21 February 2005. Yiqun Lisa Yin writes concerning publication of the full paper:
We have submitted the paper to a conference for peer review, and we should receive a notification of the review results by early May. We plan to publish the paper after incorporating the comments from the review, and will let you know around that time.
18 February 2005
Xiaoyun Wang: http://www.prime.sdu.edu.cn/third/05wangxiaoyun.html
Yiqun Lisa Yin: http://www.princeton.edu/~yyin/
Hongbo Yu: http://www.prime.sdu.edu.cn/fourth/yuhongbo.html
Thanks to A.
Source: http://theory.csail.mit.edu/~yiqun/shanote.pdf
[3 pages.]
Collision Search Attacks on SHA1
Xiaoyun Wang* Yiqun Lisa Yin Hongbo Yu
*Shandong University, China. Email: xywang at sdu dot edu dot cn.
Independent security consultant, USA. Email: yyin at princeton dot
Shandong University, China. Email: yhb at mail dot sdu dot edu dot
February 13, 2005
1 Introduction
In this note, we summarize the results of our new collision search attacks on SHA1. Technical details will be provided in a forthcoming paper. We have developed a set of new techniques that are very effective for searching collisions in SHA1. Our analysis shows that collisions of SHA1 can be found with complexity less than 269 hash operations. This is the first attack on the full 80-step SHA1 with complexity less than the 280 theoretical bound. Based on our estimation, we expect that real collisions of SHA1 reduced to 70-steps can be found using todays supercomputers.
In the past few years, there have been significant research advances in the analysis of hash functions. The techniques developed in the early work provide an important foundation for our new attacks on SHA1. In particular, our analysis is built upon the original differential attack on SHA0, the near collision attack on SHA0, the multiblock collision techniques, as well as the message modification techniques used in the collision search attack on MD5. Breaking SHA1 would not be possible without these powerful analytical techniques.
Our attacks naturally apply to SHA0 and all reduced variants of SHA1. For
SHA0, the attack is so effective that we were able to find real collisions
of the full SHA0 with less than 239 hash operations. We also
implemented the attack on SHA1 reduced to 58 steps and found real collisions
with less than 233 hash operations. Two collision examples are
given in this note.
2 A collision example for SHA0
h1 = compress(h0,M0) h2 = compress(h1,M1) = compress(h1,M'1 ) _____________________________________________________ h0: 67452301 efcdab89 98badcfe 10325476 c3d2e1f0 _____________________________________________________ M0: 65c24f5c 0c0f89f6 d478de77 ef255245 83ae3a1f 2a96e508 2c52666a 0d6fad5a 9d9f90d9 eb82281e 218239eb 34e1fbc7 5c84d024 f7ad1c2f d41d1a14 3b75dc18 _____________________________________________________ h1: 39f3bd80 c38bf492 fed57468 ed70c750 c521033b _____________________________________________________ M1: 474204bb 3b30a3ff f17e9b08 3ffa0874 6b26377a 18abdc01 d320eb93 b341ebe9 13480f5c ca5d3aa6 b9f3bd88 21921a2d 4085fca1 eb65e659 51ac570c 54e8aae5 _____________________________________________________ M'1: c74204f9 3b30a3ff 717e9b4a 3ffa0834 6b26373a 18abdc43 5320eb91 3341ebeb 13480f1c 4a5d3aa6 39f3bdc8 a1921a2f 4085fca3 6b65e619 d1ac570c d4e8aaa5 _____________________________________________________ h2: 2af8aee6 ed1e8411 62c2f3f7 3761d197 0437669d _____________________________________________________
Table 1: A collision of the full 80-step SHA0. The two messages that collide
(M0,M1) and
(M0,M'1 ). Note that padding rules were
not applied to the messages.
3 A collision example for 58-step SHA1
h1 = compress(h0,M0) = compress(h0,M'0 ) _____________________________________________________ h0: 67452301 efcdab89 98badcfe 10325476 c3d2e1f0 _____________________________________________________ M0: 132b5ab6 a115775f 5bfddd6b 4dc470eb 0637938a 6cceb733 0c86a386 68080139 534047a4 a42fc29a 06085121 a3131f73 ad5da5cf 13375402 40bdc7c2 d5a839e2 _____________________________________________________ M'0: 332b5ab6 c115776d 3bfddd28 6dc470ab e63793c8 0cceb731 8c86a387 68080119 534047a7 e42fc2c8 46085161 43131f21 0d5da5cf 93375442 60bdc7c3 f5a83982 _____________________________________________________ h1: 9768e739 b662af82 a0137d3e 918747cf c8ceb7d4 _____________________________________________________
Table 2: A collision of SHA1 reduced to 58 steps. The two messages that collide
M0 and M'0 . Note that padding rules were
not applied to the messages.