29 October 2010
To: cryptome[at]earthlink.net MAJOR DAMNING EVIDENCE AGAINST LUKE RUDKOWSKI ---------------------------------------------------- Louie Bee, BushCrimeFamily, Jahba and Creat3d http://crotchshotradio.com/2010/10/28/major-damning-evidence-against-luke-rudkowski/ Crotchshotradio.com Irritatethestate.net 10/28/2010 http://www.4shared.com/document/4t3JZs-M/DOC102710.html For the Past 2 years many of us have been fighting for transparency within the 9/11 Truth movement. Specifically, within Wearechange New York City as it pertains to the finances. We feel extremely reluctant to discuss the current situation with "WE ARE CHANGE", but it needs to be addressed if we are going to move forward in this movement. This situation has been extremely disruptive, and we hope we can all come to a resolution in a civil and honest manner. It should be known that we have tried to deal with this in a private setting, hoping to shield the rest of the movement from this unnecessary drama. However, Luke Rudkowski has put us in a position where that is no longer possible. Luke Rudkowski routed all donations totaling over $85,000 (according to the chip-in flash application gauge) to his PRIVATE BANK ACCOUNT http://www.4shared.com/document/4t3JZs-M/DOC102710.html (just like Les Jamison of NY911truth did). Luke Rudkowski has 100% control of donations that come to We are change. Luke Rudkowski has yet to give a real detailed financial report in two years which is supposed to be provided according to voted on bylaws. "All expenditures will be presented to the group with statements presented on the first meeting of every month detailing expenses and money accrued."- http://www.wearechange.org/?page_id=33 Back in March 2009 Luke and 2 others where arrested for attempting to question Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Luke set up a chip in to pay for the legal costs for all three people. However, it quickly changes to just be the Luke Legal Defense fund. According to the chip in widget Luke was able to raise $4,241.55. On the New York State Court Unified Court System http://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/webcrim_attorney/DefendantSearch a search for Lukasz Rudkowski brings up another serious question http://crotchshotradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/luke1.png. If Lukasz was able to raise $4k for the legal defense fund, why does he have a legal aide lawyer? What has he done with the money he raised for a lawyer? We had to find this on a website that had the wearechange NY legal defense fund Chip-in widget embedded because again Luke is trying to cover his tracks. Luke Rudkowski has made slanderous statements regarding the integrity and allegiance of myself and others and accused us of being cointelpro. The only crime we committed was asking questions and demanding answers about the bank account. Luke Rudkowski's false and slanderous accusations have given this movement a black eye. The punishment for asking questions to Luke Rudkowski is chapter deletion from main site without a democratic group vote. We will not allow Luke Rudkowski to become judge, jury and executioner in the case against devoted members. Luke Rudkowski has refused and ignored any efforts by us and other members of WE ARE CHANGE to deal with this situation. Luke Rudkowski has ignored our request to see records. Instead Luke Rudkowski just accuses people of being negative or trying to cause the group to split. Luke Rudkowski had the same problem with Les Jamieson of NY911truth. According to Luke Rudkowski, Les did the same exact thing to him. THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL A HYPOCRITE!!!! On December of 2009 in a Facebook status post Luke Rudkowski's ex-girlfriend, Sabrina Rivera, speaks out on his exploitation of the late Dan Wallace. In the status updates Sabrina also went on to explain that Luke used Dan Wallace's name for his own fame and still has the belongings of his to Sabrina Rivera. In actuality the real founder of WeAreChange is Dan Wallace. The members of We Are Change New York have allowed Luke Rudkowski to become a dictator and allowed him to overrule democratically voted will of the members of We Are Change. This breaks the rule in the code of conduct that this is a leaderless movement. The members allow this because of fear of being ostracized by the group and falsely accused of being cointelpro. The Crotch Shot Radio Show has obtained Luke's financial records from Dallas Carter who in turn gave them to us. These PDF files are the smoking gun. The Chip-in sheets will tell all with the bank statements http://www.4shared.com/document/4t3JZs-M/DOC102710.html You can see that the only deposits are coming from the WE ARE CHANGE PayPal account. This is the money you donated going into his private bank account. Then you can see him paying for his College Tuition at Brooklyn College. THAT IS NOT WEARECHANGE BUSINESS! http://crotchshotradio.com/2010/03/11/we-demand-transparency-from-all/ We saw as Luke Rudkowski withdrew $20,000 from WeAreChange's PayPal account. This was exactly $4473.10 that went to pay for his tuition at Brooklyn College. According to the Wearechange site on the now replaced chip-in application the donations are for fliers, DVD's and, events. It is interesting to see that Wearechange stopped using the Chip-in app which showed how much was collected and a description of purpose of the donation. They have replaced it with the non-transparent PayPal payment button. When a donation is made the receipt says donation to Lukasz Rudkowski. This point was also made by Lindsey of theinfounderground.com called into The Piper report to confirm this. http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-23980/TS-334403.mp3 In a recent Radio interview on Revolution Broadcasting marathon Luke admitted to mixing Wearechange money with his own and using Wearechange donation money to pay for college. This is still fraud no matter if he paid it back or not. http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-23980/TS-412038.mp3 He has fought to have sole control of the finances of We Are Change. In addition he has been blocking any inquiry into the finances. We are not saying Luke has not done any good of course he has. However, we can not ignore this obvious slap to the movements face. He has been given massive amounts of trust and has been an inspiration to myself and others. Wearechange North East Pennsylvania and WeAreChange Latino were kicked out for asking questions and demanding answers. We again must not mimic behavior of the New World Order. There is no grey just a black and white. Once you cross that line then you are automatically working for the enemy. We are 9/11 truthers which means we are honest in our ways and must keep each other in check. Any abuse allowed is the same as taking part in it. We released these records to the New York State Attorney Generals Office last year and they have yet to charge Luke. Andrew Cuomo the New York State Attorney General is running for governor. Listen to our expose from the 10/28/2010 show: http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-23980/TS-412155.mp3