27 December 2012
Alaska National Guard Illegal Activities
A sends:
Illegal Activities within the Alaska National Guard
December 24, 2012
Please read through all the links. This post is being sent out to numerous
media sources to gain national attention, and multiple forensic toxicology
/ autonomic / clinical pathologists in order to bring together interested
parties who can help to achieve in the following:
(1) bring justice to numerous US military families, especially to the men
and women stationed in Alaska who have died and continue to die of "unknown"
causes without investigations even though reports stated foul play, drug
cartel, and weapons trafficking; 2) syndicate a national and global awareness
of rogue militants allowed to join the United States Armed Forces today to
operate against itself appointed at the highest levels; and, 3) bring justice
to 45+ stationed Alaska military rape victims who after reporting through
the proper channels up the chain of command were left without investigations
into their cases and rather actually ignored.
It is said to be a cover up that goes deep. A connection much bigger
than humanly imaginable. The drug cartel, guns trafficking, operating
out of mainly Fort Greely, Alaska. FBI agent Karl Hansen flew to Alaska
with a second agent from Washington DC with orders from his superiors to
investigate the unknown deaths and claims of drug cartel operating out of
Alaska, as well the 45+ reported rape victims that were left
un-investigated. Star generals are reported involved at the highest
levels, and at one point, it was remarked how "this is movie stuff" shaking
his head. Colonel Blaylock when questioned said it is the residual
effects of Eric Holder's Operation Fast and Furious that is being injected
into our military.
Colonel Blaylock has gone to 11 sources to get help, and then in the middle
of investigations, April 2012, he was terminated from the US Armed Forces
after 29.5 years serving.
Sources Made Aware
2 Alaska
3 Anchorage
Police Department (APD)
4 US
5 Senator
6 Senator
7 Governor
8 US
Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) Fort Rich
9 Department
of Army
10 Department
of Defense (DoD)
11 Anchorage
Daily News three (3) times
No one agency or department listed has started a thorough investigation that
will begin to punish these crimes stated by family, in reports made by military
and other officials, and now in a newer report in 2012 made by the FBI.
To date, the wrong doers continue without punishment, meanwhile
justice gets delayed for the 45+ raped victims, and numerous military families
who want answers as to why their loved ones died.
Colonel Blaylock did however do something about this himself. Staff
Sergeant Michelle M. Clark, age 31, seven (7) months pregnant, came to him
on Friday January 13, 2011 to say "they are going to kill me." Two
days later, Monday January 16, 2011, Michelle was found dead in her home,
was the 7-month old unborn little girl upon hospital arrival.
Blaylock did work closely with FBI agent Karl Hansen as Karl put together
a report for his superiors back in Washington DC. Colonel Blaylock
has given the following 11-page print (see
to issue to the press naming individuals and what he knows is currently
transpiring in the
Alaska military, especially Fort Greely, Alaska.
Asked how this could have happened, Colonel Blaylock states numerous men
and women are released from prison, their past criminal records wiped clean,
and in return they work for upper superiors in a state like Alaska while
they are stationed in the military. The US military is also
accepting non-US citizens into the United States Armed Forces Blaylock
states. Meanwhile, numerous military young and old, men women, daughters
sons, fathers mothers, and even families will continue to die off due to
unknown causes on US military bases, in their own homes, while deployed,
or in various off character places across the globe because they refused
to cooperate with the greater agenda.
In researching I found the below list of published linked articles to the
numerous Alaskan military 'deaths due to unknown causes'. Take note,
some deaths occur more often in one company, infantry, battalion, brigade
etc; not all remain in one location due to deployment and or relocation,
but this begets a connection to the working military factions within.
Blaylock believes there is a connection to the two Kodiak US Coast Guardsmen
shot in April 2012 (see link below) while on guard at a remote communications
station on the island of Kodiak. Is it possible? FBI agent Karl
Hansen reported that one of the weapons used in a Fairbanks plot to kill
(see links below) was found on a mobile device owned by deceased Staff Sergeant
Michelle Clark, in charge of Supply Support. As far as the family is
concerned, this is why she was killed. She got close and didn't cooperate.
Karl said each step of the way got botched in Michelle's case including but
not limited to the fact 1) Michelle was raped and filed a report; 2) she
made a three-week earlier 911 call because she felt threatened in her own
home; 3) Michelle was found at home and someone unknown made the
actual 911 call; 4) Michelle was transported to the hospital but emergency
crew conflict and with hold answers; 5) Michelle's autopsy, body specimens,
and medical records were misplaced, lost, and done incorrectly; 6) the medical
examiner and coroner reports were questionable; and 7) the funeral home
that prepared her for burial knows more than they are saying they've
admitted. There remains still strong evidence, however, that in the
right hands will together initiate the justice process for all.
In conclusion, here are a few thoughts to ponder.
Staff Sergeant Michelle M Clark was stationed in Kosovo 2010 where she witnessed
a lack of accountability in prescription medication handouts arriving into
Kosovo according to her father who she visited often and confided in.
Was it this sensitive information that ultimately followed
her back to Alaska and lead to her death? She wanting no part of it
ultimately was raped and she reported this rape. Staff Sergeant Michelle
M Clark, head of supply support then, noticed her supply room keys stolen
one day but it mysteriously is placed back on her desk after one month. She
began documenting supplies missing and being shipped out according to family
members. She felt she was a target kill unable to trust anyone and
she disclosed this fear to Colonel Blaylock. Michelle's death remains
suspicious and the family wants to exhume the body.
We know at the time of investigation April 2012 from Karl Hansen that an
image taken by Michelle was found to be one of the weapons used in a retaliatory
plot in Fairbanks by militia staff to kill a judge, trooper, and IRS
agent. Moreover, the Kodiak station remains un-staffed after two Coast
Guardsmen were shot April 2012 and no longer acts as an operating Port of
Entry for entries of merchandise into the state of Alaska to collect duties,
and to enforce the various provisions of the customs and navigation laws
(19 CFR 101.1). Anchorage is the new Port Service Provider and is located
near a major city.
Is this a problem? If the drug cartel begins shooting people at the
Port of Anchorage for non-compliance while trafficking like talk is what
they did in Kodiak, then we will have a big problem all over America.
Kodiak is a perfect entry point for protecting Alaska. Presently without
congress approval, future construction and expansion plans for the Port of
Anchorage are cut from 1 billion to 322 million making it unsuitable and
unstable for a safe delivery platform, and it puts Anchorage in danger especially
now in light of the drug cartel operating out of Fort Greely, Alaska in apparent
consent by government in control of military.
Alaska cannot secure it's borders or ports to protect it's land if there
is no funding; and if this is happening widespread at ports across America,
there will be an increase in violence due to the overlooking of these rogue
military, police, state, and other judicial systems that have allowed these
drug cartel factions to criminally organize within our government and homeland
Colonel Blaylock can be reached at the phone number he provided in the
Attachment. Email a request if you have not received this attachment.
Military Deaths Stationed-Living in Alaska
1) http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2011/07/25/wilmington_soldiers_
2) http://www.jber.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123255768
3) http://www.ktva.com/home/outbound-xml-feeds/Fairbanks-Stationed-Soldier-Death-Under-
4) http://www.ktva.com/home/outbound-xml-feeds/Fairbanks-Stationed-Soldier-Death-Under-
5) http://classic.alaskastar.com/stories/051111/Bri_dosrw.shtml
6) http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2009809518_apaksoldiersdeath.html
7) http://www.alaskapublic.org/2011/11/09/army-still-investigating-alaska-soldiers-
8) http://article.wn.com/view/2012/08/22/Death_of_JBLM_infantry_solider_is_under_investigation/
9) http://www.adn.com/2010/03/16/1186459/soldiers-death-under-investigation.html
10) http://www.adn.com/2012/12/18/2728079/last-of-accused-in-soldiers-suicide.html#storylink=
11) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/22/us/8-charged-in-death-of-fellow-soldier-us-army-says.
12) http://militarytimes.com/valor/solider/1768377/
13) http://www.adn.com/2012/08/13/2587244/details-lacking-on-airmans-death.html
14) http://www.usarak.army.mil/alaskapost/archives2008/081205/dec05story1.asp
15) http://woundedtimes.blogspot.com/2009/07/fort-richardson-staff-sgt-found-dead-in.html?m=1
16) http://newsminer.com/view/full_story/9396244/article-Death-of-Fort-Richardson-soldier-under-
17) http://www.adn.com/2010/03/16/1186459_soldiers-death-under-investigation.html
18) http://articles.ktuu.com/keyword/fort-richardson/recent/4
Other Source Links
Fox News
Coast Guard Members Killed After shooting at Alaska Station
1) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/12/2-coast-guard-members-killed-after-shooting-at-
2) Port of Entry Kodiak
3) Port Expansion Price
Tag Billions to Millions
4) Alaska Militia Plot