Public Access to Court Electronic Records Docket Report Output Menu Docket for case 1:93cv01074 consists of 7 pages. Case was last updated on: 07/14/97 . Report was generated on: 5/28/97 . X---------------------------------------------------------------------------X PACER session date: Sunday May 24, 1998 12:15:41 PM EDT Case docket was last updated on: 07/14/97. Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 1 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE TYPE I U.S. District Court USDC District of Columbia (Washington) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 93-CV-1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al Filed: 05/28/93 Assigned to: Judge Ricardo M. Urbina Demand: $0,000 Nature of Suit: 895 Lead Docket: None Jurisdiction: US Defendant Dkt# in other court: None Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Case type: 1. civil 2. null COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS FOR David Lane Sobel SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (202) 237-7727 plaintiff Suite 301 [COR LD NTC] ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER 666 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 v. NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY Marina Utgoff Braswell defendant (202) 514-7226 Room 10-820 [COR LD NTC gvt] Susan Ann Nellor [term 02/26/97] (202) 514-7174 Room 4824 [COR LD NTC] U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Judiciary Center Building 555 Fourth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Marina Utgoff Braswell defendant (See above) [COR LD NTC gvt] Susan Ann Nellor [term 02/26/97] (See above) [COR LD NTC] Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 2 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 5/28/93 1 COMPLAINT filed (tth) [Entry date 06/02/93] 5/28/93 -- SUMMONS issued to federal party(s) defendant NATIONAL SECURITY, defendant NATL. SECURITY CNSL. , and non-parties: U.S. Attorney and U.S. Attorney General. (tth) [Entry date 06/02/93] 6/28/93 2 ANSWER to the complaint for defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY, defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (dot) [Entry date 06/29/93] 6/28/93 -- CALENDARED (dot) [Entry date 06/29/93] 7/23/93 -- SCHEDULING NOTICE: status hearing set for 9:45 8/4/93 ; (emh 8/10/93 3 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to stay proceedings; declarations (2) (dot [Entry date 08/11/93] 8/20/93 4 MOTION filed by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS to extend time to respond to defendants' motion to stay proceedings, pending discovery (kk) [Entry date 08/23/93] 8/20/93 5 FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES filed by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS to defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL and defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY (kk) [Entry date 08/23/93] 9/3/93 6 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to extend time to 9/7/93 within which to oppose plaintiff's motion for extension of time pending discovery and file a motion for a protective order (dot) [Entry date 09/07/93] 9/7/93 7 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY for protective order (dot) [Entry date 09/09/93] 9/15/93 8 ORDER by Judge Stanley S. Harris : granting motion to extend time to 9/7/93 within which to oppose plaintiff's motion for extension of time pending discovery and file a motion for a protective order [6-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (N) (mal) 9/17/93 9 RESPONSE by plaintiff(s) COMPUTER PROFESSION. in opposition to motion for protective order [7-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL . (dot) [Entry date 09/23/93] 9/17/93 10 REPLY by plaintiff(s) COMPUTER PROFESSION. in support of motion to extend time to respond to defendants' motion stay proceedings, pending discovery [4-1] (dot) [Entry date 09/23/93] Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 3 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 9/29/93 11 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to extend time to 10/15/93 to reply to plaintiff's memorandum in opposition to defendants' motion for a protective order (dot) [Entry date 09/30/93] 10/15/93 12 REPLY by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to response to motion to stay proceedings [3-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (pob) [Entry date 10/19/93] 10/20/93 13 ORDER by Judge Stanley S. Harris : granting motion to extend time to 10/15/93 to reply to plaintiff's memorandum in opposition to defendants' motion for a protective order [11-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (N) (emh) 11/9/93 14 ORDER by Judge Stanley S. Harris : granting motion for protective order [7-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, denying motion to extend time to respond to defendants' motion to stay proceedings, pending discovery [4-1]; directing plaintiff to respond to defendants' motion to stay proceedings within 10 days. (N) (emh) 11/22/93 15 RESPONSE by plaintiff(s) COMPUTER PROFESSION. in opposition to motion to stay proceedings [3-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL . (dot) [Entry date 11/23/93] 11/24/93 16 REPLY by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to response in opposition to motion to stay proceedings [15-1] by COMPUTER PROFESSION. (mlp) [Entry date 11/26/93] 12/1/93 17 ORDER by Judge Stanley S. Harris : granting motion to stay proceedings [3-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL; staying proceedings until 7/29/94; directing parties to submit a status report by 8/29/94. (N) (mal) 7/1/94 18 REASSIGNMENT OF CIVIL CASE from Judge Harris to Judge Ricardo M. Urbina by direction of the Calendar Committee. Emergency matters will continue to be handled by Judge Harris until Judge Urbina takes the oath of office. (N) (erd) [Entry date 07/05/94] 7/29/94 19 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY for nine month extension to 3/31/95 of stay of proceedings under "Open America"; Supplemental Declaration (kk) [Entry date 08/01/94] 7/29/94 20 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL to stay proceedings as to defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL; Exhibits (2) (kk) [Entry date 08/01/94] 8/4/94 -- SCHEDULING NOTICE: status hearing set for 9/1/94 at 9:30 AM (kk) Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 4 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 8/10/94 21 UNOPPOSED MOTION filed by plaintiff(s) COMPUTER PROFESSION. to extend time to 8/23/94 in which to respond to defendant NSA's motion for nine-month extension of stay of proceedings and defendant NSC's motion to stay proceedings (dbw) [Entry date 08/11/94] 8/11/94 22 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : granting motion to extend time to 8/23/94 in which to respond to defendant NSA's motion for nine-month extension of stay of proceedings and defendant NSC's motion to stay proceedings [21-1] by COMPUTER PROFESSION. (N) (jwd) [Entry date 08/12/94] [Missing entries] N.S.A. to file vaughn index and motion for summary judgment due by 7/31/95 ; plaintiff to file response to motion for summary judgment by N.S.A and file a cross-motion for summary judgment by 9/8/95; parties will attempt to resolve the issues relating to N.S.C., and if not a joint motion for a status hearing will be filed Reporter: William McAllister (jwd) 9/1/94 26 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : denying Nationsl Security Council's Motion to Stay Proceeding. (N) (jwd) 9/1/94 27 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : granting NSA's motion to stay action until 3/31/95 (N) (jwd) 9/2/94 28 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina :granting defendant National Security Agency's Motin to Stay Proceedings for Nine Months; staying proceedings until 3/31/95; denying defendantNational Security Council's Motion to Stay Proceedings (N) (jwd) Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 5 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 9/7/94 29 STIPULATED ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : plaintiff's cross motion for summary judgment due 9/8/95; NSA's opposition to cross motion for summary judgment due 10/6/95; plaintiff's reply to NSA's opposition due 11/6/95; NSA's Vaughn Index and motion for summary judgment due 7/31/95; plaintiff's opposition to motion for summary judgment due 9/8/95; NSA's reply to plaintiff's opposition due 10/6/95 (N) (dbw) [Entry date 09/08/94] 9/9/94 30 NOTICE OF FILING by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL and defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY of order filed in CA: 92-2178 (TPJ) "McKone v. NSC" (kk) [Entry date 09/12/94] [Edit date 09/12/94] 9/20/94 31 STIPULATION filed and fiated by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina that on or before 10/3/94, defendant NSC will respondto plaintiff's letter dated 4/16/93,requesting records under the FOIA; plaintiff's counsel will inform defendants' counsel no later than 10/11/94, which records not disclosed by NSC plaintiff intends to challenge; or or before 10/21/94, if the parties have reached an agreement as to a briefing schedule, they will file with the Court a stipulation setting forth the agreed upon schedule; if they have not reached an agreement, the parties will file a joint motion requesting the Court to set a status conference; defendant NSC's position is that it is not an agency subject to the FOIA;nothing in this stipulation shall be treated as a waiver by NSC of its right to move the Court at any time to dismiss this action on that groung; plaintiff's counsel informed defendants' counsel that she may sign his name to this stipulation (N) (jwd) 10/25/94 32 STIPULATION filed and fiated by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina . defendant NSC will fie a dispositive motion 60 days aft District Judge Charles R. Richey issues a ruling on defendant's Motion to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment on National Security Council's Record keeping Claims, which was filed 3/25/94, in Armstrong v. Executive Office ofthe President, Civ. No. 89-0142 (D.D.C.); plaintiff's opposition to defendant NSC's dispositive motion (and if appropriate, plaintiff's dispositive motion) will be filed 30 days after service of defendant NSC's dispositive motion; defendant NSC's reply to plaintiff's opposition (and, if plaintiff files a dispositive motion, defendant NSC's opposition to plaintiff's dispositive motion) will be filed 30 days after service of plaintiff's submission; if plaintiff files a dispositive motin, plaintiff's reply to defendant NSC's opposition to that motion will be filed 21 days after service of defendant NSC's opposition, and any surreply by defendant NSC will be filed 10 days after service of plaintiff's reply (N) (jwd) [Edit date 01/20/95] Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 6 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 4/14/95 33 RENEWED MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL to stay proceedings against defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL pending final appellate review; Exhibits (2) (kk) [Entry date 04/17/95] 5/1/95 34 MOTION filed by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSION. to extend time to 5/16/95 in which to file its opposition to defendant NSC's renewed motion to stay proceedings (bjs) 5/10/95 35 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina: granting motion to extend time to 5/16/95 in which to file its opposition to defendant NSC's renewed motion to stay proceedings [34-1] by COMPUTER PROFESSION. (N) (jwd) 5/16/95 36 RESPONSE by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSION. in opposition to motion by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL to stay proceedings against defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL pending final appellate review [33-1] (kk) [Entry date 05/17/95] 5/26/95 37 REPLY by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL to plaintiff's opposition to NSC'S renewed motion to stay proceedings against defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL pending final appellate review [33-1] (bjs) [Entry date 05/30/95] 6/20/95 38 NOTICE OF FILING by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to the Court a copy of an order granting stay filed on 6/7/95, in case number 95-461 staying all action in this case pending resolution in case number 89-142 (D.D.C.) and 95-5057 (D.C. Cir.) (bjs) [Entry date 06/21/95] 8/14/95 39 MOTION filed by defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY for summary judgment ; declarations (2) (bjs) [Entry date 08/15/95] 9/27/95 40 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina: granting motion to stay proceedings against defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL pending final appellate review [33-1] by NATL. SEC. COUNCIL; parties' shall file a joint status report within 30 days of the D.C. Circuit's decision; denying as moot parties' joint stipulation to revise the briefing schedule (N) (jwd) 10/3/95 41 CROSS MOTIONS by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSION. for partial summary judgment; exhibits (8) (tw) [Entry date 10/04/95] 10/18/95 42 NOTICE OF FILING by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY the submission to the Court of a briefing Stipulation addressing plaintiff's Freedom of Information Act; attachment (1) (tw) [Entry date 10/19/95] Docket as of May 28, 1997 11:37 pm Page 7 Proceedings include all events. 1:93cv1074 COMPUTER PROFESSION. v. NAT. SEC. AGENCY, et al TYPE 10/25/95 43 STIPULATION by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : revising briefing schedule: defendant NSA's reply to plaintiff's opposition and defendant NSA's opposition to plaintiff's cross-motion for summary judgment will be filed no later than 10/31/95 ; plaintiff's reply to defendant NSA's opposition will be filed no later than 12/1/95; plaintiff's counsel informed defendant's counsel that she may file this stipulation on his behalf (N) (jwd) 10/31/95 44 REPLY by defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to plaintiff's opposition to defendant's motion for summary judgment [39-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY (tw) [Entry date 11/01/95] 10/31/95 45 RESPONSE by defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY opposition to plaintiff's cross motion for partial summary judgment [41-1] (tw) [Entry date 11/01/95] 12/1/95 46 REPLY by plaintiff COMPUTER PROFESSION. to defendant NSA's opposition to plaintiff's cross motion for partial summary judgment [41-1] (tw) [Entry date 12/04/95] 8/30/96 47 (JOINT) STATUS REPORT by defendants, plaintiff (tw) [Entry date 09/03/96] 2/10/97 48 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina: directing the defendants provide this court with a classified and more detailed supplemental declaration on or before 3/5/97 (N) (jwd) [Entry date 02/11/97] 2/26/97 49 SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL for defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY , substituting Marina Utgoff Braswell for attorney Susan Ann Nellor for NATL. SEC. AGENCY, attorney Susan Ann Nellor for NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (tw [Entry date 02/27/97] 2/26/97 50 MOTION (UNOPPOSED) filed by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY to extend time to 4/7/97 within which to submit to the Court on an in camera basis a supplemental declaration as ordered by this Court on February 10, 1997. (tw) [Entry date 02/27/97] 3/3/97 51 ORDER by Judge Ricardo M. Urbina : granting motion to extend time to 4/7/97 within which to submit to the Court on an in camera basis a supplemental declaration as ordered by this Court on February 10, 1997. [50-1] by NATL. SEC. AGENCY, NATL. SEC. COUNCIL (N) (jwd) 5/27/97 52 NOTICE OF FILING by defendant NATL. SEC. COUNCIL, defendant NATL. SEC. AGENCY of a redacted copy of the Supplemental In Camera, Classified, Ex Parte Declaration of James P. Cananaugh. (tw) [Entry date 05/28/97] [END OF DOCKET: 1:93cv1074] X---------------------------------------------------------------------------X