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Natsios Young Architects

7 June 2008

The Bilderberg Meeting is taking place at the Westfields Marriott Hotel, Chantilly, VA, June 6-8, 2008.


List of participants:

Photos and captions by Shepherd Johnson. Photos taken 6 June 2008.

Westfields Marriott. Chantilly, Virginia. Site of the 2008 Bilderberg secret meeting. No press.


Main entrance blocked off.


Marriott staff and Fairfax county police set this tape up between the main and service entrances. Protesters were alternating between the two entrances.

[Image]The main stream corporate media chose not to cover the Bilderberg Conference.

This is what the Bilderberg Group thinks of a Democratic free society.


This was a typical response. There were a lot of guys driving in and out who looked just like this guy. I suspect he is former Special Ops and currently a PMC escort for one of the attendees. Who knows? Maybe he was an attendee? Federal agent? His gesture represents the feeling of the Bilderberg group toward the American people.


Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and escorts leaving 2008 Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, Virginia.


Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke, leaving the Bilderberg Conference. Small motorcade, two Fairfax County police vehicles in front, Bernanke's vehicle and a chase vehicle following.


Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke leaving the 2008 Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, Virginia.


Protesters at the main entrance.


Alex Jones.


Alex Jones.


This guy was always present at the service entrance.


At the service entrance.


Three suits of unknown identity. Bilderberg staff? Marriott staff? Fairfax County Police? Feds?


We saw a tow truck going over to where we were parked so we ran over there. This guy was in the parking lot with a plain clothes officer and a Fairfax County police officer. He told me not to take his picture.


I asked him if he was a federal agent, he said he was. I then asked him to identify what agency he worked for, he never told me.


Most of the guys we saw, who everyone thought were Secret Service because they were "talking into their cuffs", were actually US State Dept. Bureau of Diplomatic Security Agents. There might have been some Secret Service.


The guy on the left was with the guy in the previous photos. He did identify himself as an agent with Bureau of Diplomatic Security


The vehicle these two federal officers were driving was unmarked and had Maryland plates. There was a blue light on the dash.


He asked me not to post his photos as there were situations when he had to work undercover. Why did he tell me this? I asked him, "What do you have to hide?"


National Reconnaissance Office, near Westfields Marriott.




NRO sign.
