51. |
Congressional Record. Wednesday, December 1,
...by Chairman Levin and Representative
Brady (TX). BRIEFING--WIKILEAKS Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence: Met in executive session to receive a briefing on
WikiLeaks Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information.
52. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 1. Mr. ROGERS
of Kentucky, Mr. DICKS, and others. Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
...Maryland is recognized for 5 minutes.
Mr. BARTLETT. Last week, there was WikiLeaks activity that pointed
out a huge problem that we in the world face. WikiLeaks released some
confidential emails that indicated that the Saudis had only...
53. |
Congressional Hearings. Appropriation.
Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011.
...cases, you almost have to start over.
Mr. Wolf. Yes. Look at the pain and suffering that WikiLeaks has created.
I mean, what took place in WikiLeaks has resulted in the death of
people and the fall of governments. It has done a pretty...
54. |
Congressional Record. Thursday, December 9,
...Department of Justice; and public
witnesses. BRIEFING--WIKILEAKS UPDATE Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence: Met in executive session to receive a briefing on Update on
WikiLeaks Unauthorized Disclosures. The Committee was briefed...
55. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Judiciary,
Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet. Wednesday,
May 25, 2011.
...attack that wreaks the most damage
as demonstrated by the WikiLeaks case where thousands of classified
State Department documents...the Government have increased at an alarming
rate. Although WikiLeaks has become the face of security breaches
within the...
56. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Armed Services.
Thursday, March 3, 2011.
...have. Now, you have to shrink Saudi
Arabia a bit because WikiLeaks, a couple weeks ago, indicated they
have been fibbing about...China, are demanding hugely increased amounts of
oil. The WikiLeaks thing indicates there is less oil out there than
57. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Science, Space,
and Technology. Thursday, March 3, 2011.
...oil, and Saudi Arabia needs to be
diminished of it because Wikileaks a couple weeks ago indicated they
have been fibbing about...India, using hugely increased amounts of oil. We
have the Wikileaks a couple weeks ago indicating that...
58. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Homeland Security.
Thursday, March 10, 2011.
...can to keep our homeland secure.''
When asked about WikiLeaks and the potential prosecution of Julian
Assange, Holder said, ``it's an ongoing investigation.'' ``What
Wikileaks did, at the end of the day, was harmful to...
59. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H. Res. 79. Mr.
DREIER, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, and others. Thursday, February 10, 2011.
...Twitter provide the account details
of people connected to the WikiLeaks easel including its founder,
Julian Assange, isn't noteworthy...inform the people whose records the government
was seeking. WikiLeaks says it suspects that other large sites like
Google and...
60. |
Congressional Record. Mr. FRANKS of Arizona.
Thursday, December 16, 2010.
...cited by the New York Times but has
not yet been posted by Wikileaks says that Saudi donors remain the
chief financiers of Sunni...CPC'' to receive an indefinite waiver. In one
of the Wikileaks cables written earlier this year on Saudi King
61. |
Compilation of Presidential Documents. Interviews
With the News Media. Friday, March 11, 2011.
...USA, who is accused of leaking classified
documents to the WikiLeaks organization . Categories: Interviews With
the News Media...Criminal Court, International; Defense and national security
: WikiLeaks publication of classified U.S. Government...
62. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security
Technologies. Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
...as field reports on Pakistan) were
obtained by the group WikiLeaks.org. According to DOD, this investigation
was related...new oil and gas field bid negotiations. As we saw with the
WikiLeaks document disclosures brought about by a malicious...
63. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 4899. Mr.
OBEY, Mr. LEWIS of California, and others. Tuesday, July 27, 2010.
...distinguished gentleman from Ohio
(Mr. Kucinich). Mr. KUCINICH. Wikileaks released 92,000 previously
secret documents, totaling 200...It would be good if Congress had announced
hearings once WikiLeaks documents came forward. But what we've learned
64. |
Congressional Record. Mr. PAUL. Wednesday, January
26, 2011.
...to attack. A State Department cable
recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April
Glaspie did indeed...seems willing to end. Julian Assange, the publisher
of the WikiLeaks memo, is now considered an enemy of the
65. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 1586. Mr.
ALEXANDER, Mr. NELSON of Florida, and others. Monday, August 2, 2010.
...Florida. Mr. President, last weekend,
a Web page called WikiLeaks posted what they titled the ``Afghan War
Diary.'' It...right now in Newsweek: ``Taliban Seeks Vengeance in Wake of
WikiLeaks. Leaked U.S. Intel documents listed the names and...
66. |
Congressional Record. Thursday, December 16,
...Pages D1206-D1207] Committee Meetings
ESPIONAGE ACT/WIKILEAKS Committee on the Judiciary: Held a hearing
on the Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised by
WikiLeaks. Testimony was heard from public witnesses....
67. |
Congressional Hearings. Nomination. Select Committee
on Intelligence of the United States Senate. Thursday, September 22,
...Intelligence Community, especially
within Washington. While WikiLeaks garnered a lot of attention because
of its scope, there continue...IG with respect to compromises or potential
compromises and WikiLeaks-type situations. I think that there tends
to be a...
68. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Judiciary.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
...mortgage fraud, for example--it seems
that we know some things and we have learned through WikiLeaks and
those who received some of the WikiLeaks information about Bank of
America and Bank of America is involved with the Balboa...
69. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Appropriations;
Foreign Relations. Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
gpo.gov/fdsys/ _____ U.S. GOVERNMENT
----------------------------------------------------------------------- For
sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
70. |
Congressional Record. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Thursday,
December 2, 2010.
...classified State Department documents
obtained illegally by WikiLeaks. But one year ago, The Times declined
to print information...contradictory temperature data. Regarding its decision
to print the WikiLeaks documents, The Times wrote: ``For The Times
71. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...their families, and recognize efforts
of emergency response workers at the mine disaster (H. Res. 1236), E590 [20AP]
WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of Dept. of Defense classified
documents to the news media related to Pakistan and...
72. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...attack the U.S. be considered enemy
combatants to be tried by military tribunals instead of civilian courts,
H7745 [30NO] WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified documents
to the news media, H7743, H7745 [30NO] World War II:...
73. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...Votes: position on missed, H8966 [22DE],
E265 [26FE] Wheelin' Team 457 (organization): tribute, E86 [26JA]
WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified documents to the
news media, H7760 [1DE], H8035 [7DE] Remarks in House...
74. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...War II veterans traveling to Washington,
DC, to visit memorials built in their honor (H. Res. 1673), E1754 [28SE]
WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified documents to the
news media, H8278 [9DE] Remarks in House relative to...
75. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...and approval to amendments made by
Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia (S.J. Res. 25), H2522 [14AP]
WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified documents to the
news media, E2044 [2DE] World Intellectual Property Day:...
76. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...provide whistleblower protections
to certain workers in the offshore oil and gas industry (H.R. 5851), H6489
[30JY] WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of Dept. of Defense classified
documents to the news media related to Pakistan and...
77. |
United States Courts Opinions. United States
District Court Eastern District of California. FINDINGS and RECOMMENDATIONS
signed by Magistrate Judge Kendall J. Newman on 12/17/10 RECOMMENDING that
Pltf's 17 Motion to Remand be granted and this entire case be remanded to
the Superior Court of the State of California, County of El Dorado; Third-Party
Deft USA's 35 Motion to Dismiss the First Amended Third-Party.... Monday,
December 20, 2010.
...v. Natâl
Assân of Sec. Dealers, Inc., 159 F.3d 1209, 1211 (9th Cir.
1998); Bank Julius Baer & Co. v. Wikileaks, 535 F. Supp. 2d 980,
984 (N.D. Cal. 2008). District courts have diversity jurisdiction over
âall civil...
78. |
Congressional Record. Friday, March 4, 2011.
...Counsel, 10 a.m., SD-342. March 10,
Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine information sharing in the era
of WikiLeaks, focusing on balancing security and collaboration, 3
p.m., SD-342. Committee on the Judiciary: March 9, to...
79. |
Compilation of Presidential Documents. Addresses
and Remarks. Tuesday, July 27, 2010.
...Force, commander; Afghanistan : U.S.
military forces :: Deployment; Afghanistan : U.S. policy review; Afghanistan
: WikiLeaks publication of classified U.S. military documents; Armed
Forces, U.S. : Funding; Business and industry :...
80. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and
Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and
Foreign Operations. Wednesday, May 25, 2011.
...attacked Google and at least 80 other
U.S. companies. Not all threats to Federal cybersecurity are external. In
June 2010, Wikileaks released thousands of classified Department of
State and Department of Defense documents. Immediately following the...
81. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009.
...Eco-Terrorism: Environmental and Animal
Rights Militants in The United States, (May 7, 2008), available at
http://wikileaks.org/leak/dhs-ecoterrorism-in-us- 2008.pdf. \34\ T.J.
Greaney, `Fusion Center' Data Draws Fire...
82. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Judiciary.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009.
...cover anybody who Tweets regularly
or who posts reports about current events on a Web site like Facebook, or
even sites like Wikileaks that encourage people to disseminate classified
information illegally. My staff has met with your staff on this bill,...
83. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009.
...Eco-Terrorism: Environmental and Animal
Rights Militants in the United States, (May 7, 2008), available at
84. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Foreign Relations.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011.
...largely by the Haqqani network, the
ferocious Taliban militia based in Pakistan's tribal regions. According to
a July 2009 WikiLeaks cable from the U.S. consulate in Peshawar, which
abuts the Pakistani tribal regions, Jalaluddin Haqqani, the...
85. |
Congressional Record. Mr. SANDERS. Thursday,
March 10, 2011.
...session of the Senate on March 10,
2011, at 3 p.m. to conduct a hearing entitled ``Information Sharing in the
Era of WikiLeaks: Balancing Security and Collaboration.'' The PRESIDING
OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Committee on...
86. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 1892. Mr.
ROGERS of Michigan, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, and others. Friday, December 16,
...country safe, technological advances
have also increased the risks of this cooperation. As we saw last year with
the damage of Wikileaks the threat from a malicious insider, with
the ``keys to the kingdom,'' is real. This bill requires the Director...
87. |
United States Courts Opinions. United States
Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York. (Written Opinion) Memorandum
of Opinion Signed on 7/22/2011 Regarding the Applicant, Dr. Martin Prager.
(Porter, Marguerite). Friday, July 22, 2011.
...900120, at *7 (E.D. Va. March 11,
2011) (application of 18 U.S.C. § 2703(d) to foreign users involved
in WikiLeaks investigation not an extraterritorial application of
U.S. law because statute governs disclosure by the American...
88. |
Congressional Record. Mr. KUCINICH. Tuesday,
July 27, 2010.
...AMERICA (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was
given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. KUCINICH. Wake up,
America. WikiLeaks' release of secret war documents gave us 92,000
reasons to end the wars. Pick one. Wake up, America. Main Street...
89. |
Congressional Record. Mr. BOND, Mr. DURBIN, and
others. Wednesday, November 17, 2010.
...disclosed, and the lives that will
likely be lost, as a result of the obscene amount of classified information
compromised by Wikileaks. Of course, to call this a leak case is gross
mischaracterization; it is more like a tidal wave. We are blessed
90. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 1892. Mr.
ROGERS of Michigan, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, and others. Friday, September 9,
...country safe, unrestrained and unregulated
access can put our country at great risk. As we have seen from both the damage
of WikiLeaks and historical espionage cases, the threat from a malicious
insider with the keys to the kingdom is very real. We are...
91. |
Congressional Record. Mr. McCONNELL, Mr. KYL,
and others. Thursday, December 16, 2010.
...nuclear missile defense to a significant
degree. I am not persuaded that that has not occurred. For example, the latest
WikiLeaks reveal that the administration negotiated away President
Bush's plan for a forward missile defense site in Poland in...
92. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
[Congressional Record Index (2010)] ASSANGE,
JULIAN Remarks in House WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified
documents to the news media, H8035...
93. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...rates, H3761 [25MY] Votes: position
on missed, H6124 [27JY], E201, E208, E213 [23FE], E894, E897 [20MY]
WikiLeaks (Internet site): release of classified documents to the
news media, H7744 [30NO] Tributes Popps, Dean G.,...
94. |
Congressional Record Index. Friday, December
31, 2010.
...H138 [13JA] ------transmit to the
House of Representatives classified documents unlawfully disclosed and provided
to WikiLeaks (Internet site) and the news media (see H. Res. 1763),
H8520 [15DE] Developing countries: protect girls...
95. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Foreign Affairs,
Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia. Wednesday, June 20,
...I think was warranted. We've had a
long history of problems with Ms. Abul Naga. If you go back and look back
at these Wikileaks documents, you'll see a stack about this thick
of complaints from the U.S. Embassy about how Ms. Abul Naga...
96. |
Congressional Record. Regarding S. Res. 4. Monday,
March 7, 2011.
...SH-219 3 p.m. Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs To hold hearings to examine information sharing in the
era of WikiLeaks, focusing on balancing security and collaboration.
SD-342 MARCH 15 10 a.m. Budget To hold hearings to examine the...
97. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 754. Ms.
KLOBUCHAR and Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Thursday, May 26, 2011.
...requiring the intelligence community
to prevent another security disaster, such as the recent leaks of classified
information to Wikileaks, through the implementation of automated
information technology threat detection programs that must be fully...
98. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Oversight and
Government Reform, Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.s. Postal Service
and Labor Policy. Tuesday, November 15, 2011.
...what you are offering. The Federal
Government has a hard time keeping secrets. Don't take my word for it, just
look at WikiLeaks. The idea that somehow we can feel secure that you
all have created a system that is going to be secure. Mr. Berry....
99. |
Congressional Hearings. General. Judiciary,
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Thursday, February
17, 2011.
...S.? And what do we do when criminals
start using secure communication tools provided by developers associated
with the WikiLeaks organization, who will ignore requests by U.S.
law enforcement agencies? Ms. Caproni. Thank you for that...
100. |
Congressional Record. Regarding S. Res. 4. Wednesday,
March 2, 2011.
...SH-219 3 p.m. Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs To hold hearings to examine information sharing in the
era of WikiLeaks, focusing on balancing security and collaboration.
SD-342 MARCH 15 10:15 a.m. Judiciary To hold hearings to...
101. |
Congressional Record. Friday, December 10,
...Foreclosed Justice: Causes and Effects
of the Foreclosure Crisis-- Part II, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. December 16,
hearing on the Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised
by WikiLeaks, 9:30 a.m., 2141...
102. |
Congressional Record. Mr. KERRY, Mr. INOUYE,
and others. Friday, December 17, 2010.
...would all acknowledge it is becoming
less and less so, as we have all painfully seen, even in things like the
most recent WikiLeaks situation that occurred on cable traffic. There
are growing problems in Iran and North Korea, and all of the concerns...
103. |
Congressional Record. Regarding H.R. 754. Mr.
ROGERS of Michigan, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, and others. Thursday, May 12,
...NCTC. The bill also adds hundreds
of millions of dollars for intelligence above current levels. In response
to the Web site WikiLeaks, the bill includes an insider threat detection
program that automatically monitors unauthorized access to classified...
104. |
Congressional Record. Tuesday, November 30,
...Insurers and Patients, 10:30 a.m.,
2141 Rayburn. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive, briefing
on WikiLeaks Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information, 11
a.m., 304-HVC. Subcommittee on Intelligence Community...