6 August 2010
A sends: If you run the following commands on a Windows machine (and have Cygwin installed!) you can produce a list of all words in the Wikileaks Afghan War Diary AFG.CSV file. You can also produce a list of words by frequency. http://cryptome.org/0002/afg/afg_list.txt.zip (2.9MB) http://cryptome.org/0002/afg/afg_freqlist.txt.zip (2.8MB) __________ Commands REM This is a windows batch file that sequences CYGWIN Unix utils. REM This batch file makes a list of all words in the Afghan War Diary CSV file, with frequencies. REM remove the formatting crap c:\cygwin\bin\tr [:space:][:blank:][:punct:] \n < afg.csv > afg.tr REM sort alphabetically, ignore case c:\cygwin\bin\sort -f -b -d <afg.tr >afg.srt REM filter out duplicates; the -c adds counts to the output file c:\cygwin\bin\uniq -c < afg.srt > afglist.txt REM list by frequency c:\cygwin\bin\sort < afglist.txt > afgfreq.txt Sample output: 17 PAID 4 Paid 555 paid 1 paided 1 Paien 2 Paienda 2 paient 1 PAIL 23 pail 1 PAILS 1 Pails 5 pails 2 PAIMAKTHU 2 Paiman 1 PAIMONAR 103 PAIN 53 Pain 469 pain 1 PAINBAGH 1 Painda 2 Paindah 1 Paindai 1 Paindakhel 2 PAINFUL 1 Painful 9 painful 73 PAINKILLER 7 Painkiller 3 painkiller 1 painkillers 1 PAINOP 14 PAINS 4 Pains 47 pains 1 PAINSTAKINGLY 1 painstakingly 9 PAINT 10 Paint 100 paint 6 PAINTED 1 Painted 43 painted 2 painter 2 painters 1 Painting 25 painting 2 paintings 1 paints 1 painx7days 14 PAIR 63 Pair 94 pair 7 paired 9 pairing 2 Pairouz 12 Pairs 65 pairs 2 PAITENT 2 Paitent 1 paitent 1 paitent1 2 PAITENTS 1 paitents 1 paitient 1 Paiwar 1 Paiyan 2 Paj 1 PAJA 4 Pajak 3 pajamas 2 Pajan 1 Pajero 1 Pajhowk 1 Pajhwak 13 PAJHWOK 60 Pajhwok 4 Pajwahlk 1 Pajwaye 2 Pajwok 395 PAK 2 PAk 56 Pak 5 pak 5 PAK1 1 PAK10 2 PAK5 2 PAK6 2 PAK7 1 paka 1 PAKAISTAN 3 Pakastan 2 PAKASTANI 1 Pakastani 1 Pakatya 1 PAKEL 1 Pakela 2 PAKGOV 1 Pakh 3 Pakhta 11 PAKI 14 Paki 1 Pakika 1 PAKIML 2 Pakiran 1 PAKIs 4 Pakis 1 Pakisatn 2 PAKISATNI 280 PAKISTAN 1608 Pakistan 7 pakistan 1 PAKISTANFIRE 81 PAKISTANI 436 Pakistani 8 pakistani 1 Pakistanies 7 PAKISTANIS 28 Pakistanis 9 Pakistans 1 Pakistanwhere 1 Pakita 1 Pakitani 2 PAKITIKA 10 PAKITKA 9 Pakitka 1 pakitstan 1 Pakko 1 PAKKTIKA 985 PAKMIL 20 PakMil 46 Pakmil 2 pakmil By frequency 27610 OF 27610 UPDATE 27776 FRIEND 28001 PRT 28207 07 28404 No 28447 12 29097 2009 29113 Enemy 29398 ANA 29768 AND 30763 None 31141 FOB 31410 SAF 32054 by 32975 SOUTH 33550 TO 33559 10 33719 x 33859 Event 34588 DAM 35262 ISAF 35648 INJ 37022 FALSE 37426 MANAGER 38022 an 39048 S 39199 ANP 39947 EAST 41243 SIGACTS 42246 RPT 42423 Action 42482 for 43946 were 44320 is 44425 CF 45493 FF 49040 THE 49914 3 49939 At 50251 from 52726 RED 53697 2007 54048 on 58090 The 61747 that 71269 reported 73062 UNKNOWN 73315 SECRET 77686 IED 77998 with 80351 was 81760 2 84327 at 89211 in 91684 00 93430 1 97215 RC 103609 A 114819 a 122292 ENEMY 134112 TF 144324 of __________