1 September 2010
Bradley Manning Support Network. September 1, 2010
From: "Mike Gogulski" <mike[at]gogulski.com> Civilian lawyer takes over defense of accused Wikileaks whistle blower Bradley Manning By the Bradley Manning Support Network. September 1, 2010 The Bradley Manning Support Network is relieved that accused Wikileaks whistle-blower Army PFC Bradley Manning is finally represented by an experienced and qualified civilian defense attorney. After receiving a wide range of opinions from our Network, his military defense JAGs, and a family member, Bradley has selected attorney David Coombs of Providence, Rhode Island, to lead his legal defense. Mr. Coombs has over a decade of experience as a military trial lawyer and is a former law professor at the Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, Virginia. "From our first communications with Bradley, back when he was still jailed in Kuwait, we pledged to support and fund his choice of civilian legal representation," said Jeff Paterson, steering committee member of the Bradley Manning Support Network, "We're happy to begin fulfilling that promise by transferring funds raised to Mr. Coombs for his retainer and initial legal fees." A personal friend of Bradley's personally verified his selection of legal counsel during a recent visit at the Marine Corps brig at Quantico, Virginia. Bradley appeared to be in good health and good spirits, considering the situation. Bradley again expressed his deep appreciation for the support and concern of so many. Over 835 generous individuals have already donated $50,000 towards Bradley Manning defense, of which $37,500 will go towards legal fees. In addition to the tax-deductible defense fund, supporters now have the option of making a non-deductible contribution directly to Bradley's IOLTA legal trust account which is managed by Mr. Coombs under regulation of the American Bar Association. Our tax-deductible defense fund allocates 25% of funds received for public education ("Free Bradley Manning" leaflets, posters, etc.), non-profit fiscal management fees, and credit card transaction fees. However, 100% of IOLTA legal trust account contributions offset Bradley's legal expenses, which are estimated to eventually total $90,000. To make a non-deductible contribution to the new legal trust account, please make checks payable to "IOLTA / Manning" and mail to: Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. To make a tax-deductible donation to the defense fund, please make checks payable to "Courage to Resist", note "Manning Defense" on the memo line and mail to: Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. Or online at http://couragetoresist.org/bradley Days of Action, September 16-19, shaping up The announcement of a civilian military attorney comes less than a week after our Network announced the International Days of Action in Support of Bradley Manning, September 16-19. Events and rallies have already been confirmed for New York City NY, Oakland CA, San Diego CA, Minneapolis MN, Houston TX, London UK, Olympia WA, Columbus OH, and Quantico VA--near the Marine brig where Bradley is being is currently being held in pre-trial confinement. It's not too late to organize something in your community! Email support [at] bradleymanning.org to discuss your ideas and plans. Advisory board formed The Bradley Manning Support Network is also pleased to announce the formation of an Advisory Board comprised of prominent individuals who are widely respected for their efforts in resisting war, progressive activism and in support of government transparency. Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink: Women for Peace Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, board member for the National Whistleblower Center Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistle blower Kathleen Gilberd, co-chair of the Military Law Task Force of the National Lawyers Guild Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and activist Michael Moore, documentary filmmaker Jose Vasquez, executive director of Iraq Veterans against the War US Army Colonel Ann Wright (ret.), former US State Department official Kevin Zeese, co-founder and executive director, Voters for Peace Letters to Bradley Hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals have sent mail to Bradley at Quantico, and to Kuwait before that. Due to a strict interpretation of confinement facility regulations, Bradley has not received a single letter, and most letters have been returned to sender. This effort has not been in vain as Bradley has been heartened by the mountain of support--even if he is not been allowed to open the letters. To send a message to Bradley, please send letters and postcards to Bradley Manning, c/o Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. Letters will be opened, "contraband" discarded and the letters then mailed in a weekly package to Bradley via an individual currently on his approved brig correspondence list. Blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime! Free Bradley Manning! --- Bradley Manning Support Network To stop receiving these mailings, reply with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line