27 December 2011. Also today:
Cricket Hacked
<- cricket wireless && broadband
Employee/Admin User | password | ID
27 December 2011
SpecialForces.com Hacked
27 December 2011
antisec teaser 12/27
Continuing the week long celebration of wreaking utter havoc on global financial
systems, militaries, and governments, we are announcing our next target:
the online piggie supply store SpecialForces.com. Their customer base is
comprised primarily of military and law enforcement affiliated individuals,
who have for too long enjoyed purchasing tactical combat equipment from their
slick and professional looking website. Whats that, officer?
You get a kick out of pepper-spraying peaceful protesters in public parks?
You like to recreationally taser kids? You have a fetish for putting people
in plastic zip ties?
To be fair, at least SpecialForces.com DID store their customers credit
card information using blowfish encryption (unlike the global intelligence
and security industry "professionals" at Stratfor, who apparently remain
confused as to whether their customers information was even encrypted
or not). Nevertheless, our voodoo prevailed and we were quickly able to break
back into the military suppliers server and steal their encryption
keys. We then wrote a few simple functions to recover the cleartext passwords,
credit card numbers, and expiration dates to all their customers cards.
Thats how we roll.
In reality, for the past few months, we have been in possession of approximately
14,000 passwords and 8000 credit cards from SpecialForces.com. Unfortunately
a former comrade leaked the password list early, and the full story on this
owning will be told in our upcoming zine. Until then, feast upon one hell
of a juicy text file.
http://ibhg35kgdvnb7jvw.onion//lulzxmas/specialforces_full.txt.gz <-
http://ibhg35kgdvnb7jvw.onion//lulzxmas/specialforces_passwords.txt <-
just the passwords
http://wikisend.com/download/287544/specialforces.tar.gz <- both combined