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23 December 2004. One of the Eyeball Series

For the upcoming second inauguration of President Bush, this presents a  survey of presidential protection, assassinations and attempts, at inauguration platforms, White House and its underground bunkers, the Oval Office and presidential retreats, limousines and motorcades, Air Force 1 and Helicopter 1, yacht and fishing boats, golf courses, campaign trails, running and bicycling tracks, world travels and related protection personnel and systems.

George W. Bush William Clinton James Carter
Gerald Ford
John Kennedy
Dwight Eisenhower
Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
Warren Harding
Woodrow Wilson
William Taft
William McKinley
Abraham Lincoln
William Harrison
George W. Bush on 9/11

George H. W. Bush
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon
Lyndon Johnson
Harry Truman
Franklin Roosevelt

Richard Nixon


President Richard M. Nixon dedicates his new administration to the cause of "peace among nations" as former President Lyndon Johnson, right, listens to the inaugural speech Jan. 20, 1969 in Washington. Seated at right is Vice President Spiro Agnew and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. (AP Photo)


The man who shot former Alabama Gov. George Wallace in May 1972 had earlier stalked then-President Richard Nixon during his official visit to Ottawa, according to a Royal Canadian Mounted Police security training video. The RCMP video, obtained by the Calgary Herald newspaper under Canada's Access to Information Act, shows a clean-cut young Arthur Bremer, highlighted by arrow, grinning in a business suit and sunglasses on Parliament Hill 25 years ago Monday, April 14, 1997 as Nixon was inside addressing the House of Commons April 14, 1972. (AP Photo/RCMP)


Republican presidential candidate Richard M. Nixon, center, escorted by Secret Service agents, is pressed by the crowd as he arrives for dinner at Knott's Berry Farm at Buena Park, Ca., Aug. 16, 1968 during his campaign trail. (AP Photo)


Outgoing President Harry Truman stands at left as Richard Nixon, right, raises his right hand to be sworn is as Vice President of the United States by Sen. William Knowland of California, January 20, 1953. Holding the bible is Mark Trice, Secretary of the Senate. (AP Photo)


A huge banner reading "Nixon's the one" is stretched across Chestnut Street in Philadelphia in September, 1968, during the reception for the GOP presidential candidate. Pat Nixon rode in the car with her husband. (AP Photo)


President Nixon walks with his assistant H.R. Haldeman from the Executive Office Building to the White House for the Dec. 19, 1969 Cabinet meeting. The Chief Executive received year-end reports from government oficials at the session. (AP Photo)


U.S. President Richard Nixon and first lady Pat Nixon wave to the crowd from the rooftop opening of their motorcade through New Rochelle, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1972. They are on a campaign tour through Westchester County. (AP Photo)


U.S. President Richard Nixon, right, and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, are engaged in a conversation as they walk together to the White House, in Washington, D.C., on October 31, 1973. (AP Photo)


Re-elected U.S. President Richard Nixon looks out the thick glass window of the Oval Office in the White House in Washington, D.C., Jan. 7, 1973. (AP Photo/Henry Burroughs)


The limousine that was built in 1967 for President Lyndon B. Johnson is viewed by visitors at the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace in Yorba Linda, Calif., Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1996. The modified Lincoln Continental was used by U.S. presidents, including Nixon, until it was retired in 1978. (AP Photo/John Hayes)


The U.S. presidential yacht Sequoia, carrying President Richard Nixon and his family, returns to port after a late-afternoon cruise on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., Monday, Aug. 5, 1974. A few hours earlier Nixon made his latest Watergate disclosure. (AP Photo)


President Richard Nixon, center left, is engaged in a conversation with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, center right, while sailing down the Potomac River aboard the yacht "Sequoia,"on June 19, 1973. Seen on the left are Alexey Kosygin, U.S.S.R. Premier, and Henry Kissinger, with glasses; on the right are Breshznev, interpreter Viktor Zukhowrev, Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynan, and Secretary of the Treasury George P.Shultz. Others are unidentified. (AP Photo)


A "President's Eyes Only" folder sits on the bed used by presidents aboard the yacht Sequoia, Wednesday, July 31, 2002 in Washington. The yacht, first recruited by President Herbert Hoover, was reportedly one of the few places in Washington where President Richard Nixon felt comfortable. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)


A "President's Eyes Only" folder sits on the bed used by presidents aboard the yacht Sequoia, Wednesday, July 31, 2002 in Washington. The yacht, first recruited by President Herbert Hoover, was reportedly one of the few places in Washington where President Richard Nixon felt comfortable. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Lyndon Johnson


A distant view of Lyndon Johnson, shown taking the oath of office, during the inauguration ceremonies in front of the Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C., on January 20, 1965. Joining him are Lady Bird Johnson, Dean Rusk, and Earl Warren. (AP Photo)


The motorcade bearing President Johnson to the Capitol for his inauguration moves along Pennsylvania Avenue, January 20, 1965. Police on motorcycles lead the way. Johnson is in a closed car at lower center with Secret Service agents on the bumper. Another car full of Secret Service men is close by. (AP Photo)


Lyndon B. Johnson leaves Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, after learning that the President Kennedy had been assassinated. This is the only known moving picture of Johnson at Parkland that day. The 45 minute silent, black and white film has been turned over to the Assassination Records Review Board, the independent agency created by Congress to compile public record on the assassination. Johnson was sworn in as president a short time later. (The Dallas Morning News via AP Photo)


President Lyndon Johnson peers from his automobile as he leaves his Washington home on Nov. 23, 1963 for the White House. Johnson was sworn in shortly after the assasination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Tx. on Nov. 22. (AP Photo/stf)


This is a December 4, 1963 photo of Rufus W. Youngblood shaking hands with President Johnson after receiving the Treasury Exceptional Service Award. Youngblood is the secret service agent who was honored for throwing himself on top of Lyndon Johnson to protect him during the assassination of President Kennedy. (AP Photo)


A crowd of American soldiers swarm around U.S. President Johnson on Oct. 26, 1966 shortly after his arrival at Cam Rahn Bay in South Vietnam visiting troops during the war. (AP Photo)