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23 May 2013

CIA Guantanamo Interrogation Huts


At Guantanamo, a Prison Within a Prison

CIA Has Run a Secret Facility for Some Al Qaeda Detainees, Officials Say

By Dana Priest and Scott Higham
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, December 17, 2004; Page A01

Within the heavily guarded perimeters of the Defense Department's much-discussed Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, the CIA has maintained a detention facility for valuable al Qaeda captives that has never been mentioned in public, according to military officials and several current and former intelligence officers.

The buildings used by the CIA are shrouded by high fences covered with thick green mesh plastic and ringed with floodlights, officials said. They sit within the larger Camp Echo complex, which was erected to house the Defense Department's high-value detainees and those awaiting military trials on terrorism charges. ...

The CIA facility at the Guantanamo Bay prison was constructed over the past year as the agency confronted one of its toughest emerging problems: where to hold terrorists for interrogations that could last for years. ...

The CIA has worked at Guantanamo Bay since the early days of the prison camps, which opened in January 2002 when the first men captured in the Afghan war were transferred to a collection of chain-link cages called Camp X-Ray. The CIA has kept an office at the Navy base and takes part in interrogation sessions of Defense Department detainees alongside FBI agents, military intelligence officers and others in what are called Tiger Teams.

Many of the interrogations have been conducted inside trailers set up within the perimeter of Camp Delta, a more permanent compound of steel cages that took the place of Camp X-Ray by the end of 2003.

The facility used by the CIA is in Camp Echo, which also houses high-value military detainees. The camp consists of more than a dozen single-story concrete-block huts built away from the main prison complex. Each hut is divided in half. Inside is a steel cage, a restroom, and a table for interviews and interrogations, according to sources familiar with the facility.

The CIA's facility has been "off-limits to nearly everyone on the base," said one military official familiar with operations at Guantanamo Bay.

CIA Guantanamo Interrogation Huts

CIA Interrogation Huts and Camp X-Ray, April 8, 2003


Two CIA Interorrogation Huts Fenced at Center, April 8, 2003



Camp X-Ray, April 8, 2003. Possible Two Interrogation Huts at Right


FILE - In this March 1, 2002 file photo, a detainee is escorted to interrogation by U.S. military guards in the temporary detention facility Camp X-Ray at the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba.


In this Jan. 11, 2002 file photo, released by the U.S. Department of Defense, detainees wearing orange jump suits sit in a holding area as military police patrol during in-processing at the temporary detention facility Camp X-Ray on Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba.


In this Jan. 7, 2002 file photo, released by the U.S. Department of Defense, a detainee wearing orange jump suits is taken to a holding area by military police at temporary detention facility Camp X-Ray on Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba.


Secretary of the Navy Gordon England and Bush Legal Advisor Alberto Gonzalez visit Camp X-Ray on January 15, 2002.


Camp X-Ray, where the original detainees from Afghanistan were held, sits abandoned Wed., April 13, 2005 at the U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Camp X-Ray was replaced with more permanent detention facilities at Camp Delta. (AP Photo/Richard Ross)


Taliban and al-Qaida detainees can be seen in their cells in early evening Thursday, April 4, 2002, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. There are currently 300 al-Qaida and Taliban detainees being held at Camp X-Ray. (AP Photo/Beth A. Keiser)


Camp X-Ray, where the original detainees from Afghanistan were held, sits abandoned Wed., April 13, 2005 at the U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Camp X-Ray was replaced with more permanent detention facilities at Camp Delta. (AP Photo/Richard Ross)


A detainee, in orange jump suit, is transported inside Camp X-Ray at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Wednesday, March 27, 2002. (AP Photo/Andres Leighton)


U.S. Army military police escort a chained detainee to the Joint Interrogation Facility at Camp X-Ray, at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2002. (AP Photo/Bill Gorman)


U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay's Camp X-Ray, where al-Qaida and Taliban detainees are being held, is shown Friday, Jan. 25, 2002. A junkyard is seen in the background. (AP Photo/Jose Goitia)


CIA Interrogation Huts Inside Camp Echo, November 25, 2004



CIA Interrogation Huts Inside Camp Echo, January 24, 2010



CIA Interrogation Huts Inside Camp Echo, February 19, 2003

