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26 February 2013

SEAL Team SEVEN Joint Readiness Exercise

February 26, 2013. 1:50PM

Solicitation Number: H99240-13-Q-9012

Statement of Work

SEAL Team SEVEN Joint Readiness Exercise

1. Background: The Government requires support for SEAL Team SEVEN (ST-7) Joint Readiness Exercise (JRX). The JRX is a ten (10) day exercise designed to prepare both the staff and operators for their upcoming deployment to the Central Command (CENTCOM) theatre of operations. The Government requires augmented personnel with experience in planning, coordinating, and conducting Joint Operations Center (JOC) battle staff exercises with particular emphasis on Higher Headquarters (HHQ) processes and procedures.

2. Objectives: The contractor shall provide personnel to support Staff Centric Command Post Exercise (CPX). The main objectives shall be to ensure that the ST7 battle staff is prepared to Command and Control (C2) tactical elements across the CENTCOM theatre and develop concept of operations (CONOPS) for unique initiatives which support the Crisis Response Element (CRE) mission. The objectives of the Field Training Exercise (FTX) are to integrate headquarters (HQ) battle staff processes and procedures with tactical operations required and defined by CRE Deployment Order (DEPORD) and Mission Guidance Letter (MGL). The CRE headquarters JOC and CRE tactical element shall conducted in two separate locations. The CRE headquarters JOC shall be located in Camp Moreno, CA, and the CRE tactical element shall be located at Naval Air Station North Island, CA.

3. Scope: The Contractor shall implement the CRE JOC processes and procedures, challenge decision making of JOC personnel, and provide visibility on HHQ expectations through scenario based training that simulates as closely as possible likely events that may be encountered while deployed.

4. Tasks:

4.1. Higher Headquarters Subject Matter Expert (SME): Contractor shall provide both formal and informal guidance on Joint Operations Center (JOC) processes and procedures throughout the duration of the exercise.
4.1.1. Definitions: Senior Level: Operational / Strategic level; O-6 and above staff. Formal guidance: Daily debriefs conducted at the end of each working day. Presented in a written format and delivered verbally in an open forum. Informal guidance: One-on-one conversations with members on the JOC floor.

4.1.2. Specified tasks for Subject Matter Expert: One personnel available in-person 12hrs / day during 10-day CPX (JOC). Shall be present to observe all Battle Rhythm events on a daily basis Shall be prepared to perform as role player and mentor Shall be present for all battle drills Shall be present to observe all missions planning and provide daily formal guidance. Informal guidance shall be delivered as required to maintain exercise flow.

4.1.3. Qualifications of Higher Headquarters Subject Matter Expert: Retired Naval Special Warfare SEAL, Army Special Forces (ARSOF) or Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) officer (O-6 or above) is preferred. Shall have a current and relevant understanding, within the last twelve (12) months of the CENTCOM AOR higher headquarters (NAVCENT, SOCCENT) staff processes and procedures required to coordinate theater efforts and gain the authorities necessary for mission execution. Retired from the military within the past three years from commencement of JRX or demonstrate currency through ongoing past performance in Special Operations Forces (SOF) support initiatives or training programs is preferred. Contractor shall complete organizational conflict of interest form with quote. Shall have documented past performance in the planning and execution of at least three (3) complex SOF Battle Exercises. The Contractor shall have a minimum ten (10) years knowledge and experience in Joint and Interagency intelligence fusion methods at the operational and tactical levels of warfare. HHQ SME shall have a bachelor's degree with a Master's degree and NSW experience preferred.

4.2. Exercise Control Group (ECG): The contractor shall provide HHQ staff SMEs for the JRX.

4.2.1. Definitions: Script Review: Ensure the scenario reflects the current operating environment for CENTCOM and that all policy (PLANORD, FRAGO, etc) directed to the CRE is in accordance with current guidance and templates. HHQ Staff SMES: Personnel who simulate functions of relevant CENCTOM staffs (NAVCENT, SOCCENT) for the purposes of providing commander's guidance (approving CONOPs, answering requests for information (RFIs), etc.) as submitted by the CRE.

4.2.2. Specified tasks for ECG: Total number of staff role players shall not exceed four (4); a single-person may serve as multiple staff roll players. A minimum of two (2) Staff Role Players shall be available 24 hours a day throughout the duration of the JRX. Normal working hours shall be 0730-2359. Each simulated staff entity shall possess a different phone/email address provided by Government in order to prevent confusion amongst those participating in the JRX CPX. Contractor shall be able to implement intelligence information injects in a logical chronological order while maintaining overall control of the information flow provided to forces under review. Contractor shall be required to provide training opportunities for attached Cross Functional Teams (CFT) JOC enablers and integrate these activities into primary exercise scenario. Contractor shall work with ST-7 white cell coordination officer and Naval Special Warfare Group ONE script writers to develop realistic training and injects into the overall scenario. Contractor personnel shall co-locate with Squadron Command and Control/Operations Center while performing staff role player functions and oversee execution of exercise events. During exercise, contractor shall provide daily briefings to Squadron designated personnel to identify key training events, intelligence scenario overview, asset allocation, and significant issues affecting the FBP operational tempo.

4.2.3. ECG Qualifications: Former O-5 or above. E-9s with Command leadership experience will also be considered. Read, understand, and develop exercise scenarios based on key CRE references to include the Deployment order (DEPORD), and Mission Guidance Letter (MGL). Upon award, key documents can be access via the NAVSOC SIPR portal. Served as an active duty member on at least one (1) Joint Staff within the last three-years from commencement of JRX or demonstrated currency as a contractor through ongoing past performance in Special Operations Forces (SOF) support initiatives or training programs. Shall have documented past performance in planning and execution of at least three (3) complex SOF exercise or minimum ten (10) years knowledge of Joint and Interagency intelligence fusion methods at the operational and tactical levels of warfare.

5. Government-Furnished Property (GFP)/ Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE): Contractor shall be given access to a working area within NSWG-1 and NSW Squadron spaces to perform duties during the exercise. ECG personnel shall be co-located with Squadron Command and Control/Operations Center at Camp Morena in order to perform higher HHQ staff SME functions and direct the execution of exercise events. ECG personnel shall augment the Command and Control/Operations Center and provide notional HHQ JOC and supporting unit role playing by means of SIPR and NIPR computer access and voice telephone communication. These items shall be provided in a separate work space at Camp Morena and be able to support a work environment for contractor personnel.

6. Security: Form DD 254, Contract Security Classification Specification applies. All personnel shall have a current SECRET clearance and shall submit their clearance data to the NSWG-1 Security Manager. Contractor shall have access to UNCLASSIFED and SECRET materials for scenario research and development. Intelligence scenario development shall be completed at designated NSW spaces cleared for storage and handling of classified materials. Transfer of classified material by the contractor is not authorized.

7. Travel: None anticipated.

8. Special Material Requirements: Key references include the CRE DEPORD, MGL, PLANNORDs, and FRAGOs.

9. Other Unique Requirements and Considerations:

9.1 HHQ SME and HHQ staff SME qualifications will be validated prior to award. This shall be achieved by means of contractor provided biographical background information outlining qualifications relevant to requested services with their quote. .

9.1.2. Workspace, computers, phones and meals shall be provided onsite at Camp Morena by Naval Special Warfare Group-One.

10. Place of Performance: Primary places of performance are Camp Morena and Naval Air Station North Island, California.

11. Period of Performance: Period of performance is from date of the award through 5 April 2013.