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Home > Current Affairs > UK News > :: PROCESSION :: MARCH FOR SHARIAH (31/10/09)



Undoubtedly, Islam and the Shari'ah have reached new heights in the United Kingdom, Muslim communities up and down the country have brought forth a culture and system that is not only superior to the British way of life but also a shining example of what true subservience to Almighty God can bring to a society  drowning in disbelief and oppression. 

Recent months have been particularly debilitating for the British population who have struggled to get by as basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter have become more cumbersome to obtain. The MPs' expenses scandal that shocked the nation unfortunately also demonstrates the cruel indifference the British government has towards its citizens and moreover how they appear to be more concerned with wasting public money on personal frivolities than investing it for the betterment of society.

As a result of this perpetual malaise, Islam4UK with the help of sincere Muslims launched a series of Islamic Roadshow's that provided a real answer to the problems faced by the British community; with over 16 different locations already hit including, Birmingham, Slough, Lewisham, Peckham and Green Street, approximately 70 men and women have embraced Islam, reinforcing the dire need for Shari'ah in contemporary Britain.

In light of all this, Islam4UK would like to declare the launch of a spectacular procession that will take place on 31st October 2009.

We hereby request all Muslims in the United Kingdom, in Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow and all other places to join us and collectively declare that as submitters to Almighty Allah (SWT), we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture. On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari'ah in Britain.

In forthcoming days, Islam4UK will also publish, as a run up to this special event, a fascinating insight into how Britain's architecture, transport and culture will be revolutionised under the Shari'ah. Watch out for articles including:

Trafalgar Square under the Shari'ah

Football Stadiums under the Shari'ah

Pubs under the Shari'ah

Buckingham Palace under the Shari'ah

Keep updated with to see the Islamic blueprint of the remarkable changes that will occur in Britain as it transforms into a thriving Islamic State.

Where will the procession take place?

First Stop:  House of Commons

The primary source of polytheistic legislation in Britain, the House of Commons is at the centre of Britain's oppressive law making policies; from here fallible men and women decide what should be legal and illegal. It is from this very place where the lives of millions of people in the UK are changed and it is from here where unjust wars are launched.

Islam4UK stewards and guides will be at hand to direct all attendees to the centre of the congregation from where the March for Shari'ah will officially commence.

Second Stop: 10 Downing Street

Almost 300 years old, 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Gordon Brown, the current Prime Minister, is one of the chief figures in making laws and regulating the affairs of society. In the last few years, he has undoubtedly brought Britain down to an all new low and appears to be truly blind to the damaging impact of his oppressive bureaucracy.

After demanding the abolishment of the House of Commons Muslims will then march to 10 Downing Street, and call for the removal of the tyrant Gordon Brown from power.

Third Stop: Trafalgar Square

A site of significant historical value, Muslims will gather even more support from tourists and members of the public, making clear in the heart of London the need for Shari'ah in society.

It will be here where the march will culminate and finish and we hope that with the help of Allah (SWT) it will be very successful.

Contact information:

General Enquiries: 07961 577 221

Media Enquiries: 07956 600 569


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