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16 November 2011

Occupy Wall Street NYC Photos, 16 November 2011

Video at the same time:

Cryptome Occupy Wall Street photo and video series:

Cryptome Protest Photos Series:

Selected Cryptome photos of 160 shot, 13:20 to 15:00, 16 November 2011

Occupy Wall Street NYC Photos, 16 November 2011

Liberty Park is encircled with tied-together barricades, with only two points of entry to the park, one each along Liberty and Cedar Streets.


Green-vested "guards" are numerous. These outnumber the few police outside the park.
Some of the guards appear to be undercover cops, perhaps all of them.


The guard-cop at left ordered a visitor to remove coffee and food from a bench.


Books coming in to replace those trashed by Bloomberg.
No ban on books so in large numbers they may be used as materials to fabricate shelter.



These gents appear leery of being photographed, and rightly so, due to persistent infiltration and photography by cops. Or could be undercover cops.


Giant sculptures are now barricaded.


Barricades along Wall Street at the New York Stock Exchange have been reduced.


Horses have replaced heavily armed cops for tourist appeal, long pretending to protect the stock exchange.


The original Wall Street occupiers at Wall Street and Broadway protesting the folly over 200 years later.
