Cryptome DVDs are offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome 12-and-a-half-years collection of 47,000 files from June 1996 to January 2009 (~6.9 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of cryptome.org, cryptome.info, jya.com, cartome.org, eyeball-series.org and iraq-kill-maim.org, and 23,100 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. |
15 June 1998
Source: Hardcopy from William H. Payne
See related documents: http://jya.com/whpfiles.htm
U.S. Department of Justice | |
United States Attorney District of New Mexico |
_________________________________________________________________ | ||
Post Office Box 607 | 505-766-3341 |
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105 | FTS 8-505-766-3342 |
June 12, 1998 |
William H. Payne 13015 Calle de Sandias Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111 Re: William H. Payne et al v. Lt. Gen. Minihan, USAF Civ. No. 97-0266 SC/DJS Dear Mr. Payne, Attached are copies of Defendant's Motion and Memorandum to Tax Fees and Costs, and Bill of Costs, filed with U. S. District Court Clerk. You are requested to immediately remit a bank money order or cashier's check in the amount of $625.00 made payable to the U. S. Department of Justice and forwarded to the United States Attorney, Financial Litigation Unit, P. O. Box 607, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, to arrive on or before June 26, 19998. Failure to comply with this demand for payment of the Defendant's counsel's attorney fees by date established will result in enforced collection action without further contact, which will include costs of collection. We trust this will not be necessary and urge you to respond immediately. Sincerely, JOHN J. KELLY United States Attorney [Signature] ANITA BARDTRIEF, CLA Supervisory Pralegal Specialist, FLU Enclosures: as cc: Civil File 97Z0181/001
[Full completed form not transcribed; excerpted data]:
Bill of Costs United States District Court, District New Mexico. William H. Payne and Arthur R. Morales, v. Lt. Gen. Kenneth A. Minihan, USAF, Director, National Security Agency Docket No. Civil 97-0266 SC/DJS. Judgment having been entered in the above entitled action on January 28, 1998 against William H. Payne and Arthur R. Morales, jointly the clerk is requested to tax the following as costs and severally, Bill of Costs: Attorneys' Fees -- $625.00 (See Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C" attached hereto. Declaration signed by Jan Elizabeth Mitchell, United States of America, Department of Justice, 06-12-98. |
) ) |
Plaintiffs, |
) | |
vs. | ) | No. Civ. 97-0266SC/DJS |
Lt. Gen. KENNETH A. MINIHAN, USAF Director, National Security Agency, |
) ) |
Defendant. |
) |
On January 28, 1998, the Court entered an Order granting sanctions to Defendant, United States of America, against the Plaintiffs, William H. Payne and Arthur R. Morales, jointly and severally. The court directed Defendant's counsel to submit an affidavit outlining her costs and fees within ten days of entry of the Court's Order. The Court provided Plaintiffs with the opportunity to respond within ten days of service of Defendant's counsel's affidavit. On February 19, 1998, Plaintiffs filed a multi-point response wherein the Court's Order of january 29, 1998, was addressed, howver, Plaintiffs did not address Defendant's award of attorneys' fees, nor have the Plaintiffs paid Defendant's attorneys' fees.
To the extent the below-listed fees are deemed to be costs, the United States requests payment for those amounts.
FEES:* | ||
A. | Telephone conversation with Sandia National Laboratories counsel. | .1 hr |
B. | Telephone conversations with paralegal, Office of General Counsel, National Security Counsel concerning Plaintiffs' discovery sent to NSA employees | .2 hrs |
C. | Review facsimiles of Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admission to Retired Sandia Employee Gustavus J. Simmons, and Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admissions to Sandia employee D. Jerry Allen, Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admissions to NSA Employees: Scott Judy, Edward Donohue, and Paul Bridge, Plaintiffs's First Set of Requests for Admission to NSA Director Kenneth Minihan | .2 hrs |
D. | Preparation of Motion and Memorandum to Strike Any and All of Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security AGency and Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratories | 2.0 hrs |
E. | Review of facsimile and attachments from Sandia National Laboratories' legal iorganization | .1 hr |
F. | Review facsimile from Office of General Counsel National Security AGency | .2 hrs |
G. | Review Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Brian Snow, Plaintiffs' First Set of Reqeusts for Admission to NSA Employee Rick Proto, Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Manager Bruce Bottomly, Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Donald Simard | .2 hrs |
H. | Review Plaintiffs' Response to Motion and Memorandum to Strike Any and All of Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admissions to VArious Employees of The National Security Agency and To Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratories | .5 hrs |
I. | Review of Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions, and preparation of Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions | 1.5 hrs |
Total time: |
5.0 hrs | |
5.0 hours at $125.00/hours |
$625.00 | |
* Requested attorneys' fees are based on a flat hourly rate of $125.00/hour |
Defendant affidavit in support of this Motion is attached hereto as EXHIBIT
"A". Counsel's Affidavit filed with the Court on February 9, 1998, in support
of her costs and fees is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "B". The Court's Order
of January 28, 1998, is atached hereto as EXHIBIT "C". Due to the nature
of this Motion, concurrence of Plaintiffs' pro se was not sought.
Respectfully submittedJOHN H. KELLY
United States Attorney[Signature]
Assistant U.S. Attorney
P.O. Box 607
Albuquerque, NM 87103
(505) 224-1472
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy
of the foregoing Motion and Memorandum
to Tax Costs and Fees was mailed to
Plaintiffs pro se this 12th day of June, 1998.
Assistant U.S. Attorney
) | ss | |
I, JAN ELIZABETH MITCHELL, Assistant U.S. Attorney, being first duly sworn, state that the costs and fees itemized and set forth in Defendant's Motion to Tax Costs and Fees are allowable by law and awarded to Defendant by the Court on March 10, 1998.
Assistant U.S. Attorney
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this 12th day of June, 1998, by Jan Elizabeth Mitchell, Assistant U.S. Attorney
[Signature: Anita Bardtrief, CLA]
Notary PubolicMy Commission Expires:
June 16, 1999
[Stamped ] EXHIBIT A
98 FEB-9 PM 3:35 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO WILLIAM H. PAYNE ) ARTHUR R. MORALES ) ) PlaintiffS, ) ) vs. ) CIVIL NO. 97 0266 SC/DJS ) ) LT GEN KENNETH A MINIHAN ) USAF dIRECTOR, National Security ) Agency, ) ) Defendant ) AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY FEES IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT ORDER JAN ELIZABETH MITCHELL, being first duly sworn on oath states: 1. I am an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico. I have been licensed to practice law in the State of new Mexico since 1977. This Court has previously recognized that attorenys fees in the approximate amount of $125/hour are reasonable fees. 2. Pursuant to the Order entered January 28, 1998, the following consititue the attorneys fees incurred to consider and prepare Defendant's Motion and Memorandum to Strike Any and All of Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security Agency and to Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratory filed October 23, 1997, and the subsequent pleadings resulting from Plaintiffs's First Set of Requests for Admissions. A. On or about October 21, 1997, telephone conversation with Ellen F. Gallegos, Attorney for Sandia National [Stamped] EXHIBIT B
Laboratories concerning Requests for Admission received by Sandia employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 hour B. On or about October 21, 22, and 23, 1997, telephone conversations with paralegal, Office of General Counsel, National Security Counsel re discovery requests from Plaintiffs' sent to NSA employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 hours C. Review of facsimiles of Plaintiffs' First Set Of Requests for Admission to Retired Sandia Employee Gustavus J. Simmons, Plaintiffs' First Set Of Request for Admissions to Sandia Employee D. Jerry Allen, Plaintiffs' First Set Of Request For Admission to NSA Employee Scott Judy, Plaintiffs's First Set Of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Edward Donohue, Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Paul Bridge, Plaintiffs' First Set Of Request For Admission to NSA Director Kenneth Minihan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 hours D. October 22 and 23, 1997 preparation of Motion and Memorandum To Strike Any And All of Plaintiffs' First Set Of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security AGency and Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 hours E. On October 27, 1997 review of facsimile and attachments from Sandia National Laboratories legal Organization ll0l0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 hour F. On October 27, 1997, review of facsimile from Office of General Counsel National Security AGency . . . .2 hours 2
G. On or about November 12, 1997, review of Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Brian Snow, Plaintiffs' First Set of Reqeusts for Admission to NSA Employee Rick Proto, Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Manager Bruce Bottomly, Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admission to NSA Employee Donald Simard . . . . . . . . . .2 hours H. On or about November 12, 1997, review of Plaintiffs' Response to Motion and Memorandum to Strike Any and All of Plaintiffs' First Set of Request for Admissions to Various Employees of The National Security Agency and To Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 hours I. On or about January 4, 5, 1998, review of Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions and preparation of Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 hours Total time: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 hours 5 hours at $125/hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625.00 Further, affiant sayeth not. [Signature] JAN ELIZABETH MITCHELL SUBSCIRBED AND SWORN TO before me on this 9th day of February, 1998. [Signature: Theresa P. Nilson] NOTARY PUBLIC my Commission Expires: October 3, 2001 I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing pleading was mailed to opposing counsel of record this 9th day of February 1998 [Signature: Jan E. Mitchell] Assistant U. S. Attorney 3
[The following document is also at: http://jya.com/whp012898.htm]
January 28, 1998
Robert M. Marsh
US District Court
Case: | 97cv00266 |
Title: | Payne v. Minihan |
Document Type: | Order |
Document Number: | 37 |
Description: | ORDER by Magistrate Judge Don J. Svet striking Plaintiff's First Set of Request for Admissions |
Total Pages: | 2 |
Exhibits/Attachment: | 0 |
Court Signature: | 1b 38 6f 51 09 89 7c 36 56 f5 dc 31 ea f0 f2 f1 df a7 56 23 24 07 37 a5 5d 89 f9 62 34 bd 35 0b e7 7d 90 47 36 0e 50 f4 68 61 a1 2c 6a b3 9d a6 87 b2 eb 33 a9 aa 2d 1d 00 92 75 a4 34 98 c3 f1 |
This document constitutes an official stamp of the Court and, if attached
to the document identified above, serves as an endorsed copy of the pleading. It may be used in lieu of the Court's mechanical file stamp for the named document only, and misuse will be treated the same as misuse of the Court's official mechanical file stamp. The Court's digital signature is a verifiable mathematical computation unique to the filed document and the Court's private encryption key. This signature assures that any change can be detected. |
[Stamped] EXHIBIT C
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO WILLIAM H. PAYNE et al., Plaintiffs, v. CIV. NO. 97-266 SC/DJS LT. GEN. KENNETH A. MINIHAN, USAF Director, National Security Agency, Defendant. ORDER THIS MATTER comes before the Court on Defendant's Motion and Memorandum to Strike any and all of Plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security Agency and to Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratory filed October 23, 1997. Plaintiffs responded on November 5, 1997. Defendant's Motion is well taken and shall be granted. Plaintiffs' attempt at discovery violates this Court's Order entered June 11, 1997. On June 11, 1997 this Court ordered that any proposed discovery must be approved by the Court. The Plaintiffs did not submit this proposed discovery to the Court. Further, Plaintiffs did not seek to take discovery prior to the discovery deadline. Finally, Plaintiffs, failed to serve counsel for the Defendant and instead served General Minihan. This violates Fed.R.Civ. 5.
The fact that Plaintiffs are pro se does not relieve them from the burden of complying with court orders and rules of civil procedure. Ogden v. San Juan County, 32 F.3d 452, 255 (10th Cir. 1994). Further, Plaintiffs flagrant disregard of this Court's order warrants the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 37. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Defendant's Motion to Strike [any] and all of Plaintiff's First Set of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security Agency and to Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratory is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT sanctions will be granted and counsel for Defendant shall submit an affidavit outlining her costs and fees in bringing this Motion within ten days of entry of this Order. Plaintiffs may respond within ten days of service of Defendant's affidavit. FINALLY, IT IS ORDERED that Plaintiffs are not to communicate with the opposing party who is represented by counsel. [Signature] DON J. SVET UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE
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