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14 January 2013

Photo of the MIT Raid of Aaron Swartz

R sends:

(Authentication: Authentic from host: SYSTEM-LOW-SIPB.MIT.EDU)
Class sipb, Instance aaronsw.d:
To: * at 23:14:28 Sun Jan 13 2013
From: John Hawkinson, KB1CGZ <jhawk>
Oh, sorry. On the last day he removed the laptop from bldg. 16
and came to SIPB, asked a question and hid the laptop in the office
w/o the member noticing, and then left.
Later IS&T came and found the laptop there.

(Authentication: Authentic from host: SYSTEM-LOW-SIPB.MIT.EDU)
Class sipb, Instance aaronsw.d:
To: * at 23:14:57 Sun Jan 13 2013
From: John Hawkinson, KB1CGZ <jhawk>
Somewhere I have a photo of hte office mobbed by IS&T+lawenforcement.

(Authentication: Authentic from host: SYSTEM-LOW-SIPB.MIT.EDU)
Class sipb, Instance aaronsw.d:
To: * at 23:22:55 Sun Jan 13 2013
From: John Hawkinson, KB1CGZ <jhawk>
Ah yes, the photos sucked also.
is one.

Reduced version of the photo (hi-rez 1.4MB) [Image]