10 September 1998

See related files: http://jya.com/cejfiles.htm

To check the validity of the allegations made by the IRS about Toto(s)'s messages in the Carl Johnson complaint a review is underway of the Cypherpunks archives (and others) to see if there are any signatures by a key before the private key has been posted, especially if the post in question has been (or may be later) cited by the IRS. 

If there are none, then the IRS "authentication" of the claimed Toto posts evaporates.  Even if there are some, the "authentication" becomes more suspect if there are others which are made after the key post.

To assist checking messages this initial list of candidate keys is provided. None of the keys are linked to Carl Johnson of the complaint.

Additional key candidates and results of message checks are welcomed: jy@jya.com


Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 19:51:13 GMT
From: bureau42 Anonymous Remailer     <remailer@bureau42.ml.org>
Subject: EFF $10,000,0000 Challenge

[Comments by X]

There is this `key', which appears to be fabricated, though the
armor checksum checks if you modify it as follows. Change the ----- 
lines to the correct, and the first 5 chars are the same on PGP public 
key blocks 'mQENAz' (though this claims to be a SECRET KEY BLOCK)

And the armor checksum checks, and pgp5 reports (the garbled):

Adding keys:

Type Bits KeyID    Created    Expires    Algorithm       Use
pub  37916 00000000 2002-08-13 2079-10-29 (null)                         
uid  *** This key is unnamed ***

1 matching key found

which looks to be garbage; perhaps it is is just garbage with a valid
public key checksum?  This seems like it would require writing some
software to acheive?  The probability of a random checksum success on
a garbled file, as the armor checksum is a 24 bit checksum is
1/2^24... quite unlikely.



Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 01:58:52 +0200 (MET DST)
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM     (Anonymous)
Subject: Persistent Persona

Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
sec  1024/6D5E2425 2041/12/07 TruthMonger
pub  2048/E839FC79 1997/05/21 TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>
sig       E839FC79            TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>
sig       66FB8C65            (Unknown signator, can't be checked)



Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 02:49:02 -0600
From: TruthMonger     <tm@dev.null>
Subject: InfoWar Epilogue 5 / TEXT

Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
sec  1024/9B17401D 1996/07/09 Magic Circle



Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 01:21:47 +0100 (MET)
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM     (Anonymous)
Subject: Key Signing

Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
sec   512/61C747B1 1997/11/10 Necessarily Knott, ME
