29 October 2005 Updated.

11 October 2005

JYA/URBAN DEADLINE 251 WEST 89TH ST, SUITE 6E NY NY 10024 212-873-8700

October 6, 1999

By fax to: 301-688-6198

National Security Agency
ATTN: FOIA Office (N5P5)
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248.

Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle.

The terms "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and "public key cryptography" (PKC) are taken from the paper by James Ellis, GCHQ, "The Story of Non-Secret Encryption," available at:


The purpose of this request is to publish information and documents on the Internet at Cryptome (http://jya.com/crypto.htm). I shall be pleased to pay FOIA-provided costs for fulfilling this request.

Thank you very much.


John Young

JYA/CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST, SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700

October 26, 2000

By fax to: 301-688-6198

National Security Agency
ATTN: FOIA Office (N5P5)
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248.

On October 6, 1999, I sent the enclosed letter requesting information on "non-secret encryption" and public key cryptography.

Your agency responded with an estimate of cost to proceed with the search. I have lost your letter and would like to obtain a copy so that I may make payment for the search to proceed.

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME      251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E    NEW YORK NY 10024    212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

November 16, 2000
By fax to: 301-688-4762

National Security Agency
NSA/CSS FOIA Services (N5P51)
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle.

The terms "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and "public key cryptography" (PKC) are taken from the paper by James Ellis, GCHQ, "The Story of Non-Secret Encryption," available at:


The purpose of this request is to publish this information and documents on the Internet at Cryptome (http://cryptome.org). I shall be pleased to pay FOIA-provided costs for fulfilling this request.

This request was previously made but expired; see NSA Serial: J9022A-00.

Thank you very much.


John Young

March 20, 2001

An NSA representative telephone to say the search fee had increased from $3,331.00 to $4,883.00, and that a statement for this amount would be mailed today.

April 16, 2001

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
National Security Agency
Fort George G. Meade, MD 207555-6000

RE: Serial J0490-01

Dear Ms. Phillips,

In response to your letter of April 3, 2001, (copy attache) I sent the enclosed certified check for $4,902.00 to pay for search of documents requested.


John Young

August 7, 2001

An NSA representative telephoned to say a letter on the status of the Cryptome request would be sent within a week.

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

August 20, 2001
By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Re FOIA Case: 19136

Dear Ms. Phillips,

In response to your letter of 8 August 2001, I narrow my request to most quickly obtain information requested by my letter of November 16, 2000:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle.

1. The earliest documents concerning the requested information which provide information on the technology's discovery or invention and its evaluation, testing and earliest application/implementation.

2. Documents which show the full time line of the technology: its discovery, investigation, assessment and application from earliest to latest. This could be an index of documents that may become available under FOIA.

Notwithstanding this request narrowing, I would like to eventually obtain all information available under FOIA.

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

September 8, 2001

By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Re FOIA Case: 19136

Dear Ms. Phillips,

In response to my telephone conversation yesterday with Vivian from your office I further narrow my request to most quickly obtain information requested by my letter of November 16, 2000:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle.

1. I request documents in the year 1970 concerning "non-secret digital encryption" described in the paper by J H Ellis, "The Possibility of Secure Non-Secret Digital Encryption," CESG Report, January 1970, and documents concerning public key cryptography by the USA or other nations.

2. Should NSA have no documents about "non-secret digital encryption" and public key cryptography for the year 1970, then I request documents on the topics from the earliest year other than 1970.

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

April 30, 2003

By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Re FOIA Case: 19136A

Dear Ms. Phillips,

Following your letter of 18 September 2001, could you provide information on when my FOIA request is expected to be answered?

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

May 23, 2003

By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Re FOIA Case: 19136A

Dear Ms. Phillips,

In the light of the new rule published today by NSA on amending responses to FOIA requests, and following your letter of 18 September 2001, could you provide information on when my October 9, 1999 FOIA request for information on Non-Secret Encryption is expected to be answered:

"Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle."

Thank you very much.


John Young

May 23, 2003

Pamela Phillips telephoned to say the new NSA FOIA rule would not hinder processing Cryptome's request, that it had been assigned to the "easy queue" list, and was number 45 on the list.

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

April 20, 2003[2004]

By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

Re FOIA Case: 19136A

Dear Ms. Phillips,

We last spoke by telephone on May 23, 2003, when you responded to my letter inquiry on that date. You said then my request was No. 45 in the easy queue. Could you say when NSA expects to answer my FOIA request of October 9, 1999:

"Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle."

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

February 10, 2005

By fax to: 301-688-4762

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
Central Security Service
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000

Re FOIA Case: 19136

Dear Ms. Phillips,

This responds to your letter of 30 April 2004 which stated that my FOIA request has been assigned to a Case Officer for processing. I would appreciate learning the timetable for an answer my FOIA request of October 6, 1999:

"Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle."

Thank you very much.


John Young

CRYPTOME 251 WEST 89TH ST SUITE 6E NEW YORK NY 10024 212-873-8700


Attention: FOIA Office

October 10, 2005

By fax to: 443-479-3612

Pamela N. Phillips
Chief, FOIA/PA Services
FOIA Office (DC321)
National Security Agency
Central Security Service
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000

Re FOIA Case: 19136

Dear Ms. Phillips,

This is a second response to your letter of 30 April 2004 (the first on February 10, 2005 was not answered) which stated that my FOIA request has been assigned to a Case Officer for processing. I would appreciate learning the timetable for an answer my FOIA request of October 6, 1999:

"Under the Freedom of Information Act I request any and all information and documents on:

The invention, discovery and development of "non-secret encryption" (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle."

Thank you very much.


John Young

29 October 2005

[1 page, received 28 October 2005.]


FOIA Case: 19136C
25 October 2005

Mr. John Young
251 West 89th Street
New York, NY 10024

Dear Mr. Young,

This responds to your 10 October 2005 letter requesting the status of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of 6 October 1999. In a letter, received via facsimile on 8 September 2001, the scope of your request was narrowed to be for "documents in the year 1970 concerning 'non-secret digital encryption' described in the paper by J H Ellis, 'The Possibility of Secure Non-secret Digital Encryption,' CESG Report, January 1970, and documents concerning public key cryptography by the USA or other nations;" and "Should NSA have no documents about 'non-secret digital encryption' and public key cryptography for the year 1970, then I request documents on the topics from the earliest year other than 1970."

Records responsive to your request include documents originating with other government agencies, as well as documents that require consultation with other government agencies. Because we are unable to make determinations as to the releasability of other agencies' information, some documents have been referred to another agency for review and direct response to you. Other documents have been referred for consultation and response to this Agency. Our review is nearly complete, and we will provide a final response to your request when the final consultation has been completed. We appreciate your patience during this external review and consultation process.

In the meantime, we have calculated the actual costs that were incurred by the various Agency organizations that searched for information responsive to your request and determined that the actual costs were significantly less than the estimate. You will be sent a refund of $4082.70 under separate cover.



FOIA/PA Office

Cryptome paid a search fee of $4,902.00 on April 16, 2001.



