2 July 2003. For bountiful information on uranium enrichment centrifuges search Google for "centrifuge cascade."
WISE News Communique on April 26, 1996In Germany, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA - Federal Criminal Police) and Urenco Deutschland confirmed that blueprints of a very advanced gas centrifuge had been stolen and sold to Iraq sometime before 1991. Bonn officials called the matter the worst case of German nuclear export violations ever. The suspected expert, Karl-Heinz Schaab, is a former Urenco scientist, who had left Urenco and "set himself up as a consultant". Schaab and his wife Brigitte were convicted three years ago of having exported a number of carbon fiber centrifuge rotors to Iraq prior to the Gulf War; they were given a suspended prison sentence. Prior to their arrest in Austria, the couple had been sought by German authorities in Brazil. Schaab sold the design of TC-11, a powerful super-critical gas centrifuge to Iraq for less than DM 500,000 (US$350,000).
A bank of centrifuges at a Urenco plant
29 June 2003
Urenco, a UK centrifuge uranium enrichment firm which has plants in the UK, Netherlands and Germany. The firm's web sites provides information on the world market for centrifuge production as well as photographs which show centrifuges similar to that shown in the alleged Iraqi drawings and photos below. Here is a simplified Urenco diagram of a centrifuge used for uranium enhancement although an actual centrifuge is usually more elongated (taller) than this diagram, as shown in the engineering drawing below.
Another centrifuge diagram: http://www.thebulletin.org/issues/1991/m91/m91albrightf03.gif
28 June 2003
On June 26, 2003, the CIA distributed this website update:
Status: U Return-Path: <updates@ain-relay1.net.cia.gov> Received: from ain-relay1.net.cia.gov ([]) by watson.mail.atl.earthlink.net (Earthlink Mail Service) with ESMTP id 19vzBm6RT3Nl3qW0 for <jya@pipeline.com>; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 12:28:00 -0400 (EDT) Received: by ain-relay1.net.cia.gov; id h5QGSgj18871; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 12:28:42 -0400 (EDT) Received: from nodnsquery( by ain-relay1.net.cia.gov via csmap (V6.0) id srcAAA2raaZK; Thu, 26 Jun 03 12:28:40 -0400 Received: from mailhub.ucia.gov by puff.ucia.gov (8.11.6+Sun/ucia internal v1.35 (complaints to postmaster@ucia.gov)) with ESMTP id h5QGRWX22591; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 12:27:32 -0400 (EDT) sender updates for <jya@pipeline.com> Received: by mailhub.ucia.gov id MAA22705; Thu, 26 Jun 2003 12:23:47 -0400 (EDT) sender updates for jya@pipeline.com Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 12:23:47 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <200306261623.MAA22705@mailhub.ucia.gov> From: DCI/CIA Web Site Update <updates@ucia.gov> Subject: DCI/CIA Web Site Update Content-Type: text June 26 - Posted CIA statement and pictures on recently acquired Iraqi Centrifuge Equipment. http://www.cia.gov/cia/wmd/iraqi_centrifuge_equipment.htm
The URL provided six pictures of alleged nuclear-materials-processing centrifuge drawings and actual pieces with explanatory text. Since then the the six pictures have been removed. Here is the text with the six removed pictures.
June 26, 2003CIA Statement on Recently Acquired Iraqi Centrifuge Equipment |
Three images provided by A: