7 September 2013
NSA Spied Presidents of Brazil and Mexico
Previous versions have partially different contents based on earlier release
of the video:
2013-1119.htm NSA Spying Brazil and Mexico Presidents Images September 2, 2013
2013-1118.htm NSA Spying Brazil and Mexico Presidents Text September 2, 2013
Translation by Google, tidied by Cryptome.
09/02/2013 20h33 - Updated 03/09/2013 13:25
Secret documents that prove espionage against President Dilma
Files were obtained with former NSA analyst Edward Snowden.
Sunday (1st), Fantastico broadcast an exclusive report that revealed the
greatest spy system in the world has its eye on Brazil.
The three secret documents, leaked by former NSA analyst (Security Agency
National Security of the United States) Edward Snowden, that Fantastico had
exclusive access are reproduced below.
The first is a presentation made for a public secret internal agency itself.
In it, triggered by the NSA spying against the president of Brazil, Dilma
Rousseff, is explained step by step.
The second document is another internal presentation which ranks in the
international challenges that the United States will be exposed in the coming
years. In it, Brazil is classified as of concern under the heading: "Friends,
Foes or Problems?".
The third seems to be an internal memo exchanged between departments of the
agency. In it, the commercial interest of the NSA spying made against Brazil
is clear.
Some excerpts from the documents were erased at the request of Edward Snowden
and Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist co-author of the report presented
by Fantastic Sunday because they contain sensitive information to the national
security of the United States.
The title of the first document is-secret "smart Filtering data: case study
Mexico and Brazil."
The acronym SATC, which appears on the cover, means "Secure and Trustworthy
Cyberspace", the department of NSA responsible for making the Internet safe
and reliable. The document is dated June of last year.
The second page shows the security classification of the document: TOP SECRET,
or top secret, is the highest ranking that documents the agency can receive.
The secret services who are allowed access to the document are listed: United
States, Australia, Canada, Britain and New Zealand, countries with whom the
United States has partnership agreements in the area of intelligence.
Here are explained the benefits of the system SATC espionage. Of all information
collected by the Secret Service in connection communication, only the "Selectors
of Interest", the targets of interest, can be filtered.
In this slide, evidence that the system is effective in data collection.
The display says that with its use, it is possible to literally "finds a
needle in a haystack in an efficient and repeatable."
Here is shown a graph of how communication networks are displayed by the
On that page, are explained "Hops", called "jumps" interception. "A leap"
are telephone communications (calls and text messages) exchanged between
the original target and the people that he talks. "A hop and a half" are
the connections formed by conversations held between these people.
The "leap second" is established when all communications between the original
target, people talk with him and third parties are all tracked.
Here, the first proof that the system was put into practice. The text says
that a team of the department of International Security NSA (S2C) responsible
for Mexico (41) conducted a focused effort ("surge effort") two weeks to
investigate the then candidate leading the polls for the presidency of Mexico,
Enrique Peña Nieto, and nine of his closest interlocutors. Peña
Nieto won the presidential election held a month after the date of this
presentation. "FOUO" is the acronym for "For Official Use Only," "for official
use only," another security classification.
Here is explained step by step espionage made against Peña Nieto.
"Seeds" are the seeds, the original targets, in this case, Peña Nieto
and his interlocutors. The communications intercepted them go through three
filtering software information. The first is the "Mainway", and serves to
collect the large volume of information passing through networks. The second,
"Association", filtering text messages to phones, SMS. Then, the information
is passed by "Dishfire" program that search for keywords in the intercepted
The surprising result of this slide presented spy is called "Interesting
Messages" interesting messages. Two text messages exchanged by the candidate
Peña Nieto cite names of advisors who will occupy positions in the
future government. They really were appointed six months after the date of
this presentation.
Here, the presentation shows that the team of International Security for
Brazil NSA (S2C42) had targeted President Dilma and some of her interlocutors.
Targets "seeds" Brazilians go through a program called "DNI Selectors", which
filters digital communications.
The graph shows the entire communication network of the Brazilian president.
The text says they were discovered new targets of high interest from
At the conclusion of the presentation, the NSA celebrates the success of
the spy system. It is said that prior information impossible to obtain were
intercepted. And that SATC was able to apply techniques of espionage against
important people in Brazil and Mexico.
The second document is another presentation called "Geopolitical Challenges
for 2014-2019: Identifying Challenges for the Future."
The classification of the document is also TOP SECRET, top secret. "FVEY"
means "Five Eyes", the five secret services: United States, Great Britain,
New Zealand, Canada and Australia.
Here are shown some factors of regional instability. The emergence of Turkey
and Brazil as global players of more importance is presented as a concern
for the United States .
The most important challenges for the United States are listed in this slide.
Under the title "Friends, Foes or Problem?", Brazil appears along with Egypt,
India, Iran, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, Yemen, among others.
The third document says that an entire division of the NSA is dedicated to
investigating international politics and business activities in other countries,
with a charge of industry nations of Western Europe, Japan, Mexico and Brazil.