9 March 2011. A sends.
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Computer Security Plans Disclosed[Google French to English translation.] Exclusive: The SI of Foreign Affairs in free! Posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011par Stéphane Larcher Through an anonymous public consultation, it is possible to know in great detail the components and operation of the Information System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You said irresponsible? Patrick Pailloux, Director General of National Agency for Security of Information Systems (ANSSI) still has work to form his flock. Placed on the center stage for two days following the attack suffered by Bercy, the spirited boss of the agency will probably be some new cold sweat if he learns what is happening around the public consultation to overhaul the security of the Information System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Judge for yourself! By connecting to the site-publics.gouv.fr markets and entering the keyword PSSI, we obtain a consultation from the Quai d'Orsay on the definition, piloting and strengthening the security of information systems department Foreign and European Affairs. So far all is well. Where the story gets more amusing is that there is absolutely no need to register to access all documents. For performing the manipulation, and having no aggressive intentions, we did not bother to hide your IP address. However, any hacker, including low-level, explain the masking his IP address is a childlike simplicity, the simplest method of using a foreign proxy or proxies of a waterfall, making the discovery the initial address quite risky, not necessarily from the technical point of view but certainly from a legal standpoint. In short, without giving any details, we were able to download the full consultation. __________ http://cryptome.org/0003/fr-10266.zip (2.6MB) The principal file is CCTP 10266_MAE.pdf