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6 February 2013. Matthew Aid writes about North Korean submarines:

Earlier today I posted a blog about the release of satellite imagery about North Korea’s naval bases. In going through the imagery, I discovered that the author of the original piece on missed the North Korean navy’s two most important facilities - the heavily protected submarine bases on the island of Mayang-do at the village of Mayangdori (40.0 N 128-10-36E); and the second sub base which located outside the coastal village of Chahonodongjagu, a/k/a Ch’aho (40-12-56N 128-38-39E). Both bases are situated on the east coast of North Korea. ...

Most of these subs are clearly visible in currently available Google Earth satellite imagery. For example, look at this cluster of four Romeo-class subs sharing the same berth at the Mayang-do sub base. If you look just to the south of this berth, you will see two more subs, one of which possibly a Romeo-class sub, docked at the base. About 1,000-meters to the southwest is another heavily protected dock complex housing another cluster of four Romeo-class submarines and possibly two of the smaller Sango-class subs.

[More at Mr. Aid's informative commentary.]

Cryptome: Excellent spotting. Goggle Earth's historical imagery provides various submarine dockings at Mayangdori during 2002-2012 and Chahonodongjagu during 2004-2010.

4 February 2013

DPRK Naval Ports 1

There appear to be very few major naval bases on the western shore of North Korea facing China. Far more on on the eastern shore facing Japan.

No active submarines have been seen. In the first photos in series 2 two are shown in drydock and look to be in disrepair.

On the eastern shore what appear to be two large amphibious craft were seen along with a dozen or so smaller amphibious craft.

DPRK Naval Ports 2:

More northeastern ports to be shown in series 3.

DPRK Naval Ports 1

Large Naval Base Northwest of Wonsan


What appears to be an amphibious vessel at left.


What appears to be another amphibious vessel at left.


Naval Amphibious Base North of Wonsan



Naval Base North of Wonsan


Small Naval Nook North of Wonsan


Small Naval Base North of Wonsan


Naval Base at Hungnam



Naval Base Near Samho-rodongjagu



Naval Base Also Near Samho-rodongjagu
