29 November 2003. From FAS more on the Mig-25 Foxbat variations and specifications:
Cryptome: There is remarkably modest attachment of the unusually sleight wings to the fuselage -- see the last photo of the wingless Iraqi craft below. The powerful twin jet engines (intakes over 5-feet high) account for the blazing speed of the MiG-25, making the plane function almost like a guided missile; thus the wings could be guidance-fin-thin and stubby rather than bulky with strength and surface area needed to lift a slower-moving craft. Like more recently-designed high-speed aircraft, the fuselage and underside of the engine cowlings probably provided lift as well.
25 November 2003. P. reports this is the source of photos:
DIA: UNCOVERING A BURIED IRAQI MIGThe extraction of an Iraqi MiG aircraft buried in the Iraqi desert is documented in a July 2003 presentation prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency.
A copy of the 1 MB PowerPoint DIA file, whimsically entitled "Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Lost Iraqi MiG," is posted here:
And adds this from Google on the photos:
"Here's a series of pictures of an Iraqi MiG-25 Foxbat B being unearthed by the American military at Al Taqqadum airfield in Iraq on 6 July 2003."http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Stories1/001-100/019_IraqiMig-25/story019.htm
A story with a lot more details including the NAME of the guy who took the photos originally (MSGT T. Collins, USAF):
A photo essay by the MSGT T. Collins:
Lots of discussion on identifying the plane:
Some dispute on findings like this:
Cryptome extracted the images below from the FAS Powerpoint file.
22 November 2003. Thanks to P.