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22 July 2011. The hospital's emergency operations plan (thanks to

19 July 2011

Hospital Refuses to Disclose Emergency Plan

From: "Garcia Mandrin" <palo_verde_411[at]>
To: cryptome[at]
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:11:39 -0700

John Young
251 West 89th Street
New York, NY 10024
Email: cryptome[at]

Mandrin Garcia
Alternate email: >palo_verde_411[at]<

DATE: July 19, 2011


John – This may be of interest, you may wish to post:


For the past month we have been attempting to obtain information from
Banner Estrella Hospital concerning their emergency preparedness plan(s)
with regard to possible future problems should they occur at the Palo
Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Both facilities are located in
Maricopa County Arizona.  We have written letters and sent over 100
emails to various Banner executives and employees.  Absolutely no
information has been revealed and threats of  “legal action” were made
if we continue our inquiries. Because Banner continually blocked our
emails, various email addresses were used to ensure delivery. 

For reference, we are impressed with web pages such as the one provided
by Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, WA.
<>  Web sites such as
this show an attitude of concern for the community, a level of expertise
and provide interactivity for handling emergency situations. Hospitals
like Grays Harbor are an asset to their community and have managed their
resources appropriately.

The Banner Inquiry:
E-mails exchanged with Banner are shown below. Nonrepudiation
information (to ensure that Banner Employees cannot deny the
authenticity of  these E-Mails messages) is included at the end of this
document.  Publicly available Banner email addresses are also included.

.---------------------------- msg--------------------------------

FROM: "Bogardus, Don"

TO: Mandrin Garcia

SUBJECT: Disaster Response Emails
DATE:  11 Jul 2011 01:17:25 PM
Please stop sending Banner employees questions about our Emergency
Response plans. We will take legal action against you if you continue to
do so. Please do not contact any Banner employees other than myself for
any reason.

Thank you.
Don Bogardus
Sr. Director
EH&S, Security, Secure Hire, Security Support Services
Banner Health Risk Management
2025 N. 3rd. St.
Phoenix,  AZ 85004
Cell Phone: 602-920-0799

.----------------------- next msg----------------------------
July 17, 2011

FROM: <palo_verde_411[at]>


We are very disappointed that Mr. Don Bogardus, Sr. Director EH&S,
Security <don.bogardus[at]> and Ms. Hollie Costello, Sr.
Public Relations Specialist <hollie.costello[at]> have not
replied to our requests for Banner Estrella's emergency preparedness
plans with regard to Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. In addition
to blocking our email address Don Bogardus has threatened legal action
if we ask further questions. Are you are truly “making a difference in
people’s lives”. We once again ask for a response.

All e-mail correspondence regarding this matter is available for public
view at:  ><  and multiple
other sites.

Best Regards,

.----------------------- next msg----------------------------

FROM: "palo_verde_411[at]" palo_verde_411[at]
TO: "Costello, Hollie" <Hollie.Costello[at]>
Hollie Costello
Public Relations
Banner Estrella Medical Center
623-327-7168 (office)
480-226-4329 (cell)

We are disappointed with your reply. Immediate response with a radiation
disaster plan would be required in a nuclear emergency; the plan should
be public information and available at once upon request.  Radiological
emergency response plans and procedures should provide step-by-step
guidance to effective care. Banner Health is a non-profit entity, tax
payer supported organization with assetts of over $5,000,000,000.00 
(Five Billion Dollars;  IRS OMB # 1545-0047) and has leaders that earn
hundreds of dollars per hour. (Peter Fine; $1,807,920.00 Year: 2009 IRS
Employee identification # 45-0233470). 

Specifically now,  we ask you to provide an answer to this synthetic
description of an event. 

It is 2:30pm on Monday June 17, 2013 the air temperature is 99 degrees,
wind is from the  W-SW [at] 12 MPH. A school bus from Winters Well
Elementary School with 28 children and 4 adults plus the driver is
traveling North West on the W. Salome Hwy approaching W. Broadway Road. 
With out warning. an explosion occurs at the Palo Verde Nuclear
Generating Station.  Radioactive debris are airborne and scattered to a
distance of over 3 miles (similar to the Fukushima disaster). 
Radioactive materials (strontium 90, Cs-137, Cadmium-109, Sodium-22 and
others) penetrate the roof and windows of the school bus causing
multiple lacerations to over half of the individuals on the bus.  Most
individuals have material embedded beneath their skin. All individuals
have inhaled dust from the debris. The driver of the bus has only minor
injuries and proceeds to Banner Estrella Hospital a distance of 36 miles
away.  The bus arrives at 3:28pm and is parked at the door of your
Emergency Room.  Commercial power was lost at your facility at 2:32pm
and you are on your emergency generators, there is no air conditioning,
environmental conditions inside begin to degrade.  Cellular phone
service is overloaded, however your land line telephone, VHF and UHF
radio equipment is operational.  Microwave links between your facilities
are only 15% functional.  Of your 200 plus beds, 186 are occupied by
patients. A radioactive plume is heading toward your facility from the
South West and will arrive at approximately 5:45pm. What care can you
provide to the people on the bus?

To assist you in providing us "correct information" a list of terms we
are expecting to locate follows:

evacuation plan
detection of radiocontamination
whole body counting   environmental
decontamination of radiocontamination
circulating lymphocytes
radiological instrumentation
isolation facilities
isolated air circulation
survey meters

Geiger-Müller detectors
alpha and beta contamination meters
assessment of radioactive contamination
gamma camera measurement
radionuclide identification
cytogenetic samples
alpha particles
beta particles
acute radiation sickness
haematological indices
iodine administration
contaminated wound treatment
elimination of radionuclides
thyroid monitoring
thyroid blocking dose
radionuclide decorporation agents
gamma camera measurement
blood and excreta analysis
protective clothing
contaminated material disposal

Best Regards, 

.----------------------- next msg----------------------------

and 125 others

and 35 others

Second Request:

We are surprised that our request is met with such rancour. You must
have more pressing issues that are preventing you from explaining your
methods of preserving the area safety and welfare during a crisis.
With regard to your declaration of "Legal Action" we consider it a
bluff, even disporting.  Any order served will be published here or
elsewhere if gagged by order.

In the public interest and the spirit of transparency, we again ask for
a response.  Your response, or lack of, will be publicly disclosed.

First, consider these facts, our reasons for concern:

Date: April 1978; Officials state:  "Three Mile Island Nuclear
Generating Station is entirely safe, its safety record is excellent."
On March 28, 1979 the most significant accident in United States
commercial nuclear energy occurred when TMI-2 suffered a partial
An estimated  43,000 curies (1.59 PBq) of radioactive krypton-85 gas, 20
curies (740 GBq) of the especially hazardous iodine-131was released into
the surrounding environment.

Date: May 1985; Officials state: "Chernobyl  is completely safe, its
safety record is in the highest rank of Russian classification."
On 26 April 1986 an explosion and fire released large quantities of
radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, which spread over much of
Western USSR and Europe. The release increased the background radiation
around the world. It was considered the worst nuclear power plant
accident to date. Four hundred times more radioactive material was
released than had been by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The disaster
released a fractional equivalent of the total amount of radioactivity
released by all the nuclear weapons testing during the 1950s and 1960s,
by all countries. 100,000 km² of land was contaminated with fallout.

Date: June 2008; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is declared "one
of the safest in the world, its record is stellar"
On March 11, 2011 a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and
release of radioactive material occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power
Plant following the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami wave.  The site

continues to release radioactive materials into the environment, the
amount estimated to easily exceed that of the Chernobyl accident. Japan
officials say the plant clean-up will take decades and involve thousands
of workers that will need decontamination, monitoring and treatment. 
Fukushima provides more stunning proof that the preparations for the
worst case scenarios weren't adequate enough.

Date: March 2011; US officials say flooding that occurred at the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant can never happen in the United States
and all our nuclear plants are safe.
On June 6, 2011; The Missouri River began flooding the Fort Calhoun
Nuclear Generating Station near Blair, Nebraska.  On June 7, 2011 there
was a fire at the plant.  The Omaha Public Power District, as required
by Nuclear Regulatory Commission guidelines, declared a Notification of
Unusual Event due to flooding of the Missouri River.  The Federal
Aviation Administration had declared a "temporary flight restriction,"
in a two nautical mile radius, centered on the Fort Calhoun nuclear
facility. This restriction went into effect on June 6, 2011, at 4:31 PM,
and remains in effect "until further notice.”  The situation continues.

Date: June 19, 2011; The Missouri River began flooding the Cooper
Nuclear Station site near Brownville, Nebraska. Notification of an
Unusual Event was declared due to the elevation of the Missouri River. 
The situation continues.

Date: March 29, 2011; At a meeting; "Palo Verde nuclear power plant is
safe, operators say its safety record is excellent."  Actually, when one
examines the records of inspection it is far from excellent. Palo Verde
is the largest nuclear plant in the country. Some of the equipment is 35
years old and on site there is more radioactive material than Fukushima
Daiichi, Fort Calhoun, Cooper, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl
combined. Spent fuel is stored in casks on the open desert and
vulnerable to attack from aircraft used as weapons.

Date: July  2011; Numerous articles are beginning to appear with titles
similar to "Most US hospitals are not prepared to treat mass casualties
resulting from nuclear incidents"; “U.S. health care system unprepared
for nuclear emergencies"; "Hospitals near nuclear plants not ready"; "
One-third of hospitals are not prepared for major disasters"; etc. 

Specifically now, again, we ask you to provide an answer to this
synthetic description of an event that we originally sent to Ms. Hollie
Costello, <Hollie.Costello[at]> 10 days ago. 

It is 2:30pm on Monday, June 17, 2013 the air temperature is 99 degrees,
wind is from the  W-SW [at] 12 MPH. A school bus from Winters Well
Elementary School with 28 children and 4 adults plus the driver is
traveling northwest on the W. Salome Hwy approaching W. Broadway Road. 
Without warning, an explosion occurs at the Palo Verde Nuclear
Generating Station.  Radioactive debris is airborne and scattered to a
distance of over 3 miles (similar to the Fukushima disaster). 
Radioactive materials (strontium 90, Cs-137, Cadmium-109, Sodium-22 and
others) penetrate the roof and windows of the school bus causing

multiple lacerations to over half of the individuals on the bus.  Most
individuals have material embedded beneath their skin. All individuals
have inhaled dust from the debris. The driver of the bus has only minor
injuries and proceeds to Banner Estrella Hospital a distance of 36 miles
away.  The bus arrives at 3:28pm and is parked at the door of your
Emergency Room.  Commercial power was lost at your facility at 2:32pm
and you are on your emergency generators, there is no air conditioning,
environmental conditions inside begin to degrade.  Cellular phone
service is overloaded, however your land line telephone, VHF and UHF
radio equipment are operational.  Microwave links between your
facilities are only 15% functional.  Of your 200 plus beds, 186 are
occupied by patients. A radioactive plume is heading toward your
facility from the southwest and will arrive at approximately 5:45pm.
What care can you provide to the people on the bus?

To assist you in providing us "substantial information" a list of terms
we are expecting to locate in your response follows:

emergency medical manager
hospital emergency response team
evacuation plan
radiation field triage
detection of radiocontamination
whole body counting, environmental
decontamination of radiocontamination
circulating lymphocytes
radiological instrumentation
isolation facilities
victim contamination and control
isolated air circulation
bioassay measurements
survey meters
Geiger-Müller detectors
alpha and beta contamination meters
assessment of radioactive contamination
gamma camera measurement
results of Intake and committed dose assessment
radionuclide identification
cytogenetic samples
alpha particles
beta particles
acute radiation sickness
concentration of stable sodium in the blood
haematological indices
cytogenetic dosimetry
frequency of centric rings
iodine administration
contaminated wound treatment
elimination of radionuclides
thyroid monitoring
thyroid blocking dose
radionuclide decorporation agents
gamma camera measurement
blood and excreta analysis
protective clothing
contaminated material disposal

A plan, a website, a solution, some comments, reference documents,
recommendations, some answers would be appreciated. 
Waiting for you to "make a difference in peoples lives". 

Publicly available at:

--------------------Nonrepudiation information:-------------------

    "Mandrin Garcia" <palo_verde_411[at]>
    rayette.vaughn[at] [Add]
    robert.rost[at], Robin.Opp[at] [Add]
    Sat, 9 Jul 2011 10:18 AM (1 week ago)
    Show original
    Hide full header

Message-Id: <1310231883.23525.2149977085[at]>
X-Sasl-Enc: NX1KUrFIBiD1prw9bxrD+hppgnpmVQUvi8beE9HQDxf7 1310231883
From: "Mandrin Garcia" <palo_verde_411[at]>


To: rayette.vaughn[at]
Cc: rebecca.armendariz[at],[at],

robert.rost[at], Robin.Opp[at]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
X-Mailer: Webmail Interface
Subject: <hollie.costello[at]> NEEDS HELP!
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 10:18:03 -0700

Subject:  <hollie.costello[at]> NEEDS HELP!

Hollie needs some help with this:

Return-Path: <hollie.costello[at]>

623-327-7168 (office)
480-226-4329 (cell)
623-327-7095 (Fax) 
602-420-4611 (Other)

From: "Bogardus, Don" <Don.Bogardus[at]>
To: "'palo_verde_411[at]'" <palo_verde_411[at]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:17:25 -0700
Subject: Disaster Response Emails


From: "Costello, Hollie" <Hollie.Costello[at]>
To: "palo_verde_411[at]" <palo_verde_411[at]>
Hollie Costello
Public Relations
Banner Estrella Medical Center
623-327-7168 (office)
480-226-4329 (cell)
For media on deadline between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday to
Friday and on weekends, please call 602-492-4770.
From: "Costello, Hollie" <Hollie.Costello[at]>
To: "palo_verde_411[at]" <palo_verde_411[at]>

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 12:53:37 -0700
Subject: request for information

<hollie.costello[at]> NEEDS HELP!

    "Mandrin Garcia" <palo_verde_411[at]>
    rayette.vaughn[at] [Add]
    robert.rost[at], Robin.Opp[at] [Add]
    Sat, 9 Jul 2011 10:18 AM (1 week ago)
    Show original
    Hide full header

From: "Mandrin Garcia" <palo_verde_411[at]>
To: rayette.vaughn[at]
Cc: rebecca.armendariz[at],[at],
robert.rost[at], Robin.Opp[at]
Subject: <hollie.costello[at]> NEEDS HELP!
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 10:18:03 -0700

Subject:  <hollie.costello[at]> NEEDS HELP!

Hollie needs some help with this:
Return-Path: <hollie.costello[at]>
623-327-7168 (office)
480-226-4329 (cell)
623-327-7095 (Fax) 
602-420-4611 (Other)

-------------------email addresses------------------------------

All of these email addresses are publicly available in various Banner
documents available on the internet. They were used in this inquiry over
a period of 30 days. No information about a disaster plan was ever

becky.kuhn[at]; alisha.zimmer[at];
angela.franco[at]; anita.prouty[at];
barry.iselin[at]; bill.byron[at];
bking[at]; bob.Goodman[at];
brittany.pacheco[at]; candace.hoffmann[at];
victoria.graham[at]; carla.clark[at];
carol.bras[at]; carrie.huston[at];
charlie.thomas[at]; coiya.kirchoff[at];
Colleen.Hallberg[at]; connie.farrington[at];
corey.schubert[at]; craig.fischer[at];
david.lozano[at]; deborah.martin[at];
dferch[at]; diane.miner[at];
Diane.Ramirez[at]; edith.williams[at];
erin.davis[at]; evelyn.justimbaste[at];
fmhdc.recruiting[at]; gene.haffner[at];[at]; heidi.terry[at];
Hollie.Costello[at]; jane.sanborn[at];
janet.r.anderson[at]; jeff.holeman[at];
jeff.nelson[at]; jennifer.pool[at];
jennifer.urias[at]; jeremy.staley[at];
jo.russo[at]; Tom.Davis[at];[at]; tiffany.tcheng[at];
paula.duston[at]; linda.tyler[at];
marcie.coffman[at]; john.rajczyk[at];
julie.kleinroerig[at]; don.evans[at];
carrie.huston[at]; bob.Goodman[at];
coiya.kirchoff[at]; nikki.ruiz[at];
Jodie.snyder[at] ; jody.bock[at];
john.arthur[at]; john.rajczyk[at];
judie.shaffer[at]; julie.kleinroerig[at];
Julie.LaMantia[at]; julie.pietschman[at];
Kathy.Bollinger[at]; kammy.litzer[at];
Karen.pelletier[at]; karen.santoni[at];[at]; kathryn.crippen[at];
krista.paske[at]; kristen.richards[at];
kstamadianos[at]; laurel.kechanin[at];
linda.tyler[at]; Lindsay.Butler[at];
lisa.guinn[at]; lori.logan[at];
marcie.coffman[at]; maria.ross[at];
marian.barry[at]; mary.hubenthal[at];
melissa.mitchell[at]; michelle.winters[at];
missy.lucas[at]; Mullings[at];
myrna.cruz[at]; nancy.neff[at];
nikki.ripley[at]; nikki.ruiz[at];
paul.matthews[at]; paula.duston[at];
peter.calcaterra[at]; peter.fine[at];
rainey.holloway[at]; rayette.vaughn[at];
robert.rost[at]; Robin.Opp[at];
rswanson[at]; sally.butler[at];
sandy.cail[at]; Sandy.Haryasz[at];
sara.quale[at]; sarah.boggan[at];
sharon.kennedy[at]; shenita.moore[at];
sherry.stott[at];  tami.eckenrode[at];
tiffany.tcheng[at]; Tom.Davis[at]