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16 November 2012. @nebeenews_il points to a report that Kelley made three visits to the White House in 2012:

16 November 2012. A sends:

I thought I would let you know that I caught a mistake in this article:

It has to be a reference to September 28, 2012 (not 2010) because she (Kelley) has only been "honorary counsul" for a few months and not 2 years and a few months. Perhaps this will help with finding her name on a WH visitors list.

Cryptome: If 2012, the White House visitor list for that period is not yet available, only to July 2012:

A2 sends: It is nearly impossible to use false identification for White House access, and a criminal offense. Request for access must be filed well ahead of a visit for vetting unless special Secret Service procedures are used.


15 November 2012

Did Jill Kelley Breakfast at the White House?

Jill Kelley reportedly claims in an email on or about September 28, 2010, she had breakfast at the White House.

"Kelley obtained the [McDill] ID four months after Petraeus left CentCom in June 2010 to take command of U.S. troops in Afghanistan." ...

"Btw I was made the (honorary) Ambassador to US Central Command's Coalition!" she told a Times reporter in a Sept. 28 [apparently 2010] email. "In addition to that, I was just recently appointed to be the Honorary Consulate General to South Korea! I'm in DC today ­ just left from breakfast at the White House. . . . I really hope to see you soon!"

White House visitor logs for 2010 show 537 Kelley's but do not appear to list the names Jill Kelley, Gilberte Kelley or Gigi Kelley, or anybody with the name Khawam, Kelley's maiden name.

Kelley may have used another name but, if so, it is not clear how it passed White House security.