9 December 2011. A sends:
The answer to your question regarding photon leakage from fiber optic cables
is as follows:
It is a natural property of fiber optic cables that there is a photon field
surrounding the cable, generally referred to as an evanescent field.
This is the optical analog to virtual images in RF systems. This was
very successfully exploited in tapping Soviet undersea cables off the west
and north coasts of the former USSR.
3 December 2011
Photon Leakage from Fiber Optic Cable
To: coldwarcomms[at]yahoogroups.com
From: "OZOB99" <ozob99[at]yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 13:59:41 -0000
Subject: [coldwarcomms] Operation Gold Photo's(was Re: Tapping underwater
Russian phone cables)
--- In coldwarcomms[at]yahoogroups.com, Sam Etler <etler[at]...> wrote:
> Not sure of the vintage of eavesdropping we're talking but could
> microbending of fiber optics also be a possibility? A lot of people
> don't think much of it but a lot of cables leak photons like copper
> leaks RF.
> On the Berlin Tunnel operation, a good recounting of it is presented
> in the CIA's Clandestine Services Historical Paper No. 150, "The
> Berlin Tunnel Operation, 1952-1956". I know of two copies of the
> document, one highly excised, one not so excised. You can find them
> here:
> I find it interesting to open them side by side and see what was at
> one time worthy of removal. Oddly the release date on the one with
> fewer excisions is Feb. 2007 while the other one is Jul. 2007. I
> unfortunately don't remember where I obtained either, but I've been
> aware of the one with more excisions since well before 2007.
Here are some better quality photo's of the gear:
To: coldwarcomms[at]yahoogroups.com
From: John Young <jya[at]pipeline.com>
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 09:37:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [coldwarcomms] Operation Gold Photo's(was Re: Tapping underwater
Russian phone cables)
Is there a term for fiber cable photon leaking more specific than Tempest?
Several known and presumbably still unknown types of inadvertent (and advertent
to mislead) compromising emanations have unique names to identify each and
their various combinations.
Such as multiple types of audio, visual, verbal, olfactory, other sensory,
transceiver mode and speed, timing, periodicity, electro-mathematical errors,
indeed, near limitless acquisition methods often exceeding interpretation
and application.
Speculation is that due to incompatible physical properties, electronic signals,
EM if you prefer, cannot be fully contained within or controlled by analogic
devices (hardware), at best only moderated, obscured, and lied about.
Accordingly EM leakage is inevitable, awaiting discovery with new tools many
of which are hardly ever made public, instead decoys are loosened to satisfy
investigators sufficiently for the investigators' clients to be disarmed.
For non-EM, one recent discovery was the leakage via finger smudges on monitor
touch-screens. Way back it was shown how to back-trace a floppy by the residue
of its handlers, as with spittle on stamps and envelope flaps. And a Chinese
PaceInt identified walkers by their tread profile (left, right, heel, toe,
in, out, edge), impact and gait.
Devices for OdorInt are still not as good at gathering and recording
smell-provenance the way animals "see" where they have been and want to go
as humans use sight, and as bats and some musicians use sound.
Over-reliance on visual interpretation of emanations could be as blinding
as addiction to text. Great gobs of bountiful non-visualizable signal are
ignored, except to those with tin hat receptors and magical conspiracy
theories. Those water diviners win Nobel and Ignobel prizes or get
burned at the stake, or most often worshipped.