15 January 2002. Updated 14 January 2002 by Wayne Madsen:

Just put this together from a few late wire stories:

Note: There are sharp differences between some foreign consulate counts and those of immigration/human rights organizations. Some consulates, notably those of Latin American countries, are charged by some groups with reducing the number of citizens killed at the WTC for political reasons.

16 October 2001. Updated by Wayne Madsen.

24 September 2001

A: You list the Netherlands as having 403 casualties, this is inccorect. According to 'De Telegraaf" there are 3 confirmed dead and 40 missing.


23 September 2001. Revised by Wayne Madsen.

23 September 2001

Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 16:22:18 +0200
From: W [xxx]@cyberia.net.lb

I'm just curious about the results of casualties you have published on your page. You don't seem to mention any casulaties from Lebanon, whereas in reality one of the two killed in this horrific tragedy was a Harvard graduate about to get married in a week. Is this media-bias at its worst or what ? An explanation would be highly appreciated.

Cryptome: The tally shows three missing from Lebanon.

21 September 2001

Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:36:24 -0400
From: "Alan H. Martin" <AMartin@MA.UltraNet.Com>

From: http://www.boston.com/news/daily/21/tradecenter.htm

The Sept. 11 attacks on the Trade Center spread far beyond America's borders, with at least 63 countries counting their citizens among the missing. Giuliani said the British consulate had 250 citizens missing. According to the consulates, Germany has 120 to 150 missing and four confirmed dead; India 91 missing; Canada 35 to 50 missing; Japan 24 missing; Australia 20 missing and three dead; Colombia 20 missing and one dead; and the Philippines 19 missing.

21 September 2001

From: <mattr@microobjects.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:38:54 -0500
I noticed there were no Chinese listed, even though China had several companies located in WTC. 

21 September 2001.

From: WMadsen777@aol.com
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 12:19:20 EDT
Subject: New WTC Figures

Foreign Dead and Missing Numbers Increase at World Trade Center

According to Agence France Presse and the Associated Press, the following  changes in dead & missing foreign citizens, dual nationals, resident aliens,  and undocumented immigrants (upward and downward estimates in parentheses)  have been reported as of 21 September: Out of 6333 reported missing by Mayor  Giuliani, 3870 are foreigners, 2463 are U.S. citizens. 20 September 2001. [See updated tabulation below.]

20 September 2001

From: "Jari Vuoksenranta" <jariv@nic.fi>
To: WMadsen777@aol.com
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 23:14:20 +0300
Subject: Foreign Death Toll Exceeds American at WTC
CC: jya@pipeline.com

News reported today that no Finns died on the attack.


20 September 2001. Wayne Madsen writes:

Based on a flurry of e-mail, many readers of cryptome.org pointed out there were new figures and British Prime Minister Tony Blair revised the number of possible British victims. In the case of New Zealand, the victims held dual US citizenship, a situation which undoubtedly applies to some of the other foreign nationals who perished. The list has been revised to reflect these changes and the numbers of  foreign nationals who are confirmed dead or missing rises to 3387.

19 September 2001

From: WMadsen777@aol.com
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:55:42 EDT
Subject: Foreign Death Toll Exceeds American at WTC


Wayne Madsen

What is being largely lost in the grief and sorrow following the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center is the fact that the current count of dead and missing reveals more foreign nationals died in the attack than Americans. Although the major media has reported that other nations lost a number of their citizens, it is not being reported that their numbers, some 3061, are in excess of U.S. casualties, currently estimated at around 2589. These figures do not include any Canadians who may have been lost in the cataclysm. From information culled from a number of wire service accounts, the estimates of dead and missing by country are:

Current "dead and missing" from New York Times, January 15, 2002:

Officials estimate that as of Monday, 3,114 people had died, or were missing and presumed dead, as a result of the attacks on Sept. 11, not including 19 hijackers:

At the World Trade Center

2,890 dead or missing, with 147 dead on two hijacked planes.

At the Pentagon

184 dead or missing, with 59 dead on hijacked plane.

In Pennsylvania

40 dead on hijacked plane.

Non-US dead or missing. Revised 14 January 2002

4,183 plus those missing and undocumented

No explanation for difference between non-US and NY Times account above.

Great Britain    300
India            250
Chile            250
Germany          230 (+130)
Colombia         208 (-)
Pakistan         200
Mexico           150 (-350)
Turkey           120 (-11)
Philippines      117
Russia           117 (+21)
Israel           110 (-23)
El Salvador      101 (+30)
Honduras         100 (-) 
Nigeria           94 (+)
Canada            24 new (-39)
Australia    new: 20 (-2)
  New South Wales    11
  Victoria            3
  Queensland          2
  South Australia     2
  Residents Abroad    2
Bangladesh        55 (+)
Brazil            55 (-)
Greece            50 (+)
Japan             44 (-26)
Ireland           44 (+)
Netherlands       43 (-360)
Hungary           41 (+)(missing)
Italy             38 (-)
Dominican Rep.    31 (+6)
Ecuador           30 (-4)
Poland            30 (+)
South Korea       30 (+)
Guyana            25 (+20)  new: 21 (-4)
Austria           27 (-)
Japan             23 (-)
Cambodia          20
Hong Kong         16 (-3)
South Korea       15 (-)
Czech Republic    15 (+5)
Slovakia          10 (+)
France            10
Spain              8
Yemen              8 (+)
Jamaica            7 (+)  new: 17 (+10)
Taiwan             7 (-)
Guatemala          6 (+)
Haiti              6 (+) (may be more)
Zimbabwe           6
Switzerland        5 (-101)


Yugoslavia         5 (+5)
Iran               5 (+)
Argentina          5 (+)
Trinidad & 
Tobago  4 (+) new: 5 (+1)
China              2 (-2)
Portugal           4 (-)
Egypt              4 (+)  prob. more
Belize             4 (+)  new: 1 (-3)
Malaysia           4 (-)
Lebanon            3 (+)
Ethiopia      new: 3 (+3)
Panama             3 (+)
Antigua & Barbuda  3 (+)  new: 2 (-1)
Grenada            3 (+)  new: 2 (-1)
Peru               3 (-)
Belarus            3 (+)
Venezuela          3
Barbados           3 (+)  new: 4 (+1)
Jordan             2 (+)
New Zealand        2
Zimbabwe           2 (-)
Thailand           2
Indonesia          2 (-)
St.Kitts / Nevis   2 (+) new: 3 (+1)
St.Vincent / Gren. 2 (+) new: 1 (-1)
Paraguay           2
Ukraine            1
Ghana              1 (-)
St Lucia           1 (+)
Sri Lanka          1 (+)
Uruguay            1
Bulgaria           1 (+)
Belgium            1
Costa Rica         1 (+)
Paraguay           1 (-)
Burundi            1 (+)
Kenya              1
Bahamas            1 (+) new: 0 (-1)
Norway             1
Gambia             1 (+1)
Sweden             1
Dominica      new: 1 (+1)
Guinea             "Several missing"
Senegal            "Several missing"
Somaliland    new: a number of
                   undocumented workers
Somalia       new: a few 
                   undocumented workers
Malta              a "few casulaties" 
Denmark            0 (-1)
Finland            0 (-1)

                   plus those missing
                   and undocumented