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18 January 2013

White House Redo Completed

In late 2007 a white temporary building was constructed on West Drive between the White House West Wing and the Executive Office Building. Its purpose was never publicly identified. Cryptome posted an eyeball of it.

In late 2010 construction was begun on an underground structure north of the West Wing. It was reported to be for utility upgrades.

Photos from October 2012 recently published by Google Earth now show both the utility project completed and the white building removed, along with new landscaping of the two areas. Trees were removed adjoining the Situation Room along West Drive. At least three new areaways for light and air are shown, two of them in the vicinity of the removed white building. What underground spaces these areaways serve is unknown. Information welcome: cryptome[at]

White House Redo Completed

[Image] Looking north. Date unknown. Somewhat pixelated by Bing for security. The apparent mirrored end of the white building is faked.

[Image] Looking south. Date unknown. Somewhat pixelated by Bing for security. The apparent mirrored end of the white building is faked.


October 29, 2010


August 28, 2010


January 19, 2009


October 2008


September 2007
