of people in the neighborhood during the month of Ramadan,” he recalled.
“It was a good humanitarian effort.”
Some Metro Detroit Muslims were skeptical about the FBI raid.
“The community is often skeptical, because a vast number of these conspiracy allegations end up being thrown out of court,” said Dr. Muzammil Ahmed, 41.
Salamu alaikkum
some people are too lazy or afraid to fight in the cause of allah……they are fooled by the illusions of this dunya.
As salaamo alaykum!
What is the source of the posts about the Mujahideen in Afghanistan? Is there a link?
@ everyone
This might be the best piece from Sh. Anwar (ha)
O’Allah, we are your slaves, we are your slaves, we are your slaves, accept our dua O’Allah, grant the Mujahideen victory, punish the kuffar through their hands O’Allah, There is none worthy of worship in truth except you Alone O’Allah, we Supplicate to You Alone O’Allone, la illaha ila Allaah, La hawla wa la quwwata illa billaa
US Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases
The emboldened Taliban movement in Afghanistan turned down an American offer of power-sharing in exchange for accepting the presence of foreign troops, Afghan government sources confirmed.
“US negotiators had offered the Taliban leadership through Mullah Wakil Ahmed Mutawakkil (former Taliban foreign minister) that if they accept the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan, they would be given the governorship of six provinces in the south and northeast,” a senior Afghan Foreign Ministry official told requesting anonymity for not being authorized to talk about the sensitive issue with the media.
He said the talks, brokered by Saudi Arabia and Turkey, continued for weeks at different locations including the Afghan capital Kabul.
Saudi Arabia, along with Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, were the only states to recognize the Taliban regime which ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
Turkish Prime Minister Reccap Erodgan has reportedly been active in brokering talks between the two sides.
His emissaries are in contact with Hizb-e-Islami (of former prime minister Gulbadin Hikmatyar) too because he is an important factor in northeastern Afghanistan.”
A Taliban spokesman admitted indirect talks with the US.
“Yes, there were some indirect talks, but they did not work,” Yousaf Ahmedi, the Taliban spokesman in southern Afghanistan, told IOL from an unknown location via satellite phone.
“There are some people who are conveying each others’ (Taliban and US) messages. But there were no direct talks between us and America,” he explained.
Afghan and Taliban sources said Mutawakkil and Mullah Mohammad Zaeef, a former envoy to Pakistan who had taken part in previous talks, represented the Taliban side in the recent talks.
The US Embassy in Kabul denied any such talks.
“No, we are not holding any talks with Taliban,” embassy spokeswoman Cathaline Haydan told IOL from Kabul.
Asked whether the US has offered any power-sharing formula to Taliban, she said she was not aware of any such offer.
“I don’t know about any specific talks and the case you are reporting is not true.”
Provinces for Bases
Source say that for the first time the American negotiators did not insist on the “minus-Mullah Omer” formula, which had been the main hurdle in previous talks between the two sides.
The Americans reportedly offered Taliban a form of power-sharing in return for accepting the presence of foreign troops.
“America wants 8 army and air force bases in different parts of Afghanistan in order to tackle the possible regrouping of Al-Qaeda network,” the senior official said.
He named the possible hosts of the bases as Mazar-e-Sharif and Badakshan in north, Kandahar in south, Kabul, Herat in west, Jalalabad in northeast and Ghazni and Faryab in central Afghanistan.
In exchange, the US offered Taliban the governorship of the southern provinces of Kandahar, Zabul, Hilmand and Orazgan as well as the northeastern provinces of Nooristan and Kunar.
These provinces are the epicenter of resistance against the US-led foreign forces and are considered the strongholds of Taliban.
Orazgan and Hilmand are the home provinces of Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Omer and Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
“But Taliban did not agree on that,” said the senior official.
“Their demand was that America must give a deadline for its pull out if it wants negotiations to go on.”
Ahmedi, the Taliban spokesman in southern Afghanistan, confirmed their principal position.
“Our point of view is very clear that until and unless foreign forces do not leave Afghanistan, no talks will turn out to be successful.”
The ruling Taliban were ousted by the United States, which invaded Afghanistan shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.
Since then, the Taliban have engaged in protracted guerrilla warfare against the US-led foreign troops and the Karzai government.
salamaleikum, @salaam the video you posted from youtube has Quran in the background which is not a good idea while you have a lecture running over it.
the lecture is of course good by Anwar al Awlaki, but it best left with plain backround, or at most with a nasheed ( low volume) in the background
Jzk’Allah Khairan!
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 15, 1430 H / 03-11-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
Army vehicle of Filthy NATO Zionist army blown up killing 4 filthy NATO terrorists in Ghazni Monday morning 02-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the Filthy NATO invading terrorists in Adina area in Garo district of Ghazni province, in the ambush one enemy vehicle was destroyed and four terrorists were killed.
A Tank of Filthy American Zionist Crusader army destroyed and 6 Filthy US terrorist soldiers Killed in Laghman Monday night 02-11-2009 at around 9 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a tank of the Filthy American invader army when the enemy convoy was passing through Jabeen dag area in Ali Shang district of Laghman province. The landmine destroyed the tank and killed six filthy American terrorists in it. An half an hour later Mujahideen ambushed the same convoy, inflicting more losses in the ranks of the enemy.
8 Filthy NATO Zionist occupation terrorists Killed while trying to remove a landmine in Kandahar Monday morning 02-11-2009 at around 7 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device killed five Filthy NATO invader terrorists and wounded three in Shor Andam Kotal area in Daman district of Kandahar province. According to the report, the losses were suffered by the enemy when they were attempting to dismantle the explosive device on the road leading to Kandahar airport.
5 Filthy German Crusading army terrorists killed and one military vehicle destroyed with an rPG in Kunduz Monday afternoon 02-11-2009 at around 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an RPG destroyed an armored vehicle of the Filthy German invading army terrorists in Aqsahi area in Char Dara district of Kunduz province. The vehicle was destroyed when the enemy were patrolling in the area, five enemy terrorists were also killed.
Filthy American Occupied base attacked with rockets killing 6 terrorists in Paktia Monday morning 02-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired rockets at the ilthy American invaders base in Tameer area Zurmat district of Paktia province. According to information received four rockets landed within the enemy base, killing six terrorists, including four invaders, and injuring three others.
Enemy supplies convoy ambush kills 11 terrorists, destroyed a vehicle and three supplies trucks in Helmand Monday night 02-11-2009 at around 8 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a supplies convoy of the American invading army in Noorzai area in Garishk district of Helmand province. In this ambush, which lasted about an hour the Mujahideen destroyed a Toyota Surf of the puppet army, and three supplies trucks, killed eleven terrorists, their weapons and the rest of their military equipment were Mujahideen’s booty.
An explosion on a puppet police patrolling vehicle in Khost city Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Lakno area in Khost city, the vehicle was blown up when it was on a patrol, in the blast the vehicle was damaged but the terrorists on it were killed or wounded could not be confirmed.
Mujahideen captured 9 puppet army terrorists with their weapons in Badghis Monday night 02-11-2009 at around 11 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in an attack on the puppet army terrorists captured nine terrorists including their leader, after initial resistance in Tabawchy area in Sang-e-aatash district of Badghis province. Light weapons of the terrorists, and heavy machine gun, rocket launcher and RPG, and the Ranger vehicle were Mujahideen’s booty.
Puppet Intelligence officer gun down in Jozjan Monday morning 02-11-2009 at around 11:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed a member of the puppet intelligence in near Mardian district headquarter of Jozjan province, the attack took place when the terrorist was coming home. The Mujahideen took a pistol, motorcycle, and a package of important documents from him.
Puppets army supplies convoy security vehicle blown up in Paktia Monday noon 02-11-2009 at around 4 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a puppet army Toyota Surf vehicle which was providing security to a supplies convoy of the enemy in Ghorgai khola area Wazi Zadran district of Paktia province. In the blast the vehicle was destroyed and all the terrorists on in it were killed, later the Mujahideen ambushed the convoy, which resulted in further losses in the ranks of the enemy.
15 puppet army terrorists killed and 3 vehicles destroyed in a two hour battle in Paktika Sunday evening 01-11-2009 at around 6 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the puppet army terrorists in Lory Khola area Jani Khail district of Paktika province, in the ambush a two hour fierce battle took place, during the Mujahideen killed fifteen terrorists and destroyed three Ranger vehicles of the enemy, four Mujahids were also martyred and six were wounded. Area residents say: After the battle, the enemy forces indiscriminately opened fire on civilian homes, resulted in material and human losses among the peaceful inhabitants.
Mujahideen inflicted heavy losses on the enemies in Helmand Sunday evening 01-11-2009 at around 9 pm local time, the Mujahideen with an improvised explosive devices blew up a foot patrol of the NATO invaders in Loy Manda area in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, resulting in the deaths of two terrorists and wounding three.
According to anther report, Monday afternoon 02-11-2009, heavy fighting took place between the Mujahideen and the British invading terrorists in Baba Jee Ibrahimzai area near Lashkar gah city of Helmand province. This battle lasted nearly a quarter of an hour, but there was no precise information about the number of dead and injured among the enemy.
According to anther report, Monday 02-11-2009, face to face battle took place between the Mujahideen and NATO invading terrorists in Sarwan Qilla area in Sangeen district of Helmand province, in this battle Mujahideen killed seven terrorists and wounded three, also later in this battle Mujahideen detonated two landmines, which inflicted more losses in the ranks of the enemy.
According to anther report, Monday midnight 02-11-2009 at around 3 am local time, the Mujahideen killed and wounded a number of NATO terrorists in Dery area in Sangeen district of Helmand province, the enemy were attack when they were heading back to their base after conducting raids on innocent civilians homes.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Scandal: Mosques and athan under a ban As sources from Azerbaijan report, Baku regime has forbidden all citizens who received an Islamic education outside the country to conduct religious and educational activities in Azerbaijan. Authorities announced that they fear of spread of the so-called “radical Islam”. For this reason, the Baku regime has closed a number of mosques, which, according to the authorities, could become “a hotbed of extremism.”
Meanwhile, a ban on the call to prayer (Athan) in even open mosques of Azerbaijan, it seems extended to the entire country, and not only in Baku, AzanNews.Ru reports. Thus the head of the Center for protection of religious faiths and freedom of conscience DEVAMM Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, commenting on the situation said that due to directive of Azerbaijani authorities Athan is now prohibited in three main mosques of Baku. Some Azerbaijani independent Internet publications reported that there is information about the order of the authorities to prohibit the Athan in all territory of Azerbaijan. In an interview with “Musavat” paper Ilgar Ibrahimoglu said that rule banning azan enters into force in Ganja, another Azerbaijan’s town. 4 central mosques in Ganja do not call to prayer since November as Firdus Kerimov, a representative of Ganja’s State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, ordered to halt the use of this religious tradition. Azan was banned in “Kerbalai Abdullah” Mosque under threat of closing, Ilgar Ibrahimoglu also told. Duty imam of the mosque said that some officials demanded to suspend voicing of Athan: “Otherwise, they had threatened to close the mosque”. Athan in Baku’s “Bibi-Geibat” Mosque and “Illahiet” Mosque sounded in a low voice since November 1, reported. “Teze Pir” Mosque stopped voicing Athan since November 2. Akhund (Mullah) of the mosque Faiz Nagizade told that this process gets underway not only in Azerbaijani capital, but in other towns and regions of Azerbaijan. Source: Kavkaz Center
“They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason.”
[Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat 14]
Asalamu Alaikum:
The Kafirs reported that 5 of their Filthy British soldiers were killed in Helmand by their own puppet policemen today:
This is yet to be officially confirmed, but it seems that our brothers from the Taliban Mujahideen have infiltrated the puppet police force.
Or does this means that some of the puppets are beginning to wake up from their slumber and break the chains of Kufr and colonialism?
Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan military operations against the kafirs, munafiqs and the worshipers of Idols:
News reports and harvests of the military operations carried out by our brothers the Mujahideen – Taliban, in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the day:
Dhul-Qa’idah 16, 1430 H / 04-11-2009
The Following operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and may peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions in entirety.
6 Filthy American Zionist Crusading terrorists killed and a tank destroyed in Nangarhar Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy American army in Mamla Bagh area in Khogiani district of Nangarhar province. In the blast the tank was destroyed and six terrorists in it where killed.
5 Filthy American Zionist soldiers killed in Badghees Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan killed five Filthy American invader terrorists in near Betch area in Marghab district of Badghees province.
6 Filthy NATO-ISAF-KAFIR soldiers killed and a tank blown up in Paktika Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an explosive device blew up a tank of the Filthy NATO invaders in Paraw area Sara Roza district of Paktika province, in the blast the enemy tank was destroyed and six invading terrorists in it were killed.
7 Filthy American Zionist Occupiers and 3 puppet militia terrorists killed in a Battle in Nangarhar Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a joint patrol of the Filthy American invader and their puppet national militia terrorists in Speen Ghar district of Nangarhar province, in the ambush fighting started which lasted for an hour, in which Mujahideen killed seven American and three puppet militia terrorists.
Later when the enemy was pass through Abdul kahial area Speen Ghar distirct, it open fire on civilians, in which seven civilians were martyred and a number of them were wounded.
Filthy NATO Zionist terrorists foot patrols blown up killing 15 terrorists in Uruzgan Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with a remote controlled landmine blew up a foot patrol of the Filthy NATO invader army terrorists in Kochi Godar Mari Abad Nawa area Tareen Kot city in Uruzgan province, in the blast nine terrorists were killed and three were wounded.
In another report, Monday morning 02-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, the Mujahideen with a remote controlled landmine blew up a foot patrol of the NATO invaders in Darwishan Nawa area Tareen Kot city, in the blast six terrorists were killed and a number of others were wounded.
Destroyed a tank of Filthy NATO invaders killing 4 terrorists in Wardak Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up an armored vehicle of the NATO invaders in Do Aab Tangi area Sayed Abad district Maidan Wardak province. In this powerful explosion, the enemy tank was destroyed, and four terrorists in it were killed, soon after the blast Mujahideen open fire of the enemy, resulting is more losses in the ranks of the enemy.
4 military vehicles and a supplies truck destroyed in Kunduz Tuesday morning 03-11-2009, In the sporadic fighting that continued throughout the day between the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and enemies forces n Kunduz province, resulting in the destruction of four military vehicles and a supplies truck.
Killing 3 puppet army terrorists and seizing their car in Ghazni city Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambusded puppet army terrorists in Jabbar Wal area in Ghazni city, in the ambush Mujahideen killed three terrorists, a car and their weapons were Mujahideen’s booty.
6 puppet army terrorists killed including a commander in Helmand Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed puppet army patrol in Wazir Manda Nehr-e-Siraj area in Garishk district of Helmand province, in the ambush a Ranger vehicle was destroyed, four terrorists were killed, and the commander was wounded.
According to another report, Wednesday morning 04-11-2009, a clash took place between the Mujahideen and puppet army terrorists in a market in Gereshk district, in this clash puppet commander along with one terrorist were killed and three were wounded.
7 puppet police terrorists killed including an translator plus a vehicle destroyed in Khost Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 6 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Kondai area in Khost city, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and six terrorist in it where killed.
In another report, Tuesday noon 03-11-2009 at around 5 pm local time, the Mujahideen gundown an Afghan translator who was working for the American invader forces in Mandozai district of Khost province, the Mujahideen add advice him sever time to stop collaborating with the enemy, but he did not listen.
Mujahideen killed 14 puppet army terrorists in Nimroze Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 6:15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in separate attacks killed fourteen puppet army terrorists in Zaranj city Nimroze province.
Supplies truck burnt down on the road to Kabul-Jalalabad Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 6:15 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a convoy of the supplies convoy of the Invaders on Kabul-Jalalabad road. In the ambush Mujahideen destroyed a supplies truck with an rocket propelled grenades. Soon after the ambushed a face to face fighting took place between the Mujahideen and puppet police terrorists, during which Mujahideen killed four and wounded two.
Killing 7 puppet army terrorists including a commander in Khost Tuesday afternoon 03-11-2009, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with an improvised explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of puppet army commander in Ali Sher district of Khost province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and the puppet commander with his three bodyguards were also killed.
In another report, Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, the Mujahideen with a remote control road bomb blew up a unit of puppet terrorists in Khost province, in the blast three terrorists were killed, among the killed was a puppet commander of the area check post.
Mujahideen killed 7 puppet terrorists, wounded 4 and arrested 3 in Paktia Tuesday afternoon 03-11-2009 at around 2 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a patrol of the puppet army terrorists in Zurmat district of Paktia province. In the ambush Mujahideen killed seven terrorists, wounded four and arrested three, the arrested terrorists were taking to Mujahideen positions, for further investigation.
4 supplies trucks brunt and a vehicle blown up in Badghis Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan armed attack on a patrol of the puppet police in Aas Qamari area in Muqar district of Badghees province, resulting in the destruction of a Ranger vehicle by rocket propelled grenades, killing five terrorists and wounded three others, the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty.
In another report, Wednesday morning 04-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, a solider of puppet army surrendered to the Mujahideen in Muqar district of Badghees province, he also surrendered a Ranger vehicle and a Kalashnikov.
In another report, Tuesday night 03-11-2009, the Mujahideen ambushed a supplies convoy of the invaders in Mangan Band area Marghab district of Badghis province, in the ambush Mujahideen burned four enemy supplies trucks.
Enemy vehicles destroyed and terrorists killed in Kandahar Monday evening 02-11-2009 at around 6 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with landmines blew up two armored vehicles of the NATO invaders in Karezak area in Maiwand district of Kandahar, the vehicles were destroyed when the enemy terrorists were patrolling in the area, all the terrorists in the vehicles were either killed or wounded.
According to another report, Monday evening 02-11-2009, the Mujahideen with an improvised explosive device blew up a Ranger vehicle of the puppet police in Near Khakrez district headquarter of Kandahar province, in the blast the vehicle was destroyed and four terrorists in it were killed and three were wounded.
According to another report, Tuesday afternoon 03-11-2009, fighting took place between the Mujahideen and the NATO invader army and their puppet army terrorists in Argho area in Khakrez district of Kandahar province, in the fighting which lasted for two hours Mujahideen killed seven enemy terrorists and damaged few enemy tanks.
Mujahideen killed 4 puppet army terrorists in Balkh Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 10 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed a foot patrol of the puppet army terrorists in Balkh province, in the ambush Mujahideen killed three terrorists and wounded two, and the weapons of the killed terrorists were Mujahideen’s booty. In another ambush Monday evening 02-11-2009 at around 10 pm local time, the Mujahideen killed one puppet amy terrorist and wounded another in Balkh province.
2 terrorist killed and few vehicles damaged in Logar Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 11 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan ambushed puppet security guards in Durrani area in Bara Kid is Logar province, in the ambush few enemy cars were damaged and two terrorists were killed.
Puppet army district headquarter burned down and 15 terrorists killed in Kunar Tuesday morning 03-11-2009 at around 8 am local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with heavy and light weapons attacked the puppet army Mara Wara district headquarter in Kunar province, the attack last about an hour in which Mujahideen killed fifteen terrorists including a commander and other terrorists manage to escape, propelled grenades, six AK rifles, and other military equipment were Mujahideen’ booty, later the Mujahideen set fire to the headquarter building.
These operations were part of new Nasrat (Victory) operations plan, which was declared by Amir-ul-Mumineen (Leader of the Believers) Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid (May Allah preserve him), leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
O Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the Mujahideen
O Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor; by your order we attack; by your order we retreat and by your order we fight
O Allah, the sky is yours; the earth is yours; the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in earth and sink all their forces in sea
O Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you
O Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did to Pharaoh and his nation
O Allah afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons
O Allah defeat them, destroy them O the All-Strong, the All-Mighty
Allahu Akbar
“Honor, Power and Glory belong to Allah, His Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not”
[Mujahideen military operations against the enemies of Islam in Afghanistan is brought to you by: the official representative of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Information & Media Committee: Qari Muhammad Yousuf covering areas of the South-West and North-West and Zabihullah Mujahid covering areas of South-East and North-East.]
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Oh Allah, direct your forces against America, the centre of kufr and fasad
Asalamu Alaikum:
Mash’Allah another good news reaching us from Texas: more Kafir US soldiers in the Filthy U.S. Army base in Fort Hood, were smoked by the their own today:
“They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason.”
[Surah Al-Hashr, Ayat 14]
Bismillah Rahmaan Raheem.
Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu to everyone,
To all those that use the static-removing Dryer sheets (like Bounce, Downy, etc), when drying your clothes in the Dryer……..
In addition to containing the most Toxic Chemicals – I have received email Confirmation from the above companies, that they add Beef or Lard (pork fat) in these sheets. Hence, after all the effort we make in purifying ourselves and our clothes, we land up contaminating our clothes by using these products.
My family has already stopped using this when drying our clothes and we find no need to have used these dryer sheets. However, if you must use this – Alhamdulillah there are Halal alternatives:
1) You can use StaticEliminator, which is Chemical Free and contains NO animal ingredients.
2) You can also try this, which is organic & plant based:
May Allah curse these Hizb us-Shaytaan and helpers of Dajjal – that are doing their best to contaminate the wealth, food & clothes of not only non-Muslims – but of Muslims as well, by making us live in a perpetual state of impurity. And Allah may not accept our prayers when we are in a state of impurity.
May Allah, Most Gracious forgive us for our ignorance, accept our worship and protect us from all this evil. Ameen.
Allahumma aj’Alnaa mina-Tawwabeen, waj’Alnaa minal-Mutatahhireen. Ameen.
(O Allah, make us of those who turn to you in Repentance, and make us among those who are Purified).
Please share this info with all your Muslim family & friends, as well as any Muslim Forum or blogs you may be contributing to. InshaAllah, you will be contributing in purifying the clothes of a family that may be unknowingly using this Haraam product.
One of the servants of the house of saud who calls himself “Hasan Al-Somali” in the UK and a frequent contributed to the talafi site, desTROID, is claiming that he is putting together a “piece of advice” concerning Sheikh Anwar:
For the record, this donkey is not a man of knowledge, he is not a Sheikh by any means, he has not spent time of any considerable length studying this Deen with any Sheikh, nor did he complete any formal Islamic studies at an Islamic University like the Jami’ in Madinah, yet like his ignorant partner in crime “Abu Khadeejah”, this ignoramus masquerades as a scholar by giving classes online, when he is not qualified by any means. No ijaza’s, nothing. Yet, they consider themselves worthy, and qualified to interpret the works of the great scholars, express their hatred towards the mujahideen, and defend the murtad, taghoot rulers of our time to the bitter end, claiming instead that these rulers of our time (especially the house of saud), is the greatest gift to the Ummah for today. They exort the people to study this Deen, when they themselves don’t. They are silent when the kuffar slaughter and rape our fellow Muslims, and only find a voice to speak out and attack the Mujahideen instead of making excuses for them. May Allah protect us all from the likes of the talafi’s, and May Allah grant Firdaus to Sheikh Anwar, his parents, and his offspring. Ameen.
i think today event at Ford hood has lead to atleast one conclusion good for islam which is that muslims will not be servicing in the army of kuffar even if they want to serve. This is very decisive moment for muslim americans but ishaAllah, Allah will make his religion victorious through means which are unknown to us. And muslims in USA should not be really worried about there living in USA because of this incidence at fort hood. Allah is the provider and sustainer not the US govt or its policy can least harm a muslim who has takhwa
as salaam aliekum wa rahmatullah,
to all the brothers and sisters here who love Allah and his messenger (peace be upon him.
@Jihadfeesabililah, interesting information.
learn arabic then study the seerah and this way no one can tell you that this ayat means this and this ayat means that as you will know, listen to Imam Anwars lifes of the prophets and you will come to know and recognise kuffur in all its ugly manifestations in todays new world dis-order
The American soldiers fight/ kill innocent Muslims in Iraq/ Afghanistan/ Somalia etc.
We should support the Muslims that resist these attackers of our religion.
However, there are ‘muslims’ among us, that remain sillent when the American soldiers kill/ torture our brothers and sisters.
The only moment that we hear from these ‘muslims’ is; when the American soldiers are killed (”victims”).
May Allah (swt) support the Mujahideen all over the world and punish the hypocrites in the Dounya and Aghiraa.
The only question that a Muslim can ask is; Why would a fellow muslim condem an attack on the American forcers?
Why not do doea for the muslim soldier that risked his live to kill 13 American soldiers (who may have fought and killed innocent Muslims in Iraq/ Afghanistan).
US Muslims Condemn Fort Hood Attack, Fear Backlash
American Muslims were united Friday, Friday, November 6, in condemning an attack at a US military base as indiscriminate violence unjustified by any religious or political ideology, fearing a backlash over the incident.
“We make it clearly that the American Muslim community condemns the attack in the strongest possible words,” Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American Muslim Relations (CAIR), told
“No political or religious ideology could ever justify or excuse such wanton and indiscriminate violence.”
Some 13 people were killed and 30 wounded late Thursday in Fort Hood military base in Texas when army psychiatrist, Major Nidal M. Hasan, opened fire at fellow soldiers.
“The incident is horrific,” said imam Shaker Elsayyed, of Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia.
“This is a very unfortunate incident and we feel it is very sad that it took the lives of those who protect us and our country,” added Khaled Iqbal, deputy director of ADAMS Islamic center in Virginia.
Hasan, who was born in the US to Palestinian parents, was shot and taken into custody after the attack.
During his army service, he counseled many US soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Having counseled the traumatized soldiers, Hasan, who was to be deployed to Iraq this month, knew all too well the terrifying realities of the war.
“We are deeply shocked of the random killing of service people and civilians who protect us and our country and we are sending our condolences to all families of the victims,” said Ibrahim Ramey of the Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation.
“We think it is tragic and we condemn it. There is nothing in Islam that tolerates violence.”
Fearing a backlash, Muslim leaders warn that the attack should not be used to target the Muslim community.
“We reject the idea that this incident is motivated by a terrorist ideology of a religious community, which is Islam,” asserted Ramey.
He fears that there would be a possible backlash reaction for the incident and the Muslim community will bear the brunt of it.
“We are deeply concerned about that. We ask the government to stand vigilant and protect the community.”
The anti-Muslim reaction for the Fort Hood rampage emerged fast in Texas.
“Jihad at Fort Hood?” read the headline of a post on the Jihad Watch blog, just moments after Hasan was identified as the perpetrator of the attack.
The Arab-American Institute said it received one threatening call from an unidentified male, shortly after reports of the incident surfaced, and the group, which condemned the attack, said it was expecting more.
CAIR scheduled a Capitol Hill news conference Thursday night to urge calm and said it would be announcing publicly any threats they receive as they occurred – in hopes of dissuading people from making them in the first place.
“We are urging the community leaders to take extra precautions to protect their families and institutions from a possible backlash,” Awad, CAIR Executive Director, said.
American Muslims, estimated at between six to seven million, have been in the eye of storm since the 9/11 attacks, having their faith widely stereotyped and their civil rights eroded by anti-terror laws.
“We are also calling for calm and unity,” Award urged.
“We urge national political and leaders and media professionals to help setting that tone in a time of crisis.”
it’s so funny with these neo-salafi’s they say there going to refute such and such but the problem is for example they will bring quotes of scholars saying stuff about rebelling against the rulers is wrong. ok i agree with that it wrong. but that is only if the rulers are committing sins but if they commit kufer than off with there heads so hasan as-somali try to put some point to show where imam-anwar went wrong like calling for rebelling against the ruler my problem with neo-salafis is they just say you guys are takafiris but they never refute the proof or arguement u bring to show why the rulers are kafirs. so this is how they twist the view they paint a picture of the rulers as been sinners they make it seem that bro’s like imam-anwar dis-like the rulers because they are sinners they never say ok this is were anwar is wrong from what he has brought forth i think what imam-anwar need to do get at the real neo-salafis the way they are blocking the path towards haqq. until today i just dont know how imam-anwar can put an article refuten chowdary when he is not even some one who is really a danger towards islam but yet when ppl like abu khadeeja hasan somali and spubs, troid and the list goes on when these neo-salafi groups spend day and night and promote it heavily in slandering the mujaheedeen warning against jihad and callers to the truth imam-anwar refutes them not im just speaking truth that i see i still wish somebody could bring this attention to imam-anwar ears that he need to take is verbal battle to the the problem within and that is the neo-salafis because we average abdullah’s dont have knowledge to refute but we have a lil’ noor in are hearts wal’ homduillah to be able to see truth from falsehood