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10 December 2006
Michael John Smith writes:
I am attaching files of all the evidence given by Professor Meirion Francis Lewis in my case. This expert witness claimed to be able to identify a 10-year old document, marked "restricted", as being used on the UK's ALARM missile. Although the component the document referred to was openly on sale to the public, Professor Lewis argued that it contained secret information that would be useful to the Russians. He exaggerated his claims, and I have been able to prove that most of his points are not correct.
It was the technical evidence of Professor Lewis that was mainly responsible for the jury finding me guilty at my trial. It would be interesting to see what other engineers and scientists make of Professor Lewis's arguments. The evidence reveals how the prosecution worked, and it is a good insight to read through the evidence to see how Professor Lewis was used to disadvantage the defence: allowing Lewis to give undisclosed evidence on both days he appeared in court; the hearsay evidence of a phone call that Marconi's Technical Director told Lewis ALARM was involved; the MoD's Dr Weatherley interrupting and curtailing the cross-examination; the judge apparently having been briefed and asking many questions on behalf of the prosecution. Also, how could ordinary jury members have understood the technical issues discussed by Lewis.
The Word document contains all of Professor Lewis's evidence. The 2 PDF files are photocopies of the original documents.
Meirion-Francis-Lewis-evidence.doc (92 pages, 414KB)
Testimony-Meirion-Francis-Lewis.pdf (84 pages, 4.8MB)
Witness-Statements-Meirion-Francis-Lewis.pdf (10 pages, 417KB)