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8 July 2008

Photos of preparations for Bush's arrival: htttp://

The event took place on July 4, 2008.

Photos and captions by Shepherd Johnson.

President Bush Lies at Monticello VA



Protesters, road closed.


Marine Corp support helicopter. Not the one the President flew in on, that was a Blackhawk. This is a VH-53D Sea Stallion. Two of which have been on loan to the office of the President.


Ominous panel van used by Marines guarding the President.


Marine Corp Security Group.


Marine Corp Security group. Note the small camera on the exterior of the van.


When they saw me taking their picture they all fled into the van.


Van had Virginia license plates 26-895. I'm most certain these guys are based at Quantico.


Larry Sabato of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at UVA being frisked. Don't for get to look under his toupe.


Secret Service milling about.


Somebody, probably from the Whitehouse Communications Agency(Ministry of Propaganda), checking the light.


The Presidential seal was put on the podium, that means the President is near, note that it is absent in the other photos.


Secret Service on the rooftop.


Secret Service scanning the crowd.


Bush arrives and makes a dramatic pause for affect.


They put an "ethnic looking" Secret Service agent right in front of Bush. More propaganda.


George W. Bush, Governor Tim Kaine and wife with various others. Old veteran was at D-Day. More photo op material. Along with black judge, Judge John Thomas, who read the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Photo op. Photo op. Photo op. These guys don't miss a beat.


Bush trying to collect his lies so he doesn't forget them.


Bush takes the podium. Lies to follow.


Bush about ready to start lying.


Bush lying.


Bush pausing while in the midst of a lie.


A protester is asked to "voluntarily leave" the event.


Albemarle County police.


Secret Service.


Secret Service agent escorting us off the mountain.


Secret Service.


Secret Service.