26 December 2010
Israel Google Maps API for FlashA3 sends: Perhaps curiosity killed the cat, but I wondered if I could find a street view of Israel, so I searched. I'm years too late to have a peek myself, but look what I found: Excerpt: Google Maps API For Flash From: Gavri <gavri....[at]gmail.com> Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:37:53 -0800 (PST) Local: Mon, Dec 15 2008 8:37 pm Subject: israel street view now open but only for flash api i know a few people in the past asked when google will share a street zoom view of israel? well, today i saw on my sandbox server that the gmap street view is available for israel. what interests me is how come it's only open to flash api while the javascript api is still blocked for detail street view? i didn't see any place that announces this - is this current state stable? can i count on it to remain open in the future? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "pamela (Google Employee)" <pamela...[at]gmail.com> Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 11:33:41 +1100 Local: Sun, Dec 28 2008 12:33 am Subject: Re: israel street view now open but only for flash api Hi Gavri- Thanks for the report. The Israel data is not in fact meant to be exposed in the API; we have a bug in our API. We're looking into it now. Apologies to any developers that were misled into thinking this data is now a part of the API. - pamela -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [........] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Perry- I don't know if we'll ever have the license for the high-resolution Israel data in the API, or if we do, at what time that will happen. The current tiles do have decent satellite imagery, so you could just use hybrid as your map type for now. - pamela