See also:
Department of Homeland Security/FBI's Terrorist Threats to the U.S. Homeland Reporting Guide for Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource Owners and Operators:
Department of Homeland Security's Safeguarding Sensitive but Unclassified (For Official Use Only) Information:
19 January 2005. For a description of the Homeland Security Operations Center and use of briefs like those below see an informative Washington Post story of May 2004:
19 January 2005. In response to an inquiry: Cryptome received from A. most of the files below in PDF format, converted them to HTML and published on 17 January. The next day a person pointed out many of these plus a few others were available in Google caches. Cryptome found numerous HTML conversions in the Google caches, although none of the original PDFs were accessible.
The original Google source site, https://www.ea.doe.gov/, appears to have been withdrawn. This is, was, DoE's "Energy Assurance" site, and many of its Web offerings remain online as cached files.
The cached HTMLs remain available on Google; search on "homeland security operations morning brief" and at the bottom of the search results click on "repeat the search with the omitted results included."
Here's a tally of the PDFs Cryptome received and the Google-cached HTMLs.
PDFs Received from A. | Google-Cached HTMLs |
27 September 2004 29 September 2004 30 September 2004 |
8 October 2004 14 October 2004 19 October 2004 26 October 2004 |
2 November 2004 9 November 2004 16 November 2004 17 November 2004 19 November 2004 22 November 2004 26 November 2004 29 November 2004 |
26 November 2004 29 November 2004 |
1 December 2004 10 December 2004 15 December 2004 16 December 2004 17 December 2004 20 December 2004 21 December 2004 22 December 2004 23 December 2004 27 December 2004 28 December 2004 29 December 2004 30 December 2004 |
1 December 2004 3 December 2004 9 December 2004 10 December 2004 16 December 2004 20 December 2004 21 December 2004 22 December 2004 23 December 2004 27 December 2004 29 December 2004 30 December 2004 |
3 January 2005 4 January 2005 6 January 2005 |
3 January 2005 4 January 2005 5 January 2005 6 January 2005 7 January 2005 10 January 2005 11 January 2005 12 January 2005 13 January 2005 14 January 2005 |
19 January 2005. A person claiming to be a Department of Energy contractor telephoned this morning to ask in a friendly manner if these briefs could be removed. We said no. He said, "I didn't think so. But the briefs are for official use only, couldn't they be removed." We said no, the briefs provide good public information. He said, "okay, thanks for talking to me." A courteous homeland security contractor, that's good news, unlike the briefs.
18 January 2005. Thanks to A., add 9 briefs from Google caches: 3 December 2004, 9 December 2004, 5 January 2005, 7 January 2005, 10 January 2005, 11 January 2005, 12 January 2005, 13 January 2005 and 14 January 2005.
17 January 2005. Thanks to A. Additional briefs welcomed; send to jya@pipeline.com
Briefs below were transcribed from PDF originals. [Sample header]
________________ [Sample footer]
September 2004 | October 2004 | November 2004 | December 2004 | January 2005 |
27 September 2004 29 September 2004 30 September 2004 |
8 October 2004 14 October 2004 19 October 2004 26 October 2004 |
2 November 2004 9 November 2004 16 November 2004 17 November 2004 19 November 2004 22 November 2004 26 November 2004 29 November 2004 |
1 December 2004 3 December 2004 9 December 2004 10 December 2004 15 December 2004 16 December 2004 17 December 2004 20 December 2004 21 December 2004 22 December 2004 23 December 2004 27 December 2004 28 December 2004 29 December 2004 30 December 2004 |
3 January 2005 4 January 2005 5 January 2005 6 January 2005 7 January 2005 10 January 2005 11 January 2005 12 January 2005 13 January 2005 14 January 2005 |
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
27 September 2004
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) INTERNATIONAL: Commercial Flight Bound for U.S. Diverted due to Bomb Threat. According to CBP Reporting, on 26 September, an Olympic Airways flight from Athens to JFK International Airport was diverted to London following three anonymous phone calls to an Athens news station stating that a bomb was aboard the aircraft. British military aircraft escorted the flight into Londons Stansted International Airport and landed without incident. All passengers, carry-on items, and checked baggage were re-screened with negative results. Due to flight hour restrictions, the aircraft was canceled until 27 September. (CBP Morning Report, 26 Sep 04; HSOC 3576-04)
2. (FOUO) MAINE: Suspicious Persons in Southwest Harbor. According to 23 September USCG reporting, a concerned citizen reported suspicious behavior by three men of possible Middle Eastern descent at a convenience store located in Southwest Harbor. The men were asking if any local businesses rented power boats, kayaks, or bikes. The men were driving a maroon-colored van with Florida license plates. The reporting citizen stated that although he initially thought the mens behavior was suspicious, he did not think to report it, until he learned that the Queen Mary II would be making a port visit to Bar Harbor on 27 September. An investigation is ongoing. (COGARD Southwest Harbor; 23 Sep 04; HSOC 3577-04)
3. (FOUO) UTAH: Subject Arrested for Making Threats to Senators Office. According to FPS reporting, on 22 September, in Salt Lake City, as the result of a joint investigation with the U.S. Capitol Police, an FPS Special Agent arrested an individual who had threatened a Congressional staff member. Reportedly, on 13 September, the arrested individual had contacted the Salt Lake City offices of Senator Hatch and threatened to kill one of the office staff members. On 23 September, the individual was arraigned and remanded into the custody of the U.S. Marshal Service. He will undergo a psychological evaluation. (CCN: D04017091; HSOC 3578-04)
4. (FOUO) MASSACHUSETTS: Possible Video Surveillance of Interstate Highway. According to military reporting, on 22 September, in Lexington, a military member reported observing four Middle Eastern individuals standing on an I-95 overpass videotaping the northbound traffic and recording information into a notebook. Reportedly, the same military member recalled observing two of the individuals on the same overpass in late February or early March 2004. (AFOSI Talon 102-23-09-04-2297; 23 Sep 04; HSOC 3579-04)
5. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Security Breach at National City Terminals. According to USCG reporting, on 23 September, in San Diego, a dock worker reported that a soaking wet male was sitting on the dock at the National City Terminal. When questioned by the dock worker, the man stated that his boat had been overturned and he swam to the dock. When security was notified, the man climbed the fence before he could be questioned. San Diego harbor shore and water units responded but could not locate the individual or any signs of an overturned vessel. An investigation is underway. (USCG Operational Summary, 25 Sep 04; HSOC 3580-04)
6. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Two Incidents of Suspicious Surveillance of the Chicago METRA Trains. According to Illinois State Police reporting, on 24 September, in Chicago, there were two separate suspicious incidents of photographic surveillance that took place at local METRA Stations. The first surveillance incident involved a named individual and occurred at the LaSalle METRA station. The second incident involved a Mexican citizen and took place at the Kensington METRA station. The Illinois State Police is investigating these incidents. (JRIES, 24 Sep 04; HSOC 3559-04 and 3560-04)
7. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Investigation Uncovers Precursors for Explosives. According to law enforcement reporting, on 24 September, in Long Island, Nassau County police noticed an individual who had just gotten out of the water near the Atlantic Beach Bridge. During a consensual search of his vehicle, police found chemicals, batteries, and electronic equipment. A search of the individuals residence revealed inert 40mm grenades, re-primed grenades, rolls of fuse, a loaded handgun, items possibly used in the formulation of explosives, miscellaneous fireworks, and exploded debris. The individual is a naturalized citizen of the U.S. who has a military special operations background from 1968 to 1970. (HSIN updates 25 Sep 04; HSOC 3581-04)
8. (FOUO) U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: Chemical Bomb Threat to Airport. According to BTS reporting, on 24 September, at the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport in St. Croix, CBP officers reported that the airport received a chemical bomb threat against the airport from an anonymous male caller with an Arabic accent. Authorities immediately evacuated the airport and notified the appropriate response agencies to search the airport. No bomb was discovered and airport operations were resumed. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 26 Sep 04; HSOC 3570-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) FLORIDA: ICE Agents Arrest Weapons Trafficker with Possible Ties to Terrorist Groups. According to ICE reporting, on 28 September, in Miami, ICE agents arrested a named individual for violations of the Arms Export Control Act. The named individual has been under investigation for his involvement with a South Florida-based weapons trafficking organization with alleged ties to several terrorist groups. Reportedly, the named individual was a primary supplier of ammunition and weapons to those terrorist organizations. (ICE Daily Summary Report, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3628-04)
2. (FOUO) FLORIDA: Suspicious Photographing and Videotaping of High-Rise Buildings Including the Main Street Bridge and the Skyway. According to 25 September Jacksonville Regional Domestic Security Task Force reporting, in downtown Jacksonville, an off-duty police officer reported seeing one of three people, whom he described as Middle Eastern in appearance, photographing and videotaping high-rise buildings, to include the Main Street Bridge and the Skyway. When the off-duty police officer pulled alongside the minivan, the individual with the camera immediately put it down, and the minivan departed the area. The off-duty police officer reported the minivans license plate and description. The registration showed the minivan was maroon, while the vehicle the officer saw appeared gray. An investigation is on-going. (FDLE Daily Brief, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3629-04)
3. (FOUO) GREECE / UNITED STATES: Bomb Threat to Commercial Airliner. According to TSA reporting, on 28 September, a Greek newspaper received an anonymous bomb threat to an Olympic Airways flight from Athens to JFK. As a precautionary measure, Olympic Airways officials had the aircraft diverted to Shannon, Ireland for security screening. Irish authorities searched the aircraft with negative results. This is the second such anonymous bomb threat against Olympic Airways in the past week. (TSA, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3615-04)
4. (FOUO) WASHINGTON / CALIFORNIA: Suspicious Activity at USCG Group San Francisco. According to USCG reporting, on 23 September, Coast Guard members observed two individuals in a blue van taking pictures of the Bay Bridge and surrounding area in front of USCG Group San Franciscos main gate. The license plates were traced to a jewelry store address in Seattle, Washington. Additional checks revealed that the two individuals were not owners, employed or had any association with the store. An investigation is on-going. (COGARD San Francisco, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3630-04)
5. (FOUO) OREGON: Individual in Pakistan Soliciting Information. According to Oregon Police Bureau reporting, on 28 September, an individual, claiming to be in Pakistan, solicited information from multiple hotels in the Portland area. The named individual has been requesting that all the information be sent to him in Pakistan. (Oregon Police Bureau, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3623-04)
6. (FOUO) MASSACHUSETTS: CBP Deny Entry to Alien with Criminal Record. According to BTS reporting, on 23 September, at Bostons Logan International Airport, CBP inspectors encountered Hamza Mohamed ABDELGHANY (DOB: 04/01/1972; Alien #: A97513890; COC: Egypt; Egyptian PPN: 88397) who arrived from Italy and presented himself as a visitor for pleasure. During secondary screening, CBP inspectors found ABDELGHANY to be a match to a U.S. VISIT confirmed watch list. Further CBP research revealed ABDELGHANY was the subject of TECS and NAILS records. Additionally, he had a history of criminal charges and immigration violations. CBP inspectors denied his entry and returned to Italy. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 27 Sep 04; HSOC 3631-04)
7. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Canada Citizen Denied Entry into the U.S. for possible Terrorist Connections. According to CBP reporting, on 28 September, in Buffalo at the Niagara Falls Port of Entry (POE), CBP Inspector encountered Sami ULLAH (DOB 03/21/1982; COC: Canada; POB Afghanistan) in a vehicle bearing an Ontario, Canada license plate (ATFB203). CBP inspectors determined that ULLAH was naturalized as a citizen of Canada in August 2004, having previously been a citizen of Afghanistan with refugee status in Canada. During secondary inspection, CBP inspectors determined that in July 2002, the Department of State had revoked his visa for possible terrorist connections. CBP determined ULLAH to be inadmissible and returned him to Canada. (CBP Morning Report 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3632-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[3 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) NORWAY: Passenger Attacks Pilots with Axe. According to TSA reporting, on 29 September, an Algerian passenger on a Norwegian commuter plane attacked two pilots and one passenger with an axe as the aircraft was landing in Bodoe. The plane landed safely with seven passengers on board, some of whom subdued the attacker. Reportedly, Injuries were reported to be minor. The Algerian was immediately arrested and taken into custody. (TSA, 29 Sep 04; Press, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3636-04)
2. (FOUO) LOUISIANA: Helicopter Crashes in Gulf of Mexico / Unrelated Bomb Threat. According to Louisiana Office of Homeland Security reporting, on 29 September, a helicopter owned by the Panther Company crashed into the Gulf of Mexico due to mechanical failure. All four crew members were recovered and uninjured. Shortly before the crash, a bomb threat was made to the Panther Company headquarters. An initial investigation determined the bomb threat was non-credible and was not related to the crash of the helicopter. (HLSEP, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3641-04)
3. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: Suspicious Activity of Two Middle Eastern Males on Ferry. According to USCG reporting, on 27 September, in Seattle, two Middle Eastern males were observed studying the schematic of the Wenatchee Ferry for an extended period of time. As soon as the two males noticed an employee approaching, they immediately walked away from the schematic and picked up a magazine to ward off attention. At the end of the voyage, the two males returned to their vehicle. A license plate check revealed the vehicle belonged to a rental company. Information from the rental company on the vehicle indicated that it was a rented to a business located in Tukwila. The business was unable to be located. An investigation is on-going. (COGARD FIST Seattle, 28 Sep 04; HSOC 3657-04)
4. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Evacuated when CTX Machine Detects Possible Military Explosive. According to TSA reporting, on 29 September, at Los Angeles International Airport, a CTX machine detected a possible military-grade explosive at a ticket counter. A further search discovered the source to be a passengers item, described as a rocket launcher. This item had reportedly been converted to a laser simulator training tool for the U.S. military. The passenger was interviewed and cleared by Federal and local law enforcement. (TSA TSOC reporting, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3645-04)
5. (FOUO) VIRGINIA: Extradition Warrant Issued for Peruvian in ICE Custody. According to ICE reporting, on 24 September, in Alexandria, ICE agents reported that the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia issued an extradition warrant for Peruvian national Wilmer YARLEQUE-Ordinola, (DOB: 11/09/1959, Alien nr: A79479669) who is in ICE custody while in removal proceedings. YARLEQUE is a member of the paramilitary Colima Group and is wanted in Peru for the alleged murder of more than 24 people, including activist students, reporters, and union organizers. Upon coming to the U.S., YARLEQUE was denied an application for asylum, and subsequently arrested and convicted for working with counterfeit documents. YARLEQUE is being transferred to U.S. Marshals custody to comply with the extradition warrant. (ICE Daily Operational Summary, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3658-04)
6. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: ICE Agents Arrest Human Rights Violator. According to ICE reporting, on 28 September, in Bakersfield, ICE agents arrested Guatemalan national and admitted human rights violator Abel JUAREZ-Reyes. On 24 September, an immigration judge in San Francisco ordered JUAREZ deported from the U.S. JUAREZ, who had applied for asylum in the U.S., admitted to the judge that he had committed numerous human rights violations while in Guatemala. JUAREZ is now in ICE custody pending removal. (ICE Daily Operational Summary, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3659-04)
7. (FOUO) MAINE: Citizen of Canada - Subject of TIPOFF record. According to BTS reporting, on 29 September, at the Houlton Port of Entry (POE), CBP inspectors encountered Karim MEXIANE ((DOB: 10/29/1959; COC: Canada; COB: Algeria; Algerian PPN: JE852172). MEXIANE applied for admission as a non-immigrant. CBP inspectors determined that MEZIANE was the subject of a TIPOFF record match as a possible leader of a terrorist group or cell. CBP inspectors notified ICE and JTTF, and ICE responded to interview MEXIANE. CBP inspectors determined that MEZIANE was inadmissible and returned MEXIANE to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Sep 04; HSOC 3660-04)
8. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: Possible Stolen Railroad Vehicle. According to USCG reporting, on 27 September, in Morristown, a white, 1997 Chevy C-35 crew cab pickup with rail wheels was reported stolen from the Morristown rail yard. The VIN# is 1GCGC##R8VF011446, and the license is NY plate #58109JG. The vehicle has an M & E diamond insignia on the doors and the front quarter panels are labeled HRC 405. The vehicle is equipped to operate on the rail lines and could have access to multiple critical infrastructures on the branch lines such as refineries, factories, plants, and port terminals. (USCG Field Incident Report, 29 Sep 04; HSOC 3661-04)
9. (FOUO) NEW YORK: CBP Inspectors Refused Entry to Citizen of CanadaSubject of TIPOFF Record. According to CBP reporting, on 29 September, at the Champlain Port of Entry (POE), CBP inspectors encountered Mohamad Hussein DEAIBES (DOB: 12/20/1956; COC: Canada; COB: Lebanon), who arrived on board a Greyhound bus. During CBP secondary inspection, CBP inspectors determined that DEAIBES had been refused entry to the U.S. on twelve separate occasions. Further CBP research revealed DEAIBES to be the subject of a TIPOFF record for involvement in money laundering activities and possible support to terrorism. CBP inspectors notified appropriate law enforcement entities. Subsequent to CBP and JTTF interviews, DEAIBES was refused entry and returned to Canada. (CBP Morning Report, 30 Sep 04; HSOC 3661-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[1 Page.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Possible Infrastructure Surveillance. According to New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) reporting, a suspicious male, Soni RAVINDRA (DOB: 12/03/1977 or 03/12/1977; COC: India), was observed videotaping infrastructure, railroad locations, and roadway bridges. MTA authorities detained RAVINDRA for questioning. An investigation is on-going. (MTA JRIES, 7 Oct 04; HSOC 3784-04)
2. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Activity. According to Nassau County Police Department reporting, on 7 October, Nassau County Police officers arrested an individual who claimed to be a Canadian citizen on charges of Driving While Intoxicated. During an inventory of his personal property, officers discovered directions to a storage facility in Port Washington located in the northern part of the county. When questioned about the directions, the individual claimed he had placed plastic bags in the storage facility because he was planning to open a dollar store in Manhattan. Additionally, although he claimed to be visiting friends in the area, the individual was unable to provide any names or locations that he had visited. An investigation is on-going. (Nassau County PD; 7 Oct 04; HSOC 3790-04)
3. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: CBP Inspectors Remove Nigerian Citizen Attempting to Enter U.S. with Photo-Substituted Passport. According to CBP reporting, on 7 October, at Detroits Metropolitan International Airport, Olaniyi M. JOHNSON (DOB: 03/14/1972, COC: Nigeria; Nigerian PP nr: A1526547; U.S. issued B1 visa foil #51717051), applied for admission into the U.S. CBP inspectors noticed JOHNSONs passport photo did not match the visa photo and referred him to secondary screening. During secondary screening, CBP inspectors determined that JOHNSON had substituted his photograph into his twin brothers [Emmanuel JOHNSON] passport to visit a friend in Florida. CBP inspectors denied entry to JOHNSON. (CBP Morning Report, 8 Oct 04; HSOC 3795-04)
4. (FOUO) PUERTO RICO: Suspicious Item in Checked Baggage. According to TSA reporting, on 7 October, at the San Juan International Airport, a cardboard box within a checked bag alarmed for TNT during screening, and twice during a check by K-9s. The package belonged to a husband and wife traveling with their children. The package appeared to be a laptop computer with inconsistent wiring attached. EOD personnel subsequently cleared the cardboard box. An investigation is on-going to determine as to why the package alarmed. (TSA, 7 Oct 04, HSOC 3786-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) WISCONSIN: Suspicious Photography of Petroleum Tank Farms. According to USCG reporting, on 11 October, at the Port of Milwaukee, a petroleum storage tank facility employee observed an unidentified male photographing the area with a large telephoto lens. The unidentified male photographed two neighboring petroleum facilities and the railroad tracks adjacent to both facilities. The employee attempted to confront the male and when the male noticed him approaching, he returned to his vehicle and departed the area. The individual was described as slim with dark hair, no facial hair, and driving a dark blue Honda Accord with Wisconsin license tags. Facility security personnel notified local authorities; an investigation is on-going. (COGARD MSO Milwaukee, 13 Oct 04; HSOC 3864-04)
2. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Suspicious Activity at Andrews AFB Main Gate. According to military reporting, on 12 October, Andrews AFB security officers observed a possible Middle Eastern male photographing the main gate area using what appeared to be a small, disposable camera. When a security officer approached the individual to question him, the unidentified male left the gate area, walked across the street, met up with another individual believed to also be of Middle Eastern origin, entered a white, late-model Pontiac Grand Am and quickly departed the area. Reportedly, a possible Middle Eastern female was sitting in the back of the vehicle. (AFOSI Talon 331-12-10-04-2484, 12 Oct 04; HSOC 3876-04)
3. (FOUO) LOUISIANA: Suspicious Photography of Chemical Facility. According to the Shell Chemical Company, on 13 October, in Geismar, Shell Chemical security personnel observed two males taking photographs of the Shell Chemical facilities including the electrical grid and chemical tanker trucks. The security personnel contacted local authorities who responded to question the individuals. Their investigation revealed that both individualsone Asian and one Caucasianwere British citizens with valid U.S. visas who stated they were on a one month vacation and were fascinated by chemical plants. They were driving a rental car with Florida tags which they had rented in New York. The Asian male had several visa stamps in his passport for countries in the Middle East. Reportedly, in their possession, they carried several newspaper clippings related to the 9/11 attacks. This information has been passed to the appropriate authorities. (NICC Report, 13 Oct 04; HSOC 3874-04)
4. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Questions Concerning Power Plant Operations. According to Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation security personnel, on 13 October, an Allegany Power Plant employee observed three Caucasian males in a white Toyota compact car parked outside the gate of the Power Plant. When the employee approached the gate, one of the vehicles occupants asked about the fuel used to generate power at the Plant. The employee told the occupant he could not provide information concerning the power plant, and that the vehicle needed to depart immediately. Allegany Power Plant security personnel notified the New York State Police who are investigating this incident. (HSOC Call-In, 13 Oct 04; HSOC 3877-04)
5. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Canadian Citizen / Subject of Terrorist TIPOFF Denied Entry to U.S. According to BTS reporting, on 12 October, Canadian citizen, and Algerian national, Mebarek MEGUITIF, (DOB: 02/23/1966), applied for admission at the Champlain Port of Entry in New York. He was traveling in a commercial tractor-trailer bearing Arizona license plates. MEGUITIF presented a Canadian Citizenship Card (# 6897321) and a Quebec-issued drivers license (M2316-230266-05). CBP identified MEGUITIF as the subject of a TIPOFF record as a possible threat if entering the U.S. and as a Department of State Visa Revocation Lookout which indicated his non-immigrant visa was revoked for possible association with terrorism. ICE and JTTF responded to interview MEGUITIF. CBP determined MEGUITIF to be inadmissible to the U.S. and he returned to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations Report,14 Oct 04; HSOC 3875-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: Suspicious Activity. According to a security manager at JP Morgan, on 16 October, at the JP Morgan International Plaza in Dallas, JP Morgan security personnel observed an Asian male taking photographs in the vicinity of the Plaza complex. When approached by security personnel, the individual claimed to be a Fannie Mae employee and identified himself with a Virginia drivers license. Security officials denied permission to photograph the facility and requested that the individual depart the property. The individual complied with the request and departed the Plaza. (JP Morgan Security; HSOC 3947-04)
2. (FOUO) MISSOURI: Suspicious Telephone Calls. According to military reporting, on 15 October, at Whiteman Air Force Base [home base for the B-2 bomber], an unknown male, described as having a heavy Middle Eastern accent, telephonically contacted the 509 th Munitions Squadron, claiming that he represented a not-for-profit organization and wanted to confirm the squadrons address. Reportedly, when questioned about his organization, the unknown caller became belligerent and ended the phone call. On 16 October, another member of the 509 th Munitions Squadron received a call at his residence on his personal cellular telephone from an unknown individualalso described as having a Middle Eastern accentwho solicited information related to Whiteman AFB, where the military member worked, and other operationally related questions. The military member did not provide any information to the caller and hung up. An investigation is on-going. (USAF Talon Report, 207-18-10-04-2533, 18 Oct 04; HSOC 3953-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW HAMPSHIRE: Photography of Critical Infrastructure. According to ConEd Energy security personnel, on 16 October, at the Newington Power Plant, a ConEd employee observed two white males in a parked vehicle near the Plant fence line. Reportedly, the vehicles passenger was taking photographs of the Plant using a telephoto lens. The area being photographed included Anhydrous Ammonia storage tanks and the loading dock area. When the employee approached the vehicle and called to the occupants, the vehicle departed. The Newington Police Department is investigating this incident. (ConEd Energy e-mail, 18 Oct 04; HSOC 3948-04)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
(FOUO) IOWA / UTAH: Weapon Images Stenciled on Electrical Boxes. According to Chicago Police Department reporting, silhouettes of machine guns have been stenciled on electrical boxes in Iowa and Utah (pictured below). Please pass any similar or related incidents or further information to Paul DeRosa, (312) 745-6190 at the Chicago PD; or, to the JRIES desk in the HSOC. (Chicago PD, 18 Oct 04; HSOC 3944-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Train Derailment and HAZMAT Leak. According to the Department of Transportation, on 25 October, near Detroit, nine cars of an 81-car Canadian National Railroad train derailed. Four of the derailed cars were carrying methyl alcohola flammable liquid. One of the four cars developed a leak and local authorities evacuated a one-mile radius for precautionary measures. Reportedly, rail officials quickly contained the leak. A preliminary police investigation revealed no evidence of terrorist or criminal activity; however, their investigation is continuing. (DOT e-mail, 25 Oct 04; HSOC 4063-04)
2. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Possible Surveillance Activity. According to the Illinois State Terrorism Intelligence Center (STIC), on 22 October, in Joliet, at a worksite at the McDonough Street Bridge, a construction foreman observed a male of possible Middle Eastern origin taking photographs of the bridge. When the foreman told the unidentified male to leave, the individual became upset and continued to photograph nearby buildings before departing the area. Reportedly, the individual left in a Chevrolet Cavalier with Minnesota plates which have been traced back to a finance company in Boca Raton, Florida. (Illinois State Police STIC, 25 Oct 04; HSOC 4065-04)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Suspicious Activity. According to Illinois State Police reporting, on 25 October, in Joliet, at the Flint Hills Resources site (formally a BP-Amoco facility) , a security guard reported that a motorized parachute gilder flew over the perimeter of the facility. Reportedly, during the previous week, four similar gliders flew over the site. The guard stated he knew of a training facility for this activity on the east side of Joliet. The Illinois State Police Terrorism and Intelligence Center is requesting information regarding similar incidents. Contact Kacy Brewer (217)524-6559 (ISP, 21 Oct 04; HSOC 4085-04)
2. (FOUO) SOUTH CAROLINA: Unknown Possible Gang Symbol on Military Uniform. According to JRIES reporting, a commander at the Fort Jackson U.S. Army Training Center reported an unknown possible gang symbol drawn on a military cap belonging to a soldier in training. The symbol, seen below, is a numeral 8 with 777 resting on the top of the 8. Anyone with information as to the meaning or possible gang relation of this symbol is requested to contact: Gunnery Sergeant Cindy A. Whetzel, USMC Criminal Intelligence Fusion Center at Quantico, VA, at (703) 784-2962 or Fax (703) 784-2733 (JRIES, Oct 25 04; HSOC 4086-04)
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[1 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) VIRGINIA: $140,000 Bound for Saudi Arabia Seized at Airport. According to ICE reporting, on 31 October, at Dulles International Airport, Mohammad INAYAT was stopped for inspection prior to his boarding a flight to Saudi Arabia. During inspection, INAYAT reported to only have $8,000 on his person. During the inspection, inspectors found two endorsed checks totaling $133,700 and $8,200 in cash. The checks and the U.S. currency were seized at that time. (ICE Daily Operational Report, 1 Nov 04; HSOC 4207-04)
2. (FOUO) TEXAS: Suspicious Photography. According to JP Morgan Plaza Security Officer reporting, on 1 November, in Dallas, the security officers reported seeing a Spanish looking middle aged male photographing the facility. The security officers approached the man and asked him to cease taking photographs of the facility, stating that it was private property and that no pictures are allowed to be taken. The middle aged male stated that he was one of the buildings original design engineers. The man offered no identification to security; he left the property without incident. (Security Officers JP Morgan Plaza/JRIES, 1 Nov 04; HSOC 3753-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Videotaping of Critical Infrastructure. According to concerned citizen reporting, on 1 November, on the Verrazzano Narrows Suspension Bridge, Staten Island, the concerned citizen observed subjects filming the bridge from a car. The driver was identified as a dark skinned male. The passenger place the video camera on the dash after being signaled to stop filming by the concerned citizen. (Call-In/JRIES, 1 Nov 04; HSOC 4193-04)
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[1 Page.]
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Taliban Spokesman Arraigned for Tax Fraud. According to press reporting, on 6 November, in Manhattan, Nasrollah ZADRAN was arraigned on four counts of tax evasion. ZADRAN was formerly a top spokesman for the Taliban government in Afghanistan, dispatched to the U.S. as a representative to the UN. Prosecutors allege ZADRAN failed to report income from his job as first secretary for the U.S. office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on his 1998-2001 tax returns. (Press; HSOC 4293-04)
2. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: U.S. Citizens in Possession of Stolen and Contraband Items. According to Illinois Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center reporting, on 7 November, three U.S. Citizens were arrested for possession of a stolen police officers badge, ammunition, drugs, and a military grade smoke grenade. (Illinois STIC; ; HSOC 4295-04)
3. (FOUO) TENNESSEE: Positive No-Fly Listee at Nashville. According to TSA reporting, on 8 November, at the Nashville airport, a legal permanent resident attempted to board a flight to Philadelphia, with a continuing flight to Montreal. Law enforcement determined the individual is a positive hit on the No-Fly list, and denied him boarding. The individual was released. (TSA ; HSOC 4302-04)
4. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Positive No-Fly Listee at Chicago. According to TSA reporting, on 8 November, at Chicago (ORD), a No-Fly listee landed on a flight from Jordan. Law Enforcement determined the individual was on the No-Fly list, and after an interview downgraded the individual to the Selectee list. (TSA ; HSOC 4310-04)
5. (FOUO) GEORGIA: False Identification. According to TSA reporting, on 8 November, at the Atlanta airport, a passenger signing up for standby seating presented a Sky Marshall badge. The individual did not sign in to fly as an armed LEO. TSA confirmed with DOJ and FAM that he is not an employee of either organization. When the individual arrived for the flight, he was taken into custody for questioning to determine the nature of his Sky Marshall badge. (TSA Email; HSOC 4315-04)
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[1 Page.]
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) NETHERLANDS / UNITED STATES: Ukraine Nationals Attempt to Travel to U.S. with Photo-substituted Visas. According to CBP reporting, on 15 November, in Amsterdam, CBP officers advised the NTC that Nurillo NEGMATOV (COC: Ukraine; DOB: 04/01/1975) was attempting to board KLM flight 641 for JFK International Airport with a photo-substituted visa. CBP officers subsequently denied boarding to NEGMATOV. Additional research revealed NEGMATOV had a contact listed in his airline reservation which matched the contact information provided by Nataliya SHVORAK (DOB: 02/24/1980)another passenger who had already boarded the KLM flight to JFK International Airport. Research revealed that on 27 September, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev had refused a visa for SHVORAK because her Ukrainian passport (AM782866) contained altered entry and exit stamps from the United Kingdom. CBP officers passed the information to CBP officials at JFK International Airport and a lookout was placed in the Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) for SHVORAK, as possibly having a photo-substituted U.S. non-immigrant visa. Upon her arrival at JFK International Airport, SHVORAK applied for admission into the U.S. as a visitor for pleasure. She presented her Ukrainian passport with U.S. B1/B2 (visitor) non-immigrant visa (foil nr: 68317850). At secondary screening, CBP officers determined that her visa was photo-substituted and her passport had an altered 1 August 2001 departure stamp from Dover, England. During a CBP interview, SHVORAK admitted that she had purchased the altered visa for $2,000 and that the purpose of her trip to the U.S. was to find employment. CBP officers determined SHVORAK to be inadmissible and denied her entry into the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 16 Nov 04; HSOC 4382-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: Water Supply Tampering. According to reporting from the Texas Department of Public Safety, on 16 November, at the water treatment plant in Itasca, an unidentified individual broke into the water treatment plant and increased the chlorine input in the watermaking the water poisonous. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) responded to test the residual chlorine levels. After testing, TCEQ toxicologists advised that the chlorine levels in the water were safe for human consumption at the tap. At this time, no illness has been reported. Additional security measures have been instituted at the facility. TCEQ, local law enforcement, and Federal law enforcement are continuing to investigate. (Texas Operations Center e-mail, 16 Nov 04; HSOC 4390-04)
2. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Videotaping of LaGuardia Airport and Adjacent Skagg-Walsh Oil Terminal. According to USCG reporting, on 15 November, a Skagg-Walsh Oil Terminal manager observed two unidentified males videotaping LaGuardia Airport and fuel transfer operations at the adjacent Skagg-Walsh oil terminal. When he informed the unidentified males that videotaping was prohibited, the two men ignored him and continued videotaping. The manager stated both unidentified males may have had Russian accents. Authorities were notified and an investigation is on-going. (COGARD FIST New York, 15 Nov 04; HSOC 4393-04)
3. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Divers Find Second IED in the Rouge River. According to USCG reporting, on 10 November, in Detroit, while performing a training dive, Detroit Police Department (DPD) divers found a second improvised explosive device (IED) in the Rouge River. On 3 November, DPD divers found the first IED near a water in-take valve, approximately one-half mile from a waste water treatment plant. The DPD divers found the second IED in the same location as the first; however, the second IED was much smaller. The DPD bomb squad disposed of the device and sent the remains to ATF for analysis. An investigation is on-going. Comment: The first IED incident was reported on 4 November in the Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief. (COGARD FIST Detroit, 3 & 16 Nov 04; HSOC 4246-04)
4. (FOUO) WISCONSIN / TEXAS: Possible Attempt to Obtain Sensitive Information. According to reporting from the Corporate Physical Security manager at We Energies, on 16 November, in Milwaukee, the We Energies security manager received a call from a man who identified himself by name as a representative of American Electric Power's (AEP) IT Security group. The caller addressed the manager by name and asked the manager if he was responsible for network security. He also asked if he could give the caller the name of the individual at We Energies who is responsible for network security. The caller said he was interested in finding out what kind of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) protection schemes were being used by We Energiesreportedly so that the caller could determine if there was something better he should be using. The manager told the caller he would have the We Energies IT Security person return the call. The caller said he was calling from AEP's Houston office but he gave the manager a call back number at "his Corpus Christi office". Based on the background sounds of a "boiler room" operation and the manner in which the caller phrased his inquiries, the manager suspected that the call was likely a search for a person to whom to make a sales pitch, although the manager couldnt rule out more sinister intentions. The manager checked with AEPs physical security and no such person exists in AEPs IT Security department. There is no AEP facility in Corpus Christi, and the phone number is an out-of-service cell phone. Note: This incident illustrates the potential threat of social engineering to elicit critical infrastructure information in innocuous and incremental ways. (We Energies Manager of Corporate Physical Security call-in, 17 Nov 04; HSOC 4391-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UTAH: Artfully Concealed Weapon Detected Passenger Carry-on Bag during Checkpoint Screening. According to TSA reporting, on 17 November, at Salt Lake City International Airport, TSA screeners detected a knife with a 3¾- inch blade in the carry-on bag of a United Airlines passenger (Salt Lake City-Los Angeles). The knife was integrated in the handle of a plastic hairbrush. Law enforcement authorities responded and confiscated the knife. The passenger was interviewed and stated that he did not know that the knife was in the handle of the hairbrush. An NCIC was conducted and yielded negative results. Authorities allowed the passenger to continue on the flight. (TSA Morning Executive Brief, 18 Nov 04; HSOC 4423-04)
2. (FOUO) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA / MARYLAND: ICE Agents Search Suspected Fraudulent Document Mill and Apprehend 29 individuals. According to BTS reporting, on 17 November, in the District of Columbia, ICE agents searched a suspected fraudulent document mill and a document vendor's residence which was suspected to be a secondary mill location. As a result, approximately 100 blank counterfeit resident alien and Social Security cards were seized, as well as $1,900 in U.S. currency. ICE agents arrested 28 known document vendors and one client. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 19 Nov 04; HSOC 1865-04)
3. (FOUO) MINNESOTA: Suspicious Individual Possessing and Attempting to Duplicate Fraudulent LAPD Identification Cards. According to reporting from a Kinkos manager, on 18 November, in Coon Rapids, an unidentified male entered the store and wanted to make duplications of LAPD identification cards he had in his possession. The individual claimed that he conducted business with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on a regular basis and that he worked for a company called Federal Arms International (FAI). The individual expressed that he was in a rush and appeared irritated that the store could not duplicate the cards fast enough. He eventually stormed out of the business and did not return. Research revealed that FAI did not exist and contact with the LAPD indicated that the LAPD had never heard of the man or the company he claimed to represent. The individual was described as a 40 to 45 year old white male, 6 feet, 200 pounds, gray beard, and wearing an olive-green military style nylon jacket. LAPD confirmed that identity cards are counterfeit. All appropriate law enforcement authorities were notified and an investigation is on-going. (Kinkos Manager Call-in to HSOC, 18 Nov 04; HSOC 4415-04)
4. (FOUO) CANADA / U.S.: Canadian Boarding Team Encounters Possible Iranian Stowaway. According to USCG reporting, on 18 November, Canadian Customs notified the USCG that they discovered a person with a suspicious passport in the name of Sabet SAM during a boarding of M/V ATLANTIC PRIDE. Reportedly, the individual is actually Massoud SALAMAT. SALAMAT stated his father paid to have him and his two brothers smuggled to Canada. One brother currently resides in Vancouver and the second brother may be on board the M/V ATLANTIC PATROLLER which is currently moored in Cleveland, Ohio. The appropriate authorities were notified, and an investigation is ongoing. (USCG Operational Summary, 19 Nov 04; HSOC 4417-04)
5. (FOUO) TENNESSEE: ICE Agents Search Fraudulent Document Mills and Seize Over 250 Documents. According to BTS reporting, on 18 November, in Knoxville, ICE agents searched two suspected fraudulent document mills. As a result, approximately 250 blank counterfeit resident alien and Social Security cards were seized, as well as some $5,000 in cash. Four individuals were arrested. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 19 Nov 04, HSOC 4424-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) MAINE: Aircraft With No-Fly Passenger Diverted to Bangor. According to BTS reporting, on November 20, the CBP Advanced Passenger Information System identified Moroccan national Ahmed Abdelillah LHAITI (DOB: 09/09/1957; PPN: L837415), on board an Air France flight to Washington, D.C., as a possible No-Fly passenger and possible TIPOFF match. Research revealed LHAITI was an exact match to the No Fly entry and TSA diverted the Air France flight to Bangor. Additional research revealed a Moroccan national, Mohammed OUKASSOU (DOB: 01/01/1928; PPN: P966053) was traveling with LHAITI; however, no derogatory information was found on him. In Bangor, CBP officers removed LHAITI and OUKASSOU from the flight. CBP determined LHAITI to be inadmissible as an alien not in possession of a valid non-immigrant visa and processed him for an expedited removal. CBP also allowed OUKASSOU to withdraw his application for admission into the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 21 Nov 04; HSOC 4439-04)
2. (U) NATIONWIDE: Bomb Threat. According to BTS reporting, on 19 November, an unidentified individual called the FAAs Flight Standards office and threatened to blow up an Independence Air flight unless he was paid $1,000,000. According to TSA reporting, Independence Air inspected all aircraft and implemented additional security measures. No abnormalities were found. (BTS Daily Operations Report; 20 Nov 04; HSOC 4432-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: Chemical Spill Closes Police and Fire Call Center. According to National Infrastructure Coordinating Center reporting, on 21 November, at the Newark Police and Fire Department Call Center, the internal fire protection system was activated causing the release of some 1,400 pounds of fire-inhibiting chemicals. As a precautionary measure, authorities closed the facility for approximately two hours to remediate the chemical release. It is unclear if unidentified individuals tampered with the fire protection system or if it was a system malfunction. Newark authorities have initiated an investigation. (NICC Daily Sector Pulse, 21 Nov 04; HSOC 4443-04)
4. (FOUO) OHIO: Suspicious Photography. According to Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) reporting, on 19 November, in downtown Cincinnati, three unidentified individuals were observed filming various buildings and locations. The individuals were in a Plymouth Voyager with Ohio license plates. A CPD investigation in ongoing. (CPD reporting, 19 Nov 04; HSOC 4430-04)
5. (FOUO) NEW YORK: CBP Apprehends Alien Smuggler. According to BTS reporting, on 19 November, in Burke, CBP officers apprehended Valeriy BERESNEV (DOB: 08/01/1961; COC: Kazakhstan; Alien nr: A 97 657 552) attempting to smuggle Shazeeda HARRYNAUTH (DOB: 04/07/1984; COC: Guyana; Alien nr: A 79 141 348) into the U.S. CBP officers observed BERESNEV pick up HARRYNAUTH in a remote area adjacent to the Canada-U.S. border. The appropriate authorities were notified. CBP will prosecute BERESNEV for alien smuggling and HARRYNAUTH for entry without inspection. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 20 Nov 04; HSOC 4442-04)
6. (FOUO) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Suspicious Videotaping. According to U.S. Secret Service reporting, on 18 November, Hamed HAJEBI (DOB: 07/27/1981; COB: Iran; German PPN: A0018693) was observed videotaping near the White House. Reportedly, HAJEBI was in the D.C. to attend a demonstration in protest of Iran. (USSS; 19 Nov 04; HSOC 4434-04)
7. (FOUO) NEW YORK: CBP Denies Entry to 25 Canadians With Possible Links to a Terrorist Organization. According to BTS reporting, on 19 November, at the Alexandria Bay Port of Entry, CBP officers denied entry to 25 Canadians applying to enter the U.S. in order to attend a protest rally in Washington, D.C. sponsored by the Council for Freedom and Democracy in Iran. Reportedly, the 25 individuals had possible links to the Mujahedin e-Khalq (MEK)a known terrorist organization. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 20 November 04; HSOC 4444-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: ICE Agents Search Residence of Suspected Illegal Arms Exporter. According to ICE reporting, on 23 November, in Carson, ICE agents searched the residence of a named U.S. person who allegedly violated the Arms Export Control Act. Agents recovered firearm parts and accessories as well as evidence linked to the illegal export of firearms and firearms parts to the Philippines. (ICE Daily Summary, 24 Nov 04; HSOC 4512-04)
2. (FOUO) MASSACHUSETTS: Suspicious Telephone Call Received at Electric and Gas Utility Company Call-Center. According to National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC) reporting, on 24 November, in Dedham, a security official, at NSTAR a natural gas and electricity utility company, reported that the NSTAR call center received a suspicious telephone call from a named individual. The named individual claimed to represent New Yorks Independent System Operator (NYISO) [monitors the states major power transmission systems and the wholesale market for electricity], requested details about NSTARs control center (CC), and wanted to know who was in charge of the CC. Upon being provided the opportunity to speak with the CC manager, the individual hung up the telephone. The NSTAR security official contacted NYISO, and research revealed that there was no employee with the name provided by the caller. The NSTAR security official contacted the appropriate authorities, and an investigation is ongoing. Comment: A similar incident was reported in the 17 November HSOMB involving We Energiesan electric and gas utility company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (NICC Daily Sector Pulse /NSTAR security official, 24 Nov 04; HSOC 4504-04)
3. (FOUO) TEXAS: LAW and Grenades Discovered in Plastic Bag Hanging on a Trash Dumpster. According to TSA reporting, on 23 November, in Duncanville, Duncanville Police Department (DPD) officers responded to a call regarding a suspicious bag which hung on a dumpster at an Exxon Tiger Mart on the corner of Highway 67 and Danieldale Road. Upon arriving on the scene, DPD officers discovered that the bag contained a grenade, so they notified the appropriate authorities. The respondents included Dallas EOD, a TSA K-9 unit, and the appropriate federal authorities. DPD officers closed Highway 67 and Danieldale Road while federal authorities inspected the bags contents. Authorities discovered three hand grenades and a LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon) rocket. An American airlines baggage identification tag, attached to the bag, identified a possible owner. During a Federal law enforcement interview the individual, whose name appeared on the tag, stated that he discarded the bag a year ago. The investigation is on going. (TSA-11-11099-04, 25 Nov 04; HSOC 4505)
4. (FOUO) FLORIDA: CBP Officers Deny Entry to Jamaican Involved in Alien Smuggling. According to CBP reporting, on 25 November, at Miami International Airport, Derrick PICKERSGILL (DOB 08/28/1963; COC: Jamaica; Jamaican Passport #: 2889988; B1/B2 visa #: 4922285) arrived from Jamaica and applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure. CBP officers identified PICKERSGILL as a match to a TECS record indicating that PICKERSGILLs visa had been revoked by the Department of State (DOS). 27 January 2003 for being involved in Alien smuggling. During a CBP officers interview, PICKERSGILL stated he provided airline tickets and a boarding pass to a person he did not know well for travel to the U.S. PICKERSGILL further stated that he provided false employment documents for persons applying for visas to enter the U.S. CBP officers determined PICKERSGILL to be inadmissible to the U.S. as a non-immigrant without a valid visa and processed him for expedited removal. ( CBP Morning Report, 26 Nov 04; HSOC 4513-04)
5. (FOUO) NEW YORK: CBP Officers Use USVISIT Data to Deny Entry to French National Previously Removed from U.S. According to BTS reporting, on 24 November, at JFK International Airport, Rachid MEHAYA (DOB: 03/29/1965; COC: France; PPN: 04FH14000) arrived aboard a British Airways flight and applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). The Interagency Border Inspection System returned several hits on MEHAYA. When the CBP officer electronically scanned MEHAYAs index fingers, the USVISIT returned a possible watch-list hit. During secondary inspection, CBP electronically scanned a complete set of fingerprints, and the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (IAFIS) identified MEHAYA as an alien previously ordered removed. MEHAYA has an extensive criminal record, and has used multiple aliases. CBP officers determined MEHAYA to be inadmissible under VWP, refused him entry, and returned him to France. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 26 Nov 04; HSOC 4514-04)
6. (FOUO) ARIZONA: TSA Screeners Detect Artfully Concealed Knife Inside Shoe of Southwest Airline Passenger. According to TSA reporting, on 24 November, at Phoenixs Sky Harbor International Airport, TSA screeners detected a 41/4-inch steak knife artfully concealed inside the shoe of a 16-year old Southwest Airlines passenger traveling unaccompanied to San Antonio. The steak knife was wrapped in athletic tape and placed under the insole. TSA screeners notified law enforcement authorities who in turn interviewed the youth upon receiving authorization from his mother. Reportedly, the youth placed the knife in his shoe four months ago and forgot that it was there. The youth was subsequently released and rebooked on a later flight. (TSA-11-11129-04, 24 Nov 04; HSOC 4510-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) INDIANA: Anhydrous Ammonia / New Trend in Concealment.
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According to USCG reporting, on 24 November, in Kendallville, a fire official reported the recovery of 4 of 15 stolen fire extinguishers. The recovered fire extinguishers contained anhydrous ammonia (a key ingredient in the production of methamphetamine), and may represent a new trend in concealment. At the beginning of November, 15 fire extinguishers, to include red five and ten pound ABC extinguishers and silver pressurized water cylinders, were stolen. On 9 November, a maintenance worker at a Kendallville apartment complex found two extinguishers in the parking lot. As the maintenance worker approached one of the fire extinguishers, he became dizzy and weak. Fire department personnel later determined that both extinguishers contained anhydrous ammonia, one of which was leaking. To date, four, of the stolen fire extinguishers, have been recovered and found to contain anhydrous ammonia. Reportedly, if a fire extinguisher has a brass valve assembly, the anhydrous ammonia may cause the assembly to turn blue and the aluminum valve assemblies to deteriorate. (COGARD FIST Louisville, 26 Nov 04; HSOC 4533-04) |
2. (FOUO) FLORIDA: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Egyptian Citizen. According to BTS reporting, on 25 November, in Pembroke Pines, Border Patrol Agents (BPAs) arrested Moustafa Ahmed MOHAMED (DOB: 02/01/1972; COC: Egypt; Alien nr: A97959825). BPAs took MOHAMED into custody after he presented an expired B1/B2 visa. During questioning, agents discovered a counterfeit Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) card, a suspected fraudulent Social Security card, several passport photos of him with digitally altered hairstyles, Egyptian military identification, and two Egyptian passports with multiple entry/exit stamps to Saudi Arabia and Jordan. BPAs charged MOHAMED with possessing fraudulent documents and placed him in removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 27 Nov 04; HSOC 4534-04)
3. (FOUO) FLORIDA: USVISIT and CBP Officers Stop Criminal Alien Traveling Under Alias. According to BTS reporting, on 25 November, in Orlando, CBP officers encountered Jennifer WHYTE (DOB: 11/07/1958; COC: Jamaica; Alien nr: A97953040) upon arrival from Jamaica. WHYTE presented officers a British passport (PPN: 018623438) with the name of Sonia DESOUZA (DOB: 05/15/1956) and applied for admission. CBP officers electronically scanned WHYTEs fingerprints, and USVISIT returned a possible watch list match. During secondary inspection, CBP officers electronically scanned a complete set of fingerprints, and the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) returned a positive match to an individual with two previous Lookout hits. WHYTE claimed that she paid an unknown Jamaican man $10,000 Jamaican dollars for the passport. WHYTE claimed that she altered the photo. WHYTE has an extensive criminal record. CBP officers refused entry to WHYTE and returned he to Jamaica. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 27 Nov 04, HSOC 4535-04)
4. (FOUO) NORTH CAROLINA: Fraudulent Resident Alien Card. According to North Carolina Highway Patrol reporting, on 27 November, in Gastonia, a State Patrol Trooper arrested a named individual for speeding and failure to provide official identification. While in custody, the individual attempted to conceal a Resident Alien Card in the prisoner restroom. The Resident Alien number belongs to another individual. The individual also had an identification card that is marked as being official identification, but it is issued by Latin & American Services (LAS), a private company with no connection to the state government. (NCHP; HSOC 4527-04)
5. (FOUO) CANADA: CBP Officers Refuse Entry to Citizen of Canada During Pre-Clearance ScreeningPossibly Linked to Terrorist Activities. According to BTS reporting on, 28 November, at Toronto International Airport, CBP officers intercepted Vasantha YOGESWARAN (DOB: 02/19/1967; COB: Sri Lanka) attempting to board a flight to New Jersey. CBP officers identified YOGESWARAN as a possible match to an alias referenced in a TECS lookout. Two additional TIP records were identified in YOGESWARANs maiden name KATHERAVELU. Based on the TIPOFF records, CBP officers found YOGESWARAN inadmissible to the U.S. as an alien likely to engage in unlawful activity and allegedly a member of a foreign terrorist organization. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 29 November 04;HSOC 4536-04)
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[2 Pages.]
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) RHODE ISLAND // LOUISIANA // GEORGIA: Military Recruiting Centers Receive Islamic CDs. According to Department of Defense reporting, on 29 November, in Woonsocket, the Air Force Recruiting Squadron (AFRCS) received an Islamic CD reportedly from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in Saudi Arabia. The CD was in an envelope postmarked from Denver, CO, with a return address stating only Concerned Citizens of Colorado. Upon opening the envelope, a recruiting officer found a note which read, You have just received a CD full of passages from the Quran produced in the King Fahd Complex in Saudi Arabia under the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. This version of the Quran is being taught in America and as you will see it has 50 pages of who, when, why, where, and how to hate and kill. The CD cover read, Why do radical Muslims become terrorists? Further, the recruiting officer advised of a similar CD that was sent to the AFRCS in Louisiana on 15 November. Reportedly, authorities analyzed the CD and found no threats or malicious viruses. Reportedly, a similar CD was sent to the Marine Recruiting Center at the Battle Creek Megacenter in Georgia. An investigation is on-going. (AFOSI Talon # 102-30-11-04-2909, 30 Nov 04; HSOC 4581-04)
2. (FOUO) United States/Austria: ICE Assists Austrian Authorities in Illegal Export Investigation. According to BTS reporting, on 30 November, the ICE Attaché in Vienna reported that Austrian authorities arrested Iranian nationals Mahmoud SEIF and Shahrzad MIR GHOLAKHAN (DOB: 09/23/1977) for attempting to violate Austrian export laws. The arrests were pursuant to a meeting where the men negotiated the purchase of 40 Generation-III night vision goggles. During the meeting, SEIF indicated that the Iranian Embassy in Vienna would facilitate the shipment of the night vision equipment, and also provided a shopping list of other items to be obtained by the source. Austrian authorities searched the subjects' hotel rooms, and seized some documents and a laptop computer. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 01 Dec 04; HSOC 4582-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Passenger Arrested for Artfully Concealed Prohibited Item. According to BTS reporting, on 30 November, at JFK International Airport, TSA screeners detected a Leatherman tool artfully concealed in a quart jar of hair gel in a passengers carry-on bag during x-ray screening. LEOs arrested the named U.S. passenger on the state charge of criminal possession of a weapon in the 4th degree. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 1 Dec 04; HSOC 4583-04)
4. (FOUO) MINNESOTA // WISCONSIN: USCG Reports Possible Threat to the Airport and the Murphy Oil Refinery. According to USCG reporting, on 30 November, at Duluth International Airport, the Director of Operations (DO) reported that there was a possible threat to the airport and the Murphy Oil Refinery in Superior, WI. The DO reported the threat to the USCG Marine Safety Office in Duluth. Reportedly a named individual called (911) stating that something big was going to happen and asked for directions to the Duluth International Airport and the Murphy Oil Refinery. Law enforcement authorities interviewed the named individual. MSO DULUTH issued a Captain Of The Port (COTP) order to the refinery and to the motor vessel INDIANA HARBOR to enact their security plans for an explosive threat, and sent a team to conduct a facility security inspection of the refinery. Both the refinery and the INDIANA HARBOR were ordered to report findings to MSO Duluth. (USCG Reporting 30 Nov 04; HSOC 4565-04)
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES / CANADA: Attempted Sabotage of the Hydro Quebec Power Transmission Tower. According to ICE reporting, on 1 December, in Quebec (1.5 miles northeast of the Norton, VT Port of Entry), the Provincial Police received a call from a hunter who reported damage to the Hydro-Quebec power transmission tower. Authorities determined that the damage was intended to knock down a main support column. The damage to the tower did not disrupt service. The tower is a major source of Canadian power operating in Northern Quebec and enters the U.S. near Norton, VT continuing on to Boston, MA. Destruction of this electric grid could cause a significant blackout in the New England region. It is unknown if this incident is terrorism related. An investigation is on-going. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 3 Dec 04; HSOC 4600-04)
2. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: Gun Shots Damage Power Substation. According to reporting from the Pacific Northwest Security Coordinator, on 2 December, in Seattle (King County), at the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Raver substation, a facility employee found gun shot damage to the substation. Reportedly, the bullets damaged some of the substationâs electrical transmission equipment; however, the damage did not disrupt service. Reportedly, this incident follows a pattern of gunshot damaged to the substation. Prior to this incident, the substation was last inspected on 26 November. (Pacific Northwest Security Coordinator report, 02 Dec 04; HSOC 4606-04)
3. (FOUO) TEXAS: ICE Agents Arrest an Illegal Alien Employed by the City of Dallas Water Supply. According to BTS reporting, on 1 December in Dallas, ICE agents arrested Malaba MULUMBA (DOB: 05/03/1967; COC: Democratic Republic of the Congo; PPN: A74682752) for falsely claiming U.S. citizenship and for being an illegal alien in possession of a firearm. MULUMBA was employed as an armed guard at the City of Dallas Water Supply. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 3 Dec 04; HSOC 4610-04)
4. (FOUO) TEXAS: ICE Agents Arrest Mexican National Attempting to Export Ammunition. According to BTS reporting, on 30 November, near the Brownsville Port of Entry (POE), ICE agents arrested a Mexican national for federal Arms Control Act violations. Agents arrested him after witnessing him purchase large quantities of ammunition. The Mexican national admitted that he planned to export the ammunition to Mexico. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 3 Dec 04; HSOC 4611-04)
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: DoD Lesson Plans Stolen from USAF Member Hotel Room / Possible Surveillance Activities. According to 7 December military reporting, in San Antonio at Lackland AFB, on 30 November, USAF personnel arrived at a local hotel and noticed four possible Middle Eastern males behaving suspiciously. Approximately three to four days later, the men were observed counting and photographing the doors to the rooms belonging to the USAF members. Reportedly, the men always traveled together, and appeared to be purposely present when the USAF members gathered for breakfast. The men were also noted to have the âNo Serviceâ door magnets posted on their doors throughout the day. On 6 December, one USAF member reported that his lesson plans were stolen from his room. The other USAF members reported that nothing was missing, but personal items were seemingly out of place in their rooms to include open drawers and closet doors. An investigation is on-going. (AFOSI Talon #409-07-12-04-2968, 7 Dec 04; HSOC 4701-04)
2. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Photography of Power Facility. According to Con Edison Security reporting, on 8 December, in New York City, a Con Edison employee reported an incident at the company's Waterside Station (electric power facility). The employee stated she observed a white male taking pictures of the station with a video camera. He stopped taking pictures after he observed Con Edison crews taking pictures of him. The man was approximately 30 years old and was wearing a black jacket with reddish blonde hair. The NYPD and Corporate Security were notified. (Con Edison Security reporting, 8 Dec 04; HSOC 4695-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: CBP Officers Deny Entry to Saudi National - Subject of TIPOFF and Visa Revocation Lookout. According to BTS reporting, on 7 December, at JFK International airport, Mohamed Ahmed Mossalam AL RIYATY (COC: Saudi Arabia; DOB: 02/16/1967, PPN: 00002892) applied for admission as a non-immigrant. CBP officers determined that AL RIYATY was a TIPOFF match for providing support to terrorism and was a visa revocation lookout in which his visa was revoked on 18 November. AL RIYATY was also identified as being in the violent gang and terrorist organization file (VGTOF). ICE and JTTF were contacted and subsequently interviewed AL RIYATY. AL RIYATY was found inadmissible as a non-immigrant not in possession of a valid visa and was subsequently returned to Saudi Arabia. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 9 Dec 04; HSOC 4696-04)
4. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Special Agents Arrest Four Who Smuggled Polish and Ukrainian Nationals. According to BTS reporting, on 7 December, in San Diego, ICE and FBI Special Agents arrested four members, U.S. and Russian citizens, of a human smuggling organization. The individuals were engaged in the smuggling of Polish and Ukrainian nationals into the U.S. through Mexico, charging a fee of $9,000. Allegedly, the organization provided the individuals with false identification, and in the event the smuggled aliens were apprehended, arranged to have immigration attorneys represent them, posted their bonds, and prepared asylum applications on their behalf. (BTS Daily Operation Report, 9 Dec 04; HSOC 4705-04)
5. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Possible IED or Firework Type Device Detonated on Bus. According to TSA reporting, on 9 December, the Chicago Transit Authority reported that a possible IED or fireworks type device was detonated on a Chicago Transit Authority Bus. The device exploded with no critical or fatal injures reported, but four passengers and the driver were taken to the hospital for possible ear and back injures. The bus continued southbound and the device detonated. The bus returned to its maintenance facility under its own power where bomb and arson division authorities met the bus to investigate. Local, State, and Federal Agencies were notified. Reportedly, two stops prior to the detonation, two African-American teenage males exited the bus. An investigation is underway to determine if the individuals were responsible for this incident. (TSA-12-12150-04, 9 Dec 04; HSOC 4706-04)
6. (FOUO) UNITED STATES/PAKISTAN: Woman Linked to Terrorism Investigation Sentenced for Illegally Entering U.S. According to BTS reporting, on 7 December, as a result of an investigation by FBI agents and ICE JTTF Special Agents, Farida Goolam Mohomed AHMED (COC: South Africa, DOB: 07/08/1956) was sentenced to time served for entry without inspection, false statements, and forgery or false use of a passport. AHMED is in ICE custody under "no bond" conditions pending deportation. Previously, on 19 July, CBP Border Patrol agents apprehended AHMED, at the McAllen Miller International Airport, McAllen, Texas, when she attempted to board a flight to Houston, Texas, en route to New York City, New York. AHMED was linked to specific terrorist activities. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 9 Dec 04; HSOC 4702-04)
7. (FOUO) NEBRASKA: Letter Delivered Containing Mercury. According to Associated Press reporting, on 6 December, in Lincoln, a small amount of potentially dangerous mercury spilled from an anonymous letter sent to the mayor's office. A second mercury laced letter was sent to the police chief, but was not opened. No injuries resulted from the letters, which were critical of the police department. The first letter was received and opened 6 December (Monday) at Mayor Coleen SENG's office. When opened, the mercury landed on the skirt of a worker and on the floor. Two chairs and a patch of carpet were removed from the office as a precaution. On 7 December (Tuesday), Police Chief Tom CASADY's office received a similar letter, but employees did not open it because they had been alerted to the letter SENG had received. The small amount of mercury appeared to have come from a thermometer. Research has shown that excessive exposure to mercury can cause serious health problems, especially in pregnant women and children. (Associated Press report, 8 Dec 04, HSOC 4703-04)
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[3 Pages.]
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) MINNESOTA/KENTUCKY: Minneapolis (MSP) Airport Police Badge Stolen. According to TSA reporting, on 9 December, the Minneapolis St Paul International Airport Police Department (MSIAPD) reported that a small clip style MSIAPD badge was stolen from a vehicle in Louisville, KY. The police badge and vehicle belong to a named U.S. citizen, who is a retired Minneapolis Airport Police Lieutenant. Also stolen from the vehicle, was a computer jump drive that contained all the law enforcement membership records of the Southern Police Institute Alumni Association. These records contained such information as the names, addresses, phone numbers, law enforcement status of the associations members. Association members are from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies nationwide. The police badge is a gold badge with the Seal of the State of Minnesota in the center. Above the state seal is the word Lieutenant and Airport, and below the seal is Police. The badge number is 7, and this number is found on the face of the badge below the word Police. The Chief of the MSIAPD requested TSA assistance. Local, state, and federal agencies in Minnesota and Kentucky were informed. (TSA report, 10 Dec 04; HSOC 4716-04)
2. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: CBP Officer Deny Entry to Citizen of Canada - Subject of TIPOFF. According to BTS reporting, on 10 December, at Detroits Ambassador Bridge, Abdul MALIK (COB: Pakistan; COC: Canada; DOB: 03/21/1983) applied for admission as a non-immigrant visitor for pleasure. CBP officers determined that MALIK was a TIPOFF match for providing support to terrorism. Allegedly, MALIK was also involved in alien smuggling, money laundering, and the distribution of narcotics. CBP officers determined MALIK to be inadmissible to the U.S. and returned him to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 10 Dec 04; HSOC 4717-04)
3. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Citizen of Australia - Refused Admission. According to BTS reporting, on 10 December, at Los Angeles International airport, Hamid YADANI (COB: Iran; COC: Australia; DOB: 07/23/1962) arrived from Australia and applied for admission as a non-immigrant visitor for pleasure. CBP officers determined that YADANI was a possible TIPOFF match. CBP officers contacted ICE and JTTF who in turn responded and interviewed YADANI. CBP officers found YADANI inadmissible to the U.S. as a national security threat and returned him to Australia. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 10 Dec 04; HSOC 4714-04)
4. (FOUO) COLORADO: Investigation of Fraudulent Document Manufacturing Organization Leads to Four Arrests. According to BTS reporting, on 8 December, in Denver, ICE agents searched two locations used for fraudulent document manufacturing. At the first search location, ICE agents apprehended a U.S. citizen and a Mexican national for violations of identification document fraud and fraud and misuse of visas and immigration documents. Agents also seized evidence of document and visa fraud, as well as two firearms. At the second search location, agents apprehended two Mexican nationals for administrative violations; criminal charges are pending. Agents also seized counterfeit document making equipment and one firearm. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 10 Dec 04; HSOC 4718-04)
5. (FOUO) Massachusetts: ICE Agents Arrest Two on Fraudulent Document Charges. According to BTS reporting, on 8 December, in Boston, ICE Agents arrested Brazilian national Valdina SANTOS (DOB: 12/24/1960, Alien nr: A96 416 030) who was involved in a large-scale fraudulent document scheme. SANTOS sold a total of 25 documents to undercover agents. SANTOS cooperated with agents and led to the arrest of illegal alien Frank DASILVA (COB: Brazil; DOB: 07/11/1979). Agents seized a computer CPU, $3,400 in cash, numerous blank documents and other document manufacturing implements from DASILVAs resident. SANTOS and DASILVA are in the custody pending prosecution for manufacturing/transferring fraudulent identification documents and immigration document fraud. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 10 Dec 04; HSOC 4719-04)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Stolen Yankee Trails Charter Bus. According to the Highway Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC), between 7 and 8 December, a 2005 MCI J4500 Passenger Bus (Charter Motor Coach) was reported stolen. The charter bus is described as white in color with red and blue graphics on both sides reading Yankee Trails Coach # 276. The bus was last seen on I-95 southbound from the Ft. McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, on 8 December. The license tag number and VIN are unknown at this time. If anyone sees a vehicle matching the below photo, bearing Bus # 276, please call your local law enforcement agency immediately. Law enforcement agencies are to direct inquiries to Yankee Trails, at: (518) 286-2400 or (518) 438-0051; Toll-Free: (800) 822-2400; Fax: (518) 283-3279 - Email: info@yankeetrails.com (Highway ISAC #120904-1, 9 Dec 04; HSOC 4710-04)
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Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS / PUERTO RICO: Off Duty Flight Attendant Observed Suspicious Behavior on board Commercial Flight. According to a concerned citizen (off duty flight attendant) call-in to the Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC), on 12 December, the off duty flight attendant observed seven males of possible Middle Eastern descent behaving suspiciously. The off duty flight attendant and the seven men were flying on board an American Airline flight from Dallas to San Juan Puerto. The flight attendant described the suspicious behavior as follows: the men appeared to be agitated and nervous; after the flight was underway some of the men began moving around the plane changing seats, strolling through the aisles in a very observant and deliberate manner, sitting in seats with two other people in the row, (some which were exit row seats); and walking back and forth to the lavatory (multiple times for all men). The flight attendant also noted that none of the men acknowledged or spoke to each other. Reportedly, the American Airlines flight from Dallas to San Juan was used by the 911 hijackers for pre-operational planning, due to lack of passengers and the ability to blend in with other passengers (Hispanic). (Patriot Report: Concerned Citizen Call-in to HSOC, 14 Dec 04; HSOC 4766-04)
2. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: ICE Agents Arrest Kuwaiti National in Connection to Fraudulent Citizenship Documents. According to ICE reporting, on 14 December, in Detroit, ICE and JTTF agents, assisted by local police officers and other federal agents, arrested Mohamad CHEBLI (COC: Kuwait, DOB: 09/20/1969, Alien nr: A40124698) for federal violations related to reproducing naturalization or citizenship papers. Mohamad Ibrahim CHEBLI is allegedly involved in marriage fraud in order to facilitate the entry into the U.S. of his previous spouse. (ICE Daily Summary, 14 Dec 04; HSOC 4772-04)
3. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Citizen of Iraq. According to BTS reporting, on 13 December, in Port Huron, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested Saleim Yako HANA, (COC: Iraq, DOB: 08/07/1983, Alien nr: A72025194, RE-8 Refugee) and placed him in removal proceedings. HANA was arrested on criminal charges. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4773-04)
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[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES: USCG Bars Turkish Companys Vessels. According to USCG reporting, effective 13 December, the Commandant of the USCG issued an order barring vessels of the Kaptanoglu Ship Management and Trading Company (KSG) from entering U.S. territorial waters. KSG vessels have had a significant pattern of crew members illegally jumping ship while in U.S. ports over the past two years, totaling 11 absconders and three deserters. The most recent incident occurred on 15 November, when 4 crew members (1/5th of the total crew) aboard the M/V H. HASAN YARDIM absconded in Baltimore, MD. To be released from the order, the company must submit a plan to prevent future ship jumpers and deserters. (COGARD, Washington, D.C, 13 Dec 04; HSOC 4784-04)
2. (FOUO) VIRGINIA: Search Warrant Executed at Business for Export Violations. According to ICE reporting, on 14 December, in Herndon, ICE agents, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce (DOC), and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, searched a named U.S. company. Allegedly, the named U.S. company exported armored vehicles and law enforcement equipment in violation of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Three computers and numerous business records were seized as a result of the search. A review, of prior exports by the named U.S. company, indicates other possible export violations. The named U.S. company has been the subject of previous export violations and Project Shield America visits. (ICE Daily Summary Operations Report, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4785-04)
3. (FOUO) OHIO: CBP Officers Seized Material for Heavy Wall Pipe Destined for Libya. According to ICE reporting, on 14 December, in Cincinnati, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized an outbound shipment consisting of a variety of materials used for making heavy wall pipes. The items were initially detained on 9 June 2004, at the DHL-Cincinnati International Freight Hub. The seizure was in support of an ICE investigation concerning the activities of a named company. In June 2004, ICE agents received information from the Department of Commerce (DOC) regarding pipe-cutting components allegedly purchased by the named company being transshipped through Algeria to Libya in violation of the Libyan Sanctions. The investigation is ongoing. (ICE Daily Summary Operations Report, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4786-04)
4. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: ICE Agents Arrested Lebanese Citizen for Falsely Claiming U.S. Citizenship at Department of Defense Contract Site. According to ICE reporting, on 15 December, in Los Angeles ICE/ JTTF agents arrested George DAOU (COC: Lebanon, DOB 04/08/1978, Alien nr: A72319337) at his residence for administrative immigration violations. Reportedly, DAOU violated his immigration status by falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen when he began employment as a system administrator for a Department of Defense (DOD) contractor. DAOU was fired when he was unable to present proof of citizenship. DAOU entered the U.S. as a B-2 visitor for pleasure in 1989 with authorization to remain for six months. ICE/JTTF is continuing to investigate his level of access as a DOD contractor. Criminal prosecution of DAOU is being considered. (ICE Daily Summary Operations Report, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4787-04)
5. (FOUO) PENNSYLVANIA: Electric Transformers Destroyed by Gunfire. According to a named U.S. energy company representatives call in to the National Infrastructure Coordination Center, on 15 December, in Hanover Township, two 15KV transformers were shot and damaged. A witness reported seeing someone in a vehicle shooting at the transformers. Both incidents were residential distribution transformers and were within a mile of each other. Approximately ten homes lost power, and both transformers were replaced within three hours. The Pennsylvania State Police have been notified and are investigating. (Patriot Report: NICC/Duquesne Light Call-in, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4783-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) HAWAII: Private Security Employee Denies Pier Access to a Suspicious Female. According to USCG reporting, on 22 November, at the Young Brothers Pier in Nawiliwili Harbor, a private security employee denied pier access to a suspicious female. The security employee asked driver for her drivers license, and she stated that she did not have one. The security employee told the driver that she would have to drop her passenger off and depart the area. The female driver left but looped around and came back, then told security employee that the she had found her license. She produced a Mexican drivers license and an I-586 (boarder crosser card B1/B2/BCC). However, she did not have a valid passport with a stamp and did not understand Spanish. The security employee told the females that they would need to leave, and the female with the Mexican drivers license became belligerent. An investigation is on-going. (COGARD FIST Honolulu, 15 Dec 04; HSOC 4804-04)
2. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: Security Breach at Coast Guard StationAn Unidentified Man takes Unauthorized Photos of Station House and Response Boat. According to USCG reporting, on 15 December, at Coast Guard Station (STA) Calumet Harbor, an unauthorized person photographed the station house and a 25 ft response boat. Reportedly, an unidentified man gained access to the area when STA personnel from STA Calumet Harbor opened an access gate to facilitate maneuvering trailered boats around the station. When approached by STA personnel, the driver quickly fled to his vehicle and exited the station. He was described as a white male, approximately six feet tall, in his mid to late thirties, and with curly hair. He was apparently wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and white tennis shoes. The station is unsure whether the camera was digital or 35mm, however, the stations security cameras recorded the event. An investigation is ongoing. (USCG Operational Summary, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4805-04)
3. (FOUO) UNITED STATES / CANADA: CBP Officers Refuse Entry to Canadian Citizen. According to BTS reporting, on 16 December, at the Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge, CBP officers refused entry to ONeil Tedford DAVIS (COC: Canada; PPN: VE362624; DOB: 06/23/1975) who applied for as a visitor for pleasure. CBP officers identified DAVIS as a match to a TECS TIPOFF identifying him as a threat if he enters the U.S. ICE and JTTF were notified and declined to respond to the port of entry to interview DAVIS. CBP Officers processed DAVIS for an expedited removal. DAVIS returned to Canada. (BTS Daily Operation Report, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4803-04)
4. (FOUO) PENNSYLVANIA: CBP Officers Refuse Entry to Citizen of Mali with Possible Terrorist Connections. According to BTS reporting, on 15 December, at Philadelphia International Airport, Amadou SOW (COC: Mali, COR: France, DOB: 06/05/1982, PPN: A1052920) applied for admission as a B-2 visitor for pleasure. CBP officers identified SOW as the subject of a TIPOFF record alleging possible terrorist connections. In SOWs luggage, CBP Officers discovered several notes that contained information on how to acquire a pistol and instructions on what to say in order to get past airport security and immigration officials. CBP Officers determined SOW to be inadmissible. SOW was allowed to withdraw his application and return to France. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4806-04)
5. (FOUO) VERMONT: CBP Interdicts Smuggling of Aliens from Special Interest Country. According to BTS reporting, on 16 December, in Swanton, CBP arrested three Canadian nationals attempting to smuggle six Pakistani illegal aliens into the U.S. from Canada. The Canadian nationals were identified as: Karim FORGET (DOB: 04/24/1985; Alien nrs: A97 657 712), Syrian born Terek NASSER (DOB: 01/01/1985; Alien nrs: A97 657 714); and Fadi HADDAD (DOB: 05/28/1986; Alien nrs: A97 657 713). The smuggled Pakistani nationals are identified as:
Asghar KHAN (DOB: 11/23/1967; Alien nr: A70 578 087)Muhammad Sultan MUJADADEE (DOB: 07/10/1965; Alien nr: A97 657 640)
Mohammed CHAUDHRY (DOB: 01/12/1966; Alien nr: A97 657 638)
Abdur RAZAQ (DOB: 01/10/1961; Alien nr: A97 657 637)
Mohammed Imtiaz AZIZ (DOB: 05/05/1965; Alien nr: A97 657 636)
Habib Ur-Rehman QURESHI (DOB: 03/13/1967; Alien nr: A75 918 556)
The three smugglers legally entered at Highgate Springs, VT as B-2 Visitors. The Pakistani nationals are currently being detained without bond awaiting removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4807-04)
6. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA / DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: ICE Agents Arrest Two U.S. Citizens for Arms Export Violations. According to BTS reporting, on 15 December, in Los Angeles, ICE agents arrested two U.S. citizens in connection with a 12-count federal indictment issued in the District of Columbia for violations of the Arms Export Control Act. The indictment stems from an investigation targeting the illegal export of defense articles, including F-4, F-5, HAWK and TOW missile parts to China and Iran. ICE was assisted by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4740-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[5 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES / CHINA / SOUTH KOREA / KUWAIT: On-going Trend of PRC Nationals Transiting to U.S. Using Photo Substituted Passports. According to ICE Forensic Document Laboratory (FDL) reporting, CBP officers in Chicago reported that two PRC nationals were intercepted in Kuwait attempting to board a Kuwait Airways flight in possession of photo substituted French passports. They obtained tickets from Alfarwania TRV in Kuwait. CBP officers further reported this intercept as an example of a continuing trend of PRC nationals utilizing altered and/or counterfeit French, Singaporean, and U.S. passports to travel to Chicago via Kuwait Airways flights. CBP officers in Seoul also reported an on-going trend of PRC nationals transiting Seoul en route to Cameroon, Togo, and other West African countries via Europe. Reportedly, the subjects are then engaging in boarding pass swaps for travel to the U.S., while transiting Paris and other European airports. It was further reported that the airlines in Seoul continue to board these subjects as they are in possession of genuine visas for their purported final destinations in West Africa. (FDL Bulletin 2005B-05, 16 Dec 04; HSOC 4828-04)
2. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Dominican National Using Lost/Stolen Passport Refused Entry. According to BTS reporting, on 16 December, Andres ROSARIO Flores (COC: Dominican Republic; DOB: 11/30/1972; PPN 2080782) arrived at JFK International Airport and applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure, from Caracas, Venezuela. CBP officers determined that the passport ROSARIO presented for admission had been reported lost or stolen. Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) checks revealed that the visa was issued to Antonio DELRIO Sone (DOB: 11/27/1963) at the American Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The National Automated Immigration Lookout System (NAILS) indicated that the altered passport had been used for entries into the U.S. in 1998, 1999, and 2001. ROSARIO also purchased a one way ticket from Simon Bolivar Airport to JFK. CBP officers determined that ROSARIO was inadmissible for fraud/misrepresentation and he was processed for an expedited removal. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 18 Dec 04; HSOC 4829-04)
3. (FOUO) TEXAS: Individual Filming Aircraft. According to a concerned citizen, on 19 December near the Dallas Ft. Worth airport, an unnamed individual was filming aircraft. The reporting individual stated that the videographer claimed to be an airplane nut. The reporting individual also submitted a description of the videographer, his vehicle, and a license plate number. (Concerned Citizen e-mail; HSOC 4823-04)
4. (FOUO) COLORADO: Suspicious Flight Training Requests. According to TSA reporting, on 10 December, in Grand Junction, the owner of a flight training school reported that three named individuals began flight training, but later withdrew because the owner is involved in litigation which they said made him high profile. One of the individuals made comments about dealings with the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Russian Mafia. A law enforcement investigation revealed that one of the individuals had a criminal record of a theft in 1984. (TSA-12-12744-04; HSOC 4812-04)
5. (FOUO) OHIO: Suspicious Activity at U.S. Nuclear Plant. According to a Security Supervisor (named) call in to the Homeland Security Operations Center, on 16 December, in Oak Harbor, a taxi cab entered a named U.S. nuclear plant. The driver stated that someone had requested his companys services. During the encounter with security personnel, a local police officer stopped by to provide assistance. A check within the nuclear power plant was conducted for the caller of the cab, with negative results. The driver left the facility property without a passenger. Approximately ten minutes later, the cab was seen by the local police officer, traveling in the direction of the nuclear facility, and was stopped and questioned again. The cab driver stated he had been re-dispatched to the facility to pick up an individual by the name of George. The police officer called the nuclear facility security office for confirmation, but security could not locate an individual by the name of George. During the stop, an individual phoned the cab company, and said why have you involved the police. This led the police officer to believe the caller was in the immediate vicinity observing the contact with the cab driver. The police officer obtained the callers phone number via the cab companys caller ID, and attempted to call the individual. He called the number twice, and both times someone answered, but refused to speak. Note: a reverse search of the phone number produced negative results through Choicepoint, but through reverse white pages, the number belongs to a known U.S. company. Identity of the caller is still unknown. (Patriot Report/ Call-in Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4809-04)
6. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Hiker Finds Explosives. According to press reporting, on 19 December in Marin County, more than 30 families were evacuated from their homes after a hiker discovered a large quantity of TNT. Marin County Sheriffs Department and the University of California (UC) at Berkeley bomb squad responded to the incident. UC Berkeley bomb squad requested and received technical assistance from the Travis AFB EOD team. It was determined that the explosives were too unstable to move and UC Berkeley bomb squad detonated them in place. Approximately 36 pounds of explosives were destroyed. The explosives were contained in rusty, green military-style ammunition boxes and had military writing on them. Some of the boxes were buried and appeared to be several years old. (Press, 19 Dec 04; HSOC 4819-04)
7. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Suspicious Individual with Various Weapons and a Photo of Air Force One. According to Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) reporting, on 16 December, a U.S. named individual called the MCPD claiming a weapon had been stolen from his home by federal law enforcement agents conducting a covert operation in his home. A few moments later the individual called back to say he had found the weapon behind his couch. Officers continued to the home to ensure it had not been broken into. The individual allowed the officers into his residence. The officers observed numerous weaponry items throughout the home, to include various IEDs and other suspicious items, such as a Police SWAT Raid jacket, military uniforms, camouflage attire, and various wigs and numerous boxes of hair dye. Officers also recovered two bags that were converted in a way to conceal fire weapons: the first was a computer bag with a U.S. express mail company box inside and holes in front that allowed a gun muzzle to fit and a slit that allowed a hand to be inserted to fire the weapon; the second item was a tennis racket bag converted to hold an M-16 rifle. The individual also had a large amount of paraphernalia and information related to the assassination of JFK as well as photos of Air Force One. The individual claimed the photos of Air Force One were taken when the plane flew over his residence. The individual is in currently in custody and an investigation is on-going. (MCPD; HSOC 4808-04)
8. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: Suspicious Individual. According to a concerned citizen, on 19 December, in Seattle, a possible Middle Eastern male approached the reporting individual, who was holding a yard sale. The individual asked about laptop computers with high speed capabilities and walkie talkies, stating he wished to purchase them for his friends overseas. The reporting citizen also noted that the individual had difficulty with driving; and understanding denominations of U.S. currency. (Concerned Citizen; HSOC 4824-04)
9. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: Two Mexican Nationals Arrested at Contractor Facility. According to BTS reporting, on 15 December, in Seattle, ICE Special Agents conducted a joint operation with the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General involving a named U.S. company, a contractor in the Puget Sound region. Record checks identified two unauthorized workers with access to secure areas in the facility. The operation was conducted with the full cooperation of the owner of the contractor facilityand resulted in the arrest of the two previously identified unauthorized workers (determined to be Mexican nationals). As part of its continuing investigation, Seattle ICE Special Agents served the company with a Notice of Inspection and an administrative subpoena. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4830-04)
10. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA / DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA / MASSACHUSETTES / MICHIGAN / NORTH CAROLINA / PENNSYLVANIA / WISCONSIN: Production and Sale of Fraudulent U.S. Identity Documents. According to FBI reporting, as of 30 September, a group of illegal Mexican immigrants were involved in the production and sale of fraudulent U.S. identity documents in the Washington, D.C. area. The individuals are a part of a national circuit working in Detroit, Michigan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Los Angeles, California, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Boston, Massachusetts, and the North Carolina area. The fraudulent documents consist of social security cards, employment authorization cards, and green cards, and sell for $20 to $80. The fraudulent document vendors work along various Washington, D.C. streets and solicit potential customers. Street vendors take orders for the fraudulent U.S. documents from unidentified customers who provide the identity information they desire on the documents. Unidentified runners, who belong to the group of Mexican immigrants, collect the personal information as well as a photo from the street vendors and take the information to an apartment for manufacturing. The apartment being used at that time is coined a document mill, with locations changing every couple of months to avoid police detection. Upon completion of the document production, the unidentified runner takes the fraudulent U.S. documents back to the street vendors, who exchange the documents with the customer for cash. (FBI IIR 4 214 0123 05, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4831-04)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) DISCRICT OF COLUMBIA: Presidential Inauguration Advisory. The Department of Homeland Security is seeking any information concerning thefts of official vehicles, uniforms, badges, weapons and explosives which may be used by individuals to access venues during the Inauguration. Information can be accessed through the groove spaces on JRIES: LE-Analysts, LE-Information Sharing, and CT. Additional information is posted on the web portals: CT, EOC, and LE. Please forward any reporting to the Senior Intelligence Analyst, Homeland Security Operations Center, at (202) 282-8309. (Inauguration Sub Committee for Intelligence, 17 Dec 04; HSOC 4810-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) PENNSYLVANIA: Cyanide Gas Released due to Facility Fire. According to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Services (PDES) reporting, on 21 December, at the Electro-Plates of York Inc. in Wrightsville, a fire broke out in the facility releasing highly toxic chemicals. The facility manufactures multiple types of metal plating substances (Chrome Plating). As such, the facility contains numerous toxic chemicals to include Nitric Acid, Potassium and Sodium Cyanide. These chemicals are currently being released into the air and the local river system. Though under control, the PDES and local fire department are letting the fire burn out naturally. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection informed state and federal agencies that highly toxic chemicals released from this fire have contaminated the Susquehanna River. Reportedly, this will effect all with water intake from the river system and the Peach-Bottom Nuclear Power Plant. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been notified, and a three-mile temporary flight restriction (TFR) has been requested for the affected area. The population of Wrightsville, approx 3000 persons, has been advised to take shelter indoors. (HSOC DOD Desk Officer / NORTHCOM / PDES, 21 December 04; HSOC 4849 04)
2. (FOUO) GEORGIA: Concerned Citizen Renting Home to Two Turkish Nationals Discovers Book on Suicide Bombers and Other Papers Written in Arabic. On 20 December a concerned citizen, in Norcross, called-in to the Homeland Security Operations Center to report suspicious findings attributed to two named Turkish Nationals renting a home from him. The concerned citizen stated that he noticed numerous papers written in Arabic and a book that dealt with the reasoning behind suicide bombers in one of the individuals rooms. He further stated that the individuals signed the rental agreement on the first of November, but moved in two weeks later. Reportedly, one of the individuals is employed as an events planner for a named company in Atlanta, and the other one is a student at Georgia Tech University studying language. (Patriot Report: Concerned Citizen Call-in to HSOC, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4832-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Border Patrol Agents Apprehend Two Pakistani Nationals. According to BTS reporting, on 18 December, at the Champlain border, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested two Pakistani nationals, Farhat GILLANI (DOB: 05/11/1967, Alien nr: A97 657 509) and Amitiaz SYED (DOB: 03/12/1975, Alien nr: A77791745; SSN: 102-90-4428) U.S. BPAs placed the individuals in expedited removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4851-04)
4. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: ICE Special Agents Arrest Jordanian National. According to BTS reporting, on 16 December, in Chicago, ICE and JTTF agents arrested Jordanian (Palestine) national Yousef BARBARAWI (DOB: 02/16/1966, Alien nr: A95 442 195) at his immigration hearing after the immigration judge had ordered him removed. The immigration judge ordered BARBARAWI removed because he had overstayed his B-2 (visitor) visa. In July of 2002, in Las Vegas ICE agents arrested BARBARAWI after a traffic stop resulted in the discovery of $250,000.00 in the vehicle he had occupied. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4852-04)
5. (FOUO) NEW YORK / DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Concerned Citizen Reports Middle Eastern Male Behaving Suspiciously on Train. According to a concerned citizen call-in to the Homeland Security Operations Center, on 19 December, the concerned citizen witnessed a possible Middle Eastern male behaving suspiciously on an Amtrak train. During a trip from New York Penn Station to Washington D.C. Union Station, the concerned citizen reported that the possible Middle Eastern male switched back and forth between English and Farsi while talking on two different cell phones for three hours (the whole length of the trip). She further stated that the man acted very discretely covering his mouth as he spoke on the phones. The concerned citizen reported the incident to Amtrak security officials. (Patriot Report: Concerned Citizen Call-in, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4833-04)
6. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: Concerned Citizen Describes Middle Eastern Male Store Owners Behavior as Suspicious. According to a 20 December concerned citizen call-in to the Homeland Security Operations Center, the concerned citizen, in Leonardo, reported that a Middle Eastern Male store owner behaved suspiciously. The concerned citizen made four trips to an ink cartridge replacement store near his home anticipating the stores grand opening, and on the fourth trip, 17 December, he engaged the owner, a Middle Eastern male, in friendly conversation. During the course of the conversation, the store owner reportedly stated that he used to work for Osama Bin Laden. The concerned citizen stated that he could not determine if the man was joking or not. The concerned citizen further stated that he became more suspicious when the store owner asked for directions to Fort Monmouth, NJ stating that he wanted to drum up business for his company. (Patriot Report: Concerned Citizen Call-in, 20 Dec 04; HSOC 4847-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES: UPDATE: Lost & Stolen French Passport Intercepts by Ports of Entry. Background: According to 22 December BTS reporting, on 25 July 2003, the Department of State (DOS) issued an Intel Alert regarding a series of 5000 blank French passports, stolen by hijackers in Marseille, France on 23 July 2003. The series, 03KD94801 through 03KD99800, was entered into TECS on the same date.
Update: As of 20 December 2004, since the input of the lookouts, twenty-five (25) hits on the series of lost/stolen passports have occurred and resulted in the following actions:o 10 individuals have been arrested and presented for criminal prosecution.o 8 individuals have been refused admission under the Visa Waiver Program.
o 3 individuals were referred to an Immigration Judge for hearings regarding Political Asylum claims.
o Information on one (1) individual was transmitted as an Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS) passenger in Mexico and was not encountered by CBP personnel.
o 1 passenger was not actually on board the aircraft when sought by CBP personnel.
o 2 erroneous document numbers were entered into APIS resulting in no match to lookouts. The documents and passengers were researched and found not to be documents included in the stolen series.
The use of the Automated Targeting System Passengers (ATS-P) to identify hits, timely posting of lost/stolen passport information and careful scrutiny of documents presented at ports of entry, have all been part of the effort to ensure that persons attempting to use lost/stolen documents are prevented from gaining admission into the U.S., through use of these documents. (BTS Daily Operation Summary, 22 Dec 04; HSOC 0546-03)
2. (FOUO) UNITED STATES: Potential Major Marine Casualty Cargo Vessel POOLGRACHT. According to USCG reporting, on 22 December, Coast Guard Regional Command Center, received notification that the cargo vessel POOLGRACHT, a 372-foot vessel carrying 66,600 tons of ammonium nitrate, experienced a 25-30 degree list (leaning 25-30 degrees) to port while en route to Australia from Canada. The vessels master believes that the list is a result of cargo shifting. At the time of the initial report, the vessel was 330 nautical miles east of Newark, NJ and requested permission to proceed to Providence, RI. The Coast Guard approved this request for evaluation of the vessels stability and diverted the Coast Guard Cutter SPENCER, a 270-foot Medium-Endurance Cutter, to the scene to escort the POOLGRACHT into Narragansett Bay where it will be directed to anchorage. The vessel is expected to arrive in Narragansett Bay on the morning of 22 December. (USCG Daily Operations Summary, 22 Dec 04; HSOC 4862-04)
3. (FOUO) CANADA / UNITED STATES: Canadian Citizen Positive No Fly Match Denied Boarding. According to BTS reporting, on 21 December, TSA authorities confirmed that United Express passenger Kahl AL-KASSAS (DOB: 06/06/1974, COB: Qatar; COC: Canada) was a positive match to the No Fly List. AL-KASSAS was denied boarding; he was attempting to fly from Toronto, Canada to Washington Dulles. Law Enforcement Officials detained KASSAS. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 22 Dec 04; HSOC 4850-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES // ALGERIA: Algerian National with Suspected Ties to 9/11 Hijackers Scheduled for Removal. According to BTS reporting, on 22 December, the Headquarters Detention and Removal reported that Algerian Samir ABDOUN (DOB: 09/02/1966, Alien nr: A70176060) is scheduled to be removed from the United States on 28 December. ABDOUN is suspected of having ties to the September 11, 2001 hijackers. Reportedly, ABDOUN was acquainted with Mohdar ABDULLAH (Alien nr: A75628802) and knew the San Diego based hijackers. It was later determined that ABDOUN entered the U.S. in 1998 with a stolen French Passport. There was insufficient evidence to sustain any terrorist charges against ABDOUN and he was solely prosecuted on immigration and social security fraud. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 Dec 04; HSOC 4877-04)
2. (FOUO) PENNSYLVANIA: Trespasser Arrested at Nuclear Generation Station. According to National Response Center (NRC) reporting, on 22 December, in Limerick Township, at a named Nuclear Generation Station, a named individual was arrested for trespassing in the owner controlled area. Reportedly, the trespasser drove his jeep towards the pump house, turned around, and then drove away from the pump house where he was intercepted by security. After speaking with the trespasser, security decided to contact the Limerick Township Police (LTP) at which time the trespasser became uncooperative. LTP arrived and subsequently arrested the trespasser. The exact charges are unknown at this time. According to a NRC Operations officer, explosive sample tests were conducted on the trespassers vehicle. The first test was positive, but three additional tests were negative. An investigation is ongoing. (Patriot Report: NRC Operations Officer Call-in to the HSOC, 22 Dec 04; HSOC 4867-04)
3. (FOUO) MICHIGAN/UNITED KINGDOM: ICE Information Leads to High Technology Seizure in United Kingdom. According to BTS reporting, on 21 December, in Detroit, ICE agents reported that Her Majestys Customs and Excise (HMCE), United Kingdom, seized a shipment of Global Systems for Mobile equipment valued at approximately $4 million from a named U.S. company in Rochester, Michigan, which was en route to Iraq. ICE agents gathered evidence from the named business-site that contributed to probable cause for the HMCE seizure. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 Dec 04; HSOC 4879-04)
4. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: CBP Officers Deny Entry to Yemeni National Who Falsely Claims U.S. Citizenship. According to BTS reporting, on 20 December, at the Detroit Windsor Tunnel, Mohammed Ahmad ALGAHIEM also known as AL HAMIM (COC: YEMEN; DOB: 08/21/1971; Alien nr: A72979055) applied for admission as a U.S. Citizen. ALGAHIEM presented a U.S. passport (PPN: 301993568) that was subsequently found to belong to a named U.S. Citizen. Upon further CBP investigation, an Egyptian drivers license with his photograph and a different date of birth in the name of Mohamed ALGAHIEM was found in his belongings. ALGAHIEM admitted to stealing the passport and further stated that he fears returning to his home country because he stole the U.S. passport. CBP officers determined ALGAHIEM to be inadmissible; he is being held pending the disposition of his credible fear hearing. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 Dec 04; HSOC 4880-04)
5. (FOUO) GEORGIA: Search Warrant for Evidence of Illegal Exports to Iran. According to BTS reporting, on 21 December, in Atlanta, Agents from ICE and the Department of Commerce (DOC) searched a named U.S. company for evidence related to the illegal exportation of specialty pipes destined for Iran. The named U.S. company is a wholesale distributor of industrial pipes, valves and fittings. In February, DOC and ICE agents seized a shipment of specialty pipes consigned to Hyundai Engineering based in United Arab Emirates, valued at $150,000. Proclad International Pipelines in the United Kingdom ordered the pipes and provided initial instructions to the named U.S. company that included shipping marks for Hyundai Engineering in Iran. The shipping marks were later changed to omit the Iranian destination. Hyundai Engineering is working on a $1.4 billion natural gas project in Iran identified as South Pars. The named U.S. company is alleged to have knowingly attempted to export the pipes to Iran in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 Dec 04; HSOC 4881-04)
6. (FOUO) OHIO/UTAH: Jordanian Arrested for Misrepresenting Ties to Religious Organization. According to BTS reporting, on 21 December, in Columbus, TSA notified ICE agents concerning an individual who was the subject of NAILS and Tipoff records. Agents responded to the Columbus, Ohio airport, where they located Jordanian national Nashat Salti Salem HADDAD. Agents interviewed HADDAD and discovered that he had originally entered the U.S. in October 2004 at Denver on a non-immigrant religious worker visa. HADDAD indicated he was destined for Provo, Utah for training sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but failed to board his connecting flight to Provo and made no other contact with the church. HADDAD told agents that he had instead gone to Chicago, where he stayed with some friends, then traveled to Marietta, Ohio, where he has been working and attending a bible college. The college was contacted and indicated that HADDAD had been going to school and that they were attempting to obtain an F-1 student visa for HADDAD. HADDAD claimed that he was going to Washington D.C. to visit some friends and then returning to Columbus. Agents found that he had only a one-way ticket. All record checks through JTTF were negative, and the JTTF indicated that they had no interest in the subject. Columbus agents arrested HADDAD and placed him in removal proceedings for misrepresentation at the time of his admission to the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 Dec 04; HSOC 4876-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[4 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES / CANADA: CBP Officers Initiate Expedited Removal Proceedings Against Palestinian Born Canadian Citizen. According to BTS reporting, on 21 December, in Buffalo, NY at the Peace Bridge Port of Entry (POE), Tawfik DABBOUSEH (COB: Palestine; COC: Canada; DOB: 05/25/1942, Alien nr A95423235) applied for admission as a B-2 Visitor for pleasure. DABBOUSEH, accompanied by his daughter Nesreen DABBOUSEH (DOB: 03/14/1975), was in a private vehicle driven by Swee Leng LIM (DOB: 01/12/1948). A search of DABBOUSEHs wallet revealed a valid Florida drivers license (D120813421850) issued to him. DABBOUSEH admitted to owning a Florida business; T-N-T Art & Frames. CBP officers determined that DABBOUSEH was inadmissible to the U.S. as an immigrant not in possession of an immigrant Visa, and initiated expedited removal proceedings. CBP officers allowed Nesreen DABBOUSEH and Swee Leng LIM to withdraw their applications for admission and return to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 24 December 04; HSOC 4915-04)
2. (FOUO) UNITED KINGDOM / NEW YORK: Removal Order Issued on Individual who Falsely Claimed Ties to Al-Qaida. According to ICE reporting on 21 December, federal agents arrested British national Chukwuemeka Uzokinma NWAGBOSO (DOB: 05/31/1978) and will initiate a VWP removal order (illegally present). Reportedly, agents received information that NWAGBOSO told a female acquaintance he was a member of al Qaida and that he knew Mohammed Atta. Federal agents found no evidence that he was linked to any terrorist organization. NWAGBOSO originally entered the U.S. under the VWP in February 2003 and failed to depart within 90 days. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 23 December 04; HSOC 4916-04)
3. (FOUO) GEORGIA: TSA Screeners Detect Broken Knife Tip Inside Lining of Ski Boot. According to BTS reporting, at Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport, on 23 December, TSA screeners detected a broken knife tip inside the lining of a ski boot. The knife tip, approximately 2 ¼ inches in length, was discovered in the carry-on bag of intended Northwest airlines passenger (Atlanta - Minneapolis St Paul). Law enforcement officials cited the passenger on a state charge of carrying a concealed weapon and issued him a notice to appear. LEOs released the passenger to continue traveling, but Northwest Airlines authorities denied his boarding. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 24 December 04; HSOC 4917-04)
4. (FOUO) NORTH CAROLINA: Pipe Bomb in Private Mailbox. According to TSA reporting, on 25 December, in Denver, NC, a paper carrier spotted a pipe bomb in the mailbox of a private residence and notified the Lincoln County Sheriffs Department. A bomb squad from adjacent Gaston County removed the device and rendered it safe with no detonation. The owner of the residence stated that his mailbox had been vandalized in the past, but he did not know who might have done it. North Carolina Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms is investigating. (TSA-12-13535-04, 25 December 04; HSOC 4918-04)
5. (FOUO) MONTANA: Suspicious Powder at Post Office. According to Custer County Sheriffs Office reporting, on 23 December, at the Miles City post office, workers discovered a suspicious white powder. The post office was decontaminated and restored to service. Test results are not available at this time. (Custer County Sheriffs Office, 23 December 04; HSOC 4885-04)
6. (FOUO) BRITAIN/NEW YORK: Individual Removed from No-Fly List. According to TSA reporting, on 23 December, at Heathrow airport, No-Fly listee Erdnich UCHKACH (DOB: 01/01/1967) attempted to board a flight destined for JFK airport. After review of the case, officials removed UCHKACH from the No-Fly list. (TSA e-mail, 23 December 04; HSOC 4887-04)
7. (FOUO) UKRAINE/NEW YORK: Suspected Fraudulent Visa. According to CBP reporting, on 24 December, at Boyspio, Ukraine Citizen Margareta MOSYUK (DOB: 01/27/1956) presented a passport with a possible fraudulent visa when attempting to board a flight to JFK airport. Investigators determined the visa was valid, and MOSYUK was allowed to fly. (CBP, 24 December 04; HSOC 4899-04)
8. (FOUO) TEXAS: Terrorism-Related Threats. According to 26 December concerned citizen reporting, beginning on 24 December, in San Antonio, a named individual made terrorist-like threats to the Security Service Federal Credit Union. The reporting individual was able to provide robust information personally identifying the individual making the threats. The individual has no record of criminal activity. The issue has been delegated to local law enforcement authorities. (Concerned citizen, 24 December 04; HSOC 4910-04)
9. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Canadian Citizen Denied Entry to the US. According to BTS reporting, on 25 December, at the Buffalo Peach Bridge, Afghani born Canadian national Farid SHERZAY (DOB: 01/10/1978) applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure. SHERZAY was identified as a match to an IBIS record indicating possible terrorist activities. CBP determined that SHERZAY was inadmissible and refused his admission into the US. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 27 December 04; HSOC 4914-04)
10. (FOUO) GUAM: Underwater Incursion of a USNS Vessel. According to USCG reporting, on 26 December, at the pier in Apra Harbor, Coast Guard Marianas Section received notification that a diver had been detained by Navy security after he was found swimming around the hull of USNS PETERSBURG, an offshore refueling vessel of the Military Sealift Command. The diver claims to be a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employee that accidentally found himself under the naval vessel. Navy security is currently investigating the incident. (USCG Operational Report, 25-27 December 04; HSOC 4919-04)
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Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) VIRGINIA: Larceny From Police Officers Private Vehicle Results in Stolen Police Identification Card, Badge, Two Loaded Magazines, and Two Handguns. According to a RFI from the Danville Police Department (DPD), on 23 December, Larceny from a police officers personal vehicle resulted in the following stolen items:
City of Danville Virginia police Identification card in the name of William Henry Chaney One Silver police badge issued by the city of Danville Police Department
One Silver police badge issued by Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office (Virginia)
One Glock Model 22, 40 caliber handgun with a Lasermax laser sight mounted on the weapon (serial nr: 879US)
Two loaded magazines
One .38 Caliber Taurus brand handgun with a blue finish
Miscellaneous keys and Panasonic recorder
This information was provided in conjunction with a Homeland Security request to Law Enforcement Agencies to provide information that may effect the 2005 Presidential Inauguration. The weapons have been entered into NCIC. This information has been broadcasted to the Eastern seaboard by the Danville Police Department. Immediately, contact the DPD at P.O. Box 3300, Danville, Virginia 24543 and/or at telephone number (434)799-6510 with any information. (Patriot Report: DPD, 24 December 04; HSOC 4897-04)
2. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA/VIRGINIA/GEORGIA: Police Investigate Muslims of American Members Involved in Burglaries of Cellular Telephone Stores. According to law enforcement information, in Hayward, the Hayward Police Department is investigating several members of the Muslims of America (MOA). Allegedly, the MOA members, involved in burglaries of cellular telephone store, are tied to 11 burglaries throughout the Central Valley and San Francisco Bay Area with loses totaling approximately 800 phones. Reportedly, they remove the weather stripping from a window and take the window pane out intact (along with the alarm sensors). The suspects and some of the stolen phones have been tracked via cell tower hits and bank records to Virginia and Atlanta, GA. Police have a list of the serial numbers of all of the stolen phones; contact the Hayward California Police Depart for investigative assistance if needed. California law enforcement entities are asked to check with burglary detectives to see if there are similar cases involving cellular telephone stores. (JRIES RFI, 23 December 04; HSOC 4884-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[1 Page.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Threatening Voice Message. According to a call-in report, on 26 December, at the Air Transport Association, a possible Middle Eastern male caller left a threatening message. The message advised of an attack that would take place in Washington, D.C. by the 31st of the month. Although the caller stated the name of the organization plotting the attack, it was inaudible in the message.(Call-in, 27 December 04; HSOC 4926-04)
2. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Suspicious Inquiry about Purchasing a Tractor Trailer Container. According to a Call-in report, on 27 December, at a retail supplier in Frederick, an individual inquired at the establishment about purchasing a tractor trailer container full of various size batteries. The individual stated that he wished to ship the container to an unspecified destination overseas. He also stated that he was a resident of Brooklyn, NY and would require the order to be transferred to New Jersey. (Call-in, 27 December 04; HSOC 4927-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: Suspicious Activity at Critical Infrastructure. According to a Call-in report, on 20 December, at a Dam in Morris County, a Vehicle occupied by two males of possible Middle Eastern descent entered a restricted area. A Dam employee approached the vehicle and advised the subjects that they were on private property. The two subjects claimed that they wanted to take one last look at the reservoir and dam before they relocated to Florida. The Dam employee ordered the subjects to leave the premises, informing them that local law enforcement had been contacted. The vehicle took off at a high rate of speed leaving the premises. (Call in, 27 December 04: HSOC 4929-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[3 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: Suspicious Activity at Dallas Infomart. According to NICC reporting, on 28 December, in Dallas, INFOMART security responded to a group of six individuals who were taking photographs both inside and outside their building. Once security advised these individuals about their policy of no pictures inside or outside without special authorization, the party of six departed and proceeded on foot to the Dallas Market Center. The Dallas Infomart complex contains 12 major international communication carriers. The site is geared for fully secure e-commerce, and for other sensitive data storage and transmission needs. (Patriot Report: NICC Reporting to HSOC, 28 Dec 04; HSOC 4936-04)
2. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: CBP Arrests Subject of State Department Visa Revocation and NCIC Warrant. According to BTS reporting, on 28 December, Mexican national (BBC: MEX000349272) Abraham CANALES Aguilar (DOB: 03/16/1959) attempted entry at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, California as a visitor for pleasure. Record checks revealed the visa was revoked and FBI record #905177CB2 indicated a Felony conviction for possession of narcotics and an outstanding warrant in San Francisco. CANALES was determined to be inadmissible as nonimmigrant not in possession of a visa or border crossing card. He is being detained by CBP pending legal processing and extradition to San Francisco. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 29 Dec 04; HSOC 4942-04)
3. (FOUO) TEXAS: Suspicious Jacket Found. According to CBP reporting, on 23 December, Hebbronville Border Patrol Agents discovered a jacket with an Arabic patch in a lay up area on Hwy. 285. The jacket had two patches sewn on the back and one on the inside. The two patches on the back were an Arabic Military Badge and a patch with the letters Daiwa and the patch on the inside read Midnight Mission. DHS translators concluded that the patch read, Defense Center, Ministry of Defense, or Defense Headquarters. The bottom of the patch read Martyr, Way to Eternal Life or Way to Immortality. The Daiwa patch stands for a corporate company which sells Sport Fishing products with corporate offices in eight countries including Japan, the U.S., Australia, France, Germany, Taiwan, Thailand, and the UK. The patch that was located inside the jacket read Midnight Mission. The logo depicts an airplane flying over a building and headed towards a tower.
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4. (FOUO) NEVADA: Attempted Sabotage of High Voltage Transmission Lines. According to NICC reporting, on 27 December, two employees of the named U.S. power company were performing a routine patrol of a 345kV transmission line, between a major generating station (Valmy) and the Reno, NV area. The crew found three structures that had many structural supports, nuts, and bolts removed. They repaired the three structures and continued to inspect the power line, until poor road conditions prevented the crew from continuing. On 28 December, the crew returned to continue their line inspection, and discovered two additional structures that were found to have structural supports removed. These two structures were also repaired, and at this time no other damaged structures have been discovered. This line is one of two 345kV lines that parallel each other, from the Valmy power station to the Reno area. The named U.S. power company reports, that both lines will be patrolled for their entire length (162 miles). It is apparent, that the intent was to bring down the transmission line for an extensive distance. If one tower collapses, up to eight more can be brought down at the same time, because they targeted one out off every four towers in the sequence. Reportedly, even if one transmission line had been disrupted, enough redundancies in the system would have prevented a blackout of Reno. Federal and Local Law Enforcement have been notified and are investigating. (NICC Spot Report, 28 Dec 04; HSOC 4938-04)
5. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Artfully Concealed Prohibited Item Discovered in Cell Phone. According to BTS reporting, on 28 December, TSA screeners at San Francisco detected an artfully concealed single-edged razor concealed inside the cell phone of a named U.S. citizen during checkpoint screening. The named U.S. citizen was cited to appear by LEOs and released to continue travel. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 29 Dec 04; HSOC 4943-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: Pipe Bomb Discovered Near Sparger Park Creek. According to State and Local (S&L) reporting, on 29 December, a couple discovered a pipe bomb near a creek in Sparger Park, Colleyville. The object had a fuse type element protruding from the box. The Colleyville Fire Department responded and detonated the object. Reportedly, the detonation was powerful enough to send fragments approximately 300 yards away. No injuries, fatalities, road closures, or evacuations were reported. An investigation is on-going. (S&L Situational Report, 29 Dec 04; HSOC 4956-04)
2. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: IEEPA Violator Arrested. According to BTS reporting, on 28 December, Chicago ICE and Department of Commerce (DOC) agents arrested a named U.S. citizen, at his Lexington, Kentucky residence for his involvement in a conspiracy with another named U.S. citizen to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). The investigation disclosed that they conspired to purchase U.S.-origin forklift parts from the accuseds company, and diverted the parts through the United Arab Emirates to the Sephan Lifter Company in Iran. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Dec 04; HSOC 4957-04)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Ukrainian Nationals Attempt Entry with Photo-Substituted Passports and Visas. According to BTS reporting, on 29 December, Ukrainian nationals Ivan SERNOWSKIY (DOB: 10/25/1968, A97914917) and Maria FESTUK (DOB: 06/20/1975, A97914918) arrived by bus at the Buffalo, NY Port of Entry (POE) claiming to be an Israeli couple named Vyesheslav and Marya URMANOV. The couple applied for admission as visitors for pleasure. SERNOWSKIY presented Israeli passport 8400058 in the name of Vyesheslav URMANOV (DOB: 03/12/1965) with a visa issued in Tel Aviv on November 29, 2000 (foil 41200881). FESTUK presented Israeli passport 6830276 in the name of Marya URMANOV (DOB: 06/20/1975) with machine-readable visa (20011717790001). The Automated Biometrics Identification System (IDENT) checks resulted in a fingerprint mismatch on Mr. URMANOV. The couple was referred to secondary for further examination. NTC research revealed a recent photo of Vyesheslav URMANOV which was forwarded to CBP officers for comparison. SERNOWSKIY was confronted with the fingerprint and photograph discrepancies and admitted his true identity. The U.S. Attorneys Office accepted this case for prosecution. CBP determined both aliens were inadmissible to the U.S. (willful misrepresentation of material fact), refused their admission, and detained them for prosecution. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Dec 04; HSOC 4958-04)
4. (FOUO) COLOMBIA/UNITED STATES: Money Launderer and Drug Trafficker Arrested in Colombia. According to BTS reporting, on 28 December, the ICE Attaché in Bogotá, Colombia reported that ICE and DEA agents arrested Colombian national Dagoberto FLOREZ-Rios at a farm in Medellin, Colombia. FLOREZ was transported by air to Bogotá, Colombia by ICE agents for further processing. Previously, FLOREZ was indicted for federal money laundering and drug trafficking violations. New York El Dorado Task Force investigation revealed that FLOREZ has been a high-level drug trafficker for the Norte Valle Cartel and was the trusted right hand man to the Henao Montoya drug trafficking family. FLOREZ was responsible for the smuggling of thousands of kilos of cocaine into the United States and assisted in the laundering of millions of dollars in drug proceeds back to Colombia. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Dec 04; HSOC 4959-04)
5. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Significant Arrest. According to BTS reporting, on 29 December, Detroit Border Patrol Agents (BPAs) arrested Pakistani national Asfand Yar KAHN (DOB: 09/28/1977, A98222864). KAHN was encountered during transportation checks at the Detroit Greyhound Bus Station. Criminal history checks revealed an outstanding warrant for forgery in the 1st degree from Decatur, GA. Extradition was not authorized in accordance with the warrant. KAHN has been detained and is being processed for removal. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Dec 04; HSOC 4960-04)
6. (FOUO) TENNESSEE: Passenger Arrested for Artfully Concealed Weapon. According to BTS reporting, on 29 December, in Memphis, TSA screeners detected an artfully concealed razor blade in the tennis shoe of a U.S. named passenger. The blade was concealed in the toe of the shoe under the insole and the subject divested the shoes during checkpoint screening. The subject was arrested on the federal charge of carrying a dangerous weapon onboard an aircraft. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 30 Dec 04; HSOC 4961-04)
7. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Possible Surveillance of Federal Building in Baltimore. According ICE reporting 28 December, a Special Agent from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD-OIG) observed three individuals conducting possible surveillance of two federal facilities in Baltimore, MD. The two male and one female subjects, described as being of Middle Eastern descent, were seen videotaping the US Customs House and the Appraiser Building. Each of the subjects had their own camera. The agent notified contract guards inside the Appraiser Building. When the agent and guards went outside to contact the subjects, the three individuals hid their cameras and departed the area, with each subject traveling in a separate direction. The Baltimore City Police Department Intelligence Unit was notified, and the matter has been referred to an FPS Special Agent for further investigation. (ICE Daily Summary, 29 Dec 04; HSOC 4962-04)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) UNITED STATES/CANADA: CBP Officers Refuse Entry to Canadian Citizen. According to BTS reporting, on 30 Dec, at the Toronto pre-clearance station, CBP officers refused entry to Gezim HOXHAJ (COC: Canada; PPN: JL467308) who applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure. Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) checks identified two records relating to the State Department revocation of HOXHAJs visa (issued to his Albanian passport 0059066) due to his possible involvement in espionage. Further research revealed that HOXHAJ had attempted to enter the United States from Toronto on 18 December 2004 and was allowed to withdraw his application for admission. HOXHAJ was advised to resolve the issue with the consulate before attempting entry. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 31 December 04; HSOC 4973-04
2. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: Significant Arrest. According to BTS reporting, on 30 December, in Blaine, CBP Agents arrested Pakistani national Qaiser MAHMOOD (DOB: 02/06/1958, A97548994) and his family whose names are as follows:
Pakistani national Uzma QAISER (DOB: 09/16/1971, A97548995) Pakistani national Urooj HASSAN (DOB: 04/17/1993, A97548996)
Pakistani national Ozama KAMAL (DOB: 05/14/1994, A97548997)
Pakistani national Heba MAHMOOD (DOB: 01/10/1998, A97548999)
Pakistani national Shazeen MAHMOOD (DOB: 06/13/1995, A97548998)
MAHMOOD and his family subsequently overstayed their visas and went to Canada and applied for refugee status. CBP reported that the family was returned to the United States after having been denied refugee status in Canada under the Reciprocal Arrangement between the U.S. and Canada. MAHMOOD and his family were denied refugee status in Canada due to the fact that MAHMOOD is linked to a possible terrorist group in Pakistan called Mohajir Quami Movement-Haqiqi (MQM-H). MAHMOOD is a positive match to a TIPOFF group in a list maintained by the U.S. State Department. Qaiser MAHMOOD and family are being held awaiting removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 1 January 05; HSOC 0002-05)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Photography. According to Ravenswood Station Operations reporting, on 2 January, a Hispanic male was taking photographs of the station. The station is a major power supplier for Queens and Long Island. The station is large enough that it may draw tourist attention. Local law enforcement has been notified. (Ravenswood Station Operations, 2 January 05; HSOC 0008-05))
4. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Citizen of Canada Refused Entry. According to BTS reporting on, 2 January, at the the Peace Bridge in Buffalo Pakistani national Bilal Rasheed NADEEM (DOB: 11241981; PPN: JF425145) applied for admission to the U.S. Canadas National Risk Assessment Center (NRAC) informed CBP that according to reports NADEEM was linked to the Taliban. CBP determined that NADEEM was a positive TECS match. NADEEM was found to be inadmissible to the U.S. and was allowed to withdraw his application. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 3 January 05; HSOC 0009-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) CANADA / UNITED STATES: Egyptian Born Citizen of Canada Attempts Entry; Criminal Prosecution Pending. According to BTS reporting, on 2 January, at the Amtrak Train Station in Niagara Falls, Samir Sami T. IBRAHIM (COB: Egypt; COC: Canada; DOB: 08/19/1958) applied for admission as a Visitor for Pleasure. CBP officers determined that IBRAHIM is an IBIS match for threatening assault on a Federal Judge, obstruction, and the following removals from the United States.
On April 24, 1998, IBRAHIM was removed from the United States following a guilty plea to obstruction. On May 6, 2000, IBRAHIM was removed from the United States to Canada.
On April 10, 2002, IBRAHIM was arrested in Alabama for illegal re-entry after deportation.
On January 3, 2003, IBRAHIM was removed from the United States.
IBRAHIM is being detained pending prosecution for attempted illegal entry after deportation (felony), and making false statements/willful misrepresentation to Federal Officers. Research revealed that IBRAHIM possibly had two social security numbers and two drivers licenses, Michigan and Tennessee. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 4 Jan 05; HSOC 0023-05)
2. (FOUO) SOUTH CAROLINA / DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA / NEW YORK: Individual on No-Fly List Attempts to Fly on Independence Air. According to TSA reporting, on 3 January, in Greenville, SC, a named individual (U.S. Legal Permanent Resident), on the No-Fly list, attempted to board an Independence Airline flight. The flight was en route to Washington Dulles with continuing service to John F. Kennedy, NY. TSA authorities notified federal law enforcement officials. The federal law enforcement officials confirmed the named individual as a No-Fly list match, denied him boarding, interviewed him, and subsequently released the named individual. (TSA Spot Report, TSA-003-05, 3 Jan 05; HSOC 0024-05)
3. (FOUO) GEORGIA: Sheriffs Department Reports Theft of Badges and Identification Cards. According to 3 January 05 FBI reporting, in Pickens County, during the period 28 to 29 December 04, police badges and identification cards were stolen from the Sheriffs Department. The items belonged to the Sheriffs Department and the Zell Miller Mountain Parkway Drug Task Force. The theft consisted of four to six Deputy Sheriff Badges, four to seven Detention Officer Badges, three to five Court Baliff Badges representing Pickens County, and at least three Special Agent Badges for the Zell Miller Mountain Parkway Drug Task Force. The number of identification cards stolen was unknown, and one Sherrifs State Identification Card was stolen. (FBI IRR: IIR 4 214 01653 05, 03 Jan 05; HSOC 0020-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[3 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) NEW YORK: U.S. Citizen Pleads Guilty In Smuggling of Albanians into the U.S. According to ICE reporting, on 3 January, in New York, a named U.S. Citizen pled guilty to "conspiracy to commit alien smuggling." The U.S. Citizen was part of a criminal organization that smuggled over 1000 Albanian/Macedonian nationals into the U.S. over the last ten years. In a separate arrest, ICE Agents arrested the leader of the organization, who was identified by the National Security Council as a significant threat to national security. To date, 17 conspirators have been indicted. The investigation is ongoing. (ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 4 Jan 05; HSOC 0037-05)
2. (FOUO) VIRGINIA: Man Pleads Guilty to Immigration Fraud. According to ICE reporting, on 3 January, a named U.S. Citizen pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia to one count of immigration fraud as the result of an investigation by ICE-Agents and members of the Eastern District of Virginia Fraud Task Force. The U.S. Citizen was an agent of the Chinese Indonesian American Society (CIAS), and one of the subjects of Operation "Jakarta," a benefit fraud investigation of CIAS and related organizations involved in filing fraudulent asylum applications, driver's licenses, Social Security numbers, labor certifications and I-140 (immigrant worker) applications. The named U.S. Citizen, who was one of 26 subjects arrested to date in this case, was released pending sentencing. It is anticipated that additional subjects will be prosecuted in this large-scale criminal conspiracy. (ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 4 Jan 05; HSOC 0038-05)
3. (FOUO) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. FPS Agents Investigate Suspected Illegal Alien for Document Fraud. According to BTS reporting, on 30 December 2004, in the District of Columbia, FPS Officers arrested Solvi CASTRO (DOB: Unknown) for fraud at the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI). Officers discovered that CASTRO was in possession of what appeared to be a fraudulent DOI contractor identification badge. CASTRO admitted that she had obtained the DOI badge using another personâs name and biographical data. CASTRO, who was illegally in the U.S. had also obtained a Social Security card and other documents that allowed her to gain employment in the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 5 Jan 05; HSOC 0039-05)
4. (FOUO) CANADA: Refusal of Admission to Tunisian National and Canadian Citizen with Suspected Terror Ties. According to BTS reporting on 4 January, in Montreal, CBP officers determined that Moez TANGOUR (COB: Tunisia; COC: Canada; DOB: 04/07/1963) was a TIPOFF and NO FLY match. CBP officers contacted ICE, who in turn interviewed TANGOUR and his wife Rim Bent Mounier GHANNOUCHI (DOB: 08/06/1978). No derogatory information was found for the wife; however, she did not possess the proper documents. TANGOUR and GHANNOUCHI were not allowed to board the flight; they departed the airport without incident. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 5 Jan 05, HSOC 0034-05)
5. (FOUO) WASHINGTON: South African Born Canadian Citizen Refused Admission at Blaine, WA. According to CBP reporting on 3 January, Younus KATHRADA (DPOB: 10/16/1964, South Africa; COC: Canada;:) arrived by automobile at Blaine, WA with his wife and their four children seeking entry as visitors for pleasure. The vehicle was a Lookout match for suspected terrorist ties and links to the Dar Al-Madinah mosque and Rudwan ABUBAKER, an alleged explosives expert killed in Chechnya. Younus KATHRADA lectures at the mosque and is under investigation for violating Canadian hate crime laws, statements related to jihad, and the situation in Israel. CBP Explosive Canine Enforcement Officers checked the vehicle with negative results. ICE and JTTF interviewed KATHRADA. KATHRADA was found inadmissible, not being in possession of proper documents and he returned to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 5 Jan 05, HSOC 0035-05)
6. (FOUO) ISRAEL: Citizen of Israel Subject of TIPOFF and TSA No Fly has Visa Revoked on January 3. According to BTS reporting on 5 January, Samuel COHEN (DOB: 07/20/1969) arrived at LAX on COPA airlines from Lima, Peru, seeking admission as a visitor for pleasure. At LAX, the CT Watch determined that COHEN was a TIPOFF and NO FLY match. Close coordination resulted in the Department of State (DOS) revoking COHEN's visa on the spot. As a result of this revocation, COHEN was found to not be in possession of proper documents and was processed for an Expedited Removal. He is scheduled to depart 5 January, from the United States on COPA airlines flight CM303. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 5 Jan 05, HSOC 0033-05)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) DELAWARE: State Police Requests Information on any Extremist Group or Individual who may Pose a Threat to Gubernatorial Inauguration. The Delaware State Police (DSP) is conducting vulnerability and threat assessments for their gubernatorial inauguration, which will commence on 15, 16, and 18 January 2005. They are requesting the assistance of any law enforcement agency, which may have information concerning any extremist group and or extremist individual that may pose a threat and or a danger to our gubernatorial inauguration. Anyone with any information, please contact DSP Detective Suzanne Baker via JRIES, email: Suzanne.Baker@state.de.us, or at (302) 739-1496 or (302) 739-5996. (RFI Posted on HSIN/JRIES 4 Jan 05; HSOC 0027-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) CANADA/UNITED STATES: Jordanian National Subject of TIPOFF Records Refused Entry. According to BTS reporting, on 5 January, at the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Airport pre-clearance station, Nedam ABED (DPOB: 03/12/1966, Jordan; PPN: VJ326829) applied for admission to the U.S. as a B-1 visitor for business en route to Chicago, IL. CBP officers identified ABED as a TIPOFF (member of a terrorist group) match and a National Crime Information Center (NCIC) terrorist lookout match. NTC checked the Consular Consolidated Database and discovered a visa revocation related to ABEDs Jordanian passport (PPN: E245758) as well as for his Border Crossing Card issued in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Based on the previously mentioned derogatory information, NTC, TSC, and the CT Watch denied ABED entry into the U.S. Later the same day ABED returned to the Edmonton pre-clearance station and attempted to gain admission to the U.S. to board a later flight. ABED was determined to be inadmissible as an alien who is likely to engage in terrorist activities upon admission to the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 6 Jan 05; HSOC 0054-05)
2. (FOUO) VERMONT: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Three Algerian Nationals. According to BTS reporting, on 4 January, in Swanton at the Highgate Springs Port of Entry, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested Algerian nationals Dalila HARTANI-HADDAR (DOB:04/05/1972; Alien nr: A97 657 645), Waffaa HADDAR (DOB:06/24/1998; Alien nr: A97 657 646), and Narimene HADDAR (DOB:01/06/2004; Alien nr: A97 657 647). They entered the U.S. on 30 April 2004 as B-2 visitors for pleasure and were determined to have overstayed their admission status. All three were refused entry into Canada as refugees. All three were processed for removal and are being detained pending the outcome of removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 6 Jan 05; HSOC 0055-05)
3. (FOUO) INDIANA: Electric Power Company Employee Discovers Cut Lock at Sub-station. According to National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC) reporting, on 3 January, in Fort Wayne, during a sub-station check at a named electric power company, an employee noticed a cut lock on the front gate. The gate was opened and some of the non-critical yard fence ground wires were cut. No other damage was observed, and the sub-station did not incur a loss of capability. (Patriot Report: NICC/Electric ISAC, 5 Jan 05; HSOC 0048-05)
4. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: ICE Agents Search Business Suspected of Illegal Exports to Iran. According to ICE reporting, on 5 January, in Los Angeles, ICE agents searched a named U.S. company suspected of illegal exports to Iran. The named company shipped two containers of photo processing equipment to Arman General Trading (AGT) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), for transshipment to Iran. Reportedly, this shipment was conducted without the required licenses or other approval issued by Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). (ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 5 Jan 05; HSOC 0056-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[1 Page.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information. The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101
1. (FOUO) SOUTH CAROLINA: Train Collision with Chemical Spill. According to TSA reporting, on 6 January, the AP Wire reported that a Norfolk Southern freight train collided with a parked Norfolk Southern locomotive in Graniteville. Four rail tanker cars and two engines derailed. One tanker car was carrying Sodium Hydroxide and the other three tanker cars contained Chlorine. Reportedly, all four rail cars ruptured and leaked. The reason for the collision is unknown at this time. The state's emergency response team was dispatched to the scene along with units from Little Rock, AR and TX. The first responders arriving on the scene, passed out from chemical fumes and more than 100 people complained of respiratory problems. The South Carolina Emergency Management Division confirmed that there were at least eight fatalities. All deaths were caused by inhaling chlorine fumes, except the engineer of the moving train who died during the crash. Reportedly, 234 people were taken to six area hospitals for treatment, with 53 admitted. As of 0500 EDT on 07 January, chlorine continues to leak and the gas is setting near the ground as temperature drops. Air monitoring is ongoing, and the condition is considered stable. (TSA Spot Report: TSA-01-0495, 7 Jan 05; HSOC 0057-05)
2. (FOUO) UNITED STATES // FRANCE: French Officials Notify DHS Concerning 38 Stolen French Passports. According to BTS reporting, on 5 January, the Paris, France Fraud Prevention Specialist assigned to the American Embassy notified DHS that 38 legitimately issued French passports had been stolen during the night of 23 December 2004 from the City Hall of Villeneuve-la Garenne. Reportedly, none of the stolen passports have been used to enter the U.S. since the date of the theft. Lookouts have been created for the stolen passports. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 7 Jan 05; HSOC 0068-05)
3. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Pakistani National. According to BTS reporting, on 6 January, in Detroit, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested Pakistani national Adeel AFTAB (DOB: 10/11/1977, Alien nr: A98222896) for entry without inspection. In response to a BPA request for identification, AFTAB presented a Detroit Police Badge. BPAs seized the badge. AFTAB is being held pending removal proceedings. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 7 Jan 05; HSOC 0069-05)
4. (FOUO) TEXAS: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Jordanian National. According to BTS reporting, on 6 January, in Dallas, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested Jordanian national Mohammad Qasem KANANAH (DOB: 10/23/1971, Alien nr: A97395744). Reportedly, KANANAH entered the U.S. in Chicago on 11 December 1996 as an A-2 (Foreign government employee: Jordanian Air Force Member). KANANAH was trained by the U.S. Air Force and later deserted his unit. KANANAH is being held pending removal to Jordan. (BTS Daily Operation Report, 7 Jan 05; HSOC 0070-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202) 282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information, contact the HSOC SWO.
[1 Page.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which
may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information.
The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and
to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients
have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland
Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
1. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Agents Arrest Smuggled Middle Eastern
Nationals. According to BTS reporting, on 6 January, in Los Angeles,
ICE and JTTF agents arrested Jordanian nationals Hussam Ahmad KHALIL, Emad
Takleh KHALIL and Hattim HALEEM for violating state trademark regulations
related to adulterated oil. Reportedly, KHALIL has gained substantial
profit from this venture and has sent $30,000-$40,000 per month to the Middle
East. KHALIL, who is believed to be a member of Hamas (a designated
foreign terrorist organization), is also suspected of involvement in wire
fraud, trademark violations, alien smuggling, harboring of illegal aliens,
narcotics smuggling, and visa fraud. Agents also arrested Omar OKOUR,
Mahmoud KHALIL and Ziad SALEH for unlawful presence in the United States.
KHALIL and SALEH claim to have paid $10,000 to a smuggler in Mexico
to transport them into the U.S. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 10 Jan
04; HSOC 0102-05)
2. (FOUO) UNITED KINGDOM // VIRGINIA: Citizen of the United
Kingdom Denied Entry Subject of a TIPOFF. According to CBP reporting,
on 8 January, at International Airpor Nicolas Sy Wai JIM also known
as Abdullah Mohamed IBRAHIM applied for admission to the U.S. without proper
entry documents. JIM claimed to have left his passport at a security
checkpoint in London. CBP officers identified JIM as the subject of
a TIPOFF record (member of a terrorist group). CBP officers referred
JIM to secondary screening for an interview and inspection of his luggage.
Upon completion of inspection and interview, CBP determined JIM to be
inadmissible to the U.S. and returned him to the United Kingdom. (CBP
Morning Report, 10 January 05; HSOC 0103-05)
3. (FOUO) FLORIDA: Jordanian Born Citizens of Panama Denied
Entry Subjects of TIPOFF / No Fly. According to TSA and CBP reporting,
on 9 January, at Miami International Airport, Kaled Ali SALAMAH AUAD and
his spouse Najihah Mohamed IBRAHIM DE SALAMAH applied for admission to the
U.S. CBP officers identified SALAMAH AUAD as the subject of a TIPOFF
record, TSA No-FLY, and NCIC Terrorist Organization Member Lookout and that
IBRAHIM DE SALAMAH was the subject of multiple TIPOFF Records. CBP
referred the couple to secondary screening for interviews and luggage
inspection. After completion of interviews and inspection, CBP officers
confirmed that SALAMAH AUAD and IBRAHIM DE SALAMAH were matches to the TIPOFF
record and found them to be inadmissible to the U.S. TSA downgraded
SALAMAH AUAD to a TSA Selectee to facilitate his return to Panama.
(TSIS e-mail, 9 January 05; CBP Morning Report, 10 January 05; HSOC 0094-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information
that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO
information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who
do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the
Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should
your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information,
contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which
may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information.
The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and
to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients
have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland
Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
1. (FOUO) NEW YORK/TURKEY: No-Fly Listee Aboard
Aircraft. According to TSA reporting, on 9 January, at JFK airport,
Turkish citizen Kursheed BEGUM boarded a Turkish Air flight bound for
Istanbul. NTC confirmed that BEGUM was a positive match for the No-Fly
list. There were no Air Marshals, VIPs or high-value cargo on
the aircraft. Authorities determined BEGUM was not a threat and removed
her from the No-Fly list.(TSA e-mail, 10 January 05; HSOC 0097-05)
2. (FOUO) GEORGIA: FAMs Detain Passenger on Flight En Route
to Atlanta. According to 10 January TSA reporting, a female passenger
became hysterical on-board a flight bound for Atlanta. The passenger
moved to the forward area of the plane asking the first class passengers
where the black box was because the plane was going down, and then began
screaming and pounding on the cockpit door. The FAM team onboard detained
the passenger, and LEOs met the flight upon landing. LEOs interviewed
the passenger and then transported her to a local hospital for a psychiatric
evaluation. (TSA-01-0861-05, 10 January 05; HSOC 0117-05)
3. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: Unidentified Individual Cuts Fence at
a Power Switching Station. According to New Jersey State Police
reporting, on 24 December 2004, in South Brunswick at a named U.S.
companys power switching station, a fence was cut. Reportedly,
an unidentified individual entered the facility; however, nothing was stolen.
Additionally, it did not appear that the individual left anything inside
the facility. (New Jersey State Police, 10 January 05; HSOC 0107-05)
4. (FOUO) TEXAS: Bomb Threat, Alleged Explosives Transported
on an AFB. According to Texas State Operations Center (SOC) reporting,
on 10 January, in Del Rio, Laughlin AFB received a bomb threat. Security
Dogs alerted to a truck entering the base; base security isolated and searched
the truck with negative results. Base security contacted a civilian bomb
squad unit who responded and found no explosives on the truck. Reportedly,
the truck and the driver, who was possibly of Middle Eastern descent, were
subsequently released after the truck was cleared. (SOC e-mail report,
10 and 11 January 05; HSOC 0109-05)
5. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Suspicious Photography. According
to NICC reporting, on 10 January, in Long Island, a terminal operator, for
a named U.S. electric utility company, noticed a male individual in front
of the terminal taking photographs of the electric utility company terminal
and the New York Port Authority terminal. Upon being approached by a terminal
operator, the man produced identification indicating that he was an intern
with a named media corporation. (Patriot Report: NICC e-mail, 10 January
05; HSOC 0110-05)
6. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA: Citizen of Panama Refused Admission,
Processed for Expedited Removal. According to BTS reporting, on
9 January, at Los Angeles international, Rafiq SALAMA HAMAYEL (DOB: 03/27/1959;
Panama PPN: 1255413; COB: Jordan; COC: Panama) from Lima, Peru and applied
for admission as a visitor in transit to Hong Kong. CBP officers discovered
that SALAMA is the subject of an Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS)
TIPOFF, National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Terrorist Organization Member
lookout and a Department Of State National Security Entry-Exit Registration
System (NSEER) violator lookout. CBP officers determined SALAMA to be
inadmissible to the U.S. as a member of a terrorist organization and as a
non-immigrant not in possession of a valid visa. SALAMA was processed
for expedited removal and is to return to Peru on 11 January. (BTS Daily
Operations Report, 11 Jan 05; HSOC 0118-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information
that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO
information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who
do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the
Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should
your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information,
contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which
may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information.
The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and
to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients
have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland
Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
1. (FOUO) TEXAS: Bomb Threat, Alleged Explosives Transported
on an AFB. Background: According to Texas State Operations Center
(SOC) reporting, on 10 January, in Del Rio, Laughlin AFB received a bomb
threat. Security Dogs alerted to a truck entering the base; base security
isolated and searched the truck with negative results. Reportedly, the truck
and the driver, who was possibly of Middle Eastern descent, were subsequently
released after the truck was cleared. Update: According to an
11 January Phone conversation with the U.S. Attorneys Office (USAO)
in Del Rio, the truck driver in this incident was not of Middle Eastern
descent. Reportedly, the truck driver was a white male U.S. citizen
who is a retired U.S. Air Force veteran with psychological problems.
He was taken to a local hospital for evaluation and subsequently released.
The man returned to the base security gate where authorities arrested him
as a public nuisance. The local sheriffs department and the federal
authorities were notified. (Phone call Del Rio USAO, 11 Jan 05; HSOC
2. (FOUO) LOUISIANA: Bangladesh National Arrested.
According to BTS reporting, in Lake Charles, on 11 January, Border Patrol
agents (BPAs) arrested Tanzina MOURI ALAM (COB: Bangladesh; DOB:
11/17/1973, Alien nr: A97 491 293). BPAs processed her for removal
proceedings and released on her own recognizance. Of note, MOURI ALAM
gained entry into the U.S. in 2003 through marriage to naturalized U.S. citizen.
They were divorced one month later. (Daily Operations Report, 12 Jan 05;
HSOC 0137-05)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Canadian National Refused
Admission. According to BTS reporting, on 11 January, at the Rainbow
Bridge, Niagara Falls, Fateh Mohamed SRAJELDIN (COB: Syria; COC:
Canada; DOB: 02/26/1951, Canadian Citizen ID: 1889304) applied for admission
as a visitor for pleasure. SRAJELDIN is the subject of an Interagency
Border Inspection System (IBIS) TIPOFF for an NCIC Terrorist Organization
Member lookout and had six TECS entries related to prior entry refusals.
SRAJELDIN was found to be inadmissible as an immigrant not in possession
of a valid visa and he was returned to Canada. (BTS Daily Operations
Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0131-05)
4. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Mexican National Refused
Admission. According to BTS reporting, on 10 January, at JFK
International Airport, Berenise CHAVEZ-DONAN (COC: Mexico; DOB: 10/20/1981;
Mexican Border Crossing Card 6500001; PPN: 1475166) arrived from Mexico City
and applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure. CBP officers
identified CHAVEZ as the subject of a Department of State visa revocation.
CHAVEZ was refused entry and returned to Mexico. (BTS Daily Operations
Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0132-05)
5. (FOUO) TEXAS/LOUISIANA: Bomb Threat at Tottel Oil
Refinery. According to USCG reporting, on 11 January, the Tottel
oil refinery in Port Arthur, Texas, received a call from a male caller stating
Bombs, bombs, bombs. The call originated from a company
out of Mandeville, LA, that runs tugs, push-boats, and barges. The
oil refinery ran a sweep of their facility and doubled security at the
waterfront. The Mandeville based company swept all of their vessels
and investigated who might have placed the call. One of the companys
vessels, the DALE ARTIGUE, pushing four empty barges, is moored at a fleeting
area in Port Arthur. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office authorities in
Port Arthur and the local police department with a bomb-sniffing dog were
to board the vessel to ensure that there were no bombs on board. The
facility has increased its security level and will remain at a heightened
alert until 15 January at which time they will re-evaluate the security posture
of the facility. (USCG Operational Summary, 12 January 05; HSOC 0138-05)
6. (FOUO) MASSACHUSETTS: Department of Defense Contract Employee
Pleads Guilty. According to ICE reporting, on 10 January, in Boston,
ICE reported U.S. citizen Ahmed MEHALBA (DOB: 03/13/1972) pleaded guilty
to federal violations related to gathering, transmitting or losing defense
information and making false statements. The plea is the result of
a joint federal investigation of MEHALBA who was a Department of Defense
contract linguist working at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Upon his return
to the U.S., CBP officers inspected MEHALBA and found that he had numerous
CDs in his possession. MEHALBA denied having any business or government related
material in his possession. Review of the CDs disclosed that they contained
classified information. MEHALBA is scheduled to be sentenced on 9 March
2005. This incident has received national media attention. (BTS
Daily Operation Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0139-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information
that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO
information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who
do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the
Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should
your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information,
contact the HSOC SWO.
[2 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which
may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information.
The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and
to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients
have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland
Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
1. (FOUO) NEW YORK: ICE Agents Arrest Operation
Panda Fugitive. According to ICE reporting, on 11 January,
in New York City, ICE Agents located and arrested PAN Ping Chen, a citizen
of the Peoples Republic of China. PAN had been a fugitive since
early November 2004. His arrest was a result of Operation
Panda, an ICE-led task force investigation, being conducted jointly
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York City Police Department,
into Asian organized crime and Asian criminal enterprises operating in New
York City. The investigation revealed that a loose confederation of
individuals acted in concert to carry out criminal activities including alien
smuggling, money laundering, extortion, drug distribution, illegal gambling
operations, and numerous acts of violence in New Yorks Chinatown.
To date, 36 subjects have been arrested as a result of this investigation.
(ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0158-05)
2. (FOUO) FLORIDA: Chinese Counterfeit Travelers Checks.
According to ICE reporting, on 5 January, a Deportation Officer (DO) of the
Broward Transition Center contacted the Bradenton Detention Center
(BDC) regarding possible counterfeit Visa travelers checks being carried
by two Chinese females. The DO stated that the Secret Service interviewed
the detainees and confiscated the counterfeit travelers checks worth
$1600.00. The two females were originally traveling with six Chinese males
when they were arrested. Since the males are currently detained at the BDC,
it was determined that a thorough search of all their personal property should
be conducted. During the search BDC IEA's discovered that several of the
Chinese males had counterfeit travelers checks in their property. The
Secret Service contacted Bradenton DRO about a pending investigation into
this incident. The individuals involved and the amounts of counterfeit
travelers checks were: Bin Da LIN (A 97 663 619) - $800.00 -- Yi Wu
XIE (A 97 663 620) - $600.00 -- Zhi HUANG (A 97 663 621) - $200.00 - Guan
HUANG (A 97 663 622) - $400.00, and Ahong Da ZOU (A 97 663 625) - $600.00.
(ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0159-05)
3. (FOUO) CALIFORNIA / PANAMA: Refusal of Admission on Terrorist
Organizational Ties. According to CBP reporting, on 8 January,
Los Angeles Airport (LAX) CBP reported that Venezuela national
Ali Hachem DAHROUGE (DOB: 11181974), arriving from Panama was an exact TIPOFF
match. DAHROUGE was traveling with his brother Colombian national Wisal
Chakib Hachem HACHEM (DOB: 05241974). Additional CBP information revealed
that DAHROUGE is likely to engage in terrorist activities, and is a member
of a foreign terrorist organization. HACHEM has an association with
a terrorist organization. FBI and ICE interviewed the subjects and
recommended that they not be allowed into the United States. Both were
allowed to withdraw their application for admission, and will be returned
to Panama on 13 January. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 13 Jan
05, HSOC 0160-05)
4. (FOUO) GEORGIA / JAPAN: Refusal of Admission Because of
Terrorist Ties. According to CBP reporting, on 12 January, Peruvian
nationals Violeta Kimiko NOMOTO HERRERA (DOB: 02201977) and her sister Yury
Wendy NOMOTO HERRERA (DOB: 09051982) arrived at the Atlanta
Hartsfield International Airport CBP Officers determined
that Violeta NOMOTO HERRERA is a TIPOFF match, and further investigation
revealed that Violeta NOMOTO HERRERA was inadmissible as a result of being
a member of a terrorist organization and as a non-immigrant without a valid
non-immigrant visa. JTTF and ICE interviewed both sisters.
Violeta Kimiko NOMOTO HERRERA was allowed to withdraw her application for
admission to the United States. Her sister Yury NOMOTO HERRERA
was also allowed to withdraw her application for admission. Both are
scheduled to depart the United States aboard DL 55 on January 13, and will
be returned to Tokyo, Japan. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 13 Jan 05, HSOC
5. (FOUO) TEXAS: ICE Investigation Leads to large CBP Seizure
of Counterfeit Goods. According to ICE reporting, on 7 January,
Dallas CBP inspectors seized over 8,000 counterfeit video player games, remote
controlled flying saucer sets, and single flying saucers from a named import
company. Information developed through previous meetings conducted
by undercover agents assigned to Operation Charlatans led to
this seizure. The domestic value of this seizure is $1,265,000.00.
(ICE Daily Summary of Operational Support, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0162-05)
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information
that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO
information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who
do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the
Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should
your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information,
contact the HSOC SWO.
[3 Pages.]
Homeland Security
Homeland Security Operations Center
NOTICE: This document may contain initial and preliminary reporting which
may or may not be accurate or be supported by corroborative information.
The HSOC is actively evaluating the reporting to establish its accuracy and
to determine if it represents a possible link to terrorism. If recipients
have any additional or clarifying information, please contact the Homeland
Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
1. (FOUO) MICHIGAN: Border Patrol Agents Arrest Lebanese National
with Possible Ties to Hezbollah. According to BTS reporting, on
12 January, near Marysville, Border Patrol agents (BPAs) arrested Lebanese
national Fadi Hussein NASSER (DOB: 01/28/1976; Alien nr: A98 223 310).
BPAs arrested NASSER during a traffic stop and placed him in removal
proceedings. NTC checks revealed that the address listed on NASSERs
MI drivers license was possibly linked to Hezbollah and another subject
with possible terrorist ties, as well as narcotics smuggling. Research
revealed that NASSER entered the U.S. on 18 May 2001. (BTS Daily Operations
Report, 13 Jan 05; HSOC 0182-05-05)
2. (FOUO) MARYLAND: Agents Search Home of Man Suspected of
Illegally Exporting Military Items to China and Iraq. According
to ICE reporting, on 11 January, Washington, DC ICE Agents executed a search
warrant at the Potomac residence of a named Polish national and lawful U.S.
permanent resident. Agents recovered documents, a computer, and a firearm
from the residence. The subject is under investigation for violations
of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) relating to alleged illegal exports
of military items to the Peoples Republic of China and Iraq.
He is currently in custody for immigration violations relating to a prior
felony conviction. (ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 13 Jan
05; HSOC 0183-05-05)
3. (FOUO) NEW YORK: Agents Arrest Lebanese Man on Fraud
Charges. According to ICE reporting, on 12 January, New York City
ICE Agents arrested Murtada Ali BARAKAT (a/k/a Charles Vicente ALAVA) for
marriage fraud and false statements. BARAKAT, who was arraigned in
the Southern District of New York and held without bail, was arrested as
part of the Moslem BAIDOUN investigation. Moslem BAIDOUN is the subject
of a New York ICE/JTTF investigation being conducted jointly with the New
York City Police Department. Previously, on 13 December, 2004, a grand
jury issued a twenty count indictment charging the following subjects: Moslem
Ibrahim ISMAIL, Roque AVILES, Mohamad CHEBLI, Salwa JABER, Salah Osman HIJAZI,
Ghazi HIJAZI, Youseff AJAMI, Hannaa Al-AJAMI, and Hassan DARWICHE.
The arrest warrants were executed without incident on 14 December.
All of the above named subjects were taken into custody with the exception
of Hussain BAYDOUNE, who is believed to be in Lebanon, and Roque AVILES,
who remains at large. (ICE Daily Summary of Operational Report, 13
Jan 05; HSOC 0184-05-05)
4. (FOUO) TEXAS: Refusal of Admission to a Possible Terrorist
Organization Member. According to BTS reporting, on 13 January,
Panamanian citizen and Colombian national Imad Turki ABUZENI WAKED (PPN 1209644,
DOB: 07/28/1976) arrived at Houston Intercontinental Airport from
Panama City, Panama. WAKED applied for admission as a visitor for pleasure
and presented a Panamanian Passport. ICE interviewed WAKED and CBP
identified WAKED as an Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) lookout
match, TIPOFF match, visa revocation, and a NCIC terrorist organization member
match. CBP found WAKED inadmissible as a non-immigrant without a
non-immigrant visa. WAKED was processed as an expedited removal.
(BTS Daily Operations Report, 14 Jan 05; HSOC 0185-05-05)
5. (FOUO) LOUISIANA: CBP Agents Arrest Subject of National
Security Investigation. According to BTS reporting, on 13 January,
Lake Charles CBP Officers arrested Pakistani national Fazal U. KHAN (DOB:
01/15/1970; A76 554 986) and placed him in removal proceedings. Previously,
KHAN was arrested by the FBI on October 27, 2004, as a result of a JTTF national
security investigation. On 6 January, KHAN pled guilty to making false
statements. (BTS Daily Operations Report, 14 Jan 05; HSOC 0186-05-05)
6. (FOUO) NEW JERSEY: UPDATE; Charter Bus Recovered.
According to a report from the Highway Information Sharing and Analysis Center
(ISAC) on 12 Jan 05, the bus was recovered in New Jersey. (Patriot
Report, 12 Jan 05; HSOC 0163-05)
Homeland Security Information Network
Request for Information (RFI)
1. (FOUO) ILLINOIS: State Police Request For Information on Suspicious
Individual. According to JRIES/HSIN information, on 13 January,
the Illinois State Police (ISP)/Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center (STIC)
requested information on a named individual who was stopped for a traffic
violation on east bound I-80 (nearest town Geneseo). The named individual
stated he was just getting out of the Air Force; however, according to the
ISP officer, he did not seem fit at 5'6, 250lbs, and was also very
"filthy". The man further stated he had just gotten his car out of
storage in Nevada and was headed to Massachusetts to see his wife.
The vehicle he was driving was a 2003 Nissan 4-door sedan with Nevada license
plates. After a consent to search, officers found two (2) helmets,
one (1) flak jacket, and four (4) gas masks. After contact with the
Air Force, STIC was told that the individual was not a member of any armed
services nor has he ever been. Quad Cities JTTF is going to interview
the suspect. Contact ISP/STIC at telephone number 217-524-6559 for
more specific information on this individual or if you have any information
relevant to this incident. (JRIES/HSIN: ISP/STIC RFI, 13 Jan 05; HSOC
WARNING: This document is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It contains information
that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). This document is to be controlled, handled, transmitted,
distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO
information and is not to be released to the public or other personnel who
do not have a valid need-to-know without prior approval of the
Homeland Security Operations Center Senior Watch Officer (HSOC SWO) at (202)
282-8101. Where appropriate, U.S. person identities have been removed. Should
your agency have a requirement for particular U.S. person identity information,
contact the HSOC SWO.
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
10 January 2005
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
11 January 2005
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
12 January 2005
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
13 January 2005
Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
14 January 2005