12 December 2010
Wikileaks CIA, Soros and Competitors BacklashIt is often reported that John Young accused Wikileaks during its formation of being associated with the CIA and/or George Soros. Not correct, he said its lofty goals and secret procedures mimic those authoritarian meddlers, which remains correct. Here are his statements and Wikileaks acknowledgement followed by predicted competitor backlash: http://cryptome.org/wikileaks/wikileaks-leak.htm
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:58:04 -0800To: From: John Young <jya[a t]pipeline.com> [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] Announcing a $5 million fund-raising goal by July will kill this effort. It makes WL appear to be a Wall Street scam. This amount could not be needed so soon except for suspect purposes. Soros will kick you out of the office with such over-reaching. Foundations are flooded with big talkers making big requests flaunting famous names and promising spectacular results. I'd say the same about the alleged 1.1 million documents ready for leaking. Way too many to be believable without evidence. I don't believe the number. So far, one document, of highly suspect provenance. Instead, explain what funding needs there are and present a schedule for their need, avoid generalities and lump sums. Explain how the funds will be managed and protected against fraud and theft. Instead, operate on a shoe-string for a few months, best, for a couple of years, establish WL bonafides by publishing a credible batch of documents for testing public feedback and criticism. Show how to handle the heat of doubt and condemnation. Use that to support fund-raising. At moment there is no reason to believe WL can deliver on its promises. Big talk no action, the skeptics say. BTW, the biggest crooks brag overmuch of how ethical their operations are. Avoid ethical promises, period, they've been used too often to fleece victims. Demonstrate sustained ethical behavior, don't preach/peddle it. __________ Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 07:21:34 -0800 To: From: John Young <jya[a t]pipeline.com> [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] Addendum: The CIA would be the most likely $5M funder. Soros is suspected of being a conduit for black money to dissident groups racketeering for such payola. Now it may be that that is the intention of WL because its behavior so far fits the pattern. If fleecing the CIA is the purpose, I urge setting a much higher funding goal, in the $100M range and up. The US intel agencies are awash in funds they cannot spend fast enough to keep the Congressional spigot wide open. Academics, dissidents, companies, spy contractors, other nation's spy agencies, whole countries, are falling over themselves to tap into this bountiful flood. But competition is fierce, and accusations of deception are raging even as the fleecers work in concert. Chinese dissidents -- a brand name among many -- are already reaping huge benefits from covert funding from the US and from the PRC, along with others in the former Soviets, in Africa and South America, inside the US, UK and Europe, in the Middle East and the Koreas, who know how to double-cross ditzy-rich Dads and Moms. In solidarity to fuck em all. __________ From: Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 11:26:00 -0500 To: [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] Advice noted. We'll polish up our sheers for cutting fleeces golden. __________ [This message was not distributed by the closed wikileaks list.] To: Wikileaks <wikileaks[a t]wikileaks.org> From: John Young <jya[a t]pipeline.com> Subject: Re: [WL] Funding / who is on this list. Date: Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 11:47:00 -0500 Cryptome is publishing the contents of this list, and how I was induced to serve as US person for registration. Wikileaks is a fraud: [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] Fuck your cute hustle and disinformation campaign against legitimate dissent. Same old shit, working for the enemy. __________ From: Subject: Re: [WL] Funding / who is on this list. Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:36:29 -0500 To: John Young <jya@pipeline.com> Heh. John, please do not do that. If you're wondering about the WL, the list has grown and there were enough accidental wl mentions [e.g in the somali document and a cc] that not mentioning it became of little additional obscurity especially since you're receiving the mail. No one has bothered to change the warning which after all doesn't really hurt. Even if you think we are CIA stooges, you can't treat everyone on the list that way. __________ http://cryptome.org/wikileaks/wikileaks-leak2.htm To: John Young <jya[a t]pipeline.com> From: Wikileaks <wikileaks[a t]wikileaks.org> Subject: martha stuart pgp Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:20:25 -0500 -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: None J. We are going to fuck them all. Chinese mostly, but not entirely a feint. Invention abounds. Lies, twists and distorts everywhere needed for protection. Hackers monitor chinese and other intel as they burrow into their targets, when they pull, so do we. Inxhaustible supply of material. Near 100,000 documents/emails a day. We're going to crack the world open and let it flower into something new. If fleecing the CIA will assist us, then fleece we will. We have pullbacks from NED, CFR, Freedomhouse and other CIA teats. We have all of pre 2005 afghanistan. Almost all of india fed. Half a dozen foreign ministries. Dozens of political parties and consulates, worldbank, apec, UN sections, trade groups, tibet and fulan dafa associations and... russian phishing mafia who pull data everywhere. We're drowing. We don't even know a tenth of what we have or who it belongs to. We stopped storing it at 1Tb. __________ To: funtimesahead[a t]lists.riseup.net From: Hanna <snow[a t]xs4all.nl> Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 22:13:32 -0500 Subject: [WL] We're all CIA stooges, apparently. [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] John Young has leaked the content of this list, sans most identifying info to cryptome.org It's clear from his recent messages that he's been losing it for some time. We should have checked his current mental state more thoroughly rather than relying on previous experience. The impact maybe positive. It's certainly very mysterious and exciting to read. I don't think there's much dissonance between our public and private positions. __________ From: Julian Assange <me[a t]iq.org> Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:40:14 +0000 To: funtimesahead[a t]lists.riseup.net Subject: [WL] cryptome disclosure [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] No idea what JYA was saying! It's clear to me however, that he was not trying to protect people's identities with his xxxxx'ing, but rather trying to increase the sexiness of the document. Perhaps he feels WL is a threat to the central status mechanism in his life? I think he just likes the controversy. He may have done us a great favor. There's a lot of movement in that document. It's a little anarchist, but I think it generally reads well and sounds like people doing something they care about. Btw, I suggest we be careful with Wayne Madsen too. He seems to be another case of someone who was fantastic a few years ago, but recently has started to see conspiracies everywhere. Both cases possibly age related. I am not spending any more thought on it. Next week is going to be busy. The weeks earlier stories will be already done and that'll set the agenda for the rest of the week, not jya's attention seeker. I'm willing to handle calls for .au, although my background may make S a better bet. Prediction about competitors' backlash to Wikileaks:http://cryptome.org/wikileaks/wikileaks-leak.htm
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 05:41:07 -0800 To: From: John Young <jya[a t]pipeline.com> [This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g. Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'. This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer and plenty of backbone.] Aftergood's report was unexpected, particularly for showing wikileaks.org was active and the first document was available. When did access become public, and was that announced here? Or did Aftergood release private information, say in disagreement with WL purposes. His comments on WL were disdainful, and appear to have been made to buttress his own endeavor as more honorable and respectable -- he has a habit of doing that, but so do others who cherish their reputation (and carefully nuture support of those who really have a problem with uncontrolled information as if it is "dangerous to go too far, yadda, yadda."). Reporters, and keep in mind they are competitors with WL as much as any keepers of secrets and peddlers of inside information, (all obsessed with appearing to be "responsible" arbiters of what information gets published) will most certainly dig for unfriendly aspects of WL to gain reader attention and to show they are not complicit in WL unrespectable intentions. Some will promise one thing to get information and do the opposite for publication. Some will fuck you for failing to do what they asked. Expect agents of the authorities to pry into WL by way of journalists, supporters, funders, advisory board members; that is customary for those hoping to smoke out opposition. Expect smears, lies, forgeries, betrayal, bribes, and the host of common tools used to suppress dissent. Expect taunts, insults, ridicule, praise, admiration, obsequiousness, arrogance, skepticism, demands for who the fuck are you, I need the information for an urgent deadline. Expect accusations that someone else associated with WL has already told me such and such so why are you being so coy? Expect much flattery and disdain. Beware of disclosing private information as a means to recruit. Beware of releasing information about WL founders and supporters, that will be grist for the truth twisters. Keep anonymous as possible or WL is doomed. This discussion list is going to be leaked. Anonymize, anonymize every communication with the press and potential recruits. Somebody is going to come at me as the name on the NSI registry. The less I know about WL people the better. And I know for sure that everyone associated with WL is a bald-faced liar, an agent of the authorities and the worst of the worst.
CIA answer, 25 October
2010, to a Cryptome FOIA request for its Wikileaks files. All secret operations which promise participants protection are deceptive. This is a hoary lure of the unwary into a trap of secret complicity that is irreversible, a practice called by secretkeepers, "being read into the classified world," "taking an oath," "taking vows," "signing non-disclosure and/or secrecy agreements." Once seduced by promises, oaths, vows or secrecy agreements there is no way to escape the threat of exposure and/or punishment. A standard means of threat is to publicly release a document redacted of names. As a heightened warning, occasionally names are "accidentally" released, leaked, by seemingly inept redaction or errant FOIA disclosure, or best, a private notification of what is known about the personal life of a potential breakaway or extortioner, say, the holder(s) of the decryption key of the Wikileaks insurance.aes256 file. Secretkeepers brag about how effective this is to maintain control of the gulled, elected officials among them, and not least, those who monetarily benefit from protecting access to secrets. It should be assumed that all the MSM businesses which induced Wikileaks to release classified documents to them checked with their respective investors and governments in arranging the deal about what to publish and how to do it. The NY Times has admitted to checking with the USG, not its investors, the others have remained quiet due to business practice and accommodating law requiring secrecy on cooperation with governmental authorities in managing information flow.