30 October 1998

See related New York Times report of October 30, 1998 on secret indictment and arrest of Ali A. Mohamed

See related Al Qaeda files: http://jya.com/alqfiles.htm

PACER SESSION DATE: Friday October 30, 1998 03:47:26 PM EST

Docket as of October 22, 1998 0:51 am               Page 1

Proceedings include all events.
1:98cr253-ALL USA v. Ibrahim

                       U.S. District Court
  Southern District of New York - Civil Database (Foley Square)

            CRIMINAL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 98-CR-253-ALL

USA v. Ibrahim                                              Filed: 03/23/98
Dkt# in other court: None

Case Assigned to:  Judge Sidney H. Stein

KHALID IBRAHIM (1)                James T. Ratner
     defendant                    [COR LD NTC ret]
                                  Law Off: James T. Ratner
                                  2 World Trade Center
                                  New York, NY 10048

Pending Counts:                          Disposition


Offense Level (opening): 4

Terminated Counts:




U. S. Attorneys:


Docket as of October 22, 1998 0:51 am               Page 2

Proceedings include all events.
1:98cr253-ALL USA v. Ibrahim

3/23/98  1       SEALED INDICTMENT as to  Khalid Ibrahim (1) count(s) 1 (bh)
                 [Entry date 05/12/98]

5/11/98  2       ORDER as to Khalid Ibrahim, Unsealing Indictment ( Signed
                 by Magistrate Judge Ronald L. Ellis ); Copies mailed. (bh)
                 [Entry date 05/12/98]

5/11/98  3       AFFIDAVIT by USA as to Khalid Ibrahim  Re:Unsealing Order.
                 (bh) [Entry date 05/12/98]

5/11/98  --      Indictment unsealed as to Khalid Ibrahim (bh)
                 [Entry date 05/12/98]

5/11/98  --      ARREST of Khalid Ibrahim in Eastern District of Virginia.
                 (gq) [Entry date 05/28/98]

5/15/98  --      ARREST of Khalid Ibrahim (bh) [Entry date 05/18/98]

5/15/98  4       NOTICE of Appearance for Khalid Ibrahim by Attorney James
                 T. Ratner (bh) [Entry date 05/18/98]

5/15/98  --      First Appearance as to Khalid Ibrahim  held. Deft pres
                 w/atty James Ratner, AUSA Cheryl Krause pres. Deft to be
                 released on a $20,000 PRB. Deft is to reside at 2200 Huston
                 Place; Hendon VA; surrender of travel docs; travel limits
                 include SDNY & DNJ; Wash DC area; Deft to plead on 5/21/98;
                 Deft to plead on 5/21/98. Time is excluded (Ellis, MJ). (bh)
                 [Entry date 05/18/98]

5/15/98  5       PRB BOND filed by Khalid Ibrahim in  Amount $ 20,000; deft
                 to reside at 2200 Huston Place, Hendon VA; surrender of
                 travel docs; travel limits include SDNY and DNJ; Wash DC
                 metro area; Deft to plead on 5/21/98 (bh)
                 [Entry date 05/18/98]

5/15/98  6       Order of advice of penalties and sanctions as to Khalid
                 Ibrahim () (bh) [Entry date 05/18/98]

5/21/98  --      Arraignment as to Khalid Ibrahim  held Khalid Ibrahim (1)
                 count(s) 1  before  Magistrate Judge Michael H. Dolinger.
                 Dft. present with atty. James Ratner. AUSA Brad Ockene
                 present. Dft. enters " not guilty" plea. Case is assigned
                 to Judge Stein for all purposes. Dft. detained. (mb)
                 [Entry date 05/22/98]

5/21/98  --      PLEA entered by Khalid Ibrahim . Court accepts plea. Not
                 Guilty: Khalid Ibrahim (1) count(s) 1  (Terminated motions
                 - ) (mb) [Entry date 05/22/98]

5/21/98  --      CASE assigned  to Judge Sidney H. Stein (mb)
                 [Entry date 05/22/98]

5/21/98  7       NOTICE of Appearance for Khalid Ibrahim by retained
                 Attorney. (mb) [Entry date 05/22/98]

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Proceedings include all events.
1:98cr253-ALL USA v. Ibrahim

5/28/98  8       Rule 40 Documents as to Khalid Ibrahim received from
                 Eastern District of Virginia. (gq) [Entry date 05/28/98]

6/5/98   --      Pre-trial conference as to Khalid Ibrahim held. Defendant
                 Khalid Ibrahim present with attorney James Ratner. For the
                 government Ken Karas present. Court reporter Sandy Miaskoff
                 also present. Next PTC set for 7/2/98. At the request of
                 the government and with the defendant's consent. The court
                 excludes time to 7/2/98. Bail conditions remains as set.
                 (J. Stein) (mr) [Entry date 06/10/98]

6/5/98   --      ORAL ORDER  as to Khalid Ibrahim ,  set pretrial
                 conference for 7/2/98 for Khalid Ibrahim  ( Entered by
                 Judge Sidney H. Stein ) (mr) [Entry date 06/10/98]

7/2/98   9       Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter dated 6/30/98 to Judge
                 Stein signed by AUSA Kenneth M. Karas as to Khalid Ibrahim,
                  reset scheduling order deadlines: Pretrial Conference for
                 5:00 7/9/98 for Khalid Ibrahim ;, and Time excluded from
                 7/2/98 until 7/9/98 to Continue in Interests of Justice (
                 Signed by Judge Sidney H. Stein ); Copies mailed. (mr)
                 [Entry date 07/06/98]

7/9/98   --      Pre-trial conference  as to Khalid Ibrahim held.  Deft.
                 Khalid Ibrahim present with attorney James Ratner; for the
                 government Ken Karas present; court reporter Sam Mauro also
                 present.  Pretrial conference held.  At the request of both
                 sides, the conference is adjourned to 9/11/98 at 4:00 p.m.
                 At the request of the governement and with the consent of
                 both defendants, the Court excludes time to 9/11/98, from
                 the Speedyt Trial Act.  Bail conditions remain as set. (rg)
                 [Entry date 07/14/98]

7/9/98   --      Pre-trial conference  as to Khalid Ibrahim  set at 4:00
                 9/11/98 for Khalid Ibrahim (rg) [Entry date 07/14/98]

9/3/98   10      Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter dated 9/2/98 from James T.
                 Ratner to Judge Stein as to Khalid Ibrahim, requesting
                 reset pretrial conference for 2:00 10/9/98 for Khalid
                 Ibrahim, and exclude time from 9/3/98 to 10/9/98 to
                 Continue in Interests of Justice ( Signed by Judge Sidney
                 H. Stein ) (ba) [Entry date 09/09/98]

Docket as of October 22, 1998 0:51 am               Page 4
Proceedings include all events.
1:98cr253-ALL USA v. Ibrahim

10/9/98  --      Pre-trial conference as to Khalid Ibrahim held. Dft.
                 present with atty. James Ratner; for the government Ken
                 Karas present; court reporter Marvin Birnbaum also present.
                 The next pretrial conference is scheduled for 11/6/98, at
                 2:00 p.m. Any motions are due on 11/6/98. The Court directs
                 dft.  to have no contact with his wife until after 11/6/98;
                 dft. shall not reside at 2200 Huston, Herndon, VA; dft.
                 will see his children  Mariam and Hassan as agreed to
                 between himself and his wife; and dft. shall not commit
                 abusive acts against his wife or children. At the request
                 of the government and with dft's. consent, the court grants
                 the exclusion of time to 11/6/98......Stein, J after
                 11/6/98 at 2:00 p.m. (mb) [Entry date 10/20/98]

10/9/98  --      ORAL ORDER  as to Khalid Ibrahim ,  set scheduling order
                 deadlines: Pretrial Conference for 2:00 11/6/98 for Khalid
                 Ibrahim ; any motions are due on 11/6/98.   ( Entered by
                 Judge Sidney H. Stein ) (mb) [Entry date 10/20/98]

[END OF DOCKET: 1:98cr253-0]
